YoungPetro - 21st Issue - EMW Edition

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Dear Reader,

This very YoungPetro Magazine you are holding in your hands is the special East MeetsWest edition. Our mission was to provide you with interesting and innovative papers or articles that inspire and bring value. You will find here all content from the regular 21st Winter Issue extended with the interview with Jean-Marc Dumas, considerations on IT change in O&G industry which correlates well with the article on Artificial Intelligence in O&G industry. No doubt we are now on the brink of digital revolution. Today’s Petroleum Engineer is not the same Engineer as it was 15, 10 or even 5 years ago. Now he has to be fluent in PYTHON, know well a variety of software and also have knowledge of the processes in the rocks or on a drilling rig. This gives us a whole lot more opportunities but also a lot of challenges. It is good to know what skills are regarded on the market and that is why you are in a better position than many others. Attending conferences and congresses gives an opportunity to meet people and keep up with trends in the industry. Enjoy your stay in Krakow, take as much as you can from the 9th East Meets West Congress and get to know as many people as you can. It is your time and it depends on you what you will make with it.

% Editor-in-Chief

WINTER / 2017


Editor-in-Chief Patryk Bijak

Marketing Filip Czerniawski Patryk Bijak

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Filip Czerniawski

Ambassadors Josiah Wong Siew Kai - Malaysia Alexander Scherff – Germany Viorica Sîrghii - Romania Athansios Pitatzis – Greece Sagar Karla- India Alex Zakrzewski- UK Muhammad Bilal Akram- Pakistan Serhii Kryvenko- Ukraine/ Texas, USA Alahdal A. Hussein- Malaysia Ivan Bošnjak- Croatia

Art Director Alicja Pietrzyk Editors Wojciech Kurowski Maciej Górczak Wojciech Panek Milan Zięba Anna Orchel Karolina Potasiak Natalia Krygier

Publisher Fundacja Wiertnictwo - Nafta - Gaz, Nauka i Tradycje Al. Adama Mickiewicza 30/A4 30 - 059 Kraków, Poland

Graphic designer Patrycja Lanc Proof-reader Adam Sikorski



Published by

An Official Publication of

The Society of Petroleum Eng ineers Student Chapter P o l a n d

3 On Stream – Latest News


MIlan Zięba

Comparative Analysis of Static and Flowing Material


Balance on a Low Permeability Gas Reservoirs Sabooh Hasnain, Saad Ahmad, Mohsin Tariq Khan

Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition in San Antonio 2017


Maciej Górczak

Application of Chemostragraphy to Petroleum Exploration & Field


Appraisal in South Sudan: An Example from from Melut Basin -

Kon Aguek Deng

Fly Ash Nanoparticles Enhance Foam Stability


Performance in SDS-Stabilized Foam Josiah Wong Siew Kai, Dr. Wan Rosli Wan Sulaim

Drilling In Natural Gas Hydrate Reservoirs


Shubham Satyam

Scenario of CBM in India and Enhanced CBM recovery


via C02-N2 Sequestration Patel Karan, Sachin Nambiar, Nahid Shaikh

How it Works? Agitator™ – NOV solutions


Filip Czerniawski

Influence of natural gas regasifed at LNG receiving terminal on natural gas transmission


system in central and north-western part of Poland Wojciech Panek

When E&P meets digital – Interwiev with Jean-Marc Dumas


Maciej Górczak, Patryk Bijak

Few words about digital transformation in O & G industry Maciej Górczak




On Stream – Latest News

On Stream – Latest News Milan Zięba

The Libra Oilfield Starts Production At the end of November 2017 the exploitation of the huge Brazil’s oilfield has started. The operator of the Libra project is domestic Petrobras with 40% stake. The minority interests in the Libra field have got Shell, Total, CNOOC and CNPC. The reservoir is located about 230 kilometers off the coast of Rio de Janeiro and its recoverable oil reserves are estimated at 7,9 billion barrels. Such an amount nearly doubles Brazil’s national oil reserves. So far any details about the production rate at the field haven’t been provided, but we can surmise, that the results are satisfying for stakeholders. The New Oil Well Length Record The consortium Sakhalin-1, which operate three fields in the Okhotsk Sea, with ExxonMobil, SODECO, Rosnieft and ONGC stakes, did successfully complete drilling of the world’s longest well. The total length of the well, with its horizontal completion is 15 000 meters. This result was achieved by the use of advanced and extremely efficient technology such as ,,Fast Drill”. According to information provided by ExxonMobil, the technology bases on the use of high quality modeling of physical parameters of drilling combined with structured well planning and design. Including this record, it is worth to mark that consortium Sakhalin-1 drilled nine of the world’s ten longest wells and five of them have been completed since 2013.

The Next Steps Towards Natural Gas Supply Diversification in Poland Growing demand for natural gas in Poland, combined with trend toward diversification of natural gas supply pushes Baltic Pipe forward. The project’s feasibility study was accepted at the beginning of 2017 and the Open Season procedure has been launched in the middle of 2017. The procedure showed that polish market is interested in Baltic Pipe. During economic test at the very end of the year PGNiG- Polish Oil and Gas Company reserved over 90% of the Baltic Pipe transmission capacity. It is expected that till the end of January 2018 PGNiG will sign 15 years transmission contracts with Danish Energinet. dk and Polish Gaz-System S.A. and the next milestone toward pipeline construction will be reached. Meanwhile, a management of Gaz-System S.A. made a decision to develop the LNG terminal in Świnoujście, increasing its capacity from 5 billion to 7,5 billion cubic meters per year. It is going to be achieved by construction of the additional unloading position for LNG carrier and by increasing capacity of the onshore re-gasification facilities. The third LNG tank is planned to be build afterwards. Any exact dates of commencing the investment haven’t been specified yet.


Sabooh Hasnain, Saad Ahmad, Mohsin Tariq Khan


Comparative Analysis of Static and Flowing Material Balance on a Low Permeability Gas Reservoir Sabooh Hasnain, Saad Ahmad, Mohsin Tariq Khan * University

Ăž Country


* Reservoir Management Department in OGDCL Ăž Pakistan

pe of decline of average reservoir pressures, thus, by shifting that line upwards it will pass through initial reservoir pressure and will give OGIP. A graphical and quantitative comparison is made between static and flowing material balance. This method is a pragmatic and convenient tool for early quantification of reserves. Introduction

The flowing material balance is simple yet powerful approach especially for low permeability gas reservoirs. It uses flowing data and does not require any shut-in. The data is very inexpensive to gather; it is the data that is measured as a part of good production practice. The conventional material balance (P/Z plots) for gas reservoirs require shutting-in the wells and measuring pressures at different points of time in the life of a reservoir. The plot of P/Z versus cumulative production (Gp) is then generated and straight-line extrapolation of that data leads to OGIP. There are some pitfalls associated with the traditional approach. Especially, in low permeability reservoirs, shut-in time required to stabilize pressures may be too long and it may be unjustifiable due to operational constraints and loss of revenue. The pressures thus obtained will not be true representative of reservoir. This paper demonstrates the successful story of applying flowing material balance to low permeability gas reservoirs and how traditional approach fails in these reservoirs. A plot of Pwf/Z versus cumulative production (Gp) is generated. The slope of decline of Pwf/Z is identical to slo-

To sustain petroleum industry operations, there is a need for positive economics by finding the size of the pool. Reserves are calculated and revised many times during the productive life of the field. This information is critical for the development of depletion strategy, design of surface facilities, economics and in petroleum agreements. The volumetric and material balance estimates gas-in-place whereas decline curve analysis yields expected ultimate recovery (EUR). Volumetric estimates are used early in the life of the reservoir and are usually imprecise as aerial extent of the reservoir is generally unknown at that time. Its certainty may change as more data becomes available through the life of the field. Material balance is by far the best method for quantification of reserves. It is actually a mass balance equation, based on analytical model and incorporates PVT data as well. Once determined, the original gas-in-place (OGIP) can be used to forecast the recoverable gas under different operating scenarios reliably.

WINTER / 2017


Comparative Analysis of Static and Flowing Material …

Decline Curve Analysis (DCA), on the other hand, is an empirical method based on past production trend. It determines estimated ultimate recovery (EUR) and forecasts future performance of the wells under existing operating conditions. Any change in current operating conditions can alter EUR. Conventional Material Balance For predicting gas-in-place and recovery performance, the use of conventional material balance in the form of P/Z is a powerful tool. The classical material balance equation is actually volume balance equation, i.e. Initial Volume = Vol. Remaining + Vol. Removed For gas reservoirs, plots of P/Z versus cumulative gas production are generated. It provides a convenient method of using average reservoir pressures to estimate OGIP and recoverable reserves once an abandonment P/Z is established. The OGIP is generally considered very accurate after approximately 10–15% of gas reserves have been produced. The usage of P/Z plots has become so ingrained as an industrial practice that vital assumptions behind this technique are often overlooked. In cases, where a reservoir acts like a tank and there is no external maintenance, the relationship between pressure and cumulative gas production is approximately linear. If compressibility factor (Z) is taken into account then the material balance plot is a straight line from initial pressure Pi/Zi, to original gas-in-place (OGIP).

Flowing Material Balance The flow through the porous media can be divided into two major categories: transient and stabilized. The transient flow behavior is dominated by reservoir characteristics such as permeability, skin, boundary location, etc. Stabilized flow, on the other hand, is dominated by reserves. Reservoirs having fair to good permeability, reach the stabilized flow very early during pressure transient testing while low permeability and tighter prospects can take several weeks or months to stabilize and it is uneconomical to shut the well for too long. When a well is in a stabilized flow, its behavior is represented by a pseudo-steady state equation. As a stabilized flow is dominated by reserves, it is possible to estimate the magnitude of the reserves, if gas rate, pressure and time data are available during the period of stabilization. Strictly speaking, flowing material balance is valid only when flow has reached “Boundary Dominated” conditions. The principles underlying this method are best illustrated using constant rate production. When the flow becomes dominated by the boundaries, i.e. stabilized or “pseudo-steady-state” conditions are achieved, the pressure at every point in the reservoir declines at the same rate.

The general gas material balance equation for gas reservoirs is shown below:

The dry gas material balance, having no liquid influx, is reduced to the form shown below:

Fig.1 Drop in a Reservoir as a Function of Radial Distance and Time during Boundary Dominated Flow


Sabooh Hasnain, Saad Ahmad, Mohsin Tariq Khan

This is illustrated in Figure 1, which shows that pressure drop measured at wellbore is the same as the pressure drop that would be observed anywhere in the reservoir, including the location which represents average pressure. PR1, PR2 and PR3 represent the average (static) reservoir pressure that would be obtained if the well was shut-in at time t1, t2 and t3. It is evident from Figure 1 that the change in average reservoir pressure is equal to the change in the sand-face flowing pressure: (1) (2)

Fig.1 The Flowing P/Z Plot at Constant Rate Production

Rearranging, (3) Thus, if sand-face flowing pressure and average reservoir pressure are plotted versus time (or cumulative production), they will have the same trend, and will be displaced by a constant. In a conventional material balance calculation, reservoir pressure is measured or extrapolated based on stabilized shut-in pressures at the well. While a well is flowing, it is obvious that average reservoir pressure cannot be measured but the above equations represent the relationship between the wellbore flowing pressure (which can be measured) and the average reservoir pressure. Figure 2 demonstrates that Flowing Material Balance technique is applied to a gas reservoir. It shows how the flowing pressures (Pwf/Z) and the average reservoir pressures (PR/Z) are related, and Original Gas-In-Place (OGIP) can be obtained from the flowing pressures if the initial reservoir pressure (Pi) is known. The line drawn through the measured flowing pressure data need only to be shifted upwards so that it passes through the initial (Pi/Zi) point, i.e. both lines have identical slopes.

Time for Stabilization Time for stabilization is defined as the time it takes for the radius of investigation to reach all of the reservoir boundaries. Stabilization originated as a practical consideration and reflected the point at which pressure is no longer changed significantly with time, i.e. it is stabilized. With high permeability reservoirs, it is not difficult to observe. However, in lower permeability and tighter prospects, it takes a very long time for pressure to stabilize, often weeks, months, or even years. Selection of the test type depends on the stabilization time of the well, which is a function of reservoir permeability. If a well stabilizes fairly rapidly, a conventional flow-after-flow test can be conducted. For lower permeability and tight wells, an isochronal test may be preferred. For wells with very long stabilization times, a modified isochronal test may be more practical. The stabilization time for a well in the center of a circular or square drainage area may be estimated from: Case Study


WINTER / 2017


Comparative Analysis of Static and Flowing Material‌

A single, centrally located, vertical well is used to deplete the reservoir. The reservoir is pocket-sized, having low permeability, producing dry gas from one well named (X1). The well is producing at a constant choke size, i.e. 24/64�, since commencement of its production. The original gas-in-place has been estimated through volumetric analysis. The initial reservoir parameters are given in TABLE 1 below.

Initial Reservoir Conditions Initial Gas in Place

4.6 BCF

(Volumetric Method) Initial Reservoir

984 psi

Pressure Initial Reservoir

Three static bottom hole pressure surveys were conducted during life cycle of the well, which yielded average reservoir pressures. A conventional P/Z graph was generated by plotting P/Z versus cumulative gas production (Gp) and a value for OGIP was obtained as shown in Figure 3.


Temperature PVT Properties Gas Gravity



30.4 2%





The OGIP came out to be 3953.45 MMSCF or

P (psi)



Gp (MMscf)













Reservoir Properties Mid Perforation

1920 ft


Tab.2 Parameters for Conventional P/Z


2000 ft

Net Pay Thickness

16 ft


3 mD

of Well X1

Permeability Average Porosity


Initial Water


Saturation Skin

Fig.3 Conventional P/Z Plot of Well X1 Tab.1 Reservoir Parameters 3.9 BCF.



Sabooh Hasnain, Saad Ahmad, Mohsin Tariq Khan As the reservoir has lower permeability, as shown in TABLE 1, identified from core analysis, a crosscheck was performed, and in order to do so the time of stabilization was determined first, which enabled to check the validity of measured static pressures. Using a set of reservoir properties given in TABLE 1, the stabilization time calculated with Equation 4 came out to be 174 hours. The shut-in time of a SBHP Survey was 4 days (96 hours), taken as an analogue of offset data of nearby wells. Furthermore, the bottom hole pressure vs. time graph indicated that the pressure is increasing at the rate of 0.71 psi/hr (17.4 psi/day), and this shows that the reservoir pressure is far from being stabilized due to lack of sufficient build-up time. This proved that the conventional material balance yielded imprecise estimates which are misleading.

The first and foremost condition for applying flowing material balance approach is the achievement of Pseudo-Steady-State (PSS) by the reservoir. Since obtaining well head flowing pressures is a part of regular production practice, they are easily available. Well Head Flowing Pressures (WHFP) are converted into Bottom Hole Flowing Pressures (BHFP) using Modified-Cullender & Smith method, which incorporates flow rates, tubing length and diameter, tubing roughness and well head flowing pressures. The gas compressibility factor (Z) is calculated by Carl-Kobayashi-Burrows correlation, which utilizes full gas composition and takes into account the presence of impurities and gives more accurate results. The FMBE calculations are performed with help of Ryder Scott software and excel-based approach.













































































































Tab.3 Flowing P/Z Data of Well X1

WINTER / 2017


Comparative Analysis of Static and Flowing Material‌

Fig. 4 Flowing P/Z Plot of Well X1

A plot of Pwf/z vs. cumulative production is generated. The slope of decline of Pwf/z is identical to the slope of decline of average reservoir pressures. Both lines have identical slopes, i.e. -0.2132, which illustrates the fact that pressure drop measured at wellbore is the same as the pressure drop that would be observed anywhere in the reservoir. So, by shifting that line upwards, it will go through Pi/Zi and will give OGIP as illustrated in Figure 4. Thus, it is evident that using traditional P/Z plots dramatically underestimate the size of reservoir in the case of low permeability reservoirs. As this is a pocket-sized reservoir, the impact of erroneous results will be far greater in tight reservoirs with large aerial extent. One obvious alternative solution to the material balance problem in low permeability reservoirs is to use reservoir simulation, but in this case, the time and expense for simulation is not justified.

Conclusion The comparisons of results are summarized below: Volumetric Estimates 4.60 BCF Static P/Z 3.95 BCF Flowing P/Z 4.93 BCF The results show that since it is a lower permeability prospect, the conventional material balance renders the results invalid as indicated by insufficient time of stabilization to reach average reservoir pressures. The static material balance has yielded underestimates. The percentage error between the results of conventional and flowing material balance is around 20%. Hence, FMBE comes to the rescue. It is a more reasonable approach to apply in the case of lower permeability reservoirs and OGIP estimates are much closer to volumetric estimates.


Sabooh Hasnain, Saad Ahmad, Mohsin Tariq Khan The flowing material balance is an indirect method for finding average reservoir pressures, so it should not be deemed as the replacement for conventional material balance but as a very inexpensive supplement to it. The Way Forward The flowing material balance can also be applied in the case of reservoirs that are producing at variable rates. No reservoir can produce at a constantly choke size for extended periods of production, besides other parameters such as water breakthrough, which affects the behavior of well head flowing pressures, and in-turn, which affects bottom hole flowing pressure influencing adversely the results, and this loop goes on. Hence, the Dynamic Material Balance applies to variable rate production. It is an extension of the Flowing Material Balance method, which was limited to a constant rate situation. The flowing material balance proves its mettle as it provides no well down time and is economically sound. The gas wells producing sufficient amount of water cannot be shut-in, as this would lead to water loading phenomenon, which may restrict the gas flow partially or fully. Here flowing and dynamic material balance play their part.

What is more, this approach is practical since Pakistan has about 40 TCF of unutilized low permeability and tight gas reserves. Flowing material balance works better for low permeability reservoirs as stabilization occurs with the well flowing. It also makes it possible to determine OGIP with reasonable certainty when shut-in pressures are not available for good permeability reservoirs. Nomenclature Pi = Initial reservoir pressure, psi PR = Average reservoir pressure, psi Pwf = Flowing pressure at interface, psi q = Production rate, MMscfd Z = Gas compressibility factor Zi = Gas compressibility factor at initial reservoir pressure G = Original gas in place, MMscf Gp = Cumulative gas produced, MMscf t = Time, days ts = stabilization time, hrs Ct = total compressibility, psi-1 k = Reservoir permeability, mD h = Pay thickness, ft Φ = Hydrocarbon filled porosity, % μ = Viscosity, cp A = Reservoir Area, ft2

References: [1] EARLOUGHER, R.C., Advances in Well Test Analysis; Monograph Volume 5, SPE-AIME, 1977. [2] SPE-17306-MS: Modification of the Cullender and Smith Equation for More Accurate Bottomhole Pressure Calculations in Gas Wells. [3] David A. Payne, 1996, SPE 36702-PA, Material-Balance Calculations in Tight-Gas Reservoirs: The Pitfalls of p/z Plots and a More Accurate Technique. [4] Mattar, L., McNeil, R., The ‚Flowing’ Gas Material Balance; Journal of JCPT, Vol. 37 #2, page, 1998. [5] Lee, J., Spivey, J. P., Rollins J. B., Pressure Transient Testing; SPE Textbook Series Vol.9, pg. 15, 2003. [6] E.R.C.B. Gas Well Testing – Theory and Practice; Energy and Resource Conservation Board, Alberta, Canada, 1975, Third Edition. [7] JCPT, The Flowing Gas Material Balance by L. Mattar and R. McNeil, Fekete Associates Inc.

WINTER / 2017



Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition in San Antonio 2017

Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition in San Antonio 2017 Maciej Górczak

On 9–11 October, the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) hosted global exploration and production professionals for the 2017 Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE) at Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas, USA. During the 93rd annual event, 2018 SPE President Darcy Spady received the presidential gavel and officially commenced his presidency of the not-for-profit professional association.

Khaled Al-Buraik, vice president for Saudi Aramco; Deborah Wince-Smith, president and CEO of the Council on Competitiveness; and Franklin Orr from Stanford University.

SPE’s premier technical conference, ATCE presented best practices and emerging technologies to the attending engineers, scientists, academia, managers and executives. The conference’s international exhibiting companies featured a broad range of technological innovations, new products and valuable industry services. ATCE 2017 featured nearly 400 technical papers in 46 technical sessions, plus panels and ePoster sessions.

Simonelli built on the idea of creativity by including the concept of disruption. “I think, as an industry, we’ve got to embrace disruption,” he said, adding, “How do we embrace that disruption and change much faster?”

“It was wonderful seeing SPE members from around the world this week, particularly our Gulf Coast members following the recent devastation of Hurricane Harvey,” said 2017 SPE President Janeen Judah. “From our session focused on learnings following the recent natural disaster to sessions on digital energy, ATCE once again delivered subject matter important to our members, industry professionals, the public, and the environment.” Five panelists discussed “Sustainable Oil and Gas: Improving People’s Lives” in front of a packed ballroom at the Opening General Session. The panel was moderated by Eithne Treanor, ETreanor Media, and comprised Lorenzo Simonelli, chairman and CEO of Baker Hughes, a GE company; David Hager, president and CEO of Devon Energy;

Tackling the challenges of sustainability, Hager said, requires creativity. “Creativity is at the heart of everything we do,” he said. He added later, “To do things tomorrow the way we do things currently is not going to provide the sustainability we need.”

Overall, more than 8,300 professionals from 60 countries attended this year’s event. Sessions focused on subjects such as creating databases of multiple data streams for analyzing how to improve performance and how R&D may be the key to companies’ survival. Speakers, including representatives from operating companies, governmental agencies and global leaders addressed commercializing digital controls and automation. Also on Monday, Vicki Hollub, president and CEO of Occidental Petroleum Corporation, spoke at the Chairperson’s Luncheon. She cited three technologies that, although not new, have played a significant role in upstream development. Seismic imaging, horizontal drilling, and hydraulic fracturing all have succeeded in revolutionizing upstream practices. “The point is, you don’t to have to go too far for new ideas,” she said. “We are seeing the benefits of all three of these technologies at Occidental, most recently in our Permian Basin position.”

13 SPE’s Annual Reception and Banquet recognized individuals for their significant contributions to the oil and gas industry and SPE, while the President’s Luncheon offered the “State of the Society” address from Judah, who also passed the presidential gavel to Spady during the event. An active SPE member since graduating from university, Spady most recently served on the SPE International Board as regional director for Canada and is the first Canadian elected as SPE president. “While we’re confronted with a constantly changing industry landscape, SPE continues to fulfill its mission of collecting, disseminating, and exchanging technical knowledge as exhibited by ATCE 2017. It delivered one of the most innovative, forwarding thinking conferences in its nearly century long history,” said Spady. “Though innovation and technology remain a core focus of this organization, the environment and community are also an essential part of our DNA for SPE members young and old – it is not a simple matter of choosing economy or environment, instead we choose both. As SPE’s new president, one of my main objectives will be to continue pushing these dialogues and actions across our society for the betterment of our industry and world.”

In addition to this, on the 9th of October in San Antonio there was held the PetroBowl competition. After a tough quarterfinal battle with Batangas State University from Philippines, team representing AGH UST ended their PetroBowl adventure at quarterfinals as the best team in Europe and one of the eight best in the World! After this great success, there came time for another event connected with our section. President of our chapter had the opportunity to accept the Outstanding Student Chapter Award from Darcy Spady for the whole effort that we had put this year into our student chapter. We would like to thank our sponsors GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and United Oilfield Services, as well as CRUX Fine Selection – partner of our chapter. Thanks to them we had the opportunity to participate in such a prestigious event as the ATCE Conference. The 2018 ATCE conference will be held on 24–26 September in Dallas, Texas, USA. For more information, visit

Fig. 1 AGH UST SPE Team

WINTER / 2017


Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition in San Antonio 2017

Fig. 2 Former Chairman of SPE AGH, Wojciech Cieplak

Fig. 3


Kon Aguek Deng


Application of Chemostragraphy to Petroleum Exploration & Field Appraisal in South Sudan: An Example from from Melut Basin* Kon Aguek Deng

* Department of Petroleum Engineering and Earth Science, University of Petroleum & Energy Studies Þ Dehradu

discovered and developed using the information which was collected from the field in Muglad basin and analyzed in KDMIP core lab. In this paper we will discuss the data collected and the result and how it used to develop ONGC fields in South Sudan. Introduction

* This paper was prepared for presentation at the UPES SPE Fest 2017 [9–11 February 2017] The geochemistry of sedimentary rocks is a product of their provenance, maturity and digenetic history. Chemostratigraphy in the variation in major and trace element abundance in sedimentary rocks as a correlation tool. It is particularly relevant in field appraisal where seismic and biostratigraphic methods often have insufficient resolution and data for further development of the oil field, Chemostratigraphy was used to explore and helped develop most of the oil fields in South Sudan and North Sudan, where it is not possible to access location of exploration and well sites, because there is no road or other logistic problems occur. Geologists drill at different locations and collecte core and formation samples, which are then taken to the lab to determine their chemical, mineral composition and the percentage of oil and gas in the porous paces of the rock sample at each location the sample was taken from. Afterwards, geologists will draw both surface and subsurface contour map of basin based on oil and gas percentage in each location where a sample was collected, the contour map and seismic data will give clear information of the reservoir and the location of hydrocarbon. Two fields in South Sudan were

Chemostratigraphy involves the application of trancing chemical and hydrocabone elements for the characterization and subdivision of sadimantry rocks and sequences into geochemically district units, and it’s also important for correlation of strata in sedimentray basins. The geochemical correlation between wells can be established by the identification of similar geochemical characteristics. The chemostartigraphy methods of exploration and formation analysis were used in South Sudan in the largest oil field in the Basin, that is the Great Palogue Field, with estimated reserves of 900 million barrels. Melut oil export pipeline is one of the largest pipeline networks in Africa as it travels from Palogue to port Sudan in North Sudan on the Red Sea for about 1,380 km. In 2008 PetroDar started exploration and production operations in blocks 3 and 7, which are oil concession areas in Melut Basin in South Sudan. Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC-Videsh) of India is also operating in South Sudan together with CNPC of China and Petronas of Malaysia, as part of the ongoing exploration and field development process in South Sudan. ONGC Videsh collected samples from different oil wells and from different locations for analysis purposes. The samples were brought to KDMIPE core analysis lab to

WINTER / 2017


Application of Chemostragraphy to Petroleum Exploration & Field Appraisal‌

determine the amount of hydrocarbon (Bitumen and kerogen) and also chemicals and minerals associated with the cap rocks and reservoir rocks for-

mation in order to understand better the reservoir and propose a development plan for the wells and to the field in general.

Fig. 1 Melut Basin in South Sudan


Reservoir of Melut Basin

1. To apply Chemostratigraphy in exploration and determination of source rock potential, quality and maturity. 2. To study the Chemostratigraphy exploration method and in particular its application in South Sudan by Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC-Videsh) and to study the Chemostratigraphy of Melut Basin in South Sudan and to study the geology of the basin

From the Chemostratigraphy studies from the samples collected from Melut Basin, we concluded that the primary reservoir basin of Melut Basin are Paleogene and upper Cretaceous sandstones. They served for testing commercial oil flows. The crystalline and metamorphic rock basement of lower relief after a long period and more intense weathering before cretaceous decided the quartz contribution to the sandstone in Melut Basin. The


Kon Aguek Deng sandstone exhibits good reservoir quality (porosity and permeability) at the depths in Melut Basin as shown in the Fig. 2. However, different locations and tectonic evolution history resulted in the major pay zone and feature changes with time and space in South Sudan.

tance of Graptolite, Chitinozoans, Scolecodonts and bitumen can be measuredand subsequently converted to a vitrinite Ro equivalent for comparative purposes.

Upper Cretaceous Reservoir Rocks of Melut Formation

◀ Measurement of reflectance with depth to determine maturity. ◀ Less than 0.6 refectance is considered as immature stage. ◀ 0.75 to 0.9 is considered as the peak oil window. ◀ 0.9 to 1.3 is post mature stage. ◀ 1.3 to 2 wet gas. ◀ 2 to 4 is dry gas.

The Melut Formation has a high sand net-to-gross ratio (based on Vsh <50%), ranging from 55% to 83%. Petrographics analysis of percussion sidewall cores indicates that the majority of the reservoir sands may be classified as arkoses, based on Folk’s sandstone classification. Grain size ranges from fine to coarse grained. Framework constituent consists of sub-angular to sub-rounded polycrstaline quartz (41–83%). Feldspar (0–45%) and rock fragments (4–41%) consist of metamorphic quartzite. High content of metamorphic rock fragments and quartz composition confirm that the sediments proven is mainly epimetamorphic rocks. The inclusion homogenization temperature of quartz overgrowth in the sandstone is about 90–130 ºC. The common and strong quartz overgrowth and amkerite repacing indicate that the Melut reservoirs in the Melut Basin are located in the mesodiagenesis. The reservoir quality of the Melut sands is lithofacies-dependent. Porosities of the reservoir sandstone of Melut formation rangs from 8–25%. Average 20%, and permeabilities range from 0.1 to 300 Md. Lab analysis of cores from the Melut Sand intervals show that the average porosity of reservoir is 20.15% and average permeability is 9Md. Calibrated by core study, well logging data indicated that the Upper Cretaceous reservoir belongs to medium porosity and low permeability reservoir. Vitrinite Refelection (VRo) Vitrinite Refelection (Vitrinite – from the cellulose part and usually gray in color) provides an assessment of thermal maturity in rocks younger than from the Devonian Age. VRo measurements are necessary compliment to SRA and TOC analysis. In rocks older than from the Devonian Age, reflec-

The following are considered in the VRo Lab

Fig. 2 Sampel under Vitrinite Refelection

Experimental Procedure The following steps have been taken in the core lab to analyze the samples collected from Melut Basin. 1. Sample collection The core samples brought to the KDMIPE Core lab were sampled in Melut Basin by ONGC Videsh at different wells and depths. The core samples are stored in the core library in controled room conditions. 2. Wash and Dry The samples are brought from the core library to the cleaning room and they are washed with water to remove the impurities. After washing the core samples, they are dried at room temperature.

WINTER / 2017


Application of Chemostragraphy to Petroleum Exploration & Field Appraisal…

3. Sample Grind (Rock Grind) After the core sample has dried at room temperure, the samples are crushed to powder and screened through BSS 60 mesh sieve before analysis. 4. Rock Eval-6 The crushed samples were analysed on RE-VI for evalutation of source rock potential, quality and maturity. O – 5%


5 – 10%


10 – 15%


15 – 20%


20 – 25%


Tab.1 Porosity Table [1]

Melut Basin Case Study Core Sampel from Formation (A) Identification and characterization of source rock in wells to prioritize exploratory effort through identification of source rock. A total of 106 cutting samples from 1860–2435m depth interval were studied. The sediments in the depth interval 2005–2010m and 2430–2435m indicate very good amount of organic matter richness (TOC: ranges from 2.69–2.96%) with good amount of remaining hydrocarbon generation potential (S2: ranges from 5.31–7.52mg HC/g Rock). Thermal maturity (Tmax: 425–429 ºC) suggests that the sequences are at immature stage. Rest of the requence is devoid of organic matter richness except for those at the depth intervals 2000–2005m, 2015–2020m that show fair amount of organic matter (TOC %: 0.5–0.66) with very low amount of generation potential. The formation (A) has got type-III organic matter (average HI: 97 mg HC/TOC). Core Sample from Formation (B) A total of 165 cutting samples from 2435–3250m depth interval were studied. The source rock characterization of Formation (B) are discussed below.

1. 2440–2470 m The sediments in this depth interval indicate good to excellecnt organic matter richness (TOC: ranging from 1.36–29.73%, Average TOC: 11.29%) with poor to excellent hydrocarbon generation potential (S2 ranges from 1.08–34.45 mg HC/g rock with average S2: 26.43 mg HC/g rock) the sediments are immature. 2. 2485–2555 m The sequence contains onaverage excellent organic matter richness (Average TOC: 23.63%) and average excellent amount of hydrocarbon generation potential (Average S2: 70.63 mg HC/g rock). Maturity data indicates that the sequence is at immature stage. 3. 2580–2835m The sequence contains average excellent organic matter richness (Average TOC: 19.18%) and average excellent organic matter of hydrocarbon generation potentials (average S2: 42.75 mg HC/g HC). Maturity data indicates that the sequence is at immature to early maturation window. Conclution ◀ Chemostarigrphy may not give the final conclusion for the decision making for the development of the field but it definitely conforms the logging data and the seismic data, it is applicable in places like South and North Sudan, where where seismic data is hard to obtain and sometimes not clear ◀ The Rock Eval and TOC data of the cutting samples of formation A in the depth intervals 2005–2010 m and 2430–2435m have got very good amount of organic matter with good amount of remaining hydrocarbon generation potential and these sequences are at immature stage. The formation A possesses Type–III organic matter (average HI: 97 mg HC/TOC). ◀ The Rock Eval and TOC data of formations B in the depth intervals 2440–2470m, 2485–2555m, 2580–2835m, 2580–2835m, 2920–3090m and 3115–3195m show good to excellent organic matter with good to excellent remaining hydro-


Kon Aguek Deng carbon generation potential and these sequences are at immature to mature stage. The formation B possesses Type –III organic matter (average HI: 155 mg HC/TOC). Nomenclature:

PI: Production Index HI: Hydrogen RC (Co): Residual carbon OI: Oxygen Index PC: Polymer Carbon org (% Weight) Acknowledgements

S1: Gas and free oil content S2: Petroleum potential or hydrocarbon cracked during the pyrolysis Tmax: Temperature measurement at the apex of S2 (Maturity parameter) S3 (CO2): Co2 already present in the sample S4: Residual Carbon S5: Mineral Carbon TOC: Totall Organic Carbon

We would like to give especial thanks to the head of Petroleum Engineering and Earth Science Department, Dr. D.K Gupta and our course coordinator Dr. Pushpa Sharma, who both worked hard to give us a training in Mehasna oil field, Gujrat. And in KDMIPE core and geochemistry lab, we acquired enough field experience and R&D knowledge for us to write this paper.

References: [1] Dr. Pushpa Sharm, UPES, Department of Petroleum Engineering and scienc. Resevoir Engineering notes. [2] PG of the Melut Basin and the Great Palogue Field, Sudan (Marine and Petrol Geol). [3] Ajout Simon, Source Rock Indentifcation and significance in Hydrocabone Exploration, KDMIPE Core Lab Training 14th December 2016. TABLES & FIGURES: Kerogen can be classified by its source material Kerogen Type

Source material

General environment of deposition


Mainly Algea (oil prone)

Lacustrine setting (abundant)


Mainly plankton, some contribution

Marine setting (moderate)

from algae (oil and gas prone) 3

Mainly higher plants (gas prone)

Terrestrial setting (small)

Reworked, oxidized material (Neither 4

(primarily composed of vitrinite)

Varied settings (none)

or inert material)

Tab.2 [3]

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Application of Chemostragraphy to Petroleum Exploration & Field Appraisal…

Source Rock Evaluation Criteria:

Source rock quality

TOC, %

Pyrolysis S2, mg



weight, %

Hydrocarbons, ppm

rock None






0.5 to 1

2 to 3

0.05 to 0.1

200 to 500


1 to 2

3 to 5

0.1 to 0.2

500 to 800


2 to 5

5 to 10



Very Good



Tab.3 [3] Product Type

Hydrocarbon index


50 to 200

Gas and oil

200 to 300



Depth Interval (m) 1860–1865 1865–1870 1870–1875 1875–1880 1880–1885

Tab.4 [3]

1885–1890 1890–1895 1895–1900


T max

1900–1905 1905–1910

Onset of oil Type I kerogen


Type II kerogen


Type III kerogen


1910–1915 1915–1920 1920–1925 1925–1930 1930–1935 1935–1940

Tab.5 [3]

Fig.2 Photomicrographs illustrating the melut

1940–1445 1945–1450 1950–1455 1955–1460 1960–1465 1965–1470 1970–1475 1975–1480 1980–1485 1985–1490 1990–1495 1995–2000 2000–2005 2005–2010 2010–2015 2015–2020

Tab.6 [3]



Kon Aguek Deng mineral composition and main diagenetic phases encountered within the Upper Cretaceous Melut Formation (A) Arkose (2679m, Miyan-1 Well, Melut Formation), filled by ankerite repacing and then quartz overgrowths surrounding the framework grains and kaolinite in pores. (B) Yabus Subarkose (1213.79m, Fal-2 well) with quartz overgrowth on the floating grains of quartz and well-developed pores filled by kaolinite. (C) SEM of Yabus subarkose (1213.79m.

fal-2 well) with autogenetic kaolinite in the pore. Quartz and well-developed pores filled by kaolinite. (D) Yabus subarkose (1223.59m. Fal-2 well) overgrowth on the floating grains of quartz and well-developed pores filled by kaolinite and intracrystal pore. Note: AK: Ankerite: F, Feldspar: K, Kaolinite: P, Pore: Q, Quartz: QOG. Quartz overgrowth.

Tab. 7 Well Data Table S1







(mg HC/g rock)

(mg HC/g


Total Organic

(mg HC/g

(mg CO2/g

















































































































































































































































































WINTER / 2017


ew words about digital transformation in

G industry


Fly Ash Nanoparticles Enhance Foam Stability Performance in SDS – Stabilized Foam

Fly Ash Nanoparticles Enhance Foam Stability Performance in SDS – Stabilized Foam Josiah Wong Siew Kai, Dr Wan Rosli Wan Sulaiman Background of the study Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Energy Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Foam Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) has been employed as an improved recovery method due

Oil and Gas Industry has been entering a new technology era when all the problems from the previous decades can be resolved using the emerging technologies. Years ago the oil could not be recovered, now it has been recovered using Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) technique. EOR has proved to be the greatest solution to non-recovery oil. Year by year, EOR keeps improving and many new methods have

foam stability performance when it comes in

well-known method is Foam EOR and this has been widely implemented by using carbon dioxide gas, nitrogen gas or natural gas to generate foam needed

Nanoparticles as a stabilizer to generate stabilized foam was investigated. Fly ash, an inexpensive and available abundantly as a by-product of coal power plants, proved to be an economical and sustainable material to improve foam sta-

thus it improves recovery and creates less problems associated with the method. One of the reasons why foam EOR can be so widely implemented is bethat do not create the gravity segregation problem,

generate stabilized foams without any addictive. surfactant Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate, SDS, a stable experiment, we have studied the formability and stability of the foam produced. In the presence les and SDS surfactant (nano-ash-SDS foam) shows a higher stability performance. We have concentration on foam stability performance. It was observed that bulk foam that contains small amounts of nano-ash particles shows a higher stability in the presence of oil.

However, foam generated is thermodynamically and kinetically unstable under the harsh environment conditions in the reservoir. High pressure and high temperature will degrade the foam quality and thus disrupt the foam stability. Obviously, maintaining the foam stability is important in order lution. Several approaches have been examined by previous researchers on how to stabilize the foam generated by adding some sort of an addictive. Usually surfactants are found to be the most common foams. However, surfactant-based foams are subjected to degradation due to absorption and retention on the reservoir rock, which lead to an increase in material costs. High salinity and temperature

Josiah Wong Siew Kai, Dr Wan Rosli Wan Sulaiman


also affected the stabilization of surfactant-based foam. Thus, it is challenging to keep up a long-term stability for surfactant-based foams during field application. When it is in contact with residual oil, surfactant foam appears to be unstable before it manages to perform better sweep efficiency. Thus, to improve the foam stability, sometimes costly surfactant are pump in more to the reservoir to generate foam needed which is significantly costly. Therefore, it is very significant to find the alternative of such a substitution material as a foam stabilizer in stabilizing the surfactant-foams.

study the mechanism of the foam interaction with oil with the aid of fly ash nanoparticles. The result obtained will be useful in the application of this technology, which requires inexpensive alternative nanoparticles that can be produced in large volumes or foam stabilization in field-scale. Utilization of fly ash for this purpose would bring significant economic and environmental benefits. The result obtained later will be useful in the screening method of practicality foam flooding with nanoparticle for future EOR’s operation due to the rise of miscible flooding nowadays.

A solution to this problem is to use solid particles in stabilizing foams. Practically, nanoparticles are of great interest in forming emulsions and foams because they can generate extremely stable CO2 foam capable of enduring harsh reservoir conditions and reducing the in-situ mobility (Lee et al., 2015). The foams made from solid nanoparticles are stable over long periods (up to a year), in contrast with foams stabilized by surfactant molecules the lifetime of which is of a few hours (Alargova et al., 2004). The pioneering study was conducted by Dickson et al. (2004), who used surface-modified silica nanoparticles to generate stable CO2 foams in water solution. Binks and Horozov (2005) successfully used silica nanoparticles to stabilize aqueous foam. Zang et al. (2011) also used silica nanoparticles to stabilize both oil and water emulsions and effectively proved that for foam stabilizers in harsh-condition emulsion. Moreover, a very stable supercritical CO2 foams were generated by Espinosa et al. (2010), who used carbon dioxide gases and silica nanoparticles injected together through glass-beads pack. Similar results were shown by Worthen et al. (2013), which proved that nanoparticles stabilized CO2-in-water foams.


In this experiment, fly ash nanoparticles are used for the study because of their potential of being an economic and sustainable material to stabilize the foam generated. Surfactant Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) was used as the foam agent to generate the surfactant-based foam. An optimum concentration of fly ash nanoparticles should be obtained from the laboratory study to avoid wastage of fly ash nanoparticles. In addition, crude oil is added to

Three main objectives of this research are identified: ◀ To identify the performance of the fly ash as a substitution material which proved to be economical, and sustainable materials in stabilization performance. ◀ To identify the stability performance of nano-ash-SDS foam in the presence and absence of oil. ◀ To compare the effect of the fly ash nanoparticles and fly ash particles on the foam stability performance. Methodology Materials The fly ash was obtained as the product of burning charcoal. The organic charcoals produced powder-like form of fly ash after 12-hour burning process in the open air. The powder obtained underwent several sieving before it could be analysed with the use of nanoparticle analyser with zeta potential. As the original fly ashes size is too big, which is 30 µm averagely, therefore the first step was to obtain nanoparticles from the fly ash powder via the ball-milling process. After the ball milling process, the particles were going to undergo size analysis again to confirm the particles as the nanoparticles. Also, the compositional analysis of the fly ash nanoparticle was determined using Energy Dispersed X-ray analysis (EDX) together with morphology studies using scanning electron microscope (SEM). The element and oxide composition was determined using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The Fig. 1 and Fig.

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Fly Ash Nanoparticles Enhance Foam Stability Performance in SDS – Stabilized Foam

gular in shape and tend to agglomerate together. From the results obtained in Fig. 3 and Tab. 1, the

which contains less than 20% Calcium Oxide, has ball-milling process.

Phase name


Sylvite, syn


Calcite, syn


Silicon Oxide


Calcium Oxide


Aluminum Oxide






Sodium Oxide


Halite, syn


Tab. 1 XRD results for compositional analysis

Nano-Ash Production

nm level was achieved by using a high-energy planetary ball milling machine (model DECO-PBM-V-

Fig.1 ash (in 5um scale)

and wet medium. First dry grinding was conducted to reduce the particle size that is above the average ding, ethanol was added to prevent the hardening

loaded in the ball to powder ratio of 1:10 in both dry and wet grinding, where 30 grams of powder and the milling chamber were made of stainless

the samples of the milled powder were taken out

30 µm to 300nm. Experiments Fig.2 ash (in 50um scale)

Foam Stability Test dynamic foam analyser (model KRÜSS DFA100; nanoparticles used in this experiment was set at


Josiah Wong Siew Kai, Dr Wan Rosli Wan Sulaiman

Fig. 3 EDX results of fly ash nanoparticles 0.0 wt% (SDS only), 1.0 wt%, 3.0 wt%, 5.0 wt%, 7.0 wt% and 10.0 wt% to determine the optimum concentration towards stabilizing SDS Foam. SDS was set at its critical micelle concentration (CMC) value. SDS together with fly ash dissolved in the salt solution, which acts as the resemblance of the Malay Basin Seawater. The solution ingredients are summarized in Tab. 2. The gas was allowed to flow for 12 seconds with the flow rate of 0.3m3/sec to generate the foam. Foam height generated was analysed and captured by the camera. The foam structure was analysed from the picture captured.

The result and graph will be recorded and displayed using foam analysis software. Half-life method was used to evaluate the foam stability, thus the time taken for the foam to disintegrate and the foam height is recorded using the foam analyser software. After determining the optimum concentration of fly ash nanoparticles, the experiment was repeated with n-hexadecane as the resemblance of crude oil added to study the foam-oil interaction. Apart from that, we also studied the foam generation in oil to compare the difference of the foam behaviour in term of foam stability, structure and foaminess. Tab. 2 Ingredients of




Deionised Water

As liquid solvent

200 ml


As brine

2 wt% (20 000 ppm)


As surfactant

CMC value: 0.23 wt%

Fly Ash

As nanoparticle

1.0 wt%, 3.0 wt%, 5.0 wt%, 7.0 wt% and 10.0 wt%

variable foam formulation

of the desired concentration of fly ash Gas

As Foam Booster

300ml/min with gas density = 1.293kg/m3

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Fly Ash Nanoparticles Enhance Foam Stability Performance in SDS – Stabilized Foam

Result & Discussion Effect of Fly Ash Nanoparticles on foam stability performance

As show the results presented in Fig. 4, the addition hanced the foam stability performance, for which the time for foam height to decrease until the half of the original foam height stability increases with

behaviour on foaming, six samples were prepared,

the result of the foam stability performance resulted particles. Fly Ash Nano-

Deionized water

Fly Ash Nano-

-particles (wt%)


-particles (g)
















nanoparticles; it will increase the stability of foam lamella, thus increasing the strength of the foam lamella itself can be compared to surfactant alone

which works best with the SDS together to stabilize noparticles + SDS solution were in a very saturated concentration in which it tends to form slurries ash nanoparticles will not be able to dissolve in the brine solution and tend to form impurities at the the slurries formed are not capable to pass through the pore throat of the reservoir rock, therefore, it

Tab. 3 Effect of Fly Ash Nanoparticles on foam structure Fig. 5 shows the foam structure captured from the camera of the foam analyser. Stable foam structure will be in round shape and the size will be relatively the picture of nano-ash-SDS foam, which are denser, smaller and rounder than the SDS-generated ble size, where green colour represents the smaller size of bubble, the blue colour and purple colour Fig. 4 Foam Stability Performance without oil

lamella, which will cause the foam to stabilize until up to one day plus. On the other hand, the bigger the bubble size, the weaker the lamella, thus, it will be easy to break even under the small wind blow. tend to be in hexagonal or heptagonal shape, making it easier to break or disintegrate.


Josiah Wong Siew Kai, Dr Wan Rosli Wan Sulaiman

Fig. 5 Foam Structure Comparison

Effect of Fly Ash Particles and Fly Ash Nanoparticles on Foam Stability Performance To determine the size of the particle as the factor of foam stability performance, the experiment was repeated by using the original fly ash particles which did not undergo the ball milling process. The concentration of fly ash particles used here is 10.0 wt%, which is the optimum concentration obtained from the previous experiment results. The comparison results between fly ash particles and nanoparticles are shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6 Foam Stability Performance with size as variable

The trend in the results shows that the size of fly ash did affect the foam stability performance. As the particle size of ball-milled fly ash was lower than the original fly ash, changing the foam stability performance expected, which proves that particle size is also an important parameter for determining the foam stability (B.P.Binks and T.S.Horozov, 2006; T.N. Hunter et al., 2008).

Effect of Alkane type oil on foaming The effect of oil on foaming was studied to identify the foam behaviour when contacted with oil. Alkane type of oil was used in this experiment as the resemblance of crude oil. In this case, n-hexadecane with the density of 0.773 and molecular weight 226.44 was used. Each of the 30 ml solutions prepared was mixed with 10 wt% of n-hexadecane, which is 3.8 ml per solution. The foaming result when contacted with oil is shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7 Foam Stability Performance with oil

The foam stability was decreased with the oil added to the foam generated. The oil accelerated the disintegration of the foam, which sped up the half-life of the foam itself. Thus, this is a sign of decreasing half-life for every concentration compared to the studies without adding the oil. The concentration of fly ash nanoparticles used here was SDS alone (0.0 wt% fly ash nanoparticles), 1.0 wt% fly ash

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Fly Ash Nanoparticles Enhance Foam Stability Performance in SDS – Stabilized Foam

this study, 5.0 wt% is the maximum concentration

results obtained are positive since the addition of

the nano-ash foam in the presence of oil is not clear. It can be speculated that the presence of nano-ash particles prevents or slows down the oil droplets from entering and breaking the lamellae (Pugh 1996).

oil has lower stability than foam in contact with aming agent, which means it does not participate in foam generation, thus it will function as impurities which disrupt the foam generation. Conclusion

foamability and foaminess increase with the aid

Effect of foam generation in oil mixture

foam generated has a longer half-life than SDS foam, which proved to be more stabilized in the

with the oil content 10.0 wt% of n-hexadecane

high pressure, high temperature, we believe that the nano-ash-SDS foam will still function as stable as haviour of the generated foam in harsh conditions rent parameters such as temperature, brine salinity, gas injection rate, pH, pressure, CO2 gas or N2 gas-generated foam are also valuable to be tested

sub-experiment is to identify the foam behaviour generated in the presence of oil, but not the reaction results obtained are shown in Fig. 8.

show that a higher stability occurs with the additiothe 10.0 wt% nano-ash-SDS foam is remarkably stronger than the foam generated by the same SDS

behaviour in stability performance, although they Fig. 4 Foam Generation in Oil mixture

In accordance with the results obtained, it was fotant alone. Fly ash nanoparticles are still performed in stabilized foam generated from the oil mixture solution. However, foam generated together with

foam structure and foam stability. In the presence of oil, nano-ash-SDS foam again shows higher stability performance than the foam generated by foam-interaction with oil is also a valuable study which is related to the surface chemistry. Foam in-situ generation also proved that foam stability

Josiah Wong Siew Kai, Dr Wan Rosli Wan Sulaiman conclusion, the performance of the fly ash nanoparticles in enhancing the foam stability has been proven in the conducted experiment, which shows that the fly ash nanoparticles will be a valuable, sustainable and economical addictive to the future of foam EOR’s operation.


Acknowledgement The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Society of Petroleum Engineers (grant reference number 4B191).

References: [1] Ahmad, I., Awang, M., Sufian, S. et al. 2016. Effect of Ball Milling of Fly Ash Particle Size on Foam Stabilization EOR. Jurnal Teknologi UTM, 78(6–7): 115–119, <>. [2] Alargova, R. G., Warhadpande, D. S., Paunov, V. N. et al. 2004. Foam superstabilization by polymer microrods. Langmuir, 20(24): 10371–10374, <>. [3] Binks, B. P. 2007. Colloidal particles at liquid interfaces. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 9(48): 6298–6299. [4] Binks, B. P., & Horozov, T. S. 2005. Aqueous foams stabilized solely by silica nanoparticles. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 44(24), 3722–3725, <>. [5] Dickson, J. L., Binks, B. P., & Johnston, K. P. 2004. Stabilization of carbon dioxide-in-water emulsions with silica nanoparticles. Langmuir, 20(19): 7976–7983, <>. [6] Eftekhari, A. A., Krastev, R., & Farajzadeh, R. 2015. Foam Stabilized by Fly Ash Nanoparticles for Enhancing Oil Recovery. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 54(50): 12482–12491, < iecr.5b03955>. [7] Espinosa, D., Caldelas, F., Johnston, K. et al. 2010. Nanoparticle-Stabilized Supercritical CO 2 Foams for Potential Mobility Control Applications. SPE Journal, 1–13. SPE-129925-MS, < 129925-MS>. [8] Hunter, T. N., Pugh, R. J., Franks, G. V. et al. 2008. The role of particles in stabilising foams and emulsions. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 137(2): 57–81, <>. [9] Latif, W. M. S. B. M. 2015. Effects of Temperature on Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Stablized SDS CO2 Foam. MS Thesis, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor (June 2015). [10]. Lee, D., Cho, H., Lee, J. et al. 2015. Fly ash nanoparticles as a CO2 foam stabilizer. Powder Technology, 283: 77–84, <>. [11] Li, H., Chen, Y., Cao, Y. et al. 2015. Comparative study on the characteristics of ball-milled coal fly ash. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 124(2): 839–846, <>. [12]. Patil, A. G., & Anandhan, S. (2012). Ball Milling of Class-F Indian Fly Ash Obtained from a Thermal Power Station. International Journal of Energy Engineering IJEE IJEE, 2(2): 57–62. [13] Paul, K. T., Satpathy, S. K., Manna, I. et al. 2007. Preparation and characterization of nano structured materials from fly ash: A waste from thermal power stations, by high energy ball milling. Nanoscale Research Letters, 2(8): 397–404. [14] Singh, R., Gupta, A., Mohanty, K. K. et al. 2015. Fly ash nanoparticle-stabilized CO2-in-water foams for gas mobility control applications. Proc., SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas 28-30 September, SPE175057-MS, <>. [15] Tan, X. K., Sulaiman, W. R. W., & Idris, A. K. bin. 2016. Advances in Gas-Based Enhanced Oil Recovery. Proc., International Graduate Conference on Engineering, Science and Humanities, Skudai, Johor, 15-17 August, 103–105. [16] Worthen, A. J., Bagaria, H. G., Chen, Y. et al. 2013. Nanoparticle-stabilized carbon dioxide-in-water foams with fine texture. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 391(1), 142–151, <>. [17] Zhang, T., Espinosa, D., & Yoon, K. 2011. Engineered Nanoparticles as Harsh-Condition Emulsion and Foam Stabilizers and as Novel Sensors. Proc., Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, 2-5 May, OTC-21212-MS, <>.

WINTER / 2017



Drilling In Natural Gas Hydrate Reservoirs

Drilling In Natural Gas Hydrate Reservoirs Shubham Satyam

Introduction To Natural Gas Hydrates

* University of Petroleum and Energy Studies Þ Dehradun The idea aims at bridging the gap between E&P companies and the recovery of methane from methane hydrates by providing a method that is cost effective, easily constructible and highly efficient altogether. The method suggested has been conceived in accordance with the notorious and unephemeral current condition of oil and gas industry. Methane hydrates are naturally occurring ice-like structures found generally in permafrost and marine environments. The prerequisites for the formation of gas hydrates are cold temperatures and high pressures alongside abundant methane and water availability. Methane, the value of which has gone unrealized until recently, is now being rightly called “The Fuel of the Future.” The Energy Information Administration of USA supports the view that the amount of carbon and hence methane is bigger in hydrates than in every other fossil fuel combined. Unconventional methane gas hydrate can therefore be called as the perfect remedy for all the current complications of the O&G sector. This paper accesses the available technology for drilling in gas hydrate reservoirs, which is sufficient in tapping this abundant resource. Drilling methods include managed pressure drilling (MPD), casing while drilling (CwD) and use of mud coolants during drilling. A mutual application of such methods can help us drill into the ‘difficult’ gas hydrate formations. The novelty of this paper lies in the fact that methane is recovered in huge amounts with a simple approach. Drilling in methane hydrates can be done effectively with the current technology if done carefully.

Natural gas hydrates or Methane hydrates are solid clathrate compounds or clathrate hydrates which are crystalline water-based solids that resemble ice, but in which a large amount of methane is trapped. The hydrates are formed by the release of gas from the breakdown of organic matter deep in rock sediments. This gas then percolates upwards along geological faults, and when the gas is exposed to sufficiently low temperatures and high pressures (i.e. on contact with cold sea water in the deep ocean), it crystallizes and forms weak chemical bonds with the surrounding water molecules resulting in the solid methane hydrate. Both scientists and oil companies have long been aware of methane hydrate; it was typically regarded as a hindrance to offshore operations, and at best simply ignored. But it is now being re-examined in a very different light and being hailed as a potentially massive source of natural gas with the capability to fuel the global economy for decades. Governments and oil companies are rushing to come up with ways to exploit this new resource. It is very early in the evolution of this nascent industry and the jump from laboratory to the real-world operations is only just being made. But research budgets are growing and the pace of development is quickening and if methane hydrate fulfils even part of its potential then its effect on global energy markets will be profound. Stability of Gas Hydrates Gas hydrate stability zone, also referred to as methane hydrate stability zone (MHSZ) or hydrate stability zone (HSZ), refers to a zone and depth of the marine environment at which methane clathrates naturally exist in the Earth's crust.

Shubham Satyam


Fig. 4 A piece of gas hydrate from the subduction zone off Oregon

Gas hydrate stability primarily depends upon temperature and pressure, however, other variables such as gas composition and ionic impurities in water influence stability boundaries. The existence and depth of a hydrate deposit is often indicated by the presence of a bottom-simulating reflector (BSR). A BSR is a seismic reflection indicating the lower limit of hydrate stability in sediments due to the different densities of hydrate saturated sediments, normal sediments and those containing free gas.

geothermal gradient. Along continental margins the average thickness of the HSZ is about 500m.

The upper and lower limits of the HSZ, as well as its thickness, depend upon local conditions in which the hydrate occurs. The conditions for hydrate stability generally restrict natural deposits to polar regions and deep oceanic regions:

In areas of high geothermal heat flow, the lower limit of the HSZ may become shallower, therefore decreasing the thickness of the HSZ. Conversely, the thickest hydrate layers and widest HSZ are observed in areas of low geothermal heat flow. Generally, the maximum depth of HSZ extension is 2000 meters below the earth’s surface. Using the location of a BSR as well as the pressure temperature regime necessary for hydrate stability, the HSZ may be used to determine geothermal gradients.

1. In polar regions, due to low temperatures, the upper limit of the hydrate stability zone occurs at a depth of approximately 150 meters. The maximum depth of the hydrate stability zone is limited by the

2. The upper limit in oceanic sediments occurs when bottom water temperatures are at, or near 0° Celsius, and at a water depth of approximately 300 meters. The lower limit of the HSZ is bounded by the geothermal gradient. As depth below seafloor increases, the temperature eventually becomes too high for hydrates to exist.

WINTER / 2017


Drilling In Natural Gas Hydrate Reservoirs

Stability of Gas Hydrates Gas hydrate stability zone, also referred to as methane hydrate stability zone (MHSZ) or hydrate stability zone (HSZ), refers to a zone and depth of the marine environment at which methane clathrates naturally exist in the Earth's crust. Gas hydrate stability primarily depends upon temperature and pressure, however, other variables such as gas composition and ionic impurities in water influence stability boundaries. The existence and depth of a hydrate deposit is often indicated by the presence of a bottom-simulating reflector (BSR). A BSR is a seismic reflection indicating the lower limit of hydrate stability in sediments due to the different densities of hydrate saturated sediments, normal sediments and those containing free gas. The upper and lower limits of the HSZ, as well as its thickness, depend upon local conditions in which the hydrate occurs. The conditions for hydrate stability generally restrict natural deposits to polar regions and deep oceanic regions:

1. In polar regions, due to low temperatures, the upper limit of the hydrate stability zone occurs at a depth of approximately 150 meters. The maximum depth of the hydrate stability zone is limited by the geothermal gradient. Along continental margins the average thickness of the HSZ is about 500m. 2. The upper limit in oceanic sediments occurs when bottom water temperatures are at, or near 0° Celsius, and at a water depth of approximately 300 meters. The lower limit of the HSZ is bounded by the geothermal gradient. As depth below seafloor increases, the temperature eventually becomes too high for hydrates to exist. 3. In areas of high geothermal heat flow, the lower limit of the HSZ may become shallower, therefore decreasing the thickness of the HSZ. Conversely, the thickest hydrate layers and widest HSZ are observed in areas of low geothermal heat flow. Generally, the maximum depth of HSZ extension is 2000 meters below the earth’s surface. Using the location of a BSR as well as the pressure temperature regime necessary for hydrate stability, the HSZ may be used to determine geothermal gradients.

Fig. 2 Three-phase (liquid water + hydrate + vapor) stability conditions: (a) in the permafrost and (b) in the ocean


Shubham Satyam Case Study: Summarised Report – National Gas Hydrate Program (NGHP-02): Four wells of Krishna-Godawari basin that were being developed in NGHP phase 2 were studied during the drilling phase and the problems encountered in each well were noted. The observations in each well are as follows: Well A The first well evaluated in this area was drilled in a water depth of 1553m (5094 ft) subsea in deep water Krishna Godavari Offshore with 239mbsf (meter below sea floor) drill out portion. While drilling with 8 1/2" bit for logging while drilling (LWD) well observed high torque and pack-off was suspected at 239mbsf. The kill mud of 1.5 specific gravity (s.g.) was pumped at bottom and string was pulled out to the seabed, ROV (Remote Operated Vehicle) image showed gas bubbles from the well. The well was terminated at around 239 mbsf. It was suspected that openhole instability caused by gas hydrate dissociation may produce zones of decreased shear strength where sediment can become unconsolidated, which results in pack off and gas build-up near hydrates stability zone. A similar phenomenon was observed in several more wells having deeper water depth of 2557m during LWD operation and penetrating hydrate stability zone around 300mbsf. When hydrate dissociates, there is reduction in bottom-hole pressure due to changes in mud density, as dissolved gas mixes with mud and this may lead to an enlargement of a borehole or collapse of a hole. It is concluded that this section might contain gas hydrates zone or may be the presence of free gas based on drilling problems experienced in the hole. Well B Other example is of an area drilled in deep water at a depth of 2219.5m. While drilling with 8 1/2" bit with sea water for continuous coring from sea floor to 2518.5 mbrt (meter below rotary table), the drill pipe connection and survey was going on through hydrate bearing sandstone (HBS) area. It appears that we may have encountered the base of

gas hydrate occurrence at this site near 2515.0 m (267 mbsf). The drilling plan would have had us drilling another 100 meters below this depth in order to get the measurement point on all the logging tools on the bottom hole assembly (BHA) well below the depth of the deepest target of interest. But after reaching a depth of 2518.5 m (270.5 mbsf), the drill string became severely "packed-off ” after drilling through thick sand layer and it took more than five hours to free the BHA from the bottom of the borehole. It was decided to abandon the hole at a total depth of 2518.5 m (270.5 mbsf) because of apparent damage to the LWD BHA and the degrading borehole conditions. Well C This example illustrates difficulties faced during MDT. The objectives of MDT test are to measure formation pressure before dissociation of gas hydrates, downhole fluid identification, fluid sampling and provide dynamic flow data. While attempting first ever deep water MDT testing, the tool reached the reservoir section but it could not enter fully into the formation, which may be due to hole pack off or unconsolidated formation (calliper log shows that hole enlargement – 10 5/8"hole size becomes more than 18"). In the second MDT test , the tool could not straddle pack upper Gas Hydrate area at 2465 Mbrt (217 mbsf) either. Hence, it has been decided to conduct straddle packer test of upper zone. But MDT pump began to fail while trying to inflate packer, which may be due to pack off or wellbore collapse. This indicates that the hole condition worsen due to unconsolidated formation just above the gas hydrate stability zone. Well D Wireline logging tool stuck inside 5-inch drill pipe: while logging FMI (formation micro imager) with wireline at water depth of 1768 m, wireline logging tool got stuck inside 5" drill pipe at 1772 mbrt, i.e. 16m above sea bed surface. It has been observed that the well was flowing with minor gas on ROV camera. Engaged Top drive system was engaged and circulation was attempted to be established but the pressure shot up. An attempt was made to

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34 free wireline from drill string but it was unable for the logging tool to free. After several unsuccessful attempts, it was decided to perform reverse cut and thread fishing operation on wireline. It was observed that hydrate plug was formed inside wireline guide shoe due to suspected dissociated gas, low sea water temperature near sea bed (3–5° C), high hydrostatic pressure (2575psi) and availability of water, which are favourable conditions for formation of gas hydrate plug inside the drill string. Common Problems Encountered in the 4 wells: ◀ ◀ ◀ ◀

Pack-off Hole Enlargement Wellbore Instability Stuck-up due to hydrate dissociation

Based on the above case study, the concluded drilling hydrate related challenges are: 1.Stuck-up taking place due to hydrate dissociation 2 Narrow pressure margins between pore pressure and fracture pressure 3. Hydrate formation inside the equipment such as BOP, wellhead and chokeline 4. Well control for sudden gas influx 5. Pressure fluctuations taking place within the open hole 6. Casings get damaged due to gas expansion taking place and pressure suddenly rising Relevant Solutions Evaluation Of Drilling Methodology A. Overbalanced Drilling OBD involves keeping the pressure at the bottom of the fluid column, the bottomhole pressure (BHP), in the wellbore annulus above the pore pressure of the formation (formation pressure), thus preventing the influx of mobile formation or reservoir fluids into the wellbore. Following problems may arise if conventional overbalanced drilling is used for drilling in hydrate containing sediments:

Drilling In Natural Gas Hydrate Reservoirs

1. OBD is unable to react quickly to temperature and pressure anomalies at any location within the wellbore during drilling This is because the pressure in the well is almost completely controlled by the hydrostatic mud column in the well, which means that adjusting the pressure in the well requires the time-consuming process of changing the density of mud and then circulating it into the wellbore. Because the pressure on top of the mud column is atmospheric, a backpressure cannot be applied to counteract the effects of the equivalent circulating density (ECD), which is the difference in wellbore pressure when the pumps are on or off, and pressure fluctuations such as swabbing, surging and ballooning. This means that the HBS will be affected by considerable pressure fluctuations during drilling. 2. OBD drilling technique lacks the equipment and processes to manage a product that expands well over a hundred times when dissociating from GH form to free gas As overbalanced drilling has an open circulation system where mud returns to the surface and flows out of the well through piping open to atmospheric pressure, the well will have to be frequently shut in during drilling to circulate out gas in the well, which will result in large amounts of non-productive time (NPT). 3. Pressure in the wellbore is likely to be insufficient to prevent dissociation of GHs within the cased and open hole In addition, conventional methods might not be sufficient to resolve encountered well control situations. The conventional method of regaining control of a well by increasing the mud weight might not work if the well control situation originated because the GHs has been made unstable due to a too high temperature, not because the pressure is too low. Increasing the pressure in this case will not bring the GHs inside the P&T conditions where they are stable, and will therefore not slow or stop the dissociation. Increasing the mud weight might


Shubham Satyam instead fracture the formation, causing fluid loss that decreases the hydrostatic pressure in the well, worsening the situation. 4. Fracture Pressure Consideration From a production point of view, drilling through the hydrate reservoir is likely to cause invasive formation damage, as the hydrostatic pressure at the bottom of the well in the annulus during OBD is higher than the formation pressure, meaning that mud and cuttings will flow into and damage the near wellbore area. This will have the possibility to significantly reduce the productivity of the hydrate reservoir, or even rendering it unable to produce at all (Todd et al., 2006). Due to the reasons mentioned in this section, the conclusion is that while drilling production wells through HBS is possible with OBD, it is far from being the optimal solution, and presents drilling problems that are difficult to overcome. B. Underbalanced Drilling Underbalanced drilling, or UBD, is a procedure used to drill hydrocarbon wells where the pressure in the wellbore is kept lower than the fluid pressure in the formation being drilled. As the well is being drilled, formation fluid flows into the wellbore and up to the surface. Use of Underbalanced Drilling may result in the following problems:

2. Uncontrollable Pressure in the Wellbore The limited amount of backpressure in typical UBD operations means that the pressure is not controlled throughout the wellbore until the inflow enters the production equipment, at least not to the point where the GHs are stable, which means that the GHs will expand fairly freely in the well. One major advantage when drilling through the hydrate reservoir with UBD is that there will be no invasive formation damage because there is no overpressure in the well, meaning that the drilling process will not cause a reduction in the reservoir`s production potential. Although this technique is much better at handling gas in the well and at the surface compared to OBD, the lack of control over the GH dissociation process in the formation and cuttings during UBD and the associated well control risks, in addition to the wellbore stability risks, leads to the conclusion that UBD is not the optimal drilling technique for drilling production wells in HBSs. C. Managed Pressure Drilling Managed Pressure Drilling is defined as an adaptive drilling process used to precisely control the annular pressure profile throughout the entire wellbore. The objectives are to ascertain the downhole pressure environment limits and to manage the annular hydraulic pressure profile accordingly.

1. Uncontrolled dissociation of Gas Hydrates

Advantages Of Managed Pressure Drilling:

Drilling into hydrate reservoirs with UBD, meaning that the formation fluids flow into the wellbore due to the lower pressure in the wellbore compared to the formation, has the risk of creating an out-of-control dissociation “chain reaction” and causing significant wellbore stability problems. The low wellbore pressure will cause GHs in the formation and cuttings to dissociate more rapidly than during OBD, and the gas volume entering the annulus and rising to the surface will significantly increase in volume, which will displace the mud and result in a reduction of the annulus pressure at the bottom of the well, leading to an increase in the dissociation rate.

1. Precise monitoring and control of the wellbore pressure MPD is an “adaptive drilling process,” where the drilling plan, operation and pressure profile in the well changes during drilling according to the conditions of the wellbore to precisely control the annular pressure profile throughout the entire wellbore. The objective is to monitor the limits of the downhole pressure environment and adjust the annular pressure profile appropriately, which is well suited from drilling through HBS, and especially well-suited for drilling through the hydrate reservoir.

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36 2. Gas influx in the mud is contained Contrary to UBD, which deliberately allows the influx of formation fluids into the wellbore, MPD will generally avoid flow into the wellbore, similarly to OBD. Any unexpected inflow that occurs during the drilling process will be safely contained using a suitable process (Todd et al., 2006). 3. Formation damage and unwanted fractures are avoided The very limited overpressure during MPD means that invasive formation damage in the reservoir is likely to be significantly reduced compared to OBD, and is not expected to significantly affect the production potential of the reservoir. 4. Gas Kicks, Lost Circulation and Differential Sticking is rare The common characteristic of the many different MPD tools and techniques that exist is that they were developed to limit well kicks, lost circulation and differential sticking, so that fewer casing strings would be needed to reach the total depth of the well. Although drilling with MPD has many advantages, those that are most relevant when drilling through

Drilling In Natural Gas Hydrate Reservoirs

hydrate formations is that it reduces problems when drilling through formations with a narrow margin between the formation pressure and the fracture pressure, which generally causes frequent losses of drilling mud and gains of formation fluids, and that it precisely controls the pressure of the entire wellbore during drilling, and is able to react quickly to changes in the wellbore pressure. Casing While Drilling Casing while drilling (CwD) involves using the well casing with a drill bit attached at the end of the drill string and rotating it from the surface to penetrate into the earth’s crust, in this way the well is both drilled and cased at the same time. The drill string is then cemented it in place in the well after reaching the target depth (TD). The drilling fluid is circulated down the inside of the casing and returns up the small annulus between the outer diameter (OD) of the casing and the formation. The large OD of the casing generally leads to considerably good hole cleaning due to the high annular fluid velocities in the small annulus, particularly at critical angles. Since the well is cased during drilling there is generally no tripping of the drill string. This serves to reduce many of the common drilling problems generally encountered during drilling.

Fig. 3 This is a proactive approach to drilling where problems are prevented before they occur instead of being dealt with afterwards. Non-retrievable CwD system and Retrievable CwD system are the two types of systems which exist.

Casing while Drilling advantages The overall Casing While Drilling advantages (CwD) lie in reducing the drilling and tripping times, mitigating the risk of drilling problems, and

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consequently, decreasing the final cost of successfully delivered projects.

The points listed before can be arranged into:

The Casing While Drilling advantages listed are:

1. Borehole Stability This item is reached by the plastering or smear effect, which consists in that the proximity of the casing to the wellbore mixes the cuttings and drilling fluids into a consistency that mechanically alters and seals the annular ring; while the casing is plastering or smearing these cutting against the wall an impermeable barrier is created. This has been inferred because of the returned cuttings to the surface are finer and 10–20 percent less than compared to a conventional casing set-up.

1. Improve borehole stability with less mechanical damage (wellbore integrity). 2. Reduce lost circulation. 3. Reduce trouble time. 4. Reduced number of casing/liner strings. 5. Improve Well Control and Personnel safety. 6. Drilling Time savings. 7. Improve hole conditioning and production. 8. Reduce rig requirements. 9. Enable more difficult wells.

From before, it reduces lost circulation problems and helps to prevent differential sticking.

Fig. 3 In over 300 field runs, not a single case of lost circulation has been reported outside of severely depleted zones where losses are inevitable. In the same 300 wells, the only case of stuck pipe was due to rig operation problems that resulted in the pipe remaining stationary without circulation for an extended period of time.

Problems associated with formations and wellbore conditions that deteriorate due to time exposed to drilling fluids are reduced simply because the exposure time is reduced. In addition, the inherent stiffness of the casing string in the wellbore produces a less tortuous hole,

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Scale Formation Promblems in Oil & Gas Industry...

providing a smoother wellbore and reducing the risk of key-seating and mechanical sticking. The stiff assembly is also less prone to vibrations, reducing the mechanical impact damage on the borehole wall. Drillstring vibrations have been attributed to borehole stability problems. Summarizing, it is positive against: ◀ ◀ ◀ ◀ ◀ ◀

Cave in Swelling Casing shoe takes more weight than anticipated Problems to rotate Problems to pull out (stuck) Problems of circulation

2. Equipment Involved It is quickly installed on any Top Drive system, electric or hydraulic, with typically no modifications to any existing drilling equipment. The Casing While Drilling provides a high level of mechanization, therefore eliminating the need for large and cumbersome travelling elevators; the high risk “stabber” position in derrick; the need for conventional Fill-Up and Circulation Tools; the need for and the hazards of conventional power tongs in a space-restricted area. TESCO CDS allows simultaneous rotation, reciprocation and circulation of the casing string enhancing capability to get casing to bottom through troublesome wellbores and gaining improved cementing results. Also: 1. It can be used for formations with as much as 18,000 psi compressive strength. 2. It eliminates Conventional casing operations which cannot rotate pipe. 3. It can eliminate conventional power tongs and equipment on drill floor. 4. No further interface to the rig or hook up of hydraulic hoses is required.

3. Personnel and Safety From point stated before, keeps personnel out of the line of fire; This reduces the number of personnel involved in the casing operations by two to four persons, reducing HSE exposure. As the tool is operated from the driller’s cabin, no personnel is required in the red operating zone. Also, the torque turn can be read wirelessly with the OWS Torque Turn sub and data can also be sent onshore to engineers if the rig has Internet connection and there is the option to send data from drill floor to this connection. Zero people in red zone. The safety issues are really big considerations in planning the project. In this case, the reduction in people involved actually raises the level of safety. Also, CwD helps in reducing the extra rig non-productive time (NPT). 4. Time Reduction Elimination of pipe tripping eliminates many of these problems. Running casing into a pre-drilled wellbore is sometimes problematic resulting in lost time “fighting” the casing string to bottom, setting the casing string off bottom, or tripping the casing string and making a wiper trip with a rotary assembly. With a “cement in place” system, there is nothing to remove from the hole and no requirements to place hardware in the casing prior to cementing. The float valve is in place during the drilling operations. Typical time savings are in the range of 30% of the time from section “spud” to LOT. Time for OWS TDCRTi (Casing While Drilling) is about 30 minutes, compared to up to up to 5 hours for conventional tools. Cementing Use of Low Exothermic Cement for Cementing the Casing:


Shubham Satyam

The process where cement sets usually has the property of exothermicity, meaning that heat is released during an exothermic reaction, because heat is released from the hydration reactions of cement components. This heat release does not pose a problem in most areas; however, it becomes a significant problem in Arctic environments where permafrost and/or in environments where GHs are present. The heat that is released during the cement setting process can cause permafrost to thaw and GHs to become unstable and dissociate. Because the ice is the consolidation material in permafrost formations, the formation will transform from firm and stable to soft and unstable when the permafrost melts resulting in the formation of liquid water around the borehole. GHs that have been destabilized will begin to dissociate and release frozen or liquid water together with vast volumes of gas, thus increasing the pressure behind the casing. The situation in both these cases will threaten the integrity of the wellbore and the cement, and might damage significant sections of the wellbore. If gas is present during the hydration reaction of the cement, it could invade the cement and migrate through the pore structure along weak bonds, formation/cement interface or cement/casing interface, thus creating micro channels and/or an microannulus through which the gas can percolate while the cement sets and after the cement has set, reducing the integrity and strength of the cement. Schlumberger has come up with a solution for this problem by developing a new line of cements designed specifically for low-temperature applications, called the ARCTICSET cements and DeepCrete cement that are available for a variety of conditions. Articset: Although purposely designed for permafrost zones, this line of cement is also highly relevant to be used in formations containing GHs to limit or avoid dissociation during the hydration reaction of the cement since these cements have a low heat of

hydration and minimal heat release while setting. Other properties include: low free-water separation, low permeability, excellent resilience to temperature cycling and controllable pumping times and strength properties. Sufficient strength of the cement can be achieved in wells with temperatures down to –9°C. An additional improvement of the cement used to cement casings in HBS would be to include components in the cement that would prevent destabilization of the GHs. DeepCrete: The low water content of this system enhances the early gel and compressive strength development, while low densities minimize the risk of losses associated with the low fracture gradient encountered in many deepwater wells. These properties, combined with the DeepCRETE lower heat of hydration, help reduce WOC time, which is particularly important in areas where gas hydrates are a concern. Temperature Control Through The Wellbore During Drilling Monitoring and controlling the temperature in the wellbore during drilling in HBS relative to the stability areas of the GHs will be necessary to either avoid or severely reduce GH dissociation throughout the wellbore, which is very important to reduce hole stability issues and other drilling-related challenges. Keeping a low temperature in the circulating mud can be achieved by either cooling the mud, or minimizing heat transfer (insulation) to the mud from the warmer environment. Causes of Heating The effect achieved while drilling, consisting in heating the mud during circulation, is frictional heat, which generally originates from the following two main sources that accompany drilling operations: ◀ Viscous friction ◀ Mechanical friction

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Scale Formation Promblems in Oil & Gas Industry...

Solutions: 1. Surface Mud Cooling The temperature of the mud should be kept at a level that does not disturb the stability of the GH, which according to Hannegan (2005) means keeping the temperature within the closed circulation system below 11°C throughout the wellbore. To achieve this objective, surface mud cooling will have to play an important part. Surface mud cooling can be done in many different ways, for example the addition of blocks of ice in the mud or cooling the mud through a heat exchanger. In addition to stabilizing the GHs and reducing or eliminating GH dissociation, which is the most important advantage, mud cooling has the following additional advantages: 1. Increased borehole stability 2. Reduce the mud temperature while circulating and drilling and therefore helps maintain the rheological properties of the mud with lesser additives 3. Reduce bit temperature and wear on downhole tools that may be affected by high temperatures 4. Reduce the high mud return temperature, especially important for oil-based muds, which can thus be maintained below their flashpoint 5. Maintain the mud temperature below the design failure limits of BOP elastomers 6. Reduce the bottomhole circulating temperature allowing the use of measurement while drilling and logging while drilling tools to greater depths 2. Insulation – Equipment and Technology for Minimizing Heat Transfer One way of controlling the temperature of the mud without artificial cooling is through minimizing the heat transfer to the mud in the wellbore. This can be done by one of the following equipment and technologies: ◀ Marine riser (slim, insulated, dual flow, with surface BOP and/or pressurized, and booster line) ◀ Insulated dual flow drill pipe ◀ Casing insulation

A. Marine Riser (Slim, Insulated, Dual Flow, with Surface BOP and/or Pressurized, and Booster Line) The standard method in the oil and gas industry is to use risers to transport the fluids from the well to the rig in offshore fields. To achieve this in a controlled manner while drilling in HBS will be a difficult challenge since the riser is the environment where the pressure will be fairly low and the temperature will be fairly high, meaning that the GHs will be at its most unstable. As most of the riser is fully submerged in seawater, it will be at approximately the same temperature as the seawater. This means that heat will be transferred from the seawater through the riser and into the mud with suspended GHs, potentially leading to dissociation, assuming that the seawater is warmer than the fluid in the annulus. This heat transfer could be significant, especially in temperate waters. This heat transfer could be limited by using an insulated riser with a lower heat transfer coefficient, thus limiting the temperature increase, and therefore the dissociation and expansion of the GHs in the mud, but this is excessively expensive. Instead, the insulation could be achieved by a dual flow configuration with a cold fluid circulating in the riser annulus. A pressurized riser with a surface BOP would permit much higher pressure in the riser, meaning that the GHs would be stable at higher temperatures. A final option could be to use a slim riser, a riser with a smaller outside diameter than what is conventional, which will result in higher fluid velocities in the riser and therefore reduce the heat transfer to, and heating of, the mud. The booster lines on the riser are used to inject mud at the base of the riser, which is necessary to maintain the return fluid velocity in the riser at the same level as in the annulus of the wellbore, since the diameter of the riser is larger than that of the annulus in the wellbore. If the mud injected down the booster lines is cooled, this will increase the stability of the GHs suspended in the mud. According to Hannegan et al. (2004), maintaining a bottomhole temperature at 11°C is likely to prevent any GH dissociation in the wellbore and release of free gas in the riser.


Shubham Satyam B. Insulated Dual Flow Drill pipe In situations where a riser is unpractical to use, one method to transport the returns to the surface from the wellhead could be through an insulated dual flow drill pipe. To reduce the heat transfer between the seawater and formation, each joint would be equipped with an insulated “covering” between the pin and box that had the same outside diameter as the pin and box. This drill pipe would have to be able to withstand the high pressures associated with GHs dissociating inside the pipe (Todd et al., 2006). According to Hannegan et al. (2004) this type of drill string is worth considering based on the heat transfer between the mud in the drill pipe and the mud return in the annulus during drilling with conventional drill pipe. The returns would be channelled into one half of the dual-flow drill pipe near the bottom hole assembly (BHA), while the mud and returns would be separated at the rig floor by a unique swivel mechanism. C. Casing Insulation Using an insulated outer casing would reduce the heat transfer between the formation and the well, thus reducing the temperature increase of the formation in sections where the temperature of the annulus is higher than that of the formation. This is especially important in limiting the heating of shallower hydrate formations when drilling deeper warmer zones, and during production, especially if the production method involves thermal injection, such as steam injection. 3. Circulation Rate A relatively high circulation rate will reduce the heat transfer between the mud and the formation and between the seawater and mud in the riser, thus reducing the temperature of the mud and leading to improved stability of the GHs. This advantage would have to be considered against the increased mud pump requirement and borehole stability problems due to increased annular flow and therefore borehole erosion. 4. Chemical Additives Using chemical additives (or avoiding dissociation-inducing inhibitors such as salts and alcohols) in

the drill mud helps to maintain gas hydrate stability in the formation and prevent gas hydrate dissociation in the drill cuttings. Conclusions The following conclusions were established on the basis of the earlier discussions in this paper: ◀ Dissociation of GHs in the wellbore must be avoided during drilling to reduce the consequences of well control problems and other drilling-related challenges. ◀ Dissociation of GHs in the wellbore can be limited or avoided by maintaining the wellbore temperature within the stability conditions of the GHs. ◀ MPD is the recommended optimal drilling technique based on its ability to precisely control the pressure of the entire wellbore during drilling and is able to react quickly to pressure changes by applying backpressure at the surface. ◀ The temperature in the wellbore can be controlled by surface mud cooling, insulation methods or changing the circulation rate. ◀ Surface mud cooling on its own can be used to lower the inlet temperature of specialized freeze-depressed muds down to between –3°C and 0°C, even when drilling surface and intermediate hole sections. ◀ CwD can be used along with MPD to reduce the probability and consequences of wellbore instability and other drilling-related challenges. ◀ Low exothermic cement should be used when cementing casings to prevent GH dissociation behind the casing. ◀ The optimal solution to drill production wells in hydrate formations is to combine MPD with CwD, surface mud cooling, insulation, thermodynamic inhibitors and kinetic inhibitors/anti-agglomerates, low exothermic cement during cementation and a relatively high circulation rate. The equipment, methods and drilling techniques discussed in this report are all existing and proven technology, and it is proposed that these and other existing technologies can be used together to drill production wells in GH reservoirs safely, effectively and economically.

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Scenario of CBM in India and Enhanced CBM recovery via C02-N2 Sequestration

References: [1] UNEP, 2014, Frozen Heat – A Global Outlook on Methane Gas Hydrates Vol 2. [2] Anders Gundersen, 2013, Evaluation of Methods for Drilling and Production of Hydrate Formations. [3]Erdem Catak, 2006, Hydrate Dissociation During Drilling Through In-Situ Hydrate Formations. [4] Prashant D Motghare, Amol Musale, Gas Hydrates: Drilling Challenges and Suitable Technology. [5] Moridis, G.J., 2011, Challenges, uncertainties and issues facing gas production from gas hydrate deposits. [6] Energies, 2012, Experimental Simulation of the Exploitation of Natural Gas Hydrate. [7] Milad Poorfaraj Ghajari, Hydrate-Related Drilling Hazards and Their Remedies. [8] Maribus Ggmbh, Energy From Burning Ice. [9] H. Vrielink, BP; J.S. Bradford, Chevron; L. Basarab, Tesco Corp; C.C. Ubaru, H. Christensen, 2008, Casing-while-drilling successfully applied in Canadian Arctic permafrost environment. [10] Schlumberger, 2006, DeepCrete- Low Temperature Cementing Solution


Scenario of CBM in India and Enhanced CBM recovery via C02-N2 Sequestration Patel Karan, Sachin Nambiar, Nahid Shaikh

* University of Petroleum and Energy Studies Þ Dehradun The increasing price of natural gas and, in some cases, government policies have encouraged the exploration and development of gas from unconventional sources, which has led to the development of sophisticated technologies for enhancing hydrocarbon recoveries. The major objective of this paper is to study the effective, feasible, efficient methodology for the extraction of methane gas from coal seams, coupled with the injection of CO2 and N2 into the coal seam complex structure. This annexure focuses on how to improve exploitation rate of coal bed methane (CBM). There are currently two urgent major global issues the mankind is facing: one is the future supply of energy for an increasing (and increasingly energy-dependent) population. The other is the threat of catastrophic climate change as a resulof

global warming caused by greenhouse gases such as CO2. This paper seeks to address both issues by using CO2 Sequestration in the coal seams to produce the vast resources of natural gas locked up within the CBM. APPROACH of the paper ◀ Perspective of CBM in India : Energy dependence on CBM for natural gas demand ◀ Elements encompassing ECBM – As a potential for satisfying tomorrow’s high energy demand ◀ Factors leading/obstructing towards ECBM PURPOSE of the paper ◀ To understand the scenario of CBM in India ◀ How to enhance CBM production by sequestrating CO2-N2? ◀ Understanding technical and economic feasibility of ECBM Introduction to Coal Bed Methane Depletion of conventional resources, and increasing demand for clean energy, forces us to hunt for alternatives to conventional energy resources.

Patel Karan, Sachin Nambiar, Nahid Shaikh

CBM is considered to be one of the most viable alternatives to combat the situation. With growing energy demand, CBM is definitely a feasible alternative supplementary energy source. CBM is a generic term for the methane rich gas originating in coal-seams. It has potential as an abundant clean energy supply to help replace other diminishing hydrocarbon reserves. Recent developments in technologies and methodologies are playing a large part in harnessing this unconventional resource. The recovery rate of methane is usually limited by the coal seam gas pressure and diffusion rate and, as a result, not all available gas can be recovered. By injecting gas into the seam, further methane can be liberated. Enhanced CBM recovery is a method of producing additional coal-bed methane from a source rock, similar to enhanced oil recovery applied to oil fields. Carbon dioxide (CO2) injected into a bituminous coal bed would occupy pore spaces of the bed, pumping entrapped methane to migrate from the pore spaces, allowing for potential enhanced gas recovery and also helps in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) ideology, which is of major concern keeping the environmental aspects into consideration.

43 CBM has great potential of augmenting energy resources of the world and specifically India. Thus, enhanced CBM recovery and different methods of Carbon dioxide separation and storage will play crucial role in the future. Scenario of Coal Bed Methane in India Coal bed Methane (CBM), an unconventional source of natural gas is now considered as an alternative source for augmenting India’s energy resource. According to the data obtained from Directorate General of Hydrocarbon (DGH), India has the fifth largest proven coal reserves in the world and thus holds significant prospects for exploration and exploitation of CBM. The prognosticated CBM resources in the country are of about 92 TCF (2600 BCM) in 12 states of India. In order to harness CBM potential in the country, the Government of India formulated CBM policy in 1997 wherein CBM, being Natural Gas, is explored and exploited under the provisions of OIL Fields (Regulation & Development) Act 1948 (ORD Act 1948) and Petroleum & Natural Gas Rules 1959 (P&NG Rules 1959) administered by Ministry of Petroleum & Natural.

Fig. 1 Image credit: IEA Clean Coal Centre : “Potential for Enhanced coal bed methane recovery” by Dr L L SLoss

Under the CBM policy, till date, four rounds of CBM bidding rounds have been implemented by MOP&NG. It resulted in an award of 33 CBM blocks covering 16,613 out of the total available coal bearing areas for CBM exploration of 26,000 To date, most CBM exploration

and production activities in India is pursued by domestic Indian companies. Total prognosticated CBM resource for awarded 33 CBM blocks, is of about 62.4 TCF (1767 BCM), of which, so far, 9.9 TCF (280.34 BCM) have been established as Gas in Place (GIP).(DGH India)

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Scenario of CBM in India and Enhanced CBM recovery via C02-N2 Sequestration

Current CBM production (March 2015) is around 0.77 MMSCMD from 5 CBM blocks, which includes test gas production from 4 CBM blocks and commercial production from 1 CBM block. Seven more CBM blocks are expected to start commercial production in near future. The total CBM production is expected to be around 4MMSCMD by end of the 12th plan as per XII plan document. As can be seen. India has great potential to cater the energy demand by the means of natural gas, i.e. CBM and much of the area is still not explored or in most of the area, despite blocks being awarded, the development of CBM field has not taken place. Seeing to this, the concept of Enhanced Coal Bed Methane Recovery could provide the means for more recovery of CBM to cater ever increasing demand for energy and also natural gas could be recovered in very short time (i.e. higher recovery rate) comparatively to normal coal bed methane extraction.

Theory and Concept of ECBM Adsorption is the main storage mechanism in coal seams at high pressure. Methane, which is one of the by-products (the others being water and CO2) of the coalification process in coal seams, is primarily stored as a sorbate on the internal surface area of the microporous coal. Injection of CO2 into deep seams initiates a displacement desorption process, thereby adsorbed methane is displaced by the injected CO2. The matrix of coal bed has immense capacity to store methane gas by the mechanism of adsorption. Thus, the free available gas (because of less fractures and cleat volume) is much more scarce than that adsorbed on the coal surface. Langmuir Desorption Isotherm helps to understand the pressure drop required to get optimum adsorbed gas volume. The Mechanism of CO2-ECBM operates on the basis

Fig. 2 Figure shows the relative absorption capacity of CH4, CO2 and N2 on coal samples of Wyodak – Anderson Coal Seam(E. Robertson ,June 2010)

Fig. 3 Graph shows CH4 Production rate v/s time. It clearly presents an increased production rate and also the recovery is done in less time (i.e. all recoverable amount is extracted in less time than normal CBM).

Fig. 4 Not only production rate is increased but also amount, i.e, more of CH4 is recovered by ECBM.


Patel Karan, Sachin Nambiar, Nahid Shaikh sorption capacity as CO2 has a better sorption capacity of coal (up to ten times greater, depending on coal rank) than methane under normal reservoir conditions. As CO2 is injected into a coal reservoir, it is preferentially adsorbed into coal matrix, displacing the exiting methane in that space. As a result, the methane diffuses into cleat systems, migrates to and produced from production wells. The mechanism of N2-ECBM is a bit different from CO2-ECBM and is quite costly, as nitrogen is injected into a coal reservoir, it lowers the partial pressure of methane, accelerating desorption, and recovers the methane gas. While C02-ECBM is more related to higher capacity of being absorbed on coal matrix than CH4. But pure CO2 or N2 by means of separation cause additional costs in the procedure so it has been found that the use of flue gas that is obtained from burning of coal or combustion of methane for energy production, i.e. consisting of CO2 and N2 (Percent of N2 is much lower as compared to CO2), could also serve the purpose of CO2 sequestration, Enhanced Recovery and that it is economically supportive, too. Production rate of CO2- N2-ECBM depends on the injection pressure, the efficiency of movement of the CBM from the adsorbed state in the coal matrix into the cleat or the fracture system of the coal, and the permeability of the cleats, the pathway to the wellbore. Following are the two graphs showing effectiveness of ECBM in terms of CH4 recovery and also in terms of production per day. Technical and Economical Aspects Following are the aspects that are needed in order to establish a plant for enhanced CBM recovery or the factors that might hinder its development. Geological/ Technical Aspects: 1. Homogeneity 2. Simple structure 3. Permeability >1 md 4. Depth 300–1,500 meters 5. Concentrated coal geometry

6. Production rates 7. Development timing 8. Water disposal 9. Amount of available gas Economic Aspects: 1. Cost of CO2 2. Cost of N2 3. Availability of injectant gas 4. Value of methane 5. Cost of processing 6. Cost of implementation 7. Transportation Policy/ Legislations: 1. Tax or CO2 Credits 2. Mine safety regulations Data from the unmineable Wyodak-Anderson coal zone shows that without injection, the project would take around 26 years to recover almost 72% of the CH4 in place. The flue gas injection scenario would recover 70% of the gas in place within 17 years and would result in 133,358 Gt of CO2 storage. The CO2 injection approach would succeed in storing significantly more CO2 (6,223,292 Gt) and would produce more CH4 (88%) within 19 years. Although this may suggest that the flue gas injection approach is the most economic, the amount of CO2 stored is actually relatively small – the project is more of a success in terms of enhanced CH4 recovery than CO2 storage. Conversely, the CO2 injection option can be seen as a true CO2 storage option but would not be economically viable without forced or voluntary subsidies. Thus, the value of carbon credits into the future will be a major economic factor to define the viability of ECBM processes and projects. International tradeable credits should facilitate this process. Currently it would seem that only China is continuing with work to develop ECBM potential. The growing population and energy demand coupled with the desire to move away from coal, makes ECBM more attractive in China than it may be

WINTER / 2017


Scenario of CBM in India and Enhanced CBM recovery via C02-N2 Sequestration

elsewhere. However, even if the Chinese are successful in demonstrating a project at commercial scale, the nature and economics of ECBM is so site specific that success will be achieved only on a case by case basis.

India is next to China in terms of population and also is major contributor in terms of CO2 production so considering the scenario, India should strive forward to accept and develop this technology (ECBM) if it is geologically favourable.

Results from research held in 29 possible ECBM sites in China have determined that CO2 sequestration potential is of about 143 Gt in the country’s known coal beds. This could sequester CO2 emissions for estimated 50 years based on China’s CO2 emission levels in 2000. From the successful commercial projects China has forecasted to reduce the temperature of China by 2–3 0C by 2030 by reducing the CO2 level along with current rate of ever increasing CO2 emission.

Idealized conditions for ECBM Keeping the above conditions in consideration, the most important factor is the depth of the coal seam. Considering this parameter as major, following is the list of Indian Blocks where ECBM could be put into practice or the validation of practicality of ECBM could be possibly done on the basis of economics. The above table is in reference with the present CBM fields in India which could be



Parbatpur Central Mine, Bokaro, Jharkhand (high

>1500 feet

Tab. 1

volatile bituminous Gondwana coal) Godavari Valley Coalfield (low rank Gondwana coals)

2000 feet

North Karanpura, Jharia CBM block, Jharkhand (high

> 2000 feet

volatile bituminous Gondwana coal) Barakar and Raniganj, West Bengal

400 m to 1500 m

(Permo-Carboniferous Bituminous coal)

potential ECBM site, taking into consideration onlythe basis of its depth. (Optimal depth range for ECBM is considered to be of approximately 300–1500 m. Source: IEA Greenhouse gas R&D Programme, Report 1999). Many other parameters like gas content, rank and grade of coal, permeability, cleat spacing etc. are required to be analysed in depth for the development of an ECBM project. Conclusion It is important to note that the primary aim of both CBM and ECBM projects is economic profit through CH4 recovery. The use and potential capture of flue gas or CO2 in ECBM is currently not a source of economic advantage in any way and is unlikely to

become such without a reduction in gas processing costs as well as tax incentives or carbon credits. For an ECBM project to be economically viable, several factors must be optimised: ◀ The gas to be injected must be low cost and readily available; ◀ The CH4 produced must be profitable; ◀ The processing of injected gases must be affordable; ◀ Any additional site costs must be low; ◀ Additional gas and equipment transportation costs must be covered. ◀ The value of carbon credits into the future will be a major economic factor to define the viability of ECBM

Patel Karan, Sachin Nambiar, Nahid Shaikh


References: [1] DGH India [2] P. Massarotto, V. Rudolph, Suzanne D Golding ( University of Queensland ) ;Technical and economic factors in applying the enhanced coalbed methane recovery process; conference paper, 2005. [3] Development of Indian CBM Resources – Challenges and Issues by N. K. Punjrath, GM – Block Manager CBM Asset, ONGC, Bokaro Steel City. [4] IEA Clean Coal Centre : “Potential for Enhanced coal bed methane recovery” by Dr L L SLoss, May 2015. [5] Global CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) Institute; Publicaton : Technology: Enhanced Coal Bed Methane (ECBM). [6] Wikipedia : Enhanced Coal bed Methane Recovery. [7] Report No. PH3/3, August 1999 : IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme.

WINTER / 2017



How it Works? Agitator™ – NOV solutions

How it Works? Agitator™ – NOV solutions Filip Czerniawski

Drilling is an extremely complex process that requires constant improving. Specialists from NOV came out with a unique idea to reduce friction of the drill string against the wellbore using the Agitator System. Friction is an essential force present in our life, but there are some processes in which we need to reduce it as much as possible. The Agitator reduces friction and improves weight transfer by creating axial oscillations in the drill string. The results are very satisfactory. According to the paper „Drilling Performance Improvements in Gas Shale Plays using a Novel Drilling Agitator Device” new device gives much innovation to the process of drilling. Improved weight transfer to the bit enhances the performance in several ways, including; ◀ PDC bit life can be extended because of constant and improved weight transfer. Several post-run bit characteristics have shown that no damage to the bit occurred because of impact forces ◀ Lower WOB will be required ◀ Reduction in drill pipe compression as weight is transferred effectively avoiding excessive fatigue and excessive side force ◀ Improved Tool Face control ◀ Improved ROP ◀ Improved tortuosity through more controlled DLS For better visualization of the problem let’s focus on static friction. When we put our phone on slope, it stays in the same position. That means that the motion is lower than the friction force. Let’s assume now that the phone starts ringing and vibrating. Suddenly phone begins to slide. This change in po-

sition tells us that the oscillations from the phone help break static friction. In the link below, we can see the short footage about this problem. < Agitator_System/Agitator_System.aspx > Stick-slip is an irregular drill string rotation. Causing the string to periodically torque up and then spin free with above average RPM causing severe damage to the bit and BHA. Reducing the stick-slip helps in keeping the bit for longer period of time and increases ROP. Vibrations from Agitator System also aim to reduce the friction. What’s more, the low magnitude oscillations only affect the longitudinal axis of the drill string. The Agitator system counts three mechanisms: ◀ The power station drives the valve section, producing pressure pulses in the system. These pulses activate the shock tool or act on the coiled tubing, creating axial motion, which breaks static friction. ◀ The unique valve system is the heart of the tool, converting the energy from the pumped fluid into constant pressure fluctuations. The cyclical restrictions are made through the pair of valve plates. The flow area changes create constant pressure pulses that are proportional to the flow rate. ◀ A shock tool is necessary to create the axial oscillation of the string to reduce friction. Once the internal pressure is applied to the pump area, the mandrel extends. When the pressure decreases the mandrel returns to its previous place. The best place for the shock tool is directly above the Agitator.

Filip Czerniawski


To sum up, the idea of the Agitator is based on lowering static friction. That implies better weight transfer to the bit, improves ROP and tool face control, increases bit life and much more.

It is important to keep in mind the right placement of the tool. Only then, we can ensure maximum effectiveness.

Agitator relies on three main mechanisms: Power section that drives the valve section producing pressure pulses. The excitation section converts the increase in pressure into axial movement that breaks the static friction.

An improvement in ROP and other aspects have also economic impact. The use of Agitator is giving opportunities for major boost in the process of drilling.

References: [1] “Drilling Performance Improvements in Gas Shale Plays using a Novel Drilling Agitator Device”; <https://www.>. [2] Agitator system handbook; <>. [3] <>. [4] “MWD Failure Rates Due to Drilling Dynamics”; <>. [5] <>.

WINTER / 2017



Influence of natural gas regasifed at

G How receiving terminal on natural gas solutions it Works? Agitator™ – NOV

Influence of natural gas regasifed at LNG receiving terminal on natural gas transmission system in central and north-western part of Poland Wojciech Panek AGH UST Kraków Polish yearly demand of gas amounts about 16 billions of cubic meters. Native production allows to fulfill the circa 30% of marketplace. Over years the main gas importer was Russian Gazprom (about 10 bln m3), however since few years the diversification of sources of natural gas was initiated. For this purpose in 2015 in Śwnioujście (Western-Pomerania voivodeship) the LNG reciving terminal was open. Its regasification capacity stand at 5 bln m3 per year and it is still developing. The main supplier of blue fuel is QuatarGas. The natural gas which comes from this source has different composition and different content of heavier ethane. This affects the different nature of transportation of these gases in transmission system and the calorific value. My research consist on creating the realistic model of gas network, feeding this network by those two gases, adding consumers and seeing what will happened, how those two gases will mix in the network, the range of influence of LNG receiving terminal and impact of energetic safety of Poland.

The research was conducted in Simone software. The computer program execute a line of calculation – solving a set of differential equation which describe the behavior of natural gas transmissed in gas network having regard to changes in intake and outtake, changes of gas composition and calorific value

Polish transmission system is 10989 km long, have 896 gas stations, 983 points of offtake, 14 compressors and could transmit 16,3 bln m3 (183,9 TWh) yearly. Moreover in simulated area were two entries of Jamal gas pipeline, by which the import of Russian gas is conducted. In order to perform the simulation the realistic model of network which is a part of polish gas transmission system was made. The simulated gas network was 2384,2 km long has 100 simulated stages, 83 nodes, 34 points of offtake and 5 supplied points (including two from Jamal Gas pipeline). The network is limited by two nodes, Gustorzyn from the west side and Odolanów from the south side, separating it from the rest of the polish gas system. The Network was loaded by the real values. Both simulations used this model of load.


o ciech anek

Tab. 1 and 2 E amplary compositions of gases which the gas etwork is powered orth attention is the difference between content of ethanes

Tab. 3 and 4 The values of load of the gas-network in the nodes

The two dynamic simulations were performed (where conditions are changing in time).

Tab. 5 and 6 The first model of supply (left) and the second model of supply (right) when the hypothetical malfunction of amal ipeline occurred

WINTER / 2017


Influence of natural gas regasifed at How G receiving on natural it Works?terminal Agitator™ – NOV gas solutions

The results of five-day simulation are ensuant – the pressure in network persist on level 4.84-6.08 MPa, which is a satisfactionary and safe value. Moreover the gas from LNG Terminal after five days has dominated and after that time the range of sources persist constant. The change of source type in majority nodes proceeds fluent – in short period of time the contents of gases has changed. In “Sztum” node the interesting situation can be observed. The gas is mixed constantly. It is determinate by off-takes in nearby node “Elblag” Apposing off-take curve and ethane content curve is easily to conclude that during the major load of network the more lighter gas from Jamal Pipeline flow by this node. The second simulation tried to describe what could happen when hypothetical malfunction of Jamal

Pipeline occurred. The gas network is supplied only by LNG receiving Terminal and a small inflow from the south part of Poland. The network was loaded by the same values as in first simulation. The resoults of the second simulation are worst than the first. The big drop of pressure was noted. After five days the situation has stabilized. In nearly half of the network the pressure was around 2,77 MPa. The range of influence of LNG Terminal has dramatically increased. During this simulation the fluent mixing of gases can be observed, as well as tendency to draw in a lighter gas during increased load of the gas network. Despite large pressure drop and increased flow velocity (which cause additional pressure drop) the gas system ensures the supply of gas on a safety level by some days.

Fig. 1 The mi ing of gas in S tum node

pper part describes offtake and the lower changes of methane content in gas flowing by this point


Maciej Górczak, Patryk Bijak Conclusions and summary:

◀ LNG receiving terminal has significantly increased the energetic safety of Poland ◀ The gas from Terminal has cover almost the half of the system in first scenario, and in second scenario almost all gas system was under LNG terminal influence ◀ The mixing of gases on the border nodes is strongly correlated whit off-takes. ◀ For optimization the by-pass between nodes “Gdynia” and “Kossakowo” should be build because there the biggest pressure drop due to high velocity of flowing gases (13m/s) occurred. References: [1] Obliczanie Sieci Gazowych, przegląd programów komputerowych, Tom II, Krzysztof Kogut, Krzysztof Bytnar, Kraków 2017r. [2] Mapa System Gazociągów Przesyłowych, Gaz System, 2017r. [3] [4] [5] [6] Simulation of a gas networks, Wojciech Panek, Young Petro nr. 20 (2017r.) s. 6-10.


When E&P meets digital Interview with Jean-Marc Dumas Maciej Górczak, Patryk Bijak During ASEC 2018 in Zagreb Maciej Górczak and Patryk Bijak had the opportunity to talk with Jean-Marc Dumas - SPE South, Central & East Europe Director. He answered the questions extensively and told us incredibly interesting things. Let's just proceed to the interview.

Maciej Górczak: We are on the last day of the Annual Students Energy Congress, what are your impressions about that event? Jean-Marc Dumas: I think it is a success. During these three days, I have found the same spirit with a lot of commitment from the organization team and the participants. I cannot say I have seen anything with such intensity and interest from the audience. I definitely think it's a great success, I felt pride from all participants and especially from all volunteers, to be members of a vivid, innovative and exciting scientific community.

[MG] What can you tell us about the quality of the presentations? You attended most of them. [JMD] It's extremely diversified, not only focused on one topic. In the opening session panel talk, we tackled green energy, oil companies’ business strategy, geopolitics, global perspective for the petroleum industry and future challenges, among others through the Digital Transformation. I don't know about any guidelines for participants, but it was very wide and covered many different aspects of our activity and fields of interest. It's really outstanding very good, the level of quality is satisfying – I do not see any misunderstandings or wrong assessment, nor a wrong statement. I feel safe about the upcoming years and these papers give also a very interesting picture of the potential talents that will enter the business soon. It [1] is always nice for people like me to come for student congress and just attending. This is not pain, this is a pleasure – I love being with youngsters, it's always a different vision compared

WINTER / 2017


When E&P meets digital Interview with Jean-Marc Dumas

with what we personally have performed during our career. [MG] How would you comment the discussion after INA's presentation about GROWWW internship program? [JMD] I personally discovered this program, and I found it very interesting, Josipa Marenic presentation was brilliant and the floor was captivated – as you have probably seen I made a post on LinkedIn about it. I think it's about two main dimensions: the good communication between the faculties, universities, and companies, but also the right commitment of the actors of the internship, mentors and trainees. The GROWWW program shows, sort of exchange of communication, benefits that are mutual. People like it when you have a clear job description. When they know what they can expect from you during an internship, and what student expects from the company. Unfortunately, I understood long time ago, that some of the internships, which were supposed to be specific jobs with clear project purpose, were not fulfilling the promise. Too often, the boss was just using the trainee to make some photocopies or nothing really prestigious or passionate. Now I feel that students exactly know what they expect from such internship. You have to provide something to the company and company has to provide you with something as well... If something’s wrong, the trainee should talk to the mentor and explain. By the way, this is one of the best mean to assess somebody before hiring him or her with a long term labor contract. When you’re the boss and you work closely with somebody, you try to challenge the trainee - this is not a vacation time, this is a commitment. The trainee has to demonstrate that he or she is committed to a future job. It’s the best time to convince your potential employer, even though it's also impossible to know everything about a new discipline or field of interest. As an example, looking at the Petrotournament today, some of the questions look very easy, for instance for seniors with a long experience, and when you're not yet in the business, some questions or topics may seem weird, very sophisticated or complicated! About Growww, well, the idea is excellent, great success with 700 trainees hired in MOL Group through the programme since 2007. This one year program is enough time for a potential employer to assess somebody and for the trainee to make sure he will fulfill his or her personality during a career in the Oil

& Gas E&P. My recommendation is to investigate as much different disciplines as possible, and maybe after six months or so, it’s becoming clear whether you’d like to be a reservoir engineer, or a driller, etc. So many ways to satisfy one’s passion... [MG] What are your expectations regarding upcoming EMW and PetroBowl in Krakow? [JMD] My expectations, first – meet people with a strong commitment, people with passions for knowledge, for E&P techniques and ready to share experiences. A student congress is also a good training to express himself on the floor. To be at ease when you address a paper or even ask questions during conferences, participate to contests, you have to train. Petrobowl or Paper Contests are good exercises. [MG] What can you say to our readers about digital transformation? How should students adapt to new trends in our industry? [JMD] As I said in my paper – it's inescapable. Companies without any digital transformation mindset will be probably spanned in medium-short life. I would say petroleum jobs are extremely technical – one can say high tech, and secondly worldwide. This last dimension which I feel is major, requires to be open minded, to be eager to learn in a cross-cultural working environment, for the benefit of both the companies and yourself. My motto: take your suitcase, go visit the world, sum up experiences and your life will be wonderful. I can tell you, my life was absolutely wonderful. I've visited so many countries and met so many different people from everywhere. The richness you get from that is unique, blossom throughout the world, probably one of the most important things to do in a life. world. Please take your suitcase, go visit the world. Sum up experiences and your life will be wonderful. I can tell you, my life was absolutely wonderful. I've visited so many countries and met so many different people from everywhere. The richness you get from that is unique, probably one of the most important things that we are doing. [MG] Thank You very much for that interview. [JMD] My pleasure, thank you.


WINTER / 2017



ew words about digital transformation in

G industry

Few words about digital transformation in O & G industry Maciej GĂłrczak This article is not just a basic information brochure about digitization. I would like to present it primarily to you, dear students, what are the challenges facing us to find ourselves in a constantly developing world. Since I became involved in the life of the industry and started attending conferences, I hear increasingly about the topic of digitalisation in our energy sector. Predominanly from people with high academic degrees, who have been working in the oil and gas industry for many years. Why?

After the crisis in 2014, when oil prices dropped by almost half, all industrial engineers and economists began to wonder how to reverse this process. At that time there was a global digitization that included all areas of human life, including energy management. Unfortunately - due to the well-refined hydrocarbon acquisition technology for years, the biggest giants of the market did not pay special attention to improving technology and going ahead of the digitization. O&G industry in the future and difficulties connected with digital transformation A lot of companies after 2014 started to cut jobs. Generally it was the fault of the crisis (and this is the normal way of things), but the automation of mining processes plays a significant role here. From year to year, machines are more independent and replace more and more human jobs on platforms and drilling rigs. According to the "The Future of Skills - Emplyment in 2030" published by Nesta, as much as 30% of the work done by people in the world will disappear. The main driver of these changes is the continuous technological progress and human striving to ensure a peaceful existence for

each individual. In addition, it is forecasted that the work of future engineers will mostly be based on cooperation with machines - this means they will need to have the ability to communicate with them. According to, the average oil engineer working in the industry is 43.6 years old (data for 2015). So we have older generations, directing the development of companies and being in managerial positions as well as young engineering staff who leave after graduation with a diploma and theoretical knowledge. As I mentioned before, the basic skill of the future engineer will be programming knowledge. The Gordian knot is based on the fact that the first group mentioned by me is not properly prepared for entering the IT world because of its age, while the other is not strictly related to IT studies, so it also bypasses it. Digital transformation and benefits within it In the report "Digital Transformation Initiative - Oil and Gas Industry " World Economic Forum describes the benefits of implementing technologies such as Big Data and analytics, Internet of Things, Wearable Technology, and our industry. By 2025, digitalization in our industry can bring up to $ 1.6 trillion of value. This can go further to $ 2.5 trillion when implemented correctly, and also has the potential to win over $ 1 revenue trillion to O & G companies, not to mention its environmental impacts - we could reduce CO2 emissions by 1,300 million tons, save about 800 million gallons of water and avoid oil spills equivalent to about 230,000 barrels of oil.


Macie G rc ak There are several trends related to progressive digitization and they are closely related to machine learning, internet of things, future cognitive computing and automation of all possible processes. Big Data and its analysis is a key topic nowadays - Modern offsshore drilling rigs have 80,000 sensors that generate even terabytes of measurement data per day. In addition, from year to year sensors become more accurate, and their cost is decreasing, which in combination with the ever-growing Internet of Things (IoT) technology will allow us to generate even more data. It has been known for a long time that the greatest power of man is his knowledge. By submitting these data to an analysis based on smart codes, we are able to gain improvement on all fields of activity of today's companies. Starting from increasing hole efficiency, by reducing downtime rigdays, reducing the number of equipment failures, increasing safety on drilling rigs, and generating completely new investment models. Currently, companies spend about $ 200 millions up to $ 400 millions for drilling one offshore well and only 20-25% of those wells are succesfull, because the decision to start drilling is based on a very limited set of information. Thanks to the introduction of cognitive computing into our industry (technology that is based on artificial intelligence and signal processing), which will analyze all the data of the holes made by the company, we will be able to significantly increase the percentage of openings that bring profits. Along with ongoing digitization, research in the field of robotics is progressing. In ten years, we can expect fully automated drilling rigs that will be remotely operated by engineers from remote operations centers (ROC). This will remove around 30,000 jobs on drilling rigs (with fly-in, fly-out employees) and create around 20,000 jobs at ROCs. Engineers within the ROCs will be able to optimize operations and prevent failures by leveraging advanced algorithms. For the industry it will mean around $ 220 billions of value.

Thinking digital Digitization has enormous potential, but we must make every effort to get the most of all the opportunities it gives us. For this to happen, all the biggest giants of O&G world must join their forces in a determined fight for technological progress. We should focus primarily on the mandatory training of digital techniques for seniors in this industry, because they really give away cards and without changing their thinking schemes, digitalization will never happen. The next points are the promotion of digital thinking among all employees, investing money in human capital (training in specialized programs and programming), and very important - reforming the databases of all companies. Harmonization and ordering of databases will lead to easier use of them in machine learning analyzes. Much can also give standardization of data types, which will allow us to exchange them and define a wise policy to protect these data. In summary, we live in an age where technology is a drive for progress. Both on the stock exchange and in business. The changes are clearly visible in the sector of renewable energy sources, where experts have been improving processes of both energy acquisition and storage for years. We must adapt to them as an industry as soon as possible, so carbohydrates can still be a strong competitors to renewable energy sources, especially while being more friendly to society. The industry will certainly be in great demand for specialized people who knows how to communicate with machines and who will be a creative driver of these changes. By joining forces together with experienced petroleum and IT engineers, we are able to remain competitive on the energy market.

WINTER / 2017

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