WE SEE ART AS A U N I V E R S A L H U M A N It is a feature of human species that expresses its uniqueness, a feature that en- C H A R A C T E R I S T I C . ables to think abstractly. Being human is creation which ignores political, economical, racial, sexual or other human differentiation and classification. We wanted to express this truth, so we have chosen a place which wasn’t considered to be artistic or linked to the art in any way. While creating the context artificially we have given this place a different meaning.
Thus we created the Art Embassy.This Embassy as a territory represents a universal human characteristic instead of a foreign country’s representative. Being in this territory, which does not belong to any political, cultural, historical or other classifications, we artificially discover a place meant just for a human being and his creation.
Art Embassy is everywhere,
where a piece of art is born.
AUGUST 7th, 2013 Today the first attempt to dig a trench along the east side wall of barn begins. Instead of planned 3 meters reconnaissance trench, 130x30x20 cm ditch was dug out. Soil strata uncovered (at the depth of about 13 cm gravel layer begins which is about 7 cm thick and next there’s a black soil underneath it). I decided to dig much deeper in the north side of the ditch in 60 cm section. Excavation revealed more fragments of ceramics. There were a lot of charcoal traces around the fragments. These ceramic fragments are broken and widely scattered. They are from various ceramic products and there is no connection between them. Fragments are from the thrown pots, the molding directions can be seen. Some fragments are decorated with glaze, traces of the ornaments are visible. Altogether, the ditch 53 cm deep was dug out today. Cultural layer contained pottery, bone and glass shards. Lots of charcoal traces.
AUGUST 8th, 2013 Summarizing yesterday, few fragments of ceramic products were discovered in the first trench. All these products were crushed at the same level. Trench Nr.1 cultural layer is about 30 cm. Next there’s a layer of sand with some charcoal traces in it which covers solid layer of clay. It’s possible to guess that Layer Nr.1 marks the time period when this homestead was abandoned (about 20 years ago). Following Layer Nr.2 is gravel (about 7 cm). Visible effort of trying to make entrance to the barn smoother. Next Layer Nr.3 consists of rubbish and other waste. Following Layer Nr.4 is sand which was probably transported from another place. Possibly it was used for construction works. I’m willing to make the new ditch in the north east side of the perimeter. This location became interesting after discovering few metal parts which are probably fragments from the same metal plate or metal box.
AUGUST 9th, 2013
AUGUST 12th, 2013
Need to work faster whereas not much time left. I tried to make the trench Nr.1 bigger and deeper but no results. The new trench Nr.2 which was dug out in the north east side of the perimeter comes out to be just a pile of simple stones covered by me- tal parts. 14 cm is black soil, next goes 25 cm layer of sand. Sand layer covers the solid layer of clay. Stones are dumped without any order. No special objects were found.

AUGUST 10th, 2013 
AUGUST 13th, 2013 AUGUST 11th, 2013 I’ve extended the test trench up to 220 cm. Discovered charred stake. Made another ditch along east-west direction. Found another just thicker charred stake.
Charred stakes were found. Soil of different color can be seen around them. While uncovering further layers, two rocks were found. Pieces of a pot were discovered (though the fragments were not related). It is questionable whether they belonged to the same pot. I try to uncover further layers carefully.
AUGUST 14th, 2013 I have made a long and narrow pit in the perimeter of a quarter of the fireplace. It turned out that every two centimetres there are layers of clay, divided by thin layers of sand. There are approximately 5 layers of clay in total. Strange. The fire in this fireplace was only set 5 times?
AUGUST 15th, 2013 An absolutely unexpected discovery! While sweeping alongside the eastern part of the fireplace I’ve discovered some metal. After some more sweeping I realised it must be a certain construction, and when it was fully uncovered it turned out to be a mouth harp – a musical instrument! There was nothing else around it.
AUGUST 16th, 2013 The unexpected discovery of the mouth harp has raised curiosity to dig further. But everything had to be done thoroughly! Layer after layer I am uncovering the area of the trench No.3. I would like to uncover the whole circle fast to understand eventually what I’ve discovered here. Together with my colleagues we were exploring the territory around us. In the meadow between the north side of the grange and the forest we have discovered more of these similar “circles“ of grass.
AUGUST 17th, 2013 We had to cancel the excavation because we must leave. We have photographed everything we could. Samples of the soil and all of the findings were taken for an expertise. All of the trenches were covered again after being accurately marked on the site plan. I really hope to come back. This place is peculiar.
A R T IS T S Rū t aL a pi e n y t ė Ge dv i l ėTa moš i ū n a i t ė Gr e t aVi l e i k y t ė Vy t a u t a sKa z i mi e r a sJ u oz ė n a s S t a n i s l ov a sMa r mok a s Vl a di s l a vNov i c k i
C U R A T O R S You n gPoorAr t i s t s
SU P P O R T E R S L i t h u a n i a nMi n i s t r yofCu l t u r e Vi l n i u sCi t yMu n i c i pa l i t y Ac a de myPu bl i s h i n gHou s e www.youngpoorartists.com/residency www.youngpoorartists.com/residency/artembassy/sound.mp3