Honors College Magazine, Spring 2016

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Issue 2

Youngstown State University Honors College Magazine

YSU First Rhodes Scholar, Ashley Orr! YSU Fourth public institution in the state of Ohio to have a student receive a Rhodes Scholarship.

“I am merely a product of those who surround me, and at YSU I have been surrounded by some of the very best.” Senator Chris Widener and Ashley Orr at the Statehouse in Columbus on December 9

The Road Taken by a YSU Student to a Rhodes Dr. Stephen Gage, Director of Bands in the College of Creative Arts and Communication, stopped me in the Rec a few weeks ago to congratulate me for being chosen as a Rhodes Scholar. Being the wonderful man he is, he gave me a hug and told me how proud YSU is of me. He also went on to explain that he believes YSU Honors has had many other students deserving of national and international scholarships and that he thinks they just have not applied in the past. I couldn’t agree more, Dr. Gage.

Each year the directors of YSU Honors make calls for YSU students interested in the national scholarship applications. There are a wide variety of national scholarships, including the Goldwater, Rhodes, Truman, and Marshall. The newly established National Scholarship Committee through the Honors College is dedicated to supporting students through the application and interview process. The applications require a lot of time, work, and reflection from the applicant.

Personally, with each scholarship I applied for I promised myself I would turn it in far before the deadline. Having worked with me for nearly four years, I am sure Dr. Amy Cossentino and Dr. Ron Shaklee both laughed after I told them this. I worked on my applications for the Rhodes scholarship and the Marshall Scholarship diligently for several months and yet somehow I

by Ashley Orr

didn’t submit either until the very last day the applications were due.

A mentor at the Federal Reserve Bank in Cleveland had encouraged me to apply for the scholarships, and in a meeting a few days before I left for the London School of Economics he asked, “Are you applying to win, or are you applying for the experience of applying?” I answered honestly that I was applying for the journey and the process (however, winning the Rhodes has been great)! In my applications, I wrote about my leadership in Student Government and with Honors, reflected on why I am service driven, contemplated options for future research, and dreamt of a career where my work makes great impacts on the poor across the world. This was an amazing journey. Even without winning a national scholarship, I would argue that an applicant gains from the experience. For that reason alone, I encourage other YSU Honors students to apply, to be challenged, and to grow.

Just a few nights ago I was talking to someone who didn’t know me, and I was asked where I was going for graduate school. Replying “the University of Oxford” can be quite shocking socially, and personally it is still hard for me to believe as I say it. I am so incredibly honored to be YSU’s first Rhodes Scholar and am excited to expand my network of academically driven peers. The Rhodes Scholarship was developed by Cecil Rhodes in 1902, and each year over 88 students

are selected internationally to complete graduate work at the University of Oxford. Thirty-two of these Rhodes Scholars are from the U.S., and all Rhodes Scholars receive funding for two to three years. I intend to complete what is equivalent of a doctorate in economics.

I am very passionate about what I intend to research at Oxford and am excited about the potential to work with the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative, a research group that works with the United Nations on their poverty reduction Sustainable Development goal. However, that is not what I want my peers, friends, and potential YSU Honors students to take away from my being named a Rhodes Scholar. Rather, I hope that my success motivates other students to apply for national scholarships (yes, it is worth all the extra work and time). As YSU is only the fourth public university in the state to have a student named a Rhodes Scholar, it is a definite testament to the quality of education and opportunities for students at YSU and within the Honors College. Personally, I would like to thank each and every YSU peer, alum, faculty, and staff member that has aided in my development. I am so grateful to represent you at one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the world. I am merely a product of those who surround me, and at YSU I have been surrounded by some of the very best.

Table of Contents LSAT Preparation Airplanes & Additive Internship after First Year Making a Difference National Collegiate Honors Council Conference Experience of a Lifetime Summer Medical/dental Program Prague

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Brother & Sister Entrepreneur Up North: Exploring Business & Arts Multiple Exposures Abandoned Angels Fall Festival Inner City Gardens Penguin Pen Pals Scholar Wars Talent Show

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Weekend Waddles First HC Retreat Expanding Honors Quiz Bowl

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Honors College Magazine, Spring 2016 by Youngstown State University - Issuu