Vol. 36, Issue 43, APRIL 27, 2017
AMARILLO, Balko OK, Booker, Borger, Boys Ranch, Cactus/Etter, Canadian, Canyon, Channing, Childress, Clarendon, Claude, Conway, Dalhart, Dimmitt, Dumas, Farnsworth, Fritch, Goodwell OK, Groom, Gruver, Guymon OK, Happy, Hart, Hartley, Hedley, Hereford, Hooker OK, Kress, Memphis, Miami, Optima OK, Pampa, Panhandle, Perryton, Plainview, Shamrock, Skellytown, Spearman, Stinnett, Stratford, Sunray, Texhoma OK, Tulia, Tyrone OK, Turpin OK, Vega, Valle De Oro, Wellington, Wheeler, White Deer
Audited By:
le armrest, U1 sealed battery, wide seat, more. Used 1 month. $2000. Silverglide RH chair lift for stairs, $500. 806 336-5931.
Come By Our Office For Your
GARAGE SALE SIGNS 806-376-8663 1612 S. Washington Amarillo, TX
2014 KTM 125SX
220 VOLT clothes Dirt bike for sale. Excellent condition. New top and dryer, $125. 806 463bottom end plus more. 4340. Race ready- Too much to 2009 SUZUKI list. Always garaged. Asking LTZ400 QUAD $4000. 806 282-4577. ( 4 wheeler ) for sale. SIDE-BY-SIDE Excellent condition. REFRIGERATOR Very low hours, always White, Hotpoint brand, older garaged. Asking $3750. but still works good. $150 806 282-4577. OBO cash only please. 806 2014 KTM 125SX 282-4577. Dirt bike for sale. Excellent HOME POKER! Pot condition. New top and Limit $50 buy in. Friday bottom end plus more. evenings. 806 374-7784. Race ready- Too much to list. Always garaged. Asking WANT TO BUY $3950. 806 282-4577. Used rear tire for Ford 1940 PACKARD tractor, 13.6x28. Call 1TOURING SEDAN 214-543-9639. Late model running “KJV” MARK gear. Make offer or trade 16:16 for handicap van. 806 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, 654-3611.
but he that believeth not 9MM AMERICAN shall be damned. RUGER BARETTA PX-4 Storm (2) 17 round clips, 450 .40 cal. 500+ rds. ammo. rounds, laser sight, holster, $550. 806 231-2395. NIB. 806 290-8872.
Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. — Romans 12:11 #dailyverse