Thank you Anne, from autistic people and their families

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Thank you Anne, from autistic people and their families

Dear Anne, Along with thousands of autistic people and their families, we at the National Autistic Society have loved seeing you in the I’m a Celebrity jungle. We know the jungle is supposed to be a challenge for everyone, but you have shown amazing courage, because the experience could be much more intense for you or any autistic person. Your campmates have been brilliant and supportive. They’re great role models for the whole nation in how to support and understand autistic people – and appreciate their strengths. This has been a big moment for autism and autistic people. We’re seeing an increase in enquiries to our helpline about diagnosis and in people visiting our website – so many that it crashed temporarily when you entered the jungle and began talking about autism. You should be incredibly proud of what you have achieved. By talking about your diagnosis so openly, you’ve got your campmates and the public to understand a lot more about autism. You have shown grit, determination and become an inspiration for many. Wishing you a massive congratulations from everyone at our charity.

Mark Lever

Chief Executive of the National Autistic Society

The letter that started it all...

To Anne, My name is Joseph Hughes and I am 11. I live in Preston, Lancashire and I go to a specialist school. I was diagnosed with autism when I was 5. I like to watch you on the Chase and now I have been watching you in the jungle. I think you are very brave for going in the jungle, I couldn’t go there because there are too many bugs. You are very clever. Sometimes people are mean to me because I am autistic but watching you makes me see that other people can have autism too and maybe I can have a cool job like you when I am older. Do you like Thunderbirds? I love them, my favourite is Thunderbird 2. I have drawn you a picture, I hope you like it. Good luck in the jungle, I hope you win. Love from, Joseph

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Thank you Anne for showing my 21 yr old son the his Autism should never hold him back. You are such an inspiration to those that struggle with simple tasks on a daily basis. I salute!! Thankyou for also for helping Autism be formost in peoples minds. It has been a struggle to get people to understand my boy but, hopefully now some will. Congrats on your acheivments lovely you have done well xxx Angel Dear Anne, You have done a very good job, you are raising the profile, of Autism, Autism in Adults and Female Autism. Thankyou so much. Charlotte Eades-Willis Dear Anne, Firstly congratulations for doing so well in I’m a celebrity. We have watched you religiously and routed for you all the way. I don’t know if you’re aware of how much of an inspiration you are. My son is 17 and feels very much like you did, the outsider, the odd one etc. But being watching you be a chaser and now I’m a celeb, he has seen, that being different is ok and don’t let it stop you, that challenging yourself and stepping out of your comfort zone is sometimes good for you. You now are the hero of an awful lot of autistic children and adults, a fabulous role model. We are forever more Team Anne. Much love Trish Lawson You are a true inspiration to myself and my 2 sons, go you! Was fun to watch and you’re a star ! One of my heroes xxx Kate

Thankyou for bringing such a positive human face to a diagnosis of “Autism”, my 22 year old son has PDA and we really appreciate that you are increasing awareness and understanding of people with ASD. Caroline Mackenzie You have done so much to raise awareness of autism especially in relation to older autistic people like me. Big well done for taking part in I’m a Celebrity. Debbie Allan Anne you are very brave going in to the jungle and doing all of the things you have done! My 3 year old daughter has autism she struggles massively with change so to see you deal with everything how you have is amazing thank you for doing it! Sarah Anne. You have made me chuckle for years on the Chase with your ruthlessly cold humour, and now, since you’ve been on I’m a Celebrity, I have seen you as such a kind empathetic and, as I always knew, wickedly funny individual. You are such an inspiration to me, as a fellow Aspie and so many other people with ASD. The message that you present to society- that Autistic people can make a huge positive impact on the world- has inspired me in my work with autistic children and I am always sure to remind them what they are capable of. Thank you so much for making Autism more acknowledged and accepted throughout the world. Joseph Lowe

Dear Anne, You are a inspiration for all. Our son Tyler is 8 years old and has ASD, He has a 2 year old sister named Thea. You have helped us as a family to understand our son better. Tyler loves Lego star wars, is fascinated in how everything works and he wants to be a engineer when he grows up. He told us he wants to build his very own space rocket and a death star We have always supported his dreams of becoming an engineer, but we also worry that he may not make it or live a happy life, especially when he struggles with school. You have shown us that it is possible for him to be happy and reach his goals. Thank you The Sayer Family

Hello Anne like you I was diagnosed age 45 It is very hard living 45 years not fitting in. so sending love to you. What made you want to go in the jungle? ANON Hi Anne, you are an Inspiration to me.coping like you have in the jungle is amazing.talking so openly about autism and how it affects you has made me so happy.people are talking about it and hopefully widening their knowledge.please please keep talking about have represented autistic women beautifully.i have loved watching you and listening to are a clever and kind woman and I would love to be more like you. Thank you for being you.x Diana Barnard

Anne, as a fellow aspie warrior I want to thank you for all you’ve done on raising autism awareness. You are an inspiration to me and others who see the world from our very unique perspective. Your participation in “I’m a Celebrity” has shown just how strong and driven one can be to push their boundaries and face not only their fears, but things that cause overwhelming anxiety in line with autism. You should be incredibly proud of yourself. Gary Swinn Recently diagnosed & have related so much to many of the things you have said - thank you so much for being so open & raising awareness - it’s helping my family to understand me - finally! Heidi

Anne you are an inspiration I’m the mother to a 20 year old a 10 year old and on the autistic spectrum a carer to a 16 year old with Autism and have a 7 year old undergoing the assessment process I also am a student at university studying Autism. You have raised awareness on a whole new level and that’s absolutely amazing. Be very proud of who you are. Win or lose your always going to be a winner in my family’s eyes. Angela Carey Well done Anne I have a son on the autism spectrum and loves seeing you on the telly. All I will say is well done Anne and you are inspiration to all adults and children who have either autism and aspergers and you have proved to everyone that out of you comfort zone it can be done you should be so pleased with why you have achieved Anne and well done xx Lucy Realls

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Dear Anne, I am writing to say how very impressed I am with your amazing accomplishments in the jungle! I am a support worker for adults with learning disabilities and we have watched and been inspired by your strength and courage! I also have a grandson with Aspergers and if he is able to achieve as much as you I will be the proudest grandma ever! Good luck and we are all routing for Team Anne! Mandy Geal You’ve inspired me to tell people about my recent assessment results, I know feel I can be me with people. Thank you Susan I have a granson with what ann has and he is doing so great but u ann are letting him know he can do lots more well done to u. ANON It’s nice to see a women on tely with ASD. I can relate to you and it makes me feel happy and not alone. I love watching your trials and wonder how you can cope with all those moving bugs on you. You are informing people about ASD everyone loves you. I hope someday I can be as clever as you and sit with people to have conversations like you. Katie Mummery

Thank you for showing everyone the different aspects of autism. There fear and the bravery. X Jeannette Sims Thank you for raising awarness for autism I have autism too I couldn’t have done what you have done in the jungle I’m too scared off bugs and I would hate to drink fish eyes you have done an amazing job Melanie Anne I think you have been amazing .. my son is autistic and makes me feel so happy to show your strength and determination. A huge inspiration xxx Amelia I am mum to a 23 year old Autistic man and we both find you an inspiration well done Anne.. for not only going into the jungle but for being open about your Autism and struggles.. you are an amazing lady... lots and lots of love xxxxxx Sammie Bushell Anne, you are doing brilliantly and having an autistic son into how hard it is to push your self to do things especially when anxiety levels are high. ANON

Anne I just want to say that if any of my autistic children can have even an ounce of the confidence and strength you have shown then it’s restored my faith that we can do this. Much love and keep going x Lesley McLellan

Currently awaiting my 6 year old daughters ASD assessment.... but watching you just gives me such encouragement to know that she will be amazing in adulthood, just as you are. Serious Anne you have been amazing and such an inspiration Christine Baker

Thank Anne. You were amazing!! You started the conversation about autism and how it effect everyone of us in our lives. Our children both are diagnosed ASD and loving Celebrity, they have been so inspired by your courage and knowing your own boundaries and are able to speak out and talk about your worries anxieties and may limits to sensory issuses in a way where people are listening and you are educating people. Annie you have an amazing kind, honest and beautiful personailty. Keep shining you star!! Jen, Colin, Emily and Matthew

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Dear Anne, Like yourself I was diagnosed with Aspergers only I was diagnosed when I was only a child. Since then I have tried to live a fulfilled life which I had the ambition of becoming a qualified secondary school teacher. Unfortunately during my PGCE year for whatever reason I had a terrible tutor who didnt understand my different ways of learning. She often harshly criticised me, humiliated and degraded me in front of my class peers and blamed me for the breakdown in our working relationship during my time at that university. I made a formal complaint to the University but they were reluctant to listen to what I had to say and made reference that I had ‘misinterpreted’ my tutors bullying behaviour. I had also recieved copies of statements from other academic tutors stating I was ‘rude’ ‘aggressive’ and lacked the ability to accept criticism and take responsibility for my own actions. Since then I have began my studies for a masters in Psychology at a different university. So far it’s going well and all the academic staff have been wonderful in giving me the confidence and self esteem that had been destroyed from my previous experience. I am also in the process of setting up a university led autistic society to provide peer support so that students would not have to go through the same experiences of personal persecution that I went through as a PGCE student. Although I am not a regular viewer of the show, your openness and honesty about how you feel being the person you are is an inspiration to me when for so long I’ve hidden in the shadows too afraid to show the world who I truly am. I hope you win the show not because you have aspergers, but because you deserve to win through your strength, courage and determination to not let something you have define you as an individual. It is something my mother has taught me all of my life. I wish you all the very best. Liam

Anne you are amazing, you are an inspiration for everyone. Tara Thank you Anne for your strength and courage you have been amazing in the jungle. I really hope people will have a better understanding of autism. Your are a ambassador and most of all you are you. Unique.

I admire you for over coming so many obstacles during your time in the jungle . You re an inspiration to so many Well done Neville Southall Hi anne i am a big fan and glad your spreading the love of autism i have recently just been told i have autism i am proud to say that its no shame thank u anne

Julie Best

Mark Cording

Thank you so much Anne for being such a fantastic ambassador for autism. I know you will be wondering what all the fuss is about but believe me when I say that you have been funny, kind, accommodating and shown neurotypicals that, with a little bit of tolerance and understanding people with autism are so often a joy to be around. You’ve made me laugh and cry (at the way you have bravely tried the challenges and adapted to fit in with the group) and been a great member of the jungle family.

My adopted daughter age 12 is autistic, she watches you on the chase, and tells Bradley off when he calls you frosty knickers, you really are a inspiration to every autistic adult and child, well done Anne xx

Liz You have shown that people with Autism can do things in their life . You have achieved a lot well done xx Jean Hi Ann.

Julie Dear Anne, Thank you for being such an inspiration. It has been incredible to watch you on I’m A Celebrity and see how much you’ve overcome. I also have autism, so I am deeply grateful for you raising awareness about its different characteristics and helping people understand more about it. I am a big fan of The Chase, so hopefully one day I can be a contestant and meet you in person. Natalie

I was diagnosed the day after my 44th birthday, 5 years ago. A lot of what you said about yourself is exactly me and you’ve explained it in a way I have never been able to. Thank you. Sharon

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Ann such an inspiration the world is no longer gonna be a scary place for my autistic son to find thank you so much. Shows there is a life autistic people can lead ANON Hi Anne, I have a 9yr old daughter who was diagnosed with autism at 7. She is very reclusive and loves her own company. I can’t tell you how much you have inspired us all! To see all you have achieved has given Luna hope and understanding that it’s perfectly ok not to be like everyone else! Thank you Anne! You are an amazing kind and powerful human being xxx Katie Knights

Hello Anne, just want to say watching you on TV, and participate in the jungle, has been truly inspirational. Your a kind, friendly and wonderful person. I admire the strength determination, you had to win star’s and take on the trials in the jungle. It’s great to see you have made loads of new friends. You have had a incredible journey, I never knew you have Autism. Your very brave to speak about it, I am 29 years old I have Aspergers and slightly have OCD, but it has much improved. I just want to finally say your a inspiration to me and many others. Your family and friends will be so proud. Good luck enjoy yourself and I hope the Governess wins, and your the new queen of the jungle. Have a lovely xmas and a happy new year. Love, Mark and Family. X :) Mark

You are my son, Jakes favourite chaser, Jake is autistic. I don’t think you realise how much you have done for autism awareness by facing these challenges. You are an inspiration to all. Keep inspiring Jake and everyone. We love you! Rich, Zoe, Liam and Jake x Richard I’ve recently been diagnosed with an autistic spectrum condition at the age of 32 and I want to thank you for bringing autism into the light, especially as a condition which affects adults as well as children. You’re such an inspiration to me! Thank You because Autism is now being understood and accepted by so many more people, because of you! Before I was diagnosed, I was perceived to just be difficult and rude which isn’t how I am at all! Lisa Cham

Anne, what you’ve done to raise awareness about autism, to explain the issues that you and other autistic people experience, and to face the sensory onslaught of the jungle has been amazing! Bit by bit, these moments make it easier for families like mine to feel like our loved ones are understood and respected for who they are. That means the world, so thank you. Tim Nicholls Hi Anne, congratulations on making it through the jungle... It has been fantastic to see you doing so well. And thank you for showing the world that people with autism can achieve anything. GOOD LUCK Theresa and family

This was my fb status when you first went in – Love that Anne in I’m a celebrity has told the world about Aspergers. This is Justin’s autism and people don’t understand him when he is he speaks out of turn, makes silly comments, does silly things. He is highly intelligent with the biggest heart and I hope one day people will look past the stigma, the quirky acts and see that there is a caring human being who just wants to be accepted into society Thank you Anne for showing its ok to be who you are #autismawareness Kate

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Hi Anne, I don’t have Autism but I do have a lot of health problems and struggle everyday,but you are such an amazing lady,you have been such an inspiration out there in the Im a Celebrity jungle and I am so extremely proud of how well you have handle it. I love watching you on the Chase so you were one of my favourites before you even went in there,I was over the moon when I found out that week you were definitely going to be going in.when we watched the 1st episode and I seen how emotional you got I started crying with you because I could see how much you were struggling and just really wanted to give you a massive hug and so did my 21 year old daughter too who actually didn’t really know who you were but she instantly felt for you and took a liken to you,I explained to her what you were struggling with and how being in there was going to be so much tougher for you.That night I was really worried for you and I tweeted itv and I’m a celebrity a few times telling they better look after you and I kept asking them how you were and I was actually worried by the next night you wouldn’t be in there anymore but to my surprise you were and I was over the moon but also still very worried.I also thought when I seen how much the other camp mates were helping you was absolutely amazing,Rita,Emily and Fleur were amazing with you. The next night the public desperately voted for you to do the trial so that you could win and get into the nice camp not realising how horrible the trial would be for you and not realising how bad sensory issues can be for somebody with autism,therefore not realising that when the slime and bugs would fall on you that it would be so bad for you but the public didn’t mean any harm they just really wanted you out of that horrible camp and off the floor onto a better bed bless us. Anyway it was only another day and the 2 camps joined together and bless him nick I think gave you his bed,or maybe John I’m not 100% sure of that.I do know nick gave you his pillow and seems to have been a great support for you along with the girls. Anyway Anne it has been brilliant to see you get stronger and stronger and open up more and more to the girls,I loved it when you went and sat down with them near the water and also went for a swim,I would of liked to have seen that more because it was lovely to see you all bonding more.Eee And I can’t forget your loud pumps can I Anne they were very funny,something everyone does god u want hear mine lol,these people that say they don’t are lying for defo lol. Thank you ever so much for being such an amazing,inspirational,entertaining woman who has made me evaluate my life a lot because as I said I have a lot of health problems like multiple sclerosis among other things and suffer depression and anxiety due childhood abuse and you have made me realise that I shouldn’t let anything stand in my way to do anything I want to do. I know your on Twitter if you ever see me or want to add me or chat to me lol my twitter account is @clairethehair36 Thank you Anne Lots of love Claire Wildsmith

I haven’t been able to watch I’m a celeb but I read about your story on Twitter and I just want to say thank you for being an inspiration to people with autism and thank you for raising awareness and educating neurotypicals on autism and how it can affect people. I was recently diagnosed with autism too and I’m definitely not as intelligent as you but you’ve helped prove to many people around me that autism doesn’t affect a person’s intelligence. Thank you so much for going into the jungle, we’re all proud of you.

Hi Anne!



Would like to say what a huge inspiration you are and truly amazing, what you are coping with with can’t explain I hope one day my son who is 7 with autism and complex needs will be able grown into a beautiful young man that will be able to achieve anything

Well done Anne, your amazing and should be very very proud of what you have achieved, both for yourself and the awareness you are raising about Autism, people all over are now getting a true picture of Autism and what it’s like to live with everyday, as a mother of 2 kids on the spectrum thank you very much


Just wanted to say a massive congratulations on everything you’ve achieved in I’m a Celebrity - you’ve helped open the eyes and minds of the nation and help the go someway to understanding what autistic people go through on a daily basis. You absolutely smashed the tasks and were one of my favourite campmates of all time. You helped show that enviornments like the jungle aren’t easy - so thank you. Best of luck with everything in the future!

Gayle Mclellan

Hi Anne, Apologies for the anonymous message, but you’ll understand the difficulties we face in “coming out” as autistic women. You are changing that, and I want to say thank you. AD \@AutisticDoctor Anne you have helped enormously to explain about autism by appearing in I’m a celebrity. Many of those with autism including my son, have had to endure ridicule but the way your fellow contestants have treated you just might show others the way they should behave. Thank you for being brave enough to continue regardless of how you feel.

Anne you really are an inspiration to us all. My 8yr old grandson is autistic and I know with him certain things and situations make him very anxious and he can’t cope but with all the love and care he has from us all he can conquer anything. He loves watching The Chase and The jungle. You are already Queen of the jungle Anne keep up with it your doing great so so proud of you Well Done xxx Julie Ward Well done Anne! you are such an inspiration! Sarah


Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Dear anne watching you on celeb has been so inspirational to others like yourself, It has been wonderful seeing you cope with the horrible tasks, i hope you win,good luck, Merry xmas &best wishes for 2019,see you back on the chase..xx Sandie Anne you have been a true inspiration to me - as an adult who does struggle with his own autism - you have shown me it is possible to be part of society - you will always be my winner Bicky Congratulations Anne for the being an unintentional ambassador for the community. It is always a good thing to see positive and hopeful representations of people living with autism. Thank you for the learning. My nephew is autistic. A lovely young man with a beautiful personality. It was a joy to learn more about living day to day from the experiences that you have shared. Many thanks Sharon I’m so glad you went in the jungle, I’m also autistic and it’s helped my family and friends understand me more. It also highlights the fact that autism isn’t just a male thing, so many women are undiagnosed. I love that you challenged yourself!! Sophie A

As a late diagnosed autistic adult, seeing the way you managed to fit in in the camp and the acceptance and love you got from your camp mates, has made me much more confident about being open about who I am. I feel like the world understands us a lot more than it did a couple of weeks ago. Thank you. Patrick It must have been A difficult decision to do this. But thank you so much. For my 9 year old son to see you on TV and all the fears you overcame was inspirational for him. I watched his expression when you said for the first time you were autistic. His eyes lit up and I think all of a sudden he realised he wasn’t the only one. He suffers with severe anxiety and just to see you on TV talking so openly about autism has made him proud to talk about it too. You have also shown how later on in life you can succeed. Something else that I think he has really taken on board. We are going through a difficult time at the moment, but have so enjoyed watching you and getting autism talked about. Well done Anne, you are awesome! Amanda Hughes You went in the jungle a chaser and came out a surpassed what many people,including yourself, thought you would achieve. Congratulations Anne Ian Clarke Anne you have done absolutely amazing! I can’t imagine how tough that was for you but a massive well done. Thankyou for raising awareness and showing people that you can still kick ass no matter what! lots of love x Sarah

Dear Anne, When my son was diagnosed with autism, I struggled, despite understanding what was happening and having everything in place, I still struggled. Absolutely everything went through my mind, could they have got this wrong? Why my son? Did i do anything wrong? Is this my fault? It was a pretty awful time and physically seeing the anxiety in a 4 yr olds eyes is horrendous and heartbreaking. We had a fight getting him into specialist school which he eventually got into and began to thrive! Recently because of school funding cuts his class expanded to 8 children and despite my son not wanting these children to go anywhere else, he couldn’t understand why he was so angry at them. He’s really struggled since the summer holidays were over. Recently he has been trying really hard, more so after seeing how brave you are. He is 9 and amazing with his 1 year old sister and has the most impeccable manners (the teachers tell me). Watching you on I’m a celebrity gives me hope that he can do things and be who he wants to be. He watched your eating and drinking trial and said how amazing you are because he couldn’t stand to have all that horrible stuff over him and smell those horrid smells. He now has dreams to be as brave as you and has been working so much harder at school to be who he wants to be....’a builder who builds things for people with wheelchairs’ as he puts it hahaha. My son is my hero, I watch his daily battles and think wow you amaze me at how strong you can be. Everything I do is because of him, running 2 half marathons despite not liking running. Doing a degree and showing him that with a little hard work you can be who you want to be. You have been truly amazing to watch and trying so hard to give everything a go, that could not have been easy at all. You have over come things and battled through and become our family’s hero. You have been truly amazing Ella Fitzgerald Anne it has been wonderful watching you in the Jungle, I hope others who have a ASD have been encouraged by your strength and determination throughout your jungle experience which for you was sometimes extremely challenging but no the less you stuck at it. You have helped raise so much awareness of Autism and the challenges that people face daily with it. A massive thank you for that. I am a Carer to two young people who have two very different variations of An ASD and two brothers who are also on the spectrum. You have inspired so many people to do what they want to do dispute of what difficulties they may face daily! Nothing is impossible when you set your mind to it. Sam Gretton

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Anne, wow what a inspiration you are. my son has loved watching you and for the first time ever ive heard him proudly announce he has autism like he realises its okay now.also watching you and listening to you Ive realised my 2 children with autism may have inherited it from me !ive struggled through life and continue to do so but realise now why that maybe,im 43.much love to you and never ever feel not good enough!! Carole You’ve done great such an inspiration to people with autism in their lives xx We have watched her every night Ann has inspired us as a family living with autism xx ANON

Hi Anne I work for the NHS and on 12th Dec I am hosting a Careers Fair for Autistic students across Merseyside and Cheshire. Your presence on the show has done so much for Autism Awareness so thank you and well done, you’ve been a fantastic contestant! Victoria Reynolds Your an absolute legend just for stepping out your comfort zone and into that jungle I certainly couldn’t do it. My son is autistic and hates any sort of change in his routine. Well done for everything you’ve achieved in there so far it’s helping spread the understanding and awareness of autism which is much needed Lucy Parsons

Anne is such an inspirational figure. As a mum of an autistic child. I can feel confused and misunderstood. Anne gives out the signal that being austistic is just acting and thinking differently but won’t rude out to be so charming and lovable. Love you so much Anne. Sophie Wong

Anne hasn’t just helped autism awareness, she’s done so much for autism acceptance. She’s changed a nation’s perception of autistic people in a few short weeks. Who we are, what our strengths are and that we can cope with our weaknesses if we have support from the people around us. Gaun yersel Anne.

My name is Shirl. I have just been diagnosed with Autism/ Aspergers at the age of 55. You are great inspiration. Life has and is difficult and you have opened the door to give others an insight to what is like being Autistic. Thank you Shirl

Jill Rattray Hi Anne, You have been such an inspiration, you are a lovely, amazing lady. Well done. Wendy Purver

As an autistic woman you have done wonders for raising awareness in women and adults. The bravery you have shown going in there despite anxiety, sensory issues and unfamiliar surroundings is remarkable. I can relate to you so much and I am glad that you are spreading such a positive message about autism just like I do with my asd son to tell people you can still achieve anything you want to despite autism... Annemarie

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Hi Anne! Seeing you on the show has been amazing. I’m autistic too and I can relate to a lot of things you experience in day to day life. You’ve done such a brilliant job spreading awareness and acceptance for autistic people. I’m so proud of you for going into the jungle, it must have been incredibly challenging but you pushed through! You have been a massive inspiration to me, you’ve shown me that I can do anything I want to do if I believe in myself.

You may not remember me. You were the Chaser I faced when we filmed an episode of The Chase in November 2012 (the episode was broadcast in May 2013) We lost badly to you. You very kindly praised me for being brave. You’re the brave one. I’m glad you’re open about being autistic and a lot of good is being done by you. Keep it up for the next generation. Simon Stiel

Keely Roberts Dear Anne Thank you. In raising public awareness of autism in its natural unfiltered light. You as you yourself. you have shown what can be achieved in spite of immense sensory issues and so much more i could relate to do many of your facial expressions when it cane to conversation. You have shown me personally thats okay to say no when you’re at a limit rather than push through it like so many do and that its a sign of strength. Thank you. Keep being you. Rosie Pook You are a beautiful person inside and out your showing the world autistic people can do it and can achieve in life you are also a voice for national autistic society as you are promoting the challenges the high and lows of autism Leanne Wightman Anne you are a super star you are an inspiration to me because I have autism and love Doctor Who you are an amazing, smart, caring person keep being amazing and never change for nobody Ellie

Anne you are so amazingly brave. You have been awesome for a neurotypical but you have succeeded way beyond that when Autism is added to the equation. My daughter has autism and we watched you struggling with being overwhelmed and your fears, we were willing you on in every moment and you delivered every time! We are beyond proud of you for the human you are and grateful for how you have raised awareness and understanding of autism. My daughter sobbed like a baby over the pillow. She knew exactly how much that would mean to you. Thank you for being you! Thank you for being so brave! Thank you for helping both my child (she’s 23 lol) and I! I don’t have words for the love and respect we feel for you!!!!!! Chantelle

My daughter is 10 years old and over the past couple of years has been so depressed due to how autism affects her. She won’t go to school, has given up everything she loves and has become increasingly aggressive in her behaviour! Seeing Anne on I’m a celebrity has had a huge impact on her and she has become a number one supporter. Before Anne even mentioned she was autistic, Sophie said she felt a connection with her because she seemed to be like her. When those words “I have autism” left Anne’s mouth, Sophie smiled...for the first time in over 2 months. Sophie has since been attending school (not doing any work), but the fact she is going is down to seeing Anne simply try! Anne has changed the way the world looks at autism and especially in females, as they present so different to males! Anne if you read this...I know you have overcome so many things, and have more than likely felt lost in your time in the jungle. But the impact you have made on the outside is amazing! I feel like with out you appearing on the show, my daughter would still be contemplating death over reality! Thanks you! Nikki Rowney Anne, you are an inspiration. Watching your explanation of how you process your thoughts in the jungle has really helped a close friend of mine understand her little boys autism so much better. It’s been hard to watch you struggle in there, but you are doing so much good and you don’t even know it. Thank you, Anne x Lauren

I recently wrote an article about being an autistic young woman in The Psychologist. I have been feeling really uneasy about going “public” about my autism, and worried people would judge me negatively. But hearing you talk about your autism in the jungle has made me feel less alone and even proud to have spoken out about it. I think you are great! Eloise Stark Having worked with autistic women to develop an online programme that is about peer information and inspiration. It feels to me that you are the epitome of both. Congratulations and thank you for all you have achieved Charlene Tait Anne you’ve helped my 20 y o daughter with Aspergers identify and find a positive role model thank you don’t stop being your Ausome self! Neal family from Nottingham You are an absolute legend. You are inspiring to not only those who face challenging times like yourself but everyone. Always be you :) Ally and Emma I truly hope you see what we see - a courageous woman outside her comfort zone yet ‘smashing it’ every day. Well done Anne - an inspiration to us all xx Katie

Good on you!!! Sarah

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Well done you beautiful lady, proud of you for all what you have done by going into I’m a celebrity, and not knowing all of the awareness that has been made, without you deserve to win, but if not, you are the winner in so many ways..... God bless you x Mandy Pagington

Hello Anne It’s been fabulous watching you talk openly about Autism and how it affects you, you have been an inspiration making people aware of it and got people talking and hopefully understanding more about autism, well done for being in the jungle ! You are one brave brilliant lady. Ilona Hart

I have a son who is 10 and has so many fears and suffers from severe anxiety and seeing you on tele has been such an inspiration and eye opener not only for him but for all of us. Thanking you for showing that anything is possible and that these obstacles can be overcome. You have done incredibly well and it’s been a pleasure watching you!

Thankyou for your courage, bravery and honesty. You have shown my children how much you can achieve if you believe in yourself and that it is OK to be you. Wishing you all the best in whatever you choose to do next Janet Liptrot

Cindy Addison Anne Hegarty you are truly amazing - thank you for raising awareness - much love Sally-anne Anne, my daughter is 22 and has just been diagnosed with Aspergers, after being dismissed by a psychologist at 14 because she is intelligent! Thank you for raising awareness of autism in women and girls which so many times is overlooked x Christine Yeo Hello Anne , I am Cory I am 12 years old and have Autism.I have been watching you in the jungle and I have had a tough time at school , you have helped me try my best. Thank you. Cory

Hi Anne. Seeing you on I’m a celebrity has been such an inspiration. I am the mum of an autistic 3 year old with severe sensory issues and all I could think when I saw the first episode was how proud of him I would be if he were in your shoes, and how proud I am of you for stepping out of your comfort zone and challenging yourself. You have done an amazing job of showing the compassionate, sensitive, “normal” side of autism that people don’t see very regularly and opened the world’s eyes. You have done amazing in all of the trials, you’re my winner Hollie, mum of 2 My daughter Willow wants to say how brave Anne is and that she gives her hope as an autistic girl that she can face her fears and succeed no matter what others say. ANON

Anne you are an amazing & lovely person. You have overcome so many challenges by just being in an unfamiliar place but you have pushed yourself with the horrible trials. I have 3 teenage children all with autism & they have been watching you & they all love you. As a parent it can be difficult finding people to inspire my children but over the past few weeks you have shown my children & many others that they can achieve anything. Massive ‘Well Done’ to you Anne. Me & my family have a lot of love for you Colette Hi my name is Stacey I am 22 , It’s been inspiring to watch you in the jungle over come daily barriers and challenges, but still you have managed this greatly it’s great to see this from an autistic point myself! Wishing you the best of luck for life outside of camp and the challenges life may have as we know you can do it ! Stacey Wood Must have been a massive struggle throughout your life, a lady of courage, determination and fight, well done Anne you are truly an inspiration to others.

Dear Anne, it is great watching you on I’m a Celebrity. I have a daughter with Aspergers. You are helping to raise awareness of autism to so many people, and sharing your experience of living life with autism, good and bad is invaluable. Thank you! Joy Thank you for proving that us autistic girls can do anything! You made me proud to be part of the auti family! You’ve proven we are just like everyone else we just struggle a bit more in our head. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing autism to the forefront of the media and hopefully increasing acceptance and accessibility. Keziah Anne, you have always been my son’s favourite celebrity. We have seen you (live) on the chase & my son attended his first panto (2016 in Southsea), because you were in it. He wrote to you & we have your hand-written letter, in a frame on the wall. Watching you in the jungle, has been an inspiration to myself & my son. You have coped amazingly & have highlighted Autism Awareness. Well done. We look forward to seeing you (live) again, hopefully in the near future. Julie Carvell

Janice Well done Anne you are showing us we can do anything when we put our all into it brilliant job Josh Hilborne

I love you Anne your game for going into the jungle I know I couldn’t do that my wee brother has autism and adhd so I know what it’s like for him to be scared we just want to say wee love and support you in the jungle and out of the jungle lots of love x Caitlin

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Hi Anne! I hope you’ve had a good time in the jungle and now can rest up. I just wanted to tell you how strong I think you are. You have impressed me time and time again in the jungle. As someone who has family on the spectrum and is about to start the diagnosis process herself, I am amazed at how you’ve been handling yourself!! I really hope you don’t feel bad about having to say “”I’m a celebrity, get me out of here”” a few times because I promise you, anyone who understands autism understands why that had to happen and anyway, you still have been doing so well regardless!!! It’s so nice to see how much you all care for each other in the camp. And personally, I want to thank you because I do think that one of the main things that made me book an appointment to begin the diagnosis process was seeing you in the jungle. I relate to you a lot and certain members of my family have always suspected that I might be on the spectrum. I’ve been researching it for a few months and knew that so much of the symptoms of autism described me but I didn’t know if I wanted to go through the process until I saw you in the jungle. I watched you talk about your life and experiences and it made me realise how much I could relate and that’s when I really started to think “”yeah, I need to know if I’m on the spectrum or not.”” So thank you, and even though I don’t know you, I want you to know that I am immensely proud of you. Sending you lots of love from South Wales, Jade (@xotbirdox on Twitter) x Jade

The Governess Rules! Love and hugs Anne, you are A M A Z I N G ANON

As a adult with Asperger’s, I have to admire the way you’ve been so open about the challenges people like us face, just from what many take for granted. You’ve probably done more to show a true face about ASDs in your efforts and kindness in the jungle than endless documentaries have done. I’m currently facing taking an employer to court over what my solicitor calls “”blatent ignorance and discrimination””. At times I’ve felt like walking away and just accepting the abuse. You’ve shown how strong we can be, and why backing down is not an option. Adam Well done Anne on everything you have achieved in the jungle...a big thank you for speaking out about autism as this has already helped raise a lot of awareness and hlped people understand more about what people face on a daily basis....i have someone who means the world to me with autism he can’t understand it all yet but he has the most amazing way of looking at life and the world we live are an amazing kind and such a likeable lady and an inspiration to people on the spectrum. Be proud of yourself Anne as we are so proud of you! Lots of love and best wishes XxxxxxX Mrs Deane Im the mum of maddie who has aspergers. You have done so much to raise awareness of aspergers. You have been brilliant throughout. A trail blazer an ambassador. Well done. You have been so brave. Thanks and best wishes Corinne

Anne, you are an inspiration to all autistic people and their families. You are making people aware that although autistic people face many challenges they are warm and compassionate human beings. Your camp mates have been wonderful too. Three of my grandchildren are autistic and I am hopeful that, in the future, people will be understanding of their difficulties and appreciative of their talents. Thank you. Julie Johnson

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Dear Anne, I was diagnosed with Aspergers aged 30 after a mental breakdown. I was in an awful place and had had 30 years of being shouted at for being antisocial, for being rude, for being short fused and having “tantrums”. In a moment my life had an explanation but there was no one to relate to, until there was you. Until I could say like Anne Hegerty off the Chase, but people only saw a tv persona, seeing you in the jungle has been like seeing a reflection of myself and has not only helped myself understand me and my Autism but my family understand it too because they can see it from a similar functionality level and they can understand the way I react to certain things in the way I do. I’m having a particularly tough time at the moment but you are inspiring me to push for the best for me. Thank you for being nothing but 100% you. Sarah Kinghorn Hi Anne, I absolutely admire how you have taken on the challenge of I’m a celebrity. I have just retired from teaching after 40 years and I have had the privilege of working with many children on the autistic spectrum. I understand how daily life can be for anyone with this condition and I am absolutely blown away by the way you have managed in extremely challenging circumstances. You have done yourself proud (a Yorkshire saying) and you have been a fantastic ambassador. Well done and thank you for raising awareness x ANON

You are an inspiration to all people on the autistic spectrum. You have done yourself proud. From Sandra Bowles, and my grandson Oscar who is autistic. Hopefully you have made people look at the autistic spectrum with a different view. Sandra Bowles Hi Anne, I just wanted to congratulate you for lasting in the jungle, I have no idea how you did it, I couldnt cope with the creepy crawlies! Anyway, I’m a teacher of autistic children and wanted to say what an inspiration you are to children who often have altered perceptions of their abilities because of the unfortunate society we live in. So many people have asked me about autism now they have seen you and know that I work with autistics. I feel priviliged (though under qualified!) to be sharing this information and its thanks to you raising awareness! You’ve done a great job. Stay strong. X @rach_joan Rachel English Hello my name is Michaela Mooney i have autism too and some learning difficulties too your so nice not the person i thought you seem like as a chaser but i like that show thankyou for being you and bringing awareness to the front screen i hope to do that too someday good luck in the jungle Michaela Mooney

Well done Anne. Truly an inspiration and showing the world that Autism doesn’t stop you achieving anything you want x Julie Roberts

Hi Anne just a note to say your doing great in there and your a inspiration to thousands of take care ANON

Hi Anne, Thankyou for being such a positive role model in the jungle. I have 3 children with asd. My eldest daughter has Aspergers and wow have we had our up and downs as a familyshrs bow in university but as you will know accessing education has been a battle. It’s nice to see such a strong minded, intelligent woman using your autism to enhance your life. I wish you all the best in your journey. You have a changed and educated a nations view. Without education nothing in life moves forward so from a very grateful asd mom. My daughter loved you in the chase before the jungle so keep doing what your doing Best wishes Anne Lynsey Slater I suffer from Aspergers Syndrome and your appearance in the jungle has been an inspiration to me. You’ve been so brave to even go into the jungle in the first place and it’s helped me to be more open about my condition with my co workers and they’ve been just as supportive as your camp mates. You’ve done so many things in the jungle that I could never do. Samantha You are a jungle queen for making the brave decision to enter the jungle. Your a celebrity for you vast knowledge and your determination to do your job to the best of your ability. But most of all your Ann Hegerty. The adult who was diagnosed, who carried on living and dealing with your diagnosis. You are an inspiration to my 11 year old daughter and, an inspiration to many more who suffer with ASD and for those who don’t.

Thank you for representing all autistic people. It’s wonderful to look at you on tv and be like “I do that too!!!” Also your showing neurotypicals that we are the beginning of a new world in this life from you simply being you and we can achieve more then we know and make a difference. We shall make a mark on this world together. x x Gurjeen Kaur Dear Anne, my 8 year old daughter got diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum condition while you were in the jungle. Darcy is a clever bright girl but is struggling socially at school and has started to realise that she is a bit different to her peers. We record I’m a celeb so she can watch it the next day (she also loves The Chase) and while watching you it has enabled us to start the conversation about autism with her. We haven’t told her of her diagnosis yet but the thought of doing so is getting easier because of you. Anne you have taken some of the fear out of the diagnosis for our family and we thank you for raising awareness of the broad spectrum of autism. Suzi Hill My four year old grandson was recently diagnosed on the autism spectrum. Watching you on The Chase and in the jungle overcoming every obstacle with warmth and humour is inspiring and gives me such hope for my grandson’s future. Thank you for raising awareness and showing everyone that autism is not a barrier to success or a barrier to building friendships and living a fulfilling life. Evelyn May

I personally could not have done what you have done in the jungle. Well done. Gerwyn James Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Role models are made of deeds and actions and not just labels. You are an inspiration to all but particularly to our young son who through you is starting to understand that autism is not a curse but a way of life. Jairo “Dear Anne, I work in a primary school and we have recently had ‘Diversity Week’ in which our Year 5 class learned about Autism. They had to research and make a poster about a famous person with Autism. The majority of the groups chose you! They have all been so inspired and amazed by what you have achieved in the jungle and, most importantly, have learned so much from you about Autism. Thank you for inspiring our kids and helping them to become more loving, accepting and kind children xx Helen Thank you Anne for taking part in I’m a Celebrity, you have really done yourself proud. I teach teenagers who happen to have autism and you have given them someone to look up to, seeing you overcome challenges has given them the belief that they too can achieve, well done! Emma Anne is been an absolute pleasure watching you on I’m a Celeb. My son Justin has a diagnosis of autism & SCD. He has sat glued to the tv cheering you on. You are such an inspirational person & an amazing lady raising awareness in such a positive light under difficult & testing circumstances. Well done Anne. You’ve done us all proud no matter the outcome. You will always be our queen! Victoria King

Ever since I started watching the chase I fell in love with Anne, her wicked sense of humour really made me enjoy the show and having autism myself I’m obviously rooting for her to win! Teag Rennie Anne I would like to say a massive Thankyou for taking part in I’m A Celebrity and raising awareness for autism. I have a wonderful (and extremely clever just like you!) 4 year old son who has been diagnosed with ASD and I was worried about his future and the things that he wouldn’t be able to do like everyone else due to his struggles but seeing you in the jungle has shown me that even though my son has autism he can do anything he dreams of doing just like you have done... Yes it was a real struggle for you but you have done it and you have been amazing!! You have taken some of my worry about his future away. You are an inspiration. I can’t Thank you enough. XxX Kayleigh Edgington Dear Anne, What a fantastic advocate you’ve been for Autism, and helping the general public to understand. I’ve actually been able to have more conversations about autistic traits with family and friends as you’ve started conversations. As the mother of a daughter awaiting diagnosis, thank you so much for making this possible. You are an incredibly special lady and I hope these messages go some way to allowing you to see that too. Much love, The Black Family xxx Emma Black and family

Well done Anne. You showed the Nation how diverse autism is and that us women rock it too! As a diagnosed adult myself trying to teach my Daughter that she is just different, not less.... Your time in the jungle helped me show her that we can learn to cope with change and adapt to our environment. Also that being on the spectrum does not mean you are incapable of achievement. My Daughter has watched me acheive my degree and work in managerial roles, but to see a public figure such as yourself, telling the nation you’re on the spectrum and showing such strength of character in the jungle truly made her realise that her mummy isn’t just trying to protect her by saying encouraging things. You’ve made an 11 year old little girl realise that being on the spectrum is OK. You have made her realise that that being on the spectrum does not mean she is no good as a person. My little ones outlook on life has truly changed because of you. You ought to be so proud of yourself Anne. We’re proud of you. #differentnotless Leanne Dias Rodrigues I think you have been so brave and amazing in taking part in I’m a celebrity get me out of here. I think you have got lots more people talking about autism since it was mentioned on the programme. I could relate to how you were feeling on the first night, as I struggle in new places too.

You have helped others to realise that they can interact with people and children on the ASD spectrum and not to be afraid to interact with them. You have helped me to realise that everything might just be ok for my 5 year old son and I’d like to thank You for that. Roisin Doran Hi Anne thank you for going in to the jungle my son suffers from autism and Asperger’s he know says that Ur the best and it’s not scary to be away from family u know it’s for fun and now wants to go on school trip. Thank u You have given my son back to us and gained his confidence he would like to meet up and say thank u. ANON Being Autistic does not mean you cannot have a life filled with love and people who care about you. Mark Hill well done Anne for doing so well in the jungle everyday is a challenge on the spectrum #inspirational #getmeoutofhere i am also diagnosed with autism and went through main stream school and diagnosed after i left school Lauren Eltringham

Sarah Low My 6-yea r old son has been watching ‘I’m A Celebrity’ and recognised you immediately from The Chase. When I told him that you have autism, he stared at me, looked at you on the TV screen and smiled broadly. “Just like me!” he said. Thanks for giving my boy a positive role model. X

Well done Ann, you have done yourself proud and raised autism awareness so much. An inspiration. Thank you. Karen

Lisa Bhanu Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Thank you anne for raising awareness your inspiring ive watched my son grow up with many struggles that people don’t understand and you show not everyone on the spectrum is the same everyone is different just the same as people not on the spectrum good luck in the future xx Wendy Pullin I work with young adults with learning disabilities in a college many with autism... by being such a high profile figure speaking out like you have done you have inspired so many young people with autism...well done xxx Michelle Wormald Only now that you have left the jungle will you realise what your honesty and courage has done for others who have autism. Thank you xx Alison Corlett You have done so much for autism awareness and letting the general public know that we aren’t defective, we are just wired differently and can still accomplish many feats even though we may feel like losers. Seeing you in the jungle made me realise how strong I have been all my life and that we can be stronger than some people considering all the adversity we autistic people have been through. Be proud of yourself of all you have accomplished in your life and where you are now. You are amazing and give us hope! I didn’t think it would be possible for people like us to endure the harsh, horrid realities of the jungle and do it so brilliantly but you make me believe we can do anything. Thank you! Desireé

You are bright light for children . Awareness changes their future . Thank you xx Merry Robson Well done on your time in the jungle! You’ve given me a new perspective on autism and become a worthy ambassador for those living with the condition. You’ve shown that with determination, courage and good humour you can overcome almost anything. I’m definitely #teamAnne Ashley Auger I am a 26 year old with aspergers syndrome i was quite lucky to be diagnosed at a young age but the struggles i face daily with sensory overload etc dosent get any easier sadly me and many others are so so proud of even going into a new environment and meeting new people never mind doing all the challenges hope your so proud of yourself for giving it a good welly! Thank you for giving people like me inspiration and thank you for rising awareness much love to you Rachelle You are amazing! You have done fantastic! I know it can’t be easy for you to have taken part in I’m a celebrity with all the sensory overload tat comes with it. It’s just great for you to have done it as a person and for the high light it has shown for people who have autism and how different the experiences can be. #teamAnne Fiona Binnie I always watch the Chase & had no idea about Anne’s Autism. She was very brave to talk about it so openly in the jungle on live TV. Best wishes Anne & I will continue to watch the Chase. Love it. Mrs L.W.B

When watching the show with my son Jordan who is 21 years old and also has autism... he said mum look she has the sames as me (his words) I said yes Anne is a superhero like you he was so delighted that he is the same as you Anne I keep hear him saying you got this girl and cheering you on, you have been amazing in the jungle our house is team Queen Anne you are already a winner Leo

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Thank you Anne for promoting an understanding and awareness of autism. Your bravery and courage was outstanding! Hannah Bailey Dear Anne We want to thank you for raising awareness of autism? Our Son Zachary aged 9 has autism and has been inspired by your courage, bravery, determination, strength and happiness while watching your adventures from the jungle. You continue to chase your dreams because no matter what happens your our queen of the jungle.

Hi Anne, you are inspiring in the way that you are “ coping” with the jungle and the unknown. As the dad of a 27 year old man with Asperger’s, I realise that it’s not easy dealing with the unknown. Keep it up, you’re a real inspiration. Tim Dykes I teach teenagers with autism and I am always trying to give them hope and inspire them to be the best that they can be. Your appearance and wonderful frankness on I’m a Celeb has given my students validation that they can achieve success in the future. From the bottom of my heart I thank you. Sara Whelan

Never stop doing what you do. The Masterson Family I have got autism and learning disability and you are a good inspiration to everyone with autism and you got better and better with the trials and I am very proud of you

You are very courageous for appearing on the show. My 10 year old son Matthew, is on the autism spectrum; you give me hope for what the future might hold. Well done for dispelling so many negative stereotypes that surround autism. Sarah Behrens

Danielle Alice You have really inspired me with all that you have done in the jungle. You’ve been really brave and amazing . Since I watched you in there I’ve already started feeling much more confident and its made me appreciate that I can anything . Thank you Becky You are so out your comfort zone and u have stepped up. A big well done ur a winner in our eyes Christine Bell

I am such a big fan of you Anne! You have shown everyone who watches I’m a Celeb that ‘Cant’ is just a four letter word and you CAN do anything! You’ve done so well and me and my friend love you :) Sophie W You are a star Mahdiya

Hi Anne. Your are doing so well in I’m A Celebrity. You are such an inspiration for all women of all ages. Myself and my husband was talking about who you to our daughter and we said ‘Maisie she is like you’ she was so shocked and in her words ‘ mum, I didn’t know celebrities had autism’. She melted my heart with tears in my eyes, I held her and explained we are all the same and it’s not just ‘normal’ people but famous people too. We spoke about all different people in the world. She watches you every night and always talking about how she wants to grow up to know so much like you. Your have been such in inspiration to her. We are so thankful you have been able to talk about this on TV! It’s a very emotional rollercoaster we are always on with our daughter. Highs and lows are a constant battle, but it’s nice to see people to care and support our family’s, girls boys anyone who needs it. Keep doing good work. Your are a wonder in my eyes but more my daughters. Hi Anne. I’m Maisie-may and I’m 8 years old and I’m just like you. We are the same like a 50/50, our minds are amazing we know special things. People think I am different but people are different to me. I would love to meet you and talk I think we would have loads to talk about as we are so much the same. I like bugs but only a few just like you. You need to keep working hard as you can been always a Queen to me. Jade & Maisie-May Anne, I have watched you on The Chase for many years and hearing of your difficulties at work before the show it is so inspiring that you now do what you do. Thank you for being so open about being autistic (especially for us not diagnosed as children) You rule! Amy

Thank you for talking so openly about Autism. It’s inspiring for others who have it and think they will not be able to achieve in life to see someone succeeding. Tanya I was recently diagnosed with autism and once I heard you were autistic too, i had realised what you must be going through. I want you to know I support you in everything you do as I know what it’s like. I’m cheering for you! I’m 12 years old and being my age, I’m wishing you luck Bailey Evans Anne you are a truly wonderful person what you have done to raise awareness of Asperger’s syndrome is something to he truly proud of carry on with what you do ANON Well done Anne. You are a inspiration for women with Autism. You truly have inspired me to do the things that I find difficult and raising awareness for autism. Your a star Grace Anne you’ve been amazing. You’ve been yourself, not tired to hide or pretend, and showed people the difficulties autistic people face AND smashed stereotypes about what people “can’t” or “shouldn’t” do! Emma Well done for doing what a fellow aspie like me couldn’t dream of doing!! I’m very impressed how far out of your comfort zone you took yourself! And for the record, you have a great personality and an amazing brain. An inspiration xx Roz Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Your success and determination are an inspiration to so many. You’re the Queen no matter what. Mike Since your interviews on TV and the Your Autism Magazine, opening up about your Asperger’s, has continued to inspire me in my chosen career aspiration. Keep up the advocacy and awareness spreading, you inspiring, amazing, clever woman! :) John Hi Anne! Thanks for representing women that are actually autistic. Showing your struggle in the jungle has helped so many people watching. It must have been so difficult for you but you have made us all proud! Well done. Hopefully this is the start of more acceptance, you have shown people how fabulous you are! Tamzin

Dear Anne, I just want to thank you for all your hard work. By being open and showing your vulnerable side, you have really humanised what being on the spectrum can bring. Long may your story continue! Graham Rodgers My son was diagnosed with autism in July. It’s a whole new world for us all and we’re all on a huge learning experience. Watching you cope so admirably in the jungle gives me confidence that my son and our family can cope with whatever life throws at us. Thank you x Fiona Gibson

Hello Anne! Congratulations for doing so well in the Jungle, as someone who also has Asperger’s, I know how hard changes to routine and surroundings are, and you have dealt with them like a champ! You are an inspiration to me and many others who are on the spectrum, you make me feel like I can go and achieve anything I set my mind to, very well done again Anne! Connor M Anne! Your a queen and you have many supporters around you! Whilst I myself don’t have autism, I know many people who do and they have said your a breath of fresh air for them as you have become an icon within the community! Whenever your feeling low, remember there is somebody to talk to! With lots of love and hugs, a fellow supporter! x Kieren You are inspirational. You have done so much for autism awareness since being in the jungle, I know I have learnt more about autism while watching you, thank you for that. Keep on being you! Ciera How fantastic you are. A great effort and appreciated work towards greater acceptance and understanding. Much love xx Cat Hawkins

My son is on the autistic spectrum. He is 11 years old and has adhd. One of his obsessions is watching the Chase. He records every episode! He doesn’t want any presents at all for Christmas, but he REALLY wants to meet Bradley Walsh and everyone on The Chase! Thankyou for being you and for being so honest about being autistic. In our household, we think you are pretty amazing!

Hi Anne Well done on all your achievements just entering a new surrounding is a big step let alone dealing with sensory overload in tasks. I my self have aspergers so understand a little bit of how you must be feeling. Just want to say stay amazing and be super proud of yourself. Cathryn Vallance

Amy Lloyd Hi Anne, I have aspergers too, not really a fan of I’m a celeb but I have been watching it purely because you are in it. You are an inspiration to me and many others and I’m so thrilled to see autism get mentioned more on mainstream TV! You can never have too much autism awareness. :)

Anne thank you for showing what adult women with autism are like. So often we hear of children but not adults but. You have shown everyone what women with autism can do. And how they can overcome challenges. You have been an absolute inspiration. Aimee T

Thomas Ingleton Thank you for showing the world that we think and see different, that our favourites will not be from a here and now but from years ago when firsts were made. That being scared isnt a novelty and we generally do try. Just by accepting the offer to do this show has opened new doors for everyone who has any type of doubt that they dont belong. Thank you for being you Malakai Endersby Thankyou for showing the world that a label doesn’t mean you can’t rock at amazing! Every great achievement started with an out there crazy idea, we just get them lots.

My 8 year old son has autism and can relate to alot of your struggles. Out of routine, different lighting, smells and sounds, different fabrics against your skin, different food textures. You’ve done so well overcome all the things your brain is telling you no and youre say yes! Yes I can! You’ve inspired so many children and adults with autism to say I can Ashleigh Cole My son has Aspergers and seeing how you have coped in the Jungle is amazing. You should be so proud of yourself. Debbie Baron You have been amazing ANON

Riley CJ

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


I am an SEN teacher and work with lots of young people with ASD. It has been amazing to see the strength and self belief that you have given them. When practising for our Christmas performance, one of my pupils said “if Anne can do a trial, I can do my Christmas performance”. It is amazing for them to see someone being so brave and determined, it helps them believe they can do anything! Thank you Anne x Jordan Hi Anne , I just want to thank you for taking part in the jungle. I have watched you with my autistic 18 year old daughter she has watched you with so much enthusiasm I we realise more than ever we must not give up and we have to keep pushing. Thank you Anne for being so brave and for giving us all hope xx Anne-Marie Thank you Anne for being a wonderful ambassador raising awerness for autism, you are wonderful on the chase and all though I don’t watch the jungle I’m sure you are equally as fabulous. I have aspergers and have never found things particularly easy in life. Always coming across hurdles and other barriers. Seeing someone like yourself going from where things were not so good, to much much better makes me smile! You’re amazing Anne, always remeber that!

Hi Anne, thank you for showing the world that even the strongest Autistic person has times when they feel vulnerable. You show that it is ok to be overwhelmed and still push through that or to say no I can’t do that. Being a mum to 2 autistic young men aged 16 and 19 I am grateful to have such a wonderful role model. Well done Anne you are amazing xxxx Susan Johnson Hi Anne, For the first time ever I have watched I’m a celeb and I am so glad I did. I have 3 children. My eldest was diagnosed with Aspergers when he was 12 (He is now 18), my daughter , who is 11, is currently starting the autism diagnosis process. Then there is my crazy 5 year old. Watching you take part in the trials on I’m a celeb has been a joy to watch. Not because they are gross but because it showed my children that no matter what life throws at you you can overcome anything. Thank you for being so open about your Autism. This has helped my daughter embrace her quirkiness as she learns more about herself and her Autism. Sending lots of love your way xx BTW I am very jealous that you spent time with John Barrowman lol Karen Cairney

George Preston Anne, Anne you are an amazing lady , having a son with asbergerges myself i understand how hard its been for you in the jungle all new surroundings,smells, people , food and routines you have done so well, have been voting for you to win , stay strong and hold your head up high lots of love xxx

What an inspirational woman you are! My 14yr old son who is moderately autistic has loved watching you every night, you’ve given so much insight to the public and been so open and honest about your daily struggles. It’s been a pleasure to watch you. X


Laura Jenkins

Hi Anne, seeing you tackle the many challenges of the jungle has been so inspiring to me as a fellow autistic woman, you’ve gone out of your comfort zone completely and bought autism awareness to the thousands upon thousands of viewers watching I’m a celebrity! I was diagnosed 2 years ago when I was 20, and I’m still coming to terms with what I find difficult and overwhelming, but I aspire to be the strong and confident woman you are when I see you in the jungle, comfortable to talk to others about autism and hopefully find the support you have from your fellow campmates out in Austrailia, stay strong Anne! Zoe Warren

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Dear Anne My 12 year old son Rhys has Aspergers and I am always worrying about how he is excepted in the world and will he ever fit in. What your experience in the jungle has shown me that you can be treated with tolerance and love in the world. Thank you for being brave enough to go on national TV and be exposed in that way, informing people that although you are different, different is ok, wonderful even Kerry Hi Anne we just want say well done on all you have achieved in the jungle and being brave in letting the world know about Autism we as parents of Max who as ASD and other difficulties related to autism know how difficult it must have been for you especially the trails you had to do wishing all the luck in the world best wishes Max and parents AUTISM TOGETHER - DIFFERENT NOT LESS Max Shaxon-Kasper Anne you are a true inspiration to anyone on the Autistic spectrum & also to people who are not. The fear & anxieties you have had to overcome make you truly awesome. Craig stevens Anne, your appearance on I’m a celeb came 11 weeks after my 3 yr old son was diagnosed with ASC. You’ve been an inspiration for me as a mother and shown take the future might not be as scary and as worrying as I imagined. You are the bravest person I know not just for taking on the jungle but taking it on as an autistic person proving how determination can win! Thank you more than you’ll ever know. You’re an inspiration Sarah

You honestly don’t know what you have done for me & my family. As a mother of an ASD son and waiting for assesment of my daughter you have given us hope. Hope if you love what your passion is you can do it!! If you want to and make it more then a hobby but a career. The life every one dreams of doing making something they love into a financial & emotional win win. You have also done something so much more for me. The more I understand Autism and my son the harder it got to deny the simalaritys. You have shown me it’s ok. Its ok to embrase it not to deny it and after years of laughing at my family telling me I think your autistic kisha when you describe Tishan and autism your in that mixture to. I finally booked an appointment at the GP to discuss a referal for diagnosis because simply you’ve taught me your never to old!!! If you looking for those answers never be ashamed!!! Thank you anne Nakeisha Eaton Anne you are hugely inspiring and have opened so many eyes to Autism. Such a wonderful advocate. Thank you. Sarah Smillie Thank you Anne, you truly are an amazing person! You have spread so much awareness about autism. I can only hope my daughter has an a amazing support network and your courage :D Xx Kim You truly are amazing! Be proud of your self!! ANON

Anne you have been an absolute inspiration to watch!! My 12 year old son is currently going through the referral process after seeing him struggling in school due to social aspects and seeing him break down when one thing too much is added to his list of things to remember at school. It was watching you on loose women that actually made me realise he had aspergers and now the GP and teachers have confirmed my suspicions. Seeing how you’ve coped with change in the jungle and seeing how you cope with life in general has been amazing for myself, my partner and my son to watch. Without seeing you, we’d never be at the stage we are now... Teachers are being truly supportive and amazing as they now understand, and my son himself is coping better as he knows why he forgets things and why he would prefer be alone a lot of the time. I hope you win in the jungle, you’re absolutely amazing xx

Thankyou Ann for raising issues with autism to help people understand better, my 3 children are autistic and have their struggles, the more people speak out about this,the better. We have to change the system and get more support and training for schools, companies etc, things NEED to change! I hope you will continue with the fight to help these changes happen. You CAN do it!!

Kerri Cooper

I am a 21 year old autistic man and seeing you in the jungle has shown me that if you can do it then anybody with autism can. I feel you really have raised autism awareness and I am voting for you every night. You have shown that autism is no barrier to anything and in my eyes you have already won.

Ann you are amazing. My teenage daughter has autisim the hope, insperation you have given my whole family is huge. My daughter feels she can achieve her dreams because shes not alone. She loves watching you on tv. Thankyou Vicky Paterson Hi Anne, well done for taking a big step out of your comfort zone and going to the jungle! You’re an inspiration, I admire you’re bravery and cleverness (I wish I couldn’t know so much general knowledge!) love Zoë

Lisa Anne, can’t thank you enough for all your amazing help to rocket autism awareness into the main stream media. Thank you from a mother to a special little boy on the spectrum. You give me hope . Kayleigh Davies

Peter F Anne, Just wanted to say what an inspiration you have been whilst in the jungle. I have worked with adults with autism for 14 years, I also have an autistic grandson. You have shown so many, that anything is possible. Keep going lovely lady, the nation is so proud of you xx Christine

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


To Anne, we have watched this year’s series of ‘I’m a celebrity get me out of here ‘ with joy and angst. Everyone has been amazing but we as a family know all too well how autism can challenge those who have it. Anne you have been amazing you have accepted challenges and known when enough is enough. I hope it will raise more awareness for those who do not quite fully understand how disruptive autism can be for those who suffer to find the right balance in life to excell despite it. Keep going Anne we are rooting for you. Jacqueline Fryer

Wow what confidence you have Anne!! My son is waiting for his Autismn assessment very soon, you have inspired the world how Autism can vary in different people.... Keep shining Anne xxx Sarah-louise Thank-you so much for summoning the strength to face the challenges that you have! Your bravery has brought us all one very significant step towards the time when everyone understands!!! Simon Wilding

Thanks Ann for showing my son and daughter they can do what ever they want autism don’t have to stop them we love you Lydia Hi my son is 4 years old and has been diagnosed with Autism at 3 years old and watching you on I’m a celebrity has given me hope of him achieving goals as he grows into an adult as the fears you have for your child when they have a disability as they grow up into the big wide world is scary but you’ve shown people who have autism can achieve things, with a struggle yes but that you can and I thank you for that x

Hi Anne, just a message to say that you’ve done amazingly well in the jungle and should be so extremely proud of yourself, you’ve made autistic children and adults feel that it’s okay and that they are not alone. You have shown people what it’s like to be autistic and what a wonderful fantastic person you are. I hope your crowned queen of the jungle. You have given autism lots of awareness and for that you should be proud. Love Channelle xx Channelle Field Keep doing what your doing Anne, just know that all of us love you x x x :)

Lisa Atkinson


I think your brill by showing anyone with autism or even on the autistic spectrum that despite this u can achieve anything. My bil was diagnosed on the autistic spectrum at 13 he is now 18. My brother may have aspergers. Your an incredible role model

Hi Ann, thank you, such a inspiration, my son (12yrs) is autistic, he struggles daily and trying to get people to see him and not autism is so hard. You are doing amazing. I am in awe of all you have achieved, and wow your so funny. Your breaking alot of stereotypes. Thank you again and you smashed it Anne! Wilson-Holmes Family

Kimberley Boyes

Janine Wilson-Holmes

I admire your self advocacy, and how you immediately let people know when you’ve reached your limit. This is a great example in a world that constantly pushes autistic people too hard. Neeb Hello Anne, I am autistic too, I have diagnosed with it since I was born. I find school quite hard and stressing at school and sometimes I feel like the only one. I find you very inspiring on tv and I enjoy supporting for you. You remind me that I’m not alone, inspire me to be confident at school and to try new things, especially challenging things like being in the jungle. Thank you Leah Benjafield Joseph my 13 year old son has Autism and he thinks your amazing! Thank you Anne for making people understand what Autism is all about. Angie Scott Anne thanks for just going for it - I have family members who are autistic and seeing you in the jungle and hearing your honesty about autism and seeing you get on with it has been refreshing! It’s made people talk about it and think about it which is brilliant- whether you are last person in the jungle or not you are a winner in my eyes x Lynn Lock You have really opened people’s minds and hearts to Autism Ann. Your strength and and courage are incredible.

Congratulations and thank you for being such a fantastic role model to our youngsters. You have been simply amazing! ANON Anne thank you for you willingness to be vulnerable and have a go at what must have seemed and been a very daunting and challengeing situation. You have been an inspiration and I feel have done loads to raise the profile and understanding of Autism. As a mother of 3 young adults all diagnosed with Aspergers I am delighted at the support you have had and the determination you have shown. My daughter loves watching you in the Chase and has followed your exploits in the jungle. She suffers from low self worth and esteem and I hope that seeing you very much out of your comfort zone has given her a positive role model to push on through when things are almost beyond difficult. Anne thank You. Maria Me and my partner have two autistic children and would like to say a massive thank you for what you have achieved and gave us hope anything can be overcome X Jane Dixon Like you, my son has Aspergers syndrome. So I know how hard it is from a mother’s point of view. The way you went into the jungle and took on such an immense challenge is applaudable. You are an amazing, strong and capable woman. And have shown anything is possible! Well done Anne Donna Moore

Paula Strachan

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Anne you’ve been such an inspiration to many with autism and people that love them. My son is autistic he finds life heard it makes me sad. he got told he’d not mount to nothing when in education. but seeing what you have achieved in your life and what you’ve overcome in the I’m a celebrity jungle has shown everyone that people with autism are very clever and not stupid and can achieve anything that they want in life if people only let them. you’re my favourite in the jungle I so hope that you win but if you don’t no that you have achieved so much and we’re all very proud of you. Cara Langstaff I’m autistic just like you. I’m 18. You inspire me because of how much you have accomplished and how amazing you are in camp. By being open about your autism means that is sometimes easier for me and my family. I’m obsessed with minions and giraffes and the grinch have you been obsessed with things? Sinead Hi Anne. Myself and my son who is 15 have been watching you in the jungle. He is learning what his autism means for him and has been helped by the experiences you have found challenging. He can identify with some of your challenges but not with others . This is ALL really helpful in showing him how autism is different in everyone but similar too. I, as his mum, have enjoyed watching the others. How they support you but also give you space. How they look after you but also encourage you to face difficult things. How they see your difference but also your similarity. When I am long gone this is the society I hope my son will be part of. You are helping to turn that hope into reality. Thank you . Debbie Harris

Ann you are an inspiration and have done so much to help people to understand autism better. Good luck you can be Queen of the Jungle! Your knowledge on The Chase is awesome! God bless you x Christine Cann My son hasn’t been watching you in I’m a Celebrity, but I have, only because I found out you had a diagnosis and on watching can see that you are possibly quite similar to Kieran. Kieran is still benefitting from your experience, I talk about it a lot and I know lots of people who are now seeing a totally different ‘face’ of autism. Kieran is exceptionally intelligent and articulate and was well ahead in his school work, although he has been unable to attend school for the past year. He cannot cope with the environment of a mainstream secondary school due to his sensory and emotional/communication differences. I just want to thank you so much for bringing people like us hope that while there’s so many difficult things that you can face in life as an autistic person, these can be overcome and there’s always time for progress and growth. The way your camp mates have encouraged and supported you has also brought me hope for Kieran. That there are good and kind people out there, ready to help if you need it but also stand back and let you grow. We have seen from your experience that underneath the stereotypes of autism, there are real people with feelings and personalities. Many autistic people I know are very sensitive, kind and funny people and unfortunately it’s sometimes hard to see that person when people focus on the diagnosis. You have been amazing. I hope you enjoyed it as much as it seemed you did. Well done and thank you. You are an inspiration to Kieran, 13 who’s feeling a bit lost at the minute. Kieran and Brenda

Anne has been so inspiring for my daughter as she can see her overcoming many of her anxieties. She empathises with Anne and relates to her in a way which she finds difficult with other people. My daughter struggles with the badge of ASD calling herself disabled and having Anne talk so openly about it and seeing the camp mates being so kind and accepting is helping her see it’s ok to be her and people are normally kind. Michelle Jewson

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Hi Anne, you are my inspiration, ever since I was little and I would watch the chase with my Grandad saying “ that’s Anne Hagerty, she’s the governess when I grow up I want to be just like her” and I still do. My sister has Autism and watching you everyday on the chase or Britain’s Brightest Family or I’m a celeb gives me hope that my little sister can be one of the greatest minds too and not be pinned down by her autism. So I just want to say thank you for everything you have done and encouraged me to do. So thank you and I can’t wait to see you out the jungle with a beautiful crown on your head. Love from Maddison Ryder xxxx 12 yrs old Maddison Ryder My little 4year old grandaughter is thought to be Austitic and attends a special school. See you Anne dealing with daily issues working on The Chase and in Jungle has given me hope of the future for our little Juliet. Crowds noise and the unfamiliar bother her and she withdraws. Your strength has overcome these in the junfle. You are an inspiration. Lynda Holder Anne it’s been an absolute pleasure watching you on the telly - you’ve been simply hilarious - loving your ‘direct’ comments and sense of humour. An inspiration to many that you can step outside of your comfort zone! Without attempting to be patronising Well done! In my role as sendco I’ve worked with many young people with autism - there’s been good times and bad! The satisfaction is when they are comfortable with themselves and their surroundings ...and that, as you will know, is no mean feat!! Sally Ralph

Anne, you’ve shown the UK what a fabulous person you are. Thank you for the hope and strength you’ve shown to others. Jane Nickels You are a true inspiration and credit to every person with autism and you give everyone hope. Well done for being brave enough to share this personal side of you xxx Tina Hourigan My message to you Anne is quite simple; thank you for showing everyone including my teenage son who is autistic and has watched every night, what you and other people like you and him can achieve. Your positivity and determination and the strength you have shown is incredible, and your camp mates have demonstrated how kindness and understanding can help someone with autism to grow. Whether you are crowned Queen of the Jungle or not, you are the winner in our eyes Rachel Georgina Well done for talking about your issues. Hugs Sonya An absolute inspirational woman! Not quite sure how you’ve managed in there with your ASD but a massive well done to you. As a parent of an 18 & 10 year old on the spectrum I can only imagine how difficult this journey has been for you. Your one strong woman xxxx Sarah Wilson

Well done Anne and thank you for highlighting ASD. You have inspired my autistic son Jake, that anything is possible. X Tara Hewitt I would like to firstly say a huge well done Anne for even stepping foot into the jungle. I also want to thank you for proving that having autism doesn’t mean you can’t have a bright future and achieve huge things. I think you have shown that autism comes in many forms and it really does show another side to people’s perceptions of what autism is. I lastly thank you for giving me hope that people will see my son for more than just having autism and see him as an individual with autism Angie Turner Hi Anne I so hoped when you entered that you’d stay in the jungle and show the world how with understanding and support those living with Autism can adapt and overcome perceived obstacles. You’ve done that already several times. I hope you win! What an inspirational woman you are. Awesome! Denise Jones Anne, you are an inspiration. You have grown in the jungle and your confidence is ever expanding. Well done! Xxx Andi Hi Anne just to say I think your a inspiration I am so proud of you well done ANON

Well done Anne for even having the courage to enter the jungle! We are all rooting for you to become Queen of the Jungle! From the first night at camp, I could see just how much you struggled to settle in but rather than keep it inside, you released all of your emotions for the public to see. That alone takes a lot of strength to do, so that is a great strength on your part! By putting yourself out there, you are raising awareness for every single autistic person in the UK, and showing the country that autism isn’t a barrier to success: it’s a stepping stone. I’m wishing you all the best Anne: you got this! :) Amy Ransom Anne, I hope you get to read this. Watching you in the jungle has been so very inspirational to me. I have Aspergers Syndrome and for me, it has been difficult. Facing new challenges has always been a weak spot, but seeing you keep moving forward shows that it can be done, and really I just wanted to say thank you. Jessica May Jackson Thank you Anne for bringing Autism into people’s living rooms. Christopher My son was diagnosed in August of this year with has been so emotional over ths past couple of months.we have been watching you every night bringing a smile to our are so brave and an amazing son finds it amazing that there is someone like him on TV each night. Thank you Rachel Tapper

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Thank You for making people more aware about Autism. My partner has just been diagnosed at the age of 25 and he has been looking up to you as a role model while on the show. Thank You. Kylie Davis Dear Anne,

Ann you are amazing lady and you have showen me that people with Autism can achieve there goals of what they want to become my son who is 16teen wants to become a police officer and its you Ann by being apart of the jungle gives me extra strength and willingness that one day my son will join the police force. I hope you win im voting for you every night and i love the chaser

It’d be wonderful if you could talk about autism more on national television



Well done. What an inspiration. You have shown that despite your autism where everything is routined. You have pushed through the barriers and made yourself proud. As a support worker for people with autism i think its omportant to push boundries as there are so many capabilities inside that sometimes do not get challenged. Go Anne x

Thank you Anne, for showing us that just because Autism is part of you it doesn’t have to define you. Watching your courage and determination each night on I’m a Celeb gives us new hope for our son and everything he can achieve. You’re a star and an inspiration to all!! Louise, Colin & Carl Marshall Dear Anne, I am sure you have had hundreds if not thousands of messages of supposed, but I would personally like to thank you for the awareness you have raised regarding Asperger’s. Supporting people with Autisic Spectrum Conditions is something that I am passionate about having worked with children with the condition as well as having a partner with Asperger’s. There is still such a great stigama around people with the condition but I feel that your selflessness will help break the barriers of people’s understanding and other people’s ignorance. I’m backing you all the way! My sincerest regards, Beth Morgan

Nicky You have been incredible and so brave in more ways than one. We need more autism ambassadors like you! Caroline Dear Anne, You are amazing and I forever rate you for being yourself and opening up about your autism. You have brought autism to many people’s attention and that can only be a good thing because even one person’s experience of being autistic shared is helping people understand a bit more on what it can mean to be autistic. Thank you Masuma

I am a Community nurse working in the LD field for 37 years, I just want to thank you. You are an incredible woman pushing your boundaries by going into the jungle. You have shown lay people that people with autism are not defined by their condition but by their personalities just like anyone else, communication can be difficult but that applies to people of any race gender creed or religion x i felt impelled to message you and say how well you have done and how awesome you are, good luck with the competition. Annette Irving Hi Anne, you are an amazing woman, who has given me hope for my daughter who has autism and deals daily with the struggles. We are behind you all the way and you are our winning queen, well done and thank you x Ana Hammond It has been amazing to hear how you have inspired so many families at the charity I volunteer for - Autism Angels. You have been a role model to so many people, those who have been diagnosed as being on the spectrum and those who haven’t, to just be themselves. My niece who is on the spectrum is only 9 and so fabulous at being herself I just hope she is as lucky to be as amazing as you when she grows up. You’re so brave words cannot describe how much admiration I have for you for going out of your comfort zone in the way you have. A truly blessed soul xx Katrina Morris

You have made a lot of people sit up and take notice of aspergus they may understand it through you my ggandson love you for this bless you Anne for opening doors for people who have this x Margaret Steve’s Hi Ann, I’ve just been diagnosed with Aspergers at the age of 15 and throughout the process I have learnt a lot about myself. I found quite stressful all of a sudden because I was trying to process everything as well as having everyone around me be somehow different in the way the act towards me. My mum and I watch the Chase all the time as I find you very inspirational. Watching you in I’m a Celebrity has been amazing because I truly feel as though I’m not alone. Thank you very much. Charlie You rocked the Snake Rock Anne! You did really well in the Hellish Hospital too. I have Aspergers too so thank you for telling everyone what its like to have Autism. William Timms (aged 9) Dear Anne, I also have asperger’s syndrome and it makes me feel so much better knowing I’m not the only one who struggles with change etc. I really admire you and hope everyone has realised how much deal with everyday and how the smallest changes impact us. Don’t ever change!

Anne your an inspiration to everyone, your doing so well I really hope that you win you so deserve this love mags xx

Harley Wareham


Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Dear Anne I was always rejected as a woman by other women’s group. To date I think that being a woman in spectrum is the most challenging thing. I have never fit into picture of ideal girl. Always focused on my interestings I had nothing to do with girlish things. Other girls always have chatting on me. But when I gave a birth of my little boy on spectrum my life have changed to ground. Finally I know who I am and know my mission. My fantastic husband and I live little bit isolated but we are happy with ours little world of aspies

Thank you for highlighting autism and giving us all inspiration. My grandson is autistic and watching you completely out of your comfort zone and coping is absolutely brilliant. Thank you so much xx ANON

We are so, so proud of you Anne!Putting yourself forward for this,knowing all the problems you would have to face. You are an inspiration for my 21 year old son Peter,who has autism -seeing you being so brave on screen-we are behind you 100%

For the many times people have said ‘Your son is autistic, he doesn’t look like he is’. Thank you, you have shown that autism isn’t just what you can physically see. Walking into an overcrowded room and feeling overwhelmed, just like your first day in the jungle. The anxiety of an unknown event, although it is planned and we know it is safe, is still overwhelming because it is foreign. Sitting amongst people who are getting involved in tasks just simply because it is all confusing and you don’t fully feel your place. These many things I recognise in my son and more recently have recognised within myself. Every thing is slowly falling into place in my life and for you I’m thankful for allowing me to feel comfortable within myself.

Donna Baird-Northern Ireland

Lucy Blore

Anne my son has autism, although we,re not big fans of I’m a celebrity.I think your an inspiration to folks on the spectrum.I hope you win ,but if you don’t ,we ll still be proud of you.My son is James he will be 27 in the 21st of December.He would love it if you said Hello once you are back on the chase. Good luck and God bless x

Anne I never normally watch I’m a Celebrity but saw you taking about your diagnosis and have been willing you on ever since. All 3 of my children have Autism and the awareness you have raised can only benefit their future. My 13 year old has also watched it with us and it has given us extra opportunities to talk about his Autism with him.

Thank you Sylvia

Sorry Anne forgot to say we live in East Kilbride Scotland. Just in case there is another James Mackey xx Rose Mackey

Thank you for being so brave and amazing to take on this challenge we think you are totally awesome xxx Rosemary Hudson

Hi Anne. I’m a single mum to two young boys with different types of Autism. It’s been a challenging time for us but watching you spread so much awareness about Autism and your campmates reaction of not only understanding more about your needs but also having so much admiration and positivity towards you. It has given me hope for my boys futures and that they too will make genuine, non judgemental friends and to have jobs they enjoy and feel part of the world like everybody else. Thank you for lifting my spirits and switching a light on during our dark times. I wish you all the best after your jungle adventures. Kirsty xx Kirsty Newman We have been following your jungle journey every day from the comfort of our home... we have felt a vast range of emotions, felt your discomfort at times both with the critters and with the complex social and environmental setting you found yourself adjusting to. We have have felt pride in seeing how you demonstrate strength and determination to face challenges. Your personality and knowledge has earned respect. People are talking about autism, people are asking for more information, people care and are learning how to make a difference to others around them. Your campmates are also a shining example of the support that is out there.

Hi Anne,As a person with autism I just want to say how proud I am on how well you are coping and the awareness you are raising, you are truly inspiring to all of us Love lou xx Loubylou Hello Anne, I’ve not yet seen you on I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here but I can’t wait to see it. It’s so inspirational that you went into the jungle where it is challenging and yet life with Aspergers/ Autism is challenging in itself. I wish to say I’ve recently had a diagnosis of Aspergers and my two sons are autistic too but I’m determined to do everything I can to help them and finding others such as yourself can help me to find ways to get the best for my family by seeing you push through the challenges we face. I love watching The Chase (when I get the chance ) it’s brilliant. Take care and I’ll look forward to seeing you on television soon. Yours sincerely from Mrs Gillian Vivian P.S Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year xxx Gillian Vivian

and get back to The Chase soon! You are our favourite chaser!!!!

Anne.. you have given me hope, hope that my children will not be held back by autism, hope that they one day will be strong enough to push all boundaries, hope that one day they will have the confidence to be themselves. Thankyou for showing the world that autism does not define you, Thankyou for showing the world the lovely, thoughtful, kind person you are. Thankyou for being honest and giving people a chance to see how being autism aware makes a huge difference. Anne... Thankyou xxx

Jane Page

Toni-lianne Bennett

Once you are out of the jungle, more transitions will face doubt it will be overwhelming at times but thank you for what you have achieved by being true to yourself....

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Anne we’ve enjoyed watching you so very much on I’m a celebrity this year. As parents of an autistic child you have shown the British public that it’s ok to be different and that is absolutely inspirational. We know that at times it must have been tough, and felt very overwhelming and scary. You’ve not only raised fantastic awareness for autism, you’ve shown true strength and determination. Thank you Anne for being true to yourself and an ambassador for autistic people across the country xx Cat and Ade Charlish Anne, You have been amazing all the way through the programme...I only started to watch it when I heard about your Autism. My son also has Autism and you are an inspiration to him Farzana Hayat Anne my partner and i watch you all the time on the chase and we love you i have been rooting for you all the way through the jungle hoping and praying that you win it because you desrve it dont worry about the trials you attempted but had to walk away at least you gave them a try that’s the important thing to remember you are such an inspiration because i can’t imagine how difficult it must have been to go from somewhere you know and has been adapted the way you want it to somewhere completely out of your comfort zone it really is inspirational and you should be so proud of yourself for getting through it all especcially the hardest day which was day one anyway good luck for the rest of your journey through life we will be looking forwad to having you back on our screens as a brilliant chaser, love always and keep raising awareness love Rebecca and David Rebecca Williams

Hi Anne your an inspirational person to some many people you are my favourite chaser on the chase and you did amazing in I’m celeb hope you have an amazing Christmas from Chloe Miss Chloe Thirling Dear Anne, I am a single mother to 2 goroboys on the autistic spectrum. Even in these so called PC times, I have had to battle for support, education and awareness. The stigma and ignorance is so very real. You have given the masses a glimpse into the autistic world in a positive manner. You have shown that autism is not a scary thing. It is intelligence, it is sensitivity, it is challenges. You are another face to break through the barriers and create understanding. Thank you Selina Ramble I work with children and young people with ASD. I think Anne is extremely brave to go into the jungle which is so far out of her comfort zone. She has done amazingly well and it is brilliant that she is open about her aspergers. Anne is an inspiration to others on the spectrum. I really hope she wins! Rachel Steele Hi Anne, I have always loved watching you on the chase, you can tell Frosty Knickers is actually a very caring woman. You’re an inspiration girl! My 11 year old son is autistic, I’m so very proud of him and I genuinely think it can be a gift. You are so like him, kind, honest, caring and funny. And so clever. Love you to pieces, stay you always - that’s the biggest challenge there is but it is the most rewarding when the person is someone like you. X Jade Thorn

Wow! Anne, I can’t believe how well you’ve coped in the jungle. I too was late diagnosed ASD (only diagnosed a couple of years ago at the age of 43) and, to put into perspective what you’ve achieved, I wouldn’t have even made it to Australia, never mind coped in the jungle. It would have been just too overwhelming. Having said that, I have travelled in the past and I have coped with so many things I never thought possible. I am so pleased and proud that you are showing the world that people with Autism can be brave, tough and can achieve whatever they set their minds to. Thank you xx Gaynor

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


I am often asked to describe the experience of raising a child with a disability - to try to help people who have not shared that unique experience to understand it, to imagine how it would feel. It’s like this...... When you’re going to have a baby, it’s like planning a fabulous vacation trip to Italy. You buy a bunch of guide books and make your wonderful plans. The Coliseum. The Michelangelo David. The gondolas in Venice. You may learn some handy phrases in Italian. It’s all very exciting. After months of eager anticipation, the day finally arrives. You pack your bags and off you go. Several hours later, the plane lands. The stewardess comes in and says, “”Welcome to Holland.”” “”Holland?!?”” you say. “”What do you mean Holland?? I signed up for Italy! I’m supposed to be in Italy. All my life I’ve dreamed of going to Italy.”” But there’s been a change in the flight plan. They’ve landed in Holland and there you must stay. The important thing is that they haven’t taken you to a horrible, disgusting, filthy place, full of pestilence, famine and disease. It’s just a different place. So you must go out and buy new guide books. And you must learn a whole new language. And you will meet a whole new group of people you would never have met. It’s just a different place. It’s slower-paced than Italy, less flashy than Italy. But after you’ve been there for a while and you catch your breath, you look around.... and you begin to notice that Holland has windmills....and Holland has tulips. Holland even has Rembrandts. But everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy... and they’re all bragging about what a wonderful time they had there. And for the rest of your life, you will say “”Yes, that’s where I was supposed to go. That’s what I had planned.”” And the pain of that will never, ever, ever, ever go away...because the loss of that dream is a very very significant loss. But...if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn’t get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things ... about Holland” Jack Blore

What an inspirational woman one in a million I’ve loved watching you honey x ANON I have just started studying a degree in Education with ALN. Watching you on television and seeing you raise awareness of this condition has made me realise why I chose to study this course in UWTSD and it makes me even more excited to move onto my career of working with children and adults that have autism/Asperger Syndrome. You’re amazing! Sophie Morgan Normally, I hate these reality shows, and would never bother with them. However, you have changed that by being in it, and bringing Autism /Aspergers to the fore & raising awareness on a national level. No one looks for pity or sympathy, God forbid! But in raising awareness, we can go some way in achieving what is really needed, and that’s understanding & acceptance for the neuro diverse in a neuro typical dominated society. Hang on in there, Anne, we’re rooting for you. Lyndon Fish Anne - you have been a warm, funny and genuine ambassador for this who are Autistic showing there is a world of possibilities to achieve what you want to, out there xxx Linsey

Hi Anne, we are parents and grandparents of 2 autistic boys and need to tell you how proud we are that they have such an amazing role model. We love you in the chase and only watch I am a celebrity because you are in it. Your perseverance is amazing. Never forget what an awesome person you are and how much people look upto you and admire you. Jennifer Thank you Anne for raising awareness! You have had me in tears as I can’t imagine how difficult it was to push yourself out of your comfort zone! My lil man is 7 and was diagnosed with Aspergers at 3! He is such a massive quiz show fan and when we told him about his diagnosis just last month we explained how you had the same amazing brain! This gave him great comfort and then you went in the jungle and showed him what he can achieve! Thank you from the bottom of my heart xxx Sarah Taylor Hi Anne, I was diagnosed as autistic earlier this year and I’ve seen you on ‘I’m a celebrity ‘ and how brave youve been and have stood out from all the others (in a good way) thank you for being you. I’ve had an interesting week. I’ve started at a new school for children with autism and also had a lifetime of hair cut off and given it to charity and I’ve raised over £1300 to help children without hair and also the national autistic society. Watching you on TV has helped me be brave too. Thank you so much, you are awesome love Poppy x Poppy Bovis-Coulter

Anne you’ve been so very brave facing your fears in the jungle, you should be very proud of yourself. Love Zachary (aged 12)

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Elliot my son & my self have loved watching you on Im a celebrity , you have done more for raising awareness than you will ever know , thank you x Andrea and Elliot McGrath I am writing this to say how inspired I am. To see how much you have achieved and also to celebrate your successes. You have pushed the boundaries and overcome far more than most atypical people could ever do. Be proud of you for you. Aspergers is not something that defines a person or can be used as a barrier. It is a catalyst to all things we do not fully understand. Be proud and stand tall. From a mother who has a daughter recently diagnosed as asd high functioning and anxiety and depression. I hope she will follow on from your legacy as anything is achievable and never out of reach. Sally-Anne Buckley Dear Anne, I just wanted to thank you and congratulate you on your bravery in doing I’m a celebrity. My son has aspergers and as I’m sure you understand finds life difficult. To follow social expectations and live without luxuries which help sensory issues is incredibly brave, not to mention the challenges you faced. Your courage and raising awareness has helped the autistic community so much and for that I’m grateful. We all feel like we know you a little better! I wish you the very best and will continue to enjoy watching you on the chase in the future. Stay cool Vikki and the lowe family Xx Vikki Lowe

Anne, you are ruddy amazing! You have been such an inspiration to my son Dara, who is also autistic and we have loved watching you in the jungle. My sons not quite ready to tackle bugs but he knows one day he could be just as amazing as you are. Thank you for showing the nation, different not less xxx Gloria Clemmons I was diagnosed in 2016, this left me stunned but after watching you anne you inspired me. I am from prestonpans east lothian and I am very proud of you, wish there was a time i could give you a hug and say thank you for inspiring the nation and giving the amazing awareness of autism. Andrew Stevenson Glad you are raising awareness about Autism, You are doing brilliantly in the Jungle, I’m awaiting my assessment for a diagnosis at age 47 to hopefully get some answers about myself, I can see that you are using your strengths to achieve goals which is something I should be doing, Keep going Anne you are awesome. Sarah Knowles Hi Anne. I think you’re amazing and you should be so proud of all you have achieved. My 5 year old daughter is diagnosed ASD and seeing you hold your own on national TV and face so many challenges has given me so much hope for my daughters future. You are truely incredible. Georgie

Thank you so much for braving things you find most difficult to play such a massive part for inclusivity and awareness 0f everyone with autism and their daily struggles but also their amazing differences . Watching you in the jungle has made me feel like I can do anything and as the mother of the most beautiful autistic boy I feel so much more peaceful about his future with role models such as yourself educating the masses on how to be more sensitive and understanding to the things he may find challenging or difficult to process ! So much love and respect to you! Xx Eileen Burke Anne. Thank you for insipiring me to not hide my autism. I was diagnosed in adult hood a few years ago. I only told a few people as I didn’t want people to think of me differently. Seeing you on I’m a celebrity has made me realise that I shouldn’t hide who I am as a person. I just want to say Thank you for going into the jungle and spreading Autism awareness. You truly have gave me a light at end of tunnel and since watching you I have started to be myself and not hide who I am as a person. Thank you. Claire Claire Derrick Anne you have been a fantastic example that having autism doesnt difine you as a person.Its whats made you into the person you are today.It has gave me and my son hope that when he is older you will and be Fantastic just the way you are. Lindsey Cumming

You truly are an inspiration. My son has ASD. I removed him from mainstream school because of bullying and lack of knowledge regarding ASD in the system. Teachers should qualify to teach these very special humans. It is not discussed enough. Please continue to share your story. ANON Dear Anne. Having 2 children myself with Autism (Aspergers) I know what it would of taken for you to go out your comfort zone and into the jungle. You have been inspirational in there and overcome so much. It has been a great joy watching you on your journey and blossom the way you have. Thankyou for highlighting Autism the way you have. Even if you aren’t crowned queen of the jungle you have become queen of our hearts. Well done Anne xx Kelly M I’m recently diagnosed at age 35, with you going into the jungle whenever we’ve talked about my autism I say, do you watch the jungle? Have you seen Anne? Well she’s me. It helps to explain who I am. Watching you I feel so proud, you’ve coped so well with it all. I don’t think I could have done it Well done Anne Claire

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Anne, I sincerely think you are an amazing woman. I am a volunteer with the National Autistic Society and the mother of a teenage son who has Asperger Syndrome. You have been an inspiration to him ( we often enjoy watching the chase). I admire you as a person and for your bravery going into the jungle. Thank you for all you have done for the NAS and for helping to raise autism awareness. Warmest wishes Helen Helen Ainscough Thank you for helping to show that autism although it makes you different it definitely does not make you less. Myself and my daughters have been inspired by you. You did a fantastic job in the jungle. Xx Ali-Beth Griffin Thank you for being open in the jungle about autism. You have increased understanding and social media discussion. Watching your journey has given my inspiration for my daughter’s future. You have given opportunity for your camp mates to show compassion and support and it gives me hope that my daughter my find this in life too as more people understand. You were awesome to watch in the jungle! Jennie Strong As a woman going through the diagnostic process at 34 you’ve given me strength. You’ve raised awareness and made it easier for people like me to be my true autistic self and tell my story. Claire Ann

Anne you are amazing. I have been overwhelmed by your coping mechanisms and watching you grow in confidence in the jungle. My 11 yr old is asperges and it’s lovely to see and hear from an adults eyes. We are in ore of you. Louise Worne Having an 8 year old boy who has just been diagnosed with HFA I have been fretting and worrying about what his future would be like. Therefore it’s a huge relief to see famous Autistic people do so well in their chosen careers and in particular to see Anne fight against her fears in the jungle. Well done and thank you for being so inspiring. Gill Harding Anne we hope when you read this you are the queen as you deserve it .we know a few adults who are on the spectrum and you are helping them to realize you can do everything thank you Rose Clarke Dear Anne, My name is Carmen, I’m 14 and I have autism. Watching you on I’m A Celebrity has really shown me that if you push yourself, anything is possible. You’ve been truly inspirational for me and many others. Seeing how far you have come since you first entered the jungle until now, is crazy. You’ve come so far. Everyone in the jungle has been so kind and supporting, and you and John are my favourites! You really are an icon, keep doing you! Love you, and best wishes xxx Carmen

Hi Anne I just wanted to say how amazing you have been on I’m a celeb. You’ve coped so well being in a different country with new people and coping with all the changes around you, I’m so proud of you! I’ve got so much more hope for my son as he gets older seeing you and how well you have done. It’s really shown me that you can continue with life and have autism. You’ve been a great role model and given so much hope to parents like myself out there. All the best Anne. Shabana Najeeb

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Well done Anne and thankyou for speaking out about autism. Watching you in the jungle has made me more aware of some of the struggles my daughter faces. You should be so proud of yourself. No matter what the result you are our queen of the jungle xx Megan’s mum Dear Anne, I am an autistic woman. I was diagnosed when I was 23 years old. I am in awe of you and your openness and honesty about being autistic. I would like to personally thank you for breaking the NAS website too, that is epic. I actually spoke to radio 1 in the aftermath of your initial autism conversation in the jungle and I would also like to thank you for giving me that opportunity to speak out to the nation too, as without your bravery and dialogue on the show, they wouldn’t have interviewed me. I run a Social media campaign that’s aim is to raise not only awareness, but encourage acceptance of autistic people. It’s called “do I look autistic yet?” And it’s all about destroying stereotypes and promoting autistic pride. It’s so comforting to see a strong successful female speaking out and completely smashing stereotypes on national tv! So sincerest thank you. And much love and support, from one strong woman, to another! Take care and keep doing what you’re doing for yourself and for the community!

Go on anne u have inspired me not to be scared and make sure my brother is safe Izzy Anne, you have always been part of our family, thanks to The Chase. Little did we know just how special you really are. My 3 year old son, Dexter, has high functioning ASD. And to watch your strength and determination on I’m a Celebrity, just makes my heart swell with pride. Thankyou from the bottom of my heart for not only entertaining us with your miraculous brain, but also for helping people, who may have never had the opportunity, understand Autism, the daily struggles that we have to go through and how the smallest efforts make the biggest impressions in our lives. You are an amazing woman and I feel so inspired for my boy when I watch you live day by day in such an environment. You incredible marvellous woman. God Bless you Anne. Our fondest love. Jess Bennett I think you’re an inspiration Anne. You’ve shown the country that anything can be done and I think you’re a brilliant role model for autistic kids today and for the future. You’re the shining light in an autistic world that can be very confusing. Lots of love. Vicky Langley

Hannah Molesworth thankyou so much for raising awareness for autism it prob wasn’t your intention but you’ve done ab amazing we ‘be only been watching it to follow you Alison and Anya

Love watching you Anne! And you’re our ASD hero too- we know you didn’t choose to be or set out to be an ambassador for autism but your success inspires our ASD kids to want more out of life and to aim just that bit higher x Annette

Hi Anne you have inspired me to trek snowdon with my husband, our youngest son has autism. So we feel very strong towards national autistic society. I am raising money for him and all the people affected Carli We think you’ve been amazing in the jungle and think you’ve really helped to raise awareness of autism. My daughter is autistic and I am branch officer for the NAS Wrexham branch and we have been following your jungle antics on a daily basis. It’s nice to see everyone have an open conversation with you regarding autism, they’ve taken an interest and taken on board what you’ve told them. Kerry Roberts Anne is such an inspiration because she doesn’t use her disability as barrier she embraces it and will give anything a go even if it’s out of her comfort zone. It just makes you think is she can do this you can do anything you put your heart into you just have to believe and try Yasmine Thank you Anne hopefully people will understand Autism more now ANON Hello Anne you have to win this for all the people who are on your side like you do on the chase ok good luck

Hi Anne, Thank you for being so brave and putting women with autism in the spotlight. I struggle to explain to people that although I may look fine, I am struggling internally and you have put this struggle on TV, in everyone’s living rooms! So many people are now talking about women with autism and we have you to thank. I can barely watch because I can feel how awful the unpredictability and sensory issues with the trials are but thank you for going through it because you are helping so many people to understand more. I am a young woman, with aspergers, also suffering from idiots and it is AMAZING to see the world starting to listen. Kym Anne you have been an inspiration watching you in the jungle. I have a son on the ASD pathway and it gives me hope that he will be able to deal with his difficulties as an adult. I feel so proud of you to go on the show. I know it would have been so hard for you to adjust to the new surroundings and challenges. I’m sure you have helped a lot of people out there, not just me. Claire Lee Ann, I know how difficult this whole experience must be, you are however demonstrating a positive view of autism. My daughter is 44, only diagnosed 2 years ago, she has struggled socially all her life as many adults with autism do, however you are inspiring so many people, you are showing the world that those with autism can achieve. I really hope you get crowned queen of the jungle. Well done. Liz Collins

Ron and June

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Not quite sure where to start! I guess thanking you for making autism and it’s daily struggles to everyones eyes would be a good place to start. My little girl was diagnosed at the age of 4, it was very apparent at the age of 18 months that things weren’t right and the struggles we have faced have been some of the hardest times. As a mum I came to find that society has no consideration and some people are beyond rude, comments are hurtful and their actions hurt deeply, but yet the struggle carries on just to get through each minute, hour, day and night. I’ve learnt to be a warrior for my little girl to fight unbelievably hard to ensure she has the best start in life and that she has the same chances in life just like every other child. A main stream school just to give her basic skills because she shouldn’t be ruled out because she is autistic, until 3 years later when the head teacher told me they no longer accommodate my daughter’s needs and she has to leave, this literally broke me, but yet behind my tears and fears I had to battle on. One day we managed a trip to a supermarket, it became too much and a meltdown came together we sat on the floor as I tried to console her, a lady approaches us and said if we didn’t move she would run my daughter over with her trolley!! This was the finally straw and anger took over deep inside me, never again from that moment have I ever let someone talk about my precious girl in that way, we didn’t move out of the way we just sat there until she was ready!

Dear Anne, I work for the National Autistic Society and I also have two autistic brothers, so it’s a cause that is closest to my heart. My family and I have watched your journey in the jungle with a lot of excitement and admiration; you have been so strong. I feel that it’s so rare for someone with a high profile to speak so frankly about their autism and the challenges that come with it, let alone put themselves in an extreme and hostile environment like that. I don’t like to use the word “”amazing”” too much because it tends to lose its meaning, but I truly think you are amazing. I’m really proud to work for an organisation that has earned your support and friendship. Thank you so much, Anne! Kate Vickers Thank you for being so open about your autism. A lot of people around me don’t seem to understand my condition, but you’ve helped inspire conversations about it at my school. Congratulations for being so brave - I couldn’t do half the things you’ve done in the jungle! You’re awesome Charlie

Unless you live with autism no One knows the struggles. So thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing what you have done, thank you for showing the world that yes we are all human but some humans face struggles and life is not easy but yet they are precious and we wouldn’t change any of things because that’s who they are. We don’t let autism define us, we define autism. My daughter is the most precious gift and knows just how special she is

Thank you for being so honest with your campmates in the jungle and thus allowing us at home to engage in open and frank conversations with family and friends about how we struggle at times. Your bravery in tackling new situations and challenges has been wonderful to see but so too has been your ability to know your own limits and be able to say “no, not doing that one” as you did with the spider cupboard in the hospital trial! Thank you for being you and for letting us all tag along on this bizarre and wonderful journey with you, we may never meet but I know if we did you would be someone I could trust and respect straight away, thank you.



Hi Anne, You are inspirational to me because I too am autistic and I wouldn’t even get on a plane to Australia let alone go into the jungle. When I watch you doing a trial, I feel uncomfortable watching you, knowing what it feels like to have a sensory overload. I feel so proud watching you try everything in there and you are doing so well. I am overwhelmed by how supportive your camp mates are to you and this is fantastic to watch. You are an amazing ambassador for autism and a true inspiration. You should be very proud of yourself! Mary-Jane Hi Anne, seeing you on tv, opening up about your ASD and late diagnosis has really motivated me to finally pursue an assessment for my Teenage daughter. I don’t know what the future will hold but it is inspiring to see positive rolemodels who are living life to the full with ASD. Thank you! Rachel Barker You have done an amazing job of showing what it’s like to be autistic. And that autistic people can be funny, clever and just lovely, as well as struggling with some specific things too. Thank you so much for going into the jungle - I have watched every episode. Jane Harris Anne, You are a wonderful lady. You’re not a chaser, you’re a leader! Eric

Anne your a queen, your brave, you are a winner, your an inspiration and I look up to you. You are an amazing woman thank you for standing up and talking about autism your awesome your da best. Tania Brennan Anne you are doing fantastic never knew you where autistic to recently I too was diagnosed at 19 I’m almost 27 now keep going your a super star I know how difficult things can be day to day you are raising so much Autism Awareness!!!! I would love for you to WIN and get QUEEN of the jungle #BestOfLuckAnne Aoife Well done Ann you have inspired women of all ages and sizes that if you put your mind to it you can do anything! ANON Thank you for raising awareness of a cause that so many people still understand little about. You’ve made a real difference and got people talking. Thank you. Jeni Congratulations Anne. You’ve proved that those with Autism can be just as useful in today’s society than those without. My daughter who has Autism (not Aspergers) has been following your journey and has been inspired to continue in collage and get a job, to not give in when she receives knock backs ( plenty of those on the job hunting front). Thank you for bringing your self and Autism into the daily lives of those worth and without this additional need. Let’s hope Society sees those with any additional needs in a more positive light Alison

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Dear Anne, I am 32 years old and I was finally diagnosed with Autism just over one year ago. I was diagnosed following consistent misdiagnoses of mental health conditions and great difficulties with managing money, managing my home and managing my life in general. I lived alone but was dedicated to my job which sadly I know longer have. You were an inspiration to me even before I discovered that you were autistic, because you are my favourite chaser! The Chase is not only my favourite show, but also a part of my daily routine.

Anne my son is 13 and he has autism and complex needs..he watches you every night and is in support of you..he says that you are amazing to do what you are doing and he understands how hard it will be but you are doing amazing and you have proved that the skies the limits. Well done you are an inspiration..p.s he also loves the chase x Hayley Kay

Thank you so much Anne, for making such a positive difference.

Dear Anne. I’ve met you in person exactly a year ago in Torquay and you had some very encouraging words for me when I told you I was newly diagnosed with Asperger’s. Thank you so much for that. It was encouraging enough for me to start pursuing my dream job in journalism and so far I have been a finalist of national competition, shortlisted for a job at the BBC, taking part in local diversity panel at ITV and started a formal training. Yes, we find some things harder that the others and it is so easy to succumb to depressive thoughts when you struggle with the thing the others don’t find difficult at all. But as the overwhelming response to your time on I’m a Celebrity is so positive, it seems like it’s worth to persevere and show others who we really are. There’s plenty of people out there who appreciate someone honest and genuine. There’s many workplaces who see the potential in our strengths. I would never believe it possible if it wasn’t for following your story. I hope that we’ll meet again one day and I will have a chance to interview you as a ‘proper’ journalist, whatever this means. You are an inspiration not because you are a celebrity but because of what you have to do to earn this status. And public loves you for a reason x

Claire Murphy

Gosia Bartram

Finding out that you were autistic, and identifying with aspects of your experiences, made me feel less alone. Finding out that you were going into the jungle overwhelmed me. I never imagined that an adult, autistic female, someone I already admire, would be there, speaking openly about things I can identify with. I think you are wonderful and so brave. Being autistic is sometimes hard, but communicating autism with other people is even harder, and you have relieved some of the pressure and self-doubt I feel about that. I hope you know how incredible you are, and I hope you know that you, and your supportive camp mates, have helped so many people, and given them hope. Only two people have been voted out as I write this, but you, in our eyes, are a winner, and you won the second you made the decision to go to the jungle.

Keep on being you because you are amazing Supergirl

Anne, I think you’re absolutely wonderful and you’ve done such an amazing job surviving the jungle! You’ve inspired countless individuals by being so open with your campmates about your condition, and because of this you’re changing attitudes and making a real difference to people’s understanding. Thank you. Rachael Lynch Thank you for sharing your story with the world. I’m 18 years old and was diagnosed with autism last year. You have broadened people’s knowledge and understanding of what it means to be autistic, something I cannot thank you enough for. I think you are very brave for doing the show. I’m so glad you exist, you are helping so many autistic people be proud of who they are. Katie T

Hi Anne, Thank you so much for being open about your autism and the awareness you’ve raised. I am autistic also and 22. I have a huge amount of admiration for you going onto I’m A Celebrity – I can’t imagine being able to do that with all of the sensory difficulties in the challenges! You’ve done amazingly well though and have shown that autistic people can do these things too. I’m currently trying to get through college and find it really difficult. It’s inspirational to see an autistic woman in the media who is successful and has a good career. I really hope you win I’m A Celeb! I know you’ve said you don’t want to have to stay much longer - I think the autistic community is happy to be a bit selfish though and hope our representative - your fantastic self - wins! Hope to see you on more TV shows :)

Thank you so much for braving the jungle and giving it your all! You have shown that autistic people have more to offer to the world than previously thought. I’ve used your time on the jungle to educate people around me what it truly feels like to have aspergers. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Aaron Dear Anne, until you went into the Show I had no idea you had autism. My 10 yr old son was diagnosed with inattentive ADHD and Aspergers this year, he has really enjoyed following your journey and you’re his favourite to win. You have changed how people see others with Autism and more and should be so proud of yourself. You have given my son a lot of hope that one day he can also achieve great things in life.

All the best :) Rebecca U go Ann your doing great I’m so proud of you. love you your the best xx Jamie Adams Dear Anne,, I just wanted to say how amazing i think you are, to face your fears and do all your doing with the difficulties you face gives me hope that I to can face anything, well done Anne xx Sarah


Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Hi Anne I’m also an autistic individual and I feel what you have done is brave and strong of you to do, many autistic people face everyday struggles and it’s inspiring to show that you can break through and do the things you want to do. Showing your vulnerability on I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here shows the unseen side to people with higher functioning autism that most people aren’t usually aware of and it’s brought a lot of awareness and I’m proud you let yourself be who you are. Rebecca Crowley Anne you are an inspiration to everybody so proud of what you are doing keep it up beautiful lady xxx Suzanne Bolton Anne you are an inspiration to all, you have NOT let your Autism hold you back, your very very clever, And we all love you.

Hello Anne I want to say that I have been a fan of the governess ever since my mum introduced me to the chase. Sadly we lost my mum nearly two years ago and my sister and I watch the chase and swap texts about how it’s going in a sort of trib to mum although regardless we really enjoy the show and I’m always delighted when the governess comes on. I was initially surprised to find out Anne has Asperger’s because my 38 year old son has Asperger’s too and he finds chatting very hard but I now realise that Anne is in her comfort zone on the show because she is in control to a certain extent and knows her subject. For her to place herself so completely out of her comfort zone took, I’m sure, tremendous courage and I admire her even more now than before. She is an inspiration to other people with aspergers and even other problems. I wish her every success in the programme and also look forward to seeing her back on the chase. Janice Weaver

Annette Gamle Dear Anne, Thank you for speaking so openly on I’m A Celeb about autism. Millions of people watch the show and that’s now millions of people who are spending time to understand autism a little bit more. I could never even face going in there but thank you for representing everyone on the spectrum and for being such a great Advocate. Connor :) Connor Ward Anne definitely been an inspiration for our family. She is a very strong person, and is fighting against all odds. We love you Anne Ann Marie Clarke

Anne you have always been my Hero on the Chase but now you have achieved so much not just for you but for everyone that has autism well done. Vee Page Thank you for being an inspiration,and proving with the right support behind you,you can overcome your fears and acheive anything.and that it’s ok to be different Sam Hester

Hello Anne, Thank you so much for inspiring me since you went on the show. I’m 14 and I have Aspergers too! I always look forward to seeing you on I’m A Celebrity every night. I was bullied at my old school because of my Autism but I moved school recently and I’m really happy. Thank you for bringing me out of my shell of shyness and making me stand up for myself. It would be a dream to meet you. I remember hoping you were the Chaser on The Chase when I was 9! That was before I found out that you had the same condition as me! You’re more brave than me! Thank you again, Anne, from the bottom of my heart Amber Jones

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


I am 14, I live in Glasgow and I am autistic. I have really admired what you have been doing in the jungle. I think you’ve been coping with it spectacularly. I find the fact that you’ve remembered every President of the United States really interesting. I think it’s really amazing that you’re even in there, and that you jumped out of a helicopter. Watching you has made me feel a mixture of pride and admiration because you’re showing that autistic people have just as much potential as any other person, if not more. You’ve been covered in all sorts of disgusting stuff but you’ve not given up, and that is truly remarkable. Thank you for showing me that I could do what you’re doing, and for being a role model to me.

You have done amazingly well and really pushed yourself. We enjoyed seeing you blossom and voted for you like mad as we really want you to win. Loads of love from Leamington Spa xx

I work with teenagers who have a variety of difficulties and needs, including autism, but who also have a wealth of strengths and talents. I see many of them, on a daily basis, struggling not only with their diagnosis but their ability or willingness to talk to others about it, or acknowledge it, or - to quote them - to “admit” it... as though it’s something to be shamed from, hidden, or fixed. Many of them are starting to think of life beyond high school and wonder how they would cope in a new setting, many assume they’ll never be ‘successful’. My hope each day is that I can help them see how they are already suceeding, and help them carve out their place in the world. Your appearance on I’m a Celebrity, your courage, your honesty, your strength, your openness, your acceptance, YOU, have made my job so much easier. People are talking about autism, and a host of other issues off the back of it, but in such a positive way. Being so well known as a Chaser and then being so open about your diagnosis has made youngsters realise they can be successful. Because you’ve been so real, and genuine, and just answering questions about autism or explaining how it helps or hinders in certain situations, you’ve created an ease of conversation that no documentary or campaign or awareness raising mission could’ve. Your campmates have been amazing too, showing that if society just understands, accommodates, and accepts, then even some of the hardest things about autism don’t have to be barriers. I can’t imagine how you will be feeling at the end of the show - or throughout it come to that! - but I hope somewhere amongst the inevitable exhaustion and emotion is a fiercely intense sense of pride. You should be proud of how true to yourself you have been, of how far you have pushed yourself, and of how many lives you have changed for the better.

Jill and Jez Gardiner

Bev Barnett

Robert Dunbar YOU ARE DOING FANTASTIC ANN SO PROUD OF YOU KEEP IT UP XXX Gilll Milne Hi Anne, quite honestly you’re my hero at the moment. Just diagnosed myself at 43 so it’s been amazing and truly inspirational for me to see you in the jungle. You probably don’t realise how much impact you’ve been having just by being you and showing thats OK. Also I cant believe you actually drank the eyeballs, I couldn’t even watch! Kate

Anne you truly are an inspiration. You have overcome all odds and showed people they can do whatever they set their minds to! You have raised awareness about autism and given people hope and the courage to overcome anything! I lost my dad to cancer on November 11th and watching you being so strong is helping me get through the day! Win or lose you will always be a winner to me! Xxx Carrie Ann Booth Hi Anne I just wanted to say how incredibly brave you are going into the jungle and regardless of the outcome you are my winner. My 14 year old son is severely autistic and I will always be grateful to you for creating a tremendous amount of awareness. I’ve never heard so many people talking about autism and wanting to learn more about it. You’ve given so many people with autism hope for the future, you’ve given them strength and for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Well done Anne! So proud of you. Tracy Hunt

Dear Ann I am a single mum to an 11-year-old autistic son. We have had such a hard time over the last couple of years and he hasn’t been attending school for months. I’m hoping I can find a school that will take him, and can handle his quirky ways, because he is so bright and has so much promise and is quite unique and comical and informative. When I watched you on I’m A Celebrity, you really touched me, as I think you are incredibly brave as you are not only dealing with issues that my son has to face every single day, but all of those trials!!!!!!! You are an absolute complete an utter inspiration. I am praying that you win and I’m right beside you every step of the way. You have my absolute admiration, as I know how incredibly difficult and overwhelming this whole experience must be for you. Every day is a challenge for someone who is autistic and you have shown great strength of character in so many ways and you really are a national treasure ! I hope my son will aspire to be just like you. Well done as you have done so much great work for the autistic community. We feel your anxiety every time. Thank you so much for making people sit up and take notice of what autism actually means. Petrina Johnson

Good luck anne your my winner xx ANON We’re so proud that you have represented Aspies in such a brave way. We could never have done what you have - you are amazing!

I just like to say well done Anne your doing a great job just to show no matter what anyone can do anything Helen lay

Stephanie and Kim

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


I work with children with all sort of special need so I no how hard it must be for Anne she is doing brilliant in my eyes she is a star Hazel Montgomery Well done Anne keep going you are a winner ANON Well done Ann ANON Hi Anne you have been so brave in the jungle and you keep on surprising yourself. You have made so many people with autism such as me believe that we can do things of we put out minds to it. You have spread a lot of awareness of autism.

Thank you for be so open your life my son George Wicks find life so hard he is autistic with behaviour problem he can read but never passed a explain . You have show that different between there people are wide but value to them , good luck love xx Thank you for be you xxxxx Ursula Robinson Dear Anne, I just wanted to say what an inspiration you are.You have done something that has probably pushed your boundaries, and are showing other people, that yes, you can achieve and do things with autism. My granddaughter is 23 and has austism, she is non verbal, and has a few other things which affect her, but she is the light of our lives, we love her dearly. Once again Anne thank you xxx Sharon

You are my hero

Anne. What an inspiration you have been, thank you for sharing. I hope you win. What a beautiful lady you are.

Anne you have been very strong and showed that autism doesn’t stop you doing anything. I love watching you on the chase and i was in the audience on the celebrity chase and loved you more. You are one great lady. keep it up anne and be strong


Holly Griffin

U are inspiring . U have given me hope for the future that my son will achieve his goals. U are an amazing woman . Thank you for raising awareness of autism

You are amazing Anne, change and loss of routine is so hard for you to deal with, keep fighting, I admire you so much for taking on this challenge xx

Rhian Hegarty


Anne is doing so well didn’t even know she had autism but a trooper she is. Go anne

A lot of people have quit the show after being in a shorter time than you have, you can do it!

Leanne Mackellar

Kay Waring


You’re a real inspiration to everone, with or without autism, well done Anne :) Margaret I think you are doing great,keep going you are inspiration to so many good luck x

Hi Anne I don’t know any one personally with autism but I am so pleased you are in the jungle its show people with the disability that you can come over anything you put your mind to. Keelie Hall-Wharton

Jan Hi Anne. Lovely to see someone on television openly discussing Autistic Spectrum Conditions. I couldn’t go in to the jungle. I think you’re quite brave. Check out my blog about living with Autism at Emma-Lucy My daughter has aspergers syndrome and we both were amazed that you have autism too. It’s made my daughter see that she can do scary things, make friends and go away from her comforts. Thank you Anne for highlighting autism and being a truly amazing lady. Hope your happy and send love. Hazel Anne you have been fantastic love you xx ANON We always cheer you on when watching the Chase. Youngest is over the moon to find out you have Autism like her. You are her hero. Being in the jungle must have been extra torture for you so be proud of doing it. We are all proud of you for showing Autism means Strong too. Rachael Howard

You are my winner Anne, Queen of the Jungle. You are doing great at the moment and you look as though you are enjoying it now. Best of luck Anne. Lots of love. Thelma You ate a very inspirational lady , you are doing an amazing job , keep up the good work xxxxxxxx Pauline you are a real inspiration not only for autism but for showing strength and determination and hope to all god bless you anne x Jackie Anne you are a true inspiration and a wonderful lady XX Julie Redford This is simple Anne, you are amazing. My son is watching and being inspired. ANON I think you have done much for autism, it is hard to go in the jungle without the problems you have had to battle with. Well done Anne, we all love you xxx ANON

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


I think you are incredibly brave to even go on such a show, do you have sensory issues? I cry just watching the trials as I know I couldn’t bear it. Well done it’s a super achievement. Thank you for raising awareness. Ami Emery You are AMAZING ! So inspirational and a national treasure for all. Drew Well Done Anne for bringing Autism Awareness to each & every one of us; Some of us have family with Autism & unfortunately it is still looked upon with derision in some circles but your bravery in sharing your diagnosis will hopefully make people more aware of what an Autistic person has to deal with every single day as well as inspire our Health Authorities to make more time for people like yourself who are ‘Different But Not Less’ x Anne Hey Anne just wanted to say what an inspiration you truly are

Very proud of you ann i have a daughter with aspergis syndrome and struggles on a day to day so beleive me you are doing so great well done to you hope you win you deserve to be queen Tina Rawlings AnneFor years I enjoyed watching you as The Governess on The Chase, then finding out you were also on the spectrum made me feel so proud to be autistic. It took many years for me to become OK with my diagnosis and to know I share it with somebody so witty, intelligent and inspiring is amazing. The strength, tenacity and determination you’ve shown in the jungle is unbelievable and myself and my friends on the spectrum all agree we could have never done anything so brave. You’ve inspired conversations at my university about autism and it’s been so heartwarming to see people become more understanding and appreciative of what it means to be autistic. Thank-you for representing us aspies so well and thank-you for reminding me why I have no reason to be ashamed of my diagnosis. With love and admiration, Izzy Watkins

Lauren Bennett I like you, you’re grate Hi Anne just wanted to tell you how much we admire you. We are parents of a 14yrs old son who has aspergers diagnosed at 9yrs old. Hes amazing hes intelligent he has very little social skills although is charming and we love him so much and embrace everything about him. You are so brave to do this my son only leaves his room socially to play football and has had a really hard time. We all love and appreciate u Anne so many dont get it x ANON


Hi Anne, i’d like to say you inspire me. I am an aspiring teacher to teach children with special educational needs, I love it, I learn so much! My 10 year old cousin has Autism and he amazes me everytime I see him, he is so clever! he doesn’t have a great time in school and is not included in many things, I hope one day he will be like you as he is a wonderful boy. I love that you raise awareness for ASD as it is something so many people do not understand. Keep being amazing Anne, I want you to win I’m a celebrity!! Sammi Anne, I have nothing but respect for you. You have raised so much awareness by facing such a huge challenge and speaking out. My little girl will face a lot of difficulties in her life, but hopefully because of strong people like you, acceptance won’t be one of them. Well done Anne, we are all very proud of you. Xx Hazel and Ella McQueen I volunteer at different charities and at a school, which specializes in children who have autism. I volunteer I have worked wasn’t able to do it full time as lost it due to my disability. I think, as long as autistic individuals are doing a thing which is useful such as volunteering or working at least they are trying. Too much judgement and I agree you have to really think hard to complete any task successfully when you have autism. Anna Anne you are an inspiration you have give me hope for my child’s future much love Lynne

Anne my daughter is 14 an has aspergers she do d not get diagnosed till 12 but did put things into perspective for her she has adhd too.. You being in the jungle is very inspiring for her an shows her you can do anything you are out of your comfort zone I see that an doing challenges I think your trying really hard we are all proud of you you are a an inspiring lady I show my daughter all the time your on she thinks you are amazing best of luck to you. Stella Anne you have changed the face of autism, raised awareness and made it real , you are an inspiration to so many people who feel they have to hide behind autism , you have squashed many myths. Tracy McGuire-Brown Hello Anne, it has been great for my 15 year old autistic daughter to watch you on ‘I’m a celebrity’. This is the first time that she has been able to identify with someone who shares similar traits to herself. Your open honesty with your fellow team mates about how your autism affects you has been greatly appreciated in the autistic community. We are so glad you overcame the initial emotion hurdles you faced on the first few days in camp. It has been wonderful to watch you and how you have dealt with all that you have been challenged with. You are fabulous role model. Thank you Rachel Dennett It has been so inspiring for my daughter, aged 13 and who has High Functioning Autism, to have such a positive role model. She has watched every episode, and Anne has inspired her to speak openly about her diagnosis for the first time. Thank you. Sarah T

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Hey Anne. Along with all the other fabulous humans that will have sent in a message I just wanted to put a little thank you of my own. I have a beautiful 13 year old daughter who was diagnosed with ASD two years ago. School was an absolute nightmare for her which resulted in her becoming so depressed and anxious that she began to self harm and tried to commit suicide twice. This resulted in her having 9 months out of education as there was no where that could meet her needs. Both myself and Poppy would like to say how proud we are of you to achieve what you did in the jungle. We understand all this attention will be awkward and difficult for you to understand and except but we could not ketcan opportunity like this to pass by without contributing to wishing you nothing but love and respect. Sending you a mahoosive awkward hug and a equally awkward pat on the back xxxx lots of love Lindsay and Poppy xxxxxx L Anderson My 16yr old son and 21yr old daughter are both on the autistic spectrum. As a family we have been watching you in the jungle and you have been a great inspiration to us. We know how much harder it was for you in there, but you tried your best. We knew how much harder and more stressful it was for you than it was for the other camp mates. We have so much love and respect for you. You’re a winner in our eyes whenever you come out! Janet Anne, you are amazing and an inspiration to this Mum of a 7 year old boy with Autism. You have given me belief that anything is possible for my little man - thank you x Sharon Barr

Dear Anne Thank you for taking up such a challenge by taking part in ‘I’m a celebrity’ this year. Your courage has been evident, but did you know you’ve have shown our daughter a way to accept her differences and have more self awareness. So much so we’ve formed a new method for her to describe when things are making her feel anxious or uncomfortable. She now whispers “”I’m ME let’s get me out of here !”” She’s only 10, has been bullied for being different, made to feel like somethings ‘wrong’ with her when in fact she’s just an incredible soul. Just like YOU ! THANK YOU FOR YOUR GIFT TO HER XXX T Taylor As someone who does not suffer directly or know someone who does suffer from Autism, you’ve brought to light the many issues that society nowadays doesnt talk about with us young people. You’re an inspiration and you’ve done absolutely brilliantly in the jungle. Stay strong and keep doing what you do best. Nikita Dutton Anne, I work with pre school children with ASC. I support them to develop communication.I love my job! It is so rewarding. Watching you on Celebrity jungle is so inspiring and hopeful!. Well done on your achievement! X Sharon McDermott I’m a student with Aspergers and you’re a huge inspiration. Thank you! Andie Brown

You have inspired me so much. I am a autistic adult. I struggle with social anxiety and building relationships. She has shown me how strong she is and has inspired me to push my boundries and achieve my goals. I always felt like she does not fitting in only getting on with guys I was always labelled and still am for been so close to guys then girls. She is a strong women and has shown anything is possible. She has built my confidence and shown me how to deal with situations. Annalise

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Anne, you have inspired me personally as another Autistic women with your bravery and grace in going into the jungle and despite the stress and the moments of vulnerability from being around new people in a new environment, you’ve never quit. You are still in there despite how hard it has been on you. The way you’ve held on gives me encouragement to do the same when I’m facing situations that are challenging to me personally. I might not be facing sleeping with creepy crawlies but I’ve been overwhelmed and broke down in public when things have gotten too much. Watching you deal with ImACeleb is a reminder that I’m not alone and there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I’ve also noticed that a lot more people seem to be learning about Autism just from the things you’ve spoken about in the jungle. You’ve done a lot of good for our community just by appearing on the show.

Hello Anne! Ever since my first time watching The Chase (around 2013), I have been such a huge fan of you, mainly because of your sense of humor and your intelligence. But when I saw that you took part on I’m A Celebrity, I was quite shocked. At first, I wasn’t expecting you to perform as great, but what you did in your trials changed my feeling towards you. You are very brave and very courageous, and I sincerely have to applaud you for that.

Jessica-Roisin Nolan

Remember: There are always fans who want to see more of what you bring to the table. Well done Anne!

I’m in the process of applying to university and deciding what I want to do with my future, and it’s a very emotional process as it feels like so many things are holding me back because of my autism. However, watching you overcome your struggles in the Jungle has been very inspiring and has shown me that I can get through everything that faces me in the future, no matter how difficult it is. You’ve been so brave doing everything that you are, and I can only hope to be as strong as you when I have to get through difficult times as well. Thank you for showing me how amazing autistic people can really be. Esther Beckley

But what emphasizes my feeling even more is the fact that you have a disability. Autism is a very challenging disability to overcome in situations like what you are in right now. When I see you do those trials, especially in the Monoliths trial, I can feel my heart pounding. Sometimes I even cried a little, but that’s because you are doing surprisingly well while coping with your Autism. You absolutely smashed it in that drinking challenge.

Steven Lu Dear Anne On behalf of my bright bubbly little man on the autistic spectrum, I want to thank you so much for challenging yourself to do the trials and stay in what must be a difficult environment on I’m a Celeb. You have done something so wonderful by sharing your experiences and any difficulties you have with the wider public. It’s going to do so much to not just spread awareness but much more to show what people on the spectrum are able to achieve. I couldnt cope with all those creepy crawlies! I’m so happy that my son has a role model in you. Love you on The Chase too! The countdown in the final chase is one of my little boy’s things. Best of luck! Love Claudia and Alastair xxxx Claudia Isaby

Dear Anne, I wanted to thank you! The bravery you’ve shown during your time in the jungle has really inspired me! After being diagnosed with ASD this year, you’ve helped me to discover that I shouldn’t let this hold me back and should use it to my advantage! You’re amazing and deserve the best! Lots of love, Daisy Dear Anne. My name is Jake Lindsay, I am a 17 year old college student and I have Asperger’s syndrome. At the moment, you are my hero and by breaking down the “barrier” of disability and ability, you have inspired me to get through my Day to Day life even if there are “obstacles” in the way. I have been loving the ways that you have coped with the “obstacles” of bush tucker trials and dingo dollar challenges”. I also watch the chase just to see you (even if I do want Bradley’s team to win). I hope you see that everything you do is amazing and inspiring. Well done love from Jake Jake Lindsay ann, my 17 year old boy has autism and is v self depricant, he loves the chase and i use you as a VERY positive role model as someone who has similar struggles but has achieved so v much, thank you so very much from an autism mummy for putting yourself out there , it must have been beyond difficult , but in doing so you are helping young people like my son, thank you

Anne, you have done an amazing job of promoting Autism Awareness and showing how awesome some of us are. Some people with Autism and Learning Disabilities aren t as lucky and get locked in Assessment and Treatment Units when their anxieties lead to challenging behaviour. Their average incarceration is 6 years Please support our campaign to stop people being detained these Atu’s petitions/231406 Jeremy Bethany’s Dad Hi Anne! I want to thank you for being you. You’ve raised an incredible amount of awareness of how autism presents in girls and it’s opening up discussions with people I know about neurodivergence along with how the symptoms present differently in women. You’ve shown an incredible amount of strength with the challenges you’ve faced in the jungle this year and I wish you nothing but the best! Annalise Your courage and strength is inspiring, you are an amazing lady with a heart of gold who has helped show the world that Asperger is so much more than a label. We love you Anne x Beth and Amy

Kirsty Phillips We’re so proud of you Anne. And so glad you’re raising autism & aspergers awareness.

Anne, so proud of you representing us “older” autistic women :) Thank you! X Kelsey O’Brien


Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Hi Anne, you have really helped me understand my daughter so much better, you have been wonderful ANON Thanks for raising awareness about autism. You are an inspiration to us. Hopefully more teachers and schools can learn about autism, too. Vaughan Moore Anne, you have shown everyone just how much people with autism are capable of. Thank you and enjoy a good meal and a hot bath! Lucy

Anne, thank you for raising awareness and showing so clearly what a person with Autism needs to get through in a day. Thank you for demonstrating so vividly how simple it is for a small adjustment to have a big impact on how an Autistic Person can cope with what are often seen as ‘everyday’ situations. ANON Ann you are such a inspiration. Lynn Molloy Dear Anne Thank you for showing us what : Honesty Anxiety

Dear Anne,


I was a support worker for children with Autism and some of the looks and comments we would receive when we were out in the community would break my heart.


Most of the time these reactions were born out of ignorance rather than unkindness, often people were unaware that my kids weren’t being “”naughty”” or “”weird””, they were just being their beautiful selves. Thanks to your openness and honesty on such a popular television programme I genuinely believe that more people will be aware and understanding of people with Autism when they encounter them in every day life. I cannot thank you enough for that. Warmest wishes, Emma Fernell

Bravery And coming out of a comfort zone really looks like. I have absolutely nothing but admiration for you. Well done and thank you. Michael and Annie Bayliss Dear Anne Your an inspiration to all that are affected by autism you have proved that you are able to achieve anything with love support and determination two of my children have Autism so I know the struggles you have on a daily basis .you have shown the world what its like to be affected through you eyes helping the ignorant people in this world to understand and accept others with disabilities I’m so very proud of you you go girl xx Lynne

Hiya Anne, you have done so brilliantly in the Jungle. I am Autistic and teach about it on my YouTube channel, CuriosityRocks . It’s been so great that you explained on mainstream tv how you cope with sensory issues and how you process things and how you find it easier to get along with men. I relate to that a lot and I tweeted about my own experiences on the #ImACeleb tag. You’re so courageous to do this show. I’m so proud of you. Lots of Love xx

Thank you for representing us. Thank you for pushing the boundaries. Thank you for being yourself. We needed that x

Thank you Anne for being so brave and such a positive role model. Although the jungle set-up is far from ‘everyday’, you’ve raised awareness of the challenges autistic people face living their lives. You’ve also shown that although autistic people have differences to neurotypical people, we are not weird monsters, as sometimes portrayed in the media. You’ve shown how an autistic person can form genuine connections with other people, interact with and integrate into social groups, and just bloody get on with things. That said, you’ve also inspired me to stop struggling in silence and ask for help, which is actually very empowering. Love you Anne! PS I actually enjoyed your recitation of the US presidents :)

Ethan Lee


Anne, you have been absolutely fantastic in ‘I’m a celebrity’, and you have been so open and honest about your challenges with Aspergers.

I just think you, Anne, are wonderful. I have some friends with autistic kids and I think you are an inspiration for putting yourself in such a ridiculous situation which o don’t think I could even do because I hate spiders so much I couldn’t do the jungle. For the simple fact you are there when I never could do it I admire you beyond belief. You are my, and mum’s, favourite chaser and contestant on I’m a celebrity. We’ve always loved you and now I love you even more!! Loads of love from the Dimblebys!!!!


You have helped make alot of people in the UK more aware of ASD and how its OK to be different. My son is 6 and is on the spectrum and I hope he will go through life with social acceptance and people understanding his little quirks instead of name calling and rejection. Your TV presence has had a huge impact, everyone is talking about you and becoming more aware of ASD. Thank you Anne, you are a very inspiring lady.

Jacqueline Dimbleby

Rachelle I have felt so inspired watching you. I would be honoured if you would read my blog post: https://girlonthespectrum. com/2018/11/28/all-hail-anne-hegerty/ Billie-Jade

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Just love you so much doing so much for autism xxxx we salute you Jane Hardman Thank you for raising awareness for autism my son was diagnosed in February of this year we always knew he was quirky and the diagnosis came as a bit of a shock to us well done for doing what you have done it must of been so hard to be outside of your comfort zone Bryan Brown As a mum to a beautiful 10 year old boy who has Autism , ADHD and sensory processing disorder, you have been such an inspiration. The bravery you have shown in throwing yourself into what must be, enormously difficult situations has been so heart warming. I feel far less afraid that my son wont manage in adult life, because if you can survive the jungle...he can do anything!! thankyou, thankyou, thankyou Rebecca Clapcott Dear Anne, We voted for you on the last vote to stay in the trials. I like you because you try the hardest for all of the trials out of all 11 of you. Francesca Wycherley Dear Anne, My name is Stevie and I am 13 from London. I wanted to tell you that you are really smart and wise. I’ve seen you in the jungle and you were really brave. I’m a big fan of you and was so happy to hear you are autistic like me. Keep making us proud. Love Stevie x Stevie

Anne, I just wanted to let you know how wonderful it has been to watch you on I am a celebrity. I have four children. Two of which have autism and they have been rooting for you from the start. It has made such a difference for them to see some on Television who is on the autism spectrum. Win or lose, you are a winner in our eyes. Thank you sooo much for helping my sons to accept that having autism is not a negative xx Katherine Daly Hi Anne, I have autistic spectrum disorder i was diagnosed at 17. Im now 27. I still dont quite know how autism affects me. But thank you so much for showing that you also have aspergers and you dont let it define you. You define autism/aspergers. You truly are my idol and I hope you enjoyed the jungle. You are much braver than me, for the tasks you have completed, i dont think i could do it. Also i find you are hilarious and one of my favourite things ive watched was when you farted in nick knowles face. You have shown the general public autistic people can have a laugh. Keep doing what your doing. Your amazing. Lori @lhc17x You have been such an inspiration. It has been such an achievement and we are so grateful for the way autism has been seen on TV in a positive way. My brother has high functioning autism and can relate. Antoinette

Anne!! You are a legend. As an autistic person myself, it’s incredibly inspiring to see you do so well. You have made me connect with this series of I’m A Celeb so much more than ever before because I relate to what you say and feel! There have been so many times on the show where I’ve just wanted to tell you how incredible you are, and how I’d never be able to do the same. I mean, I wouldn’t be able to stay in the jungle for that long, let alone do the trials! The fact that you’ve encouraged more people to talk about autism is incredible, and I have so much hope in the effect this will have on public understanding of it... and, I mean, considering NAS’ website slowed down after you started talking about autism, you have clearly already had an effect. I’ve had a major crash in my confidence in recent months and lost a lot of pride in who I am, but you have inspired me to continue my autism ambassador activities within my school to support other autistic students, as well as helping neurotypicals understand. And, needless to say, my autism-related pride has come back strong. From what I’ve seen online, however, I’m not the only autistic person you’ve inspired! You are such an inspiration to so many autistic people, young and old. Please keep being the incredible ambassador you are! Let’s both work hard to help everyone understand us! Bethan Viewers can see how difficult being in the jungle is for you but you are battling on regardless. What a hero. So proud of you. Jane T

Well done Ann, you are doing yourself proud and helping the autistic community get some much needed positive coverage. Ann for queen of jungle. Alison Anne I think you have done amazing the jungle. Having Being a sister to a brother with autism I can see the courage and determination to be brave has inspired everyone. Well done x Neive Desmier You have been a real star and have shown some of the simplest things that others with autism find hard to take on in life like emotions andgeneral chit chat you are an amazing woman and an inspiration for anyone with autism and also a great help for people who care for a loved one with autism as you help so many get a glimps of what every day life is like I am in total oar of you Well done Terrie My son has Aspergers. School was a complete nightmare for him, his parents and his siblings. He followed his passion for cars and now has an apprenticeship as a mechanic! Now you are a successful chaser, bless you! Heather Well done Anne - your time in the jungle has brought out the autism topic and allowed people to discuss. #annehagertyforthewin Becca

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


As a person who also has aspbergers, i just want to say what a brave and strong lady you are ann, an inspiration to all who have autism, well done and good luck for the future. Sharron Austin

How you have managed to cope with all the unexpected trials, the small places and generally being out of your comfort zone is remarkable. You are an inspiration to this generation and our future generations. Life can continue with Autism and you are an example of that. Well done Anne. P. S. I love you in the Chase

You are an inspiration to all people who suffer with autism, you are a star!



Hi Anne, you have been amazing, showing the world what it is like to experience autism. My son has been watching and seeing himself and some of his characteristics reflected back, has helped him and us be more understanding. Thank you, you should be very proud of yourself, what an achievement

Your literally so amazing , no words can describe it Courtney Anne, everyone who enters the camp is brave. It’s no mean feat. You as well as anyone else deserve credit for being your authentic self and winning at life in all that you do. I was diagnosed last year at 40 and it has been a whirlwind of various feelings and discoveries. You’re doing a brilliant job and thank you for being such a huge superstar, showing the world what you are capable of achieving and inspiring so many. Attagirl! Catherine Chapman Anne you have been truly inspirational and have done so much to show the public the challenges faced by people on the spectrum but also their amazing talents. I have so much admiration for you knowing how difficult it has been. Sensory issues, a completely different and challenging environment both physically, mentally and socially. I know there is no way in this world I could have managed any of the things you have. Congratulations and thank you for doing so much for auties everywhere. Sue Weiner

Nicki Stott My daughter is 22 and is Asperger. I can a lot of Anne on my daughter. She is amazing and inspirational lady . When Anne took her first step into the jungle she showed my daughter that yes things can make you stress and upset but that ok,with people who understand you and get you then you can do anything that you want to do. Thank you Anne From a mum. Your actions in the jungle has my daughter believe in herself. Carmel Kearney Hi Anne so proud of you for going into the jungle. You have shown everyone that someone with Autisim can do things no one expects. You are truly an inspiration and have helped to raise the profile Anne

I’ve been autistic for quite a while now, diagnosed when I was 14 and now I’m currently 17, and Anne has made me feel that I need to be proud that I’m different and that I need to embrace my differences. Just because men are proven to be more stronger doesn’t mean that women can’t be either. Women are just as strong and brave as any other man in the universe. I feel that what Anne has done for autism awareness is very brave and courageous for getting autism out in the playing field. I wish Anne all the best of luck in I’m A Celebrity and just know that what you’ve done for autistic people is truly remarkable. I’m rooting for you Anne. Anna

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Hi Anne,

Dear Anne,

Fellow Autistic Person here.

I’m a young woman in her 20s, I was diagnosed with autism when I was 17, nearly 18, and I’ve been endlessly dismayed at the lack of positive representation of women with autism. Then my friend introduced me to The Chase and suddenly, I had this witty, intelligent and brilliant role model on my television screen. Thank you for being so open about being on the spectrum, it’s given me and many like me a ray of hope in a world not built for people like us. I hope to one day be as successful as you.

You’re doing an amazing job and also at the same time raising awareness too. I’m also raising awareness too through my YouTube channel and I know it isn’t easy to make people understand what we’re going through on a daily basis. Anyways, keep it up and take care of yourself. From, Savan Gandecha

With warm wishes,

As the lucky mummy of a gorgeous little boy with ASD I’m really thankful for your explanations and interpretations of your symptoms and perceptions. Your honesty and openness helps parents like me understand our kids better, it helps friends be more supportive to each other and it encourages people to start a conversation they may not have had the courage to do before watching you on tv. You’re an inspiration and I wish you all the happiness and success you deserve!



Hello Anne I’m 23 years old and I have autism also, I was 19 being diagnosed going all through school and college and no one picked anything up, I just want to say I’m so proud of you for having so much courage to go into the jungle and and I’d love it if you won the series, also your an inspiration to everyone who has autism and parents of children with autism, keep your chin up and hang in there and you’ll do brilliantly, I hope I can meet you one day and hopefully we can be friends. Much love Melissa x

Dearest Anne, My Son Patrick (13) Has been inspired by your bravery. First time he has really seen an autistic person being brave, and challeged and accepted for who they are. Went to his 14th Haworth Scouts (Keighley) and won the fencing tournament! Gaining much confidence and respect. Battled on despite developing a huge blister on each foot that both burst!. He didn’t let on but gritted his teeth n persevered. Thank you Anne, it’s o.k to be different! Sarah and Patrick Naylor

Just to say what a fantastic lady and so brave to go in the jungle . Looks like you are really enjoying it now is great to see. You go Anne, you can be queen of the jungle!!go Ann just keep on being you, take care, Samantha Pavis

Melissa Smith

Dear Anne, I was diagnosed with HFA this year aged 49 so truly know how brave you are. Sincerely well done, Julie Anne, we love and salute you! You’ve inspired my son and reminded us both that people who have autism can achieve what they choose, just like Neuro typicals. Thank you for helping to break the stereotype of autism. X Sarah Milligan Anne I am totally in awe of you after watching you on I’m a celebrity. I have only watched u on the chase and never imagined you u to be autistic. U r amazing n so caring . You should b so proud of what u have achieved and dealt with whilst being in the jungle. Good luck to u and keep up the good work

Anne, A true advicate to voice the difficulties faced by autism and Aspergers. The fact that you braved the jungle amongst strangers is beyond bounds.The courage this took is only know by those that understand.For year the battles I’ve had with my son Aaron,whonis now 22 years old and still feels an outsider but is a gracious gentlemen, and I’ve done all I can from the age of 5 yrs to give my up most to him..for him and you alike are so special. Your milestones achieved in the jungle holds hope to all who struggle.I’m so proud of you.Be so very very proud of yourself. It has been so heartfelt to watch your journey and give a widespread audience your charisma, your quality of compassion and to tecieve it back.You make Britain Autism PROUD.and Stand tall.I’m proud to be part of your nation on the home front of autism!! Well done you beautiful, beautiful lady. Jo Myers


Anne, little did you know what you are doing for raising the awareness of Autism. All I can say is Thank You and continue to be you. Bless you.

Well done Anne. You have faced so many challenges and helped to raise awareness of autism x

Tracy in Inverness

Sandie I got diagnosed with Asperger’s as a teenager and I am now 20 years old. I have always been aware I have sensory issues; I gag at certain smells and tastes and can get overwhelmed by some noises and textures. I would never cope in the jungle and certainly not as well as you have. I have never been so happy to find a role model like you!

Hello Anne. Myself and my 3 children are autistic and I just want you to know what an inspiration you have been to all of us. Watching you on The Chase and on Im a Celebrity has been fantastic and made me realise that there is hope for my children’s future no matter what obstacles they face. You are the role model and advocate a lot of us with autism needs. Bravery, hope and dignity. We love you Kirsty


Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Hi Anne! Charl here. I just want to say that you’re a fantastic role model especially for someone like myself who is also on the telly. In times of self-doubt and lack of faith in myself I always think, Ann can do it, so can I. I find that because I am on telly and because I ‘look normal’ that my condition is often invalidated and just seeing someone as brilliant and inspiring as you on the telly makes me feel comforted in a sense. Hey, look, autistic people can be successful too in their own right! :) I am raising awareness for the spectrum, especially highlighting the gender issue with females because like yourself and many others I wasn’t diagnosed until later in life (at 25) What you’re doing is breaking stereotyped views and misconceptions of autism by just giving people an insight into how you are affected by the condition and showing not only your struggles but your strengths...How positive autism can be despite the daily struggle, just look at everything you have achieved. We don’t conform to what society deems socially acceptable and it’s hard adhering to all the rules and too often I find the world expectant in many ways because my condition is invisible and so they cannot see how it affects us. Its hard but with strength we power on through. Thankyou for helping to raise awareness for autism and break this misconception that autism predominantly affects more males than females. I am often told “”I don’t look autistic”” or I “”can’t be THAT autistic if I’m on the telly”” By giving insight into your condition you are making more people aware that autism can affect any person of any colour, size, shape, ethnicity and background. By sharing our stories we can provide research and improve the diagnostic criteria so that we can help others to receive a diagnosis and get the help that they need.

Too often we are underdiagnosed, misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all. I am a hopeful believer that this will no longer be the case in years to come. Thankyou Anne for giving more people a positive outlook on the autistic spectrum and helping us spectrummers to realise we’re not at all alone. Charl Hi Anne, just wanted to say me and my son have been watching your journey on I’m a celeb. My son has been feeling alone with his autism and being able to show him that hes not alone and him being able to watch you has helped him understand that a little bit more. So thank you so much for showing people what people with autism struggle with and the challenges they face everyday and for showing my little boy age 6, and so many others that its okay to stand out because thats what makes us unique and they can achieve their goals. Natalina You are flying the flag to inspire all people. You show them what you can achieve with the support and understanding of others. You are a legend and an inspiration. I love your plain speaking and how you articulate your feelings. You are braver than you think. Working with D students in senior school for 20 years has given me an insight to how this affects people in different ways. bless you ANON Our son is on the spectrum and we all see you as a fantastic inspiration. Keep being you Jenna

Hi Anne, You are changing the world’s view on autism. As an autistic female myself, I feel as do many others, that females on the spectrum are are largely underrepresented. However, your story has begun to shift the understanding of female autism. We exist! We are not all non-verbal, and we’re not all like Sheldon Cooper. We exist on a spectrum like the colour wheel, each autistic person different from the last. You have inspired all people who have found themselves connected in some shape or form to autism. I hope to do the same with my art. Thank you Anne! Lily Beer-Doblon

Hi Anne, I think what you are doing and have achieved are amazing, the world needs more people like you, you have shown a lot off courage and determination in the jungle, as a fellow aspi, I am so proud of you, keep up the great work. Paul Olner You are such an amazing women and you should be proud of even thinking about going on the jungle. You are so strong and you are an inspiration to everyone including people who suffer the same as you. From entering the jungle you have strongly raised awareness and given people a lot of confidence. I really hope you win because you deserve it x Cody Curtis, 15

Well Done Ann you are an inspiration and a lovely lady ANON Hi Anne, I would just like to say well done for doing I’m a celebrity! It was great to see you in there and I was so happy that you were welcomed by your fellow camp mates and have raised awareness for Autism/ Aspergers. As a 16 year old with Aspergers, it’s so nice to see someone like yourself on TV who is a positive role model for people on the spectrum. I am really inspired by you because of your success and the fact you have shown people like us can do anything. Thank you for everything you have done! Dean Leake Hi Anne my family are super proud of you for your amazing time in the jungle you #smashedit. My 3 year old is getting tested for ausitum and watching you has given me hope he will be just as strong.

Hello Anne. Congratulations for participating in I’m a celebrity. My 15yr old son who I’m currently fighting to get a diagnosis for says your a very brave lady, and an inspiration to others who have Autism. We are both very proud of you, and you should be proud of yourself too. Regardless of the outcome on the show, you are the true winner in our eyes. xx De’annemarie You have been wonderful to watch in the jungle and as a nanny of an autistic grandson you have been an inspiration in doing something completely out of your comfort zone and sometimes hard to do you should be very proud of yourself I am writing this on the 1st December so may you stay in the jungle longer... Josie Roebuck

Well done. Susie Connor Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


I just wanted to thank you for all the inspiration you have given me. I love to learn, so so much, and I hope one day to know as much as you do! You are my favourite chaser and an inspiring individual. Thank you for continuing to be your fabulous self!

Anne, you’re doing so well on I’m a Celeb. I know you’re probably sick of the attention but it’s so lovely to see you so openly talking about your Autism. You’re inspiring millions around the world and it’s fantastic! I hope you win, but you’re already our Queen

Dear Anne, thank you for using your public profile to increase public awareness of autism. My daughter has Aspergers and even her school don’t understand what she has to deal with just to cope with day to day life. It makes life twice as hard. She was lucky, she had a brilliant infant teacher who spotted the ‘signs’ and we had an early diagnosis. This has meant that I was able to research and learn to understand how she thinks and to enable her to understand herself. She is in a better position because we had someone who understood the subject helping us early on. There are many people struggling to cope with every day life and the fact that you’re highlighting the subject can only help. Thank you.

Amy P


Thank you so much for having the courage and determination to enter the jungle. My 6 year old daughter has Aspergers and you are truly an amazing role model for all the girls out there, you’re a fantastic ambassador for people on the Autistic Spectrum and I wish I had half the spirit that you do in the face of adversity. I truly hope that you become this years winner of I’m A Celebrity as you truly deserve it,well done Anne.

Hi Anne. I have supported with adults with autism for many years and all of them have told me how much you have inspired them. One said “if Anne can live in the jungle, I can go back to living independently”, this was from a service user who has relied on specialist hospital support for almost ten years. You have really shown the world that autism is not a disability, it’s just a different way of doing things. I think you’re amazing.

Jess Gynn

Lucy Sanchez Hi Anne, I’m about to turn 18 and I am also Autistic (I was diognosed at 9) and I just wanted to say you’re huge inspiration and I’m voting for you! You’re a huge inspiration because you’re not afraid to show your Autism and say when you’re overwhelmed, I wish I could do that! Aston Hunt

Vicki Buxton Hello Anne, I think you are brave for what you are doing and you are an inspiration to alot of people, I don’t think I would be able to do it, like yourself I wasn’t diagnosed until I was an adult so you speaking out about Autism is great. Thank you Anne. Sarah Evelyn

You are an incredible inspiration for my younger brother who has autism and I think that it’s amazing how you have brought awareness to Autism in such a mainstream way. Chloe Anne, Congratulations! You were amazing, and should be so so proud of yourself. Thank you so much for talking so openly and honestly about autism, and educating a whole new audience. It’s already had a positive effect on my life, as an autistic adult, so thank you! You are an inspiration and a hero! Gemma W For the first time we have a female Aspie role model in the media displaying a very real representation of the strength vs the struggle. Thank you for being a pioneer to the Adult autistic community.

Hello! I’ve been watching you in the jungle and you’ve been doing amazing! I was diagnosed with ASD when I was 15. I am now 20 and just started university which has been a big change for me and challanging. Watching you in the jungle makes me realise that if you can do all of that (which is huge!) then I know that I’ll be fine at uni! Thank you for being so inspiring, well done Anne! Jessica Jones Dearest Anne I’d like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have done an amazing job and you should be made aware of it. My son was diagnosed in February this year with Autism (Aspergers) just like you. He is 12. Up until you going into the jungle, he’s never really spoke and said the words “Autism or Aspergers” relating to himself. When he found out you have the same condition as he does, it put him at ease and has been able to talk openly since. Knowing someone as intelligent as yourself has ASC has made him believe anything is possible. Thank you and much love.

From one aspie to another. Thank you Anne.

Debbie Judic

Vicky Tighe

Your Autism is not a ‘Disorder’. Your Autism is not a Disability. Your Autism is an Ability. Your Autism is Unique to You. Embrace Your Autism x

Hi Anne, you are doing amazingly well. So proud of you for talking openly about your autism and bringing awareness of the benefits and struggles of people who suffer with the condition. You are a fantastic spokesperson for Autism. You have shown such bravery and determination. I want you to win. Lots of love. xxxx


Tina Florance

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


During the dark days when I felt like there was no ending in sight for my my sons ASD. It’s been a wonderful bright light seeing you on tv, it gives us all mums hope that we can do this and we can break down the stereotypes .But more importantly the strength to carry on in the darkest days. You have made us laugh ,cry and cheer Well done Anne Keep being you we love you for it Yvonne Coleman Anne, your are such an inspiration to millions of people around the world! You’ve done all of the UK proud but especially South Wales! You’ve never let ‘autism’ win and you’ve shown everyone that it doesn’t make you ‘odd’ but instead unique!! Thomas Lewis It’s great to see u open up about ur autism it can get so many ppl relate to you and what their lives is like I am supporting u on. Come on you can do this Wendy Peddar

Anne you are true inspiration for people living with ASD. My son has Aspergers and like you finds social situations and being with lots of people a huge challenge. You have shown that a little understanding goes a long way. My sons Psychologist said his brain wasnt an ordinary brain but a specialist brain. You all have you your special ‘thing ‘ that you are exceptional at. You are exceptionally courageous in the jungle over coming massive hurdles and taking new challenges. Well done Anne so proud of you standing up for Autism. Gillian Pryke As a mom to three autistic children I often receive negativity and a total lack of understanding from other parents towards my children, which in turn is passed onto the children of those parents so they never learn either. The impact this can have on an autistic child or adult is devastating when they are already facing so many challenges. Anne you have shown that yes you are autistic, but that doesn’t stop you being brave, kind, funny, caring and the kind of person who would be the best kind of friend to have. Thank you for being you. Jacqui Sutton

My daughter Hannah is 7 and autistic some days are very hard also the cuddles and love is unreal .... your an inspiration Ann a big thumbs up to the ASD Community keep giving your autistic awareness like a pro Helen What a fantastic role model to every being. Setting out to a different world to what each and everyone one of us live in. Setting out to live and learn these experiences. You have shown courage, strength and determination so far in this journey and we wish you well in continuing it. You should be very proud of yourself Anne! Lauren S P

You have not only shown the world that autism is normal but also that sometimes it makes life difficult. Your persistence is admirable and you have been brave beyond belief. You reminded me that my son might find it difficult to do simple tasks when his anxiety is high and sensory overload stops his concentration. Well Done Jane

Thank you Anne for inspiring both me and my son with your strength and resilience. Alfie, 9 years old and also autistic has watched you diligently while you have been on Im a celebrity. You’ve raised so much awareness and acceptance you crashed the NAS website! I’m voting for you to win, best of luck. Rosie and Alfie at: Rosie and Alfie

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Hi Anne, I’ve been rooting for you since day 1 in the jungle. I was diagnosed with autism a month after my 3rd birthday, so I’ve thankfully had the comfort of knowing why I think and see things the way I do. I developed huge respect for you since I found out you had Asperger’s, and I want to thank you for representing the autistic community. You’re doing us all proud!

Dear Anne, you are inspirational. My grandson was diagnosed with Aspergers at age 13 after years of trauma at school. He is now 15 and is gradually becoming more confident. You have been an amazing inspiration for him, to see you in the jungle, interacting with others just being yourself has been an eye opener for him. Thank you so much for your courage and bravery. Xxx


Elaine Sawyer

You have been an inspiration to so many. It’s not been easy but despite your fears you have fought on. You have bought awareness of your condition to us all in way that, although we are humbled by your your strength in being able to show us how you cope, you have inspired us all to move forward and stand up in our own lives because your vunerability and ability to carry on teaches us all to be stronger. Respect to you - keep shining

Queen to all of us in so many ways, you are an inspiration to all with the blessing of aspergers x

Christine Conley Thank you so much for just being you, my son was diagnosed with Autism in April, he’s 12 years old. He is really struggling to come to terms with what this looks like for him. Autism at the moment, for him, isn’t a beautiful wonderful thing. It is a huge barrier which has caused so far just negativity. I have never even heard him say the word ‘Autism’ out loud. He is ashamed of his Autism, embarrassed and is consumed at hiding it at all costs. I want to thank you for being on “I’m a celebrity” because he has spoken more about “traits” and recognised behaviours more in the last week than he has done since April. He said ‘She can’t have Autism because she is one of the most clever people in the world” Keep on being you Anne and know that you might just have helped my son start his own precious journey of “self discovery” Well done and all the very best for the future. Xxx Kirsty Reid

Janine Husband You are a true inspiration, an unbelievably brave lady with so much determination and inner strength. There really isn’t much else to say ...... I am a teacher in a specially built Autistic provision set within a main school, and these last few weeks have been lesson after lesson discussing you. Everyone is so proud of you and what you are doing in the jungle, as well as making people more aware about Autism. I have never met you Anne, but one day, I hope I will so that I can’t thank you in person and maybe, hopefully, you could come and visit us at school (in Barnet EN4). The students will be totally ecstatic to meet you and listen to your achievements. YOU ARE OUR HERO GO QUEEN ANNA Gayle McCombe

Hi Anne, watching you, and seeing how brave you have been in ‘I’m a celebrity’ gave me the guts to share with my family and friends for the first time my own confirmed diagnosis last year aged 50. You have been an absolute inspiration and have opened the eyes of millions to what’s its like to be autistic and how amazing you are! The things you have attempted and fears you have overcome have been so humbling. From now on,every time I think something is just too overwhelming I’ll remind myself ‘if Anne can do it, so can I!’ Loads of love

Absolutely Brilliant, showing people with Autism that they can push boundaries and release some of their fears.

Fiona Macintosh


Hi Anne.I have to say you are an inspiration to us all.I have a 10 year old son with autism too.i understand the struggle and fears that you all experience on a daily basis.thank you so much for highlighting autism as finally people will understand it.your wonderful. You have done so well facing all those trials and coping so well in the wishes for the future.xx

Thanks for giving autistics a voice from an autistics perspective. I wrote a blog at work about my perspective as an autistic watching what you were doing. I’ve had 1200 views and countless positive comments and personal emails.

Hazel Hi Anne, you are amazing, you have achieved so much not only with being in the jungle but on the chase. Its so difficult living on the autistic spectrum, I too have aspergers, so I can totally relate. But youre not afraid to bring more awareness about it and that’s great. You’re a courageous woman

Anne you have done so much for the world of autism. You have raised awareness and got people talking about the subject. You have got people wanting to understand more and help break down misconceptions and barriers. Not only should you be proud for what you have done in the jungle and how you have pushed yourself and been at your best, but you have done wonders for autistic people outside the jungle. #queenofthejungle



Well done Anne Steve Scott Baker Hi Anne, massive congratulations for what you have managed in the jungle. You have raised an absolutely incredible amount of awareness for autism and you are extremely brave. Thank you!

Dan Neill

Hi Anne, I have been watching you throughout I’m a Celebrity and as I work with autistic children, I know some of the issues you have been faced with. You are doing ‘fabulous’ in the jungle and trying out new thing. Well done to you, an inspiration to others just like yourself. Keep going! Xx Sarah Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


I found out that you were autistic around about the same time that I was beginning to figure out that I was autistic too and since then it’s been incredible to watch your work. I already admired you for being able to go on TV and do the Chase, but then I heard that you were going on I’m a Celebrity and I was over the moon. Terrified at the same time because it’s a struggle for a neurotypical never mind someone who’s Autistic. But the more I watched you do the trails and give it a go I was amazed. I remember talking to a friend about autism and her first connection to it was you, which is awesome. You’ve done such an incredible job, my favourite celebrity on I’m a Celeb and an amazing person. I hope you keep challenging yourself to new things and keep doing what you love. Robyn Dear Anne, I have watched you as the governess for years and had read about your diagnosis and struggles,so seeing you in the jungle completely away from any of your safe zones and how you had to process new surroundings and form friendships and participate in a social circles reminded me how my 10 year old daughter who is on the spectrum thinks and feels and what she goes through ,this is something with all the other daily battles I sometimes forget to give thought to ,I thank you for being an utter inspiration,for us your are our ‘Queen Anne’ Michelle Your a insperation for my son that you can do anything you want in the world ... Autism should never hold you back . Thanks very much for teaching him that . Harry Pinions Mummy Janette

My 4 year old Son was recently diagnosed with ASD. This is still a whole new world to me and as a parent it does worry me as I question will I be up to scratch in helping him through life, but seeing you and listening to your explanations really fills me with positivity about our future. I’ve realised it’s nothing to be scared of. It’s something to embrace and realise he is unique in all his little ways. We have always been huge fans of yours, watching you every night on our screens just makes us love you even more. You have helped so many people so thank you x Shelly-Anne Wow Anne just wow!!! Seeing you in such a big group of people and how well you are dealing with it is amazing. It must be hard for everyone in the jungle but twice as difficult for your self with all the new sourroundings, the new routine, not being able to predict what is going to happen. The different noises and so much more. The anxiety it must be causing you, yet u are really getting stuck in with everything u are willing to try anything I love watching you, you are such a strong person and a wonderful personality. My son struggles so much accepting his autism and doesn’t see how he’s going to fit in but after watching you he’s realised it can be done and people will accept you as you are. Anne you’re an absolute legend and I would love to meet you in person your a star. Anne to win!!! however you already have in my eyes xxx Emma Taylor Well done Anne Luke Thomas

My 9 year old son has autism and when he saw you on tv and heard you also have autism he started to ask questions and i could see he was understanding a bit more about it. I was able to explain to him that autism is not all bad like he thinks it is and there are other people out there who have the same struggles. Thankyou so much for helping my son understand a bit more and showing him that anything can be achieved even tho he is autistic. I know the social struggles all to well and having to cope with change and I think you are so brave for doing what you have done. Thankyou for raising awareness, the worst thing i find about autism is others not understanding why my son acts the way he does so i thankyou for educating people. Kirsty Anne you are inspiration to everyone, I have 2 boys on the spectrum aged 5 and 12 years, my 12 year old loves watching you, and says you are very brave and doing so well, he was so happy that you have managed to complete some trials and do so well in them . You should be so so proud of yourself, you have come so far , and spread autism awareness to every viewer , and showed them that autism has no limits. Keep going and hope the public crown you Queen of the jungle as you totally deserve it!

You are so inspiring and good luck rooting for you Janice Thanks to your bravery in choosing I’m A Celebrity, ignorant people have woken up, begun to understand and even embraced the reality of living with autism. In a world where bullies prevail and I spend every day dealing with the fall out of ignorance, where my daughter is ostracised and I am judged, it is refreshing to witness such a wakening. My daughter is accepted more as autism is understood a little more. You are evidence of the success, humility, honesty and beautifully unique reality of this condition that makes the everyday just that little bit harder. Well Done Anne, you are an inspiration Melissa Anne you are an inspiration! I have a very beautiful, special 15yr autistic grandson called JOSHUA and we absolutely love “ The Chase “ , you were very brave to take on this challenge and that sends a fantastic positive message to all autistic people, well done Anne WE LOVE YOU XX

Becky Maggs

Kim Quayle

My 13 year old daughter is newly diagnosed. You inspirational decision to go on I’m a celebrity helps us and her to recognise your struggles with hers. She feels less alone. Helping her with a level of acceptance.

It has been wonderful to see your journey in the Austrialian Jungle. You have shown so much courage, resilience and inner strength as you faced so many challenges. You have inspired so many people (and not just those on the autistic spectrum) to push themselves out of their comfort zone and reap the personal rewards. From our Autism family to you, we applaud and congratulate you.


The Kiernan Family

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


What an inspiration! We watched you every day. Our daughter is 7 and currently awaiting diagnosis. We watched, understanding every struggle (especially the sensory ones) and every triumph that may have seemed insignificant to some, but we understood completely! Thank you for raising the much needed awareness for ASD girls and being brave enough to show your beautiful true colours xx The Woodley Family Hi Anne just wanted to let you know how fabulous you have been in the jungle. You have been so great in there. I admire you so much. My son jack who is 4 has autism. He is non verbal and struggles with a lot of things but he is so wonderful. Watching you has helped me understand a lot of things. My partner who is 32 has recently been diagnosed as autistic aswell and watching you has helped him a huge amount. You are a wonderful lady. I wish you all the best. Xxx Becky My son was diagnosed with autism 18months ago(hes5) ,since then I’ve been so inspired watching you in the jungle ,as I can really understand your struggles. You are a heroine to my son who is an avid fan of the chase. He loves watching you on the chase and has decided to be a “”quiz person”” when he’s older. You are amazing thank you for doing this and helping us all with our autism journey Helen Baker

You are an inspiration to All Individuals with ASD and you journey have been fantastic to watch. You are funny, brave and an enormously talented woman and thank you for sharing your beautiful heart with us all. You will forever be our Queen of the Jungle. ASD Awareness, empowerment, Aspiration, personalisation And inclusion are such a pertinent feature in your story, I hope the message impacts on future strategies for improving lives of people with ASD. You are a Champion :) Chasers!! Congratulations and All our Youths At Inspire is rooting for you!! Gillian Inspire To Aspire Autism Support UK Hello Anne, you have inspired so many, you have broken through ignorance and the lack of understanding, surrounding autism. You have proved to millions that Autism is not a diagnosis that stops you living your life. You have shown the world what an amazing person you are. Autism does not define who you are it allows you to see the world from a different perspective. It’s a gift. Keep on being you Anne. We adore you. Theresa Well done Anne for this challenge you have taken upon yourself. You are indeed an inspiration to everyone as you are living the best version of yourself. During your time in the jungle you have inspired others to live the best versions of themselves and to continue to be the light in the darkness to inspire and to enlighten others through DETERMINATION and PERSEVERANCE So proud of your achievement. Double thumbs up Anne you are a GEM X. Olatokunbo Bankole

Dear Anne, You have been such an inspiration in the jungle, not just to people with Autism but to non-autistic people with your openess and honesty about your daily struggles especially when you first got in there. It has been amazing watching you grow in confidence even when you are clearly out of your comfort zone. I hope that this will give other people the confidence to step out of their comfort zones a little bit and to open the door to new things. Well done on your amazing journey. Karen Kennedy Anne, you have done fantastically in the jungle, and have shown, that with determination, that you can do things that seemed out of your comfort zone. You’ve also shown that it’s ok to not attempt things that are too much to handle, and this is why I avoid certain situations with my 5 year old son who has ASD. I totally admire you, and even if you aren’t crowned the winner, you’re still our Queen of the Jungle! Emma Sweeney Your So inspiring! I’m 24 with Aspergers and no one ever understood me before. You’ve now helped my parter understand more which is amazing thank you xxx Mia My 15 year old son suffers with autism and other conditions. You have shown him that you can try anything and that there are people that will be kind and support you xx Amanda

Thank you Anne! My daughter has for the first time shown great interest in watching a TV programme with us! She’s also started asking what you would have been like at her age - eg. Would Anne have got really, really angry? She’s 13 so this is one of the feelings she’s struggling with at the moment. You’ve shown her a really positive view of Autism and that is helping her through these tricky adolescent times. The other campmates have also been great and have shown how talking about things helps others understand and support. It’s been amazing to see you talk so honestly and openly about Autism on primetime TV. You’ve helped our family and others enormously just by being you. Thank you. Jackie Downie Anne, thank you so much for raising autism awareness in such a public, personal way. Your bravery is an insiration and will no doubt help millions of people to realise that autistic people are funny, kind and loveable too. Your bravery will pave the way to a better understanding and acceptance of autism, no doubt. From a personal point of view it gives me hope for my son and daughter’s futures, both aged 8, and with autism. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Claire Dear Anne, As someone who also has Asperger’s syndrome, I admire your courage and determination in the camp. I can see similarities between us, such as a complete hatred of bugs, but also how you have been coping in camp, as well as the fact that both of us were diagnosed when we were adults. I am so proud of you and I really hope that you win! Go team Anne! Emily

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Anne you have been so brave, everyone is so proud of you and you’ve been brilliant. You’re an inspiration for Autistic people all over the world! Much love Fraser Dear Anne Thankyou for being so open about having Autism and giving people a better understanding of this condition, I am a mother of two autistic children and I thankyou for being such an inspiration to my children by showing them that anything is possible Love from, Kirsty Casewell You are a strong women with many abilities. You are showing people with autism, especially young people, what it is possible for them to achieve. Kathleen Anne, I was diagnosed with autism at 24 , my nephew is now going through diagnosis (he’s 4) - Thank you so much for showing us both we can do anything we want despite being autistic! Thank you for sharing your autism story and raising awareness. Much Love, Becki :) Becki

Anne, you may not know it but you’re already an inspiration to many people with or without Autism & Asperger’s, my youngest brother has both of those while I have Emphysema, nerve damage to the lungs and type 2 diabetes. Whether you win or lose I’m a Celebrity, you went in there out of your comfort zone and into the Jungle, that take’s a huge amount of bravery, so the way I see it is you will have inspired so many people to realise they cannot allow their illnesses take control of their lives, while WE are in control, and I have always said to some people that we can turn our disabilities into our greatest strength. I may not watch I’m a Celebrity, but while I admire Nick, John, Harry and yourself, I’m routing for you to win. #AnneQueenOfTheJungle or is that #AnneIceQueenOfTheJungle Michael Poole I didn’t find out I was autistic till last year. Watching you on I’m a celebrity get me out of here has inspired me so I thank you for everything. I feel that she has made people with autism know that they aren’t alone in this world or they don’t need to did it by themselves so I thank you. Rebecca Learmouth

Dear Anne, thank you for proving to the world that Autism is not a death sentance. Your bravery and personality is a credit to everyone out there with this diagnosis. I only wish that this aired in the states so that I could see it. With admiration,

Well done anne your an inspiration to other’s like you. I don’t suffer from autism but I have learned so much about it from your time in the jungle,I can now help my son how to understand the way his friends work with the condition lot’s of love from my family to you x

Julie Jackson-Steele and family,

Paul Currie

Bayou la Batre, Alabama

Anne, you are an incredible lady. I adore you on the chase and when I heard you were going on I’m a celebrity I thought you would cause trouble! Instead you have completely changed my perception of you. My partner and I feel we have a much greater understanding of life with autism. We will tell our young son about you and about the importance of kindness in helping people who are struggling. You are a caring, kind, funny, incredibly intelligent woman and should be so proud. Lots of love, Ellie xx Ellie Coughlan

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Dearest Anne, thank you for being such a brilliant ambassador for all the children out there surviving despite their SEN and different abilities. My daughter Daisy is 13 and Autistic but she loves watching quiz shows you are in and trying to answer the questions! We both thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being a brilliant and strong role model. Wishing you every success for the future. Yasmin Fryer Hi Anne good luck My hope is that you can come back from the jungle knowing what an important message you have sent to others knowing that whatever you are dealt in life you can always push forward and be an inspiration my son has just got his first flat with his fiance both have autism are both working and building a life for themselves and this is more of what we need to hear that autism is a condition but life is what we make it routing for you Kathleen xxx Kathleen My little boy is 7 just after Christmas and has been obsessed with the Chase and othe quiz programs for years. He was officially diagnosed as ASD last year. Many people don’t believe it as he is very loud at times and clever (well he is obsessed with quiz programs) but they don’t see the anxiety and other issues that he has often labelling him as ‘naughty’. When we told him that you too was autistic he was amazed, stating that you are like him and that you both can do loads of clever things. He now mentions it each time he sees you on TV. Thank you for being an autistic champion and for being brave enough to share it with the nation. We appreciate it. Xxx Rebecca

You are an inspiration. My son has Autism and struggles to cope with everyday demands, you have given me hope for my son’s Future. Thank You. Jen Roberts Anne, you are a true inspiration and have opened my eyes to what Autism is. I have a boyfriend with an ASD and seeing you in there really has been inspiring to him and me. I have Bipolar Disorder and it has shown me even if you have a condition, you can still do anything if you put your mind to it. What you are doing is amazing and I am a huge fan of you on the chase. You are my hero. You’re wonderful. Thanks for all you do and keep on keeping on. Lee Martin As a 60 year old who has only just been diagnosed, I am very impressed by your ability to do something I know I could never do. Inspiring! Andrew Hugill Well done Anne, my daughter loves watching you on the show, shes an aspie too and knows how you all have a special gift, she says your gift is bravery, we are all very proud of you, and you are an inspiration, Donna Ogden

Absolutely inspirational and courageous to see how brilliantly you have coped with anxiety and sensory processing in the Jungle. You are already a winner in the hearts of the Nation Gabi Eyni Anne, you are a true peoples champion. My grandson who is 9 has Aspergers, and the last 5years ‘has been such a struggle, both emotionally and physically exhausting for him and our family.Thankfully he is now in a great school with great staff who Make the effort with him and he actually ‘has begun to enjoy school. You have added to this by bringing autism awareness to a massive audience and I for one thankyou for that. You have shown that the most difficult daily challenges can be overcome with courage and dignity and that with a little more understanding and humility from people around you anything is possible, Sky’s the limit. I applaud you Anne and on behalf of my grandson and my family THANKYOU. Lots of love to you Xx

I really don’t know how you do it. I have Asperger Syndrome as well and my comfort zone is precious to me. I would not last a second in the Jungle, you have shown me that it can be done. I struggle to stay away from home for one night, I manage it but my moods can get really bad in turns of my anxiety. I would love to know your coping mechanisms and perhaps they could help me when I go away from home. I have to many stories to tell about my experiences with Autism, but you are most certainly an inspiration to me. Hopefully you have opened more eyes about how great we are. Thank you so much! Michelle Goff Anne you are such an inspiration, so brave and as a proud mommy of son on the spectrum you give me so much hope and courage , you are fantastic xxx Nevaeh Ramirez

Julie Puckey Dear Anne, Anne I imagined you being hard faced (cos of the chase)but your a little sweetie pie&wonderful soul.i never realised you were autistic,so doing all you’ve done is so brave&an inspiration to us nephew and niece have autism&you have taught us a lot.i live M20 so im going to look out for you,to give you big hug,to thank you for your bravery,the insight you gave us&all the laughs that came with it.looking forward to seeing you crowned the queen of the jungle,&if by any chance you’re not...Well done on all your acompishments.we love hope you not going to go soft on the chase now ha

Taking the opportunity to be a part of I’m a celebrity was a brave decision. We have watched and seen you struggle and how with determination and focus you have overcome a lot of those fears. You are an inspiration to our 14 year old daughter who has recently been diagnosed with Autism. She has felt she can’t do things that take her out of her safe place, you have shown her that it is possible.


Well done Anne, really well done!

You have done an amazing thing for autism awareness and hopefully people will start to understand it not just be aware. You have taken it that step further in the right direction. Love Nicky

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Hi Anne I would like to thank you for everything you have done during your time in the jungle talking about your autism you have done wonderful things and spread the word about autism across the country and it makes me feel we will be slighty more understood. I know the steugles of autism as i suffer with it my self. You truly are an inspiration, Keep it up!! X Thomas Curran You have done amazing work for Autism awareness. As someone who has an ASD and also works in the sector it is truly inspirational. We are people with Autism not Autistic people. Our conditions while an important part of us do not define us. Ross Words cannot even begin to explain how much Anne has done regarding awareness - so many of my friends who previously had very little knowledge about autism, and I had never talked about it because of stigma and stereotypes, have gained insight into what it is like for me and I’ve been able to open up to them more about it all. Anne’s an incredible woman and has been helping me all year without knowing it by combatting stereotypes and just being herself, and seeing her on I’m A Celeb has just increased my loved and admiration for her. Well done, Anne - you should be so proud of everything you’ve achieved! Megan Leila

My eldest son was diagnosed at three, 25 years ago. My youngest at six, 21 years ago. Mikey (27 year old) loves watching you on The Chase, Britains Brightest Family and now in the jungle. We already knew about your autism diagnosis but how your fellow campmates have been with you is something i hope makes a huge difference to my sons and others with ASD in the big bad world. You are an inspiration in the jungle and out #teamhegerty Cathy Watt I suffer from autism and, like you, had a late diagnosis at age 15. It’s a shame because mine is quite severe in some aspects so growing up made a lot of things very traumatic for me that other children would find normal. This resulted in severe mental illness to the point I was kicked out of school and had to be in hospital for several months. I remember watching you on Loose Women, where I first found out you were autistic. I cried because I was so proud for one of the most respected women on British television for using her platform to speak publicly and bring awareness to such a complex condition, never mind already dealing with it. I am now 16 and back in full time education at a PRU for the first time in over a year. I still suffer badly with my mental health and on some days I can’t cope but what really helps is seeing you on the Chase, seeing you on I’m a Celeb because it is a reminder that, despite all the difficulties I face, I can still grow up to be just like Anne Hegerty. You keep me motivated to stay in school and try my hardest and for that, I can’t thank you enough. Thank you, Anne. Lizzy

Dear STV, Anne and the I’m a Celebrity Camp So ...... the biggest thing coming out of the jungle at the moment is autism.I am absolutely just ecstatic, one of my most favourite shows of the year is addressing a topic that is so close to my heart.️ I am bursting with emotion to see Anne in the jungle because that alone is a HUGE achievement in its self. Then to see the empathy, understanding, love, care, support and nurturing her fellow camp mates are ensuring she has every day is amazing To those celebrities and the general public, she was nothing more than ‘The Governess’ from The Chase who was an extremely clever individual. No-one in the camp or the general population knew that she had autism. Her fellow camp members appeared to have some basic knowledge about autism when she addressed her condition, however they recognised fairly quickly that this woman needed emotional and mental support if she was going to survive even her first night in the jungle. Within the first 24 hours the support, love and encouragement they were showing this woman, this woman who looks completely normal and has no physical evidence of a disability was amazing and heart warming. Autism is a cruel life robbing disorder with a spectrum so wide, no 2 autistics are the same, nobody knows enough about this disability - how & why people develop it and the effect it can have on people in regards to life. This is life in general that we all take for granted, going to a supermarket, attending events, brushing our hair/teeth, washing ourselves, speaking, understanding others, reading body language, recognising tones of voices, noises, smells, maintaining or even forming friendships, I could go on forever! Everyone has their own opinion into how or why people develop autism but this post is nothing in relation to that! My post is to thank Anne, to thank STV, the I’m a Celebrity show and lastly a massive thank you to all the camp mates. Thank you for raising awareness of autism to such a massive audience, thank you for showing such a huge audience that a person does not have to have a visible appearance to have an extremely life limiting condition and disability, thank you for showing that a mental health condition does not mean and is not always depression, thank you for showing ways in which autism can effect people and how, at times the severity of this can impact a persons life and thank you for accepting autism and showing that an autistic person is a person. A person with feelings, thoughts and ideas just like everyone else. As a parent of an autistic daughter I think I speak for every other parent/relative and adult who’s life is effected in any way by autism just thank you. Anne, Thank you for having the courage to enter the camp, taking yourself completely out of your comfort zone, admitting and talking so openly and freely about autism and the effect this disorder has had on your life as a whole to the nation, thank you for trying so hard with everything when you can see everyday is a massive struggle, thank you for going to the trials and attempting fantastically and finally thank you for showing that autism is nothing to be ashamed of. I’m in complete awe and have a huge hope of acceptance and consideration for autistics both children and adults in the future. Kelly (mummy to a beautiful 12 year old autistic daughter) #STV #Imacelebrity #autism #Anne #TheGoverness #campmates #lovesupportempathy #raisingawareness #autism #spectrumdisorder #recogniseddisability #googlesutism #lightitupblue Kelly Davies

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Anne you are amazing , TrueType an inspiration to all autistic people . You have so much courage even to of considered going into the jungle . Good luck for the rest of the time you spend in there , your a true winner xxOur grandaughter has autisim and struggles a lot with anxiety and sensory overload ANON Anne, you are such an inspiration to all of us. Myself having a little sister on the spectrum, you’ve shown that autism isn’t a curse on someone’s life, it’s something that just makes you who you are. And you Anne, are a brave and inspiring woman. Thank you for doing this, and raising awareness for what everyday problems people on the spectrum face that neurotypicals can’t even imagine. Thank you. Alex

Thank you Anne. As a fellow autistic person who was diagnosed late in life with Asperger’s Syndrome, you have shown me how to cope with things I would never have considered before. I could never do half the things you have done in the Jungle. You have shown millions of viewers what it is like to have autism and you have managed to explain it better than anything I’ve attempted to do. I now feel I could now face people because of you. You are an inspiration to everyone. Mark Howard I just want to say how inspiring you have been Anne. I do not have any personal experience of autism, but as someone who suffers with mental health problems, I know the stigma and lack of understanding still exists if you are different. I hope you can be Queen of the Jungle, because you are doing a great job of highlighting what it is like living with autism.

I have been amazed by how well you have fitted in to the camp, and the way everyone has accepted you. You have shown great strength in the challenges, and I know how hard it is for people on the spectrum to be open to the unknown and the surprises sprung on you. Well done for being brave enough to go on such a public show, and to raise awareness, so that others, like my grandson, can be better understood by others not so aware of the condition before.

Susan Woodward



Dearest Anne, Thank you so much for being an inspiration to our family. Our 6 year old son is in the process of being diagnosed with autism. Your awareness is helping us be strong and help those around us understand our beautiful little boy’s journey to be accepted. Thank you. Kay from Northamptonshire X

Anne, I am so grateful for the awareness you have bought through your amazing journey in the jungle. Our 11 year old son dx ASD and ADHD struggles daily with debilitating anxiety. Life is incredibly tough for him and us. Watching you face the trials bought tears to my eyes. You are an inspiration to us. Thank you. X

Kay Smith

Debbie Partington

I was recently diagnosed with Autism (on top of many other conditions) and seeing an Autistic woman on I’m A Celebrity has been so powerful. It has helped me realise acceptance and inclusion is possible and that the right people will like me for me. Thank you so much for being brave enough for the whole community

Anne, as someone who has worked with children and now adults with disabilities including autism for many years I find you truely inspirational. I have always tried to focus on someone’s ability rather than their disability and you a true example of that, overcoming your challenges in such a short time. What a dull place the world be without such unique people! Keep up the great work and even if you haven’t been crowned queen of the jungle, know you are a champion in so many people’s eyes x Naomi

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Anne, the biggest message that you are giving out to those on the spectrum, is that we should never give up, times do get tough, but we can get through them and we shouldn’t let our autism stop us! You have brought out a lot of knowledge about autism and have encouraged a lot of people to be more understanding that it is a spectrum and not everyone is the stereotype that often surrounds autism. Thank you for being such a good role model. You got this! :) Megan Dear Anne, you have been tremendous in the jungle. You have shown autism in the best light especially for those of us that are female and either going through diagnosis or late diagnosed. You have had a positive impact in the public eye and have shown that regardless we are equals and although we struggle it doesn’t mean we won’t have a go. Being so far out of your comfort zone but sticking it out and seeing you try your best night on night has been a pleasure to be apart of your journey. You should be very proud of yourself, I know that I am proud of you as is the autistic community. Very well done for taking part and changing the way we are viewed. Sending much love and warmth. Jenni x Jenni-Marie Ann its been so inspiring to watch you grow in confidence and to make such amazing progress. Can’t believe how well you have coped you are an amazing lady I’ve loved watching you and you’ve given me hope for the future for my two little boys who are both autistic. Ialso believe that you will have educated an awful lot of people into what autism is and the hurdles you face on a daily basis. Thank you xxx Karen

As a young woman who is undergoing diagnosis for autism, it is so relieving to see you representing autistic women. Thanks to you, the media have started discussing autism once more. You have been an inspiration to us all Anne, we will be cheering you on until the very end! Bethany You have simply been amazing! You have gotten involved & against all odds faced your fears both socially, physically and mentally. My nephew is 9yr with autism and you are certainly someone for him to look up to! Proof that you really can do anything, come what may - you just need to take a little extra time to work out how best you can achieve your goals, and/or face your fears just like anyone else, and don’t let it define you. Well done Anne! So very proud! Sarah MacMillan Hey Anne. I have 2 children with autism and also I was diagnosed last October with asperger syndrome. You are doing so well. Keep at it xx Ruth Hi Anne! I had no idea you had autism until you went in to the jungle! You are amazing and a inspiration to me to show that you can still do challenging things with autism, you’ve done so well! You are my favourite in the jungle and I hope you become the queen! Your a winner in my eyes xx Lana Jackson

What can I say? You have been incredible and a huge inspiration to many. Well done Anne, whether you win or lose... you’re my winner. Xx Becca J Anne it has been amazing watching you on I’m a celebrity. My son is 10 and is a massive fan of I’m a celebrity as well as being autistic. He is trying to work out his own diagnosis and having him watch you every night has opened the door for him to ask questions. I can see how much it means to him to see someone with autism on his favourite show and he wants you to win. Thank you so much x Sam What an inspirational woman Anne is. She has shown all Autistic suffers that they can conquer anything with support if they really want to. Well done Anne, you was amazing. Kind regards Dawn Kelly-Scott Dear Anne, my 15 year old daughter, who has Autism, was blown away by the fact that the NAS website crashed, because people were inspired enough to educate themselves about Autism. The reason? Because you were so open about your own diagnosis and the impact Autism has on you. Not only are you an ambassador for Autism, you are an ambassador for girls and women with Autism! Thank you for being so brave! You coped brilliantly with the incredibly challenging environment of the jungle! We are all so proud of you! Much love and respect! Tracey Northcott

Anne you have made a tangible and measurable difference to all individuals and families living with autism. You have been a positive role model and inspiration. You have raised awareness and improved understanding. You have been the perfect ambassador. Thank you. Fiona You are such an inspirational lady, you have proven just because you have Aspergers you can face your fears and you are not ashamed of your Aspergers, you have shown more awareness for autism and maybe more people will understand it more, I hope my daughter grows up to be the person you are that isn’t afraid to face anything in this world will live in and I have so much admiration for you thank you, You are the Queen of the jungle in my eyes thank you xx Steph Griffiths You are an absolute inspiration! You have shown society the true side to Autism and have raised awareness in such a beautiful way, hopefully now our society can become a more inclusive place. Rosie Sweetman Thank you Anne for raising awareness of autism. You are an inspiration to our children . You must have had a lot of struggles in camp but you kept on going. I love your knowledge. My daughter has autism and is hugely knowledgeable too. She is nearly 17 and has just started college but knows what sort of job she wants which I hope works out for her. Sometimes she knows more than her teachers! ANON

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Thank you for showing awareness of living with autism and neurodivetsity in day to day life and showing courage in all you do. Also by showing the value appreciative of kindness and acceptance which is so important,

You are an inspiration to every person with autism. You have raised awareness in a way no-one else has, well done.


Anne you have done so incredibly well and everyone is so proud of you, your insanely brave and what you have shown it utter determination. We love you Anne x

Anne, you have been amazing, pushing yourself to try new things! You should be proud! Well done x Anita Thank you for raising awareness of autism so that more people will understand my wonderful son. You are a fantastic role model for all our autistic children and young people. Well done on such an amazing achievement. Rachael Anne has been amazing. She has explained how she has felt with each new challenge ahe has faced in the jungle. She has also explained her previous experiences in life. We have had a true, realistic insight into Anne’s autism. My daughter is 9 and has never met another Autistic girl. Stephanie My son has autism, is just turning 18, and has suffered so much in his life due to lack of awareness from other people of all ages. THANK YOU will all our hearts for raising so much publicity for autism and helping to make this world a better place. Much love and hugs xx Alison Hanson


Chloe O’Hagan What an inspirational woman! I feel so proud for you and you have given me hope for my daughter xx Catherine Hi Anne, My name is Alice and I have Aspergers Syndrome so I’m just like you :). Thank you so much for going on I’m a celebrity, you are such a brave and talented woman and have been such an inspiration to all those with Aspergers and Autism like myself. Even now to this day people still don’t understand autism. I’m currently in university and it’s so hard trying to fit in when I was born to stand out. But people don’t try to understand autism. But with you doing what you’ve done, you will be able to finally make people understand what it’s like for me and for you and for other girls and woman on the autistic spectrum. Thank you for everything Alice Wilmot Hi Anne I really want you to win n hope u will win I’m 32 & autistic and from suffolk. Them trials must be difficult & I really admire you. Fay

Anne my son Kieran also suffers Asperger syndrome.. He has sensory perception disorder too. He loves watching you on the chase and now in the Jungle. You have given him hope that if Anne can do it Kieran can too. Well done Anne you made us all proud Pennie and Kieran Hi Anne I have Aspergers and was diagnosed at the age of 22,I always knew there was something different about me from a young age and I’m now 27 I struggle with daily life but I have support workers who have helped me lots. You are doing amazingly well in the jungle and you are so inspiring,I know myself how hard this would be for you with all the social interaction, sensory difficulties and lack of routine. I wouldn’t even be able to get on that long flight to Australia and to deal with what you’ve dealt with in the jungle is just remarkable,you are a real winner. You have done brilliantly and have inspired and helped so many people including myself. it’s so lovely to see autism being highlighted and thank you for raising awareness thank you on behalf on all us aspies you are a true star and inspiration. Katie King I am a parent of two daughters with learning difficulties, who even though they haven’t been diagnosed with autism,show a lot of autistic tendencies. I thought you were so inspirational and when you had the chat with your camp mates and described autism from your perspective, I thought that was eye opening and went a long way in helping me understand the autistic traits my girls show. Thank you.x Sandra Fish

I see our daughter in you, she is on the Autistic Spectrum, you have been ( unknowingly) an inspiration to a lot people, you’ve given insight into ASD for a lot of the public. I admire you, and thank you Teresa Our 13 year old son was diagnosed with autism the week you went into the jungle. At such a delicate time of self-discovery and coming to terms with a diagnosis, you have been the most incredible inspiration. We have avidly watched and supported you every night, talked about how your autism might make things more challenging and why, and seen what a difference it can make to be supported by those around you. And most of all we have seen what is possible to achieve. I asked our son what he wanted to say and he said to tell you how brave you are and how watching you has given him hope about what he might be capable of achieving in the future. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Natalie Gamble Hi Anne your amazing , my autistic son loves watching you . I think you doing this has shown ppl that u can do whatever u want even if u have difficulties. I think alot of autistic ppl will think watching you that there is no reason why they can’t try anything they want to do and there is no reason why they can’t say I’m struggling I need some space. Karen Thank you for raising awareness for autism. You are such an inspiration. The kindness that your camp mates have shown has been heartwarming to watch and something the world would do well to follow... ‘Until Everyone Understands’ The Lambert Family

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Anne, my 8 year old son has autism. You remind me of him very much. He too is extremely clever at remembering facts. You have made me smile so many times watching you on television because I can see the importance of him continuing to be him and to not change for society. Perhaps he will not sleep in a jungle or be on a TV quiz show, but as an adult, he will be a gentleman who faces his daily life with pride and honesty. That’s all I want for him - for him to be able to acknowledge his autism, to challenge himself and to be happy with who he is. Because, I adore him and he has taught me more in eight years than anyone else has done in their lifetime. So Anne, thank you for helping me and for inspiring so many people.

I have 2 daughters with Asd and I have been so inspired to see how well you have coped it the jungle... Something I couldn’t possibly have done. Friends of mine are now starting to ask more questions about autism and learn about the challenges but also the joys that a child with autism brings. My youngest daughter who is 8 loves to watch the chase. She struggled with her diagnosis and you were one of the people that I used as an example of how amazing people with autism are. It helped her tell her peers that she has autism. When they asked what it meant she said, “It just means I’m cleverer than you!” Thank you for all you have done to help children like mine see that autism is not a barrier to achieving. X



Hi Ann, it’s been brilliant watching you on ‘I’m a celeb’. As an adult female with autism I think it has been good too see someone I can relate too so much. I too cry when I am stressed, or facing new situations and I always feel people think I’m childish for doing this. Since most of the people I work with watch the jungle, I feel it’s gave them a chance to see that we genuinely can’t help it , so it’s probably helped them too be a lot more understanding. Also the fact you spoke a bit about not having to have all the traits to be autistic really helped bring awareness, as a lot of people don’t believe I am autistic even though I have been diagnosed with it because I can do certain things that they don’t think I should be able to do because of ‘autistic stereotyping’. Hopefully you will inspire more autistic women too share their experiences and just be themselves without being ridiculed for it because it’s not considered ‘normal’. Having Autism can be a positive thing and I thank you for going on the show so that millions have been able too see that. Thanks again, from Sara in Scotland

What a truly wonderful person you are.You have done amazing .You have opened my son’s eyes to his autism an what can be done.Such a inspiration. Xxx

Sara-Jane Mclean

Andrea Anne you have been an inspiration. Thank you for being honest, Frank but most importantly being you. I relate to so much of what you have explained about your life and late diagnosis of autism. Thank you for bearing your soul and paving the way. You will never know how much you have inspired people. Natalie Well done Anne! Enjoyed watching you on this years I’m A Celeb, you did really well and i am so glad you are an ambassador for autism! Stay strong! #autismawareness #NAS Gurdave Roth

Dear Anne You’re amazing on not only the chase but also on I’m A Celeb. I’ve been watching you on the chase ever since I was 9 years old and I been loving you on it ever since. I too also have autism and i’m so proud of you for what you’ve been doing in the jungle and I will be supporting you forever. From, Michael Haworth What an inspiration you are Anne. Autism isn’t something I particularly knew a lot about yet you have opened my eyes to be more aware of people with autism. You have fastly become a national treasure and deservedly so. Your bravery throughout your jungle experience has been inspirational- the challenges you’ve faced must have been thousands of times harder than your other contestants because every day things will have been challenges themselves. You’re amazing and as a nation, we love you! X Callum Metcalfe Hi Anne, I just wanted to say that you’re an inspiration for going on I’m A Celeb this year. I have Asperger’s and know how difficult things are. It’s comforting to see someone with the same condition as me go on a show and fight through their fears. It makes me feel better and not ashamed of having Asperger’s. Thank you so much for inspiring others! I’m very proud of you and what you’ve achieved. You should be super proud and happy with yourself!

Just love you. How inspiring and motivating youve been on Im a celeb #teamGoverness Sarah Thank you for raising awareness of autism. To those of us who live with it day to day, both for ourselves and our children, the more we can do to normalise and make it part of everyday conversation the better and what you have done is so very powerful. I wish you all the best xx Catherine, London Thank you Anne for being so brave! You’ve really let us see the real and vulnerable you. My son Harrison was diagnosed with High Functioning Autism in May 2018.... He’s 16 years old and had such a hard time throughout the years. He’s doing so much better now such a clever lad with languages - that’s his thing. Your appearance has come at a time when he’s feeling good about himself and feeling invincible. You be just reaffirmed that anything is possible.....regardless. We’re so proud of you Anne x Michele Stuart Anne, i think you’re an amazing lady, who has shown true strength and courage by taking on the massive challenge of going into the jungle. Also, raising awareness of autism and that people with this condition are capable of awesome things. Lots of love xxxx Lizzy Carroll

Louise Cozens

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Hi Anne,

Dear Anne,

I’ve been watching this year’s series of I’m A Celeb every day, even though normally I drop the show a day or two in. Why is this year special? Well, because you’re in there. Like you, I got my Asperger’s diagnosis just a few years ago, after I became an adult, and I struggled to understand why I was the way I was some days. The day I heard the fateful words, the diagnosis, was such a great day. And finding out that someone as amazing as you having Asperger’s too made me smile. And seeing what you have come through on I’m A Celeb over the last few weeks has really inspired me. You pushed past barriers, and got more and more stars in every task you undertook. You’ve done massively well, and I am both proud of you, and humbled by you. While I may never get to experience the jungle quite the way you have, I would love to be able to say I pushed past my own barriers the way you have recently.

Thank you for being so authentic and truthful about the struggles autistic people go through in situations many people might not even think about. You’ve showed the public the true extent of how broad the autism spectrum is, how hard it can be, but also the strengths that come alongside it and what we can contribute to a group.

Thank you for being yourself, and inspiring me to push past those barriers! Jason Winstanley Hello Anne, I just wanted to briefly tell you how buoyed my nine year old son is to see you in I’m a Celeb! He knows you anyway from The Chase, and was delighted to hear that you too have autism! You’re an amazing role model for people with autism - thank you and all the best. Liz x Liz Anne, I’ve loved watching you in the jungle. My 12 year old daughter has ASD and has missed the last 2 years of school. Seeing you in the jungle has given me hope that she will, one day, be able to go off and try new things. You’re a real inspiration Anne, well done - YOU SMASHED IT!!!! Sally Whittingham

My colleagues at work know I’m autistic and the workplace is extremely accommodating, but I don’t think they realised what it can be like when you’re not in that kind of environment and struggle to process information and emotions. Since you’ve been in the jungle they have said they now have a better understanding of just how important it is to be mindful of things that may make life difficult for autistic people. James Thank you Anne, for being courageous enough to share your autism with the world and to show that it is ok. You find things difficult, but who doesn’t, you don’t like creepy crawlers, who does, it takes you a while to get used to change. If we are honest most people do. You have shown everyone that autism is amazing and makes people Unique and interesting. Thank you for making autism Cool and fun. Be very proud of yourself and what you have achieved. As a mum is an autistic lad, you have brought me to tears, but only happy and proud tears. Xxx Tracey Hawkins

Anne you are a huge inspiration in my family, my children all have adhd and aspergers syndrome. I watch you every night and think wow you are incredible, every day you are growing stronger, my daughter is 6 years old with aspergers syndrome and I hope when she grows up she is as brave as you, I hope her heart is beautiful like yours and I hope she conquers her fears like you did. We love you Anne, you are a blessing in our nation xxx Anne has shown people all around that we are strong, courageous and nothing stops us... As the saying goes ‘different not less’ we love you Anne! Rosie and family

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Well done for being you Anne! We all admire your bravery and are proud of what you have achieved! Leo Garner Love your attitude, owning YOU and not the label you happen to come under. Best way to be!! Pleasure getting to know YOU in the jungle. Tracy Maccrossen Dear Anne, I’ve always loved watching you on The Chase, and since being diagnosed with high functioning autism myself (quite recently, a bit before my 15th birthday - I like to think of the diagnosis as an early birthday present) and knowing you have Asperger’s has made me realise that autism isn’t a “disorder” or “disability”, it is an extra ability, or even like a superpower; you just need to know how to use it correctly. When I hear people taking the mick out of autism I like to think to myself that they’re jealous that they don’t have this extra knowledge that we have. I haven’t really been watching I’m a Celeb but from what I have watched I know you’re making everyone proud. Thank you for being an inspiration, not just to me, but to everyone x

Loving watching you on I’m A Celeb. I’m autistic too and you’re such an inspiration :) Asten Clarke What your doing is amazing. It’s great to see someone raising more awerness and proving people what we can do! Theres so many challenges to overcome and your rocking it Anne! Watching you do trials and overcome fears or something that may cause sensory issues is so inspiring. I know I would be terrified and so worried about all the different things. Its so good to see you doing your best. It’s also amazing to see everyone in camp behind you so supporting and caring. It shows people can understand and can support people with Autism and it shows that we can do so much more than people think. Thanks for representing and inspiring so many people with Autism and thank you for showing people we can do just as much as they can! Katie Well done Anne, you are doing fantastic! Keep it up. Much love; the nation

Theo Pyne


After being diagnosed with Autism at the age of 24 and going through the whole of my life not understanding what was differnet about me, it was great to hear you share your similar story with the nation. You have helped my mum and countless others understand me and my autism better and I absolutely love watching you in the jungle! Thanks so much!

I think Anne is really brave going on i’m a celebrity she brings to autistic people an such an inspiration



Teresa Thank you for being open and honest and talking about being Autistic.

Hello Anne, You have the same name as my grandma. My name is Emma, do you have a grandma with my name? I know it’s not likely but it’s a thought that makes me smile. I think you are totally rocking the jungle. Being honest about your feelings and experience as well as taking on such huge sensory and processing challenges for yourself. What a badass! I have autism, and know how overwhelmed I’d be trying to cope in your shoes. Hopefully I can do something as spontaneous someday! I’m loving the support your fellow camp mates are giving too, that makes me especially happy. It shows how acceptance, understanding, awareness and learning can be done.

I have found it so amazing watching Anne in the jungle. I got diagnosed this year and am still learning all about how female autism presents. It’s inspiring to see what Anne has achieved with her life, and to see how well loved she is for her being her. It’s been so helpful for my family to see Anne and hear her comments on Aspergers. I can’t believe how well you’re doing in the jungle, amazing xx Vick Thank you for busting so many myths around autism, and helping me explain to others that I am autistic. Flik

I’ve been watching and thinking you are doing well. I have cerebral palsy and watching you I’ve learnt bit more about autism. You are so strong

I just want to say that you are such an inspiration to so many people. I truly admire the way that you have spoken so openly about your Aspergers on the TV. I am incredibly proud of you for everything that you have done and pushed yourself to do. You are such an amazing person. All I can say is thank you for raising awareness and for showing people just how brilliant you are.


Carina Newman

Dear Anne

My best friend has autism and we think you are amazing! You’re so funny and amazingly brave and we think you are fantastic. Thank you so much for showing the nation that autism doesn’t equal useless

Keep being your awesome self! Emma Christie

Thank you for being an inspiration and showing the nation that being Autistic does not mean you cannot reach for the stars. My son, Kahlel, (named after Superman) is autistic and has very low self esteem. You being on the show means so much and shows him that he can achieve his dreams. Thank you.



Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


I think you are fantastic for putting yourself completely out of you’re comfort zone, you have proved that even with difficulties you can do anything! I Hope you win Anne!!!

I have autism just wanted to say well done for trying and succeeded I know how difficult it must be I definitely couldn’t do it

Wow Anne, we are all really proud of you here at the Grange house. When you visibly shook every time something landed on your back during the trials, you handled yourself so well and kept it together. My daughter and I were routing for you every day when the unexpected and dreaded change kept happening in the Jungle, you handled it so well. You are an amazing woman and a true inspiration for all of us. So glad you stuck it out. Well done x

Lorna mc


Thank you Ann - some small steps into the jungle have been giant leaps for autism awareness and acceptance. So many people are now aware of how autistic brains work differently and you’ve changed the world for people like my daughter. Your ability to put into words the way your brain lets you see the world has helped me understand her reactions to different situations. Wow! Just wow!

You have done so much to increase awareness and understanding and that’s something you should be hugely proud of. Well done Anne x


Alison Owen I just want to say thank you Anne. My 14 year old son has high functioning autism. He hates it and hates talking about it. But thanks to watching you on I’m a Celebrity, of his own accord he has spoken to me about his autism. You were told by your camp mates that you were good at picking up social cues. My son asked what that meant. It gave me the rare opportunity to have a good conversation with him about this as it impacts him greatly. He loves watching you on The Chase too. Thank you for being open about your autism. It has really helped and encouraged my son and it has helped me find a way to communicate with him. Serena

Simon Anne, you’re an inspiration. ANON My 3 year old son is currently going through autism assessment and I have found this very hard and wondering how hid life will turn out when he’s struggling so much already but seeing you in the jungle has given me the strength I needed to know he can come through this and be so capable of having a fulfilling life. I thank you from bottom of my heart and wish you all the best. A true inspiration Natasha Doherty Just wanted to say a huge thank you for teaching a lot of people about Autism, such as the challenges we face and also the really brilliant talents and skills we have. I, and so many others are so proud of you and as you’re someone I feel I can definitely relate to I am incredibly grateful for everything Reece Hughes

Anne, you are an inspiration to many. We have been with you from day one in the jungle and have been so proud of how you have dealt with the whole experience. My adult son is on the spectrum and I know first hand how overwhelming things get for him. Sending love to you. Andrea Dear Anne, Congratulations on your bravery and strength you portrayed in the jungle. My 8 year old daugter is Autistic. Grace has admired you incredibly and watched every episode. Thank you for showing her that you can step out of your norm, test the limits of your comfort zone and that it’s ok to be who you are. We have loved every moment of watching you and thank you for showing us that being Autistic is simply fabulous! All our love Jeanette and Grace Jeanette Hall Thank you Anne for stepping up and speaking out on Autism. As an Autistic woman myself, I am inspired and in awe for what you have done in the jungle and also on the Chase. You encourage me to step out and speak up in order to make my community more inclusive for Autistic people. Karleigh-Jayne Jones Anne I seem to think you will never know the impacted you’ve had on a lot of people’s lives. From the first day you walked into the jungle my husband realise that maybe I have been right. I have said I thought he was on the spectrum but he always said no I am not. But since watching you he as agreed with me.i hope you stay in a became Queen. Becouse a lot of people could learn a lot from watching you. You are amazing.

Dear Anne, First of all this is the first year I have watched I’m a celeb, and that is because of you. You have been TV Gold. Secondly thank you for being an amazing representation for Autism. I have two small sons ages 6 and 4 who both have Autism. I often struggle as a parent with the views of society. The pure love the country has for you has helped me to challenge my fears and begin taking my boys out more publicly. My boys won’t change for the world, the world needs to change for them and thanks to people like yourself that is possible Thank you Ann x Isaac and Jacks Mum Anne, you are an amazing woman and an amazing role model! My daughter who is 6 has just completed her ADOS and we are waiting for her diagnosis. She struggles with anxiety, sensory, crowds, noises etc. She and I Have watched you in the jungle and you blew us away with your braveness and resilience. You even aspired me to go and get myself an assessment at my local aspergers clinic!!! You are so much more loved than you realise!! You have always been our favourite on The Chase and you are now our favourite ever on I’m a celebrity!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for spreading awareness Xxxx Kerry

Jennifer Staples Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Well done Anne. Your determination and strength is very much to be admired. I work in an ASN school in Scotland and it’s so heartwarming to see the public beginning to gain a better understanding of AutismALL BECAUSE OF YOU!! You are such an inspiration and have held your head high. You should be so very proud of yourself. I thank you on behalf of all ASN teachers for showing parents of our pupils with ASD (who often struggle to come to terms with the diagnosis) that their children have so many admirable potential skills and talents. You are showing them that the world is being educated to understand their children better, and that their future can be bright. Thank you. Hazel McKinnon You are an inspiration. As a parent of an autistic son and a daughter under assessment its fantastic to see the world respond to how well you have done in I’m a celebrity. All my kids love watching you in the chase and admire your knowledge.

Thank you for being so open and honest about your autism and how it impacts your day-to-day life. People with autism are not represented very well on TV, and you’ve made a big step in changing that. I know you are in character when you are working on the Chase, but when I was a contestant I could tell you were lovely. Even if you did beat us in the final chase! Much love, Heidi x Heidi-Summer Sweet So proud of you Anne you are totally awesome. One thing I say when I watch you on The Chase is how beautiful you are. My little girl has Aspergers just like you and I am so proud of her too. I haven’t watched I’m a celeb because not keen and this year I couldn’t watch because I could not see you in distress. I believe you are a Bolton girl just like me. I need say no more, you are awesome ANON

Bianca On behalf of 5000 parents on our Facebook group. Each and everyone of us is rooting for you. You are our children hero xx Marie Waters Parents of children with Aspergers/ASD UK group You have put yourself through many challenges and in doing so have championed those with Autism, given people great insight and allowed them to develop empathy for others around them with similar difficulties. Thanks for taking the challenge, you have been fantastic. Michelle

Thank you Anne from Helen and Ollie Eaden xx Helen Eaden Anne, a massive congratulations for going into the jungle. My son, age 7 was diagnosed with Autism 2yrs ago., even though he is the most delightful child.. I worry about the future every day. You have shown me that my son will achieve everything and more he desires. Thank you xx Catherine Well done Anne. Your courage and strength an inspiration to others on the Spectrum ANON

Dear Anne, you may be ‘ Queen of the Jungle ‘ by the time you read this, but you did not have to experience such ‘terrors’ to attract admiration for the courage you demonstrate in your daily life. To appear as you do on ‘ The Chase ‘ demonstrating your intellectual ability and humour would be an impossible feat even for the neurotypical among us. You Anne present yourself as indomitable on the show and it would be difficult to believe you are on the Autistic spectrum. However the courage you demonstrate inspires those among us who would shy away from such a challenge. I am not on the spectrum but admire your courage, tenacity and obvious intellectual ability. Most of all I admire your determination to live life on your terms and to embrace your individuality. You will always be a winner Anne regardless of your ‘ fame’ or Tv recognition because you value your own self worth and why not ? You truly are a queen, a leader by example and I do hope you are recognised as a ‘ winner’ on this occasion. Brenda Davison Anne you are doing so amazingly well. The jungle is something that would challenge everyone so you are inspirational in just giving this a go. My son has Aspergers and an anxiety disorder and you have inspired him to make a list of challenges for himself and do one a month, the first one being trying a trip to the cinema. Fingers crossed as its well out of his comfort zone but you have helped him feel that if you can do all those extreme and amazing things maybe he can too. You are our Queen of the Jungle!! xx

Anne, you haven’t shyed away from anything. You’ve put everything into those challenging tasks without any hesitation. Our 11 yr old daughter was diagnosed with ASD earlier this year and went away on a one night trip to an outward bound centre and faced up to her own fears. You’re inspiring the whole nation and becoming one of our national treasures - keep doing what you’re doing and good luck. Lotsa love from The Prime’s xx The Prime’s Hi Anne, I work with young people with autism and Asperger helping them integrate into mainstream school. I have been using you as an example for my young women who have almost fallen out of school due to the high level of anxiety and loneliness they feel. Thank you for inspiring them to keep going and be brave. I would love them to meet you at some point in the future. Thank you for sharing your story so meaningfully Sara Dale Anne, you are an inspiration to so many people and you may not even realise. You’ve shown what’s possible by trying new things that we all know is challenging for a non autistic person to deal with. My 8 year old autistic son loves watching you and you’re a winner in our eyes xx Vicki Gray

Well done Ann you have done so much to highlight autism

I think you have done fantastically, you have been so very brave. You have inspired millions, and hopefully improved people’s understanding of Autism. This is great because still not enough people know what it is all about, or how difficult simple things can be.


Finlay Tyler


Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


To Anne You are ANNE-tastic, like fantastic but Anne-tastic. I have autism too and it is amazing to see you on I’m a celebrity and see how amazing you are doing. Thank you for going on I’m a celebrity so show the world how ausome autism is. Millie Gregg I think you have been a fantastic Ambassador for autism awareness. My son has Asperger’s Syndrome and to see someone on TV challenging their fears and overcoming so much is an inspiration. You are amazing. Vanessa Knight Dear Anne. What an inspiration you are to my 2 Autistic children, now grown up. You have showed everyone what can be achieved. You conquered your fears and we as a family are very proud of what you achieved. You have brought a better understanding to the public about autism awareness and have got people talking about autism and how it affects people. Well done. X Mrs Karen Young Anne, you are among many people on the spectrum that proves that we are more capable and determined than others may assume. As somebody with Aspergers, I and many others applaud your courage and resilience throughout your challenges. John Irvine

Huge congratulations on your time in the jungle Anne. You are such an inspiration to all of the ASD community. You are simply an inspiration. Lindsay (Northern Ireland) Keep going Anne you are proving that us Autistic ladies can do what ever we set out minds to. Autism does not define you it empowers you Su Severn I am currently on the waiting list to see if I am in need of a autism assessment. Thanks to your explanations of how it affects your life I am more sure than ever that I am autistic. Alice D To Anne, your doing great on the show, my son is 4 and has autism and I’ve always been worried about how he will be when he is older, but watching you has shown me how brave, inspirational, Courageous and clever he could be, your amazing lots of love xx Cheryl P Heya Anne, Just to say i think you have done sonething very brave. My husband has ASD. So we get how tough of a decision it was. Good for you, you should be really proud of yourself!! Nice to have a real experience shown on tv! Rather than the sexed up version documented in all fiction!! Kate

Hi Anne, As an autistic woman who’s diagnosis also came later in life, you’re an inspiration to me, and those of us that are fighting not only for autism awareness, but also acceptance and understanding. Your time in the jungle has made the whole nation talk more about autism, to be interested in what it is, and has helped them see that it’s not a disability, not something to be ashamed of, and can be a strength and an asset. Thank you. You’re an inspiration to everyone who is autistic! Kathryn Gibbs

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Hi Anne My name is Jayden and I am 9 years old. I look up to you and your quizzing and when ever I see you on the chase I think I want to be a chaser just like you when I grow up. I have autism like you and it feels nice to know of someone else who’s autistic you are my hero Love Jayden xxxxxxxxxx Jayden (age 9) Hi Ann. I’ve been watching you in the jungle. I think you have done brilliant. I have a grandson is autistic and goes to a mainstream school. However because he is “different “ one or two of the kids in his class think it’s ok to “bully” him. He never getsunami picked to be in a team. No one chooses to sit by him. He says he hasn’t got any friends. It is very sad to witness. Do you have any suggestions to build his confidence while he is at school in the class? He is very clever just like you!

Anne I am so impressed with what you are doing in the jungle. Being the grand parent of a deaf autistic boy. I now have hope for his future. You are an inspiration Mo Smith Anne, you have inspired me to try and overcome my worries and come out of my comfort zone. Thank you for going into the jungle and showing the world that you can do anything you put your mind to. I am enjoying watching you all get along well in camp. Eva (age 9)

I cannot thank you enough for going on this popular show. You and your amazing camp mates have shown the world what autism can mean. Little things like having time to process information, new sorroundings, makes such a difference to how you feel and behave. Having the support of kind friends too, so heartwarming . My son is 7, he has Aspergers, it’s people like you that make our world such a happier place and help us on our journey. We are so proud of you and cannot thank you enough.

Anne, my daughter has been a big fan of yours for some years, you are her favourite chaser! When we read that you are on the Autistic spectrum, she was really pleased, as if you were part of a special and exclusive club. You and I both know, that although being in that club makes you incredible, talented, warm and funny human beings, it is also an extremely challenging club to be in. We’re always proud of our daughter for taking on every day challenges and bigger ones. I can see in her, and in you how difficult it is to navigate situations, conversations and environments that aytipcal people find easy. It’s exhausting for those on the spectrum. The older she gets the better she is at educating those she meets about why she is very special, and also what she finds difficult. Since watching you in the jungle she has learnt to swim without armbands. Something which was a long time incoming due to anxiety. You are absolutely inspirational to everyone watching. You are brave, funny and honest. You’re making Autistic adults and children believe that they can tackle challenges, and build relationships when people are as patient and open minded as your campmates are proving to be. Thank you. Whether you win or not, you’re Queen of the jungle in our house. Xxx

Laura Novak

Emily O’Flynn

Joy MacMillan Hi Anne I got diagnosed this year age 37. I think you are raising awareness of female autism. Ella

Well all i can say is , i never knew of you until the Chase, but what a inspiration you are to all the young and old,the strength you have shown to everybody not only shows how strong you are ,but also how strong any person with Autism can be . We have a grandson with Autism and we love him to bits,but it breaks our heart when we see him beat down laughed at refused ect. What you have done gives hope to all that suffers with this problem ,your one gutsy women but one that now gives hope to all who suffers,keep going you are a great women and thank you from the bottom of our hearts , because of you our grandson now has a future. Tony White Dearest Anne, you are an amazing inspiration. You are so brave. I have two sons with autism and showing them a successful, brave, role model like you is just what we need. I want them to grow up knowing that having autism is something to be proud of and how special they are. Your work appearing on our TVs and being super brave helps the world to understand and accept us all and the differences that make the world a wonderful and diverse place. Thank you and well done. You are a hero - lots of love Sandy and family Thank you Anne for showing people that people with autism can do wonderful things and know so much. My daughter who is 8 has autism and she finds it frustrating but since finding out that you have autism she is over the moon because she thinks that she is thick. Now she knows that she isn’t and can go on to do wonderful things with a positive attitude so thank you Anne xxx Linda Spencer

Dear Anne, you are an amazing women. I have the privilege of raising my daughter, who is autistic. Watching you I know she will grow up to do amazing things. You are an inspiration to all. Well done. X Sarah Thoday Dear Anne We wanted to let you know what an inspiration you have been to our son Jack. From watching you on the show he now believes that anything is possible for him to achieve if he is as brave and strong as you. You have showed the world some of the struggles that people with autism go through and how you battle through on a daily basis. and for this we thank you. You are an amazing person!! Thank you for inspiring our son x The Hender’s Dear Anne, Your bravery is inspirational. Through watching you each night, my son is beginning to realise that he too can push the boundaries of his comfort zone. He has been quite depressed since he was diagnosed with autism, but you have shown him that being autistic does not limit him. Grace Anne you have been such an inspiration for my teenagers with ASD - very brave to go through the things you have and I know a lot of it is well out of your comfort zone - thank you for raising awareness you are doing a whole lot of good for the ASD community good luck and thank you x Sheree Jones

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


After being diagnosed with autism back in July at the age of 17, I found it quite difficult to come to terms with as I felt so different to everyone else etc. After seeing you in the jungle, it’s helped me to feel less alone on my autism journey, and also helped me to realise that there’s nothing wrong with a late diagnosis! You should be so proud of yourself for everything you have accomplished in the jungle! We’re all routing for you! ANON My daughter has aspergers and is very intelligent too. You have raised so much awareness as people are so ignorant about this condition. For someone with aspergers to do the jungle is like asking a neurotypical person to climb Mount Everest. Anne you are amazing x Helen Dear Anne you are such an inspiration for not only all of us in the autistic family but everyone! well done for going on i’m a celeb i am so proud of you,you are honestly so so brave and inspiring and you are amazing. you’ve taught me that I can reach my goals. i’m currently revising for my gcses and i watch you on the chase to help and you are my favourite. thank you for helping the autism awareness and making me smile the past weeks watching you! enjoy your time out of the jungle I hope one day i’m able to meet you and shake your hand love from, Charlie

Hi Anne I think it’s great that are you so open about you condition, I also have ASD and think your really brave to go in the jungle because of all the sensory things going off, I was really impressed by your challange where you ate and drank I thought that was amazing cause that would have really set me off, I think your doing amazing well done!!! Kay Wow you are amazing. My 14 year old has been refused diagnosis as girls are so difficult to diagnose. Theres not enough awareness of how girls/women on the spectrum display. Yoy have done so much to raise this awareness and we cannot thank you enough. Carolyn Hi Anne! Have been watching you on I’m a celebrity every night. You have been amazing! We have watched you pushing yourself completely out of your comfort zone. You are so brave and an inspiration for my daughter who is 15 with Aspergers. She does not really like doing uncomfortable or strange things and watching you pushing yourself so much is inspiring! You should be so proud of yourself! Well done xxxx Clare 4 young ladies on spectrum in my little family Ann. Your brave strong and awesome. Your inspiring young ladies to reach for the stars! Thankyou Dawn Assefa

Anne you have been an inspiration to so many people. I have several family members with autism and the awareness you have brought is amazing. You have done incredibly well in the jungle and it’s lovely to see how each day you appear more comfortable. You have helped to show people that even with autism it is possible to be brave and to push yourself to do things you never thought possible. Thank you for spreading awareness and well done for being so strong. Amy

Hi Anne! I just wanted to say, thank you so much! You have been a huge inspiration to me. You have always been my faviourate Chaser and when I found out you were autistic my admiration grew. You have been so brave to join I’m a Celebrity and I can only imagine how tough it is for you. Thank you for giving me hope that Autism doesn’t stop you from doing the things you want to do. You will always have my belief and support, wheather you win or not. Thank you again! Georgia

I just wanted to say thank you for your openness and honesty about how you’re coping. I love your quote about suffering from autism. So true! From the partner of a recent diagnosed man. Thank you Carolyn Morris Our son samuel age 17 has aspergers dx at 3 years old...he always loved quiz shows..and The chase is one of his favourites,learnt so much...and knowing lots of people on tv ect have aspergers is great for him to know..helps very much hearing your story and experiences.....we watching get me out of here and wish you luck for winning...but all you have done so far you are a winner to us. Amazing acheivements....well done Anne your a star...and thank you so much for talking publicly to raise much needed awareness of aspergers /autistic spectrum conditions... xxx Jean Cannon

Anne, you are such an inspiration to everyone, regardless of where they are on the spectrum. You have shown everyone that they can do anything they put their mind to. My best friend has Aspegers as well and both of us have been rooting for you to do so well. You have done so so well in the jungle and you should be so proud of how you’ve done. Hopefully you feel like you have made lifelong friends from this experience. Please never change who you are, you’re wonderful Jess Hi Anne, I am 19 and have Asperger’s syndrome. It is an inspiration to see you doing the Chase and the Jungle. I work myself and know how hard it is when you’re Autistic. Thanks for promoting awareness for women on the spectrum. Laura Ambler

You are an inspiration to everyone who has autism. My son is autistic and is struggling greatly at the moment. He loves watching you in the jungle and on the chase. Your amazing Anne. Keep up the amazing work and keep being you. #Annetowin Hannah Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Dear Anne, You are truely an inspiration. I was so happy when I found out you were going to be on I’m a celebrity get me out of here as I am a big fan. I think you are very courageous and a great role model for both autistic people and neurotypical people alike. It’s fantastic that you have shared your story and what it’s like in general to navigate life as an autistic female. Kind well wishes, Chloe Bain Well done Anne for bringing awareness to autism/asperges. Your commitment to the show even though you are completely out of your comfort zone is amazing & have 100% accomplished more than what i would have (i’m a wuss!). My neice has asperges so it is good to see a positive role model on the tv, overcoming barriers/fears & acheiving what you set your mind to. Well done! Kirsty L Hi Anne, I just wanted to say thank you for your honesty and bravery during your time in the jungle. You have truly shone a spotlight on Autism awareness in its many forms. Just your presence on such a high profile show has paved the way for more people having more patience and compassion for my son. Huge congratulations on your achievement. You should be extremely proud! Laura

Well done Anne, amazing x Alison Sackett Anne, you are amazing. You have single handedly catapulted autism awareness and it is moving to see the public show you so much support. My son has autism and while I have no doubt he has amazing things ahead of him, he doesn’t always see it himself. I couldn’t think of a better role model for him. Your bravery will benefit him and many, many others for years to come. Thank you. Leanne Walmsley Thank you for your inspiration and highlighting autism in women. As I await my assessment in January this has made a huge impact and I now feel more able to cope if I receive a positive diagnosis - I will just follow your example! Helen Anne, you are an inspiration to all. Your honesty and bravery has humbled me immensely. My two sons have autism and you have given me hope as a parent. You have shown me that my son’s can grow and become amazing human beings just like you. I thank you with all my being for taking part in I’m a Celebrity because you have given the world awareness, and as a mother that is all I ask for. Keep doing you Anne, because you are brilliant. Michelle, Kyle, Oliver and William

Anne is a true inspiration. She has proved that having autism doesn’t mean that you can’t succeed in life. Her general knowledge is amazing. She’s a true inspiration. Go Anne!

You’ve been an inspiration! I have a daughter and Grand daughter with autism and the awareness you’ve raised, through your bravery, is second to none! Thank you From day one, you were out of your comfort zone, yet soldiered on! Bravo!

Saffron L


Dear Anne Thank you so much for everything you are doing to raise autism awareness by just being yourself and talking so openly. I am a mum to two autistic sons and we love watching your time in the Jungle. You are so brave and we have been cheering you on all the way! There has been so much love and support for you here, we just think you’re amazing! Whatever happens, you will always be our Queen of the Jungle. Thank you xxx Emmi

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


I have three daughters, all at different points of the spectrum. You have been absolutely amazing in the jungle, especially the way you have explained the condition and the way your brain processes information. Not only have you (and your supportive campmates and ITV) raised awareness of the condition and how it affects people every day in little ways as well as big, you have shown people with ASD that they can achieve great things and overcome, or at least manage, situations that they may feel overwhelmed by. Thank you! Claire Law

Hello Anne, my name is Theo and I’m 9 years old. I have Asperger’s and PDA, and I think you are doing an awesome job in the jungle, raising awareness of our disabilities. Thank you for being you. Theo My son and I would like to send our appreciation and untold support for you. You were so brave to put yourself into an unfamiliar place, with a bang too! You’ve made many people become far more aware of autism in its variety of forms. My son age 31 has Aspergers and it’s been an uphill struggle to get outsiders to understand him.

Anne you are the best! My children and me are struggling in some aspects with our autism (me in particular) I am in awe of you and feeling better and prouder of my autism, you go girl you absolutely amazing aspie!

We really feel for you and your camp mates were absolutely brilliant with you too. I hope you continue to inspire many people, and wish you all the best. You’re an inspiration and we adore you. Well done Anne xxx

Pam Whitehouse

Carole Marriott

Anne, you’re an inspiration! My 5 year old son is Autistic & knowing what you must be going through out there is why I call you an inspiration, I always worry for my son’s future but your journey has given me hope for him, but also the incredible awareness you’re bringing for Autistic people all over the country! Good luck to you, hopefully you will be the next Queen of the jungle.

My name is Aaron and I have autism too...I struggle so much in school...when I get home I ask my mam if she will let me see The Governess in the Jungle.You have been so brave having slime and creepy crawlies on you. My mam tells me it’s lovely to be different and she is very proud of me...I am proud of you because you are so brave like me..I am my mammy’s Prince and you are our Queen of the jungle...You are amazing Love Aaron and Rhiannon (mam) xxx

Michelle Ann, You are an inspiration to me and my family including my 6 year son, George who is autistic. You have opened up a dialogue for the nation and because of you’re openess about yourself people are talking about the spectrum.That is amazing. We hope you win. X Mares Carlton

Aaron James

Anne, you have done so brilliantly. Everyone absolutely loves you and sees you for your genuine and kind and intelligent nature. My son, who is 5, was recently diagnosed with Aspergers and has found it very difficult and finds it hard to grasp that he might Be ‘different’... He has been watching you and now sees that being Aspergic isn’t about being ‘different’ or ‘disabled’ You are an inspiration and I hope my son continues to look up to you. Kate Hi Anne! My names Robbie and i also have Aspergers! I just want to say that, watching you tackle scary and tough situations that cause mass anxiety is so inspiring! I’ve been diagnosed with an Anxiety disorder my self and i find it tough going out and doing things people would deem “”normal”” but watching you lately on I’m a celebrity has been such an inspiring thing for me! Thank you so much for reading my letter! Robbie Williamson Anne, you have been such an inspiration to the autism community and done so much to raise awareness for us. My son Archie (9) is autistic and like you is extremely intelligent and has a fantastic recall of facts but, I have often worried about what his future will hold due to the many challenges he faces just to function on a daily basis, which takes strength and courage beyond anything that most of us can imagine. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching you each night and after our more challenging days have taken comfort in the fact that, as you have done, it is entirely possible for my son to achieve great things in what must be a confusing and scary world for him right now. Thank you for being you xx

We’ve loved watching you in the jungle Anne. It’s been lovely to see your confidence grow particularly with your interactions with the other women. We have loved your honestly and humour. You’ve created a greater awareness about ASD by helping people with no knowledge understand what autism is and what it is not and hopefully more people will come forward for diagnosis. Joe aged 10 hopes you win! Lisa, Louis and Joe I was diagnosed with Asperges just over 4years at the age of 30. At first I was relieved and felt confident and I finally understood the reasons behind so many things. But as time went on, I went with drawn, paranoid, I developed anxiety, I felt ashamed and I would openly talk about my son’s autism, but I would not mention mine. I hid it for so long from so many people. But after seeing you in the jungle, such a wonderfully, beautiful, kind, caring and very brainy lady, seeing you talk about your autism, to all those viewers, and pushing as hard as you can through your struggles, it inspired me to talk more about my autism. I even posted about it on my Instagram which is huge for me. You have made me begin to accept my autism, (well the diagnosis because the autism has been there all along.) You’re an amazing lady Anne. And I’m so proud to be autistic and to have you as a role model. My 11 yr old son has autism, and he has loved watching your journey on I’m a celeb. For him it’s great to see someone with autism on a tv show that he loves. And also it shows him, and me, that people with autism can be accepted and loved in this world. Thank you for opening mine, and the words eyes to autism. But most of all, thank you for being au-somely you :) All my love, Becka xxx Rebecka Dobbs

Lisa, Louis and Joe Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Well done Anne, you are an inspiration, you have giving lots of people with autism hope and encouragement to try new things, my 8 Year old watches you on I’m a celeb and the chase and Britain’s brightest family’s over and over again, you have accomplished so much and you should be very very proud of yourself Bernadette Moran Thank you Anne for bringing awareness of some of the struggles relating to Autism. On the show you have articulated some of the difficulties and feelings that I never could as a young adult with a recent diagnosis. You have reached out to my family who watch the show who were not so understanding of me. Jack Anne, you are truly inspirational, my son has learning difficulties but he looks forward to watching you every night. Keep up the good work xx ANON My amazing granddaughter Evie has autism, and although she is only 3, both Evie and her mum Lauren already face huge daily challenges. Through your bravery of participating in I’m a celebrity, you have raised such a high level of awareness for autism, that I believe you are changing and challenging the public’s perception and view of ASD. In short, you are making the future a better place for all those that have, or live with ASD. I am not alone when I say ‘Thank you Anne, you are an inspiration’. Nina Burridge

Hi Anne, my youngest son Max has ASD and watching you has given me hope in my times of desperation. Max is bullied terribly at school, has very few friends and plays alone at school, hes 6 and it breaks my heart to see him being so alone and telling me he “”hates his life”” Watching you not be afraid to tackle any challenge and be totally out of your comfort zone gives me hope my special little man will go on to do great things. Hes as bright as a button and although he might be playing with a toy in class he hears and takes in everything the teacher is talking about. I wish you could give one of his teaching assistants a serious ticking off as she is so quick to blame Max for any problems and yesterday told him “”thats why no one want to be your friend, because your YOU”” Anyone thats works with children should have specific training to deal with kids who have ASD and be careful of what they say around them because everything with max is black or white, no grey area and he takes everything when his TA said that he took it as gospel and thinks he will kow have any friends because he has ASD. Much love and pride Debbie and Max You are an inspiration to everyone, you have given me hope for the children that I look after that they will be accepted and that society will finally understand them! You have also inspired the children that they can do anything they dream of. Thank you so much for raising awareness of autism and speaking so openly about it. Leanne Parsons Well done Anne for doing good work” you are a true inspiration to so many of us! Thank you for raising ASD awareness. Jake Christiansen

Thank you for being a true inspiration. You have shown my son and the world that nothing is impossible. It is ok to say enough is enough and it is awesome to try your hardest. Being honest and true to yourself are more important than pretending to be something you’re not. You are amazing and I am filled with respect for you. Jacky John Anna you are so brave I struggle to get out the door sometime just with the noise of the traffic. To do what you have done is amazing and you should be so proud of yourself. Ps some of the comments you made in the jungle were so true should see my flat :)

I have watched every episode of I’m a celebrity mainly because of you (and John Barrowman fellow Torchwood fan) but I am so overwhelmed watching you push your boundaries everyday just from getting up and listening to the constant noise from those around to the nights sleeping in the open with creatures. My daughter was diagnosed autistic a week before her 3rd birthday and I now know autism is just a part of her, and just like you she can push her boundaries every day with my help and support. She has just turned 5 (sept 2018) started a SEN school and is doing brilliantly. So well done for showing everyone your not just the mean governess from the chase but a clever strong lady with an added bonus of being on the autism spectrum. Sarah Simpson

Kevin Chun To Anne It makes me happy to see someone with autism on tv in one of my favourite shows. Hopefully you being on tv will help people understand us more and not be mean. I really hope you win so it inspires people with autism to follow their dreams. Because were all legends! Anne to win x Keaton Cook Age 10 Dear Anne We have loved watching you overcome your fears in the jungle. You are truely inspiring. Our brother Harry is 8 and autistic and it’s good to know that when he gets older he can do whatever he puts his mind to like you have. Well done and we hope you win! From Thomas aged 10 and Edward aged 6 The Luscombe brothers

Anne, Thank you so much for taking part. I have Autism as well. You have done so well for Autism Awareness. Even I would have struggled at some challenges on that show but I think, you have shown that all Autistic people can really shine at tasks given to them. Thank you so much again. Grigor Brookfield Hi Anne, Really hope you come out as Queen of The Jungle. I used to watch The Chase with my dad every day when he was terminally ill with cancer. He really liked you and I work supporting people with ASD’s . Through your story I got to explain to him about autism and he was very interested, it brought us closer because he got to understand what I do for a job and why I’m passionate to raise awareness. You have inspired so many in your time in the camp and done a great service at raising awareness. You truly deserve the crown. Thank you x Christie

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Dear Anne, Thank you so much for raising awareness for Autism. As a mum to an autistic boy I know what it is like to face the world every day that doesn’t make much sense. Your honesty and openess about the issues and struggles you are facing to this day is inspiring and goes to show that so many people with the condition face them too and they are not alone. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wish you all the very best in the future. Kind Regards, Azra I know a little boy who has been diagnosed with autism and feels isolated at school and believes he isn’t clever. Well, I showed him how brave you have been in the jungle and told him how smart you are and now he believes in himself too. Thank you Anne, for being your wonderful self and sharing that with us Humi To Anne, Since you have been in the jungle from the beginning, I have watched you blossom, trying the trials, facing your fears. You have inspired me to carry on and keep going as I too have Asperger Syndrome x All I can say Anne, a little phrase that keeps me going is “always look on the bright side of life” Lizzie

You’re an absolute inspiration! I have two boys with Aspergers/ autism and I also have a diagnosis of Aspergers. I know I would struggle there in the jungle! The fact that you are showing it’s possible to have a successful career and live life to its fullest on your own terms is marvellous and I’m now proud to say “Yes, I have Aspergers”. Emma Anne, you are one strong, feisty woman and I greatly admire the strength you’ve demonstrated when facing challenging situations. Hilary As a recently diagnosed autistic women, Anne has inspired me to finally publish the blog I have started on paper. Anne has allowed me to show family members how autism presents in females and to have the courage to be my true self! Becky You truly are an amazing person! People now notice more with my son where as I would have to spend ages explaining it to them! Thank you! X Jemma You are amazing! We have watched you struggle but we have watched you over come those struggles keep doing what your doing in life! You are fabulous x Nibby Finn

Ann, you’ve done an amazing job on I’m a celeb! I’m a mum of a little boy on the spectrum & my thoughts & worries on his future was clouded by the way most tv programs show adults with ASD, but you have really opened my eyes that one day my boy will know why he struggles with different stuff as his peers & he’ll be ok with that. That right now things may be confusing for him but one day he will understand & accept & love hisself the way his family does. That he will find things overwhelming & difficult but he can overcome things. That one day he will eat something other than chicken nuggets!! Haha. I just want you to know you’ve given a mum hope, thank you so much!

You are an Inspiration to many Anne..I have seen you grow during your time in the jungle...keep going, you are stronger day by day. x


Anne, I am the mother of a brilliant little boy with Autism and I just want to thank you for being your wonderful self! You are mighty Anne! X

My daughter is almost 21. She’s found you inspiring. She’s never watched I’m a celebrity get me out of here, but has followed you from day one. Such a inspiration for her to see what can be overcome. Thank you Anne.

Barbara Brunt Anne I think you are an inspiration to all. You are living proof that anyone can do anything. In the eyes of autistic families and sufferers you are without doubt The Queen of the Jungle and a fantastic advocate for autism. Thank you x Sandra Whitfield

Lisa Brockhurst Dear Anne.


My daughter is on the autistic spectrum and was diagnosed only three years ago so this is still fairly new to us.

It’s been a true delight watching you in the jungle, showing my little girl who is newly diagnosed autistic that she can; dream, believe and achieve in anything she puts her mind to has given us so much hope for the future

Seeing you on I’m A Celebrity and watching the way you have coped has been truly inspirational. You have helped me understand further what life is like for my daughter and given me hope that, although she has a lot of social anxiety, she maybe able one day to experience life outside of our home - her comfort zone. Also the love and acceptance shown towards you has been so reassuring and I’m sure has given hope to many.

Jodie Dear Anne you have been so inspiring to watch and to see you grow in confidence. Well done for taking on this huge challenge for all the world to see and for highlighting the daily struggle people with Autism face.

You are amazing. Keep doing what you’re doing. Lesney

Paula Elson

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Anne, the amount you have achieved by going on this show is beyond what you realise. I now feel able to tell people that the reason I’m unable to do something is down to aspergers, which I was never able to do previously and I used to just say I was ill. The awareness you have given aspergers is so incredibly helpful to me as an autistic woman. It is so refreshing to see a woman with Aspergers breaking all negative stereotypes and showing how amazing the ABILITY of Aspergers is! Gemma Hi Anne, I don’t watch I’m a celebrity, but this year I’ve kept up with your journey. Thank you for your bravery. Thank you for not being afraid to show the rough edges and normal for us everyday struggles. Thank you for being brave enough to be truly seen. Your inspirational. Best wishes for the future. Xx Megan I have an eight year old daughter with a diagnosis of high functioning autism. She loves the chase, and most quiz programs. I cant show her you in the jungle yet but i will when she is older. She already see’s what you do on the chase so being able to show her how far you can challenge yourself as an autistic girl will be amazing. It’s been great to have autism in girls getting such publicity, its so misunderstood. Zoe You are an inspiration thank you Anne x ANON

Anne, Thank you for bringing Autism Awareness to us all, you are a awesome woman and have done so well. Good on you x Ann Anne, thank you so much for your openness and clarity on IACGMOOH. Raising awareness and understanding of autism is needed, and you have shown a huge viewing public how your autism impacts and enhances your life. Thank you. Vic Well done Anne. I admire you for who you are. You’re brave, clever and funny. I have a nine years old beautiful grandson and I hope he will become as clever,funny and admired as you are. Being in the jungle was a huge challenge for you. I certainly couldn’t do it. Keep on going Anne. Xx Cilla Anne for Queen of the jungle. U have done more to help my teenage girl than any professionals . My daughter has aspergers and its really showed her there are kind people out there. U go Anne! Marie Hi, my son is 14 with asd he has zero tolerance for the outside world! Seeing you has made me and my son realise it’s ok to give things a try! Keep it up lass your an inspiration to all,not only people on the spectrum! Go Anne! #notjustabadass#anneisawsome Natasha

Go for it Anne!! As a mum of a child with autism I understand how much harder this is for you than anybody else there. I wish your corragousness could be shared about between all those with autism to enable others to take on your spirit and bravery xx Jenni Hi Anne! I think you have been amazing with coping with all of the challenges you faced. I, too have Autism and struggle with changes, surroundings, emotions and life. You have totally inspired me to conquer all of my difficulties and be the best person I can be. Thank you so much Anne, you are one in a million! Isabelle

Dearest Anne, I just have to say you are an inspiration to anyone suffering from Aspergers, my now 26 year old son suffers from it to, and I personally think what you have done is both very brave and inspiring to all who suffer. You are a hero, loved you on the chase but love you more now. Lynne Brennand Anne, you are an inspiration to so many and I have always admired you! I’m a huge fan of The Chase. For me personally, I have always known I am different throughout my life and I am 25 now. I’m sure I am autistic but I’ve never had the courage to seek a diagnosis. You have inspired me to persue a diagnosis and help me understand who I am! Thank you so much xxx Jess McDade

Anne, I was diagnosed at 30, I’m now 47 and your stint in IAC has inspired me to step out of my comfort zone and stretch what I think I can possibly do, so thank you. You’re my inspiration

Thank you and well done you wonderful human being.

Hi Anne, just wanted to share how wonderful I think you are. I am a carer for my brother who has Autism, he’s 25 and is incredibly clever in general knowledge but he struggles with social skills. Seeing you on the show, partaking in physical challenges as well as your own personal challenges has been very inspiring. Seeing what you’re achieving, showing the world that Autism actually doesn’t disable you, it just makes you different- and different is good! You have been honest with your struggles so it’s be wonderful seeing your success. You have sparked conversations on a disability people didn’t know much about, and you have educated millions. I truly wish you well in whatever happens next when you leave the jungle, whatever opportunity comes your way grab it by the balls and go for it girl! You are one hell of a woman and I hope one day I get the opportunity to meet you.


Natasha Sidwell

Simon Foy Ann your an absolute superhero. I am Mum to the gorgeous Daniel 9, who has Autism. I love to show Daniel examples of people who are on the Autistic Spectrum doing incredible things and pushing themselves out of their comfort zone. And wow are you ever, you are a true inspiration and you along with the other Super heroes that I discuss with Daniel are helping me to show my son, that he really can do anything he puts his beautiful mind too.

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Our little boy is 5, he has autism. Watching you in the jungle gives me such a lot of hope for his future. I often think about how difficult the jungle must be for you, new smells, routines, textures, must be so overwhelming. Thank you for opening up about your autism and giving many parents hope for their autistic children x Nadia Davenport I am the mother of a 7 year old boy with autism. it has been such a powerful example you have set for him.....he can do anything he puts his mind to! and he can live a brave fulfilled life!.....Dominic has lived watching you and your exciting antics in the jungle. thank you so much for flying the flag for autism, you’re doing a fantastic job. Dominic and Lisa Wilkinson Go Anne, I hope your time in the jungle gets people talking about autism more and bring more awareness to it. So many females go and diagnosed. I was only diagnosed at the age of 32 as doctors did not believe my mum when I was younger! Amy Johnston Hi Anne, we are all sat watching you in the jungle. To go into this and face many things that people don’t even know you’re battling is a true Hero! We are always proud of our son Aiden and everything he continues to cope with and battle through dispite his Autism. You’re a true warrior. Thank you for letting us get to know you better. Helen Tattersall

Anne, Thank You for talking about your “hoarding” struggles with in Autism. It’s helped my son to make a plan of what he needs and doesn’t need. You are an absolute inspiration. You have been brilliant to watch in the Jungle. Love Emma and Masin. XX Masin Dixon My son has aurism and she has shown him just what you can achieve if you have autism she truly is an inspirational lady Brenda Anne! Thank you for being such an inspiration to us and our 11yr old who has been finding it hard to accept being autistic. We watch you each night and you really have helped him by your honesty and openness and for being the most amazing human being. We are so grateful you decided to go ahead with the journey into the jungle and can only imagine how hard it was. You are our #autismhero sincere thanks. Emma When the world hears ASD they think a million and one different things, not all of them good. Thank you for adding another positive in the world so that one day children like mine allover in the world where a positive person outstrips a negative thought world. Good luck with the trials. Stephanie Thank you for showing me that people with autism can do anything they want too. you are so brave. I want to be that brave when I am older xx Dominic Wilkinson

Anne, you are such an inspiration. My 7 year old daughter is autistic and we have allowed her to watch you in the Jungle to show her how much you can achieve and how loved you and her are. She first saw you on the chase and now she knows you are similar due to the autism her love and admiration for you has grown so much. You have really helped bring Autism and the struggles that people face to the fore front and will hopefully help the public perception of Autism for generations to come. James and Lucy Ireland

Thank you Anne, our Jungle Queen


Anne, as the mother of an autistic child that struggles with the world every day I have to congratulate you on your determination to join in the challenges. You have overcome such huge sensory issues, changes to everything you know, being with people all the time and all of it in front of a camera. I applaud you for your personal bravery and bringing peoples differences into the limelight. Sarah Hi Anne, my daughter was recently diagnosied autistic which changed our world. I felt so lost & helpless as a mum but watching you & hearing you talk about your own experiences has helped me see that the future is still bright. My daughter is owning her autism with pride which as a mother is amazing to see her do. You have comforted and inspired our family. You should be proud of yourself & know that you have touched the heart of many people. Thank you for being you!!! Xxxx Colette Hi Anne I just want to start of my saying what an incredible person you are, you have done something which many Autistic people couldn’t be able to do. You are a huge inspiration to many of us. As you have proved to many people that Autism can effect anyone regardless if they are a celebrity or not, you’ve shown a lot of people that even autistic people can do what they want. As a 26 year old woman who has HFA I find most things difficult and seeing you in the jungle shows me that I can achieve something if I believe in myself. Beth Mulvaney-Stones

Anne, You have been such an inspiration to me and many others in the jungle. I was diagnosed with autism last year at age 16 (I’m 18 now), and since then I have grown, fallen, rebuilt, and broken time and time again. What a rollercoaster this whole thing is! I’ve been facing some struggles lately, but seeing you push yourself into some of the most extreme challenges a person could face and handling them like a warrior has given me so much hope and confidence that I CAN push myself and be successful! Please, if you can, keep speaking about autism. Those around me are beginning to understand what our lives are like, and it is wonderful to finally feel closer and understood. You are changing the face of autism, thank you for that. I have been rooting for you since day 1, I sincerely hope you are reading this as Queen of the Jungle. All the best, Ashleigh Norris (18 Glasgow) Dear Anne, Thank you for being your true authentic self in the Jungle- you have made for some very enjoyable TV viewing as well as providing the 11 millions viewers an insight to one persons experience of being autistic. I work for the National Autistic Society and have seen first hand the impact and outpouring of love that has been shown across our social media channels. Wishing you all the best, and look forward to working with you again soon. Josh Dibble I just like to say well done Anne your doing a great job just to show no matter what anyone can do anything ANON

The National Autistic Society is here to transform lives, change attitudes and create a society that works for autistic people. We transform lives by providing support, guidance and practical advice for the 700,000 autistic adults and children in the UK, as well as their three million family members and carers. Since 1962, autistic people have turned to us at key moments or challenging times in their lives, be it getting a diagnosis, going to school or finding work. We change attitudes by improving public understanding of autism and the difficulties many autistic people face. We also work closely with businesses, local authorities and government to help them provide more autism-friendly spaces, deliver better services and improve laws. We have come a long way but it is not good enough. There is still so much to do to increase opportunities, reduce social isolation and build a brighter future for people on the spectrum.

Anne, we thank you for all you’ve done to help make this happen.

Our Jungle Queen 2018

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