Your Horse January issue 394

Page 1

S Perfect pressies! xmAT For him, her, the home, gIf E guId the kids & your horse!

20 er plann ! inside

january 2015

get the best from your horse


✦ 2015 wall planner ✦ competing indoors ✦ winter health care advice ✦ Britain's police horses ✦ long Boots on test

Save time, ride more!


ways to make short work of yard chores

ride in harmony Improve your seat with one quick move

H o w to

Compete indoors with confidence

Have a happy, healthy winter!

Your Horse 394 january 2015

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Our expert guide to avoiding common conditions throughout the cold season WE CELEBRATE...


EASy WAyS To...

✦ Britain's police horses ✦ Must have seat-savers ✦ Cope with box walking ✦ The loyal & loveable cob ✦ Long boots that last ✦ Plait manes like a pro

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