Promoting and supporting local business in print & online DIGITAL MAGAZINE
RELAX & UNWIND The Ty Glyn Davies Holiday Centre, offering a haven for children and adults with special needs, but also venue for a large family party or a gathering Pages 10 & 11
PLUS local police news, recipes, reviews, green advice & much more....
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Editors Letter
It’s been an eventful month! It was announced that we were finalists for two awards and were invited to attend the Carmarthenshire Means Business Award Ceremony in the lavish surroundings of the Corran Resort & Spa. Read about our evening on pages 6 & 7. We had the opportunity to sit proudly alongside other established local businesses, build new connections and discover yet more fantastic businesses. I’d personally like to thank the many people who have supported us on our journey. Gaining recognition for the work we do from other businesses means a great deal to us. We have a great team working tirelessly behind the scenes and many regular contributors who all share our one passion, to support local.
I’d love to hear from you to discover your local business & events or just to
hear your veiws on Your Local Crowd. Get in touch via Facebook or Twitter, or email the team on Don’t forget to check out our website where you will find our magazine archives, articles and interviews of local interest, recipes, guides and not forgetting, our directory of local businesses, but most importantly use the local businesses in this magazine and tell them you found them here & recommend the services they provide. If you are a local business owner, a budding photographer or would like to contribute articles, guides or recipes to Your Local Crowd, please do get in touch. With a distribution of 30,000 free magazines, door to door with Royal Mail, we offer great reach and exposure.
Contributors Features & Guides:
14 23
Sam Jones Sally Sellwood
Police News:
Dyfed Powys Police.
Go Green:
Celtic Sustainables
H istory: Glen K Johnson
Interiors: Janey Evers
Keep in touch with us by following Your Local Crowd on Twitter
(@ylcrowd) and liking our Facebook page (facebook/yourlocalcrowd) Neither Your Local Crowd, nor it’s employees or agents shall be liable to the consumer, or the recipient of services advertised herein for any loss or damage howsoever arising from the provision of such services by the persons, companies or bodies advertised in this magazine. Your Local Crowd hereby warrants that care has been taken to ensure the details displayed are correct at the time of printing, but accepts no liability for changes occurring after print or failure by the advertiser to provide the services as advertised. YOUR LOCAL CROWD 5
Cover Story
Celebrating Success
at The Camarthenshire Means
Carmarthenshire Means Business celebrated its inaugural business awards in the lavish surroundings of the Corran Resort and Spa – and Your Local Crowd was there!
riday 18th March saw me donning my best frock and heels (and persuading my partner into a dinner jacket) to head over the the Corran Resort and Spa, Laugharne, for the inaugural ’Carms Means Biz’ (Carmarthenshire Means Business) Business Awards. Your Local Crowd was in the running for 2 awards – the ‘Creative’ award and the ‘Start Up’ award, so there was a certain amount of anticipation in the air. If you haven’t already heard of it, Carms Means Biz is a Business and Lifestyle Show which will take place for the first time on 21st April 2016 at Parc y Scarlets, Llanelli. Run in association with the best of Carmarthenshire, and the Llanelli Herald, the show is open not only to businesses based in Carmarthenshire, but those wishing to do business
in the county. As such near neighbours to Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire, and with so much cross-county work going on, it’s bound to be a big hit for those
Your Local Crowd was in the running for 2 awards – the ‘Creative’ award and the ‘Start Up’ award, so there was a certain amount of anticipation in the air 6 YOUR LOCAL CROWD
wanting to establish themselves, consolidate or expand their business in Carmarthenshire. But back to the awards evening! Following a champagne reception, we took our seats in the Marlais restaurant and quickly got into the swing of the evening as Diana Vickers of the best of Carmarthenshire, and S4C’s Chris Jones introduced proceedings. Following a lively welcome, we were treated to words of encouragement
Business Awards 2016
Left: The glittering gala dinner held at The Corran Resort & Spa, Above: Your Local Crowd’s Sam Jones (left) runner up to worthy prize winners Foods of Distinction (right) in the ‘Start Up” category
The meal gave us an opportunity to chat to other businesses represented on our table before the awards were announced from Nia Griffith, MP for Llanelli and shadow Secretary of State for Wales, before tucking in to our 3 course meal. The meal gave us an opportunity to chat to other businesses
represented on our table before the awards were announced. It was great to meet Foods of Distinction (also nominated in the Start Up category), representatives of Cnwd, and their wedding catering oper-
ation Strawberry Shortcake and construction recruitment company and social enterprise Spotless Recruitment. The highlight of the evening was, of course, the awards. Accompanied by after dinner coffee and handmade petit fours, we celebrated the best businesses in Carmarthenshire, from family run businesses to those involved in the tourism and leisure sector, business services and start ups. Congratulations to all the deserving winners – Your Local Crowd is delighted to announce that it was the runner up in the Creative category and finalist in the Start Up category, so not only a great evening, but a very successful one too! Read more Interviews & Profiles at www.
Police News
Could you be a Special Constable? Special constables come from all walks of life. They are local people from varied backgrounds and all sections of the community, who share a desire to give something back to their community.
pecial constables are all volunteers who receive the necessary and appropriate training to allow them to work alongside full-time police officers. They have the same powers as a police officer whilst on duty, and help provide a link between the police and local communities. PS Alison Rees from Ceredigion Neighbourhood policing team said, “Dyfed-Powys Police value greatly the help and support we get from our Special Constables, and we are always looking for enthusiastic individuals to join the Special Constabulary. In the past it was often seen as a way of gaining an insight into policing to help people who were considering joining the service, and whilst this can still be true, it
is open to anyone who just wants to give something back to the community. It requires a commitment of 16 hours per month (4 hours per week), and can be done alongside studying, other employment or in retirement. “ No formal qualifications are required, but the individual needs to be physically fit, be honest, and have integrity and a sense of commitment. Good interpersonal skills and self-confidence are needed
We are always looking for enthusiastic individuals to join the Special Constabulary 8
in order to deal with a wide variety of people in varying circumstances, but on-going training and support is provided. Following the initial training, working hours are flexible and expenses will be paid for any expenditure incurred.
Further information can from the Dyfed-Powys police website ( or by contacting the Force Volunteers co-ordinator on 01267 222020 ext. 23920 volunteers@dyfed-powys.pnn. .
Read more from Dyfed-Powys Police at www.
Social Media
Does my business need a website?
If you’re not sure, then read on...
If you’re one of the many businesses here in West Wales that doesn’t yet have a website, we explore the reasons why getting online is becoming more and more essential – for every business. WORDS Sally Sellwood
F you’re in business – any business – the question of whether you need a website is bound to have crossed your mind over the last few years. If you decided that the answer was “No”, it’s time to revisit the matter. Here are the reasons why. No business is too small to have a website Plenty of businesses take the view that they are too small to need a website. In fact, the very opposite is true. Many small businesses use their online presence to punch above their weight, reaching wider audiences and securing work or business which helps them to grow and develop. Not everybody knows where you are! The good old days when phones were for making telephone calls on and a telephone directory as thick as a brick dropped through your door every few months are long gone. For most people, the
quest to find what they need at any given moment, be it a solicitor, a dog groomer, or a holiday, starts online. By November 2015, over 73% of the European population were using the internet. Chances are, your customers use the internet too. Even in rural communities – perhaps especially in rural communities, particularly those reliant on tourism, an online presence is invaluable. Visitors certainly don’t know you’re there – and where will they look to find out what’s about – which café to visit, which attractions are open, which markets to browse in? Online. And with 4G mobile data services accessible in many areas, this will only increase. It doesn’t matter that you don’t sell anything online It’s a common misconception that if you don’t sell online you don’t need a website. A website does so much more than simply
By November 2015, over 73% of the European population were using the internet.
act as a place to make purchases. A well-constructed website allows customers to find out about you even when you aren’t there. Many consumers now use the internet for research and your website acts as a showcase for your business, persuading people to spend their money with you before they’ve even left home. Your website can also work for you as a place to gather information about your customers. Just because you’ve got enough business for now isn’t a good reason. You have customers. They keep coming back. Clearly, you’re offering great products and customer service. But are you getting in new customers? What happens if your current customers move on? What happens if the competition ‘ups its game’, and the new business that was coming your way slowly disappears? In an increasingly competitive world, the future is, in many respects, online. As younger generations become more and more accustomed to a world where Google is king, businesses without websites will find themselves struggling to keep visible. Do you have a business website? Or have you made a conscious decision to stay firmly ‘off line’? Join the debate on our Facebook Page or tweet us @ylcrowd. Read more from Sally at www. YOUR LOCAL CROWD 9
Do you know about...
The Ty Glyn Davies Holiday Centre?
Looking for somewhere to hold a big family party or a meeting? Need a venue for courses? The Ty Glyn Davies Holiday Centre nestled in the Aeron Valley not only offers a haven for children and adults with special needs, their relatives and carers, but could also solve your venue needs!
A vision to make a difference
aring for a family member with a physical disability or other special needs can be a huge drain, emotionally and financially. Luxuries such as holidays can be few and far between, yet these are the people who often need desperately need a break. Even when holidays are an option,
finding somewhere welcoming, a place where those with difficulties can feel at home, can also be a challenge. Enter the Ty Glyn Davis Trust Holiday Centre. The Centre was the vision of Mr & Mrs Davis who lived in a mansion behind the Walled Garden which now forms part of the Trust, and who had no children of their own. Inspired by a visit to the Outward Bound Trust, they determined to make a difference to children with special needs and disadvantaged children. They donated the land and money for the construction of the centre, which was opened in 1994 by the Duchess of Gloucester. The charity also includes the beautiful Walled Gardens, renovated in the late 1980s through the hard work of the Davis’ who obtained grants to create a wheelchair friendly, sensory garden out of the tangled jungle that was once there. The Centre itself provides a fantastic facility for holidaying. Sleeping up to 25 people, with facilities specifically designed to accommodate those with disabilities, large family groups and charities from across the UK head to the Aeron valley for a welcome respite at a significantly lower cost than other holiday providers. It’s also a facility used by local charities such as Dash Ceredigion who use the centre to offer respite breaks for families caring for children with special needs. And while priority is given to those with special needs during the peak season, the Centre is
available to hire by anyone and offers fantastic facilities. Looking to the future! Hugely valuable for the community both locally and also nationally, it might surprise you to know that the Centre’s existence is not commonly known about. Kelly Melnicenko who took over as manager of the centre in 2014, explains: “One of my challenges is to break down misconceptions about who can use the centre and get more people to know about it. We don’t get any funding from the Government so we are reliant on people coming to see what we’re about, telling others, and supporting us”. Kelly has been working hard to fund improvements to the centre, and has so far secured grants of over £30,000, including a huge grant £26.5k. Kelly explains: “When I took over as manager, sorting out the drive was a priority for me – it’s very stony and difficult to manage in a wheelchair or if you have mobility problems. When I got the quote, I started to apply for grants to fund the project and was overwhelmed to receive a grant for the full amount from the Morrisons Foundation.” Kelly has also been overwhelmed by the generosity of national businesses. She received a grant from Santander and was planning to use some of the money to purchase new mattresses for all the beds. When she approached
Hypnos to see if they would give the Trust a discount she was delighted when she was contacted by the managing director who offered to donate all the mattresses. Guests at the centre are now guaranteed an excellent night’s sleep! Despite this generosity, and the availability of grant funding, Kelly is always looking for ways to raise money, and is keen to foster more links with the local community. The Centre is available for rent by anyone, and featuring a large dining/ living area and big kitchen, and 9 bedrooms, it’s a great facility for meetings or house parties, or for big family groups to meet up and spend a weekend. Kelly is also keen to explain that the Centre is a great place for courses, recently hosting the St John’s Ambulance who ran a First Aid course, and with more to come. Members of the public are welcome to visit the Walled Garden all year round – it’s free to do so although donations are always welcome! Whether you are interested in the Centre as a place to holiday, as an event venue, or as a valuable local community resource, there are many possibilities to explore at the Ty Glyn Davies Trust. To discuss further, contact Kelly on 0345 094 4364 or email info@, visit the Trust’s website and like the Facebook Page for regular updates about what’s going YOUR LOCAL CROWD 11
Behind Bars
Cardigan Gaol, 1803
Cardigan Gaol Cardigan Gaol, designed by John Nash, was built in the 1790’s. It stood at Pendre – today, the site of Highbury Guest House, Llety Teifi and Belmont. WORDS Glen Johnson The Gaol had a colourful history before closure in the 1870’s, but the best description of it was written in 1803 by T. Neild. He named the Gaoler, William Langdon, who received £30 a year. Prison fees were still being charged – debtors paid 6s. 8d. and felons 13s. 4d. The Chaplain, Rev. John Evans, received £20 annually & the surgeon, Mr. Williams, charged 10s. for visiting prisoners. “…This Gaol…was finished and inhabited in 1797, and stands at the North-end of the Town; having in front a paved court, 42 feet by 27, with cast-iron pallisades, which give it a very handsome appearance. On one side of the entrance is the Gaoler’s kitchen, and, on the other side, his office; beyond which, and in the centre of the building, is the Great-Hall, or Inspection-Room, 38 feet by 30, of a circular shape; It has a flag-stone floor, with two fire-places, and four windows, commanding a view of the four
different courts, each of which is 20 yards by 16. Were the Gaoler to live in the Great-Hall, he would then have a full and complete view of the whole Prison, from a point the most eligible for effectual inspection: But at my last visit, in September 1803, I found it filled with corn, and two Men were absolutely threshing it out! The six passages, which lead to the Criminal’s sleeping cells, open into this room. For Debtors here are four rooms on the groundfloor, and four above stairs, each 13 feet by 11, and furnished with fire-places; but no fuel allowed… Straw is the only bedding supplied by the County for Prisoners of every description. The entrance to the Felons’ ward is at the lower end of the Great-Hall, and forms a detached wing of the Gaol. They have four sleeping-cells below, and four above stairs, each 10 feet 6 inches by 9 feet, and 10 feet 6 inches high. To this wing are attached two small courts, 15 feet each by 11; but as being out of the Gaoler’s view, the Prisoners seldom have the use of them. The Bridewell part of the Prison comprises twelve rooms and sleeping-cells, about 10 feet each by 8, with loose straw in them to sleep on. The Chapel is properly partitioned off, so that the sexes do
Cardigan Gaol in Cardigan not see each other; their respective lobbies leading distinctly to their seats. Over the Chapel are two rooms for the sick, each 38 feet by 30, the size of the Great-Hall below. They are both light and airy, and furnished with fire-places. There is no water laid on to the premises of this County-Prison: The Keeper must therefore fetch it from a well, a quarter of a mile distant…No bath: The whole Prison is, and must be, very dirty, till some improvement takes place, to supply the means of ablution and cleanliness. Geese, ducks, and poultry inhabited the court-yards…” The Teifi Estuary History Man
Pembrokeshire Dental Centre
01239 820083 What to expect at your dental check-up
Newport, Pembs, SA42 0LT
at The Pembrokeshire Dental Centre
When you come for a dental check-up at the Pembrokeshire Dental Centre, Newport it’s not just your teeth that are our concern.
e’re looking at your oral The examination health generally, and how you Once we’ve discussed any feel about everything related to concerns you have, we’ll get on your smile, to get a complete with the examination, and will picture. These regular ‘oral snapcheck the following: shots’ help us spot any changes • Your teeth – of course! that need further investigation. • The health and stability of First things first… any existing crowns, bridges and Some people find going to the fillings that you have in place dentist a stressful experience. • Your gums and gum health We recognise this and aim to – is there any bleeding or other put you at your ease when you problems come for your check-up. You’ve • Whether there is any plaque done the right thing by keeping present – plaque can cause your appointment, and regular serious problems and needs to check-ups should help us prevent be dealt with the problems that will lead to the • ‘TLCS’ check – that’s Tongue, kind of treatment you might be Lips, Cheeks (including face & worrying about. neck) and Skin – we’re looking Before we start our examinafor any abnormalities that might tion, we’ll ask you to tell us how signal a more serious dental you’re feeling about your teeth: problem whether you’re happy with the • Signs of oral cancer appearance of your teeth and • Your jaw joints gums, how healthy you feel your • The glands in your neck – to mouth is and if you have been check they are healthy having any problems. This gives • Your ‘bite’ – how your teeth us an idea of any issues thatPembs, we fit together when your0LT mouth Newport, SA42 might have to investigate further is closed. If your teeth are out of before we start our examination. line, it can cause discomfort and
Pembrokeshire Dental Centre
01239 820083
other issues • Under, inside and between your teeth – we’ll use x-rays to do this if necessary Xrays can also be used to check that the bone levels around your teeth are healthy. And afterwards… After our examination we will discuss any problems we’ve identified and talk to you about any treatment. We may discuss lifestyle issues with you – smoking, drinking and diet all have implications for your oral health. If we’ve spotted something that could be caused by one of these factors we’ll discuss what you can do to improve things for the future. We may recommend follow up with a hygienist, and will advise you when to book your next examination. This is also the time for you to raise any questions. If you’d like to book a dental check-up at the Pembrokeshire Dental Centre, get in touch! We’re based in Newport, Pembrokeshire and you can call us on 01239 820083, or email info@ pembrokeshiredentalcentre. YOUR LOCAL CROWD 13
Domestic Abuse
And the support offered by Hafan Cymru Images courtesy of Ambro at
Domestic Abuse comes in many forms and is sadly happening everyday all around us. Where can you go for help and support if you are a victim of this abuse? We ask Hafan Cymru about the services they provide and discover how they can help promote independence and prevent abuse. IMAGES: Courtesy of Ambro at
e are a charitable housing association focused on Preventing Abuse and Promoting Independence, providing housing and support to men, women, children and young people in 16 of the 22 counties across Wales. Primarily working with those escaping domestic abuse and helping them regain their independence. From our early beginning in 1989, we have been passionate about saving lives and last year we supported 3,288 women, men and children across Wales. In the same year in Carmarthenshire we supported 139 women, 5 men and 88 children and in Pembrokeshire we supported 97 women, 13 men and 88 children. Domestic Abuse comes in several
forms. Whether it’s emotional, psychological, physical, sexual or financial abuse it could be happening on your street. 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men are affected by domestic violence and abuse at some point in their life. We provide a tailor made support package to individuals, as we realise that everyone has different needs. We support them through a range of services including; refuge and safe houses; supported housing projects, floating support services and Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) services. We deliver programmes to help build confidence, how to avoid abusive relationships and we help Service Users look for learning and work opportunities through our Moving On Project. Along with this, we provide Training
Whether it’s emotional, psychological, physical, sexual or financial abuse it could be happening on your street 14 YOUR LOCAL CROWD
Services with a range of accredited and non-accredited training opportunities available to public, private and voluntary sectors and to individuals in the community. This includes Domestic Abuse Awareness training to employees who are in a public facing role. To find out more please ring: 07795 109 434 or email: jayne.regan@ We also deliver the Spectrum Project – a Welsh Government funded preventative and educational package which informs young people and teachers in secondary and primary schools on how to form healthy relationships and how to tackle the negative effects of abuse. In 2014/15, our Spectrum team worked with 18,336 young people and adults in Wales. To find out more ring: 01267 266924 or email: spectrum@
If you are in need of support: Ring – 01267 225555 Visit – to
Take away the stress of moving home
with Get A Move On Removals
Moving house is acknowledged to be one of the most stressful things you can do in your life, not least the actual move itself. Unless you undertake the packing and moving yourself, you entrust your most precious possessions to a company and hope that everything will come out the other side. WORDS Sally Sellwood e’ve moved a number of times, moved ourselves, moved using removals companies. Recently, when we moved locally within the Cardigan area, and were delighted with the service we received from “Get a Move On”, run by Paul Conway from Kings Furnishings in Beulah, near Newcastle Emlyn. Having provided a straightforward and incredibly good value quote, the team were flexible as the final details of the move were finalised and the move approached. They provided some boxes in advance to allow my son to pack his precious Lego models, and on move day itself, the team appeared on time and efficiently packed us up in less than 5 hours. We were moving locally, and so rather than delay, they then worked like Trojans to move us in to our new home that same day. They left us, beds assembled, boxes and furniture unloaded, by 7 p.m. Nothing was broken. The Get a Move on team were a pleasure to do business with, treated our possessions with respect, asking where things
Images courtesy of Stuart Miles at
The Get a Move on team were a pleasure to do business with
should go rather than leaving us with a jumble of boxes. Nothing was too much of a problem. And after we had let them know that we had unpacked, they turned up and took the empty boxes and packing material away efficiently. Get a Move On undertake fur-
niture removals UK-wide, not just locally to Cardigan, and based on our experience, we’d thoroughly recommend them. Get a Move On Removals 01239 711058 07799 008851 YOUR LOCAL CROWD 15
Spring Interiors Yellow Hare wallpaper – St.Jude’s - £60 per roll *
Interior designer Janey Evers has complied a mood board capturing 07710 273211 this season. Use board to inspire you with colours and trends when you are out shopping on your local High Street. Foliage lampshade – The Range - £5.99
Bee cushion – Tesco Direct - £10 Flower heart cushion – George at Home - £5
Green ceramic lamp – Tesco Direct £44.95
Spring floral arrangement – Next - £35
Fern rug - Tesco Direct - £90
Local Suppliers
Paints & wallpapers available from Celtic Sustainables & AAA Decorating P25 & P2; Electricals from Y Goeludy & J Harries P11 & P4; Blinds Cavenhouse Blinds P10; Soft Furnishings from MGW & Crafters Cwtch P13 & 29; Upholstery refurbishment from Needlerock Furniture P14; Soft Furnishings & Upholstery from Janey Evers P27
Hare mug – Not on the High Street - £12
Green Cademuir fabric – Voyage Decoration - £43.50 pm *
Sunday stroll – Earthborn paint – Celtic Sustainables
Green check throw – George at Home - £10
True Grace Wild Rhubarb candle – Golden Sheaf Gallery (Narberth) £24.99
Janey Evers Interior design. Design, co-ordinate & project management of engaging interiors for residential, business and tourism. www. 16 YOUR LOCAL CROWD
* Available from Janey Evers
Earthborn paint Celtic Sustainables
Peony blue cushion, Voyage Decoration £40 Faded Indigo cushion, 07710 Voyage Decoration £40273211
Copper Tyler ceiling light M&S £59 Farrow & Ball –Celtic Sustainables
Copper side table, £79
Janey Evers Interior design. Design, co-ordinate & project managment of engaging interiors for residential, business and tourism. www.
Interior designer Janey Evers has complied a mood board capturing this season. Use this board to inspire you with colours and trends when you are out shopping on your local High Street.
Smoke ombre glass table lamp, Next £45
Navy Kubrick armchair, Made. com £379
07710 273211
Arcturus Astrology Consultations & Healing
01239 682578 YLC 2016Magazine magazine YLCSpring Summer
COPY DEADLINE FEBRUARY 1 MAY 2016 1st 2016 01239 460210 or 07805 343141
30,000 copies delivered by Royal Mail across Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire & Carmarthenshire
Pink wisteria wallpaper, Farrow & Ball, Celtic Sustainables
Spring Interiors
Spring Recipes
Spring clean your diet
with some locally sourced seasonal fruit & vegetables
Spring has arrived, and with warm and dry weather, (we live in hope) and the longer days comes a new fresh crop of produce. Now is the time to stop eating the heavy winter stodge that keeps you comforted in the cold darker months of the year and spring clean your diet by including springtime fruits and vegetable, which are packed in nutrients and flavour. So we have complied a list of seasonal fruit and vegetables to look out for in your local farmer’s market or shop, along with some useful recipes.
Apple & Rhubarb Crumble
Images courtesy of Satit_Srihin at
Serves 4 Ingredients Crumble topping •500g of muscovado sugar •330g of ground almonds •800g of flour •500g of butter •160g of flaked almonds
Method To make the crumble topping, place the sugar, ground almonds, flour & nutmeg into a large mixing bowl and rub together rub together. Then gradually rub in the butter. The mix should resemble breadcrumbs. Stir through the flaked almonds and hazelnuts. For the filling Place the apples, cinnamon and half of the sugar into a pan and cook on a low heat whilst stirring. Once the sugar has dissolved and the apples are softened, add the rhubarb and remaining sugar.
•130g of hazelnuts, nibbed •1/2 nutmeg, grated Fruit filling •1000g Bramley apple, peeled, cored and diced •500g rhubarb, roughly chopped •160g of brown sugar cinnamon to taste
Continue to cook for approx. 2 minutes until the rhubarb has softened. Allow to cool Preheat the oven to 200°C/gas mark 6 Add the filling to a heatproof dish and scatter over the crumble mix to evenly cover the filling. Place in the oven for 10-15 minutes, until the top of the crumble has turned a nice golden-brown colour and the filling is bubbling up through the side of the topping. Serve with custard, cream or ice cream. Enjoy!
Spring fruit & vegetables Artichokes Asparagus Broccoli Chives Collard Greens
Fennel Green Beans Morel Mushrooms Mustard Greens
Pea Pods Peas Purple Asparagus Rhubarb Snow Peas
Spinach Spring Baby Lettuce Swiss Chard Watercress
For more Recipes visit www.
Local Suppliers • Llwynhelyg Farm Shop 01239 811079 Llwynhelyg Farm Shop, Sarnau, Ceredigion, SA44 6QU • Priory Farm Shop 01834 844662 New Hedges, Tenby, Pembrokeshire. SA67 8TU • Four Seasons Ltd 01834 812911 Bethesda Cross, Saundersfoot, Pembrokeshire. SA69 9DS
• St David’s Selling a variety of produce, both food and craft every Thursday • Aberystwyth 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month 10am until 4pm North Parade, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 2NF • Carmarthen Town Centre, First & third Friday each month. 9am – 1pm Carmarthen SA31 3DX • Fishguard Saturday each week 9am – 1pm Fishguard SA65 9HA
• Pontarddulais
2nd Wednesday each month 9.30am – 1pm The Institute, 45, St Teilo Street, Pontarddulais SA4 8SY • St Clears Farmers Every other Friday 9am – 2pm Carmarthen Centre for Craft, St Clears, Carmarthenshire
• Haverfordwest Every Friday 9am – 3pm Riverside Shopping, Haverfordwest. SA61 2LJ • Glebelands Market Garden St Dogmaels Rd, Pembrokeshire, SA43 3BA
• Lampeter Alternate Fridays 9am – 2pm Market Street, Lampeter. SA48 2JN
LOCAL MARKETS • Newport Every Monday
• Llandovery Last Saturday of each month 9am – 2pm Market Square, Llandovery. SA20 0AW
• St Dogmaels Every Tuesday 9.30am until 1pm Coach House, St Dogmaels. SA43 3DX
• Pembroke Every other Saturday 10am – 2pm Pembroke Town Hall, Main Street Pembroke. SA21 4JS
• The People Market 2nd and 4th Saturday each month 10am – 12 noon Victoria Hall, Bryn Road, Lampeter. SA48 7EE
I’m sure we will have missed some! Let us know so we can list them into our directory YOUR LOCAL CROWD 19
Go Green
Understanding the air quality in your home
With some tips on how to improve it - Part 2
Images courtesy of Patrisyu at
Further research has found that there are a lot of other places from which formaldehyde can off-gas into the air in your home . WORDS Morag Embleton Celtic Sustainables
ou may have seen in the printed version of Your Local Crowd our article about indoor air quality and in particular formaldehyde from some scented candles as highlighted in the BBC Trust Me I’m a Doctor programme in January this year and a later BBC article about air pollution. Further research has found that there are a lot of other places from which formaldehyde can off-gas into the air in your home too. Here are some other potential sources of formaldehyde in your home; Pressed Wood Products
Some scientists writing to the New England Journal of Medicine are also concerned about formaldehyde in e-cigarettes. Some plywoods, MDF, particleboard and other pressed-wood products are glued together with urea-formaldehyde resins. These “woods” (or more specifically the glues in that hold the wood together) can off-gas formaldehyde into your home especially
If you are making your own furniture from pressed-wood products you need to be particularly careful not to breathe in the wood dust 20 YOUR LOCAL CROWD
if they are placed in warmer areas like near a radiator or in an area that gets a lot of sunlight. If you are making your own furniture from pressed-wood products you need to be particularly careful not to breathe in the wood dust. To reduce your exposure to formaldehyde from pressed-wood products you can • look for woods that are not glued together with urea resins (actual wood is best!) these press-wood products may be labelled as “low gas” or “zero gas”, • move pressed-wood products away from heat sources, • use a low VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) paint or varnish to seal surfaces to prevent the formaldehyde from off-gassing. Some toiletries According the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics formaldehyde and formaldehyde releasing preservatives can be found in lots of different products from nail polish to shampoo. In an opinion piece from the EU Scientific Committee on Cosmetic Products they determined that it is difficult to find out the true extent formaldehyde in cosmetics because at least four ingredients (imadozolidinyl urea, diazolidinyl urea, sodium hydroxymethyl glycinate and benzylhemiformal) rapidly release to formaldehyde when dissolved in water. On top of this formaldehyde may not be listed as an ingredient if it is used to preserve the raw materials in the product (it is then classed as an unintentional contaminant). There is really only one way to reduce your exposure to formaldehyde in toiletries (other than making your own) and that is
English Ivy © @linuxlibrarian
Keep your home well ventilated. Open doors and windows whenever you can to look for formaldehyde free on the product label (and conversely check the ingredients list for formaldehdyde). Cigarette smoke and e-cigarette vapours Breathing second-hand and third hand smoke indoors is a contributing factor for formaldehyde exposure as formaldehyde is release during the burning process. Some scientists writing to the New England Journal of Medicine are also concerned about formaldehyde in e-cigarettes. Typical solutions of e-cigarette liquids include propylene glycol, glycerol both of which are known to degrade to formaldehyde. The best way to reduce your exposure to cigarette smoke and e-cigarette vapours is to keep away from them! How to improve your indoor air
quality If you live with a smoker the ways to reduce your exposure to formaldehyde are the same as for general exposure: • Keep your home well ventilated. Open doors and windows whenever you can. • Reduce your use of products that contain formaldehyde and ingredients that degrade to formaldehyde. • Place plants that absorb chemicals and free-radicals around your home like spider plants and ivy. • Paint rooms with paints that have been scientifically shown to absorb formaldehyde like AURO Airfresh. This paint has a special combination of raw materials that, using sunlight (or artificial light), breaks down odours and pollutants in your home into neutral substances. It has been scientifically tested on formalde-
Auro Airfresh Wall Paint hyde. The results showed that over 90% of formaldehyde is broken down within the 1 hour of exposure to the paint! This paint is available in white (great for ceilings!) and is also tintable with Auro 350 colours. Where to find out more information To find out more about paints that are great for you and the environment pop into our shop and showroom at Celtic Sustainables, Unit 9, Parc Teifi, Cardigan, SA 43 1EW or go online at www. You can also get in touch by email at info@ or by phone on 01239 623506. Read more from Celtic Sustainables at www. YOUR LOCAL CROWD 21
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Texts cost £5 plus standard network text rate. The MS Society receives at least £5. We may use your number in future. If you’d prefer we don’t contact you, add OUT after the keyword when making your donation or at a later date text OUT to 70099
We know that multiple sclerosis is a potentially We know that multiple sclerosis (MS) is a(MS)potentially devastating condition of the nervous system. We know it’s most often diagnosed in people’s 20s and 30s. We know devastating condition of the nervous system. Wedisabled. know it’s most some have mild symptoms, others are severely But there is still so much we need We to knowknow to find a cure. often diagnosed in people’s 20s and 30s. some have Help us. Text HOPE to 70099 to donate £5 to our mild symptoms, others are severely disabled. But there is still so groundbreaking research, or visit much we need to know to find a cure.
Multiple Sclerosis Society. Registered charity nos. 1139257 / SC041990. Registered as a limited company in England and Wales 07451571.
Texts cost £5 plus standard network text rate. The MS Society receives at least £5. We may use your number in future. If you’d prefer we don’t contact you, add OUT after the keyword when making your donation or at a later date text OUT to 70099 Multiple Sclerosis Society. Registered charity nos. 1139257 / SC041990. Registered as a limited company in England and Wales 07451571.
Together we can put MS on the map.
Together we can put MS on the map Texts cost £5 plus standard network text rate. The MS Society recieves at least £5. We may use your number in the future. If you’d prefer we don’t contact you, add OUT after the keyword when making your donation or at a later date text OUT to 70099. Multiple Sclerosis Society. Registered charity nos.1139257 / SC041990. Registered as a limited company in England and Wales 07451571
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