YLC Your Local Crowd - January 2016 - Digital Magazine

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Promoting and supporting local business in print & online


Cover Image: ©Image courtesy of Dr Joseph Valks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Don’t let this wet weather dampen your spirits. Visit one of the many indoor attractions of west Wales Pages 10 & 11

PLUS Valuable winter driving advice, an interview with local gallery & picture framers, Parkhill Pictures, tips on how to save on your energy bills and much more...

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ESSENTIAL NUMBERS Police/Fire/Ambulance.....................999 Police: Non emergency....................101 Crimestoppers crimestoppers-uk.org ......0800 555111 FIRE & RESCUE Mid & West Wales Fire & Rescue Services: mawwfire.gov.uk ......................................0370 60 60 699 COASTGUARD MRCC Milford Haven, Carmarthen to Friog ...........................01646 690909 MRCC Swansea, Marsland Mouth North Devon/ Cornwall border to river Towy, Carmarthen. dft.gov.uk/mca ........................................01792 366534 NHS Direct ........................................111 www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk Official Web site for the NHS 24 hour telephone helpline, NHS Direct. Information about health problems. How to keep healthy. Advice on when to call for help. Environment Agency Floodline .............

........0345 988 1188 or 0845 988 1188 environment-agency.gov.uk ELECTRICITY Western Power Distribution .....................................0800 052 0400 GAS British Gas .....................0800 107 6204 National Gas Emergency Service .........................................0800 111 999 WATER Dwr Cymru Welsh Water. Water..............................0800 052 0130 Sewerage.......................0800 085 3968 COUNCILS Carmarthen County Council ................................. ......01267 234567 Ceredigion County Council ................................. ......01545 570881 Pembrokeshire County Council ........................................01437 764551 HELPLINES Age Cymru .....................01792 648866 The All Wales Domestic Abuse and

Sexual Violence Helpline ....................... .....................................0808 80 10 800 Carers Direct ..................0300 1231053 Cruse Ceredigion..... ......01239 621141 Disabled Living Foundation Helpline ..... .................................0845 130 9177 Drinkline .......................0800 917 8282 Frank (24hr) Drug problems ........................................0800 77 66 00 National Domestic Violence Helpline (24hr) ............................0808 2000 247 Hafan Cymru .....www.hafancymru.co.uk ........................................01267 225555 NSPCC Helpline (24hr) .......................................0808 800 5000 Samaritans (24h) ..........08457 90 90 90 RSPCA (24hr) .................0300 1234 999 Missing People (24hr) ..............116 000 Alcoholics Annonymous ................................ ......0845 769 7555 Childline................................0800 1111 childline.org.uk Runaway helpline(24hr)............116 000


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CONTENTS ESSENTIAL NUMBERS....................................3 COMPETITION WINNER Your Local Crowd present the Christmas gift box to one lucky winner........................................................6 & 7 FLOODING How to make your home flood esilient.............................................................8 DYFED-POWYS POLICE Practical advice for driving during the winter months. ..................9 INTERVIEW with local business owners Trefor and David owners of Parkhill Pictures & Frames ..............................................................10 & 11 GO GREEN Top winter energy saving ideas..............................................................13 RAINY DAY GUIDE .................................14-17 HISTORY Moments in time............................18 TRIED & TESTED The Pavilion Cafe - Penrallt Garden Centre................................................19 FOCUS ON Laurgharne...........................21& 22

HAPPY NEWYEAR! Welcome to the January edition of our monthly digital magazine. Here you will find all the latest articles and images from local contributors sharing news, articles of interest and community events. If you have anything you would like to contribute or know of a local business or member of the community you would like featured, please get in touch. info@yourlocalcrowd.co.uk Advertising on this platform is available at extremely competitive rates and as a digital magazine, has an extremely wide reach, posted on our social media platforms but also shared amongst many others. Compliment your printed advertising by also placing your business here. For a fraction of the price you’d pay for advertising in your local paper, and you will be seen by a far wider audience. AN award winning digital marketing company, Your Local Crowd is committed to energetically promoting local businesses across Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire & Carmarthenshire. We do this through our quarterly printed magazine delivered to 30,000 homes and businesses, in a monthly digital magazine, on our interactive website and on our Facebook and Twitter pages. Combining print and digital platforms gives us an exceptionally wide reach and great visibility for your business across your local area and beyond. In 2015/16 we are extending our advertising opportunities by the introduction of a bi-annual Directory Card, offering exclusivity to individual businesses, delivered by Royal Mail to targeted areas throughout the three counties. All these advertising opportunities are available at extremely competitive rates. Your Local Crowd prides itself on catering for all budgets, so do get in touch to discuss how we can work with you to promote your business. CONTRIBUTORS Feature Writer: Sally Sellwood................... www.sallysellwood.co.uk Feature Writer: Joseph Raine.................. www.yourlocalcrowd.co.uk Dyfed Powys Police.................................www.dyfed-powys.police.uk Go Green: Celtic Sustainables. ............www.celticsustainables.co.uk History: Glen K Johnson..................................... www.glen-johnson.co.uk

yourlocalcrowd Sam Jones Owner/Editor info@yourlocalcrowd.co.uk


01239 460210 Neither Your Local Crowd, nor it’s employees or agents shall be liable to the consumer, or the recipient of services advertised herein for any loss or damage howsoever arising from the provision of such services by the persons, companies or bodies advertised in this magazine. Your Local Crowd hereby warrants that care has been taken to ensure the details displayed are correct at the time of printing, but accepts no liability for changes occurring after print or failure by the advertiser to provide the services as advertised. 5

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AND THE WINNER IS... In the month of December we ran a competition to win a gift box full of locally sourced gifts. We had a huge response and the lucky winner, Beryl, received an early Christmas present. Here we list the local suppliers who generously donated gifts to the box. Remember to shop local when looking for that special gift, we are spoilt for choice with what’s on offer on the local High Streets of west Wales.


GIFT BOX COMPETITION The gifts in your box are locally sourced from the following suppliers: Natural Creations Wales..........................................................................Shell Bauble www.naturalcreationswales.co.uk Stackpole Walled Gardens..............................................................................Piccalilli www.stackpole-walledgardens.co.uk Farmers Food at Home.................................................................................Chilli Jam www.facebook.com/farmersfoodathome Jem’s Aloe Vera – Forever Living.............................................Aloe Vera Beauty Box www.facebook.com/jemsaloevera Anna Rowlands Art.........................................................................Framed Illustration www.facebook.com/annarowlandsart Tenby Brewing Co....................................................A bottle of Barefoot Blonde Beer www.tenbybrewingco.com Creative Charms..............................................................................................Necklace www.facebook.com/Creative-Charms-819350401449666 Bodoli...............................................................................................Framed Pebble Art www.bodoli.co.uk Dog Food Dave.........................................................................Dog & Cat Food Treats www.facebook.com/dogfooddaveuk Mantle Brewery..........................................................................A bottle of Dis-Mantle www.mantlebrewery.com Eco PC’s ..........................................Gift Voucher for a Computer Service www.ecopcs.co.uk Celtic Wines................................................A bottle of Old Grumpys www.celticwines.co.uk Debbie’s Jewellers & Giftware...................A handmade cushion www.facebook.com/Debbies-Jewellers-Giftware-227203430627033/ Miss Bonnies Sweet Shop.....................................A Jar of Sweets www.missbonniessweetshop.co.uk MGW New Quay .......................................................A sewing Box www.facebook.com/mgwnewquay Mundos ........................................................A Christmas Stocking www.mundos.co.uk Akamuti.......................................................Soap & Hand Cream www.akamuti.co.uk Ann-Marie Kenwood..........................................................Ring www.pigstreetcrafts.co.uk Sugarplum Nails & Beauty......................£20 Beauty Voucher www.sugarplumnails.com

Look Local, Shop Local 7


HOW TO MAKE YOUR HOME FLOOD RESILIENT What can you do to limit the damage caused by flood water? The Environment Agency have issued the following advice...


ITH the unprecedented amount of rain we’ve seen over the last few weeks, if you are near a river or on the coastline, the risk of flooding and the damage that can be caused to your home is never far from your mind. Sadly for many, the Christmas period has been far from a happy occasion with many thousands of homes flooded. If you are at risk, be it now or in the future, there are some steps to help minimise the damage caused by flooding. It is impossible to prevent flood water entering your property, even if you have taken steps to prevent it, but there are ways you can make your home flood resilient, limiting the damage caused and enabling you to return home quickly. The Environment Agency have issued the following advice: • Raise electrical sockets, fuse boxes and wiring at least 1.5m (5ft) above floor level • Use water resistant materials in kitchens and bathrooms, such as stainless steel, plastic or solid wood rather than chipboard. • Use tiled flooring with rugs, rather than fitted carpets • Fix TVs and other electrical devices to the wall at least 1.5m off the floor • Put Valuable or irreplaceable items on high-mounted shelves Will it be expensive to flood-proof my home? This will depend on the size of your home an the level of


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flood resistance and resilience you require. Figures from the Association of British Insurers (ABI) estimate that protecting a property against shallow flash floods will cost in the region of £2,000-£6,000. However, protection against prolonged flooding requires bigger changes and could cost up to £40,000. But the Environment Agency says taking measures to protect your property will limit the distress and damage caused by flooding, reduce the level of repairs and will allow you to return to your home or business more quickly.

Where can I get more information? AS an estimated one-in-six homes are located within at-risk areas, more than one million people have signed up to the Environment Agency’s flood warning service http://apps.environment-agency.gov.uk/ flood/31618.aspx As well as its flood warning service, the Agency has a section on its website that offers practical advice on how to protect your homes & businesses from flooding, https:// www.gov.uk/browse/environment-countryside/flooding-extreme-weather How to make a flood plan https://www.gov.uk/preparefor-a-flood/make-a-flood-plan Flood protection products http://www.bluepages.org. uk/ For more information visit https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/environment-agency

PRACTICAL ADVICE FOR DRIVERS DURING THE WINTER MONTHS Dyfed Powys Police are reminding motorists to take care on the roads in frosty and wintry conditions.

Tips for driving in icy conditions • Slow down, steer gently and avoid braking or acceleration • Leave a bigger gap between you and the car in front • If you skid, do not brake harshly, • If you travel across black ice and the steering feels light, don’t brake, just ease off the accelerator Ensure your vehicle is prepared; • Antifreeze – check coolant level regularly and, if required, top-up with a mixture of the correct type of antifreeze. • Battery – the most common cause of winter breakdowns. A battery more than five years old may struggle in the cold - get it checked and replaced if necessary to avoid the inconvenience of an unplanned failure. • Fuel – keep at least a quarter of a tank in case of unexpected delay. • Lights – check and clean all lights regularly to make sure you can see and be seen clearly. • Carry spare bulbs. • Tyres – should have at least 3mm of tread for winter

motoring. Consider winter tyres for improved safety. Check pressures at least every fortnight. • Windscreen – reduce dazzle from the low sun by keeping the screen clean inside and out. • Screen wash – use a 50% mix of a good quality screen wash to reduce the chance of freezing in frosty weather. • Locks and door seals – stop doors freezing shut with a thin coat of polish or Vaseline on rubber door seals. A squirt of water dispersant (WD-40) in locks will help stop them freezing. Winter emergency kit – it is worth keeping these items in your vehicle • Blanket, rug or sleeping bag • Shovel • Bits of carpet or thick cardboard to place under driven wheels to help regain traction on ice or snow • Salt, sand or cat litter – to help clear snow and ice • Reflective jacket(s) • Ice scraper and de-icer • Torch and batteries • Tow rope • Snow chains (if you live in a remote or rural area) • Battery jump leads • Bottled water • Snacks – chocolate or cereal bars • Extra screen wash When bad weather is forecast • Warm winter coat, scarf, hat, gloves and warm clothes • Waterproofs • Sturdy boots • Flask of hot drink PS Alison Rees states “Motorists please use your common sense – drive safely and sensibly and be courteous and thoughtful to your fellow road users.”

Snow Tracks ©Simon Howden.FreeDigitalPhotos.net


FFICERS are urging motorists to adjust their driving to the conditions by leaving plenty of time for journeys, leaving a sensible gap between them and the vehicle in front and reducing their speed. It’s important that vehicles are fit and safe to be driven when driving conditions are challenging, all tyres should be correctly inflated and have sufficient tread, and all lights should be working. On frosty mornings, ensure that the windscreen is properly defrosted / demisted, otherwise visibility can be severely impaired, putting the driver, passengers and other road users in danger. The below are useful tips for driving in Autumn / Winter conditions:




PERFECTLY FRAMED Your Local Crowd talk to Dave & Trefor, owners of Parkhill Pictures - Artdepot


ith such stunning landscapes all around us, it’s not surprising that Pembrokeshire & Ceredigion are home to a thriving artistic community. Supporting that community is Parkhill Pictures – Artdepot, based in New Quay and on the Pentood Industrial Estate in Cardigan, providing gallery space, framing, art supplies and art. While Dave runs the shop in New Quay and creates glass paintings and other pictures, Trefor is full time in Cardigan. He loves being ‘hands on’ and explains that one of the things he wants from the business is to remain creative, and hands on, framing pieces to their best advantage, rather than being stuck in an office. “Every day is different here. I never know what people are going to bring in – from photographs, paintings or prints to needlework and tapestry.” The unit in Cardigan houses a small art supplies shop


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Sally Sellwood

Sally Sellwood


and, excitingly, gallery space that local art groups can use for exhibitions. Trefor explains “We’ve had a couple of groups use the space for exhibitions – it’s great to have the space used in this way, and if any other groups from the local area are interested, they should get in touch. We also have a number of professional easels available for people to hire, and individual easels too.” The shop in New Quay serves as a place for people who can’t make the trip to Cardigan to bring their paintings, photos, drawings to the shop and choose a frame. Customers can also buy art materials, art, and gifts and accessories such as hats, jewellery and cards. Up till now, Parkhill Pictures –Artdepot has relied on word of mouth to spread the word locally about the picture framing. However, the business has recently launched a Facebook Business page. Echoing the feelings of many small local businesses. “We need to make sure our customers and potential customers know where we are. With a Facebook page, we can keep people up to date with what’s going on and to feature artists’ work” You can find Parkhill Pictures – Artdepot on the Pentood Industrial Estate, Cardigan, Park Street, New Quay, and on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ParkhillStudio/


FOR MORE INTERVIEWS & PROFILES www.bit.ly/ylcinterviews1

r l

Pembrokeshire Pembrokeshire Dental Dental Centre

Specialists in dealing with patients with Dementia

01239 820083

Newport, Pembs, SA42 0LT Five things you should know about dementia

www.pembrokeshiredentalcentre.co.uk 1. Dementia is not a natural part of ageing

It’s true that dementia is more common among over-65s, and some of us do become more forgetful as we get older or during times of stress or illness. But dementia is a different sort of forgetfulness. Your memory loss will be more noticeable, and may be accompanied by mood changes and confusion. It’s important to ask your GP to check out any unusual symptoms as these can sometimes be treated with appropriate medication.

2. Dementia is caused by diseases of the brain

Dementia is the name for a collection of symptoms that include memory loss, mood changes and problems with communication and reasoning. These symptoms are brought about by a number of diseases that cause changes in the brain. The most common of these is Alzheimer’s disease, which changes the chemistry and structure of the brain causing the brain cells to die. Other types of dementia include vascular dementia and Pick’s disease.

3. It’s not just about losing your memory

People often think of dementia as a form of memory loss. And usually it does start by affecting people’s short-term memory. But it’s more than that - it can also affect the way people think, speak, perceive things, feel and behave. Dementia makes it harder to communicate and do everyday things, but there is a lot that can be done to help. Every year we understand more about dementia, and develop new strategies that can help to boost someone’s confidence and maintain their independence for as long as possible.

Pembrokeshire Dental Centre

4. It’s possible to live well with dementia

Most of us have an image in our mind of what life with dementia looks like. That image is often very bleak. So it can be very surprising to learn that many people with dementia continue to drive, socialise and hold down satisfying jobs. Even as dementia progresses, many people lead active, healthy lives, continue their hobbies, and enjoy loving friendships and relationships. Of course dementia does make it harder to do certain things, but with the right knowledge and support it is possible for someone with dementia to get the very best out of life.

5. There’s more to a person than the dementia

01239 820083

The inspirational people we work with are living proof that life doesn’t end when dementia begins. When someone is diagnosed, their plans for the future might change and they may need more help and support to keep doing the things they enjoy - but dementia doesn’t change who they are.

Newport, Pembs, SA42 0LT

www.pembrokeshiredentalcentre.co.uk “The Appointment - Dementia Awareness”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=EnPUq00UA8c

01239 820083

Newport, Pembs, SA42 0LT



Morag Embleton Celtic Sustainables

TOP WINTER ENERGY (AND MONEY) SAVING IDEAS If the El Niño event that is bringing us the surprisingly warm and wet weather finally subsides and we get a seasonally cold spell this winter, here are five top energy saving ideas that will keep you warm in your home and save you money. 1) Open and close your curtains Close your curtains at dusk helps to keep warm air from escaping out the window. Likewise, opening your curtains when the sun comes up will let the light and warmth into your house will help heat the rooms – known as passive solar gain. Paying attention to your curtains and getting into the habit of opening and closing them with the daylight hours is easy and free. 2) Wear layers Trapping more air around you by wearing layers is a great way to keep warm. Each additional layer you add traps its own layer of air. It is the trapped air that adds the insulation. Try wearing runner’s tights or thermal underwear under your trousers, or wearing a couple of thinner jumpers instead of one chunky one. Don’t forget hats, gloves and ear muffs when you go out into the cold. If you feel warmer you won’t be inclined to turn the heating up. 3) Stop the draughts Sealing gaps where cold air is coming into your house (and hot air is escaping) is an easy step to making your home feel warmer. Holding a lit incense stick to suspected draughty areas is a great way to find the exact location of the air flow. Sealing the gap doesn’t have to cost lots. For example the creative amongst us could make a fabric “sausage dog” from scraps of material for the bottom of the door or sew a new liner to thicken curtains. Letterbox draught excluder’s, door foam sealing strips, chimney ”balloons” and temporary window “double glazing” film are inexpensive draught excluding products that need little DIY skills to install. 4) Make the most of the heat you’ve spent money on Radiator reflectors (http://www.celticsus-

tainables.co.uk/radflek-radiator-heat-reflectors/) take just a few moments to fit and can cut heat loss by up to 45%. They fit behind your radiators and reflect the heat back into the room. Likewise wood stove fans (http://www.celticsustainables.co.uk/caframo-ecofan-812-airmax-wood-stove-fan/) move the heat from your wood stove across the room, rather than letting it rise to the ceiling or worse up your chimney. They can cut fuel costs by up to 18% simply because the room feels warmer and you don’t put as much fuel on the fire. 5) Insulate When (if) we get snow this year, it’s easy to find out which homes have insulated their roofs. If the snow is melting on your roof and your neighbours homes are still covered, it’s a sure sign that you are losing heat through your roof and you need to top up your insulation! There are many eco-friendly insulating products available on the market, from insulation made from recycled plastic bottles (http:// www.celticsustainables.co.uk/thermafleece-supaloft-polyester-insulation/) to rolls of insulation made from sheeps wool (http://www.celticsustainables.co.uk/thermafleece-cosywool-sheeps-wool-insulation/). Once you’ve topped up your roof insulation, left over pieces could be used around your hot water tank and pipes, or even behind your bath panel to keep your bathing water hotter for longer. All these products can be purchased from Celtic Sustainables, Unit 9 Parc Teifi, Cardigan, SA43 1EW, online at www.celticsustainables.co.uk, or by phone on 01239 623506.


FOR MORE GO GREEN ARTICLES www.bit.ly/ylcgreen1

GUIDE We’ve have certainly seen our fair share of rainfall in the past few weeks, which has of course not only just dampened everything including our moods but has also ruined lots of people’s plans! We ran this guide in our December magazine, but in light of our recent weather, felt it a good idea to run it again. A list of indoor activities and places in Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire & Carmarthenshire to visit on a rainy day. Here are just a few…

BLUE LAGOON, NEAR NARBERTH Just because you’re indoors and staying in from the rain doesn’t mean that you won’t get wet in Pembrokeshire’s best waterpark! Lots of different slides, flumes and pools for people of different ages and swimming abilities. It really doesn’t matter what the weather is like outside as Blue Lagoon provides endless hours of fun for the whole family. The fish shack café is a good place to stop for lunch as part of your day out, selling lunches and hot drinks. 01834 862410 Blue Lagoon, Bluestone, Canaston Wood, Narberth, Pembrokeshire, SA67 8DE NATIONAL BOTANIC GARDEN OF WALES, LLANARTHNE There are large indoor sections of the National Botanic Garden in Llanarthne. The Great Glasshouse is home to some of the world’s most endangered plants, which you would struggle to see anywhere in Wales or even in Britain. Great care is taken to keep this wonderful collection and it has always been one of Carmarthenshire’s biggest tourist attractions. Not just for rainy days of course, as there are many outdoor displays too! 01558 667149 14 FOR MORE GUIDES visit www.bit.ly/ylcGuides

Joseph Raine

RAINY DAY ACTIVITIES National Botanic Gardens of Wales, Llanarthne, Carmarthenshire, SA32 8HN TEIFI MANIA INDOOR PLAY CENTRE, CARDIGAN A large children’s indoor play area in Cardigan with plenty of physical activities for little ones. There is a separate area for toddlers and babies and a small sports court. Teifi Mania also has a café serving a wide range of food, serving specials on the weekend! 01239 615772 Unit 1, Parc Piliau, Pentood Industrial Estate, Cardigan, Ceredigion, SA43 3AL THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF WALES, ABERYSTWYTH The library might not sound like the most exciting place for a day out, but The National Library of Wales in Aberystwyth has historical exhibitions and lots of archives and excerpts from the past. It is more of a

Joseph Raine


©Image courtesy of Dr Joseph Valks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

01239 621200 Bath House Road, Cardigan, Ceredigion, SA43 1JY

museum than a library but there’s also plenty on offer for those who enjoy reading. The modern literary archives demonstrate the change in style over the years and shows how pieces of literature are dated. There are often poetry and book readings too. The Pen Dinas Café in the National Library of Wales serving things like sandwiches, jacket potatoes, Paninis and hot drinks. 01970 632800 Penglais Rd, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3BU THEATR MWLDAN, CARDIGAN A stylish and modern multi-screen and stage theatre, cinema and gallery in the old market town of Cardigan. Theatr Mwldan has the hottest films, hilarious pantomimes, moving plays as well as live comedy and much more. There is also a café open before live shows and broadcasts. A fully licensed bar is available serving a wide range of alcoholic and soft drinks.

CEREDIGION MUSEUM, ABERYSTWYTH The Ceredigion Museum based in the Coliseum in Aberystwyth is possibly set in the most beautiful building. The Coliseum used to be a theatre but now holds the culture and history of the county. There are frequently temporary exhibitions and events held at the museum. So if you’re wondering what to do on a rainy day in Aberystwyth then you should certainly visit! Free admission. 01970 633088 Terrace Road, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 2AQ WEST WALES KARTING, HAVERFORDWEST A large indoor go-karting track. Drivers are fitted out in full gear but are reminded to wear sensible shoes, strictly no flip-flops! A new precision Tag Heuer timing machine has been installed on the track showing fastest laps, graphs and more. Non drivers and spectators can enjoy refreshments available in the side viewing area. A great way to add some excitement to a rainy day! 01437 769555 County Showground, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, SA62 4BP RNLI LIFEBOAT STATION, TENBY Tenby lifeboat station has been marked as an “explore” station meaning it aims to provide the best experience for visitors. The actual lifeboat itself is very impressive! It has many interactive features and even has an RNLI gift shop for visitors. A great chance for you to spend money which will go to a very worthy cause! 01834 842197 Castle Hill, Castle Square, Tenby SA70 7BS CARMARTHENSHIRE MUSEUM, ABERGWILI The Museum for the County of Carmarthenshire is situated in an ancient building in the parklands of the Tywi Valley. It celebrates 50,000 years of history. This is where the New Testament was first translated Continues on page 10

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GUIDE Continued from page 10 into Welsh. It is open all year but closed over the Christmas period. Something for history fanatics on a rainy West Wales day! 01267 228696 Abergwili, Carmarthen, SA31 2JG TUDOR MERCHANT’S HOUSE, TENBY The Pembrokeshire Seaside Town of Tenby provided shelter for Henry VII during the battle of the Roses and the County of Pembrokeshire has many strong Tudor connections. This three-storey building was a home to a successful merchant and his family in 1500. The house is open to the public with a working kitchen and furnished into traditional Tudor style. 01834 842279 Quay Hill, Tenby, Pembrokeshire, SA70 7BX THE CREATIVE CAFÉ, NARBERTH Come and craft away whilst enjoying some nice food and drink. Painting, crafting, sculpting, drawing and much more. Perfect for creative kids. 01834 861651 Spring Gardens, Narberth, Pembrokeshire, SA67 7BT LASER STATION, CARMARTHEN This is an impressive, modern, live action, laser shooting game with special effects and music. Anyone over seven years of age can play! Not just for kids either, adults will find this very fun too! 01267 235648 Bridge Wharf, Station Approach, Carmarthen, SA31 2BE INTERNAL MUSEUM OF FIRE AND POWER, TANYGROES A fantastic showing of fire and engine power with lots of different machinery and engines from the past. The museum frequently has events on too. On the main road between Cardigan and Aberystwyth, definitely worth a visit if you’re travelling along this road whilst visiting Ceredigion or even if you live in the local area. 01239 811212 16 FOR MORE GUIDES visit www.bit.ly/ylcGuides

Joseph Raine

Tan-y-groes, Cardigan, Dyfed, SA43 2JS OCEAN COMMOTION, TENBY An indoor children’s play area in Tenby! In a beautiful 200 year old converted chapel. It has 6 different floors and will keep the kids entertained for a while. Enjoy a drink at their in-house coffee shop! 01834 845526 Ocean Commotion, Lower Frog Street, Tenby, Pembrokeshire, SA70 7HU ABERYSTWYTH ARTS CENTRE Probably the best indoor entertainment venue in Ceredigion. Many screens and stages and is always hosting gigs, concerts, showing films, staging productions and has various galleries on display. There are always craft and food fairs. Be sure to have a look at the gift shop, stocking a wide variety of treats. There is a fully licensed bar as well making this a very sociable venue. The Christmas food fair at the Arts Centre will be held on the 28th of November and is free entry! 01970 623232 Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3DE THE MAGIC OF LIFE BUTTERFLY HOUSE ABERYSTYWTH Exotic plants and rare butterflies making an all weather indoor attraction, set in the stunning location of the Rheidol Valley. 01970 880928 Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3NB OVERHANG CLIMBING WALL, TENBY Overhang is an indoor climbing centre located on Tenby’s Castle Beach. Climbing is a great form of exercise that is also very fun! It is a perfect way of facing your fears on a rainy day! Overhang frequently host charity climbing events too! 01834 842302 Castle Slipway, Castle Beach, Tenby, Pembrokeshire, SA70 7BP HANGAR 5 TRAMPOLINE PARK, HAVERFORDWEST This is Wales’ first ever trampoline park! 10,000

Joseph Raine

square feet of inter-connected trampolines with basketball hoops, dodgeball courts & punchbags. Ideal for anyone wanting to have fun and stay fit! Anyone over the age of 6 welcome! All indoors making it an ideal way to have fun on a rainy day! There is also a soft play area for younger children as well as a café for refreshments. Hangar 5 is also bookable for parties and there are Under 14’s and Over 14’s disco nights. 01437 700555 Fishguard Rd, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, SA62 4BY BLUE ISLAND CERAMICS, YNYSLAS A nicely chilled out and friendly painting studio in Ynyslas near Borth. Great thing to do if you’re feeling creative or just want to give it a go! Available for parties too. 01970 871239 Glan Dylan, Ynyslas, Ceredigion, SY24 5JX RNLI LIFEBOAT STATION, BORTH A great chance to look at Borth’s Lifeboat as well as looking around the gift shop. Lifeboats are a big thing in West Wales and are fascinating. Staff are happy to show visitors the lifeboat when it is not in use! 01970 871746 High St, Borth, Ceredigion, SY24 1AA THE DINOSAUR PARK, TENBY Tenby’s Dinosaur Park has an indoor play area for kids. Great for both rainy days out and kids parties from just £6.50 per child. 01834 845272 Great Wedlock, Gumfreston, Tenby, Pembrokeshire, SA70 8RB MERLIN’S MAGIC, HAVERFORDWEST Merlin’s Magic is a play centre for kids in Haverfordwest with a over 4’s play area, under 4’s play area and a Giant Lego & TV area. There is also the Merlin’s Munchies café serving a wide range of food with the highest possible rating in food hygiene standards! 5 stars! Great place to book little ones parties as well. 01437 764822 Ridgeway, Fishguard Road, Haverfordwest,

GUIDE SA62 4BT XCEL BOWL, CARMARTHEN Xcel bowl is a bowling alley in Johnstown near Carmarthen. Perfect for a bit of competitiveness on a rainy day or even just an evening with the family. Some of the profits made by Xcel Bowl will go towards helping alleviate hardship for those living in Carmarthenshire. Also a great place to book kids parties! 01267 225990 Xcel Bowl, Llansteffan Road, Johnstown, Carmarthen, SA31 3BP NATIONAL WOOL MUSEUM, DREFACH FELINDRE The National Wool Museum in Drefach Felindre showcases the thriving wool industry that the village once had, bolstering the local economy and creating hundreds of jobs. There are interactive exhibits and there are hands-on activities and workshops throughout the year for children. There is a nice traditional café and a gift shop with lots of woollen gifts made in various locations across Wales. The museum is certainly something unique! 02920 573070 Drefach Felindre, Llandysul, Carmarthenshire, SA44 5UP PHOENIX BOWL, MILFORD HAVEN A Ten lane bowling alley providing fun for anyone, regardless of age or ability! Another great idea for a day out! There is also Pirate Pete’s pay area for the younger ones under 4 foot 6! There is also a Diner & Bar to make this a complete day out. 01646 690605 Discovery Quay , The Docks, Milford Haven, SA73 3AF LION’S DEN, HAVERFORDWEST Pembrokeshire’s newest indoor play centre! A safe environment to let your kids play! Happy Hippo’s club for younger ones and meal deals from £5! More information here. 01437 767104 Snowdrop Ln, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, SA61 1ET

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Glen K Johnson The Teifi Estuary History Man

Cardigan High Street. ©R J Owen


Pendre ca1900 ©Casgliad Glen Johnson Collection


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Cardigan Gaol


Joseph Raine


If you are looking to get out of town, shopping or just out walking, the Pavilion Café is a great pit stop to refuel, for a sandwich, Sunday lunch, or cream tea.


ROUND four and a half miles south of Cardigan you will find the village of Moylegrove. A quiet rural location with impressive cliff views and very much an appealing village for holiday makers and locals alike. Within Moylegrove there is a business which has been growing steadily for over twenty-five years. The Penrallt Garden Centre, run by the Fletcher family is one of the biggest garden centres & nursery in the local area. Drive through the lanes of Moylegrove you may think you’ll miss the garden centre, don’t be fooled, the giant plant pot man at its entrance is a great landmark, to great you on arrival. The three acre nursery site holds an enormous variety of plants and there is a large gardening shop selling everything from seeds, paving, water features to compost. It is also pet-friendly, making it a good visit for dog walkers. Within Penrallt Garden Centre is the newly built spacious, welcoming Pavilion Café with seating for up to seventy people. The café serves morning coffee, lunches and afternoon teas. Open all year round, it’s now also serving Sunday lunches. We would recommend booking for this as it’s proving to be very popular. The café also has a Wednesday offer for senior citizens, a two course meal with a hot or cold beverage for £7.95. For lovers of afternoon tea, you’ve not been left out, tea for two at £20.00 complete with sandwiches, cakes and scones is great value and looked divine. The Pavilion Café also welcomes party bookings, and is a great space for social events!

I visited midweek for lunch, and the café was bustling with people tucking into delicious lunches. After studying the full menu, I ordered the bacon, brie and cranberry Panini with a side of curly fries and a soft drink totalling a very reasonable £9.25. The warm Panini was generously packed with succulent bacon and a generous amount of brie, served with a crisp side salad and chunky creamy coleslaw. The large bowl of crisp curly fries were the perfect companion. If you are looking to get out of town, shopping or just out walking, the Pavilion Café is a great pit stop to refuel, for a sandwich, Sunday lunch, or cream tea. Feeling suitably satisfied, I then spent some time looking around the garden centre’s Christmas shop. We loved the penguins playing in the snow… pop in and see for yourself!

Penrallt Ceibwr, Cardigan SA43 3BX 01239 881295 www.penralltnursery.co.uk

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LAURGHARNE “And some, like myself, just came, one day, for the day, and never left, got off the bus, and forgot to get back on again. Whatever the reason, if any for our being here, in this timeless, mild beguiling island of a town with its seven public houses, one chapel in action, one church, one factory, two billiard tables, one St. Bernard, one policeman, three rivers, a visiting sea, one Rolls-Royce selling fish and chips, one cannon (cast-iron), one chancellor, one portreeve, one Danny Raye, and a multitude of mixed birds, here we just are, and there is nowhere like it anywhere at all.” Extract from Dylan Thomas’ last recording for the BBC, in October 1953. He died just four days later. THIS quote resonates with me, as Laugharne is a truly enchanting place you’ll find tucked away in the marshlands of Carmarthenshire. The estuary reach of the River Tâf brings you to the Carmarthenshire Portreeve town of Laugharne. Famous for once being home to Wales’ greatest ever poet, Dylan Thomas from 1949 until his death in 1953. The town is also thought to be the inspiration used in Thomas’ Under Milk Wood for the fictional location of Llareggub, (“bugger all” backwards). Dylan Thomas’ point about Laugharne being a place like no other is correct. It is a coastal breath of fresh air, absolutely teeming with history, culture with a strong sense of identity. This settlements economy once thrived from cockle pickling. Parsons pickling company still use Laugharne cockles, having originated from the town, and are today, still huge suppliers to large supermarket chains. Of course, being home to such a famous wordsworth, Laugharne has it’s own Literary & Arts Festival, The Laugharne Weekend. It’s an important part of the town’s calendar and local economy. Held every Spring, drawing in comedy acts & musicians alike. The first few names for Laugharne 2016 are Ian Rankin,

Images, left, above Tracey Thorn, Brix Smith-Start, Mark Thomas and Alexei Sayle. The festival is deliberately small scale meaning performers often cross paths with festival-goers and locals alike, with many intimate performances taking place in Laugharne’s small and compact venues. In Lear’s poem, the owl and the pussycat may have sailed away for a year and a day, however it is safe to say that they have now returned for good and have a café in Laugharne named after them and their exploits. The Owl and The Pussycat is somewhere to unwind with afternoon tea or lunch. Whereas if you were looking for an evening meal, then you would


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Joseph Raine

Laugharne © Crown copyright (2014) Visit Wales

e & top right, Laugharne © Crown copyright (2014) Visit Wales most certainly have to try the highly-rated Portreeve Tafarn. A restaurant & wine bar offering many house specials, great seafood dishes & grilled meats. They also do a tasty carvery on a Sunday. For a fine dining experience try The Cors restaurant with its lavish rooms and unique ambience, not forgetting the exceptional food! The Corran Resort & Spa, offers a taste of luxury. The 16th century building and outbuildings have in recent years, been beautifully restored, offering 21 individually styled, contempory rooms. Fitted with high specification media systems and with the recent expansion of the highly rated luxury spa, the Corran Resort provides that idyllic and relaxing retreat with exquisite accommodation, and a really special wedding/occasion venue. You cannot talk about Laugharne, without mentioning it’s impressive castle. The views from the castle are simply breathtaking. Built in 1116 as the castle of Robert Courtemain. A

The Corran Resort & Spa treaty of peace between Henry the second and Rhys ap Gruffudd took place at the castle. The castle was later turned into a Tudor Mansion and proved to be the ideal cure for Dylan Thomas’ writers block, where he is said to have penned some of his work. Then of course there is the Dylan Thomas Boathouse. It really captures the heritage of the family home in which Dylan once lived. The “writing shed” overlooking the “heron-priested” estuary is part of the house and where Dylan spent most of his time and gives an insight into Wales’ finest word-smith. When I think of Wales, one of the places that instantly come to my mind is Laugharne. It’s old-fashioned town hall, delightfully dated buildings, Georgian town houses, culturally rich history, marshlands and broad estuary views leave nothing for the imagination. Laugharne’s refreshing tranquility and individuality makes it an unforgettable place. Definitely worth a visit.


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We know that multiple sclerosis is a potentially We know that multiple sclerosis (MS) is a(MS)potentially devastating condition of the nervous system. We know it’s most often diagnosed in people’s 20s and 30s. We know devastating condition of the nervous system. Wedisabled. know it’s most some have mild symptoms, others are severely But there is still so much we need We to knowknow to find a cure. often diagnosed in people’s 20s and 30s. some have Help us. Text HOPE to 70099 to donate £5 to our mild symptoms, others are severely disabled. But there is still so groundbreaking research, or visit www.mssociety.org.uk. much we need to know to find a cure.

Multiple Sclerosis Society. Registered charity nos. 1139257 / SC041990. Registered as a limited company in England and Wales 07451571.

Texts cost £5 plus standard network text rate. The MS Society receives at least £5. We may use your number in future. If you’d prefer we don’t contact you, add OUT after the keyword when making your donation or at a later date text OUT to 70099 Multiple Sclerosis Society. Registered charity nos. 1139257 / SC041990. Registered as a limited company in England and Wales 07451571.

Together we can put MS on the map.

Together we can put MS on the map Texts cost £5 plus standard network text rate. The MS Society recieves at least £5. We may use your number in the future. If you’d prefer we don’t contact you, add OUT after the keyword when making your donation or at a later date text OUT to 70099. Multiple Sclerosis Society. Registered charity nos.1139257 / SC041990. Registered as a limited company in England and Wales 07451571


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