Blelack Booklet

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MATRONS SALE at Blelack at 1.00pm Monday 8th October 2012 Sunday 7th October

Visit to Blelack as part of The North East Aberdeen-Angus Club - Ruby Anniversary Tour

Monday 8th October

Viewing of sale cattle from 10.00am MESSRS N F MASSIE & SONS BLELACK DINNET, ABERDEENSHIRE, AB34 4NH Tel. 01339 881931

This sale will be held under the auspices of

THE ABERDEEN-ANGUS CATTLE SOCIETY PEDIGREE HOUSE, 6 KINGS PLACE, PERTH, PH2 8AD Telephone 01738 622477 Fax 01738 636436 Email Chief Executive – Ron McHattie

AUCTIONEERS’ CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The cattle will be exposed separately according to the numbers in the catalogue. The Auctioneers reserve the right to refuse any bid without assigning any reason. The highest offer of each lot will be preferred to the purchase – each offer exceeding the former by at least one guinea. 2. Immediately after each purchase is declared, the risk of the animal shall be exclusively with the Buyer and it declared that until a settlement shall be made in terms of these Conditions the delivery of the animal shall be suspended. The right of the property shall not pass until the price is paid. 3. Immediately after the Sale all lots must be paid for in cash to the Auctioneers. The price being paid, each lot shall be taken away at the buyer’s expense within one day after the sale thereof. Lots shall only be removable from the Auctioneers’ possession on a written order from their clerk, and any lot removed in contravention of this condition may be recovered brevi manu by the Auctioneers. 4. Should any buyer fail to pay for and remove his purchase in compliance with the above Conditions, the Auctioneers in their option may either (a) sue the buyer for the price and interest thereon at the rate of eight per centum per annum and for the keep of, and any other expense incurred by them in connection with such purchase, or (b) re-sell the Lot either publicly or privately and recover from defaulting Buyer the deficiency (if anyone attending such sale and interest thereon as aforesaid together with the keep and all other expenses. In either case, the Auctioneers shall have the right to sue at their own instance without the consent of the Owner or Consignor, and no defence whatever in such action is competent to the Buyer who shall have recourse against the Owner or Consignor alone. 5. No undertaking of the Auctioneers or their servants to take charge of any animal after the Sale or to forward it to its destination shall be held to impose upon the Auctioneers any legal obligation or vitiate any of the foregoing conditions. 6. The Auctioneer is appointed Judge of the Sale, to whom are hereby submitted all disputes and differences of any kind which may arise at and in relation to the Auction, either between Exposers and Offerers or among other Offerers themselves. His decision shall be final and binding on all parties. 7. Terms of Sale – cash – interest chargeable from date of purchase at 8% over Bank of Scotland base rate. Purchasers shall be governed by and constructed in accordance with the law of Scotland and the non-exclusive jurisdiction of Glasgow Sherriff Court is prorogated to the contract.

United Auctions STIRLING AGRICULTURAL CENTRE, STIRLING, FK9 4RN Tel 01786 473055 Fax 01786 450393 Email


Blelack is approx 1 hour from Aberdeen/Aberdeen Airport Post code for sat nav AB34 4NH

accommodation for blelack sale HOTELS


Deeside Inn, Ballater 01339 755413 The Alexandra Hotel, Ballater 01339 755376 The Boat Inn, Aboyne 01339 886137 Banchory Lodge Hotel 01330 822625 Loch Kinord Hotel, Dinnet 01339 885229 Tor Na Coille Hotel, Banchory 01330 822242

Inchgeal Lodge, Ballater 01339 753849 The Deeside Hotel, Ballater 01339 755420 Morvada House, Ballater 01339 756334 Glenernan G.House, Ballater 01339 753111 Gordon G.House, Ballater 01339 755996 Ballater Aboyne Dinnet Banchory

8 miles from Blelack 8 miles from Blelack 4 miles from Blelack 16 miles from Blelack

UNDERSTANDING THE BREEDPLAN PERFORMANCE RECORDING INFORMATION IN THIS CATALOGUE Only Aberdeen-Angus GROUP BREEDPLAN EBVs or INTERIM EBVs with Accuracy (Acc) can be validly compared between herds. ESTIMATED BREEDING VALUES (EBVS) The EBV is the best estimate of an animal’s genetic merit for that trait. ACCURACY An accuracy value is presented with every EBV and gives an indication of the amount of information that has been used in the calculation of that EBV. The higher the accuracy the lower the likelihood of change in the animal’s EBV as more information is analysed for that animal or it’s relatives. Accuracy below 75% should be considered low. CALVING EASE Calving Ease EBVs are based on calving difficulty scores, birth weights and gestation length information. More positive EBVs are favourable and indicate easier calving. DIR: Direct calving ease indicates how this animal influences the birth of its progeny. DTRS: Daughter’s calving ease indicates how well the animal produces daughters that have easier calving. BIRTH AND FERTILITY GL: Gestation Length EBV (days) is based on AI records. Lower (negative) GL EBVs indicate shorter gestation lengths which generally relate to easier calving and increased growth after birth. BWT: Birth Weight EBV (kg) is based on the measured birth weight of animals, adjusted for dam age. The lower the value the lighter the calf at birth and the lower the likelihood of a difficult birth. This is particularly important when selecting sires for use over heifers. SS: Scrotal Size EBV (cm) is an indicator of male fertility in regards to semen quality and quantity. Higher (positive) EBVs indicate higher fertility. There is also a small negative correlation with age of puberty in female progeny. GROWTH MILK: 200-Day Milk EBV (kg) is an estimate of an animal’s milking ability. For sires, this EBV is indicative of their daughter’s milking ability as it affects the 200-day weight of their calves. 200: 200-Day Growth EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of animals taken between 80 and 300 days of age. Values are adjusted to 200 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal’s genetic merit for growth to early ages. 400: 400-Day Weight EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of progeny taken between 301 and 500 days of age, adjusted to 400 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal’s genetic merit for yearling weight. 600: 600-Day Weight EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of progeny taken between 501 and 900 days of age, adjusted to 600 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal’s genetic merit for growth beyond yearling age. MWT: Mature Cow Weight EBV (kg) is an estimate of the genetic difference in cow weight at 5 years of age. Smaller, or more moderate EBVs are generally more favourable.

CARCASE CWT: Carcase Weight EBV (kg) estimates the genetic difference in carcase weight at a standard age of 650 days. EMA: Eye Muscle Area EBV (cm2) estimates genetic differences in eye muscle area of a 300kg dressed carcase. More positive EBVs indicate better muscling on animals. FAT: Rib Fat EBV (mm) estimates the genetic differences in fat depth at the rib in a 300kg dressed carcase. More positive EBVs indicate more subcutaneous fat and earlier maturity. RBY%: Retail Beef Yield Percent EBV (%) represents total (boned out) meat yield as a percentage of a 300kg dressed carcase. A more positive EBV indicates higher percentage yield for the 300kg carcase size. IMF%: Intra-muscular Fat Percent EBV (%) is an estimate of the genetic difference in the percentage of intra-muscular fat at the 12/13th rib site in a 300kg carcase. Depending on market targets, larger more positive values are generally more favourable. Indexes combine the EBVs with economic information for specific market and production systems to rank animals based on relative profit values. Terminal index The Angus Terminal index is aimed at a commercial herd using Angus bulls over dairy cross cows to breed steers and heifers to turn off at 16 months of age. All progeny are destined for slaughter and no replacement females are selected from within the herd. There is some emphasis on calving ease while finishing steers at around 600 kg live weight (330 kg carcase weight) using a pasture based production system. Use this index in a commercial herd to produce progeny for slaughter. The index has moderate emphasis on easier calving (ie getting a live calf with minimal human interference) while producing calves that will then grow quickly to market specifications at around 16 months of age. The index is focused on slaughter animals and does not account for maternal traits and is therefore not suited to breeding replacement females. If you are using smaller framed cows or heifers in your herd, then you should also put extra emphasis on a higher Calving Ease Direct EBV when selecting a sire using this index. Self Replacing index The Angus Self Replacing index is aimed at an Angus herd selecting replacement females from within the herd while breeding steers and excess heifers to turn off at 18 months of age. There is emphasis on calving ease and maternal traits while also looking to finish steers for slaughter at around 615 kg live weight (330 kg carcase weight) using a pasture based production system supplemented with extra rations during the finishing phase. This Self Replacing index is also suitable to using Angus sires over mixed breed cows where replacement females are sourced from within the herd. There may be some hybrid vigour expressed in the progeny depending on the breed type of the cows used. Therefore you should consider placing extra emphasis on the Calving Ease EBVs (more positive) of the sire to allow for possible heavier birth weights of his calves due to hybrid vigour. Use this index in both commercial and pedigree herds where you are balancing the requirements of selecting replacement females while also producing animals for slaughter. The Aberdeen-Angus GROUP BREEDPLAN Estimated Breeding Values contained in this Sale Catalogue were compiled by the Agricultural Business Research Institute (ABRI) from data supplied by the breeders. Neither the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society nor the ABRI oversee or audit the collection of this data.

Aberdeen-Angus Percentile Bands for 2010 Born Calves

auctioneers’ FOREWORD United Auctions are delighted to be conducting this important sale. Since the herd’s establishment in 1970, cattle from Blelack have featured prominently at our sales in Perth and more recently in Stirling, winning no less than 11 supreme bull championships as well as many other sections and group championships. Throughout its history Blelack has rightly gained a reputation for being the source of top stud bulls. Many of these bulls have been hugely influential on the herds which used them, and of course throughout the whole breed. Apart from stud quality bulls the herd is the first choice for many commercial breeders some of whom have been repeat customers over the years. The Massie family were early exponents of Canadian cattle, travelling all over the world to source genetics which would augment the Blelack herd. The result is an outstanding herd of cattle which have a proven track record for producing high performing cattle with excellent conformation, good maternal traits and temperament. This is the first time that Blelack have offered the entire matron portion of their spring calving herd for sale, which makes the event truly unique. All the matrons are in the catalogue with the exception of several aged cows which will not be put through the ring, but are available for sale privately at Blelack on sale day. The entire crop of heifer calves from this spring are included, and will be sold with their dams. The spring bull calves are being retained with the exception of several younger calves which will be sold with their mothers. The detailed footnotes with each lot demonstrate the huge potential the cattle offer. Whether you are a new herd owner or an established breeder

this sale surely represents one of the most exciting opportunities of recent times to source genetics from a herd which is in the forefront of innovation and success within the breed. The North East Scotland Aberdeen Angus Club deserve special mention for the work they do to promote the Aberdeen Angus breed. We warmly congratulate them on their Ruby Anniversary and wish them a very successful Anniversary Tour which concludes at the Blelack sale. We look forward to welcoming you to Blelack for the sale. Should you have any queries beforehand please do not hesitate to make contact. For those unable to attend telephone bidding facilities will be available by arrangement with United Auctions.

H David Leggat MBE Executive Chairman United Auctions

FOREWORD The Blelack herd was established in 1970 with a few old cows from the famous Candacraig herd. In 1972 23 cows were purchased at the Little Dean dispersal and only a few cattle were purchased after that including an Evora at the Balavil dispersal founding our Evora family and very importantly Coldstream Lady Heather 16W from the famous Coldstream herd in Alberta. She established our Lady Heather family.

two year old Blelack Egotist K531, an Oakchurch Dominator son.

We were amongst the first breeders to look to Canada for new genetics to improve the size and milking ability of our cattle. For many years we went to Canada each November and brought home several bulls (see sire section). I was the first person from UK to judge the Angus at Farmfair in Edmonton with 300 head in show.

I have had much satisfaction and some exciting moments with Aberdeen-Angus cattle. I have had the honour of twice being President of the Society, gaining an OBE and the Sir William Young award for services to cattle breeding, none of which I would have achieved without Angus cattle. We have met many very nice people at home and abroad and made many new friends.

Blelack has done a small amount of summer showing at local shows and the Royal Highland. We won the Supreme at the Highland with an Evora heifer but for many years did not show there. Graeme and his daughter Hayley started again three years ago and won the Junior Championship in 2010 with a heifer and in 2012 won the Supreme Champion with the

Blelack has produced 11 Supreme Champions at the Perth and Stirling bull sales, many more than any other herd, and have had many Junior, Intermediate and Reserve titles. We have I like to think, become breeders of top quality bulls and thank the many repeat customers, who have come back time and time again.

We hope that the young stock we have retained will keep us at the forefront of the breed for many years to come. All at Blelack wish buyers best of luck with their purchases.

Neil, Helen and Graeme

REFERENCE TO SIRES SKILLYMARNO REVLON 754 One of the first bulls brought into the UK

when sold to Shadwell went on to win the Royal Show as an eight year old.

Revlon set us on our way by cleaning up


udders and fronts of our cows. He also


An excellent famed breeder with many of our top cows carrying him in their pedigrees. Ricochet’s full sister win Farmfair in North America as a two year old.

Again one of the earliest imports.


injected a bit of frame, still in many of our best cow’s pedigrees.

Powerhouse had a big impact on our herd, breeding our first Perth Champion and breeding sons that sold well.

SOUTHOLM WINCHESTER 35T This was one of the few bulls that we brought in as a proven mature bull. Winchester bred some outstanding cows that are not far back in our pedigrees. His bulls often won best pairs and many of the group sections, an excellent sire.

ABERAN DMM DECISION 26H This mighty bull had one fault – he didn’t stay alive long enough. Decision bred two Perth Champions and also the iconic bull Blelack Blackstock.


This embryo bull out of top show cow and star breeder Knights Blackbird 9Y by the super star breeder TC Stockman 365, both who have had a huge influence not only in the UK but worldwide. Blacksmith bred sons at Blelack at 28,000gns and 13,000gns as well as leaving excellent cows with lots of milk.

BLELACK BLACKSTOCK A227 Blackstock is still seen as the best bull to be used at Blelack. His cows have been the base of all our success and are very much recommended. He bred bulls up to 25,000gns with many sons selling from 8,000gns to 10,000gns. This bull has been an icon at Blelack.


cows with terrific bone and lots of milk

Hornblower was a Perth Champion. He is out of our lovely Lady Heather family and by Aberan DMM Decision, the same sire as Blackstock. His cows seem to be breeders.



One of the most influential bulls used at

Ernie was a bull with excellent length and power, he left his females with lots of milk. His top daughter Blelack Eyrie G197 can be seen in the sale (dam of our stock bulls Equity and Egotist). His sons sold to 16,000gns.

A bull plucked from the foothills of the Rockies. Very much a breeder of big strong

Blelack. Value bred not only the best cows and bulls seen at Blelack to date, but our first real taste of success, breeding bulls up to 16,000gns as well as show champions. Value was used on Society stands many times and



This bull was retained when we realised

Much of our hopes for the future lie with this young bull. Blelack Eyrie G197 is one of the cows we regret selling as she is indeed going to be a heavyweight in the breed. Equity’s first crop of bulls look exceptional and will be forward Stirling February 2013. His brother by Dominator was Overall Champion Highland Show 2012. There are several very exciting calves in the sale by him. This bull has been used heavily on the sale cattle.

what a great breeder his sire Blackstock was. His dam was a full sister to Blelack Bellringer, who himself was a Perth Champion. Several of his big daughters are forward in the sale.

NETHERALLAN PETER PERSHORE E052 One of the best purchases we have made at Blelack. Peter’s dam lived until she was 14 years of age, putting nine bulls into herds. His first line of sons averaged 11,000gns for twelve sold. His daughters are making fantastic cows.

NIGHTINGALE DEFIANCE E264 Another very good female breeder with many of his cows forward in the sale and retained in our young cows. His sons sold to 10,000gns. Defiance always left lots of milk in his progeny.

BLELACK DUKE J262 Duke’s dam is a full sister to the $150,000 O’Neills Explosion. I saw Delia and her dam in the States, they are mighty cattle. His sire is one of the thickest, heaviest bulls I have ever seen. It looks as though it has been a great combination. Duke’s calves are very easily calved, fancy, with lots of breed character. This bull has served many of the sale cattle as well as retained females.


Highland Show 2012.

Again out of the breeding machine Blelack Eyrie G197, Egotist was used at 11 months of age and then shown at 24 months of age at the Highland Show where he was Overall Champion. His calves have lots of growth, style and lots of shape. Egotist served our yearling heifers and many of the sale cattle.



Kanasta Lad’s dam Viking Karama Lady 105J

Elvis has grown into a big meaty bull with lots of style. We bought him after talking to Barry Young from Young Dale in Canada. Elvis’ dam Young Dale Elba 23N is from his best family and is a super T C Freedom 104 daughter. His sire RDDA Overload 2437R is a massive animal and has been winning shows all over the USA. Elvis has been used heavily at Blelack.

OAKCHURCH DOMINATOR G035 We didn’t get much use of this bull as he hurt his back. He so far bred a Stirling Champion and bred our stock bull Blelack Egotist, who was Overall Champion at the

was a huge cow imported from Canada. Her other top son Blelack Krackerjack Lad H914 sold for 15,000gns. Kanasta Lad is a bull of exceptional length with a great hip. His first calved heifers have a very good show of young calves. This bull has been used on the sale cattle as well as the retained cows.

BLELACK FARMS Blelack is an upland hill farm rising to 1000ft. All the cows are calved at two years of age and the herd is run very much on a commercial system with the cows running outside all winter where they are fed on ammonia straw and then on to silage before calving. They are taken in as they come to calving and outside again once the calf is born. All the male calves are left entire with the best bulls being retained. All bulls run out all summer with October sale bulls coming in from July (with access to paddocks) and February sale bulls coming in late October. Bulls are fed a high fibre diet with dark grains, beet pulp, soya and home grown oats. The cattle are health managed through SAC and are BVD accredited with cows and heifers vaccinated. Lepto vaccinated for 20 years. Johnes monitored for 5 years. All cows in the herd tested clear of Johnes in 2012. TB is on a 4 year testing. Transport can be arranged for UK, N. Ireland and Rep of Ireland. Pre sale inspection welcomed by appointment Tel 01339 881931 (Neil) or 07753 748023 (Graeme)



Four year testing Parish, last test March 2012 All breeding cattle on Bovidec vaccination programme All breeding cattle vaccinated Testing since 2008, all cows in herd have been tested free in 2012 No history of disease in herd and any animals tested in recent years have been negative Woodside Veterinary Group

Blelack’s experience of Performance Recording has been mixed. Our recent stock bull, Netherallen Peter Pershore is one of the highest figured bulls in the breed and his progeny reflect this fact. We are delighted with his impact on our herd. However the system has impacted on Blelack Blackstock who has been a real star for the Blelack herd over the years and whose figures are disappointing to say the least. His calves showed exceptional growth and muscle, they were strong when born but gave us little problems and would certainly give Peter Pershore’s offspring a run for their money any day. Our experience with Calving Ease Direct figures bear little resemblance to what we have seen in the field with Blelack Lord Hornblower who was used extensively on heifers with no problems. There is no doubt that using bulls with high figures such as Netherallen Peter Pershore and Blelack Equity you can change poor figured cattle into animals in the top 10% of the breed in one generation.

Blelack Blackbird’s Heifer Calf MESSRS N F MASSIE & SONS

Calving Record

1 BLELACK BLACKBIRD F528 Born 18/04/2006 - (UK521115 301528)

1. 19-APR-2008 F, 2. 16-APR-2009 F, 3. 20-APR-2010 F, 4. 07-APR-2011 F, 5. 21-APR-2012 F

gs. HF DATA BANK 2H (IMP)(939773(CA)24) Sire - NIGHTINGALE ERNIE B133(UK302307 500133) gd. NIGHTINGALE ERICADALE RITO V26(RWZ.V26.21) gs. BLELACK BLACKSMITH Y291(UKAB219501291) Dam - BLELACK BLACKBIRD C780(UK521115 400780) gd. BLELACK BLACKBIRD Z026(UK521115600026)

Her Female Calf ,BLELACK BLACKBIRD M942 (UK521115 302942) Born 21/04/2012, Sire BLELACK KANASTA LAD G191 (ET) Ran with Blelack Duke J262

This may be one of the best Ernie daughters in the sale. Her dam goes back to Blackbird X18 who is the dam of Blackstock and with the presence of Blacksmith who always leaves cattle with great udders. Not only does this girl have one of the best 2012 heifer calves, but we are left with her 2010 and 2011 heifers which are right off the top shelf. If you are looking to start a new family in your herd this could be it. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%)

Calving Ease Dtrs (%)

Gest. Len. (days)

Birth Wt. (kg)

200 Day Wt (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg)

600 Day Wt.(kg)


-6.8 53% -2.1

-1.4 48% +0.0

+2.8 54% +1.1

+4.7 82% +2.6

+32 74% +31

+56 70% +54

+73 69% +68

+15 65% +7

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Eye Muscle Area ( +2.7 45% +2.4

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-2.4 51% -1.0

+1.5 44% +0.8











Beauty Lass’s Heifer Calf


Calving Record

2 BLELACK BEAUTY LASS G705 Born 23/03/2007 - (UK521115 501705)

gs. BLELACK BLACKSTOCK A227(UK521115 400227) Sire - BLELACK BLACK GOLD C717(UK521115 400717) gd. BLELACK BLACKBIRD Y467(UKAB219501467) gs. NIGHTINGALE PICASSO B134(UK302307 600134) Dam - BLELACK BEAUTY LASS D890(UK521115 200890) gd. BEAUTY LASS X6 OF BLELACK(ZNM.X6.23)

1. 15-APR-2009 M, 2. 28-APR-2010 F, 3. 15-APR-2011 F, 4. 03-APR-2012 F Her Female Calf ,BLELACK BEAUTY LASS M883 (UK521115 702883) Born 03/04/2012, Sire BLELACK EQUITY J127 Ran with Blelack Equity J127 from 28/05/12 then Blelack Egotist K531 from 26/07/12

This thick meaty Gold cow looks the part. Her dam Beauty Lass D890 has a very strong bull calf by Fordel Eisenhower. X6 bred Blelack Bailiff who was 2nd at Perth and sold to the Mushroom herd. G705 has a very smart Equity calf at foot, with her 2010 heifer being retained. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -9.2 52% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -3.7 46% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) --

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Eye Muscle Area ( +2.6 44% +2.4

+1.1 58% +0.6



Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +56 69% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +78 67% +68


+4.7 81% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +36 72% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-1.9 48% -1.0

+1.3 42% +0.8







+12 60% +7

Penny’s 2011 Blelack Evolution Son MESSRS N F MASSIE & SONS

Calving Record


Al - Born 02/03/2006 - (UK521115 701420)

1. 26-APR-2008 F, 2. 24-APR-2009 DEAD CALF, 3. 21-MAY-2010 F, 4. 11-APR-2011 M, 5. 24-MAR-2012 F

gs. TC STOCKMAN 365 (SS)(IMP)(11994601(US)22) Sire - BLELACK BLACKSMITH Y291(UKAB219501291) gd. KNIGHTS BLACKBIRD 9Y (ET)(IMP)(705002(CA)22) gs. BLELACK LORD HORNBLOWER A243(UK521115 600243) Dam - BLELACK PENNY D962(UK521115 400962) gd. PENNY X94 OF BLELACK(ZNM.X94.23)

Her Female Calf ,BLELACK PENNY M853 (UK521115 502853) Born 24/03/2012, Sire BLELACK EQUITY J127 Ran with Blelack Equity J127 from 28/05/12

The Penny family was one of the few females to be added to our herd. D962 was shown as a yearling heifer winning her class at the Bonanza. Her 2011 heifer was 70kgs heavier than anything else of her age group and was selected to be shown, then broke her leg! Penny F420 lost her 2009 calf but has a real star of a bull by Blelack Evolution for Stirling February 2013. This cow again has the superstar breeder TC Stockman 365 and Perth Champion Hornblower in her pedigree. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -8.8 54% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.7 50% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +2.4 56% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Eye Muscle Area ( +2.4 48% +2.4

+1.0 58% +0.6


400 Day Wt. (kg) +43 70% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +54 68% +68


+3.0 81% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +21 73% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-2.5 53% -1.0

+1.5 47% +0.8







+14 62% +7


Calving Record

4 BLELACK PRINCESS CAROLINE E178 Born 17/03/2005 - (UK521115 301178)

1. 17-MAY-2007 F, 2. 20-MAY-2008 F, 3. 06-MAY-2009 M, 4. 30-MAR-2010 M, 5. 16-MAR-2011 F, FLUSHED 2012


Flushed 27/08/2012, sold open

One of the favourites. Ernie left many excellent breeding cows with a huge amount of milk. His sons sold up to 16,000gns for Blelack Eagle who went on to breed a lot of good cows at Carlhurlie. Her dam is by Blelack Blacksmith who is by the world famous TC Stockman 365 and out of one of the most successful cows to be used in North America Knights Blackbird 9Y. Princess Caroline C742 is a full sister to the ÂŁ13,000 Blelack Prince Consort who has bred sons up to 15,000gns for Blelack Krackerjack Lad with other noted sons at 13,000gns for the Penguin herd, 10,000gns for a son from Rosemount and 10,000gns for a son sold by Hallington. Princess Caroline E178 sold her last son Prince Carl J237 to Haymount for 10,000gns, where Tom Arnott kindly said that he was the best animal ever to be at Haymount! Praise indeed. E178 has been flushed.

August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -7.0 54% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +1.9 49% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +3.2 55% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +62 74% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +79 70% +68


+4.9 77% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +34 72% +31

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.5 62% +0.6

+46 62% +40

Eye Muscle Area ( +3.7 48% +2.4

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-2.6 53% -1.0

+1.9 46% +0.8







+9 66% +7


Calving Record

5 BLELACK PRISTINE E221 Born 31/03/2005 - (UK521115 401221)


1. 13-MAY-2007 M, LOST CALF 2008, 2. 18-AUG-2009 M, 3. 01-AUG-2010 F, 4. 01-AUG-2010 F, 5. 01-SEP-2011 M, 6. 01-SEP-2011 F Ran with Blelack Egotist K531 from 28/05/2012

This big meaty Hornblower cow has been good to us, with a son at ÂŁ5,000 and with four heifers in the last two years that look just like mum, we hope will have a good future at Blelack. Pridwell was by Blelack Horatio a former Perth Champion and star of the breed from the same Lady Heather family as Hornblower, also a Perth Overall Champion. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -17.4 51% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -8.3 48% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +1.5 53% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +55 71% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +72 66% +68


+4.2 69% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +29 68% +31

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.9 56% +0.6

+38 60% +40

Eye Muscle Area ( +2.4 45% +2.4

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-1.0 49% -1.0

+0.7 43% +0.8







+5 62% +7

Jury Erica’s Heifer Calf MESSRS N F MASSIE & SONS

Calving Record


1. 18-MAR-2010 M, 2. 27-APR-2011 M, 3. 31-MAR-2012 F

Born 12/06/2007 - (UK521115 401823)

gs. BLELACK LORD HORNBLOWER A243(UK521115 600243) Sire - BLELACK EARL E171(UK521115 301171) gd. EYRIE X23 OF BLELACK(ZNM.X23.23) gs. BLELACK BLACKSTOCK A227(UK521115 400227) Dam - BLELACK JURY ERICA E172(UK521115 401172) gd. BLELACK JURY ERICA Y434(UKAB219501434)

Her Female Calf ,BLELACK JURY ERICA M870 (UK521115 102870) Born 31/03/2012, Sire BLELACK EQUITY J127 Ran with Blelack Equity J127 from 28/05/12

Blelack Earl is from the same cow as Eyrie G197, dam of stock bulls Equity and Egotist. Earl was used to sweep up some heifers after AI and then sold to the herd of J A & A D Daish, Winstervale, where he has done a great job breeding some super cows. Jury Erica E172 was to go to the Highland in 2011, but calved too late. Erica Y434 has had a 2nd prize bull at Stirling selling to R Betton for 5,500gns and a Peter son sold to Germany. This is the same family that bred Jubilee Eric, Reserve Intermediate Champion at Stirling selling for 12,000gns to the Vexour herd. G823 has a very thick bull for sale 2013. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -13.5 44% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -6.1 37% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) --

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Eye Muscle Area ( +1.1 42% +2.4

-0.3 60% +0.6



Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +52 65% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +68 63% +68


+4.7 79% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +29 65% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.6 47% -1.0

+0.2 41% +0.8







+10 56% +7

Blackcap’s Bull Calf MESSRS N F MASSIE & SONS

Calving Record


1. 25-MAR-2006 M, 2. 27-APR-2007 F, 3. 04APR-2008 M, 4. 17-APR-2009 F, 5. 15-APR2010 M, 6. 09-APR-2011 M, 7. 22-MAR-2012 M

Born 23/04/2004 - (UK521115 201030)

gs. ABERAN DMM DECISION 26H (IMP)(939931(CA)24) Sire - BLELACK LORD HORNBLOWER A243(UK521115 600243) gd. LADY HEATHER X40 OF BLELACK(ZNM.X40.23) gs. YOUNG DALE MONARCH 12E (AI)(IMP)(838732(CA)23) Dam - BLELACK BLACKCAP B586(UK521115 600586) gd. COLDSTREAM BLACKBIRD 63E (ET)(IMP)(839187(CA)23)

Her Male Calf ,BLELACK BLACK BRIGADIER M851 Born 22/03/2012, Sire BLELACK EQUITY J127. Ran with Blelack Duke J262 Bull calf to be retained.

One of the most sure fast cows in the herd, you could breed this one to a black cat and get a good calf! In the last three years she has put bulls into pedigree herds – Scott Harcus with Black Bosun at 7,500gns. Her Peter son and a full brother to Blelack Bulldozer sold privately to Winstervale and Alan Walker, Newbiggin with Bulldozer. Her dam B586 was a very stylish, good breeding cow which we sold in 2010 to Alasdair Houston. Young Dale Monarch was a huge bull and bred Blelack Blackstaff, who sold to Logie for 15,000gns. Bull calf retained. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%)

Calving Ease Dtrs (%)

Gest. Len. (days)

Birth Wt. (kg)

200 Day Wt (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg)

600 Day Wt.(kg)


-17.6 56% -2.1

-7.1 51% +0.0

+2.5 55% +1.1

+6.6 79% +2.6

+40 75% +31

+80 73% +54

+99 70% +68

+14 69% +7

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+1.6 65% +0.6

+54 62% +40

Eye Muscle Area ( +2.7 50% +2.4

-2.5 54% -1.0

+1.2 47% +0.8








Calving Record

8 BLELACK PRINCESS CAROLINE F662 (ET) ET - Born 20/11/2006 - (UK521115 401662)

gs. ARDA STOCKMAN 169L(1084716(CA)) Sire - REICH POKER 13P (AI)(IMP)(1215206(CA)30) gd. REICH BLACKCAP 18K(997884(CA)) gs. HF RICOCHET 99F (IMP)(868787(CA)22) Dam - BLELACK PRINCESS CAROLINE Y338(UKAB219501338) gd. PRINCESS CAROL W70 OF BLELACK(ZNM.W70.22)

1. 31-OCT-2009 M, 2. 28-AUG-2010 F, 3. 10-AUG-2011 M, FLUSHED 2012 Ran with Blelack Equity J127 from 28/05/12

This young cow is one to look out for! Out of Princess Caroline Y338 dam of the great breeding bull Prince Consort who sold to Glenbervie and Rosemount for 13,000gns. Consort has had sons to 15,000gns for Blelack Krackerjack Lad sold to Kincardine Castle. We got Poker semen from Harold Reich when dad saw him in Canada. He was a big meaty bull with a great head, fantastic feet and legs. F662’s first son by Peter Pershore was sold to the Retanach herd. His full sister is retained and her 2011 Equity son will be in our February 2012 string for Stirling. This cow has been flushed. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -5.2 50% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -3.3 45% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +0.6 52% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Eye Muscle Area ( +2.4 37% +2.4

+1.3 51% +0.6


400 Day Wt. (kg) +75 61% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +91 58% +68


+4.6 68% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +44 62% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-1.9 41% -1.0

+1.2 35% +0.8







+13 55% +7


Calving Record

9 BLELACK KARAMA LADY G190 (ET) ET - Born 06/05/2007 - (UK523132 601190) gs. ARDA STOCKMAN 169L(1084716(CA)) Sire - REICH POKER 13P (AI)(IMP)(1215206(CA)30) gd. REICH BLACKCAP 18K(997884(CA)) gs. A J NORTH STAR (SS)(IMP)(12398105(US)23) Dam - VIKING KARAMA LADY 105J (IMP)(984201(CA)25) gd. WILLABAR KARAMA 13Z (ET)(IMP)(690717(CA)26)

1. 12-APR-2009 F, 2. 02-MAY-2010 M, 3. 11-APR-2011 F, FLUSHED 2011/2012 Ran with Blelack Equity J127 from 28/05/12

This big powerful girl is a full sister to our stock bull Blelack Kanasta Lad, his dam has bred bulls up to 15,000gns for Blelack Krackerjack Lad sold to Kincardine Castle. 13Z bred Blelack Knight sold to Glassel for 10,000gns as well as breeding a stock bull for Hallington. Kanasta Lad is a bull of great character and one of the longest bulls we have used with a huge hip. His first calved daughters look as if they will make excellent cows, with one of his first sons heading off as stock bull to Charlie McCombie, Auchincrieve. G190’s 2009 heifer is one of the biggest cows in the herd with a very smart full sister also retained. This cow was flushed in 2011. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%)

Calving Ease Dtrs (%)

Gest. Len. (days)

Birth Wt. (kg)

200 Day Wt (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg)

600 Day Wt.(kg)


-2.2 50% -2.1

-0.7 42% +0.0

+0.3 53% +1.1

+3.6 79% +2.6

+44 72% +31

+74 68% +54

+87 65% +68

+11 62% +7

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Eye Muscle Area ( +1.1 39% +2.4

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-1.8 44% -1.0

+1.1 37% +0.8







+1.9 57% +0.6


Karama Lady’s Bull Calf MESSRS N F MASSIE & SONS

Calving Record

10 BLELACK KARAMA LADY D026 Born 20/04/2004 - (UK521115 501026)

gs. ABERAN DMM DECISION 26H (IMP)(939931(CA)24) Sire - BLELACK BLACKSTOCK A227(UK521115 400227) gd. BLACKBIRD X18 OF BLELACK(ZNM.X18.23) gs. A J NORTH STAR (SS)(IMP)(12398105(US)23) Dam - VIKING KARAMA LADY 105J (IMP)(984201(CA)25) gd. WILLABAR KARAMA 13Z (ET)(IMP)(690717(CA)26)

1. 03-APR-2006 F, 2. 20-APR-2007 M, 3. 18-APR-2008 M, 4. 26-MAR-2009 F, 5. 17-MAR-2010 M, 6. 31-MAR-2011 M, 7. 26-APR-2012 M Her Male Calf ,BLELACK KONSTABLE M953 (UK521115 702953) Born 26/04/2012, Sire BLELACK KANASTA LAD G191 (ET) Ran with Blelack Duke J262 then Blelack Egotist K531 from 26/07/12

Another big meaty cow by Blackstock. Many years ago we went to buy Willabar Karama 13Z, but she slipped her calf the night before the sale, so we bought her A J North Star daughter from the year before, what a bit of luck!! From a flush to Blelack Prince Conqueror she bred the 15,000gns Krackerjack Lad and his flush sister Kandy Lady H912 and another sister H908 who sold with an excellent Equity heifer calf to Alasdair Houston for his new herd at Gretna. She also bred our stock bull Kanasta Lad, who has done a good job, leaving great headed cattle with length and exceptional conformation. His first son sold to C McCombie, Auchincrieve. D026 has a fantastic daughter by Peter retained whose first son is by Duke and destined for Stirling. Her 2011 is a huge bull by Peter and will be forward Stirling 2013. Last year D026 was supposed to be in calf to AI but got caught by Kanasta – a little close!!

August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -9.1 56% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -3.0 48% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +1.8 53% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +72 77% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +91 72% +68


+3.3 80% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +38 77% +31

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.5 71% +0.6

+58 66% +40

Eye Muscle Area ( +4.3 54% +2.4

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-1.8 58% -1.0

+1.9 52% +0.8

-0.2 41% +0.0





+15 71% +7


Calving Record


1. 13-MAY-2007 F, 2. 13-APR-2008 FLUSHED 2009, M, 3. 16-MAY-2012 M

Born 30/03/2005 - (UK521115 101218)

gs. ABERAN DMM DECISION 26H (IMP)(939931(CA)24) Sire - BLELACK BLACKSTOCK A227(UK521115 400227) gd. BLACKBIRD X18 OF BLELACK(ZNM.X18.23) gs. BLELACK BLACKSMITH Y291(UKAB219501291) Dam - BLELACK EVORA A296(UK521115 300296) gd. BLELACK EVORA Y298(UKAB219501298)

Her Male Calf ,BLELACK EDITION M980 (UK521115 602980) Born 16/05/2012, Sire BLELACK KANASTA LAD G191 (ET) Ran with Blelack Egotist K531 Bull calf to be retained

Evora is without doubt one of the cows our guests pick out when looking at our cattle, a great powerhouse of a Blackstock cow with all the grace and style you could ever want. Her dam A296 was one of the best breeding cows, her last bull calf being Blelack Equity J125, an Oakchurch Dominator son who was Black Beauty Bonanza bull Champion. A296’s sire Blacksmith bred a Perth Champion Blelack Ellerman, who sold for 28,000gns. The Evora family is one of our best, selling sons to 25,000gns and 19,000gns. Evora E218’s 2008 bull Blelack Evorat sold for 7,500gns to Sandside estate. This cow is a good breeder but missed a couple of years calving through no fault of her own, with her 2011 bull calf lain on and with a couple of hiccups in flush programmes, but is very much recommended. This cow will make a great addition to any herd.

August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -13.9 56% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.3 51% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +3.2 53% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +63 73% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +83 69% +68


+5.2 74% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +31 71% +31

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.4 64% +0.6

+44 63% +40

Eye Muscle Area ( +2.5 52% +2.4

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-2.0 55% -1.0

+1.1 50% +0.8







+16 66% +7


Calving Record

12 BLELACK PRINCESS CAROLINE G679 Born 11/03/2007 - (UK521115 701679)

gs. BLELACK BLACKSTOCK A227(UK521115 400227) Sire - BLELACK BLACK GOLD C717(UK521115 400717) gd. BLELACK BLACKBIRD Y467(UKAB219501467) gs. NIGHTINGALE ERNIE B133(UK302307 500133) Dam - BLELACK PRINCESS CAROLINE D894(UK521115 600894) gd. BLELACK PRINCESS CAROLINE Y338(UKAB219501338)

1. 14-MAR-2009 M, 2. 01-MAY-2010 F, 3. 05-APR-2011 F, 4. 16-JUN-2012 F, 5. 16-JUN-2012 M Her Male Calf ,BLELACK PRINCE CHALLENGER M006 (UK521115 403006) Born 16/06/2012, Sire NEWFIELD PRINCE CHARMING J372 Ran with Mac Elvis K085 then Blelack Egotist K531 from 26/07/12

One of the best Black Gold cows ever bred. Gold was used when we were trying to get all our cows to have Blackstock and Royal Added Value blood in them. His dam was an ET sister to the Perth Supreme Champion Blelack Black Bellringer who was sold for 9,000gns. Caroline D894 was sold to Jerry Henchy in Ireland and is a super cow. The grand dam is again Y338 dam of the 13,000gns Prince Consort. G679 has left two fantastic replacements. She was due to get flushed in 2012 but then produced twins, her bull calf at foot looks very smart. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -14.1 51% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -3.3 46% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) --

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Eye Muscle Area ( +4.2 44% +2.4

+0.0 58% +0.6



Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +80 69% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +101 66% +68


+7.4 80% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +48 72% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-2.3 48% -1.0

+1.8 43% +0.8







+16 63% +7


Calving Record

13 BLELACK BLACKBIRD F671 Born 02/12/2006 - (UK521115 601671)

gs. ABERAN DMM DECISION 26H (IMP)(939931(CA)24) Sire - BLELACK BLACKSTOCK A227(UK521115 400227) gd. BLACKBIRD X18 OF BLELACK(ZNM.X18.23) gs. TC STOCKMAN 365 (SS)(IMP)(11994601(US)22) Dam - BLELACK BLACKBIRD Y368(UKAB219501368) gd. KNIGHTS BLACKBIRD 9Y (ET)(IMP)(705002(CA)22)

1. 13-APR-2009 M, 2. 05-MAY-2010 M, 3. 18-JUN-2011 M, 4. 18-JUN-2011 M, 5. 22-MAY-2012 M Her Male Calf ,BLELACK BLACK BIGGLES M988 (UK521115 702988) Born 22/05/2012, Sire NEWFIELD PRINCE CHARMING J372 Ran with Blelack Kanasta Lad G191 then Blelack Egotist K531 from 26/07/12

One of the best Blackstock cows in the sale. Blackstock’s father Decision was the most expensive bull we ever brought in from Canada and what a good bull he turned out to be, producing two Perth Champions and best of all Blackstock himself. His son the 19,000gns bull Blelack Evermore J231 was Male Champion and Reserve Overall at Balmoral for new owner Michael Lagan. Her dam Blackbird Y368 is a full sister to Blelack Blacksmith who bred bulls such as Blelack Prince Consort sold for 13,000gns and the 28,000gns Perth Supreme Champion Blelack Ellerman, before heading off to join Bryan Ronan for his Jerusalem herd. F671 sold her 2010 son Blelack Black Badger for 8,500gns to the French family. Her 2012 calf by Prince is very line bred and will make a very thick bull. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -7.1 54% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.0 50% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +2.6 52% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Eye Muscle Area ( +3.0 53% +2.4

+0.7 65% +0.6


400 Day Wt. (kg) +58 66% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +80 64% +68


+3.7 71% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +30 67% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-2.4 56% -1.0

+1.3 51% +0.8







+10 66% +7

Lady Heather’s Yearling Bull by Blelack Equity MESSRS N F MASSIE & SONS

Calving Record

14 BLELACK LADY HEATHER E169 Born 12/03/2005 - (UK521115 101169)


2007 DEAD TWINS, 2008 EMPTY, 2009 FLUSHED, 1. 24-MAY-2010 F, 2. 22-MAY-2011 M, 3. 09-JUN-2012 M Her Male Calf ,BLELACK LORD HEATH M999 (UK521115 402999) Born 09/06/2012, Sire NEWFIELD PRINCE CHARMING J372 Ran with Blelack Kanasta Lad G191 then Blelack Egotist K531 from 26/07/12

W63 is a full sister to W46 who was sold to Bryan Ronan. W46 produced a Junior Champion at the Highland and a Royal Show Overall Champion and a Yorkshire Overall Champion, she also bred an Intermediate Champion at Perth which was sold to the Tofts herd for 7,500gns. W63 has had a Senior Champion at Perth as well as several top females, including Lady Heather D977 dam of the 25,000gns Blelack Lord Hildalgo and the 15,000gns heifer. E169 is very line bred being by Hornblower a former Perth Champion and also out of the Lady Heather family. Her 2011 son by Equity will be one of our top bulls. An excellent breeding cow. This cow has been flushed. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -21.6 56% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -11.5 52% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +1.7 56% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)


+36 62% +40

Eye Muscle Area ( +1.4 48% +2.4


400 Day Wt. (kg) +53 73% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +67 68% +68


+3.5 72% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +26 70% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-3.0 52% -1.0

+1.4 47% +0.8







+10 65% +7


Calving Record

15 BLELACK BANGLE MAID D989 Born 02/04/2004 - (UK521115 300989)

gs. ABERAN DMM DECISION 26H (IMP)(939931(CA)24) Sire - BLELACK BLACKSTOCK A227(UK521115 400227) gd. BLACKBIRD X18 OF BLELACK(ZNM.X18.23) gs. BLELACK BLACKSMITH Y291(UKAB219501291) Dam - BLELACK BANGLE MAID A271(UK521115 600271) gd. BLELACK BANGLE MAID Y312(UKAB219501312)

1. 20-MAR-2006 F, 2. 25-MAY-2007 F, FLUSHED 2008, 3. 01-OCT-2009 F, 4. 06-JUN-2011 F, 5. 19-JUN-2012 M Her Male Calf ,BLELACK BRAVE MAN M008 (UK521115 603008) Born 19/06/2012, Sire NEWFIELD PRINCE CHARMING J372 Ran with Blelack Kanasta Lad G191 then Blelack Egotist K531 from 26/07/12

One of the biggest most powerful cows at Blelack. Her 2007 heifer was easily the best animal on the farm at the time and she has left my favourite Equity heifer in 2009. Bangle Maid A271 is from quite a rare family, her brother was sold to J & R Leslie, Shetland for his Scholland herd, D989’s half sister by Peter is one of my favourite cows, with her first son going off to work at McCombie’s Auchincrieve herd . Her Prince calf shows great promise. This cow is recommended and has been flushed. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -14.1 54% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -2.2 49% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +2.8 52% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)


+44 61% +40

Eye Muscle Area ( +3.6 49% +2.4


400 Day Wt. (kg) +62 72% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +77 68% +68


+5.0 75% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +32 72% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-2.3 53% -1.0

+1.7 48% +0.8







+12 62% +7


Calving Record


1. 10-MAR-2009 M, 2. 14-JUN-2010 M, 3. 28-SEP-2011 F

ET - Born 11/05/2007 - (UK523132 601197) gs. HF DATA BANK 2H (IMP)(939773(CA)24) Sire - NIGHTINGALE ERNIE B133(UK302307 500133) gd. NIGHTINGALE ERICADALE RITO V26(RWZ.V26.21) gs. GV DUKE 18C (AI)(IMP)(757717(CA)23) Dam - EYRIE X23 OF BLELACK(ZNM.X23.23) gd. EYRIE U11 OF BLELACK(ZNM.U11.20)

AI’d to Netherallan Peter Pershore E052 14/06/12.

Eyrie is a full sister to the 16,000gns Blelack Eagle sold to Rae Grieve, Carlhurlie. Eyrie calved at 22 months of age producing our current stock bull Blelack Equity. Equity was the second heaviest bull at weaning, testimony to his dam’s milking ability. We always planned to keep a Peter son and so the choice was easy. Equity has fantastic style with lots on bone. There will be eight young sons forward Stirling Spring 2012. Her next son Blelack Egotist was Male and Overall Champion at the Royal Highland Show. Egotist was born in June and out with the heifers at less than 12 months of age, then won the Highland 12 months later. Eyrie leaves her 2011 heifer calf and full sister to Egotist as a replacement. Eyrie has been flushed. This could be one of the best animals of any breed to be sold by Blelack.

August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -2.8 53% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +1.7 46% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +2.5 52% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Eye Muscle Area ( +3.2 46% +2.4

+0.6 61% +0.6


400 Day Wt. (kg) +61 71% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +73 69% +68


+4.2 81% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +34 73% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-3.0 51% -1.0

+2.0 44% +0.8







+15 61% +7


Calving Record

17 BLELACK LADY HEATHER D977 Born 27/03/2004 - (UK521115 500977)


1. 24-MAR-2006 M, 2. 05-MAY-2007 F, 3. 05-MAY-2007 F, 4. 13-APR-2008 M, 5. 02-APR-2009 F, 6. 12-APR-2010 M, FLUSHED 2011 Ran with Blelack Equity J127, then Mac Elvis K085 from 13/08/12

If we could own a herd of cows that bred like this, our life would be good!! Her great successes include the Stirling Champion Lord Hildalgo, who sold to the Bruce family at Logie. Hildalgo’s first calf was Junior Male Champion at the Bonanza and 1st at the Royal Highland Show. Her 2009 heifer was 1st at the Royal Highland show and then sold for the top price of 15,000gns at the Best of Blacks sale to R J & D Loftus, Weeton herd. D977’s 2010 son sold to the Ribble herd where I am told, his calves are very exciting. Her first son Harmony was sold to G Ritch for 6,000gns, where he is still going strong. D977 flushes well and we have several heifers retained to come into the herd. This cow is very fresh and will be a great investment for any herd, with Blackstock and Lady Heather W63 (full sister to W46 who sold to Bryan Ronan that has bred a Junior Champion at the Royal Highland and Overall Champion at the Royal and Overall at the Yorkshire). In her pedigree this cow is bred to breed.

August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -16.1 61% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -8.1 55% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +1.3 58% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +72 79% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +91 75% +68


+3.9 83% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +36 79% +31

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+1.0 72% +0.6

+54 68% +40

Eye Muscle Area ( +3.5 57% +2.4

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-3.0 61% -1.0

+1.8 55% +0.8







+12 73% +7


Calving Record

18 BLELACK KANDY LADY H912 (ET) ET - Born 16/03/2008 - (UK521115 201912)

gs. BLELACK BLACKSMITH Y291(UKAB219501291) Sire - BLELACK PRINCE CONSORT A286(UK521115 700286) gd. BLELACK PRINCESS CAROLINE Y338(UKAB219501338) gs. A J NORTH STAR (SS)(IMP)(12398105(US)23) Dam - VIKING KARAMA LADY 105J (IMP)(984201(CA)25) gd. WILLABAR KARAMA 13Z (ET)(IMP)(690717(CA)26)

1. 02-APR-2010 M, 2. 06-APR-2011 F, 3. 27-APR-2012 F Ran with Blelack Equity J127 then Blelack Duke J262

Kandy Lady is a full sister to Krackerjack Lad who was sold for 15,000gns to Kincardine Castle, she also had a full sister sold to Alasdair Houston, Gretna. H912 is out of the same cow as our stock bull Kanasta Lad, who has done very well for us. We have a very good set of flush calves from her on the ground. Kandy Lady had a pair of dead twins in 2012 and then got mastitis, so will be working off three teats but will make an excellent doner cow and breeder for any herd. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -5.8 52% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.2 47% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +0.6 56% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +85 72% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +100 68% +68


+4.2 79% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +45 71% +31

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.5 59% +0.6

+65 60% +40

Eye Muscle Area ( +5.0 49% +2.4

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-2.7 60% -1.0

+2.4 449 +0.8







+22 63% +7


Calving Record


1. 13-APR-2010 M, 2. 01-APR-2011 M, FLUSHED 2011/2012

06/07/2007 - (UK521115 201842)

gs. BLELACK BLACKSTOCK A227(UK521115 400227) Sire - BLELACK BLACK GOLD C717(UK521115 400717) gd. BLELACK BLACKBIRD Y467(UKAB219501467) gs. BLELACK BLACKSMITH Y291(UKAB219501291) Dam - BLELACK EVORA A296(UK521115 300296) gd. BLELACK EVORA Y298(UKAB219501298)

Ran with Blelack Equity J127

This Evora family is full of great cattle and cows that pay their way. The Evora family has had sons up to 25,000gns and females for 10,000gns. Evora A296 was a star breeder for Blelack, leaving several of our top cows and her last son by Oakchurch Dominator was Black Beauty Bonanza bull Champion and sold to Germany. G842 will make a top show cow. Her first son Blelack Embassy sold at Stirling for 6,000gns. She has been flushed . This cow was bred to breed. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -10.6 50% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -0.6 46% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) --

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Eye Muscle Area ( +3.0 46% +2.4

+0.2 59% +0.6



Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +64 65% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +82 63% +68


+5.6 77% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +34 66% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-1.6 50% -1.0

+1.2 44% +0.8







+17 58% +7

Black Cap’s Heifer Calf MESSRS N F MASSIE & SONS

Calving Record

20 BLELACK BLACK CAP G827 Born 14/06/2007 - (UK521115 101827)

gs. BLELACK BLACKSTOCK A227(UK521115 400227) Sire - BLELACK BLACK GOLD C717(UK521115 400717) gd. BLELACK BLACKBIRD Y467(UKAB219501467) gs. YOUNG DALE MONARCH 12E (AI)(IMP)(838732(CA)23) Dam - BLELACK BLACKCAP B586(UK521115 600586) gd. COLDSTREAM BLACKBIRD 63E (ET)(IMP)(839187(CA)23)

LOST CALF 2009, 1. 12-APR-2010 M, 2. 10-APR-2011 M, 3. 19-APR-2012 F Her Female Calf ,BLELACK BLACKCAP M936 (UK521115 402936) Born 19/04/2012, Sire BLELACK KANASTA LAD G191 (ET) Ran with Blelack Kanasta Lad G19, then Blelack Egotist

One of the choice cows in the herd. G827 had a bad start to her breeding career losing her first calf, then had an outstanding bull calf by Peter that broke its leg. Blackcap G827 will make a fantastic show cow. Her dam B586 left a great legacy of cattle before being sold to Alasdair Houston, Gretnahouse. Young Dale Monarch bred Blelack Blackstaff, sold to Logie for 16,000gns. G827 has lots to offer any herd. Her 2012 heifer calf will make a great cow. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -9.9 49% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -2.5 45% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) -+1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area ( --




400 Day Wt. (kg) +72 63% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +93 62% +68


+5.9 78% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +40 65% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











+10 54% +7

Blelack Princess’s Heifer Calf MESSRS N F MASSIE & SONS

Calving Record


1. 27-MAR-2005 F, 2. 21-MAR-2006 M, 3. 09-APR-2007 M, 4. 29-MAY-2008 F, 5. 02-APR-2009 M, 6. 14-MAR-2010 M, 7. 16-APR-2011 F, 8. 21-APR-2012 F

Born 23/03/2003 - (UK521115 500711)

gs. TC STOCKMAN 365 (SS)(IMP)(11994601(US)22) Sire - BLELACK BLACKSMITH Y291(UKAB219501291) gd. KNIGHTS BLACKBIRD 9Y (ET)(IMP)(705002(CA)22) gs. HF RICOCHET 99F (IMP)(868787(CA)22) Dam - PRINCESS X92 OF BLELACK(ZNM.X92.23) gd. PRINCESS V99 OF BLELACK(ZNM.V99.21)

Her Female Calf ,BLELACK PRINCESS M943 (UK521115 402943) Born 21/04/2012, Sire BLELACK KANASTA LAD G191 (ET) Ran with Blelack Duke J262 then with Blelack Egotist K531 from 26/07/12

This has been a great breeding cow, her sire HF Ricochet left many outstanding females. Ricochet’s full sister was Overall Champion at Farmfair in North America. Her dam Princess X92 bred Blelack Protigy selling at 10,000gns to Sandside Estates. Princess C711 2009 bull calf Blelack Prince J165 was sold to Cogent. Her 2011 heifer is retained with her 2010 bull by Oakchurch Dominator selling to Dr Matejicek for 5,500gns. Her 2012 heifer will make a show calf. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%)

Calving Ease Dtrs (%)

Gest. Len. (days)

Birth Wt. (kg)

200 Day Wt (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg)

600 Day Wt.(kg)


-2.4 56% -2.1

+2.0 53% +0.0

+1.6 57% +1.1

+2.5 77% +2.6

+28 75% +31

+50 73% +54

+64 69% +68

+14 71% +7

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.5 70% +0.6

+35 63% +40

Eye Muscle Area ( +3.0 53% +2.4

-1.5 57% -1.0

+1.0 51% +0.8

+0.0 41% +0.0






Calving Record


1. 10-MAR-2005 F, 2. 22-MAR-2006 S, 3. 01-APR-2007 M, 4. 16-MAR-2008 M, 5. 01-APR-2009 M, 6. 18-MAR-2010 F, 7. 22-MAR-2011 F, 8. 22-APR-2012 M

Born 02/01/2003 - (UK521115 200652) gs. ANGUS ACRES BANDY 96X(667274(CA)) Sire - VIKING BANDY MAGIC 107H (IMP)(UK521115 700132) gd. EBON HILL BARDELLA 65’96(869875(CA)) gs. ROYAL ADDED VALUE 19D (IMP)(803322(CA)20) Dam - BLELACK ROSE Y399(UKAB219501399) gd. ROSE S27 OF BLELACK(ZNM.S27.18)

Her Male Calf ,BLELACK ROMANY M945 (UK521115 602945) Born 22/04/2012, Sire BLELACK KANASTA LAD G191 (ET) (CALF TO BE RETAINED) Ran with Blelack Kanasta Lad G191

This cow at her grand old age looks like a five year old, her udder is exceptional and her feet have never been touched. Her sire Viking Bandy Magic was the top performance calf of his year and was used heavily in the foothills of the Rockies before being purchased by Blelack. He bred very long correct cattle like his father Angus Acres Bandy (who was heavily used in Canada) including a Junior Female Champion at the Highland Show. His dam is a cow of excellent quality and was Female Champion at Farmfair. Rose Y399 bred Blelack Rooster who was Supreme Champion at Perth 2001 and sold for 6,000gns. Rose C652 bred Blelack Rudolph, selling for 5,200gns to G Fullerton. Her 2010 heifer is retained. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -4.3 51% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -8.2 46% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) --

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Eye Muscle Area ( +0.8 44% +2.4

+0.1 58% +0.6



Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +42 68% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +55 64% +68


+3.2 75% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +26 70% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-1.6 50% -1.0

+0.5 43% +0.8







+8 67% +7

Katherine’s 2011 Yearling Bull by Blelack Evolution MESSRS N F MASSIE & SONS

Calving Record

23 KINCARIE KATHERINE F025 Bred by: PETER D FULLERTON ESQ Born Born 03/06/2006 - (UK507345 700025)

gs. HF WALK-ON 14C (SS)(IMP)(767628(CA)21) Sire - GORDONHALL GRAND DUKE D077(UK500826 700077) gd. YOUNG DALE GRACE 89S (ET)(IMP)(599238(CA)21) gs. YOUNG DALE TOUCH DOWN 36M (AI)(IMP)(1119460(CA)28) Dam - KINCARIE KATHERINE D011(UK507345 700011) gd. YOUNG DALE KRISTINA 44J (ET)(IMP)(993532(CA)28)

1. 11-MAR-2009 M, 2. 24-MAR-2010 M, 3. 01-MAY-2011 M, 4. 30-MAY-2012 F Her Female Calf ,BLELACK KATIE M994 (UK521115 602994) Born 30/05/2012, Sire NEWFIELD PRINCE CHARMING J372 Ran with Blelack Egotist from calving

Katherine was purchased at Perth The Kristina family at Young Dale is one which is much admired. Her bull calf from 2011 is the best she has had, an Evolution son and a real herd prospect forward for February 2013. This cow will very much suit Blelack Egotist. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -5.2 42% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +0.9 36% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) --

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Eye Muscle Area ( +1.4 42% +2.4

+1.3 55% +0.6



Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +61 65% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +78 62% +68


+3.9 77% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +36 69% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.8 46% -1.0

+0.2 39% +0.8







+14 59% +7

Patience’s Heifer Calf MESSRS N F MASSIE & SONS

Calving Record


1. 04-APR-2009 F, 2. 04-APR-2010 F, 3. 07-APR-2011 M, 4. 16-MAR-2012 F

Bred by: MRS SIAN R SHARP Born Born 02/06/2006 - (UK563776 400002)

Her Female Calf ,BLELACK PATTY M843 (UK521115 202843) Born 16/03/2012, Sire BLELACK EQUITY J127 Ran with Blelack Equity J127

gs. CHEEKLAW PORATIO Y382(UKBE041400382) Sire - EASTON GREYS JOSEPH ERIC C100(UK326624 200100) gd. JURY ERICA X5 OF BLELACK(ZNM.X5.23) gs. HF AIR-WALK 33F (IMP)(868733(CA)22) Dam - CHEEKLAW PANSY A052(UK560129 500052) gd. POMANDER O3 OF THE MOSS(ZAW.O3.15)

Patience F002 was purchased by my brother Neil for her smart heifer calf which she had at foot. Her grand sire Poratio is sired by Blelack Horatio from the Lady Heather family. Horatio was Supreme Champion at Perth and sold for 11,000gns. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -8.1 47% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +1.6 42% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) --

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Eye Muscle Area ( +3.1 43% +2.4






Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +52 68% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +70 64% +68


+3.8 78% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +32 66% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+1.4 58% -1.0

+0.3 47% +0.8

+0.6 42% +0.0





+9 44% +7

Lady Heather’s Yearling Bull by Blelack Equity

Lady Heather’s Bull Calf


Calving Record

25 BLELACK LADY HEATHER G768 Twin - Born 05/05/2007 - (UK521115 501768)

1. 18-JUN-2010 F, 2. 24-JUN-2011 M, 3. 12-MAY-2012 M Her Male Calf ,BLELACK LORD HIGHBALL M979 (UK521115 502979) Born 12/05/2012, Sire BLELACK EQUITY J127 (CALF TO BE RETAINED) Ran with Blelack Equity J127 then Blelack Kanasta Lad G191 from 04/07/12

gs. HF DATA BANK 2H (IMP)(939773(CA)24) Sire - NIGHTINGALE ERNIE B133(UK302307 500133) gd. NIGHTINGALE ERICADALE RITO V26(RWZ.V26.21) gs. BLELACK BLACKSTOCK A227(UK521115 400227) Dam - BLELACK LADY HEATHER D977(UK521115 500977) gd. LADY HEATHER W63 OF BLELACK(ZNM.W63.22)

This may be one of the best cows in the herd. We sold her twin sister to Jerry Henchy, where she has been flushed with great success. G768’s dam D977 bred the 25,000gns Lord Hildalgo who was Supreme Champion at Stirling and sold to the Logie herd. Also Lady Heather J169 who was top priced heifer at the Best of Blacks and sold for 15,000gns to John Loftus. G768 has a fantastic heifer by Dominator retained, her 2011 son may finish the best of Stirling 2013 team and at foot a little star again by Equity in 2012 – just a great breeding cow. Bull calf retained. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -11.8 51% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -2.1 46% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +2.1 52% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area ( --




400 Day Wt. (kg) +69 68% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +88 66% +68


+5.1 79% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +41 71% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











+12 61% +7


Calving Record


1. 18-MAR-2011 F, 2. 01-APR-2012 M (Twins, one died, rearing smaller of twins)

Born 03/09/2008 - (UK521115 302095)

Her Male Calf ,BLELACK TOUCHSTONE M871 (UK521115 202871) Born 01/04/2012, Sire FORDEL EISENHOWER Y423 Ran with Blelack Equity J127 then Blelack Kanasta Lad G191 from 04/07/12 Bull calf to be retained

gs. YOUNG DALE DUDLEY 26M (AI)(IMP)(1119482(CA)29) Sire - NIGHTINGALE DEFIANCE E264(UK302307 300264) gd. NIGHTINGALE DUCHESS Z001(UK302307600001) gs. BLELACK LORD HORNBLOWER A243(UK521115 600243) Dam - BLELACK TINKERBELLE E165(UK521115 401165) gd. TWINKLE T43 OF BLELACK(ZNM.T43.19)

This is one of the best Defiance cows in the sale, old T43 was very reluctant to give us any daughters with a string of bulls between 5,000 to 6,500gns the best being Blelack Telestar who stood 2nd in his class and sold to R Orr. Telestar bred Halbeath Panther who sold for 12,000gns. H095 has a very classy Peter heifer retained. This cow would make a good show cow.

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

Calving Ease Dir. (%)

Calving Ease Dtrs (%)

Gest. Len. (days)

Birth Wt. (kg)

200 Day Wt (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg)

600 Day Wt.(kg)


-3.5 50% -2.1

-1.3 45% +0.0

+0.7 52% +1.1

+3.1 78% +2.6

+34 66% +31

+65 65% +54

+80 62% +68

+15 53% +7

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index













Eye Muscle Area ( --




Top Lass’s Heifer Calf MESSRS N F MASSIE & SONS

Calving Record


1. 26-MAR-2010 M, 2. 27-APR-2011 F, 3. 19-MAR-2012 F

Born 12/04/2008 - (UK521115 401970)

gs. YOUNG DALE DUDLEY 26M (AI)(IMP)(1119482(CA)29) Sire - NIGHTINGALE DEFIANCE E264(UK302307 300264) gd. NIGHTINGALE DUCHESS Z001(UK302307600001) gs. TC FREEDOM 104 (SS)(IMP)(13977765(US)29) Dam - BLELACK TOPLASS F552(UK521115 601552) gd. DMM TOP LASS 3G (ET)(IMP)(897844(CA)30)

Her Female Calf ,BLELACK TOPLADY M848 (UK521115 702848) Born 19/03/2012, Sire BLELACK EQUITY J127 Ran with Blelack Kanasta Lad G191 then Blelack Egotist K531 from 26/07/12

Top Lass F552 is one of those cows that calved about the same day each year. I was pleased to see she had hurt a leg and unable to make the sale as she has again a fantastic Equity heifer calf. This is indeed a line we would like to grow in the herd. H970 is a cow of excellent style and flesh with same stamp as her mum. Her 2010 bull calf was the best Kanasta Lad of that crop but hurt his hip at 6 months of age. Her 2011 heifer is again a very smart youngster and in calf to Egotist. Nightingale Defiance has bred very well including Proud Jake for Nightingale and the 10,000gns Prince Carl sold to Haymount. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -0.2 50% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +2.6 43% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +0.3 52% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Eye Muscle Area ( +3.7 48% +2.4





400 Day Wt. (kg) +84 71% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +106 67% +68


+5.3 80% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +50 69% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.8 61% -1.0

+1.0 50% +0.8







+19 55% +7


Calving Record

28 BLELACK JUBILEE ERICA H960 Born 06/04/2008 - (UK521115 101960)

gs. YOUNG DALE DUDLEY 26M (AI)(IMP)(1119482(CA)29) Sire - NIGHTINGALE DEFIANCE E264(UK302307 300264) gd. NIGHTINGALE DUCHESS Z001(UK302307600001) gs. BLELACK BLACKSTOCK A227(UK521115 400227) Dam - BLELACK JUBILEE ERICA F419(UK521115 601419) gd. BLELACK JUBILEE ERICA Y344(UKAB219501344)

1. 02-APR-2010 F, 2. 05-APR-2011 F, 3. 04-JUN-2012 M Her Male Calf ,BLELACK JORDAN ERIC M998 (UK521115 302998) Born 04/06/2012, Sire NEWFIELD PRINCE CHARMING J372 (CALF TO BE RETAINED) Ran with Blelack Equity J127

This young cow would make a great show cow, she has excellent breed character, shape with lots of power. Defiance has left lots of top young cows at Blelack with sons selling to 10,000gns. Jubilee Erica F419 is a full sister to cow sold to Alan Lawson for 7,000gns. Her dam Y344 was a fantastic cow breeding sons up to 12,000gns for the Reserve Intermediate Champion and top price to Jan Boomaars. Her 2012 son by Prince may be a little closely bred (Prince was bought as an Ernie son and changed to Blackstock after his DNA test). She will be a star breeder in the future if her past two heifers are anything to go on. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -1.1 52% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.0 46% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +0.1 53% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Eye Muscle Area ( +2.8 49% +2.4





400 Day Wt. (kg) +70 71% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +90 67% +68


+2.8 80% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +39 70% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-2.1 61% -1.0

+1.3 51% +0.8







+16 55% +7

Black Velvet’s Heifer Calf


Calving Record

29 BLELACK BLACK VELVET E190 Born 19/03/2005 - (UK521115 101190)


1. 11-JUN-2007 F, 2. 01-SEP-2008 M, LOST TWINS 2009, FLUSHED 2010, 2011 3. 17-MAR-2012 F Her Female Calf ,BLELACK BLACK VELVET M844 (UK521115 302844) Born 17/03/2012, Sire BLELACK EQUITY J127 Ran with Blelack Equity J127 then Blelack Egotist K531 from 26/07/12

This huge Blackstock cow has been one of our main flush cows with a fantastic set of calves in 2012. She had a bad year where she slipped a set of twins when it was heavy show and -18˚ for several weeks. We then flushed her and found her empty, the following year we flushed her several times. Her 2008 bull was 1st in one of the junior classes at Carlisle May and sold for 5,000gns. The Velvet family has always bred well with Blelack Black Vesuvius selling at 9,000gns when he was Reserve Intermediate Champion and Blelack Velour selling to D Walker, Galcantray when he was Intermediate Champion at Stirling. E190 has the most fantastic heifer calf at foot and one of the picks of the sale cattle. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -7.7 52% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -4.1 47% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) --

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.6 60% +0.6

+44 61% +40

Eye Muscle Area ( +2.4 48% +2.4


Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +61 72% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +80 67% +68


+3.1 71% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +29 68% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-1.5 52% -1.0

+0.7 47% +0.8







+8 58% +7


Calving Record


1. 24-APR-2009 M, 2. 16-MAY-2010 M, 3. 25-MAY-2011 M, 4. 18-MAY-2012 M (Born Dead)

Born 27/04/2007 - (UK521115 101757)

gs. BLELACK BLACKSTOCK A227(UK521115 400227) Sire - BLELACK BLACK GOLD C717(UK521115 400717) gd. BLELACK BLACKBIRD Y467(UKAB219501467) gs. BLELACK LORD HORNBLOWER A243(UK521115 600243) Dam - BLELACK BLACKCAP D030(UK521115 201030) gd. BLELACK BLACKCAP B586(UK521115 600586)

Ran with Blelack Equity J127 then Blelack Egotist K531 from 26/07/12

Black Gold was easily the best of his crop. His dam was sold to Balmachie where her heifer calf at foot bred the £75,000 Black Bear. Her dam Blackcap D030 has put several sires into herds and again has a real calf at foot. Blackcap B586 was by Young Dale Monarch who bred Blelack Blackstaff who sold at Perth for 16,000gns. G757’s 2011 bull calf is one of the heaviest of his age group by Equity. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -17.5 52% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -7.4 47% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +3.3 50% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+1.7 59% +0.6


Eye Muscle Area ( +3.0 45% +2.4


400 Day Wt. (kg) +75 69% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +95 66% +68


+7.1 80% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +38 72% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-2.0 49% -1.0

+1.2 44% +0.8







+10 60% +7

Jury Erica’s Heifer Calf MESSRS N F MASSIE & SONS

Calving Record


1. 06-APR-2010 F, 2. 06-APR-2011 M, 3. 08-APR-2012 F

Born 15/04/2008 - (UK521115 201975)

gs. ANKONIAN ELIXIR 100 (AI)(IMP)(12758219(US)23) Sire - NETHERALLAN PETER PERSHORE E052(UK541616 100052) gd. NIGHTINGALE PRIDE OF PERSHORE S44(RWZ.S44.18) gs. NIGHTINGALE PICASSO B134(UK302307 600134) Dam - BLELACK JURY ERICA D903(UK521115 100903) gd. BLELACK JURY ERICA B433(UK521115 700433)

Her Female Calf ,BLELACK JURY ERICA M901 (UK521115 402901) Born 08/04/2012, Sire CARRINGTON PARK TIME ON B7 (AI) (IMP) Ran with Blelack Duke J262 then Blelack Egotist K531 from 26/07/12

This cow is out of the first crop of Peter Pershores, showing great scale and power. Her dam D903 was by Picasso who like Peter, is out of Pride of Pershore S44. This cow I am sure will produce a stock bull of great value. H975 will have a very thick, long Kanasta Lad son forward for Stirling 2013. The Erica family recent successes include a Reserve Intermediate bull selling for 12,000gns. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -5.8 52% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -2.8 43% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +1.5 56% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +94 74% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +119 68% +68


+5.2 81% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +49 72% +31

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.6 61% +0.6

+76 61% +40

Eye Muscle Area ( +5.3 50% +2.4

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-4.2 63% -1.0

+2.6 52% +0.8







+14 57% +7


Calving Record

32 BLELACK PRINCESS CAROLINE G723 Born 08/04/2007 - (UK521115 201723)

1. 13-APR-2009 F, 2. 15-MAY-2010 F, 3. 09-MAY-2011 M, 4. 05-APR-2012 M Ran with Blelack Duke J262.

gs. BLELACK BLACKSTOCK A227(UK521115 400227) Sire - BLELACK BLACK GOLD C717(UK521115 400717) gd. BLELACK BLACKBIRD Y467(UKAB219501467) gs. BLELACK BLACKSMITH Y291(UKAB219501291) Dam - BLELACK PRINCESS CAROLINE C742(UK521115 100742) gd. BLELACK PRINCESS CAROLINE Y338(UKAB219501338)

Very strong cow by Gold. Her dam Princess Caroline C742 is a full sister to Consort who has done a fantastic job at both Rosemount and Glenbervie where they have over 300 cows, many carry Consort in their pedigree. His sons that have been at Perth and Carlisle have ranged from 9,000gns to 15,000gns!! G723 had a smart calf by Blelack Equity but found him with a bad break in his leg and had to be put down. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -11.2 53% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -2.5 48% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +2.9 51% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area ( --




400 Day Wt. (kg) +58 68% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +78 67% +68


+5.1 81% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +30 73% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











+6 63% +7

Erroline’s Heifer Calf MESSRS N F MASSIE & SONS

Calving Record


1. 21-MAR-2010 F, 2. 18-MAR-2011 F, 3. 27-APR-2012 F

Born 17/06/2007 - (UK521115 301829)

Her Female Calf ,BLELACK ERROLINE M956 (UK521115 302956) Born 27/04/2012, Sire BLELACK KANASTA LAD G191 (ET) Ran with Blelack Equity J127.

gs. BLELACK LORD HORNBLOWER A243(UK521115 600243) Sire - BLELACK EARL E171(UK521115 301171) gd. EYRIE X23 OF BLELACK(ZNM.X23.23) gs. BLELACK BLACKSTOCK A227(UK521115 400227) Dam - BLELACK EROLLINE E275(UK521115 201275) gd. WEDDERLIE EROSALLA A233(UK560308 300233)

E275 was a strong Blackstock cow that has several female in the herd. Earl is out of Eyrie X23, dam of Black Eagle sold to Carlhurlie for 16,000gns and also strong Blackstock son sold for 7,000gns to A Shepherd. Hornblower was Champion at Perth. Erolline has two heifers by Peter retained and a nice heifer calf at foot. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -12.4 44% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -6.5 38% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) --

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +61 63% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +75 62% +68


+4.5 79% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +31 65% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index


Eye Muscle Area ( --
















Birth Wt. (kg)

+15 54% +7


Calving Record

34 BLELACK JURY ERICA D004 Born 08/04/2004 - (UK521115 401004)

1. 11-MAY-2007 F, 2. 14-SEP-2008 M, 3. 12-APR-2010 F Ran with Blelack Equity J127. Flushed 2011 and 2012.

gs. HF DATA BANK 2H (IMP)(939773(CA)24) Sire - NIGHTINGALE PICASSO B134(UK302307 600134) gd. NIGHTINGALE PRIDE OF PERSHORE S44(RWZ.S44.18) gs. ABERAN DMM DECISION 26H (IMP)(939931(CA)24) Dam - BLELACK JURY ERICA B475(UK521115 700475) gd. JURY ERICA X13 OF BLELACK(ZNM.X13.23)

One of our best Erica cows. This one is by Nightingale Picasso, who was out of Peter Pershore’s mother. We lost Picasso in his first season, thus the reason we were so pleased to get Peter. D004 is the grand dam of the Equity yearling bull we intend to show this winter , he looks to be one of the best prospects we have had. D004 produced a son at 8,000gns that sold to Lochdhu and Newton-Struthers, the calves from which we hear are very good. Her last heifer was one of the best females we sold to Gini Guttery when we sold all our Autumn calvers. This cow has been flushed. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -3.1 48% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.0 43% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) --

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.6 52% +0.6


Eye Muscle Area ( +4.1 40% +2.4



Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +67 70% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +87 65% +68


+2.7 71% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +35 70% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-2.6 44% -1.0

+1.9 39% +0.8







+16 58% +7

Blackbird’s Heifer Calf

Service Sire of Blackbird’s Heifer Calf, Blelack Duke MESSRS N F MASSIE & SONS

Calving Record


1. 21-MAR-2011 M, 2. 20-APR-2012 F

Born 19/03/2009 - (UK521115 202136)

Her Female Calf ,BLELACK BLACKBIRD M937 (UK521115 502937) Born 20/04/2012, Sire BLELACK DUKE J262 (ET) Ran with Blelack Equity J127

gs. YOUNG DALE DUDLEY 26M (AI)(IMP)(1119482(CA)29) Sire - NIGHTINGALE DEFIANCE E264(UK302307 300264) gd. NIGHTINGALE DUCHESS Z001(UK302307600001) gs. BLELACK LORD HORNBLOWER A243(UK521115 600243) Dam - BLELACK BLACKBIRD D897(UK521115 200897) gd. BLACKBIRD X18 OF BLELACK(ZNM.X18.23)

This young Defiance may not be the biggest cow in the sale, but she is going to be a breeder. Her grand dam X18 is the dam of our favourite sire of all time Blelack Blackstock who left a foundation of great cows. D897 has been a real class act and again has a super calf at foot. Her sire Hornblower was Perth Champion. J136 has one of the thickest bulls ever to be at Blelack and forward for Spring 2013. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -6.0 52% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -4.7 47% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +0.5 54% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.1 61% +0.6


Eye Muscle Area ( +2.4 47% +2.4


400 Day Wt. (kg) +58 69% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +82 66% +68


+3.5 79% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +36 72% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-1.8 51% -1.0

+1.2 46% +0.8







+15 57% +7


Calving Record 1. 02-APR-2012 F

36 BLELACK LADY BLACKCAP J263 (ET) Born 25/05/2009 - (UK521115 302263)

gs. CIRCLE A ADVENTURE 0124(13556245(US)) Sire - ONEILLS EXPEDITION (SS)(IMP)(14761330(US)33) gd. ONEILLS DELIA 715(14134966(US)) gs. TC STOCKMAN 365 (SS)(IMP)(11994601(US)22) Dam - ONEILLS LADY BLACKCAP 25 (ET)(IMP)(13019081(US)33) gd. ONEILLS LADY BLACKCAP(11461855(US))

Her Female Calf ,BLELACK LADY BLACKCAP M879 (UK521115 302879) Born 02/04/2012, Sire BLELACK EQUITY J127 Ran with Mac Elvis K085 then Blelack Equity J127 from 04/07/12.

Several years ago I took the trip out to see Jim O’Neill’s cattle in Iowa, where I saw Delia 715 the grand dam of Blelack Duke and thought her to be one of the biggest, most powerful animals I had seen. Expedition is a bull that is used worldwide and was sold for $150,000. Blackcap 25 is sired by the world famous 365 and was a multi winner when shown in the States. J263 looks as if she is in calf to Mac Elvis, a bull we are very excited about and will be a complete outcross. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +1.4 35% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +2.8 29% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) --

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)




Eye Muscle Area ( --




Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +71 63% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +84 60% +68


+2.2 77% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +38 68% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











+18 49% +7

Blackbird’s Heifer Calf MESSRS N F MASSIE & SONS

Calving Record


1. 11-APR-2012 F

Born 25/11/2009 - (UK521115 102359)

Her Female Calf ,BLELACK BLACKBIRD M911 (UK521115 702911) Born 11/04/2012, Sire BLELACK EGOTIST K531 Ran with Mac Elvis K085 then Blelack Equity J127 from 04/07/12.

gs. YOUNG DALE DUDLEY 26M (AI)(IMP)(1119482(CA)29) Sire - NIGHTINGALE DEFIANCE E264(UK302307 300264) gd. NIGHTINGALE DUCHESS Z001(UK302307600001) gs. NIGHTINGALE ERNIE B133(UK302307 500133) Dam - BLELACK BLACKBIRD E235(UK521115 401235) gd. BLELACK BLACKBIRD C782(UK521115 600782)

This young defiance cow is out of E235, a Blackbird that was one of the most correct and easy on the eye cows we had, we have a couple of her excellent Peter heifers retained. C782 is out if a full sister to Blelack Blacksmith, a bull who bred very well with sons at 13,000gns and 28,000gns. Her heifer calf at foot is by the Overall Highland Show Champion Blelack Egotist and is an exceptionally thick calf. We have used our new stock bull Mac Elvis heavily and are very pleased with him. J359 is one of the few we are selling in calf to him. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) +0.2 49% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +3.2 44% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +0.4 51% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area ( --




400 Day Wt. (kg) +67 64% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +88 61% +68


+3.8 76% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +39 64% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











+16 49% +7


Calving Record 1. 11-APR-2012 F

38 BLELACK PRINCESS CAROLINE K501 Born 15/05/2010 - (UK521115 302501)

Her Female Calf ,BLELACK PRINCESS CAROLINE M912 (UK521115 102912) Born 11/04/2012, Sire BLELACK EGOTIST K531 Ran with Blelack Equity J127.

gs. DALRENE CRUZ 11F (IMP)(UKRA012100015) Sire - OAKCHURCH DOMINATOR G035(UK301703 200035) gd. BALLYHEATHER DOLLY Z682(UK9653459682) gs. BLELACK BLACK GOLD C717(UK521115 400717) Dam - BLELACK PRINCESS CAROLINE G723(UK521115 201723) gd. BLELACK PRINCESS CAROLINE C742(UK521115 100742)

Dominator was purchased for 10,000gns, he is out of the excellent breeding cow Ballyheather Dolly. Dominator has bred a Stirling Overall Champion, Blelack Earthquake as well as the Highland Show Overall Champion. G723 is a very smart young cow out of a full sister to the 13,000gns Blelack Prince Consort. Consort has had sons at 13,000gns and 15,000gns. K501’s young calf had a hard start with scour but will grow into an excellent prospect. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -15.4 44% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +5.4 39% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) --

400 Day Wt. (kg) +72 63% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +93 61% +68


+5.9 77% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +41 68% +31

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index


Eye Muscle Area ( --
















Birth Wt. (kg)

+8 44% +7


Calving Record


1. 04-MAY-2012 F

Born 08/06/2009 - (UK521115 402285)


Her Female Calf ,BLELACK PRISTINE M968 (UK521115 102968) Born 04/05/2012, Sire BLELACK EQUITY J127 Ran with Blelack Kanasta Lad G191.

This is a very feminine Peter daughter and one which would look to have a great future if her calf is anything to go by. The three year old Peters at Blelack all have that touch of class and are like peas in a pod. Wedderlie Pridwell was by the Perth Champion Blelack Hortatio, who bred so well for his owners Haymount, Wedderlie and Tofts. J285’s calf at foot is by Blelack Equity, making this calf very line bred, a match that seems to have worked. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -2.8 52% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.3 45% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +0.0 55% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +79 67% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +100 63% +68


+2.7 77% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +40 70% +31

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index


Eye Muscle Area ( --















+10 52% +7


Calving Record


1. 16-MAR-2012 M

Born 17/03/2010 - (UK521115 702379)

Her Male Calf ,BLELACK BLACKCAP M842 (UK521115 102842) Born 16/03/2012, Sire BLELACK EQUITY J127 Ran with Blelack Kanasta Lad G191

gs. DALRENE CRUZ 11F (IMP)(UKRA012100015) Sire - OAKCHURCH DOMINATOR G035(UK301703 200035)) gd. BALLYHEATHER DOLLY Z682(UK9653459682) gs. YOUNG DALE MONARCH 12E (AI)(IMP)(838732(CA)23) Dam - BLELACK BLACKCAP B586(UK521115 600586) gd. COLDSTREAM BLACKBIRD 63E (ET)(IMP)(839187(CA)23)

Oakchurch Dominator is the father of Stirling Overall Champion Blelack Earthquake and also Highland Show Champion Blelack Egotist. Blackcap B586 was chosen by Alasdair Houston for his new Gretnahouse herd and is a big very feminine cow, who has left a lot of excellent cattle at Blelack. Young Dale Monarch bred Blelack Blackstaff sold for 16,000gns. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -8.6 45% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -3.5 40% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) --

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)




Eye Muscle Area ( --




Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +72 64% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +93 61% +68


+4.4 77% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +41 68% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











+10 47% +7


Calving Record


1. 26-MAR-2011 F, 2. 09-APR-2012 F

Born 04/03/2009 - (UK521115 402124)

gs. ANKONIAN ELIXIR 100 (AI)(IMP)(12758219(US)23) Sire - NETHERALLAN PETER PERSHORE E052(UK541616 100052) gd. NIGHTINGALE PRIDE OF PERSHORE S44(RWZ.S44.18) gs. VIKING BANDY MAGIC 107H (IMP)(UK521115 700132) Dam - BLELACK JURY ERICA B426(UK521115 700426) gd. BLELACK JURY ERICA Y434(UKAB219501434)

Her Female Calf ,BLELACK JURY ERICA M907 (UK521115 302907) Born 09/04/2012, Sire BLELACK DUKE J262 (ET) Ran with Blelack Equity J127

We are finding these Peter Pershore cows exceptional young cows and combining very well with such bulls as Blackstock. Jury Erica Y434 was a very good breeding Blackstock cow with her last son being sold to Germany. B426’s last son sold for 5,200gns. J124 produced a very smart Blelack Duke heifer which is retained, this year’s full sister got off to a bad start but will grow into a fine young cow. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -1.8 51% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.9 43% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +0.9 55% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area ( --




400 Day Wt. (kg) +83 67% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +102 64% +68


+3.2 79% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +41 72% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











+14 55% +7

Evora’s Bull Calf MESSRS N F MASSIE & SONS

Calving Record

41 BLELACK EVORA H044 (ET) ET - Born 09/06/2008 - (UK521115 102044)

1. 06-APR-2011 F, 2. 24-APR-2012 M, FLUSHED 2012 Her Male Calf ,BLELACK EXCELLENCE M949 (UK521115 302949) Born 24/04/2012, Sire BLELACK KANASTA LAD G191 (ET) (BULL CALF TO BE RETAINED) Ran with Blelack Egotist K531

gs. ABERAN DMM DECISION 26H (IMP)(939931(CA)24) Sire - BLELACK BLACKSTOCK A227(UK521115 400227) gd. BLACKBIRD X18 OF BLELACK(ZNM.X18.23) gs. HF RICOCHET 99F (IMP)(868787(CA)22) Dam - BLELACK EVORA Z491(UKAB219501491) gd. EVORA W9 OF BLELACK(ZNM.W9.22)

This young cow has to be among the top features of our sale. Evora H044 has several top full brothers in the UK at the moment, including Blelack Emperor selling at 25,000gns and the 19,000gns Blelack Evermore who went on to be Male and reserve Overall at Balmoral in 2012 for Michael Lagan. We also sold a very good brother to Victor Dobson, Water End who went on to breed the Winter National Overall Champion in 2011 at Carlisle. We sold a full sister to Jerry Henchy who has given her rave reviews. H044’s first calf, a heifer by Peter Pershore is quite outstanding. She has at foot a very good calf by Kanasta Lad. H044 has recently been flushed and is in her working clothes, this young cow will add great value to any herd. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -14.5 53% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -5.4 48% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +3.0 53% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)


+55 62% +40

Eye Muscle Area ( +4.7 53% +2.4


400 Day Wt. (kg) +75 72% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +91 68% +68


+5.9 78% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +36 70% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-2.7 62% -1.0

+2.2 53% +0.8







+9 61% +7

Bluebird’s Bull Calf MESSRS N F MASSIE & SONS

Calving Record


1. 30-APR-2008 M, 2. 04-APR-2009 M, 3. 14-MAY-2010 M, 4. 26-APR-2011 M, 5. 24-MAR-2012 M

Born 04/03/2006 - (UK521115 301423)

gs. ABERAN DMM DECISION 26H (IMP)(939931(CA)24) Sire - BLELACK LORD HORNBLOWER A243(UK521115 600243) gd. LADY HEATHER X40 OF BLELACK(ZNM.X40.23) gs. BLELACK BLACKSMITH Y291(UKAB219501291) Dam - BLELACK BLUEBIRD B464(UK521115 300464) gd. BLELACK BLUEBIRD Z010(UK521115400010)

Her Male Calf ,BLELACK BLACK DIAMOND M852 (UK521115 402852) Born 24/03/2012, Sire BLELACK EQUITY J127 (CALF TO BE RETAINED) Ran with Blelack Kanasta Lad G191 from 28/05/12

When you start an exercise like this, you find which combinations work and Blacksmith with Hornblower seem to work well. The grand dam of B464 was 1st at the Highland Show many years ago. This cow has the combination of Ricochet, whose full sister was Farmfair Champion as a two year old and the herd maker Royal Added Value who bred the Perth Champion Blelack Evasion who sold for 16,000gns. Bluebird B464 was sold as a matron cow for 5,000gns to Alan Walker, leaving behind her several quality daughters. This family also had an Intermediate and Overall Champion Blelack Bluebeard selling for the top price of 7,500gns. F423 has an exceptional bull calf by Equity and has a very fancy bull by Evolution for February 2012 at Stirling. Her 2009 bull sold for 6,400gns to Culfargie Estate. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -14.0 55% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -6.0 50% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +2.2 57% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +61 73% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +74 70% +68


+3.5 82% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +27 75% +31

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.5 69% +0.6

+45 61% +40

Eye Muscle Area ( +4.2 51% +2.4

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-3.0 55% -1.0

+2.0 48% +0.8







+15 66% +7


Calving Record

43 BLELACK JURY ERICA H046 Born 11/06/2008 - (UK521115 302046)

1. 15-APR-2011 F, LOST CALF 2012 Ran with Blelack Duke J262. Scanned 20/08/12 5-6 months in calf

gs. BLELACK LORD HORNBLOWER A243(UK521115 600243) Sire - BLELACK EARL E171(UK521115 301171) gd. EYRIE X23 OF BLELACK(ZNM.X23.23) gs. BLELACK BLACKSTOCK A227(UK521115 400227) Dam - BLELACK JURY ERICA E172(UK521115 401172) gd. BLELACK JURY ERICA Y434(UKAB219501434)

A young cow from our old Jury Erica family. Recent sales include a bull at 5,200gns to the Lord Abbot, and 5,500gns for a bull who was 2nd in his class and sold to S Ballantyne, 12,000gns for a Reserve Intermediate at Stirling. Y434’s last calf was sold to Germany for £6,500, Erica E172 has a powerful son in our February 2013 team for Stirling. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -12.5 42% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -6.1 37% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) --

400 Day Wt. (kg) +55 60% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +68 59% +68


+4.3 75% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +27 60% +31

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index


Eye Muscle Area ( --
















Birth Wt. (kg)

+9 47% +7

Kylie’s 2011 Heifer Calf MESSRS N F MASSIE & SONS

Calving Record


1. 05-APR-2010 F, 2. 07-APR-2011 F, 3. 31-MAR-2012 F

ET - Born 08/05/2008 - (UK521115 502020)

Her Fostered Female Calf, (twin to bull) BLELACK (UK521115 303005) Born 16/06/2012, Sire NEWFIELD PRINCE CHARMING J372 Dam BLELACK PRINCESS CAROLINE G679 Ran with Blelack Equity J127.

gs. GV JAG 12Z (IMP)(692476(CA)18) Sire - GV DUKE 18C (AI)(IMP)(757717(CA)23) gd. GV BETTY 1X(661898(CA)) gs. DALRENE CRUZ 11F (IMP)(UKRA012100015) Dam - FORDAFOURIE KIRSTY Z036(UK520519400036) gd. KIRSTY OF FORDAFOURIE(LAC.W2.22)

Don’t be put off by this cow’s bent damaged ears, she is a super animal. I remember seeing calves off GV Duke from the Hamilton family in Canada and was struck by their great heads and fantastic hair. We sold a son of GV Duke to Shadwell, who was Interbreed Champion at the Royal in 2004 and then sold to D Walker for £10,000. Kirsty was bought from Fordafourie privately before their dispersal, where they sold Fordafourie Kim to Netherton. Kirsty was a huge cow and bred Blelack Kiwi, who sold to Fordel. We recently sold a son out of a maternal sister to Kylie by Peter Pershore to the Isauld herd of R Pottinger, one to look out for in the future. We have a very good heifer retained by Kanasta Lad out of Kylie. Kylie’s 2012 calf died at three months and she has a fostered on calf at foot. This cow will suit Equity.

August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -2.7 49% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -3.0 45% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +2.8 53% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)



Eye Muscle Area ( --




400 Day Wt. (kg) +57 65% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +69 63% +68


+3.6 79% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +33 68% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











+6 61% +7


Calving Record

45 BLELACK LADY HEATHER G845 Born 13/07/2007 - (UK521115 501845)

gs. BLELACK LORD HORNBLOWER A243(UK521115 600243) Sire - BLELACK EARL E171(UK521115 301171) gd. EYRIE X23 OF BLELACK(ZNM.X23.23) gs. BLELACK BLACK GOLD C717(UK521115 400717) Dam - BLELACK LADY HEATHER E201(UK521115 501201) gd. BLELACK LADY HEATHER B478(UK521115 300478)

1. 08-APR-2010 M, 2. 05-APR-2011 F, 3. 05-APR-2011 F Her Male Calf ,BLELACK LORD HOY M012 Born 12/07/2012, Sire NEWFIELD PRINCE CHARMING J372 Ran with Blelack Egotist K531 from calving

This mountain of a cow produced twin heifers by Peter last year, both of which are retained. Her dam from our excellent Lady heather family E201 sold her last bull at Carlisle, a young bull which sold for 6,500gns. G845 has a young bull at foot by Prince that is full of style and scale. This cow has the potential to breed a top bull. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -13.4 41% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -7.1 36% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) --

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.4 55% +0.6

400 Day Wt. (kg) +57 57% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +69 54% +68


+4.3 61% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +29 55% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index


Eye Muscle Area ( --














Birth Wt. (kg)

+10 55% +7

Erica’s Yearling Bull by Blelack Equity MESSRS N F MASSIE & SONS

Calving Record

46 BLELACK JURY ERICA E172 Born 14/03/2005 - (UK521115 401172)

gs. ABERAN DMM DECISION 26H (IMP)(939931(CA)24) Sire - BLELACK BLACKSTOCK A227(UK521115 400227) gd. BLACKBIRD X18 OF BLELACK(ZNM.X18.23) gs. HF RICOCHET 99F (IMP)(868787(CA)22) Dam - BLELACK JURY ERICA Y434(UKAB219501434) gd. JURY ERICA W16 OF BLELACK(ZNM.W16.22)

1. 12-JUN-2007 F, 2. 11-JUN-2008 F, 3. 21-MAY-2009 M, 4. 18-APR-2010 M, 5. 19-MAY-2011 M, 6. 14-JUN-2012 F Her Female Calf ,BLELACK JURY ERICA M002 (UK521115 703002) Born 14/06/2012, Sire NEWFIELD PRINCE CHARMING J372 Ran with Blelack Kanasta Lad G191 then Blelack Egotist K531 from 26/07/12

This cow was chosen last year to show, but ended up a mid May calver. Erica has fantastic stance, style and a huge amount of power. Her Equity bull calf from 2011 is in our string for February 2013 and one to watch out for. The Erica family has done well with Jubilee Eric, Reserve Intermediate at Stirling selling for 12,000gns. Jury Erica Y434 sold a son who was placed 2nd at Stirling for 5,500gns to R Betton, her last son sold to Germany. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -10.3 55% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -3.9 50% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +2.7 52% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +55 74% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +75 70% +68


+3.9 77% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +28 72% +31

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

-0.2 63% +0.6

+38 63% +40

Eye Muscle Area ( +1.7 50% +2.4

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.4 54% -1.0

+0.2 48% +0.8







+4 65% +7

Carina’s Heifer Calf


Calving Record


1. 25-MAY-2010 F, 2. 12-JUN-2011 F, 3. 03-JUN-2012 F


Her Female Calf ,BLELACK PRINCESS CARRIE M997 (UK521115 202997) Born 03/06/2012, Sire NEWFIELD PRINCE CHARMING J372 Ran with Blelack Duke J262 then Blelack Egotist K531 from 26/07/12

Born 15/03/2008 - (UK521115 301906)

Netherallan Peter Pershore must be one of the great finds Blelack has made, not only are his sons top sellers, up to 25,000gns and females selling to 15,000gns, they also have excellent breeding values. This young cow has left two excellent replacements with her 2011 line bred to Equity looking a great prospect. B489 was a huge cow by DMM Decision who was the most expensive bull we purchased out of North America, he bred two Perth Champions, also the iconic Blelack Blackstock. This Princess family is one of our oldest and has had several recent top bulls, a big Peter son at 10,000gns sold to French, Rockside and Blelack Protigy a Blackstock son sold for 10,500gns to Sandside. This is an excellent outfit. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -4.1 52% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -2.2 44% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +1.2 56% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Eye Muscle Area ( +6.0 48% +2.4





400 Day Wt. (kg) +91 72% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +115 67% +68


+3.7 80% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +45 71% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-2.6 61% -1.0

+2.2 51% +0.8







+16 57% +7

Blackbird’s Heifer Calf MESSRS N F MASSIE & SONS

Calving Record

48 BLELACK BLACKBIRD H005 Born 02/05/2008 - (UK521115 402005)

gs. SKAILL DOT COM A304(UK523853 200304) Sire - CARLHURLIE GREAT START C353(UK541889 100353) gd. CARLHURLIE GREMLIN A101(UK541889 100101) gs. BLELACK BLACKSMITH Y291(UKAB219501291) Dam - BLELACK BLACKBIRD C780(UK521115 400780) gd. BLELACK BLACKBIRD Z026(UK521115600026)

1. 03-JUN-2010 F, 2. 20-MAY-2011 F, 3. 20-MAY-2012 F Her Female Calf ,BLELACK BLACKBIRD M987 (UK521115 602987) Born 20/05/2012, Sire NEWFIELD PRINCE CHARMING J372 Ran with Blelack Equity J127.

This cow goes back to the dam of our most successful sire Blelack Blackstock, who bred cows that breed stock bulls. This young cow is full of great sires such as TC Stockman 365, Royal Added Value and the great breeding cow Knights Blackbird 9Y. Carlhurlie Great Start was a bull that had incredible shape that was a commercial man’s dream. He was Male Champion at the National Show when it was at Turriff. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -8.5 44% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -3.4 39% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) --

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Eye Muscle Area ( +1.3 44% +2.4






Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +63 69% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +80 65% +68


+3.7 78% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +38 67% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-2.2 58% -1.0

+0.9 46% +0.8







+12 52% +7


Calving Record

49 BLELACK BLAEBERRY H006 Born 02/05/2008 - (UK521115 502006)

gs. SKAILL DOT COM A304(UK523853 200304) Sire - CARLHURLIE GREAT START C353(UK541889 100353) gd. CARLHURLIE GREMLIN A101(UK541889 100101) gs. NIGHTINGALE ERNIE B133(UK302307 500133) Dam - BLELACK BLAEBERRY D937(UK521115 700937) gd. BLAEBERRY X61 OF BLELACK(ZNM.X61.23)

1. 29-MAR-2010 F, 2. 29-APR-2011 F, 3. 20-APR-2012 F Her Female Calf ,BLELACK BLAEBERRY M938 (UK521115 602938) Born 20/04/2012, Sire BLELACK DUKE J262 (ET) Ran with Blelack Equity J127 from 28/05/2012

This family can breed quality bulls. Grand dam X61 bred the Perth Supreme Champion Blelack Blackberet who sold for 9,000gns. H006’s dam D937 has had several high priced sons sold through Perth and Stirling with her last calf forward for Spring 2013 by Blelack Equity looking a real herd prospect. Great Start was shared with the Norrie family and was Male Champion at the National on his only outing. H006’s 2010 heifer by Kanasta Lad has one of our best calves, a very strong bull by the Highland Show Champion Blelack Egotist. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -11.0 45% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -1.5 37% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) --

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Eye Muscle Area ( +1.6 44% +2.4






Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +67 71% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +83 66% +68


+5.1 80% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +42 69% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-2.1 58% -1.0

+1.0 46% +0.8







+9 53% +7


Calving Record

50 BLELACK JURY ERICA H952 Born 04/04/2008 - (UK521115 701952)

1. 06-APR-2010 M, 2. 20-MAR-2011 M, 3. 22-APR-2012 M Her Male Calf ,BLELACK JULIAN ERIC M946 (UK521115 702946) Born 22/04/2012, Sire BLELACK EQUITY J127 (CALF TO BE RETAINED) Ran with Blelack Equity J127 then Blelack Kanasta Lad G191 from 04/07/2012

gs. ABERAN DMM DECISION 26H (IMP)(939931(CA)24) Sire - BLELACK BLACKSTOCK A227(UK521115 400227) gd. BLACKBIRD X18 OF BLELACK(ZNM.X18.23) gs. VIKING BANDY MAGIC 107H (IMP)(UK521115 700132) Dam - BLELACK JURY ERICA B426(UK521115 700426) gd. BLELACK JURY ERICA Y434(UKAB219501434)

A big strong Blackstock cow that so far only breeds bulls. Jury Erica B426 produced a 2nd prize bull selling to S Ballantyne for 5,500gns. Viking Brandy Magic produced a Junior Female Champion at the Royal Highland Show. Y434 produced sons to 7,000gns and her last son selling to Germany. Bull calf to be retained. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -10.3 52% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -5.1 47% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +2.6 51% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +62 73% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +79 69% +68


+4.0 80% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +29 71% +31

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.3 60% +0.6

+39 62% +40

Eye Muscle Area ( +1.1 53% +2.4

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.8 64% -1.0

+0.0 54% +0.8







+6 62% +7

Penny’s Bull Calf MESSRS N F MASSIE & SONS

Calving Record


1. 10-MAR-2011 F, 2. 28-APR-2012 M

Born 01/09/2008 - (UK521115 102093)

gs. YOUNG DALE DUDLEY 26M (AI)(IMP)(1119482(CA)29) Sire - NIGHTINGALE DEFIANCE E264(UK302307 300264) gd. NIGHTINGALE DUCHESS Z001(UK302307600001) gs. BLELACK LORD HORNBLOWER A243(UK521115 600243) Dam - BLELACK PENNY D962(UK521115 400962) gd. PENNY X94 OF BLELACK(ZNM.X94.23)

Her Male Calf ,BLELACK PILOT M957 (UK521115 402957) Born 28/04/2012, Sire BLELACK EQUITY J127 (CALF TO BE RETAINED) Ran with Blelack Kanasta Lad G191.

The Penny family is one of the few that has been added in the last decade. Defiance breeds very milky, correct cattle that have lots of muscle. His sons have sold up to 10,000gns. D962 was 1st at the Black Beauty Bonanza. Penny H093 had an absolute star heifer that stood head and shoulders above the rest of her age group. She broke her back leg which was a very bad day!! Penny has a bull calf at foot which looks as if it will be our winter show calf. Bull calf to be retained. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -7.0 50% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -2.9 45% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +1.0 52% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +67 63% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +87 61% +68


+4.8 77% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +39 65% +31

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index


Eye Muscle Area ( --















+13 50% +7

Blackbird’s Heifer Calf MESSRS N F MASSIE & SONS

Calving Record

52 BLELACK BLACKBIRD D897 Born 09/03/2004 - (UK521115 200897)


1. 08-MAR-2006 F, 2. 01-MAY-2007 F, 3. 21-MAR-2008 M, 4. 19-MAR-2009 F, 5. 19-MAR-2010 M, 6. 15-APR-2011 F, 7. 28-MAR-2012 F Her Female Calf ,BLELACK BLACKBIRD M859 (UK521115 402859) Born 28/03/2012, Sire BLELACK EQUITY J127 Ran with Blelack Equity J127 then Blelack Kanasta Lad G191 from 04/07/12.

What a breeding machine this is! One of the hardiest most correct cows you could want. Her dam bred the fantastic Blackstock which laid down a foundation of cows the likes of which we will not see at Blelack again. Blackstock’s sons have sold to 25,000gns and 19,000gns with many over 8,000 – 10,000gns. Hornblower was Perth Champion, a bull with exceptional muscle and length. Blackbird’s 2012 calf is a bit of a star. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -19.1 59% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -14.2 56% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +2.7 58% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +57 76% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +78 72% +68


+5.2 78% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +30 76% +31

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.8 67% +0.6

+39 66% +40

Eye Muscle Area ( +2.0 53% +2.4

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-2.6 57% -1.0

+1.2 51% +0.8







+11 71% +7


Calving Record

53 BLELACK BLACKBIRD H994 Born 26/04/2008 - (UK521115 701994)

gs. YOUNG DALE DUDLEY 26M (AI)(IMP)(1119482(CA)29) Sire - NIGHTINGALE DEFIANCE E264(UK302307 300264) gd. NIGHTINGALE DUCHESS Z001(UK302307600001) gs. NIGHTINGALE ERNIE B133(UK302307 500133) Dam - BLELACK BLACKBIRD F432(UK521115 501432) gd. BLELACK BLACKBIRD D897(UK521115 200897)

1. 20-MAR-2010 M, 2011 LOST CALF, 2. 26-MAR-2012 M Her Male Calf ,BLELACK BLACKTHORN M857(UK521115 202857) Born 26/03/2012, Sire BLELACK EQUITY J127 (CALF TO BE RETAINED) Ran with Blelack Duke J262

The female line of this cow would say that her future is good, with the grand dam D897 being maternal sister to Blackstock and F432 was a big Ernie daughter who bred sons to 6,200gns. Defiance was used on our yearling heifers for his first two seasons and proved very easily calved. His sons always showed great muscle development and were very clean through the middle. The Blackbird family is one of the best, with its most recent son selling for 8,500gns to the French family at Rockside. Bull calf to be retained. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%)

Calving Ease Dtrs (%)

Gest. Len. (days)

Birth Wt. (kg)

200 Day Wt (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg)

600 Day Wt.(kg)


-2.8 52% -2.1

-1.6 46% +0.0

+0.5 52% +1.1

+4.3 78% +2.6

+42 69% +31

+69 71% +54

+90 67% +68

+17 53% +7

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.6 59% +0.6

+50 60% +40

Eye Muscle Area ( +2.4 50% +2.4

-1.9 62% -1.0

+1.4 52% +0.8







Erica’s Bull Calf

Erica’s Yearling Bull by Peter Pershore MESSRS N F MASSIE & SONS

Calving Record

54 BLELACK JUBILEE ERICA F442 Born 14/03/2006 - (UK521115 101442)

gs. HF DATA BANK 2H (IMP)(939773(CA)24) Sire - NIGHTINGALE ERNIE B133(UK302307 500133) gd. NIGHTINGALE ERICADALE RITO V26(RWZ.V26.21) gs. BLELACK BLACKSTOCK A227(UK521115 400227) Dam - BLELACK JUBILEE ERICA D899(UK521115 400899) gd. BLELACK JUBILEE ERICA Y344(UKAB219501344)

1. 30-APR-2008 M, 2. 02-APR-2009 F, 3. 06-MAY-2010 M, 4. 29-APR-2011 M, 5. 10-APR-2012 M Her Male Calf ,BLELACK JUBILANT ERIC M908 (UK521115 402908) Born 10/04/2012, Sire BLELACK EQUITY J127 (BULL CALF TO BE RETAINED) Ran with Blelack Equity J127 then Blelack Kanasta Lad G191 from 04/07/12.

This is one of the sweetest and breediest cows in the sale. Her sire Ernie left many very good breeding cows and sons sold to 16,000gns for Blelack Eagle going to the well respected Carlhurlie herd. His dam again goes back to the stellar breeder Blelack Blackstock, with the grand dam Y344 breeding heifers which sold to £7,000 to Alan Lawson , Hallington. Her last son sold for the top price of 12,000gns at Stirling where he was reserve Intermediate Champion, to the Vexour herd. Erica F442 has not only one of the best calves in 2012 but her 2011 son by Peter is one of our top bulls for Stirling February 2013. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -6.4 52% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -0.1 46% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +2.1 53% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +61 72% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +79 69% +68


+4.0 82% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +36 75% +31

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.4 66% +0.6

+43 60% +40

Eye Muscle Area ( +1.3 49% +2.4

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-2.2 53% -1.0

+1.0 47% +0.8







+12 66% +7


Calving Record

55 FERNHILL LADY HEATHER H039 Bred by: FERNHILL ESTATES LTD Born 01/05/2008 - (UK305120 301039)

2011 LOST CALF, 1. 16-MAR-2012 F Her Female Calf ,BLELACK LADY HEATHER M841 (UK521115 702841) Born 16/03/2012, Sire BLELACK EVOR H929 Ran with Blelack Equity J127

gs. IDVIES FLASH A075(UK540244 300075) Sire - ARDGARTH BROCADE D206(UK540419 100206) gd. ARDGARTH BEAUTY MAID Y218(UKAO040400218) gs. ABERAN DMM DECISION 26H (IMP)(939931(CA)24) Dam - BLELACK LADY HEATHER B497(UK521115 100497) gd. LADY HEATHER X40 OF BLELACK(ZNM.X40.23)

Having a great love for anything “Lady Heather” we bought this girl at the Wall dispersal. X40 is a full sister to the Perth Champion Blelack Hornblower. DMM Decision is the sire of two Perth Champions as well as Blelack Blackstock. Her excellent calf at foot is by Blelack Evor, who sold to the Wall for 18,000gns. Evor’s dam Evora D988 is a full sister to bulls sold at 25,000gns and 19,000gns. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -6.2 37% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -4.4 33% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) --

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)




Eye Muscle Area ( --




Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +46 45% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +58 44% +68


+2.1 56% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +23 47% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index











+6 37% +7


Calving Record

56 BLELACK BEAUTY LASS D890 Born 05/03/2004 - (UK521115 200890)


1. 27-MAR-2006 M, 2. 23-MAR-2007 F, 3. 19-APR-2008 F, 4. 03-APR-2009 M, 5. 18-MAR-2010 F, 6. 12-APR-2011 F, 7. 28-MAR-2012 M Her Male Calf ,BLELACK BOSSMAN M860 (UK521115 502860) Born 28/03/2012, Sire FORDEL EISENHOWER Y423 (CALF TO BE RETAINED) Ran with Blelack Kanasta Lad G191

This is one of the few Picasso cows we had (Picasso electrocuted himself!!) the few we have are meaty correct cows that seem to breed. Beauty Lass bred Blelack Bailiff, who was 2nd in his class selling to the Mushroom herd of Mrs Davison. D890’s 2009 bull calf sold for £5,500. Bull calf to be retained. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -1.6 50% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -2.3 45% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) --

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+1.1 58% +0.6

+36 60% +40

Eye Muscle Area ( +1.8 44% +2.4


Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +41 73% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +62 68% +68


+1.5 77% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +30 73% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-2.2 50% -1.0

+1.3 42% +0.8







+16 67% +7

Blackbird’s Heifer Calf MESSRS N F MASSIE & SONS

Calving Record


1. 14-MAR-2009 F, 2. 30-APR-2010 M, 3. 20-MA-2011 M, 4. 19-APR-2012 F

Born 12/04/2007 - (UK521115 301731)

gs. YOUNG DALE DUDLEY 26M (AI)(IMP)(1119482(CA)29) Sire - NIGHTINGALE DEFIANCE E264(UK302307 300264) gd. NIGHTINGALE DUCHESS Z001(UK302307600001) gs. BLELACK BLACKSTOCK A227(UK521115 400227) Dam - BLELACK BLACKBIRD C724(UK521115 400724) gd. BLELACK BLACKBIRD Y407(UKAB219501407)

Her Female Calf ,BLELACK BLACKBIRD M935 (UK521115 302935) Born 19/04/2012, Sire BLELACK KANASTA LAD G191 (ET) Ran with Blelack Equity J127 then Blelack Kanasta Lad G191 from 04/07/12.

We saw Defiance at Nightingale and liked his calves very much, his dam Duchess Z001 was by Lancer, a bull that bred so well. Defiance is also the sire of Proud Jake, a bull which is breeding very well for Colin Davidson at Skaill. Blackbird C724 is a huge cow and sold to my friend Jerry Henchy in Ireland, she again was out of one of the flush sisters to the Perth Champion the 9,000gns Blelack Black Bellringer and with Blackstock in there a very strong pedigree. G731’s first daughter by Peter Pershore was one of the picks sold to Alasdair Houston, with a very good calf by Blelack Duke born in 2012. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -4.3 54% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -2.4 49% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +0.9 62% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +64 69% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +86 67% +68


+4.0 79% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +40 73% +31

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)





Eye Muscle Area ( +3.0 47% +2.4

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-1.9 52% -1.0

+1.6 46% +0.8







+15 60% +7

Bluebird’s Bull Calf MESSRS N F MASSIE & SONS

Calving Record


1. 25-APR-2010 F, 2. 18-APR-2011 F, 3. 01-APR-2012 M, 4. 01-APR-2012 M (Twins)

gs. NIGHTINGALE ERNIE B133(UK302307 500133) Sire - BLELACK EAGLE D895(UK521115 700895) gd. EYRIE X23 OF BLELACK(ZNM.X23.23) gs. BLELACK BLACKSMITH Y291(UKAB219501291) Dam - BLELACK BLUEBIRD B464(UK521115 300464) gd. BLELACK BLUEBIRD Z010(UK521115400010)

Her Male Calf ,BLELACK BONAPARTE M872 (UK521115 302872) Born 01/04/2012, Her Male Calf ,BLELACK BULLDOG M873 (UK521115 402873) Born 01/04/2012, Sire BLELACK DUKE J262 (ET) (BULL CALVES TO BE RETAINED) Ran with Blelack Egotist K531 from 26/06/12

Al - Born 17/03/2008 - (UK521115 501915)

H915 may not be the biggest cow in the world but she is a breeder. Her sire Blelack Eagle was sold to Rae Grieve for 16,000gns. Eagle’s full sister Eyrie is the dam of our current stock bulls Equity and Egotist. H915’s 2010 heifer may have the best retained heifer by Egotist and her 2011heifer was the heaviest heifer at weaning. In 2012 she had a strong pair of bull calves which are a credit to her. B464 produced a £10,000 bull sold to Ireland and she was then sold as a matron to A Walker at the Best of Blacks sale. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -1.9 44% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +1.3 38% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) --

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)





Eye Muscle Area ( +3.6 45% +2.4


Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +55 71% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +65 67% +68


+2.4 79% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +27 70% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-2.5 59% -1.0

+2.0 47% +0.8







+16 56% +7


Calving Record


1. 22-MAR-2010 F, 2. 29-MAR-2011 M, 3. 04-APR-2012 M

gs. ANKONIAN ELIXIR 100 (AI)(IMP)(12758219(US)23) Sire - NETHERALLAN PETER PERSHORE E052(UK541616 100052) gd. NIGHTINGALE PRIDE OF PERSHORE S44(RWZ.S44.18) gs. BLELACK BLACKSMITH Y291(UKAB219501291) Dam - BLELACK BANGLE MAID A271(UK521115 600271) gd. BLELACK BANGLE MAID Y312(UKAB219501312)

Her Male Calf ,BLELACK MASTER BOND M886 (UK521115 302886) Born 04/04/2012, Sire FORDEL EISENHOWER Y423 (BULL CALF TO BE RETAINED) Ran with Blelack Duke J262 then Blelack Egotist K531 from 26/07/12.

Born 15/03/2008 - (UK521115 401907)

H907 could be one of the best Peter daughters so far. Pride of Pershore S44 put most of her nine sons into herds and this level of consistency seems to run through Peter Pershore’s offspring. H907 through no fault of her own lost her first calf but did rear a fostered on twin. Her 2011 son by Blelack Kanasta Lad is a very thick stylish young bull with I hope, a great future as I sold him to my good friend Charlie McCombie, Auchincrieve. Her 2012 calf was one of the best then got quite ill and got set back fairly badly, but is going to turn out to be a very thick son of Eisenhower. A271 was a massive cow with a full brother being sold to the Scholland herd. H907’s full sister is retained and bred our 2011 show heifer as a two year old to the American bull Blelack Duke. A top line of females.

August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%)

Calving Ease Dtrs (%)

Gest. Len. (days)

Birth Wt. (kg)

200 Day Wt (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg)

600 Day Wt.(kg)


-4.1 53% -2.1

+1.3 45% +0.0

+1.0 57% +1.1

+3.8 79% +2.6

+44 70% +31

+81 72% +54

+100 67% +68

+19 55% +7

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

+0.4 62% +0.6

+66 61% +40

Eye Muscle Area ( +6.4 52% +2.4

-2.6 63% -1.0

+2.8 53% +0.8







Karama Lady’s Bull Calf MESSRS N F MASSIE & SONS

Calving Record

60 BLELACK KARAMA LADY F507 Born 03/04/2006 - (UK521115 301507)

gs. HF DATA BANK 2H (IMP)(939773(CA)24) Sire - NIGHTINGALE ERNIE B133(UK302307 500133) gd. NIGHTINGALE ERICADALE RITO V26(RWZ.V26.21) gs. BLELACK BLACKSTOCK A227(UK521115 400227) Dam - BLELACK KARAMA LADY D026(UK521115 501026) gd. VIKING KARAMA LADY 105J (IMP)(984201(CA)25)

2008 LOST TWINS, 2009 CALF DIED, 1. 22-APR-2010 M, 2. 30-MAR-2011 M, 3. 20-MAR-2012 M Her Male Calf ,BLELACK KING LEAR M850 (UK521115 202850) Born 20/03/2012, Sire BLELACK EQUITY J127 (CALF TO BE RETAINED) Ran with Blelack Equity J127 then Blelack Kanasta Lad G191 from 26/07/12

This Ernie daughter started off slipping twins outside and then having a calf that got killed in the calving shed, she reared foster calves on both occasions . Since then things have much improved with her 2011 calf selling to J & R Leslie for their Scholland herd. Her 2012 bull calf looks a good prospect. Karama Lady 105J bred Blelack Black Knight, who sold for 10000gns to the Glassel herd and a full brother went to the Hallington herd. D026’s Peter Pershore daughter is one of the best of her crop. Bull calf to be retained. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -9.2 50% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +0.4 45% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +2.8 51% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Eye Muscle Area ( +2.7 48% +2.4

+0.8 64% +0.6


400 Day Wt. (kg) +62 70% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +81 68% +68


+4.9 80% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +39 73% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-1.7 52% -1.0

+1.6 46% +0.8







+12 61% +7


Calving Record

61 BLELACK BLACKBIRD F539 Born 26/04/2006 - (UK521115 701539)

gs. HF DATA BANK 2H (IMP)(939773(CA)24) Sire - NIGHTINGALE ERNIE B133(UK302307 500133) gd. NIGHTINGALE ERICADALE RITO V26(RWZ.V26.21) gs. VIKING BANDY MAGIC 107H (IMP)(UK521115 700132) Dam - BLELACK BLACKBIRD B502(UK521115 600502) gd. BLELACK BLACKBIRD Y469(UKAB219501469)

1. 23-APR-2008 M, 2. 30-APR-2009 M, 3. 07-APR-2010 M, 4. 17-APR-2011 M, 5. 01-MAY-2012 F Her Female Calf ,BLELACK BLACKBIRD M963 (UK521115 302963) Born 01/05/2012, Sire BLELACK KANASTA LAD G191 (ET) Ran with Blelack Kanasta Lad G191 then Blelack Egotist K531 from 26/07/12.

Blackbird B502 was the dam of Blelack Blackgem, a Nightingale Defiance son. Gem was the heaviest bull of his year beating not only the Angus but also the Charolais at 400 days. Gem has left several young cows at Blelack which have exceptional power and frames. We have sold many high priced bulls out of this family, including a bull in 2012 which sold for 8,500gns to the French family. B502 will have a flush brother to Gem forward for October 2012. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -7.0 52% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -4.8 46% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +2.9 50% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Eye Muscle Area ( +1.0 49% +2.4

+0.5 66% +0.6


400 Day Wt. (kg) +61 70% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +71 67% +68


+4.9 75% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +32 73% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-3.0 53% -1.0

+1.4 46% +0.8







+8 65% +7

Candy’s Bull Calf MESSRS N F MASSIE & SONS

Calving Record

62 BLELACK PRINCESS CANDY H976 Born 16/04/2008 - (UK521115 301976)

gs. YOUNG DALE DUDLEY 26M (AI)(IMP)(1119482(CA)29) Sire - NIGHTINGALE DEFIANCE E264(UK302307 300264) gd. NIGHTINGALE DUCHESS Z001(UK302307600001) gs. CARLHURLIE GREAT START C353(UK541889 100353) Dam - BLELACK PRINCESS CAROLINE F477(UK521115 101477) gd. BLELACK PRINCESS CAROLINE D894(UK521115 600894)

1. 14-APR-2010 M, 2. 05-APR-2011 F, 3. 20-MAR-2012 M Her Male Calf ,BLELACK PRINCE CHARLIE M849 (UK521115 102849) Born 20/03/2012, Sire BLELACK EGOTIST K531 (CALF TO BE RETAINED) Ran with Blelack Equity J127 then Blelack Kanasta Lad G191 from 26/07/12

H976 is out of the same family as Prince Consort who sold for £13,000 to Rosemount and Glenbervie. Another of these quality Defiance cows that seem to leave a very consistent type. Carlhurlie Great Start was a real carcase bull and was Male Champion when the National was at Turriff. She has a smart 2011 heifer and in 2012 produced our first calf by the Highland Show Champion Blelack Egotist. Bull calf to be retained. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -4.0 50% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) +0.5 43% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) +0.6 52% +1.1

Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +78 72% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +99 68% +68


+4.8 80% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +45 70% +31

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+0.5 58% +0.6

+59 60% +40

Eye Muscle Area ( +4.5 48% +2.4

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-0.9 61% -1.0

+1.4 50% +0.8







+13 57% +7


Calving Record


Twin - Born 24/04/2006 - (UK521115 601538) gs. HF DATA BANK 2H (IMP)(939773(CA)24) Sire - NIGHTINGALE ERNIE B133(UK302307 500133) gd. NIGHTINGALE ERICADALE RITO V26(RWZ.V26.21) gs. BLELACK BLACKSTOCK A227(UK521115 400227) Dam - BLELACK EUTHALLA C687(UK521115 200687) gd. EUTHALLA X78 OF BLELACK(ZNM.X78.23)

1. 22-APR-2008 F, 2. 07-APR-2009 M, 3. 31-MAR-2010 F, 4. 20-MAR-2011 F, 5. 18-MAR-2012 F Ran with Blelack Kanasta Lad G191 then Blelack Egotist K531 from 26/07/12.

This cow being a twin, is not the biggest on the farm but always makes a great job of her calves. We lost her 2012 calf late on and stuck on a Shorthorn bull calf which must be the fittest animal on the farm. Her dam is by Blackstock, who sired so many bulls in the £5,000 - £10,000 range with a top of 25,000gns. The original Euthalla was the top priced cow at the famous Peebles dispersal. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%)

Calving Ease Dtrs (%)

Gest. Len. (days)

Birth Wt. (kg)

200 Day Wt (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg)

600 Day Wt.(kg)


-7.4 49% -2.1

+1.3 44% +0.0

+2.7 50% +1.1

+4.1 74% +2.6

+33 70% +31

+56 66% +54

+72 64% +68

+10 60% +7

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

Eye Muscle Area ( +1.5 44% +2.4

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-1.9 50% -1.0

+1.1 44% +0.8











Candy’s Yearling Bull by Blelack Equity MESSRS N F MASSIE & SONS

Calving Record

64 BLELACK PRINCESS CANDY G693 Born 25/03/2007 - (UK521115 701693)

gs. BLELACK BLACKSTOCK A227(UK521115 400227) Sire - BLELACK BLACK GOLD C717(UK521115 400717) gd. BLELACK BLACKBIRD Y467(UKAB219501467) gs. NIGHTINGALE PICASSO B134(UK302307 600134) Dam - BLELACK PRINCESS CARINA D910(UK521115 100910) gd. BLELACK PRINCESS CARINA B489(UK521115 700489)

1. 24-MAR-2009 F, 2. 26-MAY-2010 F, 3. 15-JUN-2011 M, 4. 15-JUN-2011 F, 5. 21-JUN-2012 F Her Female Calf ,BLELACK PRINCESS CANDY M009 (UK521115 703009) Born 21/06/2012, Sire NEWFIELD PRINCE CHARMING J372 Ran with Blelack Egotist K531 from calving

This cow has a strong pedigree with Blackstock on top and his sire DMM Decision in the dam’s side. Gold’s dam Blackbird Y467 is a full sister to Perth Champion Blelack Black Bellringer who went on to win Balmoral. Princess Carina D910 has a very good Peter heifer retained. G693 has a very thick twin by Equity in our Spring 2013 team. Candy calved late this year but has a smart heifer by Prince. This cow may not be as fit as the rest but has lots to offer. August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -8.8 51% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -2.7 46% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) --

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +71 67% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +92 66% +68


+5.0 81% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +38 72% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index


Eye Muscle Area ( --
















Birth Wt. (kg)

+15 62% +7


Calving Record

65 BLELACK BLACKBIRD F490 Born 31/03/2006 - (UK521115 701490)

gs. SKAILL DOT COM A304(UK523853 200304) Sire - CARLHURLIE GREAT START C353(UK541889 100353) gd. CARLHURLIE GREMLIN A101(UK541889 100101) gs. GALCANTRAY EDWARD Z081(UK501967400081) Dam - BLELACK BLACKBIRD D031(UK521115 301031) gd. BLELACK BLACKBIRD B511(UK521115 100511)

1. 20-APR-2008 F, 2. 24-JUN-2009 F, 3. 21-MAY-2010 M, 4. 14-MAY-2011 F, 5. 03-JUN-2012 M Her Male Calf ,BLELACK BLACK BUDGIE M996 (UK521115 102996) Born 03/06/2012, Sire BLELACK KANASTA LAD G191 (ET) Ran with Blelack Kanasta Lad G191 then Blelack Egotist K531from 26/07/12

Carlhurlie Great Start was shared with the Norrie family. He left cattle with lots of shape and excellent tops. He was Male Champion when the National was at Turriff and was later sold to the famous Ballindalloch herd. Galcantray Edward bred the Reserve Intermediate Champion Blelack Jury Eric who sold for the top price of 10,000gns where he bred very well for the Dobson family at The Wall. The Blackbird family has done very well with cows such as T22 which sold to Shadwell for ÂŁ10,000. Blackgammon in February 2011 selling for 10,000gns to Clive Watchorn. Blackrod at 7,000gns to the top Skaill herd.

August 2012 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

EBVs Accuracy Avg.10 Calves

Calving Ease Dir. (%) -11.7 47% -2.1

Calving Ease Dtrs (%) -3.7 39% +0.0

Gest. Len. (days) --

Scrotal Size (cm)

Carcase Weight (kg)

+1.9 50% +0.6


Eye Muscle Area ( +0.1 36% +2.4



Birth Wt. (kg)

400 Day Wt. (kg) +67 68% +54

600 Day Wt.(kg) +82 66% +68


+5.9 81% +2.6

200 Day Wt (kg) +44 72% +31

Fat (mm)

Retail Beef Yield


Terminal Sire Index

Self Replacing Index

-2.1 43% -1.0

+0.6 35% +0.8







+6 58% +7

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Contact us for allInsurance your insurance requirements including: Towergate has more than 40 years experience in helping farmers’ livelihoods. protect • Farm Combined and Commercial Business • Motor Fleet and Agricultural Machinery Contact • Property Owners and Estates us for all your insurance requirements including: • Pedigree Stock and Livery Stables • Farm Combined and Commercial Business • Household and High Net Worth

• Motor Fleet and Agricultural Machinery • Property Owners and Estates tel: • Pedigree Stock and Livery Stables email: • Household and High Net Worth

01738 627 111


01738 627 111

tel: email: web: 0125LF300312 - TI Perth UA bull sales advert.indd 1 19/04/2012 13:30:07 Towergate Insurance and Towergate Risk Solutions are trading names of Towergate Underwriting Group Ltd. Registered Office: Towergate House, Eclipse Park, Sittingbourne Road, Maidstone, Kent ME14 3EN Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority

Towergate Insurance and Towergate Risk Solutions are trading names of Towergate Underwriting Group Ltd. Registered Office: Towergate House, Eclipse Park, Sittingbourne Road, Maidstone, Kent ME14 3EN Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority

0125LF300312 - TI Perth UA bull sales advert.indd 1

19/04/2012 13:30:07

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