10 - Walking Wanderer. Our wanderer takes us on an epic adventure through Wetherby and Thorp Arch.
16 - Horoscopes. Check out what the month has in store for you.
28-34- Home and Garden. Hear the latest from regular columnists Tony Chalcraft and Matt Todd, and read up on the key gardening jobs you need to get done this September.
8 - Competitions. There are tickets and treats at York’s best events and attractions to be won! We’ve got experiences at The Potions Cauldron and The Grand Hotel to give away. Turn to pages xx-xx to try your luck.
48 - Teenage Buskers. We went down to meet down two Scarcroft Primary School pupils named Sam and Juno to hear about how they’ve been busking away to raise money for their school’s new library.
50 - Actor Kate Hampson. Later this month Kate will be taking stage to perform a starring role in “Little Women” at York Theatre Royal.
There's more online! Head to www.yourlocallink.co.uk
14 - Age UK York. We check in with incredible local charity Age UK York to learn more about what they do to make a difference in our city.
39 - Useful Info. We’ve got all the details and contacts you need to survive another month in York.
46 - Time Travel. Our writer will take you on a journey through York’s social history at Bedern Hall. It includes tales of Medieval priests, Edwardian bakers, and more!
47 - Pica Studios. We caught up with the amazing community of creatives at this independent art studio. Flick ahead to learn more!
60- The Grand Hotel. We were invited down for a proper culinary treat at York’s iconic Grand Hotel. Read all about it in our review.
52- 59- Events. There’s so much going on in and around York this month. Flick to pages 5859 for info on all the best theatre shows, gigs, and events you need to know about.
64-80 - Classified. Find the tradesperson you need.
Dear Reader,
Whether you want to believe it or not, September is upon us!
And while the kids are heading back to school and the weather is beginning to get (slightly) cooler, this doesn’t mean the good times need to end.
Instead, we think this might end up being one if your favourite months of the year — because there’s still so much going on, both in this magazine, and all-around York!
If you’re looking for last-minute back-to-school products and gadgets, check out our guide on p25, and if you’re interested in following the kids’ example and getting your head stuck down with
some work, head to our business section for details about the latest networking meetings and masterclasses on page 18. In terms of events, it would be easier to ask what isn’t happening in York this month! Get over to pages 52-59 for info on school open days, to hear about the best musical acts performing, theatre shows, and more!
Whatever the month has in store for you, keep this issue of Your Local Link close to hand — it’s sure to have the event, tradesperson, product, or advice you need.
Until next month,
Watch the movie you love on stage at Grand Opera House York! Follow the charming Dewey Finn, a failed rock star who is faking it as a substitute teacher, as he turns his class into the coolest rock band on earth!
Can they crush the Battle of the Bands without getting caught by their parents and the school’s headmistress, or will Dewey be left to face the music?
One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time. Andre Gide
Our home on the internet, www.yourlocallink.co.uk, is jam-packed with York events, stories you won’t find in the magazine, and free printable walks from our Walking Wanderer.
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Fancy winning a beautiful bouquet of flowers, courtesy of Dutch Nurseries in Haxby?
Simply find all 9 words in our SCHOOL themed wordsearch!
Send your completed puzzle, marked ‘September Puzzle Competition’ along with your address and telephone number to Unit 3a Kettlestring Lane, Clifton Moor, York, YO30 4XF, to reach us no later than 30th of September 2024. The first entry picked out of the hat will win the prize. Good luck!
In association with:
5 Wyre Court, Haxby Tel. 01904 768439
The Potions Cauldron is based on 9 ¾ Shambles York where the first known potion maker Phileas Fry came to York in 1335 to help the sick and needy. Fast forward over 600 years and now the magical apothecary is open daily selling potions and other magical gifts and souvenirs.
Having only opened this July, the Potions Academy is an enchanting new addition to Shambles, York. It is a place where the next generation of witches and wizards are taught their first spells. They have both Potions and Broom classes!
A family of four of our lucky readers will get to experience it for free!
All you need to do to be in with a chance of winning is answer this question.
In which year did Phileas Fry come to York?
A. 1385 B. 2014 C. 1335
The Grand Hotel are offering a truly luxury reward, a deluxe three course meal and bottle of wine for you and a special guest at their Rise Restaurant. This includes the option to enjoy their delicious surf and turf menu — head to page 60 to read our review!
The Grand Hotel is York’s only fivestar hotel and is located right in the heart of the city — it’s just a tenminute walk to the Minster.
Send your answer (along with your name, address, email address, and daytime contact number) on a postcard marked ‘Potions Competition’ to Unit 3a, Kettlestring Lane, Clifton Moor, York, YO30 4XF or competitions@yourlocallink.co.uk. The closing date is Friday 13th September 2024. Terms and conditions apply.
The Rise restaurant has recently been awarded the prestigious AA Rosette for their commitment to high quality cuisine. You can be sure whatever you order will be locally sourced and freshly prepared.
To be in with a chance of winning simply answer this question. What is the name of the restaurant where our winners will be eating?
A. The Level
B. The Rise
C. The Rose
Send your answer (along with your name, address, email address, and daytime contact number) on a postcard marked ‘The Grand Competition’ to Unit 3a, Kettlestring Lane, Clifton Moor, York, YO30 4XF or competitions@yourlocallink.co.uk. The closing date is Friday 13th September 2024. Terms and conditions apply. Terms & conditions: Subject to availability, not valid on bank holidays or York Race days. Prize expires on 29th January 2025.
Time: 3 hours Distance: 6¼ miles
Offering a mix of riverside walking, field paths and a long stretch along an old railway line, this walk explores the pleasant countryside east of Wetherby. It also provides an opportunity to see some of the sights of this prosperous market town, including the riverside.
This is a generally unchallenging route, especially the long section on the old railway line. Mostly flat, it has no stiles but parts of the path approaching Wetherby can be rather overgrown in summer. Riverside sections may be impassable at times of flood. There is one section on a road with no pavement where care must be taken.
The recommended starting point is Wetherby bus station. Bus 412 operates five return services to Wetherby from Piccadilly and the rail station daily (not Sunday). The last bus from Wetherby departs at 16.30. Wetherby is 15 miles west of York using the B1224. There are several carparks in Wetherby. The most convenient for the route is the Wilderness accessed via Bridge Foot which is the first turning on
1/ From the bus station cross the road at the pedestrian lights and go left. Turn right into Cross St. Turn left at the end and cross over at the pedestrian lights ahead then go immediately right down Horsefair. (If starting from the riverside carpark follow the access road out and turn right onto High Street then right onto Horsefair). At the end cross over at pedestrian lights and walk up Hallfield Lane to the left. Stay on this as it bends hard left, continuing for about 400 metres until opposite Sadlers Walk. Here go right down Freemans Way. Where this bends right take the signed Wetherby Rail Path to the left.
2/ Now continue on this path for about two miles crossing over a tarmac track and then coming to a road. Here follow the signs to cross safely continuing on the cycle route to the left of Wood Lane. Pass under two bridges to arrive at a further road.
the right after the river bridge. It would also be possible to start in Thorp Arch where there is roadside parking.
There are numerous options in Wetherby otherwise the only option is the Pax Inn at Thorp Arch. The Pax is open daily but only from 4pm Monday to Wednesday.
In Wetherby there are a number of interesting streets and older buildings in the town centre including the Shambles. The return to the town follows the riverside and includes an opportunity to view the weir beyond the town bridge. Thorp Arch is an attractive stone built village. Otherwise the main attraction is the quiet countryside and the old railway line path which is bordered by a variety of interesting flora.
3/ Leave the cycle route here going right on the pavement. Continue ahead at a road junction. Opposite the church gate left take the unsigned path right going through a kissing gate. Follow the path along the left edge of the field and continue through several more fields passing through kissing gates and keeping close to the left boundaries. Pass a tennis court and after a final kissing gate take a rough track with houses right to reach Thorp Arch’s main street.
4/ Turn right and follow the road out of the village taking care as there is no pavement after the houses end. In about 700 metres leave the road at a footpath sign on the left. Go along a grassy track. At metal gates turn right, soon after going through a left bend to continue under a canopy of trees. Reaching a tarmac lane keep ahead towards buildings.
5/Where the tarmac goes right at the end of the buildings keep ahead (signed Ebor Way) following the left edge of two fields. Arriving at a tarmac track turn left (signed public footpath) continuing to the wastewater treatment works. Here take the track right with the river left. Where the track ends at a
field, follow the path near the river.
6/ At the end of the long field go through a kissing gate and go under the motorway bridge. Almost immediately beyond this, fork left beside the river to pass under a further bridge. Stay beside the river to reach a carpark. To return to the bus station walk through the carpark close to the riverside exiting at its left corner. Go under the bridge. Just after this take the path right (continue ahead for a few metres for the best views of the weir) signed town centre, turning left to arrive back at the bus station.
Walks are undertaken at your own risk. Due care must be taken in following the walk, particularly after poor weather. Whilst every care is taken in compiling the description changes may have occurred since publication. Neither the walk author nor Your Local Link can accept any responsibility for errors or omissions.
P.D Earnshaw
Personal Care Support with all aspects of care including washing, dressing, bathing, mobility and medication.
Companionship Support you to build confidence, arranging and attending appointments or just time for a chat.
Dementia Support You, or your loved one, will be supported with dignity and respect by our highly trained carers.
Extended Care Longer visits that support family/carers, including overnight care at home.
Help at Home Support to prepare basic meals and light household chores.
Our care service is fully regulated, providing packages specific to your needs. All delivered by our local professional care team.
Age UK York’s Care at Home team made 16,884 home visits last year helping older people in York to continue to live at home.
Andrew Macauley
From 1 October 2024, the Employment (Allocation of Tips) Act 2023 comes into force, meaning all employers are legally obligated to ensure their workers are allocated 100% of any tips or service charges (minus tax or National Insurance deductions) received.
The Act applies to employees, workers and eligible agency workers. Unite, the trade union for hospitality workers anticipate these changes will benefit over four million workers in the UK.
How does it work?
Any tips paid by customers on or after 1 October 2024, where the employer has control or significant influence must be allocated fairly to workers. Examples of qualifying tips include voluntary service charges and tips made by credit cards paid into the employer’s bank account before distribution.
Not all tips are covered by the Act e.g., where a worker receives a cash tip, with no employer control or involvement. Tips must be paid in full (minus tax and NIC deductions) and made no later than end of the month following the month which the customer paid the tip. Certain employers need a written tipping policy and records of tips allocated.
Workers cannot contract out of their legal rights to receive allocated tips or consent to tip reduction and can bring Employment Tribunal claims if the employer breaches their obligations to allocation.
What should businesses do to prepare for the change?
The Code of Practice on Fair and Transparent Distribution of Tips provides guidance on the changes. The Code is not legally binding but employers should familiarise themselves with it, as well as look at reviewing their allocation systems, record keeping, and written policy, especially factors relevant to “fairness” in the Code.
Arranging a consultation with staff about tipping is a good starting point to ensure everyone understands the new rules and how allocations will operate.
If you would like assistance in ensuring your business is prepared or for further advice, the employment lawyers at Hethertons will be here to help.
Our expert team of lawyers are on hand to help if you need further advice or guidance. Call us on 01904 528223.
The above is not intended to provide advice.
You may recognise the household name of Age UK, but did you realise we have had our own independent and local charity here in York for over 50 years — introducing Age UK York . They support our communities each day, by providing a range of services, speak up on behalf of older people, and run four highstreet charity shops which raise funds vital in making possible their local work. Read on to learn more!
While Age UK York are part of a national charity network, their sole focus is in our community — on making York a safer and friendlier place for our older and more isolated residents.
Their Chief Executive Simon Holmes told Your Local Link, “We are local, we’re independent, and we’re here for you. Every penny people give us goes straight back into services right here in the city. Our aim is to be the first point of call for anyone with an agerelated need in York.”
They connect isolated elderly people at social clubs, combat issues like pensioner poverty by providing vital advice on how to access benefits, support people to live independently at home, and act as a voice for the issues that matter most by lobbying politicians and government groups to initiate change.
WHAT THEY DO IN YORK: Information and Advice: They have an expert team at hand who are ready and available to answer and solve queries. Last year Age
UK York helped people access benefits totalling over £1 million that would have otherwise been left unclaimed. Contact Age UK York at firstcall@ageukyork.org. uk or on 01904 63406.
Befriending: They provide services to combat against social isolation and loneliness by matching up volunteers with lonely older people.
Keep your pet: Age UK York offer a free donation-funded service in which they can look after or even foster pets for a period of time while their owner may be in hospital or are unable to temporarily care for their pet due to a health-related need. All fosterers are vetted, the process includes a home inspection.
Care at home: Age UK York do everything possible to support elderly people to continue to live at home as they age. Last year their team made just shy of 17,000 visits to people across our York community More information about this is available on page 13.
Fundraising and Volunteering Taking Age UK York’s social groups as an example —for older people, the chance to meet with people of a similar age over a cup of coffee can be the backbone of their social calendar— and yet the groups themselves are almost entirely reliant on the generosity of volunteers, alongside a small team of dedictaed staff. If you do have a few spare hours every week and are able to help out as an Age UK York volunteer, your work could make the world of difference in reducing social isolation in York.
Age UK York still have fundraising places available for the Yorkshire Marathon this October— which guarantees you free entry if you’re able to raise £250 for the charity— alternatively you can start with something as simple spending a few pounds in a charity shop, or kindly donating items to sell. All the money raised at the four local shops (Bishy Road, Burton Stone Lane, Haxby, Fossgate) in the city is put back into local services in York.
Keep Your Pet Annual Dog Walk, York Racecourse. 11am.
York 50+ Festival. Age UK York are a main supporter for this celebration of the older community in York. There will be hundreds of sessions all over the city.
Planning for Later Life, The Marriott Room at York Library. 9.30am-1pm.
Westfield Wednesdays for the Over 60s. Acomb Methodist Church, Front Street. 1.30-3pm. Go along and enjoy hot drinks, biscuits, a chat and a quiz.
For more information about any of the upcoming events or to learn more about how Age UK York can help you, contact them on 01904 627995, at ageukyork@ ageukyork.org.uk or scan the QR code.
Heworth Church Hall, York, every Tuesday at 7-8:30pm. Learn the different strands of Lishi (an ancient family system of martial arts) in a fun and light-hearted environment as you work to develop physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Contact Phil on 07921100188 to ask any questions you might have before you start.
MOVE IT OR LOSE IT, Acomb Methodist Church, Front Street, Acomb. Every Wednesday at 10.30-11.30am. A fitness class for seniors. For more info or to book your place please contact Hannah on 07375950315 or at hannah.carterbrown@ moveitorloseit.co.uk.
Do you like to Sing? Then go along & join this fun-filled singing group. No auditions or experience needed. All 18+ welcome. They sing all styles from Pop to Musicals,
classics & blues to Rock Anthems. Meet every Tuesday @ 7.30pm9pm from September 17th through to Christmas & your 1st session is absolutely FREE! Poppleton Road Memorial Hall, Acomb. For more info please email Jules info@ supersing.co.uk or phone 07882 935350.
In the lead up to the York 50+ Festival celebrations next month, York Older People’s Assembly have planned a fun set of activities themed around the Memories and Dreams of our elderly community. From the 24th of September until the 2nd of October there will be a 10-day exhibition trail aimed at dispelling ageist stereotypes and fostering greater intergenerational understanding and links. There will be parades, theatre shows, art workshops and more. Free tickets are required to attend these activities, which are available from YOPA yorkolderpeoplesassembly@ outlook.com.
The club has been bringing together York’s photography community since 1952. Everyone with enthusiasm for taking photos are welcome to sign up,
York is packed to the brim with fun clubs and associations. Read on to take your pick.
whether you’re a beginner, serious amateur or professional. The club meets at 7:30pm on Thursdays for Club evenings. These consist of a mixture of exhibitions and photographic talks from established professional photographers. Visit www. yorkcameraclub.co.uk to find all the details you need about upcoming meetings.
A social group for mums in and around York. They run a multitude of events monthly that are designed just for mums and others designed for mums and their children. Contact joy.onogu@ mumentum.org.uk for more information.
North Stand Entrance of LNER Community Stadium carpark, 12.15pm on Thursdays. Ideal for ages over 50. A 30-minute walk with the City of York Foundation, guaranteed to make you feel refreshed and ready for the afternoon ahead. Contact inclusion@ yorkcityfoundation.co.uk for more details.
Last month, we highlighted the essential role of York Centre for Voluntary Services (York CVS) in supporting charitable organisations across York. A key project York CVS manages is York Volunteers, our city's Volunteer Centre. Charitable organisations can advertise their opportunities for free and both volunteers and organisations receive support and guidance from the York Volunteers team. VCSE organisations can also benefit from free specialised training, while volunteers can access a database brimming with volunteering opportunities. For more information, visit www. yorkcvs.org. uk/volunteers and for an extended insight in to the work of York Volunteers visit yourlocallink.co.uk/ discover-volunteeringopportunities-in-york/
My Gran used to say that if something was worth having it was worth waiting for, and it crosses my mind that you’ve probably had to wait a long time for some of the things which now begin falling into place for you. There’s a change of energy across the board and you’ll feel the benefit in just about every aspect of your life.
On paper this should be an absolutely brilliant month for you as (A) you come one step closer to achieving a major ambition, (B) enjoy a major boost to jobs and careers, (C) meet someone who takes your breath away to the extent that you throw all caution to the winds. This is “on paper” so let’s see just how well you score in real life! Talking of “life” there could be some news towards month’s end about a pregnancy, which will fill you with delight or horror, and (I hope I’m wrong) but it might be time to say goodbye to an old friend on their last journey to the vet. Actually, anything to do with animal welfare should be on your mind at this time.
Ummm… There are some who would say that you should be damned thankful for what you’ve got, but there’s a wicked seed of discontent worming away in your subconscious that says, “I want more!” Don’t want to be nasty about it, but sit down hard on this one or you could find yourself alienating the people who matter most in your life.
On a superficial level we could talk about having to make some major decisions that will bring quite a lot of change into your life… We could make reference to there being some financial dichotomy, which is the gap between what you’ve got and what you need, and we could also make reference to some worrying disquiet when you look into your future, and don’t particularly like what you see. On a much deeper level (and please forgive the cliché) it could be said that you are approaching something of a crossroads in your life – do you carry on along an established pathway or do you walk away in favour of something else?
A thoughtful, and in some ways critical month as you become involved in problems not of your own making that involve a partner or spouse. Some legal influences somewhere, or I guess it could just be an inner feeling of injustice creeping to the surface. Do not make any hasty decisions at this time, and if you’re not certain who’s telling the truth, give the people you love the benefit of the doubt.
This is a time for having some really good ideas and plenty of energy to give ‘em a go… Trouble is, someone close to you is not enthusiastic at all and is inclined to pour cold water over your enthusiasm. You’ll find this hurtful and disappointing – and then will get a bit angry, saying to yourself “forget ‘em, I’m going to do it anyway.”
A steep learning curve throughout September when you are forced to see things (and people) as they are, not as you would like them to be. It’s a sobering situation, but one that offers you much knowledge and enhances your self-awareness. Anything to do with education is keenly important at this time.
If you’re happy with your job situation, September should be a satisfactory and fast-flowing month with significant rewards –but if you’re not, it’s likely to be a bit of a slog with a degree of tension and frustration. Partners
will be sympathetic, but they have their own problems, so don’t expect miracles. Cash situations not in crisis, but you might need to watch your spending towards the month’s end; not a good time to book that Caribbean cruise or buy that expensive new car! A social boost between the 20th and the 25th suggest invitations to parties and doing a bit of networking.
Some niggling legal issues may need your attention, and you may feel compelled to go into a fight on a matter of principle. Finances, while not brilliant, are at least stable for the time being, but you do need to be making some future plans to secure your standard of living. Don’t get too excited, but there some nice romantic vibes in the wind, especially between the 11th and the 18th. In many respects this could be a rather moody month for some of you… Summer (what little of it we had) is over and now the nights are drawing in. This is not good news for many of you. Taureans are the sun-bunnies of the zodiac: we need the light and bright colours!
Good news concerning property deals and reunions. Romantic outlook is excellent, especially for those who are already in a committed relationship. Pregnancies, births and weddings are on-going topics of conversation, and this is a period in which you should have absolute faith in your instincts and intuition. It’s also time for new interests and ideas, and probably some new faces should start
making their presence felt on the social scene. In some of your quieter moments, especially if you’re a bit older, it will be time for looking back, sometimes with sadness sometimes with delight, but whichever way it is, you recognise that he past has gone and now it’s all about your future.
While you have a number of people around who love you very much, there are a couple of souls who feel a degree of ill will towards you, and you’d ignore these people (and their negative influence) at your peril. Remember, that in fighting any battle the best means of defence is to attack, and a pre-emptive strike may be in order. Blood on the carpet? No, I don’t think so, but it’s definitely time to kick fair-weather friends and critics into touch and let them get on with their own lives while you get on with yours. Cancerian mothers with grown-up children might want to take one step backwards and let them do a bit of the running.
Good month for new business schemes and work routines; career minded guys with eyes on the prize should do particularly well. Many of you will be talking to banks and building societies about investment loans, while a few others will be happier to dip into their cash reserves to finance new projects and ideas. Watch for a journey arranged at the 11th hour which brings about a reunion with an old friend – or an old enemy!
Free advice and helpline email: jcp@magepublishing.co.uk
While the kids are headed back to school this September, why not take the chance to boost your professional skills too! There’s a packed programme of business and networking events in and around York this month, featuring specialist talks, cutting-edge masterclasses, and informal meet-ups —read on and take your pick.
3rd September, 8am SANDBURN HOTEL, FLAXTON, YORK. Three Bears Business Networking. Meet 60-70+ existing or potential business contacts and colleagues at a fabulous venue. There will be tea, coffee, and bacon rolls!
4th September, 8am-9.30pm. THE PRINCIPAL HOTEL, STATION ROAD, YORK. Pure Networking Breakfast at The Principal York. A relaxed and informal networking event. Come along and meet other local business owners. Enjoy a delicious full English brekkie at the same time!
17th September 8-9.30am, NOVOTEL CENTRE, FISHERGATE, YORK. Getting your house in order: a guide to preparing for a business sale. Go and meet communications, legal and financial specialists to explore how to put your house in order. It’ll ensure you are not stepping into the wilderness when you sell/ exit your business.
17th September, 11am-2pm. YORK RAILWAY INSTITUTE SPORT CENTRE. York Jobs,
Apprenticeships, and Skills Fair. Meet experts on job hunting to guide you into the best vacant jobs around and move towards employment. They help meet the needs of everyone, all while contributing to the economic vibrancy of our city.
A relaxed and informal networking event at one of York’s most iconic buildings. There’s no pressure to give a 60-second pitch or make referrals, just come along and meet other local business owners.
25th September, 9am. VENUE
T.B.C. Business Networking 1 Day Training. Expert training on how to maximise networking opportunities to generate the greatest benefit for your business. This session will help you to build a professional reputation and develop a network of connections through the two key methods available to you; face-to-face and online.
No matter how much you love your job, there are always days when you need a little injection of fun to get through the day! Read on for a selection of the very best timewasting tools around.
DESKTOP GOLF GAME, £20 from MenKind
Turn your desk into a mini-golf paradise. This compact game brings the thrill of the fairway to your workspace, making every day a hole-in-one. The compact and affordable set comes with three clubs and multiple balls, giving you all the tools you need to perfect your stroke in-between emails and meetings.
4LITE PORTABLE TABLE LAMP £49.99 from Amazon, and 4liteuk.com/products
This is ideal for any WFH warriors who tend to end up working away into the early hours! With colourful mood lighting, it offers all the relaxed vibes you get from strip LED lighting but without the clutter and mess. It’s a sleek product with over 250 colour settings you can flick between at the simple press of a sensor. The lamp is also wireless and battery powered, so unlike conventional strip lighting — it can be effortlessly transported between rooms.
If you or someone you know runs a business in York, then you’re in great luck as the City of York Council are offering completely free advice to help your enterprise grow!
All you need to do is reach out, and one of their Growth Managers will work with your business personally to identify the specific challenges you face and help you plan for future growth, drawing on their wealth of local knowledge and connections.
They recently helped Poppletonbased business York Probe Sources (YPS) secure £20,000 in grant funding from the national Made Smarter scheme to scale up their business.
Additionally, the council can help you access a range of specific support programmes they’ve commissioned through the government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund to help businesses of all shapes and sizes thrive:
GREEN ECONOMY is supporting businesses to cut costs and their carbon emissions, with one business saving over £23k on their annual energy bills.
START AND GROW YORK helps early-stage businesses get their ideas off the ground practical advice and support.
INNOVATE YORK is dedicated to helping businesses gain competitive advantage, extend their market reach and adapt to changing trends
IGNITE SOCIAL ENTERPRISE supports not for profits and social enterprises to maximise their impact.
Cllr Pete Kilbane, City of York Council’s Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Economy and Culture, said,
“Here at City of York Council, we’re proud to offer free support to businesses. In my year in the role, it has been a huge pleasure meeting our business community, whose energy and innovative ideas play a major role in making York a wonderful place to live, work and visit. When meeting businesses it has been great to hear about the impact the work of our business support team has had, helping businesses to grow, bringing more investment and jobs to the city.”
Whether you have an initial idea, or you’re running an established business, or anything in between, they can help. Start a conversation with their team at economicgrowth@york.gov.uk.
York-based Chartered Financial Planning firm, PenLife Associates, has donated £5,426 to local children’s charity, The Island.
From all at Your Local Link we’d love to say a massive well done!
The Island make a difference in our city by offering safe spaces to mentor vulnerable young people as they look to find their place in the world.
The generous donation is set to go a long way to helping The Island achieve their goal of positively influencing the lives of every single young person in York, regardless of their socioeconomic circumstances or life experience.
The Island’s CEO, Nigel Poulton said, “Thank you PenLife. Your remarkable support has not only raised £5,426 for The Island but has also enabled the transformative change in the lives
of vulnerable children and young people in York.”
“Your amazing generosity ensures that over 500 weekly mentoring sessions with our volunteers, provide the guidance, inspiration to help build their confidence, resilience and self-esteem.”
Since 2019, PenLife have focussed fundraising efforts on one charity each year, including Dementia Forward, York Mind, SASH, York Against Cancer, and the Stroke Association.
If you’d like to learn more about PenLife or speak to one of their team, head to www.pen-life.co.uk.
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Your Local Link, here for you every click of the way Tel: 01904 767881 or email info@yourlocallink.co.uk and get your online presence sorted.
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For example, 1,000 leaflets designed, printed and delivered for only £119+VAT Our distributors are all local and are known for their attention to detail and accuracy.
Get in touch with us on 01904 767881 or email info@yourlocallink. co.uk to let us help push your business to new heights.
Your Local Link is a very successful, family run publishing company in York and we are looking for a TERRITORY MANAGER to sell our wide range of advertising and marketing products and services.
This role can be part time around school hours and other commitments, or full time. Salary will be dependent upon experience and we have an uncapped and unlimited bonus structure.
Come and find out why our salespeople have been here for 11, 19 and 20 years respectively. (Hint…something to do with the way we treat and pay our staff perhaps). Plus it helps that our products work for our customers and have done for over 21 years.
We are willing to train someone who has good people skills and a desire to succeed or if you have prior media experience that works too. If you would like an informal discussion or to find out if this role would suit you please email your C.V. to: mim@yourlocallink.co.uk Do
Hello, Entrepreneurs & Business Owners!
Today, I want to share some exciting news from the world of web development that could make the internet a friendlier place for everyone. Google has recently launched a new accessibility update, and it’s something we all should know about – whether you’re a business owner, a blogger or just someone who spends a lot of time online.
What is Google’s Accessibility Update?
You might be wondering what “accessibility” means in this context. Simply put, it’s about making websites usable for as many people as possible, including those with disabilities. These disabilities could be visual, auditory, motor or cognitive. For example, someone with vision impairment might rely on an audio screen reader to navigate a website and a well-designed accessible site makes this possible.
Now, Google has rolled out an update in its tool called “Lighthouse” to help websites become more accessible. Lighthouse is a tool that developers use to improve their websites and this update focuses on scoring websites based on how accessible they are.
How Does It Work?
Don’t worry, I won’t get too technical here. The updated Lighthouse tool now checks various elements of a website and gives it a score based on its accessibility. Think of it like a report card for your website, grading it on how easy it is to use for people with disabilities.Here are some of the things Google’s tool looks for:
Text Readability: Is the text on your website easy to read? This could involve checking the size of the text and its contrast against the background.
Alt Text for Images: Do your images have descriptive text for screen readers? This “alt text” helps visually impaired users understand what the images are about.
Keyboard Navigation: Can users navigate your website using only a keyboard? This is crucial for those who can’t use a mouse.
User Interface Components: Are buttons and forms labeled correctly so that assistive technologies can read them?
Why Should You Care?
You might be thinking, “Why should I bother with all this?” Well, there are several reasons:
Better User Experience: First and foremost, making your website accessible means that more people can use it without frustration. This includes not only those with disabilities but also older adults or people with temporary impairments.
Improved Search Rankings: Google rewards websites that are accessible. If your site scores high on accessibility, it’s likely to rank higher in search results. This means more visibility and potentially more visitors.
Legal Compliance: In many places, there are legal standards for web accessibility. By meeting these standards, you can avoid potential legal issues. Positive Brand Image: Showing that you care about all your users sets a positive impression for your brand. It shows you’re inclusive and considerate. How to Get Started?
The good news is that getting started with improving your website’s accessibility isn’t as daunting as it sounds. Here are a few simple steps: Run an Audit: Use Google’s Lighthouse tool to run an accessibility audit on your website. This will give you an initial score and show you what needs improvement.
Fix Easy Issues: Start with the easier fixes, like adding alt text to images and ensuring your text is readable.
Seek Help if Needed: If you’re not tech-savvy, don’t hesitate to seek help from a web developer. Investing in an accessible website is investing in a brighter, more inclusive future for your online presence.
In conclusion, Google’s new accessibility update is a step towards a more inclusive internet. By making some straightforward improvements to your website, you can enhance the user experience for everyone and enjoy better search rankings. So, why not take a moment to check how accessible your website is today? Thank you for reading, and here’s to a more accessible and user-friendly web for all!
Chris Lamb, Web Developer at Your Local Link Tel 01904 767881 or email info@yourlocallink.co.uk for more details and get even more business for your business.
Inheritance Tax bills are set to surge, reaching new heights in 2023/24
By Tom Hughes, Director and Chartered Financial Planner
According to research by Wealth Club, the average Inheritance Tax (IHT) bill could increase to £243,000 in the 2023/24 tax year; with over 31,000 families expected to pay a portion of their inheritance to HMRC. Not only that, HMRC has revealed a record breaking, all time high of £7.5bn in IHT was paid to the Treasury in the 2023/24 tax year.
But what is IHT? Essentially, IHT is a tax on the estate of someone who has died and on some lifetime transfers. The standard IHT rate is 40%. It’s only charged on the part of your estate that’s above the tax-free threshold which is currently £325,000. There’s also an additional residence nil-rate band of up to £175,000 for homeowners who pass their house onto direct descendants, such as children and grandchildren.
Let’s say you’re not married, have at least one child that will inherit a property worth in excess of £175,000, and worth £1,000,000 when you die. In your will, you’ve outlined the beneficiaries of your estate. Putting into consideration the nil-rate band and the residence nil-rate band, before anything can be passed down, there’ll be a tax bill of £200,000. And the first payment needs to be made within 6 months from your death. It just doesn’t seem fair, does it? Especially during an already difficult time.
Two IHT exemptions are currently frozen until 2027/28: The nil-rate band (£325,000) and the residence nil-rate band (£175,000). With rising asset prices, a heated housing market, what does the Government expect us to do?
The nil-rate band of £325,000 has been in place since 2009, so come 2028 it’ll have remained the same for 19 years.
Over the years, as a country, we’ve experienced inflation. This means that people’s wages and house prices have risen significantly. But the allowance hasn’t risen with it, which means more and more people are falling into the IHT bracket.
Data from the Nationwide House Price Index depicted that since the Nil-rate band has been in place (2009), house prices have increased a staggering 77.02%. Meaning many have seen their properties increase enormously in value. Whilst they might not consider themselves wealthy, they may end up paying Inheritance Tax.
Throughout our lifetimes, most of our estate will have already been taxed before… sometimes more than once. Which means, after paying our fair share, the Government are taking an additional 40% off assets they may have already taxed!
However, you don’t need to panic. There are many ways to find your way around an IHT bill, you’ve just got to know how to do it, but we don’t have enough space for that right now. That’s why we created this guide that’ll introduce to you what you can and can’t do when trying to reduce a potential tax bill. If you’d like a free copy, please follow the instructions on the cut-out.
Please note: The FCA does not regulate tax planning or estate planning. The information contained within this article is based on our understanding of legislation, whether proposed or in force, and market practice at the time of writing and is subject to change in light of new Government. Levels, bases and reliefs from taxation may be subject to change.
At Your Local Link we’re all about supporting sports teams near us. Whether you’ve had a record-breaking summer season and want to tell the world, or are in need of a few extra sign-ups we want to hear about it! So, If you or someone you know is involved in running a club, help us share the stories from your community by reaching out to sammi@ yourlocallink.co.uk and we’ll try to feature you in the next issue.
Yorkshire Premier League
North — Division
1 (WEST)
13th July 2024:
Sat 27 July 2024
Barwick in Elmet
CC - 1st XI Vs Osbaldwick
CC - 1st XI. Osbaldwick CC Won by 1 wicket.
Dringhouses CC - 1st XI Vs Clifton Alliance CC, Yorks - 2nd XI.
Clifton Alliance
CC, Yorks Won by 79 runs.
Heslington CC - 1st XI Vs Heworth CC1st XI. Heworth
CC Won by 8 wickets.
Easingwold CC2nd XI Vs Sessay
CC - 2nd XI.
Sessay CC Won by 10 wickets.
Saturday 20
July 2024
Clifton Alliance
CC, Yorks - 2nd XI Vs Thorp Arch & Boston Spa
CC - 1st XI. Thorp Arch & Boston Spa CC Won by 91 runs.
CC - 2nd XI Vs Dringhouses
CC - 1st XI.
Dringhouses CC Won by 74 runs.
Heslington CC1st XI Vs Bolton Percy CC - 1st XI.
Bolton Percy CC Won by 96 runs.
Sessay CC - 2nd XI Vs Osbaldwick
CC - 1st XI. Osbaldwick CC Won by 96 runs.
Heworth CC1st XI Vs South Milford CC - 1st XI. South Milford
CC Won by 26 runs.
Saturday 13 July 2024
Heslington CC1st XI Vs Barwick in Elmet CC - 1st XI. Barwick in Elmet CC Won by 153 runs.
Easingwold CC2nd XI Vs Clifton Alliance CC, Yorks - 2nd XI. Clifton Alliance
CC, Yorks Won by 4 wickets.
CC - 1st XI Vs Osbaldwick CC - 1st XI. Osbaldwick
CC Won by 4 wickets.
Sessay CC - 2nd XI Vs Selby CC1st XI. Cancelled.
Thorp Arch & Boston Spa CC - 1st XI Vs Heworth CC - 1st XI. Heworth CC Won by 48 runs. Latest results were sourced from www. yplncricket. co.uk/matchcentre
— Premier
27th July:
Heworth 16 –28 Rochdale
20th July:
Heworth 0 – 8
York Acorn
13th July: York
Acorn 40 -22
Hunslet ARLFC
6th July: Kells 38 – 12 York Acorn
Wath Brow
Hornets 37 – 6
Latest results were sourced from www. rugby-league. com
Fulford Ladies Invitational Tennis League
Weekend results
26-28 July:
Division 1
York 1st 83 - 25
David Lloyd 2nd
David Lloyd 1st 84 - 24 Rufforth 1st
Fulford 1st 6741 Wetherby 1st York 2nd 48 - 60
Division 2
Pocklington 4662 Poppleton 1st
Knaresborough 1st 61 - 47
Fulford 2nd 5355 Starbeck
Division 3
Bishopthorpe 1st 41 - 67 Rowntree Park 1st
Heworth 1st 8325 Wilberfoss 1st
2nd 0 - 55
Copmanthorpe 1st
Wetherby 2nd
35 - 73 Bubwith 1st
Division 4
Copmanthorpe 2nd 34 - 74
David Lloyd 3rd
Tollerton 67 - 41
Sutton Upon Derwent 1st
Boston Spa 2nd
64 - 44 Fulford 3rd
Division 5
Poppleton 3rd 60 - 48
Dunnington 1st
York 3rd 40 - 68
Heworth 2nd
Roebuck 1st 89
- 19 Stamford
Division 6
Bubwith 2nd 54
- 54 Riccall
David Lloyd 4th
62 - 46 Boston Spa 3rd
Rowntree Park
2nd 62 - 46 New Earswick
Division 7
Sutton Upon Derwent 2nd 42
- 66 York 4th
Wilberfoss 2nd 32 - 76 Appleton
Roebuck 2nd
Dunnington 2nd
60 - 48 Rufforth 3rd
A rowing team made up of employees from Dringhousesbased Ged Bell Butchers brought home the winner’s trophy at the 22nd edition of the annual York Rotary Dragon Boat Race on Sunday the 14th of July.
They completed the 450-metre stretch between Scarborough Bridge and Lendal Bridge on the river Ouse in just 54 seconds, beating off rapid competition from 35 other boat teams, made up of some of York’s best-known groups and businesses including YO1 Radio, Door 84, and Yorkshire Police. The event raised thousands for the York Rotary and York Samaritans charities.
To learn more about what the Dragon Boat Race means to those who compete, we caught a quick word with long-time Trusted Trader at Your Local Link, and multiple-winner Matt Todd. As well as being a keen rower, Matt is also a partner at Herbert Todd & Son. Here’s what he had to say.
“The dragon boat race day is a magnificent spectacle on the river in York and a testament to the hard work of the York Rotary Club who have run it for over twenty years. With over £1.5 million raised for charity so far and over £80k this year alone. The day’s racing isn’t just a great team building opportunity but also a huge help for some worthy local charities.
A Herbert Todd’s crew won the inaugural event in 2003 and then went on to win several times in the following years, I’ll never forget that first year, our crew (a mixture of staff members, friends and “sportsmen”) were in training until the small hours of the morning ahead of the race day.
Having sunk quite a number of isotonic beers some of the crew were predictably late to the start of our first race and made quite a scene as they ran across Lendal Bridge dressed as ninjas and jumped into the waiting dragon boat. Roughly 20 seconds later we pushed off from the side and immediately turned the boat upside down making for 16 very soggy spluttering ninjas! Amazingly the cold-water shock treatment cleared a few heads and spurred us on to not only push through our heats but ultimately win the grand final, I still have my badge and trophy! Congrats to Ged Bells Growlers who won it this year and with whom we have partnered before, worthy winners and fantastic butchers.”
Head to www.yourlocallink.co.uk to read more local sports stories. If you’re looking to upgrade your property with a new bedroom or kitchen visit www.htodd.co.uk or call up on 01904 628676.
Despite suffering a puncture that caused him to fall behind rival rider Victor Koretzky by over 40 seconds, and the best efforts of a fired-up French crowd — who had been supporting local favourite Koretzky around every inch of the 4.4km Elancourt Hill track — Leeds-born Tom Pidcock battled back to retain his Olympic title and secured the Gold in the cross-
country mountain biking event.
Afterwards he told BBC Sport, "The Olympics is so special, you never give up, you give everything, and that is what I had to do."
Pidcock had started the event on day three of the Paris Olympics as the outright favourite, but saw his position fall as low as twelfth following the first lap on a
swelteringly hot Parisian Monday. He fought back and was leading by the 3rd lap — this is when he felt the puncture. To regain the lead by the penultimate lap he had to race fast, and when Koretzky snuck past him on the final lap the Yorkshireman had to make brief (but legal) contact with the Frenchman’s bike to fly away
to victory. Pidcock crossed the finish line with arms outstretched in victory — to a chorus of boos from the French crowd. The reaction back home has been somewhat different, even for West Yorkshire lad, he’s succeeded in doing our whole county proud— becoming only the second person in history to defend an Olympic cross-country title.
£240,000 – 2 Bed plus a loft room
Simon Says "What a great starter home to have. There are two double bedrooms, a bathroom with rainfall shower and an additional loft room, which adds so much versatility to the layout! There is also an allocated parking space as well as an enclosed garden!"
- £285,000 – 3 Bed
Simon Says "Set within a corner plot is this exceptionally well presented and extended three bedroom home with parking for two cars! Come and check out the recently fitted Kitchen, perfect for first time buyers!"
£465,000 – 4 Bed
Simon Says, "A really wellproportioned family home with two reception rooms which has been meticulously maintained by the vendors and has an attractive garden with summerhouse for socialising!"
6RP - £195,000 – 2 Bed
Simon Says, "Everything that you require in a modern apartment... 2 double bedrooms, an en-suite, a family bathroom, L-shaped lounge/diner, separate kitchen and an allocated parking space! The property is also sold with Vacant Possession & No Forward Chain!"
Be it to visit family, for a big back-toschool shopping trip, or on the way to the next leg of summer holiday adventure, chances are at some point between now and the end of the school holidays you’re likely to be taking on at least one road trip. Here at Your Local Link, we firmly believe a road trip should and can feel just as fun as the rest of day out, so here’s our list of top tips and hacks to set you at ease.
Don’t go anywhere without a reliable SAT-NAV. If you’re having to pull-over every other minute to double check you’re still going the right way, you’ll never get a chance to even begin enjoying yourself. Well before you set off, you and your travel buddies should pre-plan your driving playlist, or if you’re more old-school you could even put together a mixtape, this way you’ll be able to agree on a balance of everyone’s favourite tunes — eliminating arguments about control of the aux cable. This should be followed by a great collection of snacks, we also recommend investing in a coolbox to keep drinks cool and keep you refreshed so that if you do hit traffic on a hot afternoon you don’t overheat at all.
Regular breaks are essential. Don’t let yourself get tired or overwhelmed when you could be making the most of your surroundings. This country is packed full of great locations with incredible views. We recommend you schedule your stops to coincide with British landmarks you’ve been meaning to visit. Our highlights are Brimham Rocks, just off the A59, and kids favourite The Forbidden Corner.
Kids entertainment is a non-negotiable on a long trip. Make sure their iPads or tablets are charged, bring colouring pens for drawing and magnetic board games often make for hours of fun. For those of us who struggle with car sickness a great alternative is a fun playlist, podcast or audiobook.
North Yorkshire’s fairs are sure to have that part you’re missing!
31ST AUGUST- 1ST SEPTEMBER, MELBOURNE RACEWAY – RUN WHAT YA BRUNG SEPTEMBER ’24, 8AM-5PM. The perfect opportunity to bring your pride and joy for a sprint down the tarmac! This non-competitive event gives your vehicle the unique opportunity to take part in some drag racing action.
The weekend is intended to bring all interests together: classics, modified, performance, custom, retro, vintage, and more. It features club stand displays, Show & Shine, a trade village, caterers, fun fair rides, and much more. There’s something for everyone, whether your car is about "go" or "show," a modified hot-hatch, or a retro classic.
From luxurious Rolls Royce cars to motorcycles, lorries, and buses, the York Historic Vehicle Group’s annual rally offers something for everyone. In addition to the wide array of vehicles, there will be an auto jumble, trade stands, craft stalls, club displays, and refreshment stalls.
A fantastic day out for the whole family, with a great atmosphere. Your ticket includes free entry into Newby Hall’s amazing grounds with its legendary adventure playground……which is not to be missed! There will also be several related stalls on the day.
If this month is all about making the most of the last days of summer, or if you’re already looking ahead to the little ones going back to school, we’ve got you covered. This might be the most diverse gadget guide we’ve ever done. Read on for accessible smartphones, gaming gadgets, and kitchen tools!
MICROPLANE 3-IN-1 AVOCADO TOOL, £21.95 from John Lewis.
As you’re making a fresh avocado salad, bowl of guacamole, or a bit of avo toast this month the last thing you want to worry about is giving yourself a nasty cut or scrape trying to get all the juicy avocado out — especially if you’re in a rush! This is where the Microplane Tool comes in. It has a blade, pitter, and spoon all in one! Meaning that you won’t need to think about any other utensils when it comes to extracting your next avocado!
LED DESKTOP TOWERS AND MINIKEYBOARD, £29.99 and £19.99 from Smyths and STEALTH
The towers are brought to life by multi-coloured LED lighting that syncs to the rhythm of your music, offering a more immersive setup for fast-paced actionpacked gaming. They also offer button-controlled customisation for speed and brightness so gamers can tailor to their current gaming environment. The USB-powered light-up keyboard makes typing fun! Comprising of 63 tactile keys and anti-ghosting keys for gaming. Users can also choose between four different multi-coloured lighting effects, to compliment and bring their gaming setup to life.
MY FIRST FONE 4G ESIM KIDS SMART WATCH, £199.99 from uk.myfirst. tech Aimed at ages 5-12, this device is the perfect first smart device for an even younger generation of kids. The smartwatch is jampacked with all the features you might expect in a phone, like a GPS tracker, music player, camera, clock, and fitness tracker — but is much less difficult to lose!
MOTO E14, £69.99 from Currys, Tesco, O2, Motorola.co.uk and more! This shockingly affordable Motorolla smartphone is the perfect first phone for anyone sending their kids up to secondary school for the first time this September! A thin and lightweight design ensures that the device fits comfortably in the pocket, and with Corning® Gorilla® Glass protecting the screen from scratches and cracks alongside an IP52 water-repellent design, the device is engineered to survive everything your youngster can throw at it, or dunk it in!
TWELVE SOUTH HIRISE 3 DELUXE, £149.99 from Apple and Twelve South
A luxury 3-in-1 MagSafe wireless charger for your iPhone, AirPods and Apple Watch. Ideal for keeping the most important gadgets charged, and housing an iPhone while working, it adds a touch of class and style to any home/desk.
SNAPSTAND 3-IN-1 WIRELESS CHARGER, £79.99 from QDOS Charge (all!) your devices at once while doing something good for the planet at the same time. The SnapStand is made using 60% recycled materials, and offers magsafe charging stations for your Apple watch, iPhone, and airpods with ease! The adaptable frame ensures optimal viewing angles for videos, calls, and calendar browsing, while your phone is charging.
THE TONIEBOX, (comes with three Tonies), £114.99 from tonies.com.
The Toniebox put simply is a screen-free musical storybox. With intuitive play controls that make it easy for children to play independently, and a soft and squishy design that makes it (almost) indestructible. The Toniebox has to be on everyone’s list this September! There are also more than 200 adorable hand-painted Tonie characters to collect, all of which are inspired by iconic stories, films, and songs. We opted for Lightning McQueen, a minion, Paddington Bear, and the Gruffalo!
In the run up to autumn, my favourite cozy and feel-good bakes are:
• Rhubarb crumble – A classic, easy to make and perfect for beginners.
• Pumpkin pie – looking to test your baking abilities? A classic pumpkin pie with a flaky crust is the perfect autumn dessert.
• Cinnamon buns – Got some time to spare this weekend, why not try make some delicious cinnamon buns? There are many delicious flavour combina tions so there is bound to be some thing for everyone.
• Ginger biscuits – Perfect for dunking in a cup of tea.
My top baking tip:
As the nights are drawing in we've gathered the best of baking gadgets to make your creations sing!
• Don’t take it too serious – baking is meant to be a fun and relaxing hobby, so don’t worry if you don’t get it right first time, mistakes are what help you learn and improve for next time! - Phoebe 3 4 5 6 7
1. Mixer Tilt-Head 4.7L - Artisan By You - Almond Cream, £499 from www.kitchenaid.co.uk | 2. Leckford Farm Ceramic Pie Dish, £15 from www.johnlewis.com | 3. Icing Bag & 8 Nozzles Piping Set, £8 from www.johnlewis.com | 4. Scalloped Cake Stand, £25 from www.johlewis. com | 5. Nesting Stainless Steel Mixing Bowls, £40 from www.johnlewis.com | 6. Stoneware Mixing Bowl, £40 from lecreuset.co.uk | 7. Wood Handle Silicone Head Kitchen Spoon, £6 from www.johnlewis.com
Enhance your home with our beautiful made-to-measure shading solutions. We offer an unrivalled range of blinds and curtains suitable for all domestic purposes. Choose from a huge range of styles, finishes and accessories. At Inspired Blinds we
If you want to save up to £2500 on a beautiful new kitchen, please get in touch this month as we only have a very limited number of fitting dates available this year and then the offer will have to come to a close. Currently we have limited availability in October, November and December but slots are going quickly!
Our kitchen sales event means that you can save up to £2500 off a kitchen designed by Caitlin or Mikey, our two kitchen (and bathroom) designers. They are ready to visit your home, measure up and discuss your requirements, then produce a bespoke design for you, all free of charge!
Our kitchen prices are competitive with any other supplier BUT you get the attention to detail that is only possible with a local, independent company with the time and expertise to manage your project. The price may be the same as you could get at a builder’s merchant, but the end result will not be!
We listen to what you, the person who will use the kitchen, wants in
your new room and, with our own knowledge of what’s possible, we make your dream a reality. We not only design the kitchen for you but also help you to choose taps, sink, appliances, tiles, flooring and everything else that makes the space special. We will then arrange all the trades required to complete the project and manage those trades to make sure you get a great finish. By having one point of contact from start to finish you can be sure of great communication and a new kitchen you can be proud of.
With kitchens prices starting from just over £4000 right up to the gorgeous Laura Ashley designer range we have a kitchen for everyone, but please be quick if you want it this year.
If you would like an honest, local and informed chat about your home renovation project, whether it be a kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, office or media room please pop into our store on Monks Cross Drive or give us a call on 01904 628676 and ask to speak to one of our designers.
We often think of renting out a property on Airbnb as more hard work than it’s worth— especially when you consider all the work you find yourself struggling with behind the scenes. This is where the experts at Houst come in!
Local hosting expert Chris, who has over a decade of direct expertise in the York market, is there to make those downsides disappear! He quite literally has his boots on the ground so that you don’t have to!
Houst don’t just treat you like another number in their portfolio. Rather Chris and the team will ensure that your home is looked after as if it were their own — offering 24/7 guest support and communication, professional photography, easy check-in solutions, and the promotion
of your property on multiple platforms — guaranteeing more bookings!
They’ll manage all the hassle involved with renting it out so that both you and your guests will have as comfortable an experience as is possible.
The only issue you’ll be dealing with from this point on, is what to do with the maximum return
Every gardening year is different. Although there is the standard seasonal rhythm of sowing, planting and harvesting, new challenges are always cropping up. In some ways these are welcome, without the odd obstacle, growing could become staid and predictable. On the other hand, there are times when problems become nightmarish. These are frequently the result of weather extremes. Just two years ago we had record breaking summer heat. Earlier this year we had record breaking winter rainfall. With the extremely soggy weather persisting into Spring, the soil remained mostly sodden at sowing and planting time. Result: near perfect conditions for slugs. I’m not sure if there were more slugs about than normal or whether they were just more active. All I do know is that the damage was unprecedented. Early broccoli and cauliflower were shredded and rendered inedible. Several sowings of carrots were munched off as the
seedlings appeared. Even crops that slugs usually disdain, for example potatoes and tomatoes were left with tattered foliage. To chomp on their succulent tips, slugs clambered and performed gymnastics to reach the tops of climbing plants such as beans. I could go on, suffice to say that desperation set in. Reluctantly, the canister of organic approved slug pellets was opened and used sparingly. Dusk slug hunts were also undertaken. Both had only a limited impact. Slug and, to a lesser extent, snail damage was devastating on many crops, especially early ones. Although we’re still only two-thirds of the way through the growing season, for me 2024 will forever be remembered as the ‘year of the slug’.
It would be reassuring to assume the levels of slug activity seen this year will not be repeated. Unfortunately, this may not be the case. Climate breakdown probably means more excessively wet winters and squelchy springs.
1977 in Haxby.
This begs the question, how are slugs (and snails) best handled? The Web throngs with sites offering solutions. There are traps of beer or scooped out fruit and barriers of grit, eggshells or costly copper tape. Another expensive, but probably more effective solution can be nematodes (see Nemaslug online if you want to know more). If you have a relatively small growing area some of these measures may give comfort and reduce slug damage to some extent. On larger plots or where vulnerable newly planted crops are at stake however, the time and effort may be disproportionate and the benefit minimal.
For me this year has proved, yet again, that we have to learn to live with slugs. Indeed, they are a part of the garden ecosystem and trying to eliminate them is not only impractical but potentially environmentally harmful. A far better approach is to attempt to minimise conditions and practices that favour slug activity.
• Do create a diverse garden habitat that’ll encourage slug predators, especially birds.
• Don’t have a messy plot with
piles of rotting debris or rank vegetation adjacent to vegetable beds. An open vegetable growing area with some bare earth that slugs have to traverse to reach crops will generally be better than grassed or weedy boundaries.
• In particular, avoid edging beds with wood or any materials that provide easy hiding places.
• If planting in damp conditions go for bigger, more robust, transplants where possible.
• Situate especially vulnerable crops like lettuce away from places slugs might lurk.
• Check possible hiding places before planting and deal with any loitering slugs.
• Most of all, avoid activities, for example watering before dusk, likely to stimulate slug activity.
If you want more comprehensive advice a good place to start is the Royal Horticultural Society’s webpage ‘Slugs and Snails’ (https://www.rhs.org.uk/ biodiversity/slugs-and-snails).
As the site emphasises, ‘if you want to minimise slugs and snails feeding on your plants, making changes to your growing practices is the best strategy’.
Bulbs can make a beautiful addition to any garden, either in an existing border or planted in tubs. Many people don’t bother with bulbs because they think they are a nuisance and hard work, but bulbs will give years of pleasure without needing any more than minimal maintenance. Some bulbs may need lifting seasonally, or you may just prefer to not have them in the garden whilst they are dying down.
As summer has its last hurrah and the nights are drawing in (and those super organised amongst us are planning their Christmas present list), another list to start is what you need for your garden’s spring colour by planting tubs, bedding and bulbs.
Plant a number of bulbs into an aquatic basket (which has slits all around the sides and the bottom) and plunge the whole basket in the ground, where they will grow happily and you can lift the whole thing later to move them. This also gives a greater impact when planting bulbs in clumps.
Bulbs are also fun for children to grow, with some giving quite quick results. For example, Colchicum, similar to Crocus but larger, can be grown without compost. Simply place your bulb on a saucer on the windowsill and watch it grow and flower. An old favourite for children is the Hyacinth which again doesn’t need compost. Fill the bottom of a hyacinth glass with water and place the bulb in the top, as it grows the roots will come out and find the water. Crocus are another bulb with quick results. Three varieties will flower in autumn: Crocus Kotschyanus Zonatus, Crocus Sativus and Crocus Speciosus.
A popular present to give at Christmas is a planted bowl of Hyacinths. Narcissus can also be in flower before Christmas, but it isn’t just a case of planting them very early; you have to make sure that you have purchased the correct bulbs. There are varieties that have been especially ‘prepared’ for early indoor flowering. Hyacinth ‘Pink Pearl’ and Hyacinth ‘Delft Blue’ are well known, while Narcissus ‘Paperwhite’ are also prepared for early flowering.
As your trusted partner in landscaping and outdoor projects, we understand the importance of a well-maintained and functional garden. That’s why we’re now offering expert drainage services to help you optimize the health and appearance of your outdoor space.
It’s not just your garden you could be planning; bulbs are a great gift idea for friends and family. They come ready wrapped in boxes or bags, so you don’t even have to do that. Amaryllis bulbs make good Christmas gifts and can last for years. So go down to your local garden centre today and take a look at the amazing colour range that could be flowering in your garden next spring.
Create your Kitchen ready for Summer
As your trusted partner in landscaping and outdoor projects, we understand the importance of a well-maintained and functional garden. That’s why offering expert drainage services to help you optimize the health and of your outdoor space.
your Kitchen Garden ready for Summer 2024
As your trusted partner in landscaping and outdoor projects, we understand the importance of a well-maintained and functional garden. That’s why we’re now offering expert drainage services to help you optimize the health and appearance of your outdoor space.
garden is an expression of your home and should reflect how you live your
The team here at Toby H Johnson Ltd manage the whole process for you from idea conception to finished design.
Effective drainage is essential for ensuring the longevity and vitality of your garden. Poor drainage can lead to waterlogging, soil erosion, and ultimately, the decline of your plants and lawn. By addressing drainage issues proactively, you can prevent water damage, promote healthy plant growth, and create a more enjoyable outdoor environment for your family and guests.
We specialise in designing and implementing tailored drainage solutions to suit the unique needs of your garden. Whether you’re dealing with excess surface water, soggy patches, or erosion-prone areas, our team of experts is here to help. Our comprehensive range of services includes:Site Assessment: Customised Design
We specialise in Paving, Resin, Fencing and Decking. No Job too Big or Small.
Effective drainage is essential for ensuring the longevity and vitality of your garden. Poor drainage can lead to waterlogging, soil erosion, and ultimately, the decline of your plants and lawn. By addressing drainage issues proactively, you can prevent water damage, promote healthy plant growth, and create a more enjoyable outdoor environment for your family and guests.
Effective drainage is essential for ensuring the longevity and vitality of your garden. Poor drainage can lead to waterlogging, soil erosion, and ultimately, the decline of your plants and lawn. By addressing drainage issues proactively, you can prevent water damage, promote healthy plant growth, and create a more enjoyable outdoor environment for your family and guests.
We specialise in designing and implementing tailored drainage solutions to suit the unique needs of your garden. Whether you’re dealing with excess surface water, soggy patches, or erosion-prone areas, our team of experts is here to help. Our comprehensive range of services includes:-
We specialise in designing and tailored drainage solutions needs of your garden. Whether dealing with excess surface patches, or erosion-prone areas, experts is here to help. Our range of services includes:-
Site Assessment:
Customised Design
Installation and Construction
Why Choose Toby H Johnson Ltd for Your Garden Drainage Needs? When with Toby H Johnson Ltd for your domestic garden drainage project, you
Why Choose Toby H Johnson Ltd for Your Garden Drainage Needs? When you partner with Toby H Johnson Ltd for your domestic garden drainage project, you can expect:-
Live-in care has become a popular alternative to traditional care homes, offering personalised support that allows individuals to maintain their independence and stay in their own home. This model, where a professional Care Professional lives with the client in the client’s home, offers numerous advantages.
A key benefit of live-in care is the one-to-one service it provides. Unlike care homes, where staff must divide their time among multiple residents, a live-in Care Professional focuses solely on one person, tailoring their support to the client’s specific needs. This personalised approach ensures consistent and comprehensive care, from medication assistance to personal care to companionship, significantly improving the quality of life for the client.
Live-in care also allows clients to remain in their own homes, surrounded by personal belongings and cherished memories. This continuity can
greatly enhance emotional wellbeing, reducing the stress and anxiety often associated with moving to a care home. It also means established routines and pets can remain part of daily life, offering further comfort.
Flexibility is another significant advantage. Care plans can be customised and adjusted as needs change, ensuring appropriate support at all times. This adaptability is particularly beneficial for those with progressive conditions like dementia, where care requirements can evolve rapidly.
Furthermore, live-in care fosters strong relationships between Care Professionals and clients as typically a live-in Care Professional will stay with the client for between two and six weeks, before returning after a short break that is supported by another regular carer. The consistent presence of a dedicated Care Professional builds trust and understanding, creating a supportive atmosphere. This relationship is crucial for effective care, encouraging open communication and a better understanding of the client's preferences and needs.
For those who value independence, comfort, and personalised support, live-in care is a superior choice that enhances both quality of life and peace of mind.
About the Author Ed Gill is Director of Radfield Care which is York’s only CQC Outstanding home care provider and has worked with dozens of care organisations across the country to develop person-centred care and support services.
Can you help us find a home for these brilliant characters.
Bad Appletude is a cat who loves to explore and stretch his legs, so he would greatly benefit from a home with outdoor space. Despite his name, he certainly does not have a bad attitude and is a loving boy who will happily be fussed upon – particularly if he can get cosy!
Lexi, Female, approx. 9yrs
Lexi’s favourite things to do are having a warm bath or having cuddles on the sofa! A sweet and gentle girl, she is quiet but completely lovable. She would benefit from lots of attention so that she can finally live the safe and happy life she deserves.
Rudi, Male, 7 months
Are you interested in learning a language in a relaxed and supportive environment?
At the University of York, thousands of people have learnt languages through the Languages for All programme since 1992. Their language classes run in the evenings and on Wednesday afternoons and cover a wide variety of languages at every proficiency level.
Learning a language is an enriching experience that has so many benefits to your life. You’ll develop a deeper understanding of other languages and cultures, allowing you to gain a greater appreciation of the world around you. It will also completely transform going on holiday and make communicating with people an easier and more enjoyable experience.
Here’s what one past student had to say about his time on an LfA course: “The course has been excellent. Our tutor has been engaging and supportive as well as
being a good teacher, with there being lots of material on the virtual learning environment to help revise topics we studied.” Nigel, LfA Italian Elementary.
Language courses are ideal if you’re looking to change careers, return to study, or simply sharpen your brain. You can learn a completely new language or brush up your existing skills on a language you’ve studied before. They offer different courses to suit your needs. Their year-long courses run from October to May and their short courses run from February to May. They also offer discounts to people over 60 years old, students from other higher education institutions and University of York alumni. If you’re interested in signing up or would like to find out more, please visit www.york.ac.uk/lfa or call up on 01904 322493
Rudi is a goofy and playful dog who will be extremely loyal and loving to his owners. He loves walks in quiet areas and being able to relax. He can live with older children and other dogs, and can follow lots of commands, so he would make the perfect addition to your family!
If you have space for Bad Appletude then please contact www.cats.org. uk/york. For Rudi or Lexi, head to www.rspca-yorkhome.org.uk.
Whether you’ve got a dog, cat, pony, or Guinea pig, if you’re a pet lover what’s for sure is that your furry friend is probably the most important thing in your life. Sorry kids, families, and partners, but you know it’s true! They deserve to be front and centre in your home. Fortunately, you’re in luck, as York has its very own pet portrait expert, who can turn your best friend into a beautiful piece of art.
This is all thanks to the brilliantly talented Becca Williams. She is a 22-year-old artist from York who creates hand-drawn pet portraits for all kinds of pets!
Becca said, “Drawing and art is my passion, and I love being
able to bring each special pet to life on the page to be treasured forever.
I have my own pet dog called Brie she is a three legged French bulldog full of personality who was the subject of my first drawing which kickstarted my journey and my business!
I take extra care with each and every portrait to capture those fine details and bring their personality to life on the page!
I have always loved animals and being able to do this kind of job has always been a dream and so special to me. Seeing the reactions from my customers, family and friends when they receive their portrait makes it all the more rewarding.”
For all enquiries please contact Becca on Instagram @ drawings_beccaw, via the phone on 07722564662 or at beccawillz456@yahoo.com
When your bins will be collected.
The City of York Council’s website gives these instructions, “To ensure collection you must put your household waste out, at the front edge or your property (unless otherwise stated in the online waste calendar), between 7.00pm on the day before collection, and 7.00am on your collection day.”
General Household Waste — The council will collect up to three 60-litre grey rubbish.
Recycling — The council will collect up to three 55-litre black recycling boxes containing paper/card, plastic/cans, foil, and glass.
Bin collection times vary depending on what street you live on. For specific information head to myaccount.york.gov.uk/bincollections and input your post code.
There are Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC) in Hazel Court and Towthorpe/ Strensall.
Hazel Court Household Recycling Centre (HWRC), Eco Depot, Hazel Court, York, YO10 3DS.
Open: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays: 8.30am to 6.00pm Sundays: 8.30am to 4.00pm
Hazel Court accept most types of household waste from paper and card to bricks and rubble. They do not accept items such as petrol, diesel, chemicals and tyres.
Towthorpe/Strensall HWRC, Moor Lane, Strensall, York, YO32 9ST.
Open: Every day (except Wednesdays) 8.30am to 6.00pm.
Towthorpe and Strensall also accept most types of household waste. Textiles, garden waste, electrical equipment etc. They do
not accept porcelain bathroom suites, bricks or rubble etc.
As of the 5th of August, the City of York Council’s garden waste subscription scheme has begun. This means that your garden waste will not be collected unless you subscribe to the service. You can do so online at www.york.gov.uk/ GardenWasteSubscriptionScheme or by calling 01904 551551. It costs £46.50 per season, per bin, however, as it was introduced mid-way through the 2024 season (March to December), it will cost £21 to subscribe for the rest of the season.
After subscription, the council will post a welcome pack out to you, included in this will be a sticker. This sticker, which includes your collection address and reference number, is vital as you will need to attach it to your bin so that the council waste team can identify your bin when they go out on collections.
Bins with stickers will be emptied every 2 weeks of the season.
You can dispose of a variety of garden waste, including grass cuttings, hedge clippings, leaves, and bark. Additionally, garden plants, flowers, and non-invasive garden weeds are accepted. You may also include twigs, small branches, and windfall fruit. Cut flowers, house plants, and dried flowers are suitable for disposal, along with Christmas trees and natural wreaths, provided they are chopped up to fit inside your bin.
The council website gives these instructions, “position your garden waste bin at the front edge of your property (or agreed collection point) between 7.00pm on the day before collection, and 7.00am on your collection day; do not put your garden waste out at any other time.” CONTACT
Telephone: 01904 551551
Email: ycc@york.gov.uk
and easy buses From now until the end of the year, fares on all bus journeys that begin and end within the city boundaries have been made just £1 for anyone aged under 18.
Then for each fare-paying adult up to three children (age 16 max) will travel free!
When it comes to getting around in York, you won’t get far without the First York app. It’s completely free and provides accurate and up-to-date bus timetables, complete with tracking information, and allows you to buy tickets ahead of your ride.
You can donate blood at the following venues. For more information you can call the NHS Blood Donation helpline on 0300 123 23 23.
Visit my.blood.co.uk/youraccount/where-to-donate and book your first appointment. The appointment takes around an hour, including 10 to 15 minutes to donate, plus time to have a drink and a snack.
You can donate again if you want to so long as you leave at least 12 weeks between appointments for men and 16 weeks for women.
New Earswick, The Folk Hall
Hawthorn Terrace, New Earswick, York, YO32 4AQ
Huntington, Huntington Working Mens Club
1 North Moor Road, Huntington, York, YO32 9QS
York, National Centre for Early Music
St. Margarets Church, Walmgate, York, YO1 9TL
York, Novotel York Central Novotel, Fishergate, York, YO10 4FD
Acomb, Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints, Acomb Road, York, YO24 4HA Acomb, Parish Church Hall
Front Street, Acomb, York YO24 3BX
Wigginton, Recreation Centre The Village, Wigginton, York, YO32 2PL
Stockton on the Forest, Village Hall
Sandy Lane, Stockton On The Forest, YORK, YO32 9UR
CITIZENS ADVICE YORK, West Offices, Station Rise, YO1 6GA, 01904 623648
AGE UK YORK. 01904 634061 and firstcall@ageukyork.org.uk. Age UK have been working to support the local community in York for the last 50-years. If you or someone you know is feeling isolated, is looking for care services, or is in need of some budgeting/ benefits advice you can call Age UK.
YORK MIND YOUNG PEOPLES COUNSELLING. Email ypcounselling@yorkmind.org.uk
CITY OF YORK COUNCIL BENEFITS ADVICE. 01904 552044 (10.00am to 4.00pm, Monday to Friday) email: incomeservices@york.gov.uk
JOSEPH ROWNTREE HOUSING TRUST - MONEY AND BENEFITS ADVISERS. 0800 587 0211 and information@jrht.org.uk.
OLDER CITIZENS ADVOCACY –OCAY. Advice and information for people age 50 or over 01904 676200 and info@ocay.org.uk.
YORK ENERGY ADVICE. 01904 922249 and info@ yorkenergyadvice.org.uk
YORK HOUSING ASSOCIATION. 01904 636061 and email info@ yorkha.org.uk.
YORK WHEELS. Volunteer community transport service whereby volunteer drivers provide affordable taxi transport for those unable to use public transport. Call 01904 630080.
And last but not least is your ultimate Encyclopaedia on everything York-related — the team here at Your Local Link. Call us up on 01904 767881 or email info@yourlocallink.co.uk and we’re sure to have an answer on any local query.
By Molly Holmes
Struggling to understand your teenager? Well with help from us, we’re sure you’ll be understanding and even joining in with some Gen Z conversations before you know it!
Generation Z is the demographic group that came after the millennials. To be part of this generation you would have had to have been born between 1997 and 2012. As Gen Z is the first social generation to grow up with internet access and portable technology from a young age, it is clear to see they have had a rather different upbringing from the generations before them.
It is clear that vocabulary has changed massively, with unheard of words making an appearance in everyday conversations. This often causes millennials, and the generations that came before, to become confused. What they need is someone to decode the words. So, to help those needing a translator when talking to their teens we have created a list of common gen z words and their translations.
Aura- a presence, vibe or energy that a confident/ powerful person gives off.
Fit check- showing your outfit
It’s giving-used to describe someone's look or vibe.
Main character-when someone believes that they are the most important thing or person in real life
Slay- used when someone has done something to impress others.
Tea- gossip or drama
Girlboss-a woman who succeeds in the male-dominated world
Yap- to talk a lot
Salty— describing someone that appears bitter or resentful
Ick - An expression of distaste
Rizz- Romantic charisma or charm
The math isn’t mathing: Something is incorrect or unreasonable
Lives rent-free in my head: To think about something frequently
Mid - Sub-par or average
Sus - Suspicious or untrustworthy
Ate - To perform impressively with style
Hot Girl Summer - A confident and carefree attitude to life
Cap - To lie or deceive
Slaps - Really good or excellent
Lit - Really good, intense, or exciting
Drip - Style or excellent dress sense
Airing - To ignore or not reply
Mother - An iconic feminine figure
I'm weak - To find something funny!
I recently returned from a family holiday on the Canary Island of Lanzarote. A big consideration when thinking about destinations was temperatures in July/August, flight times and also transfer timings, as we were travelling with two children under eightyears-of-age.
We settled on the resort of Playa Blanca, once a small fishing village that has grown into a larger resort with the lovely Rubicon Marina filled with boutique shops and a wide selection of restaurants. Being around 30-minutes from the airport by private transfer it meant a nice quick journey after a flight of around 4 hours.
Temperature wise our 12-days were perfect, with two young children who are both fair, we didn’t want to risk the sometimes summer temperatures in the eastern Mediterranean of 40 degrees plus. Despite having a heatwave for four days, meaning it was early – mid 30s, record winds combined with plenty of suncream made the conditions perfect for us.
During our trip I had pre-arranged car hire, this was collected from a local depot just 10-minutes’ walk from our hotel. By pre-arranging, all my paperwork was in English, meaning I had time to study the terms & conditions. I had already included the excess waiver cover on my insurance, car seats were also arranged in advance, so were in the car upon collection, meaning we did not have to take from home. A quick collection, a check of the vehicle, and we were on the road to our first stop the Timanfaya National Park. Despite last erupting in 1824, Timanfaya is the only active volcano on Lanzarote. Our entrance fee into the National Park was 20 euros per adult and the children were free. The entrance charge into the National Park also includes a tour through the Montañas del Fuego (Mountains of Fire), showing the water steam geyser and feeling the heat coming from the rock of the dormant volcano.
Having a car also made it great to access some of the traditional local towns and villages where you can find traditional local restaurants serving fresh fish, Canarian potatoes and Mojo sauce including La Geria, Uga, Haria and the old capital of Teguise. These quaint towns and villages are very peaceful and are perfect to see how the locals live, sample authentic cuisine, and get away from the crowds in the coastal resorts.
Travelling with children here are a few things we found helpful: If you have a morning flight and are likely to be at your hotel before check in to your room is possible, pack a change of clothes / suncream in your cabin bag for children. This way the hotel can look after your luggage until your room is ready, and you can take a walk to explore the area, enjoy some lunch or even head for the pool.
Airlines such as Jet2, Easyjet and TUI don’t have seat back entertainment on short haul flights. Pre-flight we downloaded some of their favourite films / episodes of programmes onto a fully charged tablet to watch during the flight.
Colouring / sticker books – easy to go in the cabin bag and easy to set up on the tray table.
Check local rules before you travel. In Spain, all children under 135 centimetres in height or under 12 years of age must be seated in an appropriate child restraint system while traveling in a car. Also, certain inflatable floats/toys are banned in Spain.
As the schools head back after the summer break, whether you are thinking of a half term trip, festive break or looking ahead for summer 2025, when you are ready to start planning we are ready to get to work finding the trip for you. Call 01904 623444 or visit 88 Main Street, Fulford.
Your local, Jet2holidays, TUI & Easyjet Holidays booking agent.
With a rapid rise in skincare products, it is becoming increasingly difficult for teens and parents to choose which skincare products are going to be best suited for teenager’s sensitive skin. In hopes of making this process a little bit easier (and more enjoyable) for both teens and their parents, we have composed a list of the top current skincare products for teenage skin.
1. CERAVE HYDRATING CLEANSER This gentle and hydrating facial cleanser is perfect for teenage skin, it is designed to cleanse and refresh the skin without stripping it of its natural oils. It’s simple formula ensures there are no harmful chemicals being used.
The label also specifies that this cleanser is most beneficial for normal to dry skin.
2. CERAVE FOAMING CLEANSER This facial cleanser is slightly different from the previous one, as this one is specifically formulated for normal to oily skin, meaning it is designed to attract hydration. Similarly to the previous CeraVe product, it contains simple ingredients and no harmful chemicals.
The purpose of facial moisturiser is to improve skin hydration by providing water to the skin, as well as providing a soothing protective film which protects skin from any friction.
3. BYOMA MOISTURIZING GELCREAM BYOMA is a very popular brand amongst young people, its formula is
gentle yet effective. The moisturiser specifically is designed to be lightweight, softening and hydrating, perfect for young and sensitive skin.
This water gel moisturiser is targeted towards those with combination skin. Designed to replenish the skin’s water content, the light weight and oil free formula helps to retain moisture, while also acting as a protective layer against bacteria.
If you’re bored of going to the same old barbershop and getting the same old boring haircut, (short back and sides again!), it might be time to head down to G’s barbers on Bootham, York to experience genuine Kurdish barbering!
Unlike the traditional English barbers you’re used to, a Kurdish trim will properly spice up your style! They offer all kinds of incredible cuts, shaves, and treatments, that will have you looking fresher than ever, all made possible by techniques that have been passed down through
generations. Book in for a skin fade or opt for the ultimate relaxation of a hot-towel shave or beard trim— you won’t regret it! It’s worth going along just to taste a cup of Kurdish coffee for the first time!
Gino, the owner and head barber at G’s Barbers, said, “I started learning barbering when I was 9-years-old. It was something I always found interesting. By 11-years-old, I became a professional, regularly cutting people's hair. I enjoy cutting all types of hairstyles, I provide great customer service and a fantastic atmosphere!”
G’s Barbers is located on 12 Bootham York and is open from 9am-6.30pm daily. Call up on 01904 637903 to book your next haircut.
Garnier: Nourishing Hair Drink, £9.99 from www.superdrug.com
Is your hair feeling dry, try this Garnier hair serum that uses natural and vegan ingredients to nourish and moisturise the hair – replacing dry and dullness with a smooth, mirror-like shine.
Wonder skin: Won der Blading Lip Stain Masque, £18 from eu.wonderskin.com
Tired of constantly having to reapply your lipstick or lip gloss? Try out this long-lasting, waterproof and transfer-proof lip stain for a look that will last all day. With a wide colour range varying from natural, everyday shades to vibrant and bold colours there is a lip stain for every occasion!
Essie: Original Nail Polish, £8.99 from www.superdrug.com
Treat yourself to your own effortless at-home manicure using this Essie Original Nail Polish. The easy-glide brush strokes and clean ingredients condition and strengthen the nails - this is the perfect polish to give your nails a fresh new look!
The Body Shop: Vitamin E Bi-Phase Serum, £20 www.thebodyshop.com
This ultra-lightweight vitamin e serum helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by hydrating the skin, leaving the skin looking firmer and fuller, creating a brighter and more youthful-looking complexion.
elf: Bronzing Drops, £12 from www.elfcosmetics.com
These viral bronzing drops took the internet by storm, they are the perfect product to maintain that natural sun-kissed summer glow on the face and body as we enter the winter months.
• Provides warmth (perfect for autumn)
• Comes in lots of colour variations
• Comfortable
• Unflattering
• Not adaptable to fluctuations in weight
• Doesn’t provide much warmth CROP TOPS
• Can be layered KNITWEAR
• Provides warmth
• Usually high quality and long lasting PLEATED TROUSERS
• Loose fit leaves room for movement and comfort
4 5
• Able to dress up or down
• Flattering
• Adaptable to fluctuations in weight
• Can be dressed up or down
• Able to hold
necessities as well as larger
• Comes in lots of different colours
• Can be washed
• Named brands are often poor quality
• Cannot be dressed up
• Uncomfortable
• Unflattering
• Difficult to get on and off due to tightness
• Not adaptable to fluctuations in weight
2 3 4
• Unflattering due to bulkiness
• Lack of packability
• Difficult to wash
• Have to repurchase often as they lose their ‘fluffiness’
• Susceptible to tears
With walls that — if they could talk— could tell stories reaching back almost 700-years, Bedern Hall, just off St Andrewgate, is a touchstone to the rich history of fascinating change that has shaped York over the last seven centuries.
Looking at the typical 14th century limestone and timber frame from the outside, you wouldn’t be surprised to learn than the hall was built to serve as a dining hall for the Vicars Choral —the priests who would step in to deputise for Canons during daily services at York Minster— from at least as early as 1270. What you might not expect is that the Hall’s importance to York’s historic residents extended much further than those tight-nit medieval ecclesiastical communities. In the centuries since it served as a Victorian slum, a bakery, and a butcher’s shop.
The name Bedern was first mentioned around the year 1270. The hall was where those Vicars Choral hung out and ate their meals in-between obligations at The Minster. One interesting feature from that period was a bridge that connected the college area with the Minster Close on the other side of Goodramgate. The vicars could travel easily between the two, avoiding the hustle and bustle. It probably came in most useful for averting the risk of getting any filth from the streets of medieval York on their robes.
The biggest change to religious communities like the Vicars Choral to happen over the next couple of centuries was the Protestant Reformation. While explaining exactly what the Reformation was would take up half this magazine (and probably send most my readers to sleep), the most important thing to understand is what happened after Henry VIII’s Act of Supremacy in 1535. This replaced the Catholic Church with the Protestant Church of England as the ruling authority in the country. In York it meant that the number vicars declined rapidly. As a result, the church began to rent out spaces like Bedern to lay people (everyday folk). The Vicars that remained were then allowed to
marry and so didn’t have much time left, amongst commitments to family life, for communal dining. By 1650 this stopped altogether so the Hall was fully converted into a private house.
When part of St Peters School was damaged during the Siege of York, during the English Civil War, classes moved temporarily into Bedern Hall.
As city’s population grew in the late 18th century, there was a massive demand for housing. As a result, the Hall was divided into tenements which quickly became squalid and overcrowded. In the 1840s, the population took another leap forward, as thousands fled to England to escape famine in Ireland. At Bedern it meant that the already overcrowded flats became slums. It remained in this state only until 1870, when the Hall was tuned into another school.
butcher, a baker, but not quite a
In the early 20th century, the Hall was transformed when it came under the ownership of Barton’s bakery to make it easy for vehicular access. They added new doors and a flour store. This was so that they could cater baked goods to York’s burgeoning population. By 1950 The Hall was bought out by Wright’s, a pork butchers. Now instead of fresh bread, the Hall’s rooms were used to cure ham and bacon sides.
Finally, from the 1970s onward the area of the city was identified by the council for redevelopment to protect the historic city. The building was protected from demolition and eventually restored.
Bedern Hall is now a Grade II listed building, café, and museum.
Head to www.bedernhall. co.uk to learn more about the hall or to plan your visit. Historical dates and information were sourced from www.bedernhall.co.uk
Five little-known facts about York Minster
If you asked someone who had (tragically) never visited York before, to tell you one thing about the city you could probably bet your house on the fact that they’d mention the Minster 9-outof-10 times. It’s the heart of our city, the magnum opus of our skyline, and by far and away the biggest tourist attraction around. But despite its legendary status, how well do you actually know the Minster? Test yourself with these five fascinating but little-known factoids.
1) One of the stained-glass windows is bigger than a tennis court! Most of us are well aware (and even more proud) that York Minster is home to the richest collection of stained glass in the whole country, if you’ve ever travelled across to the north transept and gazed through the Great East Window you have looked through the largest stretch of medieval stained glass in existence. At 78-feet tall it's genuinely as big as a Wimbledon court!
2) It was nearly destroyed in an arson attack. In 1838 a religious fanatic named Jonathon Martin set fire to the Minster! The blaze took all day to die down, taking 66 choir stalls, the galleries, the organ, the pulpit and the archbishop's throne with it. Martin was tried for arson but was acquitted on grounds of “insanity” so was sent to an asylum in Lambeth, London where he died.
3) Parts of the ceiling in the nave were designed by the winners of a Blue Peter competition. After another fire in 1984 (this time caused by a lightning bolt despite rumours of a UFO attack that were circling at the time!), amongst over £2 million of damage, the iconic vaulted ceiling had to be replaced. Blue Peter ran a competition for children to submit ideas, for the new design, and out of 32,000 ideas six suggestions were adapted onto the actual ceiling. See if you can spot them next time you visit!
4) York Minster isn’t its real name! The Minster’s official name is the “Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of St Peter in York.” ‘Minster’ is actually an Anglo-Saxon name for a settlement of clergy involved in daily prayer.
5) The Minster has its own police force! Ever since 1106, The Minster has had its very own cathedral constabulary of police officers who are completely independent from the rest of the city of York. Today there are ten officers, two wardens and one sergeant.
Located at 7A Grape Lane in the heart of York, Pica Studios is the perfect marriage of the old historic city and brilliant artistic creativity.
It is an artist-led hotbed of creative collaboration housed within an 18th-century printworks. When in 2017 a collective of artists and creatives put their shared desire to find a collaborative workspace in the city centre to action, and after discovering the ideal location at Quacks Printers on Grape Lane, the iconic old building was transformed into the space you can see today — and Pica Studios was born.
In the seven years since, it has grown into a vibrant and dynamic artistic community. Today, Pica Studios is home to 21 resident artists, makers, writers, and thinkers. The openplan layout allows each artist to
Lesley Birch – Painter
A Scottish painter and printmaker, Lesley Birch is one of the founding members of Pica Studios. Her work is inspired by memories and sketches from her time in Scotland, Ireland, Yorkshire, and Cornwall. Originally a professional musician, Lesley draws parallels between the emotional resolution in music and her approach to painting, focusing on the moment when materiality meets emotion. Her work, which balances abstraction and figuration, has been widely exhibited, including at the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition and the Mall Galleries.
have, both their own designated workspace, and direct access to an environment of creativity and collaboration, through the constant exchange of ideas.
The studio is a melting pot of talent, where seasoned professionals — some with over 20 years of experience— work alongside recent graduates. There is a unique blend of inspiration and support.
The artists at Pica represent a wide range of disciplines, including painting, printmaking, ceramics, jewellery making, filmmaking, textile arts, and collage. This diversity makes Pica a vibrant and dynamic place to work, brimming with creativity.
Ric Liptrot – Illustrator and Collage Artist Since earning his degree in illustration from UCLAN in 2006, Ric Liptrot has worked as a freelance illustrator, joining Pica Studios in 2017. His intricately detailed mixed-media collages capture the unique history and architecture of York, often depicting well-known shops and landmarks. Ric’s recent commissions include creating illustrated wall panels for De Grey House, home of York Conservation Trust.
If you’d like to learn more about Pica Studios, or any of their incredible creatives make sure to check out their social media channels. @picastudios on Instagram and Pica Studios on Facebook.
Each year, Pica Studios hosts a Pica Postcard Sale, inspired by the Royal College of Art's Secret Postcard Auction. Every Pica artist creates 10 unique postcards, which are then displayed in their pop-up gallery for one weekend. This event offers a rare chance to purchase original artwork by Pica artists for just £25. In addition to the in-studio sale, postcards will also be available for purchase through Pica’s Instagram.
Date: Saturday, 31st August, and Sunday, 1st September 2024
Time: 10am – 4pm
Location: Pica Studios, 7A Grape Lane, York
Don’t miss this opportunity to own a one-of-a-kind piece of art!
A contemporary ceramicist and founding member of Pica, Emily Stubbs is known for her abstract vessels, which she creates by building and collaging slabs of textured clay. Drawing inspiration from her 2D paper collages and sketches, Emily translates this process into clay, creating bold, graphic pieces with strong lines and vibrant colours. Her work is exhibited in galleries across the UK.
– Jeweller York-based jeweller and founding member of Pica, Evie Leach, creates geometric jewellery inspired by rock formations and crystals. Working primarily in sterling silver with semi-precious gemstones, Evie’s pieces often feature gold accents and are characterized by their use of texture, asymmetry, and oxidization. Her collections are displayed in exhibitions and galleries throughout the UK.
By Sammi Minion
When eleven-year-old pupils Sam and Juno leave Scarcroft Primary to head to secondary school this September, they’ll be leaving behind a legendary legacy. Thanks to their hard work, and fantastic musical talent, the two-person busking band have raised an incredible £1300 to help their school design a brand-new library!
Having started out as rival acts at a local talent show, Sam and Juno eventually teamed up to form the “Scarkeez” busking band, with Sam on drums and Juno on piano and vocals.
If you’ve wandered down Parliament Street on a busy weekend you will have heard them busking away and belting out bangers like “Let it Be”, House of the Rising Sun” and “Seven Nation Army.” Having heard about their amazing contribution, we went down to meet up with the dynamic duo to get the lowdown on all they’ve been up to.
It’s lovely to meet you both, could you tell us a bit about the amazing fundraising you've been doing?
Juno: We did it for our school library.
Sam: They’re like doing a renovation to the school and changing stuff around and they needed new books and stuff.
Juno: It's to say thank you for what they've done.
I heard you managed to keep the whole operation secret from your teachers, but what did they say when you told them how much money you'd raised?
Juno: We brought it [the money they’d raised] in like a bag and then we came into the office and we put it in front of them.
Sam: ... but like they were [acting] quite normal just seeing two people walking into the office, and then they saw in the bag was money!
Sam: it was the head teacher who was in the office, and she was like, “is this for us and stuff?”
Juno: And then she was like. “This is so generous!” And then she hugged us.
Did you keep it secret from your friends too?
Sam: a couple of people found out ‘cause someone in my class was in town when we were busking and [they] showed people at school. They didn't know it was for the school or anything though.
Whose idea was it to start busking?
Juno: Well, my dad had the idea. And then I invited Sam.
(Juno’s dad) David: I think you've been busking for about two years. Well; Juno's been doing it for about two years, and then they used to see each other every year at the talent show, and then they thought it would be a good idea to sort of join up and do a band. They were raising quite a bit of money between them, which they’ve been investing in equipment, but they wanted to give something back to the school.
From the videos I’ve seen, you play a lot of what we’d call classics including The Beatles and The Animals, so who chooses the setlist when you're out busking?
Juno: My dad! But like my favourite band is The Beatles and then Imagine Dragons which Sam suggested.
What’s your favourite song to play while busking?
Sam: I mean, people like “Let It Be?” and “Seven Nation Army.”
Juno: I like singing “Teardrop.” [by Massive Attack] Yeah, that's my favorite one to sing.
Even though you raised all the money you needed, and you're both headed to new schools, will you keep on busking?
Both: err, yeah!
Sam: I'm not sure when, but like we're probably just gonna, like, meet here [Sam's house] because the drum kit’s here, every now and again and do practice. And then do some busking.
If you'd like to follow in Sam and Juno’s footsteps by helping out the school with a donation, head to www.justgiving.com/campaign/ scarcroftwalkstheworld. You can watch videos of Sam and Juno's live performances here - www.youtube.com/@thescarkeez
York is known for its incredible history, beautiful architecture and brilliantly talented locals. York Bid have teamed up with Hazard One who has been recognised as one of the Top 5 female graffiti artists in the UK and top 25 female’s street artists worldwide, we are proud to have someone so talented representing York with their new project.
The project has involved repainting 12 BT exchange boxes on The Stonebow in York.
Further partnering with Explore York Libraries & Archives, York Civic Trust and York Glaziers Trust to create the murals showcasing significant stained glass archives to life. The murals are paying homage to the work created by J.W. Knowles & Sons who were a family of church decorators, stained-glass restorers and glass painters all based in Stonegate in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
Now we have all seen them and know that over the years BT Exchange boxes have become a thing you walk past daily without taking any real notice of its existence. Yet the project is designed to bring an element of York's history into this while brightening up the streets of York through the use of art, adding a pop of colour for both locals and visitors with a unique and fascinating story.
By Raana Jefferson
The artwork is a way of brightening up your commute to work, your everyday trip into York and just reenforcing that York has a place where people and businesses want to be.
Showcasing all over, the trail will not only help you get your steps in, but it will show you all the talent we have in our beloved town. From replicating glass artwork on BT Exchange boxes to an amazingly detailed frog. Some on the trail even lead you into new and old open business establishments, what a great way to get you into a shop you might not normally find yourself in!
For the locals in York, I am sure you will agree with me when I say we know how much York loves a great Trail, whether that be the Ice Trail, Cat Trail, Snooks Trail and many more wonderful trails. Well, this one is no different and it is just as exciting! Along with the BT Exchange boxes this trail gives you the chance to see all the other talented artists we have in York and the work they have left popping around the local shopping areas.
The idea behind this trail is a way of showcasing more of what York can do and has to offer, not just for people visiting our town but for people like us who live in this town.
York is always full of hidden treasures and constant changes. The best thing about York is that no matter how long you have lived here, whether that be 6 months, 6 years or even 60 years, York always finds a way of surprising you. Sometimes if you blink you can miss it all, so why not think ‘outside the box’ and get yourself involved in the trail, see the works of York's artists and take it all in before the wind changes once again.
Sammi Minion
What if I told you that for your next costume party, or the next time you step out with your kids for trick or treating on Halloween, you could strut around in a piece of York’s theatrical history —for as little as £15!
Having heard this unlikely rumour for ourselves, we went over to the York Theatre Royal costume hire department, at the unlikely site of an industrial estate in Osbaldwick, where we found out that the costume hire service at York Theatre Royal isn’t just as good as it sounds — it’s better!
Entering the costume hire warehouse is a bit like the start of one of the Narnia films. On one side you enter from this typically industrial world of concrete and tarmac, with vans and trade signs to your left and right, and on the other side, as you pass through their front door you arrive into a realm of pure magic.
They have just shy of eight tonnes of brightly adorned outfits, prop pieces, shoes, hats, dame dresses (most of which were worn by Berwick Kaler himself) and more!
Almost everything — from Viking armour to 1930s-esque pinstripe suits, Elizabethan ballgowns, a dress made to look like its wearer is inside of Clifford’s Tower, and 1970s flared jumpsuits are available for hire, and they all have an incredible story to tell. As each one has been worn on stage by any of the iconic actors that have passed through the theatre. Two of the most popular
items are the dresses Miriam Margolyes wore when she appeared in Chekov’s “The Cherry Orchard!”
We are also greeted by the incredible Pauline Rourke, who has been the Costume Hire Supervisor ever since the department was first set up three decades ago.
Pauline said, “First and foremost we’re the wardrobe store, so our main function is to store all of the costumes that belong to York Theatre Royal. The second bit of the operation is the hire business. So, we hire out to anyone with money, or wine, or biscuits!”
“It’s right for the people of York that these costumes should be available, not just to hire but come and look at. It’s history and it’s part of York Theatre Royal’s archive.”
Even if you’ve not got a party planned in the next few weeks you can go down, like we did, to just have a look at the archives.
If you’re interested in hiring something but aren’t quite sure what, Pauline says, “If you do need something we are the place. We’re very knowledgeable and will do our upmost to make you get something before you go out that door and it won’t break the bank. So have a party!”
The department is open Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Head to www.yorktheatreroyal.co.uk/ costume-hire for updated opening hours or for more information to organise your tour or hire.
Each item is priced individually so contact Pauline and her team on 01904 715444 or at costumehire@yorktheatreroyal. co.uk to discover how much your's will cost.
Just for farmers? Absolutely not, it’s for the whole family!
Traditional agricultural shows have evolved, and how! Once the territory of farmers and the odd few inquisitive non-farming folk, these staples of the farming calendar now offer so much more and are a great day out for the whole family.
I recently attended Driffield show’s 148th offering, and wow, how it has changed. Having been for the past 20 odd years, it was a real eye opener this year with an updated and real family-friendly feel and blessed with our one day of summer.
With everything from cows to cakes, cars and crafts, tools and toys to tractors (yes, some will set you back six figures) but loads for the average gardener and horticulturalist too. Plus, many stands have ‘show deals’ for the day so that hedge trimmer or jumper from Joules you had your eye on can become more
affordable. With fairground rides, many food outlets, plant nurseries, outdoor furniture stands, home and pet outlets, plus charities and colleges it’s like a vast outdoor shopping experience full of variety and choice.
Add into it the logging exhibition, pet show, falconry, sheep shearing, farriery displays, Motorcycle stunt shows and so much more, your day will be packed full. Add to all that the wonderful hospitality that many exhibitors provide and booking you next year’s ticket will become a priority. Look out for their 2025 date which is usually mid-July. Of course, there is plenty for farmers too, and catching up with friends and suppliers is always invaluable.
What better way is there to celebrate everything great about our county than by witnessing a superhero called “Yorkshireman” jump into a giant Yorkshire pudding filled with gravy?
This is exactly how our August the 1st went — after York Maze very generously invited us down to share in their celebrations for the big occasion. The day started out with an action-packed Yorkshirepudding throwing competition, overseen by “Yorkshireman” himself, before we arrived at the main event.
Clad in his iconic green and yellow super suit, our hero reemerged in front of an eager crowd stood at the top of a load-all with the enormous Yorkshire pudding extended in front of him. He then leaped, flipped, and cannon-balled headfirst (at least five times) into the gravy to a chorus of cheers from all around, emerging only to shout out the words — “can anyone else taste onions?”
The epic stunt was a perfect
Even though you’ve missed Yorkshire day, and the end of the summer holidays are just around the corner, there’s still time to attend the many other fantastic attractions that makes York Maze one of the area’s go to spots.
The giant Gruffalo-themed maze needs no introduction, it’s made up of more than one million maize plants and covers an area larger than eight Wembley football pitches, so getting lost and found again in there ought to take up most of your afternoon! There are also fun rides, slides, games, climbing walls, live music and so much more.
We absolutely adored the Crowmania Ride — where on the back of a trailer, we battled against pesky crows trying to ruin the day and were sprayed with what felt like gallons of water! York Maze closes for the season on the 2nd of September so make sure to act fast and book tickets from www.yorkmaze.com now.
By Ben Robinson
Recently I got into the sub-genre of summer romance novels. There is something about reading a novel which is set in the warmth of summer which makes the story even more enticing. Whilst this may seem like a niche genre – it is the perfect one for lounging by the pool on a hot summer's day. Here is a choice of my favourite summer romance novels for this summer.
‘Bridget Jones’ Diary’ by Helen Fielding
– Whilst this may not be your typical summer novel, it is one of the great modern Romance novels. Bridget Jones is a thirty-something Londoner, and after a life of one failed relationship after another she finally meets the man of her dreams. But when someone else comes into the picture Bridget has a decision to make, and with all her quirks it’s one that doesn’t come easy. It feels just right to dive into the crazy world of Bridget Jones whilst chilling by the pool with this book.
‘Book Lovers’ by Emily Henry
– Who doesn’t love an enemies to lovers plotline? Well, this book has that and more. Nora, a big-time hustler from the city takes a summer break to North Carolina where she meets Charlie. Time-after-time the two bump into each other and whilst they don’t take well to one another at first, can their love for books bring them together and open Nora up to the prospect of love? I loved this book, and it felt so comforting to read, it really is perfect for adding some extra warmth to your summer.
‘It's Not Summer Without You’ by Jenny Han – This is the second book in ‘The Summer I Turned Pretty’ trilogy, however it is undoubtedly the standout. ‘It’s Not Summer Without You’ takes on the story of two grieving families navigating life at their beach house without one key member. Mix this in with complex teenage feelings and a parent who is reeling from the loss of a lifelong friend, and you have a brilliant romance novel. This book may be Young Adult Fiction, but anyone would appreciate and love these characters.
‘Every Summer After’ by Carley Fortune – A decade ago Persephone left her hometown and has never looked back. But when she must rush back as an adult for her family, she meets Sam, her childhood romance. The book takes us through the six summers of their childhood and the present day, can they reconnect? This is a book which will stay with you long after you read it and show you what it means to have loved and lost.
By Sammi Minion
Later this month York Theatre Royal are putting on an in-house adaptation of Louisa May Alcott’s legendary “Little Women.” Amongst a star-studded cast, York resident Kate Hampson will appear as Marmee. We sat down with Kate to learn about what— other than the 10-minute commute to the theatre from her home— attracted her to the role, and why, 150-years after it was first published, “Little Women” still matters so much.
How excited are you to be coming to York to perform “Little Women” and returning to York Theatre Royal?
I’m really, really chuffed. It’s a joy to be back working here. It’s such a beautiful theatre, and you know, let’s be honest, I’m walking to work — what’s not to love about that.
How well do you know “Little Women?”
It’s a story that I did for my GCSE final piece. Back in those days I was playing Amy, so it’s a great shock now that I’m playing Marmee [the mum!!], but you know I’ve moved on. I’ve dealt with that. I think it’s a really beautiful story about love and family and hope and loss, and the good times and the bad times. It’s a play that I think is very dear to a lot of people, which is very exciting but also slightly daunting.
Other than the easy commute, what encouraged you to play Marmee in Little Women this autumn?
Look, can I just say categorically that is not the reason I’m doing this job! I think the fact that it’s a great adaptation of the play [and] it’s a Theatre Royal production is really fantastic. I think, regardless of the fact that it’s a historical play, it still absolutely resonates with an audience today. I’ve got a 14-year-old daughter, and I went to see the most recent film with her not long ago, and there’s so many emotions and themes and issues that are dealt with in that play that we have today and we’re still
dealing with, and I think to see that reflected is really important for young people.
Have your own experiences bringing up your kids helped you tap into the character of Marmee?
Being a mother, yeah, I think it does help. I know there’ll be moments where I’m talking to the daughters in the play, and I’ll be thinking of talking to my own daughter.
I don’t know that I’m as patient as Marmee, I think I probably swear more than Marmee. I try not to, I try and curb it! I really admire in her the way she doesn’t give them the direct answer, she lets them find their own way with a very sort of quiet and constant support, which I think is a really special quality for a parent to have. Because I think often, we are trying to solve things for our children. Sometimes it’s about letting them have space to work it out for themselves.
If your audience could get one thing out of watching the play, what would you like that to be?
In the current climate we’ve seen in the in the news in the last week or so, which has just been so shocking and so upsetting I hope that people can find some sort of unification in it [the play]. That love is the key.
Why should someone buy a ticket for “Little Women” at York Theatre Royal? The writing is beautiful. The cast look great. Juliet’s [Forster] a great director. It’s a fantastic theatre. And it’s a special story. I think there’s something for everyone to relate to in it. And for those people that don’t or haven’t been to the theatre very often, I’d really encourage it because the theatre’s a special place and it should be accessible and open to everyone.
“Little Women” is on stage at York Theatre Royal from the 21st of September until the 12th of October. Head to www.yorktheatreroyal.co.uk/ show/little-women, or call up on 01904 623568 to buy tickets.
Robin Lewis-Light lives in York and loves the beauty of the city and the stories that it inspires him to write.
It was a warm night, and he was sitting by the Ouse, watching the lights begin to appear above the city skyline.
He remembered Rachel sitting beside him like it was yesterday. Her hand on his, calm and gentle. She had passed away five years ago now, but he came down here to sit by the river almost every night and remember her.
Every now and again he thought he could see her, in the faces of the people that he met, in the clouds that he saw in the sky or in the trees. He knew that it was his imagination but he did not mind. He missed his wife, and he knew that he would go on missing her for as long as he lived. He knew that she was still watching, sitting beside him, waiting for him, loving him.
Sometimes they used to come down to the Ouse, sit on a bench together and not say anything. The silence did not mean that they had argued – his wife had been kind, and the few disagreements they had had were always brief, and settled quickly with a hug and a kiss.
She had loved him, he knew that, and he loved her. He would always love her, though she had gone, and he would always miss her.
“I wish I could just hear your voice again,” he murmured, to himself. “Or just look in to those beautiful green eyes again, one more time.”
He wanted to look in to her eyes again, and see the love in his own eyes reflected in hers.
Rachel and Steven had just wanted to be with each other, and York had been perfect for that. Rachel had died too young, and now Steven just missed her, for the simple reason that he had loved her so much and she was perfect.
He did not cry, tonight. Steven looked down the Ouse, thinking about all the people who were meeting their loves, people who were arguing about things that were not important, and not realising what was important, not realising the things you should hold on to.
He remembered Rachel’s red hair and her green eyes as he looked down the Ouse, towards Lendal Bridge. To see her one last time would be wonderful.
Then he saw a flicker amongst the stars. There was a movement of red in the stars, like a fire rising up, and then a flicker of green.
“My love,” Steven murmured. He had heard that the aurora borealis – the Northern Lights – had been seen in the skies recently, but he had never seen it himself. He and Rachel had planned to go to Norway, to experience it, but they had never had the money or the time and now, there was no time left.
Steven could see the red and green lights playing in the sky and he knew that his wife was there and that she still loved him.
The Peregrine Falcons of York Minster Best observed from Dean's Park (bring binoculars and stand well back so you don't get a crick in your neck), Mr and Mrs Minster are high up on the North West Tower, on the balcony or on a grotesque. The falcon prefers The Thoughtful Man who, for centuries, has stroked his chin and ignored the crowds below, the tiercel sits on the eroded carving the other side of the belfry but then he's the smaller of the two, less powerful, more easy going with a neater and cleaner look even when fluffed up and relaxing. It's the female who hunts the pigeons which nest on that ledge in Stonegate just behind the stone cat above JW Knowles Stained Glass, Leaded Lights, Decorations. Look out or your chicks will be snatched and whisked to a nest where the fledglings will soon take their first scary flight from the House of God.
This is a poem by the incredible local poet Carole Bromley. It is the title poem of her collection The Peregrine Falcons of York Minster (Valley Press, 2020) For further examples of her writing and contact details head to www.carolebromleypoetry.co.uk.
Excerpt of a longer poem by the legendary monk Alcuin.
And briefly tell the ancient cradling
Of York's famed city through the charms of verse.
It was a Roman army built it first ,
High-walled and towered, and made the native tribes
Of Britain allied partners in the task –
For then a prosperous Britain rightly bore
The rule of Rome whose sceptre ruled the world –
To be a merchant-town of land and sea,
A mighty stonghold for their
An Empire's pride and terror to its foes,
A haven for the ships from distant ports
Across the ocean, where the sailor hastes
To cast his rope ashore and stay to rest.
The city is watered by the fishrich Ouse
Which flows past flowery plains on every side;
And hills and forests beautify the earth
And make a lovely dwellingplace, whose health
And richness soon will fill it full of men.
Our roundup of the best events of the month, and a few of the ones you’ll need to act quick to get tickets booked in for next month!
YORK NATIONAL BOOK FAIR, Knavesmire Suite, York Racecourse. 12-7pm Saturday and 10am-5pm Sunday. York’s annual showcase of rare books, maps, ephemera, and prints returns to the city! Around 190 exhibitors from leading booksellers around the country will be on hand to show off some truly incredible finds. It’s set to be a dream day-out for the book worms amongst you, as there will be more than 100,000 books on display. Head to yorkbookfair.com for more info!
MALTON FOOD MARKET, Market Place, Malton, 9am-3pm. Go along to this beautiful North Yorkshire town and try some incredible local cuisine. Head to www. visitmalton.co.uk for more information.
THE MALTON 10K, Market Place, Malton. 10am-4pm. Inspired by the Marathon Du Medoc in France's wine region, the Malton 10k is a ‘Gourmet Wineathlon’ going through an area of Yorkshire famous for its local produce & beautiful countryside. Head to www.visitmalton.co.uk to book your place.
RALLY, York Racecourse, The Knavesmire, York. 10am-4pm. There will be as many as 500 vehicles attending including everything from classic cars, right up to 1930s lorries, buses, and more! In addition to the wide array of vehicles, there will be an auto jumble, trade stands, craft stalls, club displays, and refreshment stalls. Entry will be £4 for adults, £3 for OAPs, and free for children under the age of 16. All profit will be going to local charities! Visit www.yhvg.uk for more details.
THE SWINGLES — LIVE, Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall, Campus West, University of York. 7.30pm. The five-time Grammy-winning ensemble are headed to York!! Now with three Uni of York Alumni in their line-up expect to witness an unforgettable live performance transcending time, genre and vocal expectations! Head to yorkconcerts.co.uk/whats-on to book tickets.
YORK UNLOCKED, Various locations, York. York Unlocked is the unique chance to witness 50 of the city’s most iconic buildings as never seen before, and every single one is completely FREE to explore. This year there will also be a children’s book trail so that the whole family can enjoy their day. Whether you are an history or architecture buff or are just looking to see a new side of York, it’s an unmissable weekend. Head to york-unlocked.org.uk for more information.
season in concert, they’ve decided to dedicate their first performance to John Barry, the composer who created many if the iconic James Bond theme tunes. The orchestra is joined by local soprano Jo Pears and local chamber choir the Ebor Singers – and the evening will be hosted by BBC Radio York’s very own Ellie Fiorentini. Book tickets from www.yorkguildhallorchestra.com.
Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall, Campus West, University of York. 7.30pm. Named after their beautiful 1848 piano, Alexandra Nepomnyashchaya and Richard Egarr have been working together as Duo Pleyel for the past seven years to bring the rich and exciting repertoire for piano four-hands to a wider public. Join the brilliant duo as they perform some of Mozart and JC Bach’s greatest work in York. Head to yorkconcerts.co.uk/whats-on to book tickets.
THE HOLE IN WAND, Coppergate Shopping Centre, York. Visit the world’s most magical golf course and enjoy a Wizarding adventure as you vie for golfing superiority against friends! Hear tales of York's wizarding lore. Solve riddles and puzzles along the way. It's one of the most magical days out in York for families and fans of the wizarding world. To find out more information or to book, please visit www.theholeinwand.com/york.
The Potions Cauldron is based on 9 ¾ Shambles York where the first known potion maker Phileas Fry came to York in 1335 to help the sick and needy. Once inside the shop you will find all the magical potions that were originally served centuries ago as well as the chance to visit the secret Potion Room. Head to www. thepotionscauldron.com/visit for more information.
Itching for something to do? Read on…
Information is correct at the time of printing but subject to change. Please check with venues ahead of your visit.
24-26 AUGUST
ART IN THE BARN, Tithe Barn, Church Lane, Nether Poppleton. A fabulous exhibition of a variety of artworks created by local artists. Free admission and ample parking. Visit their Facebook for more details.
JAKE BUGG VS GERRY CINNA ‘CON’ MAN, York Vaults, Nunnery Lane, 8-11pm. Tribute music from Jake Bugg and Gerry Cinnamon at a great central York location. Book tickets from skiddle.
SUTTON PARK STATELY HOME, Sutton-on-the-Forest, York. The Gardens will be open from 11am5pm and the house will be open for guided tours only (at 1.30pm and at 2.45pm). Sutton Park is a charming example of Georgian architecture with exquisite interiors, well known for its plaster work and Chinese drawing room with elaborate 18th Century wallpaper. The house was built in 1750 by the architect Thomas Atkinson. Visit www.sutton-park.co.uk for more information.
LIGHTS, CAMERA, TRACTION, North Yorkshire Moors Railway, Pickering Station and Goathland Station. There are tons of film-related activities at the NYMR this summer! Visit www.nymr.co.uk/Event/filmtrail to see the dates and times for each event and to book for the whole family now.
SUPPORT GROUP TURNS 40, Osbaldwick Sports Club. 11am4pm. A family fun-day to celebrate York’s incredible Special Care Baby Unit. There will be a bouncy caste, inflatable assault course, BBQ, activity, and craft stalls as well as plenty of fun for all the family. All proceeds from the day will go towards the Special Care Baby Unit at York Hospital.
EDEN CAMP’S SUMMER HOLIDAY FUN, Eden Camp Modern History Museum, Malton YO17 6RT. Bring the whole family for an unforgettable fun-filled summer with immersive workshops and engaging activities that the whole
family are sure to enjoy. This site of a former prisoner of war camp in the North Yorkshire countryside has been fully re-equipped to tell the true story of The People’s War— the social history of life in Britain from 1939 to 1945. Visit www.edencamp. co.uk to find out more.
THE STEVE CASSIDY BAND, Jospeh Rowntree Theatre. Featuring special guest Emily Lawler, Steve Cassidy returns to bring you an electric mix of rock, ballads, and country music. Tickets are £17. Call 01904 501935 to get yours.
YORK MAZE, Elvington. This year's maze is set to aMAZE the family for a full day out packed with plenty of attractions, shows and rides and of course the maze! York Maze is the UK’s biggest corn maze and is home to over 20 rides,
ANNIVERSARY QUIZ, New Earswick Indoor Bowling Club, Huntington Road, from 7.30pm. Hosted by Strictly Come Dancing star Alan Dedicoat, this quiz will feature several rounds of questions on a wide range of subjects, and the evening will also include a raffle with valuable prizes on offer. Tickets are £12 from www.yorkhospitalradio. com/19-news-articles/79-60thanniversary-quiz
YORKMIX FAMILY RACEDAY – BLUEY, York Racecourse, 11am. Popular children’s character, Bluey, will be making appearances throughout the day as well as hosting a seven-race thoroughbred card with a £200,000 in prize money. Bring the family out for a fun filled day with their favourite TV characters. Contact enquiries@ yorkracecourse.co.uk if you would like more information.
MONET IN YORK, York Art Gallery, 10am-5pm. Go and check out one of the greatest paintings of all time before it leaves York. One of Monet’s
iconic Water Lily pieces, (The Water-Lily Garden,1899) painted in his famous garden in Giverny, is currently on loan from London’s The National Gallery and is on display at York Art Gallery. Head to www. yorkartgallery.org.uk for more information or to book a ticket for the exhibition.
A NIGHT AT THE MOVIES AT YORK MINSTER, York Minster, 7:30pm9:30pm. Ignite presents a magical evening where the timeless melodies of beloved film scores will be brought to life by the Ebor String Quartet and Alistair Griffin. Email info@igniteconcertsyork.com with any enquiries.
THE STEVE CASSIDY BAND, Haxby Sports and Social Club Function Room, 8pm. Free entry. An evening of great music, join us for a wonderful mix of country, ballads and rock music.
14 SEPTEMBER- 12 OCTOBER YORK ENVIRONMENT WEEKS, Various times and locations around York. York Environment Weeks is back for its fifth year with a four-week festival showcasing climate and environmental action in York. There’s something for everyone, with events ranging from sustainability workshops to walks around local green spaces. Expect to learn new skills, connect with others and celebrate the city’s natural environment. Visit yorkenvironmentweek.org.uk for a full list of the upcoming sessions.
MOONLIGHT WALK, St Leonard's Hospice, YO24 1GL. 7-11.45pm. A charity walk for the amazing St Leonard's Hospice. Book tickets from www.tickettailor.com
YORK JOBS, APPRENTICESHIPS AND SKILLS FAIR. York Railway Institute Sport Centre, 11am-2pm. Meet experts on job hunting to guide you into the best vacant jobs around and move towards employment. They help meet the needs of everyone, all while contributing to the economic vibrancy of our city. Email york.learning@york.gov.uk for more information.
A BAND CALLED MALICE, York Vaults, Nunnery Lane. 8-11pm. As close to being at a Jam gig as you can get. Launching with an explosion of energy, this show is guaranteed to take you back to ‘When You’re Young’ with a performance that gives the same high energy, angst, aggression and passion as the original band members. Head to ultimategig. co.uk for more information.
THE MOJO’S, Huntington Sports and Social Club, from 7pm. Music from a great rock and indie cover band who have been playing around the UK for over 15 years.
YORK 50 PLUS FESTIVAL, various locations around. York. A twoweek festival organised by York Older People’s Assembly. There will be events and skill sessions where you can enjoy meeting other older people to “accentuate the positive” of being over 50. If you need more information, contact at yorkfiftyplus@gmail.com, or ring the festival co-ordinator on 07920 162034.
BIG GIRLS DON’T CRY. York Barbican, doors open at 6:30pm and the show starts at 7:30pm. Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons tribute act. They skyrocketed to worldwide stardom 60 years ago with their No1 hit Sherry. So go see them perform two hours of their greatest hits. This tribute show will put on a performance like no other! To find out more head to: www.yorkbarbican.co.uk
Malton Monthly Food Market
Saturday, September 14, 2024
9:00 AM 3:00 PM Market Place, Malton
Malton Sunday Market Sunday, September 15, 2024 10:00 AM 4:00 PM Market Place, Malton
The Malton 10k Sunday, September 15, 2024 10:00 AM 4:00 PM Market Place, Malton
Malton Harvest Festival Saturday & Sunday October 5 & 6, 2024 9:00 AM 5:00 PM Market Place, Malton Malton Monthly Food Market Saturday, November 9, 2024 9:00 AM 3:00 PM Market Place, Malton
Malton Christmas Festival
& Sunday, December 7 & 8 9 AM to 3.30 PM Market Place, Malton
YORK U3A OPEN DAY, Friends Meeting House, Friargate, York. 10am until 12 noon. York u3a is open to anybody who is retired or no longer in full-time employment. The organisation offers opportunities to enjoy educational, social, recreational and creative activities, including a wide of range of groups to join, Saturday talks, and organised travel. Go along to see if it’s for you! Full details of York u3a, including a full list of the groups it runs, can be found online at www.york. u3asite.uk
SHIPTON ART GROUP EXHIBITION, Shipton Communuty Centre, Shipton-by-Beningborough, York.12.30-4pm on the 26th and 10am-4pm for the other days. There will be original paintings, cards, and prints for sale. Also, there will be refreshments and ample parking.
THE NYMR ANNUAL STEAM GALA & BEER FESTIVAL, North Yorkshire Moors Railway Pickering and Goathland Stations. A spectacular celebration of steam heritage, featuring a lineup of iconic locomotives. There will also be trade stalls at Pickering, as well as the Annual Steam Gala Beer Festival at Goathland, and the Shed Shop will be hosting a fantastic range of railway items, and the Tea Rooms will be open for refreshments. For more information and book tickets, visit www.nymr.co.uk/ annual-steam-gala
QUEEN ETHELBURGA’S COLLEGIATE OPEN DAY, Thorpe Underwood, Estate, York YO26 9SS. From 9.30am. Go along to gain in-depth insight into the Queen Ethelburga’s community, which welcomes children from 3 months to 18 years old. Head to www.qe.org for more information.
MEDIEVAL FEAST AT BARLEY HALL, Barley Hall, 2 Coffee Yard, York. 7-10pm. Step into a traditional candlelit banqueting hall and step back in time. The evening includes a three-course Medieval-inspired menu and live entertainment from professional actors who will delight you with stories of old. Book tickets from www.jorvikvikingcentre. co.uk
YORK AND DISTRCT INDOOR BOWLS CLUB OPEN DAY, Thanet Road, Dringhouses. All equipment is supplied, coaches will be on hand to help, and there will be craft stalls. Call 01904 704180 for more information.
Do you like to Sing? Then go along & join this fun-filled singing group. No auditions or experience needed. All 18+ welcome. They sing all styles from Pop to Musicals, classics & blues to Rock Anthems. Meet every Tuesday @ 7.30pm - 9pm from September 17th through to Christmas & your 1st session is absolutely FREE! Poppleton Road Memorial Hall, Acomb. For more info please email Jules info@supersing.co.uk
Explore Library. A free event ran by the Age UK York team who will be on hand to assist on a range of information and advice with a focus on your energy arrangements and our specialism on money and benefits advice. Head to www. ageuk.org.uk/york for more.
ST NICK’S’ AUTUMN FAYRE, St Nicks Nature Reserve, Rawdon Ave. YOI0 3FW. 1-5pm. Come to a celebration of nature’s harvest. There will be free entry, access to community stalls, live music, apple pressing, woodland activities, and more! Visit stnicks. org.uk/events for more!
EXHIBITION AND SALE, Wigginton Recreation Hall. 10am-4pm. Go along and see the incredible works of the artist members of this local group. Entrance is £1 which includes the price of your refreshments.
18-19 & 25-26 OCTOBER
Enclosure, York Racecourse. York's very own Oktoberfest returns with plenty of laughs, live entertainment and lederhosen! Fill your stein, grab a tasty bite and enjoy thighslapping live music and hilarious drag artist Velma Celli. Tickets from £23. For more information on tickets and timings, please visit www.yorktoberfest.co.uk.
YORKSHIRE MARATHON, A 26-mile running challenge starting out from the University of York. Would you like to run (or walk!) in support of local Age UK York charity? Charitable places are available for the 10 mile or full marathon events. Get in touch on 01904 627995.
POPPLETON ROAD SCHOOL OPEN DAY, Poppleton Road Primary, School Poppleton Road, York, YO26 4UP. 6.30pm. Go along to see if this lovely school is right for your child. The timing is perfect if they’re starting school in September 2025! Call 01904 806522 or email office@poppleton.pmat.academy for more info.
AESTHETICA SHORT FILM FESTIVAL, various times and locations, York. Whether you’re a budding filmmaker yourself, or just an all-out fan of the pictures — this BAFTA-Qualifying celebration should be top of your November priorities. Hundreds of films, including laugh-out-loud comedies, award-winning dramas, thrillers, animation, family friendly and documentaries are headed to York! Head to www.asff.co.uk/ festival/ to book your festival pass.
YOGA WITH NESTOR, 29 Maple Grove, Fulford. A mixed ability yoga class, beginners welcome. Email nestorportnoy@yahoo.com
YOGA WITH DAVINA, York RI, Hamilton Drive, Acomb at 7pm. Gentle Hatha Yoga suitable for both beginners and improvers. Email yogawithdavina@yahoo. com
MOVE IT OR LOSE IT, Acomb Methodist Church, Front Street, Acomb. 10.30-11.30am. A fitness class for seniors. For more info or to book your place please contact Hannah on 07375950315 or at hannah.carterbrown@ moveitorloseit.co.uk
YOGA WITH NESTOR, Stockton on the Forest Village Hall, 10am. A mixed ability yoga class, beginners welcome. Email nestorportnoy@ yahoo.com.
YOGA WITH DAVINA, Acomb Methodist Church, Front Street at 10am. Gentle Hatha, suitable for beginners and improvers, email yogawithdavina@yahoo. com for more information.
WIGGINTON CAR BOOT SALE, Home Farm, Wigginton. 6.30am-1pm weather permitting. Cars cost £9 and vans are £10, with additional trailers at an extra £2. Public admission is £1 with toilets and refreshments available. Call 01904 768463.
DOWN BY THE RIVER, Plonkers Wine Bar, 8.30pm. Head on down to Plonkers Wine Bar every Sunday for an evening of live music in a relaxed atmosphere. Free drink to all performers and all music equipment is provided. To find out more information search Plonkers Wine Bar on Facebook.
BIRD AND WILDLIFE CLASSES, weekly birdwatching walks. Expect to identify 100 bird species as well as many mammals, butterflies, dragonflies, fungi, and wildflowers in a friendly and jargon free environment. Call 07946 625688 for more information.
Inspired by the iconic 2003 movie, a theatrical version of The School of Rock is headed to Grand Opera House York this September. It follows the story of Dewey, an unemployed and washed out failed rockstar, impersonating a teacher with a grand plan to lead his Elementary class to victory at The Battle of the Bands!
Grand Opera House have offered us two tickets to the show on the 13th of September to give away to one of our loyal readers! All you need to do to be in with a chance of winning is answer this question.
What is the name of the main character? Hughey Bluey Dewey
Send your answer (along with your name, address, email address, and daytime contact number) on a postcard marked ‘GRAND OPERA Competition’ to the address on page 8 or competitions@yourlocallink. co.uk. The closing date is Friday 6th September. Terms and conditions apply.
Read on to discover which Hollywood blockbusters and indie flicks are on in York this September.
CINEWORLD, Community Stadium, Kathryn Ave, Huntington, York YO32 9AF. Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
The Greatest of All Time
NT Live: Prima Facie
VUE YORK, Clifton Moor Centre, York YO30 4XY
CINEWORLD, Community Stadium, Kathryn Ave, Huntington, York YO32 9AF.
Don’t miss the upcoming farming and agricultural shows happening near you!
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
FLY: The IMAX Experience
The Greatest Of All Time
Blur: Live At Wembley Stadium
Edward Scissorhands: Matthew Bourne's dance version of Tim Burton's classic EVERYMAN YORK, Blossom Street, York, YO24 1AJ
Beyond: Radical
Royal Opera House: The Marriage of Figaro
Blur: Live At Wembley Stadium Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
Check with each venue for specific dates and showtimes before attending.
REETH SHOW, Swale Hall, Reeth, Richmond, North Yorkshire. DL11 6JA.The Reeth Show is a traditional agricultural show with a wide range of entertainment, shows, displays, stalls and refreshments. Local trades will be selling their fresh produce and products and there will be traders from further afield. Visit www.reethshow.co.uk for further information.
BILSDALE SHOW, TS9 7JS.The Bilsdale show has been running for over 100 years. The show is run on a charitable, not-for-profit basis with the aim of promoting and advancing, for the benefit of the public, agriculture, horticulture and rural crafts in all their branches, and each year they make a significant donation to local charities. Visit www.bilsdaleshow.co.uk/ for more information.
KEIGHLEY AND DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL SHOW, King George V Playing Fields, Marley, Keighley, BD21 4DB. With a wide range of attractions this year including; Terrier Racing, a ferret show, vintage tractors, a fun dog show and more! Visit www.keighleyshow.co.uk/ for more information.
PENINSTONE AGRICULTURAL SHOW, Showground, Penistone. The 2024 show is brimming with entertainment, competitors, livestock competitions ,handicraft, homecraft and horticulture competitions. Run by volunteers they encourage you to get involved
too. Visit www.penistoneshow. com/ for more information.
KILDALE SHOW, Kildale Village Hall, Show Field ,Kildale, Whitby ,YO21 2RG. Kildale’s 2024 show is set to offer a great amount of attractions this year! From Whitby Falconers to the Cleveland Police Community Band. Visit www.kildaleshow.co.uk/ for more information.
CASTLETON SHOW, Castleton Cricket Club, 4 Esk Hill, Castleton, Whitby. Go along to see musical entertainment, enjoy food and drink from wonderful local businesses in the cricket tent. Visit www.castletonshow.wixsite. com/castletonshow for more information
STOKESLEY SHOW, Oak Tree Cottage, Newsham, Thirsk YO7 4DH. The Stokelsey show is one of the largest one-day shows in the country and is back for another year! Although agriculture is something for everyone, they even have entertainment, shopping, demonstrations and even competitions. Visit www./ stokesleyshow.co.uk/ for more information.
NIDDERDALE SHOW, Bewerley Park, Pateley Bridge. Nidderdale show aims to celebrate the best agricultural traditions around with top class horse sections, livestock and some of the finest exhibitions of animals anywhere in the UK. Visit www.nidderdaleshow.co.uk/ for further details now.
York Racecourse on the iconic Knavesmire has been home to racing as far back as the Roman era! Read on to check out what’s happening this month.
FAMILY RACEDAY – BLUEY, 11am. Popular children’s character, Bluey, will be making appearances throughout the day as well as hosting a seven-race thoroughbred card with a £200,000 in prize money. Bring the family out for a fun filled day with their favourite TV characters
OCTOBER FINALE, 11.15am. Your last chance to attend York races this season! The trainers will try their luck to win the Coral Sprint Trophy while the Friday meeting is Countryside race-day. There’ll be a course-side fayre of countryside activities and trade-stalls.
Joseph Rowntree Theatre: To book, call 01904 501935 or visit www.josephrowntreetheatre. co.uk
MEATLOUD - BAT OUT OF HADES. The ultimate tribute to Meat Loaf and Jim Steinman. Buckle up for a ride into hell –MeatLoud delivers an electrifying tribute, promising a night of unforgettable music and highenergy performances.
THE STEVE CASSIDY BAND. Join Steve Cassidy, John Lewis on lead guitar, Mick Hull on the bass guitar, ukulele and guitar, Brian Thompson on drums, George Hall on keyboard, and a few special guests for an entertaining mix of rock, country and more.
CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY. The world-famous Willy Wonka is opening the gates to his mysterious factory… but only to a lucky few. Young Charlie Bucket and four other golden ticket winners will embark on a life-changing journey through Wonka’s world of pure imagination.
York Theatre Royal: To book, call 01904 623568 or visit www.yorktheatreroyal.co.uk.
ANNA HIBISCUS’S SONG. A story told through music, dance, puppetry and traditional African storytelling; a theatrical adaption of Atinuke’s much loved children’s book will have you beaming from ear to ear.
After an absence of more than 30 years, the legendary performers at London City Ballet are back in York. Featuring a fantastic, international company of dancers, this comeback production includes acclaimed works including the revival of Kenneth MacMillan’s 1972 one-act ballet Ballade.
LITTLE WOMEN. Whether you first fell in love with this timeless story because of the film starring Timothée Chalamet or Louisa May Alcott’s charming novel, one thing’s for sure. The chance to experience it all over again is an unmissable opportunity!
FOOL(ISH) IMPROV PRESENT NOT GONNA LIE. No two shows of this clever improv comedy are ever the same. These Chicago-trained improvisers will help unburden your of silly secrets, tales of the office, and childhood memories — turning them all into hilarious comedy.
SANCHO & ME. Born on a slave ship on the Atlantic Ocean in 1729, Charles Ignatius Sancho went on to become a writer, composer, shopkeeper and respected ‘man of letters’ in 18th century London and incredibly, the first man of African Heritage to vote in Britain. Go along to see his story retold and interwoven with storyteller Paterson Jospeh’s own experiences growing up Black and British.
III. As the only King of England ever to be killed in battle, and the suspected murderer of the Princes in the Tower, King Richard III is a legendary historical figure. However much of what we know of the man has been shaped by his villainous depiction made famous by William Shakespeare. Ever since his body was discovered under a car park in 2012, Yvonne Morley-Chisholm has been dedicated to testing what Shakespeare said against real historical evidence and eventually recreating a literal voice for a long-dead King. The result of her project will be launched at York Theatre Royal this November! Go along to hear the King speak!
Grand Opera House: To book, call 0333 009 6690 or visit atgtickets.com.
The children’s storybook you love arrives on stage. Join the teaguzzling tiger in this delightful family show; packed with oodles of magic, sing-a-long songs and clumsy chaos.
THE MAGIC OF THE BEATLES. Go and see a tribute show of the band you love as they play some of the most iconic music ever written. Enjoy She Loves You, A Hard Day’s Night, Help!, I Feel Fine, Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, Hey Jude, Here Comes the Sun, Get Back, and all the rest!
SCHOOL OF ROCK. Based on the iconic movie, School of Rock follows Dewey Finn, a failed rock star who is faking it as a substitute teacher at a prestigious prep school. But instead of teaching the students the alphabet or math, Dewey leads them to become the most awesome rock band ever. Can they crush the Battle of the Bands without getting caught by their parents and the school’s headmistress, or will Dewey be left to face the music?
THE MUSICAL. Based on John Sullivan’s legendary television show, this home-grown musical spectacular features cherished material from Britain’s best loved TV series. With a script and
original score written by John’s son, Jim Sullivan, and comedy giant Paul Whitehouse, prepare to get reacquainted with Britain’s most lovable rogues.
THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW. Australian superstar Jason Donovan comes to York in Richard O’Brien’s legendary rock ‘n’ roll musical, The Rocky Horror Show, as part of a new world tour. It is an adventure you’ll never forget, filled with fun, frolics, frocks, and frivolity.
HAIRSPRAY THE MUSICAL. This feel-good classic is back. Featuring some of musical theatre’s biggest hit songs, Welcome to the 60s, You Can’t Stop the Beat, Good Morning Baltimore and many more. Hairspray is the hilarious, joyous, and inspiring musical for all!
Friargate Theatre
To book call 01904 613000.
RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW. A fun night of audience-led foolish improv comedy.
Theatre 41@ Monkgate: Book tickets from tickets.41monkgate.co.uk
THE BEAUTY OF BEING HERD. Go and watch Ruth Berkoff’s debut show - a funny, tender, quirky tale with original songs, clowning and possibly a rave. Recommended age is for 16-years-old and up.
OTHELLO. This Shakespearean masterpiece needs no introduction. The immortal tragedy is brought to York by award-winning northern company Elysium TC. Go and see this genre-defining exploration into the themes of loyalty, reputation, jealousy, and race on stage.
THE BOBBY KENNEDY EXPERIENCE. Robert Francis Kennedy is undoubtedly the most famous US politician to never become President. Go and see the fascinating story of one of the most important figures of the American 20th Century, as he overcame the tragic loss of his brother, battled for Civil Rights, and began a Presidential campaign of his own.
The Mothers
The York Vaults
2.30pm Kickback
Severus Social Club
5.30pm Swing Jazz and Blues Night
The Hi Ho Club
7.30pm Robyn Hitchcock
The Crescent Community Venue
7.30pm Steve Cassidy Band & Friends
Joseph Rowntree Theatre
Jeffrey Lewis & The Voltage
The Crescent Community Venue
Battle of the Bands
Heat 1
King Thieves + Asylum + Chocolatebox + Pedestrian
The Fulford Arms
Tame Valley Stompers
Dringhouses Sports Club
1pm-3.30pm Battle of the Bands Heat 2
Sleuth Gang + Manic Calm + Firefly + Idle
The Fulford Arms
7pm The Daltons & Mick
The Hi Ho Club
8pm Bad Saloon Golden Ball
Simon Snaize The Habit
Beats & Bands
7pm Troy Redfern
FortyFive Vinyl Cafe
7pm China Crisis
The Crescent Community Center
Karl Mullen & Luka Watabe
The Waterfront Café, York Marina
Sam Offender + Urban Times
The York Vaults
Warlock AD: The Valley of Vâgené album release tour + Vanitas + 40000
The Fulford Arms
7.30pm Tri-Starrs
The Crooked Tap 8pm
Jimbo Doomface
The Three Tuns 9pm
Rock T’Night The Edinburgh Arms 9pm
40 Thieves
Severus Social Club
Steven Cade and Luke Flear
FortyFive Vinyl Cafe 7pm Tri-Starrs
The Bootham Tavern
Will Young Grand Opera House
Swing Jazz and Blues Night
The Hi Ho Club
7.30pm Martha
The Crescent Community Center
Battle of the Bands Heat 3
The North + The Rosettas + Waterbored + Cavalier
The Fulford Arms 7pm
Battle of the Bands Heat 4
ØMMIS + The Wall People + 5Or7 + Thesus The Fulford Arms
The Daltons & Mick
The Hi Ho Club
Simon Snaize The Habit
Beats & Bands
Kennedy’s 7pm
Gina Larner
FortyFive Vinyl Cafe 7pm
Melting Pot
The Crescent Community Venue
Heartsink + Patience + Chasing The Fall + Chonky Dog
The Fulford Arms
The Mojos
O’Neill’s 9pm
Eddy Smith and the 507
FortyFive Vinyl Cafe
Paul Carrack: How Long 50th
Anniverary Tour
York Barbican
Epileptic Hillbillys The Fulford Arms
7.30pm That Guy Called Si The Three Tuns 9pm
Charity Knees Up The Edinburgh Arms 1pm-7pM The Echoes The York Vaults
Definitely Maybeez Severus Social Club
5.30pm Swing Jazz and Blues Night The Hi Ho Club
David Essex York Barbican 7pm
Tom McRae The Fulford Arms 7.30pm
Battle of the Bands Heat 5
Pearl Natasha + Offbeat + Uncultured + Sweeping Statement The Fulford Arms 7pm
Battle of the Bands Heat 6
Tom Sheldon Trio + Robo + Patience + Gargoyles In The Rafters The Fulford Arms
Alexander O’Neal: Time to Say Goodbye York Barbican
7.30pm The Daltons & Mick
Agnew The Hi Ho Club
Simon Snaize The Habit
8.30pm Bad Saloon The Phoenix Inn
THE MOJO’S Huntington Sports and Social Club. From 7pm.
By Kane Harland
One of my favourite things about spending five years living in York, through university and the start of work life, is definitely the art scene — and more specifically, the music scene.
Every day and every night there is music in this great city, in fact, it is impossible to avoid it. From the amazing buskers such as the legendary Hyde Family Jam — that are always worth spending half an hour watching in town— to Kate Couriel, and Mia Kirkland, both of whom appeared on the BBC recently, the former alongside Seb Lowe at TRNSMT Festival, and the latter enjoying radio play for her new single “Leave it all behind,” following her appearance on Project Icon, York is packed to the brim with incredible musical talent.
York also boasts some of the best small venues in the area. Venues such as the Crescent, the Vaults and Fulford Arms are must-visit event spaces for fans of music and entertainment.
One of the most incredible things about our great city is that, often, this entertainment can be enjoyed completely free of charge. Buskers adorn the city through the day, and for you night owls, the fun does not end there! Take the open mic night at The Old Bank every Monday for example. Ran by top York busker “That guy called Si.” Not only are instruments and tracks provided… every performer gets a FREE pint. They also have different live music on every Friday!
Or if you fancy something a bit heavier how about Busk @
Dusk, running every Sunday 10pm2am
The Wonky Plonky Open Mic Night at the Three-Legged Mare is another great opportunity on Thursday nights to get yourself some free entertainment AND a free drink for performing!
There is also the amazing chance to see BATTLE OF THE BANDS at The Fulford Arms. The semi-finals are taking place on Friday the 4th, Saturday the 5th and Friday the 11th of October and the GRAND final takes place on November 3rd. What’s more, all rounds are COMPLETELY free of charge to attend. This is your moment to not only experience amazing music but cast your verdict on who is best!
The Echoes is a fantastic free event taking place at The Vaults in York where award-winning musicians play an “eclectic mix of classic indie, soul, and rock n roll.” This will take place on Sunday 13th October and last entry is at 8:30. What’s not to love?!
And finally on Sunday 27th October you have the chance to see staple York Band “The Mothers” completely free of charge at The Vaults.
These events don’t just provide prime opportunities to enjoy authentic live entertainment at the cost of your chosen drink (with chances for a few free ones!), but they also cultivate the perfect setting for musicians to network and experience each other's styles.
This fosters a vibrant, unique local scene that I hope many more of you will explore and appreciate.
By Mim & Pat
Your Local Link were invited to sample new Surf and Turf Menu at the Grand Hotel in York. Mim and her partner Pat quickly jumped at the chance of sampling such reputedly fine cuisine, especially on a dreary Monday evening.
Situated near the Railway Station in York, they were keen to see what the building had in store for them — especially now it has been converted to a five-star hotel from its railway heritage history.
The name itself describes how you feel as you enter this exquisite Hotel. You are welcomed with efficiency and politeness by their welldressed doorman into a beautiful marble reception with staff who kindly direct you to their Rise Restaurant.
We were quickly greeted and shown to our table by a lovely lady called Natasha who catered for all our culinary needs.
The restaurant itself had a very soft industrial theme to it, the lighting was just perfect and complimented the relaxed atmosphere with the open kitchen being a fantastic experience. Watching chefs prepare meals to an impeccable standard, even shouting ‘service’ as meals were made just added to the high standard of dining that the Rise offers.
We chose to have one entree between us as we didn’t want to be too full to fully appreciate the Surf and Turf. With difficulty, we chose the Staals Salmon tasting plate. The salmon variations were cooked to perfection, perfectly portioned, and delightful. The blinis, a traditional accompaniment, were so light and fluffy and were the perfect complement.
The main masterpiece, the surf and turf followed. The generous portion for two comprised of a whole lobster and two large portions of perfectly cooked beef wellington was not only visually stunning but matched its looks with perfect seasoning and succulence. With a selection of sides to also choose from, we opted for hand cut chips and seasonal veg, and as you would expect, cooked to perfection. The accompanying sauces were designed to compliment the surf and turf and did just that, not overpowering the main event but adding that extra dimension.
We asked for advice on what desserts to choose, our very knowledgeable waiter suggested Pat order the Vacherin, a meringue dome to be cracked revealing a sumptuous passionfruit and ginger sauce with a hint of mint, a definite taste sensation.
I went for the milk and honey desert. The baked honey custard was to die for and the lime, marshmallow and bee pollen ice cream that accompanied it was a treat all by itself. It was a truly happy Monday for us, from the décor to the service and the star of the show, the food which was cooked and presented with perfection. We will definitely be back.
With its striking red brick façade, there’s no doubt that The Grand Hotel is one of York’s most recognisable landmarks. However, how much do you know how the iconic old building came to become York’s only five-star stay.
The history of The Grand goes hand-in-hand with our city’s famed railway story. It was originally built in 1906 as a ‘Palace of Business’ for the North Eastern Railway Company, who at that time were not only one of the biggest train companies around but were one of the richest businesses in the whole of Britain!
As plans began, the rail bosses knew one thing for sure — they had to ensure their new HQ exuded class.
The design was carried out by William Bell and Horace Field, who opted for high ceilings, tall windows, lofty arches, and wide-open corridors and spaces. These, in combination with the use of Belgian marble and creamy Huddlestone stone created a light, airy and spacious feel.
So well-admired was the new space that it is believed Bell and Field won a silver medal in Paris for their design.
It was in 2010 that The Grand was restored to the majestic hotel you can visit today, it has since been restored during 2017-18. Each time changes have been made, the same prestige and class that typified Bell and Field’s original design has been kept at the heart of plans. Even the reason that the building is completely unaffected by the noise of city-centre traffic that surrounds it, owes to that historic legacy, as the original building was installed with double-glazing to keep out the noise of the trams that used to run by it.
Visiting locomotives No. 4079 Pendennis Castle, No. 2253 Omaha and No. 34028 Eddystone join our home-fleet engines for a
Visiting locomotives No. 4079 Pendennis Castle, No. 2253 Omaha and No. 34028 Eddystone join our home-fleet
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HP Maintenance 25
Ivinson Autos Ltd 1
The MOT Man 24
Westmoor Cars 24
York Bodywork Repairs 25
Acuitis Opticians 79
Pen-Life Associates Ltd 21
Focus Fireplaces 12
Stonehouse Fireplaces 9
PandaMami Resturant 1
The Grand Hotel & Spa 61
The Parvin 61
Sarah Todd Foot Health 43
Classic Upholstery 6
Clic Garage Doors (york) 12
First Garage Doors 68
Garolla Garage Doors 5 Hobman Garage Doors 68
Groundworks & Digger Hire 65 GUTTERING
Guttering Of York 68 HANDYPEOPLE
Can-Be-Asked 68
Guy 68
RMB Building Maintenance 68
Flatpack 68
Practitioner 45
The Orthotic Works 45
Yoga With Nestor 43
Duncan Littlechild Joinery 63
Emmett Bespoke joinery 69
Lewis Joinery 69
Matt Hodgson Joinery 63
Matt Hodgson Joinery 69
Paul Meillam Joinery 69
RJS Carpentry & Joinery 69
York Fencing 63
Herbert Todd & sons 79
Mick Lambert groundworks 30
Afford a Lock 69
Dr Locks Ltd 69
GC Electronics 69
Keep Safe Window & Door 69
Laurel Bank Locksmiths 69
Lockline Locksmiths 69
Towergate Locksmiths 69
Yorkshire Loft Ladders 63
Yorkshire Loft Ladders 17
Logs 4 sale 32
Andy’s Autos 25
Barkers Garage 25
Birch Park Vehicle Test Ctre 24
Blacksmiths Garage 19
Blacksmiths Garage 63
Custom Auto Keys 25
Fulford Auto Services 24
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