Your Local Link Magazine July 2010

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Delivered monthly to every home & business in York and the villages 88,167 letterboxes

Issue 80 July 2010

A gem of a day

Your exclusive VIP invitation to see the “new look” Yorkshire Museum


Toad’s in town...

The inside story on York’s must-see summer family show

Great days out!

Plus News, views and


of local businesses!



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Call: Gini, Tracy, Mim, Karen, Emily, Kelly, Dawn, Richard or Terry on: 767881

Fax: 01904 764843 • Email: Write: Your Local Link, Oak Tree Farm, The Moor, Haxby YO32 2LH Space booking, copy and cancellation deadline for the August edition is 9th July 2010 and 16th July 2010 for recruitment. Please book early - space is limited! Publishers: Tracy Outram and Gini Guttery


Your chance to see the new Yorkshire Museum for FREE on Saturday 31st July before it officially opens!

Yorkshire Museum, Museum Gardens, York. In association with Your Local Link 3

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Brought to you by JJB Motors, specialist repairs and servicing for Audis and Alfa Romeos /< 99LD9FH[G; I = 89 HC 5= F7CB8= H=CB= B; ( CHCF= B; B9K G:FCA CI FJ 9FMCK B Z. H=; [


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Golden Ticket Day is an exclusive VIP preview of the stunning new museum.

Saturday 31st July 10am-5pm This Golden Ticket allows two adults and up to four children (under 16) free access to the Yorkshire Museum on Saturday 31st July. * No cash alternative. Only Golden Ticket holders will be allowed admission on that day but the ticket must be used then and is not valid on at any other time. The Museum will open to the public on Yorkshire Day -1st August 2010.


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Win family ticket to

York Maze

York farmer and maze master Tom Pearcy is paying tribute to the RAF with this year’s giant attraction. To commemorate this year’s 70th anniversary of the Battle of Britain, Europe’s largest maize maze has been cut in the shape of a Spitfire. Tom used the latest GPS satellite technology to cut out the Spitfire design in his 30-acre field. York Maze, which won the Large Visitor Attraction title in this year’s Visit York Awards, will be open between 10am and 6.30pm from 17th July until 5th September. Follow the clues around the giant maze, climb the viewing towers and find the talking sculptures. Other attractions include a giant children’s sand and water play area, an adventure climb, a jumping pillow, electric quad bikes, farm animals, crazy golf, maze of illusions, water wars and, new for this year, giant slides. Tom is offering three family tickets as prizes to readers of Your Local Link. To have a chance of winning, answer the following question: How many acres is the maize field at York Maze? Send your answer on a postcard marked ‘York Maze Competition’ to the address on page three to reach us by Friday July 16th.

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York Maze, Elvington Lane (B1228), York, (just off the A1079 Hull Road). Tel: 607341.

Win a family ticket for

George’s Marvellous Medicine!


A brand new stage version of a Roald Dahl classic is coming to Grand Opera House York next month – and we have free tickets to give away!

To be in with a chance of winning, all you have to do is answer the following question:

George’s Marvellous Medicine has been adapted for the stage by leading children’s dramatist, David Wood. First published in 1981. It tells the story of George, an enterprising boy who makes a marvellous new medicine to cure his grandmother of her terrifying temper.

Send your answers on a postcard, marked ‘Grand Opera House Competition’ to the address on page 3, to reach us by Friday 16th July. Don’t forget to include your own name and a contact number! Terms and conditions apply.

The show will be on at Grand Opera House York from Tuesday 17th to Saturday 21st August. We have a family ticket for the 7pm performance on Tuesday 17th to give away free.

Just in case you’re not lucky enough to win, you can book your tickets from Grand Opera House on 0844 847 2322 or log on to www.

When was George’s Marvellous Medicine first published?


Have afternoon tea with

Toad of Toad Hall ‘The Wind in the Willows’ is a classic of children's literature – thanks to the memorable antics of shy Mole, amiable Ratty, wise Badger and the wealthy and impulsive Toad of Toad Hall.

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Written by Kenneth Grahame, it was first published in 1908, the year he retired as secretary of the Bank of England and spent much of his time on the River Thames "simply messing about in boats".

Join the four characters as they go boating on the river, venture into the Wild Wood, drive weasels, stoats and ferrets out of Toad Hall and survive a few prangs with motor cars.

Thanks to our friends at York Theatre Royal, readers of Your Local Link can enter a competition to win a fantastic prize – namely a sumptuous cream tea with Mr Toad for two adults and their children. After tea, the family will be able to watch the show as the honoured guests of Mr Toad – played by Theatre

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Now York Theatre Royal is staging ‘The Wind in the Willows’ as its main family production for the summer.

The theatre’s foyer is being transformed into a magical, grassy woodland. You can have a picnic on the lawn before entering the newly configured auditorium in the round to watch the play.

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Royal favourite Martin Barrass. To win this delicious prize, simply answer the following question: Who wrote ‘The Wind in the Willows’? Send your answer on a postcard marked ‘The Wind in the Willows Competition’ to the address on page three to reach us by Friday July 16th. Don’t forget to include your name and contact details. The Wind in the Willows, York Theatre Royal 22 July – 21 August. Box office: 623568.

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Win a

compost bin!

See P66



The way I see it...

Your chance to see the new Yorkshire for FREE on Satu Museum rday 31st July befo re it officially opens! Yorksh

The ups and downs of life as seen by our very own Grumpy (very) Old (almost) Woman



I’ve been thinking a lot about death lately. Not that I’m particularly morbid, you understand (although to be honest I do spend more time than is healthy looking up symptoms on Google. That and people dying in freakish circumstances). No, the reason I’m so interested is because of a new website that’s been launched recently. My Last Song offers people online immortality. It has a digital vault in which people can store their memories, their obituaries, their pictures, their family information and their secrets for future generations to access. Only the vault owners can store and edit the information until they give permission to a close family member to open it by using a unique digital key. You can even use it to plan your funeral, including a playlist of songs you want played. You could even write your own eulogy, although that’s probably going a bit too far. On the face of it, I can see the attraction. This is your curtain call, your last chance to make an impression on the world, and you want to get it right. It’s probably best not left to a bunch of relatives who at best aren’t thinking straight, and at worst, see this as their chance to have the last word. I know funerals are meant to be gloomy occasions, but I’ve been to ceremonies that are dire for all the wrong reasons. Where the vicar has no connection with the deceased and goes through the entire funeral calling them by the wrong name, or someone with no religious beliefs finds themselves shuffling off this mortal coil to a piped muzak version of What A Friend We Have In Jesus. I’ve already told my husband that if The Old Rugged Cross is played at my funeral I will not only turn in my grave, I will rise from it and haunt him.

I’ve already told my husband that if The Old Rugged Cross is played at my funeral I will not only turn in my grave, I will rise from it and haunt him.

ire Museum, Mus

eum Gardens, Yor

k. In association with

Claim your VIP ticket for new-look museum One of York’s hidden gems is preparing to re-open after a £2 million refurbishment. The new-look Yorkshire Museum will be officially unveiled on Yorkshire Day - 1st August. However, York’s biggest and most popular magazine has teamed up with York Museums Trust to give its readers the opportunity to have a sneak preview of the refurbished museum the day before the ribboncutting ceremony. All you have to do to attend the VIP preview on Saturday, 31st July, is cut out the golden ticket on page three and take it to the landmark building in the Museum Gardens between 10am and 4.30pm. There will be a strict admissions policy. “If you don’t have a golden ticket, you will not get in,” says Charlotte Dootson, the trust’s marketing manager. She adds: “The golden ticket is only valid for 31st July – you cannot use it on any other day. It grants admission to two adults and their children.” The only way to get your VIP ticket is from this month’s Your Local Link, which is delivered to 87,900 letterboxes in York and the surrounding villages.


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So is it really any wonder some people choose to take matters into their own hands? Although even when you do take control, you can’t always depend on your loved ones getting it right.

Like a friend of mine, who was given the task of making sure his friend’s father’s favourite Cole Porter track was played at his funeral. In a fit of performance anxiety, at the crucial moment my friend accidentally pressed the fast forward on the CD player, and the deceased disappeared into their cremation to the strains of Smoke Gets in Your Eyes. In spite of this, Paul Hensby, the brains behind the site, still believes Your Last Song is a good idea. “Why have a bad funeral when you can have a good one?” he says. “Too many funerals are dreary and depressing.” Excuse me, but isn’t that the point? I’d rather people were a little bit upset at my passing than it was better organised than the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics. On second thoughts, maybe we’re better off letting our loved ones say goodbye in their own way. After all, they’re the ones saying goodbye. Even if it is with a few cheese straws and a couple of bottles of warm Lambrusco.


Your Local Link

DAW £220

DAW £200

Learning is fun

The Walled Garden at Scampston, near Malton, hosts first-class courses and events. Subjects range from guided walks with the head gardener, to willow weaving, wire animals for your garden and felt hat craft days. Tutors are all experts and most courses include morning coffee and lunch at The Garden Restaurant. New this year is an extended range of painting and drawing days. Anne Lang has worked as a watercolour tutor in many European countries and her paintings are keenly sought after. She has been eased out of her ‘early retirement’ to lead a day in September on traditional watercolour techniques and sketchbook studies. Also in September Scampston’s ‘resident artist’ Kane Cunningham, will be leading a drawing and painting weekend. Scampston’s Cascade Circuit walk is a magical lakeside walk which includes a children’s play area, complete with a living willow ‘wigloo’ and a wooden, firmly land-based, canoe for youngsters to play in. In the Hall, children’s house tours will be available on Friday and Sunday afternoons during August. The tour is ideal for 5-12 year olds and is followed by a ‘have-a-go’ craft session.

Established over 50 yrs

Go to for more details.

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To mark the Festival of Archaeology (17 July – 1 August) RICHARD FOSTER meets enthusiasts digging up York’s history

Meet the

diggers Peter Connolly, project director of Dig Hungate

Hungate is the site of York’s biggest archaeological dig. The seven-year project, which is costing about £3 million, is being funded by Hungate (York) Regeneration Ltd, which is creating a new urban neighbourhood to the east of York city centre, next to the River Foss. Archaeologists will be digging on the site until the end of 2011; it will then take them another two years to publish their findings.

14 professional archaeologists, he is keen to get members of the community involved in what has been named Dig Hungate. The project has enabled the trust to offer various education packages and community archaeology opportunities to students and volunteers. Peter says: “More than 1,000 people have worked on the dig in its first three years and we have welcomed 17,000 visitors to the site.”

So far they have discovered a 1,700-year-old Roman cemetery and unearthed numerous artefacts from Roman, Viking, Medieval, Georgian and Victorian times.

Hungate’s next open day will be held on Sunday August 1st when artefacts will be put on display and archaeologists will explain aspects of the dig to members of the public between 10am and 3pm.

Peter Connolly, of York Archaeological Trust, is project director. Working with a team of

For example, visitors will be able to view the excavation of ten back-to-back 19th century

Roman burial site sparks gladiator theory York may be home to the world's only well-preserved Roman gladiator cemetery. Archaeologists have exhumed 80 skeletons from gardens at Driffield Terrace over the past decade. Hammer marks on their decapitated skulls suggest some of them engaged in gladiatorial combat. Kurt Hunter-Mann, a field officer at York Archaeological Trust, says: "One of the most significant items of evidence is a large carnivore bite mark - probably inflicted by a lion, tiger or bear - an injury which must have been sustained in an arena context." He says other "important" pieces of evidence included healed and unhealed weapon injuries and possible hammer blows to the head, suggesting a gladiatorial coup de grace. Nearly all the skeletons have features consistent with gladiators, as the majority were male, very robust and with one arm much more developed than the other. Kurt says: “The arm asymmetry would be consistent with weapons training that had already started in


‘More than 1,000 people have worked on the dig in its first three years and we have welcomed 17,000 visitors to the site.’ houses which were demolished during a slum-clearance scheme in the 1930s. Nearby, archaeologists are excavating the site of a pub called the Bricklayers Arms that used to host linnet-singing competitions. Peter says: “Men used to bring their linnets in cages to the pub. When the black cloth on top of the cage was removed, the linnets began to sing and one of the birds would be declared the winner.” Hungate is an important site for York industrial heritage. There was a gas works in the 19th century which eventually made way for Bellerby’s saw mill and Leetham’s flour mill, which was a huge seven-storey structure. Both mills were later demolished. Peter says: “Recent history fascinates archaelogists just as much as the Roman and Viking eras. It’s our job to tell the story of York by uncovering its history, layer by layer, and recording everything we find.”

Get involved York Archaeological Trust gives people who live in York a chance to get involved with the archaeology taking place at Hungate through a volunteer scheme. The volunteers work on Wednesdays and Thursdays on many aspects of the excavation, including digging, recording, finds washing and general site maintenance. Vera Silberberg, a volunteer at the Hungate dig, says the scheme has many benefits. “You learn a lot about the techniques of archaeology; you get companionship through working as a team; and it’s always interesting to find out about different aspects of local history,” she says. If you want to get involved, call the Community Archaeologist Jon Kenny on 663020 or email

teenage years, and we know from Roman accounts that some gladiators entered their profession at a very young age." The skeletons date from the late first century AD to the 4th century AD. All the individuals were buried with respect and 14 of them were interred together with grave goods to accompany them to the next world. Interred with one man were what appear to have been the remains of substantial joints of meat from at least four horses, possibly consumed at the funeral, plus some cow and pig remains. He had been decapitated by several sword blows to the neck. Kurt says: “There are numerous pieces of evidence that point towards or are consistent with the interpretation that the skeletons are Roman gladiators, but there is also other evidence that suggests the individuals could have been soldiers, criminals, or members of a religious cult.” The Trust has launched a website – – presenting all the evidence and inviting members of the public to vote for the theory they believe is the strongest.


RICHARD FOSTER meets a York artist who has graduated from working on the street t


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vibrant colours used by the Impressionists and the refined drawing skills of the Renaissance artists, I studied the work and techniques of artists such as Renoir, Manet, Raphael, and Botticelli.” After studying Visual Communications at Bradford University, Mark eked out a living as a pavement artist for four years, eventually setting up as a street trader to sell prints of his work. Now he has a gallery in a listed building in Low Petergate run by his wife, Anne. They have two children – Jake, aged 12, and two-year-old Rosie.

Mark Braithwaite began his career as a humble pavement artist outside York Minster. Now he sells his work worldwide from his own gallery in York city centre, with original paintings fetching four-figure sums. Born in Huntington, Mark, aged 39, displayed a passion for drawing from an early age. The self-taught artist says: “Whilst painting on the steps of York Minster, I realised I had an almost photographic visual memory, and hence work using little reference material. Captivated by the


As well as stocking work by successful artists such as Jack Vettriano, they use the gallery as a shop window for budding artists. Mark says: “I know what it’s like trying to earn a living as an artist. I’ve gone through it; you are banging your head against a brick wall most of the time. That’s why I’m keen to encourage the next generation of artists.” His landscapes are worked in oil, acrylic, water-colour or pastel. Fascinated with the fast disappearing red telephone box, he painted the acclaimed ‘Lost Connection’ series as a tribute to this great British icon. Mark has been chosen twice as a regimental artist for the British Army - for the Royal Corps of

‘I know what it’s like trying to earn a living as an artist. You are banging your head against a brick wall most of the time; that’s why I’m keen to encourage the next generation of artists.’

to having his own gallery

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Signals and the Royal Artillery. Other corporate clients have included Nestle UK and the GMB union. In 2008 he was invited by the owners of the Yorkshire stately home Newby Hall to produce a series of figurative drawings and paintings. When I met him in his attic studio he was working on a prestigious commission from a firm in the City of London. His work is known for its intense colour, subtle alteration of perspective and intricate attention to detail. Recent work follows a long fascination with the effects of changing weather and light conditions - reflections, shadows and unusual colours. The preferred medium of his earlier work was acrylic on canvas; ideally suited to his photo-realistic style. Concealed in each of his landscape pictures is 'Lucy' - his black cat trademark named after a daredevil family pet that broke her paw after jumping out of an upstairs window in King’s Square. His figurative work is painted in oil on canvas, using intense light and shadow to create exciting and atmospheric images. He has also rekindled an earlier passion for detailed pencil sketching. “I find it very relaxing, working with a pencil,” he told me. Brathwaite Gallery, 42 Low Petergate, York YO1 7HZ. Tel: 655707.

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your rubbish, smile at people, talk to the people camping near you, remember that people need to sleep even if you don’t.

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Summer is festival time. We asked out friends at the Galtres Festival for advice on making the most of your experience... Forget festival chic – staying warm and dry are what’s important. Take wellies, a hat and an extra jumper (to wear in bed!) Don’t crowd surt: it annoys people, you lose your place in the crowd, you invariably end the journey with less stuff than

when you set off (possibly even your shoes), and you can get hurt. Yes, it’s fun. But getting an elbow in the head and someone’s Converse in your eye isn’t.

Check your tent and sleeping bag before you go! Is there a hole in your tent? Have you got enough tent pegs? Did you pack a hammer or mallet to put the pegs into the ground? Have you got all the poles you need? A flysheet? A ground sheet? Show some respect: take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints. Clear up



Check out the Festival website thoroughly before you go and start to plan your Festival. 100+ bands will be playing at Galtres Festival and you won’t be able to see them all! Follow links to MySpace pages and make sure you get to see the ones which interest you. On arrival, don’t give your tickets to anyone until you get to the official entry point. Some touts wear hi-vis jackets and look official and will be happy to take your tickets off you. The Galtres Festival has a huge selection of delicious beers and ciders, but keep an eye on the strength of what’s in your glass - some can be as high as 8%. A few pints of that in the sun and you’ll probably sleep through most of the fun! Buy your food and drink vouchers before the festival to save you having to queue when you get there! Leave your valuables at home. If you must have them with you, keep them on you at all times, or leave them in a safe deposit box on-site. Take a plastic water bottle to refill. You’re entitled to free water at the bar.

Put a home-made flag on your tent so you can find your way home. Keep an emergency stash cash in different pockets and luggage in your clothing.

Don’t fall for a fake The ‘Just Tick It’ campaign aims to prevent buyers being caught out by scam websites. As many as one in twelve ticket buyers is caught out, losing an average of £80 each. Their advice is: Google the website name to see what you can find out. Beware of sites selling tickets to events that haven't gone on sale or that guarantee tickets to sold out events. Make sure the company behind the website provides a full street address for their business. Be wary of buying from a site that only gives an email address or mobile phone number. Pay for tickets by credit card. Under the Consumer Credit Act, your card issuer must refund you if the cash price of a single ticket is over £100. For more details call Consumer Direct on 08454 04 05 06.

....have fun!

Meet the neighbour

RICHARD FOSTER talks to Frank Paterson a retired railway executive who cares passionately about voluntary service 985F CI FH" F5B8 5 A 99H=B; FCCA H< 9F9 < 5G699B B5A 98 H< 9 + 5H9FGCB . I = H9 = B < = G< CBCI F /< 9 \ FGHG=L A CBH< GC: < = G F9H=F9A 9BHK 9F9 GD9BHCB 5 FCI B8 H< 9 K CF@ 8 HF= DK = H< < = GK = :9 " F579 X $ K 5G5 K CF?5< C@ = 7 $ A I GH58A = H5B8 HF5J 9@ @ = B; ; CHA 9 CI HC: H< 9 < 56= H C: K CF? $ HK 5G@ CJ 9@ MGD9B8= B; H=A 9 K = H< " F579 HF5J 9@ @ = B; HC $ B8= 5 H< 9 ! 5F 5GH I GHF5@ = 5 ) 9K 495@ 5B8 H< 9 + 57= \ 7 = G@ 5B8G5B8 H< 9 0. Y

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You only need 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day to boost your happiness and health. Done in ten minute bursts or more, this exercise can be things like cycling to work, playing outside with friends and family, or even walking briskly to the shops. Name Terry Kettle Age 44 Occupation Advertisement Sales Executive Location Acomb “I used to be a real fitness fanatic – I played semiprofessional football for the Kidderminster Harriers in the West Midlands. When I moved to York I played in amateur leagues until I had to retire at the age of 38 due to knee problems. “I really missed having the same fitness levels I had when I was playing football regularly. I needed to get involved in sport again, so I took up golf. But I’m strictly a fair-weather golfer – I don’t play at all in the winter, although I enjoy a weekly game in the summer. “But I needed something to get me out and about regularly. So earlier this year we made the decision to get a dog. We originally set our hearts on a puppy, but when we visited the RSPCA we met Max and fell in love with him! He’s a Japanese Akita, a real tough guy who needs lots of exercise. He has three walks a day – I make sure I take him out every evening after work for a couple of miles, which is good for both of us. We take him out as a family every weekend, which helps keep us all fit. Max is the best personal trainer you could wish for!� There are lots of easy ways you can reach your 30 minutes in York. You can find some suggestions on the website

Art and cakes

Estee Roberts, a young artist with an entrepreneurial flair, has opened the Artestee Gallery & Cafe in Goodramgate, York, to display her own imprint artwork and designs, as well as the work of other artists. She says: “There is an array of styles of original local art work as well as sculpture, soft furnishings, greeting cards, jewellery and glassware on display, all available for purchase.â€? Estee adds: “Whilst browsing the gallery and taking in the artistic delights, visitors can enjoy refreshments in the cafĂŠ, including handmade cakes and biscuits, sandwiches, exotic teas and coffee.â€? Artestee, 8 Goodramgate, York. Tel: 637494. Email:

Messing about

on the river

24 Hr Professional Service ALL TRADES

If the Festival of the Rivers has inspired you to get out and about on the Ouse yourself, we’ve got some ideas and suggestions to help. Join the club

Rowing is great for boosting your fitness levels and it’s a great social activity, too. There are a number of rowing clubs situated up and down the river. York City Rowing Club offers an annual introductory course for people wanting to take up the sport. For details of upcoming courses, email with your contact details. Canoeing is another fun activity, and very popular too. So popular, in fact, that York Canoe Club actually has a waiting list of people wanting to join in! But you can still have a go at one of the ‘Come and Try It’ sessions being held by YCC during the Festival of the Rivers. The events will be held on 10th, 11th, 17th, 18th and 24th July. Look out for them!

Take it easy If all that sounds like too much like hard work, and you’d prefer to enjoy the river at a more leisurely pace, you can hire a boat from York Marine Services. For a great day out, choose from a launch or a day cruiser – both seat six people, but the day cruisers come with an onboard toilet. What better way to while away a sunny summer’s day than cruising down the river on your very own boat? Or why not get a group of friends together and hire one of the widebeam narrowboats York Marine has on offer? You can explore the river from Naburn all the way to Ripon, for a weekend or even longer. Each boat accommodates six people comfortably. And no experience is necessary – York Marine says all their boats are surprisingly easy to drive, and they’ll give you full instruction before you set off. For more information, give them a call on 704442. If time’s short or you’re still not sure of your skills at the wheel, then why not take a short cruise down the Ouse and let someone else do all the hard work? YorkBoat offers a wide variety of river trips, from daily cruises to lunch and dinner cruises, floodlit evening cruises and summer nights afloat, complete with music, entertainment and barbecue buffet. You could even hire your own boat for a private party. Find out more by giving them a call on 628324.


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Happy Holidays!

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If you’re off on your hols this month, we’ve got the perfect beach reads for you There’s a reason why Stephen King is one of the best-selling writers in the world. He knows how to write stories that suck you in and are impossible to put down. And Under the Dome is no exception. It is the story of the small town of Chester’s Mill, Maine, which is inexplicably and suddenly sealed off from the rest of the world by an invisible force field. No one can get in and no one can get out. The normal rules of society are suddenly changed and when food, electricity and water run short, the community begins to crumble. As a new and more sinister social order develops, Dale Barbara, Iraq veteran, teams up with a handful of intrepid citizens to fight against the corruption that is sweeping through the town and to try to discover the source of the Dome before it’s too late ... We all have someone like it in our lives. The One That Got Away, the love that never stood the test of time, but left us wondering, “What if..?” That’s the premise behind Pictures of Lily, by Paige Toon. When Lily’s boyfriend Richard proposes, she immediately finds herself thinking about the man she fell in love with when she was 16 years old. Ten years on and living in Sydney, she is getting on with her life when her past suddenly and unexpectedly comes back to haunt her. Lily is forced to make a decision that will break her heart - and the heart of at least one of the men who love her. Love is the last thing on the mind of the heroines of The ice Cream Girls by Dorothy Koomson. At only 18 years of age, Poppy and Serena were the only witnesses to a tragic event. Amid heated public debate and scrutiny, the two glamorous teens were forced to go their separate ways and to lead very different lives. Twenty years later, Poppy is keen to set the record straight about what really happened, while married motherof-two Serena wants no one in her present to find out about her past. But some secrets will not stay buried - and if theirs is revealed, their lives will start to unravel all over again. Gripping, thoughtprovoking and heart-warming, this unputdownable novel will make you wonder if you can ever truly know the people you love. If you’re off on holiday this month, there are a couple of new paperbacks that have to find their way into your suitcase. Fans of The Time Traveler’s Wife will love Audrey Niffenegger’s new novel, Her Fearful Symmetry. It tells the story of Julia and Valentina Poole, identical ‘mirror’ twins whose lives are changed forever when they inherit a flat overlooking Highgate Cemetery from an aged aunt. And no holiday would be complete without the perfect beach read – The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown. He took on the might of the Catholic church in the Da Vinci Code, and this time Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon finds himself pitted against the shadowy underworld of the Masons as he struggles to rescue an old friend.


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The Treasure Hunt we featured last year proved so popular that we’ve decided to do it again. It’s fun for all the family, and it’s a great way of getting the kids out and about during the summer holidays. And it’s not too hard, either! Start by standing in the middle of Castle Car Park. 1. What is the number to quote when paying for parking by phone? Cross the car park and head for York Castle Museum. 2. What is the Latin inscription on the gun? Continue around the Eye of York to the Crown Court. 3. How many panes of glass in each round window above the door? Head for Clifford’s Tower 4. What was the date of the Jewish massacre? Cross Tower Street and head across Tower Gardens towards Skeldergate Bridge 5. Who commissioned the metal map? Continue under Skeldergate Bridge to the end of the car and coach park 6. What is the name of the houseboat that has been moored on the opposite bank since 1904? Head over the Blue Bridge 7. What colours stand for port and starboard? 8. How much did the bridge cost when it was built? Follow the signpost to the Millennium Bridge 9. What colour is the Water Gate? Stop at Pikeing Well 10. Who designed the Well House? Continue along the path towards Millennium Bridge 11. Which saint’s cottage does Holly Terrace point to? 12. Where does Route 66 lead? Cross Millennium Bridge and go down the steps on the right

13. When did local schoolchildren compete with their ideas for a river crossing?

Go down the steps to Tower Gardens and head along the river path (Esplanade) until you reach this view

Continue along the river path until you reach this view 14. If you are looking at this scene, what is behind you? 15. When was Rowntree Park given to the Corporation and citizens of York? Continue along the path 16. What is the earliest you can gain entry to the Caravan Park? Carry on until you come to Duke’s Wharf 17. Who installed the security system for Duke’s Wharf? Turn left past Waterfront House 18. What’s the name of the first street on the left? 19. According to the pub sign, what sits on a ‘Slip’? Turn right into Postern Close, then left towards Cherry Tree House and head for the main road 20. When were the houses on this estate built? At the main road, turn right and cross at the lights, then head across Skledergate Bridge 21. What was the name of the Lord Mayor who laid the foundation stone? 22. When was the bridge declared free of tolls?

23. When you can see this view, what is the number of the green gate behind you? 24. What was King Street formerly known as? 25. What was the date of the highest recorded flood at The King’s Arms? (clue – you might have to look inside!) From King’s Staith, head right up King Street 26. What band has a bar named after them? Turn right at the top of King Street and head down Tower Street 27. What’s new at York Dungeon for 2010? Walk down Tower Street to Castle Car Park – and that’s your lot! Hope you enjoyed the hunt.

Hunt for a prize! Visit York have given us five copies of their Souvenir Guide, The City of York and five Yorkshire Passes to give away as prizes. To be in with a chance of winning, send your completed Treasure Hunt to us at the address on page three, to reach us by Friday 16th July. Mark your entry ‘Treasure Hunt’.


Happy Birthday to us! Your Local Link turns seven this month! Yes, unbelievable as it seems, it’s seven whole years since Gini and Tracy launched the first issue from a wardrobe in Tracy’s back bedroom. Since then the magazine has got bigger and better. It’s now the first place people look when they need information, and the first place local advertisers come when they want to boost their business. But what’s it like to be part of the Your Local Link team? We asked Donna, one of our journalists, to give us her opinion... “I first suspected this might not be your usual workplace when Gini brought a sheep in to the office. And I can honestly say this is the first place I’ve ever worked where it’s acceptable to come to work in your slippers. “There’s certainly never a dull moment. One minute you could be talking to the Lord Mayor on the phone, the next you could be helping Emily sort out her latest hair crisis. And when it comes to deadline week, our feet barely touch the ground. But we have lots of laughs along the way – as any advertiser who’s ever dropped in to see us will know! “I was only meant to be here for two weeks. That was two years ago. If I could find out where they’d hidden the key, I’d be out of here like a shot. Seriously, I’m having too good a time to leave. I’ve even got my own desk now, even if I do have to share it with Robin from accounts and Gyp the office dog (and I have to say, Gyp is way tidier. And wears less hair gel).” It’s been a great seven years, and we’d like to thank all our lovely readers and advertisers who have supported us along the way. Here’s to the next seven!



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‘boosters’ – health supplements you can add to your juice for specific benefits. Ideal for summer are the Calorie Burner Booster, and the Protein Booster, which helps muscles to repair and grow (perfect if you want to look your best on the beach). Or why not try the ever-popular Hangover Booster? Xing’s co-owner Simon reckons it’s been known to work its magic within half an hour! Xing, 28 Shambles Tel. 674684

Ramshambles Ramshambles stocks everything from needles and patterns to a whole host of yarns, both traditional and exotic. This includes luxurious Alpaca and beautifully soft bamboo-cotton blends, ideal for baby clothes. Or look out for the multi-coloured Noro from Japan, great for creating stunning scarves, shawls and coats.

Take a closer look at


It’s already the most famous street in York. And thanks to its recent triumph in a national competition, York’s Shambles now one of the most famous streets in the country. It was recently voted Most Picturesque Street 2010 by Google Street Awards. And you only have to look at it to see why. “Shambles is a timeless street full of historic charm, and there’s always something different to see,” says Ian Addyman, owner of Past Images in Shambles. “There is a real feeling of community amongst shop owners and I think we all feel privileged to work in such a beautiful place. The shops here are all strikingly different and unique.” It may be a sightseers’ paradise, but Shambles is not just for tourists. Take a stroll down the 15th century street and you’ll find a wealth of individual


specialist shops, from butchers to bookshops, healthy juice bars to traditional tearooms. “We’re lucky in York to have such a beautiful shopping street on our doorstep, and we want local people to come along and take a closer look,” says Ian.

Xing Smoothies At Xing, all the juices and smoothies are created fresh to order, so they’re good for you – and taste great, too. If you want to pack an extra nutritional punch, try a shot of wheatgrass juice, which contains 95% of all known minerals, as well as amino acids and antioxidants. Or, if that doesn’t appeal, there are special

While it’s a real treasure trove for a knitting expert, it’s also a great place for beginners. Katey runs workshops and classes, and will even teach you to knit herself if the shop is quiet! “Knitting has become cool,” she says. “There are groups all over the city, including a couple that serve cocktails as you knit!” Ramshambles, 46 Shambles. Tel 639500.

Earl Grey Tea Rooms The Earl Grey Tea Room is traditional in the best sense of the word, from the cosy and comfortable surroundings to the top quality waitress service. It’s the perfect place to meet friends for a delicious lunch or a cup of tea. All the food is home-made, from delicious sandwiches to family favourites such as pizza and lasagne. Or why not join the fashionable set and treat yourself to a leisurely afternoon tea, complete with your choice of home-made scones, cakes and sandwiches, served on a traditional three-tier cake stand. And there’s a surprising amount of space to relax and enjoy your meal, too. The Earl Grey Tearoom has two floors, as well as the ‘Tea Loft’ – a cosy attic space with sofas that’s perfect for informal meetings. There’s also the extensive courtyard garden, which seats 80, is the perfect place to relax. Earl Grey Tearoom, 13 – 14 Shambles. Tel. 654353.

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Sweet Treasures Do you remember how sweet shops used to be? All those tempting jars of treats lined up, just waiting for you to splash out with your pocket money? You can relive all those good old days with a visit to Sweet Treasures. Stepping inside the shop is like taking a trip down Memory Lane. With over 350 jars of sweets old and new, from sugar-coated toffee bonbons and sherbert lemons to pear drops and rhubarb and custards, you’re sure to find one of your favourites. A big favourite is Lyons Wine Gums. “You can’t find them in many places any more,� says owner John Plant. “They’re harder than the usual kind, and the black ones contain liquorice.� Sweet Treasures, 5 Shambles. Tel 07977 596082

Past Images Looking for a special, unusual gift? Then pay a visit to Past Images Professional Photography. They will transport you or your loved ones back in time to Victorian, Viking or Mediaeval York and capture the moment in a unique, high quality photograph. For a family portrait with a difference, why not bring the family along to dress up in period costume and have some fun? And what little girl wouldn’t love posing with ‘real’ fairies for a birthday treat? It’s bound to take pride of place on any granny’s wall, too! Thanks to the magic of photography, you can fulfil your fantasies of becoming a knight in shining armour (complete with real sword and chain mail!) or even Shambles’ own ghost! And if you’re fascinated by the past, why not ask about their family history and coat of arms service, too? Past Images, 10 Shambles, Tel. 676167.

Shambles Butchers Shambles was traditionally known as the street of the butchers, so it’s only right that at least one emporium should be keeping up the noble tradition. And the recently refurbished Shambles Butchers is certainly doing that. It’s a young family business, which an excellent range of award-winning, locally sourced meat. This includes Dexter

Shambles Butchers keeping up the tradition

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beef from Thornhill Farm in Easingwold, traditionally reared and recommended by top chef Rick Stein. If it’s a quick family meal you’re after, pop in on your way home from work and pick up one of their ‘easy meals’ – delicious dishes such as Hunter’s Chicken and Chicken Kiev, all ready for you to put in the oven. Or if you’re looking for something special, they can supply any cut of meat prepared just for you to impress your guests. And, to make it even easier, their range is also available for collection or home delivery. Shambles Butchers, 2 Little Shambles. Tel. 653484

+ % ) ("/ &/ 0 &) "("// /0 .""0 # 1(( +# %&/0 +.& % .) *! 0 %"."9 / (3 5/ /+) "0 %&*$ !&# # "."*0 0 + /"" /"", The York Sausage Shop Looking for a truly succulent sausage that’s different from the mass-produced variety you find in supermarkets? Then look no further than The York Sausage Shop. The Yorkshire family business is run by long-time butcher Rob Wilson, assisted by daughter Kayleigh and wife Julie. They specialise in hand-made premium traditional and gourmet sausages and pies using prime meat and quality, locally sourced ingredients. Freshly produced on

the premises, the sausages are hand mixed and linked, where possible using fresh, seasonal Yorkshire ingredients. You’ll find sausages for every taste, from the bestselling Yorkshire farmhouse, to sausages flavoured with chillies, apples, garlic and even beer from York’s own brewery. There are also guest sausages, including Thai, pigeon and pheasant and wild mushroom. Or ask butcher Rob to make your favourite – if he can, he will!

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Earl Grey Tea Rooms

The York Sausage Shop, 45 Shambles. Tel. 07752 606050

Incallajta The name means ‘Land of the Incas’, and as soon as you step inside this treasure trove, you feel as if you’ve been transported to a far-off land. Incallajta is owned by Florinda Apaza Henderson, a Bolivian who has been living in Yorkshire since 1991. You’ll find all kinds of beautiful crafts in Incallajta, from clothing and hand-made bags to jewellery and traditionally woven rugs and textiles. The wool used comes from llama and alpaca, domesticated animals reared in the Andes. The weaving and jewellery designs use ancient symbols such as the sun, the rain, the moon, which are have been worshipped since ancient times. And as well as looking good, they do good too. Incallajta sells only fair trade products; by buying them, you’re supporting the craftsmen and women in Bolivia who have the responsibility for the heath, education and well-being of their families. Incallajta, 40, Shambles. Tel. 07766 014456


RICHARD FOSTER meets the two creative women tasked with designing York Theatre Royal’s big summer show

Creating an


summer Watching ‘The Wind in the Willows’, York Theatre Royal’s must-see summer show, will be a memorable experience.

The historic venue is being transformed into a dilapidated Toad Hall festooned with creepers as Mother Nature reclaims the derelict stately home for her own. The theatre’s frontage will be dominated by a ‘For Sale’ sign and the foyer and outdoor terrace will be transformed into an overgrown riverside garden where visitors can relax with a picnic before seeing the show. This poignant atmosphere of faded grandeur will intensify as you walk into the auditorium which has been transformed into an intimate theatre-in-the round. A temporary stage, raised to nearly the level of the dress circle, will fill the stalls, with a bank of tiered seating perched on the original stage behind the proscenium arch. Sat in your seat you will be confronted with one of Toad Hall’s main rooms full of old furniture and clutter that has accumulated over the years. Thanks to the magic of theatre, you will travel back in time as the actors use a bewildering array of props to tell the story of how Toad, Ratty, Mole and Badger fought the dastardly creatures of the Wild Wood. Using some ingenuity, lots of imagination and a tremendous amount of playfulness, the characters will create Toad’s car, gipsy caravan and prison cell plus a rowing boat, train and even the river as well as the murky Wild Wood. It’s taken two freelance theatre designers working since February to bring the concept to fruition by designing the set, the costumes and the props. Lydia Denno and her co-designer Catherine Chapman, who both studied theatre design at Nottingham


Trent University, say it has been a wonderful, challenging and exciting project to be involved in. The duo made a scale model of the new-look auditorium to enable them to design a Toad Hall set that fits. They wanted to create a look that suggested the Edwardian era of the classic children’s book written by Kenneth Grahame. The costumes are designed to encourage the actors to move like animals through the use of padding. After all, Toad would not be Toad without a large tummy! Lydia and Catherine say: “We are getting Toad Hall to tell its own story. The actors are being encouraged to be playful as possible when using all the props. It’s sure to be an entertaining show that will appeal to all ages.” *‘The Wind in the Willows’ is on between 22 July and 21 August. For more details, go to www.

‘The actors are being encouraged to be playful as possible when using all the props.’ Wanted: garden furniture York Theatre Royal is appealing to readers of Your Local Link for as much wrought iron and wooden garden furniture as possible. Lydia and Catherine, who are designing ‘The Wind in the Willows’, say: “Perhaps you are thinking of getting a new set for the patio this year, or you have an old wrought iron table just lying at the bottom of the garden? If so, contact us on 658162 and let us take it off your hands. It could be a bench, chair, table or stool, but to fit in with Mr Toad’s old home we need them to be either wooden or wrought iron.” You can follow the adventures of the gang on their website And if you want to find out how Mole, Toad, Ratty and Badger are occupying themselves in the run-up to the show follow them on twitter @YorkMole @YorkToad @ YorkBadger and @YorkRatty. You can even follow the mischievous Chief Weasel as he wreaks havoc @York Weasel.

Hello Mr Toad York Theatre Royal stalwart Martin Barrass (pictured above) is looking forward to playing Mr Toad and he’s convinced The Wind In The Willows, adapted for the stage by Mike Kenny, will be a massive hit for the summer. He says: “It’s one of the greatest children’s stories ever written and the ideas to stage it are extremely innovative and fascinating; there will be lots of trickery on stage.” Martin, who is Berwick Kaler’s stooge in the acclaimed York Theatre Royal pantomime, says portraying Toad will be both a pleasure and a challenge: “Toad is the nicest chap you could wish to meet. He’s always happy to see you and always sad to see you go. He gets these crazes and fads and he’s a bit silly. He can be his own worst enemy but, deep down, he’s a nice chap, although he’s a bit big headed.” “Needless to say, I don’t have any of the attributes of Toad and I will have to rely on my acting to get them across,” adds Martin with just a hint of irony.

In his fifth article about the £2 million revamp of the Yorkshire Museum, RICHARD FOSTER looks at York’s importance as a Roman city massacred by the Picts.

by man.

However, at a later date, some of the officers who served with the Ninth Legion turn up in what is now The Netherlands. This suggests the legion was disbanded by Hadrian when the famous emperor ordered his favoured legion, the Sixth, to build Hadrian’s Wall.

Medieval England was a riot of colour and the Yorkshire Museum will show this in a display entitled ‘Medieval York: The Power and the Glory’. It was a time when York became the second city of the kingdom, wielding immense ecclesiastical power.

The power of the Roman Empire will be explored through the museum’s impressive collection of Roman artefacts, including a large mosaic. After being mounted on a wall, tucked away in a corner, the Four Seasons mosaic will take pride of place at the museum and visitors will be able to walk over it – treading where Romans once trod.

The Romans

in Britain

buried in York, we know where they came from, we know their stature and we even have an idea of what they look like.”

Visitors stepping into the new-look Yorkshire Museum will be confronted by a wonderful statue of Mars, the Roman God of War. At his feet will be a massive map of the Roman Empire (see above) and nearby will be an audio-visual presentation introducing visitors to 13 characters connected with Roman York, known as Eboracum. Archaeologists have used remains found in Roman graves to build up a picture of what their lives might have been like. Andrew Morrison, the museum’s curator of archaeology, says: “We are putting flesh on the skeletons to bring these characters back to life. They were

The York Museums Trust has filmed actors who resemble four of these dead inhabitants of the Roman Empire to tell the stories of their lives. The characters include a Yorkshire farmer, a maker of mosaics from North Africa, a Baltic fisherman and the Ivory Bangle Lady, a wealthy young woman who was buried in Roman York. Her remains were discovered in a stone coffin in August 1901, near Sycamore Terrace, Bootham. Dated to the second half of the fourth century, her grave contained jet and elephant ivory bracelets, earrings, pendants, beads, a blue glass jug and a glass mirror. One of the great mysteries of Roman York is the fate of the Ninth Legion. Marching north from Lincoln, it founded Eboracum in 71AD. Nearly 40 years later, the legion built a mighty gateway to the Roman fort where King’s Square stands. The inscription commemorating this achievement, which will be displayed at the Yorkshire Museum, is the last known record of the Ninth Legion anywhere in the Roman Empire. So what happened to the legion’s soldiers? One theory is they marched to Scotland where they were

Become a fan of the Yorkshire Museum on Facebook. For more information visit

Latin, the official language of the Roman Empire, remains the language of science. The Yorkshire Museum explores this link with a natural history exhibition called ‘Extinct: A way of life’ where extinct species will be brought to life. Visitors to a fun, family-orientated gallery will see magnificent animal specimens, skeletons and fossils and discover the dramatic stories of why so many species have disappeared, including dinosaurs, mammoths and dodos. The footprints left by three dinosaurs as they walked on a beach about 185 million years ago became fossilised and these ‘trace fossils’ are now on display at the Yorkshire Museum. Visitors can walk in the footsteps of dinosaurs, see Britain’s biggest Ichthyosaur and meet the moa – a 7ft bird which was hunted to extinction

The colour, music, romance and spirituality of the medieval period will come to life in this exhibition among the evocative ruins of St Mary’s Abbey. Visitors will be able emulate medieval pilgrims and kneel at the Shrine of St William – an impressive stone structure that was removed from York Minster after the Reformation. It was eventually stored at the Yorkshire Museum away from the eyes of the public. Andrew, the museum’s curator of archaeology, says: “Amidst the ancient stones of St Mary’s Abbey will be some of our star objects surrounded by an array of bright colours, including oranges, golds, purples and blues, as we celebrate medieval stained glass.” The Yorkshire Museum will also include a spectacular audio-visual introduction in a 300-seat auditorium, telling the history of York from the beginning of time to the present day. The museum’s Learning Level will give visitors the chance to delve deeper into the past through hands-on activities, displays, workshops and meeting the experts. Part of the museum’s library will also be open on certain days. For more details, go to

Meet a cross-dressing priest A cross-dressing eunuch is likely to be one of the stars of the Yorkshire Museum’s exhibition, entitled ‘Roman York – Meet the people of the Empire’. His remains, dating back to the 4th century AD, were found by archaeologists during excavations of a Roman settlement in Catterick. The skeleton, found dressed in women’s clothes and jewellery, is believed to have once been a castrated priest who worshipped the eastern goddess Cybele. The young eunuch was found buried in a grave at Bainesse, a farm near Catterick, and once an outlying settlement of the Roman town. He wore a jet necklace, a jet bracelet, a shale armlet and a bronze expanding anklet and had two stones placed in his mouth. In life he would have been regarded as a transvestite and was probably a gallus, one of the followers of the goddess Cybele who castrated themselves in her honour. Cybele, a goddess imported from the East in the 3rd century BC, had long been a Roman state deity and was worshipped in noisy, public festivals. Her would-be priests, or galli, castrated themselves following the example of Cybele’s lover Atys, who had made himself a eunuch in her service out of remorse for his infidelity. In the castration ceremony the galli used ornamented clamps, one of which was found in the Thames by London Bridge and is now in the British Museum. Cybele’s priests wore jewellery, highly coloured female robes and turbans or tiaras and had female hair-styles. The priest would have worn special masks. Inscriptions and statues show that the cult was well established in the north of England. Look out for the Welcome To Yorkshire advert on TV and explore York’s rich history by going to


The Culture Column with RICHARD FOSTER

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In good hands Dealing with dementia 4th – 10th July is Dementia Awareness Week. We’ve been taking a lot at the condition, what causes it and what can be done to help What is dementia? Dementia is a set of symptoms caused by some diseases or conditions that affect the brain. These symptoms include memory loss, mood changes and communication problems. There are many causes of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease and stroke. Different people are affected in different ways, depending on the type of dementia, and on the individual’s personality, lifestyle and state of health. The symptoms of dementia get worse over time. In the later stages, a person with the condition will find it difficult managing even simple tasks, and will need more and more support from others. You can get lots of tips and advice on living with dementia from the Alzheimer’s Society website – www.

There is no cure for dementia yet, but there are some treatments that can delay the progression of some forms of dementia, and there is ongoing research into finding a cure.

How you can help • Stay in touch - show you care. A card, a call or a visit mean a lot • Treat the person with respect and dignity. Focus on what the person can do, not what they can't. • Do the little things. Cook a meal or run an errand for the person or their family. It will be much appreciated • Find out more about dementia. Log on to for more information • Organise an outing. Plan a treat that includes the person with dementia. • Be a good listener. Support and accept - try not to judge.

• Make sure everyone has some time to themselves. Fill in as a carer from time to time

Remember the person The theme of this year’s Dementia Awareness Week is ‘Remember the Person’. The Alzheimer's Society is asking people to think about the people they know living with dementia and about the simple things they can do to make life for them more manageable and enjoyable. “We are encouraging people to remember that behind every diagnosis there is a person living with the condition, ” says Marketing Manager Becky Lopez. “We hope that the photography competition will look beyond the stereotypes of dementia and capture what it is really like for people living with dementia.” They’ve also launched a photography competition with the ’Remember the Person’ theme.

The winner and two runners will be chosen and prizes include an iPhone, donated by Orange, and a digital camera, donated by Jadu. The three winners will also have their photos professionally printed and framed, courtesy of Xcalibre. The closing date for the competition is 10th July. For more details, log on to uk/photocomp or call 0207 423 3678.



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Second time around / < 9G985MGH< 9F9 5F9 5@ A CGH5GA 5BM7CID@9GHM=B; H<9 ?BCH:CFH<9 G97CB8 H=A 9 5GH<9 F9 5F9 H<9 \F GH 2 < 9B = H7CA 9GHC CF;5B= G=B; 5 G97CB8 K 988= B; H<9 F9 5F9 BC F95@ FI@9G3CI <5 J 9 H<9 5;9 9LD9F= 9B79 5B8 <CD9 :I@@ MH<9 \B 5B7= 5@A 95BG HC < 5J 9 H<9 K 988= B; MCI F95@ @ M K 5BH GCK < MBCH;C :CF= H #5 J = B; G5= 8 H<5 H H<9 F9 5F9 GCA9 HF= 7?MK 988= B; EI9 GH = CBGH<5 H G97CB8 H=A 9 7CID @ 9GB998 HC 7CBG=89F Who pays? $: MCIF D5F9BHGD5= 8 :CFMCIF \ FGHK 988= B; = HA = ;< HBCH 69 :5= F HC 5G?H<9 A HC 7CI;< I D :CFMCIF G97CB8 WIB@9GGH<9 MC::9F C: 7CIF G9 $: H<9 M5F9 7CBHF= 6IH= B; A 5?9 = H7@ 95F 69HK 99B MCI K < C[ G D5M=B; :CFK <5 HHC 5J C= 8 5BM 7CB:IG= CB @ 5H9F Giving gifts. /F58= H=CB5@ @ M K 988= B; ;= :HG5F9 ;= J 9B HC 7CI D@ 9G G9HH=B; ID <CA 9 :CF H<9 \F GH H=A 9 $: MCIF ;I9 GH G:99@H< 9MK 5BH HC ; = J 9 GCA9H<= B; A 5?9 = H@ 9GG DF57H=75@5B8 A CF9 C: 5 79@ 96F5H=CB C: H<9 A 5FF= 5;9 = HG9@ : GI7< 5G5 D= 979 C: 5FHCF5 6CHH@ 9 C: J= BH5;9 7<5 A D5;B9 The perfect place. $B H< 9 D5GHH< 9 CB@ MCDH = CB 5J 5= @ 56@ 9 :CFG97CB8 H=A 9FGK 5G5 F9;= GH9F C:\79 2 < = @ 9

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What to wear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

Blast from the past. . < CI @ 8 MCI = BJ = H9 MCI F 9L $ : MCI [ F9 CB ; CC8 H9FA G5B8 MCI F B9K D5FHB9F = GC?5M K = H< H< 9 = 895 K < MBCH I H695F = B A = B8 H< 5H9A CH=CBG75B FI B < = ; < 5HK 988= B; G 5B8 5B 9L H< 5H75B < 5B8@ 9 5BMCH< 9F GC7= 5@C775G=CB A = ; < HBCH69 56@ 9 HC 7CD9 G99= B; MCI K 98 GCA 9CB9 9@ G9 $ : MCI 8C = BJ = H9 MCI F 9L ; 9HH< 9A HC 6F= B; 5 ; I 9GH 5B8 A 5?9 GI F9 H< 9M[F9 G95H98 K = H< D9CD@ 9 H< 9M?BCK 5B8 @ = ?9 CB[ H= BHFC8I 79 H< 9A 5GMCI F 9L 8CB[ HGD9B8 HCC A I 7< H=A 9 7< 5HH=B; HC H< 9A 5B8 89\ B= H9@ M 8CB[ H8F5D9 MCI FG9@ : CJ 9F H< 9A CB H< 9 85B79 ]C CF




When it comes to planning your wedding, budget is everything. But saving cash doesn’t mean compromising on style. As long as you spend your money wisely, you can still enjoy the wedding of your dreams. a five course meal for 150 people or a buffet for 50? If money’s tight, ask friends and family to buy you vouchers for hair and beauty, the jewellers you want to buy your rings from, honeymoon vouchers or even wedding dress vouchers!

If money is limited, it’s important to sit down together and work out what’s important to you as a couple. Do you want to splash out on an amazing venue and save money on the flowers? Or are you prepared to cut back on the photography so you can have the dress of your dreams? Forget about other people’s expectations – the bulk of your budget should be going on whatever is most important to you. If friends and relatives have offered to help pay for your big day, it’s worth speaking to them beforehand to clarify exactly what’s on offer. For instance, if your parents say they’ll pay for the reception, do they mean


Open a wedding account and only take the wedding account card out when you’re paying for wedding goods. That way you won’t be tempted to pay for a meal out or a new pair of shoes with it. Whatever money you’ve set aside, make sure you include a contingency fund for the little extras you might have forgotten, or a must-have item you hadn’t planned for. Be realistic about your guest list. If your total budget is only £5,000, then a guest list of 300 may be unrealistic. A good idea is for you and your partner to write a list of guests, each with no limits, then compare them and put together a new list with all the mutual friends you have as well as family

members. Be strong about it; remember, every guest on your list will cost you as much as a nice meal out, or possibly more! Shop around, be imaginative and openminded. You may find better deals at independent local suppliers than bigger chain companies. You’ll certainly get a more personalised customer service. Some local venues also offer wedding packages at very reasonable prices. Look out for them in the weddings section of Your Local Link. A typical wedding budget might be: • 10% on the dress • 5% on other outfits, eg groom and bridesmaids • 12% on photography • 8% on flowers • 50% on the reception • 5% on entertainment • 10% on everything else, including stationery, rings, marriage fees, favours, gifts, etc

health&beauty Sports Massage

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Swedish Massage Therapy /< = G= GH< 9 A CGH7CA A CB HMD9 C: A 5GG5; 9 5B8 5 ; CC8 CB9 HC HFM= : MCI [ J 9 B9J 9F< 58 5 A 5GG5; 9 69:CF9 /< 9F5D= GHGK CF? CB GI D9F\ 7= 5@ @ 5M9FGC: A I G7@ 9 5B8 7CBB97H=J 9 H=GGI 9 I G=B; A 5GG5; 9 C= @CF@ CH=CB

Aromatherapy Massage

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Thai Massage

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Hot Stone Massage

# 95H98 GA CCH< GHCB9G5F9 D@ 5798 CB 79FH5= B DC= BHGCB H< 9 6C8MHC K 5FA 5B8 @ CCG9B H=; < HA I G7@ 9G 5B8 65@ 5B79 9B9F; M79BHF9G= B H< 9 6C8M/< 9 A 5GG5; 9 H< 9F5D= GHA 5M 5@ GC < C@ 8 GHCB9G5B8 5DD@ M; 9BH@ 9 DF9GGI F9 K = H< H< 9A # CHGHCB9 A 5GG5; 9 = G; CC8 :CFD9CD@ 9K < C < 5J 9 A I G7@ 9 H9BG=CB 6I HDF9:9F @ = ; < H9FA 5GG5; 9


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Ayurvedic Massage

/< = G= G5B 5B7= 9BH 5GH9FB H< 9F5DM 65G98 CB 5::97H=B; H< 9 ] CK C: ZDF5B5[ H< FCI ; < ZA 5FA 5[ DC= BHG CB H< 9 6C8M = ::9F9BHC= @ G5F9 I G98 577CF8= B; HC MCI FD9FGCB5@ = HMCF Z8CG< 5[ $ H[G89HCL= : M=B; 5B8 = GG5= 8 HC = A DFCJ 9 6@ CC8 5B8 @ MA D< 5H=7 8F5= B5; 9

More than skin deep

at Kuki

There’s more to your skin than meets the eye. Which is why the highly qualified skin therapists at Kuki Hair and Beauty Spa are offering the latest in skin technology. A UV scanner will uncover any skin problems such as sun damage, blocked pores and dry skin to customise the facial prescription just for you. The use of the highly renowned Dermalogica products will ensure any skin problems are resolved. At Kuki you will float from your treatment as you can choose from a hand or foot massage, scalp, shoulder and facial, scalp massage customised with essential oils. Take advantage of their current offer and you can treat yourself to a free back, neck and shoulder massage with every Dermalogica Face Treatment. You’ll end up looking and feeling great – all for £40. Also this month, they’re offering Teeth Whitening at £150 for every Your Local Link reader. With a dentistry background Kuki can make you look and feel beautiful by incorporating teeth whitening into a beauty package rather than a dentistry package. Carried out in a professional and relaxed atmosphere, you can have a whiter, cleaner smile within the hour using the latest products and technology. And because every little girl wants to be like her mum, during July they’re also offering Little Princess packages for your daughter. Your princess will be pampered from head to toe including manicure, pedicure, nail art and children’s facial. Party food is included. They also still have the Races packages available to suit all at pricesstarting from £20. Treats on offer include Minx Nails, hair up, spray tan and much more. Please visit or Telephone: 01904 659007.


Holiday health

You look forward to your holiday all year, so the last thing you need is a bout of illness or a bad case of sunburn ruining it. Follow our tips for a happy – and healthy – family holiday. The hours from dusk to dawn are peak biting time for bugs. Repellents containing the chemical DEET are best for keeping them at bay. Spraying your clothes with repellent may offer extra protection, but don’t spray your skin under clothes as well. At night, electrical plug-in repellents slowly release insecticide to prevent bites while you’re sleeping. If you do get bitten, treat it with a soothing antihistamine cream.

Tummy upsets are a common problem. They’ll often go away by themselves within a few days if you stop eating for 24 hours and drink plenty of fluids. The biggest risk, especially for small children, is dehydration. Keep fluid intake up with frequent water, juices and oral rehydration drinks (in an emergency try Coca-Cola with a pinch of salt added). If it continues for more than three days, see a doctor. Minimise risk by: • Avoiding ice cream or ice from unreliable sources; food that has been cooked and left to go cold; raw fruit unless it is fruit or vegetables that you have peeled.


• Following strict hand hygiene rules, washing or using anti-bacterial hand wipes before eating or preparing food. • Only eating food that has been cooked thoroughly and is still piping hot when served, and drinking water that you have boiled or sterilised, or bottled drinks from reputable sources.

Prevention is better than cure. So keep your family sun-safe by: • Staying out of the sun during the middle part of the day • Covering up in the sun. Always wear a widebrimmed sunhat and look out for T-shirts that offer UV protection; ordinary T-shirts may let burning rays through • Using kids’ water resistant suncream with a high SPF. Apply an hour before going out in the sun and reapply regularly, especially after swimming. If their skin starts to turn red, come straight out of the sun; more cream will not stop them burning.

Holiday first-aid kit


Cotton wool Bandages Scissors Safety pins Travel sickness tab lets Painkillers Antiseptic cream Plasters Bit & sting pain rel ief gel Diarrhoea treatmen t Antihistamine tab lets Sunscreen Insect repellent Sachets of rehydrat ion compound Any medication yo u or any members of your fam ily need to take. Leave prescription medicines in their original containers to help speed things up through customs, and make a note of their names in case you lose them and have to buy more.

Are your

sleeping habits

making you ill?

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Matthew Houlton from the Manor House Dental Practice, a long established York practice, is here to answer some common questions about common causes. This month... My partner snores. It’s affecting my sleep and now we’re both tired and irritable all the time. What can be done to stop it? Snoring not only interferes with a good night’s sleep but also with your general quality of life. During sleep, the muscles of the tongue and jaw relax and fall back against the back of the throat. Partial blockage results in snoring, but temporary complete blockage causes the more serious Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA). This can lead to poor sleep patterns, daytime drowsiness (with associated risks when driving or operating machinery), headaches, high blood pressure, risk of heart problems and stroke. Partners are often affected by it too, which can cause strain on their relationship. Options for treatment include methods to open the airway. The more severe cases of sleep apnoea require specialist medical treatment, but for mild to moderate conditions of sleep apnoea and snoring a dental device called a Mandibular Advancement Appliance (MAA) can work very well. It is similar to a gum-shield and holds the lower jaw and tongue forwards thus opening up the airway to allow unrestricted breathing. These can be provided by a dentist and have been proven to work very well. There are various factors which aggravate snoring including alcohol, being overweight, sleeping on your back and mouth breathing (having difficulty breathing through your nose). Addressing these factors can help. Treating snoring and especially sleep apnoea properly can also help to improve the quality of one’s sleep and the quality of life for all concerned, and may work better than a quick elbow in the ribs! To find out more contact the British Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Association at I wake up with headaches every day and my jaws ache. I have also noticed that I keep breaking my fillings. What’s happening to me? Regular clenching and grinding of the teeth (also known as bruxism) or even just holding tension in the jaw muscles can lead to muscle spasms in the jaw. This can lead to jaw ache and headaches, in the morning or throughout the day. About 90 % of the population brux at some time or another in their lives, mostly during their sleep. Bruxism puts far more force through the muscles of the jaw than needed, for prolonged periods of time. This can put excessive strain on the jaw joints, teeth and gums. It can lead to localised pain in the jaw joints, excessive tooth wear, sensitive teeth, and can even make the teeth loose. Sometimes this excessive force can lead to teeth or fillings breaking requiring costly replacements. It can be triggered by stress or by poor occlusion (the way the teeth meet together). A simple solution is a splint, a dental device that fits over the lower teeth (or occasionally the upper teeth), usually worn at night. There are two main types: A soft splint (similar to a gum shield) which just acts as a shock absorber but does little to stop the trigger for bruxism. Or, a Centric Relation Appliance is a custom made appliance that creates even bite contacts to allow smooth jaw functioning in harmony with the jaw joints. This will help relax the muscles and help alleviate the symptoms. Both types of splint can be provided by a dentist. To find out more contact the British Society of Occlusal Studies at

The Manor House Dental Practice combines a relaxed, friendly environment with the latest in dental technology. They offer a range of services, from the prevention and treatment of gum disease to smile makeovers and cosmetic procedures. 12 Boroughbridge Road, YO26 5RU, call 797434



foot forward

Summer’s here, which means baring your toes in strappy sandals and flip flops. If your feet has been neglected in boots and thick tights, get them in tip top shape with a pedicure.

But what type to choose? There are so many on offer, it can be difficult to know which is right for you. Regular Pedicure This is a simple treatment that includes foot soaking, foot scrubbing with a pumice stone or foot file, nail clipping, nail shaping, foot and calf massage, moisturiser and a coat of polish. Spa Pedicure Includes everything you’d find with a regular pedicure, plus a couple of added luxury extras. This may be a skin softening paraffin dip, masks, mud or seaweed treatment. Paraffin Pedicure Another added extra to the basic pedicure. Your feet are covered with layers of warm paraffin wax. This sets as it cools down, and is then removed, leaving your skin beautifully soft and moisturised. Stone Pedicure This is basically a foot massage that involves the use of various different essential oils that are rubbed with the help of hot stones for the massage of the feet and legs. French Pedicure Again, the same as a regular pedicure, but rather than standard polish the therapist applies white polish to the tips of your nails and a sheer pink on the base. It looks brilliant with a tan! Mini Pedicure This consists of a shape and polish, without any massage or skin softening treatments. It’s perfect for a quick maintenance session between regular pedicures. You should have a pedicure every six weeks, with a repolish in between to keep your feet looking good. If that’s too much maintenance for you, opt for a lighter coloured polish, which will stay looking good longer. When you go for a pedicure, take along a pair of flip flops to wear afterwards. Polish will take a long time to dry, and going home in tight shoes may damage your shiny new nails.

Lesley @innovations

Beauty Therapy & Electrolysis

Apilus Electrolysis, IBD Soak Off Gel Polish Perron Rigot Non Strip Waxing

1/2 leg wax only £12.50

Full Leg & Bikini only £25.00 Fake Bake Gold tanning treatment available

16a Boroughbridge Rd, York Tel: 798705 40

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Face facts Vida salon in Boroughbridge Road is hosting a non-surgical cosmetic treatment clinic at their salon on 6th July. A highly experienced and qualified team from UK Aesthetics will be carrying out a variety of procedures, including Botox, dermal fillers, skin plumpers and facial peels. And while you’re there, why not complete your makeover with a fab new hairstyle from the Vida team? To book your treatment, call Vida on 799944.



Mila !


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Choosing childcare Good quality childcare is good for parents and children. But with so many different childcare options to choose from, how do you find the one that’s right for you? With National Childcare Week from 12th – 19th July, we’ve been looking at the choices available...

Home or away? If you’d like your child to be settled in one location all day with other children of their own age and a skilled team of carers then day nurseries or playgroups may be the right solution. If you would prefer to have your child looked after by someone else or in your own home, then a childminder or home-based carer might be better, especially if you have a baby or a toddler under two. Childminders Childminders are trained, self-employed carers largely based in their own homes. They are registered with Ofsted and both the childminder and their home are regularly checked. The exact number of children a childminder can care for is set by Ofsted however the maximum for one childminder is up to six children under eight years old. Childminders work across a range of hours so can be useful if your working day doesn’t fit the 9-5 pattern or if you have children of different ages. Pre-school and playgroups Organised by community or voluntary groups, often with the help of parents, these usually offer early education places. They give your child access to different toys, equipment and activities and ensure they mix with other children. Sessions last between two and a half to four hours and take place either every day or several days a


week, during term time. Before & After School or Out-of-school care Some clubs are open before and after school and all day during school holidays. They offer a quiet space for catching up with homework as well as plenty of fun activities for children between the ages of three to 14 years old (and up to 16 for children with special needs). Many breakfast, after school and holiday play schemes are linked to schools. Day Nurseries Day nurseries offer childcare and early education. They are for children between

the ages of six weeks and five years, but some also offer out-of-school care for five to 11 year olds. Opening times tend to coincide with a standard working day. Nursery schools and classes Nursery schools offer early education for children between the ages of three and five. They are open during school hours, normally only in term time for full or half-day sessions. Nurseries are free if part of a state education system but private ones charge £1,200 to £1,500 per term.


Have your say... Does the childcare available in York meet your needs? That’s the question City of York Council is asking parents and carers this summer. The authority is carrying out its second Childcare Sufficiency Assessment to find out whether there are any gaps in childcare provision in the city. Parents and carers and parents-tobe are being asked to give their views on: • The location of childcare • The affordability of childcare • The quality of childcare • Does childcare meet the needs of children with a disability or additional needs • The times when childcare is available • The ages childcare is available for • The different types of childcare e.g. Playgroup, nursery, etc Consultation forms will be available from Children’s Centres or libraries, or residents can have their say online at or by calling York Family Information Service on 554444. Anyone taking part in the consultation will be entered into a prize draw for £100 vouchers of a shop of the winner’s choice. The closing date for responses to the consultation is 31st August.

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Family centre opens York’s ninth Sure Start children’s centre has opened, giving young families easy access to a one-stop-shop of support and services. Situated on the Knavesmire Primary School site, the entrance to the centre is via Count de Burgh Street. It offers parents and carers of children aged under five all manner of help - from a dad’s drop-in group to giving breastfeeding advice. There’s also support for parents of children with disabilities plus speech and language services. A birth registry service is offered by the council by appointment, while informal parent and child groups run regularly. The centre’s staff are able to make home visits, depending on the circumstances of the parent or carer.

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Can you help? Most families with disabled children need a break from time to time. Which is why Sharing Care is so important. It provides family-based short breaks for disabled children. The children are looked after by a fully trained adult for anything from a few hours to a few days a month. They get the opportunity to make new friends, gain independence and broaden their horizons, while their families can have a much-needed break, secure in the knowledge that their child is safe and enjoying new and positive experiences with their Sharing Carer. Sharing Care are looking for more short break carers. They need committed volunteers who can care for children in their own or the child’s home, usually at weekends or evenings. If you’re up for the challenge and you’d like to know more, call 555699 or email


Children with healthy self esteem grow up to be independent and responsible adults. But children don’t naturally gravitate towards independence - they need their parents’ guidance. Use these tips to help put your children on a responsible path.

Going it

alone... Five ways to give your child more independence

1) Get a job: Letting your child have a job is a good way to give them independence as it teaches them responsibility. They have to learn to get themselves to work on time, to manage the money they earn, to take direction form a boss, and much more. Having a job teaches valuable life skills. 2) Give them allowance: Money is an effective way to help your children enjoy independence, as it allows them to choose their own clothes and activities. However, teach them to use their money wisely. 3) Pick own clothes: Allow your child to choose their own clothes, even if you are paying for them. How a child dresses says a lot about who they are. Let them decide who they want to be, and be supportive. Let them wear what they want as long as it does not go against your rules. 4) Asking and listening to their opinions: Growing up is about becoming an independent thinker. Help your children develop their


own opinions by asking for them, and not criticising their opinions too much. 5) Social networking websites: If you want your child to be more independent, allow them to create a Facebook account. Let them choose which photos to post and what to write. However, as a parent, you also need to protect them; do so by creating your own account and having them add you as friends and place you in their top friend spot. Also make sure you have passwords to their accounts.

Leaving children at home alone The law does not set a minimum age at which children can be left alone. However, it is an offence to leave a child alone when doing so puts him or her at risk. There are many important things to consider before you decide to leave a child alone. These include: the age of the child; the child's level of maturity and understanding; the place where child will be left; how long the child will be left alone, and how often; whether or not there are any other children alone with the child.

For example, most parents would think it is okay to leave a 16-yearold alone for the evening, but to leave them for a week would be unacceptable. Many young children play outdoors with other children without supervision; most would agree this is an important part of growing up. You are the best judge of your child's level of maturity and responsibility. If you do leave a child alone, remember: If possible, leave a telephone number where you can be contacted, and be available to answer it immediately. Talk to your child about keeping safe at home and point out the potential dangers. Tell them not to answer the door to strangers.

Put obvious dangers out of reach of children, for example, medicines, chemicals and matches. Leave a list of trusted people they can contact. Give clear instructions about what to do if there’s an emergency. All children left alone should be able to phone the emergency services. Make sure the child is happy about the arrangements and confident about being left. Tell the child when you'll be back, and make sure you're back on time. Talk to him or her about it afterwards. If you need any advice about leaving children alone, contact the NSPCC Helpline on 0808 800 5000

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The funny side?

Being a typical boisterous student, I don’t usually get embarrassed; I can take a joke and I’m used to saying ridiculous things by accident. But I thought you’d like to hear about the most embarrassing day I have had in a long time. It started with a bacon disaster on the escalator in Wilkinson’s. I’m talking a bacon explosion which was totally beyond my control. The coffee shop that I work at has another branch on the top floor of Wilkinson’s and I had been asked to carry some bacon over to the other cafe. My manager gave it to me in a big box with a plastic covering over the top. Stepping out of the café, I had thought that carrying the box would be good exercise for my arms. I didn’t realise how heavy it was going to be until I carried it down the first street. Wilkinson’s is on the other side of town so with aching limbs I realised that I still had a long way to go. I had to keep stopping and putting the box down on any higher level I could. Bacon explosion I finally made it into Wilko’s and stepped onto the escalator, putting the bacon down. Nearing the top, I tried to pull up the box using the bag and the bottom completely split. Bacon covered the escalator. It seemed to catapult itself across the store, oozing out and cascading down the moving staircase. It was a busy Saturday afternoon and there were people everywhere staring at me and watching the bacon drip down the escalator. Luckily, one kind man took pity on me and guarded my bacon whilst I went to explain to the angry manager at the café that his bacon was presently causing a blockage on the escalator. I spent the next half an hour trying to pick bacon bits out of the Wilkinson’s stock before trudging back, feeling very embarrassed, to my workplace. Then that evening me and my housemates went to our local pub quiz. Going down to our local to exercise our general knowledge has become part of our weekly routine at university. I have to say that I’m probably not the most valuable member of our quiz team. I usually know the answers to the literature questions but ask me about chemical equations or the reigns of Kings and Queens and I’m clueless! Karaoke queen This week we actually did well in the quiz and tied with another team. At the Blue Bell this means there is a final ‘sing off’. Immediately, my friends started chanting my name, forcing me to sing for our team. I hate karaoke at the best of times; I haven’t done it since I was about seven on holiday. To make things worse, my work friends also go to the pub quiz so there seemed to be a whole room of people egging me on! It got to the point where I couldn’t escape singing and the girls chose a Westlife song for me to sing – Westlife are our guilty pleasure, we’re always singing their hits around the house! Nervously dancing and pulling out my usual cringemaking moves, I started off very badly. As it got worse, my friend Andy jumped up to my rescue. With a few drinks in him, he wasn’t afraid to help me out! Unfortunately, our performance didn’t win and we felt like we’d embarrassed ourselves for nothing. I was then pushed into singing again when the barman unexpectedly announced that I was singing Don’t Stop Believing by Journey. The whole pub clapped along and the night turned into one performance that I don’t think I will ever live down. I can see the funny side now but I don’t think I’ll be picking up the karaoke microphone for a long time - and I won’t be able to face a bacon sandwich for a while!


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Courses at The Woodwork Room

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RICHARD FOSTER finds out how Joseph Rowntree School is setting the standard for other schools in the United Kingdom


the best!

Pupils and staff enjoy the mid-morning break at Joseph Rowntree School.

‘I think the new school is amazing! I really enjoy using all the new equipment.’ leading off it. Traditional corridors have been replaced by light and airy spaces full of curves and technology such as wall screens.

Dan Hield, business development manager, at Joseph Rowntree School.

The ÂŁ30 million project to build a new Joseph Rowntree School on the site of the old one at New Earswick had an ambitious aim – to create the best learning environment in the country. Dan Hield, the school’s business development manager, believes the parties involved have succeeded. He says: “We now have some of the best facilities in the country. We want more pupils to come here and benefit from them and we also want members of the community to make use of this fantastic building outside school hours.â€? Joseph Rowntree is the first school in the UK to have a Costa Coffee counter as part of its strategy to

offer a warm welcome to all members of the community as well as pupils and staff. The new school was named ‘most versatile learning environment’ in the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) awards for excellence and the head teacher, Maggi Wright, travelled to China to speak about the building’s sustainability at an international conference. The school’s eco-friendly features include a bio-mass boiler, a system to harvest rainwater, a high efficiency natural ventilation system and lights that turn on or off automatically as people enter or leave a room. The design of the school is based around a central street space, with six departmental clusters

The pupils and staff use the street for everything from socialising and dining to personalised learning and exhibitions. The design brief was drawn up after a consultation exercise involving, staff, pupils, parents, governors and members of the community. The respondents

wanted a landmark building with a “wow factor� that was a pleasure to work in. Since the school opened in March, the feedback has been very positive. One pupil said: “I think the new school is amazing! I really enjoy using all the new equipment. I enjoy coming to school now, more than I did when it was the old school.� Dan says: “This project, with its innovative and radical approach to creating a user-friendly learning space, has become a pathfinder project for similar developments. Other new schools in the country will be built around the same ideas.�

Facilities available to hire at Joseph Rowntree School

• Music Technology with recording studio

• Main theatre/hall with tiered seating and flexible stage area

• Art rooms with darkroom facilities

• Sports Hall with wooden sprung floor for badminton, netball, fivea-side football, tennis, basket ball and volley ball. • Activity Studio for martial arts, dance, aerobics, Pilates etc • Multi-gym with cardio vascular machines and weights • 120-seat Lecture Theatre with 3D cinema screen • ICT Suites each with 30 PCs

• Multi-use classrooms that seat up to 30 people • Food classrooms with 20 work areas • Six outdoor netball/tennis courts • Hair & Beauty Suite for sports therapy and massage; hair and nail treatment.

For more details about hiring facilities, call 552100 or email crh@ joephrowntree.

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The challenge of a lifetime No one can say Rob Clarke isn’t a brave man. Next month, he’s competing in his first – and possibly last! – Olympic distance Triathlon. And he’s the first to admit he’s no superman... “Two years ago I had reconstructive knee surgery and since then my fitness has dwindled to an all time low,” he says. “Running is painful and I’ve never been a strong swimmer, and my new bike’s just been stolen, so all in all a Triathlon combining a 1500m Swim, 40k Bike Ride and 10k Run is going to be a huge challenge!” But it’s all in a good cause. Rob is Regional Development manager for Sportsaid, which provides support for aspiring future British Olympians. He’s aiming to raise at least £500 to help Britain’s emerging athletes on their journey. “The athletes SportsAid supports are identified as having the talent and potential to represent Team GB at senior international level in the future,” he says. “Britain's young athletes deserve our support and by sponsoring me you will be helping the next generation of inspirational British athletes to succeed.”

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To sponsor Rob, visit

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Pets&Countryside It’s the holiday season and many people are getting excited about going away. However, don’t neglect your pets when making your holiday plans.

Give your pet a

good holiday Responsible catteries will only take fully vaccinated, neutered and healthy cats. Remember to book well in advance of your holiday. All catteries should be licensed by their local authority; this licence should be on display at the cattery. When you have a list of appropriate catteries make an appointment to visit them. Most places will happily let you do this. Do phone in advance so you don't turn up at cleaning and feeding times when everybody is busy. The staff should be friendly and make you feel welcome; there should be no smell and relative quiet. The kennels themselves should be clean and tidy with no old food and no overly dirty litter trays in them. They should be escape proof, have good ventilation. If there are windows they should be non-opening and the wire of the units should be unbroken and be rust free. Check if the cattery also boards dogs, if so how far are they from the cats. If your cat is not accustomed to dogs then being housed in a strange environment with noisy dogs nearby can be very unsettling. Dogs can be very noisy in kennels. Check with the cattery that they only accept cats that are vaccinated, and that the certificates are shown when the cat is handed in for boarding. All catteries will require that the cats boarding there have been vaccinated against cat flu and feline enteritis. Check on the insurance cover that the cattery has. Which company do they use and if your cat falls ill will the insurance cover the veterinary bills or will you have to pay on your return.


It is a good idea to put your cat into the cattery a day or even two days before you leave on your holiday. Remember to take your vaccination certificate with you. You will have to fill in a form with the details of your cat covering eating habits, special prescription diet, medication, medical history, your vet’s name and number and grooming requirements.

Kennel boarding tips Start boarding your pet at the kennel at an early age. If you wait until your pet is older to take them to the boarding kennel, they might have a difficult time adjusting. If you are taking an old dog to the kennel for the first time, try out the kennel for a weekend. Before it's time to kennel your pet, go and look at all the boarding kennels. Only you can decide which boarding kennel is for you. When you take your dog to check in at the boarding kennel, make sure you have your dog on a leash. It's safer for him. Make sure that the whole kennel, outdoor and indoor runs included, is clean and orderly. Ask the kennel what you should bring. Some kennels encourage people to bring in treats, toys, or special food. Make sure the temperature is adequate, not too warm and not too cold. Ask to see the outdoor running area. It should be close to spotless. The outdoor runs (and the whole kennel)

should be very secure. Many dogs will attempt to break out, so talk to the kennel owners about this if you're worried. When you check in your pet at the boarding kennel, bring in your most recent vaccination certificates. Give the kennel operator as much information as possible about your pet, along with past health problems and any medications that your pet might be on. When checking in at the boarding kennel, try not to make your pet feel like he's being left behind. Your pet will sense any feelings of guilt and will think something's wrong. He may become frightened and fearful, thinking that you are abandoning him, and will have a difficult adjustment period for the first day or two. The best thing to do is to reassure your pet that everything is fine and tell him that you will see him soon. Check the kennel policies and opening hours before you drop off your pet.

Give us a home

All over the city there are cats and dogs looking for loving homes. Could you be the one to offer them the love they need?

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SHIMMER, a Labrador-collie cross, was found tethered to the gates of the RSPCA home at Landing Lane, York, one cold morning. The abandoned animal is very nervous of strangers and would find it difficult to settle in a home with children. However, she is excellent with other dogs and would thrive in the home of an experienced pet owner. TASMIN is a favourite with RSPCA dog walkers due to her chilled-out nature. The colliewhippet cross, about 10 years old, would make an excellent family pet. If you can offer any of these dogs a home, call the RSPCA on 654949. *The three dogs featured in last month’s issue of Your Local Link have all been homed. The RSPCA wishes to thank all those who showed an interest in Digby, Bluto and Popeye.

SONNY is a rather handsome chap with his flowing grey and white coat. His previous owner lived in a third floor flat and poor Sonny didn’t have many chances to stretch his young legs and feel the thrill of the wind blowing through his fur, so he was brought to us in the hope that we could find him a new home with a garden. Sonny is pretty quiet when he first meets you, however upon a cursory sniff he soon warms up and loves nothing more than mashing his sturdy head into you – this is a sign of affection in the feline world!! Now what can we say about this lady? ARIEL is undoubtedly a fine looking puss – okay, she may be a bit on the chubby side but that just means there’s more of her to love! Her personality is equally as big and she will need an owner who can take the Beauty and the Beast! Ariel does enjoy attention, however she does have some bad habits and can a bit over-excitable and get busy with her paws. We’re sure once she settles in to a new home she will calm down, she just needs a patient and experienced cat lover. Ariel is not too fond of other cats so would be best as the only cat in any household. If you’d like to offer either of these cats a loving home, please call York Cats Protection, 582 Huntington Road. Tel 760356.


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A cut above

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got together with TV presenter and interior designer Alison Cork to produce a booklet, Summer Bulb Style with Alison Cork. It’s full of quirky, elegant ideas for decorating with flowers. Get your free copy by calling 020 72441950 (available until 31st September).

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Greener gardens

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Open Gardens

Every year, thousands of enthusiastic gardeners open their gardens to the public under the National Gardens Scheme, either for charity of for the joy of sharing their passion. Here are some of the gardens open this month... Sleightholmedale Lodge, Fadmoor YO62 7JG. Hillside garden, walled rose garden and herbaceous borders. Open 17th and 18th July, 2 – 6pm. The Nursery, 15 Knapton Lane, Acomb YO26 5PX. Attractive one-acre fruit and vegetable garden. Bush and trained fruit trees (including 40+ varieties of apples and pears), large and small greenhouses, vegetables and informal ornamental planning. Open 18th July, 1 – 5pm and 23rd July, 6 – 9pm. Rudston House, Long Street, Rudston nr Driffield YO25 4UH. Three acres of exuberant garden with fine old trees, lawns, paths and clipped box hedges, conifers, shrubs, greenhouses, roses, interesting potager with named vegetable varieties, hosta beds, short woodland walk. Plenty of seats, interesting corners and features. Open 18th July, 11am – 5pm. Goldsborough Hall, Church Street, Goldsborough HG5 8NR. 11-acre garden and formal landscaped grounds in parkland setting. 17th century house, former residence of the late HRH Princess Mary. Gertrude Jekyll-inspired 120ft double herbaceous borders and rose garden, lime tree walk planted by royalty circa 1920. Woodland walk and specimen trees. Open 25th July, 12 noon – 5pm. Rustic Cottage, Front Street, Wold Newton, nr Driffield YO25 3YQ. Plantswoman’s cottage garden of much interest with many choice and unusual plants. Old-fashioned roses, fragrant perennials, herbs and wild flowers, all grown together to provide habitat for birds, bees, butterflies and small mammals. Open 25th July, 11am – 4pm. Quaker Green, Woodthorpe, York. Open Gardens in aid of Leukaemia Research. £3 entrance to include all gardens. Also tombola, plant stall, cake stall and cream teas. Open 17th and 18th July. Stockton-on-the-Forest Open Gardens. Approximately 10 gardens open. Plant stall, cream teas available. Tickets and parking available at the Village Hall. Open 25th July, 1 – 5pm. All dates and times correct at time of going to press. For more information, log on to or call 01483 211535.

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DIVINE DESIGN Patios & Paving Driveways & Brickwork Decking, Pergolas & Fencing Turfing & Planting / Design Ponds & Water Features Garden Maintenance tel: 01904 211021

mob: 07737 825621


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JOBS FOR JULY Water in dry spells Continue weekly feeding Keep weeds down Plant out brassicas Harvest crops regularly

Watering, weeding and harvesting are your priorities this month. Harvest crops whilst still tender and protect the remainder from pests and greedy birds. Keep picking beans to encourage more to come. Restrict trusses on cordon tomatoes to four to ensure sufficient time for ripening although bush tomatoes don’t need any special treatment. Courgettes can grow the size of marrows almost overnight so pick them frequently whilst still small. Cauliflowers can be a challenge to grow, even for the most experienced gardener. If you have managed to produce some good heads (or curds) shade and protect them by bending the large outer leaves until they snap and then lay them over the curds until you are ready to harvest them. Now is the time to plant out brassicas and leeks for mid and late winter harvesting, keeping the ground clear by hoeing off weeds in dry weather to avoid them re-rooting. To encourage side-shoots and keep them cropping nip out the tops of runner beans, borlotti and climbing French beans when the plants reach the top of their supports. Every day in July is a feast day on the vegetable plot with new potatoes, broad beans, sugar snap peas, salads, strawberries, gooseberries, summer raspberries and currants. I have to confess that on some days I do more spontaneous snacking on my crops than gardening but I don’t care. I’ve put the work in so why not? LOCAL SUPPLIERS Naburn Grange Riding Centre 01904 728283 Free wellrotted horse manure (donation to charity box appreciated) Telephone before visiting - bring bags and wellies Mr Thomas 01759 371549 Spent mushroom compost £11 for 5 bags delivered free Sandra specialises in creating sustainable organic kitchen gardens in small spaces and can show you how to maximise your available space and grow crops all year round. Contact Sandra Geere Kitchen Garden Design & Consultancy 01904 655366 email


Home-grown herbs

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Growing indoors

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I have never grown tomatoes before – are they easy to grow and look after? Tomatoes can be grown in pots or in growbags. If you’re growing them in pots you should make sure it’s big enough (at least 10-12in). You can grow them in a cold greenhouse from April onwards and outside from the end of May. If you’re growing them in a greenhouse make sure there’s plenty of ventilation on sunny days. Remove side shoots when they appear. Once the flower truss appears, feed weekly with a high potash plant food, and water regularly between feeding. When the flowers appear, shake the flower stem to ensure good pollination – this will result in a good crop of tomatoes. Make sure the plants are supported by canes or string. As the plants will have about six trusses, you can expect 10-12lb of tomatoes from each plant. I have two standard bay trees which have grown brown on the tips during the winter. When can I prune these tips out? This winter has been one of the coldest for the last 30 years, and has caused a lot of damage in many gardens. Although bay trees are hardy, the foliage is susceptible to wind scorch by cold, dry winds. Bay lends itself well to topiary, responding well to pinch pruning and clipping. In cool climates like ours, they will need winter protection. If wind scorch or dieback occurs, wait until late spring when defoliated branches often leaf up again. Last year my hollyhocks had lots of brown and orange spots on the stems and leaves. What is this disease called, and how can I treat it? It sounds as if your Hollyhock ‘Alcea Rosea’ has Hollyhock Rust. It also attacks lavateras, malvas and sidalceas. The symptoms are raised orange-brown pustules on stems, bracts and particularly on the underside of leaves, with corresponding small yellowish areas on the upper leaf surfaces. The pustules gradually darken and in severe attacks the leaves shrivel and hang down on the stem. Collect and burn diseased plant material in the autumn and repeat this operation in the spring to help prevent the first new infection. Also, cut off all plants to ground level in autumn and remove the first new leaves in spring as a precaution against their being infected. Spray fortnightly with Mancozeb or an approved rust fungicide from early spring onwards. Sulphur dust is also sometimes effective. I have seen a tree with lots of pink flowers growing on the bare branches. Can you tell me what this tree is called? This tree is called Cercis Siliquastrum, more commonly known as The Judas Tree. There are a few different varieties. They are deciduous trees and shrubs, with alternate leaves, grown for their purplish-pink or white flowers and foliage that colours well in autumn. Cercis Canadensis ‘Forest Pansy’ has dark red-purple leaves; the pea-like flowers appear on older wood before or as the leaves emerge. Cercis are unusual among hardy trees because they flower directly on bare branches in the spring. This is one of my favourite trees and is very beautiful. If you have a question for Chris write to him c/o Oak Tree Farm, The Moor, Haxby, YO32 2LH Browns Nursery, Corban Lane, Wigginton, York YO32 2RD. Tel. 766266.


Driving forward customer care

Spectacular Driveways York is proud of its customer service. Last year, despite the adverse weather, every job was started and completed on time. “We aim to please and give the customer exactly what they want,” says Steve Dunning, who started laying driveways in 2007 after 14 years with a printing company. From printing paper, Steve is now printing concrete. He says: “Our patterned imprinted concrete is maintenance free and long lasting. We use an all-weather seal that can be renewed every couple of years to keep your drive looking as good as new.” Different patterns can be printed on the concrete to resemble, for example, York Stone slabs or other finishes – depending on what the customer wants. And, being mixed concrete, there are no joins for weeds to grow through. One customer secretly filmed Steve and his team creating a new driveway at her home. Steve recalls: “She was impressed by how hard we worked and the quality of our workmanship.” An edited version of that movie is now on YouTube, listed under ‘Spectacular Driveways York’. Steve adds: “We are a small, friendly local company that’s backed by a national franchise.” Give him a call on 0773 719 0150.

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Learn how to save energy...

*! ) +*"5 in their everyday lives to become greener and also to save money. The Energy Centre is not about selling products, it’s about helping people start the journey to reducing their carbon footprint and making considerable savings. Feed-in tariffs have been announced, which means homeowners can get a financial incentive for the uptake of renewable electricity. “We are very excited to be opening the Energy Centre and hope that people from the across the region will come along and find out more about how they can make changes that will help make a difference to the way they consume energy.” The Energy Centre also features an eco-friendly meeting room that will be used to give training on renewable technologies. Local businesses and organisations are able to hire the facilities.

Solarwall managing director Sue Lamb and Grant Henderson, the company’s head of renewables, stand next to a ground source heat pump at the Energy Centre in Clifton, York A successful York company has opened an Energy Centre to teach members of the public about green technology. Based at the head office of energy-saving specialist Solarwall, in Clifton, York, the Energy Centre offers visitors expert advice on how to become energy efficient, reduce their impact on the environment and save money. With rising energy bills such a hot topic, many people want to live greener lifestyles. Homeowners can visit the Energy Centre to find out about simple changes they could make to their homes with easy-to-use gadgets and devices. By adopting these measures, householders will reduce their carbon footprint while cutting their domestic running costs. The Energy Centre showcases Solarwall’s renewable energy technology. Working models on display feature solar thermal hot water and photovoltaic (PV) systems, air and ground source heat pumps, ‘Smart’ meters, energy-saving lighting and even torches that you operate by simply shaking them. Grant Henderson, Head of Renewables at Solarwall, says: “We are opening the Energy Centre to educate people on how to save energy

Solarwall, a cavity wall and loft insulation specialist, has been established more than 30 years. The company has grown from a micro-business with only four employees to a leading energy efficiency provider, employing 90 people and serving nearly 100,000 customers throughout Yorkshire, Teesside and South Humberside. Solarwall offers both business and private individuals a one-stop shop for energy-saving products ranging from wall and loft insulation to renewable technologies as well as offering the latest advice on grants, the Feed In Tariff (FIT) and the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI). For more information on the Energy Centre, call 0500 127005 or visit

Free light Many houses have bathrooms, hallways and other rooms where daylight only enters when you open the door. Dim and dark, these rooms are unwelcoming places until you turn on the light. Now that has all changed. Sunlight tubes signal the end of dim and dismal spaces in the home. They bring natural light into even the darkest and most isolated spaces through a specially designed tunnel from roof to ceiling. What’s more, the light is free!


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WITH PAULA MATTHEWS Paula Matthews at Opus Estate Agents has been chatting to buyers and sellers all over York answering their concerns and queries.

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Q. Do you think the suspensions of Home Improvement Packs (HIPs) is a good idea? A. I personally think this is detrimental to the property market. There has been an increase in properties coming onto the market since the suspension of the HIPS. The cost involved in producing a HIP has meant only serious sellers have been putting their properties on the market; some vendors may now test the market as there is very little cost to them. Our sales achieved have also gone through quicker with a HIP in place so I am not sure I agree that this is having a positive impact on the present market conditions. Q. I am looking to buy a house with my partner in the next six months after saving desperately to get a reasonable deposit together. There seems to be so many conflicting reports on how the market is performing that I am a bit confused as to whether this will be a good move. What do you think? A. Go for it – in my opinion you will be doing the right thing. The market has changed from a seller’s market to a buyer’s market. Sensibly priced properties are selling well but there is still a lot of overpriced stock and with so much choice at the moment a vendor needs to make sure that their property is sensibly priced, making it attractive to the buyer. In most cases a seller is buying another property so they will be able to buy at a competitive price so it is all relative to keep sales moving. Make sure you do your research and you will secure yourself a good first home. Q. You do not have a shop front to work from. How can this work for you? A. A high street presence is nice to have but it is definitely not necessary in today’s market because of the amount of people who shop online. All you need is a laptop, mobile device and access to excellent property portals, and more importantly people who know and understand the business of estate agency. We offer first class customer service to both vendors and buyers and concentrate on their needs. At the same time we can keep our costs low and pass this onto our customers with competitive fees. We can keep stock levels reasonable and then concentrate on these clients. We feel we add real value for our vendors and negotiate better results for them. Opus Estate Agents Tel: 01904 790070



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Transform your space


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So far this year we’ve seen a positive recovery of the housing market. However, many homeowners are choosing to stay put. But if you long for a change of scene, there’s plenty you can do to transform your existing property – and if you stick to the essential updates, your home will increase in value when it is time to sell. There are plenty of projects within all budgets that can make a big difference to your home and creating extra square metres with an extension is a sure-fire way to give your new home a new lease of life. Rear and side extensions The most popular type of extension today is at the rear or side, ideally opening up the rear of the property, usually the kitchen-diner, to the garden. There is a definite desire for space for the whole family that’s open to the garden. With the addition of large glazing areas and sliding/folding patio doors this type of extension can add new dimensions to the way you live. Expect to pay around £800 to £1000 per sqm plus fit out, but make sure you get expert advice about the way you plan your space to ensure you get the most for your money. Loft Conversions Another way to expand; expect to pay from around £600 per sqm for a loft conversion. They are a great way to get another bedroom, but in our experience can sometimes prove to be a big expense for little gain. If you have the choice between creating a family kitchendiner or going into the loft, my advice would be to choose the former. You don’t want to be too top heavy; a five bedroom house with a small garden and lower spec kitchen is less desirable than a four bed home with a great kitchen. Basement Extending into the basement is a great option. A basement can give you a lot of extra space, it’s essentially adding a whole extra floor to the house. However in reality, especially around this area there are very few properties that will allow this. But if you do have an older property it could well be an option. A basement extension could be expensive though and requires expert knowledge. Conservatory The lowest cost option. A conservatory costs from £5,000 up to £30,000, depending on size and materials used. They are a popular way to add extra space and value to your home, but depending on the size you may need planning permission. Conservatories can in some cases be exempt from building regulations, but only if they follow certain rules and conditions. Even if your conservatory meets all these conditions, installing services (e.g. electricity, gas, water) inside may change things. If you do fancy a conservatory then it’s important to remember that with a glass or polycarbonate roof they can get very hot in summer and if you don’t install adequate insulation and heating then they can be very cold in winter. Sunrooms A more desirable choice would be to invest just that little bit extra and go for a tiled roof. The Sunroom then becomes a much more versatile addition which can be used for a wide variety of purposes; as a breakfast room, a kitchen, a dining room, a play area, a light and airy home office or perhaps most commonly – simply a space in which to chill out and relax. So if you’re contemplating making that transformation we can make it happen! From concept to construction get expert advice. Call us at ADDS on 01904 762691 or visit


How to choose the right


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Top of the roofs The roof is the most important structural element in any conservatory, providing strength, stability and ventilation for the overall structure. To ensure you get the maximum enjoyment from your new conservatory, you should choose the best available.

Ultraframe are the acknowledged international leaders in the design and manufacture of conservatory roofing systems - with an Ultraframe roof, you can be sure your conservatory roof will be robust, durable and longlasting. Their conservatory roofing systems are designed in accordance with the highest engineering principles and are the only roofs available to feature integrated ventilation systems as standard, for year-round comfort. Clifton Moor-based Square Deals offers Ultraframe’s patented ventilated ridge/eaves roofing system. They also offer polycarbonate or specialist glass roofing options. Frames are reinforced to conservatory specification, and all their conservatory designs are checked for structural integrity and stability. Square Deals have a whole range of designs to suit every home, taste and budget. They can also supply additional design features such as a choice of decorative eaves infil. They offer a professional, clean and tidy conservatory installation service backed by a 10 year guarantee. All our windows, doors and conservatories are manufactured to the highest standards with the most up to date security features. “There are no gifts or gimmicks, just the highest quality products offering the best value for money in the area,” says Managing Director Dave Clark, who has over 25 years experience in the industry. For free expert conservatory design service and no obligation quotations, call Square Deals on 692255.

Good wood

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&*0 ".&+. !"/&$*". • Don’t choose paint colour before fabric – it’s incredibly difficult to find a fabric to match paint, but easy to select a colour within a pattern and have paint mixed to the right shade.

• If you’ve set your heart on some fantastically expensive fabric, use just a small amount. Nothing looks worse than skimpy curtains – it’s much better to have plenty of a cheaper fabric, with a leading edge or border in something extravagant. And you can always have a couple of luxurious cushions!

Want a fresh now look for your living room or bedroom but not sure where to start? We’ve been talking to our interior designer friends at Farnell & Neilsen in Haxby for some ideas on designing on a budget.

bespoke design

You’ll need a board. A cork pinboard is ideal, but any piece of MDF or chipboard will do.

• Re-upholstery is well worthwhile if your furniture is good quality (usually has a hardwood frame), and a fresh and vibrant fabric can look fantastic as a statement on a single antique chair.

Step 2 Add an accent. Do you go for a dramatic contrast, or an accent just a few tones away from your base colour? Use your mood board to play around with options and layer up the board with swatches and scraps..

• Finally, take pleasure in what you already have. It doesn’t matter what this year’s expert says about chucking out your chintz - if you love it, that’s good enough. It’s your home, and should reflect you. Enjoy!

Step 3 Create mood with accessories. These will really set the tone for your scheme. Either go for accessories that share a vibrant accent colour or stick to a single theme. Don’t mix up different styles, or your scheme will end up looking messy rather than eclectic.

Call Farnell & Neilsen on 762023.


KITCHEN WORKT WORKTOPS K OPS Over 100 CorianÂŽ colours available. Granite & Quartz in polished, honed & textured finishes

Samples & free estimates available to public and trade Telephone: 01845 522523 Fax: 01845 527198 78

You can avoid expensive interior design mistakes by producing a mood board before you pick up a paintbrush. By putting various samples of paint colours, wallpapers and fabric samples together, you can see immediately how they go together and whether they will work in your room scheme.

• Think realistically about how long you will have to live with your choices. Better to have something quiet which will grow with you rather than something which screams ‘2010’. If you’re really keen on that vibrant lime green, have it as an accent colour which can be changed easily when you loathe the sight of it (and you will!).


We design, manufacture and fit domestic and commercial worktops in Granite, Marble, Quartz Stone and CorianÂŽ

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Step 1 Choose your base colour. This represents the largest area of colour in your room. It may be the flooring or the wall colour, or both. Add a large sample of this to your mood board. Adding carpet samples helps you think about texture, too.

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finefood&drink New restaurant There’s a new restaurant at The Grange Hotel - it’s called The New York Grill. It’s getting known for its tender juicy steaks, succulent ribs, tasty grills and an excellent range of salads and fish dishes. With moderate prices and open to residents

and non- residents for lunch and dinner seven days a week, this new restaurant is located in the Grange hotel’s historic brick vaulted cellars. Black and white photos of New York decorate the pastel toned walls, soft music plays in the background and there’s a sophisticated, yet relaxed feel to the place. To book a table, call 644744.

A taste of summer

Have you paid a visit to Demijohn in Museum Street yet? It’s York’s first ‘liquid deli’, a real treasure trove of amazing spirits, whiskies and oils, all from artisan producers. The liquids are all displayed in vast demijohns (hence the name!); all you do is choose from an array of pretty and unusual bottles, and your purchase will be decanted for you while you wait. They make great gifts, for yourself or someone else! The latest arrival is Demijohn’s heavenly new Damson Vinegar. The colour of rich, dark velvet with a delicious dry plum-like taste, it is quite unlike any other. Combine it with Demijohn’s Villa Montalbano Extra Virgin Olive Oil for a beautiful dressing for a summer salad. Its strength of flavour also makes it perfect for boosting sauces, especially red meats and game. Fruit vinegars are highly versatile products as they can jazz up any green salad or have a much wider use in sauces or even mixed with sparkling water to make a refreshing long non-alcoholic drink. You’ll find Demijohn at 11 Museum Street or online at Tel. 01904 637487.

Sidings Hotel & Il Treno Restaurante

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Earl Grey Tea Rooms

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Pick of the crop l way of getting the freshest and Pick Your Own (PYO) is an idea to fork. most delicious foods from field l and fresher than in any loca You know the produce will be all the family. Children for fun its e, supermarket. What’s mor st for the biggest strawberry or and adults alike will love the que ying the fresh air. the juiciest raspberry while enjo a Pick Your Own farm, as it is July is the perfect month to visit of home-grown foods. But its high season for an abundance ilable at this time of year. All not just strawberries that are ava month, ideal for making a this ing the red berries are burgeon


Strawberries &Raspberries

Ready picked fruit and fresh dug new potatoes Woodside Farm, Appleton Rd, Acaster Malbis

Tel: 01904 704646 Open Mon- Sat 9am - 7pm Sun 10am - 6pm

your summer vegetables! You summer fruit salad. Don’t forget beans, mange tout, carrots can fill your baskets with broad and broccoli to name a few. h way of life and there are PYO has become part of the Britis today. Many come complete about 1,000 PYO farms in the UK er that PYO farms are emb Rem with a farm shop and cafe. ing and transportation kag pac the out eco-friendly as they cut pollution. So for some wholesome and tasty fun, visit your nearest PYO farm. Look out for the PYO adverts in this month’s magazine.

Well preserved

Call us biased, but we reckon when it comes to strawberries, you can’t beat British! And as we’re right in the middle of the season, right now our local farm shops are bursting with juicy berries. So why not take the family out and have some fun picking your own? And when you’ve had your fill of strawberries and cream, you can even try your hand at making some jam? Our friends at Balloon Tree in Gate Helmsley have given us a tasty recipe that even beginners can try. And when it coems to strawberries, they know a thing or two; they’ve been growing them for 20 years and have eight different varieties on offer throughout the season. So head off to the Balloon Tree, pick your strawberries and then get jam-making!

Balloon Tree Strawberry Jam

• First sterilise the jam jars. Wash the jars and lids well and rinse. Place on baking tray in hot oven--180c--and leave 15mins.Allow to cool.. • Hull the fruit and rinse if necessary. Medium and small sized strawberries will make fruitier jam. • Put the fruit and sugar into a large heavy based pan over a low heat to soften the fruit and dissolve the sugar. Do not allow the mixture to boil until all the sugar has melted completely.

you will need...

500g strawberries

500g preserving sugar or jam sugar (it’s important to use this type of sugar as the pectin in strawberries is low and this is what helps it to set). Commercially bottled pectin (Certo) can also be used if wished, in which case, follow the instructions. Certo and preserving sugar are both available from the Balloon Tree 2 tablespoons lemon juice

• Add the lemon juice and turn up the heat to moderate. Bring to a rolling boil, stirring occasionally. • When the mixture starts to thicken-about 15 to 20 mins – chill a saucer in the fridge and spoon a little jam onto it. Return to the fridge until well cooled and then test by pushing the jam with your finger. If it wrinkles, it’s ready. If not, return to the heat for a few minutes more. • When ready, take off the heat and remove any scum from the Making jams, surface. Leave to cool for chutneys and preserves is about half an hour before a lot easier if you have the right pouring into the warm jars. equipment. Barnitts in Colliergate Cover with a waxed disc and have all you need to make the perfect screw on the lids. pot of jam, from preserving pans to The Balloon Tree Farm jars and waxed discs. You can see the Shop, Stamford Bridge full range at 24 Colliergate, YO1 8BW. Road, YO41 1NB. Call 625601 for information. Tel 01759 373023.


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eighttoeatat... eight

Pizza Choice | Delivery Service | Fantastic offers available | Tel: 622022 or 631818


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Celebrate rural life by enjoying a grand day out at an agricultural show. Yorkshire is famous for its shows, which offer something for all the family, and there’s plenty to choose from this 13-15 July The Princess Royal will visit the 2010 Great Yorkshire Show on the first day of the three-day event. Bill Cowling, Honorary Show Director, said: “Princess Anne is well known as a huge supporter of rural life and her interest and knowledge of all things equine is renowned. I am sure she will have a super time with us, and her visit will give an extra reason to come to what is England’s premier show.”

During her visit, the Princess will meet visitors, staff and exhibitors as she tours the showground on the edge of Harrogate. She last visited the show in 1992. This month’s event will be the 152nd Great Yorkshire Show and last year some 130,000 visitors came through the gates. The thousands of animals competing for the coveted championship awards remain as the focus of the event, but around the 250-acre showground visitors can enjoy fashion shows, a food hall

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day, exhibiting prime cattle, horses, sheep, pigs, goats, fur & feather and dog show (including sheep dogs). About 200 quality trade stands attend each year.

promoting regional food and drink, the new Garden Show and demonstrations of country activities, such as sheep shearing and dry stone walling.

17 July Birds of prey will top the bill at the 112th Bishop Wilton Show in a spectacular show put on by Phil Gibbons, of Ridgeside Falconry, Co Durham. Other attractions include terrier racing, sheep shearing, Morris dancing, Driffield Brass Band, children's entertainer, fun fair, craft tent, vintage cars and tractors, Yorkshire Wolds Half Marathon, WI and children's displays, pet show, children's sports, trade stands, and a beer festival featuring 10 real ales. The show has more than 300 classes including WI cookery/ crafts and photography, floral arrangements and horticulture.

18 July The 97th Aldborough and Boroughbridge Agriculture Show will take place at Skelton Road, Skelton. Classes include: horses & ponies, cattle, sheep, terrier & pets, children's section, preserves & produce, handicrafts, photography, horticulture and farm produce. Tel: 07510 132799.

28 July

18 July The 124th Malton Show will be held at Scampston Park. Attractions include farm produce, livestock, horses, fur & feather, vintage tractors, farmers' market, trade stands, craft fair and tug-of-war. Tel: 01653 693 382.

25 July The 118th Huby and Sutton-onthe-Forest Agricultural Show will be held in the parkland setting of Sutton Hall. Attracting top class competitors in the world of show jumping and showing, the horse show is renowned in the North of England for the quality of entrants. Local

competitors are not left out and a gymkhana at the end of the day is always great entertainment. Livestock classes include fur & feather, cattle, sheep, pigs & goats, rabbits, together with farm and garden produce and Women's Institute, more than 50 trade stands and traditional entertainment for all the family.

27 July The 144th Ryedale Show will take place at Welburn Park, Kirkbymoorside. It is a traditional country show renowned for its very high standard of livestock. Situated within a natural amphitheatre, there are eight rings running throughout the

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Borrowby Show, first held in 1949, takes place at the Hillside Rural Activities Park, Oaktree Bank, South Knayton, Thirsk. Field classes cover most farm animals. Tent classes and exhibits range from, cattle, sheep and farm produce through garden produce, flowers, cookery, wine, arts & crafts and children's competitions. There are show jumping events, a gymkhana and a fancy dress parade. Trade stands add further interest and an evening dance is held in the marquee.

7 August There is something for everybody at Tockwith Show near York - 100s of animals and country displays; fruit, vegetables and flowers of the highest quality; and a superb Yorkshire food tent with celebrity chef demonstrations. For details, go to www. or call 07739 960 472


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= G7CJ 9F CB9 C: 3CF?[ G< = 889B

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26 June – July 11

1 July

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Until 3 July

1 – 31 July

- @?J E @ 5= F9 . HCF9MK = @ @@ 958 5 5H) = ; < H5H 3CF? 9A 9H9FM: FCA DA F= B; 5 HCF7< /9@

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Until 28 November

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2 July

Pizza Choice | Delivery Service | Fantastic offers available | Tel: 622022 or 631818

5FGK = 7? <5G9

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DA /9@

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2 & 3 July ( -; 0 0>- 9- - 5H5H5H/ <9 5HF9 CA D5BMDF9G9BHG Z/ <9 2 = B8 = B H<9 2 = @ @ CK G[ 5H#9 @ A G@ 9M FHG 9BHF9 5HDA CL C:\79 KKK <9 @ A G@ 9M5FHG7CI?

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Visitor attraction of the year

Pizza Choice | Delivery Service | Fantastic offers available | Tel: 622022 or 631818


4A >/ 4 @;A > /CI F C: H<9 F= 7<@M897CF5H98 . H ( 5FM[G <IF 7< 5H! CIB H5= BG 669M .HI 8@ 9M - CM5@( 99H5H.H ( 5FM[G <IF 7< 5H 5A /9@

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4 July

8 - ??5/ - 8/ ;:/ 1 >@3CF? . MA D<CB M*F 7< 9GHF5 K = @ @ D@ 5M( 9B89@ GGC<B[ G/ <9 ! 5= F ( 9@ I G=B9 J CF5?[ G .= LH< . MA D<CB M5B8 /7<5= ?CJ G?M[G+ = 5BC CB79FHC ) C 5HH< 9 .= F %57?' MCBG CB79FH#5 @ @ 0B= J 9FG=HMC: 3CF? : FCA DA /9@

3 & 17 July 1 E;:0 !;:;< ;8 E - 5= @ K 5M$BGH=HI H9 , I 99B .HF99H 5A WDA 3CF?[ G:F= 9B8@ = 9GH6C5F8; 5A 9 7@ I6 = G:CF58I@HG5B8 :5A = @ = 9G GC7< = @ 8F9B : FCA 9= ;< HHC A IGH69 577CA D5B= 98 H< 9 7@ I 6= G BCHGI= H56@ 9 :CF7< = @ 8F9B IB89 F 9= ;< H 3CI F \F GH G9GG = CB = G:F99 %IGHHIF B ID CF9A 5= @6A MCF? ;A 5= @ 7 CA :CF89H5= @ G

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4 & 10 July - @@8 1 05?< 8- E B 9L< = 6= H=CB 56CI HH< 9 5HH@ 9 C: ( 5FGHCB ( CCF B8 %I @ M K=@ @69 < 9@ 8 5H

@ @. 5= BHG[ < I F7< ' CB; ( 5FGHCB 69HK 99B 5B8 DA /9@


4, 11, 18 & 25 July ' - 81 @5 9 1 " = 5BH75F 6CCHG5@ 9 #C A 9 ! 5FA 2 = ; ; = BHCB 3CF? 5A HC DA /C= @ 9HG5B8 F9: F9G< A 9BHG /9@

5 July . I DDCFH; FCI D ( 9A 69FGC: + 5F?= BGCB[ G0 &A 99H 5HH< 9 CA A I B= HM 9BHF9 . HF9BG5@ @- C58 #I BH=B; HCB /9@ ( 41 >@; 2' 5> ; ?4A- &1 E: ; 80? / < = G@ 97HI F9 5H DA = B 9BHF9 :CF 5F@ M( I G=7 3CF? K = @ @C::9F 5B = BHFC8I 7H=CB HC H< 9 K CF? C: H< 9 :5A CI G " 9CF; = 5B 5FH=GH + FC:9GGCF ( 5F? # 5@ @ 9HH< 5G

Pizza Choice | Delivery Service | Fantastic offers available | Tel: 622022 or 631818

DI6 @ = G<9 8 K = 89@ MCB H < 79BHI FM F= H=G< 5FH5B8 = G#9 58 C: #= GH CFMC: FH5HH<9 0B= J 9FG=HMC: 3CF? /9@ ; 7 = A5F + = J C 5:O 5F 5H+ 5HF= 7? + CC@3CF? = G< CGH = B; 5B * L:5A 6CC? EI= N: FCA D A /9@

6 July - FF ?A< < 1 > B8M#= @ @ = 9F %5N N/F= C CI FH 5:9 95B CIF H#CH 9@3CF? :FCA D A /9@ 1 @H? >- 9 . 81 3CF? - 5A 6@ 9FG5F9 < C@ 8= B; 5 \J 9 A=@ 9 K 5@ ? H<5 HGH 5FHG5HDA :FCA H< 9 .E I 5F9 = B .H5A :CF8 F= 8;9 /9@

7 July 5 ?@;> E ; 2?/ 51 :/ 5: O.7= 9BH=\EI9 / <C IG5B8 395F #= DA HC DA


F + 5HF= 7= 5 ! 5FF5F K = @ @; = J 9 5 H5@ ? 9BH=H@ 98 Z.7= 9B79 ! CI F GH CFM[5H = HM.7F 99B 3CF? /9@

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7 & 8 July

= A DF9GG=J 9 79@ @ 5FG5B8 B95F 89F9@ = 7HG9FJ 5BHG[ EI 5FH9FG/CI F GH5FHG5H DA /9@

< 95F = HGHI F6I @ 9BH< = GHCFM( 99H5H ( I G9I A " 5F89BG" 5H9G 5@ @

7, 14, 21 & 28 July

! A?5/ ?4; C / - ?1 / < 9 GHI 8= C 65F 5H# 9@ A G@ 9M FHG 9BHF9 K = @ @< CGH5 D9F:CFA 5B79 9J 9B= B; :CF H99B5; 98 G=B; 9FG GCB; K F= H9FG5B8 A I G=7= 5BG : FCA DA CL C:\ 79 KKK < 9@ A G@ 9M5FHG7C I ?

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8 July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

7 & 29 July

5@@1 > < 5/7 / < 9 - = J 9F ! CGG. C7= 9HM5B8 3CF? 1 = ?= B;G - CH5FM @ I 6 5F9 GH5; = B; 5 @ = HH9F D= 7? = B H< 9 ! CGG 5G=B 69HK 99B DA 5B8 DA ( 99H 5H( CFF= GCB[ G75F D5F? CB ! CGG$ G@ 5B8G- C58 5H DA F= B; MCI F ; 5F89B= B; ; @ CJ 9G5B8 K 95F MCI F C@ 8 7@ CH< 9G 5@ @%C< B ( = @ @ 9HHCB 3CF? :CF 89H5= @ G


9 July

5B1 >?1 - >@ B 9L< = 6= H=CB 75@ @ 98 0B= EI 91 = G=CB = G 69= B; <9 @ 8 5H3CF? "I= @ 8<5@@69HK 99B BCCB 5B8 DA HC G<CK 75G9H<9 K CF? C: GH I 89BHG: FCA 3CF? C@ @ 9;9 D5H=9BHG:FCA CCH< 5A DGM 7< = 5HF= 7 <CG D= H5@5B8 ;F 5: \ H= 5FH=GH G ?@-5>? ; C :? @-5>? .9 9 D5FHGC: ) CGH 9@ @ +F = CFMBCHBCFA 5@ @ MG99B 6MJ= G=HCFG1 = G=HH< 9

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9-17 July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

9, 10, 16, 17, & 24 July - >01 : < - >@5 1 ? #5F @ CK 5FF " 5F89B #5 FFC; 5H9 = G79@ 96F5H=B; = HG H< 5BB= J 9FG5FMC: K = H< 5 G9F= 9GC: ;5F 89B D5FH=9G:95HIF = B; @ = J 9 A I G=7 5B8 9BH9FH5= BA 9BH / <9 F9 K = @ @69 5 7F5:HH< 9A 9 CB H<9 H < H< 5 1 = 7HCF= 5B H<9 A 9 CB H< 9 H< H < 5B8 5 GB= ;< HCB H<9 H< :95HI F= B; 5 DF=N9 :CFH<9 69GH8F9GG9 8 7CID@9 F= B; 5 D= 7B= 7 5B8 K 5H7< H<9 GIB G9H DA D A /9@

10 July ; 2I : @;A > 1 = G=HH<9 < = 889B 7= HMC: H< 9 8958 89G79B8 HC 5 G97F9H7FMDHG5AD@ 9 - CA 5B 5B8 A 98= 9J 5@7C:\BG 5B8 J = G=HD@ 5;I 9 G=H9G ( 99H

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10 & 11 July >@? >- 2@?- = 9J 5I @ L 669M! FCA 5A . 99 89A CBGHF5H=CBGC: A 98= 9J 5@5FHG5B8 7F5:HG F9]9 7H=B; H< 9 7F5:HG5B8 G?= @ @ G9A D@ CM98 = B H< 9 6I = @ 8= B; C: H< 9 5669M - B1 : 01 >/ 1 81 . >- @5 ; : 3CF?G< = F9 ' 5J 9B89F G9H = B H< 9 #C K 5F8= 5B #= @ @ G F95 C: * I HGH5B8= B; ) 5HI F5@ 95I HMK = @ @< CGHH< 9 B ; @ = G< ' 5J 9B89F




10 – 25 July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11 July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

11 & 18 July # : @41C - 3;: / <9 3CF? ( MGH 9FM+ @ 5MG5F9 69= B; GH 5; 98 6MH<9 = HM" I = @ 8GCB HK C 7CBG97I H=J 9 .IB 85MG D@ 5MGK = @ @69 D9F:CFA 98 CB K 5;C BG A CJ= B; H< FCI;< H<9 GH F99HG577CA D5B= 98 6M A I G=7= 5BG / <9 D@ 5M9FGK = @ @GH CD5B8 D9F:CFA 5H:CIF 8= ::9F9BHGH 5H=CBG+ 9F:CFA 5B79GGH 5FH 5HBCCB 5B8 K = @ @\B= G< 5FCIB8 DA ! CF 89H5= @ G J= G=HK K K MCF?A MGH 9FMD@ 5MG7C I ?

11, 12 & 18 July >- 9- @5 / 5:? 534 @?/C 7C= B7= 89 K = H< H< 9 " I = @ 8 K 5;C B D@ 5MG H<= GK 5@ ? :C@ @ CK GH< 9 FCI H9 C: H< 9 A 98= 9J 5@D@ 5MG K = H< :5G7= B5H=B; = BG=;< HG= BHC H<9 CF= ;= B5@DFC8I7 H=CBG$H GH 5FHG5H 5A :FCA ( IG9IA "5 F89BG" 5H9G 5@ @3CF?K 5@ ? CB

11 & 18 July - : 0 / ;:/ 1 >@? FC8GKCFH< #5 @ @5B8 " 5F89BG CB75GH 9F DA W DA B> CMH< 9 ;5 F89B HC @ = J9 A I G=7

12 July 1 C 5?4 @> - 58 K 5@ ? F975@ @ = B; H< 9 %9K = G< 7CBHF= 6I H=CB HC 3CF?[ G< = GHCFMGH5FHG5H DA : FCA ( I G9I A " 5F89BG" 5H9G 5@ @3CF?K 5@ ? CB

13 July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

14 July A>: 5@A>1 @-81 ? J 9F K CB89F98 K < 5H@ = 9G69< = B8 H< 9 8CCFGC: GCA 9 C: H< 9 : I FB= HI F9 5H/F95GI F9F[ G #C I G9= B 3CF? #9 F9[ GMCI F 7< 5B79 HC G99 K = H< 5B Z*D 9B 56= B9HG[ 85M69HK 99B 5A 5B8 DA /9@

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15 July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17 July

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1 1 8@41 21 - > ' 95FB GHF5H9; = 9GHC < 5B8@ 9 MCI F :95FG8I F= B; 5 K CF?G< CD5H" 5@ HF9G 9BHF9 5G=B;K C@ 8 69HK 99B 5A 5B8 DA $ H= GFI B 6MH957< 9F ' = G5 A DGCB K < C G5MG X $ 5A H< 9 CB@ M @ C75@HF5= B9F :CF 69GHG9@ @ = B; K F= H9F . I G5B %9::9FG[ HC 89@ = J 9F H< 9 H97< B= EI 9G; = J 9B = B < 9F 6CC? ! 99@ / < 9 ! 95F B8 C $ H BMK 5MY/9@

16 July 1 - / 4 < - >@E/ <9 .H5H=CB #5 @ @5HH< 9 ) 5H=CB5@ - 5= @ K 5M( IG9IA = B 3CF? K = @ @<C GH5 6957< D5FHM 7H=J = H=9G= B7@ I89 H<9 .IF : .< 57? 58I @ HG= N98 6CI B7M75GH @ 9 7C7CBIH 6IB;9 9 FI B 5B8 GIF: G=A I@5HCFK <= @ GH5 %K = @ @?99D H< 9 85B79]C CF \@@ 98 K = H< BCBGHCDD5FHM5BH<9 A GI BH=@5A 6I: :9H5B8 HFCD= 75@DI B7< K = @ @5@ GC69 DFCJ = 898 /C 6CC? MCIF H=7?9H 75@ @

16 & 17 July ' @-9 < ? / ;5 :? 3CF? - 5797CIF G9 = G< CGH = B; H< 9 @ 5F; 9GHGH 5A D5B8 7C= B :5= F CI HG=89 ' CB8CB K = H< A CF9 H<5B 895@ 9FG6IM= B; 5B8 G9@ @ = B; ! CF 89H5= @ G ; C HC K K K GH5A DG<CK GB9H

16 July – 1 August !A ?5/ 21 ?@5 B- 8 / <9 H< 9A 9 C: H< = GM95F[ G- M985@ 9 ! 9GH = J 5@= GZ1 CM5;9 G5B8 #C A 97CA = B;G[ #= ; <@= ;< HG= B7@ I89 5 CA A IB = HM*D 9F5 = BGD=F98 6M# CA 9F[ G*8MGG 9M( CN5FH[G@ 5GHA 5> CF 7CB79FH HCI F HC + 5F= G5B8 ( 9B89@ GGC<B[ G< 5DDMH=A 9G= B $H5@ M' = H9F5FM9J 9BHG= B7@ I89 5B 9J 9B= B; A 5F?= B; H<9 H< 5BB= J 9FG5FMC: H<9 895H< C: #I @ @ 6 5G98 DC9H+<= @ = D' 5F?= B K K K FM985@ 9:9GH = J 5@7C I ? CL C:\79


- B5: 3 - . - 88 . H+ 9H9F[ G. 7< CC@3CF? = G< CGH=B; 5 6@ 57?H= 9 65@ @HC 79@ 96F5H9 H< 9 H< 5BB= J 9FG5FMC: H< 9 %CG9D< - CK BHF99/ < 95HF9 5H DA ( I G=7 K=@ @69 DFCJ = 898 6M < 9EI 9FG5B8 H< 9 . H9J 9 ' CJ 9 5B8 5@ @ CF

17 & 18 July ( 41 @4! - ?4- 9 ' @1- 9 : 35: 1 - 5># >3- : &- 88E K = @ @H5?9 D@ 579 5H' CK I FHCB #5 @ @! 5FA C:: H< 9 /9@

18 July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

20 July # < 1 : - 5>0>- 9 - < 5DH9F< CI G9/ < 95HF9 CA D5BMDF9G9BHGZ 95I HM5B8 H< 9 95GH[ 5HH< 9 ( I G9I A " 5F89BG 3CF? " FCI B8GCD9B :CF D= 7B= 7G 5H DA F= B; MCI F CK B FI ; GCF @ CK 657?98 G95H=B; + 9F:CFA 5B79 GH5FHG5H DA ! CF 89H5= @ G 75@ @1 = G=H3CF? CB CL C:\ 79 K K K G99H=7?9HG7CA 1 @H? >- 9 . 81 3CF? - 5A 6@ 9FG5F9 < C@ 8= B; 5 \ J 9 A=@ 9 K 5@ ? H< 5HGH5FHG5H DA : FCA /5875GH9F 6I G GH5H=CB 75F D5F? /9@

20 & 21 July # < 1 : - 5>@41 - @> 1 / < 9 *8 8GC7?G+ @ 5M9FGDF9G9BH ( = 8GI A A 9F ) = ; < H[G F95A 5H# 5F@ CK 5FF " 5F89B #5 FFC; 5H9 " 5H9GCD9B 5H DA :CF 5 DA GH5FH /9@ 2 96 K K K < 5FFC; 5H9:9GH=J 5@CF; I ?

20-24 July 1 1 0 @41 ! 5: 0? . ; ; 7 ?- 81 . H#9 @ 9B[ G < I F7< 3CF? CDDCG=H9 9HHMG 5A DA 85= @ M! F99 9BHFM#I B8F98GC: 6CC?G5H65F; 5= B DF= 79G /9@


21 July 5B1 / ;91 0E @ IB C7<F 5B9 5B8 + 9H9 ! = FA 5B K=@ @H5?9 D5FH= B 5 7CA 98MB= ;< HD A DA 5H5 A 5FEI9 9 CB IBB= B;HCB + @ 5M=B; ! = 9@ 8G/9@

21-24 July ;

75?4 0>- 9/ < 95HF9 CA D5BMDF9G9BHG <5F = B; FCGG- C58 5H DA CL C:\79 K K K <9 @ A G@ 9M5FHG7C I ?

22 July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

22 July – 21 August ( -; 0 ?4; C Z/ <9 2 = B8 = B H< 92 = @ @ CK G[ = G3CF? / <9 5HF9 - CM5@ [ G6= ; GIA A 9F 9J 9BH %C= B ( C@ 9 - 5HHM 58;9 F 5B8 /C58 CB H<9 = F 58J 9BHI F9G5G H<9 H<9 5HF9 = GHF5BG:CFA 98 K = H< 5 B9K GH 5;9 6I= @ H= BG=89 H<9 A 5= B < CI G9 5@ @ CK = B; H< 9 5I8 = 9B79 HC G=H5FCI B8 H< 9 57H=CB / < 9 75:OK = @ @ 697CA 9 5 K CC8@ 5B8 7CA D@ 9H9 K = H< = B8CCF @ 5K B ! CF89H5= @ G ;C HC K K K 69MCB8H< 9K = @ 8K CC8 7CA

23 July $ 4; @;3> - < 4E / ;A >?1 ' 95FB H=DG = B 5 GH I BB= B; @ C75H=CB K = H< DFC:9GG=CB5@D<CHC;F 5D< 9F < F= G 95G5F/ <9 7CIF G9GH 5FHG5H 5A 5H 5GH @ 9 #CK 5F8 /9@ 5?/ ; % :5A = @ M8= G7C K = @ @69 < 9@ 8 69HK 99B DA 5B8 DA 5H5 A 5FEI 99 CB IB B= B;HCB +@5M=B; ! = 9@ 8G/9@

24 July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


- 5>@5 9 1 I BB= B; HCB + @ 5M=B; ! = 9@ 8G= G< CGH=B; 5 :5= F 69HK 99B 5A 5B8 DA HHF57H=CBG= B7@ I 89 5 8C; G< CK HI ; C: K 5F 5B8 F579 K 5@ ?= B; 9HK 99B DA 5B8 5A H< 9 D5FHM65B8 Z/ < 9 2 < = H9 &9MG[ K = @ @D@ 5M= B H< 9 A 5FEI 99 /9@

24 - 25 July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



24 & 31 July 1 85/ 5;A ? @;A > #9 5F H< 9 < = GH CFMC: /9FFM[G5B8 - CK BHF99[ G J= G=H7< C77M5B8 GK99H=9 G< CDG5B8 H5GH 9 :F99 G5AD@ 9G/ <9 HCIF GGH5FH5H 5A 5B8 DA :FCA ( I G9I A " 5F89BG" 5H9G 5@ @ 3CF?K 5@ ? CB

24 – 31 July ;8 50- E 2A: . K 5B@ 9M" F5B;9 5H! CI BH5= BG 669M= G<CGH= B; G7<CC@<C@= 85M57H=J = H=9G 9BH=H@ 98 "@CF= CIG " @ 5GG 5A W DA /9@

24 July – 30 August ; 8E &;3 1 > 2 < = H6M 669M 5A W DA + = F5H9G 8 +F = J 5H99FG I775B9 9FG5B8 .A I ; ;@9FG5@ @5F9 K 9@ 7CA 9 HC > C= B B;@= G< #9 F= H5;9 [ G/= A 9/F5J 9@ @ 9F F9K = B H<9 = ; /CD5H2 <= H6M:CF GCA 9 B5I H=75@ GIA A 9F :IB >5 9 1 - :0 < A:5?491 : @ @ = ::CF8[ G/CK 9F 3CF? 5A W DA .H5B8 HF= 5@5B8 8= G7CJ 9F GCA 9 <CF F= 6@ 9 DIB= G<A 9BHG 1 >. 4A: @- = 9J 5I@L 669M! FCA 5A .9 9? CI H H<9 <9 F6G5FCIB8 H<9 FI= BGC: - = 9J 5I @ L 669M

24 July – 5 September ' @1- 9 E ?1 - ?501 "9 H= BHC H< 9 < C@ = 85MA CC8 5G 3CF?[ G) 5H=CB5@- 5= @ K 5M( I G9I A H5?9GMCI 657? HC 5B 9F5 C: HF5J 9@ @ = B; HC H<9 G95G=89 6MGH95A B> CM5 GH 95A F= 89 <5I@ 98 6M = HMC: /FI FC 5 @ C7CA CH=J 9 K 9@ @?BCK B :CFGH 95A = B; D5GG9 B;9 FG HC H<9 CFB= G< 7C5GH3CI 75B 5@ GC9B> CMMCI F D= 7B= 7 = B .CIH < 35F8 5GK 9@ @5GHF58= H=CB5@G95G=89 :IB A = B= 5HIF 9 F5= @ K 5MF= 89G :IB :5= F F= 89GD@ IG @ = J 9@ MG7=9B79 G<CK G5B8 = BH9F57H=J 9 GH CFMH9@ @ = B; /9@

24 July – 30 August &;9- : ' A991 > / <9 - CA 5BG@ 9:H F= H5= B M95FG5;C H<= GM95F /F95GIF9F[ G#C I G9= B 3CF? = G


A 5F?= B; H< 9 C775G=CB K = H< 5 - CA 5B H< 9A 98 GIA A 9F HF5= @5B8 57H=J = H=9G:CF 7< = @ 8F9B 5A DA 7@ CG98 ! F= 85MG / < 9F9 K = @ @69 8= G< 9G = B H< 9 H95FCCA K = H< 5 - CA 5B H< 9A 9 5B8 H< 9 7< 5B79 HC < 95F A CF9 56CI HH< 9 :5A CI G- CA 5B ;< CGHG=;< H=B; G6M> C= B= B; H< 9 79@ @ 5F HCI F /9@

24 July – 6 September - 958E 2A: 5G=B; K C@ 8 ( 5= N9 ( 5N9 = GCD9B : FCA 5A K = H< @ 5GH9BHFM5H DA 9LH9F 99: 65F697I 9GH5?9 D@ 579 CB . I B85MG5B8 : F99 5HHF57H=CBG= B7@ I 89 5 ; = 5BH= B]5 H56@ 9 G@ = 89 ; C ?5FHG :CCH65@ @GK = B; 65@ @G5B8D= H5B8 5B 5B= A 5@ D9B /9@

25 July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

26 July - @41 0>- 8?1 / >1 @? #= 889B ( = BGH9F HCI FG5@ @ CK J = G=HCFGHC 9LD9F= 9B79 5F95GC: 3CF? ( = BGH9F BCH BCFA 5@ @ M5779GG=6@ 9 HC H< 9 DI 6@ = 7 / < 9 HCI FGK = @ @ H5?9 D@ 579 5H DA 5B8 DA /C 6CC? MCI F D@ 579 75@ @

26 – 30 July : 534 @ $ >5: / 1 ?? ' / 4; ; 8 . 75F6CFCI ; < 5GH@ 9 5A W DA K 99? C: A 98= 9J 5@57H=J = H=9G5B8 7F5:HG:CF 5@ @H< 9 :5A = @ M

27 July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

27 July – 29 August ' A9 9 1 > >@ D45. 5@5 ; : #5 F@ CK 5FF " 5F89B #5 FFC; 5H9 = G< CGH=B; = HG5BBI 5@5FHG9L< = 6= H=CB /9@

28 July @H? - : ; / 7; A@) 9K 5FGK = 7? = GHF= 7H $ B8CCF CK @ G7@ I 6K= @ @69 < CGH=B; 5B $ H[G &BC7?CI HGHM@ 9 HCI FB5A 9BH : FCA 5A W DA ! 95HI F= B; 75FD9H6CK @ G B9K 5; 9 ?I F@ = B;


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

29 July 1 @H? >- 9 . 81 3CF? - 5A 6@ 9FG5F9 < C@ 8= B; 5 \J 9 A=@ 9 K 5@ ? H<5 HGH 5FHG5HDA :FCA H< 9 " F95H' 5?9 75F D5F? 5H 5GH @ 9 #CK 5F8 /9@

29 & 30 July @H? !;:7H ? 521 %C=B 5 :5A = @ MHCI F C: ! CI BH5= BG 669M F9GG= B A CB?G[ FC69G5B8 @ 95FB 56CI H H<9 = F 85= @ M@ = :9 ( 99H5HH<9 1 = G=HCF 9BHF9 5H DA /9@

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31 July 1 @!1 051 B- 8 %C=B H< 9 7CGH IA 98 F9 9B57HCFG 5FCI B8 H<9 = F A 98= 9J 5@9B75A DA 9BH5H ! CI BH5= BG 669M 5A W DA /9@ 8 1 - : 9- / 45:1 ' = J= B; <= GH CFM= B H< 91 = 7HCF= 5B @ 5IB 8FM5H 9B= B;6F CI;< #5@ @! FCA DCGG9FG HC A 5B;@9G @ 95FB 5@ @56CIH H<9 @ = :9 C: 5 @ 5IB 8FMA 5= 8 5B8 <9 F 8IH= 9G! = FGHH5@ ? 5HBCCB /9@

31 July & 1 August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

1 August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2 – 6 August # : ?@-3 1 /F958 / < 9 C5F8G5H @ = :HCB ( CCF 3CF? K 5BHG6I 88= B; GH5FG 5; 98 69HK 99B G=L 5B8 HC DFC8I 79 5 A I G=75@= B CB9 K 99? ! CF 89H5= @ G 75@ @A A 5 CB

5 August A?@2; >E; A , I 5FHN/F5J 9@= G< C@ 8= B; 5 7C::99 A CFB= B; :CF GC@ C HF5J 9@ @ 9FG5H= HGC:\ 79G= B #9 K CFH< - C58 3CF? 69HK 99B 5A 5B8 DA , I 5FHN/F5J 9@:CI B89F + 5I @. A = H< G5MG X $ H[G5 7< 5B79 HC A 99H: F= 9B8GC@ 8 5B8 B9K 5G MCI D@ 5B MCI F 8F95A < C@ = 85MY/9@

28 & 29 August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





Some huge family movies lined up for July – just in time for the school holidays! Shrek Forever After

After challenging an evil dragon, rescuing a beautiful princess and saving your in-laws’ kingdom, what is there left for an ogre to do? Not much, if you happen to be Shrek. He’s living a life of boring domesticity, autographing pitchforks and longing for the days when he used to scare villagers. So when smooth-talking dealmaker Rumpelstiltskin offers to make him feel like a real ogre again, Shrek is quick to sign on the dotted line. But he suddenly finds himself in a twisted, alternative version of Far Far Away, where ogres are hunted, Rumpelstiltskin is king and Shrek and Fiona have never met. It’s up to Shrek to undo all he’s done in the hopes of saving his friends, restoring his world and reclaiming his one True Love. A must for kids big and small!

Toy Story 3

Another movie that’s bound to be a big hit with kids and their parents. Time has moved on in the land of toys. Andy is off to college, leaving behind his faithful pals Woody, Buzz and the gang. The loyal toys find themselves in daycare where untamed tots with their sticky little fingers do not play nice. So it’s all for one and one for all as they join Barbie’s counterpart Ken, a thespian hedgehog named Mr. Pricklepants and a pink, strawberry-scented teddy bear called Lots-o’-Huggin’ Bear to plan their great escape.

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Expect queues outside the cinemas at midnight as Twihard fans line up to get their latest fix of the massively popular Twilight Saga. In this episode, Bella and Edward have been reunited, but their forbidden relationship is threatened to be torn apart again with an evil vampire still seeking her revenge. And Bella is forced to choose between her true love for Edward or her friendship with Jacob Black as the struggles between vampires and werewolves continues. But there is still another choice for Bella to make. And it’s one that will affect her life forever...

The A Team

Gossip was rife when news came out that there was to be a movie version of the top 80s TV show. Would Mr T reprise his role as BA Baracus? Would Jim Carrey be cast as Howling Mad Murdock? No and no, as it turns out – but there are still some A List names in the cast, including Bradley Cooper as Faceman Peck and Liam Neeson as team leader Hannibal Smith. They join Sharlto Copley and Quinto ‘Rampage’ Jackson as a group of Iraq veterans looking to clear their name with the U.S. military, who suspect the four men of committing a crime for which they were framed. Brothers Ridley and Tony Scott are the co-producers, so this should be a goodie.

Knight and Day

There was a time when Tom Cruise could do no wrong as far as Hollywood was concerned; he could have appeared in a post office staff training film and it would have been box office gold. But recently his track record hasn’t been too good. Now he’s hoping to reclaim his silver screen mojo with Knight and Day, a sexy action comedy co-starring Cameron Diaz. They play a fugitive couple on a glamorous and sometimes deadly adventure where nothing and no one - even themselves - are what they seem. Will it be enough to put Tom back in the big time? Judge for yourselves.


Vue: 08712 240 240 City Screen: 0871 704 2054 Reel Cinema: 0870 801 0870 100


Random Hand, Fibbers Singers & Musicians’ Night, Black Swan Folk Club Jules & the Gang, Victoria Vaults The Bad Shepherds, Pocklington Arts Centre Live Jazz, Old White Swan Live Blues, Golden Ball


Surprise Fire, Fibbers Moonshine Creek, The Habit Start, Hub Curios, National Centre For Early Music (NCEM) Live folk, Tap & Spile The Ventilators, Victoria Vaults


Mark & Tom, The Habit Copowt, Cross Keys Travelin’ Band, The Ainsty f.e.a.r., Stone Roses Bar The Stringdazzlers, Victoria Vaults


Music Night 1951-1980, Rowntree Theatre Schlick, Gilchrist and Seymour, NCEM Minster Minstrels, NECM London Baroque, NCEM Ian Chalk Quartet, Phoenix Inn Neosoul, Victoria Vaults


Compagnia d’Istrumenti, Unitarian Chapel Ensemble Lucidarium, Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall University of York Chamber Choir, St George’s Church Polish Music Night, Victoria Vaults


Flails, Fibbers Fermate il Passo, All Saints’ Church Live folk, The Maltings


Ash, The Duchess The Blueflies, Victoria Vaults Ian Chalk Quartet, Phoenix Inn

Orange, Fibbers University of York Baroque Ensemble and Chamber Choir, NCEM Musica Fiata, Koln & La Capella Ducale, York Minster




The Orbitsuns, The Duchess Dolly, Grand Opera House Polish Music Night, Victoria Vaults 6 July Andy Hillier Jazz Trio, Dean Court Hotel Live folk, The Maltings Encouraging The Looney, Victoria Vaults


Seven Pieces of Sliver, Black Swan


Eve Selis, Fibbers The Blueflies, Roman Baths My Sweet Patootie, Black Swan Folk Club Karl Mullen’s Jazz Band, Churchill Hotel Live Jazz, Old White Swan Live Blues, Golden Ball Lional Patterson, Victoria Vaults


Black Paper Cats, Fibbers Northern Glory, Stone Roses Bar Chris & John, The Habit Monteverdi, York Minster Live folk, Tap & Spile Joe Below, Victoria Vaults


Bitter Skies, Fibbers Simon & Dave, The Habit Scandal, Roman Baths BBC Radio 3 Early Music Show, NCEM I Fagiolini, Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall The Nick Miller Band, Victoria Vaults

The Carrivick Sisters, Black Swan Folk Club Hopkinson Smith, NCEM The Bach Players, St Michael-le-Belfrey Church Live Jazz, Old White Swan Live Blues, Golden Ball Jules & the Gang, Victoria Vaults

15-18 JULY

DV8 Festival, Duchess, Fibbers & Stereo


Cushla, The Habit The Mothers, The Ainsty Mahan Esfahani (harpsichord), Unitarian Chapel The Sixteen, York Minster Live folk, Tap & Spile Blues Night, Victoria Vaults


Two Bob, The Habit Theatre of The Ayre, St Michael-le-Belfrey Church f.e.a.r., Stone Roses Bar The Stringdazzlers, Victoria Vaults


Flood Damage, Roman Baths The Legendary Buddy Greco’s Swinging Las Vegas Show, Grand Opera House Tuesday Singers, Rowntree Theatre Ian Chalk Quartet, Phoenix Inn


Adam Dawson, Roman Baths Polish Music Night, Victoria Vaults


The Plight, Fibbers Live folk, The Maltings


William Control, Fibbers


Nevermind, Fibbers Skint, Stone Roses Bar Simon Hopper Duo, Black Swan Folk Club Live Jazz, Old White Swan Live Blues, Golden Ball Suzie Laing, Victoria Vaults


Heaven’s Basement, Fibbers Spear of Destiny, The Duchess Copowt, The Terrace Andy Gaines & Mark, The Habit Live folk, Tap & Spile Blues Night, Victoria Vaults


Day of the Dead Festival, Duchess Keep It Cash, Fibbers Simon & Dave, The Habit Nicola Fowler & Mark Bates, Victoria Vaults


Pama International, Fibbers Adam Dawson, Yorkshire Terrier Ian Chalk Quartet, Phoenix Inn Synchronized, Victoria Vaults


Polish Music Night, Victoria Vaults


Steve Kendra, Dean Court Hotel Live folk, The Maltings Irish Folk Night, Victoria Vaults


Hayseed Dixie, The Duchess


Dave Sharpe (The Alarm), Fibbers Hannah James & Sam Sweeney, Black Swan Folk Club Live Jazz, Old White Swan Live Blues, Golden Ball Jules & the Gang, Victoria Vaults


Littlemores, Fibbers Mark & Tom, The Habit Bluephunk, The Ainsty Live folk, Tap & Spile The Lowdowns, Victoria Vaults


Viva Morrisey, Fibbers f.e.a.r., Stone Roses Bar The Stringdazzlers, Victoria Vaults



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Out of town

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bridal gowns

Designer Cathryn Brown, of Catwalk Classics, has 20 years experience in making and fitting wedding dresses and other special occasion garments. She completed her HND in Clothing at Leeds College of Art with a distinction and was named 'Student of the Year'. She worked for a company specialising in period and couture wedding gowns as well as theatre costumes before going it alone, keeping the business home-based to meet family commitments. Her recent move from Wetherby to the Boroughbridge has improved her facilities for displaying sample gowns, allowing customers to try them on. Cathryn says: “I have about 20 sample dresses which range from a size 8-16 and are always available to buy at a discounted rate some from as little as £75. However, the samples are really just there to give people a few ideas and to show the quality of my work. I have thousand of fabric and lace samples for people to browse through for inspiration.” She says a made-to-measure dress can cost from as little as £400 and rarely go over £1,200. Consultations and fittings are by appointment only, call 01423 324082 or 07977 301278.


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Caravan sales buoyant in East Yorkshire

4E4I 4A F4?8F 6BAG<AH8 GB 58 YBHE< F; 4GBA8 B9G;8 ( BEG;WF ?847 < A: 64E4I 4A E8G4< ?8EF 1 4A7 4;B@8 4E4I 4AF 54F87 4G-B HG; 4I 8 < A 4FG 2BE> F;< E8 ,8 6BE7 F4?8F B9A8J @B7 8?F 4G?4FGL84EW F F;B J F ; 4I 8 CEBI< 7 87 4A < AYHK B9DH4?< GL HF87 @B7 8?F BI 8EG;8 ?4FG98J @BAG;F .;8 ; H:8 F8?86G<BA 4I 4< ?45?8 < A6?H7 8F 4 FHC8E5 F8?86G<BA B9?4LBHGF J < G; CE< 68F E4A: < A: 58GJ 88A P 4A7 P ? BA: J< G; CEB545?L G;8 58FGF8?86G<BA 4I 4< ?45?8 < A G;8 ABEG; 1 4A7 4;B @8 FG<??; 4I 8 FB@8 @B7 8?F GB 6?84E4GI 8EL 4GGE46G<I 8 CE< 68F < A6?H7 < A: : E84G7 84?F BA G;8 < EBJ A -C 86< 4? 7 < G<BA B46;@ 4A 1 4A7 8E8E4A7 - J < 9G BEA<6;8 @B7 8?F 1 < G; G;8 A8J @B7 8?F 7H8 < A G;8 4HGH@A 1 4A7 4;B@8 4E845?8 GB B998 E G;8 F8 @B7 8?F J < G; FB@8 94AG4FG<6F4I< A:F 'B GBE;B@8 F4?8F ; 4I 8 4?FB < A6E84F87 G;< F L84E4A7 J < G; FB@8 A8J @B7 8?F 6HEE8AG?L 4I 4< ?45?8 J < G; F4I< A:F HC GB P .;8 E84E8BI 8E A8J 4A7 HF87 @B7 8?F 4I 4< ?45?8

Bespoke joinery from craftsmen Kirby Joinery, a member of the British Woodworking Federation, offers bespoke joinery from its fully equipped workshop in Boroughbridge. The family-run business, which started 15 years ago, employs an experienced team of time-served craftsmen who build joinery products to the highest possible standard, using traditional and modern techniques. It creates hand-made products to domestic, commercial and trade customers.

1 4A7 4; B@8 FCB> 8F@4A F4L F T1 8 7 B ABGA887 CE8FFHE8 F8??< A: 4F J 8 ; 4I 8 4A 8K68??8AGCEB7H6G 54F8 J < G; CE< 68F GB FH< G4??CB6> 8GF 2BH64A I< 8J BI 8E GBC DH4?< GL CE8 BJ A87 64E4I 4AF BA 4 F< K 46E8 7 < FC?4L 4E84 1 < G; 4 FHC8E5 F8?86G<BA B9?4LBHG4A7 F< M8 I 4E< 4G<BAF LBHJ < ??ABGX A7 4 @BE8 6B@CE8; 8AF< I 8 F8?86G<BA 4AL J ; 8E8 8?F8 < A G; 8 / %U 4G= C / @3 B67<9 7<5 = 40CG7<5 / < 3E = @CA32 1/ @/D/ < = @; = B= @6= ; 3 / D7A7BB= - / <2 / 6= ; 3 ) = CB6 /D3 7A/ ; CAB - / <2 / 6= ; 3 / @3 0/A32 8CAB= 44B63 / B @= C56 (= / 2 ) = CB6 /D3 = < :G/ ; 7< CB3 2 @7D3 4@= ; . = @9 * 3:

A spokesman says: “We have an excellent reputation for quality of products and we pride ourselves in our after-sales service. We supply and install all our domestic products ourselves to ensure our high standard is maintained.” One satisfied customer stated: “High quality product with experienced careful fitters and excellent aftercare. We have had our windows and doors for two years and they look and fit brilliantly. No more draughts.” Kirby Joinery Ltd, Units 2 & 3 Clay Pit Lane, off Bar Lane, Boroughbridge. Tel: 01423 324455



53$ 7 ( . ' ,4 &1 6 0 5

< I 8 GE4I 8?6B@C4AL < F B998E< A: E@6; 4< E. E4I 8?2BE> &G7 4A 8K86HG BA?< A8 HF< A: < GF J 85F< G8 5BB> B ; 7 < F6BHAGGB C4FF8A: 8EF J 4 6BFG8K86HG<I 8 GE4AF98EF 9BE . ; 8 6B@ C4AL B998EF AB ; 4FF?8 ?BJ < G<BA87 ' 8E687 8F 8AM0< GB HC GB 8< : ; GC4FF8A: 8EF < A < GF 4< E 6BA7 4: 8 FC468 : ?H: ?8 . E4I 8??< A8E J ; < 6; 5B4FGF 4@C F4L F T1 8 A8L CEBCE< 8GBE< A * 8G8E" 8CC8?? J ; B 5864@8 4 ; 46> BEF; BEG A: 8E?B ; BG 4AL 4A7 98EF 64EEL BHG?B64?J BE> 4< ECBEGGE4AF 7 < FG4A68 LBH A887 HF GBU or call For more details, go to www.arm 766239 or 07860 852511.


trades &services


Families, childcare & libraries

Libraries Tel. 655631 or 552833 (24/7 renewal line) Mobile library Tel. 416429 Home Library Service Tel. 552800

Local libraries Explore: Acomb Library Learning Centre, Front Street, Acomb, York YO24 3BZ. Tel 552651. Email: Explore York: Museum Street, York YO24 3BZ. Tel 552828. Email: Recommended by

Bishopthorpe library Main Street, Bishopthorpe, York YO23 2RB. Tel 705386. Email: Clifton library Rawcliffe Lane, Clifton, York YO30 5SJ. Tel 627464. Email: Copmanthorpe library The Library, Village Centre, Main Street, Copmanthorpe, York YO23 3SU. Tel 709457. Email:

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Dringhouses library Tadcaster Road, Dringhouses, York YO24 1LR. Tel 706046. Email: Dunnington library The Reading Room, Church Street, Dunnington, York YO19 5PW. Tel 488456. Email: Fulford library St Oswald’s CE School, Heslington Lane, Fulford, York YO10 4LX. Tel 555444. Email: Haxby library Station Road, Haxby, York YO32 3LT. Tel 768811. Email: Huntington library Garth Road, Huntington, York YO32 9QJ. Tel 768991. Email: Poppleton library The Village, Upper Poppleton, York YO26 6JT. Tel 794877. Email: Strensall library 19 The Village, Strensall, York YO32 5XS. Tel 490876. Email: Tang Hall library, Fifth Avenue, Tang Hall, York YO31 0PR. Tel 416429. Email:

York Family Information Service For advice on finding and paying for childcare, working in early years education and advice on aspects of parenting – 554628. Or text ‘info’ to 07624 802244 and they’ll call you back

Children’s centres Hob Moor Children’s Centre Green Lane, Acomb YO24 4PS. Tel. 555066 Carr Children’s Centre Ostman Road, YO26 5QA. Tel. 555066 Westfield Children’s Centre Askham Lane, Acomb, YO24 3HP. Tel. 555066 Haxby Road Children’s Centre 154 Haxby Road, YO31 8JN. Tel. 552323

The Avenues Children’s Centre Sixth Avenue, YO31 0UT. Tel. 551250 Clifton Children’s Centre Kingsway North, Clifton, YO30 6JA. Tel. 552323 St Lawrence’s Children’s Centre Heslington Road, YO10 5BW. Tel. 551250 New Earswick Children’s Centre Hawthorn Terrace, New Earswick, YO32 4BY. Tel. 552323


Crime York Police Station, Fulford Road. Open every day from 8am - midnight For all enquiries, to contact an officer or police station, or to report an incident that does not require immediate attention, call the nonemergency number - 0845 60 60 24 7. In an emergency situation, if there is a crime in progress or if there is a threat to life, dial 999. If you have a hearing or speech impairment, call the nonemergency number using the RNID Text Relay service, by dialling 18001 0845 60 60 24 7. In an emergency, call 18000. Safer Neighbourhoods Team – For information on crime prevention, Neighbourhood Watch and other local issues, call the non-emergency number or email SNTYork@northyorkshire.pnn. Crimestoppers 0800 555 111


Emergency and Council Services Gas If you smell gas, Tel. 0800 111 999 Noise, smells, bonfires, fly-tipping etc. Tel: 551555 Dangerous buildings and structures Tel. 551553 Racial/religious harassment and discrimination Tel. 554141 Minicom: 554120 Sexual discrimination Tel. 0845 601 5901 Flooding and land drainage Tel. 551473 (9am-5pm); Out of hours Tel. 625751. Environment Agency: Tel. 0800 807060 Gritting (roads and paths) Tel. 551551 Neighbour problems Tel. 551200. Face to Face Neighbourhood Mediation, Tel. 553838. To report noisy or anti-social neighbours, Tel. 551555. Serious disputes Tel. 551204

York Customer Centre The York Customer Centre (YCC) offers access to information and advice on a wide range of City of York Council services. The office opening hours are Mon-Fri 8.30am-5pm. York Customer Centre/general enquiries Tel. 551550 Self-serve telephone payments Tel. 551557 York Pride Action Line Tel. 551551 Benefits service Tel. 552240 Council tax Tel. 551558 Planning and building control Tel. 551553 Email:



Waste disposal & recycling


Household and garden waste collection – Tel. 551551 To report fly-tipping – Tel 551551 Recycling centres and disposal locations There are three sites for York residents to take rubbish for recycling or disposal: Hazel Court, Towthrope/Strensall and Beckfield Lane. Opening hours: Hazel Court (April to September) Monday to Saturday 8.30am to 7pm, Sunday 8.30am to 4pm Towthorpe/Strensall (April to September) Monday to Sunday 8.30am to 7pm Beckfield Lane (April to September) Monday to Friday 5pm to 7pm, Saturday and Sunday 10am to 2pm Asbestos collection service – Commercial waste – Tel. 553270 or 553282 Hazardous and clinical waste – Tel. 551551


n Local Government Ombudsma 0614 Tel. 0300 061 ombudsman Ofcom – Telecommunications 3333 123 0300 or Tel. 020 7981 3040 63 Tel. 0845 055 0760 or 01925 5302 Ofgem – Energy ombudsman of call for consumer complaints Consumer Direct Your first por t Tel. 08454 04 05 06 551525 Food safety and standards Tel.



NHS Direct 24 hour medical information. Also information on out of hours pharmacy opening. Freephone 0845 4647

Out of hours pharmacies Prescriptions can be dispensed from: Tesco, Clifton Moor Tel. 880449 Boots, Monks Cross Shopping Park Tel. 656360 Asda, Monks Cross Shopping Park Tel. 689410 Sainsbury’s, Monks Cross Shopping Park Tel. 613779 The Priory Pharmacy, Priory Medical Centre, YO24 3WX. Tel 721541 York NHS Walk-in centre, 31 Monkgate, YO31 7WA. Tel. 725401. Offers a nurse-led service. Open seven days a week 8am – 6pm. York Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, York Hospital, Wigginton Road, YO31 8HE. Main Switchboard - all departments: Tel. 631313 FASCIAS • SOFFITS • GUTTERING


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Out of hours GPs. Some GP surgeries provide an out-of-hours service, between 6.30pm and 8am on weekdays, and all weekend and on bank holidays. Your doctor’s surgery or receptionist can give you the contact details for this service. If your surgery doesn’t provide an out-of-hours service, contact the Primary Care Trust (PCT) for information. North Yorkshire and York PCT – Tel. 01423 815150

Blood donor sessions

(2pm-4pm and 5pm-7.30pm, unless otherwise stated)

13th July Rawcliffe Pavilion (2pm-4pm, 5pm-7.30pm) 13th July Acomb Parish Church Hall ((2pm-4pm, 5pm-7.30pm) 28th July York Priory Street Centre (10am-noon, 1pm-3.45pm)

Access to Urgent Dental Care For out of hours advice and assistance please contact the NHS Direct Dental Helpline on 0845 600 3249. Non-registered patients Tel. 725422. Contact the service at 8.30am to obtain an appointment.

Sports and leisure centres Energise Tel. 552424 Yearsley Swimming Pool Tel. 552424 Tennis, bowling and football facilities Tel. 553385 Walking Tel. 553372 Coaching Tel. 553440 Sports clubs and organisations Tel. 552828


250 £25 500 £45 1000 £65 2000 £95 5000 £195

£40 £55 £90 £155 £295


1000 2000 5000 10000

£105 £155 £183 £241

£225 £245 £315 £395


1000 2000 5000 10000

£178 £195 £265 £366

£246 £276 £358 £445


500 £105 2000 £150 1000 £115 5000 £195


250 £65 2000 £185 500 £95 5000 £225 1000 £125


Traffic & Transport Road and footpath problems To report any problems with roads or footpaths, including potholes, obstructions, damaged street furniture and dumped rubbish - Tel. 551551 Buses Bus timetables Bus Info Line Tel. 551400 or National Traveline Tel. 0871 200 22 33 Arriva: 0844 800 4411 Coastliner: 01653 392556 First: 0845 604 5460

Cars Parking Services – Tel. 551309 City Car Club – Tel. 0845 330 1234 for all enquiries Travel cards and tokens Transport for disabled people Tel. 551403 Dial and Ride Tel. 551441 York Wheels Tel. 630080 Trains National Rail Enquiries Tel. 08457 48 49 50

Travel cards and tokens Travel cards and concessions Tel. 551670 or 551403 National Transport Tokens Tel. 551434

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Learning and adult education Schools

Education Access Tel. 554248 School transport Tel. 554540 or 554543 School trips Tel. 554509 Home tuition Tel. 554252 Exclusion of pupils Tel. 554252 Truancy Tel. 622935 Ofsted reports Tel. 554239 Educational psychology Tel. 554303 Children with special educational needs Tel. 554302 Adult Education Tel. 554277 email Future ProspectsFor impartial learning and work advice centre 22-24 Swinegate, York, YO1 8AZ. Tel 0800 834 239


Co-operative Championship One 4 – Doncaster H 3pm 11 – Hunslet Hawks A 3pm 25 – Workington Town H 3pm


July 2010 rugby league fixtures for York City Knights

July 2010 fixtures for Yorkshire County Cricket Club: 2 – Northamptonshire, Northampton (T20) 4 – Warwickshire, Headingley (T20) 5 – Warwickshire, Headingley (LVCC 1) 9 – Lancashire, Old Trafford, (T20) 11 – India ‘A’, Headingley (TOM 3) 14 – Warwickshire, Edgbaston (T20) 17 – Nottinghamshire, Trent Bridge (T20) 18 – Derbyshire, Derby (T20) 20 – Essex, Chelmsford (LVCC 1) 25 – Middlesex, Lord’s (40L) 29 – Gloucestershire, Cheltenham (40L) Key: CC1 – County Championship division one; T20 – Twenty20 Cup.

Let’s go racing 1 – Redcar (evening) 2 – Doncaster 2 – Beverley (evening) 3 – Beverley 5 – Ripon (evening) 6 – Pontefract 7 – Catterick 8 – Doncaster (evening) 9 – York 10 – York 13 – Beverley 14 – Catterick 15 – Doncaster (evening) 16 – Pontefract (evening)

17 – Ripon 18 – Redcar 19 – Beverley (evening) 21 – Catterick 22 – Doncaster (evening) 23 – Thirsk 23 – York (evening) 24 – York 25 – Pontefract 27 – Beverley 28 – Redcar 30 – Thirsk 31 – Doncaster 31 – Thirsk

PROPERTY MAINTENANCE *> Ì }ÊEÊ iV À>Ì }ÊUÊ/ } * >ÃÌiÀ }ÊUÊ >À`i Ê > Ìi > Vi *>Ì ÃÊUÊ i V }ÊUÊ iV } For all you Home Improvements and a polite and professional service

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Shop Fitting Service Sliding Sash Window Renovation Doors and Windows

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It might be true that money can’t buy love, but it can wreck a relationship. A recent survey found that a quarter of couples regularly argue about money and more than two million people break up every year because of financial worries.

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So if you’re planning to move in with a partner, it’s a good idea to get your finances sorted right from the start. One of the easiest ways is to set up a joint account to pay bills/rent or mortgage. You can either opt to pay both your salaries directly into this account, or each pay a set amount in each month. It’s important to discuss this thoroughly before you make a decision. Are you the kind to go through every bank statement and query every detail? If you and your partner have different attitudes to money, it might cause less friction to keep your own separate bank accounts. Also, unromantic as it may seem, it’s a fact that relationships do break up. So it’s wise to maintain some financial independence. Having said that, it’s a good idea to move your existing current accounts to the same bank as your joint account. This will allow you to transfer funds into your new account with the minimum of fuss. Another problem is deciding how to split the costs. It’s not such a problem if you’re both earning the same, but not quite so fair if one of you is earning much more than the other. Another option is to add up your household expenses to work out your total household income; work out your salary as a percentage of the household income, and pay the bills according to this percentage. So if you earn 60% of the household income and your partner earns 40%, you would pay 60% of the bills and joint expenses and he or she would pay 40%. However, as with all your joint decisions, you need to be sure you’re both entirely happy with this arrangement. If not, it’s probably best to stick to equal contributions. Remember, the key to a happy financial affair is good communication. Nobody's perfect and there are bound to be some spending decisions that your partner makes that you won't agree with. Try not to get angry. After all, it's only money - and money can't buy you love.


Move and save

QualitySolicitors Burn and Company is celebrating its own move to a new HQ with a tempting offer to first-time home buyers – ‘Move with us for a fixed fee’.

For just £330 plus VAT the company will handle the legalities of moving house, leaving you to climb confidently onto the first step of the property ladder. The offer is for a limited period for all instructions from first-time home buyers. Third party expenses, such as stamp duty, land registry and search fees, are not covered.

Pauline Fox of QualitySolicitors Burn and Company says: “With signs that the property market is picking up, we wanted to be able to offer first-time home buyers an extra incentive to make a move now – and it’s ideal timing because we are also moving in July to a purpose-built HQ in Millfield Lane, Poppleton. It’s an expensive business buying your first home, so anything we can do to make it easier is good for everyone buying and selling properties.”

QualitySolicitors Burn and Company is one of 200 independent law firms nationwide under the QualitySolicitors umbrella. It offers a wide variety of legal services, including divorce and separation; wills and estate tax planning; estate administration, setting up and running a business and employment law. More information on QualitySolicitors Burn and Company is available at www.

Family business Support your local family run businesses, every month we will highlight some of the best.


Drive on home...

Sponsored by JJB Motors , Unit 1, The Raylor Centre, James Street, York, YO10 3DW Tel: 01904 426691

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New rules on

air con Did you know that from this month it’s illegal for anyone to work on your car’s air conditioning system without a licence?

New DEFRA regulations stipulate that from 4th July any person working on vehicle air conditioning systems must have a DEFRA approved refrigerant handler qualification. Your air conditioning can lose its effectiveness over time, so it’s important to get it serviced regularly. The technicians at A Ivinson Autos in Rowland

Court, Huntington are all fully qualified and can provide full vehicle air conditioning recharging, servicing and repairs. While most car manufacturers will test to see if your vehicle’s air conditioning is working, A Ivinson Autos will test all the components to see if they are in full working condition. They are also York’s only Citroen, Peugeot and Vauxhall specialists, and can offer main dealer levels diagnostics on all makes and models, as well as tyres, exhausts and MOTs for just £35. For more information, contact them on 767675.


£10 OFF

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Park & Ride plans shelved Three new planned new traffic schemes aimed at easing congestion in the city have been shelved. In a letter to the council last week, the Department for Transport made it clear that all major transport schemes are on hold until its spending review in the Autumn. This affects the Access York scheme, involving sites at Poppleton Bar and Askham Bar, as well as a third Park & Ride site planned for Wigginton Road at Clifton Moor.

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Listings highlighted?

at a glance Name Number Pg ACCOUNTANCY SERVICES Bishopwood Accountancy 400660 135 D Inglis Accountancy 07958 399001 135 Hare Edson 692585 135 Lorraine Hart Bookkeeping 07968 474409 135 Rowley Ward 628663 133 AERIALS ADI Communications 0800 0132341 105 Aerial Services 678823 105 Aerial Solutions 654144 105 BLTV 07977 044778 105 Castle Aerials 07711 222307 105 DBS 692266 105 DR Aerial Services 0808 1605678 105 Icon Installations 07870 606492 105 AIR CONDITIONING Cooltec Services 750206 108 ANTIQUES Antique Restoration 400728 19 Antiques Wanted 788053 106 ARTISTS Artestee 637494 20 Calicocow 01937 830348 19 ASBESTOS REMOVAL Asbestos Services 678823 111 ATTRACTIONS/EVENTS/SHOWS Balloon Tree 01759 373023 86 Bishop Wilton Show 01759 368776 93 Burn Hall Hotel 01347 825400 93 Copmanthorpe Carnival 97 Dance Ceroc 01484 661189 21 Driffield Show 97 Duncombe Park Steam Rally 0870 7774324 97 Easingwold Maize Maze 07974 090323 90 English Heritage 0870 3331181 95 Festival Of The Rivers 554666 88 Jorvik 543403 88 Just 30 Fair (CYC) 553432 92 MA Concerts 0845 2980000 90 Mansion House 552036 95 Masham Steam Engine Show 01765 689569 93 Micklegate Singers 0844 9390015 93 Military Day 554253 98 Monks Cross Shopping 623374 94 New Earswick Bowls club 750230 94 Newby Hall 0845 4504068 102 Newgate Market 551355 97 Orchard Park Pre-School 07837 133009 Scarborough Open Air theatre 96 Stamp & Coin Show 90 The Galtrees Festival 93 Theatre royal 623568 89 Tockwith Show 07739 960472 92 Walled Garden at Scampston 01944 759111 93 Wheatlands Woodland 793405 93 Wigginton Car Boot 768463 95 York Dance Works 07981 553465 98 York Maze 607341 91 York Minster marketing 08444 9390015 92 York Museums Trust 687687 31 York Museums Trust 687687 3 York Mystery Plays 91 York Stage Musicals 0844 8472322 96 York Symphony Orchestra 627900 92 York Walk 622303 95 York’s Old Bomb Theatre 92 Yorkshire Lavender 01653 648008 94 BATHROOM/BEDROOMS/KITCHENS Bathroom & Kitchen Craft 07900 313151 114 C Dale 01845 522523 78

Maddison Bathrooms 411110 Smith Brothers 415222 Watermark 420340 Dream Doors 622234 Easingwold Bathrooms 01347 824777 Edwards Brothers 794867 Glen Bathrooms & Kitchens 424169 Moonlight Bedrooms 01759 302388 Richard James 468100 Southbank Kitchens 679666 BOUNCY CASTLE HIRE Bouncing Around york 490769 Happy Clown Bouncy Castle 07757 168918 JGM’s Bouncy Castles 707434 BUILDING PLANS ADDS 762691 AP Design Svs 678045 Architectural Technologist 07841 039833 Arkon 07899 086598 Brookfield Associates 07961 166195 Drawing Services 07764 319697 Stuart Loxton 799961 BUILDING/PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Alanson Bell Construction 07854 280790 All Points 07752 538461 Alpine Developments 0800 0851045 AT Property Services 07876 308005 BJ Building contractors 07950 061411 Building Services 07764 319697 D&M Building 07817 380181 DC Building 07870 953141 Deans Property Maintenance 07739 607565 Gregson Builders 07860 548516 Harris Construction 414058 HCL 07737 028710 Hire-A-Handyman 07870 660350 Its Your Home 07834 382832 Jag Exteriors 0800 9171440 John B Coxon 07882 505403 Jorvik Building Svs 07870 595067 Justin Higginson 790856 Keith Brown 07754 498673 Landlords maintenance man 07977 061288 Luke Mitchell & Craig Gallagher 07812 151541 M Bailey Builder 337756 Mark Thorne 489142 MW Developments 07958 321014 P Wright 07941 914434 Paul Simpson Property Repairs 07919 368867 Pete Nellis Builders 07989 116729 Residential Trades York 07835 394638 S&P Building 07793 727484 Sanderson Builders 07859 882972 SDT Building & Roofing 766236 SM Maintenance 752969 Stockton Lane Property Co 425931 Wallwood Construction 690400 WMG Builders 07981 333654 BUTCHERS Chapman Butchers 655382 CAR VALETING Attention 2 Detail 07714 769981 Attention 2 Detail 07714 769981 CARE/MOBILITY Alterlifts 01482 480710 Economy Mobility 784950 Minster Mobility 788592 MV Mobility 01977 681764 Surecare 520192 Wiltshire Farm Foods 01423 339666

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CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Andy’s Carpet Cleaning 07805 129559 CARPETS/FLOORING Ewen carpets Fitted 07718 153433 York Carpet & Flooring 479900 CARTRIDGE RE-FILLS Cartridge World 733999 CHARITIES Mencap 613591 MS Society York Branch 758577 Relate 679831 CHILDRENS ACTIVITIES Carol Saunders 01757 709703 Carol Saunders 01757 709703 Crazy Tykes 01937 541007 CYC Early years 554628 Home To Home Montessori 490339 Moto Mania 01423 331929 Painty Party 738260 Paul Stride 674800 Play Football 0845 2579000 Pretty in Pink 07849 329251 Propper Soccer Parties 07787 846250 Splish Splosh 07966 661201 Talking tots 07521 680949 Total Sports 08458 339442 CYC Sharing Care 551550 Little Green Rascalls 607959 Polyannas Nursery 765049 Tread The Boards 08458 124421 York Childcare 654140 Youth community Fund (CYC) 621133 CHIMNEY SWEEP Dave The Sweep 07761 083072 CLEANING A&M Cleaning 621732 Domestic Divas 07754 549801 Future Carpet Cleaning 788050 Huntington Carpet & Upholstery 07817 726970 Lavender Housekeepers 468715 Maid 2 Clean 0800 0439370 Mighty Maid 07818 044567 Peter Hopwood Valet 07769 896902 Top 2 Bottom Cleaning 07849 518899 Ultra Clean 01759 371741 YorK Cleaning Angels 07876 333600 CLUBS/GROUPS Link Introductions 0800 0431507 York IVC 0701 7022482 COMPUTERS/WEB DESIGN 1st Byte IT Solutions 890690 Aldwark Computers 654954 Coppins Systems Svs 01653 690269 Gemini PC Repairs 332432 GF Computer Services 07545 021322 In Home Computer Repairs 07747 154900 Jennings Computers 796580 We R Your IT 08000 470181 CURTAINS/BLINDS AA Blinds 0800 5677455 Blind Image 693069 Blinds By Mark Harrison 630449 Blinds Direct 701260 Caroline’s Curtains 332949 Christine Alker Curtains 339214 Curtain Up 627239 Garnetts 627064 Haxby Blinds 769277 The York Blind Company 416389

106 114 21 136 33 34 34 51 52 49 47 46 49 51 49 51 46 46 49 46 51 24 47 46 54 46 48 116 106 106 116 106 106 106 106 106 106 124 106 7 19 7 135 133 113 135 135 26 5 81 81 81 81 79 9 13 79 82

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The White Swan Woodside Farm FOSTERCARE CYC Adoption & Fostering FUNERAL SERVICES J G Fielder & Son FURNITURE RESTORATION Furniture Tec GARAGE DOORS First Garage Doors Haxby Garage Doors Hobman Garage Doors Premier Garage Doors SJL Garage Doors GARDENING A&M Groundworks Acaster forge Alans Property maintenance Ambient Solutions Andrew Kent Apex Shed & Fencing Arborwise Ascot Fencing Aztec Landscapes Bradshaws Brighter Gardens Browns Nursery Browns Nursery Browns Tree Service C & C Contracting Cottage Gardener Deans Garden Centre Direct Driveways Eden Landscapes Future Landscapes Garden Repair Services Grumbleweed GW Garden Outdoor Haxby Fencing Horse Manure 4 sale Lewis Tree Surgery M&M Landscapes Malcolm Collins Fencing Mick Lambert Landscaping Mike Walmsley Landscapes Mr Hedges Mr Nicholas Briggs Norwood Landscaping Orchard Nurseries Paradise gardens Pascoe Tree & Gardens PD Earnshaw PH Fabrications PH Landscapes R&S landscaping Rachel’s Garden Services Richard Ounsley Roberts Mowing Rock N Stone Rowan Tree Garden Design Sandalwood Gates Signature landscapes Spectacular Driveways SRB Fencing T & A Buildings & Groundworks T Smith landscapes Top Soil 4 Sale Waterdale Landscapes York Sawmill GATES/RAILINGS ES Engineering Solutions SR Fabrications GUTTERING Guttering Of York Heworth Guttering Mark Leslie Roofline HANDYPEOPLE DIY Guy Handy Al Handyman Services Home Maintenance Lukafz Druzic My Handyman HAULAGE Millfield Haulage HEALTH & BEAUTY Active Care Chiropractic

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Alexander Technique 414793 Angie Doig Thorne 07919 577522 Ash 07508 019004 Beautycare 769954 Capricorn Nails 413660 CYC Swimming 552424 CYC/Stone Soup Dru Yoga 707978 Essential hair 07902 033212 Graham & Co 491298 Hargrave Pharmacy 791502 Helen Flanagan 07824 506574 Heloise 629900 Hire Fitness Yorkshire 0845 6435105 Identity Hair Salon 670500 Jenny @ Tower court 692499 Jenny Walsh Beauty 628553 Kuki 659007 Lesley@Innovations 798705 Little Hands 611302 Manor House Dental 797434 Maureen Payne 709688 Mila Spa 790368 Paulines Hair & Beauty 798522 Physio Function 0800 8600138 Rosemary Conley 790922 Shiboui Hair 640718 Shine Hair 653311 Stacey Beavers Mobile Hair 07904 429627 Stepping stones 611467 Tan Truth 07773 4427071 TD fifteen 659188 Tranquility Studios 623113 07531 431871 Vibrant Body Health 07900 683528 Vida 799944 York Chiropractic Clinic 430300 Hi Fi & Audio Vickers Hi-Fi 691600 HOUSE CLEARANCE House Clearance 07771 501560 INSULATION Solarwall 0800 1380079 INSURANCE GA Geldart & Co 629129 PB Curran 436600 INTERIORS Farnell Neilson Interiors 762023 Stairs And More 01845 577200 IRONING Creases Away Ironing 758482 JEWELLERY Bead Hive Studios 642020 JOINERY AC Gray Joinery Ltd 07712 731710 Armstrong & Butler 785549 Cass Joinery 07521 292926 Domestic & Commercial Joinery 07966 446769 J Myers Joinery 07877 756584 Kirby Joinery 01423 324455 Martin Smith carpentry 07768 755745 R Oxby Joinery 07742 116613 Redberry 07501 144383 Richard Poustie 636324 SH Joinery 07944 413842 York Door Services 07973 889232 LOCKS/SECURITY/ALARMS Access All Locks 410069 Afford a Lock 625635 Lockfix Security 623108 Neil Webster 07732 822525 MOBILE HOMES Wandahomes 01430 424342 MOTOR PARTS/SERVICES A Ivinson Autos 767675 Auto Motive Solutions 792652 B&S Motorcycles 622793 Best Prices paid 07816 843435 Birch Park Vehicle Test Centre 627444 C&M Auto Services 796718 Caboodle 788346 CE Auto Repairs 07814 144636 Chips Away 07900 804003 Chips Away 07810 243444 Copmanthorpe MOT’s 700755 D&J Woodcock 430130 Fulford Rd Auto Services 637200

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What’s his is mine and what’s mine is my own! One of the most often overlooked aspects of financial planning for couples, and oddly one which can be really easy to sort out, is making sure that the right assets are held in the right name for tax and financial planning purposes. To illustrate the tax benefit, let’s take a simple, but not unusual, example where a married couple – let’s call them John and Jill, have £50,000 in a joint building society account. This interest on this account is 5% gross per annum (you wish!!). Jill is bringing up the family so isn’t currently in paid employment. John is a lawyer and earns £60,000 per annum. The interest they earn each year is £2,500, and because it’s in joint names, is usually deemed to be equally shared for tax purposes. So they will be deemed to have had £1,250 of interest each. John is a higher rate taxpayer, so after 40% tax, his share is £750. Jill is a non-taxpayer, so get’s the full £1,250. By switching the investment from joint names into Jill’s sole name, all the interest would be tax free, thus increasing income by £500 a year. As if by magic! And making sure joint assets are held correctly can have an even bigger tax planning impact when applied to property. Most couples buying property do so on a joint ownership basis. So, taking Jill and John again, let’s assume they own their property jointly. When one dies, the other automatically becomes the sole owner. There is, however, another way of owning property, known as “tenants in common”, where each co-owner has a definite share in the property (not necessarily 50/50.) If Jill and John owned the property as tenants in common, when one dies, their share goes to whoever is specified in their will. Half and Half By splitting the home in two, the half belonging to the first to die could be passed straight onto their children (or anybody else, for that matter.) As long as that half is worth less than the inheritance tax “allowance” at the time (currently £325,000) then no tax will be due. When the second partner dies, their half passes to whoever is specified in their will – often the children – often without inheritance tax implications. It could be argued that the same effect could be achieved without going through the rigmarole of changing property ownership, because an individual’s inheritance tax “allowance” passes on to the spouse if it’s not used at the time of death. Of course, nobody knows what the rules will be in the future, but the mechanism described above at least removes some assets from the estate on the first death, which has been a useful tax planning technique historically. The removal of part of the estate on the first death has crucial implications if the need to fund long term care arises in the future. If half of a home is passed to the children (or any other beneficiary or trust), on the first death, then it is possible that the whole property may be disregarded if the surviving spouse ever needs long term care. Pen-Life Associates Ltd are Chartered Financial Planners, advising individuals and small businesses on all aspects of financial planning including residential and commercial mortgages, individual and business protection, pensions, retirement and later life/long term care planning, savings, investment and tax planning.

Pen-Life Associates Ltd, Chartered Financial Planners, Equinox House, Clifton Park, York YO30 5PA Tel: 01904 661140, Fax: 01904 466206, email:, web:

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Strictly legal Whether you’re a new or established business, just setting up or looking to expand, there comes a time when you need good, legal advice. There are nine key areas where you may find it useful to take professional legal advice: • Company structure - whether to trade as self-employed, a partnership or a limited company, and to make sure the proper legal agreements are drawn up. • Business premises - negotiating and making sure you understand the terms of your lease. Dealing with regulations - many new regulations are specific to particular sectors. You need to be aware if they apply to you. • Contract terms and service levels - you should be sure of your legal responsibilities to customers and suppliers. • Protecting your business ideas and confirming ownership - making sure any intellectual property rights to your product or service are protected and that you’re not infringing the rights of other businesses. • Finance - the legal implications of raising finance - for example on your home - and agreeing terms with the lender. • Debt control - protecting you against bad debts and advice on debt collecting. • Franchising - anyone going into franchising needs to check all the small print with a specialist lawyer. • Employment law matters. Guest Walker and Co at 12a Shambles, York specialise in providing friendly, practical and impartial advice for all types and sizes of business. From helping new businesses to start up and set off on the right track to providing more in-depth advice on specific issues, they offer a complete service for small and medium-sized businesses with experienced lawyers in key specialist areas. This includes buying and selling freehold and leashold property; negotiating leases and renewals; property portfolio management; raising finance or refinancing, partnership agreements and forming new limited companies. They also have specialist knowledge in the area of leasehold enfranchisement; forfeiture and recovery of rent arrears, licensing and gaming. They will give you individual attention from the same solicitor throughout; guidance, support and explanation without the legal jargon, and unrivalled experience of business and commercial property in the York area and beyond. For more information on how they can help, call 0800 587 2438 or 01904 624903.

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Living together: A cautionary tale The Court of Appeal has recently given a ruling in the case of an unmarried couple who owned a house together but who could not agree on how to divide the equity in it, having separated many years previously. The parties had purchased the house in joint names in 1985 and had two children together. Whilst Ms Jones had funded payment of the deposit for the property, her partner Mr Kernott had subsequently built and paid for an extension to the house which increased its value significantly. Upon separating in 1993, Mr Kernott moved out and his ex-partner remained in the house for a further 15 years, paying all the mortgage instalments and outgoings during that time. The court initially awarded Ms Jones 90% of the equity after taking into account her vastly greater contribution to the property particularly following the breakdown of the relationship. The Judge justified his decision by stating this was a fair and just outcome. However this decision was overturned by the Court of Appeal who held that the equity should be split down the middle. Despite the fact that Ms Jones had invested a lot more capital into the house especially after the separation, the appeal court held there was insufficient evidence to infer that the couple had intended to own the property other than in equal shares. The court emphasised that if a property is purchased in joint names, as in this case, this will mean a 50-50 division of the equity. The court described the case as a “cautionary tale” which all unmarried couples, who are contemplating the purchase of a home together, should carefully consider. The Judge advised that cohabiting couples must consider and address the unthinkable which is what should happen in the event that their relationship breaks down as “they will fall out over what they do and do not own”. This case is yet another reminder that where an unmarried couple disagree about how their property is owned, the court’s hands can often be tied leaving it unable to do what might be considered “fair” which is possible when a married couple or civil partners end their relationship. If you are about to purchase a property with your partner and you do not want the equity to be split 50/50 , you need to deal with this formally at the time of the purchase of the property. You should also seek advice about the benefits of a having a Cohabitation Agreement drawn up which can set out what should happen to property and other assets e.g. savings etc in the event that the relationship fails. For legal advice on this or any aspect of family law, contact Nina Banerjee at Denison Till solicitors on 01904 611411 (nsb@ . Nina is an Associate Solicitor and an accredited member of Resolution – First for Family Law. She is also a Collaborative lawyer ( see for further information).


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A foot in both camps

' ' The new Vice-Chancellor of York St John University gives his five top tips to RICHARD FOSTER

Professor David Fleming, whose career encompasses both the commercial and public sectors, represents the new generation of university leadership. The new Vice-Chancellor of York St John University carried out feasibility studies for Japanese banks looking to invest in the development of five-star hotels in South East Asia before moving into higher education. Universities and colleges in 21st century Britain are highly complex businesses that have a significant impact on their local economies and Prof Fleming believes his experience in Asia helped him secure the top job at Lord Mayor’s Walk. He says: “I represent the new face of university leadership. I’ve spent half my career working the in the private sector and the other half in higher education. This gives my management and leadership a wider perspective.” Prof Fleming, who has lived in Sydney and Tokyo, took over from Prof Dianne Willcocks who led York St John for 11 years. During that time the university underwent a £70 million investment in its campus estate and a significant expansion in student numbers. Now the country’s universities and colleges are braced for spending cuts as the Government grapples with a huge budget deficit. Prof Michael Farthing, the Vice-Chancellor of Sussex University, says student fees will have to rise to £7,500 a year to maintain standards in higher education. He wants to see the government review of student finance, due to report later this year, recommend a substantial increase in the current cap on top-up fees of £3,225 a year.

Four-star luxury

at £20 a night

Tourists are enjoying four-star luxury for only £20 a night in York’s first boutique hostel. Businesswoman Karen Waugh, owner of Kennedy’s Bar, off Stonegate, has opened The Fort in a building next door. It offers

Prof Fleming says: “These are challenging times for the sector and it is likely that they will become much tougher. However, at York St John we can tackle these issues from a position of strength underpinned by strong guiding values and community ethos from both staff and students.

a degree in Urban Land Economics, a Postgraduate Diploma, an MBA and a Doctorate of Business Administration. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. Born in Liverpool, he is married with two children.

“We have invested in our award-winning campus, in teaching and learning, the development of a research base, as well as through our strategic drive to develop regional, national and international links. This effort has paid dividends and this year alone we have experienced a 34% increase in student applications accompanied by a huge growth in interest from international markets.”

Get to know your organisation: Ensure you get to know and understand all aspects of your organisation. This will make decision making a more logical procedure.

He adds: “York St John is a true gem and it is an enormous privilege to be taking up this position in a university which has built a strong reputation and engendered a high regard for its educational delivery.” Previously, Prof Fleming was Deputy ViceChancellor at the University of Sunderland. Prior to that, he was Dean of School at Northumbria University and a lecturer at Nottingham Trent University. He holds

luxurious accommodation for up to 16 guests, featuring en-suite wet rooms, flat screen TVs and Wi-Fi connectivity. Karen says: “The Fort is surrounded by stylish cafes, bars and restaurants and offering the level of accommodation you would expect in a four-star hotel for only £20 a night will, I’m sure, appeal to everyone.” Each room has been designed by winners of a competition organised by Karen with Creative

Prof Fleming’s top tips for managers are:

People make the difference: Don’t underestimate the importance of getting to know your people. Take time to understand and develop the talent you employ at all levels in the organisation. Do your research: It pays to be well informed in all situations, no matter how big or small. Scan the horizon: Step back and look at the bigger picture. Plan and then review. Count to 10: Never act on impulse when disappointed or angry. Take time to think through potential consequences or fall-out – act in haste, repent at leisure.

Protege and design agency Nugenko. Winning designs included ‘Memory Field’ by Mark Brear, which features hundreds of shots of York, and an Apple-inspired room by 25-year-old freelance graphic designer Matt Sypien, which enables guests to dock their iPod into the wall and listen to their music through an integral speaker system. For more details, go to



Q. I have been told to attend a disciplinary hearing next week, but I don’t want to go on my own. Can I take someone with me? You are entitled to take a companion with you to the hearing. This companion can either be a work colleague or a trade union representative. If you are not a trade union member or a work colleague is not willing to go with you, you can request to take a friend or a family member, but your employer does not have to accept this request. Although your companion is allowed to speak on your behalf and take notes, they are not allowed to answer questions on your behalf. Q.I have been on sick leave for just over a month and my employer is refusing to pay me any sick pay. Can they do this? If there is nothing in your contract about your employer paying company sick pay, then you are entitled to statutory sick pay (SSP) if you are sick for at least four days in a row and you are earning at least £90 a week on average. In order to get SSP however, you must tell your employer that you are sick no later than seven days after you first became ill. SSP is paid for every day you would normally be working and it starts on the fourth day of any period of sickness and lasts for a maximum of 28 weeks. The current standard rate of SSP is £79.15 a week and it is subject to tax and National Insurance contributions. Q.Do I have a right to time off on a bank/public holiday? You do not have an automatic statutory right to time off/paid leave on bank and public holidays. However, if your employer gives paid leave on a bank or public holiday, this can count towards your minimum holiday entitlement. There are currently eight permanent bank and public holidays in England and Wales but in 2012 there will be an extra bank holiday to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee (60 years on the throne). If you work on a bank or public holiday, there is also no automatic right to an enhanced or double pay. What you get paid depends on your contract of employment. If you work part time and your employer gives full time workers additional time off on bank holidays, then you are also entitled to the same on a pro rata basis, even if the bank holiday does not fall on your usual work day.

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The information above is provided for general information purposes only and is not intended to be construed or interpreted as legal or other professional advice. If you require further advice, please do not hesitate to speak to Gillian Markland or Lorna Pratt at Ingrams Solicitors on 01482 358850.


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Q.I have just been given notice of redundancy. Am I allowed time off to look for another job and go to any interviews during my redundancy notice period? If you have worked for your employer continuously for two years by the date your notice expires, you are allowed a reasonable amount of time off during your notice period to look for another job or arrange training to help you find another job. How long you can take will depend on your circumstances and should be discussed further with your employer. If you are attending one or two interviews and do not take excessive amounts of travelling time, then this is likely to be reasonable. However whatever the amount of time you take off, your employer only has to pay you up to two-fifths of a week’s pay for it. For example, if you work five days a week and you take four days off in total during the whole notice period, your employer only has to pay you for the first two days.

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at 68...

Many well-known figures have seen their careers flourish well into their sixties, Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson and actress Dame Helen Mirren among them.

Though not a famous face, 68-yearold Malcolm Jeffery is enjoying similar career success – and has no plans to retire any time soon. He is currently the oldest employee working at CPP in York and embodies the reasons why many feel the Government’s default retirement age of 65 should be scrapped. He works full time at the company’s headquarters in Holgate, and relishes the sense of purpose working well into his sixties gives him. Malcolm has enjoyed a varied career – from accountancy to directing a shipping company – and latterly working for Northern Foods/Express Dairies. He joined CPP in 2001, and is still relishing his role as a capacity planner in the operations team, managing the number of agents needed to answer CPP’s calls at the firm’s

contact centre.

He says: “Apart from the obvious benefit of earning a salary which allows me to enjoy a certain standard of living, I really enjoy the comradeship and social element of going to work each day. I make sure I keep physically fit, and mentally I’m alert as ever.� Malcolm, who lives in Market Weighton and has six children and nine grandchildren, doesn’t have any immediate plans to retire. He says: “The way I’m feeling at the moment, I’ll carry on as long as CPP wants me. Working, regardless of your age, gives you a sense of purpose and keeps you active. Being told I could no longer work purely because of my age would leave me distraught and feeling useless, as I’m sure it would many others in my position. This country would lose an awful lot if people were forced to retire at 65. Life experience and traditional skills still count for a lot in the workplace.� CPP helps people if they lose their payment cards, mobile phones or have had their personal identities

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Retirement reform The Government has pledged to create more freedom in the pensions system by ditching the default retirement age. Under the coalition deal struck by the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats, the law that allows firms to force staff to finish work at 65 will be phased out. There will also be a review to set the date at which the state pension age starts to rise to 66, although it will not be sooner than 2016 for men and 2020 for women.

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Goodwill Goodwill in relation to a business is an often used phrase - but what is it actually and how does it arise? Goodwill is often defined, in purely financial terms, as the difference between the value of your business as a whole and the value of its individual physical and financial assets if they were to be sold separately. In broader terms it is the intangible value of the position of your business in the marketplace and its reputation with its existing and potential customers. From the moment your business is established and starts to promote and advertise itself and provide its products or services to customers, it will start to acquire a reputation. Existing customers will come to recognise your business as their preferred supplier and, if they have been satisfied with your products or service, will be happy to recommend you to others. Other potential customers will come to recognise your business as an established concern in its sector and will seek it out if and when the need arises. The Goodwill of your business will primarily exist in the particular factors or attributes of your business, or its products or services, which existing customers and potential customers come to recognise as identifying and differentiating it from its competitors. In many cases, this will simply be the trading name of your business – which can be purely descriptive of its products or services, or based on the name of the owner or owners, or else a purely arbitrarily chosen name. In other cases customers may come to recognise the name that you give to your products or services – or even simply the style, colour or layout of your logo or packaging and promotional material. Clearly, the further the name and reputation of your business spreads, the greater the pool of potential customers and many businesses will invest significant sums in advertising and promotion for this purpose. The often considerable sums that businesses spend on advertising are generally regarded as being purely for the purpose of generating additional sales – but it is important not to lose sight of the fact that they will also add to the value of goodwill. However a healthy and expanding goodwill and reputation can bring with it the temptation for others to seek to take advantage of it – of which there are a variety of methods, ranging from the subtle to the blatant. In its crudest form it may involve a new business in the sector simply adopting a name or logo which is identical, or very similar to, that of your business. At its more subtle it may involve a rival business gradually adapting and moving its trading style closer to that of your business – such as renaming its products or adapting a new logo or trading style which is suggestive of your business, but not a clear copy of it. Whatever form such activity takes, its underlying intention is to mislead or confuse customers into dealing with the competitor when their intention and belief is that they are dealing with your business. One relatively simple step that you can take to limit the possibility of a rival impinging on your goodwill is to investigate the possibility of registering your business name, or its logo or product name as a Trade Mark. This is a relatively simple process which will not only discourage this sort of activity in the first place, but will also offer a greater level of protection in the event that it occurs. However, even without the protection of a registered Trade Mark, your business may still be protected by the law of passing-off, which gives a right to claim for an injunction to prevent a competitor from any activity which is likely to cause confusion amongst your actual or potential customers – together with a right to claim damages if the activity can be shown to have been deliberate or calculated.

Charles Walker can be contacted at

Walkers Solicitors, 20 Castlegate, York YO1 9RP, tel (01904) 633220 or email


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Administrators Teaching & Learning Admin Services Post 1: 37 hpw Post 2: up to 37 hpw (maternity cover) £16,407 - £17,466 pro rata per annum plus benefits

Ref: 174/0610

Two exciting opportunities have arisen for experienced Administrators with excellent communication and interpersonal skills to join our large and busy Teaching and Learning Admin Services Team. You will provide a variety of administrative and secretarial support to staff and students. The successful applicants will possess excellent IT and word processing skills, and be able to work methodically, quickly and accurately to tight deadlines with the minimum of supervision. Closing date: 8 July 2010 Interviews: 4/5 August 2010

Unit Supervisor - Osbaldwick Site £17,778 - £19,815 pro rata per annum plus benefits

Ref: 178/0610

Due to the expansion of the College's Osbaldwick site we are looking to recruit a Unit Supervisor to manage our new cafeteria-based catering outlet. We are seeking an experienced and talented individual who is capable of cooking nutritional food for students. You will independently manage the outlet on a dayto-day basis and will play an active role in developing this site. Closing date: 8 July 2010 Interviews: w/c 19 July 2010

Site Support Officer Osbaldwick Site 15 hpw £16,407 - £17,466 pro rata per annum plus benefits

Ref: 179/0610

You will be proactive in encouraging good student behaviour, patrolling the grounds, monitoring security and car park management. Previous experience of a security role is not essential as training will be provided. You must be approachable and calm with a customer focused approach. For an informal discussion please contact Geoff Wroe, Estates and Facilities Manager on 01904 770219. Closing date: 9 July 2010 Interviews: 29 July 2010

Cleaner - Osbaldwick Site 37 hpw £13,512 per annum plus benefits

Ref: EST/0610

We are looking for a proactive and reliable individual who can work independently to maintain the cleanliness of our Construction Centre at Osbaldwick. Pay is £7.00 per hour plus up to 41 days paid leave (includes bank holidays/college closures). Full training and uniform will be provided. Closing date: 9 July 2010 Interviews: 30 July 2010

For further details, including information on how to apply, please visit Committed to equality of opportunity.



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