Your Local Link Magazine February 2013

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Sign up to our new local offers email – find out more inside! Issue 112 FEBRuary 2013

Our festival guide is


with must-see events plus we get the lowdown on what it’s like to be a horned man!

Valentine’s Day

Ideas on what to do (and what not to do) this year!

We reveal all about the new medieval exhibition.

York Light O C pera Ompany Visit us at

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Lionel Bart’s

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Check out our new-and-improved events directory, sponsored by Barnitts.

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Run to the hills good,” we thought. “We shall all become size zero model types and feel really virtuous and follow a training schedule and everything. And we can get our names emblazoned on our jogging bottoms in diamante for race day. We will look fabulous.” That enthusiasm lasted about one afternoon. Then, Helen hobbled into the office the following day looking very forlorn indeed. Well, when we say forlorn, what we mean is furious.

How many Local Linkers does it take to run 10K? We’ll find out on 4th August. A bunch of the slightly less sane of us have somehow managed to rope ourselves into running the Jane Tomlinson Run For All York 10K event. Pray for us. At first, we were all full of enthusiasm. “Yes, this is

Health warning “What the bleeping bleep have we got ourselves into?” She cried, regaling us with the tale of how she managed to power walk to the end of the street for a warm up, followed by a whole minute of jogging, before feeling as though she was going to have a real life heart attack. “I don’t think this is going to be as easy as we thought…” The rest of us were instantly terrified. If Helen was having trouble, then we had no chance. We tried to comfort ourselves with a lengthy conversation about what colour tracksuit we should go for, and then a

Advertising: Gini, Tracy, Sarah, Mim, Kelly, Avril, Gary, Sue, Matt, Cassie & Krystal

We’d just like to take a moment to express how much we love you all. We also love chocolates. Our address is below. Hint, hint. Actually, considering the fact we’re supposed to be training, we should probably stick to apples… Flowers and jewellery are fine though. And some nice aftershave for the lads. Cheers. lengthier conversation where we tried to convince Dean, the man in charge of the money, to buy our kit for us. He offered to cut strategically-placed holes into a bright yellow Your Local Link distribution bag, so that we could wear that instead, which wasn’t quite what we had in mind. Run for your life Still, despite our fears, we were determined to battle through and emerge victorious. That, and we’d already told all of our Facebook friends we were doing it, and had paid our entry fee, so we kind of had to. So, if any of you lot are crazy enough to join us, we’ll see you at the starting line! Otherwise, please feel free to cheer us on along the way. If you want to join in, visit We’ll keep you updated on our progress on our Facebook page. Wish us luck!

Yourlocallink York

Accounts: Helen & Claire Distribution: Dean, Jon, Gary Design: Rachel, Lisa & Jerry Editorial: Nicolette, Howard & Donna

Get in touch... call: 01904 767881 Email: Write: Your Local Link, Oak Tree Farm, The Moor, Haxby YO32 2LH


Publishers: Tracy Outram and Gini Guttery

Space booking, copy, cancellation and editorial deadline for the March edition is 8th February and 15th February for recruitment.

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Cover story: Jorvik Viking Festival. February is here, and we all know what that means to York residents – Vikings! Check out our special guide to what’s on and get involved!

24-25. Capital idea. We find out about the exciting new exhibition at the Yorkshire Museum that tells the story of medieval York – and hopes to uncover the secrets behind the mysterious Escrick Ring.


28-29. Lord of the Vikings! We chat to Neil Tattersall, Interactive Team Leader at Jorvik Viking Centre, about shooting at boats, Viking duels, and dressing up and playing with swords. 32-33. Back to Business. We interview Len Cruddas, Chief Executive of Leeds, York and North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce.

8-9. Competitions. Win: A golden family ticket to the 2014 Jorvik Viking Festival; and a valentines bundle.

14-15. Horoscopes.

24-27. Culture Column.

40-41. Motors.

16-19. Join the Club. We had to add extra pages in again…

30-35. Business Buzz.

42-55. Health & Beauty

10-11. Hotlist. 12-13. The way I see it. Donna isn’t a fan of forced ‘romance’.

22-23. Didn’t they do well!

38-39. Local Sport Report. We like Dan Tait – he reports on the sport and makes it funny (and helps us to understand it).

56-57. Your Pet

20-21. Puzzles.


58-66. Your Family Howard tells us about his axe named Chris.

38-39. Gadget Guide.

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the best of york

events: We’ve got a special bumper events section this month: 98-99. Events hotlist. The crème de la crème of what’s on this month. 99-101. Jorvik Viking Festival. Don’t miss it! Plan your week with our guide. 104-105. Theatre, gigs and films. 106-107. Days out. York and the surrounding areas are filled with a huge range of fantastic attractions – plan your next day out here.

join our club Do you like discounts? Have you signed up to our free email voucher service yet? Why not? Just email info@yourlocallink. with your name, or visit 67-79. Property & Interiors


80-87. Gardening. Transform your yard into a lovers’ paradise with our Gardening Guide.

92-107. Events & Days Out

88-91. Food & Drink. Treat your other half to breakfast in bed with our easy

109-110. Classified at a glance 111. Trades & Services directory 125. Jobs, jobs, jobs…

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Looking lovely Blast away the winter chill with a bit of romantic St Valentine’s Day warmth, courtesy of two of our very best friends. In conjunction with Bonito Hair Design on Fulford Road and Dutch Nurseries in Haxby, we’re giving away a Valentine’s bundle to get you (or that special somebody) in the mood for lovin’. Part of the prize includes a full make-over courtesy of the style experts at Bonito. Starting with your hair, they’ll give it a colour, cut and blow dry, prepping your barnet for a night of candle light and a romantic meal. Then the beauty team will relax you with a soothing mini facial treatment, before moving onto your nails, filing and varnishing either your fingers or toes. The good news is that even if you don’t win the top prize, Bonito are currently offering a colour, cut and blow dry for only £40! Give them a call on 641082.


flower power Once you (or the object of your affection to whom you have gifted this gorgeous prize) have been beautified, prepare for an assault on the senses. Thanks to the flower experts at Dutch Nurseries, who every month provide one lucky winner of our wordsearch competition with a stunning bouquet, you’ll be given the ultimate symbol of St Valentine’s Day. A dozen red roses will be yours, to give to that special person in your life, or just to enjoy for yourself. After all, you deserve it. Dutch Nurseries also offer a full range of flowers and bouquets for any occasion, selected and arranged by experienced botanists. Call 768439.

All you have to do for a chance of winning this incredible Valentine’s Day bundle is answer this simple question: On what road is Bonito Hair Design located? Send your answer (along with your name, address and daytime contact number) on a postcard marked ‘Valentine’s Competition’ to the address on page five, or via email to The competition ends on 7th February, so don’t delay. Terms and conditions apply. Good luck!

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your competitions

Win tickets to next year’s Jorvik Viking Festival! We’re very excited about the Jorvik Viking Festival – we’ve already donned our horned helmets and are practising our best pillage face for this year’s event, taking place from 16th-24th February. If you’re a fan too, read on. The peeps behind the event are giving away a shiny golden ticket for a family of four to next year’s festival. How to enter: All you have to do is download the Instagram app to a smartphone, hand it to the most photographically-talented member of the family, and get them to take some snaps of your visit to the festival. Then, tweet your pics using the hashtag #JORVIKVikingFestival. The best photo will win a family of four ticket to all events at the 2014 festival. Up-to-date ticket information, photos you may have taken and latest news, including an extended fringe programme for 2013, can be found on Twitter via #JORVIKVikingFestival. By submitting images, you are allowing York Archaeological Trust to use them in future marketing print with no copyright. Other terms and conditions apply, check website for details.

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FEBRuary HOTLIST.... What to do in Fabruary...

Be my Valentine Can you feel the love? The hearts and flowers are out in full force and we’re hoping we won’t be able to open the front door for chocolates come 14th February. We’ll admit it – we’re hopeless romantics here at Your Local Link, and any excuse to watch a soppy film or send a soppy card is actively celebrated. Some of us are more enthusiastic than others (Howard flinches every time we mention the V word – a former girlfriend of his reacted quite badly when he bought her ‘Bop It!’ as a Valentine’s gift) but we’re all pretty much in agreement that Valentine’s Day is great fun (except Howard). If you’re not in a couple, don’t fret – if for some incredible reason you don’t have a secret admirer with the gumption to send you a card (more fool them), you can be quite sure you’ll have at least one mate in the same situation. Grab the opportunity for a catch up – we’re of the mindset that Valentine’s Day celebrates friendship just as much as romance. Well maybe it doesn’t, but when we don’t get a card that’ll be our standpoint…

Go bloom spotting We’re still in the depths of winter, but the first signs of spring are already starting to appear. For those of us dreaming of warmer climes (which, let’s face it, is everyone) the first snowdrops, crocuses and daffodils are a very welcome sight indeed. It’s a great time to head to places like Burton Agnes and Museum Gardens to admire the flowers in their full glory. Blooming lovely.

Make pancakes YES. IT’S HERE. After Christmas, our favourite food-centred day of the year is Pancake Day, taking place on 12th February this year. For some reason, eating pancakes any other day of the year seems wrong unless they’re for breakfast and we happen to be in America, so eating pancakes for our tea is really special. Also, the choice about the best topping is a hotly

debated topic, and can really tell you a lot about a person. Do you go for the classic lemon and sugar, or maple syrup and bacon? Our Krystal likes spaghetti Bolognese on her pancakes, a very controversial decision which left the rest of us feeling a bit sick. What’s your favourite? Find us on Twitter and Facebook and join the debate.

Bid Happy New Year:

10th February marks the Chinese New Year – according to the Chinese calendar, this year is either 4711, 4710, or 4650 depending on which scholar you listen to. It’s also the year of the snake, but the less said about that the better, considering Rachel’s aversion. Remember when she Googled images of ‘pastel sheds’ on the Internet, while designing the Property Hotlist? She’s never been the same since. If you’re scared of snakes, we suggest you don’t Google pastel sheds…


20/7/11 11:49

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RICHARDSON GILDENER SOLICITORS 1 Peckitt Street, Opposite Clifford’s Tower, York YO1 9SF. Tel 01904 642727 Email Website


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Be a Viking Interviewing our favourite Norsewoman Sandi Toksvig for the January magazine made us terribly excited about the upcoming Viking Festival. From the chance to hear sagas from Viking warriors and see a longship at the Coppergate Camp, to the Beowulf puppet show and the annual Viking Strongman Competition, we’re already practising our scariest ‘aaaaarrrrrgh’ and all of us are trying to grow fantastic facial hair so that we can participate in the Best Beard Competition. Granted, some of us are doing better than others, but luckily homemade beards are allowed for women and children and points are added for creativity and length. Kelly’s is already three feet long and she’s still knitting. We’ll see you there (if we don’t trip up over our beards on the way…). Head to our events section for a complete run down of what’s on, and check out our interview with Viking Neil Tattersall (AKA Sigwulf).

Fir m your reso lve

How are you faring with your New Year’s resolutions? Some of us have

31 days of eating healthily, gambling (Mim really is determined to win it managed ace the it lottery) and staying cig-free. Those of us who have managed to keep up

ce itit ace

with our resolutions feel tonnes better than we did after Christmas – apart from Mim, who is down on her luck in the lottery stakes. New resolution – don’t make any resolutions that involve gambling.

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It’s that time of the year again. The time when chocolate manufacturers and greetings card companies urge you to get out your wallet and prove your love in terms of cold, hard cash on 14th February. Because it’s Valentine’s Day. Although you could hardly have missed that, since the shops have been a sea of pink and red hearts since about 26th December. From soppy stuffed bears to sweeties, cards and tacky underwear, if you can stick a heart on it, it’s there. Be a sport Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve got nothing against romance. And I’m not even bitter that I went through my entire teenage years without receiving a single Valentine’s card (not even from Keith Bailey, and he sent one to the dinner lady with facial hair). I just object to the idea that, like a hen night in a karaoke bar, we’re all put under so much pressure to join in. And it’s getting worse. 20 years ago, all we had were cards (or not, in my case). Now Valentine’s Day has become an extreme sport, like bungee jumping. Want to really prove


your love? Then you have to turn up at her workplace and serenade her a la Tom Cruise and that other bloke in Top Gun, have ‘I love you’ dragged on a banner across the skies, or at least fork out for a dozen overpriced roses and a candlelit ‘couples’ dinner. Not to mention the obligatory soppy teddy bear. What a mug If you don’t, then you’re a heartless creep. Because as we all know, nothing says you truly care like a stuffed toy, or a personalised mug bearing the words ‘Porn Star of The Year’. By the way, if my husband is reading this, This Is Definitely Not A Hint, okay? I was being ironic. Just like I was when I said ‘Of course I don’t mind if you go off for a lads weekend on my birthday.’ Except we’ve all got it wrong. In my experience, the more extravagant the

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the best of york

According to


There’s no better barometer on what’s hot and what’s not than our Donna. Here, she shares her thoughts on what’s in or out in her own unique style!


Valentine’s Day gesture, the more the person making it has to hide. My friend still treasures the giant pink satin rabbit with a badge saying ‘love bunny’ on it that her husband gave her, shortly before he ran off with her sister. Maybe that’s something to mull over when your boyfriend delivers his Valentine’s card by crane… Romance is all very well, but let’s not confuse it with love. Love doesn’t come in a heart-printed shot glass. It’s shown in lots of little, much cheaper ways, such as putting printer cartridges in other people’s computers, bringing them a cup of tea in bed every morning, and saying they look nice when they really don’t. And if my husband is reading this, that definitely is a hint…

Running. News that York is to get its very own marathon next October seems to have inspired the girls in the office, who are signing up for this year’s 10K. They were nice enough to ask if I wanted to join them. I was briefly tempted by the undiscovered retail opportunities in Sports Direct, but in the end I decided I get enough exercise running to the fridge for more wine.

Not… Bargain Valentine’s cards. I know I’ve just said bigger isn’t better, but being cheap isn’t good either. Hands up anyone who bought Asda’s 7p Smart Price card last year? Shame on you. I hope you’re going to do better in your next relationship (because I’m assuming last year’s love has dumped you).

Follow Donna on

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Horoscopes February 2013 Starsign of the month... Aquarius (20th January - 18th February)

here’s a few famous faces you share your sign with

by James Christie n For details of private readings phone 07884 107100 or 01423 339770 Email:

A quiet, but quite profound mood of self satisfaction as a number of long held plans now start coming to successful fruition. Other people will acknowledge your qualities of leadership, and while they won’t exactly be putty in your hands, you can expect a tremendous degree of support and co-operation. This is true, albeit in slightly different ways, in both the professional and personal aspects of your life. On the job scene there will be some promotion or advantageous change of work routines which might put a little bit more money in your pocket but will put more responsibility on your shoulders. Either way, it’s something you’ll feel good about, and 16th to 24th February is an important window for all kinds of advancement and progress. Valentine’s Day is not usually all that important in the Aquarian calendar, but I suspect that this year might be different if a lover or partner makes it clear that they are expecting something special from you. This is an excellent period for building bridges and forming deeper bonds of communication in emotional relationships, and it is a very exciting time for finding new romantic interests.

L to R: Justin Timberlake, Jennifer Aniston, Emma Bunton, Holly Willoughby

Visit our website for extended readings...




(19th February - 20th March)

(21st March - 19th April)

(20th April - 20th May)

(21st May - 20th June)

Thoughts and discussions in the wind concerning property, and perhaps allied to this, some involvement in ways above the norm with insurance and long term investment plans. A strong period for romance and relationships, but if someone is being particularly nice it may well be because they want something in return.

A bright time for parties, family gatherings and reunions with old friends. Social aspects very upbeat with money being channelled into pleasure pursuits. Major purchases probable at this time – new cars, kitchens, conservatories – all in with a chance.

Travel plans high on the cards, possibly for about a month up the road in the middle weeks of March. Good social outlook with a great sense of camaraderie. Watch your diet to avoid any niggling (and not so niggling) health problems. On a financial level, work within your budget and try not to overspend.

A great period for any artistic endeavours, both amateur and professional, and for developing the spiritual side of your nature. New people and personalities make a major impression. On a low key note, make sure there is some quality time for relationships.



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CANCER (21st June - 22nd July) You’ll be weighing up a lot of pros and cons in this late winter period, considering what is worth keeping and what needs to be thrown out. This applies to everything, not just the household junk. You must not allow yourself to be pressurised by other people into making major decisions prematurely.

LEO (23rd July - 23rd August) Armed with new moods of confidence and determination, this is a time for putting plans and ideas into action, rather than just thinking and talking about them. Also a great time for finding important new relationships, and spring may come early to the House of Leo this year.

VIRGO (24th August - 22nd September) If you seem to be upsetting a few people, it’s not because you’re mean or horrible, it’s because some of folk are just a bit too sensitive and critical for their own good. With this in mind, don’t mince your words too much, tell it like it is and be completely open and honest about your thoughts, feelings and needs.

Libra (23rd September - 22nd October) Politics have a pivotal role to play in your life at this time, either in the partisan sense of involvement with government – or in the office or in

the bedroom. Think carefully about making promises you can’t keep. Also be aware that secrets can not be kept at this time.

Scorpio (23rd October - 21st November) Potentially a very romantic month with some very high highs and moods of great suspense in between times. Whether you’re 18 or 80 you need to enjoy what life – and love – have to offer. If this means taking a few risks and possibly making a bit of a fool of yourself, who cares as long as everyone is having fun?

Sagittarius (22nd November - 21st December) You’ll be talking about travel and travel plans, and beware, because this is a time of quite high cash flow – mostly going out rather than coming in – but on the plus side, you should have a lot to show for your money. This is a time for enjoying a sense of team spirit and close camaraderie with family, friends and colleagues.

Capricorn (22nd December - 19th January) A bit of a financial squeeze going on at this time and you may well have to rob Peter to pay Paul. Don’t worry too much about this because there are significant improvements just around the corner. Social aspects are quite bright, but you need to keep your critical streak in check and keep some of your thoughts to yourself.

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Looking for new friends and interests? Try this lot...




Calling all new recruits

We all remember 2011’s touching Christmas number one from the Military Wives – now’s your chan ce to hear some military WAGs sing locally. The ladies at the York Milit ary Wives Choir are looking for more volunteers to get involved and cont ribute to a good cause. YMWC ask that anybody involved with the milit ary help them in their quest to expand the current choir and raise funds for a musical director. n If you or anybody you kno w would like to play a part in the launch of a successful local mili tary wives choir, call 414099.

Go with the flow

to try your hand at Aikido, the You don’t have to be Charles Atlas over strength. Aikido uses flowing martial art that focuses on fitness t’s energy back against them, movements to channel an opponen men and women. The Two creating an equal balance between tute on Queens Street is Insti ay Rivers Aikido Club at the Railw s ings, from 6-7.30pm for under-15 offering classes on Thursday even and g alon e com to ome yone is welc and 7.30-9.30pm for adults. Ever with this alternative martial art. ony’ harm of ‘way the ce rien expe n Call 07712 943 756.


20/7/11 11:49

Make it snappy

fancy yourself a bit of a Think you can carr y a tune? If you inner culture vulture, your ash unle to t Susan Boyle or wan shop on 2nd February. come along to the Snappy work sing and listen to Vocalists will have the chance to Nunthorpe Road on world music at Clements Hall also a concert on 9th e’s ther e, mor from 2-4pm. What’s s at St Clements February featuring local musician – pop in and have Church, Scarcroft Road at 7.30pm a sing along. n Call 07960 246759 or visit www

Dust off the cobwebs Feeling a few violins short of an orchestra? If you need an excuse to dig your old musical instruments out of storage, look no further than the Cobweb Orchestra. The orchestra welcome new members of all ages and skill to come along and play together on Wednesday evening s at York Steiner School, Danesmead, Fulford. Playing an eclectic variety of songs, there’s something for every keen player at the Cobweb Orchestra, and everyone’s efforts will be rewarded with tea and biscuits – they often enjoy a curry at the pub afterwards too, which has pretty much secured our membership single-handedly. There’s no need to book and you don’t need to have played in an orchestra before – just turn up on the day and play away. n Call 07880 346145.

Does your club or group need new members?

Or maybe you have some news you’d like to share. If so, get in touch with us. Write to us at the address on page seven, or email us at Mark your message ‘Club News’.

Page 2

RICHARDSON GILDENER SOLICITORS 1 Peckitt Street, Opposite Clifford’s Tower, York YO1 9SF. Tel 01904 642727 Email Website


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Get your dancing shoes on

t – it can only mean one thing: January’s over and it’s Friday nigh Ros Batchelor of the York Ceilidh an excuse to go out dancing. Join night of jigs and reels, all to the Club as he guides you through a Side band. This fun-filled The r upbeat tunes of the Tatties Ove on Mill Street, and offer Club s way Tram at e evening will take plac ts and children from 6-7.30pm a session of family dances for adul pm. There’ll be food and drink, and a grown ups’ session from 8-11 eeds will go to the Friends proc all games and a raffle from which ets can be bought on the door or of St Nicholas Fields charity. Tick s. n Call 411821. from the Friends of St Nicholas Field

Bang a gong Did you start the year with good intentions to learn the violin, but it’s gathering dust in a corner somewhere? Don’t give up on making 2013 a musical year, turn your hand to Taiko drumming – a lively and energetic Japanese-inspired form of group drumming. Kaminari, York’s only Japanese-style Taiko drumming group, will be participating in ‘Taiko Month’ in March, and are currently offering sessions to beginners and improvers. All rhythms are taught in a traditional, oral style without sheet music, with just a little help from YouTube and some worksheets. What’s more, all equipment is provided – all that’s needed is some good old-fashioned enthusiasm. n To find out how to become a member, call 07936 649875. For events bookings, email



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Looking for new friends and interests? Try this lot...




Screen dreams

A bastion of alternative cinema – giving the movie buffs of York a break from the multiplexes – Sout hbank Community Cinema has a host of new screenings planned, on the lookout for new members . The club meet ever y other Friday and screen films at Clements Hall on Nunthorpe Road. Those sick of the usual blockbusting filmic fares can look forward to classics such as French film Sarah’s Key, starring Kristin Scott-Thomas and Billy Wilder’s The Apartment. n To find out more about the club, and to see what else is playing, visit www.sbcommunit

Help build the guild

d-light? If your New Year Ladies, do you feel particularly frien ular as an unlocked vending pop as self resolution was to make your n’s Guild are looking for new machine, read on. The Townswome dly, social eye on you. There members, and they have their frien ghouses, Fulford and Drin b, are four Guilds in York; in Acom friendly welcome, getting and warm a r York Central. They all offe ds, meetings and making new frien together for monthly afternoon in part g takin and ities local char listening to speakers, supporting : are you ready for a batch of new tion ques first your ’s Here zes. quiz answer by calling 798694. the Find and interesting friends? n

Buin giorno! Come sta?

If you are currently replying Does that mean anything to you? you’re something of a dab hand are ces chan with ‘Sto bene’ then the n originally from iTALY, have Italia at the old Italian. Whether you are to g alon get ld shou you b, voca family or long to brush up on your February, held at The Racecourse the annual dinner dance on 16th lo Italian Society. The group, and hosted by Frank, The York Ang of BBC Radio York presenter (and which is organised by the father i, are always on the lookout for friend of the mag) Elly Fiorentin ledge of Italian extends merely to new members. Even if your know , you are welcome along. ordering a cappuccino in Starbucks n Call 796452.

Harmonics in harm


If the colder months hav e left you feeling particu larly gloomy, cooped up inside or fre ezing your socks off, you’re not alone. How about blasting off the cobwebs (and the icic les) by warming up your vocal chords and belting out a tune? In Harmony are a new, all female singing gro up that are on the hun t for new members to join them. Led by a fan tastic Musical Director Margaret Garvey they will be singing a wide variety of music. Any po tential songstresses should attend the recrui tment evening on 6th Feb ruary, 7.30pm, at Our Lady’s Church, Aco mb. It promises to be a fun, relaxed evening, complete with refreshm ents and the chance to meet some new people. n Call 797387 .

Does your club or group need new members?

Or maybe you have some news you’d like to share. If so, get in touch with us. Write to us at the address on page seven, or email us at Mark your message ‘Club News’.


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Friendship explosion What are your New Year resolutions? Make new friends? Have more fun? See different places? Now you can tick all those boxes in one go, by joining a social club with real impact – TNT. Formed for lovers of fun, TNT Social Club is a non-profit organisation run by the members, for the members. They certainly get about as well, taking trips out to Beamish, Whitby and Liverpool as well as across the country. For 2013 they have cinema visits planned, museum trips, country walks and a weekend in the Lake District. n If you would like to know more, call 783921.

Horticultural histor y

ing to join a group of like-minded Have an interest in botany? Look horticultural society in the world? people? Why not join the oldest ety of York Florists is made Founded in 1768, The Ancient Soci ers and exhibitors of flowers, grow s, ener up of experienced gard society shows off the exquisite vegetables, fruit and floral art. The er s a year – in April, July, Septemb talents of its members four time ege. Coll n and November – at Askham Brya for fresh blood, so if your n The group is always looking y greening them up, call fingers are green, or if you fanc 704829.

Talk more, be happy It’s good to talk, that much is certain. Chatting to like-minded people about the subjects that matter most to you is very importa nt, particularly if those subjects have had a major impact on your life. That’s the reason why Alfred Redpath, who had a liver transplant in June 2011, is looking to form a group comprising people who have also been affected by liver problems. Whether you have a liver conditio n, have had or are awaiting a transplant, he is interested in hearing from you, to meet as a group and chat in a relaxed and informal atmosph ere. n If you would like to know more, call Alfred on 340289.

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Book that candle-lit dinner – St. Valentine’s Day is back again! Luckily Dutch Nurseries in Haxby have a beautiful bouquet of flowers up for grabs. All you have to do is find the 12 Valentines themed words hidden in the wordsearch. Send your completed puzzle to ‘January Puzzle Competition’ to Oaktree Farm, The Moor, Haxby, York YO32 2LH, to reach us no later than 22nd February. The first correct entry to be picked out of the hat will win the flowers.

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The rules of suduko are simple... Fill the empty squares with numbers between one and nine. The number can appear once on each row, once on each column and once in each region.

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15 minutes

Local legend Berwick Kaler is a man of many talents – not only is he a renowned pantomime writer and dame at York’s Theatre Royal; he also starred in a BBC4 documentary over the festive period. The one-off documentary, Michael Grade’s History of the Pantomime Dame, looked at the 19th century productions in Drury Lane to today’s take on the theatrical character. Berwick talked Michael through the ups and downs of being a dame and what makes the role so popular, even taking the time to give Michael ‘dame training.’ Berwick, whose latest production Robin Hood and his Merry Mam runs until 2nd February at the York Theatre Royal, has had more than just his 15 minutes of fame, however. He also appeared on BBC Look North Breakfast in December, and more importantly, was the front cover star for the December edition of Your Local Link! Readers of the magazine who feel they didn’t quite get enough of their Berwick Kaler fix can check out our interview with him at – oh yes they can!


York Vikings Rotary Club did their bit for the local community recently with the help of Waitrose’s Community Matters scheme. Two of York’s local charities, Carecent and IDAS (Independent Domestic Abuse Services), were put forward for the scheme, which allocates £1000 to three good causes locally and lets customers use tokens to decide which charity gets their vote. The club agreed to match the final sum of the funds raised for the two charities, and were thrilled to hear that Waitrose were adding a further £2000 in honour of the holiday season. The scheme has since helped to buy food hampers and bedding for IDAS, while Carecent, which helps the homeless, has been able to provide clothing to disadvantaged members of the community. York Vikings Rotary Club President

Tony Botting was overjoyed. “Just look at the smiling faces. It’s such an important message for all of us. Community really does matter!”

Wheels around the world Earth – quite a big place. Sure, it’s not as large as one of those fancy gas-giant planets like Jupiter, but that doesn’t mean cycling all the way around it would take a couple of hours. If you felt like pedalling around the globe you should probably clear more than a year from your diary – and prepare to be a hero.

Two such heroes are local lads Rob Lucas and Tom Riley who, in August 2011, set off around the world on their bikes in order to raise vital funds for charity WaterAid. The great news is that they have both now returned safely home after completing the challenge and traveling through over 30 countries. What’s more,

the pair raised an incredible £13,000 for the charity that works to provide clean and safe water in Africa. But their task doesn’t end there, as the boys are set on raising the amount to £20,000! n If you would like the help the chaps along, visit www. robandtom

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Faces from the past

Next year will see the centenary of the start of the First World War – the conflict that raged across Europe from 1914 until 1918. Thousands of men and women from York were involved in the war, and as the anniversary approaches historians are looking to learn as much about these people as possible. Tang Hall Local History Club is planning to host a display of the information they gather and are now looking for your help. This picture of three unnamed soldiers has baffled the group for many years; the only clue to the men’s identities being the initials scribbled on the back of the exposure: AR – AP – TA DEAN. n If you know who these men might be, the club are very keen to hear from you. Email

Bellissimo! A romantic dinner at an Italian restaurant seems like the idea of a perfect date, right? Unfortunately for this lady, her man was a man of very few words and a breaker of the golden rule: he ordered spaghetti. Awkward.

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The oldest item in the museum’s collection is a paleolithic hand axe, which is hundreds of thousands of years old.

Yorkshire Museum Curator Natalie McCaul talks about how York has retained such a strong relationship with kings, her star objects from the upcoming Capital of the North exhibition and where she thinks she’d sit in medieval society... The latest exhibition at the Yorkshire Museum confirms our suspicions that York is the best. Capital of the North, which tells a story spanning 1000 years, will show visitors what life really was like during medieval times. “The exhibition begins with the period just after the Romans had left, and runs right up to the Tudors, so there’s 1000 years of history there,” says Natalie. “We’re showing visitors what the city was like throughout medieval times, using some of our star objects to tell a story.”


Natalie says that a recent visitor survey led the team to change their approach to the exhibition. “We realised that our core audience has changed,” says Natalie. “Our last two exhibitions have been aimed more at adults, but we realised that we have more families visiting us than we thought, so we’ve made this exhibition more accessible for children by arranging it like a timeline.” Natalie adds that there are lots of fun elements to engage children. “We’ve created cartoon

characters to help tell the story, and there’s an animated children’s film too. As well as this, there’ll be more in-depth information for adults, so hopefully there’ll be something for everyone.” On the map Natalie says that York was already an important city by medieval times, due to the foundation of strength and power brought by the Romans. “The city prospers and dwindles throughout the medieval period,

but because of its strategic location it always seems to be an important place,” adds Natalie. “It has been used to rule the north by Anglian warriors and lords, Viking raiders who ruled the Danelaw from here, and medieval kings, who even brought royal courts here to rule for periods of time, and used it as a base to fight the nasty Scots!” Natalie says that the city retained a strong relationship with kings throughout the medieval period. “York’s location draws powerful people throughout the period, and

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The York Helmet. It’s iconic, the finest example of it’s kind – there’s no exhibition without it! The Cawood Sword and the Gilling Sword, which are both famous in their own right but have been missing from displays for a year. The Middleham Jewel – we couldn’t get away with having an exhibition without that! The Escrick Ring, (pictured) a relatively new piece which we’re hoping to be able to tell visitors a bit more about, as it’s really intrigued us all. We’ve got experts studying it, as we’ve found nothing like it before. of course, other people follow those powerful people, so it makes York an important city.”

very interesting time to live through though – it was the centre of lots of interesting events.”

Blood and guts

Get involved

Knowing the time so well, does Natalie think she’d like to have lived in York back then? “It very much depends on where you were on the social scale as to what it would have been like,” says Natalie. “If you had enough money and mixed with the right crowd of people I think it would have been quite nice, but I reckon I would have been a bit of a lowly peasant, in the blood and guts of The Shambles or the castle, so I doubt I would have had a very nice time!” Natalie laughs. “It would have been a

During February half term there will be lots of medieval activities that will tie in with the exhibition, including storytelling with puppets, art workshops and dressing up. As well as the children’s activities, some of the series of talks that we have throughout the year will be based in the gallery and will focus on some of the objects in the exhibition. Visit or call 687687.

Antiques B I S H O P G AT E a n t i q u e s

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All roads lead

to Rome

You might have noticed the work being carried out at that big church in the middle of town. Part of York Minster Revealed, a five-year, £10.5 million restoration and conservation project, the works involve creating a public piazza around the south transept, improving the visitor’s experience of the cathedral and completely reinterpreting the Undercroft Museum. In the course of that work below the Minster, a fascinating discovery has been made. A section of original Roman road has been unearthed, believed to be part of the Via Quintana which ran behind the Roman basilica, over which the medieval Minster now stands. Ian Milsted of York Archaeological Trust, who is carrying out the dig, explains that this is the first archaeological investigations to take place in the Minster for over 40 years. “It’s a huge privilege, everything we find is contributing to our picture of life in ancient York.’’ As part of the Viking Festival, Ian will be giving a talk about the finds and discoveries the Trust has made at the Minster. It’s free and you can book your place, as well as find out more about the Minster, at www.


I did not know that...

First date this Valentine’s? Impress the heck out of them with these little known facts. There you are in the restaurant, gazing into the eyes of that special boy or girl over a romantic candle-lit dinner. But then you realise you haven’t spoken in 45 minutes and they look bored. You need to impress them, pronto. Easy – drop a fact-bomb. It’ll reignite conversation and make you look dead clever. “Did you know,” you ask, “that the caesarean section isn’t named after Julius Caesar? In Roman times the mother would have always died during a C-section, and Julius’s mother was recorded as surviving into his adulthood, therefore she couldn’t have had the procedure. The term actually comes from the Latin word ‘caedere’, which means ‘to cut’.”

Saturn in a giant glass of water it would float?” Wait for your date to look suitably dumb-struck and then explain that: “Saturn’s density is less than water, so it would happily float around like a ring-y dingy. But,” you say, as they salivate at your intellectual prowess, “Saturn’s volume is equal to 764 Earths, so you’d need a pretty big glass.” No? Just make sure at least one of you orders beef, as then you can release this; the most mind-blowing fact ever. “Enjoying your steak? Did you know that a cow can climb up stairs, but cannot climb down? This is because their knees don’t bend that way.” That ought to do it. Invite us to your wedding.

If that fails to impress, try: “Did you know if you put

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Investing in the future Fans of art left reeling by the recent closure of the Art Gallery on Exhibition Square should take some comfort in this. £3.5 million of Lottery-funded money has been confirmed for the regeneration of the gallery, with a further £8 million worth of grants promised for the future. The work to the Art Gallery, which closed at the end of December, will last until Easter 2015 and involve a total transformation of the exhibition spaces, as well as a new sculpture garden which will be linked to the Museum Gardens. Janet Barnes, chief executive of York Museums

We don’t Trust, said they were delighted that the Arts Council confirmed the donation. “Without such funding, the development would not have been possible on such a scale, which we believe is necessary to transform the gallery into one of the best in the country.”

artist showcase Looking for the culture leaders of the future? Keep your eyes firmly planted on the emerging contemporary artists from York St John University, who exhibited their work recently at the New Schoolhouse Gallery on Peasholme Green. The 26 students showcased their work to the public, displaying a variety of interesting works including sculpture, 2D works and installation art – one of the students even physically became part of his artwork. Don’t miss their final exhibition for their degree, taking place as part of the university’s showcase that includes work by the theatre, music, film and art students. Create 13 takes place from 13th May-1st June. n Visit

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lord Unable to contain our excitement for the upcoming Viking festival, we down a flagon of ale with the Jorvik Viking Centre’s Interactive Team Leader, Neil Tattersall. “Basically, I’m lord of the manor,” boasts Neil, 31, when asked to explain his role at Jorvik. “My Viking persona is called Sigwulf and he is a jarl, a Viking earl. So I get to boss all the other Vikings about.” Neil has been in the role for five years now and has encouraged the other front of house staff at the historical attraction to create their own characters. “Everyone has a

persona and identity that they adopt while interacting with visitors. We have warriors and traders, each with their own specific back-story and area of expertise. It certainly helps when people question you about the Vikings, or when awkward kids declare that you’re not a real Viking. If that happens I just speak to them in Norwegian – it tends to shut them up.”

A part of history “I really enjoy it though,” continues Neil. “I’m fascinated by the Vikings and I love talking to people of all ages about them every day. They played such a significant part in York’s history

and it’s an honour to tell their story. Plus, let’s face it, I get to dress up and play with swords all day – who wouldn’t find that fun?” So how is he gearing up for this year’s festival, and what part will Sigwulf be playing? “Sigwulf will be



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fighting in a hólmganga, a traditional Viking duel, in the Guildhall.” We think that sounds pretty dangerous – is it? “It can be,” says Neil. “It certainly could be for the Vikings fighting a real one. If a Viking insulted someone, they could be ‘called out’ and challenged to a duel. I, and my insulted opponent, will be fighting with spears, swords, shields and axes. Historically the winner could be entitled to claim the loser’s wife. Fortunately, I’m not married.” What else is happening this year? “There’s lots to see and do, right across the city. Visitors will really be able to experience what life in Viking York was like. We have living history camps in Coppergate, fighting demonstrations in the Guildhall, as well as talks and workshops. It’s a whole week of fun and adventure.”

arrows at the boat to set it alight. I just hope that this year we hit it! Last year, most of our arrows went wide, but fortunately a couple struck. There’s a lot of pressure with hundreds of people watching you.” Also on the day of the finale, two Viking armies will clash on the lawn in front of the Castle Museum. Will Neil be there? “Of course, I’ll be leading my troops to victory and claiming the City of York for ourselves. We promise not to make too much of a mess.” n Jorvik Viking Festival 2013 takes place across the city 16th – 24th February. See the hólmganga at the Guildhall on 18th February and the spectacular finale at The Eye of York on 23rd February. Visit

Grand finalé







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Each year the festival culminates in the dramatic burning of a Viking longship. Is the same happening this year? “Most definitely. This year I’m happy to announce that we’ll be holding the closing ceremony at the Eye of York, in the shadow of Clifford’s Tower. As in previous years I’ll be there with my Viking soldiers, shooting flaming



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Back to business We chat to Len Cruddas, Chief Executive of the Leeds, York and North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce. What does The Chamber actually do? We help businesses to start and grow, and by doing that we develop the economy. We provide a range of support, including commercial services, training, and running over 100 events per year across Leeds, York and North Yorkshire – from an annual dinner for 650 people to a small lunch for business leaders for eight people, and absolutely everything in between. We also work on developing international trade, and we represent the view of business to people who make decisions that affect business, which tends to be in the public sector. That ranges from a local to a national scale. The Chamber of Commerce isn’t a huge business – we only employ just over 30 people – but it is rather diverse and complicated, because of the things we have to do

in order to be a Chamber. We almost have to operate as if we were a bigger business. You’ve had quite a varied career. What have been the highlights? Working for The Chamber of course! The thread that ties my working life together is sport and leisure; I started off in local government because that’s where sports centres were back in the 1970s when I started, and I later worked in Manchester for Serco PLC on the Commonwealth Games, putting together the tenders and bids to run the facilities after the Games had finished. We won everything we bid for, which was great. You’re married to Gillian, Chief Executive at Visit York – what’s it like to both be so heavily involved in the York business world? We do bounce work ideas off each other at home, but we’ve got slightly different

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approaches to relaxing. I relax by switching off, and Gillian relaxes to a certain extent by just unloading stuff, so as far as Chamber Chief Executives go I’m probably the best briefed on the tourism sector! There’s also the logistics of life to contend with, because we both work odd hours. Who’s cooking tea is usually an easy one though – that would be me! Who is your business hero? I could say Gillian, but that’s too cheesy for words. I think heroes for me are generally sport-based, but I think that we know a little too much about people nowadays to necessarily have heroes – by the time I’ve Googled someone, I end up thinking I wouldn’t even have them around for tea, never mind be inspired by them. However, I find people who have achieved great things within the confines of leading a team inspirational. How do you think business in Yorkshire is performing at the moment? We survey businesses every quarter, and we’re generally getting a better response to our economic survey than what the newspaper headlines show. I don’t know if that’s because as an area we’re doing better, or if it’s because the media (apart from Your Local Link of course!) are scaremongering a bit.

tourism product, but there’s also lots of exciting things happening in terms of design and knowledgebased businesses, and new media, so it’s a relatively strong economy. Tourism is a solid foundation to build an economy on, but the strength of York is its diversity. Yorkshire is a complex model because it’s a very large geographical area and there are lots of economies operating within it. It feels to us as a Chamber that there are businesses out there that are doing quite well, but also some that are finding it tough. This recession is lasting a little longer than I expected, but it will end. What are the most challenging or enjoyable aspects of your job? The hard part of the job is helping businesses, but it’s also the most rewarding. The challenge is that it’s tough for a lot of businesses out there; and it’s tough for ourselves, because we don’t get any public funding and we’re a discretionary spend. As a Chamber every so often we have an accreditation, where we go through everything we’ve done over the past 12 months. An exercise like that makes you realise how much you’ve done. The best part of the job is the people I come into contact with though, by a long way. n Visit or call 567 838.

The York economy has a very strong


businessdiary Business lunch in York, 6th February, 12noon-2pm. Novotel York Centre, Fewster Way, YO1 9FD.

Federation of Small Businesses (YORK BRANCH) Meet on the third Monday of the month at Riverside Farm in Skelton, York YO30 IXJ. Call 629777.

Tools and techniques on search engine optimisation for your business, 14th February, 9am-12.30pm. IT Centre York Science Park YO1 5DG.

YORK BUSINESS NETWORKING 12th and 26th February from 8-10am at Fulford Golf Club, Heslington. Visit

Pure networking in York, 20th February, 7.30am-9.30am. Bedern Hall, Bedern. YO1 7AL.

NETWORK NORTH Every Wednesday from 7.30-9.30am a Hotel Du Vin, The Mount. Visit


The managerial route map to excellence, 21st February, 9am-12.30pm. IT Centre York Science Park YO1 5DG. Unleash the power of your team, 21st February,1.30pm-5pm. IT Centre York Science Park YO1 5DG. Professional skills for selling success, 22nd February, 9am-4.30pm. IT Centre York Science Park YO1 5DG. Business lunch in York at Venturefest, 28th February, 12pm-2pm. York Racecourse, YO23 1EX.

WOMEN’S BUSINESS ZONE Every third Thursday of the month from 17th January, 11am-1pm at Holiday Inn, Tadcaster Road. www. BSYNY Events for new businesses running throughout the month at York Eco Business Centre. Visit www.bysny. n If you have a business networking event coming up, please email For more business news visit

office Ask yourself… how comfortable are you at work? Do you get a sore back from that squeaky old chair? Are your clothes constantly being snagged on that splintery filing cabinet? If so, do this – walk up to your boss, slam this page of the magazine onto their desk (if they even have one) and demand they take a trip to Taylor Office Supplies. They are the one-stopoffice-supply-shop, and certainly know a thing or two about decking out your workspace as they’ve been in the business for three successful decades. Make sure your boss reads this carefully though, because

Taylors have recently moved. Don’t worry though; they’ve just popped down the road to more modern premises in Evans Business Centre, Audax Road, Clifton Moor. It’s an area the company knows well, as they were the first ever business tenants when Clifton Moor was being built! 30 years on the cows and fields may have gone, but Taylors are still going strong, providing York with everything from paper clips to office chairs, and from cleaning supplies to (most importantly) teas and coffee.

So don’t settle for second best – get down to

Taylor Office Supplies and start enjoying your work place again. Call 690288. 34


Venturing into success No longer just the home of whippets and puddings, Yorkshire is fast becoming the home of science, technology, creativity and innovative new businesses looking to change the world. Venturefest will highlight this talent, being a packed one-day event that showcases and supports these proud local entrepreneurs. On 28th February York Racecourse will be bursting with budding business bods, all vying for investment and to show off their creative ideas. n The event will be a must-see for any potential new Richard Bransons out there, so to book your place visit This is perfect for any dedicated office worker with an eye for fine design and an appreciation of the genius of Leonardo Da Vinci… and flinging small objects at colleagues. This scale replica of one of Da Vinci’s clever war machines will have everyone fascinated – then ducking for cover. We’re going to use it to attack our designer Lisa – if she complains she’ll be the Moaning Lisa. n £18.35 Available from


Who’s your hero?

As part of a new series, we look at who inspires some of our business gurus. First up, our columnist Julie Wilson from Penlife. When you think ‘business hero’ you think Richard Branson. And do you know why? Because he’s a really, really nice bloke. I was fortunate enough to meet him, albeit briefly, at a conference at the O2, and he seems to have time for everybody even though he’s clearly got a lot to do! But anyway, I’m not going to win any prizes for originality for dreaming up Richard Branson as my business hero. So I thought I’d come closer to home. My business hero – and you’d be forgiven if you haven’t even heard of him – is Hugh Facey. Hugh Facey is a straight talker from Yorkshire – a bit like me then. I’m renowned for calling a spade a spade, and so, it appears, is Hugh. If you don’t know, he invented a widget (called a gripple) that simply holds bits of wire together, so far as I can make out. Apparently holding bits of wire together was causing all manner of grief to holders of separate bits of wire. But it’s not the invention that gets my vote; it’s the bloke himself and the way he runs his business, and his whole philosophy around business, that I like. Not for him the ‘fatten it up and sell it off’ or ‘hand it on down the family’ strategy. Rather, he’s dreamt up a scheme which means his employees benefit from the success of the company, but crucially, can’t sell their ‘share’ on. Brilliant. Check out Julie’s column on p19.

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Sport report


We don’t know that much about sport – the closest we get to exercise is the daily boxing over the biscuit tin at elevenses – but luckily we know a bloke who does. He tells us about the hottest news in the world of sport in words we can understand, and makes it funny too so we don’t get distracted by a bit of fluff while we’re reading it. Thank you, Dan Tait – here is his column… No love lost February may be the month of love but there is not much going to the former cycling god Lance Armstrong. It turns out you and I have won the Tour de France as many times as he did, and it really does pour scorn on whether he did actually walk on the moon. There is also no love from the Zambian football association towards the great Lionel Messi. After Messi smashed an astonishing 87 goals in a calendar year it was widely thought that he had broken Gerd Muller’s previous effort of 85, that had stood for some 40 years. That is, unless you are Zambian, and are of the understanding that the well known Kabwe Warriors striker Godfrey Chitalu surpassed Messi with 107 being scored in 1972. They claim they can prove it too, though I haven’t found any of the 107 goals on YouTube. It’s a bit like Pele, who is one of Messi’s closest rivals in the debate for the ‘greatest footballer ever’. Clearly a football genius from what I have seen on ESPN classic, but his record of over 1000 goals is a bit inflated when you read the small print – it includes friendlies, and some people even count that goal he scored in Escape to Victory.

Holding out for a hero up a British super fight with Amir Khan, who is back to his confident best. On the local scene, Harry Matthews is back in training after a break since his defeat to Chris Eubank Jr, with a fight against Essex’s Lee Markham due to take place in April. Matthews will be the away fighter and is looking to get his career back on track after an indifferent 2012.

After Ricky Hatton’s comeback fight ended prematurely, boxing is now looking for a new hero and World Champion. Not far from our neck of the woods is Sheffield’s Kell Brook, who flies over to America to take on current IBF Champ Devon Alexander on 9th February. The undefeated and highly rated Brook aims to become a World Champion for the first time which could potentially set

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Kick in the head So I do find the Zambian claim slightly dubious, but not quite as delusional as everyone’s favourite Sir, Alex Ferguson, whose face went as red as his rose tinted spectacles when Ashley Williams blasted the ball at Robin Van Persie’s head, and Ferguson claimed his top striker could have been killed. I guess David Beckham could have been blinded when Fergie flung that boot towards his face, yet no one seemed to mention that. Even with Sir Alex being a proud Scotsman, I think hand on heart he can’t recall Taggart ever saying “There’s been a murder!” while studying the evidence of a Premier League football.

Bringing it home Sticking with football, and it was around this time last year that York City got their act together, and consistently ground out results that culminated in two memorable winning trips to Wembley. An inconsistent first half to the season has brought frustrations, but as most teams have struggled for regular points hauls, Gary Mills’ men can still harbour hopes of a late surge

towards the play-offs. Home form will be key and three Bootham Crescent games are on offer; against Morecambe on 2nd February, the rearranged fixture against Gillingham on 12th February and against’ Barnet on 16th February.

I’m saying newt Despite that epic Wembley double, it has been revealed that the promotion back to the football league cost the club nearly half a million pounds. A small price to pay to stop playing village teams and get back where the club belongs perhaps, but York City hope for a more sustainable future when moving to the new stadium, which has much more revenue opportunities than Bootham Crescent. Speaking of the new stadium, it has recently been reported that there is an influx of newts preventing the John Lewis superstore being built, which precedes the York City stadium. Rumours that those city centre shops unhappy at the John Lewis store driving custom away have been arriving in the dead of night with bags of newts have appeared unfounded. The move really is taking longer than a series of Dancing on Ice.

We’re really excited that York will host Stage Two of the Tour de France in 2014 - look out four our idiot’s guide next month!

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The first payday after Christmas is a time for joyous celebration. Why not blow it all on these fancy gadgety-goo-gahs for your significant other this Valentine’s Day? Heart Necklace USB Drive. Ah, Valentine’s Day… But chaps, what do you get that special lady in these modern times? Sure, she loves jewellery, but today’s woman is usually more concerned about what digital storage space is immediately available to her. Get her this then. The heart-shaped pendant splits apart to reveal the business end of a USB flash drive, complete with 16 gigabytes of storage. So now she can look dazzling and have somewhere to save all those videos of cats skidding on ice. LOL. £13.99. Available from Gadget rating 6/10.

Moonlight Cushion. If your plans for the 14th involve nothing more complicated than snuggling up on the sofa, then this soft gadget is for you. The Moonlight Cushion glows with gently changing lights to lull you into calm and romantic serenity. Cuddle up with your partner, dim the lights and tap the centre of the cushion to let it sooth away all the stresses of your day. Then get a-smooching. Also, on a very definitely unrelated note, this makes for a great nightlight for a child. £19.99. Available from Gadget rating 7/10.

FieldCandy ‘Get a room’ Tent. For all the singletons out there, who might be exploring the great outdoors solo but worried what people will think of you spending all that time alone, get this tent. The realistic silhouette image printed on the side will make it seem that you are constantly entangled in the intimate embrace of your beloved. By pitching this tent on the campsite on Valentine’s Day, you’ll be sure to impress passers-by with your ability to snare a mate. When in reality you are a Billy nomates. £395. Available from Gadget rating 8/10.

Smartphone APPS Warp Me. Snap a picture of your friends and make them look like total wallies with this facial morphing app. Utter! Now Android users can enjoy a voiceactivated assistant like the iPhone’s Siri. You speak it, it does it. Brilliant. Working Hour. A simple and useful app for keeping track of the hours you work, and for calculating your wages. The Snowman and the Snowdog. If you’re already missing Christmas then download this game and take a trip to the North Pole. KitCam. A beautiful camera and video app for anyone who loves taking interesting shots. Has a range of lenses and filters.

eXpect eXcellence


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your motors

RoKU LT Streaming Media Player. Smart TVs are brilliant; they let you stream content from the internet to watch on your big screen. But if you don’t have the pennies to invest in one right now, there is another way. The Roku LT is a clever little purple box that plugs into your TV and connects to your Wi-Fi network. Then you can access online channels like the BBC iPlayer, Vimeo and Sky’s Now TV. You can also check Facebook, listen to internet radio from around the world and look at pictures on Picasa and Flickr. £49.99. Available from Gadget rating 9/10.




Courtesy Car Subject to T&C’s





Horn Stand. Out and about? Wanting to take you music with you on your phone but sick of having to find somewhere to plug in your bulky speakers? Forget about it, because with the Horn Stand for iPhone 4/4S you’ll never have to worry about finding a power source ever again. This nifty rubber horn slots onto your iPhone and acoustically amplifies music by up to 13 mighty decibels. It also keeps your phone propped up on your desk and makes it look like an old fashioned telephone. £15. Available from Snowhome, 42 Gillygate. Gadget rating 9/10.

b m ot ors.



CALL NOW ON 01904 426 691 OR EMAIL: Open 5 days a week • Unit 1, The Raylor Centre, James Street, York, YO10 3DW

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It’s enough to silence all gender stereotypes forever – RAC have reported that the amount of female drivers has exceeded that of males in the USA, and it won’t be long before Britain follows suit. Experts are attributing the figures, which have risen significantly since the 1990s, to women leading more independent lifestyles. Statistics show that while there were 15.1 million male drivers in 1995 compared to a meagre 9.2 million women, there are now 16.3 million female licence holders in Britain, not far behind the current 19 million men. The report also claimed that women are driving further than they used to in the 90s – we reckon it’s all down to the Spice Girls.

Cheap as chips Young and thrifty drivers alike have cause for celebration – Britain’s cheapest car has officially been launched. At a cool £5995, the Dacia Sandero is a bargain and even boasts that it’s cheaper than some food mixers! Six grand didn’t seem particularly cheap to us, but we were then reminded that this is in fact a brand new car, rather than Gini’s 1976 Ford Anglia.

4 4 4 4


Next time you utter all manner of expletives when you prang your car reversing out of the driveway, spare a thought for this unlucky motorist. AA insurance have reported that one unfortunate lady had to claim £5500 after a nasty collision…with a squirrel. The furry scamp startled the driver when it leapt onto her windscreen, causing her to swerve into a tree and submit the huge claim. Animal-related claims are not as uncommon as we might think, either – the AA noted 112 cases in fewer than two months, with deer noted as the biggest culprit. We told you last month in our Gardening News feature to watch your backs – the squirrels are starting a revolution…

4 4 4

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your motors

A different kind of hotel Commuters are resorting to desperate measures to save on fuel prices – RAC and FairFuelUK have reported that one in 16 people confessed to sleeping in their cars to avoid the cost of driving home from work. A further three per cent admitted to camping near their workplace. We reckon it’s a dangerous business to drive while tired, and a B&B might be a better option - we’re certainly not pitching any tents in this weather (unless it’s the one from the Gadget Guide...)

Going green for racing It’s good news for eco-warriors everywhere. Rome has become the first European city to announce that it will stage the first ever FIA Formula E series for electro-powered racecars. In November McLaren announced that they would be designing and building the ‘power train’ for the first Formula E cars with built-in Spark Racing Technology, and Rio de Janeiro will be hosting a planet-friendly race too. Tree huggers need not get too excited just yet though – the cars won’t be debuting until 2014, by which time we predict there’ll probably be flying cars anyway.





9 A1





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It’s Valentines, and our expert from Kuki has some answers to your questions that may help you out! Q. I’ve not been with my current girlfriend

Q. My boyfriend will not have a relaxation

Q. I really want to go to town this year and

long, is it appropriate to treat her to a massage? Most definitely! It’s showing to her that you are caring for her and thinking of her wellbeing, and allowing time for herself. I would much prefer a beauty treatment than a box of chocolates!

treatment, he thinks it is too girly! Don’t all men! Nowadays though, it is getting more and more popular for men to have treatments. There is absolutely no way we would carry out treatments tailored for women on men. All treatments are specifically designed to suit the male or female clientele, for example, your partner could have a deep tissue or sports massage focusing on problematic areas, whilst you have an aromatherapy massage.

treat my partner to a full makeover, what do you suggest? I’d recommend going to a spa where they offer a range of treatments under one roof, so you would not have to visit various salons. Carrying out a prescriptive skin treatment, teeth whitening, hair restyle, shellac nails and a detox mud wrap is a wonderful combination to come out feeling like a million dollars.

Q. What would you recommend I purchase for my girlfriend, she has a high stress job and is always complaining about her skin. Would I insult her if I got her something like a facial? Absolutely not, why not let the specialists help your girlfriend to get the answers and results that she needs? A treatment such as a Dermalogica Skin treatment includes relaxing shoulder, feet and scalp massage during the treatment, so I think this would be a fantastic present for your girlfriend.

Q. What is a good amount to spend at Valentines? It doesn’t matter; that is entirely dependent on the person. Nowadays you can purchase beautiful gifts or gift vouchers starting from five pounds. The gesture alone is enough! If you feel you want to spend more, why not set a budget and ask a specialist for advice on tailoring a treatment package?

Q. Is a Jacuzzi good for you? Yes, absolutely! The jets of the Jacuzzi massage each area of your body, thus working on cellulite, lymphatic system and your general wellbeing. For personal and professional advice contact KUKI HAIR & BEAUTY SPA 01904 659007. Or visit our website or email mail@kukispa. com. Find us on Twitter and Facebook.

Kuki hair & beauty spa specialises in... • Spa day packages inc. lunch • Hair studio inc. extensions/wefts • Line Fillers, Anti-wrinkle treatments • Semi permanent make-up • Mens Treatments

• Caci/microdermabrasion • Group parties • Permanent hair reduction • Teeth whitening • Spa VIP area

• All massage • Wedding/party packages • Nail bar inc. acrylics • Alternative therapies • Body treatments & wraps

GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE • BOOK ONLINE Follow us on Facebook & Twitter so you don’t miss out on some amazing monthly offers Kuki Hair & Beauty Spa, Water Meadows, 367 Huntington Road, York YO31 9HR On-site car park available 42

As you can see this month Kuki are offering an amazing package for Valentines Day – why not treat a loved one? See the advert for more details! If your partner is a fanatical about their hair, they’ll love this as a Valentine’s gift – Kuki have the full range of GHDs on offer, with £20 off any purchase. They’ll love you forever. Whilst the months are cold, why not treat yourself at The Kuki Spa Experience? For just £15 per person you will receive champagne on arrival and you’ll enjoy a Jacuzzi hydra spa and infrared sauna exclusively for you and your friends or loved ones. The package is available for up to seven people. Don’t forget, Kuki still have their very own Kuki Spa Calendar Girls calendar for sale, for just £5. They are available at selected retailers and Kuki Spa.

Catherine Lightfoot,

Kuki Spa resident Independent Nurse Prescriber Catherine Lightfoot offers a number of treatments which freshen the face and help clients to age positively. The therapies treat lines, wrinkles and loss of volume in the face which may be due to the ageing process. Anti wrinkles injectables:

3 areas for £250, 2 areas for £180, 1 area for £150

the resident nurse prescriber, is offering some

amazing treatments so why not treat yourself for Valentine’s!

• Cheek augmentation, nasal labial folds and a volumising treatment for the face using Radiesse is usually £350, but in February / March it’s just £250.

Book in for February or March • Dermal fillers for lips, nasal and guarantee this fantastic offer labila folds and marionette lines for the next treatment. from £150, usually £200.

Competition All you have to do is simply log onto the website and subscribe, and one lucky reader will be picked to

win £500 worth of treatments!

Refine the lines rewind the years

Book in for a free consultation with Catherine

Call 659007 to make an appointment If you would like some independent advise please contact




£100 price per couple

£100 price per


Treat your loved one to either of the following relaxing treatments (Offer valid for 6 months after purchase)

VALENTINES DAY Champagne on arrival Champagne & chocolates Spa experience on arrival Back, neck Spa experience & shoulder Treat your loved onemassage to either of the following treatments De-stressrelaxing full body massage (OfferLunch valid for 6 months after purchase) Lunch

£125 price per couple

£125 price per

• BOOK & Champagne on arrival GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE ONLINE couple Champagne chocolates Spa experience on arrival • Mens treatments • Caci/microdermabrasion • All massage • Spa day packages inc. lunch Back, neck Spa experiencepackages • Group parties • Spa VIP area • Wedding/party • Hair studio inc. extensions/wefts hair reduction massage • Body treatments & wraps • Permanent inc. acrylics • Line Fillers, anti-wrinkle treatments & shoulder • Nail bar full De-stress body massage • Teeth whitening • Semi permanent make-up • Alternative therapies Lunch Lunch couple

Kuki also specialises in...


Kuki also specialises Open: Mon 9am-7pm / Tues in... 9am-5pm / Wed 9am-8.30pm / Thurs 9am-8.30pm / Fri 9am-6pm / Sat 8.30am-4pm / Sun 10am-4pm Kuki Hair & Beauty Spa, Water Meadows, 367 Huntington Mens treatments • Caci/microdermabrasion • All massageRoad, York YO31•9HR • Spa day packages inc. lunch • Group parties • Spa VIP area • Wedding/party packages • Hair studio inc. extensions/wefts On-site car park available • Body treatments & wraps • Permanent hair reduction • Line Fillers, anti-wrinkle treatments • Nail bar inc. acrylics • Teeth whitening • Semi permanent make-up • Alternative therapies Kuki Hair & Beauty Spa, Water Meadows, 367 Huntington Road, York YO31 9HR On-site car park available 43

T: 01904 659 007 /

Wavy hair: As we’re all loved up in honour of Valentine’s this month, we’re looking for ways to look extra pretty. Wavy hair is therefore our friend. It only takes a few minutes with a pair of straighteners or curling tongs to add a bit of bounce to your barnet, and it really softens your face. Worried about it getting wet in the rain? Worry no more – bag yourself a rain bonnet. Sorted.

Hot... Rain bonnets: The sales team all laughed at our Claire when she showed up in their office wearing a plastic rain bonnet. They said she looked like their nanas. But in the creative office, she’s started a trend. Krystal is sporting the look with great panache and Nic has barely taken hers off – you might have seen a photo of her wearing it on our Facebook page. We think it’s wonderfully vintage – team it with pretty 1950s-esque make up and you’ll look like you’ve stepped straight out of Mad Men. Fabulous, darling.


Heart-shaped accessories: Whether you’re all loved up or can’t stand Valentine’s Day, we say you should never miss an opportunity to don a heart-shaped accessory. There’s a great range of pretty and kitsch heart-shaped pieces available from boutique shops in York – try places like Shine on Gillygate and Palenque on Low Petergate for gorgeous quirky and vintage jewellery.

Not... Solo lipstick: We’re not entirely sure what it is about wearing lipstick on its own that

makes us look middle-aged, we just know that it does. Without the rest of the face made up, it adds at least a decade to our age, especially with darker colours. If you’re keen to add a touch of glam to your pout, stick to Vaseline or clear lip gloss – or risk looking like a nana (and not in a vintage rain bonnet kind of way).

Iridescent fabrics: As much as we love all that glitters, iridescent fabric – the metallic kind that looks silver but shines rainbow colours when it catches the light – should come with a warning label. It might have been all over the catwalks, but do not wear a skirt made entirely of the stuff unless you are 18 and a model. And even then, we may well point and laugh at you in the street (sorry). It probably costs a bomb, yet looks as though it is made out of the cheapest material available and also makes us Bangle. Shine Jewellery, think of space cadets from the 1970s. Gillygate. £48.00 And who wants to look like a cheap space cadet?



Wow any would-be suitors with romantic wavy hair and pillarbox red lips, and wait for the dates to line up... Volume Mousse (tested by our Krystal) I loved this mousse! My hair appeared less frizzy when styling, and it didn’t dry out my hair, but still felt bouncy and helped to keep my curls together. The product smelt gorgeous, and worked well by just scrunching through wet hair and leaving to dry naturally, without having to use straighteners or a hairdryer – though I have wavy hair naturally, so I’m not sure how well it would work on someone who had poker straight hair. n Organic Colour Systems, £10.95 Mini Lipstick (tested by our Nic) Red lips are hot any time, but especially for Valentine’s Day dates, so I was thrilled to be able to test a couple of these new mini lipsticks. Apart from being the perfect size for a handbag, they’re available in 16 lip-smackingly gorgeous colours, and the texture is creamy and silky smooth. I tried two shades from the ‘Wow’ range – there are also nudes, corals and pinks available – and adored both of them. Firelight, the lighter of the two, is perfect for both daytime and evening wear (if you’re bold!), but I would probably only dare to wear the Cajun Pepper shade for special evening occasions. The range has lots of more subtle shades that are perfect if you prefer a more restrained colour on your lips, and at such a low price for each lippie it’s well worth a look. n Front Cover Cosmetics, £4,



Get sculpted How’s the New Year diet going? What, you gave up on 2nd January? We. Are. Shocked! Never mind, there are other ways to fight the flab and battle the bumps and help is at hand. Body Sculpt, on The Shambles, offer the ultimate in pain free and non-invasive fat removal. The Liposonic treatment uses sound waves to break down fat cells in those stubborn areas that we all find difficult to shift through regular exercise. Although a minimum of six sessions is required to see fantastic results, most experience a dramatic reduction after only their first appointment. They also offer facial treatments, to help combat wrinkles and discolouration, and everything Body Sculpt do is followed up with an aftercare programme of healthy eating and exercise. n Call 629306.

Rehab Men’s Daily Detox uce Men – you are greasy! It’s true: men prod than s mug d 20% more oil on their rugge women. Deal with it with this daily scrub and from Rehab London. It gently exfoliates ka muc the all off moisturises while clearing the g durin face chap might acquire on his . day. While lumber jacking and fighting wars quite is, h whic – i It’s got sand in it from Tahit frankly, interesting. n £9.95 Available from

A prickly subject If your medicine cabinet is beginning to resemble a ransacked pharmacy, perhaps it’s time to consider an alternative to the usual pills and powders; one that will hopefully be better known after National Acupuncture Awareness Week, 25th February to 1st March.

Run by the British Acupuncture Council, the week aims to increase awareness of the benefits of traditional acupuncture. The Northern College of Acupuncture on Micklegate is supporting the campaign and launching their 2013 research projects. This year they will be looking into the

benefits of acupuncture for treating insomnia as well as headaches and muscle pain. If you suffer from any of these conditions, and are interested in knowing more, you could be eligible to join the research project. Participants will receive a free consultation followed by a half price course of acupuncture appointments, each costing just ÂŁ10 per visit. Places are limited to the first ten people signing up. n To find out more and book your place, call 343305.

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If your barnet has suffered this winter – split ends, dry, fizzy – then worry not, you beautiful people. If style is your main concern, then go and see someone with tonnes of hair styling experience. Jane Howlett has been fruitfully running Freestyle salon on Shipton Road for 30 years, citing reasonable prices, a warm welcome and use of the best possible products as the secret of her success. Jane uses quality L’Oreal products in her styling and her gentle touch and extensive experience has led to a host of repeat customers; some who have been with her from the start. n If you’re looking to freshen up your look in time for spring, give Jane a call today on 658112.

An unquestionable task How’s your general knowledge? If you’re looking to improve then perhaps a quiz would help – perhaps even the biggest quiz in the world! Macmillan Cancer Support is looking for local groups and businesses in York to host a quiz on 22nd February to raise funds for the charity. The Mammoth Quiz (which covers topics other than extinct relatives of elephants) is Macmillan’s nationwide quiz, and since 2009 has raised £68,000 and holds the Guinness World Record for the world’s largest simultaneous quiz. Macmillan are hoping that this year’s quiz will be the biggest ever, so register now. n There really is no question – visit


The par-hair-medic If your hair has been cooped up all winter beneath a woolly hat, or is slowly wilting because of the central heating, you’re probably aching to get it looked at by a professional. In which case you’ll be thankful you picked up this magazine, as we know one particular hair expert who can help. Call Wendy Smith – she has more than 30 years of experience and can offer a full service to blow away the winter cobwebs and get you set for the spring. You won’t even have to trudge along to her salon, head under a blanket, as Wendy will visit you in your own home. So get comfortable, stick the kettle on and prepare to shine. n Call 625551.

n o h t a r a M ss

e n d ma

NEW AUTUMN/WINTER s d donor sessionRANGE FOOTWEAR Bloo NOW IN STOCK! 5th February National Centre for Early Music 2-4pm & 5-7pm. 11th February Ebor Stand, York Racecourse 2-4pm & 5-7pm. 12th February Priory Street Centre 10am-12.30pm & 1.30-3.45pm. 18th February Best Western Monk Bar Hotel 2-4pm & 5-7pm. 19th February Rawcliffe, Cricket and Sports Club 1.30-4pm & 5-7pm.

26th February Acomb, Church Hall 2-4pm & 5-7.30pm. • WeParish offer other 27th February and foothealth New Earswick, Folkoptions. Hall 2-4pm & 5-7pm. wellness

You’ll know from our welcome that a group of

OPEN us have thrown caution to the wind (or lost our

Tue to Sat marbles – delete as appropriate) and signed up 10am to run a to 10K race this August. What inspired us, 5pmwas the announcement that the first ever though, marathon will be held in York on 20th October. The Plusnet Yorkshire Marathon will be staged by a new organisation under the umbrella of Jane Tomlinson’s For All Events, which already runs the successful Leeds, York, Hull and PennineLancashire 10Ks and the Leeds Half Marathon, and the event has already had plenty of celebrity support. Unluckily for us, the launch by celebs such as York-born Steve McLaren, Double Paralympic gold medallist Hannah Cockroft and

FULL PHYSIOTHERAPY SERVICE NOW AVAILABLE n For more details call 0300 1232323.

Chris Kamara, saw the event sell out in just three days, so we had to go for a shorter distance – believe us when we say we’re gutted. We do realise that some people actually keep fit for fun, though (mad fools) so if you are genuinely gutted that you didn’t get a place, fret not – there are talks underway to see whether the capacity can be increased to 6,000, which would make a further 500 places available. If you want to be put on the waiting list, register your details on the website. There may also be places available from the charity partners of the events, so contact them directly for more information.

The healthiest

shoes you’ll ever wear NEW AUTUMN/WINTER 21 Nunnery Lane, York, YO23 1AB. Tel 01904 620120 FOOTWEAR RANGE NOW IN STOCK! OPEN

Tue to Sat 10am to 5pm


Tue to Sat 10am to 5pm

• We offer other foothealth and wellness options.


The healthiest

shoes you’ll ever wear IN ASSOCIATION WITH KUKI HAIR BEAUTY SPA. 367 HUNTINGTON ROAD, YORK TEL: 01904 659007 4821 Nunnery Lane, York, YO23 1AB. Tel & 01904 620120

Back for good Remember the health and safety training giving to us as children – namely the ‘lift from the knees’ spiel to help protect our backs from painful injury? Clearly a lot of us have forgotten it as back pain affects a third of people in the UK each day and is the biggest cause of absence from work. Thankfully Arthritis Research UK has undertaken a study to find the best complementary therapy to alleviate back pain – and yoga came out on top. Yoga In York have a new six-week yoga course beginning in February, designed to help back pain sufferers feel better, improve core strength and make a few new friends as well. The course begins on 10th February at 10.30am, and there are also regular classes every Tuesday at 7.15pm. n Visit

Tri your hand Think you’ve mastered your favourite sport? Looking for a new challenge? How about getting to grips with three different sports at once? York Triathlon Club – those giants of cycling a bit, then swimming a bit, then running a bit – are hosting a ‘kickoff’ event for their 2013 season at the Rat Race store, Clifton Moor. Go along at 7pm on 13th February, whether you are a seasoned pro or a green-tinged newbie. It’s a great chance to meet the existing members of the club, chat to the coaches and find out more about their plans for world domination. There will be discounts off membership costs and renewals on the night, bargains to be had in store and the chance to order your club kit for the summer. More details about the club can be found at



Cheque please… This lucky lad thought he was about to get a bit luckier when his date suggested they go somewhere quieter. To her however, ‘quieter’ meant drunkenly dragging him to Subway and proceeding to yell expletives as she began to drop a meatball marinara all over herself. Tasty…

Anyone for

Break from the norm this year with our tips for an ‘alternative’ Valentine’s Day… Stand up for yourself: A far cry from restaurants full of bitter couples; treat yourselves to a laugh at the Grand Opera house with the comedic musings of Russell Kane on 14th February. Better still, if you’re single, Kane’s self-deprecating stand-up style will help you laugh your way to feeling better about yourself. n Visit Everybody salsa: If you and your other half have reached the point where Valentine’s Day equals staying on the couch with a packet of Maltesers, why not get out and try salsa? Take your two left feet down to La Tasca on Swinegate, which runs classes for beginners every Thursday – it’s an excuse to get up close and personal with your partner and burn off a few calories. n Call 07850 240419. Spook yourself silly: So it may be a little early – or a little late – for Halloween, but York’s Ghost Trail is a perfect way to get away from nauseating couples. Take your loved one or single friend to the Ghost Hunt, which leaves from the west doors of The Minster every evening – the spooks you’ll encounter should be enough to rouse a few cuddles. n Call 633276.



If the highlight of your summer is hearing the call of “New balls!” and “Out!” then you are either a bit weird, or you’re a fan of Wimbledon. Gear up for this year ’s festival of racquets and rain by getting fit, making some friends and improving your game. Heworth Tennis Club on East Parade is open to anyone – there’s not even a need to be a member. Tennis is great for general fitness and players of all levels are welcome to go along and join in. There are mens, ladies and mixed teams who play in the local leagues, as well as lots of opportunities for the latest miniature McEnroe and the next wee Williams. n To find out more call 425888.



Planning on

proposing? If the 14th is ear-marked as ‘Big Question’ day, here’s some inspiration.

Sky-high. Hire a sky-writer to spell out the message in the clouds and then get your lovely lady to look up. Make sure you hire one that can spell. And fly. Let her eat cake. Bake a cake with the ring inside, or buy one and carefully place the ring between the layers. Serve it to her making sure she gets the piece with the ring. Don’t attempt this without first knowing the Heimlich manoeuvre. Surprisingly portrayed. Sit for a pavement portrait artist and have them sketch a picture of you proposing (make sure your lady can’t see the picture). When he reveals the picture, and your girlfriend is appropriately confused, bend your knee for real and whip out the ring. Just be careful passersby don’t blurt out “Why is he drawing him proposing?” Will you tube marry me? Film your proposal and upload it to the internet. Send her the link, saying it’s a very shocking video. Just make sure someone is there to film her reaction, which in turn can be put online. Because you’re modern.





Valentine’s Day: a time for love, romance and luxury. Fancy winning some brownie points from your lover? Book a pampering session with the lovely Marcelle from Heavenly Nails and Beauty for both of you. You don’t need to tell them that you got it for a steal, though – full body massages are on offer for £20 (usually £30). Then you can enjoy a divinely romantic evening with your partner, with a relaxing massage in the comfort of your own home. Lush. Guys, the best way to a woman’s heart is to surprise her, so why not book a nail treatment for her too? Marcelle is offering Shellac fingers and toes for £25. If your girl is into all things sparkly, then treat her to Rock Chick toes, with finger polish that complements the colours on the toes, for £30. Our Sarah is a huge fan of the Rock Chick effect (hint, hint!) and the rest of the office are rapidly falling in love with it too. Marcelle is also offering a full set of acrylics for £20, so whatever style your lady likes, Marcelle will be able to create something she’ll love. Marcelle already offers a wide range of treatments for both ladies and gents, including waxing, manicures and pedicures – which she says are becoming ever more popular with the gents – and she’s hoping to expand her offering even more, with hair styling, eyelash extensions and semi-permanent mascara. n Visit or call 07710 669 945.

Best feet forward Footcare Works on Nunnery Lane, provide both a full range of comfortable and fashionable shoes as well as custom-made orthotics – special shoes to help with foot problems. They are pleased to announce the appointment of Dian Walker to their team, allowing them to offer biomechanical and physiotherapy assessments. Dian is a registered physiotherapist who has recently returned to the UK after working in British Columbia, Canada. Whilst in Canada she specialised in postural re-education, chronic pain and arthritis. For the last ten years she has also run a private physiotherapy clinic, specialising in foot orthotics for various musculoskeletal problems. Footcare Works offer a three year guarantee and tailor make orders the same day. n Call 620120.


Louise Elsey

“A tailor made smile”

A complete full set of teeth start from only £570 01904 621199 (which includes any aftercare) and consists of private teeth with a service to match 50 Fossgate, York YO1 9TF

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Louise Elsey



Heart to heart There are hearts everywhere at the moment thanks to Valentine’s Day (much to Donna’s dismay – check out her column) but perhaps a more worthwhile use of the symbol is by the British Heart Foundation. Now, York resident Andy Kirby has brought our attention back to the vital work done by BHF by becoming the first fundraising volunteer on the organisation’s National Council – an advisory body made up of 30 members across Britain. Andy, who lives in Stillingfleet with his wife Jo and his children

eat… Would like to m y-in-love t for this unluck Spare a though ind en set up on a bl reader, who’d be r he d ise who prom date by a friend r.’ he ot ch ‘perfect for ea they would be d ye -e ue de-haired, bl She was a blon le he was an semi-veg , whi ndsome. tall, dark and ha And a butcher.

Jake, aged 10, and Esme, aged 7, has already helped to raise £58,185 as Chairman of the BHF York and District Area Fundraising Committee since January 2011. This isn’t the first time the BHF York Committee has been in the spotlight – last year member Bob Taylor appeared alongside actor Vinnie Jones for the charity’s high profile poster campaign to support hands-only CPR TV adverts. n To find out more, visit

Back in our day, it used to be called a leavers’ ball. Nowadays, the American style prom is all the rage for school leavers – and the glitzier, the better. It’s often a time of heightened emotions, pondering about what to do next while searching for the perfect outfit. Now, help is at hand in the form of Prom and Beyond, a one-day event at the Royal York Hotel on 10th February from 11.30am-4.30pm. The day aims to lighten the load by providing a one-stop shopping experience and advice on post-school options for those planning their prom and preparing for post-school life as informed, capable and independent young adults. Fondly remembering your prom? It’s time to pass on the baton and let someone else shine. Dust the cobwebs off that suit or prom dress and get some cash by re-selling it on the Preloved Prom stand at the show. n Call 898069 or visit


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Your dream day, sorted

As the snow melts and the days begin to get longer, we can all finally start to look to the year ahead with renewed… oh no! You haven’t booked a photographer yet and your wedding is just a few months away! Calm down, it’s all in hand. Get to the Pavilions of Harrogate on the weekend of the 23rd February. The Wedding Show will make all your dreams come true, and possibly even inspire a few you’re yet to have. Gathered together under one roof will be over 100 handpicked wedding specialists, offering the very finest from flowers and favours, to stationery and string quartets. There will also be spectacular catwalk shows, beauty experts on hand and buckets of fabulous entertainment providers. It’ll be worth getting engaged just to go. n Call 01925 661890.

Fayre’s Fair Love is most certainly in the air, and if you’re planning your wedding then February is a great month to gather inspiration for your big day. One wedding fayre you won’t want to miss is at The Parsonage Country House Hotel & Spa in Escrick on 17th February from 11am-3pm. Whether you need to find a baker extraordinaire or a photographer, a beautician or the perfect wedding car, there will be specialists galore out to impress. Plus, you’ll get the chance to check out the gorgeous grounds at The Parsonage, where you can book a wedding for less than £3000 – leaving you more cash to spend on the little touches that make your day personal to you. n Visit or call 728 111.

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your pets

PET TALK in association with MINSTER VETS

Q. Is it possible to poison goldfish by overfeeding them? How much and how often should they be fed?

Q. I’ve recently realised that my pet Beagle is overweight – what should we feed him to help him trim down, and how often should we walk him?

Fish should be fed once daily, and it is recommended that you should only feed them what they can eat in two minutes. Too much waste food in the tank could start to become toxic and can pollute the water.

Trying to slim down our beloved pets is not always as simple as you might first think. It would be easy to assume that we could buy the light variety of the food that we’re currently feeding our pets, and we’ll see the weight drop off, but not so in most cases.

They are omnivores so will eat plants, algae lava and worms. You can buy shrimp and worms that are a good treat to give your fish, but only as a treat every three to four weeks. However, a good fish flake will offer your goldfish a suitable balanced diet.

Q. I’ve found a lump on my cat’s back – should I be worried?

Exercise is vital in these pets, and you are better off taking him for three or four short walks daily rather than two large walks. Often with weight increase there will be a degree of joint pain in the pet which will limit the amount of exercise; also the build up fat that covers the ribs will limit the lung capacity of the pet. In most cases these pets need to be given a specialist restricted diet, one that will enable the body to use up the excess fat stores and convert them in to energy for the pet to use. These are prescribed by the vet and will need to be monitored on a monthly basis due to the nature of the food. Contact your vets and ask for a weight check for your dog.

Lumps come in all shapes and sizes; some are harmless and others are not. I would advise you to get an appointment with your vet for them to give the cat a full health check and examine the lump. The vet may discuss with you if it would be advisable to remove the lump. They may wish to send off a small sample of the lump to a laboratory to analyse the cells, or they may wish to remove the whole lump and send this off. Depending on the age of the cat, they may also advise that if they are going to administer a general anaesthetic, then it may be wise to take a small sample of blood to have this checked to ensure that your cat is fit and well.

Need help? Write to us at the address on page 5, or email Mark your question ‘Pet talk’.


your pets

Give us a


Have a home? These cutie-pies need one. LUCY: Lucy has been with the RSPCA for seven doggie years now. She likes a good stroll and would love to go to a home with children over ten or other big dogs to play with. SPIDER: Spider loves a kickabout, is loyal, protective and good on the lead. His idea of the perfect companion is somebody he can protect – ideally older children or teenagers. n If you could give any of these dogs a home call: 01904 654 949 or visit RSPCA, Landing Lane, York HORLICKS: This affectionate young lady was brought in after her owners couldn’t bring pets to their new house. A little threadbare from over grooming herself, Horlicks needs a new owner to help her relax after a stressful upheaval. CATHERINE: This bashful feline was born in the countryside and didn’t meet many new people as a kitten. She’ll warm to you pretty quickly if you feed her however – Catherine is as hungry as she is lovable. n If you’re interested in finding out more about these adorable moggies, or any of the cats at York Cats Protection, call 760356.


Howard Mosley-Chalk is a father and husband. But more importantly he is a man. As a boy he assumed he would grow up to be either the first human on Mars or a sweetie tester. But at 31 he finds himself writing for Your Local Link. These are his (un)manly words.

A Striking Viking

The season of romance draws near as Valentine’s Day approaches. I have in the past mentioned my failed attempts at romance, including when I got an ex-girlfriend a Bop-It! hand held game, when perhaps flowers and chocolates would’ve been more appropriate. Apparently. I tend to forget about Valentine’s Day. Having now lived in York for nearly 13 years I associate February with Vikings, not romance. The annual


Viking Festival is a bit of a highlight for me, as I love history and enjoy watching historical re-enactments (I’m originally from Doncaster, where all history was knocked down in the 1960s and turned into a shopping centre).

who tour around the world promoting Viking heritage. One of them heckled me at the end of the rap, saying, “No. This axe you carry is not Viking. This axe is medieval, you fool!”

Bad Viking

It wasn’t the first time I was embarrassed by my Viking inaccuracies. While at university I auditioned to have a full cast taken of my body, to be included in the Jorvik Centre regeneration. The man running the audition took one look at me and said, “No. Too Saxon looking. Next!” I’d never been more ashamed (or indeed aware) of my genetic heritage.

One year I took my interest a step further. For the festival in 2007 I approached the Jorvik Viking Centre and asked to be involved with my own special (and not completely serious) Viking history walk. They said yes. I know; I was shocked too. Every night of the festival I led a huge crowd of locals and tourists on a tour of our city, dressed as a ‘modern Viking’ (I wore a horned helmet and trainers) and sang silly songs about Vikings that never existed. I also carried an axe, which I named Chris. Chris had his own rap: “Everybody give it up, this is Chris my axe, He’ll chop off your head then he’ll send a fax To your mum, saying you is dead, If she starts to cry he’ll lock her in a shed!” The walk wasn’t quite what people were expecting, including a group of genuine Vikings from Norway,

Axe the Sax

But regardless of my failures on both subjects, I hope you enjoy the festival and have a happy Valentine’s. P.S. While writing this I’ve realised that I have, once again, completely forgotten about Valentine’s Day. Ah well, the missis is pregnant at the moment and suffering from a bad case of ‘Pregger Brain’. The other day she put her phone in the fridge and I found a peeled potato in our bed. Looks like I’ll get away with it this year.

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your family

Don’t bother going to Mercury This month I have mostly been learning about the planets. During the course of my research (done while on the bus and sitting on the loo) I determined that the planet I would least like to live on is Mercury. Mercury, the smallest planet, also has the fastest orbit, whizzing once around the sun every 88 Earth days. However, the planet spins very slowly on its axis, meaning that a ‘day’ would last for 176 Earth days. On a normal day I usually run out of stream by lunch time, so living on Mercury would be exhausting. And we’d have to celebrate New Year twice a day. Forget it.

Playground, revisited # 4 – What Time is it, Mr Wolf? A wolf is nominated. Despite the game’s name, this does not have to be a male. Mr Wolf waits at one end of the play area facing away, while the other players line up at the other end. They call in unison: “What time is it, Mr Wolf?” Mr Wolf, still facing away, picks a time. “Six o’clock,” he might reply, meaning the players must advance toward him by six steps. This continues, always with the wolf unaware of how close the players are to him, until he decides to answer: “Dinner time!” at which point he turns and chases the players back to their starting point. If he succeeds in catching someone, they will become the wolf for the next round.


t: 01904 642666 & 01904 490339

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Back in short trousers

To help our dear readers better understand the meaning of irony, last month we highlighted our own lack of schooling by printing two incorrect contact numbers for local York primary schools. The affected schools were Poppleton Road Junior School, (correct number: 553388) and Burton Green Primary, (correct number: 552380). Please carefully cut around this article and glue to the inside back cover of last month’s issue. We can only blame the pre-Christmas staff outing we had, because as our turkey input increased, our productivity wilted like a Christmas tree next to radiator. We do take mistakes seriously, though – so we’re sorry about that. While we’re chatting about schools, did you know that although each school has its own contact number there is a general council number you can also call? For any general advice about your child’s education, from applying for a school place to information about free school meals or assistance with the costs of uniforms, please contact the School Services team on 551554 or email However, if you need to contact a specific school, regardless of whether your child actually attends, call them directly. And say hi from us.

Fun family friendly fact

Cracking your knuckles doesn’t lead to arthritis. The sound you hear when you crack your knuckles is actually bubbles of gas popping and can be beneficial for your tendons and muscles.


A good sign

If you are part of a group or society worth shouting about, you can always upload your details to www. for the whole of York to see. One such group who did so were Accessible Arts and Media’s (AAM) award winning choir, Hands & Voices. We thought they sounded so interesting we decided to take a closer look. Established in 1997 to enable people with learning and communication difficulties to easily express themselves, Hands & Voices were amongst the first pioneers of singing

and signing choirs. The choir’s unique style of mixing singing with sign language means members can reap all the benefits associated with being part of a choir. Their repertoire is as big as the group’s enthusiasm, ranging from rap to opera and a large amount of original material. AAM have been working within the community for 30 years and offer a wealth of activities and workshops. From painting to film, there's something for everyone. n Find out more about the choir at

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your family

¡Buenos Días! We grab a copy of Little Fidgets new Spanish songs and rhymes for children CD and get Howard’s daughter Ava to review it. We’re thinking of getting her in to replace Howard… I liked dis shiny disk. Daddy put it da music box and made it make songs. They were in a funny language. Daddy said it was spannerish, which is what they talk in Spain. I didn’t believe him. Anywoo, I liked the music. My fave was The Wheels on da Bus, which in spannerish goes Las ruedas van dando vueltas, dando vueltas, dando vueltas, which made me laugh loads. I also liked ¿Cuantos años tienes? It means, how old are you? Tengo dos años, I sez, coz I’m two. It is a ded good CD, and I will tell all me fwends to buy it. Daddy sez British Airways have started to use it on their big aereoplanes, so it has to be good. Get on a pomputer and click on a web to www.

Hopping good fun

Swimming Lessons

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Shatter your boredom and shine a big light to banish those winter shadows! Get set for an incredible time this spring all thanks to Henrietta Rabbit and her funny friends. Tell all your pals to get over to your place pronto, as some pretty magical entertainers are on the way, sure to make your party a big hit. They have magicians, circus performers, clowns, fairies and even a six foot tall lion who loves to be hugged – something for everyone.

Private Tuition Available Held at Queen Margaret’s School , Escrick

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Anything but a shambles

We talk to the winning writer of our recent short story competition, Elizabeth Napier.

“Quite frankly, I was amazed,” says Elizabeth, speaking of when she first heard she had won. “I was just heading out when the phone rang. I nearly didn’t pick it up. I’m certainly glad that I did!” Elizabeth, 67, from Haxby, admits that before entering the competition she didn’t have a lot of experience with fiction writing. “In 2010 I went along to a U3A Creative Writing group. I began writing a few short romantic stories, but although I enjoyed

writing them, I found that the stories tended to take over my mind a little. I’d be kept awake at night, thinking about the characters I’d created.” It was that interest in character that led Elizabeth to take a guided history tour of York. “I was fascinated by The Shambles. During the tour I could really imagine how the street must have appeared centuries ago. From there, a story started to formulate in my mind.”

The winning short story, which Elizabeth says she wrote quite quickly, features The Shambles of yesteryear – when the street was crammed with butchers’ shops and ripe with the stench of meat and offal. “I was a little horrified to learn what conditions were like in The Shambles, and I tried to recreate a world of smells, strange sights and danger.” We certainly think she did that very well, which is why our panel of judges, including our own best-selling author Donna Douglas (or, as we know her, Donna Hay), chose ‘Shambles Survival’ as the winner. The story, which has a surprising twist ending, will feature in our forthcoming anthology, along with the runners-up from the hundreds of stories entered into the competition. The anthology, which will be available as an ebook with all proceeds going to York charity S.N.A.P.P.Y, will also include a foreword by BBC Look North’s Harry Gration. Here’s a taster: he loved it.

Have a heart Valentine’s Day doesn’t always have to be about flowers and chocolates. This year, show a little love for your community by supporting a local charity – here are some of our favourites. York Mind – Supporting working-age adults, York Mind helps those in recovery from previous mental health conditions. They support these individuals by tackling mental health-related issues such as social inclusion and learning. You can play your part by attending a charity fashion show in Ampleforth on 23rd March. Call 643364. The Family Fund – Based in Alpha Court, Monks Cross, The Family Fund’s aim is to help families with severely disabled children under the age of 16 by giving them grants to improve their quality of life. Visit www.justgiving .com/FamilyFund to donate. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation– The JRF want to inspire social change for people and places in poverty, by addressing nationwide issues such as minimum income standards and an ageing society. Call 629241. Jessie’s Fund – Communication is one of the most basic needs for everyone. Jessie’s Fund, based in Priory Street, believe that children with disabilities can express themselves through music, and aim to treat children through music therapy programmes. Call 658189.

COY Fostering A5 Leaflet :Layout 1 14/03/2010 13:58 Page 2

Fostering... Thought about it? Do it!


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your family

Learning made easy at home

Love to learn...

Email, Google, Skype & more! Computer set-up

“The secret of all nature is to be found in the soul of the child.” So said Dr Maria Montessori, leading innovator of classroom practices. It is an ideal that the York Montessori Nursery hold onto firmly, at both their Fulford and Strensall locations. The nursery staff believe that given the right environment, children will flourish, excel and have tremendous fun. They strive to provide a calm, productive atmosphere and focus on the individual child, to encourage a lifelong love of learning and skills for school and the future. n If you think your child would benefit, call 490339.

A riot of rascals Getting out into nature is great for kids; exploring the big wide world, encountering animals and growing food. If you are currently looking for day care for your little explorer, but are worried that they may end up cooped up indoors all day, then get green. Little Green Rascals is a fully organic day nursery on Elvington Lane for children from birth to five years, with a playful emphasis on getting outdoors and being messy! Each day is filled with activities, fabulous food, drama games and snuggles. They also have dance, music and French lessons, as well as other ways to get creative. Little Green Rascals is so much fun the rascals themselves won’t even realise they are learning. Call 607959.


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TGI Saturday Clearly the over 50s in York have been having a whale of a time recently. Apparently they’ve been hitting Strensall Day Care Centre pretty hard – playing games, baking, crafting, exercising, dancing and generally having a natter – so much so that they have to open on Saturdays to keep up with demand. From 6th April the centre on Ox Carr Lane, Strensall, will be open 10am-4pm, offering a place people over 50 to go who are looking to socialise and have fun. They also have some places available during the week, so get in there quick before they’re snapped up. n Call 490461.

i-Travel, you travel, we all travel…

Befriend a friend We all love socialising with our friends, especially at this time of year when it can be difficult to get out and all we want to do is stay in and chat. There are some older people who don’t have anyone to talk to, which can leave them feeling lonely and isolated. Luckily Age UK York have formed the dedicated Befriending Team. Befrienders volunteer their time

to visit people over the age of 60, to chat, gossip and generally have a laugh over a cup of tea. Age UK provide all the training needed and match people based on shared interests, so you’re guaranteed to have something to talk about. n If you are interested in volunteering, call 627995.

City of York Council is urging us to consider how we get about in 2013. As part of the council’s i-Travel scheme, the Council is encouraging commuters, residents and visitors to think about using alternative routes to work and leisure around York, such as catching buses, walking or hopping on your bike. Dave Merrett, Cabinet Member for Transport, is firmly behind the initiative, wanting to build upon York’s existing status as one of the top UK cycling cities. “i-Travel is about encouraging people to make sustainable journeys and we want to encourage even more people to consider changing their commuting habits and choose cycling, walking or taking a bus. We also have one of the best Park & Ride services in the UK, with over four million journeys ever year, and are working to improve local bus services.” n For tips on finding alternative ways around this gorgeous city, visit

Emersons Funeral Directors and monumental masons


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Howard liked playing with Lego, while Nic enjoyed dressing up as the Little Mermaid – complete with tail – and hopping around the mean streets of Doncaster. But what were your favourite childhood toys? The chances are you might see a few of them at The Castle Museum from 14th February, making up the displays of Toy Stories, their latest exhibition. Visitors will be able to take a trip back to their childhoods and rediscover bikes, bath toys, computer games and beautiful hand-made dolls that are among the toys on show from the last 150 years. Which did you used to play with? That isn’t the only reason to visit the Castle Museum this month either. Kirkgate, the recreated Victorian street, is now even bigger with more alleys and snicket ways to explore! n Visit

your family

Toys R Them

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A force of trust You may know The Wilberforce Trust, the organisation that provides housing and care, for the work they do with people with disabilities – but do you know they also offer a range of courses, classes and social gatherings? Art classes are available for those who fancy being creative, but who find it hard due to a disability or learning challenge. You can try your hand at mosaics, bead and threading, printing and collage.

Individually designed memorials Letter cutters But if you just want a natter with some friends, both old and new, the trust also Additional inscriptions offers a social club and games night with refreshments and rounds of bingo. There’s also a safety course to help build confidence while out in public, as Renovations and cleaning well as a Tai Chi taster class to help maintain strength and improve well-being. n It seems they’ve got everything you could ever hope for a fun night out, so Grave care packages available pick up the phone and call 760037. Competitive prices Free quotations Free brochure on request

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Discount Design get cosy with our romantic table-décor guide FEBuary 2013


Lowdown Step away from the art chairs!

Property Insider The latest stories from the world of property and interiors - would you spend £200 million on a house? A dummies’ guide to… Our tech expert Matt Todd explains how hard disk recorders work. < We’re in love with the range from Fletcher’s Fabric.

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Transform your conservatory with a Guardian Roof The Guardian Warm Roof System is the biggest revelation to hit the home improvement market in the last ten years. You can now change your old conservatory roof for a new Guardian Roof and effectively turn your old conservatory into a new extension that can be used all year round. The complete changeover takes around three to four days with very minimal disruption to your household. The Roof System is designed to replace the existing glass or polycarbonate roof of a conservatory while retaining the original windows, doors, frames and walls. At the same time providing substantial energy cost savings. Fully tested and approved to all thermal and structural standards, the Guardian system is a high performance insulated roof system comprising of a pre-engineered lightweight frame, two layers of rigid insulation board, internal insulated plasterboard, exterior grade plywood, vapour membrane and a choice of external tile finishes.

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Guardian roof conversion would be exempt if it was at ground level, does not exceed 30m2 floor area, be thermally separated from the building it is attached to, have an independent heating system from the main building and have glazing that meets Part N in the critical zones. However, Building Control approval should always be sought. But, with Guardian systems being LABC certified, this process should proceed without complication. The Guardian Warm Roof Conversion System is fully compliant for use in a conventional situation such as an extension and has been fully approved by LABC for use as a full replacement conservatory roof. With Building Control approval, Guardian high performance insulated roof conversions may allow the removal of the wall between the house and the conservatory, offering the flexibility to extend and enlarge an existing kitchen, living room or bedroom. Please TWS free on 0800 0280675 for more details.

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Each of these elements has been fully tested and approved by independent industry experts to evaluate thermal performance, structural performance, condensation risk and quantify energy savings. The Guardian roof best practice approach has enabled the Local Authority Building Control (LABC) to certify the Guardian Roof System as a LABC Registered System. In some cases the

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what’s hot

and what’s not

We’ve got the lowdown on what the well-dressed home is wearing...


Matching muted colours: February is when the New Year really starts, once all the Christmas clutter has been cleared, your energy levels begin to rise and your bank balance seems (relatively) healthy. Now is the time to relax and get comfortable in your home, getting back to basics and looking forward to spring. Complimenting pastels such as light greens and browns will add the calming neutrality you’ve been sorely missing throughout winter. Mirrors: Catch that budding sunlight and use it. Large mirrors in the middle of feature walls will add a


sense of much needed light and space. The choice of frame is up to you, but right now bold and ornate is as hot as you look, staring at your own reflection. Clusters of smaller mirrors also help to add depth to the most cramped and littlest of rooms and work as a great and inexpensive feature.

Rag wreath: Wreaths aren’t just for your front door at Christmas, as through the centuries they have been used to symbolise birth and prosperity – plus we reckon they epitomise shabby chic. You can clobber together a rag wreath cheaply and easily, by tying short scraps of different coloured material to a hoop or large ring. Unlike a wreath of flowers and leaves this one will never wilt, staying vibrant and pretty all year round.


Purple: Come on, we’ve had enough. A lot of us have been splashing this over our walls for a while now and to be honest, we’re sick of it. Purple is a mixture of red and blue, two colours that prompt strong feelings and emotions. After the palaver of Christmas we just

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don’t need that level of stimulation any more. Take our advice – paint over the purple with a nice light colour (such as the ones we mentioned last month) and enjoy more light in your rooms and a happier, less stressful life.

your home

another touch of personality in a room normally dominated by a Japanese slab of plastic. You don’t live in a pub, do you? Art chairs. Chairs are for sitting in. You stick your bum on the soft bit, lean your back against the upright bit and relax, getting on with whatever it was you sat down to do – be it to work or to relax. Chairs should not be an opportunity to show off the ratio of cash to stupidity you have, and how you care more about guests saying, “Wow, how much did that cost?” rather than, “Can I sit here?” Lose the flash, save the cash and buy some actual furniture. Your bum will thank you.

Wall-mounted TV: Not only does it make the focal point of your living room a rectangle of empty glass, having your flat-screen TV mounted on the wall is often bad for your neck as you crane up to gawp at it. Stop straining to see your TV and put it on the floor or a low cabinet like a sensible person. Cabinets with closable doors are brilliant to tidy the telly away when not in use, allowing you

Senior Citizen Discount

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All you need

is love

Relight my fire Well, what’s a candlelit dinner without the candles? Skinflint: This tea light holder will cast a very pretty shadow over your table. ❤ £3.99 Dunelm Budget: This ‘loves me, loves me not’ candle asks what you’re too scared to… ❤ £15.49 Yankee Candle Blow out: If you’re going all out, this Wild Fig and Cassis candle is bound to impress. ❤ £38 Jo Malone

Create a romantic mood this Valentine’s Day with our guide to setting a lovely table.

(and good grub) A rose by any other name…

House your blooms in style with these gorgeous vases. Skinflint: This red vase even comes with a flower – two birds, one stone... n £2 Wilkinson

blow out

Budget: Give your meal a 1920s feel with a stunning Martini glass vase – great for a prawn cocktail starter to share, too. n £8.99 The Range Blow out: A metalized vase by Conran will lend your table an air of true sophistication. n £29.50 M&S




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your home

All right, petal? Steer clear of real rose petals, which can stain fabric, and use fake ones instead. Faux Rose Petals. £1, Poundland, Low Petergate / Monks Cross,

LOVE BITES... We just couldn’t resist these little accessories – hopefully they’ll make you irresistible too (though you don’t need any help, of course – you’re gorgeous).


Light a spark: Set your partner’s world on fire with this Flaming Cake Fountain. Just make sure you do it figuratively, not literally… £1.99, Give the Dog a Bone, Fossgate www.

Top up? Show off your stylish side with this gorgeous wine carafe. £24, Snow Home, Gillygate

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Keep up to date on the latest design trends & property news Ker-ching! Bored of your current digs? There’s a lovely new house that’s just cropped up in London’s Piccadilly. The property, which was once a nightclub named ‘In and Out’, boasts 48 bedrooms, a gym, an underground swimming pool and a 35,000 bottle wine cellar with gorgeous views over St James’ Park. This cosy abode is perfect for first-time buyers looking to start a family. One more thing – did we mention it’s the most expensive house in Britain? The mansion is sure to make even oil tycoons’ eyes water at a cool £200 million. Ouch!

Playing catch up Who said anything about a north and south divide? It’s good news for us northerners here in York – a recent slump in property prices in London has caused the north/south gap to narrow. While the appeal of buying property is diminishing countrywide, the demand in the north has only fallen by four per cent compared to a massive 12% in the south. The boffins on the property scene blame the slump on the deflation price of -0.3 per cent in London, which is at its lowest since October 2010. So next time somebody tells you it’s grim up north, tell them to think again!


Re-design your home with

your Smartphone

Nobody likes decorating – you have turn your house upside down, spend hours picking between 50 shades of magnolia, and to top it all off, dress up like Rab C Nesbitt just to paint the kitchen. Lucky for us it’s 2013 and we have the magic of Smartphone apps, and the lovely people at Country Home have just launched their own app to help you give your castle the perfect country home feel. With over 150 country-inspired recipes, craft and decorating ideas, you can have the wisdom of Your Local Link interviewee Kevin McCloud in the palm of your hand. Don’t forget the top tips he gave to us in our November issue – wash your windows, people!

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your home

Make hay while the sun shines

Tax-i for the Bahamas, please

Britain isn’t exactly renowned for its wonderful weather. There is hope however – next time you think about binning your brolly and relocating to Spain, give Sussex a go. The county has been named as the sunniest place to live in Britain, averaging a cheery 1659 hours a year, just so long as you’re willing to fork out for the average £263,082 house prices. Spare a thought though for the poor folk in Caernarfonshire in Wales, who suffer with 1838mm of rainfall a year – makes our 639mm a year in York look rather paltry in comparison!

Known for their sunny beaches and Bond filming locations, the Bahamas have always been a very popular holiday choice. With over 700 different islands to choose from, there’s no shortage of choice over in the Caribbean. For property tycoons, however, they are now becoming increasingly appealing for a different reason: the lack of tax. wwThe carefree archipelago benefits from no VAT, capital gains, wealth or income tax, making them very desirable to wealthy expats, and indeed we happy folk at Your Local Link – we’re just waiting for our lottery numbers to come up. Only joking – we couldn’t bear to leave our lovely city for good. Even though the thought of cocktail umbrellas on a sunny beach is very tempting right now…

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Want to be a domestic goddess like our Rach? Follow our handy hints and your home will be sparkling in no time! k Put vinegar on a cloth and drape over the top of the kitchen taps to remove hard water stains. k Step to it. Icy outdoor steps? Mix one teaspoon of washing-up liquid, one tablespoon of rubbing alcohol, and 1/2 gallon hot water and pour over the steps. They won’t refreeze. k Hidden secrets. Keep track of what colour paint your walls are by writing the colour and brand of the paint on the inside of the light switch cover. k Grab a bag. Big family? Give everyone a mesh washing bag for laundry and when full, wash each one separately, still in the bag. No confusion over whose socks are whose.

k Stink-be-gone. Smelly fridge? Wrap baking soda in a coffee filter for a cheap odour absorber. k Pressing issue. Thinking about buying a laminator? You already have one. Use your iron to seal laminate pouches. k Hot stuff. Have some copper to clean? Use tabasco sauce, rinse then polish with a clean cloth. k Ping and clean. Use your microwave to disinfect plastic cutting boards. Wipe the surface with a lemon then heat on full power for one minute.

Follow RACHEL on

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Dummies’ guide to:

hard drive recorders Electrical expert Matt Todd makes it easy to understand the latest technology. This month he tackles those clever boxes that let you pause live TV.

Everyone’s getting in on the plus revolution but what’s it all about? Started by Sky over a decade ago, the plus sign was used to signify a decoder equipped with a hard drive (so far so boring), but what users quickly found out was the ease with which they could now make recordings of their favourite programmes. Of course, not everyone has a satellite dish, or a love for lining the pockets of large sinister corporations, so fortunately newcomers to the market like Freeview, freesat and YouView are able to offer us a free alternative – and I’m pleased to report they are every bit as good and, most importantly, as easy to use. In the good old days a few plucky souls figured out the intricacies of the video plus system to make rather grainy recordings on tape. Fast forward 20 years and you can now, at the press of a button, record a whole series of your favourite programme, pause live TV and even rewind it at the press of a couple

of buttons, and all in high definition. The hard drives hidden in the belly of these new breed of recorder are capable of storing hundreds of hours of video, so there’s no more frantic searching for a blank tape or disk with enough space before you can set your recorder. Simply find the programme you want on the onscreen guide and press the record button, and the machine will take care of the rest. You can now have hundreds of your recordings at your fingertips, all conveniently labelled ready for playback, so that rather than sitting down and surfing through endless channels you have, in effect, a dedicated channel for you with just the programs you want to watch – your recordings! Herbert Todd stock a wide range of recorders, please pop in next time you are in York, Acomb or Harrogate for a quick demonstration, we’d love to see you!

n For advice on all things electrical, visit


Once you find the armchair of your dreams, nothing else will compare. That’s why we’re big fans of A&V Upholstery here at Your Local Link, as when your faithful furniture starts to look its age, top-notch upholsterer Abraham Charles can give it a new lease of life. Abraham served his apprenticeship with the highly-regarded Leeds company Bridgecraft and has been working as an upholsterer for 30 years. Abraham says: “I travel to your home with my pattern books. You choose the fabric, we agree a price and then I arrange transport of your furniture to my workshop. A short time later you’ll receive your completely re-upholstered furniture which will give you many more years of service. My service is flexible – I can attend weekend and evening appointments.” n A&V Upholstery can also make bespoke pieces. Call 01977 699222 or 07889 431691.

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your home

Do you have a budding botanist or a growing gardener? It’s easy to get started in the world of plants and flowers – you don’t even have to go out into the garden. Here’s how to make your very own bottle garden. Bottle gardens are just that – a garden in a bottle. Any kind of glass container can be used, so long as it can be sealed. A large, wide bottle with a narrow neck and stopper is best. • Pour in a two inch layer of gravel to the bottom of the bottle. Add some plant food or compost. • Firm the soil down using a long and blunt tool. A rolling pin is good for this. Create lumps and bumps in the soil, like tiny hills. • Introduce the plants. A long handled spoon (or a spoon taped to a stick) is great for digging small holes. Ferns will look great, but any plant that enjoys moist conditions will do well. • Water the garden. Trickle a small amount of water around the inside edge of the bottle. You may never have to water the garden again, as the moisture will re-circulate, as long as you… • …pop in the stopper. This keeps the moisture in and cold air out. If the glass ever mists over, remove the stopper for a brief time until the condensation clears. And there you have it – your own indoor garden that is easy to look after. Howard put Lego men in his to make it look like they were exploring a giant jungle.


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Fancy restaurant? Secluded moonlit beach? Top of the Eiffel Tower? No matter where you’re spending your Valentine’s Day, we’re certain the most romantic place is right in your back yard. Here are some ideas to romantify your garden.

Love is buoyant If you’re relaxing around your pond or pool, these glowing floating balls will add a ‘splash’ of night-time colour.

No lawnmower in here How about a romantic night in the garden shed? The Archipod is a futuristic hideaway built for two, designed right here in York. £15,000, Archipod,


£239 The Glow Company

Bunch no more Giving roses? Put each rose in one of these lovely vases and place around the garden. £12.99, Confetti,

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your garden

Just hanging around Cuddle up in the garden in the most comfortable way possible. £60-100, Lazy Hammocks,

Table for two? A romantic meal under the stars requires somewhere to sit and eat. This cast iron set is a bargain. £79, Argos,

Up, up and away


Set your hearts a-racing with a few of these biodegradable flying lanterns. Great fun to do with a special certain someone. £1.99 each, The Range, Monks Cross,

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gardening Busy bees The new houseplant craze Move over planking – there’s a new craze in town. The Japanese art of Kokedama first rocketed into popularity after it began spreading in the United States, and has now infiltrated British homes after making an appearance at last year’s Hampton Court Palace Flower Show. The practice involves turning drab houseplants


into funky hanging baskets, making even the dullest of plant owners into instant artists. We tried it here in the office, but we doubt our six-foot ficus hanging from the skylight will make it to a Royal Horticultural Society show any time soon.

Friends of the Earth have revealed the results of a recent survey, in which it was revealed that 62% of gardeners want to do more to help honeybees. Our buzzing friends have been mysteriously declining in recent years, and a further survey showed that two thirds of adults wanted to learn more about pollinating insects. Friends of the Earth have now appealed to David Cameron, asking him to commit to a bee action plan, hoping for a much more black and yellow future.

Not quite Jasper Carrott… A particularly splendid form of cherry tomato has been given the All America Selections prize for best plant. The fruit-bearing plant, affectionately named ‘Jasper’ was recognised for its disease-fighting properties, resistance to bad weather and its rich, sweet taste. We think we might start giving the veggies in our fridges their own names now.

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your garden

Spare a thought for rookie gardeners. It doesn’t come easily to everyone, and now inexperienced potato growers are being blamed for a rise in ‘potato blight’ and the increasing prices of potato yields. Commercial potato farmers claim that the growers fail to spot the early signs of the blight, causing it to spread to the rest of the batch. The Royal Horticultural Society has defended leisurely growers however, calling the claims “untrue” and “unhelpful.” Ooo-er!

Astek Garden design & build

Totally tropical

Health kick

Urban residents rejoice! Contrary to popular belief, it’s now been revealed that exotic plants can grow just as easily in urban areas as in rural ones. Studies have shown that urban environments may even boast a better atmosphere for tropical plant growth. Urban buildings, roads and other infrastructure radiate and reflect the sun’s heat, providing a happy environment for the growth of kiwis, almonds, nectarines and peaches. Makes a change from growing yet another pear tree…

We normally reach for an apple if we’re feeling a bit poorly here at Your Local Link. Studies have shown however that the healthiest fresh produce you can consume is in fact kale, with its green counterparts spinach, chard and turnip greens coming in close second. If you’re not a great fan of the leafy greens, fear not – you can still get your vitamins from red and green bell peppers, green chilli peppers and even the slightly less popular choice of Brussels sprouts, so there’s no excuse not to give yourself an antioxidant boost!

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make everything in your garden lovely with dean’s garden centre



The botanical boffins at Dean’s Garden Centre give us the low-down on evergreens. Hellebores are hardy evergreen and deciduous perennials, sometimes referred to as ‘Christmas Rose’ or ‘Lenten Rose’. They are the stars of the late winter/early spring garden. They generally bloom between December and March, though some begin earlier, while others continue into April and May, particularly in gardens with colder spring climates. Hardy Nearly every garden has a spot for hellebores, and the plants will thrive in many different environments. Most hellebores are relatively care-free plants. As with many ornamental perennials, adequate soil preparation is the key to long term health and vigour. Though hellebores will grow in a great variety of soil conditions, a well-drained base containing plenty of organic matter suits them. Preparing deep beds will provide the extensive root systems plenty of growing room and help with many decades of healthy growth. Ideally, the soil should receive regular moisture without being waterlogged. Blooming marvellous Hellebores will tolerate shady conditions, but by no means are shade-loving plants. Many of our plants

receive full afternoon sun throughout the year, and all of them receive virtually no shade from NovemberMarch. Plants in deep shade will live but generally exhibit sparser growth and produce fewer blooms. Hellebores divide fairly easily. Simply make sure to choose an established clump and dig up as much of the root-ball as possible. Hellebores have extensive root systems, often deeper than the height of the plant. Gently shaking or washing off the excess soil allows for better viewing. Though it is possible to divide at almost any time of the year, late spring and early autumn generally provide the best time for many gardeners. Splash of colour If you were to go to your local garden centre and pick up a hellebore plant that isn’t in flower, chances are it would display blooms somewhere in the range of white to purple. There are also greens and yellows and many other combinations that are possible. The flowers would have a range of shapes and sizes, from round cup-shaped overlapping sepals to pointed star-shaped sepals.

Hellebore argustifolius. Apple green cup shaped flowers, up to 4cm across from mid-winter well into spring. The dark evergreen leaves are slightly prickly. Height and spread 1m x 60cm. Hellebore foetidus. Nodding green cup shaped flowers flushed or edged with purple and up to 2.5cm across. Height and spread 75 x 60 cm. Hellebore niger (Christmas rose). This evergreen perennial bears saucer shaped white nodding flowers in mid-winter up to 7.5 cm across. Height and spread 30 x 45cm. Hellebore orientalis. Flower colours range from white through to pink and purple. This semi-evergreen has deep green divided leaves, up to 25cm long. Height and spread 45 x 45cm.

n Dean’s Garden Centre, Stockton Lane, Stockton on the Forest, York • Tel: 01904 400141


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your garden

We rake up the facts about your yard Soil is non-renewable. Every square inch of top soil has taken more than 500 years of natural processes to create. Never get into a fight with a caterpillar – they have about 4000 muscles, compared with our puny 629. Also, worms are strong enough to move stones 50 times their own weight. Which means a worm weighing just a quarter of a pound could lift a 15 stone man!

The Ancient Egyptians worshipped onions. They believed their circular structure of layers was divine, and onions were inscribed on tombs and buried with pharaohs. If bees died out suddenly, more than 100,000 species of plants and flowers that depend on them for pollination would also go extinct – including strawberries and coffee!

Heritage Potting Gardeners Gift Set The Jubilee might have been last year, but by Jove we still love being British. Show the worms just how proud you are, as you dig up the garden in preparation for spring. This lovely set includes a kneeling mat, a pair of gloves and ash and stainless steel trowel and fork – all wrapped up in a patriotic gift bag. £24.95 Available from

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GROW YOUR OWN with Debbie Pendle from Brunswick Organic Nursery Growing your own fruit and veg is rewarding, good for the planet – and your pocket. Here’s how…

Go green!

Select Seed Potato Varieties Prune Fruit Bushes Many gardeners reported a disastrous potato harvest Woody soft fruit such as currants and gooseberries last year, which is not surprising considering the deluge should be pruned before the buds burst in spring. of rain that coincided with planting time. Many seed Red and whitecurrant bushes grow on a single stem, potatoes simply rotted in airless soil and the ones known as a leg, and should be pruned differently that did manage to grow on to blackcurrants which produce were smaller than average as vital multiple shoots from below ground Top Tip nitrogen levels were washed away. level. Try the range of organic seed Surely 2013 will bring us better Prune red and whitecurrants potatoes from the Brunswick fortune and it’s now time to think by reducing their main shoots shop. As they’re sold by the kilo as about what potato varieties to by half of last season’s growth, opposed to the large nets of single grow. cutting just above an outward varieties offered by some mail The flavour and quality depends a facing bud. Reduce side shoots order companies, they offer a great lot on location, so some varieties to 2.5cm (1in), again selecting a opportunity to experiment and will perform better than others healthy well positioned bud to grow different varieties for a range in the north. If space is limited, grow on. Blackcurrants produce of uses in the kitchen. opt for the first and second early their best fruit on two year old varieties which will mature earlier stems. Regular pruning guarantees in the season, making the land available for another a constant supply of new growth from the base. Cut crop in summer. Early new potatoes are expensive in back up to a third of the oldest shoots to ground level, the shops, so they will also save you the most money. also removing any weak or damaged stems. Organic gardeners should select varieties that offer Gooseberry branches have a tendency to bend towards the ground when heavy with fruit. Reduce the some pest and disease resistance, especially main crop varieties as they are in the ground longer so are main shoots by half and reduce side shoots to 5cm (2 more likely to encounter problems. Prior to planting in) to an outward facing bud. Any stems crowding the tubers should be chitted to give them a head start, and centre of the bush should also be removed. This will buying in now will give enough time for this process to let more air and light into the bush and allow for easier happen before planting out. picking.

JOBS FOR FEBRuary 3 Plant Jerusalem Artichokes 3 Finish soil preparations (weather

allowing!) 3 Sow early variety peas in

containers or outdoors with cloche protection 3 Finish pruning fruit trees before

the sap rises and buds begin to burst 3 Cut back hedges before the birds

start to nest

Local Suppliers: The Brunswick Shop, Appleton Road, Bishopthorpe, York YO23 2RF

n Brunswick Organic Nursery is a growing charity that provides opportunities for adults with learning difficulties in horticulture. Visit the online shop

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your garden

What ho, old fruit!

Despite the chilly weather there is light at the end of the tunnel for green-fingere d enthusiasts. If you’re excited about the forthcoming spring and getting back into your garden, why not let York Get Growing warm you up. They have a free course taking place on 15th February in Bishopthorpe, all about how to prune soft fruit trees. Book you place now. n Call 644300.

We like sharing here at Your Local Link – apart from when Bert the biscuit barrel starts to look a little on the empty side, then it’s every woman for herself. When it comes to fruit and vegetables though, there’s only so much we can grow in our back yard, so we think that the lovely folk at Creating Co-operative Community have got the right idea with their sharing events. Everyone is welcome to come along to share their surplus of seeds and plants, or even garden tools and produce such as jams, pickes and cider. Their next event takes place on 2nd March from 10.30-11.30am at the Haxby and Wigginton Methodist Church Hall, where gardeners will share seeds and plants. n Visit or call 760659.

ESTABLISHED 1977 IN HAXBY. A Local Family Business Built on Customer Recommendations:

Pizza Choice | Delivery Service | Fantastic offers available | Tel: 622022 or 631818


The Food of

Market Days

12TH- 17TH FEBRUARY. A Continental York – Help yourself to Parliament Street’s selection of Mediterranean treats from sun-ripened olives and tomatoes to Normandy cheeses and baguettes. 22ND FEBRUARY. Parliament Street Farmers’ Market. Taking place on the last Friday of every month, this market boasts the best of local produce from within 40 miles of the city centre. NEWGATE MARKET. This market boasts over 100 stalls, with everything from fresh food and drink, artwork and clothing to its day-to-day lines of handbags, mobile phones and more. n All dates correct at time of going to press. For more information visit



If you don’t need to worry about driving anywhere, add a glass of something fizzy to your breakfast tray (we’re talking sparkling wine, not Fanta). It will add excitement and is especially useful if the rest of the brekkie is less than presentable. Remember though – it won’t totally disguise burnt toast, so do your best to make the rest of the food lovely too. We advise against drinking half of the bottle of fizz while you cook…

If you’re feeling really adventurous and are a bit of a whizz in the kitchen, try Eggs Benedict. If you’re not a whizz in the kitchen, cheat. Get a ready made hollandaise sauce and an egg poaching pod (the kind you float in a saucepan), then all you need to do is toast the English muffins and add some smoked salmon. Top with chopped chives to make it really posh. And then pretend you made it all from scratch.

Terrified of the oven? Stick to something simple like warm croissants or brioche with jam – just pop them under a medium grill for a couple of minutes and keep an eye on them (Top tip – buy a few croissants in case you burn the first ones). If you serve the jam in a little ramekin (Google it) you will be loved forever.

For a non-alcoholic way to start the day, make your other half’s favourite hot drink (hot chocolate should go down a treat) and use a heartshaped stencil and sprinkles or cocoa powder to add a cute design on the top.

MAKE YOUR MARK If toast is really your limit, get yourself a toast stamp that says ‘I love you’. They sell them in Poundland, so you really have no excuse.


Per Person


Quickest way to your lover’s heart? Through their little round tums, filled with deliciously sweet Eton Mess. Here’s how… How to: Preheat your oven to 100˚C.


3 80g of egg white Whisk the egg white until it is very stiff then add 3 80g of caster sugar the caster sugar. Beat the mixture until dissolved and then add the icing sugar. Place into a piping 3 80g of icing sugar 3 two punnets of bag and squeeze large dome shapes onto a raspberries baking tray. 3 200ml of cream Place the meringues in the oven for one hour lightly whipped until the outsides are hard. Remove and scoop 3 two table spoons of out all the soft insides, leaving just a shell. raspberry jam For the sauce, blend ½ a punnet of raspberries 3 25ml of raspberry into a purée and sieve until smooth. Cut the lique ur. rest of the raspberries in half and fold into the cream along with the jam and the liqueur. Fill the meringue shells with the ‘mess’ and place on a bed of the raspberry sauce. Eat. Kiss. Etc…


You might be familiar with the name Mulan from the Disney film about a sword-swinging heroine, but the name actually means orchid in Chinese. Those beautiful connotations that the name carries with it are maintained by The Mulan Chinese Restaurant, recently opened in Clifton Moor. They offer a fine selection of authentic Chinese dishes from experienced chefs, served up in comfortable surroundings at the restaurant in Tower Court, Oakdale Road. With plenty of convenient parking and welcoming, friendly waiting staff, The Mulan is perfect for a romantic Valentine’s Day meal. What’s more, if you book a table for a Sunday evening, you’ll receive 20% off your bill. n Call 692268.

Courting romance We’re pretty darn proud to be the home of Yorkshire’s only five star restaurant – the gorgeous Cedar Court Grand – and we reckon that if you really want to impress your date this Valentine’s Day, taking them to the hotel’s restaurant, The Grill Room, is sure to do it. The Valentine’s Dinner package is available on 14th and 16th February, and it includes champagne and canapés

Pizza – is there any better form of food? A dough base, tomato, cheese and a topping of whatever the heck you want. Sure, you can make it yourself at home, but nothing tastes quite like the real thing made by a pizza professional. The Pizza Box in Haxby certainly know a thing or two about open pies, whipping


followed by a five course candlelit meal – plus you’ll be serenaded by a pianist while you dine. If you’re more of a tea and sandwiches kind of person, the Valentine’s Champagne Afternoon Tea should be right up your street – it’s available at 1, 3 and 5pm. n Visit or call 380038.

up a fantastic and mouth-watering array of toppings and crusts for fellow pizza-loving Yorkies. What’s more, the chaps from ‘The Box’ are currently offering some special deals, making your evening takeaway all the more delicious. Spend more than £15 and you’ll be rewarded with a free garlic bread with tomato.

Those who are especially starving, and spending more than £20, will be happy to know they shall be receiving a free garlic bread with cheese and free bottle of Coca Cola. Plus any three bottles of wine are only £11.90. What’s stopping you? n Call 768828.

Pizza Choice | Delivery Service | Fantastic offers available | Tel: 622022 or 631818

Churchill Hotel THE


Pizza Choice | Delivery Service | Fantastic offers available | Tel: 622022 or 631818




Yes it’s cold, but look at all these incredible things for you to do in February and beyond. EVERY DAY

25TH: ELVIS IS IN THE BUILDING, Lady Anne Middleton’s Hotel, 7pm. He’s back! Elvis is most definitely in the building, here to entertain you with all his classic hits. Call 611570.

NEWGATE MARKET, 9am – 4pm (4.30pm Sat and Sun). 110 stalls including a wide variety of goods, fruit and vegetables, as well as a good selection of fresh fish and meat. Call 07887 754455. YORKWALK, from Museum Gardens Gates, daily at 10.30am and 2.15pm (weekends only during January) Entertaining historical walks.

EVERY MONDAY SELBY MARKET. The whole family will find something within the beautiful market town. The Selby Farmers Market is also held on the first Wednesday of every month. Call 07808 768186.


GHOST TRAIL OF YORK, West Doors of York Minster. Dare you cross the centuries and discover York’s spinechilling history? Visit or call 633276.


1ST + 3RD SATURDAY, 1ST WEDNESDAY AND LAST FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH: BEYOND MONOPOLY, Railway Institute, 10am. Beyond Monopoly is York’s friendliest board game club for adults wanting to play modern board games. Visit

JANUARY 24TH JANUARY + 15TH FEBRUARY: FREE GUIDED TOURS FOR MEMBERS, York Cold War Bunker, 10.30am+1.30pm. Enjoy this exclusive staff-led tour of York’s most top secret attraction, just for English Heritage members. Call 0870 3331181.

25TH: BURNS NIGHT, The Old Lodge Hotel, Malton. Toast the haggis at this Scottish-themed night of poetry and whiskey. Och aye! Call 01653 690570.

26TH JANUARY – 28TH FEBRUARY: ROYAL GATEWAY EXHIBITION, Micklegate Bar Museum, 11am-3pm. The exhibition looks at the ceremonial role played by Micklegate Bar in welcoming ruling monarchs and other members of the royal family to the city over the centuries. Call 615505.

26TH-27TH: MUST SEE RESIDENT’S FESTIVAL, Across York. This year residents can gain free and discounted entry to a record number of the city’s world class attractions and exhibitions as well as enjoying special rates at some superb restaurants and shops. Join in the fun! Visit

26TH-27TH: THE GREAT ANTIQUES FAIR, Wetherby Racecourse. This great fair is set in the fabulous Bramham Hall Exhibition Centre and Millennium Grandstand with numerous outside pitches. Visit


26TH-27TH: CHOCOLATE WEEKEND FOR RESIDENTS, York’s Chocolate Story. Sweet-toothed visitors will be treated to a fun-filled, interactive tour by a team of storytellers as they take a journey through the wonderful sweets and treats that come from our great city. Residents can save their coins as they receive a third off admission into the attraction. Visit www. yorkschocolatestory. com

26TH-27TH JANUARY, 2ND-3RD, 9TH-10TH, 16TH-17TH, 23RD-24TH FEBRUARY: WINTER ABBEY TOURS, Porter’s Lodge, Fountains Abbey, 1.30pm. Visitors can join a tour and discover fascinating facts and stories about Fountains Abbey and its monks. Call 01765 608888.

26TH: WINTER TREE PRUNING, Beningbrough Hall and Gardens, 1-3pm. As part of conservation in action the trained fruit trees are pruned twice yearly at the expert hands of the garden team. Weather permitting they will continue their work and answer your questions about winter fruit and tree care. Call 472027. 27TH: PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY, St. Bede’s Pastoral Centre, 7.15pm. A ten week course on how to deal with stress and emotions, and explore practices that can improve your concentration. To book your place, call 643586. 27TH: FREE GUIDED WALKS, York Environment Centre, St Nicholas Fields, 10am and 1pm. Join a free tour of the environment centre and the 24-acre nature reserve, led by wildlife experts. Call 411821. 31ST: WEDDING OPENING EVENING, The Monk Bar Hotel, 5-8pm. Looking for a great venue for your special day? Go along for canapés and a glass of fizz while the friendly team show you around. Call 638086.

Pizza Choice | Delivery Service | Fantastic offers available | Tel: 622022 or 631818


Pizza Choice | Delivery Service | Fantastic offers available | Tel: 622022 or 631818




2ND-3RD: YORK LIFESTYLE SHOW, Dean’s Garden Centre, 10am-4.30pm. A free exhibition bringing together independent regional experts in home, garden and leisure - all under one roof. Instead of leaving things till Easter, now is the time to plan ahead and take the stress out of the process. You’ll be able to talk directly to the business owners for first rate advice based upon years of experience, and seek out and experience ‘Ten Minute Tasters’ from the exhibitors throughout the day. Call 500399.

2ND-3RD: MOSCOW CITY BALLET & ORCHESTRA, York Barbican, 2,30pm + 7.30pm. Due to popular demand the Moscow City Ballet will be returning to the York Barbican with their beautiful rendition of Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker. Call 0844 8542757. 2ND: COFFEE MORNING, Poppleton Methodist Church Hall. Enjoy a cuppa and a chinwag, all in aid of the British Heart Foundation. Email anne. 2ND: FREE COMPOSTING COURSE, York Environment Centre, 10am-12noon. Has your bin put on a bit of weight? Join York Rotters for a free course to learn all about composting. Call 421861. 94

2ND: MEMORY CUSHIONS, York Castle Museum, 10am-3.30pm. Create an heirloom cushion constructed by panels, personalised and embellished by your family and friends. Booking essential. Call 650333. 2ND: THE BAYERS TAPESTRY, York Art Gallery, 10am-5pm. This 60 metrelong frieze was painted by residents during a city-wide York 800 community arts project and the Big City Read 2012. It will be on show to the public. Call 687687.

3RD: YORK WARGAMES SHOW, York Racecourse. Leading traders will gather to supply all your gaming needs, as well as being packed with exciting competitions and bargain sales. Confirmed display and participation games for 2013 include ‘Attack on the Death Star’ and ‘Captain Scarlet’. There will also be plenty of refreshments available, including a cafe and bar in which to drink to victory or to drown your sorrows. Visit 4TH FEBRUARY – 8TH APRIL: PHYSICAL THEATRE WORKSHOP, Space 109, Walmgate, 4pm5.30pm. Charcoal Physical Theatre presents a theatrical workshop for youngsters between eight and 13. They also offer a workshop for three to seven year olds from 10th February to 14th April. Visit 6TH + 20TH: COMEDY OPEN MIC, The Gillygate, 8.30pm. York’s only open mic night dedicated to standup comedy returns to The Gillygate. Go along and see some quality new acts, or even give it a go yourself! Visit

6TH: I FAGIOLINI, Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall, York University, 7.30pm. Prepare for an assault on the senses by the vocal ensemble I Fagiolini, one of the University’s ensembles in residence. Call 322439. 7TH: YOUNG VOICES IN THE MINSTER, York Minster, 7.30pm. Queen Margaret’s School choir are preparing for their second annual performance concert, held in aid of the charity Home Start. Call 0844 9390011. 7TH: YORK HAEMATOLOGY SUPPORT GROUP, Huntington Working Men’s Club, North Moor Road, 7pm. A support group for people dealing with all forms of blood cancer and a great chance to make new friends and chat. Email 9TH FEBRUARY – 3RD MARCH: SNOWDROP SPECTACULAR, Burton Agnes Hall, 11am-4pm. Wander through a wonderful blanket of snowdrops in the woodland walk and enjoy warming meals in the café as well as new stock in the gift shop. Call 01262 490324.


9TH: THE LORD MAYOR’S CHARITY BALL, York Racecourse. The lavish event will be hosted by the Lord Mayor to raise funds for this year’s chosen charities – the Special Olympics City of York and SSAFA Forces Help York Branch. Included in the ticket price is a delicious dinner and entertainment from York’s favourite local party band HUGE. Call 551011.


9TH: ANTON AND ERIN GO TO HOLLYWOOD, The York Barbican, 3pm and 7.30pm. Anton du Beke and Erin Boag return with a sensational new show. The UK’s favourite dance duo pay tribute to the Golden Years of the film musicals. Sassy tunes, sensational choreography and sparkling costumes conjure up all the fizz and razzmatazz of glamorous Hollywood. Call 0844 8542757.

9TH: FUNDRAISING EVENT, Haxby Memorial Hall, 9am. A table top sale at which you’re bound to scoop up a few bargains. There will also be tea and coffee available, along with bacon butties and home-made cakes. Email 9TH: COME AND SING FOR S.N.A.P.P.Y, St Clements Church, Scarcroft Road, 7.30pm. Go along and listen to wonderful music from local musicians Soundsphere, Chechelele, Ian Simpson and Frank Pipes – all in aid of the local charity. Visit 9TH: BRITTEN CANTICLE, National Centre for Early Music, from 12.30pm. A celebration of Benjamin Britten. The University of York’s annual Song Day places him in the context of his contemporaries and teachers. Call 658338.

10TH FEBRUARY 17TH MARCH: SIX WEEK BACK CARE YOGA COURSE. Yoga In York have a new six-week yoga course beginning, designed to help back pain sufferers feel better, improve core strength and make a few new friends as well. The course begins in 10th February at 10.30am, and there are also regular classes every Tuesday at 7.15pm. Visit 10TH: PANCAKE FUN, Holgate Windmill, 11am-12 noon. Sizzling hot pancakes and fun for all the family will be available at the windmill. Visit www.holgatewindmill. org

10TH: PROM AND BEYOND, Royal York Hotel, 11.30pm-4pm. The Prom and Beyond Show offers everything you need to make your prom perfect, including a catwalk fashion show of the latest prom-wear designs, cars and beauty – all under one roof. Call 898069. 11TH: FREE TRIALS, Crystal Clear York, Marygate, 7pm-9pm. Free Champagne and nibbles are available, along with free trials of Crystal Clear York’s amazing treatments. Demonstrations are available, as well as a free gift bag. Enjoy 20% off all treatments. Call 675666 12TH: UPHOLSTERY CLASSES, Rogues Atelier, Fossgate, 10am-1pm. Learn how to upholster using the traditional method of handbuilt stuffing and stitching. Call 07960 329286.

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13TH: EBOR LECTURE, York St John University, 7pm8pm. Professor Lord Bikhu Parekh speaks on the theme of ‘The State of Religion, establishment, tolerance and civic society’. Call 876474. 13TH: ENG-AGE 50+ ACTIVITY DAY, Energise, Cornlands Road, all day. Activities on offer will include Pilates, Tai Chi, gym taster inductions, swimming, zumba gold, badminton, Wii activity sessions and Nordic Walking. You can go along for the morning, afternoon or all day. Call 553377. 13TH: UNIVERSITY CHAMBER ORCHESTRA, Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall, York University, 7.30pm. The Chamber Orchestra’s rich and varied programme opens with Finzi’s subtle and introspective understatement for piano and strings. Call 322439.


14TH: VALENTINE’S DAY, York’s Chocolate Story. Indulge in delicious treats and work with your loved one to make chocolate lollies and enjoy a fondue for two at this special couples evening. A treat for true chocolatelovers. Visit www.

14TH: KNOCK KNOCK COMEDY CLUB, The Post Office Club, Marygate, 7.30pm. Knock Knock Comedy presents their second show, a Valentine’s Day with a difference! Enjoy some hot comedy talent. Call 622139.


15TH: NOT JUST A PARK, Wigginton Recreation Hall, 2pm. A talk by Mrs C Dowell about the history of St. George’s Field, hosted by Haxby and Wigginton U3A. Email bjackson27@talktalk. net

15TH: DORIC STRING QUARTET, Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall, University of York, 8pm. Described by Gramophone Magazine as “one of the finest young string quartets”, the Doric String Quartet has received glowing responses from audiences and critics across the globe. Visit 16TH-24TH: VIKING GODS & GODDESSES FAMILY FUN TRAIL, Clifford’s Tower. Concealed within the tower are the mini model Viking gods and goddesses, who promise a small prize to those who can find them. Call 646940.


16TH-24TH: JORVIK VIKING FESTIVAL, across York. The annual Viking festival returns with an exciting mix of activities and events. Combat displays, archaeological talks and demonstrations and educational fun for all the family will give an insight into our Viking ancestors and how they lived in the city. Visit For full festival listings, turn to our special Jorvik Viking Festival section.

16TH-17TH: YORK ROCK GEM ‘N’ BEAD SHOW, York Racecourse, 10am5pm Sat, 10am-4pm Sun. A chance for collectors and exhibitors of precious gem stones and beads to gather. Confirmed exhibitors include Dolphin Minerals, Mineral Craft North Ltd and the York School for Jewellery. Call 620911.

16TH-24TH: A VERY VICTORIAN VENTURE, Beningbrough Hall and Gardens. Step back in time to a period of contrasts, from the poor paupers to the wondrously wealthy. Call 472027. 16TH-24TH: BIG FUN WITH LITTLE TRAINS, National Railway Museum, 10am-6pm. Get hands on in the play areas and workshops and enjoy rides of all shapes and sizes. You can see a wide range of family friendly model layouts and take part in a Chuggington challenge to stack your track as high as you can. Call 08448 153139.

16TH: TOY STORIES, York Castle Museum. Visitors will be able to take a trip back to their childhoods and rediscover bikes, bath toys, computer games and beautiful hand-made dolls that are among the toys on show from the last 150 years. Visit www.yorkcastlemuseum.

16TH: CAPITAL OF THE NORTH, Yorkshire Museum. Featuring some of the most prestigious medieval objects ever found in Britain, this exhibition tells how York once ruled the North. Visit www.yorkshiremuseum. 16TH: OIL PAINTING COURSE, Corner Gallery, Scarcroft, 10am-12noon. This classical and established course is designed to be instructive, practical, relaxed and fun for all abilities. Visit 16TH + 23RD FEBRUARY, 9TH MARCH: CHOCCY AND SWEETIE TOUR, Museum Gardens Gates, 10.30am (16th + 23rd Feb), 2pm (23rd Feb, 9th Mar). Join Yorkwalk on a delicious tour of the city to hear the history of Terry’s and Rowntree’s, visit chocolate and sweetie shops and taste free samples! Call 622303.

21ST: MUSIC NIGHT, St Mary’s Church, Haxby, 7.30pm. An eclectic mix of student bands and ensembles from York St John University, offering something for everyone! Light refreshments provided. Call 765167. 22ND: GHOST TOUR AND DINNER, Treasurer’s House, 6pm. 60 years to the day since Harry Martindale saw a ghostly Roman legion pass through the cellar of Treasurer’s House, visitors can join an exclusive candle lit evening ghost tour of the house and cellar, followed by dinner. Call 624247. 22ND: MINSTER OF MYSTERY, York Minster, 3pm. All will be revealed from recent archaeological excavations in York Minster’s Undercroft! Join lead archaeologist Ian Milsted from the York Archaeological Trust in a family-friendly talk about his discoveries. Call 0844 9390011. 22ND: COMEDY NIGHT, York Racecourse, 7pm. Let Geoff Boyz knock your socks off and split your sides during a night of raucous comedy and fine dining. Call 63897.

17TH: WEDDING FAYRE, The Parsonage Hotel and Spa, Escrick, 11am-3pm. Local wedding specialists are on hand to help make your special day even more special. Call 728111. 19TH: ASKHAM BRYAN COLLEGE GARDENING CLUB MEETING, The Conference Hall, Askham Bryan College, 7.30pm. An illustrated talk entitled ‘Flowers from the Fields’ by Gill Hodgson. Call 707208. 20TH: FREE VALUATION DAY, The Bar Convent, 11am-3pm. Join Tennants Auctioneers for an afternoon of free valuation. Bring along your prized antiques, collectables and jewellery. Visit


23RD: YORK GUILDHALL ORCHESTRA, York Barbican, 7.30pm. The York Guildhall Orchestra continues its 33rd season with some gloriously romantic music. They welcome an up-and-coming young cellist, Jamie Walton, who is well known for his work for the North York Moors Chamber Music Festival. Call 0844 8542757.

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23RD: GENERATION GROOVE BIG BAND CONCERT, Salvation Army Citadel, Gillygate, 7.30pm. The Rotary Club of York present a night of music from the 1940s to the present day in support of the Wateraid charity. Call 794402


23RD: A NIGHT AT THE MOVIES, York Racecourse, 7pm. Slap on your glad-rags, slick up your hair and boogie on down to the Racecourse. Their storytelling tribute to the films of Dirty Dancing, Mamma Mia, Saturday Night Fever and Grease is sure to thrill music lovers young and old, male or female. The price includes a delicious three course carvery meal, individual tables to suit the size of your party, a disco until 1am to rock the night away. Call 638971.

27TH: JAMES GILCHRIST, Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall, York University, 7.30pm. James Gilchrist is an incomparable tenor, and this concert marks the performance given by Peter Pears and Benjamin Britten at one of the very first professional concerts given in the ‘new’ University of York. Call 322439.

27TH: TASTER DAY, Askham Bryan College, 1.30pm-4.30pm. Events are designed for students currently in Years 10 and 11 at school who would like to find out more about the college experience. Students will have an opportunity to meet with course tutors and try an activity in two subjects of their choice. Call 72277.

MARCH 23RD: OPEN DAY, Bedern Hall, 10am-12 noon. The Gild of Freemen invites you along to learn more about them and to see how you go about joining the group. Call 423878.

2ND-3RD: WEDDING FAIR, The De Grey Rooms, 11am-4pm. The grand De Grey Ballroom has been fully restored to its former glory making it one of York ’s most stunning venues. Call 715455.

2ND: ORCHID FESTIVAL, Burton Agnes Hall, 11am4pm. A stunning collection of orchids centred around the Great Hall, along with sales and advice on growing your own orchids. Call 01262 490324. 2ND: IT’S IN THE BAG GIFT FAIR, The Guildhall, St Helen’s Square. Expect an excellent range of gifts, crafts, ladieswear, childrenswear, original artwork, beauty products, jewellery, handbags, homeware and many more – all under one roof and not available on the high street. Call 07889 899958. 3RD: EXCLUSIVE WEDDING FAIR, Castlegate House, opposite Fairfax House. York’s newest venue offering exclusive products and services in a beautiful Georgian building. Call 656622.

8TH-9TH: AN ETHICAL YORK, Newgate Market. An opportunity to buy some green, ethical and thoughtful produce, from the ever popular market in the heart of the city. Call 551355.

9TH – 24TH: THE FESTIVAL OF THE PASSIONS, York Minster. Over two weeks, the dramatic story of the Passion of Christ will be told through a series of special musical concerts. Call 0844 9390011. 9TH: THE SCOTTISH FIDDLE ORCHESTRA, York Barbican, 7.30pm. Scotland’s foremost traditional fiddle orchestra promises a lively evening of jigs, reels and strathspeys, interspersed with heart-rending slow airs and tone poems. Call 0844 8542757.


10TH: STOKE ROCHFORD HALL AND AYSCOUGHFEE HALL COACH TRIP. For Yorkwalk’s first visit of the year they head to Stoke Rochford Hall. This is a magnificent example of a Victorian mansion in a sumptuous Elizabethan style. Then on to Spalding to Ayscoughfee Hall, which is a late mediaeval gem housing a fine museum. Call 622303 14TH: THE WAY OF THE DRUM, National Centre for Early Music, 7.30pm. Experience the thundering and exhilarating rhythms of Taiko in a dynamic and engaging show, and gain a unique insight into the enthralling world of this powerful art form. Call 658338.

15TH: SMOKIE, York Barbican, 7.30pm. The internationally successful British pop group Smokie, with chart-topping hits like Living Next Door to Alice. Smokie is one of the most popular bands in the world today, so tickets are sure to go fast. Call 0844 8542757.

26TH: YIDDISH TWIST ORCHESTRA, National Centre for Early Music, 7.30pm. The Yiddish Twist Orchestra is an all-star East End band with irresistible, bold and brassy musical fusions guaranteed to have the audience all doing the Yiddish twist. Call 658338.

1ST MARCH UNTIL 3RD NOVEMBER: BENINGBROUGH AT WAR, Beningbrough Hall. A major new exhibition remembers some of the tales and histories of the men and women who stayed at Beningbrough during the Second World War. Take a moment to remember the men who never came back from their perilous flights by the memorial tree in the American garden. This new project for Beningbrough will uncover histories, but also provide a new schools programme, family workshops, events and opportunities to get involved. Visit uk/beningbrough


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23RD: SELBY ABBEY’S GREAT WEDDING SHOW, Selby Abbey, 10.30am-3.30pm. One of the country’s greatest venues hosting the best collection of wedding products and services. Call 656622.

6TH: EBOR LECTURE, York Minster, 7pm. Lecture by Dr Giles Fraser, the Priest in charge of St Mary’s Newington and a columnist with The Guardian. Booking is required. Call 876474.

9TH: YORKSHIRE TERRIER 10KM, Newburgh Priory. The Notorious Night Run Series is a collection of off-road running events that takes you into the night, beyond your comfort zone, and into notoriety! For this muckiest of romps, fancy dress is positively encouraged. Join Rat Race Adventure Sport for a night dash through the famous priory. Visit www.

16TH-17TH: THE GREAT ANTIQUES FAIR, Wetherby Racecourse. This great fair is set in the fabulous Bramham Hall Exhibition Centre and Millennium Grandstand with numerous outside pitches. Visit 16TH: PICTORIAL HISTORY OF WIGGINTON, Wigginton Old School, 10am-1pm. Haxby and Wigginton Local History Group presents a fascinating and visual walkthrough of the history of their local area. Call 768516.

11:00, 13:00, 15:00) | Coppergate Square | FREE Meet the Vikings and learn about life at sea and on dry land in this fun encampment featuring a Viking longship kitted out for war. Hear tales of ancient myths, gods and warriors in the storytelling tent and let the cunning woman prescribe her cures for aches, pains and war wounds! EYE OF YORK ENCAMPMENT 10:00 – 16:00 (Skirmishes 12:00, 14:00) | Eye of York | FREE Viking-era life in action continues at the Eye of York, by Clifford’s Tower, where Saxon locals have settled. Learn how Saxon farmer-warriors lived and watch out for clashes between the rival camps! HIDDEN YORK WITH MICK ASTON

14:00 – 16:00 | York Guildhall | FREE With the help of popular archaeologist, Mick Aston of Time Team fame, we are calling all budding archaeologists to bring things found in gardens/allotments/attics for Mick and the experts to identify and plot on the giant York archaeology map! Even if you have no finds of your own to bring, come along and meet some of the experts to see and handle some of the fascinating finds from the Coppergate and Hungate digs.

SUNDAY 17TH FEBRUARY COPPERGATE CAMP 10:00 – 16:00 (Storytelling 11:00, 13:00, 15:00 | Coppergate Square | FREE A Viking encampment and longship. See listing for 16th February. EYE OF YORK ENCAMPMENT 10:00 – 16:00 (Skirmishes 12:00, 14:00) | Eye of York | FREE A Saxon settlement featuring warrior clashes. See listing for 16th February.

14:00 – 16:00 | York Guildhall | FREE Bring along items you have found for Time Team’s Mick Aston to identify. See listing for 16th February. RAY COOPER AT BARLEY HALL

19:30 | Barley Hall | £14 Adult, £12 Conc. A talented singer songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, Ray’s music is influenced both by Scotland, which is part of his heritage, and by Sweden where he now lives. With the real ale flowing at the Hall bar and a promise from Ray to play a few slängposkor (old Swedish dance tunes), this intimate evening concert will truly be a unique Festival highlight! Pre-booking advised: 615505.

MONDAY 18TH FEBRUARY COPPERGATE CAMP 10:00 – 16:00 (Storytelling 11:00, 13:00, 15:00) | Coppergate Square | FREE A Viking encampment and longship. See listing for 16th February. STRONG MAN CHALLENGE FOR CHILDREN

11:00 – 16:00 | DIG | Normal admission prices apply Test your strength and dexterity with a series of Vikingthemed games and challenges – the overall winner at the end of the week will receive a prize pack of goodies! Watch out for cameo appearances through the week from strongmen appearing at the Amazing Strongman Competition on 23rd February! MEET THE EXPERTS: FINDING YORK

10:00 – 15:00 | Barley Hall | Normal admission prices apply Join experts from York Archaeological Trust who will show you fascinating finds from past excavations in York, including those from the recent Hungate excavation, York’s largest ever archaeological dig!





COPPERGATE CAMP 10:00 – 16:00 (Storytelling



u - 2 4th Febr





The Annual JORVIK Viking Festival returns from 16th - 24th February with an exciting mixture of combat, academic, archaeological and historical events celebrating the fearsome Vikings that once ruled this great land.


10:30 – 16:00 | St Sampson’s Square Marquee | FREE (small charge for some activities) Try your hand at a range of historical crafts in the marquee dedicated to all things creative! HAVE-A-GO SWORD COMBAT 10:30, 11:30, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30 | Merchant Adventurers’ Hall | £3 Instructed by two Viking warriors, young combatants are sure to enjoy this fun workshop of battle skills. Prebooking advised: 615505. FESTIVAL COMBAT ARENA: VIOLENT VIKINGS! 11:30, 13:30, 15:30 | York Guildhall |

£3 Adult, £2 Conc. It seems there is a matter of honour at stake and two mighty warriors have to settle their dispute with a Holmgang (a duel practised by early medieval Scandinavians). Pre-booking advised: 615505. FESTIVAL WALKING TOUR 14:00 | Departs

Micklegate Bar Museum | £4 Adult, £3 Conc. This guided tour takes you along Roman foundations, Viking borders and Civil War defences right through to Georgian destruction and Victorian promenades. Please dress accordingly for the weather and be prepared to walk long distances and up steps as you follow York’s fascinating history. Pre-booking essential: 615505.



15:30 | York Mansion House | £2 Adult, £1 Conc. Join award-winning author Tony Bradman as he explores his brand new novel Viking Boy, an action-packed blend of historical adventure and fantasy for junior readers. Suitable for age nine and over. Pre-booking advised: 615505. FILM: THOR 3D

20:30 | City Screen Cinema | £9 Adult, £7 Conc. The Mighty Thor, a powerful but arrogant warrior, is banished to Earth where he is forced to live among humans. When the most dangerous villain of his world sends its darkest forces to invade Earth, Thor learns what it takes to be a true hero. Call: 0871 902 5726.

TUESDAY 19TH FEBRUARY COPPERGATE CAMP 10:00 – 16:00 (Storytelling

11:00, 13:00, 15:00) | Coppergate Square | FREE A Viking encampment and longship. See listing for 16th February. MEET THE EXPERTS: CONSERVING HISTORY

10:00 – 15:00 | Barley Hall | Normal admission prices apply Join experts from York Archaeological Trust’s conservation team for a look at amazing finds from the Trust’s extensive collection and hear how different techniques are used to preserve these ancient relics. HISTORICAL ARTS & CRAFTS

10:30 – 16:00 | St Sampson’s Square Marquee | FREE (small charge for some activities) Viking-themed crafting activities in the city-centre marquee. See listing for 18th February. HAVE-A-GO SWORD COMBAT

10:30, 11:30, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30 | Merchant Adventurers’ Hall |£3 Sword fighting workshop for children. See listing for 18th February. STRONG MAN CHALLENGE FOR CHILDREN

11:00 – 16:00 | DIG | Normal admission prices apply Viking-themed games and challenges. See listing for 18th February. FESTIVAL COMBAT ARENA: THE GOLDEN AGE OF THE SWORD

11:30, 13:30, 15:30 | York Guildhall | £3 Adult, £2 Conc. Witness dramatic and colourful displays of rapier and dagger, sword and buckler and all manner of other fighting techniques, as they bring to life the use of the sword from the glorious age of the Tudors. Pre-booking advised: 615505. FESTIVAL WALKING TOUR

14:00 | Departs Micklegate Bar Museum | £4 Adult, £3 Conc. A fascinating historical walk through York. See listing for 18th February. HELEN THIRZA ADDYMAN LECTURE WITH STEPHEN DRISCOLL

19:00 | DIG | £4 (£3 Friends of YAT). Addressing the guests will be Professor Stephen Driscoll of the University of Glasgow, whose work on the Viking-era kingdom of Strathclyde and the archaeology of its capital at Govan has shed new light on the stature and role of this early medieval royal centre in the wider Viking world. Pre-booking essential: 615505.



10:00 – 16:00 (Storytelling 11:00, 13:00, 15:00) | Coppergate Square | FREE A Viking encampment and longship. See listing for 16th February. MEET THE EXPERTS: VIKING POO!

11:00, 14:00 | Barley Hall | £6 Adult, £4.50 Conc. (includes admission to Barley Hall) As seen on QI! Talks for all the family by Dr Andrew ‘Bone’ Jones of York Archaeological Trust, who will show how archaeologists use this invaluable material to learn about our ancestors. Pre-booking essential for this very popular event: 615505. MEET THE EXPERTS: VIKINGS - TRADERS, LOOTERS OR SETTLERS?

10:00 – 15:00 | Barley Hall | Normal admission prices apply Become an archaeological detective and hunt for clues about Viking life. Dr Cathy Batt (University of Bradford) will discuss how science can provide us with evidence of what the Vikings were doing in York and elsewhere. A talk with hands-on activities. In conjunction with the British Academy. POO DAY!

11:30 – 16:00 | Barley Hall | Normal admission prices apply Learn more about the muckier side of archaeology, have a go at making your very own replica historic poo and discover how poo is used to solve ancient mysteries. HISTORICAL ARTS & CRAFTS

10:30 – 16:00 | St Sampson’s Square Marquee | FREE (small charge for some activities) Viking-themed crafting activities in the city-centre marquee. See listing for18th February. HAVE-A-GO SWORD COMBAT

10:30, 11:30, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30 | Merchant Adventurers’ Hall | £3 Sword fighting workshop for children. See listing for 18th February. STRONG MAN CHALLENGE FOR CHILDREN

11:00 – 16:00 | DIG | Normal admission prices apply Viking-themed games and challenges. See listing for 18th February. FILM: BRAVE 3D

11:00 | City Screen Cinema | £9 Adult, £7 Conc. Another chance to see this fantastic Disney tale, this time in 3D splendour! Merida is a skilled archer and impetuous daughter of King Fergus and Queen Elinor; determined to carve her own path in life, she defies an age-old custom sacred to the uproarious lords of the land, inadvertently unleashing chaos and fury in the kingdom! Pre-booking with City Screen: 0871 902 5726. FESTIVAL COMBAT ARENA: DUEL!


14:00 | National Centre for Early Music | £5 Adult, £3.50 Conc. Gather for a gruesome show of the seven most horrid characters from York’s history brought to you by master storyteller and author of Horrible Histories, Terry Deary. With an opportunity afterwards to meet the man himself, ask questions and get your books signed, this exclusive event promises to be an unforgettable addition to the 2013 programme. Pre-booking advised: 615505. HEIMKOMA

19:30 | York Minster | £12 Adult, £10 Conc. Join King Svein and his son, the famous Cnut, to celebrate their Heimkoma (homecoming) in this beautiful and richly historic venue as Viking performers of Jorvik seek to impress the new King with music, song and Norse poetry by atmospheric candlelight. Featuring contributions from The 24 Choir, soloist Hannah Witcomb and Jorvik Vikings. Pre-booking essential: 0844 939 0015. THE TRAITOR’S PIT

15:30 | York Mansion House | £2 Adult, £1 Conc. Join Victoria Whitworth, lecturer in Nordic Studies at the University of the Highlands & Islands, as she introduces her latest book – The Traitor’s Pit, a fascinating story of divided loyalties. Pre-booking advised: 615505.

THURSDAY 21ST FEBRUARY COPPERGATE CAMP 10:00 – 16:00 (Storytelling

11:00, 13:00, 15:00) | Coppergate Square | FREE A Viking encampment and longship. See listing for 16th February. MEET THE EXPERTS: STONEHENGE: DIGITAL ARCHAEOLOGY

10:00 – 15:00 | Barley Hall | Normal admission prices apply Meet our archaeological expert, Marcus Abbott, who will explain the process of laser scanning used to create 3D visuals. HISTORICAL ARTS & CRAFTS

10:30 – 16:00 | St Sampson’s Square Marquee | FREE (small charge for some activities) Viking-themed crafting activities in the city-centre marquee. See listing for 18th February. HAVE-A-GO SWORD COMBAT

10:30, 11:30, 13:30, 15:30 | Merchant Adventurers’ Hall |£3 Sword fighting workshop for children. See listing for 18th February. STRONG MAN CHALLENGE FOR CHILDREN

11:00 – 16:00 | DIG | Normal admission prices apply Viking-themed games and challenges. See listing for 18th February. FESTIVAL COMBAT ARENA: STAND AND DELIVER!

11:30, 13:30, 15:30 | York Guildhall | £3 Adult, £2 Conc. A story as old as the hills; two men with tongues as sharp as their swords fight over a beautiful woman. Pre-booking advised: 615505.

11:30, 13:30, 15:30 | York Guildhall | £3 Adult, £2 Conc. Encounter two dandy highwaymen who may not be all that they seem... With exciting sword fights and deadly arguments this is a show not to be missed! Prebooking advised: 615505.



14:00 | Departs Micklegate Bar Museum | £4 Adult, £3 Conc. A fascinating historical walk through York. See listing for 18th February.

14:00 | Departs Micklegate Bar Museum | £4 Adult, £3 Conc. A fascinating historical walk through York. See listing for 18th February.



15:30 | York Mansion House | £2 Adult, £1 Conc. A reading, Q&A and book-signing opportunity with Giles Kristian, author of the bestselling RAVEN series (Odin’s Wolves, Sons of Thunder, Bloodeye). Pre-booking advised: 615505. Suitable for age ten and over

10:00 – 16:00 (Storytelling 11:00, 13:00) | Coppergate Square | FREE A Viking encampment and longship. See listing for 16th February.


St Sampson’s Square Marquee & Merchant Adventurer’s Hall | £2 Adult, £1.50 Conc, £5 Family A unique opportunity to purchase Viking-themed merchandise. See listing for Friday 22nd.


14:00 | Merchant Adventurers’ Hall | £4 Conc. (1 FREE adult place per child) An ancient tale, written 1000 years ago....King Hrothgar built a great hall at the top of a hill so that his importance would always be remembered...but there was already a creature living on the hill… Grendel was his name! And so starts the classic story of Beowulf – The Dragon Slayer, who crosses land and sea to find adventure and fame, meeting monsters and a dragon! Pre-booking advised: 615505. Suitable for ages seven and over.


10:30, 11:30, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30 | Merchant Adventurers’ Hall | £3 Sword fighting workshop for children. See listing for Monday 18th February. MARCH TO COPPERGATE


19:00 | York Guildhall | £9 Adult, £7 Conc. (Includes welcome drink & nibbles) Join archaeologist Mike Parker-Pearson for a look at the exciting results of recent investigations and laser scanning of Stonehenge conducted by ArcHeritage, York Archaeological Trust’s Sheffield unit. This event is a must for both fans of archaeology and anyone intrigued by the mystery of this magnificent ancient monument. Pre-booking essential: 615505.



11:30, 13:30, 15:30 | York Guildhall | £3 Adult, £2 Conc. Hot on the tail of the pirates who plundered the seven seas was the Royal Navy, always keen to catch a pirate or two and bring them justice. Witness the capture of one of the most notorious pirates of all time – who might not be quite what he seems. Pre-booking advised: 615505.

COPPERGATE CAMP 10:00 – 16:00 (Storytelling


11:00, 13:00, 15:00) | Coppergate Square | FREE A Viking encampment and longship. See listing for 16th February.

14:00 | Departs Micklegate Bar Museum | £4 Adult, £3 Conc. A fascinating historical walk through York. See listing for 18th February.



10:00 – 15:00 | Barley Hall | Normal admission prices apply Join Northlight Heritage forensic archaeologists to discover how archaeology is helping to bring serious criminals to justice. Visit the crime scene and learn how a body is recovered, evidence gathered and events interpreted.

15:00 | York Minster | Normal admission prices apply Join York Archaeological Trust’s Ian Milsted for a familyfriendly talk about how archaeologists investigate and understand findings over long periods of time like those at York Minster, when evidence can be fragile and has a rare chance of survival. Plus, all will be revealed from the recent excavations in the Minster Undercroft! Pre-booking advised: 0844 939 0015.


10:00 – 16:00 | St Sampson’s Square Marquee & Merchant Adventurers’ Hall | £2 Adult, £1.50 Conc.. £5 Family Vikings from around the world gather to sell their wares, including weapons, jewellery, costume, chests, bowls, tankards, lanterns, belts, shoes and pottery. HAVE-A-GO SWORD COMBAT

10:30, 11:30, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30 | Merchant Adventurers’ Hall | £3 Sword fighting workshop for children. See listing for Monday 18th February. FILM: HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 3D

11:00 | City Screen Cinema | £9 Adult, £7 Conc. Another chance to see this fantastic Dreamworks film in 3D splendour! Join young Viking Hiccup as he aspires to follow his tribe’s tradition of becoming a dragon slayer! Pre-booking with City Screen: 0871 902 5726. STRONG MAN CHALLENGE FOR CHILDREN

11:00 – 16:00 | DIG | Normal admission prices apply Viking-themed games and challenges. See listing for 18th February. MINI MUSICAL VIKINGS WITH BASH!

11:00, 13:00, 15:00 | DIG | £3 Conc. (1 FREE adult place per child) A chance for smaller fans of the Vikings to sing and make music with some familiar rhymes given a Viking twist. Row, row, row your longship along for a fun and relaxed workshop designed especially for five years and under. Pre-booking essential: 615505.


19:30 | National Centre for Early Music | £35* Visitors are once again welcomed to a unique event at a historic venue by a torchlit Viking War band, before enjoying an evening of authentic Viking feasting hosted by the Jarl and his warriors who will entertain you at your table with fantastic trials of strength and performance as the wine and music flow! Featuring fun and entertaining appearances from York Archaeological Trust experts in Viking history, this is an event not to be missed! Prebooking essential: 615505. *Wine will be provided with your meal and thereafter drinks will be available to purchase from the bar.

13:30 | Dean’s Park, next to York Minster | FREE See the Vikings muster and march across the city to Coppergate in a fantastic show of strength. An excellent opportunity to capture your Instagram photo and enter our photography competition! 6TH ANNUAL BEST BEARD COMPETITION

15:00 | Coppergate Camp | FREE A fun competition for men, women and children wishing to parade their facial hair in an effort to win the coveted Viking Best Beard trophy! Recognition will be given to both length and creativity; homemade beards are permitted, but not for men. Judging at 15:00, participants to register at 14:30. #bestbeard FESTIVAL SPECTACULAR FINALE

Doors open at 18:00, Event ends at 20:00 | Eye of York (by Clifford’s Tower) | £10 Adult, £7.50 Conc. £30 Family of 4, £35 Family of 5 York will once again become a fiery battleground as two Viking hordes collide in the finale of the JORVIK Viking Festival 2013. For the victors, the mighty city of York and all its riches. For the vanquished, only slavery and death await. Weapons will clash in a desperate struggle for honour and revenge, before a fallen Viking is sent in flames to Valhalla, the warrior afterlife. See this thrilling story unfold with dazzling sound and light effects in the historic surroundings of the Eye of York. Please be advised this event sells out well in advance so book early: 615505.

SUNDAY 24TH FEBRUARY TENTH-CENTURY TRADERS 10:00 – 16:00 | St Sampson’s Square Marquee & Merchant Adventurer’s Hall | £2 Adult, £1.50 Conc, £5 Family A unique opportunity to purchase Viking-themed merchandise. See listing for Friday 22nd. HAVE-A-GO SWORD COMBAT

10:30, 11:30, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30 | Merchant Adventurers’ Hall | £3 Sword fighting workshop for children. See listing for Monday 18th February.


10:00 – 12:30* | York Guildhall | FREE Join mighty warriors as they compete against one another in a range of challenging tests of strength to win the coveted Viking Strongman trophy! Cheer for your favourite as they compete in events such as log carrying, tug-of-war, wrestling and many more! Will Jorfor ‘Bringer of War’ be able to retain his coveted title? Word spreads across the cold North Seas that Scandinavian forces are bringing their champions to prove their might. #strongestviking *Due to the capacity of the building numbers are limited so arrive early to avoid disappointment.

Tickets can be booked online or by calling the ticketing Box Office on 01904 615505. Lines open 9am – 5pm, Mon-Fri. 10am – 2pm, Sat. Festival Office, JORVIK Viking Centre, Coppergate, York YO1 9WT #JorvikVikingFestival Keep up to date on all The JORVIK Group’s festivals and events by joining our mailing list online or follow us on twitter @jorvikviking Events correct at time of press. The organisers reserve the right to alter or withdraw events. JORVIK Viking Festival is managed by York Archaeological Trust, a registered Charity in England & Wales (No. 509060) and Scotland (No. SCO42846).



BARNITTS The home & garden store. est 1896 | 24-26 colliergate, york | Tel: 01904 625601

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BARNITTS The home & garden store. est 1896 | 24-26 colliergate, york | Tel: 01904 625601


Theatre Joseph Rowntree Theatre The Wizard of Oz (8th – 9th February) A magical performance from the pupils of the Patricia Veale School of Dance. Directed by Kelly Clarey, and based on the phenomenally popular film The Wizard of Oz, this promises to be a truly spectacular performance. To book: 799640.

Blithe spirit (7th - 9th March) The Rowntree Players present this tale of Charles Conomine, a successful novelist who wished to learn about the occult for a book he is writing. He arranges for an eccentic medium, Madame Arcati, to hold a séance at his house. To book: 07927 026071

Return to the forbidden planet (21st - 23rd March)

Theatre Royal

Grand Opera House

ROBIN HOOD & HIS MERRY MAM! (Until 2nd February)

Dolly Parton - 9 To 5 The Musical (4th – 9th February)

The much lauded York Theatre Royal is back, being another unique spectacle of amazing sets, costumes, magical lighting, music and choreography… and all done in the best possible panto taste! King Richard the Lionheart is away fighting in the Crusades, whilst here at home Robin Hood has the task of saving the rightful heirs to the throne from the evil Prince John and Sheriff Hutton of Nottingham! He also has to cope with the arrival of his mother who thinks he’s an accountant and brings with her a recipe for slapstick, mayhem and zany antics. To book: 623568.

This new musical comedy, direct from Broadway, boasts a stellar all-star cast and is based on the hit movie and centres on three office workers who turn the tables on their sexist, egotistical, lying, bigot of a boss. They conspire to take control of the company and learn there’s nothing they can’t do – even in a man’s world. To book: 0844 8472322.

The Woman in Black (25th February – 2nd March) Unanimously acclaimed by the critics, The Woman in Black combines the power and intensity of live theatre with a cinematic quality inspired by the world of film noir. The formula delivers an evening of unremitting drama, transporting the audience into a terrifying and ghostly world. In the show a lawyer engages a sceptical young actor to help him tell his terrifying story and exorcise the fear that grips his soul. To book: 623568.

oliver (5th - 16th March) The York Light Opera Company presents the classic tale that puts a musical ‘Twist” on the Dickens story. This promises to be a raucous riot of delightful singing and dancing, that will leave you wanting MORE! To book: 623568 104

Goodnight Mister Tom (26th February – 2nd March) Set during the dark and dangerous build up to the Second World War, Goodnight Mister Tom follows sad William Beech, who is evacuated to the idyllic English countryside and builds a remarkable and moving friendship with the elderly recluse Tom Oakley. All seems perfect until William is devastatingly summoned by his mother back to London. To book: 0844 8472322.

the winters tale (19th - 23rd March) The Royal Shakespeare Company returns with one of the bard’s best loved plays. Leontes has everything a man could want: power, wealth, a loving family and friends. But he is not at peace. Inside he harbours a bitter jealousy that drives him to destroy all he holds dear. To book: 0844 8472322

Prepare to blast off for the greatest toe-tapping, all singing, all dancing, musical of 2013. Join Flying Ducks Youth Theatre as Shakespeare’s Tempest meets 1950s science fiction film Forbidden Planet - with a large dose of rock n roll thrown in! Call 768963

Miss Saigon (22nd February – 2nd March) Years after leaving Vietnam, Chris discovers his war bride Kim is still alive and is now raising his son. He returns to Saigon to find her, but with the Viet Cong closing in on the city and other ties at home binding him, Chris is forced to make some large decisions before leaving Vietnam again. A wonderful show by York Stage Musicals. To book: 623568.

York Barbican ANTON AND ERIN GO TO HOLLYWOOD (9th February) Anton du Beke and Erin Boag return with a sensational new show. The UK’s favourite dance duo pays tribute to the Golden Years of the film musicals. Sassy tunes, sensational choreography and sparkling costumes conjure up all the fizz and razzmatazz of glamorous Hollywood. To book: 0844 8542757.

BARNITTS The home & garden store. est 1896 | 24-26 colliergate, york | Tel: 01904 625601

Basement: 612940 Black Swan Folk Club: 679131 The National Centre For Early Music: 658338

Barbican: 0844 8542757. Pocklington Arts Centre: 0175 9301547 The Duchess: 641413 Fibbers: 651250 BARBICAN 1 Paloma Faith 2 & 3 Moscow City Ballet & Orchestra – Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker 8 Little Mix 9 Anton & Erin Go To Hollywood 12 Rita Ora 16 The Nolans 18 Cannon, Campbell, Watchorn and O’Connor 23 York Guildhall Orchestra 24 Dance On Yorkshire POCKLINGTON ARTS CENTRE 1 Chris Addison – The Time Is Now 9 Stornoway 15 The Nightingale

17 Martin Simpson, Farino & Jaywalkers 20 Eugene Onegin – Royal Opera House Live 22 Otis Gibbs 26 Peter Wynne & Friends FIBBERS 1 Kazabian 2 Mark Morriss 7 Kodaline 8 Steve Diggle 9 Limehouse Lizzy 12 Gallops 15 Robert Guthrie Trio 16 Cosmo Jarvis 17 My Forever 23 Heidevolk THE DUCHESS 1 King Pleasure & The Biscuit Boys

3 General Fiasco 6 We Are The Ocean 8 Orange Goblin 9 Pure Love 11 Funeral For A Friend 13 Hacktivist 15 Men in the Sky 16 Geno Washington & Yoyo Blues 17 Bentley Park 18 Elliot Brood 19 Michael Chapman 20 Swim Deep + My Grey Horse + Best Friends + Father Sculptor 22 Bird 23 The Smiths Ltd 25 Sonic Boom Six 26 The Virginmarys 27 The Bronx

Film guide

Flight. Denzel Washington plays drug addicted airline pilot William ‘Whip’ Whitaker, who after falling asleep at the controls, causes his plane to crash land, killing several of the passengers. Whip is heralded as a hero for managing to save the majority of those on board, but the only other person who knows the truth is his co-pilot, who has been in a coma since the crash. Some gripping drama is promised with Flight, which sees director Robert Zemeckis take the helm of his first live-action film in 12 years.

Hyde Park on Hudson. This is the story of the love affair between US President Franklin D. Roosevelt (played by Bill Murray) and his distant cousin Margaret Stuckley. The plot is centred on the weekend in 1939 when the king and queen of England visited upstate New York and, apparently, hilarity ensued. Bill Murray is always a great pleasure to watch, be it in a serious or a comical role, and it’s great to see him tackling a historical figure.

BASEMENT 2 Coquette 3 Hyena Lounge Comedy Club 5 Daniel’s Gig - Zak Ford 6 YPS Cafe Scientifique 7 Luke Jermay’s Psychic Cabinet 8 Three Sheets T’ Wind 9 Hyena Comedy Club Saturday Night Lounge 12 Mr H Presents Marcus Bonfanti 14 Valentine’s Caberet 18 Martin House Fundraiser 19 NA Music Showcase 20 Please Please You Presents Mazes 21 Hyena Lounge Comedy Club 22 Please Please You Presents Spirit of John 23 Hyena Saturday Night Lounge

24 Hyena Lounge Comedy Club 26 Dr Sketchy’s Anti-art School 28 Dan Webster Band BLACK SWAN FOLK CLUB 7 Julie Matthews 14 Singers & Musicians Night 15 Steve Knightley 21 New Roots Double Bill: Kirsty Bromley +Jessica Lamb 28 Ewan McLennan NATIONAL CENTRE FOR EARLY MUSIC 2 Twentieth Century Choral Masters 9 Britten Canticle 15 Steve Knightley 16 Messiah 26 Yiddish Twist Orchestra

Vue: 08712 240 240 City Screen: 0871 902 5726 Reel Cinema: 0870 801 0870

Wreck-It Ralph. If you were a bad guy in a video game, surely you’d get bored of it after a while; getting constantly beaten up by the so-called hero and despised by all the children who play the game. That was Wreck-It Ralph’s problem, before he decided to rebel and become a good guy – something that caused quite a stir with the other game characters in the arcade. This Disney animated film packs a host of comedy actors, including John C. Reilly, Sarah Silverman and Jane Lynch. Plus the film also stars… Sonic the Hedgehog! A Good Day to Die Hard. Yippee ki-yay, John McClane is back! Since 1988’s Die Hard Bruce Willis has enjoyed occasional stints in that famous dirty white vest, battling wrong-doers and foreign terrorists as a one-man army. This fifth instalment sees the tough bald cop travel to Russia after receiving news that his son has been arrested. But, as per usual, McClane becomes embroiled in shoot outs, car chases, punches

that sound like whip-cracks and lots and lots of swearing. We particularly like the way they’ve fitted ‘Die Hard’ into the title. Next, we’re hoping for a James Bond cross-over, ‘To Live and Let Die Hard’. Tee hee.

Cloud Atlas. Watch the trailer for this. Seriously, it’s about five minutes long and features galleons at sea, native Indians running through a forest and futuristic space ships blowing things up. Cloud Atlas plummets from the imagination of the same people who created The Matrix and is directed by Tom Tykwer, he of German trance film Run Lola Run. It stars Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Jim Broadbent, Hugo Weaving, Susan Sarandon and Hugh Grant and explores how the actions of individual lives impact on one another in the past, present and future, as one soul is shaped from a killer into a hero, and an act of kindness ripples across the centuries to inspire a revolution.

BARNITTS The home & garden store. est 1896 | 24-26 colliergate, york | Tel: 01904 625601



NEWGATE MARKET. Everything you could every possibly need – all at incredible bargain prices. 07887 754455. The Balloon Tree Farmshop, Gate Helmsley. The award winning farmshop and cafe have been growing soft fruit and vegetables for over 20 years. Pick your own or buy ready picked. 01759 373023. PIGLETS ADVENTURE FARM PARK, The Farmer’s Cart, Towthorpe Grange, 10am-5pm. Animal petting, crazy farm golf, obstacle course, ride-on tractor rides, pedal go-carts and much more. 499183. QUILT MUSEUM AND GALLERY, Peasholme Green. Britain’s first museum dedicated to quilt making and textile arts. 613242.

Days Out and attract ions Fancy a day out in York or further afield? These attractions are very attractive.

SIGHTSEEING TOURS BY BIKE. Explore York by bike, with all equipment provided. www.scootcyclingholidays. 720003. TREASURER’S HOUSE, Minster Yard. Enjoy a leisurely stroll through this historic house before you relax in the tearooms. 624247. The York Cocoa House, Blake Street. Chocolate workshops are suitable for all ages and abilities.


THE NATIONAL RAILWAY MUSEUM, Leeman Road, 10am-6pm daily. This free family attraction is the biggest railway museum in the world. Lots to see and do.

BARLEY HALL, 2 Coffee Yard, off Stonegate. A stunning medieval house. 610275.

THE BAR CONVENT, Blossom Street. England’s oldest convent, founded in 1686,w now a museum. 643238.

Beningbrough Hall and Gardens, Beningbrough. Beningbrough Hall and Gardens, Beningbrough. A spectacular stately home, with fun for the whole family.

YORK CASTLE MUSEUM, Eye of York. One of Britain’s leading museums, it shows how people used to live by recreating rooms, shops, streets – and even prison cells. www. 687687.

CLIFFORD’S TOWER, Eye of York, Open daily, 10am-6pm. Set in the heart of York, this imposing tower is almost all that remains of York Castle, which was originally built by William the Conqueror. 646940. DOG WALKS, throughout Yorkshire. Your guide to dog-friendly walking in the Yorkshire countryside. Edge Events Function Rooms, Wentworth College, The University of York. Open to members of the public looking to book a private party venue to celebrate that special event without breaking the bank. Call 323012. F1 Racing, JMD Raceway, Kathryn Avenue, Monks Cross. Racing and go-kart hire throughout the day – perfect for old and young speedsters. 673555. FAIRFAX HOUSE, Castlegate. Unlock the splendour of the finest Georgian town house in England. 655543.


YORKSHIRE MUSEUM AND GARDENS. Museum Street. The ten-acre botanical Museum Gardens, GODDARD’S, Tadcaster Road. Visit the around the Yorkshire Museum. www. former home of Noel Goddard Terry, of 687687. the famous York chocolate-making firm, YORKSHIRE AIR MUSEUM, Elvington. Terry’s of York. The largest independent air museum uk/goddards in Britain and is also the location of HOLGATE WINDMILL, Windmill Rise, Holgate. Open some weekends to visitors. JORVIK, Coppergate. Experience life in Viking York as you meet the inhabitants on your journey through reconstructed Viking streets inspired by the famous dig of the 1970s. www.jorvik-viking-centre. 543403. MERCHANT ADVENTURERS’ HALL, Fossgate. Set in beautiful gardens in the centre of historic York, the hall is a fully functioning museum, wedding and hospitality venue. 654818. MURTON PARK, Murton. A thriving 16 acre site with events and activities throughout the year. 489966.

The Allied Air Forces Memorial. www. 608595.

YORK COLD WAR BUNKER. Acomb Road. Enter the blast-proof doors and investigate the more unusual side of York’s heritage. 646940. YORK DUNGEONS, Clifford Street. Closed until Easter when they will reopen with fantastically frightening new attractions. york 632599. YORKWALK, Museum Garden Gates, Museum Street. A wide range of tours with several taking place every day. Special autumn walks now available. 622303.

YORK MINSTER. Deangate Learn about the Minster’s Eight Wonders and discover what makes the iconic structure so magnificent. wonders. 0844 9390015. YORK’S CHOCOLATE STORY, King’s Square. See chocolate come to life and hear generations of chocolate secrets. 08454 989411. YORK RACECOURSE, Knavesmire Road. More than just a racecourse, they also host regular music and comedy nights. 620911. YORK CITY SIGHTSEEING, Exhibition Square. Enjoy a live guided Heritage Tour, Family Fun and Multilingual Tours and travel on Terrible Tales – the grisly stories of York. 634296. YORK BOAT, Lendal Bridge Landing, throughout the day. An entertaining and informative river cruise. Treat yourself to a refreshing drink from the bar and rest your feet. YORK GLIDING CENTRE, The Aerodrome, Rufforth. Learn how to fly, or book a special glider ride gift for a friend of family member. Call 738694.

EVERY NIGHT GHOST TRAIL OF YORK, West Doors of York Minster. Dare you cross the centuries and discover York’s spinechilling history? 633276. YORK TERROR TRAIL, Starts at The Golden Fleece Inn. A tour of the historical horrors of York’s 1900 year history, told by an array of colourful characters.

EVERY SUNDAY GIANT CAR BOOT SALE, Wigginton. Established for 22 years. 768463.

EVERY MONDAY SELBY MARKET, Selby town centre. Bargains galore at the well-established market. 07808 768186.

HELMSLEY BYLAND ABBEY, Coxwold. Byland Abbey is the perfect place to stop if you’re walking or cycling in the North York Moors National Park. 01347 868614. DALBY FOREST DRIVE AND VISITOR CENTRE, Low Dalby. Activities and events running throughout the year. DUNCOMBE PARK, Helmsley. The spectacular gardens are open to visitors, as is the surrounding parkland. www. 01439 772625. NUNNINGTON HALL, Helmsley. Picturesque Yorkshire manor house with organic garden and exciting exhibitions. 01439 748283. RIEVAULX ABBEY, Helmsley. Learn about the monks in medieval times and how they devoted their lives to spiritual matters. 01439 798228.

BARNITTS The home & garden store. est 1896 | 24-26 colliergate, york | Tel: 01904 625601

THE TIME MACHINE, Beech Avenue, Harrogate. The largest and best indoor play and party centre in Harrogate. 01423 816111.

RIPON CAMP HILL, Kirklington, Bedale. The north’s leading and award winning Corporate Event and Outdoor Adventure destination. www.camphill. 01845 567788.

YORKSHIRE DALES BOLTON CASTLE, Leyburn. One of the country’s best preserved medieval castles. 01969 623981. BEECH END INTERACTIVE MODEL VILLAGE. Commercial Square, Leyburn. Unique amongst model villages, it combines fascinating visual detail with interactive fun. 01969 625400.

FOUNTAINS ABBEY AND STUDLEY ROYAL, Ripon. Every day there are tours and demonstrations of what life was like in the medieval abbey. 01765 608888.

SCARBOROUGH BETTON FARM VISITOR CENTRE, East Ayton. A thriving little farm and working community dedicated to your pleasure and interest. 01723 863143. PEASHOLM PARK, North Bay, Scarborough. Take a boat trip around the beautiful surroundings of Peasholm Park. 01723 383636.

English garden. www.falconrycentre. 01845 587522.

MALTON CASTLE HOWARD. The magnificent house and gardens at Castle Howard contain many surprises. Enjoy tours on a variety of subjects, including architecture and restoration. www.castlehoward. 01653 648444.

SCARBOROUGH CASTLE, Castle Road. With over 2,500 years of turbulent history behind it, Scarborough Castle is a great day out. 01723 372451.

THIRSK MONK PARK FARM VISITOR CENTRE, Bagby, Thirsk. A varied collection of both outdoor and indoor Feeding Areas where you can see lots of animals. 01845 597730. THE WORLD OF JAMES HERRIOT, Kirkgate. Step back in time and experience the life of James Herriot. 01845 524234. THE BIRD OF PREY CENTRE, Sion Hall Hill, Kirby Wiske. Eagles, falcons, hawks and owls will swoop and dive around you as you sit in a beautiful

THE YORKSHIRE LAW AND ORDER MUSEUMS, Sharow View, Allhallowgate, Ripon. The story of the Liberty Courthouse, Prison and Victorian Workhouse. www. 01765 690799. ROBIN HOOD’S BAY, Near Whitby. There is much more to Robin Hood’s Bay than initially meets the eye. www. 01947 880021. THE DRACULA EXPERIENCE, 9 Marine Parade, Whitby. A unique tour through the Dracula story and the connection to Whitby. 01723 501016.

SCARBOROUGH ART GALLERY, The Crescent, Scarborough. An exciting mixture of treasures including paintings and exhibitions. 01723 374753.

THE ROTUNDA MUSEUM, Vernon Road, Scarborough. Dinosaurs in Yorkshire? Get hands on and learn geology skills. uk 01723 374839.

NEWBY HALL, Ripon. An enchanting woodland walk and a miniature railway, and the exciting adventure gardens. 0845 4504068.


SCARBOROUGH SEA LIFE CENTRE, Scalby Mills Road. All kinds of sealife from the curious and the rescued to the rare and the enigmatic. 01723 376125.

STAINTONDALE SHIRE HORSE FARM VISITOR CENTRE, Staintondale. The farm is set in 40 acres of idyllic coastline and is enjoyed by people of all ages. www.shirehorsefarm. 01723 870458.

LIGHTWATER VALLEY, North Stainley. Escape to Lightwater Valley and discover the excitement of a day bursting with thrills. www. 0870 458 0040.

EDEN CAMP, Malton. One of the largest and most comprehensive museums covering British military and social history. 01653 697777. FLAMINGOLAND, Kirby Misperton, Malton. Enjoy a day out at the theme park and animal sanctuary. 0870 7528000.

HARROGATE RHS GARDEN HARLOW CARR, Crag Lane, Harrogate. A garden dominated by water, stone and woodland. 01423 565418. RIPLEY CASTLE, Harrogate. A fascinating and entertaining day out in a beautiful location with memorable surroundings. 01423 770152. ROYAL PUMP ROOM MUSEUM, Crown Place, Harrogate. Relax whilst exploring Harrogate’s spa history on the site of Europe’s strongest sulphur well. 01423 556188.

WHITBY ABBEY. Abbey Lane. Set on a headland high over the popular seaside town, Whitby Abbey is the perfect choice for a great value day trip. 01947 603568.

PICKERING NORTH YORKSHIRE MOORS RAILWAY, Pickering Station. The steam train takes the tourists on a journey from Pickering to Grosmont. www. 01751 472508. NORTH YORK MOORS NATIONAL PARK. Superb natural history and a variety of unique places to visit. www. 01439 770657. RYEDALE FOLK MUSEUM, Hutton le Hole. A beautiful open-air museum and a wonderful place to visit. 01751 417 367. PICKERING CASTLE. Castlegate. Discover how this splendid 13th century castle was used throughout the 01751 474989.

THE FORBIDDEN CORNER, The Tupgill Park Estate, Coverdale. The Forbidden Corner is full of strange things. 01969 640638. THORP PERROW ARBORETUM, Bedale. 100 acres of beautiful woodland walks, trails and glades to explore. www. 01677 425323.

SKIPTON SKIPTON CASTLE. High Street. Over 900 years old, Skipton Castle is one of the most complete and best preserved medieval castles in England. www. 01756 792442.

FILEY CRESCENT GARDENS, The Crescent, Filey. Stroll through the Crescent Gardens as you take in the stunning views across the bay. 01723 383636. GLEN GARDENS, West Avenue, Filey. These fantastic gardens offer the perfect retreat for family picnics. 01723 383636. THE MEMORIAL GARDENS, Murray Street, Filey. These gardens are in an ideal location to relax with lunch as you watch the world go by. 01723 383636.

HULL THE DEEP, Hull. This award-winning visitor attraction is home to over 3,500 fish including spectacular sharks and rays. BLACKTOFT SANDS, near Goole. Spectacular wildlife at the start of the Humber estuary. 01405 704665.

FURTHER AFIELD DIGGERLAND, Castleford. Diggerland allows both adults and children to go crazy with mechanised madness. 0871 2277007.

BARNITTS The home & garden store. est 1896 | 24-26 colliergate, york | Tel: 01904 625601




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