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october 2013 / issue 120
Let there be light
This year’s Vikingthemed Illuminating York is set to be the biggest ever. Marathon madness
Our Rachel and Helen went from running scared to marathon queens in just seven months - and you can too! Happy Halloween!
Walk with
the past
We’ve got plenty to keep the whole family entertained this Halloween. Look out for the latest newsletter from York Against Cancer with this month’s magazine.
No, these people haven’t just raided the fancy dress box at the Theatre Royal – they’re three of the cast members of the latest blockbuster production, Blood + Chocolate. Get set to meet the other 177 cast members on the streets of York from 3rd-20th October.
We’re delivered to 88,952 homes and businesses in and around York
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the best of york
In association with ALI G PIZZA House 11a Tower Street, York Tel: 01904 654654
the best of york 4
In association with ALI G PIZZA House 11a Tower Street, York Tel: 01904 654654
Want to appear in our line up?
See our recruitment advert on P125
tracy DONNA
the best of york
(You should have seen the ones that ended up being deleted from the camera…)
October rolls around once again, and the Your Local Link office is a trick or treater’s heaven. Not because we’ve prepared especially, though we’ve just got our usual haul of biscuits, sweets and crisps filling Bert the Biscuit Barrel to the brim. You should see the office by the time 31st October arrives…
wasn’t a ‘real’ owl, but it still caused enough of a ruckus for Gini to turn off the water supply until everyone calmed down. The sales team still ended up taking Jerry hostage, though, and all he wanted to do was ask about an advert. Poor Jerry.
But trick or treaters, beware – the team here is full of practical jokers, so you may well be the ones who end up being tricked. Last October the sales team surpassed themselves by stealing an owl from the creative office, which led to a conflict of spectacular proportions which shall forevermore be remembered as ‘Owlgate’. Don’t worry, it
Aside from all the tomfoolery, we’ve got a great magazine lined up for you this month. From a preview of Illuminating York to an interview with Blood + Chocolate director Alan Lane, and with plenty of other local news, reviews and offers in between, it’s well worth a read. Make yourself a cuppa and get comfy!
So be warned – to get some sweets, you might have to be kidnapped for a bit.
Meet Gary! You may well have spotted our distribution whizz Gary while he’s been out and about on his rounds, but you might not know that he’s also an expert in bike rescue. During his first week at Your Local Link he had to save Katie’s bike, which had been abandoned on Gillygate after a tyre went flat. He got a few funny looks when he rocked up to the bus stop and put it in the back of the van…
Until next month!
Advertising: Gini, Tracy, Sarah, Mim, Kelly, Avril, Cassie, Andrew, Laura, Ellen & Krystal Design: Rachel, Dave & Jerry Editorial: Nic, Howard, Donna & Katie Accounts: Helen & Claire Distribution: Dean, Jon & Gary
In association with ALI G PIZZA House 11a Tower Street, York Tel: 01904 654654
cover story:
Blood + Chocolate. 26-27. This year’s blockbuster production from
York Theatre Royal will see a cast of 180 (plus a few hundred more working behind the scenes) take audiences on a journey into the wartime era around the streets of York. We chat to Alan Lane, Director of the production, about using the city of York as a stage.
Win: a family ticket to Kaboom; a lava shell massage treatment at Twilight; and three weeks’ worth of sessions for your child at Tread the Boards.
10-11. Hotlist. 12-13. The way I see it. 14-15.
Join the Club.
90-91. Events hotlist.
The crème de la crème of this month.
18-19. Well done
92-109. Events Diary. Keep up to
date with what’s on.
22-23. Culture.
104. Theatre 106. Gig guide.
22-23. Culture Column It’s that
Our girls Rach and Helen have been training hard for the Yorkshire Marathon, taking place on 22nd October. Discover how they went from barely being able to run for 20 minutes to becoming marathon queens in just seven months – and read their top tips on getting started yourself!
time of year again – Illuminating York is back, and this year’s event promises to be the biggest yet, with a Viking theme taking over the city. We talk to Ross Ashton and Karen Monid who have collaborated on a project for Clifford’s Tower.
Krystal’s gems. Our teen queen Krystal shares her tips on learning to drive, and ponders how old is too old when trick or treating. Howard. This month, Howard explains why he tells his daughter that her mama is a robot.
The latest local news: From us and the BBC – keep up to date with what’s going on in your community.
the web? Finished reading the mag but want some more Link lovin’ in between issues? Fret not, dear readers. Head to our home on the web:
The way I see it. Donna attempts to decipher Facebook, and accidentally announces that she is getting married.
Reasons you should pay us a visit:
What’s on
Useful stuff: Think the classified section of the magazine is big? You should see the local businesses directory on our website. Whichever type of tradesperson or supplier you need, our website has it all. Visit www.yourlocallink.co.uk
This month we test the Snap Remote for the iPhone (which involves lots of catwalk modelling). Visit www.yourlocallink.co.uk and press the Youtube button on the homepage to see this and lots more product review videos.
Get in touch...
Tel: 01904 767881
Email: info@yourlocallink.co.uk Write: Your Local Link, Oak Tree Farm, The Moor, Haxby, York YO32 2LH Social: facebook.com/locallinkyork • tweet us at @locallinkyork
Behind the scenes.
28-29. Krystal’s Gems
features: 24-25. Watch out, Mo Farah!
Business Buzz.
Your home and garden.
Your Pet.
Your family and you.
Food & Drink.
90-109. Events 110-111. Classified – at a glance. 112-125. Trades & Services directory. 125-128. Jobs, jobs, jobs…
Events: Running short on ways to entertain the kids, or looking for something for you and your friends to enjoy at the weekend? The events section on our website is even bigger than the one in the magazine, and there’s a massive range of workshops, talks, fayres, culture... well, there’s too much to list here. See for yourself – visit www.yourlocallink.co.uk/events
Like and follow us! You could win a prize.. We’ve recently set up a brand spanking new Facebook page, so visit www.facebook.com/locallinkyork and click the like button! If you’re a tweeter visit www.twitter.com/LocalLinkYork You’ll be able to enjoy competitions, reviews, and lots of hilarious updates from Local Link HQ. See you there! All advertisements and editorial are subject to our standard term and conditions of acceptance which are available upon request from Your Local Link Ltd. The content and design of the magazine and website are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without the express prior permission of the publishers Your Local Link Ltd. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information, listings and advertising herein the publishers cannot accept liability for any loss or damage however caused from any errors or omissions.
Space booking, copy, cancellation and editorial deadline for the November edition is 11 October and 18 October for recruitment
In association with ALI G PIZZA House 11a Tower Street, York Tel: 01904 654654
the best of york
In association with ALI G PIZZA House 11a Tower Street, York Tel: 01904 654654
Lyrical lessons
Does your child sing you good morning? Do they dance their way to school? Does dinner time resemble an especially surreal episode of Glee? If so, perhaps it’s time to get them into a performance arts school. Tread the Boards, the York theatrical academy, have just started providing classes at Joseph Rowntree School every Friday night and would like to offer three free weeks of sessions to one lucky reader aged from six to 16. Find out more about the new classes in our Family section, and visit www.treadtheboards.org All you have to do for a chance of winning is answer this easy-peasy question: On what night of the week do the classes take place? Send your answer (along with your name, address and daytime contact number) on a postcard marked ‘Tread the Boards Competition’ to the address on page six, or via email to info@yourlocallink.co.uk The competition ends on 31st October, so don’t delay. Terms and conditions apply. Good luck.
No need to ‘shell’ out for this…
Check out our review of the Lava Shell massage in the Health & Beauty section.
… because you might win it. That’s because the relaxation experts at Twilight Treatments at The York Marriot on Tadcaster Road are offering a prize not to be missed. Their lava shell massage treatments involve being gently massaged by one of Twilight’s experienced team using heated tiger clam shells from the South Pacific that are rich in minerals. For this and other sensuous treatments, call 770604. The team at Twilight are offering one lucky reader the chance to experience a free 30-minute session with the lava shells. All you have to do is answer this simple question: Where are the clam shells from? Send your answer (along with your name, address and daytime contact number) on a postcard marked ‘Twilight Competition’ to the address on page six, or via email to info@yourlocallink.co.uk The competition ends on 31st October, so don’t delay. Terms and conditions apply. Good luck.
In association with ALI G PIZZA House 11a Tower Street, York Tel: 01904 654654
Remember, remember…
…the third of November. That’s because you could be enjoying the explosive spectacle that is Kaboom, the fireworks bonanza that is returning to York after last year’s rip-roaring success. This year the soon-to-be-wowed audience will be treated to an even more entertaining night at Rawcliffe Country Park by experiencing the event in 3D. Find out more at www.kaboomyork.com What’s more, you could be enjoying it all for free, if you’re the lucky winner of this competition, offering free entry for two adults and three children – worth more than £50! All you have to do for a chance of winning is answer this simple question: Where will Kaboom be held? Send your answer (along with your name, address and daytime contact number) on a postcard marked ‘Kaboom Competition’ to the address on page six, or via email to info@yourlocallink.co.uk The competition ends on 25th October, so don’t delay. Terms and conditions apply. Good luck
In association with ALI G PIZZA House 11a Tower Street, York Tel: 01904 654654
the best of york
October is the month to…
Brush up on your
Halloween history
So you think Halloween is all about devil horns and knocking on doors asking for sweets? Impress your friends with these facts about the festival. • Halloween is thought to have pagan roots. The Celtic festival Samhain – or ‘summer’s end’ – was celebrated at around the same time as Halloween is today. It marked the beginning of winter, and it was commonly thought that Samhain was a time when fairies and the souls of the dead visited our world. Halloween might also have roots in the Christian festival, All Hallows Day.
early as 1895 – 16 years before it is recorded in America. The tradition could even go as far back as the 12th century, when children would go ‘souling’. This involved collecting soul cakes from neighbours as a way of praying for souls in purgatory. The Your Local Link office will happily provide a home for any unwanted soul cakes… • Practical jokes aren’t just a modern way of celebrating Halloween. Scottish poet John Mayne mentioned tomfoolery in 1780, when he wrote “What fearfu’ pranks ensue!” in a poem appropriately entitled ‘Halloween’.
• Why are pumpkins with faces called • You’d be forgiven jack’o’lanterns? One story goes that a prankster for assuming that trick named Jack captured the devil in a pumpkin, or treating originated which understandably made the devil rather in the US, but in annoyed. Jack ended up being cursed and sent fact ‘guising’, or the to hell, though every Halloween his spirit is practice of children supposedly released for the night. Jack’o’lanterns going door to door are meant to scare him away from your home. in costume for food or coins, is recorded as happening in Scotland as Pssst! Check out the Events Diary at the back of the mag for some ghoulishly good fun!
We have now HURRY started running our
Have an eco-friendly cuppa
Readers, you will know what big fans we are of brews here at Your Local Link. We’re fairly sure that we’ve kept The Co-op in Haxby in business through our caffeine consumption alone, never mind the biscuits that fill Bert the Biscuit Barrel every month. But even we coffee connoisseurs didn’t realise what an effect boiling the kettle could have on our pocket. According to the Energy Saving Trust, if everyone in the UK boiled one cup of water instead of a full kettle’s worth, we’d save £2.7 million. Even boiling just one cup too much a day would cost the UK £561,000. From now on we’re measuring out how much water we need before we flick the switch. Look out for us strutting around Haxby with our new designer handbags! Oh, who are we kidding. We’ll just buy more biscuits.
Autumn Event! Don’t delay as limited date’s are available it will be a first come first serve basis
The original pizza place | 1 Falsgrave crescent, york yo30 7az| Tel: 01904 675409 / 624010
the best of york
Cheer on our girls!
Our Rachel and Helen have been working incredibly hard to take part in the first ever Yorkshire Marathon on 20th October. Feel free to whoop and holler if you spot them! Head to the Behind the Scenes section to find out more about their story and discover how youcan get started training yourself!
Fun fact
you didn’t know last week… Princess Beatrice cut the first piece of fabric for an angel costume in last year’s Mystery Plays. She must have liked what she saw during her behind the scenes tour, as she has recently agreed to become a patron of York Theatre Royal.
Weird awarenes
th event of the mon
It seems nowadays there’s an awareness day for everything – there’s probably even an awareness day for awareness days. Here, we bring you our favourite odd event each month. Ever heard of Bruxism? No, neither had we. But now, thanks to Bruxism Awareness Week which takes place from 21st-27th October, we know that it is the name for tooth clenching or grinding. We also know that around 50% of us Britons literally grit our teeth too much – and we might not even know that we’re doing it. If you’ve been suffering from headaches and an aching jaw, get to the dentist. You’re probably a Bruxist (we’re sure that must be a word…).
The original pizza place | 1 Falsgrave crescent, york yo30 7az| Tel: 01904 675409 / 624010
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The ups and downs of life as seen by our very own (very) grumpy, (almost) old woman
Social media muddle Last month I mentioned I’d joined Facebook. Four weeks on, I’m still trying to find my way round it. Apparently I inadvertently announced to the world that I’d got married last week. It caused a lot of surprise and consternation, I can tell you. Particularly from my husband of 26 years.
“You wouldn’t run next door and shout through your neighbour’s letter box that you’ve just spotted someone wearing the same pair of glasses as you, would you?” Anyway, I’d been talked into it (joining Facebook, that is, not getting married) by a friend, who convinced me what fun it would be to reconnect with everyone I’d ever known from my past. I must have had a few drinks at the time, otherwise how would I have ever thought that was a good idea? There’s often a reason why you lose touch with
people, and after a month of following them online, that reason is just beginning to come home to me. Stop sharing Why do people need to tell the world every detail of their lives? You wouldn’t run next door and shout through your neighbour’s letter box that you’ve just spotted someone wearing the same pair of glasses as you, would you? And we all pretty much know what a glass of wine looks like, so why do you need to show everyone you know a photo of yours? Unless you happen to be enjoying your wine in a pavement café in Paris or a rooftop restaurant in Manhattan, and that’s even worse. I can’t stand online braggers. When your only achievement of the day is managing to get out of bed, you really don’t want to be greeted by messages saying things like ‘Aaargh! Still suffering from jet lag after my week in the Caribbean’ or ‘Wearing gym clothes and no make-up, bloke tried to chat me up in Sainsbury’s #mustbedesperate!’
Candy crushed I’m just jealous because most of the time I’m stuck as to what to put on my status. I feel it has to be pretty momentous to want to put it up in cyberspace for all eternity, and frankly, eating a Twix bar and watching Jeremy Kyle doesn’t cut it somehow. Although clearly it does for some people. Facebook is all a bit too exposed for my liking. I accepted my friend’s request to join her in an online game, only to have my shame emblazoned across the internet five minutes later. ‘Donna Hay likes Candy Crush Saga!’ Facebook proudly informed the world. I don’t know why it didn’t just say ‘Donna Hay is a lazy timewaster!’ It certainly
the best of york
According to
There’s no better barometer on what’s hot and what’s not than our Donna. Here, she shares her thoughts on what’s in or out in her own unique style!
made me sound a bit hollow the next time I tried to moan to someone about my hellish book deadline. And far from riding the wave of social media, it looks as if I’ve arrived at the party too late. All the cool kids are now apparently communicating via Snapchat and Instagram. God only knows what that’s all about, but I won’t be joining them any time soon. Not until I’ve finished this level of Candy Crush, at any rate…
Books. Guess what, I’ve got a new one out this month. Yes, another one. The Nightingale Nurses, by Donna Douglas, is published by Arrow and available from all good supermarkets and bookshops. Just in case you’re thinking of doing some early Christmas shopping and you’re looking for a stocking filler for your mum, wife, sister – or even yourself!
selfies: If I have to see another self portrait of Helen Flanagan’s cleavage or a TOWIE star’s tan lines again, I think I’ll scream. Yes, you’re on holiday. Yes, you have a fantastic body. Just get over yourself, will you? As far as I can see, the only use for a selfie is to take a photo of your rear view in the changing room mirror to make sure your bum doesn’t look big in your new jeans.
the best of york
build a bridge If all this talk of local traffic closures isn’t the only kind of bridge on your mind, perhaps it’s time to try your hand at the age-old card gam e. York Bridge Club are offering free wee kly taster sessions for beginners starting on 1st October. The games will take place at the York Bridge Centre on Holgate Road at 10.30am. Pop along to a free class to see if you’re a natural, or give Ray a call if you have any questions. n Call 709447 or email raysbridge@yahoo.co.uk.
that’s all folks Folk dance is a traditional form of dancing that’s a great way to relieve stress and have a laugh. Why not give it a go? The Jorvik Folk Dance Club are looking for new members to go along and dance at a gentle pace to traditional and modern dance tunes. It’s a big year for the club, who celebrated a centenary year in April with likeminded dancers who travelled across the country to join in. The group meet on Thursdays from 7.45-9.45pm at St Aidan’s Church in Acomb – all you need is a comfortable pair of shoes and a good sense of humour. n Call 705261 or email annette@soothill.com.
work of art Calling all budding artists – are you an old school impressionist like Monet, or more of a modern day conceptualist like Damien Hirst? Whatever your style, Haxby and Wigginton Art Group are looking for creative types like you. The group get together every Tuesday evening from 7-9pm at the Methodist Church Hall in Haxby. If you would like to be a part of a friendly, informal group without a teacher, pick up a paintbrush and pop along to a class. n Call 769326.
quite a draw Haxby and Wigginton Art Group aren ’t the only ones getting creative with paint, Micklegate Artists are be back in session at Guppy's Enterprise Club on Nunnery Lane. They are look ing for new participants for their life drawing classes and need you. n Call 769617.
a cut above
us, so we were thrilled that reader We love it when you get in touch with the time to email in about the piece Louise Cantlay from Greenfields took g News about how scything is we’d included in last month’s Gardenin in setting up a scything collective making a comeback. Louise is interested opportunities to practise with where people can share skills and find cts who would welcome scythers others. “I know there are plenty of proje Greenfields has plenty of grass to help manage their green spaces, and ing to get some funding so that to get us started,” says Louise. “I’m look es that we can use.” Greenfields can have a selection of scyth how, contact Louise on If you already scythe or you’d like to learn more. yorkgreenfields@gmail.com to find out
the best of york
canyouhelp? buy a breakfast
the day, or so they say. It’s certainly Breakfast is the most important meal of keen to adopt, as the centre offers an ethos that the team at Carecent are ed and disadvantaged members of free breakfast to all homeless, unemploy But now they need your help! Can the York community six days a week. t or fruit, or non food items such you offer a few tins of beans, cold mea er gel? The stocks of these and as socks, hats, roll on deodorant or show ent – visit the website for the mom other items are running very low at the .carecent.org full list of what is needed. n Visit www
raise funds (and roofs)
Situated right on the Your Local Link office doorstep, Haxby Memorial Hall has been the centre of Haxby village life for decades. Right now the trustees need your help with the hall, which is used for a multitude of community events and concerts each year. Their Raise the Roof campaign is currently seeking £70,000 for much-needed repairs to the hall’s Victorian roof. They need fundraisers, people with ideas, stall holders and even just enthusiastic bods to do a bit of washing up. n If you have time to spare, call 762968.
in the spotlight
One fantastic youth group that needs a boost is the York Light Youth, which was recently launched by the folks at York Light Opera. The team, headed by Mandy Johnson, are looking for sponsorship from local businesses to fund their Christmas carol evening, as well as the two shows they aim to produce each year. Catch their upcoming production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat, running from 23rd October. Interested in sponsoring York Light Youth, or want to become a member? Email Mandy Johnson at mandy.johnson120@ntlworld.com or visit www.yorklight.com
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the best of york
Horoscopes October 2013
Starsign of the month... Libra
(23rd September - 22nd October)
here are a few famous faces you share your sign with
by James Christie n For details of private readings phone 07884 107100 or 01423 339770 Email: jcp@magepublishing.co.uk
Stable and otherwise secure relationships may well be shaken up at this time by the interference of a third party who sows the seeds of disharmony and discontent. Therefore, to avoid problems of this nature, avoid romantic temptations and haul up your family drawbridge. This may be easier said than done if you find yourself attracted to tall dark handsome strangers, which may be absolutely terrific if you’re looking for tall dark handsome strangers, but it could lead to disintegration of an existing relationship if you’re not! Circumstances could be clouded and confused if you are one of those Librans who feel they have got stuck in a rut; the desire for change and adventure could easily cause you to throw all caution to the wind and rush headlong into something that is less than ideal, however exciting it may seem. Either way I look at it, this is an emotionally dangerous time for a lot of Librans, and you should hold that information close to your heart when making any decisions, especially concerning love affairs and relationships. Without being sexist, younger women under the age of 45 are most at risk here, but this energy could reach out and touch just about anybody.
L to R: Sigourney Weaver, Grucho Marx, Oscar Wilde, Susan Sarandon
Visit our website for extended readings... www.yourlocallink.co.uk
(23rd October - 21st November)
(22nd November - 21st December)
(22nd December - 19th January)
(20th January - 18th February)
Definitely a month of horse trading – you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. Against this background, it’s probably a good money month for careerists, but only if you can keep your nose clean and keep your head below the parapet of office politics.
You’ll be given good cause to count your blessings when you have to deal with someone who has some pretty serious problems. I expect you to be supportive and sympathetic, but you must also find some answers to the questions this situation presents you with.
If you are going to lead then you must do so by example – and that might be more difficult than you think! There will be some financial improvement this month, but not as much as you might need. Spend some time on a reality check, and don’t waste time by chasing impossible dreams.
If, no matter what you do to please other people, you somehow seem to get it wrong, then maybe it’s time to say “sod off the lot of you and I’ll please my flaming self!” This burst of defiance is probably long overdue and some people close to you need to be taught a lesson.
(19th February - 20th March) A low mood to the start of the month, improving and lifting by 9th or 10th when you find some fresh enthusiasm for new projects. Between 14th and 22nd you will be pleased at the way you overcome a few obstacles, and the last week of the month bodes particularly well for finances.
ARIES (21st March - 19th April) Given that things are going to change because they’ve got to change, you must spend some time deciding which way the change is going to go. It would be easy to say follow the money, but not if it damages your heart and soul.
TAURUS (20th April - 20th May) For the young and young at heart this should be a passionately romantic month, but for older bulls this romantic vibe could become a bit tense. Be cautious in making long term plans and make no promises that cannot be broken without breaking hearts.
GEMINI (21st May - 20th June) There is still a lot of energy around concerning property and some extra cash will be made available from an unexpected source. Legal aspects demand some attention,
and there may well be some problems concerning insurance. Good advice is on offer from partners.
the best of york
CANCER (21st June - 22nd July) It’s a bit of a bummer when someone else takes the credit for all your hard work – even so, you may well choose to let them get away with it this time round, secure in the knowledge that it is your achievement which really counts. Some celebrations within the family make it a very busy month.
LEO (23rd July - 23rd August) Your confidence is not misplaced at this time, but take care not to become overconfident, otherwise secure finances could easily become a little shaky and partners may feel you are taking them for granted. While it is clear that you are on the right course, you need to re-evaluate your methodology.
VIRGO (24th August - 22nd September) There is a new feeling of freedom and fresh starts permeating through your sign, but you will come under pressure to change your mind about some recently made decisions that have not gone down too well with third parties. You should resist this pressure and have faith in your own judgement.
the best of york
Well done
Rock of ages
Boasting the wisdom of a Tibetan monk and the youthful vocals of a cherub, a local choir have celebrated making their way into the Guinness Book of World Records. Their achievement? Being the oldest choir in the world. The group, based at St. John’s House in Kirk Hammerton, have topped the records with their combined age of 1,180 years. Comprising 12 ladies and one gentleman, the group averages 91 years of age, beating their previous spring chicken rivals’ average of
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81 years. The singers, who are all residents at St. John’s House, performed at a concert in April to break the world record and have also launched their first CD. Lone male Syd Shorter, a former RAF leading aircraftsman, says he’d never considered singing previously. “I’ve been jogged into this at the end of my life. I feel totally enhanced by it.” Hats off to them! n To get your hands on a CD, email stjohns@residential-homes.net
Barking up the right tree Our very own local lass Claire Coulton had plenty to shout about recently after coming up trumps at a national dog grooming competition. Claire, who runs Claire’s K9 Clips dog grooming salon on Poppleton Road, scored a very impressive sixth place at the National Premier Groom Grooming Competition. The contest, held at the Kennel Club Building near Coventry, attracted dog groomers from far and wide, with Claire entering her Lhasa Poo Cross Poodle Charlie. Claire was beaming with pride that her little canine scored so highly. “Charlie was an absolute star! I’m on the hunt now for another model to enter into the
British Grooming Championships,” she says. The event takes place this month, so watch this space… n Call 798555.
Back of the net York St John University Goalball Club member Jamie Hodgson recently took part in the International Blind Sports Association class C European Championships. Jamie was selected to take part in the Great British Men’s Squad after representing England in an international tournament held in Poland earlier this year, and he joined the stars of 2012’s Paralympic Games to compete against Russia, Italy, Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania. Goalball is a Paralympic sport designed for visually-impaired people, where two teams of blindfolded players attempt to score goals based on the sound of a speciallydesigned ball. Jamie discovered the sport in early 2012 after a support worker recommended the club, and was delighted to be chosen to represent Great Britain. “I can’t wait to take part in the Championships and am so grateful to the club for the encouragement they’ve given me to get my career up and running,” says Jamie. Well done!
The new, state-of-the-art Phoenix House Recovery Centre in Catterick, which will provide support for injured soldiers and their families, has recently opened – and it’s all thanks to you. Generous members of the public have donated the £10.7 million needed to construct the purpose-built centre, which is the first of its kind in northern England and which will be run by the military charity Help for Heroes. Both veterans and serving personnel with life changing injuries and illnesses will receive long-term care at the centre, as well as families of the injured and sick. We think everyone involved deserves huge congratulations! n Visit www.helpforheroes.org.uk/how-we-help/recovery-centres/cattericknorth-yorkshire
Our writers are award-winning Super-dooper congratulations are due to our part-time writer Katie, whose team won Best Contribution to a Media Campaign award at the recent Yahoo awards in London. In a dazzling ceremony our intrepid writer scooped up the prize for her contribution to the website Yahoo, where she reports on a number of news stories and general happenings. Well done Katie!
the best of york
You’re all heroes
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Flying the flag
Have you seen the flags? The results are in and York has triumphed in the Green Flag Awards thanks to its beautiful green spaces. Rowntree Park, West Bank Park, Clarence Gardens, Glen Gardens and Rawcliffe Country Park have each been awarded the right to fly the coveted ‘Green Flag,’ which is awarded by environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy to parks that are well-maintained and boast excellent facilities. The parks were judged on their safety, sustainability and community involvement by a panel of experts. The award was particularly special for Rowntree Park, which has now been flying the flag for ten years. Good work.
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It’s that time of year again – if you’re a little too old for trick or treating, see if you can find all 12 of our Halloween-themed words to get your hands on a lovely bunch of flowers, courtesy of Dutch Nurseries in Haxby. Send your completed puzzle to ‘October Puzzle Competition’, Oaktree Farm, The Moor, Haxby, York, YO32 2LH, to reach us no later than 31st October. The first correct entry to be picked out of the hat will win the flowers.
the best of york
SUDOKU Puzzle 1 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.58)
9 7
1 8
6 3
7 3
7 8
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Fill the empty squares with numbers between one and nine. The number can appear once on each row, once on each column and once in each region. You can find the solution online at our website, www.yourlocallink.co.uk.
culture column
Let there be light
This year’s Illuminating York Festival will be the biggest yet, with a Viking theme set to entertain the city. Meet two of the brains behind one of the attractions: Projection Artist Ross Ashton and Sound Artist Karen Monid, who will use Clifford’s Tower as a backdrop for their ‘son et lumiere’ piece.
How do you plan to use Clifford’s Tower in your projection? RA: We will be projecting across the tower and hillside; we want this piece to be monumental. We will be focussing on the three Viking Kings of Denmark who have had a great influence on York and England; in particular Sweyn Forkbeard who was briefly buried at York, and Cnut the Great, his son. KM: I hope the sound part will be intriguing. I've been doing a
lot of research through AngloSaxon, Scandinavian and Icelandic documents. Getting up close and personal with history has always been a fascination for me. You worked on the ROSE project for Illuminating York in 2010 – what drew you back to working on the festival again? RA: Actually this is our third time here; we also created ‘Accendo’ in the Museum Gardens. We love York and at the end of autumn the city is pretty magical. Illuminating
York is one of the few large-scale events of its kind in the UK and as such we want to support it as much as possible. Everyone has been very positive about our work in the past here, so we feel very much at home. In York you’re stumbling over history on every street corner. It’s full of stories waiting to be told.
that I will always be associated with Buckingham Palace. I created the first mapped projections ever seen onto the palace for the Queen’s Golden Jubilee; and then last year I received a Guinness World Record for the ‘Face Britain’ portrait of the Queen that I created for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.
What has been the most memorable project that you’ve been part of?
KM: Creating the sound piece for the Houses of Parliament son et lumiere for the London Olympics really struck many notes for me. Nobody realised, but the short
RA: That’s difficult as they all have their own magic, but I suppose
Double B s Disco 22
the best of york
reference I included for Ann Packer's 1964 winning race was especially for my mother. That was a special moment for her. When my mother heard it, she knew it was there for her. What inspires you about a building to be able to transform it through projection? KM: We start with the history and the building’s relationship to the city and the people that live there. We want to celebrate that and then present it back to the public in a new way. We hope that people who live in York can then appreciate their environment anew. One of the reasons we work together so often is because we approach places in the same way, even though we express what we find through different media. Ross, you were born in Sheffield – is it true that they can take the lad out of Yorkshire but they can’t take Yorkshire out of the lad? RA: It’s true. I still speak mostly in vowels (Ay? Eee, Aye!). Being from Yorkshire I think that I have a certain
pragmatism that stands me in good stead. I still come home a lot to visit friends in Sheffield and being brought up in a city with the Peak District on the doorstep was a privilege. If you weren’t a projection artist, what do you think you’d be? RA: I guess I’ve always been drawn to big, bold statements. I have always said that if I started anew, I’d work with fireworks. I love a good firework display. KM: I love archives! I can't help it, I love getting lost amongst shelves of historic material. Being an archivist, somewhere like the BBC or the British Library, would be my other dream job.
Illuminating York Festival will light up the city from 30th Oct – 2nd November from 6pm-10pm. There will be two main sites, at Clifford’s Tower and the Yorkshire Museum, as well as fringe events including a fire garden by the river, and work by emerging artists in a trail starting at St William’s College. Visit www.illuminatingyork.org.uk
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the best of york
Watch out, Mo Farah! The whole office is bursting with pride that our very own Rachel and Helen will be running the first ever Yorkshire Marathon this month. Read on to hear how the girls went from barely being able to run for 20 minutes to being marathon queens within seven months. When it was announced back in January that the first ever Yorkshire Marathon would be taking place this October, most of us were adamant that we would not be taking part – the York 10K was more than enough for us, thanks. However, a couple of crazy fools said they’d like to try it. When Helen and Rachel spotted an advert in the paper for a personal trainer, Babs Shiells, who was looking for novice marathon runners – and that everyone’s favourite newsreader, Harry Gration, would be training with them – they were convinced. Run, walk or crawl, they were determined to make it around the 26.2 miles. We asked them some quick-fire questions in between training sessions!
Helen’s story
What has been the best bit of the training? Meeting all the lovely ladies at Babs’ training group, the White Rose Runners. I love seeing those guys for our long Sunday runs. What has been the worst bit of the training? My toenails are going black. It’s just one on each foot, but I’m pretty sure that they will have both left me by the time the big day arrives. What’s your favourite training food? Peanut butter, jelly babies, pasta and dark chocolate. Not together though! What has been the funniest moment of your marathon journey? The other day I went for a short run and
my legs took quite a while to get going, so for most of the run I looked like I was doing the ‘funky chicken’ as I hobbled along. Then I had an uncontrollable cramp in my calf and ended up throwing myself over a wall and wiggling my leg about in the air, much to amusement of the people on the other side of the wall! What is your number one must-have bit of kit and why? Vaseline. Put it everywhere! Trust me, just do it before you find out the hard way!
Rachel’s story
What has been the best bit of the training? Seeing how many calories you’ve burnt after a big run! Seriously though, through running I have met a lot of fantastic people, each with an amazing story to tell. What has been the worst bit of the training? Running in 30 degree heat, I’m not an attractive sweater! Also, I think I’m saying goodbye to one of my toenails.
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the best of york
Rachel and Helen’s top tips! Get your gait analysed and a good pair of trainers fitted by the pros, like Rat Race. Join a running group – we couldn’t have got as far as we have without the help of the White Rose Runners. You are more likely to stick with it if you have other people to chat to about your ups and downs, plus you will find it harder to wuss out. There are loads of groups in York, most of them are free to join too! What is your number one must have bit of kit and why? A good sports bra – I don’t think I need to explain why! What’s your favourite training food? Pasta or broccoli, or a chocolate milkshake post-run. What has been the funniest moment of your marathon journey? Getting chased by a dog, and being so scared by it I had to run an extra two miles to avoid passing it again. What would you say to readers who might be inspired to go for it? Do it! 18 weeks ago I couldn’t run for a bus, but with the right training and dedication I’ve realised that anything is possible.
Eat well and drink plenty of water. Get a good training programme. The one we have been using, put together by Babs, has been invaluable. Make sure you increase your miles at a safe level to avoid injury. Get plenty of sleep! Always stretch. Even after the short runs, if you don’t you will pay the price the next day. Get a good playlist on your iPod. Don’t beat yourself up over the bad runs. You will have some unexplainable, out-of-the-blue bad runs, but this happens to everyone. Don’t dwell on them.
Both Helen and Rachel are running for the Jane Tomlinson Appeal, which raises funds for children’s and cancer charities. Sponsor them at www.justgiving.com/ Rachelyorkmarathon and www.justgiving.com/helen-birley
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the best of york
Talk the walk We grabbed a quick chat with Alan Lane, director of The York Theatre Royal’s promenade production Blood + Chocolate. Just a quick chat mind, he’s a busy chap.
Not only has Alan, normally Artistic Director of Leeds-based theatre company Slung Low, been charged with helming the Theatre Royal’s latest blockbuster show set in York during the First World war, he also has to deal with a cast and crew numbering into the hundreds. How does he manage it all? “Obviously it’s a lot of work,” says Alan, 34. “I have worked on big shows in the past with Slung Low but Blood + Chocolate is by far the most ambitious.” But despite the production’s massive size, with a
performing cast of 180, Alan is keen to stress that it is still very much a play. “Mike Kenny (writer of many of the York Theatre Royal’s most successful shows – including last year’s Mystery Plays) has crafted a proper play here; one with a really personal and emotional story to tell. Having a large cast telling the story won’t change that.” Night-time adventures Blood + Chocolate (3rd-20th October) takes the form of a walk
through the city at night, led by actors in First World War costumes. “Each audience member wears a set of headphones,” explains Alan, “which are all linked to the actor’s radio mics. That way everything can be heard, including private whispered conversations. So although the city itself will be the stage of the show, it
RICHARDSON GILDENER SOLICITORS 1 Peckitt Street, Opposite Clifford’s Tower, York YO1 9SF. Tel 01904 642727 Email mail@richardsonlaw.co.uk Website www.richardsongildener.co.uk
It wil be an intimate experience.
the best of york
Street wise With many of the rehearsals taking place where the play is set – the streets of York – has it been difficult to keep the plot a secret? “When people have seen rehearsals out in the street I don’t think it has ruined anything for them,” says Alan. “Rehearsed scenes happen out of context, so if anything it’s acted like a giant marketing campaign, drawing interest from passers-by. Hopefully after seeing us they’ll all go and buy a ticket.” alan meets york will still be an intimate experience.” stepping back Beginning at the Theatre Royal, Blood + Chocolate will tour through some of York’s most famous landmarks. How did Alan and the team prepare an entire city to stage a show? “We’re really lucky with York because a great deal of the city centre still looks just as it did in 1914 when the play is set. The area around Betty’s Tearoom, for example, is great. The other night we had 60 soldiers practicing their drill during rehearsals. It looked incredible, and with the headphones blocking out modern sounds it will be just like travelling back in time for the audience.”
Blood + Chocolate will be Alan’s first production in York. How is he finding it? “Brilliant, I love York. Obviously I’ve been coming here a lot this year, sorting out auditions and rehearsals and everything. I have to say though,” he laughs, “you get a ruddy good lunch in York. Seriously, the bread here is lovely. And I’ve also really enjoyed my time working on the show.” “Hopefully by the end of the production,” continues Alan, “we’ll be able to look back and say ‘yeah, we did that.’ It will be a true moment to remember forever; that hundreds of people from York all worked on a truly special thing and we did it together.”
Blood + Chocolate runs from 3rd-20th October. To book, call 623568.
the best of york
Music Corner
Krystal’s gems This month, Krystal shares her tips on learning to drive, and explains when you might just be too old for trick or treating.
Too old to The Family Rain Formed in 2011, the three brothers Ollie, William and Timothy Walker are emerging into the indie rock n roll scene slowly but surely. They bring to the table an air of familiarity: think somewhere between Kasbian and The Black Keys and you wouldn’t be far off.
trick or treat?
the lowdown:
chocolate? It’s October which for most kids only Or perhaps it’s when you’re having means one thing: Halloween. Now, I to send your own kids to the doors, haven’t personally been trick or treating genre: Blues Rock/ Indie Rock specifying that anything with caramel is for about five years. But I have noticed a Song to watch out for: Pushing it, fine – you’ll take it.* Anyway, what I’m few ‘older’ children out trick or treating, released May 2013. Great song to give trying to say is, if you’re not at school and I want to know: just how old is ‘too you a bit of get up and go. anymore I’d recommend leaving the bin old’ to trick or treat? Is it when walking n Catch them in Leeds on 19th bag ghost outfit at home guys; watch a around is too much effort, so taking your November At Brudenell Social scary film instead. moped to save time seems reasonable? Club. Tel: 0113 275 2411. When it’s a toss-up between going for COY Local Link Bike Lights Ad 2012 (new URL)_Layout 1 05/10/2012 15:12 Page 1*Chaperones that aren’t out for their cut a pint at your local or getting some free in sweets are excluded from this. BAND NAME: The Family Rain
Be bright use lights at night! The clocks have gone back and it's getting dark as we cycle home from work. Having a good set of cycle lights is vital to ensure your safety, make you visible to other road users, and light up the road ahead! …But what's legal, how much do they cost, and how do you fit them securely to your bike? For good advice and the right lights for your bike, contact your local cycle shop.
In association with ALI G PIZZA House 11a Tower Street, York Tel: 01904 654654
the best of york
Beep beep!
you’re doing is just as important as what everyone else is doing on the road. If you are learning to drive, then good luck! And don’t panic if you’re finding it a little bit tricky, me too.
Tips on learning to drive • Before lessons make sure you’ve had something to eat and drink; being hungry or thirsty can be a big distraction. One thing is for sure, everyone learns to drive differently, and some people definitely find it easier than others. Take my little brother and myself for example. Jamie jumped into mum’s car like a duck to water, undertaking three point turns with style and precision. I, on the other hand, struggle to get into first gear, stall at every given opportunity and have a strange tendency to be significantly more interested in what everyone else is doing rather than my own driving. Consequently there have been several occasions where I’ve noticed that a fellow road user may not be following the highway code to a decent standard, and whilst I’m muttering under my breath and observing, I’ve been highly surprised to find myself driving on a footpath or two. (Pot? Kettle?) Anyway, I think there’s probably a lesson in that: what
• When revising for your theory the driving standards agency offer free online practice tests with official questions you may be asked in your test. They give you a breakdown at the end, which is perfect to find out which areas you need to improve on. Visit www.gov.uk/practise-yourdriving-theory-test • Driving lessons can be expensive, so a good way to get practice in would be looking into getting insured on a friend or relative’s car to get some extra driving time in to build up your confidence. Remember when driving with a provisional licence you need to be supervised by someone who is over 21, and has been driving for over three years. • Above all, don’t panic when driving and take your time. There’s nothing more dangerous than not giving yourself enough time to assess a situation and rushing things.
In association with ALI G PIZZA House 11a Tower Street, York Tel: 01904 654654
the best of york
Who to follow
FEDERATION OF SMALL BUSINESSES (YORK BRANCH) 18th October York Business Week Event. Meet on the third Monday of the month at the Riverside Farm in Skelton, York YO30 1XJ. Call 629777. YORK BUSINESS NETWORKING 8th and 22nd October from 8-10am at Fulford Golf Club. Visit www.4networking.biz
Looking for some interesting local people and businesses to follow on Twitter? Here are a few of the ones we like. York Cocoa House (@YorkCocoaHouse). The home of hand-made chocolates and workshops on Blake Street.
YORK CHAMBER EVENTS To book visit www.yourchamber.org.uk TRAINING COURSE – DEVELOPING A SUCCESSFUL BIDDING PROCESS 10th October, 9.30am-4.30pm, The Ron Cooke Hub, The University of York, Heslington, YO10 5GE.
Pilot Theatre (@pilot_theatre). Follow these guys to get the latest news of their production of Blood + Chocolate.
CONSTRUCTION LUNCH IN YORK 10th October, 12-2pm, Sandburn Hall, Flaxton, York, YO60 7RB.
NETWORK NORTH Every Wednesday from 7.15-9am at Hotel Du Vin, The Mount. Visit www.networknorth.org.uk
PURE NETWORKING IN YORK 16th October, 7.309am, York College, Sim Balk Lane, YO23 2BB.
WOMEN’S BUSINESS ZONE ‘Move Up and Move On’ workshop 1st October 6-9.30pm and 17th October from 11am to 1pm at Holiday Inn, Tadcaster Road.
TRAINING COURSE – DEVELOPING AND LEADING TEAMS 17th October, 9.30am – 4.30pm, The Ron Cooke Hub, The University of York, Heslington, YO10 5GE.
BSYNY Events for new businesses running throughout the month at York Eco Business Centre.
TRAINING COURSE – NEGOTIATION SKILLS 24th October, 9.30am-1pm, The Ron Cooke Hub, The University of York, Heslington, YO10 5GE.
Kaboom (@Kaboomyork). On 3rd November this family fireworks event will be even bigger and better than last year.
Oh, and while you’re online remember to follow us! We’re @LocalLinkYork
Executoy Mirage Desktop 3D Hologram Maker. About to have a high-pressure meeting? Do you have to drag Harrison into your office to sack him? If you need to diffuse tension then stick this on your desk. By way of two opposing parabolic mirrors, the Mirage Desktop 3D Hologram Maker will project the image of a small object that has been placed within it. Visitors to your office will stand aghast as they try to touch an object that isn’t there. “That’s amazing,” laughs Harrison. “I’d love to find out how it works.” “That’s lucky,” you say, “because you’re about to have a lot more time on your hands…” Please don’t sack Harrison. He’s lovely. n £35.74 Available from www.curiousminds.co.uk
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the best of york
Growth for successful York consultancy firm The Alternative Board, a company that helps local and regional companies grow and develop their true potential, have announced a boost to their numbers. Joining the team to continue offering monthly peer-to-peer board membership and individual coaching, is Julia Sutton-McGough and Jackie Mathers. Julia has an established record of leading and delivering strategic projects, whereas Jackie was Dean of the Business School at York St John University. Since launching, The Alternative Board have helped more than 13,000 business increase profitability, productivity and personal fulfilment. n Visit www.thealternativeboard.co.uk
Toast this When you think of Toastmasters, an image of serious people in red cloaks may come to mind. However, according to Louise Brown, regular attendee of the York branch meetings, that perception couldn’t be further from the truth. The York group meet at the Marriot Hotel on every first and second Wednesday of the month at 7pm, and attendees take it in turns to deliver speeches on topics as diverse as the use of aspartame in drinks, to their experiences travelling in Spain. “I truly think it’s beneficial to both
the employed and the unemployed,” says Louise. “Whether you want to practise talking professionally, or a speech you’ll be doing at a wedding or christening, it’s really helpful. Everyone is so welcoming, too – the group is like a family!” Meetings are free for non-members, and members can work through two manuals – one with a speech course, and one with a leadership course. So if you would like to improve your public speaking skills, visit www.yorkeborators.org.uk or visit a meeting.
BARNITTS The home & garden store. est 1896 | 24-26 colliergate, york | Tel: 01904 625601
Advertiser Focus
Number cruncher
If the thought of tackling your finances fills you with dread, then do what we do when things get a little number-heavy and call Al Spall at True Potential Wealth Management. An experienced financial advisor, Al has worked for Halifax, Santander and AXA Wealth before becoming a partner at True Potential. He specialises in savings, investments, retirement planning and protection and offers free consultations for those wanting help navigating the financial minefield. Al will work the hours that suit
Get ahead, get a start Been in employment for a few years? It’s all right for you lot, with your impressive CVs and oodles of experience. But what about young people taking their first steps onto the career ladder – how do they get started? Fortunately City of York Council are there to help, offering people aged 1824 special training sessions to
get a ‘Head Start’ into work. Head Start workshops will involve crafting a professional CV, writing covering letters and preparing for those allimportant interviews. Taking the form of group and oneto-one sessions, the Council’s experienced advisers are there to help. n Call 554277.
As the seasons change this time of year can herald a lot of new beginnings. If you are starting a new chapter of your life – at college, university or in a new job – then you will naturally want to give yourself the best possible start. Angela Whitaker is an expert in confidence and positivity and for an extremely competitive hourly rate of only £20 will meet and give you a personal boost. Angela offers help and advice on interview technique and etiquette, how to prepare, dress and identify your strengths. By meeting with her in her home in Dunnington, Angela will teach relaxation techniques and let you in on what interviewers want to hear. n Email 1acwhitaker@gmail.com and call 07730 354970.
A clean start Marvellous with a mop? Brilliant with a broom? If you excel at cleaning up and have long since ousted every trace of dirt from our own home, give Brill Services a call. They are looking to take on a new team of
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Ask the Expert...
Free ‘Healthy, Wealthy and Wise’ seminar from Penlife! The saying goes that you don’t get anything for free – but in this case, that couldn’t be further from the truth! The experts from Penlife will be only too happy to share their know-how free of charge on 5th November from 3-4.30pm at Novotel on Fishergate. The session will feature a range of topics that will include essential information on financial planning and tax, including: 3 Common tax mistakes DIY-ers make 3 How advice can make you better off 3 Your biggest hidden financial risks 3 Why DIY financial planning goes wrong 3 Particular financial risks later in life – inheritance tax and paying for care 3 How to make your money last as long as you do 3 How simple steps can protect your family’s wealth
What’s more, you’ll even get to enjoy a free afternoon tea just for turning up and benefitting from some free advice. Can’t say fairer than that! n Call 661140, email Helen@pen-life.co.uk or book online at www.healthywealthywise.co.uk
See Penlife’s column opposite, written by their very own Julie Wilson!
NOVOTEL, FISHERGATE, YORK, YO10 4FD 3.00pm—4.30pm INCLUDING FREE AFTERNOON TEA This invitation is for you and a guest to attend our FREE seminar. Spaces are strictly limited so book your place early. Fill in the voucher, or call 01904 661140, Fax 01904 466206, email helen@pen-life.co.uk or book online at www.healthywealthywise.co.uk
Who else wants increased wellbeing and a better quality of life? Most people we meet are baffled by their finances. Even those who think they’re sorted. They may have seen an adviser years ago, or someone from a bank who’s left them high and dry. No wonder folk are brassed off with financial advice. Yet UK Government adviser, Carol Segeant, said “We have known for a long time that managing your finances effectively leads to increased well being and a better qualify of life.” And Money Savings Expert, Martin Lewis, advises “If you’re scared, short of time or don’t feel confident in doing the research for complex financial planning, you’ll find financial advice worthwhile. Even the financial savvy, when dealing with the interaction of various complex financial products, will find professional help very useful, and it’s worth paying an adviser to ensure you get it right.” Research shows that individuals who do take financial advice: 3 have better pensions 3 worry less about financial stories in the press 3 feel more confident that they have everything in order 3 which leads to fewer sleepless nights
If you don’t have the time, the inclination or the knowledge to “do it yourself” and are not willing to risk your family’s future by getting it wrong , you might feel better getting some professional guidance. If you’d like increased well being and a better quality of life, why not come along to our FREE seminar, and find out how Pen-Life can help you make sense of your finances. We’ve been helping clients achieve financial freedom and protect their family’s future for almost 30 years— and many of our clients have been with us from the beginning. We were the first practice in Yorkshire to attain Chartered status and the BS8577 quality kite mark— denoting the very highest standards of advice and client service. Here’s what a couple of clients say about us:
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your motors
Smartphone APPS
We’ve scoured cyberspace to bring you the best gizmos on the market, from the ingenious to the downright bizarre. The mind boggles... fitbitflex: Have you been inspired by our gallant gals and their marathon dreams? If you are set to get fit, but can’t face the thought of a trainer screaming at you and the crazy fees of gym membership, then get ready to Flex. The Fitbit Flex is a clever little gadget that you wear around your wrist that does a lot more than tell you the time. By connecting via Bluetooth to your smartphone the watch can help you achieve your fitness goals by keeping track of all the activity you do. All this data is downloaded to an app that lets you plan and improve your workouts. So now if you’re feeling lazy you have to make excuses to your wrist. At least it won’t shout at you. Yet. £79.99. Gadget rating 8/10. Available from www.firebox.com WonderBag: As bags go, this one is pretty interesting. If you love slow cookers and how you can just leave them on to slowly cook your dinner (sorry, tea) but are concerned about how much energy they consume, then this is the bag for you. Simply put the food in a pot, bring it to the boil and allow to cook for the time suggested by the WonderBag (15 minutes for chicken, five minutes for vegetables) and then place the pot into the bag. That’s it. Then just leave it to continue cooking in the bag which, by way of recycled foam walls, will retain the heat for hours nicely preparing your meal
for you. This means hardly any energy is used, slashing your fuel bills and your carbon footprint. £58.95. Gadget rating 10/10. Available from www.geniegadgets.com
Smart Tools. An app filled with other helpful apps, including rulers, spirit levels and a compass. EyeEm Photo Filter. Enhance your photos with 17 unique photo filters and share them with the EyeEm community.
iSHAVER No, not a new iPhone with a built-in razor sharp edge, but rather a handy gadget for the chap or chapette on the go. The iShaver is a hardy shaving device – perfect for both manly faces and lady legs - that charges via USB. That means there’s no need to carry yet another charger with you as you can plug this into your laptop or phone charger. It’s the kind of thing James Bond would carry about, especially if he was called upon to “shave” the day. Tee hee. £14.99. Gadget rating 8/10. Available from www.paramountzone.com
Bandsintown. A personalised concert calendar and a way to track your favourite artist and discover new touring musicians. Pin Drop. This app is the Pinterest of interesting locations. Drop a pin when you’re somewhere your friends might like to go. Splyce. A stunningly pretty music player with lots of controls and customisable features. We like to use this when we’re listening to The Corrs.
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your motors
iPhone Snap Remote. Ah, the selfie; those wonderful pictures we take of ourselves on our phones that include a good section of your arm. If you like seeing your arm reaching toward the lens of every photo of yourself then fine, don’t buy this. But if you want total freedom to take pictures of yourself and your friends (and don’t have a hand free to actually hold the phone) get the Snap Remote for iPhone. This itty bitty gadget includes a stand for the phone and a remote control that connects to the iPhone’s camera, meaning you can pose, smile and click – photo taken. So no more weird big arm shots, or blurred photos taken in the bathroom mirror. Phew. £14.95. Gadget rating 9/10. Available from www.thumbsupuk.com
Vehicle Servicing Steering
Check out our YouTube review of the iPhone Snap Remote at www.yourlocallink.co.uk
Engine Fault Diagnosis
General Mechanical Timing Belts & MOTs
< local gadget
Drum Mat. Do you have a wee sprog wanting to learn the drums, but just don’t have the space (or inclination to be kept awake 24/7)? Get them the Drum Mat from Hawkins Bazaar on High Ousegate, because as you can see from the picture, it comes with headphones. This touch sensitive mat rolls out to create the perfect drum kit for the kids to bash at, the sound being conveniently channelled through either the built-in speakers or, as we’re sure you’d prefer, the headphones. All this will help little Billy dedicate his creative output toward being a punk. Rock on, Billy.
£25. Gadget rating 7/10. Available from Hawkins Bazaar, High Ousegate.
b m ot ors.
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We have all the latest news from things that go vroom, plus a new car maintenance tips section!
Let’s be honest.. . . Grim up north, barmy down south…
Sick of the parking charges in central York? Perhaps you should consider buying a permanent space to park your car in. That is exactly what is up for grabs in “that London”, after a parking spot recently went up for sale in Hyde Park Gardens. Oh, and it’ll only set you back £300,000. Yes, a parking space, measuring 21 by 11 feet is £50,000 more expensive than the average house in York, and almost twice as expensive as the national average. Being offered for a lease period of 91 years (you’ll get back to the car with your shopping in that time, surely), the space will therefore effectively cost the owner £9 a day before the lease runs out. The average cost of parking in London is £35 per day. Makes perfect sense then.
We might mock the southern folk for their daft prices, but according to a recent report there is less chance of suffering from car crime in the south than in the north. Research carried out by honestjohn.co.uk, a website that compiles motoring statistics, shows that car crime is up to five times worse in the north of England than the south. In fact the only southern city to feature in the top ten worst places for car crime was London. The good news is that York doesn’t feature at all in the top 20 cities. So if your southern friends want a safe northern haven, tell them to move here. We’ve got cheaper parking spaces, too. n Check out the survey for North Yorkshire at www.honestjohn.co.uk/crime/north-yorkshire
A boost for child safety Taking the wee ones on a car journey? Do you know the laws on child and booster seats? According to the road safety charity Brake only one in four parents are fully informed about child seat regulations. The law currently states that children under 135 centimetres in height must sit in a child or booster seat while on a journey of any length. However Brake recommends that the children should be taller than 150 centimetres before being allowed to sit unassisted. n Visit www.brake.org.uk
Oil pressure? No, brakes! You’re happily driving along the A64, coming home from your Gran’s in Leeds, when bam! A warning light pops up on the dashboard. You look at it, it blinks back. Is it for the tyre pressure or the oil? Could it be about the lights, or the engine temperature? Don’t feel too bad about not knowing the ins and outs of your dashboard, as according to research carried out by Britannia Rescue, most of us don’t. The survey, which quizzed motorists on what each of their dashboard symbols meant, revealed that a whopping 98% of us can’t identify all of them and a further 27% don’t know the difference between seatbelt and airbag warnings – not great, really. Our advice is bone up on your car’s manual right now, especially if you’ve got a James Bondstyle ejector seat. You don’t want to miss that warning light.
Courtesy Car Subject to T&C’s
your motors
Maintenance Tips
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tread carefully This month we’re having a wheely good time and paying particular attention to our tyres. • Rotate your tyres. It’s recommended that every 5000 miles you should swap your tyres around to reduce wear and tear. Swapping front to back is always fine, but check what kind of tyres you have before swapping left to right as certain tyres are designed to be only on the left or the right side of the car. • Check your tyre pressure. Read your car’s manual to find out the correct pressure and check regularly; incorrect pressure can affect fuel economy and can even be dangerous. • Check the tread. Worn tyres offer no purchase on the road so get them checked out in time for winter. 004 RC 0912 24/07/2012 17:11 Page 4
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The Lowdown: Step away from the beaded curtains...
& garden
Our Halloween special rounds up some deadly DIY décor ideas…
Step into my office Get your study looking stylish with our pick of stunning accessories and furniture.
Expert opinion
< We love the range on offer at Style Flooring. Call 289266 or visit www.styleflooringofyork.co.uk
Our columnists are really very clever people – from Matt Todd’s advice on home electricals, to our fantastic gardening columns by Dean’s, Brunswick and Browns, we’ve got your home and garden queries covered.
Senior Citizen Discount
what’s hot what’s not
What’s Hot...
Lightbulb moment
Book worms We wouldn’t usually advocate cutting up books, but Howard’s idea for decorating his study is especially cool. He bought an extra copy of his daughter Ava’s favourite book, How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers, and took some of the pages out to place in frames on his study wall. The only problem is, now Ava has claimed the study as her own. To be fair, she is a better writer.
It’s a fine line, but done right, naked (or nearly naked) lightbulbs can look very stylish indeed. Minimalist and incredibly chic, this desk lamp from BHS is sure to earn some cool points. The designers gave it their seal of approval, which puts it firmly on our ‘to buy’ list. Be careful with this trend, though – your room could end up looking more ‘hovel’ than ‘homely’. £16 BHS www.bhs.co.uk
rustic wooden post box
Do you ever find that your letters end up cluttering up that shelf in the hallway? Give your post a proper home while brightening up your home with this gorgeous post box. £18.95 Dotcomgiftshop www.dotcomgiftshop.com
Cork, blimey We’re all for DIY homeware, so we’re rather pleased that the crafting trend continues to thrive; we’ve spent many an hour scrolling through the Folksy blog looking for inspiration for our next project (folksyblog.tumblr.com). If you’re a crafty type, a great use for old wine bottle corks is to create your own noticeboard – just grab a sturdy frame and get sticking. If you’re too impatient to wait for the corks to stack up, though, here’s one the folks at Ellie Ellie made earlier! £49.50 Ellie Ellie www.ellieellie.co.uk
your home
You’re toast Novelty items for the home can seem tacky after a while. Unless, of course, the item in question is something to do with a VW camper van, in which case it will always and forever look incredibly cool. This toaster from Prezzybox will brighten up your kitchen no end. £39.95 Prezzybox www.prezzybox.com
What’s Not...
Beaded curtains Do you remember these? The hideous strings of
beads that used to adorn every other doorway in the early to mid 1990s? We’re unsure as to why they were ever popular. Apparently they’re supposed to keep flies at bay, but the only things they ever trapped in our houses were people.
Ornament collections It’s lovely that you’ve got a complete set of model trains, but do you really want to display them in your home? You could have Impulsive Collecting Syndrome. The condition usually starts during our formative years, when a favourite aunt or friend of the family buys us a Cherished Teddy for Christmas, and before we know it we’re saving up our pocket money to buy a new figurine every month. However, there is a cure for the illness. Identify the dust-collectors and get rid. Take them to a charity shop, or hide them in the attic if you must so that you can display them again when Great Aunty Enid comes to visit.
Step into Whether you run your own business from home, or you just need somewhere to browse the internet in peace, these cute and quirky offerings will perk up any study.
Which way up? Available in a range of colours, these simple shelves are also ideal for a child’s bedroom. £65, Aspace, www.aspace.co.uk
Pin-terest Please be seated This gorgeous walnut and black leather executive chair is a throne fit for a king. £269 Barnitts, Colliergate www.barnitts.co.uk
Not only are these pins incredibly sweet, but they’re clever too. They have been designed with a special shape that prevents them from facing upwards when dropped. Our feet are thanking us already. £6.50 Snowhome, Gillygate www.snow-home.co.uk
Hide and seek This clever wall-mounted shelf uses hidden brackets to make it look like your books are floating. £25.95, The Literary Gift Company, www.theliterarygiftcompany.com
Set the tone
Go nuts
Unlike the song by Blondie, we want to be left hanging on this telephone.* Nic is even considering having a landline installed just so that she can have an excuse to buy one. Drool.
The only downside to this pencil sharpener is that you’ll probably end up with no pencils left, just so that Mr Squirrel has an adequate supply of wood to frolic in. What do you mean we need to grow up?
£57.95 PMC Telecom www.pmctelecom.co.uk *If we call you, though, please pick up. As gorgeous as the phone is, we reckon the novelty would wear off pretty quickly.
£9.50, Zinc & Co, www.zincandco.com
Your books and files will look smart as paint within the confines of these snazzy book ends.
Mr Moustache
Hello, petal
£13.99, MyGiftTree.com, www.mygifttree.com
£25, Not on the High Street, www.notonthehighstreet.com
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your home
Which should you choose Modern, Traditional, Wood-burning, Gas or Electric?
Keep up to date on the latest design trends and property news.
iG ve this some Deep Thought
Be King (or Queen)
of the Castle If you’re currently in the market for a new property, but growing tired of seeing the same old boring houses, live here. Lendal Tower, the medieval stone building right next Lendal Bridge and overlooking the river, is up for sale. This is your chance to own a piece of York’s history and enjoy the lavish décor over the four ancient floors and roof terrace. Not only will you wake up to views over the Ouse and Museum Gardens, there’s also a Costa Coffee about 30 seconds up the road.* Oh, and all this will only set you back a cool £1.3 million. Hey, if we all chip in… *This was written by Howard, Costa’s biggest fan. Costa Coffee folk, if you’re reading this, feel free to send in samples.
The number 42 was, according to the big computer in Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, the answer to life, the universe and everything. But to most earthbound humans 42 means something very different; it’s the age at which the average Briton buys their second home. According to research carried out by the Post Office, based on the average age of 28 for first-time buyers, it’s a whopping 14 years before you get a (presumably)
bigger and better home. This is in stark contrast to the 1960s when a first time buyer was typically 25 and moved onto their second home at 28. The Post Office blame a stagnant property market in which people’s first homes aren’t growing in value enough to enable them to move on. So 28 year olds – make sure your first house isn’t a tent as you’ll be in it for a while.
The dream home Ever dreamt of your ideal house? What was in it? According to research carried out by Ocean Finance, 36% of us long for an indoor pool. The report goes on to reveal that other desirable additions include a bigger garden, a Jacuzzi and – so say 17% of us – a cinema room in which to see the latest Hollywood blockbusters. But apparently other things that scored highly are actually quite achievable, such as en suite bathrooms and walk-in wardrobes. Forgive us for being rude, but we’re a little disappointed that these weren’t more exciting. How about a room with your own genie, or a time machine parked in the garage? Come on Britain…
your home
She bakes, she makes, she decorates…frankly there’s nothing our very own Rachel doesn’t know. Every month she’ll be passing on some of her favourite money and time saving tips… Perfect painting You’ve covered the floor and you’ve put masking tape around the light switches – how else could you prepare to paint a room? Save yourself the bother of having to pick dry paint off your door handles by securing a plastic bag around them. Wine and dine Need to chill your white wine without watering it down with ice cubes? Pop some grapes in the freezer and add them to the glass once chilled. They won’t dilute your wine and will also make it pretty pleasing on the eye – double bonus! Honey I shrank my shirt We’ve all had that heartbreaking moment where our favourite t-shirt goes through the hot wash and comes out like a 1990s crop top. For a quick
rescue, soak it in a mixture of hot water and hair conditioner for five minutes and stretch it back to normal. Colour is the key Save yourself from fumbling through your array of work, house and car keys that all look the same. Paint the top end of the keys with a different coloured nail polish to keep them separate. Wake up and smell the coffee It’s common knowledge that estate agents recommend brewing a pot of coffee before having potential buyers over. If you haven’t got time to brew one up, fill a ramekin with coffee beans and place a lit tea light in the middle – your home will smell amazing.
Measuring & fitting service
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Choice for Blinds
Dummies’ guide to:
the future
This month electrical expert Matt Todd visited Berlin for IFA, Europe’s largest electronics trade fair. This is what he saw…
As well as wearable smart technology and virtually invisible TV screens (more on these below), this year IFA was all about the ultra high definition (or 4K) TV. Every manufacturer was showing off their answer to this up and coming market segment. LG were also answering the question no-one had thought to ask (namely “What if I have so much money that ordinary 4K will simply not do?”) with a curved 77 inch OLED (or organic light emitting diode) TV. With an astronomical price tag and very little real-world advantage, the only point seemed to be to prove it was possible. 4K TV With no real content available in ultra high definition yet Sony were keen to demonstrate how good
ordinary HD video looks when its 4K TV up-scales it. The results were good and show that there are reasons to be an early adopter in this technology. Panasonic were keen to show us not only their 4K TV but also the host of other ultra HD products they hope to bring to market. 4K camcorders, projectors and photo frames may be a fair way off but they highlight the fact that with the fashion for bigger and bigger screen sizes, the resolution of these devices will be pushed higher and higher to match. Of course, as the resolution goes up viewing distance comes down and with a 4K telly you can stand very close to it and see minute details that would be lost on an inferior TV. See through TV Next up, they may be a little gimmicky but there will be a market for the see-through TV. We saw two models; one on the front of a Liebherr drinks fridge, and the other a full blown TV. In both cases when the picture was turned off the screen looked like an ordinary piece of glass. I’m sure this will appeal to bar owners and interior designers alike, but it may be a few years before we have these products in-store! However, we are hoping to showcase Sony’s 4K television in York pre-Christmas. Please get in touch if you would like further information.
n For advice on all things electrical, visit www.htodd.co.uk or call 628676.
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Power to you Winter sneaking up on you? Not convinced that last year’s method of keeping warm by wearing your coat in bed will work again? Perhaps it’s time to think about a more professional way to heat your house, and Power Heating could certainly help with that. They can install the very latest in radiator technology that will see you nice and toasty right through until the spring. But don’t take our word for it; ask Kim at The Blossom Street Gallery. They have recently had a quality economical heating system installed and couldn’t be happier. Kim, from the gallery, says, “I’m really pleased as it looks great and is easy to control. Power Heating were extremely professional and gave really great customer service.” Get to the gallery at 2 Blossom Street and check out the new display by Power Heating. n Call Power Heating on 0800 8600154 or the gallery on 623191
your home
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Do you have cash in your attic? Ever watched the Antiques Roadshow and wished that you could find out just how much your Great Aunty Di’s teddy collection was worth? Luckily for you there’s no need to wait for the grandfather clock in the morris minor to come a-calling, as the folks from Tennants Auctioneers in Harrogate are holding a free valuation day. On 3rd October from 11am-3pm at the Talbot Hotel in Malton, the experts will be able to offer advice on how much your antiques, collectables and jewellery is worth. So grab your clobber out of the attic and head along – you could have hidden treasure under your nose! n Visit www.tennants.co.uk or call 01423 531661.
Stick a pin in this If you are handy with a needle and thread (or are looking to be) then this may be of interest. Gillies Fabrics, the craft and sewing emporium on Peter Lane, are hosting a special Sewing Extravaganza in the store from 8th-9th November. This is a great chance to get together with like-minded people and help celebrate the business’s 50th anniversary. Furthermore, if you’re in store before then and buy something, you’ll be given a raffle ticket for a chance of winning a Eden Rose Sewing Machine worth £299! The draw will take place on 9th November so make sure you’re there. n Call 626244.
This will floor you
Carpets need a clean? We know a man who can help. Tim Stockdale, of Tim Stockdale Fabric & Floor Care, offers up some hints and tips and busts a few carpet cleaning myths. Health benefits Carpets are good for you – that’s official. They act as a filter for pollutants and provide comfort, warmth and insulation. We are what we breathe after all, so a clean environment is a healthy environment for and you family. Because of this it is important to keep the carpets in your home clean. This won’t only be good for your health but also for your wallet, as regular deep cleaning can extend the life of a carpet by three or four times. Here are my tips for cleaning: • Test any new product in an inconspicuous place and use plain white kitchen towel. • Blot stains, never rub. Be sure to never make the carpet too wet. • Throw open curtains and windows. UV light from the sun can kill creepy crawlies living in the carpet; it’s for this same reason that granny
would hang her bedding outside. • Move furniture and ornaments out of the way when vacuuming to get underneath them. The truth is down there • Dishwashing detergent is not as good as a professional cleaning solution and can cause colour bleeding. • Despite what you may have heard, carpets do require deep cleaning because dirt is abrasive and can cause increased wear and tear. • Some people think that carpets that have been deep cleaned get dirty more quickly. This is only the case after an unprofessional clean when dirtattracting residues are left in the fibres. n Call upon Tim’s expert touch by visiting www.fabricandfloorcareyork.co.uk and calling 413612.
Building trust
When we’re planning on getting some building work done, we want to hire someone that we know we can trust, and who we know will do a great job. That’s why we’re such fans of the team at G. Brigham Builders. Their expertise stretches from new homes, extensions and garages to kitchen fitting – and what’s more, you can choose to supply the materials yourself, or ask the guys to provide them. So whether you want to convert your loft or you just need some plastering doing, give G. Brigham Builders a ring. n Call 701483.
your home
A walk down carpet lane If Tim Stockdale’s helpful cleaning tips opposite have inspired you to get some carpet for yourself, give Green Lane Carpets a try. The business has been owned by the same family for the past 26 years and in that time they have built a carpet-fitting empire on Green Lane, Acomb. Apart from offering an extensive range of flooring options, the team at Green Lane Carpets have a special treat for readers of Your Local Link. When you buy a carpet and underlay you can get the delivery, fitting, door plates, grips and removal of your old carpet… completely free! n Call 799541.
Plumbing the depths Are you firing up your gas central heating for the first time since the spring? It might be a good idea to get everything checked over first by a professional. And ever the bargain hunters, we’ve found you a cracking deal with HC Engineering. A full boiler service is only £40 plus VAT, and as the company is staffed by a team of highly trained specialist engineers, and HC Engineering are Oftec and Gas Safe registered, you can rest assured that the job will be done to an excellent standard. From a simple service to a full boiler installation, the team at HC Engineering can help, while also saving you money for Christmas! n Call 477623.
Make your garden ghoulish this Halloween with these deadly DIY décor ideas!
beastly bouquet If your plants are past their best, don’t throw them on the compost heap just yet. Collect some dead flowers and stalks together, and put to one side. Find a plastic pot with a fairly narrow neck, and spray paint it black or grey. Then, when the pot is a dry, place the plants inside to create frightening flower arrangement. Add extra scariness with a few plastic spiders, and perhaps use some wadding to create a cobweb for them to sit on.
Shake, rattle l and rol <<Stake it out>>
Milk is good for your bones, so it’s fitting that a plastic milk bottle is a great material for a skeleton.
Don’t let the brave trick or treaters get lost on the way Save up your bottles in the run up to to your door – mark the path out for them with some Halloween until you have enough to ghostly stakes. All you’ll need is some wooden spoons, create your skeleton. The neck of the an old white sheet, a marker pen and some string milk bottle is perfect for a waist and or ribbon. Cut out a square to fit easily over the spoon, neck, and the wider part works really then arrange it so that it is in a diamond shape. Tie some well for the hips, torso and head. Use string underneath the bowl of the spoon, and finally a marker to draw a template for each of draw on some black eyes. And there you the bones in the arms and legs, and pin all have it! If you have any spotlights of the pieces together with drawing pins. for your garden, these would make Add some glow in the dark paint to make your ghosts look even better. your skeleton stand out at night time.
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have a heart
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your garden
Pumpkin patch Want to grow your own pumpkin for next Halloween? Here are some tips… Sow your pumpkin seed in a pot on a sunny windowsill between April and June. When the plant is established, place it in a sunny spot that’s sheltered from wind and frost. If you would like a large pumpkin, remove some of the fruits as they grow, leaving just two or three on the plant. You’ll know that your pumpkin is ready when the stem cracks and the skin is tough. Store your pumpkin in a well ventilated place, at around 10˚C, for up to six months. mpkins, on growing pu For more tips mn! lu co s nswick’ check out Bru
Spooky shapes
A particularly realistic ‘ghost’ can be created using chicken wire and a little imagination. Get a volunteer to model for you so that you can guess the size Don’t blame us if to mould the wire into a basic human shape (no the rest of your volunteer? We recommend gnomes catch the using a football to get a rough zombie virus. size of the head). Another option is just to create the www.prezzybox.com shape of an old fashioned dress, with a large, flowing skirt like ladies £14.95 would have worn years ago. From a distance, these look very etheral.
Lawn of the dead
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h Last chance to shareh
Calling all our green-fingered friends! You’ll definitely need to get down to St Mary’s Church Hall in Haxby on 19th October between 1.30-2.30pm. That is because Creating Cooperative Communities are having their final produce sharing event of 2013. If you have some extra home-grown goodies to share, pop along and get swapping. This month the meeting will also hold a bit of extra interest as one of CCC’s members will be showing you how to make wine from a wide variety of fruit (and even vegetables). That could certainly come in handy for Christmas! n Call 760659.
Wood you believe it?
If you live around Dringhouses, Acomb and Holgate you’ve probably at some point walked your dog across Hob Moor. If so, you’ll be happy to hear that The Conservation Volunteers, a team dedicated to giving their spare time to keeping York pretty, are in the area. Not only have they recently cut the tall grass but they’ve gone so far as to build a whole new bridge to help walkers and nature-lovers traverse the boggy ground. Whats more, they need you! n To get involved call 644300.
If you dream of spending your Sundays wandering through shaded woodland and frolicking with squirrels, you’re in luck, as soon you will have a 25-acre woodland just outside Escrick to play in. Set up by the charity Hagge Woods Trust with assistance from the Forestry Commission, Three Hagges Jubilee Wood has been created to both commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and as a haven for many species of wildflower that have become endangered during the last century. n If you would like to be involved, call 01757 288381.
Putting the fun in fungi There’s not mushroom on this page, so we’ll be brief. If you’re a fungi (or gal, tee hee) and would love to learn more about one of nature’s tastiest treats, get along to the Wheatlands Community Woodlands in Upper Poppleton on 6th October. The Fungus Foray will be a brilliant chance to see what autumn has to offer and discover what is available
to pick, take home and enjoy. Led by Mary Larner of the Yorkshire Fungus Group this will be fun for the whole family. Even better, it's free! n Call 738008.
Oh Bee-have Now that the temperatures have dropped and summer is a distant ice-lolly fuelled dream, it’s time to bee at one with nature. Friends of the earth, the eco warriors behind the Bee-Cause initiative, are urging people to become more bee-friendly in their gardens and communities. That is because this time of year can be tough for our stripy friends. But by planting fruit trees and early spring bulbs like snowdrops and crocuses you could help boost vital nectar sources. If thinking about honey bees has given you a bit of a buzz, why not look into becoming a member of York Beekeepers? With over 100 registered beekeepers, York & District is one of the largest beekeeping associations in the Yorkshire area and offers plenty of useful tips and advice. n Visit www.yorkbeekeepers.com
your garden
Garden Cared For • • • • •
The temperatures might be falling but there is still a lot to see in your back garden. Animals. You might see one or two urban foxes about this month. As winter approaches and food becomes scarce, foxes venture deeper and deeper into human areas. Although a fox sighting can be pretty exciting, be sure not to encourage their presence and keep your bin lids weighed down with rocks. Also, keep your eyes peeled for squirrels as in October they tend to gather their nut stores for the winter. Don’t offer to help them carry anything, they’ll just ignore you. Plants. Ivy starts to fill out and bloom with pretty flowers at this time of year which will be a huge draw for butterflies and other insects. As most other trees would have lost the majority of their foliage by the end of October, conifers and other evergreens become the perfect place to spot birds, insects and reptiles as they seek shelter.
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make everything in your garden lovely with dean’s garden centre
japanese maple
The botanical boffins at Dean’s Garden Centre give us the low-down. Japanese Maple, or Acer palmatum, and its cultivars are probably the most instantly recognisable of all the autumn colour plants. Although called the Japanese Maple, it is also found in Korea and parts of China. For many hundreds of years Japanese horticulturalists have developed cultivars from Maples found throughout this region of South East Asia, but the first specimens didn’t reach Northern Europe until the 1820s. There are thought to be over 1000 named cultivars with a huge range of forms, colours, leaf types, sizes, and preferred growing conditions. Heights of mature specimens can range from as little as 0.5 m (20”) to over 20m (60ft), depending on type. Varieties Some of the best cultivars include: Bloodgood A vigorous upright variety of Japanese Maple, growing to around 5m (15ft), with beautifully lobed leaves that are deep purple-red in summer and turn scarlet in autumn. The soil should be moist but well-drained. It is suitable for growing in a large container and must be kept well-watered. Dissectum Garnet A compact sized variety
of Japanese Maple growing to around 1.5m (5ft), with beautiful deeply cut lobes that are reddishbrown in summer, turning garnet red in autumn. It is suitable for growing in a large container and must be kept well-watered. Dissectum Viridis A lovely mushroom or mound forming shrub that will grow to around 2m (6’6”). The deeply dissected, feathery foliage is a bright lime green throughout the spring and summer before turning shades of red, orange and gold in the autumn. Senkaki (‘Sango-Kaku’) A large deciduous shrub or small tree to 5m (15ft), with stunning coral-red young branches bearing five-lobed leaves which open pinkish-yellow, becoming green in summer and yellow in autumn. Orange Dream When the palmate foliage emerges in spring it has a vibrant orange flush, which slowly turns a greenish yellow as it matures through the summer. In autumn the leaves take on a strong golden yellow hue. It’s a great specimen for a small garden or for growing in a container.
Care: Some specimens tolerate sun, and others require dappled shade. All prefer shelter from cold drying winds that damage the foliage causing brown ‘scorching’ to the leaf margins. A moisture retentive but well drained, slightly acidic soil is preferred; many varieties of Acer palmatum can be successfully grown in containers and also make excellent bonsai specimens. If space is not a constraint, no pruning is necessary except to remove dead branches. If any pruning is required, it is best done in late spring.
n Dean’s Garden Centre, Stockton Lane, Stockton on the Forest, York • Tel: 01904 400141
Dean’s Garden Centre
Call Steve Dunning on
Tel: 07737 190150
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your garden
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Talk to Frank We catch five minutes with Frank Reitz, the Second World War veteran who has helped create a nature trail at the Yorkshire Museum of Farming. He gives us his tips on attracting wildlife to your garden. • The best gardens for animals are those that are messy. Neat edges and sparse borders will put wildlife off. Allow plants and flowers to grow wild and don’t be too tidy. • If you want bees in your garden plant lots of flowers and make nests for solitary bees by leaving piles of twigs and tube-like canes out.
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• A small pond is amazing at drawing a host of marine life. Toads, dragonflies and birds will be drawn to your garden by a pond as small as a metre across. • If you’re looking to attract hedgehogs try leaving out a box lined with straw. Our spikey chums will be searching for a good hibernating spot soon; just remember to keep the cat inside (they don’t get on). n Visit the museum to experience Frank’s trail. Call 489966.
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GROW YOUR OWN with Debbie Pendle from Brunswick Organic Nursery Growing your own fruit and veg is rewarding, good for the planet – and your pocket. Here’s how…
get squashed
One of my favourite Brunswick sights has to be the squashes and pumpkins growing in the walled garden, a tsunami of green foliage rampaging across the land through the summer months. As summer surrenders to autumn the foliage slowly dies back to reveal its secret treasure, a random mix of fruits of various shapes, colour and sizes.
Squashes and pumpkins are members of the gourd family, which also includes courgettes and marrows. Courgettes are basically summer squashes and are harvested as immature fruits before they have ripened. They have no storage ability so are best picked and eaten straight away. Winter squashes and pumpkins need a longer growing season, and they are ready in autumn when the skins have hardened. They will keep in the right conditions over the winter months. Gourds are tender vegetables so you will need to sow the seed in 9cm (3 ½in) pots using multipurpose compost and grow them on indoors until you can plant them outside, when the danger of frost has passed. Squashes and pumpkins are vigorous growers that require plenty of space, so plant trailing varieties at least 1.2m (48in) apart. Prepare a deep planting hole and back fill, incorporating lots of well rotted manure or garden compost.
Troubleshooting Squashes and pumpkins can be quite tricky to grow, as apart from requiring a long growing season they must have rich fertile soil and enjoy long hot summers. A common problem is that young plants can be reluctant to produce female flowers, and that the forming fruit rot and drop off prematurely. The trick is to be patient and let the plant get well established. Once the plant matures it will start producing female flowers and the fruits will start to form and grow on. Leave a few inches of stalk intact when harvesting, then leave outside for the skin to harden and store in a dry, cool, frost-free place. Recommended varieties Butternut is the most popular choice for many, but there are others that are far more reliable and colourful. I love the reliability and flavour of Japanese varieties Red Uchiki Kuri and Green Hokkaido; both have a nutty flavour and grow to an ideal size for most cooks. Sweet Dumpling produces lots of small fruits which are ideal for stuffing and cooking whole. Crown Prince is an old variety that has large flattened fruits with steely blue skin. Turban Squash is brightly coloured and very ornamental, and almost looks too good to eat!
JOBS FOR october 3 Sow garlic 3 Plant out spring cabbages and net
them to protect from pigeons 3 Prune blackberries 3 Protect late salad crops with
horticultural fleece 3 Carry out winter digging
Local Suppliers: The Brunswick Shop, Appleton Road, Bishopthorpe, York YO23 2RF If space is an issue, Top choose one of the bush Tip varieties of squash which requires much less space, or let them trail among tall plants such as sweetcorn or Brussels sprouts.
n Brunswick Organic Nursery is a growing charity that provides opportunities for adults with learning difficulties in horticulture. Visit the online shop www.brunswickyork.org.uk
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your garden
Kids’ Patch
What’s better than mountains of sweets at Halloween? Making your own pumpkin of course! Ask an adult to help you make your own spooky pumpkin design. You will need: 3 A large pumpkin 3 A scary design, drawn onto paper 3 A poker 3 A drill 3 A saw 3 A candle 3 Sticky tape Ask an adult to help you cut an opening in the top of the pumpkin. Make sure the hole is big enough to let you scrape out the insides. Scrape out the pith and seeds with a spoon. The walls should be no more than an inch thick. Stick your paper design onto the pumpkin. Push the poker through the paper, using your design as a guide, and make dots on the outline. Remove the paper. Drill into the holes you have made with the poker. Turn it gently until it pierces the pumpkin’s skin.
Grip the saw like a pencil and saw gently from dot to dot, holding it at a right angle to the pumpkin. Ask an adult to light a candle and place it inside. Replace the lid. After a few minutes, blow out the candle and look at the lid to see the blackened area. Cut a hole here to create a chimney where the smoke can escape, and replace the lid once again after lighting. Voila – one spooky, beautifully designed pumpkin!
Appleton Road, Bishopthorpe York YO23 2RF tel 01904 701869
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Ask Chris...
Got a gardening question?
Chris Brown from Brownâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Nurseries can help Here are a few shrubs that rabbits seem to leave alone: Aucuba Japonica. Hypericum, Kalmia, Rhododendron, Rosemar y, Spiraea, Vinca Here, also, is a selection of rabbitproof perennials: Aster, Peony, Crocosmia, Helleborus, Anemone
Q. We live in the country and our garden is infested by rabbits. Can you suggest any plants that are rabbit-proof? Shrubs that rabbits ignore are surely all worthy for consideration, particularly by gardeners in rural areas! It may be the taste of the leaves and shoots or their texture that is unpalatable to rabbits, but whatever it is, such plants are extremely valuable where these furry creatures are a problem.
Q. When can I prune my plum tree please? I have heard there is a problem with silver leaf. Pruning plums in winter is dangerous because silver leaf and cankers may gain entry through the wounds. Pruning tasks are usually performed in winter for other fruits, but for young plum trees requiring training, these tasks are delayed until early spring. For older, established trees, these pruning tasks are performed in midsummer. It is, on balance, safer to remove diseased and damaged wood as you see it. Remove dead wood in late summer or autumn while the tree is still in leaf, and it can be easily identified. No plum is immune to the silver leaf disease, although some cultivars are more resistant than others. Silver leaf appears in patches, and the affected growth must be cut back as soon as it is seen, until the cut surface is perfectly clean. Burn pruned cuttings and disinfect pruning tools after use to prevent spread.
Q. Can you help me in choosing some plants to make a winter hanging basket? Winter flowering pansies and violas are the main source of colour in a winter hanging basket. Some people choose hot colours such as reds, oranges and yellows, while other people choose cool colours, such as blues and whites. There are also pastels, of pale blue, pink and soft lemon. Primrose will also come into its own in late winter and early spring. It is also important to have
a nice shape to a basket by using a conifer in the top and graduating to small plants on the edge of the basket in a tier system. Plants with silver leaves also mix well with the greens. Herbs are also great to use in winter hanging baskets; particularly thyme, oregano and sage. Good trailing plants for the sides and bottom of the display include ivy, Veronica Georgia Blue and lysimachia. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been making baskets since my dad taught me how in the 1960s and 1970s, and I think itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the best job in the world!
If you have a question for Chris, please email info@yourlocallink.co.uk. Call Chris on 766266
your garden
As the cooler weather approaches, warm yourself up with a few of nature’s very own delicious berries – these juicy beauties are great for use in cooking or to attract wildlife to your garden. Blackberries – these juicy favourites are a shiny black in colour and can be seen in wild brambles. The freshest fruits will be plump and shiny, found on footpaths and country lanes. Use in puddings, jams, liqueurs and cakes. Rosehips – found in rosebushes, these must be snipped rather than picked, and it is important to eat the flesh rather than the seed. They may be a bit fiddly, but these deep red treats are packed with vitamin C and can be used in wines, jellies and jams. Sloes – these are found in blackthorn bushes and look similar to large blueberries. Pick them after the first frost for freshness and use them to flavour spirits or as jellies for lamb and duck. Shrubs – towards the end of the month, attract a huge variety of birds to your garden by planting cotoneaster, pyracantha and berberis shrubs. Remember – if you are not 100% sure what you have picked, don’t eat it!
As easy as ABC Askham Bryan Gardening Club will reconvene this month after their summer recess, with an illustrated talk by Matthew Wilson entitled ‘A Tale of Two Gardens’, which is this year’s Geoffrey Smith Memorial Lecture. Matthew is a well known garden writer and broadcaster, who has previously worked for the Royal Horticultural Society as Curator of Harlow Carr Garden and Hyde Hall Garden. The meeting will take place at the Conference Hall at Askham Bryan College on 22nd October at 7.30pm.
Doggy paddle
Q. I think my dog would benefit from swimming sessions. Can I just book an appointment?
Q. I’ve heard of canine hydrotherapy, If you have to leave your dog during the day it’s far better to leave them with a bit of company. The staff (and pups) at the Waggy Dog Day Creche on James Street can provide that. They are currently offering some tasty deals for those wanting to book their best friend into the crèche. Pay in advance for one week to save £2 per day, and by booking for the whole month, you’ll save £4 each day. Your dog (and wallet) will thank you.
Write to us at the address on page 6, or email info@yourlocallink.co.uk Mark your question ‘Pet talk’
This month, canine hydrotherapy experts Alison, Anna and Helen from York Canine Hydro talk us through hydrotherapy for dogs
n Call David Whiteman on 707208.
It’s a dog’s life…
Need help?
but I don’t really understand what it would do for my dog. We describe hydrotherapy as controlled swimming sessions carried out in warm water. This stimulates blood flow which helps the dog’s circulation and overall fitness. It also eases stiff, painful and swollen joints. This reduces pain and allows for better movement.
Many owners are right in thinking that their dog would benefit, but it’s not appropriate for all dogs and all conditions. We must have a referral from your vet before starting, so we advise an initial assessment with them to make sure the treatment is safe and appropriate for your dog. Once we receive the completed referral, we get in touch to arrange an appointment. Our sessions are carried out by qualified canine hydrotherapists who are also registered veterinary nurses. n Sign up for the open day on 5th October to find out more. Visit www.yorkcaninehydro.co.uk or call 793663.
Many older dogs with arthritis would benefit from regular sessions. It’s gentler on their limbs than normal exercise, because their weight is supported by the water. Hydrotherapy can also help with recovery after surgery or injury to joints and muscles. It’s a great way to maintain your dog’s health and fitness – as it is with humans!
n Call 423246.
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your pets
Give us a
Have a home? These cutie pies need one. MALLORY Cat-lovers shouldn’t be put off by Mallory’s frowning face – once she gets to know you she will be full of purrs. Mallory would be happiest in a quiet home where she can adjust into her new life and shake off her shyness.
WILLOW Beautiful Willow can be a little shy at first, but just needs an understanding home that can give her the time and space she needs to develop her confidence. This young lady is developing into a very playful and cheeky little moggy. n If you’re interested in finding out more about these adorable moggies call 760356. SPIDER Four-year old Spider has been living at the RSPCA for just over two-and-a-half years. A fun-loving, Lurcher cross breed, he is able to live with children over the age of ten but is not so keen on living with cats. MARCO Handsome Doberman Marco enjoys going for long, regular walks and having cuddles on the sofa. He walks well on the lead and has a good attitude to other dogs, which means that he could probably live quite harmoniously with another dog. n If you could give any of these dogs a home call: 654949 or visit RSPCA, Landing Lane, York
Woof & Blow Groomers
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y l i m a f & you
& hotlist beauty fashion
Follow our barometer on the latest trends and you won’t go far wrong.
Howard’s column Our Howard tells us a story about storytelling.
Sport report
Get moving!
Just because the weather has turned a bit chilly doesn’t mean computer games are the answer for your children. Take a look at our round up of active indoor games.
We like Dan Tait – he explains the sport so that we can understand it and makes it funny. Here is his column…
Dr Saleena Zimri from Skin Doctor answers your beauty questions.
Howard Mosley-Chalk is a father and husband. But more importantly he is a man. As a boy he assumed he would grow up. But at 31 he finds himself writing for Your Local Link. These are his (un)manly words.
Long and short of it
said, “Sweetheart, Mama has to stay in the church for a little bit. But she asked me to look after the car and… teach you how to drive.” The tears stopped, her face brightened. We then spent the following 45 minutes with her sitting in the driver’s seat of the car, turning the wheel, yanking on the indicators and honking the horn – something we would later come to learn disrupted the wedding ceremony quite a lot.
As this month sees the return of the York Festival of Storytelling, I got thinking about the kind of stories I tell to my children, specifically to my almost-threeyears-old daughter. Apart from the many books we read together, the majority of the stories that I make up for her are usually to justify why I’m there in the first place. You see, I am not the favourite parent. I have accepted that and am okay with it. It probably has something to do with me not possessing lifesustaining breasts, but whenever I’m alone with my daughter she will eventually ask, “Where’s Mama?” Usually the truth – she’s just popped out – never satisfies. I have to invent great narratives to keep the tears at bay, spinning yarns and telling tales – usually about her mother being part cyborg and requiring constant repair and servicing.
Lessons learnt
Wedding woes We had such a problem recently while at a friend’s wedding in Scotland. My wife was a bridesmaid and so was charged with walking down the aisle leaving us at the back of the church. The question came as soon as Mama sauntered by in front of the bride; “Where’s Mama going?” I explained that Mama was part of the wedding and had to hang out at the
front for a bit. And also to shush. She started to cry, screaming that she wanted to go and stand with her Mama. Quietly getting out of a church with a wailing toddler under one arm and a teething four month old under the other was not easy. Outside, and with my daughter still upset, I needed a story to both calm her down and distract her. I
You might think this approach is just lying to your child, but that’s all stories are really; distractions to amuse and to teach. Sure, by reading The Gruffalo she might learn that brains can overcome brawn, or the importance of sound architectural planning from The Three Little Pigs, but with Daddy she’s learning where the clutch is and that Mama is a robot. Far more useful.
your family
…and another thing
Caterpillar with an eating disorder Thinking more about some of the books I read with my daughter, I realised that the messages of some famous books are a tad mixed. Take The Very Hungry Caterpillar for instance; the story of a caterpillar that gorges himself before turning into a butterfly. What’s the message? Stuff your faces kids, you’ll grow wings. Bad thing to teach children. Let’s gather all the copies and have ourselves a good old fashioned book burning.
Time travel
with Howard
Each month I look at an old photo of York. Join me on a stroll through history! No pushing.
This month I’ve got my scissors out (blunt safety ones) and chopped up a couple of images. This is the archway under the walls opposite the Railway Station as viewed from Queen Street. On the right is how the scene looks today, leading through to the new City of York Council Offices, whereas on the left is how it looked in the 1870s, complete with train and tracks. This is because what is now the council office was once the old railway station, hence the whopping great holes in the walls to accommodate the trains. You have been transported through time. You’re welcome.
Get moving!
Summer might be a distant memory, but that doesn’t mean your little ones should spend every waking minute in front of a video game. Here are some ideas to keep your children entertained and active indoors.
Over 50? Join in the Eng-AGE 50+ Games!
Hide and seek This classic children’s game might involve lots of waiting around, but why not mix things up a bit and include a rule that all hiders must find a new spot every few minutes to keep things moving? Also, set up a ‘base’ that hiders must run to if they are found – the seeker must try to tag them before they reach base. Den building Gather together some cardboard boxes and sheets to create an indoor den. Try to make it as large as you can so that you can fit lots of friends in there! This is great for sleepovers. Find the alarm clock Set an alarm clock ready to set off in a few minutes, then tell your players how long they have to find the clock before it goes off! Definitely one to get the blood pumping! Daytime disco Close all of the curtains to give your front room some atmosphere, and put on some music that everyone can dance to. Choose a theme, for instance animals, and take it in turns to imitate your chosen animal so that the rest of the group can guess. Or, choose an animal that everyone can dance as at once!
Prepare your playground • Remove any sharp objects before you start – if large objects like furniture have sharp edges, place a soft cover like a duvet over them to make them safer. • Create a barrier around windows or glass doors, or include a rule that this area is out of bounds. • Lock away any breakable or valuable objects in an out-of-bounds area. n There are hundreds of activity ideas to try from the fun generator on the Change 4 Life website – give it a try! Visit www.nhs.uk/change4life/pages//fungenerator.aspx
If you fancy trying out a new sport or fitness activity, would like to return to a sport that you’ve had a break from, or simply want to find out what’s available every week across York then the 50+ Games is for you! A huge range of taster and coaching sessions will take place throughout the week that are specifically aimed at those over 50. Most are free and will take place at a variety of venues across York – so there’s likely to be something happening near you! Activities include cycling, sailing, football, tennis, bowls, walking, pilates, racketball, jogging, badminton, multi-activities, Kendo (a form of martial arts), volleyball, yoga and swimming. Most sessions, apart from Pilates and yoga, do not need to be booked in advance – just turn up on the day and have fun! n Visit www.york.gov.uk/eng-AGE or call Catriona Sudlow on 553377. Alternatively, pick up a leaflet from your local library.
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your family
Set for Santa
Christmas is just around the corner; are you ready? Here are some pointers to help you prepare and avoid doing everything at the last minute. You know who you are… Present and correct • Do you know what each of your family and friends might want/like? It’s a good idea to know by the end of October, just in case certain gifts take a long time to be delivered. • Make a list of everyone you are getting gifts for and work your way through it steadily. Don’t panic buy on Christmas Eve; you’ll end up getting your mum some charcoal briquettes from the petrol station.* Meat the family • Planning on having turkey or a goose for Christmas lunch? Make sure you know where you’re getting it from and just how big it will be, as not all ovens can accommodate the big birds. • Buy locally; there are plenty of farm shops around York where you can buy fresh meat and vegetables. Trust us, fresh sprouts rule. Tree by gum • Getting a real tree this year? Find your Christmas tree supplier sooner rather than later and reserve one if you get a chance. • Research your tree! Some varieties will shed their needles which might not be a good thing if you have pets and small children. Most suppliers will stock several kinds, so know what you want before buying. *Trust us, this happened to Howard once. His mum wasn’t happy.
Pizza Choice | Delivery Service | Fantastic offers available | Tel: 622022 or 631818
Throwing a monster ball? Make sure you prepare some ghoulish games to keep your ghostly guests entertained! Pin the face on the pumpkin You will need: 3 A large pumpkin 3 Black paper or card 3 Drawing pins or blue tack 3 A pen 3 Scissors 3 A blindfold
Guess goo! You will need: 3 A large bowl 3 Jelly crystals (preferably strawberry or blackcurrant for a gory colour!) 3 Plastic insects 3 Creepy crawly sweets 3 Blindfolds
How to play: In your bowl, prepare some jelly with more water than usual so that you are left with a gooey substance. Then, hide the sweets and plastic insects in the mixture and blindfold your first player. You can either get them to get stuck in and find an object then guess what it is, or tell them to search for a specific object.
Another version of this game uses cooked spaghetti (which apparently feels rather a lot like brains when you are blindfolded!) and ping pong balls with ‘trick’ or ‘treat’ written on them. Have some treats ready, and some tricks prepared. Don’t be too mean to your guests with the tricks, though, otherwise they might not come back next year!
How to play: This is a great way use pumpkins, with much less mess than carving! Draw some spooky face shapes on the paper and cut them out – if you have trouble seeing the pen on the black paper, try creating stencils out of a different coloured paper to cut around. Then, stick all but one of the shapes onto your pumpkin and let your blindfolded players take it in turns to try to put the remaining shape in the right place. Or, let your players each have a shape to stick on and see what a crazy face you can make!
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your family
Terrible tales You will need: 3 A torch 3 A vivid imagination!
Mummy makers You will need: 3 Lots of toilet roll! How to play: Arrange your guests into teams, with at least two people in each team. Nominate a mummy in each team and provide each group with equal amounts of toilet roll. Then start a countdown timer of 60 seconds. In that time, the teams must try to transform their nominated player into a mummy by wrapping them in the toilet roll. Cue hysterical laughter.
How to play: Sit your guests in a circle in a darkened room, and give the torch to the player who would like to start – the first time around, it might be an idea to start the game off yourself. With the torch lighting up their face, the first player begins a story with a couple of lines that starts with the words “Once there was…”; for example “Once there was a wicked old witch…”. Then, they pass the torch to the player to their left, who adds a couple of lines to the story, and so on around the circle. Make sure everyone gets a turn, and keep a lookout for any young children who might need a little help with their lines. Encourage guests to use spooky voices and facial expressions. You could award prizes for the scariest line, or the best delivery.
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21/08/2013 11:11:26
High profile injury specialist joins Coles Solicitors The expert team of solicitors at Coles on Micklegate are very happy to announce the recent appointment of Kevin Hughes. Kevin joins the company, which was established in 1965, after almost 30 years in the legal industry. During that time he specialised in personal injury claims, particularly in cases where people had suffered head injuries, asbestosrelated illnesses and other industrial diseases. He has also helped the victims of accidents at sea and on oil rigs and successfully represented victims of the Great Heck rail disaster.
t h g i l t h g i N
• The Highway Code states that at night, cyclists must have white lights fitted on the front of the bike, and red lights on the back. • Fit reflectors onto the front of your bike and the spokes, and wear a high visibility vest or reflective straps to help other road users to see you.
n If you think you could benefit from Kevin’s expertise, call 679990.
Do you cycle to and from work? As the nights are starting to draw in and it’s beginning to get dark as we travel home, now is the time to check the light on your bike – and if you don’t have one, it’s vital to get one as soon as possible. Not only will you be able to see the road ahead more clearly, but other road users will be able to see you, meaning that you’ll be much safer. If you’re not sure how to fit your light securely to your bike, or what sort of wattage is legal, contact your local cycle shop – there are a few in these pages who will be able to help you out. The folks at iTravel York offer the following advice:
Pizza Choice | Delivery Service | Fantastic offers available | Tel: 622022 or 631818
• Make sure your lights and reflectors are clean before every trip you make on your bike. n For further information, visit www.itravelyork.info/cycling
Is your child a budding star?
find out about Take a look at our Theatre section to est branch, new ’s the Pauline Quirke Academy my.com cade here in York! Visit www.pqa
your family
Centre stage
Tread the Boards are also running a giveaway this month, so turn to our competition section at the front of the mag.
Young fans of being in the spotlight should whoop a cheer of theatrical joy this month, as Tread the Boards, the York-based drama academy, has expanded. The club that offers performance skills to children aged from three to 16 now provides classes at Joseph Rowntree School as well as at Clifton Moor Community Centre. The new classes run every Friday evening from 5-7pm for singing, dancing and drama, and from 7-8pm for musical theatre tuition. This is great news for future stars of stage and screen who might have other commitments during the weekend (like attending the Oscars/Baftas) as now there is yet more time to practice their art, darling. n Visit www.treadtheboards.org and call 693661.
Speak easy CELT, the Centre for English Language Teaching at the University of York, is beginning registration for their ‘English for Speakers of Other Languages’ courses from 1st October. The centre has always been keen to develop and maintain links with residents of York whose first language is not English. The aim of the ever-popular courses is to improve the participant’s level of English and to enable them to integrate fully with life in the city. n To find more about the courses on offer, and how to go about signing up, visit www.york.ac.uk/celt or email victoria.jack@york.ac.uk
01904 48201 w .jwmyers.co.uk yers@hotmail.co.uk
Charity starts now
When you scooped up this copy of Your Local Link from the doormat, did you notice something else along with it? This month York Against Cancer have bundled along their latest newsletter with your favourite magazine, and inside you’ll find out all about the great work the charity has done recently. With so many fantastic sporting events coming up in the next few months it’s never been a better time to challenge yourself and raise some vital funds for York Against Cancer. n Find out how you can help, be helped by and get involved with this important local charity.Visit www.yorkagainstcancer.org.uk
A group with heart
Cricket in winter? Don’t be stumped.
Looking for a winter sport that doesn’t involve skis? Stop shopping around for cheap flights to Austria and don’t put away those cricket whites – you’ll need them. LoveCricket is an exciting new cricket coaching academy launching in York this month, designed especially for boys and girls aged from six to 13. Staffed by expert coaches who are qualified by the England Cricket Board, Love-Cricket will meet throughout the colder months in the snug indoor environment of York College and teach core skills including batting, bowling, fielding and wicket keeping at all ability levels. n Email bookings@love-cricket.com or call 07946 666599.
Your advocate Have you ever felt that you needed help in getting your voice heard? Now there is an organisation that is dedicated to helping you do just that. York Advocacy, a new service that launched on 1st April 2013, provides high quality advocacy services across the City of York. The team was successful in securing the contract to deliver NHS Complaints Advocacy, so if you have a concern or complaint about any aspect of your NHS care or treatment, they will be able to help. The team also provides a General Advocacy service for vulnerable people who need advocacy on any issue including housing and access to services, and they work with other organisations such as Older Citizens Advocacy. n You can contact them from Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm on 414357, or visit the website at www.yorkadvocacy.org.uk
Family Funeral Services
Family Funeral Services
Telephone: Multiple Sclerosis Society (York Branch) Sec. Jackie Chapman
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ned memorials tters 72
If you or someone you know has suffered from a heart-related illness, then the York Coronary Support Group Trust might be of interest. Set up in 1988 to provide care and support for cardiac patients and their families, the trust runs regular social events and activities, and offers advice and help as part of people’s rehabilitation. They have a monthly get-together and listen to various speakers who present talks on a variety of topics – in fact our Sales Manager Sarah even popped by to the Folk Hall in New Earswick to give a talk about this very magazine. She had a lovely time and so might you. n Call 760698.
• Powered Scooters • Manual and Powered Wheelchairs • Stairlifts • Riser/Recliner Chairs • Walking Aids • Nebulisers • BBathroom & Toilet Aids • Incontinence Products
Care-fee morning
It seems that home-care providers Bluebird Care not only look to the wellbeing of their many happy clients â&#x20AC;&#x201C; they also care about the rest of us as well. As well as providing high quality professional care with a friendly, personal service, on 25th October they will be hosting a coffee morning to raise funds for York Hospital. Taking place between 10am-1pm at the hospital itself, this will be a great chance for a chin-wag, to scoff some cakes and slurp some tea and coffee â&#x20AC;&#x201C; all in aid of a great cause. n Call 691992.
University of York study needs your stories Termination of pregnancy is a sensitive topic, but researchers at the University of York recognise that it is important to understand more about it. A major new project in the Department of Sociology is inviting women to take part in confidential interviews about their experiences. If you are aged 18 or over and have had a termination, and you would like to take part in an interview to tell your story, please get in touch with the team for more information. Rest assured that all interviews are strictly confidential and you will not be identified. You can choose to be interviewed either face to face or via telephone. n Email sian.beynon-jones@york.ac.uk, visit www.york.ac.uk/satsu/timingtermination or call 323064.
Sport report with DAN TAIT
Follow DAN on blog.yourlocallink.co.uk
See if you can put names to faces from the picture supplied by Graham Bradbury. They are: Steve Tutill, Paul Atkin, Alan Hay, Dale Banton, Iain Dunn, Tony Canham, Jimmy Crangle and Gary Ford. The special guests were former commercial manager James Richardson, the original ‘Yorkie’ Steve Ovenden, former Youth Trainee Johnny Harris and City fan Ian Suregenor who turned out in goal.
snooze soccer
minstermen unite! Whilst York City may have had a difficult start to the season, some of their old players turned out in a charity game on 7th September at York University against a Fulford Members Select XI. The match was arranged by Andy Robson and Graham Bradbury for Captains’ Charity Day in aid of Martin House Children’s Hospice, Boston Spa. Andy Robson put together the Fulford side whilst Graham Bradbury used his contacts to gather some former stars of the Minstermen. With many players now in their 50s, and having to withstand a couple of late call offs, City put up a good fight but were on the receiving end
of a 5-0 score line courtesy of goals from Oscar Miller, Danny Leaf, Jamie Miller and a double from captain Jordan Elliott. Over 100 people attended the match which was the opening event for a day of fundraising, culminating in local band ‘Huge’ playing in a packed out marquee. The entire day raised over £3,000 – a great effort by all involved. Graham Bradbury told me it was good to see so many former City stars turn up on a Saturday morning in September. “I can only thank them all for giving up their valuable time to support such a worthwhile charity,” said Graham.
Football: the beautiful game. Well, it is unless you were one of the poor souls who attended the York City versus Hartlepool and Wimbledon games. You could argue Cheryl Cole’s new tattoo is more pleasing on the eye than the entertainment the Minstermen produced in those two fixtures. I saw BBC commentator and fellow City supporter Guy Mowbray tweet at half-time during the Wimbledon game to say that just when you didn’t think it could get any worse, ‘Boom Boom Boom Boom’ by the Vengaboys was the choice of song for half-time entertainment. (I actually thought that was the highlight.) It’s safe to say Nigel Worthington’s side are a work in progress, but as the banner made for him in his first game said,In Nigel We Trust. The season is a marathon not a sprint, so hopefully the man who rescued our Football League status in May can turn the situation around.
york fc fixtures
magic formula I was recently asked why I don’t mention Formula One more in my column. I think they used the word ‘more’ to be polite, as this is the first time in four years I have mentioned it. The truth is I used to like it (around the time Damon Hill clinched the drivers’ title whilst Michael Schumacher adapted to Ferrari) and people used to say it was just people driving around in a big circle with a really annoying noise. Now I have a casual look at it, but it seems to me that Vettel fella has it more sewn up than Celtic do with the SPL, and that Lewis Hamilton fights more with Nicole Scherzinger than the German champion. Also, it is just people driving around in a big circle with a really annoying noise.
October sees three fixtures taking place at Bootham Crescent with old foes Rotherham United coming to Bootham Crescent on 8th October for the Johnstones Paint Trophy Second Round (City got a bye for Round One). Then fellow Yorkshire rivals Scunthorpe play York City on Sunday 13th October for what is an all ticket game before Fleetwood, along with former hero Matty Blair, are scheduled on a traditional Saturday on 26th October.
HOme grown After years of self praise for having the best league in the world with the Premier League, the new FA Chairman (who is also the Chancellor of the University of York) Greg Dyke has set England a target of winning the World Cup by 2022, and is looking into the ‘frightening’ influx of foreign players that prevent English talent rising to the top. I had to laugh when I read that he was influential in appointing German Uwe Rosler, when he was in charge at Brentford FC. Surely a few English managers are not quite sharing his sentiments.
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n For a special behind the scenes feature, visit my blog at blog. yourlocallink.co.uk.
There’s something for everyone, so dive into fitness at Yearsley Pool.
& hotlist beauty fashion
{think pink}
{strawberry blonde forever} There once was a time when ginger hair was something to be ashamed of. Who made that rule up? And what, pray tell, did they have against ginger people? Thankfully, times seem to be changing. The first Ginger Pride march stomped through the streets of Edinburgh this summer, we think it’s high time that we all accepted that red hair is basically awesome. Plenty of us non-redheads dye our hair in a bid to get fiery locks – in the office we’re particularly in love with the strawberry blonde shade at the moment. So, if you’re blessed with red hair yourself, think yourself lucky. Gingers rule!
Krystal the style queen Avon Pro Viva Pink Everyone laughed October is Breast Cancer Nail Varnish, RRP £4, at Krystal when she Awareness Month (BCAM), www.avonshop.co.uk returned from the so it’s time to make yourself charity shop with what look rosy in aid of a good cause. You’ll remember looked like a nightie.* us warning you last month against going all out pink We didn’t understand – well, if you’re going to do it, BCAM is the best how floral satin would work. We know now that excuse we can think of. If you’re still a bit scared that we were wrong. Krystal rocked up to work wearing you’ll look like a blancmange, choose one or two the garment as a blouse with a gorgeous little skirt, accessories, or use pink make up. We particularly and looked ace. Then we spotted a feature in a like the Avon Pro Viva Pink nail varnish, especially fashion magazine that stated quite clearly that floral because a 25% donation from each pot goes to satin is in. We’re just going to accept that Krystal is Breakthrough Breast Cancer. definitely the most fashion forward of all of us and basically her word is fashion law. Self cut fringes When the ends of *It didn’t just look like a nightie. It was a nightie. our fringe start to meet up with our nose , Krystal is just so cool that she made it look awesome. the dressmaking scissors come out and there are tears before bedtime. It all starts so well. We watch how er Reapplied nails No matt YouTube tutorial videos in preparation and ever ything, over ish many times we reapply nail varn and for a split second we almost look as if we’v e been r neve the top of a chip in our nails, it to the hairdresser. But then, one smug swish y lump py, gloo a is works. All that we end up with of the head later, we realise mess on the ends of our fingers. Our new we’ve accidentally removed nail resolution is to start from scratch with the a huge chunk of hair. Don’t know you If Sigh. when it chips. It’s the only way. do it, people – your have any how to deal with chipped nails, or you hairdresser offers free in touch get , share other beauty tips you’d like to fringe trims for a reason! 6. with us using the contact details on page
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impluse + models own nail polish kit There are a few versions of these kits available with various shades of nail polish and fragrances of body spray, but I went for the Very Very Pink scent and Utopia shade. The kit also contains a four way nail buffer. The Very Very Pink fragrance is described on the bottle as orange and white wood, though I didn’t detect a citrus scent, perhaps because Impulse remindss me of the nostalgic smell of the girls’ changing rooms after P.E. at school. I loved the nude colour of the polish, it’s a great shade if you don’t want something too dramatic and being neutral, it would go with anything. This gets a manicured thumbs up! For the price I think it’s a fab little kit. ❤ £4 Superdrug www.superdrug.com White Hot Glorious Shampoo and Luminous Conditioner
❤ £12 each White Hot Hair www.whitehothair.co.uk or www.boots.com
Having only recently joined the blonde brigade, I’m still discovering the best products for my hair, so I was thrilled to be able to test this shampoo and conditioner. Originally designed for grey hair, the range is also fantastic for blondes. Apart from smelling absolutely fantastic – I couldn’t stop sniffing my hair all day – my locks were left feeling soft and smooth, and I must say they did look a little brighter. The only word of warning I’d give would be that the shampoo is best used on hair that isn’t too dirty to begin with – if your scalp needs a good scrub, use an anti-dandruff shampoo or similar before washing with this one.
01964 535015
Hair and Beauty Q&A
Beauty expert, Dr Saleena Zimri from Skin Doctor, is back to answer all of your beauty dilemmas! Q. I want a facelift but don’t
Q. I have broken veins, what
There certainly are! With advancing technology in this field some of the non-surgical facelift treatments have really come a long way. They are fantastic treatments for those wanting a lift and improved skin without the cost and downtime of surgery. For example, the Laser 360 Non-Surgical facelift involves six sessions over 60 days, and combines three different treatments:
Thread veins, spider veins or broken veins on the face, chest and legs often make people feel embarrassed and self-conscious, but they can be removed with excellent results. Sclerotherapy is a safe and wellestablished treatment for thread veins on the legs. Although there are a number of alternative treatments, it remains the most reliably successful of them all. For red, broken veins on the face or chest, laser treatment or Short Wave Diathermy is highly effective.
want to go under the knife. Are there any alternatives?
• IPL to treat irregular skin colour and broken veins, which can make the skin look aged • Infrared skin tightening to lift and tighten the skin • Pixel Perfect® skin resurfacing to smooth fine lines and wrinkles.
treatment is best?
This month, the Laser 360 Non-surgical facelift is half price at Skin Doctor: £450 for six sessions
instead of the usual £900!
Q. I am really conscious of my
ageing hands; are there any good treatments available? Frequently the focus of cosmetic improvement is the face. Yet, one of the most age-telling body features is our hands. Over time the fatty tissue beneath the skin of our hands becomes thinner, veins and tendons become more visible and the skin loses volume. If you feel that your hands don’t match your overall appearance, then it may be time to do something to rejuvenate your hands with a volumising filler such as RADIESSE®. Thanks to a special gel-matrix, Radiesse® volumising filler creates immediately visible results. Using fine calcium microspheres, the filler stimulates the body’s natural collagen formation to create long-lasting volume, and can last for up to 18 months. This is a fast, super simple procedure that converts older-looking hands into younger looking hands in minutes – take a look at the photos above to see the difference. For more information, book in for a free consultation and speak to one of our doctors. Offering a variety of Murad products, and with treatments ranging from facials and non-surgical augmentation to minor surgery, the team at Skin Doctor on Blossom Street combine excellent medical practice and expertise with a friendly, caring service. n Visit www.skindoctorclinics.co.uk or call 633833.
Funky feet
If you end up getting thrown out of your daughter’s dance class because apparently you’re ‘too old’ to join in, worry not – there is now a place where you can strut your stuff with other grown ups in a fun and welcoming environment. Led by professional dance artist Sam Lawrence, a programme of fun, dynamic and energetic contemporary dance classes begins this autumn at The Priory Street Centre in York. The classes take place on Thursdays from 6.30-7.30pm and are open to beginners and those with some dance experience. You should develop flexibility, strength, general fitness and co-ordination – as well as learn some killer moves for the next time you’re out on the town! n Call 07939 167526.
Don’t hold the gold Heard about the high price of gold? Did you know that you could sell your old gold jewellery quickly and easily? We spoke to Maria Adams of Gold Dust to get the low down about this simple way to make a bit of quick cash. “I was chatting to an old friend recently,” said Maria, “who couldn’t believe that the odd bits of gold she had accumulated over the years could be worth so much.” Maria’s friend had broken necklaces, rings that were too small and odd earrings. By giving them to Gold Dust she made a cool £370 and enjoyed a holiday in Malta. See what you could make from your jewellery box. n Call 07928 587767.
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nails & beauty
Friendly support
What is it used for? The Pulsar system is flexible enough to be used on large areas like the back and shoulders, as well as smaller areas like the face. Whether you would like to de-fuzz your upper lip, or get smooth legs, the machine can help. And it’s not just effective in hair reduction – the Pulsar system is also fantastic for use on rosacea, thread veins, acne and a range of other skin conditions. Apparently, the average woman spends around 72 days over the course of her life shaving her legs. That’s over ten weeks! Luckily you no longer need to waste any more hours in the bathroom, thanks to the new lasering service from Heavenly Nails and Beauty. How does it work? The machine uses Pulsar Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology to offer effective, virtually pain-free, permanent hair reduction. The Pulsar system uses an applicator to apply flashes of light to the skin, and the light is then absorbed by the melanin, or pigment, in the hair. The heat that is generated in the hair follicle then destroys it, and leaves it incapable of ever producing a new hair. Which means smooth skin for you!
Ladies & Gents Hair Salon
10% Student Discount with valid NUS card
Dry Cut Shave, Hot Towel, Head Massage Full Service (hair cut, wash, hot towel, head massage) OAP hair cut Scissor cut Clipper cut from Long hair under 10 Children’s cut from Re-Style Shape up from Pattern (cut not included)
£10 £11 £20 £8 £12 £9 £12 £8 £12 £5 £6
Book now! Marcelle will be welcoming people into her home on the first Monday and Tuesday of every month to help legs across York become fuzzfree – places fill up fast, so book in while you can! Great offers! Of course, Marcelle will still be available to come to your home to preen you to perfection, providing a range of treatments including tanning, waxing, facials and reflexology. This month, Your Local Link readers can get a full set of acrylics for £20, both a manicure and pedicure for £30 and Shellac fingers and toes for £25. Or, if you feel like you need to relax, try a full body massage for £25. n Visit www.heavenlynailsandbeauty.co.uk or call 07710 669945.
When faced with something like cancer, the right support can make all the difference to how well you can cope, which is why it’s important to find the right support group for you. The York Hospital Head and Neck support group meet at the hospital every three months, and anyone with any interest in, or experience of, head and neck cancer is welcome to attend. The meetings run from 2-4pm with guest speakers talking on a variety of topics, as well as the chance to socialise and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in a relaxed atmosphere. The next meeting is on 11th December when there will be a psychologist speaking about coping with the fear of cancer recurrence. n If you would like to attend, or would like more information, call the head and neck specialist nurses Tracey Goldsbrough and Debbie Wardle on 725726.
UNBEATABLE PACKAGES COLOURING PACKAGES Full Head Colour Cut & Finish £36 (above shoulder)
PERM PACKAGE Perming, cut and finish £34 (above shoulder)
FOIL HIGHLIGHT PACKAGE Full Head Foil Cut & Finish £48 (above shoulder)
5 W h i p - M a W h o p - M a G a t e , Yo r k Y O 1 0 8 B L . Te l : 0 1 9 0 4 6 5 1 8 6 6 80
A stylist went to sea sea sea… Did you know that sea air is good for your hair? Well, we’re not certain about the science behind that, but if you go to Hornsea your hair is sure to look better. That is because the seaside town plays host to Harlequin Beauty Salon, and to entice the gorgeous readers of this fair magazine out to the east coast, they have a special offer for you. Take this copy of Your Local Link to the salon on Newbegin in Hornsea and you will receive ten per cent off any treatments you have. So good news for both your barnet and your bank balance. n Call 01964 535015.
Tailor-made first aid If you are looking to gain some first-class first aid knowledge, stop rewatching all those old episodes of Baywatch and get in touch with the real experts. The Department of Health Sciences at The University of York offer regular courses for those wishing to learn the ins and outs of first aid, for use both at work and at home. October sees them host a one-day Emergency First Aid course, as well as a three-day First Aid at Work qualification. Courses run throughout the year and the department can also offer bespoke sessions to teach you what you need to know. n So for peace of mind and to give a practical boost to your CV, call 321642.
Truthful Beauty Make up artist
Vintage make overs for Burlesque Beauties Sexy Glamour for Nights Out and the Races Bridal Parties - Perfection on your big day Manicures, Eyelashes and Kid’s Parties.
All in the comfort of your home Worked on X Factor, OK! Magazine and many Celebs!
Call 07583 376630
Do crusts make your hair go curly?
Blood donor
3rd October Dunnington, The Reading Rooms 2-3.45pm & 4.45-7pm.
22nd October Priory Street Centre 10am-12.30pm & 1.30pm-3.45pm.
7th October York Sport Club 1.304pm & 5-7pm.
23rd October Best Western Monk Bar Hotel 2pm-4pm & 5-7pm.
8th October Acomb Parish Church Hall 2-4pm & 5-7pm. 9th October York Sport Club 2-4pm & 5-7pm. 10th October New Earswick, The Folk Hall 2-4pm & 5-7pm.
29th October Acomb Parish Church Hall 2-4pm & 5-7.30pm. 29th October Osbaldwick Primary School 2pm-4pm & 5-7pm.
n Call 0300 123 2323.
You are what you eat, or so they say. So what should we be scoffing to get luscious locks? Here’s a clue – not actual hair itself, which we doubt would taste nice. Instead, try some of the following to make your hair shiny and smooth: Nuts. Go for Brazil nuts to keep your scalp healthy, and walnuts to top up your intake of omega 3 and zinc, which can help improve the condition of your hair and prevent it from shedding.
Spinach. Dark green vegetables are a great source of vitamins A and C, which help your body to produce sebum – your hair’s natural conditioner. Without it your hair could become dry.
Salmon. Omega 3 and vitamin B-12 make this fish our hair’s friend.
Milk. Are you getting enough of the white stuff? You’ll need plenty of calcium for healthy hair.
Beans and eggs. Want your hair to grow? You’ll need protein, which kidney beans, eggs and lentils have in abundance.
Above all, ensure you eat a balanced diet – following a fad diet to drop pounds fast can often lead to unwanted side effects like hair loss.
The true face of beauty
It’s often a tradition for girls to get ready together before a big night out – but if it’s a really special occasion, why not hire a professional to make sure you all look your absolute best? Truthful Beauty offer a fantastic
makeup artist service for vintage makeovers, glamorous looks for the races, or a beautiful bridal look for wedding parties. Manicures and eyelashes are also available, and if your little one would like a bit of pampering
too, kids’ parties are available. So next time you go out there’s no need to fight over the mirror – just sit back, relax and enjoy your pamper time! n Call 07583 376630.
Following the success of an informal discussion evening, the team at Kuki thought it would be useful to share many of the common questions they are asked.
How do I know what is best for me?
If you decide you want to find out more, the next step is to have a consultation. This is your opportunity to meet your trained IPL beauty therapist, check your skin and hair type and create a treatment programme tailored specifically to your needs. The therapist will run a patch test to determine how sensitive your skin is to the treatment and also to establish the right IPL energy settings.
What happens during the treatment?
What is IPL hair removal?
The very latest Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology provides fast, non-invasive hair removal for most skin types and hair colours. This can be used to treat most areas of the body in both women and men, including the face. In the vast majority of cases a series of treatments will permanently reduce the unwanted hair from the target area. However some hair will continue to grow albeit much finer and more slowly!
Why do you need more than one session?
At any one time, not all hair follicles are ‘active’, and only ‘active’ hair follicles can be affected and destroyed by the treatment. ‘Inactive’ hair follicles can be treated as they become ‘active’ over time.
The hair removal procedure itself is very straightforward. You’ll make yourself comfortable on a therapy bed and will wear some eye protection, and the therapist will slowly run a small handheld unit over the specified area. You might feel a slight tingling sensation. Sometimes the skin swells or reddens slightly, depending on which part of your body is being treated. Afterwards cooling gel will be applied to the area to minimise any discomfort. Treatment times vary depending on the person and the area being treated. Depending on what treatment you’re having, the procedure can be as brief as ten minutes.
What are the risks?
As with all medical and cosmetic procedures, with IPL hair removal there is some risk of side effects and complications. These will vary with the individual, and often depend on your skin type and colouring. Some side effects, such as slight redness and swelling, can be expected and will usually subside within a day or two. Your therapist will discuss any concerns during the initial consultation.
How many sessions will I need, and over what period?
We would recommend normally six to nine sessions to remove most visible hair depending on your skin and hair type. The number of hair removal sessions depends on various factors, including where the hair is, how thick it is and also your particular skin type and hair colour. The gap between sessions is usually four weeks.
What about my hair before and in between sessions?
Shaving prior to a session is actually recommended as the light will be more effective on the root. However, waxing and tweezing is not recommended as you are pulling the hair root out, requiring it to grow again before IPL can work.
Half Price
For the latest news on products, events, offers and competitions like us on facebook/kukispa
For effective, long lasting, quick and virtually pain-free hair removal try our IPL treatment. It works by delivering bursts of light which are absorbed by melanin in your hair, destroying the follicle from the root. Area Standard Offer Upper or Lower Lip £45 £22.50 Chin £65 £32.50 Lip & Chin £95 £47.50 Jaw line £70 £35.00 Sides of Face £80 £40.00
Area Standard Offer Centre of Eyebrows £20 £10.00 Standard Bikini £95 £47.50 Underarms £75 £37.50 Stomach £65 £32.50 Lower leg £250 £125
The Above Areas Are For Example Purposes, The Offer Applies To All Body Areas / Courses Available, Contact Us For Full Details. The Above Prices Are Per Session however the offer only applies on courses of 3,6 or 9 sessions booked before 31st October 2013. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or vouchers. T&Cs apply.
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Lava shell massage Our Ellen had been a good girl all month, so we let her try out the new lava shell massage at Twilight Treatments.
We all need a massage now and again, but the choice on offer to pamper ourselves nowadays is a little mind boggling – should you go for hot stones, or aromatherapy? Luckily, our Ellen road tested the latest craze: lava shell massage, which is part of the Twilight Treatments offering at the Select Beauty Salon at York Marriott Hotel. We know, it’s a hard life…
are a natural phenomenon that heat up by themselves without the need of electricity. She used them to heat up the muscles in my back, then ran the shells across my skin – it was like popping candy! I could hear my muscles popping, but it didn’t hurt at all. It was incredibly relaxing, so much so that I almost fell asleep. I felt incredibly relaxed afterwards.”
“I was thrilled to be able to try the lava shell massage at Twilight,” says Ellen, “and I certainly wasn’t disappointed! The surroundings are gorgeous and they really helped me to relax and feel chilled out – the décor was well thought out, and everything was matching. It really looked lovely.”
In addition to the wonderful lava shell massage, the team at Twilight offer a range of other gorgeous therapeutic treatments, as well as spa packages that allow for use of the swimming pool, gym, Jacuzzi and sauna at York Marriott Hotel. Treatments are available Tuesday – Saturday 3.15-8pm; perfect for unwinding after a long day at work.
Lava love Ellen added that the treatment itself more than lived up to expectations. “My therapist explained that the tiger clam shells, which are recycled from the South Pacific, Eng-AGE Brought to you by Sport & Active Leisure
n Visit www.gloots.co.uk/twilighttreatments or call 770604.
Step to it If you’ve ever been impressed by the dancing on Strictly Come Dancing and longed to get up there and try it yourself, now’s your chance. The York branch of the Rosemary Conley fitness club will now offer the latest craze in combining exercise with dancing – FitStep. Taught by instructor Helen Howard-Mawer, who was trained by Strictly stars Ian Waite and Natalie Lowe, FitStep uses ballroom dancing as a great way to shed those unwanted pounds and is oodles of fun. Helen is one of the first Rosemary Conley trainers in the country to teach FitStep, so sign yourself up now and you’ll be impressing Bruce Forsyth by Christmas. n Email helen.howard-mawer@ rosemaryconley.com or visit www.FitSteps.co.uk
Why autumn is good
If you are already missing the summer sun and feeling the first chilly touches of winter, worry not. Autumn is actually a fantastic time of year, particularly if you are looking to your lovely talons. That is because the beauty experts at Nail Bar One on Swinegate have an exclusive offer for Your Local Link readers. A Gel nail treatment for both hands and feet, which would normally cost £60, is only £45 to you. What’s more, by taking along this copy of the magazine you will be entitled to a 20% discount on waxing treatments. See, who needs the summer? Let Nail Bar One warm your cockles. Quote Your Local Link when booking and look out for their advert for more offers! n Call 670900.
Best feet forward Are feet are important. Think about, without feet girls wouldn’t be able to talk endlessly about shoes and boys wouldn’t be able to clear a room when they take off their socks. For these and other more serious reasons, it is important to look after your ‘plates of meat’. If you are suffering from corns, calluses, in-growing nails or fungal infections be sure to get it sorted – sooner rather than later. Fit Feet York can help as they offer a friendly, competitive service of soothing treatments administered by trained professional podiatrists. What’s more, if your condition is keeping you house-bound, they’ll even make the journey to see you. n Call 411699.
Not another toaster.. for sticky tape.
It’s no longer bad form to give cold, hard cash. In fact many couples ask for contributions towards a honeymoon or some other big purchase. If in doubt, ask.
What do you buy the happy couple who has everything? Gone are the days when a bride and groom relied on their wedding gift lift to set up home. Nowadays many couples are already living together, or they might be on their second marriage. So how do you choose a wedding gift that says you care, without resorting to the Argos catalogue? If there is a gift list, stick to it. Yes, those his ‘n’ hers monogrammed plate warmers might be thoughtful, but not if they’ve set their hearts on a hostess trolley. A good gift list should have a selection to suit all price ranges. Some stores even offer an online gift wrapping service, so you don't even have to fork out
ceramic hes letter dis Whether you use yours to serve nibbles at your reception buffet or give them away as wedding favours, these dishes are simply delightful. £9.95 Not on the high street www.notonthehighstreet.com
If there’s no gift list and no honeymoon fund, then by all means use your imagination and choose something unusual and thoughtful – but make sure you know their taste, or your gift could end up gathering dust under the stairs. Online stores such notonthehighstreet.com, have a selection of great wedding gifts, such as a personalised wedding wine box for £25, or wooden map letters for £14.50. Alternatively, consider making a charity donation on their behalf. Oxfam Unwrapped has some unusual gifts, including a goat, school supplies or even a toilet for a village (and let’s face it, no one else is going to get the happy couple a loo, are they?).
bird cake toppers
Forget your traditional bride and groom atop the wedding cake – we think these bird toppers are really ‘tweet’! £19.99 Confetti www.confetti.co.uk
Sunday 13th October 2013 11am - 4.00pm
FREE Admission!
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469922 Karen on 01904 ll ca n io at rm fo For in all.co.uk www.sandburnh A64 between York and Malton xton, York, YO60
Sandburn Hall, Fla
7RB, Just off the
Sandburn Hall Wedding Fair
Some things are so great they’re worth shouting about twice, so we thought we’d better remind you about upcoming wedding fair at the gorgeous hall and golf course in Flaxton. Be there from 11am-4pm on 13th October and enjoy meeting suppliers, inspirers and musicians. For a really unique twist to you wedding day, why not consider a birds of prey display? There will even a demonstration of ring-baring owls, which sounds very Harry Potter to us. There will also be free wine and nibbles available to keep you going all afternoon. Don’t forget to check the venue itself out, as Sandburn Hall offers the perfect backdrop for your dream wedding. n Call 469922.
If you’re set to tie the knot (and we’re not talking about Scouts here) then you’ll need to see all that’s on offer at The Hospitium. The ancient hall set within the stunning grounds of the Museum Gardens could be playing host to your wedding one day. On 6th October brides and groomsto-be are invited to a very special wedding fair at which more than 40 suppliers will be offering services such as floristry, bridal dress designs and personalised stationery. The fair is free to attend, takes place between 11am-3pm and features a string quartet and lots of freebies! n Call 687671.
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Market days: Keep up to date with all the local markets and fayres.
What’s On...
Your guide to ea ting out and enter tainm ent in the city.
Events hotlist We select the crème de la crème of events taking place this month.
Events diary Grab a highlighter and a cup of tea, and plan out your month – we’ve got York covered. Plus gigs, films, theatre and local attractions!
To advertise in the next edition please call us on 01904 767881
15th-20th October. A Continental York. Boasting a range of foods from all over Europe, this market on Parliament Street offers Mediterranean fruits and vegetables, jewellery from Paris, handbags from Italy and much more. The market is celebrating its tenth year and has something for every style and palate. 31st Oct-3rd November. An Ethical York – Big Green Market. This street market with a conscience features food, jewellery, crafts, cosmetics and more that has been ethically sourced. The market on Parliament Street will feature homemade food and handmade, Fairtrade or recycled products, with live entertainment throughout.
toffee apples! Recipe
25th October. Parliament Street Farmers’ Market. Held on the last Friday of every month, this market showcases local produce made within 40 miles of York city centre. NEWGATE MARKET. 110 stalls for food and arts lovers alike. Showcasing local food and drink, pottery, clothing, handbags, mobile phones and much more, the market offers something for all tastes. Open weekdays 9am-4pm and 9am-4.30pm Saturday and Sunday.
Pause for thought After five successful years, during which they won the Great Taste Award 2013, Food For Thought in Haxby will soon be changing their name to Haxby Bakehouse. Owners Phil and Tina would like to thank all their customers who, over the past five years, have come to sample some fine locally-sourced produce – and kept coming back. They supply bread to some famous local places, including Castle Howard, The Farmer’s Cart and the Talbot Hotel – so you know you’re in good doughy hands. n Call 765878.
You know what they say – an apple a day… this month we’re celebrating Apple Day on 21st October. These delicioustoffee apples will also come in handy for the little ones (and big kids!) on Halloween or Bonfire Night. You will need: 3 1 tsp vinegar 3 4 tbsp golden syrup ar 3 400g golden caster sug les 3 8 Granny Smith app 3 8 wooden skewers Gather the apples and place in a large bowl. Cover with boiling water to help remove their waxy coating. Dry thoroughly and remove any stalks. Push a wooden skewer into the stalk end of each apple. Lay out a sheet of baking parchment and put the apples on top within easy reach of your oven. Tip the sugar into a pan with 100ml water and cook for five minutes over a medium heat until the sugar dissolves. Stir in the vinegar and syrup, and boil through to the
‘hard crack’ stage. This can be tested by pouring the toffee into cold water – it should break easily. Continue to boil if it is still squishy. Quickly dip and twist each apple into the hot toffee until covered. Let the excess drip off and place on the parchment to harden. Heat the toffee again if it begins to thicken. Leave the toffee to cool before eating. These sweet treats will serve eight and can be made up to two days in advance.
Pizza Choice | Delivery Service | Fantastic offers available | Tel: 622022 or 631818
To advertise in the next edition please call us on 01904 767881
events hotlist Here are the best of the best, the cream of the crop, the… Batman of things going on this month. They get the Your Local Link seal of approval. We feed that seal loads of fish, so he’s dead clever…
P-p-p-pick up a pumpkin… at Piglets Adventure Farm Park Pumpkin Festival With more than 10,000 pumpkins and gourds available for the picking, is it any surprise that Piglets Adventure Farm Park is an incredibly popular place to be around Halloween? Once again the annual Pumpkin Festival is sure to draw the crowds looking for autumnal fun and spooky games. Taking place on 12th-13th, 19th-20th & 26th October until 3rd November, there will be pumpkin carving, storytelling, trailer rides to the pumpkin patch to pick your own pumpkin, a fancy dress parade (so come dressed to scare!), a pumpkin sling-shot and a corn cannon. Seriously, imagine that: a cannon that fires corn! Also, new for this year is the Creepy Cottage…for those who don’t scare easily! With spooks and fun in a playful combination, Piglets Adventure Farm Park is your one-stop pumpkin shop. Call 499700.
Dunnington Bonfire & Fireworks
plus LIVE band “The Mojo’s” Saturday 2nd November 5pm - 9pm 92
Night fever Illuminating York returns to brighten up your night The city’s annual digital arts and lighting festival returns across the city from 30th October-3rd November, and will invite visitors and residents to rediscover York in a new light. This year the scattered artwork and installations will investigate the Scandinavian influences on York’s heritage and on the city today. This could be through art, clothing, food, technology, people and politics or other cultural interventions. We’re really looking forward to what the team behind Illuminating York will pull out of their especially bright bag this year and how they will top the madcap adventure that was Vic Reeve’s efforts in 2012. Visit www.illuminatingyork.org.uk
Bonfire bonanza Dunnington Bonfire and Fireworks returns with a bang A great way to get into the season of fires and fireworks, Dunnington Bonfire has always delivered on a great night out for the whole family, and 2nd November is set to repeat that trend. Aside from what will certainly be an amazing display of pyrotechnic precision, visitors to the field off Eastfield Lane will enjoy first-class entertainment from live band The Mojos and the family disco. There will also be the obligatory beer tent, plenty of delicious food and a special prize draw to win an iPad. Tickets are available in advance from the Costcutter Supermarket in the village, or on the gate. Visit www.dunningtonfayre.org.uk
Hallo-SCREAM! Get lost in terror at York Maze The maze reopens on 18th-19th, 25th-26th, 31st October and 1st-2nd November for a frightfully fun time over Halloween. The Youngsters can enjoy fun and games during the day carving pumpkins, following spooky trails, being wowed at the Phantomine and trudging through the maze itself on a treasure hunt. But then at night the ghouls will be unleashed! Prepare to be terrified by the nightmare that is being chased around the maze in the dead of night by chainsaw-wielding maniacs. The whole attraction will be transformed as freaks and mutants bang and crash their way around, trying to get you to stay forever! Also, on the 26th, visitors will enjoy the UK Giant Pumpkin Competition. So it’s not all horrifying… Visit www.yorkmazehallowscream.co.uk
The Funpowder plot Kaboom explodes back into York. Get ready for a great night of fireworks and fun that is set to be bigger and better than last year. Great acts, great food and greater fireworks are promised for 3rd November at Rawcliffe Country Park.
Use discount code ‘LL20’ before 31st October to get 20% off your ticket price!
This year’s fully choreographed display of fireworks, lasers and lighting, synchronised to a specially commissioned music track, will all be viewed whilst wearing 3D glasses which create a unique kaleidoscope effect. The dazzling new dimension has been introduced as part of the firework display’s science fiction theme, inspired by the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who. Check out our competitions page for details of how to win a family pass. For the latest details, visit www.kaboomyork.com
Advance tickets £7.00 (£8.50 on the gate) Tickets available from Costcutter Supermarket Dunnington www.dunningtonfayre.org.uk 93
events Dunnington Bonfire & Fireworks
plus LIVE band “The Mojo’s” Saturday 2nd November 5pm - 9pm EVERY DAY
NEWGATE MARKET. Over 100 stalls in the heart of York for fresh produce, fresh air – and fresh banter. Besides local food, discover original crafts and gifts plus clothing and leather goods. Open daily 9am–5pm. Visit www.york.gov.uk or call 551355. YORKWALK, from Museum Gardens Gates, daily at 10.30am and 2.15pm (weekends only during January). Entertaining historical walks. Visit www.yorkwalk.co.uk or call 622303.
TOY STORIES, York Castle Museum, 9.30am-5pm. Visitors will rediscover bikes, bath toys, computer games and beautiful hand-made dolls that are amongst the toys on show from the last 150 years. Visit www.yorkcastlemuseum.org.uk or call 687687. CAPITAL OF THE NORTH, Yorkshire Museum, 9.30am5pm. Featuring some of the most prestigious medieval objects ever found in Britain, this exhibition tells how York once ruled the north. Visit www.yorkshiremuseum.org.uk or call 687687.
PLAGUE, POVERTY & PRAYER, Barley Hall. The ongoing exhibition from children’s author Terry Deary explores everyday life for the citizens of York from the Norman invasion to Tudor times. Call 615505.
REVEALING YORK MINSTER’S UNDERCROFT, York Minster. Experience the revamped network of new interactive galleries, housed in the Undercroft and Treasury below the historic cathedral. They tell the colourful story of York Minster. Visit www.yorkminster.org or call 0844 9390011
PICK YOUR OWN, The Balloon Tree Farm Shop, 9am5pm. The farm’s super-fresh home grown pumpkins and squashes are now ready for picking. Go and pick your own or buy the ones freshly picked that morning. Pet the animals as well! Call 01759 373023. ALLERTHORPE LAKELAND PARK, Allerthorpe, 10am-5pm. Set in 50 acres of grounds and lakes near Pocklington, Allerthorpe Lakeland Park offers a huge variety of watersports as well as a campsite, and cafe. Call 01759 301444.
y r dia
Advance tickets £7.00 (£8.50 on the gate) Tickets available from Costcutter Supermarket Dunnington www.dunningtonfayre.org.uk EVERY WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & SUNDAY
PIG RACING, The Farmer’s Cart, 12noon + 3pm. The prize pigs will be racing in the events arena. You won’t believe it until you see it! Call 499183.
EVERY SUNDAY GIANT CAR BOOT SALE, Home Farm, Wigginton, 7am1pm. A massive car boot sale offering all sorts of new and used items. Call 768463.
MUSKET AND MUSLIN HISTORICAL WALKS, Clifford’s Tower, 7.30pm. Re-live the epic siege of York by the Roundheads during the English Civil War. Visit www.musketandmuslin.co.uk or call 416244.
EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT ROCKIN’ ROLLERS DISCO, Manor School, Nether Poppleton, 6-8.15pm. Pop on a pair of skates and get funky at the roller disco! Great tunes, disco lights and lasers make for a fun and social night out. Call 0843 2895969.
OPEN MIC NIGHT, The Red Lion, 6.30pm. Try your hand at performing at a chilled out, intimate and relaxing night. Email info@vinnieandthestars.com
EVERY MONDAY SELBY MARKET. The whole family will find something within the beautiful market town. The Selby Farmers Market is also held on the first Wednesday of every month. Call 07808 768186.
EVERY TUESDAY & THURSDAY WEEKLY CLASSES, Rogues Atelier, Fossgate. Join a class – Upholstery Drop-in each Tuesday 10am-1pm and 6-8pm, and Life Drawing every Thursday 7-9pm. Call 07960 329286.
1ST + 3RD SATURDAY (10AM), 2ND + 4TH FRIDAY (5PM) OF EACH MONTH BEYOND MONOPOLY, The Bar Convent. Beyond Monopoly is York’s friendliest modern board game club for adults. Visit www.bmyork.wordpress.com 1ST + 3RD WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH YORK EBORATORS, York Marriott, Tadcaster, 7pm. The group offers a unique environment to help you stop those nerves and become the public speaker you always wanted to be. Visit www.yorkeborators.org.uk or call 07810 820628.
SEPTEMBER GHOST TRAIL OF YORK, West Doors of York Minster, 7.30pm. Dare you cross the centuries and discover York’s spine-chilling history? Visit www.ghosttrail.co.uk or call 633276. THE HISTORY POST, St Helen’s Square, 7.30pm. A fun historical walking tour of the city, led by your very own costumed Victorian gentleman. Call 264528.
UNTIL 4TH OCTOBER LASTING IMPRESSIONS, The King’s Manor, Exhibition Square. A collection of artists’ prints, including etchings, linocuts, woodcuts and monoprints, assembled from 30 printmakers. Call 656507. UNTIL 6TH OCTOBER IT’S QUICKER BY RAIL: SPEED AND RAILWAY ADVERTISING, National Railway Museum, 10am-6pm. See how railway companies have used posters and photographs to portray train travel. Call 0844 8153139.
To advertise in the next edition please call us on 01904 767881
UNTIL 3RD NOVEMBER VIKING HEROES, Jorvik, 10am-6pm. Discover some of the celebrities of the Viking world such as Eric Bloodaxe, Harold Hardrada and Cnut the Great. But it isn’t just the lads that get a look-in, as visitors to the museum can also meet some powerful Viking women including Aud the DeepMinded. Call 615505.
UNTIL 31ST DECEMBER DUTY CALLS: CASTLE HOWARD IN TIME OF WAR, Castle Howard, 10am-6pm. From Waterloo to World War II, this exhibition explores the stories of Castle Howard in the time of war. While generations of Howard sons went to fight overseas the impact of war was often more powerfully felt at home. Visit www.castlehoward.co.uk or call 01653 648333.
19TH YORK HOSPITAL OPEN DAY, York Hospital, 2.30-5pm. Browse a variety of stalls and meet the Corporate Directors who will be happy to answer any questions. The day will also give you the chance to understand how the hospital functions. Call 721006.
20TH-29TH YORK FOOD AND DRINK FESTIVAL 2013, throughout the city. This year the festival explores the relationship between science and cooking with many displays and presentation detailing the science behind the food we eat. Expect attractions from York’s Chocolate Story, The Castle Museum, The National Railway Museum and the York Cocoa House. Visit www.yorkfoodfestival.com
20TH AN AIRMAN IN YORKSHIRE, Wigginton Recreation Hall, 2pm. Haxby and Wigginton U3A present a talk by Group Captain Paul McDonald OBE. Visit www.haxbywigginton-u3a.co.uk
21ST-22ND OPEN WEEKENDS, Holgate Windmill, 11am-4pm. The windy weather is back and that is good news for Holgate Windmill. Go and find out about the restored mill. Visit www.holgatewindmill.org 21ST COMMUNITY CAR BOOT AND TABLE TOP SALE, Stockton-on-the-Forest Village Hall, 10am-1pm. Lots of great bargains will be available, as well as refreshments galore. Call 400442.
21ST & 24TH HISTORIC PUB TOURS, 7pm. Two-hour guided walks of The Minster Inn and The Royal Oak. Discounts available for CAMRA members. To find out venue and dates, call 07506 570234.
20TH-21ST YORK BOOK FAIR, York Racecourse. Now in its 38th year the York Book Fair returns with over 200 leading dealers who will gather to offer rare, antiquarian, unusual and hard to obtain out-of-print books on all conceivable subjects. This year they welcome exhibitors from America, Canada, France, Germany, Israel and Hong Kong, making the event Europe’s largest antiquarian book fair. Visit www.yorkbookfair.com
21ST SAFE JOURNEY, St. Bede’s Pastoral Centre, Blossom Street, 10am-4pm. Whether you are interested in caring for the dying or funeral planning, this day is for you. Call 01653 627170.
22ND AUTUMN PLANT FAIR, Sutton Park, 11am-4pm. Lots of beautiful flowers and plants from some of the best suppliers and nurseries in Yorkshire. Call 01347 810249.
23RD + 30TH STOCK UP & PRESERVE, York Environment Centre, St Nicholas Fields, 1-4pm. Workshops for people over 55. Learn to harvest, store and preserve garden produce and share your tips. Call 411821. 25TH-29TH HARROGATE ANTIQUE FAIR, Harrogate International Centre. Exhibitors come from all over the country with interesting pieces for those with a discerning eye for antiques. The fair will be brimming with antique arms and armour, rare and collectable jewels and fine silver. Call 01823 323363.
26TH OPEN EVENING, YORK COLLEGE, 6-8pm. Go along and see what’s on offer. You can meet tutors and staff, learn about the courses offered, talk through the application process and get funding information. Call 770200. 26TH A TASTE OF HISTORY: Jorvik Roaming Supper, Jorvik Viking Centre, 6-10pm. Enjoy a very special evening of sumptuous and hearty locally-sourced food along with exclusive after-hours access to three of Jorvik’s fantastic attractions; Jorvik, Barley Hall and DIG. To book, call 615505. 27TH SWINGING SIXTIES NIGHT, Tramways Social Club, Mill Street, 7.30-11pm. York Racial Equity Network presents a swinging night of great music and food. Call 500281.
27TH COMEDY NIGHT, York Racecourse. There will be three comedians, one great compere and a curry supper. To book call 638971.
28TH SEPTEMBER-6TH OCTOBER ENG-AGE 50 + GAMES, across York. A week long programme of sport activities at various clubs across York showcasing opportunities available to the over 50s. If you’re over 50 and looking for new sporting opportunities to take part in then this event is for you. For details of the events, call 553377. 28TH-29TH RIPLEY ANTIQUE FAIR, Ripley Village Hall. For vintage and retro accessories, get yourself to this incredible fair. Call 01423 889163. 28TH-29TH THE HARROGATE HEALTH & HEALING FESTIVAL, The Great Yorkshire Showground, 10am6pm. Visitors will be able to wander about to their heart’s content and sample wares from the very finest suppliers of alternative therapies, psychic readings and organic products. Call 01405 769875.
28TH TAKE THAT 2 TRIBUTE NIGHT, York Racecourse. A great live tribute act, a three course carvery meal and disco. To book call 638971.
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A unique experience as you follow the story of Yorkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s chocolate workers during the First World War through the City streets. Join this epic yet intimate theatrical adventure and watch as events unfold in and around some of Yorkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s landmark buildings. Theatre as you have never seen, or heard it before.
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To advertise in the next edition please call us on 01904 767881
28TH VINTAGE THEMED COFFEE MORNING, Haxby Memorial Hall, 9.30am12.30pm. In aid of Macmillan Cancer Support, with vintage items, crafts, books and cake stalls as well as much more. Call 765780. 28TH MEET THE AUTHORS, Pitcher & Piano, Coney Street. Local people get to meet local authors and writers for talks and workshops on all aspects of writing. Call 423866.
28TH THE YORK BAKE OFF & TEA PARTY, St Andrew’s Church Hall, Bishopthorpe, 11am-4pm. Open to all amateur cooks and bakers, with a variety of categories to be judged by a specially selected panel of judges. Visit www. yorkbakeoff.wordpress.com 28TH SOME ENCHANTED EVENING, Stamford Bridge Village Hall, 7.30pm. A cabaret-style evening hosted by the Stamford Bridge Singers including a pie and pea supper. Call 787181. 28TH FUN FELT DAY, Castle Museum, 10-11am. Join artist Kirstie-Briggs-Bateman for a fun, creative day. Learn how to make you own felt and then create something unique to take home. Visit www.yorkcastlemuseum.org.uk or call 687687. 28TH AUTUMN FAYRE, Acomb Methodist Church, 10am-2pm. Raising funds for charity work in Malawi. Call 339647.
29TH BOWLS TASTER SESSION, New Earswick Bowls Club. Anyone thinking of taking up bowling can join the members for a free bowls taster session. Call 750230.
THROUGHOUT OCTOBER RAILWAY EVENTS, North Yorkshire Moors Railway, Pickering. Continuing the celebrations of the railways 40th anniversary, there are a number of exciting events taking place this month. Enjoy the LNER Railway weekend 4th-6th, Railway in Wartime 11th-13th and Witches and Wizards Week 26th Oct-3rd Nov. Call 01751 472508. THROUGHOUT OCTOBER LIVE ACTS, Burton Lane Club, Bootham Crescent. A wealth of live performances will take place at the club during the month. For dates and times, call 628685. FROM 1ST OCTOBER PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY COURSE, St. Bede’s Pastoral Centre. A ten-week course hosted by the York School of Philosophy. You’ll discover ways to deal with stress and emotions, calm an overactive mind and overcome irritating habits and thoughts. Call 643586. 1ST, 15TH + 29TH YORKSHIRE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY LECTURES, Tempest Anderson Hall, Yorkshire Museum, 7.30pm. The society continues to host fascinating lectures, this month on varied subjects including climate change. Call 656713.
1ST + 15TH OCTOBER, 6TH + 21ST NOVEMBER TALKING OF PEACE, Bootham School, 7.30pm. A series of talks on issues affecting world peace, hosted by York Quakers. For details of the talks email peacenetwork@ yorkquakers.org.uk 3RD SUPPORT GROUP, Huntington Working Men’s Club, 7pm. The York Haematology Support Group help people dealing with blood cancers. Call 330705.
3RD FREE VALUATION DAY, Talbot Hotel, Malton, 11am3pm. Get your antiques, collectables and jewellery valued for free. Call 01423 531661. 4TH, 5TH, 11TH, 12TH, 18TH & 19TH BLOOD + CHOCOLATE THEATRE DINNER, The Mansion House, 6pm. Be greeted with chocolate drinks and canapés followed by dinner in the dining room. Then be escorted on a unique journey through York to witness the York Theatre Royal’s production of Blood + Chocolate. To book, call 675787. 4TH-6TH ANNUAL EXHIBITION, St Wilfrid’s Church Hall, Monk Fryston Hall. Monk Fryston Art Club’s annual exhibition features approximately 100 paintings on display and for sale. Call 07944 819694.
4TH-5TH ART AND POTTERY EXHIBITION, St Michael Le Belfrey, 10am-5pm. A chance to see the work of local artists. Email lindaataylor36@gmail.com
5TH LATE MUSIC, Unitarian Chapel, Saint Saviourgate, 7.30pm. The Manchester Chamber Choir perform. Visit www.latemusic.org
4TH MARTYN JACKSON AND PETR LIMINOV, Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall, University of York. The first concert of the new season from BMS York features performances on the violin and piano. Call 704052.
6TH THE WEDDING AFFAIR, The Hawkhills, Easingwold, 12noon-4pm. Discover a superb range of over 40 wedding suppliers who can add the perfect finishing touches to your big day. The Wedding Affair team promise to make the day lots of fun too, with VIP goody bags to take home. Call 236345.
5TH-6TH + 19TH-20TH OPEN WEEKENDS, Holgate Windmill, 11am-4pm. Come and find out about the restored mill on two weekends this month. Visit www.holgatewindmill.org
6TH HIGH SCORERS CONCERT, Southlands Methodist Church, 2.30pm. A concert from pupils of The Royal School of Music. Call 07818 085021.
5TH-20TH APPLE SENSATIONS, Beningbrough Hall, 11am5.30pm (closed Mondays). Celebrate the autumn harvest’s return by seeing an extensive display showing the varied nature of the humble apple. Call 472027. 5TH COMPOST BIN SALE, York Environment Centre, St Nicholas Fields, 2-4pm. A limited number of bins will be available to purchase on the day, along with compost bin bases, kitchen caddies and compost stirrers. Pre-order by 20th September. Call 411821.
6TH AUTUMN FAIR, RSPCA Animal Home, Landing Lane, 11am-3.30pm. Stalls, lucky dips, surprise jars, books, refreshments and of course all the animals waiting to say hello. Call 653766.
6TH YORK DOES VINTAGE, Merchant’s Adventurer’s Hall, 10.30am-7pm. 40 plus vintage stalls including handmade vintage workshops and lindy hop dancing. Visit www.britaindoesvintage.co.uk call 07824 559272.
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A 1940â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s farce by Philip King
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6TH WEDDING FAIR, The Hospitium, 11am-3pm. Meet a host of suppliers who can help make your special day even more special. Call 687671.
13TH-14TH, 20TH-21ST & 27TH OCTOBER-4TH NOVEMBER PUMPKIN FESTIVAL, The Farmer’s Cart, 10am5.30pm. Find out more about this event in our events Hotlist.
8TH + 22ND HEWORTH RETIRED MEN’S FORUM, Heworth Without Community Centre, 10.30am. Interesting talks on a variety of subjects. Call 423277.
8TH OCTOBER COURTYARD CRAFT AND LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET, Castle Howard, 10am-4pm. Over 25 stalls selling delicious food and beautiful crafts in the stunning surroundings of the Castle Howard Stable Courtyard. Call 01653 648333.
9TH YORKSHIRE WILDLIFE THROUGH THE EYE OF AN ARTIST, Temple Hall, York St. John University, 7.30pm. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, York Local Group presents an illustrated talk by Jonathan Pomroy. Visit www.yorkrspb.org.uk 9TH RECOVERY ROCKS, York Minster Chapter House, 11am. A singing group from The Cyrenians’ Addiction and Recovery Project; an abstinence based day treatment centre for people with drug and alcohol addictions. Call 621776.
11TH FROM BACH TO BOND, Castle Howard, 7.30pm. A charity piano recital to raise funds for York Against Cancer. Yorkshire born Emmanuel Vass will perform a range of pieces from Back and Debussy to Gershwin as well as his own arrangements of the Bond theme and Bohemian Rhapsody. Call 01653 648333. 11TH NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN, Southbank Community Cinema, Nunthorpe Road, 7.30pm. The Coen brothers’ faithful adaptation of Cormac McCarthy’s best-selling novel is this month’s member’s choice film. Visit www.sbcommunitycinema.co.uk 12TH (NOT JUST) APPLE DAY, York Environment Centre, 1-4pm. Celebrate the humble apple and other fruit with fun for everyone including an apple display, identification and advice, craft activities and games. Call 411821.
Archaeological Trust, to hear about his work to conserve eight Bronze-Age boats, found in a quarry two miles to the east of Flag Fen. To book, call 615505.
12TH NABUCCO, The Guildhall, St Helen’s Square, 7pm. The Michael DeCosta Academy of Singing presents this exciting performance of Verdi’s grand opera, supported by the Priory Park Singers, Hull. Call 610341. 13TH SPOON CARVING WORKSHOP, Beningbrough Hall, 10am-4pm. Learn new skills and have fun in a beautiful setting in the great outdoors. Call 07944 474608. 13TH STEVE CASSIDY BAND, Joseph Rowntree Theatre. The band returns, with guests including Dave Kemp, a brilliant saxophone player who has featured in many top groups. Call 623568.
18TH, 25TH OCTOBER, 1ST, 8TH + 15TH NOVEMBER QUAKER QUEST, Quaker Meeting House, Friargate, 7pm. A series of five evenings of talks and discussions for members of the public interested in finding out about Quakers. Visit www.quakerquest.org
14TH-20TH NATIONAL CHOCOLATE WEEK, York’s Chocolate Story, 10am-6pm. Based in the very heart of the UK’s home of chocolate, the museum will be celebrating the week with a series of captivating events, including paying homage to retro sweets and hosting a ‘choctail’ masterclass. Call 0845 4989411.
18TH OCTOBER-3RD NOVEMBER HOME OF HALLOWEEN, York Dungeon. This year The York Dungeon promises thebiggest, best and boldest Halloween season yet as the team raises the curtain on a lavish new pumpkin-filled Halloween production. Visit www.thedungeons.com or call 0871 4232260. 18TH TALKING PICTURES OR SIMILAR STORIES, Wigginton Recreation Hall, 2pm. Haxby and Wigginton U3A present a fascinating talk by Mr Allan Green. Email bjackson27@talktalk.net
14TH THE MUST FARM LOGBOATS, DIG, 12.30pm. Join Ian Panter, Principal Conservator at York
15TH-20TH AUTUMN EXHIBITION, York Theatre Royal De Grey Rooms, 9am-5pm (10am3pm Sun). The exhibition will showcase the work of The York Art Society, and will reflect a broad range of work produced across many styles and media. Visit www.yorkartsociety. blogspot.co.uk
19TH-20TH COUNTRYSIDE LIVE, Harrogate Showground, 9am-5pm. You’ll see livestock, equine competitions and handson crafts and activities. Visit www.countrysidelive.co.uk 19TH-20TH THE GREAT ANTIQUES FAIR, Wetherby Racecourse, 8am-5pm. A great day out with excellent on-site catering and free parking. Visit www.jaguarfairs.com 19TH MINSTER MINSTRELS: ALL’S FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR, York Minster, 2.30pm. This ensemble is intended to provide an introduction to the world of early music for young players. Directed by an early music specialist, children gain an insight into historically informed performance. Call 557200. 19TH YORK GUILDHALL ORCHESTRA, York Barbican, 7.30pm. Simon Wright conducts. Call 0844 8542757 20TH WEDDING OPEN AFTERNOON, The Cedar Court Grand, 1-4pm. See their rooms dressed for a wedding ceremony, wedding reception and wedding breakfast. Plus you can meet their fantastic wedding coordinator. Call 380038. 22ND THE GEOFFREY SMITH MEMORIAL LECTURE 2013, The Conference Hall, Askham Bryan College, 7.30pm. Enjoy an illustrated talk by Matthew Wilson entitled A Tale of Two Gardens, hosted by the Askham Bryan Gardening Club. Call 707208. 23RD WRITING HISTORY IN YORK, Barley Hall, 7.30pm. Local authors Christina Surdhar, author of Bloody British History: York and Pamela Hartshorne, author of Memory of Midnight, will provide the basis of this discussion, which will take in some of the bloodiest stories from York’s history. To book, call 615505.
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27TH VINTAGE WEDDING FAIR, Merchant Adventurers’ Hall. See vintage wedding stalls, sweet treats and live music. Call 654818. 25TH DOUBLE BILL: THE RED BALLOON AND YORKSHIRE FILM ARCHIVE FOOTAGE, Southbank Community Cinema, Nunthorpe Road, 7.30pm. A heart-warming double bill packed full of nostalgia. Visit www.sbcommunitycinema.co.uk 25TH COFFEE MORNING, York Hospital, 10am-1pm. Bluebird Care are hosting a coffee morning to raise funds for York hospital. Tea, coffee and cakes will be available. Call 721737. 25TH COMEDY NIGHT, York Racecourse. There will be three comedians, one great compere and a curry supper. To book call 638971. 26TH OCTOBER–8TH NOVEMBER AUTUMN GREAT GATHERING, National Railway Museum, 10am-6pm. The spectacular Autumn Great Gathering unites Mallard with its five surviving sister locomotives. Visit www.nrm.org.uk/mallard75
26TH OCTOBER – 3RD NOVEMBER HALF TERM FAMILY FUN, York Minster, 9am-5pm. Fun for all the family during half term. Enjoy a selection of books and puppets in the special Children’s Chapel, join the resident monkey Monty on a discovery trail and combine your detective skills and artistic talents with the Big Draw themed Explorer Backpacks. Call 557200.
26TH OCTOBER – 3RD NOVEMBER SHOCK-OLATE, York’s Chocolate Story, 10am-6pm. Only the bravest of souls will take fate into their own hands, blindly picking between a delightful tasty treat chocolate or a revoltingly rotten trick chocolate. Will you get Brussels sprout and Praline crunch or perhaps baked bean and curry oil? Call 0845 4989411. 26TH OCTOBER – 3RD NOVEMBER PUMPKIN TRAIL, Burton Agnes Hall, 11am-5pm. Follow spooky clues in the woodland walk and receive a treat! Call 01262 490324. 26TH-27TH RIPLEY ANTIQUE FAIR, Ripley Village Hall. The very best in vintage and retro accessories, this is always an incredible fair. Call 01423 889163. 26TH-27TH OCTOBER MICHAELMAS FAIR, Burton Agnes Hall, 11am-5pm. The grounds of the magnificent stately home will be filled with seasonal craft and food stalls, music, entertainers and fairground fun. Call 01262 490324.
26TH-27TH OCTOBER YORK FESTIVAL OF STORYTELLING, York Railway Institute. Enjoy two days of solid traditional storytelling, from some of York’s best yarn-spinners. Visit www.yorkfestivalstory.co.uk
31ST DUSK BAT HUNT, Beningbrough Hall, 4.305.30pm. Go on a dusk hunt around the property for bats. Listen to their sonar to locate the different species as they start their evening hunt. Call 472027.
29TH-30TH MERCHANT ADVENTURERS’ HALL BY CANDLELIGHT, Merchant Adventurers’ Hall, 6.45pm, 7.15pm, 7.45pm + 8.15pm. As part of the Illuminating York Festival, the stunning timberframed hall will be open for two evenings only for exclusive candlelit guided tours. Call 654818. 30TH OCTOBER-2ND
30TH OCTOBER2ND NOVEMBER ILLUMINATING YORK, across the city. Find out more about this event in our Events Hotlist.
NOVEMBER YORK MINSTER NIGHTS, York Minster, 6pm. Discover the ethereal beauty of York Minster by night as colour, shadow and light merge to mark the festivals of All Saints and All Souls. Watch as ancient meets modern when urban artists Inkie and Black Rose create dramatic pieces inspired by York Minster’s historic graffiti and medieval-stained glass. Call 557208. 30TH CHILLS & THRILLS HALLOWEEN SPECTACULAR, Castle Howard, 5.30–8pm. An evening of Halloween entertainment for all the family. Castle Howard will be transformed into a spooky wonderland with witches, wizardS, ghosts and ghouls. There’ll be spooky storytelling, face painters, fire eaters and stilt walkers as well as a ‘Horses of Halloween’ stunt riding show. Call 01653 648333.
2ND DUNNINGTON BONFIRE, Dunnington, 5-9pm. Find out more about this event in our Events Hotlist.
2ND-3RD YORKSHIRE CRAFT FAIRS, St Williams College. A Christmas craft fair to stock up on those gifts. Call 01274 835588. 2ND VINTAGE MUSIC & AFTERNOON TEA PARTY, Haxby Memorial Hall. Enjoy a nostalgic afternoon of vintage themed music and entertainment with Mickey Ramsbottom and The Alka Seltzer Sisters. There will also be a dance night in the evening. Call 765780. 2ND TASTING IN THE DARK, York’s Chocolate Story, 7pm. Experience chocolate in a new light this year. You can join the attraction for an evening of sensory exploration, tasting chocolate in complete darkness. Call 0845 498941. 2ND MOTOWN & SOUL NIGHT, York Racecourse. Live act The Sensations will be hitting the main stage followed by a three course meal and disco. Call 638971. 3RD KABOOM, Rawcliffe Country Park. Find out more about this event in our Events Hotlist.
3RD YORK FESTIVAL OF REMEMBRANCE, York Barbican, 7pm. This moving Royal British Legion event features the York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir, The York Festival Ladies, The Heavy Cavalry and Cambrai Band and many more. Returning one again this year is Isobel Suckling (aka The Choirgirl) and George Horne. Call 0844 8542757. 5TH FIREWORKS SPECTACULAR, York Maze. A firework spectacular choreographed to a music soundtrack featuring hit songs, chosen by listeners of Minster FM and produced by one of the country’s leading display companies, Alchemy Fireworks. Tickets must be purchased in advance from www.yorkmaze.co.uk 7TH-10TH AESTHETICA SHORT FILM FESTIVAL, across the city. An established and dynamic player on the UK film festival circuit, the Aesthetica Short Film Festival (ASFF) is a celebration of independent film from across the world, and an outlet for championing and supporting short filmmaking. The festival champions filmmaking talent from across the world, spanning all genres from comedy to drama; animation to documentary and art to experimental films. Call 629137. 10TH WEDDING OPEN DAY, Castle Howard, 11am–3pm. Meet the professional wedding team and a handful of carefully selected wedding suppliers. Discover a romantic Yorkshire venue. Call 01653 648333. 15TH ELIZABETH OF YORK: TUDOR QUEEN, Barley Hall, 7.30pm. York Archaeology Trust is very proud to welcome historian Alison Weir to Barley Hall this autumn. Alison will be talking about her brand new biography of Elizabeth of York, one of England’s lost Queens. Pre-booking is essential. Call 615505. 30TH NOVEMBER-1ST DECEMBER CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL, Haxby Memorial Hall. Start the season with some creative festive cheer. This year there are lots of exciting new events to suit all ages. Enjoy the Santa’s Grotto, a carol night and lots of fun. Visit www.haxbymemorialhall.org
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Theatre A quirky academy Actress Pauline Quirke isn’t just known for her role in the BBC sitcom Birds of a Feather; she’s also helped lots of children find their stage feet. The Pauline Quirke Academy (or PQA) has now opened a branch right here in York and from 5th October will making a new home for itself at Huntington School. If you have a child aged between four and 18 with a lust for the dramatic arts, then perhaps Pauline and her experienced crew of theatre practitioners can help. Be it for stage or screen, PQA could be your little thespian’s new favourite place. peter pan // grand opera house // 20-23rd november
Theatre Royal
Visit www.pqacademy.com
To book: 623568.
Joseph Rowntree Theatre
Blood + Chocolate (3rd-20th October)
To book: 623568
Joseph And The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat (23rd-26th October)
Pilot Theatre, Slung Low and York Theatre Royal collaborate for the first time to bring the modern city of York to life with the stories of the workers and owners of the chocolate factories alongside those young men who gave their lives to defend the homeland.
York Light Youth Company will be donning that rainbow coat in this amateur production and picking a dream. After all, any dream will do.
Nabucco (23rd-26th October) Babylon under its ruler Nabucco, has conquered Judea and as always it is the people who suffer, their lives plunged into the maelstrom of dramatic events. Verdi’s opera brings to life these events through powerful choral and orchestral music – thanks to York Opera.
New Earswick Musical Society will take you to New York where a little girl discovers Santa working in the city. She needs to convince her mum that he exists and she has found him in Kris Kringle, a Santa Claus hired by Macy’s department store.
Grand Opera House the great British traditions of Gilbert and Sullivan with a contemporary world of dreams and adventure.
To book: 0844 8472322.
Blood Brothers (30th September-5th October) Written by Willy Russell, the legendary Blood Brothers tells the captivating and moving tale of twins who, separated at birth, grow up on opposite sides of the tracks, only to meet again with tragic consequences. This production, having recently celebrated its 21st phenomenal year in London, continues to enjoy standing ovations.
PETER PAN (20th-23rd November) The players of Pick Me Up Theatre present Sir James Barrie’s timeless tale of the boy who never grew up. The score revels in being able to blend
AN EVENING OF BURLESQUE (30th November) Sashaying Royal Academy-trained burlesque bombshells slip into character as smoothly as they slip out of the most exotic couture costumes ever to grace the stage. Prepare for evocative Arabian Nights, fabulous fan dancing fantasies and foxy 1940s sirens. It’s the slickest, wickedly wittiest, most delightfully choreographed cabaret spectacular of the year.
A Chorus of Disapproval (10th November) York Musical Theatre Company present this hilarious comedy from Alan Ayckbourn. In it, Pendon Amateur Light Operatic Society are taking on The Beggar’s Opera as their next production and all seems fairly normal, until Guy Jones joins the company and life and art begin to be ingeniously linked.
Pizza Choice | Delivery Service | Fantastic offers available | Tel: 622022 or 631818
october Barbican: 0844 8542757. Pocklington Arts Centre: 0175 9301547 The Duchess: 641413 Fibbers: 651250
Barbican 4 Ellie Goulding 6 Petula Clark 13 Milton Jones 15 Ed Byrne 17 + 18 Sarah Millican 19 York Guildhall Orchestra 20 Sixties Gold 22 M People 23 Alison Moyet 26 Gotta Sing Gotta Dance 30 + 31 Bill Bailey Basement 5 Coquette Burlesque and Cabaret Club 7 + 8 + 9 Hyena Lounge Comedy Club 12 + 13 + 14 Hyena Lounge Comedy Club 15 Screaming Tarts Presents Roddy Woomble 16 Hyena Lounge Comedy Club 17 PPY Presents Eef Barzelay 19+21+23+26 Hyena Lounge Comedy Club 24 Martyn Barker Tea Band
Black Swan Folk Club 3 Lucy Ward 10 The Long Hill Ramblers 17 A Brief History of Music 20 Iain Matthews 24 Maz O’Connor with Matthew Jones 31 Singers and Musicians Night Fibbers 2 Tankus The Henge 3 Spacehog 5 Who’s Next – 10th Anniversary Tour 6 Iona 7 Canterbury + The Lafontaines + Continental Keys 8 Idiom + Smoking Hearts + Utoxator 9 Metal Sludge presents a UK Hairband Extravaganza 2013 with Tuff and Shameless 10 Three Daft Monkeys 11 Marsicans + The Carnabells 12 Madina Lake + Fearless Vampire Killers + Super Happy Fun Club 13 Hawklords 17 Goldie Lookin Chain
18 Glass Caves + Forest 19 Hope&Social 20 BigCountry + The 45s 22 Poltergeist + Bird 24 Dr Feelgood 25 North Mississippi Allstars 26 Susheela Raman 30 RSJ + Savage Messiah + The Antiquity + After Your Betrayal 31 A Joker’s Rage – Halloween Fancy Dress Party + Shot Down Stay Down + Bastrad + On The Ropes National Centre For Early Music 10 Adriano Adewale and Benjamim Taubkin 11 Richard Durrant 17 Look Stranger 18 Rafiki Jazz 26 The Cobra Club 26 Snake Davis Band 30 Breabach The Duchess 1 Terry Reid 2 Zico Chain
Basement: 612940 Black Swan Folk Club: 679131 The National Centre For Early Music: 658338
3 Comic Youth Comedy Club 4 Kid Karate 8 Nordic Giants + Everyone an Army 9 AHAB 10 Spector 11 Troumaca 12 The Ramona Flowers 14 OxJam Music Festival 16 Mark Eitzal and Band (American Music Club) + Sacri Couri 17 Temples 19 Touchstone + Von Hertzen Brothers 21 Catfish and The Bottlemen 23 The Apples + The Spectrals 24 Secret Society + Archetype 28 Ryan Keen + Gavin James Pocklington Arts Centre 5 Riggwelted 10 Andrew Motion 11 Chris Ramsey 16 The Showstoppers 17 Joe Longthorne 22 Nt Live: Hamlet 27+28 Pocktoberfest
Double B s Disco 106
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advertisers Listings highlighted? view these advertisers online at www.yourlocallink.co.uk Accountancy services Holmes First Ltd 29 Rowley Ward 32
EborAcumen Hare & Co Lorraine Hart
30 32 30
Aerials Aerial Man Aerial Services DBS Aerials
112 112 112
“ABC Aerials ADI Communication Aerial Solutions Minster Aerials York Home Cinema
112 112 112 112 112
Attractions/events/ shows Farmers Cart Merchant Adventurers
99 103
Aesthetica Short Film Festival 107 An Evening Of Burlesque 1 Balloon Tree Farm Shop 103 Barley Hall 105 British Music Society 95 Burton Agness 105 Castle Howard 109 Come and Sing Fauré 103 De Costa Academy 103 Dunnington Fireworks 97 Eng-AGE 50+ Games 84 Grand Opera House 108 Grand Opera House 107 Illuminating York 2013 101 Illuminating York 2013 128 Kaboom 1 Nat. Centre for Early Music 95 New Earswick Musical Soc. 97 North Yorks Moors Railway 109 Peter Pan 99 Quaker Quest 105 Steve Cassidy Band 107 Tennants 103 The York Art Society 95 The York Burton Lane Club 103 Wilsons Of York 95 York Festival of Remembrance 104 York Festival of Storytelling 103 York Maze 105 York Minster 4 York Musical Theatre Co 103 York Racecourse 95 & 108 York Theatre Royal 97 & 99 York’s Chocolate Story 101 Yorkwalk 107 Bathroom/tiles/kitchens Direct Tile & Stone Importers 13 Work Top Man 39 York Kitchens 7
Dream Doors 23 Re new Kitchen Refurbishments 27 Watermark 15 White Rose Interiors 45
York Bathrooms York Tiling Services
7 124
Bathrooms/bedrooms/ kitchens Buywell Interiors Ltd 44 Howarth Timber 17 Work Top Man 111 Moonlight Bedrooms 23
Budget Kitchens Knaresborough Kitchens
17 2
York Family Mediation Service
Able To Enable
Care Review Bureau
Forward Mobility 72 MV Mobility 72 Tancred Hall Nursing Home 73
115 115 115 115
Dance Classes
Building Plans ADDS Drawing Services
47 46
Carpet fitting Ewen Carpets Fitted Carpets/Flooring Carpets at Home Green Lane Carpets
AP Design Services CA Architectural Services
49 47
JS Woodcraft Style Flooring of York
Cycle City
47 27 21
43 47
Car Valeting
Attention 2 Detail Valetburg
36 35
Care & Mobility Bayliss Mobility Home Instead Senior Care
73 73
Age Concern (Befriending) 72 MS Society York Branch 72 Childrens Activities Bright World (Host Families) Little Green Rascals York Montessori Nursery
67 68 71
Carol Saunders Swim School City Wide Scouts Crazy Tykes Derwent Dance Works Love Cricket Neville Abbott Kung Fu Pauline Quirk Academy Stagecoach Tread the Boards Yearsley Pool
67 67 63 65 75 75 65 63 67 75
Chimney Sweeps
Dave The Sweep
116 115 115
York Cleaning Services Clean As A Whistle Dolly Char Lynda Starkey Cleaning Maid 2 Clean Top 2 Bottom Cleaning
116 115 115 116 116 116
Clock Repairs
Computers/Web Design The Cybermill 30
Aldwark Computers G Tec GF Computer Services Knavesmire IT ( also PJBS) PC Revamp We R Your IT York PC Solutions
2 40
Dance Classes Decorators Alan Kitson Gary Goscinski Decorators Gary Roe Painter & Decorator Mr & Mrs Painting Ray Webster
69 116 116 116 116 116
Andy Powell 48 Chapple Painting 116 CKW Decorators 116 Gary Ambler 116 Jeff Wright 116 K Walton Painting & Decorating 116 Paul Smith Decorator 116 Quality Decorators 116 Richard Driscoll 116 RJH Decorating 116
32 2 30 32 21 5 30
Electrical goods
Herbert Todd JDL Appliances LLP Vickers Hi-Fi
16 117 27
Electricians C&S Electrical (York) Court Electrical Services S Electrics
116 117 117
Active Electrical Solutions Electric Blew Herbert Todd Jamie Heard JCT Contractors Martin Clancy Martin Starkey Electrical Michael Castle Electrician Smithson Electrical
117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117
Estate/letting agents/ Houses4Sale
AC Lettings Opus Estate Agents Opus Estate Agents
47 41 46
Fascias/soffitts Plasti-Fit
Guttering Of York Mark Leslie Roofline Polyplas
117 117 118
Groundworks & Digger Hire 52
Financial advisors
Dentists Crystal Clear Discos
Kevin Salt Pen-Life Associates Ltd True Potential
Night Owls Double B’s Disco
9 106
Domestic Appliance Repairs
Clyde Electrical - Eric Clyde 117 Drains
Easaway Environmental
Driveways Stunning York Driveways
Mick Lambert Landscaping 51
Cleaning/Ironing 24 Carat Cleaning A&M Cleaning
Mobile Clock Repairs
York and Harrogate Teachers 69 York Steiner School 69
Cycling I Travel York (festival of cycling) 28
ADream Clean Clean & Dry Clifton Carpet Cleaning Tim Stockdale
46 45 47 46
Business/Telephone Services MW Maintenance
Damp Proofing
AA Blinds Blind Image Blinds Direct Haxby Blinds
Able Roofing (York) 124 Aqua Space 113 Bradshaws N. Yorkshire 113 Calpin Develpments 112 Field Good Building Services 113 G Brigham Builders 14 GB Builders 114 Gregson Builders 113 Jorvik Building Services 114 Justin Higginson 114 Keith Brown 114 Kevin Stone Construction 114 MB Builders 114 Pasema Paving 114 Paul Simpson Property 114 Peter Wright Building services 114
Christine Alker
115 115 116
45 47
50 113 113 113 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 114
47 49
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Future Carpet Cleaning Smart-Dry of York Ultra Clean
Blinds Blind Options Mark Harrison
Building/property Maintenance Alf Bristow Building Services Future Renovations HC Engineering In House Developments Kilvington Developments Ltd Mike Hare Joinery & Building MW Developments PCN Builders Wallwood Construction Welbuild WMG Builders
Curtains/Soft furnishings Mark Harrison Carolines Curtains
Education/tuition Drawing & Painting Class Goodmans Piano Tuition York College York St John University
25 65 67 69
14-19 Opportunities Evening 70 Angela Whitaker 67 Bob Lambert Woodturning 27 Clarinet/Saxophone Tuition 65 Corner Gallery 18 Huntington Primary School 71 Kip McGrath English & Maths 65 Maurice Ridge Music Tuition 69 Piano Lessons 69 Ryedale & York Piano Services 18 St Peters School 68 Centre for English Language 66 Health Sciences 69 University of York (Sociology) 67
24 33 31
Fireplaces/multi fuel stoves
Focus Fireplaces The Gas Showroom York Wood and Stoves
43 24 48
Food & Drink Akash Tandoori Beechwood Close Hotel Maxis Restaurant
88 90 88
31 Castlegate Dean Court Hotel Food for Thought Gourmet Burger Kitchen Grease Duct Uk Holiday Inn La Vecchia Scuola Lady Anne Middletons Marriott Hotel New Earswick Bowls Club NRM (PATCH) Regency Restaurant Sidings Restaurant Swallow Hall Restaurant The Barbakan The Indian Lounge The Mulan The Olive Tree The Steer Inn The Tanglewood
88 89 4 88 90 95 88 88 106 89 89 91 22 88 88 88 91 91 88 128
House & Garden Handyman
CYC Fostering
Funeral Services J Rotherhams JG Fielder & Sons Rowley & Sons Family
19 72
Furneral Services JW Myers
72 72
Furniture Restoration
Antique Restoration Man of art
27 41
Garage Doors Haxby Garage Doors York Garage Door Centre
118 118
Hobman Garage Doors Premier Garage Doors SJL Garage Doors
48 118 118
Gardening Acaster Forge Apex Shed & Fencing Arborwise Ascot Fencing Bartlett Tree Experts Brunswick Shop Country Gardens CYC Waste Strategy Deans Garden Centre Fencing, Paving & Decking Co. Fineacre Landscaping Ltd Gardens Cared For Gooch Gardens K&S Paving Mike Walmsley Landscapes NK Landscapes RJ Hall Property Maintenance Rock n Stone York Ltd SRB Fencing York Paving and Driveways Your Local Gardening Service
53 51 51 57 33 57 59 52 54 53 52 53 59 55 53 55 55 59 51 57 56
Andrew Kent 57 Astek Landscapes 53 Browns Nursery 59 Castle’s Garden Care 53 Driveline 57 Future Landscapes 57 Grumbleweed 57 Hall Groundworks 55 Horse Manure 4 Sale 55 Lewis Tree Surgery 53 LJD Construction Services 53 Mick Lambert Landscaping 51 RH Smith 53 Rowan Tree Garden Design 56 Sandalwood Gates 57 Walled Garden at Scampston 59 Top Soil 4 Sale 55 Trevor Smith Landscaping 57 Waterdale Landscapes 54 White Rose Gardening 55 York Sawmill 55 Yorskapes 56 Gates/railings PVC UK SR Fabrications Guttering Rawcliffe Guttering
56 55 118
Grp Technical Services
Handypeople Able Handyman Services Can-Be-Asked Handy Al
118 118 118
CASA Maintenance York 118 Handyman Services 119 Hire a Handyman 119 Home Maintenance 119 Minster Property Maintenance 118 My Handyman 119 Health & Beauty Beauty Bar One Beautycare Bespoke Dentures Clifton Park Hospital Embrace Beauty Clinic Footcare Works Heavenly Nails & Beauty Ludwicks Physio Function Rosemary Conley Skin Doctor York
84 85 85 78 79 85 78 81 87 77 76, 82
Changing Faces Dentist Fabulously Fit FACE etc Femmes Fatales Fit Feet (York) Graham & Co harlequin hair and beauty Knead to Relax Massage Kuki Hair And Beauty Spa Mali Unisex Hair Salon Nails of Beauty by Janice Paulines Hair & Beauty Red Cherry Hair Renes Revellers School of Philosophy Shine Hair Truthful Beauty Twilight Treatments York Advocacy York Chiropractic Clinic
76 87 81 79 77 79 77 85 83 80 87 87 85 87 128 87 81 79 15 85
Joinery Cass Joinery John Barrow Joinery Michael Mcfarland Joinery Paul Bartnett Joinery Phoenix Joinery Wood `n All
119 119 119 119 119 119
The Ironing Company Armstrong Joinery Attic Attack Lewis Joinery Paul Meillam Joinery SM Maintenance York Door Services
115 119 23 119 119 119 119
Leaflet delivery
Link Distribution
Locks/Security/Alarms Keep Safe Repairs 120
Access All Locks Afford a Lock All Locksmith Repairs Lockfix Security
120 120 120 119
Loft conversions Yorkshire loft Conversions Logs/fuel
Dry Logs Nick Milner Oakmoor Logs
57 57 43 & 53
Motor parts/services Atlas Auto Services Birch Park Vehicle Test Centre Dead or Alive Motorcycles
35 37 37
DT Wellard Hometune Ivinson Autos Leeman Road Auto Services York Vehicle Test Centre
35 36 34 35 36
Stopcocks UV Plumbing T Whitelam Tom Plumb
Auto Services Automotive Solutions Central Body Repairs Dave Woods Motorcycles Hammerton Specialist Svs HP Maintenance JJB Motors North Yorkshire Motors Osbaldwick Motors Ren-o-man Garage U Pull It Wigginton Car Repairs
36 37 37 37 37 35 35 37 36 36 37 35
Removals/Storage A2B
A1 Vans Man With White Van Mr Shifter Van Man York
123 123 123 123
Oven Cleaning Cookerburra Ultra Clean
115 116
Kitchen Rescue Ltd
Pest Control Huntcatchkill Pet Care
Alisons Dog Grooming Battle Flatts Veterinary Group Happy Paws Marston Animal Supplies Sweeney Dog The Waggy Dog Crèche Top Dog Grooming York Canine Hydro
61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61
Picture framimg
Steve Garnett Ebor Picture Framing
27 29
Plastering Colin Hardgrave JMB Plastering Paul Bell Plastering Paul Hunt Plasterer
120 120 120 120
Ernie Jeffrey & Reese Paul Sellars Will Neary
120 120 120
Plumbing/heating Colin Bell George C Stone Glen Plumbing & Electrics GPE Services H20 Plumbing and Heating HC Engineering Hurrells Plumbing Liam Gray Plumbing Luke Mitchell Plumbing Power Heating Radtek Heating S Williams Plumbing Skelton Plumbing Services The Direct Boiler Co Yorkshire Central Plumbing
120 121 121 121 121 121 122 122 122 5 3 122 122 2 121
122 122 123
Grove Property Repairs
Roofing Advanced Roofing Elite Roofing Flat Roof Company Haxby Roofline J Foster & Son Roofs Above
123 123 49, 124 123 124 124
Able Roofing (York) Broadway Roofing Future roofs John Pletts Roofing Mark Winters Lead Work N Malarkey Roofing P James Roofing SD Roofing Scaffolding Ebor Scaffolding Shops/stores Barnitts Calicocow
Hethertons Solicitors 31 Mitchell’s Solicitors 29 Richardson Gildener 62, 26, 20
Ardent Law Ltd 32 Coles Solicitors 71 Harland & Co Solicitors 12 Harrowells 11, 19 Sports/Clubs/Activities Bannatynes Health Club 74
Alan Sparks Taekwondo School 75 Tilers
York Ceramic Tiling Services 29 Yorks Plumbing & Tiling 124 Travel/holidays
Hornsea Leisure Park
Venue for hire
Haxby Memorial Hall
25 123 123 124 124 124 124 124
Sandburn Hall The Hospitium Wedding Affair
All UPVC Repairs 125 Stephen Reeve Upvc, Wndows & Conservatories 125
92, 93 23
Advanced Sports Nutrition 75 Corkys 29 Cots To Tots 15 Fantasy World 12 GA White 48 Gold Dust 29 Harlequinn 23 Monkbar Model Shop 25 Paul Dawson 3 Psychic living room 17 Records & CD’s Wanted 107 Sound Organisation 25 Time Out 25 Whitby Oliver Furniture Ltd 9 York Community Furniture 21
86 86 108
Will Writing
JMD Associates UK
Window Cleaning
Mals Window Cleaning
Window/Door Repairs DR Glazing 125
Windows/Doors/Cons All Double Glazing Repairs 124 Crystal Clear Home Improvements 11 D.G.M.S Windows 18 Eliments 10 Mark Two Windows 125 Orion Windows 13 Quickslide Windows 128 TWS 38 York Millenium Window Centre 8 York Trade Windows 9 Yorkshire Windows 44
Skips/Waste Removal A - Z Waste Ebor Skip Hire
51 55
Access All UPVC Repairs 125 Darren Mark Gray Upvc 119 Hobgate Building Contractors 42 Square Deals Ltd 3 SWC Factory Outlet 40 Value Doors (York) 4
Acomb Waste Disposal D Boswell Waste Disposal
53 55 59
Worktops/kitchens Dales of Thirsk Ltd Work Top Man
39 39
Social clubs
TNT Social Club
1A Rapid Response 122 All Cisterns Go 120 BPH Services 120 David Kaloczi Plumbing 120 DJC Plumbing 121 Haxby Plumbing and heating 122 Joe Dallin 122 Ken Hamilton 122 MW Plumbing & Tiling 122 Nunthorpe Services 121 Pipe solutions Plumbing 122 Poppleton Plumbing & Heating 122
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