Scarborough Review Issue 14

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Issue 14

Scarborough Review, Issue 14 - 1

Telephone: 01723 355 797

We Love Buying Houses!

Half a century landmark for Scarborough society Words & pictures by Pete Spence

SCARBOROUGH Electronic Organ Society has been hitting the right notes for a staggering 50 years. And the special landmark anniversary year is particularly important to their chairman and publicity officer, 87-year-old Dennis York, who has been a member of the group for 47 years. A series of top concerts are to be held at their Scarborough College base over the next 12 months in celebration of the landmark. Dennis, said: “Who would have thought that Scarborough Electronic Organ Society would still be going strong after 50 years? It is unbelievable to think that it has stood the test of time and had so many different venues and people involved over the years.” The society started in 1965 and Dennis joined the group just two years later. Dennis York with a picture of Scarborough Organ Society President Nicholas Martin who will play at their 50th anniversary party

It's all going Totally Locally in Scarborough! Totally Socially 2014 report & pictures page 2

c o n t i n u e d o n pa g e 4


Halloween Happenings! fest ‘14

For exclusive Fiver Fest offers see page 26

see page 3

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