Scarborough Review Issue 17

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January - Issue 17

Telephone: 01723 355 797

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We Love Buying Houses!

Local ladies step up with brand new voluntary group for people like Frazer to enjoy themselves and make the most of life. “I knew about all the great work being done at Gallows Close, and after talking to Chris, we decided to do something about it and Steps at Gallows Close was born.” Janice used to work for Mencap where long time friend Chris was her boss. They feel their experience can be a huge boost to those with learning disabilities in the area but they also need your help. Janice added: “We have funded quite a bit of the group ourselves so we are in need of the support of local people. “We have a lot of events planned for 2015 where people can come along to the centre and help us progress. “Chris and I know what those with the disabilities want and From left, Steps at Gallows Close founder Janice Scarborough, the Mayor of Scarborough Cllr Pat Marsburg, what they can afford. We just want Mayoress Hilary Groves and Steps at Gallows Close founder Christine Forbes at their Christmas coffee to make their lives that bit better morning launch because nobody should be alienated from having fun and making set up Steps at Gallows Close, a group run Words & picture by Pete Spence friends.” completely by volunteers which offers those For more information and pictures on with learning disabilities a chance to get TWO Scarborough ladies were so determined together and have fun and do activities. Steps at Gallows Close see page 6. to help those with disabilities in the area Janice, who lives on Colescliffe Road, said: that they have set up their own voluntary “My son Frazer, who is 27, unfortunately group. went deaf when he was just 20-years-old and Plan your 2015 in style with And for one of those ladies, it has given a his eyesight is also very very bad. the free Scarborough Review whole new lease of life to her own son who “I have worked with people with suffers with both deafness and blindness. calendar! See pages 22 -23 disabilities for many years and felt that Janice Scarborough and Chris Forbes have there was just nothing on our doorstep

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