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Issue 146 DECEMBER 2015
Christmas Message
little stars
Interviews and a special xmas story... all in our charity feature.
Watch out berwick... it’s behind you!!
jobs! jobs! Jobs!
browse through our extensive recruitment section at the back of the magazine and much more online!
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Jingle Bells... …Batman smells, Robin flew away! Welcome one and all to this ultra-festive edition of Your Local Link. There is so much yuletide joy packed into this magazine that we had to get the contents passed by OFCHRIS (Office For Christmas: headquarters in Lapland) to make sure no reader’s head would explode from all the glee. It passed…just. Herein ye shall verily find our annual Little Stars supplement, supporting the Children’s Ward and Special Care Baby Unit of York Hospital, as well as providing oodles of fun, games, and even another festive story. OFCHRIS described the story as “basically inappropriate”, so enjoy! We don’t need to tell you how amazing York gets at Christmas, but one quick glance at our Events section will reveal an entire month (and more) of wintery wonder,
time travel 22
where Father Christmas has literally split himself on the atomic level to create duplicates (or ‘dopplesantas’) to keep up with grotto demand. So if you see more than one Santa on the same day in different locations, that is the reason. But for the Bah Humbug-gers (tee hee) there is plenty of non-festive goodness too. Our Treasure Hunt returns for the fourth and final part, Time Travel takes a gander at Lendal and Barker towers, and we even have a special feature about Acomb. Yeah, Acomb. Whatever you’re up to this month, be it hall-decking, gay appareldonning, or just burying your head in the proverbial sand until 6th January, may we wish you a very Merry Everything! By the way, Batman doesn’t smell, and if he hears you saying that you can expect a bat-shaped brick through your window.
M eet Your L oc a l L i n k t e a m ! mim
cassie craig
Cover Story BERWICK’s BACK! Yep, it’s December again, when our front cover is gloriously adorned with the UK’s number one pantomime dame. If you’ve yet to hear about this year’s Theatre Royal panto taking up temporary residence at the National Railway Museum, how’s that rock you live under? Dick Wittington and his Meerkat lands this month, and we have all the goss from the man himself, Berwick Kaler.
41-51. Little Stars. Our regular festive trip to the Children’s Ward of York Hospital returns, with news from behind the scenes of the ward and the Special Care Baby Unit, along with fun, games, puzzles, and a story!
90. Events hotlist. The crème de la crème of this month.
advertising DEADLINE DATE: th
Advertising: Gini, Tracy, Sarah, Mim, Kelly, Avril, Cassie, Ellen, Craig, Vicky, Nick & Shane Office Manager: Paula Office Junior: Dani Accounts: Claire & Helen Design: Zoe, Krystal, Jerry, Hannah & Robyn Editorial: Howard Distribution: Dean, Gary & Simon
92-102. Events & Gig Diary. Keep up to date with what’s on.
at the ever enlarging outlaying village, to discover a fascinating past complete with artists, trees, and Roman Emperors. As you do.
Join the Club
Dear Daphne
Christmas… and what a pain in the bum it can be. #paininthebum
Time Travel
Local Sport Report.
26-27. Howard. Howard doesn’t
Gadgets & Motors.
Your Home & Garden.
Your Family & You.
Health & Beauty.
12-13. York Life. Rachel considers Vicky
60 get the look
28-29. Acomb. We take a close look ellen
treasure hunt
mention Christmas at all. Not that he hates the season, it’s just he’d rather tell you about mentally hoping across the many strands of the multiverse. Show off.
Win Win Win Win Win
A gift voucher to a spa, tickets to a panto (and slap up meal for your family), and tickets to watch the snooker finals at York Barbican.
104-110. Food & Drink. 111-124. Classified – at a glance. 124-126. Jobs, jobs, jobs… 127.
Trades & Services directory.
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T ickets to a panto and a family meal !
spa ! voucher
Christmas stresses... bye bye! Stressed? We don't blame you; Christmas can be a difficult time of year, especially if you have children. If you've spent the last month (or year, you early bird) worried about what gifts other people will be receiving, maybe it's time to think about yourself. Redmayne Lodge in Strensall can satisfy all your therapeutic needs, offering relaxing floatation, revitalising reflexology, and cleansing colonics, to name but a few. Find out more at www.redmaynelodge.co.uk The great news is that Redmayne Lodge are kindly giving one lucky reader the chance to sample the therapy centre's delights with a £50 gift voucher. For a chance of winning all you have to do is answer this simple question:
In what York village is Redmayne Lodge situated? Send your answer (along with your name, address and daytime contact number), telling us which game you'd like to see, on a postcard marked ‘Redmayne Loadge Competition’ to the address on page six, or via email to competitions@yourlocallink. co.uk The competition ends on 31st December, so don’t delay. Terms and conditions apply. Good luck.
Avoid the apples
The Rowntree Players are back once again to escort you down the madcap surroundings of Panto Alley. This year the theatrical troop tackle Snow white and the Seven Dwarfs at the Joseph Rowntree Theatre, 5th-12th December. As she turns 18, Snow White becomes the fairest in the land and the Wicked Queen isn’t happy. Nor are the dwarfs the Queen has working all hours down the mine finding crystals to power her sinister laboratory. But don’t worry Dame Nancy Nip and her son Tuck, recently qualified cosmetic surgeons, are on hand to put things right… To book, call 07927 026071. The great news is that we have a family ticket for the show up for grabs, as well as the chance to dine with members of the cast at Nando's. For a chance to win, all you have to do is answer this:
In the show, how old does Snow White become? Send your answer (along with your name, address and daytime contact number) on a postcard marked ‘Rowntree Players Competition’ to the address on page six, or via email to competitions@yourlocallink.co.uk The competition ends on 3rd December, so don’t delay. Terms and conditions apply. Good luck.
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WIN! snooker championship tickets
your big break
Ready to be snookered? You will be if you win this competition. That is because we have a handful of tickets to give away to the two final days of action of the Betway UK Snooker Championships, held at the York Barbican, 24th November - 6th December. Already long sold out to mere mortals, our winners will experience an exciting contest between the country’s best snooker players battling for the coveted trophy (and £150,000 prize!). Find out more about who will be playing at www.worldsnooker.com We have pairs of tickets up for grabs for both the sessions at 1pm and 7pm on the 5th December, and again at 1pm and 7pm on the 6th December. If you win, let us know which session you’d like to attend. Speaking of which, for a chance of winning a pair, just answer this:
How much is this year’s cash prize? Send your answer (along with your name, address and daytime contact number), telling us which game you’d like to see, on a postcard marked ‘Snooker Competition’ to the address on page six, or via email to competitions@yourlocallink.co.uk The competition ends on 3rd December, so don’t delay. Terms and conditions apply. Good luck.
“Don’t p ay over the odds when yo u can deal direct w it h York Tra de Window s”
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Prayer, Witness and Blessing We hear from the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, with his regular Christmas message.
The journey
n 1st December 2015, I will be setting out walking, praying, and telling the good news of God in Jesus Christ as well as seeking God's blessing for everyone I meet whilst out and about in what every Yorkshire person calls “God’s Own County”. My pilgrimage of Prayer, Witness and Blessing will be for six months, from the start of Advent to Trinity Sunday (from 1st December to 22nd May 2016). If you see me in your area, please come and say hello in the days and months ahead. The rolling hills, moors and dales of Yorkshire might seem to be a very long way from the hillsides of Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus, but there is no better time than Advent to start this journey of faith, and to be filled with the spinetingling joy that Christmas can bring.
It doesn’t matter where you start the journey from, whether God feels very close or a long way away. Long before the Magi gathered with their gifts before the infant Jesus, the locals were there – shepherds from the local hillsides- local people like you and me who responded to the invitation of the angels and made the short journey to meet Jesus. They heard. They followed. They saw. And then they went in haste to tell the good news to others. The three wise men, we are told, journeyed a great distance to be part of the celebration. Whether from near or far, they took the risk of setting out on the journey, and because of this, life was never the same again. By contrast, King Herod couldn’t be bothered to travel the three miles down the road to find out for himself what was going on! What a tragedy. Are you prepared to journey with me, to find out what God has in store for each one of us? From being quite young and joining Bishop Festo Kivengere on missions in Uganda I have always loved to share my encounter of Jesus with others. I like to get out and be with people where they are, in the market, in the pub, in the street. It is amazing what conversations happen. I find people often want to tell me important things about their lives, and very often they want me to pray with
them. And usually these are people who have very little to do with church but are searching for meaning, hope, and joyfulness - they are driven by a real desire to know what it is to be human.
Getting out there The God we encounter in Jesus Christ is not one who stays in the comfort of other-worldly, isolated heaven. He ventures to be with us, amongst us, and alongside us wherever we may be. He calls us to take the risk of following him, and he promises to be with us all the way. I’ve chosen to pray for and with everyone I meet on my journey. I want to share my story of a real encounter with Jesus Christ and I will encourage others to do the same. I am looking forward to blessing others and also to make God’s loving welcome for all across the North of England. I’ll be following in the footsteps St Aidan, an early evangelist monk who spread the good news
york life
across the North of England. Aidan and all who followed in his footsteps: Cuthbert, Hilda, Chad, Cedd, learned and then repeated psalms as they walked from place to place. An imaginative witness started earlier by Paulinus in 625 and in 627, after the conversion of King Edwin, a Cathedral was started in York.
The north remembers The psalms are a treasure house of encouragement, support and direction. These Northern Saints set out on a great adventure to teach others these psalms and what was to be learned from them. They were amazing teachers who inspired
others to find faith and follow Jesus. It is their venturesome faith that really inspires me too – many centuries later. ‘Immanuel’ means ‘God with us’. Don’t be afraid – whatever your challenge to live for God: you can do it because God is with you. Christmas gives me immense hope for the difference you and I can make, as we are enlisted into what Jesus called the ‘Kingdom of God’. Let the light of Christ shine in us all this Christmas. A very blessed Christmas to you all! n Find out more at ` www.archbishopofyork.org
york life
and life in general
as seen by Rachel Ragg
Christmas. As we all know, it’s the happiest time of the year. The time when Perfect Mother (that’s me, obviously) swans around a la Kirsty Allsop, putting the finishing touches to her up-cycled vintage decorations before serving the perfect turkey and trimmings to her brood of smiley, sparkly-eyed, co-operative children. In truth, of course, Christmas is none of the above. It’s an annual disaster waiting to happen. For a start, Christmas traditionally means illness. Every year, the school carol service heralds the coming not of Jesus but of my sore throat. By the time the Big Day arrives, it has morphed into a chronic chest infection - or, one memorable year, suspected swine flu, which gave me the privilege of using the Possibly Highly Contagious And About To Die rear entrance to the surgery. Just in time for all the GPs and pharmacists to be tucked up with their turkeys. The great Christmas Illness Tradition began in my childhood when
Christmas invariably meant stomach bugs. One particularly memorable year my cousins came to stay, bringing norovirus with them. I’d have preferred gold, frankincense and myrrh, thanks very much. On the one Christmas Day that we managed to avoid stomach bugs, we went for a nice family walk in the park. My sister was knocked over and concussed by a Golden Retriever - and, yes, spent the rest of the day
throwing up. Christmases when my own children were small consisted of only minor disasters. There was the time when one toddler shoved the other into the Christmas tree, thereby bringing the whole lot crashing down in a cascade of glass and tinsel and meriting a visit
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to A&E. Oh, and the time when I left the carefully-chosen presents in the garage, only to be relieved of them by a passing burglar who noticed that I had, um, failed to close the garage door. I hope the burglar enjoyed escaping on his brand new bike. Once Child One became a Minster chorister, I thought that would be Christmas sorted for life. Nobody could ever have anything wrong with them again, because the Choir Schedule (which, happily, accounted for every minute of our lives for six years) didn’t include illness or trips to A&E. And indeed everyone remained relatively healthy for six
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Christmases. But if the Choir Schedule saved us from illness, it offered endless new opportunities for what my children would call ‘hashtag Christmas fails’. The first Choir Christmas was going to be a doddle. The Chorister would be busy all day, with a break for lunch. So all I had to do was set the oven to cook the turkey while we were in the Minster, leaving me with just the trimmings to cook in record time between services. And lo: the oven did heat up in our absence. Only I had forgotten to insert the turkey. Thank goodness for Heinz tomato soup (twice in one day). The following year, I did manage to provide a turkey (rather late in the day, admittedly, but a turkey all the same). I even managed to provide a flaming Christmas pudding. Sadly, I
didn’t manage to tie my hair up to serve it. Still, my singed hair went well with the Christmas cake I had put in the oven some days earlier and forgotten about. Now that we no longer have the Choir Schedule to ward off illness, I am facing this Christmas with a degree of trepidation and a cupboard full of Night Nurse. But however much of a calamity it is this year, I hope it won’t beat my Norwegian brother in law’s Christmas disaster. His family set off for a Christmas walk, failing to notice that Grandpa had fallen behind. On their way back, they found him. He had fallen asleep and had frozen solid. If that’s not a ‘hashtag Christmas fail’, then I don’t know what is. Happy Christmas.
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Horoscopes DEC 2015
by James Christie • For details of private readings, phone 07884 107100 or 01423 339770 Email: jcp@magepublishing.co.uk
Here are a few famous faces you share your sign with...
23rd november-22nd october
L to R: Arthur C Clarke, Dame Judi Dench, Taylor Swift, Walt Disney
Star sign of the month • Star sign of the month • Star sign of the month • Star sign of the month • Star sign of the month A rather splendid period for Sagittarians whereon events conspire to bring you the best of all worlds. Some long term domestic ambition will have been achieved, giving you good reason to feel extremely pleased with the outcome. There is good news where distant family is concerned which enables you to breathe more easily, and there is a close sense of unity with more immediate family; it’s likely to be a busy Christmas dressed up with Christmas trees and tradition.
23rd dec-20th jan
Just like your Taurean cousins, Capricorns can have a problem with Christmas. It’s never what you think it’s going to be. There is always a feeling of anti-climax. This year, make the effort to have a good time! A lover or partner is working overtime to make sure you do have a good time, and it does you no harm to meet them half way.
21st jan-18th feb
Exciting new romances in the wind for singles and solos, and a
strengthening of foundation stones in long standing unions. Some really good financial vibes, with a boost or bonus between the 6th and the 16th which gives you more to play around with than you thought you had. Christmas is a happy one, with the evening of the 24th being a high point.
19th feb-19th mar
Christmas of this year will be rather different to some you have known in the past, made so by what you do, and where you do it – and much more importantly, who you do it
On the debit side, bank accounts may have taken a heavy hammering, but you’ll look around you and will feel anything that has been spent, has been well spent. Parents might enjoy the same kind of feeling when they look at their kids, and realize that they haven’t done too bad a job of bringing them up. On the subject of children, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some news about (a) a pregnancy, and (b) an engagement. with! There are some very strong emotional and romantic energies around you at this time, and if someone is offering you something different to the norm, then grab at it with both hands.
20th mar - 19th apr
Lots of optimism during the first week of the month, but then some sort of family argument around the 10th makes you feel a wee bit hard done by. Once again, you’ll be making compromises without other people making any effort to meet you half way. You’ll get some fun
out of Christmas, but it won’t be the Christmas that you want.
20th apr - 21st may
Not a lot of energy with you during the rump end of the year, but you’ll put on a good act and will fool most of the people most of the time. Oddly, you’ll be looking forward to the festive season, and I do say “oddly” because Taureans don’t usually like Christmas very much. This year you seem to be pushing the boat out to make it memorable.
22nd may - 21st jun
Quite a busy period work wise in the run up to Christmas, and by the time you get to the 24th/25th you’ll welcome a rest – not that you’re likely to get one if you’ve got kids and family to think of. A few lucky folk will choose to jump on a plane to somewhere warm and sunny, where all they’ve got to worry about is a bit of a guilty conscience!
23rd Oct-22nd Nov
If you’re looking for raving great parties and nights of wild passion, you’re likely to be disappointed. If, on the other hand, you’re looking for some quiet moments of care and tenderness where all family matters are given top priority, then I reckon you should be more than well pleased. The 24th and the 27th are “highlight” days of importance.
22nd jun - 23rd july
Regardless of what might be happening on the work scene, emotional and romantic aspects seem to be much more on your mind as you struggle to find a way of making compromises that please some of the different people in your life. In simple terms, follow your heart and don’t let things like duty and expectation get in the way of your heart’s desire.
24th jul -23rd aug
24th sep - 22nd oct
December starts well enough, but then from around the 11th everything that could go wrong, starts going wrong! You’ll get yourself back on an even keel around the 21st or 22nd, and Christmas should be particularly memorable by virtue of the fact that it offers some calm and tranquillity. Don’t make impulsive knee jerk decisions at this time. Wait a while.
Great month, especially for career girls looking for promotion. Some financial boost between the 9th and 14th gives you leeway to splash out on the Christmas bun fight, and although this should be a pleasant and rewarding period, your brain is restless, and already you’ll be looking into the New Year, doing some planning and plotting.
york life
23rd oct -22nd nov
Younger members of the sign are likely to be bullied and manipulated by older folk in the family circle who expect them “to conform”. Some rebellion is inevitable, and unless some compromise is found, Christmas could be a moody few days. Foot loose and fancy free singles have none of these problems – and doesn’t it make you wish…?
york life
Straight in the deep en at d If you've ever 'ca st off' for a fun da y of
Join the scrum
l history? Although you Like Rugby League? Interested in socia ge bedfellows, The might think those two subjects make stran g for volunteers to be a York City Knights Foundation are callin ct. The project aims part of the York and Proud Heritage proje ssional and amateur to show how the fortunes of the profe size, industry and employment trends, game have changed alongside population e and Proud Heritage School programm as well as major world events. The York ’s York across the city, covering the history of has started to be delivered in schools , strial e clubs, and tracing the social, indu professional and community rugby leagu as recruiting and training volunteers and cultural development of York. As well n are also looking for any old rugby to deliver the programme, the Foundatio t being involved contact Neil Gulliver memorabilia. n To find out more abou k on767404, or email neil@ycknights.co.u
York's green areas need you!
It isn't just the ancient buildings and quaint streets that make York beautiful; the city is also blessed with green and natural spaces. One dedicated group who help to maintain those special places for all of us (both human and animal) are The Conservation Volunteers (TCV), and they would love you to get involved too. TVC run practical task days on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays each week and welcome volunteers of all ages and backgrounds to go along to help in enhancing local green spaces. n To find out more email york@tcv.org.uk or call 644300.
fishing at Chapman's Pond , Dringhouses, you'll know wha beautiful and tra ta nquil place it is. To help keep it The Friends of C th at way hapman's Pond , alongside City York Council, ar of e launching a ne w Bailiffs schem to find dedicate e, d volunteers to help protect the area's wildlife an d give help and advice to visitors you know of th . If e pond, have so me experience fishing, are a re with gular visitor, and truly care about protecting the sit e for future gene rations, get in touch today. n Email jennifer.c airns@york.gov or call 07833 43 .uk 6832.
Who's the daddy? If you just answered, 'I'm the daddy!' and are in fact a father, this one is for you. Yorkey Dads is a free and informal gathering of dads who meet on the last Friday of each month at Clifton Children's Centre, 9.30-11.30am. A great chance for you and your kids to hang out with other dads, the get-togethers involve lots of crafts, games, toys, and a boot load of fun. Yorkey Dads have a Facebook Group page where you find out about the latest meeting, as well as chatting to the existing members. n If you'd like to know more about the group, and to find out when the next meeting is set for, email woodhams04@gmail.com
york life
Setting the scene
ivity those same old boring nat If the recent dusting-of off of n g about a radical redesig figures has got you thinkin get in touch with Strensall the classic Christmas scene, run up to the big day the Methodist Church. In the tive home-made nativity church is asking for innova n ut anything your imaginatio scenes built from just abo ty of Jesus' first birthday par can conjure. Recreations r g, so to discuss getting you could be made from anythin to 056 in the church, call 491 unique creation displayed speak with Patricia.
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If you are looking for a challenging and un ique voluntary positi we think we may ha on, ve found it for you. Ind ependent Custody Visitors make unanno unced visits to police stations in North Yorkshire. They spea k with people detai ne d in custody, check their welfare and the conditions in which the y are being held, and then submit re ports on their visits. Th is tas k is a vital element of the work of the Police, ensuring tha t the se rvi ce is open and accountable to the people it serves. Cu rre ntl y the y are looking for volunteers for the Sc arborough area, bu t would love to hear anyone interested in from taking on this role. n Call 01423 5695 email chris.tapster@ 62 or northyorkshire-pcc.go v.uk
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Got a problem?
Of course you have. Lucky Daphne’s got all the answers. Write to her care of Your Local Link and she’ll soon sort you out.
e n h p a D
The gift that keeps on giving My neighbour insists on giving me a Christmas gift every year, despite the fact that I always ask her not to. This wouldn’t be a problem, except that I feel obliged to give one back, and while I always end up trawling around the shops on Christmas Eve desperately trying to find something she’d like, the gift that I receive is the same every year – a box of a particular brand of chocolates that I mentioned that I ‘quite liked’ in an offhand comment about 15 years ago. I don’t even like those chocolates any more. How can I make her stop buying them? Sheila, Haxby
Sheila, I have a secret to share. I’ve got a brilliantly subtle way of letting people know that you don’t like something that they have bought for you – it’s foolproof. Firstly, you thank them for thinking of you and offering a gift (it’s only polite, after all). Then, you throw the item onto the floor, and stamp on it ten times while looking them dead in the eye and screaming about how you don’t like it. The third step is optional – you can set fire to the item in question if you like, though sometimes the stamping means that there’s not much left to set fire to. Or, of course, you could just accept the blimmin’ chocolates and give her something small in return. Seeing as you know she’ll give you something, you could even get a little gift for her in advance to avoid the Christmas Eve rush. But you do what you think is best…
Bah, humbug My colleagues and I love the run up to Christmas, but our office is a festive-free zone. We’re banned from playing Christmas songs, Secret Santa is a no go and the paltry piece of tinsel that we hung over the doorframe last week was promptly taken down by our manager. How can we keep our Christmas spirit alive? Rachel, Acomb Do you by any chance work in an office in Victorian London, where you aren’t allowed to add extra coal to the fire to keep warm, and Michael Caine is forcing you to come into work on Christmas Day despite the fact that your frog son is really poorly? Oh, hang on – I’m getting this story confused with A Muppet Christmas Carol. It does sound like your boss is being a bit of a Scrooge though. I say stick on the Slade whenever they’re out of the office, and when they’re there, just throw a silent disco with your headphones in. I also find that Baileys helps enormously with Christmas spirit, though that might be frowned upon somewhat when you’re at work…
york life
Come whine with me My husband and I will be spending Christmas at my son and daughter in law’s house for the first time this year, which would be fine, except for the fact that my daughter in law is a rather inexperienced cook, and I fear that Christmas dinner will be something of a let-down. A big traditional Christmas dinner with all the trimmings has always been a big part of the day for our family, and I am worried that we’ll have nothing decent to eat. Should I suggest that I cook the turkey perhaps, or just take a back-up bird and warm it up when we get there? Mary, Heworth Mary, I think the only thing that needs to be warmed up is your heart. I can only assume that the never ending loop on the radio of Noddy Holder furiously reminding everyone that it is, indeed, ‘CHRIIIIIISTMAAAAAAS’ has given you a nervous tick. Everyone loves a Christmas dinner, but it’s not the end of the world if the turkey is a bit dry. One of my fondest festive memories was when I attempted to cook my first Christmas feast, which inevitably went very wrong and ended up including cuppa soups, cheese and onion crisps sarnies and half a sausage roll each. Maybe it’s a fond memory because I also drank my own body weight in Baileys in an attempt to drown out the disapproving noises that my mother was making, though. Or maybe that’s why the turkey set on fire. Who knows? Give the poor girl a break, and if you must, offer to serve a Boxing Day lunch round at your house so everyone can enjoy a ‘proper’ lunch then. If you’re being this rude to her face, though, don’t be surprised if your son and daughter in law don’t bother coming. You do know that the phrase ‘goodwill to all men’ applies to ladies too, right?
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Brain teasers.
Can you decipher these common Christmas Carols? 1. Happiness to the Global Ecosystem 2. Small male percussionist 3. I am experiencing nocturnal visions of a colorless holiday 4. Festoon the Corridors 5. A Non-summer fairytale area
6. Oh holiday conifer 7. Ten plus two twenty-four hour periods of holiday festivity 8. Hey tiny city in Israel 9. In a remote location in a barn stall
1 2 2 3 7 6 5 1 7 4 7 6 1 9 9 6 8 7 1 6 2 4 9 8 6
4 1 7 3 9
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Thi s m o n t h : t h e t w o t o w e r s No, this month's Time Travel feature is not paying homage to Lord of the Rings (if it was, the title would have been: ALL HAIL THE DARK AND MIGHTY LORD SAURON), but rather York's own pair of defenders, Barker and Lendal Tower on the River Ouse. Although these days you might know them better as 'that weird little tower with a coffee shop in it' and the 'no way! You can spend the night there? Wait, look how damn expensive it is!' tower, Barker and Lendal Towers were both actually built in the defence of our city...although their uses have changed drastically throughout history.
Barking up the wrong tower First up, Barker Tower. Today the home of the Perky Peacock coffee shop, the squat and curious building in the shadow of Lendal Bridge has sat by the
the river sine the early 1300s. Originally built on the ancient boundary of the city centre, a huge chain was housed in the tower and ran along the water's surface to Lendal Tower, acting like a barrier. Incoming ships and boats had to stop at the chain to pay a toll so that the chain could be lowered the boats could enter the city proper. It was also used as defence, to stop invading armies using ships to get into the city centre. In 1380 the records show that a Thomas Smyth was 'Keeper of the Chains', which is a bad ass job title if you ask us. However, the tower later became the house of the ferryman. Prior to the construction of Lendal Bridge a ferry operated on that stretch of the river, transporting people and cargo for a price. Barker Tower was often leased out as residence of the ferryman and his family, but that all ended in 1863 when Lendal Bridge, with its grand Victorian archway, was erected. But don't worry, the tower found a new and exciting lease of life in 1879 when it was converted into the thrill-fest that is... a mortuary! Yay! However, because the tower tends to get cut off when the river floods, it fell into disrepair in the
20th century, before being restored in 1970. Today, like many of our city's most historic buildings, its a great place to get a cappuccino.
Water interesting tower Built at the same time as Barker Tower, Lendal tower, the taller of the two, also served as anchorage for that massive river chain. However, this tower's association with the River Ouse took an altogether different turn in the 17th century. Proposed by Henry Whistler in 1674, Lendal Tower was converted to accommodate a huge lead cistern into which a pump pulled up water from the river. This water was then used to feed certain residences in the city via a system of pipes, including the Mansion House,
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and was maintained by the York Waterworks Company, with the tower being leased to them for 500 years. In the following centuries the tower became synonymous with leisure (as opposed to it's ex-partner's grumpy ferryman) as public baths were added onto the side of the tower, providing the citizens of York with hot and cold running water. After improvements to the pump, following which, in 1784, it could raise 10,500 gallons of water from the river each hour, the works were finally removed from the tower and re-homed further up the river at Acomb Landing. After that Lendal Tower became the proud head office of the York New Water Works Company, which was incorporated into Yorkshire Water in 1999. The tower is now available to hire as self-catering holiday accommodation.
What a lovely pair Two separate buildings, yet built for one common purpose, it is interesting to see how the two towers faired throughout the centuries. Although it seems like Barker Tower got the rougher end of the historical deal, at least anyone is now able to wander in and soak up the atmosphere over a piece of cake. For Lendal Tower however, that privilege is spared only those willing and able to fork out the big bucks to spend the night there. But don't worry folks; one day the whole city will be a coffee shop, then we'll be able to sit where we damn please. No, wait...!
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e m a D n o i t a t S
He’s back... but not where you usually expect to find him. We grab ten minutes with the man who gives Judi Dench a run for the title of Dame, panto professional Berwick Kaler.
“This is not where we normally meet!” said Berwick, taking a seat at a table in the National Railway Museum's cafe. “There's trains everywhere! It's very strange... but spectacular.”
This December Berwick will be returning to the stage for his 36th year in the driving seat of the Theatre Royal's famous pantomime, this year taking place at the museum. “It's actually my 40th panto here in York, as I did a few years before I took over. The dame I portray was born in York, despite me coming from Sunderland. When I started I thought, right I'll give them a Yorkshire accent, and the press said 'who is this Geordie dame?' so she has always been a Geordie since. Not an offensive Geordie, mind. You can alienate some people with accents, but the wonderful thing about York is that they are a very accepting audience – someone like me, not from the area, coming in and writing their panto, has been very well accepted.
Not from round 'ere “When you're not from a place there is always something different that you notice, being an outsider. Everything I've ever written has been led by the audience, and they tell me each year if I've gone off track. We've never been offensive but I
Anyone can swear in a joke; the real challenge is to get the laughs that we seem to manage in our panto in a clean way. Years ago we used to give out badges for people to wear. It was Aladdin one year, and I asked the cast and crew to think of a funny slogan for the badge, and they all came up with something rude ('rub this, rub that’ etc...), and I said great, very funny. But now think of something suitable for kids, and not one of them could.
Unlike any other panto “But nothing is ever repeated down the years. Yes, a panto has set routines and scenes, but there is never any need to do it the same – you change things and make it fresh and relevant to the audience. Anyone who comes to the Signal Box Theatre in the NRM are in for a unique experience. No one ever has done this. I'm not Shakespeare, not by a long shot, but getting something original in a panto is tricky, as there is a lot going on out there. But the traverse stage of this theatre is truly unique – I've never heard of any pantomime being staged in this way. Having the audience on both sides will be a challenge and it gives a new dimension to 'they're behind you!'”
“I’m not your typical dame.” feel that in recent years I'm getting away with things I wouldn't have ten years ago. It's all a part of getting old, people tend to forgive you more!” We asked that, after four decades of pantos, has his process changed all that much? “Comedy has changed so much down the years. Its so difficult to write something funny for families these days.
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Did it mean making big changes to the usual design of the show? “The designer thought he was designing for the Theatre Royal initially, but now he's got to make sets for a completely different shaped theatre with a railway line running through it! And what he's come up with is brilliant, truly brilliant. The show goes from London, to Spain, to Africa, to Neanderthal times – not easy stuff to represent at all, but he's done it. It'll be different, but I've not heard a single person say they're worried about the changes this year. I've just heard how excited they are to have a railway track running down the length of the stage!”
Oh yes it is! We suppose it will be a very different experience for the audience. “Yes. The marvellous thing is that I can really get close to the audience – they're right there next to the actors. And we do use those tracks, you know. Everything is moving and it will be a real immersive experience, especially for kids who will walk through the museum to get to the theatre, and see all these wonderful trains around them.” Finally, we asked how Berwick thinks the See press and critics will react to the changes. Berwick (and “At the end of the day, I don'tcare the usual panto ga ng) about how we're acclaimed – this in Dick Whittingt on is a little local panto that entertains and his Meerkat a few thousand people each year. 10th December , - 24th The dame I play can't really be January, at the N ational transferred to another audience, Railway Museum . To book tickets, ca as I'm not your typical dame, and ll I never will be. But you have to be 623568. careful... comedy is very dangerous!”
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Adventures in alternate realities 'round I've maintained my calm, stayed clear of the river, and continued to shower at least once a week (what? I'm married). But my mind has gone on journeys; dark, complex journeys in which I have analysed almost every aspect of my life – and all the choices I have made – that have led to this point. I am Howard. I live in York with my wife (!) and three children(!!!).
Howard Mosley-Chalk is a father and a husband. But more importantly he is a man. These are his (un) manly words. RECENTLY month I turned 34. I know right; how can that boyish chubby little imp you see at the head of the page be in his mid-thirties? The world makes no sense. Look at my pinchable cheeks. Go on, pinch them. Makes you sick, eh? But yes, I am in my mid-thirties. This has caused some degree of introspection, the kind I tend to suffer when entering the 'mid' part of any age decade. I had a bit of a breakdown when I turned 24, and started to tell people that my hobby was throwing citrus fruit over the River Ouse, which, for one regrettable weekend, it was. I'm pretty sure I had a similar flipout when I was 14 and stopped showering. Needless to say I didn't get a girlfriend until I was 17, when that phase thankfully passed. This time
“Its cheaper than buying a sports car.”
Like that 90s sci-fi TV show Sliders, in which a group of misfits travel between parallel worlds (“Oh no, Nazi world this week!”) I have been mentally placing myself in alternate realities; versions of my life that could have been had I made different choices. This is not to say that I am unhappy with this actual reality, which I think is totally smashing (I'm writing this for my job, for which I am paid, in my bedroom without any pants on – I am a winner), but rather this is how my panic at approaching middle age has manifested. Its cheaper than buying a sports car. I like to pick a starting point; a moment
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in my life when I made a definite memorable decision. You can try this yourself and let your imagination run riot. Right, so when I turned 17 my parents asked me if I wanted driving lessons for my birthday, or something else. I, wisely, chose to receive the entire Season 6 VHS box set of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine instead, an investment decision I have never regretted (to a collector these days, they are each worth several pence!). But, had I chosen driving lessons, I would now know how to drive, as I have never bothered to learn since. I probably wouldn't have chosen rail-friendly York as my university city, definitely wouldn't have met my wife, and therefore my children (as I know them) wouldn't exist. Thinking this makes me sad (right up until I imagine instead attending Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters and basically going on to be an X-Man).
Another pivotal moment in my past was the decision whether or not to stay in York after university. I did, going against the tide of the majority of my classmates who moved to 'that London' to look for work. I remember, in 2003, saying to my parents (who had just forked out for three years tuition) that I had “a good feeling about York�, and prophesying that within the decade both the BBC and Sky would move their headquarters here, giving this media graduate the pick of the top jobs. Still waiting. Once again a move away from York in this other potential reality would have ended up with me never meeting my kids, unless my wife and I were cosmically destined to meet and settle down (if you know us, you're probably laughing right now). So again, exploring these alternate worlds, theorising on the 'what if' question, only serves to make me feel sad, which surely proves that what I have today, what I am, is pretty good. Knowing that makes getting older (along this timeline anyway) all the more tolerable. I hope your wanderings through different dimensions produce a similar realisation. If not, remember that you don't need a multi-phasic-quantumportal-opening device to change things, although I do sell those.These columns are basically my therapy. How much do I owe you all?
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• Acomb • Acomb • Acomb • How much do you really know about Acomb? Yes, there are some cracking takeaway joints, and that Morrisons is super handy... but there is so much more to this enveloped village on the outskirts of the city. Let’s delve in shall we? • Acomb • Acomb • Acomb • Acomb • Acomb • Acomb • Acomb • Acomb • Acomb • Acomb • Acomb • Acomb •
Village life
Acomb is old. How old? Domesday Book old. What was then just a little farming village on the road out of York, Acomb was mentioned in William the Conqueror's records of all the land he'd just nicked... ahem... legitimately inherited. 'Achum', as it was then spelt, was noted as being the property of the Archbishop of York, that it possessed a manor,
and that it had 14 rent payers living there. Just two of those commoners were named, an Underwood and an Ulchel. Know anyone still living in Acomb with those surnames today? By the way, 'Achum' probably comes from the Old English word 'acum', which means 'by the oak trees'. Which makes sense, as back then Acomb was situated in thick forest, which wasn't cleared until after King John's reign in 1216. The following centuries saw the village stay pretty small, as neighbouring York began to expand. A census taken in 1670 showed that Acomb had a population of 230, with only ten of those people being described as 'affluent'. It wasn't until the carriage works were built in Holgate in the 19th century that Acomb saw a major boom. As the
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majority of the railway workers settled in the village, the population shot up. The census of 1937 tells of 7500 residents, which again rose to 16,235 in 1951.
Roaming Romans The Romans? In Acomb? What, were they after... some screws from Barnitt's? Tee hee. No, they were being buried... possibly. Legend has it that the Roman Emperor Septimius Severus, who ruled the Roman Empire from right here in York for three years until his death in the city in 211, had his military funeral there. It is believed by many that he was buried somewhere in the area
of what would one day become Acomb, and a few streets in the area are named in the Emperor's honour, including the evocatively entitled (come on everyone, grab your shovels!) Severus' Hill.
An artist's draw
A common 20th century indicator of growing population is for an area to have its own cinema. Acomb was no exception, with The Regent being built in 1934 and opening with a screening of 'The Bedtime Story'. In its heyday The Regent could comfortably seat 899 patrons in the stalls and balcony. But, like so many of York's local cinemas, by the 1950s it was struggling to pull in a crowd, and unfortunately closed for good on 4th April 1959 with a screening of 'Sierra Baron'. Following the closure, the building was divided into separate retail units, one of which today houses one of the St Leonard's Hospice charity shops. Coincidentally, in medieval times, Acomb Grange was the residence of the masters of the original St Leonard's Hospital, after which the hospice takes it's name. Fact!
If the unique splendour of Acomb's Front Street just doesn't float your aesthetic boat, consider the fact that the village was once as pretty as a picture. Son of York, and famous (and controversial) artist William Etty, painted two works of views of the village in around 1840. The Plantation of Acomb shows a side of Acomb that is now mostly lost; a rural setting with swans calmly cruising around a small pond. The plantation was an estate just off Boroughbridge Road, at the end of Carr Lane. In the 20th century the tranquil site became... the sugar factory! Yeah, good old 20th century – it really knew how to ruin things
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Thar be treasure!!! PART FOUR
Hello. Make your way to the path that runs along and past the Minster Library.
We’re back in treasure hunt mode, for this fourth part in our special four part series. Will we return with more next year? That all depends on how well you do. No pressure. Anyway, last month we left you in Dean’s Park...
Continue along the path until you reach the main gates out of the park. Go through them.
• Which king made his son Prince of Wales around here? • What 1944 battle is remembered nearby?
• Can you spot the heart of York?
Now you ’re facing the on Exhibition Squ are, Ar head dow t Gallery. Turn left n the little and along the alleyway left side o that runs f King’s M • Which a anor. bbey did a wa
Turn right down High Pe
of ‘hanging’ about? • What pub involves a lot of the street was • Which former resident mates with Charles I?
Pass under the archway of Bootham Bar itself.
• When was the Roman gateway rebuilt? • Another gateway was created around here. When? (careful crossing the road). • Who keeps a constant watch over the fountain?
ll around h
ere origin
• Larger stonework at the top? Why? • Here you’ll find Yorkshire’s oldest working observatory... but at what longitude? • You’ve seen his statue, but where is his grave?
exit by The Head toward the alk through it Star Inn pub and w ge. Turn left. onto the water ’s ed ’? th be called simply
•Why could this pa
Head up the little set of steps onto Lendal Bridge.
• For how long wa s the tower leased? (by the way, turn to our Time Travel fea ture for more on this tower!) • Lions, rose... wh at? Lions, rose... what? • What time is it on the clock that is right only twice a da y? • Whose golden ro yal initials are on the mid-way lamps ?
Now take a rest. Well done, you’re at the end... but how did you do? If you managed to spot everything then take a well deserve gander at the views along the river. If you got nothing... well, why not take the plunge instead? Only joking. Merry Christmas ye scurvy dogs!
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Head on into the Museum Gardens. At the first junction turn left.
There was much rejoicing and dancing when the Conservatives (who I like to call The Cons – no slur intended, obviously) announced the raising of the Inheritance Tax threshold to £1 million. “There,” – they gloated, – “we kept our promise made in 2009 to raise the exemption to a million – and we have.” Only they haven’t. For a start off, the new ‘pretend £million exemption’ doesn’t come in until 2021, only applies to married couples/civil partnerships and there’s a whole heap of other smoke and mirror tactics we know about – and some we’ve yet to get the detail on. There’s some sneaky technical detail around the allowance that I won’t bore you with here. But have no doubt that this is not a £1 million Inheritance Tax Exemption. This is just window dressing at its sneakiest. If you bothered to look at historical house price increases and project them forward until the new exemption becomes available in 2021, as I have, you’d see the proportion of the property price still taxable at 40% stays broadly the same throughout the period. Coincidence? I don’t think so. Over £4 billion is raised in Inheritance Tax every year – and rising. Do you think the Treasury is going to give that up lightly? No. Neither do I. My research tells me there are two major reasons you won’t do anything about Inheritance Tax. One – you don’t want to give anything away (good news for you guys – you don’t have to) and two – you think you’re immortal. Well you’re not. You’re not a Pharaoh. You can’t take it with you. So the message remains the same as it has been for decades. If your family is going be affected by Inheritance Tax you’d better do something about it. Toot sweet! If you’d like a copy of my FREE book - 37 Legal Ways to slash £thousands off your Inheritance Tax Bill - where I show you ‘have your cake and eat it’ solutions which can solve your Inheritance Tax problem, without giving anything away - just complete this coupon, or call 01904 819788, Fax 01904 466206, email helen@pen-life.co.uk or order online at www.slash-your-iht.com
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Tel: 01904 819788 Fax: 01904 466206 Email: helen@pen-life.co.uk www.pen-life.co.uk Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Number 212972
Answers 1: Richard III, Kohima. 2: Great West Window of York Minster. 3: The Three Legged Mare, Thomas Herbert. 4: Circa 300AD, 1503, William Etty. 5: St Mary’s. 6: Multiangular Tower – it’s medieval, 5° 5’ 12”, William Etty – in the archway of the ruins. 7: Dam Judi Dench Walk. 8: 500 years, crossed keys, 6.20, Queen Victoria’s V.
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Sport report
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Each month Dan delivers his thoughts on local, national, and international sporting clashes. Pray silence. Not since Celebrity (a term I use loosely) Big Brother 2005, in which Mrs Stallone made an appearance, have we heard the words “yeah, Jackie” so much. But that all changed when Jackie McNamara was appointed the new York City manager, replacing Russ Wilcox in the hot seat. I did say in my column last month that November was a cursed month for managers of the Minster men, but to be honest I think even Mystic Meg from the 90s National Lottery show could have foreseen that Wilcox was running out of games. In fairness, Wilcox did the job he was brought into do; keep York City in the football league. But when the team a year on from your appointment aren’t really any further forward and your entertainment value is on a par with Citizen Khan, it is a foregone conclusion. Wilcox needn’t had worried about his next job as bizarrely some bookies were quoting him as 16/1 to be the next York City manager, just days after he was sacked! Shows how much research they had done, especially when they had Gary Neville as an outside bet when there was more chance of a non-doping Russian athlete.
Local news stories The York City Knights Foundation are proud to announce they are taking part in the flagship Sky Try initiative, which is a ground breaking new partnership between the Rugby Football League and Sky. Sky Try is the biggest ever programme of Rugby League opportunities to target schools and will see over 700,000 more children and young people have fun, get active, grow in confidence and enjoy Rugby League. Sky Try also supports the development of ever closer links between Rugby league Foundations, community clubs, and schools. With the York City Knights Foundation Sky Try will see over 2500 young people across the area benefit from high quality coaching and festival opportunities. Neil Gulliver, Foundation Manager, said: ‘We are delighted to be part of Sky Try and recognise the massive difference this programme will make in schools, community clubs, and to the lives of young people. We are proud to be selected as part of this initiative and look forward to seeing the impacts this will have in both Primary and Secondary schools across York and the surrounding areas.” For more information on Sky Try in York please contact Neil Gulliver, York City Knights Foundation Manager, on 767404 or neil@ycknights.co.uk
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Jackie McNamara certainly has his work cut out to salvage this season, but as work has tentatively started on the new stadium perhaps this is the line in the sand and City fans can see the club move towards safety. December home games are against Morecambe on 19th December, and then the Boxing Day festive fixture against Northampton Town. Sadly there is no FA Cup Third Round to look forward to after a narrow 3-2 defeat at Accrington in Round One (McNamara’s first game in charge), and such is York City’s bad luck in the cups, when I started writing this column they were 1-0 up at Barnsley in the Johnstone’s Paint Trophy Quarter Final, but when I finished they had lost 2-1. Things can only get better.
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Game on
that was the year that was… So another sporting year comes to a close. 2015 was the year that England celebrated holding the biggest Rugby event in the world, but seemingly forgot to come to the party. No one could deny New Zealand of their place at the top of the tree and anyone who plays Rugby to a high standard gets my respect. My memories of Rugby from school are wearing an itchy reversible PE top, and that receiving the ball was like holding a ticking time bomb (only it wouldn’t explode but instead someone three times your size would take great pleasure in getting the ball off you despite a “here, have it” gesture from me). A local highlight this year was certainly Yorkshire retaining the county championship; a fantastic achievement and even sweeter for Captain Andrew Gale who was controversially stopped from lifting the trophy last year. In fact Yorkshire had a further influence on my other highlight; winning back the ashes, as Joe Root’s brilliance played a significant part in achieving the series win. Adam Lyth, Johnny Bairstow, and Gary Balance also contributed. It’s good to see Adil Rashid also getting his chance at International level with a steady performance in England’s recent tour defeat to Pakistan.
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Events return in 2016. To book, visit www.madeinyork.biz
York Chamber Events To book visit www.yorkchamber.co.uk York Property Forum 1st December. Royal York Hotel. Chamber Christmas Lunch 11th December. Royal York Hotel. Chamber Carol Service 14th December. All Saints Chutch, Pavement.
Executoy USB Fridge. If you are constantly fighting over space in the office fridge, with receptionist Brenda’s huge salad bowls and sporty Miguel’s ridiculous protein shakes monopolising the shelves, get your own. The USB Fridge plugs directly into a USB port on your computer and is big enough to hold a can of soft drink, or even a small carton of milk. Perfect for lone wolves who really don’t enjoy the social experience that is the office kitchen, or amateur “scientists” who like to keep their newly concocted eternal youth serums nice and cool and handy. Those things are worth billions. You don’t want Brenda drizzling that over her salad. n £14.99 from www.iwantoneofthose.com
yorkoperahouse). This year the theatre is staging Jack and the Beanstalk. National Railway Museum (@
railwaymuseum). The NRM, hosting a panto? Yep, The Theatre Royal’s Dick Whittington will be staged there. Joseph Rowntree Theatre (@jrtheatre).
The Rowntree Players present Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Stephen Joseph Theatre, Scarborough
(@thesjt). Enjoy a performance of Hansel & Gretel by the Stephen Joseph Theatre Company. Oh, and while you’re online remember to follow us! We’re @LocalLinkYork.
York and Wetherby based solicitor firm Ware & Kay have just gained some festive weight. Pearsons & Ward Solicitors of Malton have recently merged with the York company, coming under the umbrella of the Ware & Kay Solicitors Group. For clients of Pearsons & Ward it will be business as usual with the team continuing to provide their distinctive blend of legal expertise from the Malton office, with the added benefit of having access to the wider knowledge of the solicitors in both York and Wetherby. n Find out more about the newly enlarged company at www.warekay.co.uk
A merry merger
Post modern Cards and pressies at the ready! Here are the all important last post dates for Christmas. International 27th Nov: Airmail to operational Armed Forces 10th Dec: Australia, New Zealand 11th Dec: Airmail to static Armed Forces 15th Dec: Canada, USA 16th Dec: Ireland
The North Pole Be sure to send your letter to Father Christmas by 6th December, to... Santa/Father Christmas, Santa’s Grotto, Reindeerland, XM4 5HQ
Inland 19th Dec: Second Class 21st Dec: First Class 23rd Dec: Special Delivery
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york life
A super-fabulous +
“OMG; IT’S CHRISTMAS. I COULD HAVE SWORN IT WAS JUST BONFIRE NIGHT!” We hear you cry. Don’t worry here at YLL HQ we had the exact same thought.
So fear not, here is an affordable yet brilliant guide to buying a really (REALLY) cool present for any person, of any age.
Hardware Shoe Shine Kit Make em shine. Asos | £14.99 www.asos.com
Wild & Wolf Harmonica The sweet sound of music. Debenhams | £6 www.debenhams.com
Smartphone Projector Projects up to 8x the size of your phone screen! Online | £15.95 www.iwantoneofthose.com
Hot Chocolate Gift Set Chocoholic? Whittard | £20 www.whittard.co.uk
A Colouring Book Adventure Colouring is for grown ups too you know! Millie Marotta | £3.99 www.amazon.co.uk
Safari Finger Puppets Hours of storytelling. The Gift Oasis | £2.99 www.thegiftoasis.com
Planetarium Kit For the older kids. Toys R Us | £10.99 www.toysrus.co.uk
Fox Onesie SO cute. John Lewis | £20 - £24 www.johnlewis.com
Jewels Trinket Box When gifting treasures, remember the chest. John Lewis | £20 www.johnlewis.com
Chocolate Pen Let the little ones eat their words. Smyths | £19.99 www.smythstoys.com unicorn gin Liquer Magical mothers ruin... Firebox | £39.99 www.firebox.co.uk
york life
Make your Own Pizza Kit The possibilities are endless. YUM! £12.99 iwantoneofthose.com GOLD ICOSAHEDRON MUG Brew lovers: done. Lotte Inch Gallery, York | £15
GIN CUFFLINKS from Tatty Devine Add a little quirk to someone’s glad rags. Lotte Inch Gallery | £30
Splashing OUT?
LADIES’ SOUTHAMPTON ROSE The ultra-thin casing and interchangeable strap on this eggshell white dial ladies’ watch make it super adaptable. York Rose Gold Brown Leather Strap Featuring a stylish brown textured leather strap and Daniel Wellington’s signature branding, this classic timepiece defines quintessential British design. Time Out, York | £129 - £179 | Call 01904 626949
The future is now so buy this stuff.
Lumie Bodyclock Starter. Having difficulty getting out of bed during the cold dark winter mornings? This could help. The Lumie Bodyclock Starter is a uniqie alarm clock that wakes you up with light, not ear-splitting sounds. Set the alarm and thirty minutes before you are due to wake the Boadyclock will start to gently glow, getting brighter and brighter until you wake up. This is suppose to mimic dawn sunlight and boost your body’s production of cortisol, the wakey-wakey hormone. A brilliant idea... but not if you’re blind. Lets just get that out there right now. n £59.99 from www.lumie.com
TOP five Smartphone Apps Jurassic World: The Game. The official mobile game based on this summer’s epic action-adventure movie. Peppa’s Paintbox. Peppa’s Paintbox is a drawing application designed specially for Peppa Pig fans.
DxO ONE Connected Camera. Sometimes dissapointed by your smartphone’s camera, especially in low light? What you need is an add-on to turn your phone into a super effective proffesional photography device. The DxO ONE Connected Camera clips onto the side of your iPhone and features a one-inch wide 20.2 megapixel lens, supberb for soaking up as much light as there is. This means that the photos you take with it are crisper and don’t have that blurry night-time quality to them. Perfect if you’re out and about in the garden this month, searching for reindeer. They’re nocturnal. We think. n £449 from www.dxo.com
Spirit Level. Always be able to answer the question ‘Is that level?’. You will be a god.
Kano. A computer you build yoursefl? Surely you need an computer engineering degree or be one of those clever kids from 80s sci-fi films? Not so, as anyone can build the Kano, a tiny computer based upon a Raspberry Pi motherboard, with included keyboard, speaker, and other cool accessories. Designed for kids to help get them programming (because all jobs will be programming-based in the future) the Kano allows them to create hardware as if they were playing with LEGO, then make software which will be the next billion dollar app. Kids these days, eh? n £119.99 from www.kano.me
Stellarium Mobile Sky Map. Stellarium Mobile Sky Map is a fullyfeatured planetarium for your phone. That Level Again. A small logic game where all levels are the same but ways to win are not.
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For under £20!
Papa Bear Screwdrivers. It’s a cute bear
that is also a screwdriver set. This is all the information you require. Now move on please. n £14.99 from www.firebox.com
hot gadgets
Wood iBed Lap Desk. A comfortable
little desk for your tablet and coffee cup while you lounge back in bed. 9am starts are for unremarkable people, after all. n £14.99 from www.iwantoneofthose.com
Kickstart this...
We check out a gadget currently seeking funding on Kickstarter.com Hudway Glass. This innovative little
smartphone accessory turns your phone into a car’s heads-up display, projecting all the information you need such as speed and navigation, right there before your eyes, without causing a distraction. We think this is really cool and could save lives by limiting the amount of time your eyes are turned away from the road ahead. And, y’know, you’ll feel like a fighter pilot.
york life
ASK THE BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS EXPERT With Rupert Waddington How to grow your mailing list - PLUS new in-house content marketing training! Content marketing is all about building relationships with potential customers. As you add them to your mailing list, you begin sending them relevant content that will nudge them further down your sales funnel. But you need something to lure them onto that mailing list first – your free download.
packed with tax tips – they’re so dull! Be original and offer something practical that will get plenty of use – a household budgeting guide or savings planner for a big holiday.
You see, blogging and tweeting can be a vanity exercise – simply getting your name out there. To increase business you eventually need to progress the relationship from this public arena to the direct ‘personal’ email approach – hence the mailing list.
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So, think about your business and your customers. What do you have in common that really fires up their interest? What free eBook or report can you offer that they will really value? What will convince them to trade their contact details with you? Remember, as with all content your aim is to reach out into their world, talk about their interests and concerns – and not to bore them with thinly-veiled promotional messages. In fact, the more imaginative you can be, the better… So, perhaps you sell health foods and want to expand your mail order list? Why not offer an illustrated eBook with a dozen super-food recipes? Or perhaps you are an accountant and want to attract private clients for key annual services? Don’t follow the herd and offer yet another eBook
And once you have created your free download content, you will need a landing page (a mini website or a page on your own site) and use blogs, tweets and other devices to drive traffic there. You see, your content should all be planned, written and published according to one cohesive strategy. And that’s where I can help you… From January 2016 I will be offering in-house training to help you devise simple content strategies and to improve your style of content. Email me now if you’re interested as the waiting list is already growing.
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this season’s must have toys
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Top 5 xmas toys
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All the best to the Special Care Baby Unit
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Proud to be associated with these great wards.
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All the best to the Children’s Ward
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‘Best Wishes to everyone staying in Hospital this year’
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Good luck to the Special Care Baby Unit.
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s s s s s s s s s s a m t s s Chrisssssssssss
Seasons greetings one and all! We’re feeling all warm and gooey about Christmas this year and super excited about all the tree-decorating, pressie-opening, turkeydevouring action. But what we’re most excited about is the opportunity to give over a whole section of the magazine to highlight a really important group of people who all work even harder than Santa at this time of year.
This Christmassy supplement is a shout-out to the doctors, nurses, staff, and volunteers of York Hospital’s Special Care Baby Unit and Children’s Ward, thanking them for all their hard work. We’ll be taking a look behind the scenes to find out what goes on at those two very special places, looking back over the past year there, and also having a tonne of fun with puzzles, games, and festive silliness. With all that, the wee ones should be kept happy right up until the big day itself.
f Contents f news from the ward..... 45 all about santa............. 47 top 5 toys. ...................... 49 your special christmas story............................... 50-51
SCBU (or, the Special Care Baby Unit) is the purpose-built department near to the maternity ward that helps newborn babies who might be ill or who were born prematurely. Up to 15 babies are cared for at any given time, receiving constant, round-the-clock care from highly trained medical staff, volunteers who give their time selflessly, and of course mums, dads, brothers, and sisters who can visit at any time. A huge team help to give these struggling wee
bairns the best possible start in life, including doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, social workers, and pharmacists. All this happens at a big cost, and the unit is constantly looking for help and donations from the public. .
the children’s ward
With up to 25 children at any one time, Ward 17 (or the Children’s Ward) can be a lively place. Babies, children, and
teenagers are all cared for there, with facilities available for all the many different ages of patients. There is a large play area at the end of the ward, filled to the brim with toys and games, and also a special teenage room complete with DVD player and video games.The Children’s Ward is also where you might meet a very special and
unique group of hospital staff. The Play Team are a dedicated unit that devote all their time to keeping the children happy and relaxed. They play games, sing songs, and organise fun and distracting activities, as well as being on hand to help comfort any children going through difficult and upsetting times.
First hand foot experience The Children's Ward is a great place... trust us, we know. Last summer our writer Howard's two year old son got a shard of wood embedded in his foot and he had to take him to the hospital. He tells us about their experiences. “Being stressed, tired, hungry, thirsty, and in pain aren't great things for a two year old to go through, but our brief time spend on Ward 17 was actually
lots of fun. Once my son had gotten through the ordeal of being X-rayed and prodded and poked by the doctors, getting to the Children's Ward was a big relief for him. “The staff were great and very reassuring, making us both feel at ease. Despite the pain in his foot, my son practically dashed off into the play area and promptly started to clean the ward with a toy
vacuum cleaner. His little operation was quick and relatively stress-free, allowing us to be on our way with all the information we needed. Taking your child to the hospital is never something anyone likes to do, but at least we all know the staff of Ward 17 are fully on the ball.”
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Step in the right Direction
Oh baby!
If you thought everything in a hospital that helps patients to get better must have been designed by a team of scientists, who all nod in unison at their creations, think again. It seems that normal people can also get involved in helping out, regardless of age or experience. Certainly the Child Development Centre discovered that when they were approached by 17 year old design student Hannah Whitehouse. For an A Level project at St. Peter’s School, Hannah was looking to sink her creative teeth into something that would really help people, and so paediatric physiotherapist Katie Graver gave her the challenge of creating an adjustable set of steps especially made for children undergoing physiotherapy rehabilitation. Hannah designed a unit with adjustable handrails to cater for children of different heights, non-slip laminate steps, and wipe clean handrails. The steps are already in use helping patients on a daily basis, with Katie saying: “The children love it. There is even a buzzer for patients to ring as a reward when they get up the stairs, which works really well!” Well done Hannah!
If we were to say ‘baby simulator’ to you, you might imagine a really bizarre video game involving virtual poopy nappies. But think of one in a hospital setting and it suddenly makes more sense. The ‘SimBaby’ is a lifelike manikin that can be used to replicate emergency situations so that staff can gain valuable experience of treating babies. Like a real baby, the SimBaby breathes, cries, and can be programmed to imitate a fit or
to replicate a serious illness such as meningitis. In June the York Teaching Hospital Charity’s annual charity ball at The Royal York Hotel saw guests dig deep and donate a whopping £23,930, enabling the charity to purchase the high-tech simulator. This important piece of equipment is now in use providing life-saving training skills for staff involved in the care of children throughout the hospital.
Weighing in
'He ain't heavy... he's my baby!” We'll tell you what are heavy, though – scales. Thankfully the community midwives in York were recently presented with ten new sets of lighter baby weighing scales, thanks to the generosity of the Friends of York Hospital. Michala Little, Community Midwife Manager, said: “The new
digital scales are much lighter and easy to use which makes a big difference for our midwives as they go from home to home visiting patients. It makes our job that bit easier having some nice new equipment and we’re very grateful.” So, how heavy were you when you were born?
We hear from York Hospital’s Labour Ward Manager Tricia Fowler about very special festive bundles of joy The birth of a baby is special at any time of the year, but at Christmas it takes on even more significance. The focus of Christmas for many people is around birth, so we feel very privileged to welcome the Christmas babies onto the ward. It feels even more of a celebration at such a unique time. We have a special cot for the first Christmas Day baby as it’s is always an occasion. Everyone wants to know about the Christmas baby and it’s been a
tradition of the local press for many years to report on how many babies were born, whether the first baby is a boy or a girl and to come and take a picture.
One Christmas tradition that tends to go by the wayside on the ward is the Christmas lunch. It’s a low priority for the midwives if it’s busy – most staff will have their Christmas lunch at another time. And the mums in labour are not too bothered about their roast turkey!
The arrival of babies is so unpredictable staff can never be sure how busy they will be on any given day. Last year seven babies were born on the ward on Christmas Day but in previous years it’s been as high as 11. The one guarantee is that whatever time of day or night the dedicated midwives will on hand supporting mums-to-be as they do every other day of the year. It’s an honour and a special time to be present at the birth of a baby so it makes for an extra special Christmas Day for the midwives too!
Alan Kitson
PAINTING & DECORATING Best wishes to everyone at the Children’s Ward For a professional, reliable and tidy job please contact Alan on: 07801 346218
Alf Bristow
Joiners, Builders & Roofing Contractors
All the best to the staff and patients this Christmas
Call Neil 07984 382595 Call Alf 07951 824177/01904 794984
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Wait... there’s two of them!?!
Think you know who it is that brings you presents on Christmas Eve? Think again. So... Santa Claus or Father Christmas? What do you call the magical and jolly chap that squeezes down your chimney (or lets himself in with his magic key) once a year? Does it really matter? Well, yes... BECAUSE THEY ARE TWO SEPARATE PEOPLE!!! Well, so history tells us.
The legal Claus
As we all know, Santa Claus' first job was as a saint. Saint Nicholas, as he was then called, came from the third century in Turkey, and was known for his charitable deeds, especially where children are concerned. In the following years Nick became known as the patron saint of children and sailors, and his feast day, 6th December, was considered a lucky day to make big purchases. But when the reformation hit, and the catholic celebration of saints was frowned upon, it was the Dutch and their beloved Sinter Klaas (Saint Nicholas) who continued the tradition of having a party in December in his honour. Dutch immigrants took
these traditions to America in the late 18th century, and in the following decades the celebration of Santa Claus (the Anglicised version) really took off. The 1823 poem 'A Visit from Saint Nicholas' by Clement Clarke Moore (“'Twas the night before Christmas...”) nailed down the idea that it was the saint who brought you presents on Christmas Eve, and also that he used magical reindeer. And because America makes things famous, this is now the Christmas image most of us adhere to. But...
Big daddy
a bit awkward, we went a different way. As we said above, the worship of saints became unpopular after the reformation and this was further encouraged by republican puritans such as Oliver Cromwell. To the Parliamentarians of the 17th century there was no such thing as Christmas (what?!? Bloody Roundheads!) as it symbolised debauchery and excess, which the Royalists would use to make their opponents seem austere and no fun. Songs and cartoons were published about people searching for a mythical figure, the embodiment of the holiday, often referred to as Old Christmas or Lord Christmas. A large and jolly bearded man became associated with adult celebrations, and it wasn't until the mid-Victorian era when Father Christmas became increasingly merged with Santa Claus, that the notion of him giving children gifts was introduced.
What's in a name? Father Christmas isn't based on Saint Nicholas. No, sorry fellow Englanders, but to continue our country's great tradition of having to be different and
Man of letters All this talk of awesome pressies has got us thinking... do you actually know how to address your letters to Father Christmas? Contrary to what might have heard, tearing up the letter and dropping it into the fireplace doesn’t work (no, that method is used to summon magical floating nannies). You have to write a real address! Once you’ve completed your letter to the big man himself, pop it in an envelope and write...
Father Christmas, Santa’s Grotto, Reindeerland XM4 5HQ ...on it. That is Santa’s actual postage address he has worked out with Royal Mail. BUT... be sure to do so by 6th December so he has time to reply. With billions of children writing him letters each year the busy guy is rushed off his feet.
So no matter what you call him, he's basically the same chap these days. We tweeted big Santy C for his take on all this historical mumbo-jumbo, and to see a copy of his birth certificate (which we assume they had in the third century), but he's yet to get back to us.
sleigh tracker 2015
on the big guy Keen to keep an eye on Christmas Eve? ebsite We know just the w American Aerospace NORAD, the North e on not only keeps an ey Defence Command, No, and UFOs (maybe). aeroplanes, missiles to keep US military also like the top brass of the t oms around the plane tabs on Santa as he zo to m 1st December go on Christmas Eve. Fro nta is, .org to see where Sa www.noradsanta ere g off on the 24th. Th with things really kickin s, ark ing over famous landm are videos of him fly to and info you’ll need as well as all the alerts t. ee str ur yo s over spot him as he passe y such a serious wh ng eri nd wo If you’re nks D does this, its all tha organisation as NORA s a department store to a typo. In the 1950 en posters inviting childr in Colorado printed g on wr the t pu nly stake to “call Santa”, but mi t called they actually go number. When kids Air Springs’ Continental through to Colorado sed and a bunch of confu Defence Command t to the guys decided no soldiers. Fortunately s of kids who called, disappoint the hundred parent m data on Santa’s ap and instead gave the started from there. position. The tradition
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A Winter Festival on Ice with Acomb’s first mobile rink!
st sought-after toys this mo , fun st mo st, tte ho e th e ar ese Th Santa? Christmas. Are any in your letter to
Pie Face (£19.99). Great to see a good old fashioned family game listed amongst this year’s most popular Christmas presents... that is if you consider slapping cream in your sister’s face good old fashioned fun. That is basically the aim of Pie Face, a game where everything you need is included with the exception of a can of squirty cream. Load the hand up with cream, twist the handles, and if you’re lucky it won’t slap you in the face.
My Little Pony Style & Groom (£24.99). Favourite My Little Pony? Sure Twilight Sparkle has got the leadership qualities, and Rarity has the best taste in clothes, but we all really rave for Rainbow Dash. We mean, she can fly for God’s sake! If you’d love nothing better than styling Rainbow Dash’s hair after she’s completed a quick dash around the globe, this Style & Groom play-set is ideal. Kiddiwinks get a model of RD herself, complete with lovely long rainbow hair, and all the accessories, gems and stickers they could wish for.
LEGO Millennium Falcon (£129.99). It wouldn’t be Christmas without LEGO either, and this year the kids have been spoiled rotten by all the new Star Wars releases. The most sought-after has to be this whopping model of Han Solo’s spaceship the Millennium Falcon. Be aware it may take your kids slightly longer than Christmas morning to build – it’s made up of over 1300 parts! And look, a teeny tiny Harrison Ford minifigure with grey hair. Good to see Chewbacca hasn’t gone grey though. We wonder what hair dye he uses?
Nerf Modulus (£59.99). There’s usually a Nerf blaster in the top Christmas lists, and it’s no surprise why. We don’t know about you, but after being stuck with our extended family for an entire day, endlessly arguing over the last turkey leg, and bickering about the Queen (maybe she should listen to our speeches for a change!), we can see how shooting them with foam darts would be appealing. This year’s top weapon can be modified with different accessories, to make sure you accurately nail Uncle Peter between the shoulder blades, even as he runs away.
Real FX Racing (£99.99). Scalextric has always been a big hit with kids, especially at Christmas. We all have fond childhood memories of the sound of those little cars whizzing about the snap-together track. Well erase those memories you dinosaur, because model car racing is smart these days. With Real FX Racing there are no slots as the cars can ‘see’ the track, turning corners by themselves. You can also launch virtual obstacles at your opponents, like oil spills and pit stops, and can even race against cars that aren’t physically there thanks to the car’s artificial intelligence. No, we don’t understand it either. Still, vroom vroom!
There's definitely a nice Aroma around here, so why not give it a sniff? That is because Big Santy C himself will be making a couple of appearances at Aroma coffee shop in Haxby this month... but with a twist. One and all can come see the big chap on 12th and 19th December, 2-4pm, to give him a present - not the other way around! All the collected presents and gifts will then be donated to the Children's Ward at York Hospital, to bring a few smiles to poorly faces. And as well as the warm feeling you'll receive for doing this, there will also be a wee token of thanks for you from Santa. As if you needed any other reason to pop in to Aroma! n Visit www.aromahaxby.co.uk
Want more? Visit www.yourlocallink.co.uk 49
The d e t h g i r y p Co Christmas “
But why there, of all the places we could go?” “Aren't you curious?” Jake scratched his nose. “Not bothered. What about the jelly dimension, Uncle Dave? Everything is made out of jelly!” Dave flipped up the collar of his coat and pull out The Unit from his pocket. “Pah. It's rubbish, trust me.” He tapped in a few short commands before peering down at his young nephew. “Kids these days have forgotten the true meaning of Christmas. Not like back in my day.” “But you're just 16 years older than me.” “Shut it, Jake. Prepare to experience the real meaning of Christmas...” He thrust The Unit forwards and pressed The Button. A ripple of energy shot from the device and splashed like a giant droplet of water against the wall of the living room. Wallpaper, light fittings, and awkward photos of Jake's family were warped and pulled together as the portal slowly opened, blasting the pair with light, heat and a deafening roar. Over the tempest Dave shouted, “...prepare to travel to The Christmas Dimension!” He darted forwards and dived into the swirling red vortex. Jake watched and took a deep breath. It wasn't the first time he had crossed dimensions with his
uncle, and it certainly wouldn't be the last (not according to the 60 year old version of himself he once met in Dimension 338), but the sight of the spinning chasm still filled him with dread. But he remembered what his Uncle had once told him about fear: “It's just chemicals and electricity in your brain. Your feet can't get scared”. And so, Jake let his feet be brave for him and he started to walk towards the lapping false fires of the portal. Within seconds... he was gone.
Merry Chrinkcroz!” declared one of the elves. “All inter-dimensional travellers this way please, past the gift shop. Minimum one purchase mandatory.” Jake dusted himself off. “What did that guy just say? Merry what?” Dave sighed with annoyance. “Merry Chrinkcroz, obviously. Look, I know we call this place the Christ... the...” he coughed, “...dimension, but actually that word is copyrighted and can only be used by license-holding individuals. Which we're not. So don't say it, got it?” Jake nodded and followed as the pair were ushered through the gift shop (he bought a red hat with JINGLE BELLS© ETC embroidered on it) and through a large set of gates. “Right,” declared Dave as they reached a crossroads, “Cracker Canyon is that way, Tinsel Town is down there... no Jake, not that Tinsel Town... and the Crippling Debt Dales are on the other side of High Cholesterol Close .”
“You!” Barked a burly elf, matching towards them. “Papers, please!” Jake gulped. “I don't... erm... I mean, I don't have...” “You idiot,” said Dave, as another of the elves marched over to him. “No license,” barked the elf, now handcuffing Jake, “so off to the gingerbread prison with ya!” “Ginger... bread...” stuttered Jake. “It's not as nice as it sounds,” said Dave as they were both led away.
he cell was dank and dark. The gingerbread walls were encrusted with mould and as hard as concrete. Distant screams echoed down the corridor beyond the bars which were actually a tangled mess of dud fairy lights. “You can try to entangle them if you want,” said Dave, fiddling with something in his pocket, “but you'll never do it.” “Who is that screaming?” asked Jake. “Probably one of the Easter Bunny's minions. Emperor Christmas is at war with the Easter Dimension.” “Emperor who?” Just then, Jake noticed what his uncle was doing. “Of course, The Unit! You can use it to get us out of here!” “Nah,” uttered Dave, holding the portal device up and pressing several buttons on it. “We're right where we need to be. This cell is forty two floors directly beneath the Emperor's throne room. Stand back.” Jake did so, and Dave pointed The Unit to the cell's ceiling. He pulled the trigger and a bright
“Merry Chrinkcroz!” Jake looked around. Apart from the intimidating elves, the only other people was a tired looking bunch coming the other way. “Uncle Dave,” he said, “this place isn't very, well... Christmassy.” A claxon sounded. Red and green lights flashed. Dave span around to Jake, mouth wide open. “I told you not to say...”
green burst of energy shot upwards, burning a large hole through the rotten gingerbread and continuing upwards, floor after floor. Dave watched the energy as it got further and further from them, higher and higher through the building they were in. After a few seconds... “Bingo! Seriously, stand back.” Jake heard another distant cry, but this one got louder and louder, closer and closer, until WHAM!
A red object crashed down onto the cell floor. Jake approached the large red blob and was startled when it gave a groan. “What just..?” it rumbled, turning over. Jake saw a dirty grey beard and what looked like a pink pulsating nose. “Jake,” said Dave, “allow me to introduce Emperor Christmas.” “Not you again,” the blob – the Emperor – said, pulling himself to his large feet. He looked like a balloon with a face and beard. Jake had never seen a person so huge and round before, but clearly his uncle had. “Yep, it's me again fatso. Got myself arrested to get close to you. Wanted my nephew to see what you were really like.” Emperor Christmas slowly turned and peered at Jake, foul breath spilling from his matted beard. “But... but this isn't Santa,” said Jake, stepping back. “No way!” “Not what you expected?” grumbled the huge man, glancing up to the hole in the ceiling. And the one above that. And the one above that. Startled elves peered down at them from various floors above. “No,” said Jake. “Santa is kind. And jolly. And doesn't arrest people for saying Christmas.” The big man winced to hear the word said so casually. “It's business, lad. Lot of money in Christmas these days. You can't just go around being jolly and festive and not expect a bill at the end of it all. You think jolliness comes cheap?” Jake stood agape. Finally he said, “Jolliness is free. You know, if you're jolly and happy and kind. Christmas...” “Oi!” shouted one of the elves watching them from a floor several stories up.” “Christmas...” said Jake, louder, “... is magical and
exciting all by itself. It shouldn't cost you anything. Except a few smiles and hugs.” “Ha, this kid!” laughed Dave. “You think smiles and hugs paid for that Nerf blaster your mum and dad have got you? It's under the tree. I opened it earlier while you were in the toilet. I broke it, soz. Anyway, Christmas...” “Oi!” “...costs money. Lots of money. Think this huge palace came free?” He turned to the fat man. “I like what you've done with this dungeon, by the way.” “Thanks,” said Emperor Christmas.” Cost more than an African country. One of the good ones, as well!” “No!” shouted Jake, snatching The Unit from his uncle. “This is not Christmas!” “Oi!” “Christmas!” he shouted in retaliation. “Christmas, Christmas, CHRISTMAS!!!” He jabbed several of the buttons and pointed the device at the tangled fairy lights. A portal burst into being. “Come on Uncle Dave!” He jumped through and Dave casually followed, winking at the Emperor as he vanished.
hristmas Day at Jake's house was different that year. Jake's older sister declared the whole occasion “lame”, especially the part where they had to return all the presents they had bought and give home-made gifts instead. Still, his parents played along, slightly bemused by their son's change of heart. Their Christmas dinner plates were filled with vegetables they had bought from their neighbour's allotment, while the party hats were made from folded newspaper. Afterwards they took a plate of
food around to the old lady who lives on her own down the road, and watched the Queen's speech with her on TV. That evening, as his parents were happily settling down to watch The Great Escape, Jake visited his uncle in his flat above the garage, where he'd been the whole day. He found him tinkering with something plastic. “Uncle Dave?” Dave didn't turn around from his work bench. “You did that on purpose, didn't you?” asked Jake. “Taking me to that awful place.” Dave still didn't turn around, merely grumbling something under his breath. “You wanted me to realise what Christmas was truly about. Thanks Uncle Dave. Merry Christmas.” Jake turned and left. Dave removed the headphones blasting rock music from his ears. He hoisted Jake's broken Nerf blaster toy, now modified to shoot thunder clouds. “I am awesome,” he declared.
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Ray Webster
Painter & Decorator
An uber idiot
You’re being followed
All spy films involve a car scene where the heroes are being followed by a mysterious figure, but soon that could be every car journey you ever take. That is, however, if you purchase the crazy self-driving concept car from Rinspeed, the Etos, which features its own helicopter landing pad on the back. But before you fear that show-off race-goers will land on your car thinking it the Knavesmire on race day, the pad is actually for a miniature drone that flies around following the car, filming everything as it goes. Apparently, say Rinspeed, this is to capture any incidents that might happen to you while on the road, for the purposes of insurance claims. It can also be used to fly high above you to check the road ahead; pretty handy when you’re stuck in a traffic jam. Sounds great, but surely a better invention would be to put the drone’s flying capabilities into the car itself. It’s 2015 after all… Back to the Future assured us there would be flying cars by now.
That I t’ s just a car looks cozy
Obviously you guys are all lovely people, but if you were planning to commit armed robbery, you might not choose to hail a cab as a getaway car. However, that is basically what one Baltimore Did you have one man decided to do recently, after holding-up a of those Little Tikes Cozy Coupe plastic cars when local convenience store and making off with a you were a kid? Do your children have one now? If bundle of cash. Hoping for a swift and Police-free so, nostalgia might draw your attention to this very escape, 23 year old Dashawn Terrell Cochran rare and random eBay listing. Oxfordshire brothers used the smartphone ride-sharing app Uber to John and Geoff Bitmead are selling their life-sized, book a car to pick him up and drive him home, road-legal, fully-motorised version of the Cozy Coupe which the authorities immediately tracked and that they built in 2013. After travelling 5000 miles in it, pulled over. Along with Cochran the police also crossing the country to visit shows and charity events, arrested the driver of the car and an unnamed the mechanics are selling it to focus on other creative passenger… who both turned out to be totally projects. Fancy it? The current asking price is around innocent bystanders, simply using the app to get £20,000, so if everyone in the city and surrounding about Baltimore. As the app allows users to leave villages chipped in, that’s only 10p each! We could ratings of each other, we’re guessing that might take it in turns to drive it around and, just like real have been a one-star trip for Cochran. kids, we could fight over whose turn it is.
We realise that this is the motoring section, and that those poking their noses through these pages might be die-hard motoring fans, but this is just ridiculous. Going up for sale at Sotheby’s Auction House in New York this month is a rare Aston Martin DB4 GT Zagatos sports car, currently valued at £10 million! Ten million quid!?! For a car? Do you realise how big a house ten million could buy you, or how awesome a yacht you could have? Despite only 19 of the cars ever being built back in the sixties, and many motoring experts regarding it as “the greatest car of all time”, without the ability to time travel, or launch into space, we just can’t understand it costing that much. However, using the same number-crunching logic as the adult-size Cozy Coupe purchase, if we all chip in… just five quid each. We should band together more often, York. We’d own all the best stuff.
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winter motoring gift ideas Normally we pop in a few car maintenance tips here, but hey… it’s Christmas. AA Digital Tyre Pressure Gauge. Keep your tyres in tip-top
condition by ensuring they are the right pressure. n Around £15. Vehicle Servicing Steering
Engine Fault Diagnosis
General Mechanical Timing Belts & MOTs
Quilted Ice Scraper Glove. No
one likes to scrape the ice off their windscreens, especially when it’s freezing cold. This little beauty will help. n Around £10.
Traction Mats. Never get stuck
in snow again with these useful and grippy tyre mats. n Around £20.
Leather Driving Gloves. Cold steering wheel in the morning? These gloves will keep your mitts warm while making you look dead reet posh, like. What, what. n Around £25. 004 RC 0912 24/07/2012 17:11 Page 4
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your home & garden
Link Loves... Christmas
20 snowdrift Baubles Start with some gorgeous basics. • John lewis | £6 • www.johnlewis.com
Silver Angel Christmas Tree Topper Every tree needs an angel on top. • Not on The Highstreet £20 • www.notonthehighstreet.com
Luxury Silver Crackers You’ll find cute silver kitchen accessories inside these luxury crackers. • Marks & Spencer |£19.50 • www.marksandspencer.com
Embellished Finial, Treat yourself to the odd show stopper every now and again. • John Lewis | £6 • www.johnlewis.com
Grey glitter stag Stags are the epitome of winter wonderlands. • Paperchase £4.75 • www.paperchase.co.uk
Metallic Wreath Every tree needs an angel on top. • Marks & Spencer £29.50 • www.marksandspencer.com
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Chris Allan Tel: 07989 663243 or Copmanthorpe 01904 705704 Email: info@ca-architectural.co.uk www.ca-architectural.co.uk
Local Link 47mm x 62mm
Natural Owl Hanging Ornaments Three wise owls... • Very £12 • www.very.co.uk
your home & garden
Gingerbread garland decoration These little guys are just so cute! • Paperchase £6.00 •www.paperchase.co.uk
Keep it real
Aritificial trees are super practical, but not a lot beats the depth, smell and feel of a real one. There’s loads of Christmas tree providers in York including: • Wiggington Lodge • Dalby Forrest
• Deans Garden Centre • Browns nursery Look out for their adverts in the gardening section of this edition.
your home & garden
Christmas is the time to crank up that electricity bill and try and tempt some robin’s into your back garden. Here we can help you do both.
Reindeers everywhere Christmas wouldn’t be complete without Santa’s little helpers. Light the way with these fairy light reindeers. This reindeer is from White Stores for £39.95. Visit www.whitestores.co.uk
diy log candle holders
All you need is some sanding paper, tea lights, a saw and a drill. These log candle holders are super easy to make and look stunning. Place them in a porch or front window. Jeanne Chung
Festive bird feeders Encourage the robins over with these gorgeous home made bird feeders, they look adorable and are a fun activity to undertake with kids. You will need festive cookie cutters, bird feed, flour and gelatine. Instructions are vast on Pinterest. Good luck! (*www.pinterest.com)
Window box decorations
Deviate from the usual wreath and make window box displays instead, they’re a little bit more straight forward to make but have the same wow factor.
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it’s what’s on the inside...
Let your festive cheer shine out by decorating the inside of your windows. This way you won’t have to worry about shattering bulbs in the cold. This star set is from Argos for £9.99. Visit www.argos.co.uk.
your home & garden
High and mighty Where do you spend most of your time while at home? If you're anything like us, you're either cooking (and then eating) in the kitchen, or snoozing (and generally just lazing around) in the bedroom. Therefore shouldn't you make sure that those two rooms are exactly how you want them to be? No more ill-fitting furniture, and no more items from the 'everyone-has-this' catalogue. What you need are some High expectations. High Interiors is a family-run business that has been successfully creating beautiful bespoke furniture for more than 40 years. Their particular area of skill lays in the kitchen and the bedroom, and their many thousands of customers across the decades have enjoyed a professionally managed design and installation service where every step of the way is taken care of for you.
Christmas gift to yourself
High Interiors really want to help you this month! Place your order during December and Your Local Link readers will receive an exclusive 10% off their bill. Think of it as a special Christmas gift from High Interiors, one that will certainly come in handy at this time of year. So for a kitchen and bedroom that will amaze your guests this Christmas, take the High road n Visit www.highinteriors.co.uk or call 373031.
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your home & garden
Boiler worries? Act now! We don't mean to shatter your festive joy and excitement, but have you considered what your winter energy bill will be? If you've heard all the rumours about a long and cold winter, you might be set to turn that thermostat to high and leave it there until you see the Easter Bunny... but not only would that be horrendously expensive, are you actually sure your boiler could handle it? Time to call in the experts.
A hat and scarf for your home
Safe as
Solarwall, the energy specialists, can help. Right now they are singing from the chilly rooftops for all residents of York to be proactive in tackling increasing fuel bills, and the best way to do that is with a brand new and effective boiler and good insulation throughout your home. Right now Solarwall are offering 0% finance on a brand new A-rated boiler, and if you receive income-related
benefits, Solarwal can access funding to help you with the cost. What's more, all installations include free cavity wall insulation if your property needs it, to help bring those bills down even further! So a brand new boiler from at a massively reduced price, that will be cheaper and more efficient to run than your old one, and free insulation. Christmas has come early! Getting a brand new boiler to see you through the winter (and many winters after that) could be as easy as picking up the phone and chatting to Solarwall. While you’re at that, is your loft insulation up to scratch? While you're dragging down the Christmas tree consider this: could it be improved or thickened? Are all your pipes properly insulated to prevent them from freezing and causing an expensive mid-winter headache? Ensuring your home is well insulated could save you a whopping £200 in heating bills each year!
It isn’t something anyone wants to hear (especially not while decking the halls
In the know Solarwall is a longestablished company that has been helping York to keep warm and go green for decades. Now is the time to act to make sure your family stay snug and warm all winter long, without a sweat-inducing bill dropping onto your doormat at the end of it. n To find out more call 690824, or visit www.solarwall.co.uk
etc.) but burglaries increase at this time of year. The combination of darker, longer nights, and the fact that many of us have lots of expensive things sitting underneath the Christmas tree, creates perfect conditions for thieves. But help is at hand, to secure you, your family, and all that impending Christmas cheer. UK Red Security provides and installs the very latest in home security technology, from intruder
alarms, to automatic gates, fire alarm systems and CCTV. The accredited team can install a police and insurer approved burglar alarm system to your home this month, meaning the only people able to get into your house will be those you’ve invited for Christmas lunch (and, of course, Santa the night before). n Find out more at www.ukredsecurity.co.uk
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With Christmas just around the corner it amazes me just how quickly life flies by nowadays. It's due, in no small part I’m sure, to the fact that we are always connected to a smartphone, tablet, or laptop and perhaps have little time to stop and reflect on the important things that matter in life. Now I’m no life coach (whatever one of those is!) but I know that my time and that of my client’s is very valuable and I’m sure it makes us all very mad when we have to deal with call centres. I avoid call centres wherever possible as being left on hold for long periods of time when I could be doing something more useful is not good for my blood pressure. The length of time on hold would appear to be directly proportional to the size of the business and inversely proportional to the interest they have in customer service. I cannot speak to SKY TV any longer because I find that my teeth have become so firmly clenched with anger that by the time I speak to their poorly informed operative they can hardly understand a word I am saying.
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Keep calm and... So what’s the answer? You may have guessed where this is going already but I have found the best remedy is to choose smaller suppliers with local offices and staff who care about their customers and have time to answer queries without putting anyone on hold for three days. Now I have adopted this general selection policy I find that my life is immeasurably better and I have more time to reflect and consider such important questions as whether to go for the new iPhone or not… On behalf of the team here at Todd’s we all hope you enjoy your free time during the holidays and have a Very Merry Christmas! n Visit www.htodd.co.uk
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your home & garden
Ask Chris ...
Got a gardening question?
n If you have a question for Chris, please email info@yourlocallink.co.uk. Call Chris on 766266.
Chris Brown from Brown’s Nurseries can help Q. I would like to grow blueberries.
Could you offer me any advice please? A. The most widely grown blueberry is the Highbush type, 'vaccinium corymbosum' which in shape and habit is rather like a blackcurrant bush. However, blueberries can be allowed to develop more of a branched framework, since the wood is fruitful for several years. The dusky navy blue berries ripen from midsummer, so a sheltered, sunny site, and an open, well-ventillated bush are essential in cool climates for fruits
to ripen properly, though self-fertile blueberries will crop better if grown together to allow cross-polination. Highbush blueberries require acid soil with a pH of around 5.0, but can make successful container-grown shrubs, given only non-alkaline water and repotted every two to three years. They are attractive plants, particularly in autumn when their leaves turn golden, bright red, and orange. The principle of pruning is the same as blackcurrants, though wood will fruit well from one year old until at least
four years old, after which it should be removed in favour of younger, more productive growth. Prune in late winter when fruit buds are readily distinguishable: they are much fatter flower buds than the smaller leaf buds. The only pruning necessary in the first two years will be to encourage the formation of a strong, well-shaped, open-centred bush. Prune back shoots growing out horizontally and any weak growth, cutting to an upright shoot. You should then be rewarded by lots of nice fruit.
Makeovers & Maintenance A word from Chris at Christmas... T
his is a little tale about growing up with my family. Christmas for us was always hard work; picking vegetables for our stall on York market, and forcing bulbs and azaleas in our old nursery behind our farm in Wigginton. In the early 1900s my grandparents lived in an old railway carriage as our business was getting started. In those days making wreaths was always a family affair, with no televisions or radios...
just conversation. All the family had a job to do, just as they do today. It's a special job that has been handed down through the generations: picking moss, wiring this to the frames, and working round with binding wire so all the moss is a full circle. The next stage is to use florist stubb wire to attach holly to the wreath, giving you three different colours of green. You will find that the holly shines with its glossy green colour. We also add holly berries, ivy, and dried statice for nice bright colours, then finish off with pine cones. Ribbon can be added and strayed gold
or silver. We also makes crosses and blue spruce wreaths, but all decorated with naturally grown plants. We make them right up to Christmas, for doors and for graves, all with special meaning. Some are so nice that they make me cry, but the last one I make every year is saved for my granddad's grave in Wigginton church yard. It's the same as the one my father made for him each year, and though they are both no longer with us, they are forever remembered in my thoughts. From all of us at Brown's Nursery may I wish you a very Merry Christmas and happy New Year!
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Step into the ring Ever seen a beautiful Christmas wreath and wanted to make one yourself? The good news is that you don’t need to be a close personal friend of Father Christmas is order to do so, all you need is to ask an expert. Brown’s Nursery in Wigginton has been producing stunning wreaths for over 100 years, passing down the knowledge from generation to generation… and now to you. Their wreath making workshop will run on 2nd December, 2-6pm, along with a talk about Christmas family traditions. Check out Chris Brown’s column this month for a taster of how important wreath making is to his family, and also get along to the nursery for a whole host of Christmassy plants, baskets, and gifts. n Call 766266.
A true Winter Wonderland If your to-do list this month includes all the main York attractions and their various Christmassy offerings, how about adding one from a little further afield? Harlow Carr, just outside of Harrogate, is a gorgeous garden, café, and shop, maintained by the Royal Horticultural Society… and boy do they know how to do Christmas. Their Magic of Christmas events will take place 4th-6th, 11th-13th, and 18th-24th December, and include festive activities for the whole family. There will be stories with Santa where you can snuggle up for a classic Christmas tale, have a sing along and a story with the man himself, and (if you have been very good) receive a small gift. Also check out all the festive goodies in the shop, and take a stroll through the gardens, keeping an eye out for ‘Harlow Stars’. n Visit www.rhs.org.uk
Christmas Trees At Foss Feeds
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your home & garden
Good news (that really isn’t good news) According to scientists, by the end of the century spring will arrive three weeks earlier on average. If this news fills your horticultural heart with joy, to see the buds popping earlier from the ground, think again. The change, published in Environment Research Letters (you’re subscribed, right?) reveals that human-made climate change is to blame and it will pay havoc with everything, disrupting the life-cycles of amphibians, and confusing and endangering birds and small mammals. Also, if you think this climate change malarkey is a new thing, consider this: the forthcoming spring of 2016 will land 21 days earlier than the spring of 1945. Mind blown.
How big is your pond? Proud of your pond? We’re guessing you’re not quite as proud as one Rochester man, who almost completely destroyed his house building an enormous indoor aquarium. Martin Lakin loves his fish so much that he decided to extend his fish tank... dramatically. Ignoring warnings by architects that his house in Kent could collapse, Martin hallowed out the building and installed a 5000 litre aquarium, complete with 120 tropical fish. The tank is so big that, after completion and before the fish moved in, Martin’s son could happily swim around in it, popping his face up at the many viewing ports dotted about the house. The demolition work, materials, and specialist equipment haven’t come cheap either, and martin admitted to spending £140,000 on the tank, with projected annual running costs of £4000. Puts your gentle pond in the back yard to shame, doesn’t it? Still, at least you have your sanity.
Think of London and your beautiful northern mind might uncomfortably imagine smog, traffic, hordes of depressed commuters, and having to remortgage your house to afford a pint. But it seems that one stuck-up picturesque suburb in north London is battling noise and disturbances with inspiration from football referees. Residents of Hampstead Garden Suburb, where houses can cost as much as £35 million, could receive yellow and red cars posted through their letterboxes if they make noise while gardening. The Hampstead Garden Suburb Residents’ Association is urging people and builders to use old-fashioned manual garden tools like scythes and shears, as opposed to their modern and noisier counterparts. Residents who receive a coloured card on their doormat will know that the Association have their ever-watching eyes on them. Next year laughing will be outlawed, as will sneezing and eventually breathing. To celebrate the fact that we don’t live there, let’s all mow our lawns while listening to rock music and setting off fireworks.
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More news from ‘That London’
your home & garden
The Birds
J Farrow
Like a scene from Hitchcock’s masterpiece, residents of Rhos-on-Sea, north Wales, have been blighted by hundreds of birds attacking their properties. However, these winged nuisances haven’t been drawn by some mysterious force, but rather the bread crumbs of a defiant neighbour. 74 year old Brenda Hawkins (ha ha! HAWK-ins!) has recently been fined more than a £1000 for incessantly feeding local birds, causing havoc for her neighbours with constant dive-bombings and soiled washing lines. Clearly annoyed by the court summons, Brenda said: “I think pigeons are wonderful birds and they don’t make a mess. They cannot defecate when they are flying.” Maybe not Brenda, but they have to land to scoop up all the bread crumbs you’ve been chucking out your kitchen window. That’s probably when the pooing occurs.
Tree & Garden Services
Plant -lore Give us a kiss! Here are some facts about mistletoe. Merry Christmas you lusty lot! • Mistletoe grows as a parasite on other tress and shrubs. In fact, the common genus of ‘Phoradendron’ literally means ‘tree thief’. • The Anglo-Saxons noticed that mistletoe often grows where birds leave droppings. Hence the name: mistel means ‘dung’, and tan (early form of toe) means ‘twig,’ and so ‘dung-on-a-twig.’ Go on then, plucker up under that. • Why so much poo? Mistletoe kills the tree it is living on, so a forest infested with it will die earlier, producing hallow cavities for birds to roost in. More birds, more poo. Isn’t nature fascinating? • The white berries that mistletoe produces are toxic to humans, but favoured by many other mammal species when food is scarce. • Kissing under mistletoe dates back to the 15th century. These days we do it all wrong; you’re suppose to remove a white berry after each kiss. Once all the berries are gone, the twig loses its magical powers to grant luck. Doesn’t work on plastic versions.
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your home & garden
Christmas Houseplants Poinsettia
Poinsettia are merry little plants that are widely grown indoors. They are great at Christmas for their brightly coloured red, pink or cream bracts, and some varieties have cream and green variegated foliage. Poinsettias need bright light, but keep them away from strong sun and draughts, and they need a temperature of no less than 16°C (61°F). Water then very little. As a rule of thumb only water when the soil has begun to dry. Mist your plants regularly as the flowering life of plants is extended by humidity. The cold outdoor temperatures can damage the foliage in winter, wrap paper right around the top of the plant, or put it in a plastic bag, when transporting it home from the shop.
Wanting your Christmas decorations to look alive? Use ones that are actually alive then!
The showy, brightly colored flowers can be white, red, purple, and pink. Often marbled with silver, much of cyclamens’ charm comes from their intricately veined, heart-shape leaves. Cyclamens will continue to bloom happily for a few months after Christmas, but as each flower fades, remove the entire flower stalk from where it attaches to the tuber by giving it a sharp tug. New flowers will emerge from one of the many buds waiting just below the foliage. Keep it moist in a cool north-facing window. Temperatures of 16°C - 20°C (60°F - 68°F) and nights at 11°C- 13°C (50° to 55°F) are preferable. Avoid getting water directly on the tubers, which could cause them to rot; a safer method is to place each pot in a saucer of water for about five minutes,
The Azalea is available in pinks, reds, whites and a mix of colours. They are ideal for cool rooms in the house, preferring lower temperatures. Water it lots, and keep the compost moist. Azaleas should never be allowed to dry out as this will cause any unopened flower buds to fall prematurely. Care should be taken to avoid spraying the open flowers where possible. The plant will benefit from being placed in a shady position outdoors during the summer and then returned to the house before the frosts.
Hyacinth Bowl Arrangements
These usually contain no more than five Hyacinth bulbs. They have usually been specially prepared to make them produce their sweetly scented flowers during the festive period. They are best kept in a cool spot to prolong their flowering, and care should be taken not to over water the bulbs. When they have finished flowering they can be planted out in the garden as normal hyacinth bulbs.
n Dean’s Garden Centre, Stockton Lane, Stockton on the Forest, York Tel: 01904 400141
Quality Workmanship
your home & garden
Come dine with them
Horticultural fans will love the company at the annual Flaxton Gardening Club Christmas lunch, held at Flaxton Village Hall, 16th December. A great get-together for members of the club and for those interested in knowing more. n Email chamberspauline@sky.com
Choo choo choose these gifts Looking to decorate your home a bit differently this Christmas? Instead of the tired old plastic decorations from the supermarket (you know, the ones you bought five years ago) why not go for something unique and original? At the Poppleton Community Railway Nursery's two Open Days,
5th and 12th December, you will find a selection of tree and table decorations as well as a range of indoor wreaths, garlands and bowls of hyacinths. There will also be a range of winter bedding plants, perennials, shrubs and alpines for sale, 10am-3pm. So for a blooming marvellous Christmas, call 797623.
Bird is the word Although you might be keeping an eye out for flying reindeer this month, there are plenty other air-borne creatures to snag your interest. On 9th December the RSPB York local group will present an illustrated talk by photographer and bird expert Tom Lawson. Entitled 'Deserts of India', Tom's talk will be a fascinating presentation by this well-travelled bird enthusiast. Fly on down yourself to Temple Hall, York St. John University, for 7.30pm on the night, and to find out more call 492494.
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Tony Chalcraft gives us the lowdown on our gardens.
Grow Your Jobs for darker Own At this time of year many gardeners retreat indoors only to re-emerge at the first signs of spring. It’s tempting to huddle round the fire, but December, which usually has kinder weather than the early New Year, is a good time to start getting the plot prepared for next season. Digging now, before snow or frost makes it difficult, has advantages. If you have heavy soil December digging will allow frost to crumble the clods, giving a fine ‘frost tilth’ that should be easy to break down in the spring. Don’t dig if the soil is saturated or very light. Take it easy, but resist the temptation of a rotavator. These ‘puff up’ the soil which then slumps down after heavy rain. If you have fruit trees or bushes now is a good time to do some pruning. I’ll write more about this in future columns but here are a few basic rules.
For fruit trees:
• Don’t get carried away – too much pruning on a vigorous tree will simply make it grow more wildly next year • Make it a priority to remove dead and diseased wood • Avoid pruning plums and other stone fruit in winter as it can increase the risk of fungus disease for fruit bushes: • Only remove the old or fruited canes of summer fruiting raspberries and blackberries • Blackcurrants fruit best on young wood, so only take out about a third of the bush focussing on the older, darker wood • For gooseberries and red currants aim for an open-centred, ‘goblet’ shaped bush to make picking easier
december days
Cleaning greenhouses is another task best done now. Like me you may have some crops growing through the winter, but it’s still a good idea to remove any finished plants and have a good wash and brush up. This should include hosing the glass inside and out to remove all that accumulated gunk and improve light penetration. Don’t forget jobs that are easy to overlook. If you have water butts make sure they aren’t too full as ice can split even metal barrels. Pigeons can be a problem, especially on sprouts and broccoli. Put up nets hung on strong stakes well above the plants so they can’t sit on the top and peck through. If you are keeping crops in the ground such as carrots, parsnips or leeks, it can be a good idea to spread some straw to insulate them from frost – trying to extract parsnips for Christmas dinner from frozen soil isn’t much fun.
Most of all, December is a good time to plan for next year. And this is a job you can do indoors! If you buy seeds online or through catalogues there are often discounts to be had for early ordering. It’s also a good time to order new fruit trees and bushes before nursery stocks run low. It may be dark and dank outside, but the secret of good growing is looking forward and there’s no better time to do this than in December.
Learn About Fruit Pruning With Tony Chalcraft Sat Jan 16th Pruning Soft Fruit Sat Jan 23rd Pruning Tree Fruit Both sessions 10.30-12.30 in Acomb Small groups with an opportunity for hands on pruning. £10 per person
for each session
n For further information or to book phone 01904 781691
Now that festive preparations are well underway, we've got a cracking tip for you... but be quick, as it's happening soon. The Brunswick Organic Nursery will be holding their Christmas Fair on 28th November, 11am-4pm, at the centre in Bishopthorpe. Those looking for gift inspiration will be well catered for at the fair, as a bumper crop of greeting cards, wrapping paper, and craft activities awaits them. The organic cafe will be stocked to the brim with all manner of tasty treats, and the shop will be the perfect place to snag a gift for that person who always seems difficult to buy for. All that, and you get to spend a few hours with some lovely people and learn about the great work they do all year round. n Visit www.brunswickyork.org.uk
f Hard and Soft Landscaping - Patios, Raised Borders, Turfing & Paths. Garden clearances & tidied, fruit tree pruning, treework, snow clearance & gritting
your home & garden
Going green for Christmas
Busier than Santa
Think things just come grinding to a halt in nature during December? Surprisingly the natural world doesn't recognise Christmas at all, tending instead to just get on with life as normal. To that end The Friends of Rawcliffe Meadows are powering on too, helping to preserve the site of special scientific interest by the river in Clifton... and they need your help. Put down those mince pies and get along to the nature reserve on 6th December to help the friendly volunteers to plant hazel saplings in Cricket Field Copse. Bringing your own spade or trowel would be helpful, as well as wrapping up against the winter chill. n To find out more about the great work the friends do, visit www.rawcliffemeadows.wordpress.com
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your family
It’s not unusual
family news
What should ours be called? The UK and Australia have a lot in common. Despite the fact that we’re both a part of the Commonwealth, have a shared history, language and culture, and the fact that you might have family living over there (or be Australian yourself living over here), we ask you this: do you take Australia seriously? For decades now Australia has marketed itself as a fun place to be; a place where shrimps meet barbies, corks dangle lazily from wide-brimmed hats, and curved sticks always come back when thrown. If you think we’re being awfully reductive there, consider the news that Australia is currently deciding whether or not to change the name of its currency, currently called the ‘dollar’, to ‘dollarydoos’. Seriously. Fans of The Simpsons might recognise the reference. In a 1995 episode of the animated sitcom the currency from down-under was jokingly called
dollarydoos, but thanks to a recent campaign our colonial cousins are considering making the joke a reality. Writing on the change.org website, campaigner Thomas Probst said, “Due to global commodity prices plummeting, the Australian economy is struggling. That’s why we need something to stimulate the Australian economy and that something is changing the name of the Australian currency to ‘Dollarydoos’. This will make millions of people around the world want to get their hands on some Australian currency due to the real-life Simpsons reference, driving up the value of the Australian currency.” Your Local Link backs this 100%. However, it does beg the question: if Yorkshire becomes independent as many would like to see happen, what should our currency be called?
Do your kids like Tom Jones or The Beatles? Maybe not, but have they ever signalled for help during a long car journey and brought an armed police response unit down on your car? No? Well, that exact thing happened to a family in Germany recently, when their 15 year old son, sick of having to listen to his parent’s choice of music (what’s wrong with Tom and the Fab Four, eh?), wrote ‘Help’ on a scrap of paper, along with the car’s
registration number, and dropped it out of an open window. Its seems the car behind the family thought the note might have been important, so pulled over, read what appeared to be a cry for help, and called the police. A few minutes later the road had been blocked and armed police forced the car to stop, fearing a kidnapping. Needless to say the misunderstanding was soon realised, but by crikey we’d hate to be in that young lad’s shoes...
ear plugs at the ready If you have children you’ll know how damn loud they can be. From the squeals of excitement of having friends ‘round, to the screams of agony when they fall over – kids are blooming loud. But if you think your ears have been assaulted as much as they can possibly handle,
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Think your family is dysfunctional? Here’s some facts about The Simpsons.
Oh dear.
It took just two days for composer Danny Elfman to score the famous theme tune.
D'oh, Homer's signature cry, was
The Simpsons is the longest
The family is based upon creator
Matt Groening's actual family.
put in the Oxford English Dictionary in 2001. It's official
definition is: “Expressing frustration at the realization that things have turned out badly or not as planned, or that one has just said or done something foolish.”
your family
Alison Jennison-Smith BA (Hons)
running sitcom in history and also holds the record the most number of celebrity guest appearances, with almost 700 to
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you’ve clearly never been to Tully’s Shocktoberfest in Crawley. There, over the October half term, a group of people got together to smash the world record for the loudest ever recorded scream. Yes, they were standing around to see how loud they could scream, like a group of naughty
toddlers at a wedding. The record was broken at a whopping 130 decibels, which is apparently louder than a pneumatic drill and only ten decibels short of a jumbo jet taking off. Well done, we assume. Still, makes you appreciate your relatively quiet waling kids a bit more.
Individually designed memorials Letter cutters Additional inscriptions to make a difference? want to make a difference? Renovations and cleaning World hen become a host family for Bright then become a host family for Bright World to make make a a difference? difference? to Grave care packages available World Bright World for Bright family for host family a host become a hen become hen we are looking for families to offer a Competitive prices welcoming home to our students in their Free short holidays want toquotations make a difference? then become a host family for Bright World Free brochure on request enquire online at www.brightworld.co.uk want to make a difference? “My children benefit from the cultural experience of hosting as well as providing a valuable extra “My children children benefit “My benefit income to my experience family.” from the cultural cultural experience from the Welding ofTracey hosting as well well of hosting as Bright World Host Family as providing providing a valuable valuable extra as a extra income to to my my family.” family.” income
“My childre from the cultura of hosting as providing a v income to m
Tracey We
Bright World H
Tracey Welding Welding Tracey Bright World World Host Host Family Family “My children benefit Bright from the cultural experience we are looking for lindsay@brightworld.co.uk World for Bright then become a host familyemail: of hosting as well lindsay@brightworld.co.uk families to offer a as providing a valuable extra welcoming home to “My children benefit income to my family.” our we students in their fromTracey the cultural Weldingexperience are looking for lindsay@brightworld.co.uk lindsay@brightworld.co.uk short holidays of hosting as well Bright World Host Family families to offer a as providing a valuable extra welcoming home to income to my family.”
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our students in their short holidays
Tracey Welding
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to make a difference?
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your family
A different point of view
Looking to liven up the place with some new artwork? How about getting a piece from an artist who looks at things a little differently than your average people? Artistic Autistic is a website set up to sell products and art works created by local artist Peter Myers. Peter has Asperger's Syndrome which gives him a unique perspective on the world, allowing him to create stunning pieces of art with dazzling patterns and continuous lines. The website is maintained by a group of volunteer students from The University of York and is filled with both details of Peter's work, and details of Peter himself who says, “Some may have a need for speed. I have a need for creative outlet. It is intrinsic to my well-being.” Check out his work, as well as all the many ways to buy it (phone cases, tote bags, prints etc.) at www.artisticautistic.co.uk
Fancy a stroll?
If you're planning a Christmas Day walk to burn off all that turkey and figgy pudding, perhaps you should have a practice run first? Throughout December and January The Ramblers are holding the country-wide Festival of Winter Walks, where intrepid walkers like yourself can get together to explore the chilly landscape of Britain... York included. On 19th December join the gang at Knavesmire Gates at 10am for a linear walk of nine miles ending in Copmanthorpe, after which you can hop on a bus to get back into the city. This will be a great wander with lovely people, improving your health and working off a little weight... to put right back on on the 25th! n Find out more at www.ramblers.org.uk
I had that Santa Claus in my cab once… Taxi service York cars, in conjunction with The Trussell Trust, are this month holding a Christmas raffle. For just £1 a ticket, available from 9th November and drawn a month later, you have the chance to win a £150 food hamper. All proceeds will be going towards supporting York’s food banks, so to buy a ticket ask your York Cars driver, or pop into the office on Blossom Street.
online safety Working with the NSPCC, City of York Council have trained 12 'champions' to deliver special ‘Parenting our children online’ workshops. These free 45 minute workshops are designed to help parents keep their children safe while using the internet, part of the ‘It’s not OK’ campaign to raise awareness of child sexual abuse and exploitation. Schools, community groups, sport clubs, and organisations such as Brownies and Beavers will be able to arrange for workshop facilitators to come to a venue of their choice to deliver the workshop to a group of parents. n To find out more visit www.yor-ok.org.uk/parentingonline or to book a session email hwesterman@NSPCC.org.uk
your family
Excitement is growing at Stagecoach York as students prepare to start rehearsals for the professional tour of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat which comes to the Grand Opera House York in April. The sparkling family musical, which stars X-Factor winner Joe McElderry, has received sensational reviews and continues to have huge success with standing ovations across the country. Stagecoach York are training two teams of 32 students to take part, including many for whom it will be their professional debut. They will form the Joseph choir who are an integral part of the show being on stage throughout performances and even open the second act! This comes hot on the heels of Stagecoach York students appearing in the professional tour of Jesus Christ Superstar and Carmen. n For more information about Stagecoach classes for 4 to 18 year olds contact Principal Sally Thrussell on 672662 or www.stagecoach.co.uk/york
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your family
York cares at Christmas Love them or hate them, it is our close family that truly makes Christmas memorable. But what about older people who might not have any family nearby? Could there be someone on your street right now who isn’t looking forward to the festivities? We've written before about making sure your elderly neighbours have everything they need as the temperatures plummet, from donating some warm clothes to popping out to the shops for them. What might not have crossed your mind is what that person is doing on Christmas Day, and without close family to visit them, they could be in store for a very lonely time.
be to get your neighbours, particularly the older ones who might live alone, to properly meet one another and find out what everybody does. There could be a bingo group that meets every week that someone would love to join, or even outings that could be arranged.
Community cares What can you do to help? Easy, organise a community festive gathering in a local sports hall, pub, or club. The website www. communitychristmas.org.uk could help. They offer advice and support to people wanting to bring their local communities closer together at this time of year, working to guide older people toward fun and social activities taking place in their area. The get-together doesn't even have to involve a Christmas meal, as you could help to organise a quiz night, a film screening, a talent show for local residents to strut their stuff, or even a Secret Santa involving the whole street. The idea should
Let us (and York) know If you do manage to plan a community event this month, tell us. You can upload your event details to our website which features the largest collection of local goings-on in the city. Visit www.yourlocallink. co.uk to promote your gathering for free!
Hone you caring skills You don’t need to know someone who needs care, to care. Right now Fulford Nursing Home, the small, family owned, and independently managed care home, is looking for keen-as-mustard volunteers to pop by the home every once in a while to chat to the residents. It’s as easy as sticking the kettle on and sitting back for a chin wag with some truly interesting people, or engaging in some board game fun. People who can play musical instruments are especially encouraged to sign up, so to find out more about the volunteer programme – and the home itself – visit www.fulfordnursinghome.co.uk
‘ In Safe Hands - Carer Respite Service ’ Our In Safe Hands service offers short breaks to caring relatives and friends who look after an older person. After an initial home visit by one of our care organisers, we look for a volunteer to take the place of the carer so they can have a break. We offer companionship, preparation of simple meals, help with personal care and simple moving and handling tasks. Arrangements may be made to cover the day time or evening on an occasional or regular basis, night care, live-in care and pop-in visits, providing a suitable volunteer is available.
All these arrangements take place in the older person's home, and a contribution to the service is usually made. We have been able to extend the help we give through our care worker scheme. We employ several care workers to accompany older people on activities away from their own home, to garden centre's, town centre etc. This increases their social contact and gives the carer a break.
affect older people and those who care for them. For more information, please contact our In Safe Hands organiser on the number below. We are also looking to recruit more volunteers so if you would like to stay with an older person for a couple hours per week to give their carer a break then please contact us. For more information, please also visit our website.
Our In Safe Hands staff provide information and advice on a wide range of issues that
Contact - In Safe Hands on; 01904 627995 and; http://www.ageuk.org.uk/york/our-services/in-safe-hands/
your family
School days beckon... Independent
Family Funeral Services
Family Funeral Services
“ We l i s t e n , w e c a r e , w e s e r v e ”
“ We l i s t e n , w e c a r e , w e s e r v e ”
Telephone: Multiple Sclerosis Society (York Branch) Sec. Jackie Chapman
01904 758577
Your thoughts might barely be with this Christmas, but if you have a child who was born between September 2011 and August 2012, it could be time to think about next autumn already! That is because City of York Council is inviting parents with children born during that time to make applications to the primary schools of their choosing. If you have an idea for what school you'd like your wee one to attend next September, now is the time to apply. Applications can be made online at www.york.gov.uk/schooladmissions with parents and carers being able to select up to five schools. However, be sure that one of the choices is within your catchment area, as that would be a school you'd have easy access to. n To find out what your catchment area school is, and for more information about applying, call 551554 or check out www.york.gov.uk/guideforparents Oh, and make sure you do all this by 15th January!
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Lou Knott (right) handing over the ‘Embrace England Hosts’ reins to Paula Pidd (left)
your family
Minster Vets Nature Watch Tracey Pulleyn of Minster Vets answers your pet questions
Is it normal for a dog to clean itself franticly after going to the toilet? When your dog has been to the toilet it is normal for him to wash himself afterwards to keep himself clean. If however he is doing so frantically it may be that there is something irritating him or he is in pain. If it is after urinating then it is probably best to make a vet appointment and collect a urine sample to take along with you. If it is after passing faeces it may be a problem with his anal glands, or potentially another issue, so its best to make an appointment to have him checked with your vet.
Can I do anything to make my female bull dog feel better when she is in season? Each dog reacts differently to being in season. You may find that your dog becomes subdued, quiet, barky,
reactive, anxious, or even remains exactly the same. Just make sure that your dog has a quiet, safe environment like a big bed to retreat to that is out of the way of everyone else. Give her space to do her own thing like sleep, if that is all that she wants to do. Keep her routine as normal as possible with regular walks, keeping her on the lead to prevent any accidents occurring, and at quieter times to minimise male attention. You could try using a DAP diffuser which can help manage stress related situations and help comfort your dog. This may work or at least make you feel like you are doing something to help. Once her hormones settle down again you should see her return to normal.
Is it okay to feed my horse antihistamines?
As with any medication we would never recommend you administer drugs to your horse without first consulting your vet to ensure it is safe to do so.
Can’t enjoy your garden during the winter? Think again, as there’s loads to see and do.
Harvest time If you grow your own then there is still plenty to dig up in December. Root vegetables such as leeks and parsnips are ready for harvest this month, just in time to get cooked up for your Christmas lunch. This is also a great (and very appropriate) time to pick your Brussels sprouts and also winter cabbage. While you’re on the plot make sure to check that any over-winter protection you laid down is still securely in place... its about to get a whole lot colder next month. Animals December is the best time of year to keep an eye out for two of the UK’s largest, and most evocative, predators; the fox and the owl. Both species enter breeding season in December and become a lot more vocal after the sun has gone down. See if you can hear the piercing mating cry of a fox, and if you catch a glimpse of one they will be furrier and plumper than ever. Meanwhile, you might also hear the odd snippet of the tawny owl’s famous twit-twoo if you’re lucky.
This month at St. Nicks
There’s loads to get involved with this month at the environment centre on Rawdon Avenue. Call 411821 or visit www.stnicks.org.uk 3rd December 7.30-9pm ECO HOMES SHOW & TELL. 9th December 10am-3pm MATURE FRUIT TREE PRUNING COURSE. Every Wednesday, 1-3pm Eco-Crafters Club More info: www.stnicks.org.uk or 411821.
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Give us a
Have a home? These cutie pies need one. Skylar. A lovely, bubbly girl who is very active, so she will require lots of long walks to keep her happy. She has had an unstable start In life, so still has a few things to learn, so an active and understanding family would be great. Leo and Panther. The pair came to the centre very scared and confused after coming from a multi cat household. Due to this they are unsure of new people so are looking for an adult only home where they will be given the time to settle in their own time.
Puppy Grooming, Nails & Ears, Hand Stripping, Bathing, Drying & Styling
Book NOW for Christmas
your family
Grooming Food
Loretta Spyers-Ashby 01904 765384 07947 838560 Willow House Wigginton Road York YO32 2RH www.doggieandmoggie.co.uk
n Call RSPCA York on 654949 or visit rspca-yorkhome.org.uk York Cats Protection is currently closed for refurbishment However, if you would like to get in touch with them to talk about a cat, of have found a stray and need some advice, call 760356 or visit www.york.cats.org.uk The centre is planned to reopen very soon. Check back here for more details.
M: 07913 581967
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health & beauty for you
Stress less at Christmas
Festive season getting all too much? York Yoga Studio could help‌
We have yoga and pilates classes during daytimes and evenings for both men and women. There are a variety of levels and styles to choose from so that you can find the perfect
Or if you are looking for a well rounded, balanced practice we have All Levels Hatha classes to help build strength, flexibility, and focus.
Christmas is the season of giving, and many of us turn ourselves inside out trying to find the perfect present for those we really love. Not only that, but we know that our loved ones are racking their brains over what they can give us in return. All this thinking and worrying can be very stressful! Someone once told me that there is no time like the present, and no present like time.... what if you could give your loved one some time for themselves - time to unwind, to get stronger and more flexible, to tune into their own bodies and really relax? Would they like that? Wouldn't you? Here at York Yoga Studio, we really know how important it is to take the time to nurture yourself - to rest, to breathe, to let the stressful day slip away from your muscles and to find stillness in your mind.
If you really want to pamper your loved one, you might consider a gift voucher from one of our talented therapists - Acupuncture, Reflexology, Reiki, Shiatsu, Sports Therapy and Holistic Massage treatments are all available here and all of these practices work to restore peace, ease and contentment in both body and mind. It's easy to give the gift of 'me-time' to someone you love - we offer custom gift vouchers for classes and therapies - just give us a call to chat about that perfect gift. Or perhaps you could help your loved one out by suggesting they give this precious gift to you?
gift. Looking for a more challenging class to get the blood moving after a day of sitting at a desk? Try the Beginners Ashtanga or the Vinyasa Flow. Would you prefer a gentle class that smoothes the rough edges from the day? We have lovely Gentle Yoga classes in both daytimes and evening.
York Yoga Studio 112 Acomb Road, York.YO24 4EY. Tel: 01904 785704 E: info@yorkyogastudio.co.uk
health & beauty for you
Plan your
There are a lot of cameras about at this time of year. If it isn't your work mates getting snap-happy at the annual festive do, its your gran on Christmas morning trying to figure out her new camera phone... better make sure you look your best then. Thankfully York has once again upped it's beauty quota due to the opening of Westgate Hair & City Spa on Fossgate. The brand new salon can satisfy all your pampering needs under one roof, offering as they do manicures, pedicures, massage therapy, waxing and hair styling. The expert stylists and therapists have a simple outlook: provide the gorgeous people of York with unsurpassed customer service in a stylish, warming, and friendly environment. You can pop along to get some well-deserved relaxation upstairs in the spa, restoring yourself from the stresses of Christmas, or simple, get to the salon for some good old fashioned glamour. After all, you really deserve it. Consider it a gift to yourself. So to get fully set for Christmas (and to make it one you will look back on happily) book your appointment today. n Find them on Facebook, or call 653268.
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therapeutic treatments Incorporating a full range range of Incorporating a full therapeutic treatments
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Incorporating a full range of
therapeutic treatments
Incorporating a full range of therapeutic treatments Incorporating a full range of therapeutic treatments Fanc y f e invigorate eling an revita Fadnc81 i lis y f nv ed
health & beauty for you
Party girl Lady scarlett
Who dunnit? We’re not sure, but you’ll look dangerously hot in this sexy red outfit.
Cut-out Midi Dress: Topshop | £60 www.topshop.com Red Heels: Asos| £30 www.asos.com Rimmel Liquid Eyeliner: Boots | £5.29 www.boots.com
fashion focus
Taking the world on; one outfit at a time. THE christmas Party EDIT.
Black & gold
This Great Gatsyby-esque get up is simply to die for. Goes well with a glass of Champagne.
Sequin Cami Dress: New Look | £34.99 www.newlook.com Metallic Clutch: Mango | £24.99 shop.mango.com Suede Sandals: Office | £55 www.office.co.uk
Angel face
Bring out the inner angel in you with this deliciously innocent combo.
Sequin Dress: House of Fraser | £169 www.houseoffraser.co.uk Suedette Platform Shoes: Debenhams | £36 www.debenhams.com Crystal Swing Earrings: Asos | £10 www.asos.com
Messing up so that you don’t have to!
Everyone is thinking about getting their golden glows back on in time for all of those Christmas parties that are appearing over the horizon. So are we.
health & beauty for you
Beauty bloopers
tea bag tan
Yes, this is actually something that is going around on the internet right now. You basically make black tea, add some vanilla escence so it smells nice, spray it onto your legs and rub in. For starters we needed to put on about five or six layers before we even noticed a difference. It does give you a darker complexion eventually. Oh and it’s not waterproof either. So don’t let it rain!
Coco powder and lotion
Very simple and easy to make. Blend roughly 1/3 of a cup of coco powder with your body lotion, mix well and apply. Ok now we’ve got to give it to this method, it works after a couple of applications. We should probably mention that we walked around smelling like dense chocolate brownie for a whole day too. Whatever floats your boat we suppose.
health & beauty for you
Have Yourself a Very Merry Christmas... As winter draws in and Christmas is just a whisper away, retreat to Kuki for luxury pampering spa treatments to prepare and re-energise for the festive season ahead. Spoil yourself and get ready for a special occasion or party with hair and beauty treatments in the Spa's historic setting, which comes alight at this time of year and embraces the magic of Christmas. From 1st December the Christmas tree dominates the inner hall and beautiful staircase, offering a wonderfully warm welcome. Combined with essence of oils, candle light, wood panelled rooms throughout, historic features, and log burning fires, it makes for a very special atmosphere at Kuki. Guaranteed to help you relax into the festive spirit!
Everything to everyone Whether you're looking for all the party finishing touches to add some glitz, divine pamper packages for some time-out, or if you're wanting anti-aging and non-surgical cosmetic treatments - we have something for everyone. Not sure what to buy someone special this Christmas? We stock the latest range of GHD products, as well as hair and beauty gift packages, and also our own gift vouchers for treatments. We wish you all a very peaceful, restful and fabulous Christmas. And remember, when it all gets too much and you need to escape, you know we will be here to help you relax, revitalise or restore! Have a wonderful Christmas!
Follow us on Facebook for more offers and promotions No appointment necessary. Free on street parking
For more details visit our new improved website at www.kukispa.com or call for a brochure on 659007.
health & beauty for you
Jingle Wedding Bells
Surely the only thing that could make this time of year more magical is a wedding. Winter weddings can be a stunning and memorable occasion, especially if there is snow to perfectly match that beautiful wedding dress. Speaking of which, brides-to-be take note, as this month Wedding Belles & Beaus of York are holding a special sale to help you buy that dream dress AND still have cash left over for all those Christmas presents you need to buy (for yourself). The boutique store on Micklegate stocks designer gowns from some big names, as well as all the outfits the bridesmaids, groom, mother-of-the-bride and guests could hope for… and between 23rd November and 5th December there will be some incredible reductions. n Find out more at www.weddingbellesandbeausofyork.co.uk or call 625552.
The ultimate deep cleanse
If you suffer from bloating, constipation, or digestive problems, the chances are that colonic hydrotherapy could help. Improved bowel regularity, better digestion, and improved energy levels could all be yours by booking an appointment with Pure, located within David Lloyd Gym. Yvonne Wadeson is a complimentary therapist of great talent and experience, and as well as colonic hydrotherapy she offers reiki therapy, reflexology treatments, as well as allergy and intolerance testing. Her treatments are the ultimate detox, helping with a varied mix of issues including sleep problems and even weight loss. This month take advantage of Pure’s reduced introductory offers and you’ll have the cleanest Christmas yet! n Call (Show 07941 162287 or visittowww.pureyork.co.uk staff badge claim discount)
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health & beauty for you
Back to basics Suffering with neck or back pain can be very concerning, so it’s important to reduce the risk of spinal problems and, if they do occur, to deal with them quickly. With back and spine experts on the medical team at Nuffield Hospital, they provided us with some useful ideas to keep our spines on the straight and narrow. • • • • • • • •
Constantly be aware of good posture, both at home and at work, ensuring your spine is straight Take time to improve your muscle tone. Set aside a few minutes each day for deliberately tensing your stomach muscles. Maintain your correct weight to avoid unnecessary strain on your joints. Remember to use correct lifting techniques and distribute the weight equally while carrying. Don’t bend when you could kneel or squat and never stoop or bend over for prolonged periods. If you have been bending over or sitting for a long time, gently stretch backwards when you stand up. Good exercises for back and stomach muscles include swimming, walking, cycling and gentle keep –fit. Avoid sit ups, double leg lifts and touching toes. Always warm up and stretch before sport, and cool down and stretch afterwards.
Here to help Prevention is better than cure, so the saying goes, and by reducing the stresses and strains on the spine during daily activities, the risk of developing back pain can be lessened. Remember that, whilst many spinal problems can be prevented, many others do need professional help and advice. Nuffield Health York Hospital offers a range of affordable options to deal with your back complaints, helping you to feel like your old self again. As well as Physiotherapists, the team has recently been joined by Mr Kenan Deniz, a leading Consultant Neurosurgeon who can perform a full range of spinal surgery to help correct more complex neck and back problems. To have a chat with Mr Deniz, make an appointment today. n Call 715235 or visit www.nuffieldhealth.com/Yorkhospital
We tried every fake tan product there was going, here’s what we thought of the non-spray application products.
Thalgo Polynesia Sacred Oil The sacred oil not only turned us a gorgeous shade of golden but made us feel like a shimmering goddess too. Wash your hands straight after application! • £26 • www.thalgo.co.uk
health & beauty for you
tried& 4 testedtan!
ApiBronze Facial Bronzing Gel The facial gel smells gorgeous, we wanted to use it just for the scent. but it’s actually really good at tanning your face too. • £14.99, 50 • www.manukadoctor.co.uk
That's so on The Go Dark A proper fake tan! It created a deep, rich colour, and didn’t streak! Be careful where you apply this one, the handy spray means it can go other places too! • £18.95 • www.amazon.co.uk
13% 87
health & beauty for you
Turning back the clock Beauty expert, Dr Saleena Zimri from Skin Doctor, is back to answer all of your beauty dilemmas. This month she goes through treatments to combat ageing. Life can be exceptionally tough on skin, especially on the face where skin is constantly exposed to the elements. At Skin Doctor we offer a range of treatments that can help to tighten and rejuvenate skin for a more youthful appearance.
the jowls, face, neck and skin under the eyes. Immediate mild improvements can be seen but results tend to improve with each subsequent treatment and continue to improve for up to 6 months post treatment. Collagen Wave treatment is carried out using a machine with a probe which the operator gently slides around the face delivering radio frequency energy into the skin. Treatments are never painful and can take up to an hour. Courses of 3-15 treatments spaced 1-4 weeks apart are recommended. The results may last up to 2 years depending on age, genetics, extent of response and treatment. The treatment concludes with an anti ageing collagen mask tailored to your needs.
Snail Facial
Collagen Wave Facial Radio frequency is used to heat up the deeper layers of the skin to encourage the production of new collagen. This non-invasive treatment is a painless effective way of long-term non-surgical skin tightening and lifting. It can be used for eyebrow lifting and tightening
At Skin Doctor we are excited to introduce the unique Snail Facial. The therapist starts by cleansing your skin and then using the Dermapen® the skin is lightly micro needled. Immediately after Endocare® Tensage™ snail secretions are applied enabling it to penetrate deeper than simply applying it to the skin. Endocare is a clinically proven snail derived growth factor range that targets the signs of ageing deep
within the skin, delivering outstanding visible and physical results in rejuvenation. You’ll see fantastic results in skin rejuvenation with this concentrated programme that’s clinically proven to visibly and physically target the signs of aged and photo-damaged skin. As you work your way through the programme you’ll start to see real changes in your skin; it’ll feel smoother with fewer lines and wrinkles, brighter with a more youthful complexion and tighter with increased elasticity. How do we know? Because we’ve got the clinical studies to prove it.
Skin Doctor York 66 Blossom Street, York YO24 1AP www.skindoctorclinics.co.uk Tel: 633833
Professional Nails
Gorgeous Bronze We love this little kit, it gives you a proper spray tan at a fraction of the price! It lasted for a few days and has a floral scent. Winner! • £19.99, • www.gorgeousbronze.co.uk for more information.
Fake Bake Airbrush Instant Self Tan
health & beauty for you
tried& 4 tested ke tan!
We tried every fake tan product there was going, here’s what we thought of the spray applicators.
Fake Bake have built up a great brand reputation and we can see why. This fake tan was easy to apply, showed colour straight away and dried almost instantly with great results. • £14.90 • www.justmylook.co.uk
Tan Luxe illuminating Self Tan Serum The serum is perfect for fair skinned ladies. You can add as much to your own moisturizer as you think you’ll need so you can achieve a subtle glow. • £27.96 • www.qvcuk.com
DEALS For LOADS (and we mean LOADS) more LOCAL deals and offers from
LOCAL companies, go to our brand spanking new whiz-bang website. www.yourlocallink.co.uk
E vents H otlist Want to experience the best of the best events this month? Go to these.
Catch her while you can…
Brand new for 2015, and recently opened by Alex Polizzi, Channel 5’s Hotel Inspector, this state-of-the-art exhibition will inspire you with the story of the Bar Convent. Discover three hundred years of history and the remarkable people who have shaped it. Meet the radical Yorkshire nun and pioneer Mary Ward, whose devotion to her cause took her on foot across the Alps - twice. Learn about secrets and spies, angry mobs and Luftwaffe bombs. Hide yourself away inside a priest hole - then find out how to hide an entire chapel! n Visit www.bar-convent.org.uk
Vivien Leigh, one of the greatest actresses of the twentieth century, is celebrated in this new touring exhibition from the Victoria and Albert Museum. The exhibition, lasting until 20th December at the historic house behind the Minster, focuses on the juxtaposition of the Hollywood persona and home life of one of Britain’s first international film stars and draws on never before seen material including photographs, letters, costumes, sketches, and annotated scripts. Catch this fascinating exhibition while you can! n Visit www.nationaltrust.org.uk/treasurershouse or call 624247.
The Bar Convent’s new exhibition is finally here!
Vivien Leigh leaves Treasurer’s House this month
Pigs might fly…
Kate at Christmas
…in Santa’s sleigh at Piglets Farm Park. For a truly magical Christmas experience for the entire family visit Piglets Adventure Farm from 5th-24th December. Check-in at Elf Airlines and board Santa’s Sonic Sleigh which will whisk visitors through Lapland and the magical twinkling Woodland Village. Kids can share Christmas wishes with Santa when they stop off at the Grotto, and they’ll be given a very special Magic Key to unlock Santa’s amazing Toy Shop and choose a perfect present from a huge selection. You’ll see festive rabbits and guinea pigs in the Nativity Scene, and you can also enjoy delicious food, mulled spice drinks, and mince pies at Santa’s Tepee. Phew. n Visit www.pigletsfarmpark.co.uk
The songstress serenades the Barbican with seasonal loveliness
Kate Rusby’s beautiful, expressive vocals never fail to connect the emotional heart of a song to that of her audience. Performing this festive concert at York Barbican on 17th December, Kate is famously down to earth, and her performances are hugely spirited but undoubtedly family affairs. This show will celebrate what makes Christmas so special and so much fun and she and her fellow musicians will perform fabulous songs filled with goodwill, putting smiles on faces and joy in the hearts of all in attendance. n Visit www.yorkbarbican.co.uk or call 0844 8542757.
Ice, ice, baby!
Walking in (Yorkshire’s) Winter Wonderland Yorkshire’s Winter Wonderland continues to host the north of England’s largest outdoor ice rink – The Ice Factor – and it will be welcoming festive visitors until 3rd January at York’s Designer Outlet. With its giant Christmas tree as the centrepiece, the rink is surrounded by an illuminated forest, log cabins, a newly extended viewing platform, and café. And, after your session, enjoy a warming drink beside the rink in PapaKitchen, offering rink-side refreshment within a heated alpine-themed chalet, complete with cosy furs. n Visit www.yorkshireswinterwonderland.com
E vents diary Keep an eye on www.yourlocallink.co.uk/events for our constantly updated events diary. EVERY DAY SHAMBLES MARKET, 9am5pm. Over 100 stalls where you will find locally sourced award-winning produce, sustainable fresh fish and Yorkshire crafts and gifts. There’s a fantastic kiosk serving hot, fresh food, and an outdoor seating area with WiFi. Visit www.york.gov.uk or call 551355. 1914: WHEN THE WORLD CHANGED FOREVER, York Castle Museum. The terror of total war and its revolutionary impact on life around the world is explored in this major exhibition on the First World War. It tells the fascinating and often moving stories of the Yorkshire people who were affected. Visit www.yorkcastlemuseum.org.uk Yorkwalk, from Museum Gardens Gates, daily at 10.30am and 2.15pm. Entertaining historical walks taking place every day, as well as specialist tours such as Richard III and Jewish Heritage. Visit www.yorkwalk.co.uk or call 622303. Remember to use your YorkCard to gain free entrance to York Minster! REVEALING YORK MINSTER’S UNDERCROFT, York Minster. Experience the revamped network of new interactive galleries, housed in the Undercroft and Treasury below the historic cathedral. Visit www. yorkminster.org or call 0844 9390011. RIVER CRUISES, YorkBoat, Lendal Landing. Enjoy river cruises every day and see York from a different perspective. There are daily cruises from February to November, as well as early evening and night-time floodlit cruises. Call 628324. GHASTLY SHOWS, York Dungeon. See the effects of tyrant King Henry VIII becoming head of the church and filling the crown’s coffers, and meet the redundant washer servant of St Mary’s Abbey who has now become a filthy peasant and is fighting for survival… Visit www.thedungeons.com/York
WWI: A Taste of Home, York Chocolate’s Story, 10am-6pm. An exhibition commemorating the centenary of World War One. Showcasing previously unseen artefacts and letters, which provide a fascinating and unique perspective on the conflict. Visit www.yorkschocolatestory.com Lightwater Valley, near Ripon. Escape to Lightwater Valley and discover the excitement of a day bursting with thrills, chills and adventure. Visit www.lightwatervalley.co.uk Allerthorpe Lakeland Park, Allerthorpe. Set in 53 acres of grounds and lakes, the site offers a variety of watersports as well as a campsite and Lakeside cafe. Visit www.allerthorpelakelandpark.co.uk YORK GOLF RANGE, Towthorpe Moor Lane, near Strensall. Set in beautiful countryside, York Golf Range features a whole host of fun activities, including a floodlit driving range, a nine-hole golf course, crazy golf and even foot golf – a great combination of soccer and golf. Visit www. yorkgolfrange.co.uk or call 499275. BALLOON TREE FARM SHOP, Gate Helmsley. A great day out for all the family. They have plenty of gift ideas, quality hampers, Christmas trees and wreaths, decorations, homemade cakes, puddings, tasting sessions and lots more. Enter the prize draws in the farmshop for a chance of winning your turkey or goose and a fantastic luxury gift hamper! Also, feed the animals, have fun in the children's play area, or simply relax in the landscaped cafe garden. Visit www.theballoontree.co.uk POWER & GLORY: YORK IN THE TIME OF HENRY VIII, Barley Hall, 10am-4pm. Discover the archaeology, first-hand accounts of life in the city and the effects that this greatest of Tudor monarchs had on life in York during his 38-year reign. Visit www.barleyhall.co.uk or call 615505. FREE PUBLIC LECTURES, University of York. Throughout the year the University hosts hundreds of
free lectures on a variety of subjects. Visit www.york.ac.uk/events EVERY DAY SECRECY AND SPIES, The Bar Convent. Find out more in our Events Hotlist. EVERY MONDAY SELBY MARKET, Selby. A great market in the middle of the colourful little town. Call 07808 768186. EVERY TUESDAY QUIZ NIGHT, Huntington Sports Club, 8.30pm. Call 769138. every Wednesday Eco-Crafters Club, St Nicks Environment Centre, Rawdon Avenue, 1-3pm. Join a friendly bunch for crafts and a natter. The club has three sewing machines and materials for use by members. Call 411821. EVERY FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY LIVE MUSIC, Acorn Sports and Social Club, Dringhouses. Great live acts playing every weekend. Call 330351. EVERY NIGHT GHOST TRAIL OF YORK, West Doors of York Minster, 7.30pm. Dare you cross the centuries and discover York’s spine-chilling history? Visit www.ghosttrail.co.uk or call 633276. The Ghost Bus Tours, departing Railway Station, stop RE, 7.30 & 9pm. A tour that combines comedy and horror in a thrilling journey around the darker side of York, on board a classic 1960s bus. Call 0844 5677666. Everyone pays child prices until the end of January 2016! Just quote ‘York Mag’. 2nd MONDAY OF EACH MONTH WEDDING OPEN EVENINGS, The Grange Hotel, Clifton. Visit the gorgeous country house in the city and discover what it could offer your special day. Call 644744. 2nd MONDAY OF EACH MONTH SUPPORT MEETING, York Sports Club, Shipton Road, 7pm. Parkinson’s
UK York branch meet every month for talks, fun and the occasional quiz. Call 0844 2253634. 2nd WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH Ryedale Jazz Club, Beansheaf Hotel , Pickering, 8-10.30pm. A traditional Jazz session with a wellestablished band. Call 01653 668614. 3rd SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH York and District Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers, Yorkshire Farming Museum, Murton. Visit www.yorks-guild-wsd.org.uk or call 784274. 2nd SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY AFTERNNON TEA, The Grand Hotel & Spa. Scrumptious treats filled with wonder and invention will capture your imagination, inspired by Roald Dahl’s children’s classic. Call 380038. ONGOING
UNTIL 17th January The Bloodaxe Challenge 2015, Explore York Libraries. Explore York Libraries and Archives and Jorvik Viking Centre challenge you to read four books on a history theme. For each book you read you will get a sticker of King Cnut or his family. Complete the challenge to win a free ticket to the Jorvik Viking Centre and to be entered into a draw to meet an author on 17th February 2016. Visit www.exploreyork.org.uk UNTIL 3rd JANUARY YORKSHIRE’S WINTER WONDERLAND, York Designer Outlet. Find out more in our Events Hotlist. UNTIL 24th DECEMBER Meet Father Christmas,
Saturday 21 November to Wednesday 23 December 2015
Enjoy a truly magical Christmas with a visit to Castle Howard this festive season when Yorkshire’s finest historic house is lit by candles and firelight, whilst soaring trees and traditional twigs glisten with hundreds of baubles. Enjoy live music, audiences with Father Christmas and festive shopping. Christmas Markets | Gift Shops | Farm Shop | Garden Centre | Restaurants and Cafés Find out more at www.castlehoward.co.uk Castle Howard, York YO60 7DA 01653 648333
King’s Square (outside York’s Chocolate Story). There will be a chance for the wee ones to meet a very special guest this Christmas. Father Christmas and his friends will be settling in to their cozy traditional wooden grotto in King's Square, just outside York’s Chocolate Story. Visits to Father Christmas are on a firstcome, first served queue basis. Visit www.yorkschocolatestory.com UNTIL 23rd December CHRISTMAS AT BURTON AGNES, Burton Agnes Hall, 11am5pm. The Cunliffe-Lister family gather natural products from the Hall's award winning gardens and estate to create stunning, original decorations. A huge Christmas tree from the estate's forestland will dominate the Great Hall. Original Elizabethan and Jacobean quarters will be decorated in traditional style whilst the extraordinary Long Gallery will have a contemporary Christmas mood to complement its collection of modern and impressionist art. Visit www.burtonagnes.com
UNTIL 23rd DECEMBER CASTLE HOWARD AT CHRISTMAS, Castle Howard. The house is transformed with candles, garlands and wreaths, alongside soaring trees glittering with baubles and lights. Live music and roaring log fires add to the seasonal celebrations in the house. Also, be sure to catch the ever-popular audiences with Father Christmas, taking place throughout the month. Visit www.castlehoward.co.uk UNTIL 20th DECEMBER Public Faces, Private Lives, The Treasurer’s House. Find out more in our Events Hotlist. UNTIL 6th DECEMBER Edward Hersey and Gordon Lees Exhibition 2015, York Fine Arts, Low Petergate. The annual Edward Hersey and Gordon Lees exhibition brings together an exceptional collection of original paintings from two leading British artists. Call 634221.
N OVEMBE R THROUGHOUT THE MONTH COACH TOURS. Acklams Coaches have a whole host of coach tours available this month, from a five-day trip to Torquay, to a festive trip to Chester. All the trips involve door-to-door pick up, luxury coach travel, food, bed & breakfast, and entry fees to special attractions. Find out more at www.acklamscoaches. co.uk or call 626050. CRAFT CLASSES, The Viking Loom, Petergate. The craft shop offers many one-day courses and ‘Crafternoon tea’. Call 620587. UNTIL 29th Sand & Water, Blossom Street Gallery and Framing. An exhibition of atmospheric paintings by Lesley Birch inspired by poetry and the landscape. Call 623191. 26th-29th Barley Hall Festive Market, Barley Hall, 10am-5pm. Traders will gather at the beautiful medieval townhouse for an intimate festive shopping experience, with hand crafted items and unique gifts on offer, as well as the chance to see the hall decorated for Christmas. Call 615505. 26th Seminar on Inheritance Tax, The Grand Hotel & Spa, 10am. Hunter Gee Holroyd host this event that will cover the inheritance tax issues which currently apply and what potential issues and innovative solutions may be available. Call 655202.
27th & 28th CLASSICAL CONCERTS, Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall, University of York, 7.30pm. York Concerts present a month filled with classical performances, including Paradise Moscow, Madness and Torment, and the University of York Choir. Visit www.yorkconcerts.co.uk 27th FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE, The Grange Hotel, 7pm. The hotel’s regular music nights are a great way to relax, enjoy the entertainment, and feast on delicious food. The music is free, but to dine be sure to book. Call 644744. 27th-30th Christmas Tree Festival, Huntington Methodist Church. There will be 18 trees sponsored and decorated by local
28th-29th November, 5th- 6th, 12th-13th, 19th22nd December SANTA SPECIALS, North York Moors Railway, Pickering Station. Join Santa and his special helpers for some festive fun this Christmas at the North Yorkshire Moors Railway, with the Santa Express services departing from Pickering, Grosmont or Whitby stations. Perfect for families with young children, embark on this magical adventure on-board the Santa Express to meet Santa in his Grotto on-board the train. To book, visit www.nymr.co.uk businesses on the theme of Christmas Songs, and homemade refreshments will be available. Call 768904. 28th Choccy and Sweetie Tour, meet at Museum Gardens gates, 10.30am. Join Yorkwalk to hear the history of Terrys, Rowntrees & Cravens. See sweets being made and taste some delicious samples. Call 622303.
28th St Leonard’s Christmas Fair, St Leonard’s Hospice, Tadcaster Road, 1-4pm. There will be various stalls, games, cakes, festive refreshments, and a special appearance from… Father Christmas! He gets around, eh? Call 777777. 28th Christmas Fair, Village Institute and Church, Rufforth. Enjoy crafts made by the local craft group, cakes, jams, planted baskets, and cards for sale in the church, together with refreshments in the Village Institute. Email pat.wilson256@gmail.com 28th Table Top Sale, Huntington Community Centre, 11am-3pm. Take a table to clear the decks pre-Christmas or come and along and pick up some bargains. Enjoy games and refreshments as well. Call 760044 or email maureen@huntingtoncentre.plus. com 28th Councillor’s Surgery, Haxby Library, 10.30am-12noon. City Councillor Ian Cuthbertson is holding a surgery for local residents. Pop in and say hello. Email hmsirona@gmail.com
28th SPLENDID JEWEL, St. Wilfred’s Church, Duncombe Place, 7.30pm. The Micklegate Singers perform music celebrating the Virgin Mary. Visit www.micklegatesingers.org.uk 29th NOVEMBER, 6th, 13th, & 20th DECEMBER FESTIVE AFTERNOON TEAS, The Grand Hotel & Spa. Soak up the festive atmosphere in the hotel, while revelling in the quintessential English custom of afternoon tea. To book, call 380038. 29th York Does Vintage, Merchant Adventurers’ Hall, 114.30pm. The perfect escape on a dreary winters day! Get toasty at this fun and vibrant vintage fair. Live music, dancing, crafty happenings, and vintage stalls galore. Visit www.britaindoesvintage.co.uk 29th Antique & Collector's Fair, Driffield Showground. A large collection of quality collectables, with over 45 stalls. Call 01377 254768.
D ECEMBE R THROUGHOUT THE MONTH CHRISTMAS AT MERCURE YORK FAIRFIELD MANOR. Enjoy a great festive mix, included Hollywood nights, piano lunches, a family race night in aid of breast cancer care, and also Christmas day and Boxing Day lunches. To find out more, call 521505. 1st DECEMBER – 2nd JANUARY A BIRD IN THE HAND, Lotte Inch Gallery, Bootham, 10am-6pm Tue-Sat. A special festive display of artwork from York based artists Amy Rose Clyfan and Anna Cook. Visit www.lotteinch.co.uk
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new year 2015_Layout 1 30/09/2015 11:49 Page 1
ON O Saturday 20th October LIN K
New Year’s Eve
yorkracecourse.co.uk 01904 638971 See website for further information
Vivien Leigh: Public Faces, Private Lives
19 September – 20 December 2015
Treasurer’s House, York See website for opening days and times, pre-booking advisable via www.nationaltrust.org.uk/treasurershouse 01904 624247 Exhibition organised by the Victoria and Albert Museum, London Portrait of Vivien Leigh by Sasha, 1935 © Victoria and Albert Museum, London National Trust is an independent registered charity, number 205846
4th – 12th York Early Music Christmas Festival 2015, National Centre of Early Music. The festival provides the perfect antidote to Christmas shopping with a delightful programme, including the brilliant European Union Baroque Orchestra and many more. Visit www.ncem.co.uk/xmas
4th-5th Christmas Carol Concert, York Minster, 7pm. York Minster’s popular Christmas Carol Concerts offer the perfect start to the festive season. The concerts feature the York Minster Choir performing a mixture of classical and popular Christmas music, with the Yorkshire Volunteers Band leading the audience in Christmas carols. Visit www.yorkminster.org 4th Lo! He Comes!, The Bar Convent, 7.30pm. The Stamford Bridge Singers will be making a return visit to the beautiful chapel for a celebration of Advent and Christmas in music and words. Call 643238. 5th-24th CHRISTMAS AT PIGLETS, Piglets Adventure Farm, Towthorpe Grange. Find out more in our Events Hotlist.
Pole. It seems that the big fella loves nothing more than spending the runup to Christmas relaxing in the stately home. We can’t blame him for that – it is gorgeous. To book, call 472027.
3rd Twilight Evening, Burton Agnes Hall, 5-9pm. See the Hall at twilight, when topiary bushes will be strewn with Christmas lights, the fire in the Great Hall will glow warmly and there will be twinkling lights around every corner. Visitors can look forward to seeing the Hall’s stunning Christmas display, and the Driffield Middle 8 Singers will billow out festive carols in the courtyard and Hall for all to enjoy. Visit www.burtonagnes.com
5th-6th, 12th-13th, & 19th-20th Narnia – A Christmas Grotto, The Rock-Plex Centre, Priory Street. Experience C S Lewis' famous The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe come to life before your very eyes. Walk through the wardrobe and be transported into the enchanted world of Narnia, journey through the forest, touch the lamp post, meet Mr Tumnus, the White Witch, and Aslan, before receiving your special gift from Father Christmas in his lodge. To book, visit www.rockofyork.co.uk 5th-6th, 12th-13th, & 19th-22nd Santa Special, Yorkshire Museum of Farming, 9.30am-3pm. Start by taking a guided tour around Santa’s village and see all the preparations for Christmas taking place. Take a peek in Santa’s house and maybe even visit the elves’ parcel despatch workshop. But the festive fun doesn’t end there – you can also take a ride on Murton’s very own railway, where all the children can meet Santa, and receive an early Christmas present. Meanwhile adults can cosy up in our café and enjoy a complimentary glass of sherry. Visit www.murtonpark.co.uk
5th-20th Storytime with Father Christmas, Beningbrough Hall, weekends only. Would you like a story? As part of small group workshops, join Father Christmas in the historic library of Beningbrough Hall. Then, if you've been good, he might even have an early present for you and a chance to take photographs with him – before he dashes off back to the North
5th-6th, 12th-13th & 19th-20th Christmas at Dalby Forest, Dalby Forest, 10am-4pm. Children can meet Father Christmas in his grotto and receive a gift and sapling tree! The Forest Café and Courtyard Café are also a perfect place to warm up with a snack and hot drink - after choosing the perfect family Christmas tree to take home. Visit www.forestry.gov.uk/dalbyforest
5th, 12th & 19th DECEMBER An Audience with Father Christmas, Burton Agnes Hall, 10.30am, 12.30pm & 2.30pm. Join Father Christmas and Jingles the Magic Elf for a magical performance. Children will be greeted by Mrs Claus in the Great Hall and guided through spectacularly decorated rooms to meet Jingles the Magic Elf, who will perform a show of exciting festive magic. Father Christmas will then greet the children, along with Jingles and Mrs Claus, and each child will be presented with a special Christmas gift. Call 01262 490324.
5th-6th & 12th-13th FESTIVE FUN WITH FATHER CHRISTMAS, Barley Hall. On arrival children will be greeted by the costumed hosts for a festive breakfast, lunch, or afternoon tea, followed by fun and games, seasonal stories, and Christmas crafting for all ages. Then look out for dear old Father Christmas, who will have a personalised present for every child to take home and put under their tree! Call 615505. 5th-6th & 12th-13th SANTA AT THE WINDMILL, Holgate Windmill. Santa will be visiting Holgate Windmill again this December and is looking forward to seeing all good boys and girls. Visit www.holgatewindmill.org 5th & 12th Christmas Open Day Sales, Poppleton Community Railway Nursery, 10am-3pm. Find a selection of tree and table decorations as well as a range of indoor wreaths, garlands and bowls of hyacinths. Call 797623. 5th CHARITY CONCERT, Stockton-on-the-Forest Village Hall, 7.30pm. In aid of the NSPCC enjoy Christmas songs and favourite melodies by Margaret Berg and Vocal Students. Call 491604. 5th Christmas Fair, Poppleton Tithe Barn, 10.30am-4pm. There will be lots of stalls, a raffle, tombola and so much more. Plus, Father Christmas will be arriving at 2pm, so pop along to say hello in his grotto.
12th York Interior & Gift Fair, De Grey Rooms, 11am-4pm. The Ballroom will offer a beautiful setting for this Fair, which brings interior and gift inspiration from up to 25 independent designers, artists and makers, vintage homeware specialists and small businesses. Organiser Caroline from Rose & Brown Vintage says, “Expect anything from mid-Century textiles and small furniture, to contemporary ceramics and printmaking, from original French vintage mirrors to one-of-a-kind silver jewellery. The chance to find an inspired gift or something special for yourself or your home.” Call 07985 181120 or visit www.roseandbrownvintage.co.uk
www.yourlocallink.co.uk for even more!
There’s more!
In an amalgamation of Popular Culture & Contemporary Art, this Infascinating an amalgamation of Popular Culture & Contemporary Art,an this array of genuine props & exhibition showcases fascinating exhibition showcases an array of genuine props & production from some of the century’s most iconic production artefactsartefacts from some of the century’s most iconic films… all available to own. films… all available to own. In an amalgamation of Popular Culture Contemporary PREMIERE EVENING 11TH DECEMBER WITH SPECIAL& GUESTS,
More attractions • more events • more gigs • more to do!
Visit: www.yourlocallink.co.uk
Art, this
fascinating exhibition showcases an array of genuine props & PREMIERE EVENING 11TH DECEMBER WITH SPECIAL GUESTS, production artefacts from some of the century’s most iconic films… all available to own.
PREMIERECaroline EVENING 11TH DECEMBER WITH SPECIAL GUESTS, Munro Brian Muir ‘Naomi’ from ‘The Spy Who Loved Me;
Sculptor of the original Darth Vader Helmet
Caroline Munro ‘Naomi’ from ‘The Spy
Caroline Munro Who Loved Me; ‘Naomi’ from ‘The Spy Who Loved Me;
Brian Muir Sculptor of the original
Brian Muir Darth Vader Helmet Sculptor of the original Darth Vader Helmet
n of Popular Culture & Contemporary Art, this ition showcases an array of genuine props & acts from some of the century’s most iconic films… all available to own.
oline Munro ’ from ‘The Spy o Loved Me;
Live music every Friday, Saturday Nights and Sunday at 4.00pm Sunday 6th - Acoustic Weller Sat 12th True Brit - top mod band Saturday 26th - Desperate Measures Sunday 27th - Brotherhood
Brian Muir Sculptor of the original Darth Vader Helmet
6th Remembrance Carol Service, York Minster, 2pm. Join leading safer sleep charity The Lullaby Trust for a family carol service to remember the lives of babies and young children who have died suddenly and unexpectedly. Visit www.yorkminster.org 6th Chase the Pud Walk, The Knavesmire. All in aid of The British Heart Foundation, enjoy a three or six kilometre route, ideally in fancy dress. Email vickyhearson@yahoo.co.uk 6th York Mumbler baby & toddler nearly new sale, 2.304pm. Clements Hall, Nunthorpe Road. Visit www.yorkmumbler.com
10th CHRISTMAS CAROL FAMILY SERVICE, York Minster, 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome to this fun, celebratory event for all the family, hosted by York St. John University, delivered by Revd Annie Rowley, and with music by York St John students and staff. Visit www. yorksj.ac.uk/events or call 876654. 10th YEO&KS Music Concert, Village Hall, Stockton on the Forest, 7.30pm. An evening of Festive Music played by top Blackpool Tower keyboard player John Bowdler. Call 448178.
6th OPEN EVENT, York College, 10am-12noon. Find out about all the college can offer you further education dreams. Learn about A level courses, vocational programmes and apprenticeships. Call 770239. 7th AUDITIONS. Jorvik Gilbert and Sullivan Company will be presenting a concert version of H.M.S. Pinafore in March and April 2016 and are holding auditions for principal roles. To book an audition slot, and for further information, email auditions@jorvikgsc.org.uk 8th Heritage at Risk: Risky Heritage? Perspectives on York's historic city landscape, Tempest Anderson Hall, Yorkshire Museum, 7.30 pm. A lecture by Dr Gill Chitty, University of York, hosted by the Yorkshire Philosophical Society. Call 656713.
12th-13th PropArt 2015, City Screen. An exhibition of original props from major films. There will be a variety of pieces, from the genuine wands that were used in Harry Potter to original props and production artefacts from Back to the Future, Titanic, Jurassic Park, Iron Man and many more. Visit www.moviemaniaonline.co.uk 11th ROY CHUBBY BROWN, York Barbican. He’s still rude, he’s still crude and this time he’s turning headlines into punch lines as his riproaring brand of banter continues to burst bellies across the country. Call 0844 8542757.
12th A Night of Miracles and other festive musical magic, Haxby Memorial Hall, 7.30pm. Haxby Singers present a great night of music, with musical direction by Maggie Fayers. Email coxes@live.com
12th The Magic Hatter's Christmas Cracker 2015, Manor CE Academy, 2pm. Now in its 5th year, York's Christmas magic show is back - bigger and better than ever – with seasonal magic, comedy and more surprises than in Santa's sleigh! Visit www.magichatter.co.uk or call 0845 4752124. 12th Handel's Messiah, York Minster, 7pm. Experience the story of Christ through this celebrated and popular oratorio, performed by the York Minster Choir. Visit www.yorkminster.org 13th FESTIVE SUNDAY LUNCH, York Racecourse. Enjoy a three-course carvery in the surroundings of the racecourse, as you gear up to the festive season. To book, call 638971. 15th "A Very Dangerous Work": Sir Gilbert Scott and the Restoration of Ripon Cathedral, Tempest Anderson Hall, Yorkshire Museum, 7.30 pm. A lecture by David Winpenny, hosted by the Yorkshire Philosophical Society. Call 656713.
11th CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERT, Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall, University of York, 8pm. BMS York present the Eeden String Quartet. Visit www.bms-york.org.uk
9th Get Your Socks On, York Teaching Hospital. York Teaching Hospital Charity is calling on people across York to wear their festive socks this Christmas. Post a picture of yourself in your socks on Facebook or Twitter along with #socksonselfie and then text SOCKS to 70660 to make a £1 donation. Call 724521.
V i s i t:
12th Christmas Fayre, Strensall &Towthorpe Village Hall, 10am-4pm. There will be various stalls, a Santa Grotto and a Tea Room serving hot snacks all day, all in aid of Parkinson’s UK. If you are interested in hiring a stall for the day, at a cost of £10, call 490987. 12th A Musical Celebration Of Christmas, Strensall Methodist Church, 7.30pm. Enjoy a friendly evening of song and laughter, curtesy of the Strensall Singers. To book, call 491056.
w w w. y o u r l o c a l l i n k . c o . u k
20th COMMUNITY CAROL SERVICE, York Barbican, 2.30pm. Now in its 58th year, York’s longest running carol concert will feature The York Concert Band, The Bev Jones Singers, The Steve Cassidy Band, Mike Pratt, and a mix of school choirs. To book, call 0844 8542757. 19th Sing Noël: A Christmas celebration in music and words, Stamford Bridge Village Hall, 7.30pm. The Stamford Bridge Singers will present a festive programme of music interspersed with a pie and peas supper and delicious desserts. Call 01759 371429. 20th Farmer Scrooge's (Yorkshire) Christmas Carol at Haxby, Haxby Memorial Hall, 6.30pm. Enjoy a family treat for Christmas 2015 and join the much lauded Badapple Theatre for their latest 'theatre on your doorstep' production. Call 01423 331869. 20th Carols On The Lawn, Christ Church, Stockton Lane, 4pm. The annual community carol sing, in association with the York Railway Institute Band who will accompany the songs. Call 07785 317316 or visit www. heworthchristchurch.org.uk 22nd-25th Advent and Christmas Services, York Minster. York Minster's special services in the final days leading up to the celebration of Christmas. Visit www.yorkminster.org
15th Yuletide Ukes, Friargate Theatre, 7.30pm. The Grand Old Uke of York, Yorkshire's most vibrant ukulele collective, perform their Christmas show in aid of York Against Cancer. Call 613000. 17th Kate Rusby at Christmas, York Barbican. Find out more in our Events Hotlist.
for even more!
31st DANCING ON THE GREEN, New Earswick Bowls Club. Welcome in the New Year with the Steve Cassidy Band and DJ Geoff Bunce. To book, call 750230. 18th-23rd JaN PENNY MILLIONAIRE A brand new musical composed by York’s very own Bev Jones. An unashamedly traditional musical, bursting with lavish melodies and harmonies, exotic dance routines, love passion and drama based upon the riches to rags to riches , real life story of Paul Gauguin , the French artist, set in Paris and The South sea Islands.
gig guide Yo r k B a r b i c a n
9 11 12 17 20 23
3 4 5 10 11 12 18 19
The Kooks Roy Chubby Brown The Overtones Kate Rusby at Christmas York Community Carol Concert Peter Pan on Ice
Th e B a s e m e n t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12-13 12 17 18 19
YPS Cafe Scientifique Dr Sketchy’s Anti-Art School Joshua Burnell York CD and Record Fair Mr H Presents John Bramwell Kinofolk: Solaris Channel 5 Seasonal Movie Kinofolk: Alphaville Gaz Brookfield Prop Art 2015 Premiere Evening Prop Art Kinofolk: Tokyo Godfathers Wozzon Comedy Club Say Owt Slam Sing Ramona Sing
The Amazons Glass Caves Matt Berry & The Maypoles Hey! Hello! The Southmartins Lifesigns The Annual Boss Caine Xmas Fund Raiser Pelico
Th e D u c h e ss 2 The Rifles 3 The Selecter 4 Hyena Lounge Christmas Baubles 5 & 12 Saturday Night Lounge 13 OUSEFEST XMAS BASH 15 Queen Kwong 19 Hyena Lounge Christmas Baubles 31 Hyena Lounge New Year’s Eve 2015
B l ac k S wa n F o l k Club 2-3 10 17 20
Dick Gaughan Harp and a Monkey Christmas Party The Magical Christmas Tree
Th e F u l f o r d Arms 9 11 12 17 20
Behind the White Door In Evil Hour Darklands Gothic Clubnight Tyla J Pallas Tony Wright’s Xmas Show
11 Ex Cathedra 13 Crazy Creatures 16-17 Amahl and The Night Visitors 19 The Ebor Singers: Ceremony of Carols
Pocklington Arts Centre 13 18 24
NT Live: Of Mice & Men Punchline Comedy Club The Winter’s Tale
NCEM 4 European Union Baroque Orchestra 5 Les Contre-Sujets 6 War and Peace 6 L’Arcadia 7 The Marian Consort 8 Joglaresa 9 The York Waits 10 Courtiers of Grace
F ind more gigs, events, attractions and lots more at: www.yourlocallink.co.uk
THEATRE nights out &
Grand Opera House To book: 0844 8713024.
Priscilla Queen of the Desert
(30th November-5th December) Based on the smash-hit movie, the feel-good international hit sensation Priscilla is the heartwarming, uplifting adventure of three friends who hop aboard a battered old bus searching for love and friendship and end up finding more than they could have ever dreamed of.
lifetime opportunity to see the UK’s Tickets longest running for the pantomime 2015 panto, DICK Dame, WHITTINGTON AND Berwick HIS MEERKAT which Kaler, and the will be performed at York Theatre the NRM, are on Royal team as sale now! you’ve never seen them before. As always, expect fabulous costumes, stunning sets, toe-tapping music, breath-taking transformations, and magical spectacle. The script will remain the same old rubbish – they are only changing venues, not the habit of a lifetime!
Joseph Rowntree Theatre Visit www.jrtheatre.co.uk
York Barbican
To book, call 0844 8542757.
Peter Pan On Ice
(23rd December-3rd January) The worldrenowned Russian Ice Stars presents a new adaptation of this famous fantasy adventure by J.M. Barrie.
National centre for Early Music Visit www.ncem.co.uk
Crazy Creatures
(13th December) Calling all young people, family, and friends – get to the centre for a family friendly concert. The performance brings to life two children's stories 'The Duck With No Luck' and 'A Cat Called Scratch' written by Jonathan Long, with music by the award-winning composer Paul Rissmann.
Stephen Joseph Theatre, Scarborough Visit www.sjt.uk.com
Hansel and Gretel
(11th December 2015-3rd January 2016) New Pantomime Productions returns to Grand Opera House for the 17th year this Christmas with the ever popular Jack and the Beanstalk. Jack lives in a small village with his Ma. The only food left in their cupboard is a piece of mouldy cheese, a rotten apple core and a pair of smelly socks! Find out what happens when Jack takes their old cow to market and ends up selling her for five beans. Starring panto legend and former Emmerdale star Stuart Wade as Dame Tilly Trot, X-Factor’s Jade Ellis as Fairy Peapod, and Scooch’s Russ Spencer and Caroline Barnes as Jack and Jill.
(5th-12th December) Come and join Snow White on her adventures this Christmas as the Rowntree Players take you on a magical ride in yet another brand new rollicking romp of a panto. With songs, dances, slapstick, and plenty of silly gags, this traditional family pantomime is always a big hit with young and old alike.
The Time of Our Lives
Theatre Royal
(13th December) Join the dancers from Reflex Dance Troupe as they take you on a journey from the rock and roll of the 50s to the current hits of today.
Shepherd Group Brass Bands Christmas Concert
To book: 623568.
(10th December 2015-24th January 2016) Whilst the Theatre Royal undergoes a £4.1million redevelopment, Dick Whittington and His Meerkat will take place in The Signal Box Theatre at the National Railway Museum. This will be a once in a
(18th-19th December) All four shepherd Group Brass Bands come together to perform a Christmas Extravaganza.
(10th-27th December) It is dinner time and as usual the children push around the food on their plate, complain, and act rudely. So tonight instead of dinner, Mother tells the story of Hansel and Gretel. As the story evolves of two hungry children abandoned in the forest by their parents, and their capture by a wicked witch, the family embraces their roles and find a Happily Ever After ending.
Christmas Gothic
(18th-19th December) Come in from the cold and enter into the Christmas spirit as a dark and spectral woman tells haunting tales of the festive season, lighting a candle to the frailties of human nature and illuminating the cold and chilling depths of the bleak, wintry dark… Following the international touring success that was Female Gothic, Dyad Productions resurrects a Victorian tradition by presenting three seasonal tales Visit: of terror to scintillate the gooseflesh for dark for more Christmas events, listi nights. ngs
www. yourlocall ink. co.uk , gigs and more!
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nclude travel with P&O Ferries from/to Hull in inside cabins and with meals on board.
holidays and many more, why not pop in to the Travel Shop at 13 Mickelgate, York. Alternatively, ring our 04 626050 or visit our website www.acklamscoaches.co.uk.
Food & drink
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Food & drink
Tummies grumbling?
dine for to
When hunger calls during a night in, who do you call? Chances are your favourite take-away restaurant is already a part of the growing collective that is York’s own local answer to Just Eat. Hunger Calls (www.hungercalls.co.uk) features a selection of the best takeaway food in our
area, so if you fancy delicious takeaway in a hurry, search the website, pick a dish, and order direct from them. Unlike Just Eat, Hunger Calls won’t charge you for paying with your credit card, and they’ll even throw in a free If you run a take-away bottle of soft drink. Take-always and or restaurant h even ac already on-board include re to e lik ld wou stomers, Harkers Fish & Chips, Alishaan, more local cu d get in an te si e th visit The Raj, Silver Star Chinese, touch with them. and The Groves Pizza & Grill.
More than just fish and chips…
Keeping hunger at Bay Think you've already tried the Bay Horse in Fulford? Think again, as recently the kitchen reins have been taken up by some fresh blood, ready to take your taste buds on a whole new set of adventures. The pub's new head chef, Michael Barnett, has been cooking up a storm for more than two decades in top London hotels. He brings to Fulford a new menu featuring traditional grub with a decidedly modern twist. The Bay Horse will also be welcoming festive foodies this month with their Christmas menu now available to peruse, along with the Sunday carvery. n To find out more call 633384.
Great Scott, pay attention to this… Although you might know Scotts of Helmsley and York as the go-to chippy of choice, they can also do a lot more than some battered fishies and fried chips, especially at this time of year. A special Christmas menu has been launched to help celebrate the season, and with two and three course choices, some gluten free and some veggie options, there is something for everyone. The fully-licensed restaurant at Bilbrough Top on the A64 is also welcoming party bookings for up to 50 people, making it the perfect venue for a company outing this Christmas, or if you just have lots of friends and want to share with them the delights of Scotts. Enjoy a glass of bubbly to toast Santa’s health, or a few beers to toast… well… the fact that you’re drinking beer in the best fish and chip restaurant you’ve ever been in. n Visit www.scottsfishandchips.co.uk or call 700189.
I n the L oop
To book, call 6 2 3 8 3 8
Whether you’re attending a concert at The Barbican and looking for a pre-show meal, or if you and your party are searching for a fresh new venue for your Christmas shindig, prepare to get in a spin. That is because the new Loop Bar and Restaurant is now officially open on Fawcett Street. A fine dining concept, all of Loop’s food is hand cooked on site with fresh ingredients, and the restaurant itself has seen a modern redesign. Loop’s new menu is extensive, hitting all the taste bases and offering something special for everyone. But the real news is the restaurant’s Christmas party menu, which for only £24.95 each, offers three packed courses. Place a towel under your chin right now, because you are about to dribble! Starters
include goats cheese panna cotta, confit of chicken leg rillette, smoked salmon mouse, and celeriac and white truffle oil soup. Meanwhile the main courses boast braised blade of beef, pan roasted fillet of stone bass, beetroot, pear, and blue cheese risotto, and – obviously – roast turkey. And for sweet-toothed diners, for desert have either a Bailey’s crème brulee, a dark chocolate and chestnut tart, or – obviously – a Christmas pud! We could continue to describe the central location, the friendly, welcoming staff, and the comfortable, newly-renovated surroundings… but you’re not reading this anymore, are you? You’re already on your way there. Don’t blame you.
Market Days Harrogate Farmers Market Cambridge Street; second Thursday of every month, 9am-3pm. Helmsley Market Market Square; every Friday. Kirkbymoorside Market On the cobbles of the main street; every Wednesday. Knaresborough Farmers Market Place; third Sunday of every month, 9am-2pm. Knaresborough Town Market Market Place; every Wednesday, 8.30am-4pm. Malton Market Market Place; every Saturday. Malton Monthly Food Market Market Place and Milton Rooms, 14th November, 9am-3pm. Northallerton Farmers Northallerton High Street; fourth Wednesday of every month, 9am-3pm. Otley Farmers Market Market Place; last Sunday of every month, 9am-1pm. Pickering Indoor Flea Market Off Market Place; daily. Pickering Town Market Market Place; every Monday. Ripon Farmers Market Town Square; third Sunday of every month, 9am-2.30pm. Ripon Town Market Market Square; every Thursday, 8.30am-4pm. Scarborough Food Fair Westborough; third Saturday of every month. Selby Farmers Market Market Place; first Wednesday of every month, 9am-1pm. Selby Town Market Split across two sites in town centre – Market Place and Micklegate; every Monday, 9am3pm. Shambles Market Off Parliament Street; 9am-5pm every day. St Nicholas Fair Parliament Street; until 23rd December York Farmers' Market Shambles Market; 21st November, 9am-5pm.
food & drink
Food & drink
Sitting Pig Licensed Cafe & Restaurant
There’s more online! Visit www.yourlocallink.co.uk and see our Food & Drink section for even more get places to eat.
Hi Miriam Please find artwork attached for the 1/4 page advert. I have also attached our logo- I couldn't manage to put it on in time if there's anyway you could add it on to the bottom of the advert/ incorporate it that would be fab- sorry I'm just conscious of the time! Hope it's ok! Kind Regards Tiffany Now taking bookings for Christmas & Christmas day
We are running a Christmas fair and party menu throughout December.
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