7 minute read
ASTROLOGIST James Christie

Older members of the sign will be looking for a quiet life and will be quite content to take their time when it comes to making any major decisions. Paradoxically, younger Geminis (say 40 and under) will feel constrained and impatient therefore there is the risk of an impulsive action or decision around the 16th, which they might later come to regret. Lockdown restrictions may have been lifted, but you’re still going to have to be a bit more careful than usual, and quite frankly, I think this applies to all members of the sign, regardless of age or sex… It is, however, particularly relevant to older Geminis (70+) who have underlying health issues. Travel aspects look a bit dubious, but sort of linked in with this theme, I think a disproportionate number of people might be looking at new cars at this time… And there is some sense of extremism here – young people getting their first set of wheels, older people getting their last set of wheels, which in their own words will “see them out.”
21st May - 20th Jun
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So many plans and ideas depend upon what other people want. Although it might be awkward for you, perhaps you have to decide whether you are going to postpone a few plans – or do those things on your own, especially if lovers and partners have other commitments and responsibilities. There is no sense of animosity here, just some practical decision making.
If May was tougher than you expected, take heart because June seems a lot softer, giving you the chance to unwind and relax. Therefore, despite any work commitments you may have, the accent seems to fall on leisure pursuits, especially if you’ve got a new toy to play with. You’ll be doing some long term financial planning and budgeting accordingly.
On more than one occasion, some disruption to travel plans will leave you spitting feathers, especially if other people are responsible for causing delays and cancellations. Looks like some chunks of money could be earmarked for home improvements and extensions, etc. As a result of this, throughout the whole month of June, there is more cash going out than there is coming in. Sure, you get something in return, but is it enough?
A 'hopeful' month where relationships are concerned, providing you are trying to build something new and not re-building something which has collapsed. Someone who has said no to you won't change their mind and suddenly start saying yes. Potentially an exciting time where jobs and money are concerned, providing you’re prepared to try something new and take one or two little risks.
I’m hopeful that June could turn out to be something of a fun month for you with some very bright aspects where family relationships and romantic associations are concerned. Good news arrives in connection with businesses and careers, sometime vaguely between the 16th and the 20th and your long term financial

An interesting and eventful period in which you successfully break free from ties that bind you to some of the darker elements of your history. You cut away the deadwood, separate the chaff from the corn, and surge ahead in new directions filed with fresh enthusiasm. Put the major choices on hold for a while and concentrate on the smaller decisions that get you by from one week to the next.
There is strong sexual energy affecting Scorpio throughout the whole of the month, and try as you might, you’ll not be able to ignore it. And indeed, why should you? Older Scorpios enjoy a sense of rejuvenation, while those in their teens and early 20s revel in a sense of hedonism: sexual unions can become spiritual and emotional unions, but putting it bluntly, sex comes first. If you think that you’re beyond all that, well…?
I would expect there to be some tension within relationships during the first week of the month, but easing and softening around the 8th when compromises will be found. Both sexes are suffering from physical tiredness and suppressed stress, but if couples can pull together towards a common goal, this lightens the burdens of both parties; concentrate on having
A much better and brighter month ahead than many you’ve had so far this year. Subtle but important changes to domestic routines make you feel more content and secure, and although there will be some minor involvement with bureaucracy between the 14th and the 22nd which you will find frustrating, the last week of June is an adventurous and action-packed period full of nice surprises.
Welcome changes to certain work routines put a smile on your face and more cash in your pocket, and you get a clearer and more encouraging view of your mid and long term future. There may be some concern for a younger female member of the family, but do not over-react if you hear something which displeases you. This might have something to do with a younger person moving out of the family circle.
A member of the opposite sex will make it quite clear that they want more from you than you might be prepared to give. This is awkward and puts you (once again) in the position of having to make emotional decisions you really do not want to make. I suppose it comes down to a choice between do I play it safe or take a chance? Looking back over the last few years of your life: I’d take the chance!

Avoid Holiday Headaches by Planning Ahead
By David Scott, Head of Employment Law
Planning employee holidays can be difficult enough for a business in a normal year. This year there is an additional potential headache for employers as from 17 May people are allowed to go on holiday to “green list countries”. As the green list is reviewed every 3 weeks you need to be prepared. As an employer you need to plan now how you will manage this to avoid disruption to your business.
You should be encouraging your employees to take holiday, but also reminding them of their obligations if they plan to travel abroad. Plan what your policy is in relation to the following issues: • Do you need your employee to confirm if they are planning to travel to an amber or red list country when booking their leave? • Will you refuse to allow leave for travel to an amber or red list country? • Do you expect them to return to the UK early to avoid any additional restrictions announced while they are away? • Will you allow them to work from home if they have to self-isolate or hotel quarantine on return? • Will your employee need to have enough leave to cover any time in isolation or quarantine or can they use unpaid leave? • Will you allow them to return to work before they have met any COVID testing requirements on their return?
You should review your holiday booking process and any forms used to request and authorize leave. You may need to make a temporary amendment to your staff handbook.
You should communicate clearly and early any changes to your normal holiday leave policy and apply it consistently.
After all that you may also be in need of a holiday. If you need help sorting out your holiday headache speak to one of our employment law team on 01904 538200.