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Health and beauty
HEALTH & BEAUTY FOR YOU Mother’s Day gifts
For the brew lover
SHO Coffee Cup | £27.99 from www.shoreusable.com Rarely catch mum without a hot drink in her hands? These eco-friendly cups guarantee to keep coffee hot for six hours, or if you prefer an iced latte, a massive 12 hours! There’s a host of new designs in time for Mother’s Day, too.
For the beauty buff
Laura Kay London Illuminate in Highlight | £28 from www.laurakaylondon.com Is your mum a self-confessed beauty addict? This brand new illuminate highlighter will really give her a glow and illuminate her features.
For new mums
The Little Book Of Self Care For New Mums | £12.99 from www.jojomamanbebe.co.uk This handy survival guide offers advice to help manage the emotional and physical rollercoaster of becoming a new mum. Bringing together decades of experience from a midwife and a doula, you'll find invaluable tips and tricks to boost confidence and calm frazzled nerves - plus answers to all those questions you may be too embarrassed to ask. Sleep is crucial, and for many, it’s the best part of the day. But did you know that those seven to eight hours that you spend sleeping can impact you whilst you walk amongst the living? According to sleep expert, Narwan Amini of Eachnight.com, there is a superior way to sleep. And it turns out that the best position for health is sleeping on your side. According to Narwan, side sleeping is considered the healthiest sleeping position. It helps to provide alignment and support on your spine, as well as helping to reduce the amount of lower back pain, as it puts less stress on your lumbar spine and lower back muscles. Sleeping on your side also helps to minimise acid reflux. Side sleeping is also considered the best position to sleep in when it comes to your brain. Side sleeping helps the brain clear out interstitial waste faster than other positions, which can give multiple benefits, such as reducing the risks of Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s in later years. Sleeping on your left side also helps to offer a good night sleep if you are pregnant, as sleeping on your side, particularly in the fetal position, helps to prevent discomfort and pressure again the liver. If you’re not pregnant, it’s recommended to sleep on your right side. However, when it comes to the least beneficial sleeping position, sleeping on your stomach is seen as the worst. Sleeping on your stomach can lead to multiple problems such as straining of muscles and joints, stiffness in the back and neck. If you must sleep on your stomach, try to prevent back pain by placing a pillow under your hips. For more information, visit www. eachnight.com
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