Quality Street
Now that we have your undivided attention… the Yorkshire-based comedy of love and longing comes to York Theatre Royal this May.



Local charity, St Leonard's Hospice return with their annual plant sale.. P.32

Now that we have your undivided attention… the Yorkshire-based comedy of love and longing comes to York Theatre Royal this May.
Local charity, St Leonard's Hospice return with their annual plant sale.. P.32
QUALITY STREET, No, we’re not directly talking about the chocolates (sorry!) but a great treat all the same. J.M Barrie’s Yorkshire-based comedy of love and longing comes to York Theatre Royal this May.
10-11. Puzzles and Competitions
Our home on the internet is jam-packed with York events, stories you won’t find in the magazine, monthly competitions and free printable walks from our Walking Wanderer.
It’s the peak of excitement here in the YLL office this month. For one, we’ve recently had air conditioning installed (buzzing stuff!) and after last summer’s scorchoff, we can’t wait to test out the new system. Asides from that, we’re all particularly excited for the three bank holidays that are gracing the month of May.
Three bank holidays, you say!? Yes, the month begins with King Charles III’s Coronation. Following the visit of His Royal Highness to York earlier last month, many locals will be lining the streets, pubs and bars in celebration of the new monarch. The festivities certainly continue throughout the month as we prepare ourselves for the sun, dusting off those deck chairs from the garage and bringing out the barbecue. From plant sales to plays,
the races to boat cruises, there are plenty of events to attend in May.
If you’re making the most of the great outdoors this month, we’ve got lots of tips on how to get your garden ready for the summer over on p.32 as well as a stunning local walk from our Wanderer on p.14. Further afield, there is the great Malton Food Festival where you can enjoy the best of alfresco dining, sampling foods from incredible independent vendors in the foodie capital of Yorkshire. And, if you’re thinking of booking a last minute getaway, we catch up with Kerry from Savannah Travel who tells us all about the latest luxury cruise deals on p.49. Have a great month and make every day count! The YLL Team x
Editorial & Design: Scott, Claire & Emily Accounts: Dean & Karen
Distribution: Gary & Simon Advertising: Tracy, Mim, Sarah, Helen, Craig, Mackenzie & Gini
Contributors: Tony Chalcraft, James Christie, Simon Pattinson, Matt Todd, Kerry Lakey & Ben Robinson. Call: 01904 767881 Email: info@yourlocallink.co.uk Write to us: Unit 3a Kettlestring Lane, Clifton Moor, York YO30 4XF. facebook.com/locallinkyork @yourlocallink @LocalLinkYork yourlocallink.co.uk
In association with:
5 Wyre Court, Haxby. Tel. 01904 768439.
Fancy winning a beautiful bouquet of flowers, courtesy of Dutch Nurseries in Haxby?
Simply find all 10 words in our Dog themed word search!
Send your completed puzzle, marked ‘May Puzzle Competition’ along with your address and telephone number to Unit 3a Kettlestring Lane, Clifton Moor, York, YO30 4XF, to reach us no later than 31st May 2023. The first entry picked out of the hat will win the prize. Good luck!
You may recognise these guys from our regular Property column, but if you’re fairly new to us, let us introduce Herbert Todd & Sons. Herbert Todd’s is a long-established family-run business with three showrooms in York, Acomb, and Harrogate. Selling over 800 lines, from the latest televisions to built-in ovens and microwaves, as well as offering a free delivery and optional installation service- whatever your needs, Herbert Todd & Sons are your local, household heroes!
As a special prize this month, Herbert Todd are giving away a Pure Jongo T2 Bluetooth Wifi Speaker, worth £99.99! To be in with a chance of winning, simply answer this question:
Which column in the Your Local Link issue, does Herbert Todd regularly feature in?
A. Property column
B. Gardening column
C. Sports column
Send your answer (along with your name, address, and daytime contact number) on a postcard marked ‘Pure Jongo Competition’ to the address on page six or competitions@yourlocallink.co.uk. The closing date is Friday 26th May 2023. Terms and conditions apply.
Based on the Bible’s book of Genesis, this production tells the tale of Joseph, son of Jacob and one of 12 brothers, and his coat of many colours. With music from Andrew Lloyd Webber and lyrics by Tim Rice, this musical is brought to you by the York Musical Theatre Company.
Coming to the stage at Joseph Rowntree Theatre between Wednesday 24th to Saturday 27th of
Nestled in the grounds of Middletons Hotel, is the Emperors Gym complex. Open to residents and non-residents alike, this gym is the perfect place to let off steam and join an inclusive network of likeminded gym-goers. Currently, host to over 450 members, Emperors Gym is also a great site to enjoy a host of fitness and exercise classes, ranging from Box Fit, HIIT, Abs Blast, Barre, Hatha Yoga, and Indoor Cycling, plus much more.
May, we have a Family Ticket to give away (two adults, two children), so for a chance to win, simply answer this question:
The award-winning musical, ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat’ features music created by which musical theatre composer?
A. Elton John
B. Lucy Simon
C. Andrew Lloyd Webber
Send your answer (along with your name, address, and daytime contact number) on a postcard marked ‘Joseph Competition’ to the address on page six or competitions@ yourlocallink.co.uk. The closing date is Wednesday 17th May 2023. Terms and conditions apply.
This month, we’re offering our readers one month’s free membership for one lucky winner, courtesy of Emperors Gym. To be in with a chance of winning, simply answer this question:
Emperors Gym offers a host of fitness classes, including what class?
A. Jujutsu
B. Box Fit
C. Hula Hooping
Send your answer (along with your name, address, and daytime contact number) on a postcard marked ‘Emperors Gym Competition’ to the address on page six or competitions@yourlocallink.co.uk. The closing date is Friday 26th May 2023. Terms and conditions apply.
This could be a bit of a belttightening month where finances are concerned, especially if you’ve splashed the cash a bit in April. But it’s spring and Taureans like the spring, so overall energy levels should be quite high. On the work scene, you’ll have to push yourself hard to finish one project before you can start on another – that ‘other’ is a more attractive proposition. Be careful around the 20th to avoid silly accidents.
You move now into a period wherein you will need to accept some new realities. There are some very positive outlooks for new ideas and new ways of thinking, and although some people might not be happy with this, quite honestly there’s not much they can do about it. Take advice by all means, but heed
your own counsel and refuse to be diverted from your pathway. A boost to social activity around the 5th and then again between the 22nd and 24th.
Relatively speaking quite an uneventful month, which is no bad thing if it gives you chance to relax and unwind a bit. Because there are no pressing dramas demanding your attention you’re able to enjoy pleasurable pastimes, with a noticeable romantic window of opportunity opening up between the 15th and 21st. Some Cancerians might see this as a temptation too far, while others will exclaim “At last! At last!”
April’s emotional vibe carries on through into May, and while you might be busy on the work scene, it will be in the sense of networking and planning rather than moving sacks of coal. On more than one
occasion you will come to realise that who you know is more important than what you can do! A negative tingle towards month’s end when travel plans go wrong or modes of transport let you down. Another negative aspect comes from a meeting with an old flame. Be careful what you say and how you react.
Travel aspects are more viable than usual in May, with overseas work connections. Anyone involved with charities, either professionally or vocationally, will find their workload intensified when some people expect just a little bit too much. Some tiredness creeping in around the 20th which could lead to minor tensions in relationships – or indeed, it might even be the other way round.
A clash of swords and a battle of wills… no not all the time, but too
many times to be comfortable. People criticise you who are far not above criticism themselves: they can dish it out, but they can’t take it – so don’t hold back in expressing your displeasure. If one key friendship ends, then let it go and learn from the experience. On a brighter note, good money news around the 18th and 22nd, and a surprise invitation on the 28th.
If a lover or partner is offering you the world, think carefully before accepting. Is the world they’re offering the world you want? If you’re sure that it is, grab it with both hands, but if there’s any shadow of a doubt, pause for a moment and be totally honest with yourself about what you want and what you’re looking for. Either way, emotions are running high, dominating your thoughts and influencing most of your actions.
This is one of those months wherein you’re going to have to fight to get what you want – which is easier said than done if you don’t know exactly what it is that you do want. Priorities change, sometimes overnight, and in reaction to what is coming down from lovers and partners, there may be the temptation to change your mind two or three times too many. This is confusing to others, so be mindful that careless words can cause some hurt..
Okay. You might not have everything you want, but you have a lot more than some, so keep that in mind throughout May. There may be a flurry of social activity during the first week but then everything settles down to the same old routine, and it is probably a routine that you are no longer happy with. You can change this, but not overnight, and only one step at a time. A shake-up in work hierarchies during the last few days should please you.
All Aquarians have a Machiavellian side to their nature, and yours come well to the fore throughout May. Lots of scheming, planning and plotting with an eye on the future,
both short term and long term. This might not be the best time to share your innermost thoughts and dreams with other people who would misunderstand you, or worse, wouldn’t understand at all! Play cards close to your chest and keep your own counsel.
Luck is a rogue concept, but from your point of view, you might well feel that your luck is changing for the better. May is a propitious month for anything to do with property, purchase, sales, investments, etc., and quite a few things which have been getting in your way seem to be swept to one side. Lots of travel aspects in the last 10 days, but it’s 10 miles here, 20 miles there, 100 miles around the corner. Sorry, no P&O cruises… yet.
Quite a bright and cheerful month with some nice highs and very few lows. Travel and reunions may be relevant during the first week tied in with some sort of special celebration. Some fresh enthusiasm for business, careers, and work projects kick in around the 9th and 10th, and romantic opportunities fall into place around the 20th – which sounds good, but it might put you in a position of divided loyalties.
email: jcp@magepublishing.co.uk
Bramham and Bramham Park
Starting from Bramham, this walk crosses the southern half of Bramham Park before taking newly created paths through woodland and farmland to return to the village.
Is this walk for me?
This is an easy walk. There are climbs but none are long or steep. Most of the route is on good tracks and there are no stiles to cross. At Direction Point 6, it is necessary to step across a small stream on rough and slippery stones. It’s also important to note that the route from Direction Point 5 onwards is almost entirely over ‘permissive’ paths. These can be closed at times: reportedly, the path across the field at Direction Point 6 is occasionally shut if cattle are grazing. Should this be the case, divert to the nearby road.
Getting there
The starting point is the centre of Bramham village by the war memorial. Bramham is 16 miles from York via the A64, Tadcaster, and Toulston Lane. There is ample street parking in the village. Bramham is difficult to reach by public transport from York. The best route is the infrequent 412 bus to Wetherby, then the hourly number 7 bus to Bramham.
Unfortunately, there are no options on this walk as the only remaining pub in Bramham, the Red Lion, is currently closed.
What to see
The main attraction of this walk is the grand landscaped parkland of the Bramham estate. Although the main house is not clearly visible from the walk, a number of monuments are passed. There are also several areas of woodland and a quiet country track at Direction Point 4. This is a good area to see a variety of wildlife, especially in the woodland at Direction Point 6 which seems to be much frequented by red kites.
Time: 3 hours Distance: 6½ miles
1. With the war memorial behind you, go left (signed to A1M) passing the former Bay Horse Inn, and with new houses right. At a T junction, cross the road ahead and take the narrow path opposite into trees. Turn left alongside the motorway. At a road go right over the bridge then turn sharp right downhill. At the gates to Bramham Park enter through the side kissing gate then keep ahead on the track.
2. At a track junction, go left (public footpath sign). In about 100 metres, with a wood yard ahead, turn right at a broken footpath sign into trees, soon turning left with a hedge right. In about 125 metres, emerge onto an earth track and continue ahead between hedges, then young trees. Now remain on the clear track going through kissing gates. At a T junction, go left as signed. Approaching a white fence and gate, turn off right as signed.
3. Continue with a wood left staying with the track as it curves right then left to half circle the ornamental building on the left. Continue with a wood left to another track T junction. Here turn right downhill into a dip. At the bottom turn left as signed on a track alongside woodland left. At the end of a grassy area on the left be sure to take the signed
footpath left through a kissing gate. Follow the track through a dip to a T junction at the top of a slope. Turn right. Keep ahead under pylons to a kissing gate giving access to a track.
4. Turn right on the track (ignore the footpath opposite). Now continue on the track for about 1200 metres to a road.
5. Turn right but in 20 metres, just beyond blue gates, go through a kissing gate into a field. Walk left alongside the hedge to another kissing gate. Through this, cross the road (caution – blind bend) and turn left for 20 metres to a kissing gate. Go through and walk away from the road to follow the right side of the hedge to enter the woodland at a gap. Turn immediately right with the wooded slope left. Remain on the clear path soon forking left to descend to the valley bottom. Continue until just before the path meets a road.
6. Do not join the road but instead go left on a footpath that crosses the dam of the pond on the left. At the stream cross using the rudimentary stepping stones to continue ahead up the slope. Turn right along the edge of the wood. When the path descends, take the left fork to a kissing gate. Through, follow the faint path across the grass with the road about 50 metres away to the right. Climb beside bushes to find a kissing gate by a telegraph pole. After this, go right along
the field edge to another kissing gate giving access to a road.
7. Turn right and cross the road ahead to the kissing gate opposite. Turn left to follow the path as it curves through the trees then head left alongside them with fields sloping to the right. Continue with the trees left until a kissing gate. Pass the house and go through a further kissing gate ahead. Now, go left to
follow the wall parallel to the road. At the end of the wall go through another kissing gate and turn right to cross the motorway on a bridge. Over the bridge, turn left for a few metres then cross the road by the Bramham marker stone. Turn right on the other side (not ahead) as signed soon dropping down steps to a road. Turn left, then keep ahead to arrive back at the war memorial.
Walks are undertaken at your own risk. Due care must be taken in following the walk, particularly after poor weather. Whilst every care is taken in compiling the description, some changes may have occurred since publication. Neither the walk author nor Your Local Link can accept any responsibility for any errors or omissions.
Are you looking for a new club to join or something regular to do in York? Look no further! Give these clubs a try…
This local club are looking for players for this coming season. They have two Saturday teams and one Wednesday evening team. The club are also looking for an umpire on Saturdays. For further information, please contact Darren Avey on 07436 111292.
Whether you want to act, help out back stage or front of house, The Monday Players are celebrating their 30th year and wish to welcome new members. You need to be 18 years old or over. They put on two productions a year of various styles at the Village Hall in Escrick. For further information, email chair@ mondayplayers.com or visit www.mondayplayers.com.
With a current membership of over 200 local runners, this club is super friendly and provides training for competition and recreation. If you’re a member, you will also have access to free training nights and be encouraged to try competitive races across the region. For enquiries or to find out more information visit www. yorkknavesmireharriers.co.uk.
A great, social club to meet with your friends, this club is for 9-15 year olds and is host to a variety of activities from quizzing and gaming, to snooker tournaments and improvisation. For more information, please email inclusion@yorkcityfcfoundation.co.uk.
Your Local Link reader, Ben Robinson has been writing for about five years now. His creative writing has covered topics such as poetry, culture and education, which is a career that he wishes to pursue. Books are Ben’s passion and he’s excited to be sharing some fantastic reads with you. Here are some of his recommendations for this month…happy reading!
I don’t know about you, but I’ve been craving spring since we saw the first glimmers of it. Those longer evenings and balmy air have got me thinking about some spring reads. I thought I’d recommend four exhilarating reads for you to indulge in this spring. All of which are filled with nature, longing lust, and the gentle warmth we’re all ready for.
‘A Town Called Solace’ by Mary Lawson Packed with storytelling and intimacy, you'll instantly feel close to the three central characters. (It is also well worth checking out Lawson's previous books - all favourites of mine!)
‘The Green Planet' by Leisa Stewart Sharpe. Since working in a school this is my favourite book I have read with the kids as you will always find something new and intriguing to learn about. From the rivers and oceans to the deepest jungles and what lives in them.
It accompanies the BBC show ‘Green Planet' - well worth a watch with the kids once you have read the book!
‘The Summer I Turned Pretty’ by Jenny Han. We all remember the first time we fell in love, right? This book takes you back there, into the midst of a teenage love affair and all its complications. This young adult novel is perfect for all ages to get you into that summer mood we are all yearning for.
‘Lucy by the Sea’ by Elizabeth Strout.
If you’re like me and want to be transported to the seaside, then this is the book for you. Lucy and William have a love story that has spanned decades, but they will finally learn the true meaning of partnership. I was enchanted by this book, and its coastal town setting was reminiscent of that spring magic we all need a little bit more of.
At the time of writing this column, we come off the back of an excellent win versus high flyers Chesterfield and an excruciating defeat to Halifax. It's fair to say that we don't make life easy for ourselves. York City during the trials and tribulations of what was meant to be a celebration of our centenary year has turned into nothing but chaos and the unknown and still, as it stands, there could be a threat of relegation.
By the time you read this, no doubt that fate will have been decided, and quite frankly right now the thought of being back in National League North isn't something I ever want to return to. I've already stuck my neck on the line and have said a point will keep us up and I hope that happens. What a task it's been for Interim Manager, Mikey Morton to see us through this turbulent time and deal with the job with such pride. He's a fan too and I do hope he is offered a position on the coaching staff next season. What must happen this summer is to make sure we have an experienced manager in place to
make sure we do not suffer the same tribulations as this one and to be safe. The one thing that gets in the way of that, is our current chairman. Someone who really should step aside, sell his shares and leave the club. Just when you think it seems close to ending this nightmare, this man is still the majority shareholder. Someone who has said numerous times now that he will pay the staff and will sell his shares when the offer comes in. It feels like all talk. I'm sure it'll be no different when you are reading this too. Some people are just not fit for running a football club and this guy is up there. I can agree any due diligence cannot always spot this sort of thing from happening but over four years there must have been a hunch that this guy wasn't going to be the right fit. When this is all over and a resolution is eventually made I think everyone's best interest would be to see Mike Brown step aside as the Trust Chairman to see a fresh start and regain some trust in the Trust. We need fresh impetus and stronger
direction. No offence to Mike, as he's a nice guy and nothing on his character, but it would be best for all involved. Looking back to playing, whoever does take charge this summer needs to address the forward line.
John Lewis has had his highest goal season and is still getting stick from the fan base, yet he is still the
integral piece of this fractured jigsaw. What is needed, is more goals and someone to take the workload, getting some goals and not relying on him as often as we have. Other than that we have a solid group that just needs a handful of additions to improve what we have. I just hope it'll be for National League football!
The Hawk Creative Business Park Ltd. a family-owned, 13,000sq ft flexible office space provider, is situated directly off the A19 on the southern outskirts of Easingwold. Recently labelled the ‘Best Flexible Office Space Provider’ in North Yorkshire, the business is committed to its values of sustainability, creativity and tenant support.
With 19 units, there is enough creative space for a wide range of business requirements. The site’s VoIP telephony and high-speed internet also makes it an incredibly efficient place to work, getting the job done without the fuss of poor connection. With eco-friendly features on site, such as rainwater harvesting, biomass heating, and hot water, and its building constructed out of recycled materials, The Hawk Creative Business Park has also been supporting sustainability for 15 years.
The site itself is surrounded by countryside, and pretty walks, making for a relaxed and inspiring work setting. Being so
close to two major cities, York and Leeds, The Hawk Creative Business Park is very accessible for their prospective clients too.
Speaking about the expansive opportunities that these spaces provide prospective businesses, Business Centre Manager, Keren Redshaw said: “Since its opening, The Hawk Creative Business Park has seen many different businesses make The Hawk their permanent home, with many businesses being with us from the very beginning. Hot off the press, is the news that one of our prestigious offices has just become available. Please give us a call for more information.”
So, if you’re looking for a flexible and creative workspace, visit www.hawkcreative.com and get in touch!
In collaboration with Google Digital Garage, York City Council are providing three webinars as well as free, in-person training and a mentoring day for their new digital skills scheme. As well as this training, each business attending the workshop will be given the chance to sign up for free, personal, and bespoke online mentoring with Google Digital Experts. From building the foundations of your brand
on significant platforms such as YouTube, Google Search, and Maps to creating more ways to encourage clientele, the digital skills programme is set to get the best out of your business. The event will take place on Thursday 18th May at the Hospitium and is free to attend. To book ahead, please visit https://www.eventbrite. co.uk/e/digital-skills-trainingtickets-522660992097.
Funded by the City of York Council’s Inclusive Growth Fund, is a free coaching for worker wellbeing project that is now being offered by York St John Communities Centre, to employees and business owners of small organisations across the city. The present cost-of-living crisis is proving to have a negative effect on the mental health of many, and so the Council is offering each participating member five complimentary coaching sessions. Over a phone call or video chat, coaches will work with their coachees to develop a routine
that works for them as they explore and manage self-care and its influence on personal wellbeing. The programme will put an emphasis on meeting individual needs and finding lasting ways to improve working conditions. As funding is limited, coaching spaces will be allocated on a firstcome, first-served basis. If this scheme sounds like something you, or a member of your team could benefit from, please visit www.yorksj.ac.uk/working-withthe-community/communitiescentre/coaching/coaching-forworker-wellbeing.
Two new Dial & Ride buses have been delivered this spring thanks to a grant of £190,000 from the City of York Council to a local charity, York Wheels. For York locals who find it difficult to use normal buses owing to age or mobility issues, Dial & Ride offers a flexible door-to-door bus service, transporting passengers from their houses to popular city locations including supermarkets and shopping centres. Each bus is wheelchair friendly and has special accessibility features for those who have trouble walking.
Councillor Andy D’Agorne, Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Transport, at City of York Council, said: “Over the years, York has built up significant levels
Take a trip back through time at the Yorkshire Air Museum this May for their We’ll Meet Again 2023 event. On Saturday the 6th of May and Sunday the 7th of May, there will be a 1940’s style event with fantastic vintage vehicle displays, period aircraft, re-enactors, vintage music, and dance,
of bus use and we are committed to doing what we can to protect our bus services, which provide a lifeline and connection for so many in York.” Andy continued: “We want our historic city to be accessible and inclusive for all. Dial & Ride buses offer the opportunity for our disabled and less mobile residents to get out and about safely and comfortably.” If you know of someone who may benefit from this service, reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance due to limited seating. For further details on the services provided, fare costs, and how to book seating, please visit www. itravelyork.info/dial-ride.
Skullcandy x Burton Push Active True Wireless Earbuds £74.99 from skullcandy.com.
plus much, much more. The Saturday will also feature a special showing of the Coronation of King Charles III on the big screen. And, if you’re thinking of staying for the weekend, camping is also available for the duration. For tickets and more information, please visit Yorkshire Air Museum on Facebook.
When Skullcandy meets, world-leading snowboard brand, Burton…what do you get? A super stylish collection of state-of-theart earphones, that’s what! Durable, comfortable and with a distinctive leopard print design, these Push Active’s feature Skull-iQ technology with a handsfree voice function , so you can take calls whilst exercising with ease. You'll also have plenty of time to make and receive said calls or listen to your favourite tunes, thanks to the device’s rapid charge feature and up to 44 hours of battery life. The over-ear hooks enable a snug fit that is made with vigorous exercise activities in mind, so you don’t have to worry about them falling out of place and ruining
your mojo either! If you prefer a different style of earphone, the Skullcandy Burton x Mod True Wireless Earbuds, worth £54.99 fit perfectly in the ear without hooks. With Bluetooth features and up to 34 hours of battery life, these earphones will be alive with the sound of music for quite some time. For more information, please visit, https://www.skullcandy. com/burton-push-activewireless-earbuds.
Excitement is growing for the Coronation of King Charles III this May and in honour of the special occasion, Herbert Todd’s will be closed on Saturday the 6th of May to allow everyone to spend some quality time with their families. We will be open again on Monday the 8th observing our Bank Holiday hours of 10am to 5pm. In the meantime, we are here to offer advice and help and some of the lowest cost products in the whole UK both from the headline cost at a sale and a lifetime cost point of view. For example, we have a Hoover 8kg washer at the low entry price point of £269.99, or for a low overall lifetime cost, we have the Siemens A rated 9kg washer at £649, currently a great buy with a 5-year warranty and free installation
256pc Premium Tool and Socket Set
and recycling of your old washer. On the kitchens and bathrooms side of our business, we are now working with Symphony Kitchens whose products represent excellent value for money. We have put two of their budget door ranges into our display rooms at Monks Cross, with prices starting at around four thousand pounds for a complete kitchen it proves that you don’t have to spend a fortune on a great-looking kitchen providing it is designed and fitted by an expert. We are still offering a free home measure and design service for any kitchen or bathroom bought from Herbert Todd’s this year! Whether you need a new oven, kitchen, or television - why not give Todd’s a try?
Home DIY is great if you have the right tools. Getting back to basics, we’ve listed our top tools for the home if you’re planning on giving your home interiors a little spring refresh this month.
Tape measure
You’ll use this time and time again. A minimum of five meters is a good start and usually enough to measure most rooms.
From framing, assembling furniture, or nail pulling, a hammer is incredibly versatile.
Coming in different shapes and sizes, pliers are multipurpose and used for gripping, twisting wires, or cutting wire.
£109.99 from www.vonhaus.com With this super useful 256-piece tool and socket set, you can handle any project at home or in the workshop with confidence! Inside this heavy-duty carry case, are durable tools, made from heat-treated carbon steel and chrome vanadium. From pliers, wrenches, sockets, a hammer, screwdrivers, and extension bars to bits and hex keys, plus many other tools, this practical set is the perfect companion for all of your home DIY duties.
Combi Drill
From metal to masonry, combs drills are great for most DIY jobs. Try and opt for a cordless one for easy use.
Available in a variety of sizes, a screwdriver set is a necessity and helps to tighten and loosen screws.
All tree work undertaken
• Connifers topped/ felled/ shaped • Flagging, turfing, decking and gravelling
• Fencing • Drives, paths and patios cleaned.
Spring into action this month, and get your garden summer ready with our handy May gardening checklist.
Under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981, it’s illegal to damage the nest of any wild bird while it is in use or being built, so be sure to doublecheck before cracking on.
Lawns should generally be mown weekly between March and October to keep them in good condition, but during the month of May, try to allow a patch for wild plants to flourish, as this will attract pollinating insects and other wildlife.
Get your garden summer ready, by laying the summer bedding at the end of the month.
Summer bedding can be grown from seeds, purchased as young seedlings, or pre-potted.
For more information, please visit www.rhs.org.uk.
Independent charity, St Leonard's Hospice, offers assistance and specialised palliative care to local residents who are suffering from terminal illnesses. With a wide range of services given in physiotherapy, social work, bereavement, occupational therapy, medical and spiritual care, they are committed to providing support for patients, their relatives, and their carers. As part of their fundraising programme, the team at St Leonard's Hospice are holding their annual Plant
Sale on Sunday the 14th of May, from 11am-2pm. So if you’re particularly green-fingered, and fancy getting a hold of some fruit and vegetable plants, bedding plants, perennials, plant pots, or gardening books, why not come along?
The St Leonard’s Hospice Plant Sale will take place at 185 Tadcaster Road, YO24 1GL. For more information, please email fundraising@ stleonardshospice.org.uk.
Edible York are appealing for locals to help towards a harvesting initiative in preparation for autumn 2023. Abundance was created to reduce waste by donating locally sourced fruit to charities and community groups in the area. Now with their very own ‘Apple HQ’ on Sailsbury Road, volunteers can easily collect equipment and drop off collected fruit before its distribution.
Speaking of the initiative, Project Coordinator, Louise, said: “Abundance gets people outside, enjoying nature and helping others. The fruit we pick goes out to many different organisations that help feed people, from soul kitchens to food banks.
The autumn is our busiest time but you can get involved at anytime as we are beginning to do more to support the many community orchards we have in York.”
The project relies on a team of local volunteers to pick, sort and deliver fruit across the city, so if you know a friend that needs help with tending their fruit trees, perhaps you know of a neglected fruit tree in the area, or, maybe you are aware of a charitable organisation that would appreciate receiving free donations of fresh fruit, get in touch with Edible York and find out how you can help towards the Abundance project. For picking dates and volunteer information, please visit the Abundance Facebook page. Alternatively please visit www. edibleyork.org.uk for more.
Lots of new gardeners want to grow carrots, I guess because they’re popular and well-known. Another reason may be, as carrots are plentiful and relatively cheap, there’s an assumption that they must be easy to grow. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Whereas carrots grown on a farm scale can be produced relatively easily, usually with the aid of chemicals unless organic, on a garden scale it’s much more tricky.
There are a number of reasons why carrots are difficult. This is a crop that’s fussy about soil. Most commercial carrot growing takes place on fine, usually sandy or peaty soils. In clay or heavier conditions carrots, especially the longer-rooted types, struggle to penetrate to any depth and may grow gnarled and malformed. A mistake gardeners often make is sowing too early in spring too. Carrot seed is tiny and usually take several weeks to germinate.
All these difficulties, however, pale into insignificance compared to the biggest problem that confronts home growers: carrot fly. If you’ve tried growing carrots without much success it could be this, one of the peskiest garden
pests, that’s responsible. With the posh title, Psila rosae it is, as the common name suggests, a small, fairly diminutive, fly. Mature carrot flies don’t directly attack carrots: rather, damage arises from Psila rosae’s breeding habits. Female flies, which are attracted to carrots largely by smell, lay eggs next to the plants. These hatch into creamy yellow grubs, nearly a centimetre in length when fully grown, which bore into growing carrots. This mining, characterised by blackish and rusty brown tunnels, is often very damaging. Affected carrots are difficult to use in the kitchen as so much has to be whittled away to retrieve anything usable. Worse, if the carrots are attacked when the seedlings are small, there may be no carrots at all. Young plants can be totally destroyed by the fly’s activities.
Carrot fly, which can also affect other related crops such as parsnips, celeriac, and parsley, but is generally less severe, is difficult to control on a small scale. If you grow just a few carrots well away from others it’s possible you may not be troubled, but where carrots have been cultivated nearby for years, and especially on allotment sites,
there is likely to be a resident population active every year. The only really effective preventative is to use fleece or a similar but stronger material Environmesh to cover carrots completely so the fly can’t get access. Don’t be fooled by those who say an opentopped barrier will do as Psila rosae is a low-level flier unable to get much above one metre in height! There are a number of other approaches that sometimes offer some benefit. Carrot flies have bouts of egg-laying usually in May and August. Sowing in early June can allow an unprotected crop to establish without damage but it’ll still be vulnerable to a later attack. There are also some varieties bred to be resistant, notably Flyaway and Resistafly. I’ve never tried these but
it’s wise to remember resistance does not mean immunity.
For more information on carrot fly and how to combat it, the Royal Horticultural Society’s website at www.rhs.org.uk/biodiversity/ carrot-fly is a good place to start.
The Blueberry Academy team is dedicated to providing specialist support for local people suffering with mental health issues, learning difficulties, and other disabilities, as they seek to develop employability and independence opportunities across York and beyond. The Blueberry Pop Up Shop is just one of the ways this fantastic organisation provide their trainees with vocational training and supported work opportunities. From prints to pom pom chicks, the Blueberry Pop Up Shop showcase a wide range of beautifully up-cycled or handmade items created in Yorkshire by adults with learning difficulties and disabilities. Whether from individual sellers or local organisations, the Blueberry Pop Up crafts items both in their shop and the co-operative workshop that’s based as the main Blueberry Academy at the Melbourne Centre.
Pop Up Shop Trainee, Jordan, said: "I like the Pop Up Shop as it helps me build confidence throughout the years by serving and dealing with customers. I also like making things to sell in the shop. When other trainees sell items and customers buy their items it brings a smile to the trainee’s faces."
Whether you’re after cards, prints, homeware, or a variety of accessories, why not pop and see them? Visit the Blueberry Pop Up Shop on Facebook, or call the shop on 07741910174 for more information.
Led by an experienced teacher and supported by highly qualified staff, the team at St Aelred’s Nursery prides itself on putting children and their families, at the heart of everything they do. Offering a play-based learning environment arranged in provision areas, with resources that promote independence and reflect the interests of the children in their care, the children at St Aelred’s Nursery have free-flow access to both of their spacious indoor areas and their newly-developed outdoor learning environment, as well as opportunities to be fully involved with the main school.
Connecting with nature is important to St Aelred’s Nursery. The ‘Little Explorer’ sessions take place within their
onsite woodland and allotment areas in the heart of Tang Hall. Their integrated Early Years provision, enables staff and children to build relationships that support a seamless transition between their nursery and reception class. Every day is an adventure to embark upon at St Aelred’s and the organisation particularly value the relationships that they build with their families, and they are proud that the children get the very best out of their experience when their precious time at nursery comes to an end. Are you looking for a nurturing and creative nursery for your child? Come and check out St Aelred’s for yourself! For more information, please call, 01904 806075 or visit staelreds. co.uk.
For centuries, research has shown that as humans we like being part of a tribe. With time this changed to family groups and with more time this has fragmented and morphed into various other groups such as networks and social groups. It is certainly beneficial to try out different types of groups and meet people that you would not normally meet through your work or family networks.
Social Yorkies (a non-profit, local, social group) is such a group. They are a varied bunch of people, some locals and some people who have moved to the area because of work or family reasons. It’s super easy to join and you can try out
Having recently launched, the Let’s Get Better website is the go-to place for all your health and wellness information, if you’re a resident of York. With a wealth of helpful advice to support you, the website has been created on behalf of the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership, which provides health and care services to 1.7 million people.
No matter what your age or background, Let’s Get Better provides a wealth of helpful advice to support you. From mental health services, mums-to-be, diet improvement, or stress management, there is something to support everyone. Dr. Nigel Wells, clinical lead for the Humber and North Yorkshire Health
before you join. The club arrange a variety of events each month and it’s a great way to try out new things.
Whether you fancy the benefits of the tribe or you’re simply just curious, give Social Yorkies a try, and come along to one of their events.www.yorkivc.club or contact them via, enquiries@yorkivc. club.
Have a loving home? These cutie pies need one.
and Care Partnership said: "We hope the Let's Get Better website will become the ultimate online health and wellbeing companion for everyone living in our area – and people's first port of call when they need extra information and support to make decisions about their health and wellbeing.”
If you require access to more support and information, please visit www. letsgetbetter.co.uk.
When Susan Beavers' owner became ill and was no longer able to care for her, they had to make the heartbreaking decision to rehome her. Having lived a quiet lifestyle with a single person for many years, Susan is still adjusting to life in a busy Adoption Centre. Susan Beavers isn’t a cat who appreciates being overly fussed or messed about with, she knows what she does and doesn’t enjoy and if people are respectful of her boundaries, then she is a lovely cat to be around.
Just like a lot of people currently, Hefty Chonka’s previous owners were struggling with the rising cost of living which meant that they could no longer afford to keep Hefty. He is quite shy at the moment, but this is totally understandable with such a big change in his life. Although he is shy, we keep seeing little glimpses of his personality shining through. If you could give one of these cutie pies a home, contact York Cats Protection Adoption Centre at 01904 760356 or via www.cats.org.uk/york.
St Leonard’s Hospice is proud to be part of our community. We provide expert end-of-life care for our patients and their families through all of our services.
The Hospice is a charity, care is free, though it costs nearly £8 million a year to provide. Gifts in Wills fund the care of one in four people. Any donation, big or small, that you include in a Will today will make a significant difference. It will ensure that we can continue to provide the best quality of care and support to our community.
“The support and care we both received made Pat’s death the best it could be, and for that I will be eternally grateful, that’s why I’ve remembered the Hospice in my Will. Please let care like this be your legacy – you may be so grateful for their support, just as I was.”
To find out more about the Hospice and leaving a gift in your Will, or about writing a free Will, visit our website. Your generosity means more people with a life-limiting illness, and their families, can get the very best care and support.
Nestled in the grounds of listed building, Middletons Hotel, is the Emperor’s Gym complex. Open to residents and non-residents alike, this inclusive gym serves as not only a place to let off some steam and improve your fitness, but it’s a space to join a welcoming community of likeminded gym-goers and trainers. With a fast-increasing membership, Emperors Gym is currently host to approximately 461 members, a mix of which are locals, hotel guests, and business trippers.
Following a site refresh earlier this year, this unique gym comprised of organised sections, from 'Arms' to 'Abs' and 'Chest' to 'Cardio', so it's pretty easy to locate the section you need, especially if you’re new to the gym scene and unfamiliar with certain equipment. Each of the five rooms featured in the gym contains specialist equipment for certain types of exercises. From the main gym floor, to a boxing area, a yoga room with an exclusive meditation mezzanine, and a spin studio. Particularly impressive is the yoga room, located upstairs. Incredibly spacious and in keeping with Yorkshire’s rich heritage, the wooden roofing beams add a very cosy feel, along with the hung fairy lights. Complete
with bolsters, mats, exercise balls, and blankets, this space has everything you need to complete your yoga practice. If going it solo in the gym isn’t particularly your bag, Emperors Gym offers a host of fitness classes suited to varied tastes, from Box Fit, HIIT, Abs Blast, Barre, Hatha Yoga and Indoor Cycling to name a few. These classes are a great way to meet people, and the various friendship communities within Emperors Gym regularly meet with each other outside of their workouts, to enjoy a social drink or other recreational activities.
If you’re feeling snackish or need a refuel boost, Reception stocks protein powder and other nutritious treats that will keep you on track. And, in the future, the gym hopes to see the introduction of further health supplements and readymade meals to provide their members with an effortless and effective gym experience. Currently offering the first month of membership at half price, Emperors is the perfect gym if you’re looking for a functional,
uncomplicated, and friendly leisure facility. For full information, opening times, and membership details, visit www. middletonsyork.co.uk.
£6.99 from ramersponges.com.
There’s nowt worse than that uncomfortable, sweaty feeling as you’re finishing a workout. Sure, it’s a sign of hard work…but what if you could keep yourself cool during your workouts to minimise all that sweaty stuff?
The Ramer Performance Sport
Towel, which uses clever Ramerfoam technology, will be your best friend for the duration of your workout. This super absorbent sponge towel is ultra soft, and comes in a reusable canister. In either ocean blue or rose pink, these vibrant towels will keep you cool while you exercise, leaving you feeling fresh and re-energised. And, when you’re done, the Ramer Towel is machine washable and will harden as it dries, preventing any bacterial growth. Clever, ey?
// 1ST MAY
FAIR, Duncombe Park,9am. A fun-packed family day out in the beautiful North Yorkshire countryside. Featuring the return of Ben Atkinson and his amazing stunt horses, mini ‘national’ pony racing and terrier racing, dog agility, ferret displays, clay shooting, archery, axe throwing, fly fishing, and much more. In addition to a variety of activities, the fair will also be host to several trade stands and craft stalls. Book tickets online in advance, via www.eventbrite.co.uk.
// 3RD MAY
GARDENING THE WORLD, York Army Museum, 7pm. Learn all about the horticulture of the Commonwealth War Graves across the globe and reimagine the stories of the families who have been looking after these sites over the last century. For more information and tickets, please visit https://yorkarmy-museum.arttickets.org.uk/ york-army-museum/2023-05-03gardening-the-world.
// 9TH MAY
DEATH CAFE, Black Swan Pub, Peaseholm Green, YO1 7PR, 6.30pm-
8pm. This month's death cafe takes place in conjunction with the national Dying Matters Awareness Week. This free event is open to everyone whatever their knowledge, interest or belief and offer an open, respectful, confidential and non-hierarchical space for a group directed discussion of death with no agenda, objectives, advertising or themes. To book your place, please register at yorkdeathcafe@gmail. com.
// 12TH MAY
STEVE CASSIDY BAND, Haxby Sports and Social Club, 8pmFor an evening of great music join the Steve Cassidy Band for a wonderful mix of country, ballads and rock music. Free entry.
// 12TH -14TH MAY
GLAMPFEST, Knaresborough, HG5 9JA. With camping, live music, facepainting, yoga, open mic sessions, traders, food, drinks and so much more this is a fantastic, spring weekend eventful for the family to enjoy. For more information, please visit glampfest.com.
// 13TH MAY
RAWCLIFFE CARNIVAL 2023, Rawcliffe Rec Hall and Field, 12pm
- 8pm. Rawcliffe's biggest carnival will be a fun-filled family day packed with live music, performances, sports activities, food and drink, carnival games, local stalls and much, much more! Visit https://www.eventbrite. co.uk/e/rawcliffe-carnival-2023tickets-510657228517.
// 13TH- 14TH MAY
PLANT SALE, Beningborough Hall, Gallery and Gardens, 10am - 4pm. Take a bit of Beningbrough home with you from the annual spring plant sale, many of the plants propagated from around the gardens. Normal admission charges apply (free to National Trust members).
// 14TH MAY
SALE, 185 Tadcaster Road, 11am2pm. Local charity, St Leonard's Hospice is holding its annual plant sale. Selling an array of bedding plants, fruit and vegetable plants, perennials, plant pots, and gardening books.
// 14TH MAY
ART FOR WELLBEING, York Art Gallery, 10.30am-12.30pm. This two-hour session offers the chance for exploring various crafts and inspiring topics aimed to
promote wellbeing. Held in the York Art Gallery’s studio area, surround yourself with like-minded people and create art with guidance from the artist, Griselda Goldsbrough. This event is suitable for those over 16s and the workshop runs on a drop-in basis, suitable for all skill levels.
// 16TH MAY
YORK CENTRAL W.I, Jacobs Well, 7pm. York Central W.I An insight into W.I resolutions and campaigns by Glenis Wedzicha, Resolutions Co-ordinator with refreshments, including cheese and wine.
// 18TH-20TH MAY
RUMOURS!, Escrick Village Hall. Written by Neil Simon, this farce tells the story of Ken and Chris who have found their host Charley, a prominent Government official in a bedroom, with a bullet wound in his ear lobe. Len and Claire arrive, themselves injured in a car crash and are joined by Ernest and Cookie, Glenn and Cassie, each with their own problems. A second accidental gunshot leaves Ken temporarily deaf - and then the police arrive…
// 20TH MAY
8am. With an option of two lovely walks (12 or 18 miles), enjoy a day of stunning views and fresh air in the enclosed Dales and help to raise money for a fantastic, local cause. There will be plenty of refreshments included and there’s the option of booking a celebratory pie at the end of the walk too! Online bookings close on the 18th of May. For more information, please visit https:// stleonardshospice.org.uk/how-canyou-help-us/events/.
// 20TH MAY
OPEN DAY, York Steiner School, 10am- 12pm. Are you looking for a welcoming school for your child? York Steiner School is opening its doors this month to show its facilities, give parents of prospective pupils the chance to ask questions and talk with teachers and enjoy a refreshment whilst children are entertained with activities. To avoid disappointment, please book your place by emailing jo@ yorksteinerschool.org or call them on 01904 654983.
// 20TH MAY
ILLUSTRATION MASTERCLASS, York Art Gallery, 2.00pm-3.30pm. Adults are invited to work alongside talented illustrator, Lucy Monkman, exploring a variety of drawing styles before trying to create their own illustration for a children’s book. This creative workshop is open to all abilities.
// 20TH MAY
Centre, 7.30pm. In association with the York Guildhall Orchestra and featuring songs from musical legends, Bernstein, Korngold and Rachmaninoff, join Nicholas Wight, Simon Wright and Fiona Love for an evening of beautiful classical music. For more information and tickets, please visit yorkbarbican. co.uk/whats-on.
// 21ST MAY
RECORD FAIR, The Crescent Community Venue, 11am-3pm. With a great selection of vinyl records and approximately 14 stallholders with over 25 tables. For details, please contact John 07896713988.
// 21ST MAY
PLANT SALE, Newton on Ouse Village Green. Friends of All Saints Church Newton on Ouse will be having a variety of Plant Stalls. Why not come along and buy your bedding out, perennials and vegetable plants, and then treat yourselves to refreshments in the Parish Hall?
// 24TH MAY
DIGGING FOR VICTORY: THE WARTIME GARDEN, York Army Museum. A fascinating talk about the impact of WW2 on the garden. Learning about the Allotment Army using photographs and images to delve into the history behind the ‘Dig For Victory’ poster, made famous by the Second World War.
// 27TH-28TH MAY
FESTIVAL, Market Place, Malton,
9am-6pm. Set across the streets of Yorkshire’s Food Capital, the legendary food and drink festival celebrates the very best of Malton’s produce. With demos, tasty treats and delicious food stalls, this free event is not to be missed!
// 25TH- 27TH MAY
CANDLELIGHT CONCERTS, York Minster, 7.30pm. Bringing together talented artists in York’s historic Minster, enjoy a host of concerts lit by candlelight. Featuring string quartet music inspired by the likes of John Williams and Hans Zimmer, Adele and West End Musicals. For more information, please visit yorkminster.org/whats-on/ event/candlelight-concerts/.
// 27TH MAY
YORK MUSEUM GARDENS POPUP PLANT SHOP, York Museum Gardens, 10.30am-3.30pm. A range of plants grown from on-site to help reduce carbon footprint are up for sale! With plants bred from cuttings and seeds, all proceeds from this pop-up will be invested back into these iconic gardens.
// 27TH-28TH MAY
JAGUAR ANTIQUE AND VINTAGE FAIR, Wetherby Racecourse. Set in the great Branham Hall Exhibition Centre and Millennium Grandstand, come and meet with hundreds of buyers and dealers from all over and broke the array of antique and vintage items up for grabs. With on-site catering free parking and a warm welcome, this is a great day out for all.
// 31ST MAY
ARTY OWLS, Beningborough Hall, Gallery and Gardens, 11am-3pm. Get crafty at Beningborough Hall with a creative, hands-on session where you can spend time creating your very own owl decoration to take home. This event is free, but admission charges apply for entry into the venue. For more information, please visit www.nationaltrust.org.uk/.
// 2ND-15TH JUNE
YORK FESTIVAL OF IDEAS, Various locations. Rediscover, reimagine, and rebuild. he festival promises something for people of all ages and interests, with topics ranging from archaeology to art, history to health, and politics to psychology. Visit yorkfestivalofideas.com for full details.
YORK PRIDE, York Racecourse. Celebrating the LGBTQ+ community, this local event is jam-packed with fun activities, from great music acts, stalls, rides, and various refreshment stalls. The Pride parade is also not to be missed, so come along and show your support for a great cause. For more information, or to find out how you can get involved, please visit yorkpride.org.uk.
YORK DOLLS HOUSE AND MINIATURES FAIR, York Racecourse. Never failing to impress enthusiasts the fair has become a firm favourite with
both exhibitors and visitors alike. Exhibition stands, workshops and talks will go on throughout the day. Visit www.eventbrite.co.uk for more information.
// 10TH JUNE
SYMPHONY, York Minster, 7.30pm. With great pleasure, York Musical Society hosts a return visit with their partner choir from York's twin city Münster, Germany, the Philharmonischer Chor. Tickets cost between £6-25 and can be purchased at York Theatre Royal box office or on the door on the night.
// 10TH JUNE
WIGGYFEST 2023, Wigginton Playing Fields. A family-fun festival with sports events, recreational activities a lots of live music. The event also features plenty of local food and drink vendors. Tickets available via wiggyfest.co.uk.
JOYCE RHODES YOGA, Fulford Social Hall, 7.30pm.
A mixed-ability yoga class with a very experienced accredited teacher, qualified with the British Wheel of Yoga. Email Joycegrhodes@ btinternet.com.
STOCKTON FORESTERS DRAMA GROUP, Stockton on the Forest Village Hall, 7.30pm. A friendly, fun local amateur theatre group, producing two plays a year. Whether you fancy being on stage or helping behind the scenes, they would love to hear from you! For more information, email Holly at dramastockton@gmail. com or find us on Facebook.
MENFULNESS RUNNING CLUB, Millennium Bridge, York, from 7.30pm. An all-abilities weekly
running group run by David Lingwood. A chance to talk to like-minded men, and have a laugh whilst exercising, and afterward, an opportunity for a post-run beverage.
HEWORTH RETIRED MEN’S GROUP, Heworth Without Community Centre, 10-11.30am. This friendly social group meets fortnightly on Tuesdays. Anyone can join, whether or not you live in Heworth! A brilliant chance to make new friends, and experience talks from excellent speakers on a wide range of topics, along with refreshments. For more information, please contact Allen Humphries at 07517661872.
YOGA WITH NESTOR, Stockton on the Forest Village Hall, 10am. A mixed ability yoga class, beginners welcome. Email nestorportnoy@yahoo.com.
HARMONY LADIES CHOIR, Acomb Methodist Church Hall, 7:30pm. A friendly group that needs no audition to join and they are looking for new members, come along and give it a try. For more information visit www. yorkharmony.co.uk.
YOGA IN DALBY FOREST, Dalby Vistor Centre. Suitable for all abilities, this wonderful yoga practice delivered by an experienced instructor, will restore and revitalise you in the beautiful setting of the nature site, Dalby Forest. For more information, please visit www.forestryengland.uk/ forest-event/events-dalby-forest/ yoga-dalby-forest.
Did you know you can upload your event to our website for free? visit yourlocallink. co.uk/add-listing
SOCIETY, Acomb Church Hall, 10am. Enjoy a guest speaker’s presentation followed by refreshments. Admission is £1 for members, £2.50 for non-members and £5 for a yearly membership.
DANCING, Acomb Methodist Church Hall. 2.15pm - 4.30pm. An afternoon of barn and ceilidh-style social dancing. Admission is £3. For more information call Phil on 01904 783029.
YOGA WITH NESTOR, 29 Maple Grove, Fulford. A mixed ability yoga class, beginners welcome. Email nestorportnoy@yahoo.com
PURELY BALLROOM, Huntington Working Men's Club, 7-8.30pm. Join this friendly beginners' ballroom and
you got an event to shout about?
Latin dance lesson. Tuition will be focused on the jive, cha cha cha, and waltz up to the Christmas break. Call 07939 336315 or email andy.k.gant@ gmail.com for more information.
SILVER SWANS BALLET, for over 55s (under 55s also welcome) Huntington Memorial Hall (Thursdays) and St. Mary’s Church Hall, Haxby (Fridays). This gentle ballet class is adapted and age-appropriate. Get fit, have fun, and meet people with a passion for life! Taught by RAD Silver Swans Licensee and director of Jorvik Dance. Call 07725 478479 or visit www.jorvikdance.com for more information.
BEETLE BANK OPEN FARM, Moor Lane, Murton. From alpacas to goats, come and meet rare breeds at this lovely, local farm. The site features an education centre where you can learn more about the animals, an adventure playground, and a cafe plus farm shop.
CITY CRUISES YORK, York's favourite water-based attraction offers sightseeing, dining, self-drive, and private hire cruises on the River Ouse, and is a much-loved and highly regarded staple of York's visitor economy.
CITY WALLS EXPERIENCE, Micklegate Bar. Visit one of the historic gateways into the city and discover 2,000-year stories involving battle, imprisonment,
and near destruction. This new attraction is open until October. Visit yorkcitywalls.com for more information.
DARK TALES OF YORK, Book a private tour to explore the narrow streets and alleyways of York and learn about the rich and haunting history that the city has amassed over hundreds and thousands of years. Call 07530 378176 or visit www. darktalesofyork.com.
GHOST TRAIL OF YORK, West Doors of York Minster, 7.30pm. Dare you cross the centuries and discover York's spine-chilling history? Visit www.ghosttrail.co.uk or call 01904 633276.
JORVIK VIKING CENTRE, Coppergate. Discover the Original Viking Encounter! Enjoy the worldfamous ride experience with the sights, sounds, and smells of the Viking Age, as well as get up close to the ancient artefacts and interact with their friendly real-life Vikings. Visit www.jorvikvikingcentre.co.uk.
JORVIK DIG, St Saviourgate. Head down to DIG on St Saviourgate where your little ones can experience a real hands-on archaeological adventure! Visit www.digyork.com for more information.
SOCIAL YORKIES IVC, Various locations. New to the area? Want to try something new? Just fancy a change? Come and join Social Yorkies a local social and activities group. Come along to their regular social events across the month in a popular
York City centre location. For further details, please visit www.yorkivc.club.
WHITE ROSE YORK TOURS, Meet at the West Entrance to York Minster, 11am and 3pm (also 1pm Friday and Saturday). Take a free history tour of the city centre. Visit www. whiteroseyork.com or call 07792 207679.
WIGGINTON CAR BOOT, Home Farm, Wigginton. The classic Wigginton Car Boot Sale is on every Sunday and gates open at 6.30am, weather permitting. Cars cost £8 and vans are £9, with additional trailers at £2 extra. Public admission is £1 with toilets and refreshments available. Call 01904 768463 for more information.
Leisure Centre at the York Stadium Leisure Complex at Monks Cross has a great range of activities guaranteed to turn up the fun. From the junior gym, swimming, racquet sports, and
clip 'n climb, the whole family will enjoy a range of fun and affordable activities. Visit better.org.uk/york-lc.
YORKSHIRE AIR MUSEUM, Elvington. Did you know that the first-ever aeroplane was invented in Yorkshire? Explore aircraft from throughout history as well as archive material and documentation and learn all about the world of aviation. Visitors can also enjoy a stroll on the Nature of Flight walk or take a moment to reflect in the Remembrance Garden. Visit yorkshireairmuseum.org.
YORK GOLF RANGE, Towthorpe Moor Lane, near Strensall. Set in beautiful countryside, York Golf Range features a whole host of fun activities, including a floodlit driving range, a nine-hole golf course, crazy golf, and even foot golf – a great combination of soccer and golf. Visit www.yorkgolfrange.co.uk or call 01904 499275.
Grand Opera House
To book, call 0333 009 6690, or visit atgtickets.com.
Making a comeback following the release of their Alone In The Universe album, along with their worldwide tour back in 2016, Jeff Lynne's ELO Experience Tour features hits from a remarkable catalogue of music spanning over 45 years. Featuring a couple of classic hits, including "A New World Record," "Discovery," and "Out of the Blue,” this evening of ELO is due to be an unforgettable experience.
// 9TH-13TH MAY
This black comedy rock musical, based on the 1988 film, Heathers
The Musical tells the tale of Veronica Sawyer and her dreams to climb the school’s social ladder. Having joined the cruel Heathers, she soon realises that her popularity may cost a price far higher than she imagined. Featuring music from Laurence O’Keefe and Kevin Murphy. Please note, this production contains strong language and mature themes that some may find triggering.
// 14TH MAY
Trevor and the incredibly talented cast of That'll Be The Day are putting on a spectacular performance. Together, you will enjoy the most famous moments in Comedy, Rock 'n' Roll, and Pop Culture from the 1950s through the 1980s as you watch the world's top Rock 'n' Roll show take you on a journey through time.
York Theatre Royal
To book, call 01904 623568, or visit www.yorktheatreroyal.co.uk.
After a swipe-fest on various dating apps, May and Fly make a promising match. Over time their romance grows and then, they meet. A hilarious and relatable production, Mayflies tells the tale of a flourishing relationship from start to end. Three actors alternate with the roles of May and Fly, bringing a special perspective on the relationships within this relatable love story.
A decade since a tearful goodbye between school teacher, Phoebe Throssel, and her old flame. But when
he returns from fighting Napoleon, he is visually disappointed by their meeting. In her determination to win him over, Phoebe becomes the wild Miss Livvy, a younger alter-ego who enchants the clueless Captain. As their romance is rekindled, can she keep up appearances? With a dose of Yorkshire wit, this hit Regency comedy is one to watch.
// 6TH-10TH JUNE
Set in Birmingham in the year 1988, two friends from school come out to one another: one as gay, the other, as an ABBA fanatic. Decades go by and a fated meeting sets them into the formation of the world’s first drag ABBA tribute band. Directed by Mark Gatiss (Sherlock, Dracula, Doctor Who, The League of Gentlemen), this comedic play is sure to bring out your inner diva.
Joseph Rowntree Theatre
To book, call 01904 501935 or visit josephrowntreetheatre.co.uk.
// 5TH-6TH MAY
Charlie’s School of Dance brings you Let's Dance- a production of different dance styles to entertain throughout the evening. This allinclusive dance act showcases talent
of all ages and demonstrates the up-and-coming talent we have here in the city of York.
Celebrate the legacy of the American vocal and instrumental duo, Karen and Richard Carpenter with this spectacular show. Watch the highs and lows of their musical career, as performed by top professional musicians and vocalists.
// 24TH-27TH MAY
Based on the Bible’s book of Genesis, this production tells the tale of Joseph, son of Jacob and one of 12 brothers, and his coat of many colours. With music from Andrew Lloyd Webber and lyrics by Tim Rice, this musical is brought to you by the York Musical Theatre Company.
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A nutritious fruit with a tasty flavour, apples can make a great addition to many recipes. Here’s a couple for you to try. Doctor’s orders!
• 1 pack of sausages of your choice
• 1 JAZZ™ apple (sliced and cubed)
• 1 red onion
• Drizzle of olive oil
• 1/2 tsp garlic salt
• Large pinch salt & pepper
1. Chop the sausages in into thirds, the apple into cubes and the red onion in to slices.
2. Add to a bowl and drizzle over olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic salt – make sure everything is covered.
3. Make up skewers by simply alternating the apple, red onion and sausage.
4. Place on a tray in a pre-heated oven (200C) and cook for 10-12 minutes. Alternatively, cook on the barbecue, making sure to
Ingredients: For the compote:
• 3 JAZZ™ apples - deseeded and chopped into pieces
• 1 cup of frozen or fresh raspberries and extra for decoration
• 1/2 tbsp of lemon juice
• 1 tsp of coconut oil
• Optional: 1/2 tbsp of maple syrup
For the coconut cream:
• 1 can of full fat coconut cream stored in the fridge overnightplease don’t skip this step
• 1 tbsp of maple syrup
• 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract or powder
3. While the compote is cooling down make the coconut cream.
keep turning to ensure they are cooked all the way through.
Recipes courtesy of JAZZ™ . For more recipes, please visit jazzapple.com/uk.
1. Place the chopped apples, coconut oil, lemon juice and maple syrup (if using) into a pan with a dash of water. Cook the apples on a medium to low heat with the lid on for about 10-15 minutes or until they start to fall apart.
2. Add the raspberries and cook for another 5 minutes. You can either use the compote as it is or if you like it smoother you can blend it up using a hand blender.
4. Remove the tinned coconut milk from the fridge and scoop out the thick part which should sit on top. Don’t use any of the watery part otherwise the cream will turn out too runny (you can save it for smoothies or curries).
5. With a hand whisk, start to whisk the cream before adding in the maple syrup and vanilla extract. Whip until you have a super creamy and smooth consistency, almost like whipped cream!
6. When the fruit compote is completely cold assemble the jars and glasses with half the compote and half the coconut cream. Serve with some fresh raspberries and some sliced apples.
Last month, I travelled to Paris to join the CLIA (Cruise Lines International Association) luxury cruise showcase where I was one of 100 agents hosted onboard Uniworld’s Joie de Vivre on the River Seine.
Over the three days whilst we cruised from Paris down the Seine I had the opportunity to meet with representatives from some of the World’s leading cruise lines including Silversea Cruises, Regent Seven Seas Cruises, Ponant, Aqua Expeditions, Hapag-Lloyd Cruises, Seabourn and Uniworld.
This was great to meet with many of them face to face for the first time since early 2020 and hear directly about new ships coming soon, updates on the onboard guest experience, and of course forthcoming promotions available to clients.
This month I am pleased to share
with you just some of the latest promotions available. Regent
Seven Seas currently have a fleet of six luxury ocean cruise ships with a capacity of no more than 750 passengers. Their latest ship
Seven Seas Grandeur sets sail later this year. Book any suite level on one of their selected Caribbean voyages and enjoy an included flight upgrade to Premium Economy — the perfect way to elevate your experience further. This offer is due to end on 31st May 2023.
Seabourn Cruises have recently been voted the 'Best Small Ship Cruise Line' in the Condé Nast Traveller Awards. With a fleet of six ocean ships and one polar class, they cover destinations from Alaska to the South Pacific, the Amazon to the Panama Canal. They currently have a range of sailings including complimentary
flights and additional shipboard credit. For the latest sailing information please contact us. Silversea Cruises offer intimate ultra-luxury cruise ships visiting over 900 destinations across seven continents. From Antarctica to the Galapagos, the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean. Book with Silversea by 31st of May in select categories and enjoy a two-category suite upgrade on Ocean-going voyages – or a one-category suite upgrade on Expedition Cruises and a $1,000 shipboard credit per suite. The limited-time suite upgrades offer applies to a global collection of itineraries departing October 2023 through May 2024. Uniworld, our hosts for the three days have a great range of European voyages including Burgundy and Provence from £2399 per person, Venice and the
Jewels of Veneto from £1899 per person, and Paris and Normandy from £2399 per person. Prices are based on two adults sharing and include meals onboard, drinks and daily excursions. Dining onboard is a great experience with locally sourced products used and many local wines and dishes served. Later this month I will be stepping on board Ponant Cruises, L’Austral as she tours the coastline of the UK. If you have an interest in discovering more about Ponant please do get in touch. All promotions are subject to cruise lines terms and conditions, promotions can be withdrawn at any time and are all correct at the time of print.
Whether a seasoned cruiser or looking to take your first cruise please do get in touch, we would love to discuss your plans with you in more detail.
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