14 minute read
Your Family And You

Wondering what your plan is after GCSEs? Huntington Sixth Form’s Open Day is on Thursday 4th November, 6pm-8pm. Huntington is a vibrant and high performing sixth form that offers 28 different A-levels including Music and Spanish, as well as a range of vocational Level 3 Certificates. Last year eight students secured places at Oxford and
Cambridge. If you’d like to see what it’s all about, call 01904 752100 or visit huntingtonschool. co.uk for more information.
Are you affected by someone else’s addiction?
If you support someone close with a drug, alcohol or gambling addiction, local charity York Carers Centre are there for you, with free support and advice. They support people of any age and can be contacted on enquiries@yorkcarerscentre. co.uk or 01904 715 490. They would also like to hear your thoughts to help them shape future services to support people in the city who are affected by someone else’s addiction. Specifically, they’re keen to hear about any barriers you’ve faced in getting support. Even if you have not had any contact with them before, they are keen to hear your views and enable you to have your voice heard. If you’d like to share your views, contact Michelle Smith, the consultant running this project. Michelle can be contacted on: michelle@quietleaders. org or 07870 148305
Could you support a local sight loss charity? The Wilberforce Trust is one of York’s oldest charities, supporting adults and children with visual and impairments, as well as other disabilities. They are looking for volunteers to support with children and young people’s club activities, fundraising, and transport for tenants in their supported living housing. If you have a warm, friendly, approachable manner, an interest in supporting local individuals who have visual impairments, and the drive to make a change in your local community, then they would love for you to volunteer with them! You will get the chance to learn about sensory impairments and how to support people, you will receive full training and support, and to play a part in supporting the lives of others in your area. Full details can be found at www.wilberforcetrust.org.uk, or you can contact Pip at p.myring@ wilberforcerust.org.uk or call on 07580 750406.
A new lease of life for York nursery
You know what they say, a change is as good as a rest, and Walmgate Day Nursery has seen some exciting new changes over the past few months. There’s a new owner, Dr Jane Todd, who has a robust background in education. From being a school teacher to lecturing at Newcastle University and setting up the Ofsted Outstanding rated Do Re Mi Day Nursery in Durham, she’s now returning to her roots in York with some impressive experience. Jane is a mum to three boys and an Early Years Music Specialist: we can’t wait to see what she brings in at the nursery. There’s also been a beautiful new room done up for three and four year olds at the nursery. The Adventurer’s Room isn’t fully finished as the plan is to let it evolve under the guidance of its main residents: the children who learn and play there. If you’d like to see what Walmgate Day Nursery is all about, they’ve got an Open Day on Saturday 6th November from 9.30am-12pm. Book through the nursery by visiting walmgatedaynursery.co.uk or call 01904 733833.
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skate play shop dine
Open day
Saturday 6th November 9.30am-12noon Book via Eventbrite or Email
A family owned, 42 place nursery in the City Centre. For children aged from 3 months up to pre-school. Children are the future, so give them the best start in life
Under new ownership
Walmgate Nursery 34 Walmgate, York YO1 9TJ 01904 733 833 www.walmgatedaynursery.co.uk admin@walmgatedaynursery.co.uk
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Part exchange welcome. Written details on request All Major Credit Cards Accepted Call Michael on 01937 558604 Adjustable Beds £595from
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It’s the one night of the year that ‘walkies’ should be firmly off the cards. Loud bangs, bright flashing lights and high-pitched whistles are a recipe for stress for many pets on Bonfire Night. The RSPCA estimates that 45% of dogs in the UK show fear when they hear fireworks. But don’t panic! There are plenty of steps you can take to ease your pets’ stress ahead of bonfire night.
•Walk your dog during daylight hours. •Close windows and curtains. •Put the TV or some music on to gently mask the sound of fireworks. •Make sure there are hiding places around the house for your pooch.
•Plan to keep your cat in on bonfire night. •Make sure they’re microchipped in case they do get out and go for a run. •Make sure there’s plenty of places to hide.
•Add extra padding for hiding •Move hutches into a garage or shed •Put a blanket over cages to help muffle sounds
For more information, visit rspca.org.uk.
Good things come in small packagesGood things come in small packages
Local charity York Against Cancer has announced that its popular Christmas card range is now on sale. The range includes classic York scenes to beautiful artistic designs, and there’s also a selection of Christmas gifts available in store. Visit them at either of their gift shops: York Hospital: Monday - Friday, 10am-4pm or their new shop at York Stadium: Tuesday - Saturday, 10am-4pm. All profits go towards the charity’s work in cancer care, education and research in York and North and East Yorkshire. •Shop online at www.yorkagaincancer.org.uk/shop.
Male & female, 9yrs These two furry cucumbers with legs have fallen on hard times of late as their previous owner had no other choice but to bring them into us after their health deteriorated and were no longer able to look after them. Karen and Gareth have been through it all together, from the day they were born right up to this present moment they’ve had each other to lean on. Since arriving at the Adoption Centre they haven’t left one another’s side so they would like to find a new patch where they can continue their journey together. The cucumbers are currently holding tight together in their igloo bed, but don’t let all this hiding deceive you. They are a super friendly pair that will provide you with that well needed double shot of feline in your life. THE MIGHTY GORGONZOLA
Male, Black & White, 4 years This big cheese has such a great personality that we dare you not to fall in love with him. As soon as we go to see him, he will rub around us and ‘head butt’ us until we absolutely have to fuss him (it’s not exactly a hardship fussing this guy). The trick is trying to get out of his pen without him laying a massive guilt trip on you with that sweet little face of his. If you are after a friendly, loving and thoroughly handsome cat, then stop looking, because you’ve found him! The Big Cheese had to undergo an operation to remove his ear tips when it was found that he may have been out sunbathing for too long. He’s right as rain now and fit as a butcher’s dog (cat!) and we think you’ll agree that his slightly unusual look just makes him more irresistible! Visit york.cats.org.uk/york for more information.

The Wilberforce Trust needs volunteers to help with to help with their children’s and young person’s activity group, fundraising and transport! If you are warm, friendly and have an interest in supporting those with visual impairments, they would love to hear from you! Full training & support provided
Contact Pip on 07580 750 406 email:p.myring@wilberforcetrust.org.uk www.wilberforcetrust.org.uk
If you’ve got time to spare, why not use it to make a difference to the British Heart Foundation? You could get to meet new people, gain skills, enhance your CV and help a great cause. They’re currently recruiting for phone and online booking agents, function testing, shop floor staff, warehouse staff and online sales.
Volunteering opportunities
The British Heart Foundation Store is located at Unit 2, Clifton Moor Retail Park, York, YO30 4WZ. Pop in the shop to enquire or contact Lauren on 01904 563120.
Thinking about where to study after GCSEs?

It’s one of the most important decisions you will make in your education. What to do and where to study after GCSEs will help decide where you go to university, where you work and what you go on to do later in life. The Sixth Form at All Saints is the biggest in York and their results last summer were some of the best in the country. Come along to the Open Evening on 8th November 6pm-9pm where you can meet the team, and they can meet you. You can ask staff about what’s on offer - from formal academic courses that will get you into university (All Saints has the highest rate of Oxbridge offers in York) to vocational courses that will set you up for the working world. So come along, talk to current students about what life is really like there. The team look forward to welcoming you. Visit www.allsaints.york.sch.uk for more information.

WEDDING STATIONERY & MORE York based • small business
Huntington Sixth Form Inspiring confi dent learners who will thrive in a changing world Huntington Sixth Form Huntington Sixth Form Inspiring confi dent learners who will thrive in a changing world www.blushcreations.co.uk Inspiring confi dent learners who will thrive in a changing world
Open Evening Thursday 4 November • 6pm to 8pm Open Evening Open Evening Thursday 4 November • 6pm to 8pm
Huntington School Sixth Form is an exciting, vibrant and high performing Thursday 4 November • 6pm to 8pm Huntington School Sixth Form is an exciting, vibrant and high performing sixth form with students from across the city of York and around the world. sixth form with students from across the city of York and around the world. • 28 A-levels from Music to Spanish • Range of vocational Level 3 Certifi cates Huntington School Sixth Form is an exciting, vibrant and high performing sixth form with students from across the city of York and around the world. • 28 A-levels from Music to Spanish • Range of vocational Level 3 Certifi cates • An established history of excellent results • An established history of excellent results • 28 A-levels from Music to Spanish • A vast array of extra-curricular activities • A vast array of extra-curricular activities • Range of vocational Level 3 Certifi cates • Caring and dedicated pastoral support • Caring and dedicated pastoral support • An established history of excellent results • Impressive sixth form facilities • Impressive sixth form facilities • A vast array of extra-curricular activities • Very strong Oxbridge/Medic success rate • Very strong Oxbridge/Medic success rate • Caring and dedicated pastoral support For more information please contact Chris Hardwell: • Impressive sixth form facilities • Very strong Oxbridge/Medic success rate For more information please contact Chris Hardwell: E: c.hardwell@huntington-ed.org.uk Tel: 01904 752100 E: c.hardwell@huntington-ed.org.uk Tel: 01904 752100 Huntington Rd, York, North Yorkshire YO32 9WT. For more information please contact Chris Hardwell: Huntington Rd, York, North Yorkshire YO32 9WT. Consistently one of the best sixth forms in the country for student progress. 8 students secured a place at Oxbridge from 2020 to 2021. E: c.hardwell@huntington-ed.org.uk Tel: 01904 752100 Huntington Rd, York, North Yorkshire YO32 9WT. Consistently one of the best sixth forms in the country for student progress. Consistently one of the best sixth forms in the country for student progress. 8 students secured a place at Oxbridge from 2020 to 2021. 8 students secured a place at Oxbridge from 2020 to 2021.