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Vampire Face Lift
from Your Mayfair
Epilium & Skin Vampire Face Lift + Dermapen
Tucked away in London’s French Quarter, pioneering Medical Beauty Clinic Epilium & Skin promises to enhance your true beauty in the most natural way possible. Offering non-invasive treatmentsaswellassurgicalprocedures,thisclinicfirstestablished itselfinFranceandhasbeenservingclientelethereforoverfifteen years. Located on George Street in Marylebone, facilities include a tranquil surgical theatre for procedures and day care patients alongside stunning wall art and super slick interior design, making clients feel welcome, safe and comfortable.
Industry pioneer Dr. Bernard Hayot, who is a revered antiaging specialist, has brought a wealth of experience and expertise from his three successful skin clinics in Paris and has captured the essence of his vision in Epilium & Skin in London. He maintains that a more radical approach to beauty is essential and under his medical directorship and watchful eye, Epilium & Skin brings a little ‘Je ne sais quoi’ and with their famous ‘French touch’ and modern approach, their procedures help patients look rejuvenated and fresh rather than cosmetically enhanced. The ethos of Epilium & Skin is to educate clientele on how to best restore volume lost through age, UV damage and pollution without being obvious and they offer a range of cutting edge surgical and non-surgical treatments to help restore the natural beauty of their clientele.
Non-surgical treatments are very popular for all men and women who want to improve or adapt the look of their skin, body and image but an increasingly popular trend in the quest for glowing skin is the Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) facial otherwise known as the ‘Vampire Face Lift’. Popularwith manyhigh-profile celebrities, this innovative treatment results in the complete rejuvenation of the skin tissue and there is a strong scientific case for its use.
As always, there is an initial consultation to determine whether this procedure is suitable for you and a tailored treatment plan is then created. After applying an anaesthetic numbing cream and depending on which areas need improving, a small volume of your blood is taken from your arm which is then placed in a centrifuge for approximately six minutes. This separates the platelet-rich plasma from other denser components such as red and white blood cells. To activate the extraction of the plasma, the tube of the centrifuge is slowly tipped from top to bottom. Only the plasma which is present in the sample is extracted using a syringe or micro cannula.
After about half an hour during which time the numbing cream shouldhavetakeneffect,thepractitionerperformsthehypodermic injections into your face and neck where it gradually releases many growth factors. The depth of the injection depends on the age of your skin and deeper penetration is needed for older skin to create maximum effect. PRP boosts the production of collagen, fibroblasts and blood vessels and the proteins in the syringe are adept at cell stimulation. This is a fantastic choice for deep tissue regeneration. The reason why this works so well is the fact that the body’s first response to a cut or injury is to send platelets (found in blood cells) to the injured area. The platelets clot which in turn encourages the damaged area to regenerate. To compliment this treatment, Epilium & Skin offer PRP plus Dermapen. However, as the dermapen procedure only penetrates up to 0.5mm of the skin your practitioner might recommend another procedure using Mesotherapy instead. This is more effective for older skin as it can penetrate up to 4mm of the skin and has more of an effect on older skin that is tired, dull and dehydrated. The difference between the two is that while mesotherapy injects deeper into the skin, dermapen makes little wounds on the skin surface but both therapies can be extremely effective especially if they are used with PRP.

Mesotherapy is an aesthetic medicine technique which involves injecting micro doses of nutrients such as hyaluronic acid directly into the dermis where classic creams cannot penetrate. Hyaluronic acid is naturally present in our body and its main function is to retain collagen and increase moisture. It attracts water and has an almost immediate hydration effect making the skin look visibly smoother.
Originating from France, Mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid nutrients is a subtle non-surgical treatment which can stimulate the fibroblastcellsinthe skin. Thisproducesmore collagenenablingit to combat the signs of ageing and improve texture and appearance. It also reduces water loss and provides an ideal environment for healthy skin allowing it to better cope with the ageing process and is the best way to keep your skin glowing and radiant. As a further boost and to get the most out of your treatment, a hyaluronic sheet mask is applied for ten minutes followed by a sunscreen. This entire process will take a couple of hours but its definitely worth having and is certainly nowhere near as daunting as it sounds. There is some post treatment downtime where your skin may be a little red but that soon subsides and eventually your skin will start to look plump and feel tighter and much firmer. It will start to positively glow and appear smoother as well.
For the best possible results, Epilium & Skin recommends to a course of three sessions over three subsequent months and then a top-up treatment every six months.

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