The Myakka City Co-op partnered its Thing on Wheels car show with Paul and Stacey Hart’s second annual Myakka Home Show on March 1 at Silver Star Restaurant.
The home show featured 18 local contractors, and winners of the car show received oneof-a-kind trophies.
Lynn Meder, owner of Uniquely Yours across the parking lot from the Silver Star, repurposed lamps and toy cars to create the prizes. She also pinstriped cars at the event.
The Kona Ice truck and a bounce house were set up to entertain kids. Car show winners James Wilmeth, Lindsay Sharpenter and Ted Elliott (who accepted for his grandpa) are pictured above. Sharpenter’s 1967 Oldsmobile took first place.
Hablas Español?
Lakewood Ranch Library employee Fiorella Colacci was born in Lima, Peru, and grew up with a family that placed an importance on speaking multiple languages.
Now she’s bringing that skill to the local community.
Colacci began a “Conversations in Spanish for English Speakers” class in January. One class in February covered how to order at a restaurant in a Spanish-speaking country.
The series will conclude at the end of April, and Colacci said she will take a summer break and perhaps the program will return in the fall.
Colacci also teaches a “Conversations in English for Spanish Speakers” class. The next one will take place April 1 at 11:30 a.m. at the Lakewood Ranch Library.
Courtesy photos
File photo Monaca Onstad was nominated as volunteer of the year by Lakewood Ranch Community Activities.
Courtesy image
Vinnie Portell
Dagmar Mootz began performing in the circus at the age of 6.
Kay Rosaire says of Dagmar Beavers, “She was so fun, and when she showed up, everything was better.”
Myakka City’s Dagmar Beavers was proud of her life as a musician and circus performer.
Lakewood Ranch hockey rink receives upgrades
The Tampa Bay Lightning Foundation donated $87,000 to Manatee County for improvements to the outdoor rink.
The outdoor hockey rink at Lakewood Ranch Park is getting an upgrade due to popular demand.
Bradley Gustafson, founder of the Manatee Ball Hockey League, said the program has been growing by about 35% each season. The league has hit its cap without facility upgrades.
Between adults and kids, there are 220 league members who practice and play ball hockey, or street hockey, on Saturdays. The upgraded rink will allow for expanded programming that includes roller hockey.
Gustafson started the league in 2021 for his 8-year-old son, Lucas, who was 4 at the time. Lucas wanted to play hockey with his friends but struggled on ice skates.
There were only 36 players and three coaches the first year, so 4-year-old Lucas played in the 9-and-under division. Now, there are five divisions, each with multiple teams, and 18 coaches.
The coed adult league started with 15 players and struggled to find goalies. Now, there are 46 players among four teams with plans to add another two teams for next season.
As it stands today, the rink is only suitable for street hockey because of the brushed concrete surface, which Gustafson described as abrasive.
The new sport court tile flooring will allow for roller sports, such as roller hockey and roller derby.
“You’re rollerblading a lot faster than you can run,” Gustafson said, “If somebody gets tripped, or something like that, (the sport court) is a little bit more forgiving.”
The foundation donated $110,000 to build the rink, and SchroederManatee Ranch reimbursed Manatee County $79,000 for pouring the concrete slab.
Gustafson went back to the Lightning Foundation to ask for help with the upgrades. The foundation donated $87,000 to add sport court tile floors, benches for players, a score box and penalty boxes.
Sport court tiles are also shock absorbing, so the surface is beneficial for street hockey players, too. It lessens the impact to their joints. Maintenance-wise, drainage tiles within the new court will make it easier to clean than the current concrete court.
The original rink was built in 2019 by the Tampa Bay Lightning Foundation. In 2017, it was slated for Premier Park, but officials decided Lakewood Ranch Park was a better fit.
Molly White, director of Sports and Leisure for Manatee County, said the sport court tiles will also increase the longevity of the rink, and the benches and penalty boxes will give players an elevated experience.
She called the outdoor rink a unique amenity to the area.
“The community also utilizes (the rink) for drop-in play from youths catching a quick game to adults battling one on one,” White said.
Two national ball hockey leagues use the rink to practice, as well.
Gustafson is working with the
county to also add a shade cover and lighting. All White could say was that her department was committed to investigating the installation of a shade and lighting, but she didn’t have a time frame or cost estimate to offer.
Gustafson got an initial quote of $350,000, but a member of the league owns a steel building company, so he’s working on trimming that price down.
Gustafson first came up with the plan to upgrade the rink after attending a meeting held by Manatee County on the subject of sports and travel two years ago. Elliott Falcione, executive director of Manatee County’s Bradenton Area Convention and Visitors Bureau, was the main speaker. Gustafson “cornered” Falcione for advice on how to attract tournaments to the rink.
Next, he convinced Manatee County Commissioner George Kruse to be on board.
“The vast majority of the tourna-
Practices are on Saturdays at Lakewood Ranch Park, 5350 Lakewood Ranch Blvd. Children from 3 years old up through adulthood are welcome to join the league.
Bradley Gustafson said ball hockey is a great way for ice hockey players to train off the ice or to prepare kids for the ice. Since starting the league in 2021, 50 kids have gone on to play ice hockey. For more information, visit
ments that you come across right now are in the Northeast, but we’re confident that we can bring in some high level tournaments for ball hockey for adults and kids,” Gustafson said. “The Florida Panthers are hosting a tournament in Miami in two weeks, and we have seven teams that are going to it.” Kruse looked at the rink and agreed that if done properly, there were opportunities for economic generation through tournaments, expanded leagues for kids and adults and a chance to strengthen an already great community partnership with the Lightning Foundation.
“We’d love to get them more involved in Manatee County,” Kruse said.
While the initial upgrades are a great first step, Gustafson will continue to pursue the shade and lighting. Otherwise, the program remains limited.
Without lights, he can’t hold practices on weeknights during winter months when the sun sets earlier. And during summer months, it’s too hot to play without a shade.
“The community wants to play more,” Gustafson said. “But we can only play as much as the sun allows us to play.”
Coach Jeff Harbaugh gives advice to Wesley Shrock during practice.
School zone speed cameras NO LONGER THE TICKET
A motion by Commissioner Robert McCann to refund $100 citations was changed to terminate the speed detecting program entirely.
While Manatee County commissioners terminated a program that allowed speed detecting cameras to monitor school zones, it doesn’t mean motorists who received tickets are off the hook. Commissioners aren’t exempt, either.
The cameras cost Commissioner Mike Rahn $200 for two separate citations. Even still, he voted to keep the cameras operating because too many people are exhibiting “bad behavior.”
“I’m part of that number,” Rahn said. “Fines or not, that is of concern that we have 55,000 people that are blowing through school zones.”
Rahn paid his fines and slowed down, but on March 4, he and Commissioner Tal Siddique were outvoted 5-2. As of midnight March 6, cameras installed in 30 local school zones were officially turned off.
The program caused outrage among residents that 55,243 citations were issued since the cameras were installed at the start of the school year in August.
Residents emailed commissioners, posted to social media and appeared at commission and special magistrate meetings to complain, mainly because the cameras were running all day long not just during school drop-off and pickup times.
Deputy County Administrator Courtney De Pol said that about 60% of the citations were issued outside of flashing beacon times.
The move was called a “money grab” by citizens and commissioners alike. At $100 per violation, that totals more than $5 million collected in fines, except that only 22,292 of the violations have been paid.
While Commissioner Bob McCann told the East County Observer the tickets were being written off “left and right,” the first special magistrate hearing held Feb. 26 proved otherwise.
Only six of 43 citations were dismissed.
A few violators saw how the proceedings were going, so they got up and left. Two of the successes were a judge and a Del Webb resident. Judge Robert Farrance questioned Manatee County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Glenn Cline after being clocked at 51 mph in a 40 mph zone. He was ticketed in front of Electa Lee Magnet Middle School on 53rd Avenue West in the middle of the day when the lights were not flashing.
Tara resident Liz Gabrick is fighting the tickets she was issued in front of Tara Elementary School based on the signs being improperly posted to make drivers aware of the speed limit, but Gabrick can afford to pay the consequence.
“The verbiage on the back of the citation issued is misleading, false and deters the accused from going to court to defend themselves,” she said.
While Gabrick hasn’t hired an attorney, she contends there’s a case for a class action suit.
To summarize the back of the citation, it states that if the violator fights the citation and loses, they could be facing up to $250 in additional municipal costs on top of the original $100 fine.
Gabrick claims it is false information because no additional costs are being added to the citations when the appeals are lost, and because of the plus or minus one-mile variance, several people could have won their appeals.
“I think more people would have fought these tickets had they know that they were not going to incur any additional charges,” Gabrick said.
Farrance led Cline to say the cameras issue violations at 11 mph and over, that MSCO is not on site to monitor the cameras in real time, MSCO does not calibrate the equipment themselves to know if they’re clocking speeds correctly and that the vendor, Red Speed, has said the calibration accuracy is within plus or minus one mile.
Cline couldn’t answer if the cameras snapped photos of every car driving by or just the ones going 11 mph or more.
“You can’t really speak to the inner workings of the company or how this camera works,” Farrance said. “It’s clearly hearsay, and I don’t think there’s been any proper foundation laid for (the citation), and (Red Speed) doesn’t have a representative here.”
With that, Code Enforcement Special Magistrate Walter Sowa dis-
missed the judge’s violation.
Del Webb’s Peggy Hufford received a ticket for driving 26 mph in a 15 mph school zone. Her ticket was dismissed because of a speed limit change on The Masters Avenue from 15 mph to 20 mph.
The new speed limit sign was posted on Nov. 25, but the MCSO’s system wasn’t updated until Jan. 8.
On the other hand, arguments that flashing beacons are broken and speed limit signs have been down since Hurricane Milton were not accepted by Sowa as providing reasonable doubt.
Roman Katyniski questioned how the equipment could detect that it was his car, and not the car right on his tail, that was speeding. He wasn’t given an explanation, and his citation was upheld, too.
During the March 4 commission meeting, De Pol made a point to tell residents who were issued any tickets that those tickets are still valid and must either be paid or appealed.
McCann’s original agenda item for the meeting was to issue refunds of $100 to any resident who paid their fine. He changed his motion the day
of the meeting to stop the program all together and terminate the county’s contract with Red Speed.
Commissioner George Kruse had already established at the Feb. 4 commission meeting that refunding the fines wasn’t feasible because not all the citations were paid, but more importantly, Manatee County is not in possession of all the money that was paid.
The county only collects $39 on each ticket. Red Speed would also have to agree to give up its $21 per ticket, and the school board gets the rest for safety initiatives and the crossing guard program.
McCann and Commissioner Jason Bearden cited Sheriff Rick Wells as not supporting the program. However, Wells said by email that he didn’t support the plan to operate the cameras throughout the entire school day.
Wells does believe the cameras should operate when the flashing lights are activated, but he said MCSO will continue its established practices for traffic enforcement in school zones by stationing deputies within various school zones to issue citations as necessary.
Photos by Lesley Dwyer
As of March 6 at midnight, school zones in Manatee County were no longer photo enforced.
Commissioners Mike Rahn and Tal Siddique vote against terminating the contract with Red Speed.
Courtesy image
Will more lanes solve traffic concerns?
Commissioners say their priority should be to improve existing infrastructure as opposed to adding more lanes.
Commissioner Jason Bearden called the Manatee County Commission’s March 5 work session with staff a “waste of time.”
The session focused on how the county can “catch up” on its infrastructure needs, namely roads.
Staff members asked a series of questions throughout the presentation, while Bearden just had one question: “Where’s the plan?”
He said staff didn’t present anything new.
While commissioners didn’t vote on any specific issue, a general plan emerged.
Focus will be placed on functional improvements to roads that have been sitting on the capital improvement plan for years over building new roads in an attempt to constantly increase capacity.
These are the corridors in East County identified on Manatee County’s list of roads with existing or emerging capacity needs.
■ Upper Manatee River Road from State Road 64 to Fort Hamer Road
■ Rangeland Parkway from Uihlein Road to Bourneside Boulevard
■ State Road 64 from Lakewood Ranch Boulevard to Rye Road and from Lorraine Road to County Road 675
■ State Road 70, a series of eight corridors that start at Tara Boulevard and run east to County Road 675
struction yet. Of the overall number, about 45,000 will be built in East County.
“It’s like nobody knows what this will cost, but we need to know those numbers in order for us to be able to plan for the future,” Bearden said. “That’s why I’m putting pressure on people to figure out what we have to do to address these issues.”
“We’ve already had conversations about two lanes or four lanes taking Rangeland (Parkway) out to (County Road) 675 because of thousands of new homes going out there,” Commission Chair George Kruse said. “All we’re doing is chasing new development and trying to make everyone in the new development’s life a little better, while we leave everyone else’s lives miserable.”
Bearden has a different take. He wants staff to proactively be planning around the more than 100,000 permitted residences that have yet been built.
In all, 103,000 residential units are approved for construction in Manatee County. Within that number, about 65,000 haven’t started con-
People complain to the commissioner everywhere he goes about the hours they spend sitting in traffic. He said Manatee County is losing residents because of its congested roadways.
Bearden posted a call to action on Facebook, asking residents to stand with him and put pressure on the board to adopt a common sense approach moving forward, which would be to build more roads before housing.
The post was shared 100 times and received more than 200 reactions and comments. To put it in perspec-
tive, his post about John Marble Park reopening received three likes.
“People are up in arms about these permits and the traffic,” Bearden said. “It’s hitting a pain point with people, and that’s what everybody is talking about.”
Costs were absent from the presentation, but questions were ever present.
Kruse said it’s the commission’s job to guide the plan, and staff needed to know which direction the new board wanted to take on several key issues to move forward accordingly. The presentation posed three major questions to commissioners.
What kind of improvements do you want to see?
Commissioners overwhelmingly chose functionality over capacity.
Capacity improvements add lanes to increase a road’s capacity. They’re far more expensive than functional improvements, which include multipurpose paths, bike lanes, wider shoulders, turn lanes and intersection improvements.
“You’re never going to fix things with capacity,” Kruse said. “You make (a road) four lanes, it’ll be just as crowded. It’s going to make flooding a little bit worse and everyone’s quality of life a little worse because it’s going to look a little crummier driving down that road.”
He used Erie Road in Parrish as an example. The one-mile segment between U.S. 301 and Martha Road is in the design phase of being widened from two lanes to four.
Kruse argued the project will “destroy” a working road and take out 100-year-old oak trees for people to get someplace 30 seconds faster.
Commissioner Carol Felts pushed for functionality in regards to evacuation routes, State Road 64 in particular.
Felts applauded the Department of Transportation’s work on State Road 70, but the design and functionality of State Road 64 concerns her with hurricane season approaching.
“We have a single lane road (in some sections due to construction),” Felts said, “And we don’t really have the functionality of some of those feeder roads into it either.”
What’s the point of no return on a project?
Staff members will have to return to the commission with a list of projects, so to help prioritize, they asked commissioners to determine the point of no return on a project, meaning the county has advanced too far on a project to turn back. What if the designs are 100% complete and the right-of-way has been acquired? Is it too late to turn away from the project in favor of others?
Kruse said it doesn’t matter. Right-of-way acquisitions can be held for future use. The point of no return is when the project is already under construction.
Erie Road is in a design phase, and 11 of 16 properties have been acquired. That project could be stalled much easier than Upper Manatee River Road, which started construction in August 2024 and is due to be completed by fall 2027.
The corridor of Upper Manatee River Road that’s under construction between State Road 64 and Fort Hamer Road landed on the staff’s list of 18 “county roads with existing or emerging capacity needs.”
The project is being funded with a $140 million line of credit that was approved by the former commission in October 2024. Kruse and Commissioner Amanda Ballard were the only two commissioners opposed.
Commissioner Jason Bearden says he’ll continue to question and pressure both staff and board members until Manatee County solves its infrastructure problems.
Commissioner Amanda Ballard is seated to Bearden’s left.
Construction on Upper Manatee River Road has been underway since August 2024, so it has hit commissioners’ “point of no return.”
What funding sources should be used?
Staff members identified six sources of revenue: impact fees, infrastructure sales tax, fuel taxes, tax increment financing, fees and general revenue.
Staff members explained the limiting factors of each source. For example, impact fees and TIF funds are limited by district, while the use of IST funds has to be consistent with the coinciding ordinance and adopted project list.
Commissioner Tal Siddique asked staff members to add grants to the
list of funding sources, too.
“I gave Stephanie Garrison a list of potential grant funds that she can evaluate and see if they make sense,” Siddique said.
In January, Garrison was hired as Director of Government Relations for Manatee County.
Commissioner Mike Rahn took his time on the floor to pose several pointed questions to staff members.
“We’ve had commissioners sit up here and say we’re not going to approve any more new development until all the roads are done,” Rahn said. “And I don’t think the public
understands exactly how roads are funded.”
He proceeded to ask questions, such as how do the fuel taxes work? They mostly pay for operating expenses, not new construction. How much revenue comes into the county from the IST? The county collects about 64% of the proceeds. IST is funding about $45 million of capital improvement projects in FY2025 according to the county’s FY2025-2029 IST program summary.
All of Rahn’s questions culminated in one final, all-encompassing question: If development stops and impact fees are not collected, doesn’t the cost land on the back of Manatee County citizens through all these other taxes and fees?
Clarke Davis, deputy director of traffic management, first acknowledged there are always caveats with any blanket statement, but he did agree that halting development would “eliminate the largest capacity building revenue source” available to the county.
Bearden sees one major problem with how impact fees are collected — the due date. Impact fees are typically collected when a certificate of occupancy is issued.
“Think about that,” Bearden said. “We have 60,000 permits that have no shovel in the ground, and we can’t even collect the impact fees until a CO is issued on that, based on our current rules.”
He used Taylor Ranch as an example because the development will add 4,500 homes east of the Future Development Area Boundary.
While Bearden noted the development was a decent distance down State Road 70 from Lorraine Road, he argued that it will still add capacity to Lorraine Road long before the first CO is issued.
He said Lorraine Road can’t handle additional capacity now, and improvements to increase its capacity have been delayed.
Over $46 million worth of planned improvements for Lorraine Road were placed on a list of deferred projects during the FY2025 budget process.
“I’m not saying I have all the solutions,” Bearden said. “I’m saying we have issues that we need to address.”
Photos by Lesley Dwyer
Former SMR exec resigns from planning commission
Monaca Onstad moves out of the county but continues her business in Lakewood Ranch.
Monaca Onstad doesn’t work for Lakewood Ranch developer Schroder-Manatee Ranch anymore. She hasn’t for three years.
But the experience left an imprint on her just the same.
These days, running lifestyle-, programming- and amenity-consulting companies OnPlace and OnVie, Onstad and her 60 staffers help developers make their residential creations more like a home instead of simply a plot of land crisscrossed with streets, houses and maybe a clubhouse.
The 49-year-old moved with her husband and two children recently from the Lakewood Ranch Golf and Country Club neighborhood to the Sarasota side of the county line, but her admiration of Lakewood Ranch remains.
“I am not leaving Lakewood Ranch; my entire family loves it,’’ she said, adding that her companies, too, are “of course, in Lakewood Ranch.’’
With the move south came a requirement from Manatee County that Onstad needed to resign from the Manatee County Planning Commission. She said her one year on the board provided valuable experience that fit with her expertise.
“If I’m going to give back, I’m going to give back with something I know and feels right for me,’’ Onstad said, adding she had to recuse herself once from a discussion and vote that involved her clients. “You know, I’m sad to step down. Life happens.’’
Now, managing OnPlace is center stage. It’s a role Onstad said today is less about launching and more about making connections. She said that because her business is “100%” referral-based, personal results matter in an industry in its infancy.
With her resignation in midFebruary, Monaca Onstad’s seat on the Manatee County Planning Commission needs to be filled. Applications are due on March 21, and the Board of County Commissioners will select the new member. The replacement will be eligible to serve into mid-October of 2026. Applications can be found at
“To know that you dream something up and you think the market needs it, you try to do your research. There’s nothing to go by in the industry because no one is doing what we’re doing in the way we’re doing it,’’ she said. “Being the first in the industry to do what we’re doing was scary when we started. But now, we’ve started to hit our stride.’’
As a point of evidence, at OnPlace’s two-year anniversary in 2024, there were 25 staffers on the job. Now, that team has more than doubled. Likewise, her client list is growing.
“My first client was from a relationship I had when I was with SMR,” she said. “He was one of the developers in Lakewood Ranch.”
She said he had purchased land in Houston with room for 16,000 housing lots.
“I called him and said ‘Hey, I don’t really know what I’m doing, but this is what I’m doing. Can I come pick your brain?’’’ Onstad said. “And he’s like, ‘Yeah, not only can you come pick my brain, but I’ve got real work for you.’’’
From there, connections were made and OnPlace lifted off.
Along the way, Onstad has learned that regional preferences play a role, for sure, but some constants remain no matter where the company works or with whom. In Florida, golf and pickleball are popular. In Texas, though, the same people might gravitate toward lazy river water features or lagoon pools.
“Big, big amenities,’’ she said.
One of the constants she sees everywhere is a demand for proximity. It’s not a new concept but one that’s returning, especially in the post COVID-19 age.
“No matter what age you are, what demographic, what location ... trails,’’ Onstad said. “They want amenities that are walkable to. They want the same things; it’s just a regional flair you have to put on it. People are people, and people gravitate toward community. They want to know their neighbors.’’
But it’s not all amenities and programming. Onstad said a cohesive community begins at the point of sale, particularly when multiple builders are involved — as was the case in Lakewood Ranch. Her company addresses that with recommendations on how a welcome center for customers might be presented and helps builders form a complementary message rather than confronting buyers with a splintered approach.
“It’s all about homes; it’s where people are going to spend the majority of their lives; it’s their biggest
asset. So for me, while it is business, it’s personal, too,’’ she said.
One of the lasting effects of Onstad’s time working for SMR — which she did from 2016 to 2022 — is the continued popularity of the Farmers Market at Lakewood Ranch, which, like Onstad, has moved from the heart of the community to Waterside. Once housed in the parking lot of Lakewood Ranch Medical Center and even at the Sarasota Polo Club, it now operates year-round at Waterside.
Also on her watch came the community’s Ranch Nite Wednesdays, a new recreational program, a new smartphone app for community events and a $6 million upgrade to the Lake Club’s clubhouse.
She credits her success to not only SMR Chief Executive Rex Jensen and Senior Vice President Laura Cole, but also the professionals who joined her in her new venture.
“It hasn’t been easy, and it hasn’t been hard, but it’s because of that network I have,’’ she said.
Courtesy image Monaca Onstad joined Lakewood Ranch developer Schroeder-Manatee Ranch as lifestyle director in 2016.
Who is Dagmar Beavers?
Second annual Dag Fest aims to preserve the memory of the late circus performer and singer.
Her amazing world was filled with music and the applause of circus crowds.
And yet, there was something Myakka City’s Dagmar Mootz Beavers valued even more.
On a shining, late winter day, Sharyn “Sparky” Baxley, Kay Rosaire and Nancy Nallin stood outside the wooden home built by Beavers and her family, and pondered a question that needed to be answered by Beavers’ closest friends.
Why would such an accomplished and successful entertainer, who could have lived anywhere, choose to remain on the “Center Ring Ranch” she had known as home since 1963, when she was 14 years old?
Rosaire, Dagmar’s best friend since childhood, provided the answer.
“Listen to the sound,” said Rosaire, her eyes scanning the pasture all around the home.
It was quiet. A little breeze provided a rustle through the trees and the intermittent call of birds in the distance were the only breaks in the silence.
“It is so beautiful here,” Rosaire said. “There is no concrete. It is beautiful land.”
Beavers lived on the property until her death on Easter Sunday, April 9, 2023. Rosaire, owner of Big Cat Habitat in Sarasota, moved her RV to the property months before so she and Nallin could look after her. During those final months, Beavers did what she could to fix anything around the house that needed it. She wasn’t about to pass problems along to her friends.
“She didn’t want to go into hospice,” Baxley said. “She had seven or eight types of cancer, and they kept trying to fix her.”
She was gone at 74.
She left her property to Rosaire and Nallin.
“She left it to us to steward, protect, conserve,” said Nallin, who explained that Beavers did not want the property sold to developers. “It is a few parcels, about 32 acres.”
The three women also are doing their best to preserve Beavers’ memory, along with her ideals.
Before her death, Beavers, who was born in Germany to circus performers Rudolf Mootz and Gerda Meyer, had talked about hosting a concert on the property. She loved her Myakka community and she, indeed, loved music. Rosaire said she wanted to put up a big tent on the property for the concert.
So in April 2024, a year after Beavers’ death, the first Dag Fest was held at the Center Ring Ranch. Baxley, a musician, put together a solid lineup of local artists and billed the event as a way to honor Beavers.
The first event drew plenty of musicians, but fewer people than expected.
“We didn’t get the word out,” Rosaire said. “But we’re building on it.”
Baxley said they learned an important lesson the first year.
“We learned the cows shouldn’t be here,” she said.
Those driving cars through the front gate didn’t always close it, and the cows were out. They plan on sending them to neighboring ranches for this year’s event on March 22.
Also this year, Baxley is asking the question, “Who is Dagmar Beavers?” She hopes the annual concert helps to keep Beavers’ memory alive, so she decided to share little tidbits of her life.
So who is Dagmar Beavers? No one is better to ask than Rosaire, an eighth-generation circus performer who became childhood friends with Dagmar when Rosaire’s family would go on vacations in the Sarasota area from Waterford, Pennsylvania. They seemed destined to be friends. Both
Dagmar Beavers earned her GED at age 64. She was one class short and needed on home economics, which was ironic since she made her family’s circus costumes; she was a second-degree black belt in karate; Hank Williams Jr. once wanted her to tour with him; Cher and Gregg Allman spent time at her home when they pondered moving to Myakka.
were part of families that landed in the Circus Ring of Fame.
“All the circus people were here,” Rosaire said of those early life vacations to the Sarasota area. “Dagmar was an all-around performer. She did the lower wire (since the age of 6). She rode elephants. She was like a show girl, and she sang.”
Consider that Dagmar has a photo in her home that was shot during the filming of “Jumbo” in 1962. She is sitting on Doris Day’s lap. Rosaire, meanwhile, worked on a movie with Laurel and Hardy and during which she sat on Oliver Hardy’s lap. However, she said Hardy was drinking Wild Turkey, which caused her to almost fall off. Yes, they were destined to be friends.
Rosaire became a world-renowned lion and tiger trainer and show performer. She became known as one of the few women in the world to put her head into a tiger’s mouth. Dagmar, whose family adopted the show name of the The Pedrolas, even though they were German, was the girl on the elephant and the beautiful singer. Her father, Rudolf, took the family to Mexico, where Dagmar was an enormous hit.
But her home always remained Myakka City.
“Why did she like me? I was just lucky, I guess,” Rosaire said. “She was a most loyal friend, and stubborn as hell. She was so fun, and when she showed up, everything was better. We were like sisters.”
Eventually, Beavers became a regular performer at nightclubs and concert venues in downtown Sarasota and at O’Leary’s. She played solo and with local bands such as “Hot Sauce” and “The Instigators,” and later with her husband, Bill Beavers.
“She was like a hippy who didn’t smoke pot,” Rosaire said.
What: Second annual Dag Fest, a musical festival to honor entertainer Dagmar Beavers Where: Center Ring Ranch, 30915 Singletary Road, Myakka City When: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. March 22
Bands: John Santiago (10 a.m.), Mystical Visions Band (11 a.m.), Cassie Jean and the Fireflies (noon), Tim Dodge and Friends (1 p.m.), Southern Pride Band (2 p.m.), Mumbo Jumbo Band (3 p.m.), Old Glory Band (4 p.m.) Other features: Petting zoo, pony ride, vendors, food and drink Tickets: $20 online; $25 at the gate. Buy online at
Being a musician led to a friendship with Baxley, who said those who attend Dag Fest will experience the healing nature of the land.
“Dagmar is still here,” Baxley said.
“No, she is not,” Rosaire said. “But her heart is here, and the land is here.”
“Dagmar was an all-around performer. She did the low wire (since the age of 6). She rode elephants. She was like a show girl, and she sang.”
Kay Rosaire
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Photos by Jay Heater
Nancy Nallin, Kay Rosaire and Sharyn “Sparky” Baxley gathered at Dagmar Beavers’ Myakka City home. They want to preserve her property, and her legacy.
Kay Rosaire sits in the kitchen of Dagmar Beavers’ Myakka City home. Rosaire and Nancy Nallin are now the owners of the property with the mission of preserving it.
Courtesy photo
Doris Day signed a photo after working with a very young Dagmar Beavers in the movie “Jumbo” that was released in 1962.
Local author spins tails of an amazing voyage
It would seem the most important sailing ever done by Lakewood Ranch’s Bob Krieg occurred off the coast of South Africa during a rescue operation of a fellow sailor who had lost control of her boat. Indeed, Krieg’s 2008 rescue mission — towing fellow American Carolyn Au 400 miles across the Indian Ocean — was fraught with danger. Au, who had met Krieg on the island nation of Mauritius and agreed to sail their boats together to Richards Bay in South Africa, lost control of her boat when “something big” sheered her rudder. Without navigational control, she was in big trouble. Krieg, who was single-sailing a 48-foot ketch, was faster and he had gone on ahead and was approximately 100 miles in front of Au when her problems surfaced. She was radioing for help, but no one responded.
Krieg knew he would be risking his own life to go back for her, but he felt a “maritime duty,” and turned his boat around. The entire episode is covered in Krieg’s new book “Ocean Speed,” which is published by Seaworthy Publications. You can find the book online at
But, no, that wasn’t his most important sailing.
That came much later, in 2020, when he took his wife, Sarah, sailing on Sarasota Bay on his new 19-foot Flying Scott, a day sailer that Bob Krieg thought would enable them to enjoy some recreational sailing during their years together.
Bob, who had gone on his threeand-a-half-year sail of a lifetime from 2006 to 2009 after his first wife had died of cancer, had sold his sailboat, so when he met Sarah in 2013, there was no threat that she would have to go on the water.
“No, absolutely not; I am not a water baby,” Sarah Krieg said. “I am a forest girl. I like the mountains. When I met him, he already had
sold his boat.”
They eventually married in 2016, and life was good on the land.
But Bob Krieg missed the water, and he eventually bought the Flying Scott that builder Tyler Andrews delivered himself.
Andrews wanted Bob Krieg to take it out on Sarasota Bay to test it out, so he decided to take Sarah along.
Bob Krieg said the winds were blowing 20 knots.
“I was terrified,” Sarah Krieg said.
“I had gone out on my parents’ big motor boat, but here I was on this teeny-weeny thing. It got really windy, and it would tip. I was looking directly into the water.”
“She grabbed Tyler’s arm,” Bob
Krieg said with a laugh. “He still has the bruise.”
While she still will go out on the boat once in awhile, Sarah Krieg said, “I would rather play with my orchids. It’s his life, and he is very focused on it.”
That sailing trip pretty much defined where they stand when it comes to sailing, hence, its importance.
The Kriegs’ story is fun for many reasons. Like many people living in Lakewood Ranch, they each have suffered loss that was tough to get over, but they found a new love and a new future.
The story also is more proof that you don’t have to share passions to have passion for each other. Sarah
Krieg knows that even at 79 years old, her husband still has a love of the sea and isn’t about to let his age keep him on the couch. Bob Krieg, who spent 22 years in service engineering and technical assistance for General Motors, knows he can share his love of sailing with his wife through stories, and his book, and not such much by doing.
I love the fact that Bob Krieg understands his limitations because of his age, but he isn’t about to stop challenging himself. He is reworking his Flying Scot to be a racing boat and he is about to begin challenging much younger sailors in the region.
“This is different from when I was sailing a 48-foot ketch,” he said. “In a large boat, a small mistake doesn’t result in a large difference in course or speed. In a small boat, it’s a challenge. And at 79, I have had to learn another dance.
“I have to concentrate more now. Now I have to think about it; I have to plan it. I know the thinking process slows down a little bit at my age. But am I going to sit around and watch Netflix, or am I going to challenge myself?”
Writing Ocean Speed was a challenge. It was a four-year process of learning the business of publishing, and editing his notes down from their monster length. The book takes various forms. Part of it showcases Krieg’s storytelling and his eye for detail. But a big part of the book also is a guide to safe and effective sailing. He documents his preparations and gives tips for long voyages.
“Writing a book isn’t an adventure,” he said. “It’s work.”
Bob Krieg was 61 when he pulled out of St. Petersburg in February of 2006. His three-and-a-half-year tour took him through the Caribbean, the Panama Canal, to the Galápagos Islands, Tahiti, Bora Bora, Tonga, New Zealand, New
Caledonia, Australia, Africa and many, many more places. He completed his trip in June 2009.
Sarah Krieg loves the stories.
“I learned the most fascinating thing,” he said. “You can pick up other people, all around the world. (Bob) picked up two guys who became his crew.”
He also picked up a few women passengers with the hope of finding a lifelong mate. That never worked.
“I sailed 20,000 nautical miles, and I couldn’t find a mate,” he said.
Bob Krieg said he also was surprised how many people were waiting at ports to hitchhike to another place in the world.
“I didn’t know there were people like that wandering the world,” he said. “There were women walking the docks, looking for someone who would take them from here to there.”
Sarah Krieg noted that a couple women couldn’t stand not seeing land for so long.
“It’s just blue on blue on blue,” Bob Krieg said. “And you are confined in that space for five weeks crossing the Pacific.”
Bob Krieg did say technology is so advanced that he had many of the home amenities, such as a flatscreen TV, a laptop computer and more. And, you could always read a book.
“You know, there are used book stores all over the world,” he said.
is the managing editor for the East County Observer. Contact him at JHeater@
Jay Heater
Lakewood Ranch’s Bob Krieg wrote “Ocean Speed” about his three-and-a-halfyear sail around the world.
Jay Heater
A fetching responsibility for Lakewood Ranch couple
Bob and Ann Kasperski raise puppies that turn into working dogs for people with disabilities.
Before moving to Esplanade Azario two years ago, Bob and Ann Kasperski took the longest two-hour drive of their lives from their Fort Myers home to the Dogs Inc. campus in Palmetto.
“Ann told me this was the dumbest idea I’d ever had,” Bob said. “It was not a good drive.”
Ann was crying because they had to give up the first puppy they had raised for Dogs Inc.
Part of the reason they moved to
Esplanade Azario was to be closer to the Dogs Inc. campus. Their work as puppy raisers — they have raised three more since that first one — also played a role in the lot they chose. The couple would’ve enjoyed overlooking the golf course, but fences aren’t allowed on those lots.
Dogs Inc., with the help of hundreds of volunteers and donors like the Kasperskis, trains career dogs that assist adults and children who are suffering from vision loss, grief, post-traumatic stress disorder and other disabilities.
While living in Fort Myers, the Kasperskis were only able to volunteer as puppy raisers. Now, living closer to the facility, they volunteer for the fitness program, work around the grounds and fundraise, too.
Bob Kasperski is also a “canine
concierge,” which is basically an assistant for the dogs. He logged more than 500 hundred volunteer hours on campus in 2024, but raising puppies is an around-the-clock commitment for the couple.
In addition to caring for the puppy at home, puppy raisers also have to take the puppies to obedience classes a few times a month and regularly socialize them in public.
Bob Kasperski had plans to take Kylo, the puppy they’re currently raising, to a baseball game over the weekend.
He said the couple never had kids, so the dogs are their family. Fittingly, the last dog they raised, Morgan, is heading off to “college” in the fall.
The experience of puppy raising came full circle when the Kasperskis met Morgan’s match, a high school senior with vision loss.
Dogs Inc. 4210 77th St. E., Palmetto. Visit
Mission statement: To transform lives by creating and nurturing extraordinary partnerships between people and dogs.
“The kid has plans for his future, and they’re going to be a great team,” Bob Kasperski said. “(Morgan) has grown into a full-fledged guide dog who is going to change this gentleman’s life. He’s going to be in college. He’s going to become a whole lot of things, and we were part of that.”
The young man told the Kasperskis that since he’s had Morgan, he hasn’t needed to use a cane for guidance. His father gave the Kasperskis a hug and anointed them family for the role they played in changing his son’s life.
Ann Kasperski will cry again when they have to give up Kylo, but it’s just one “tough day” in a series of “really, really good days.”
The Kasperskis always have loved animals. They raised dogs, cats, birds and horses, but both spent their careers in the construction industry.
Lydia Baxter, media relations manager for Dogs Inc., said the Kasperskis are one of 20 puppy raisers who live in Lakewood Ranch.
The annual operating budget for the nonprofit is $21 million.
While the name is fairly new, Dogs Inc. has been around since 1982. It was known as Southeastern Guide Dogs until May 2024. The new name reflects the nonprofit’s expanded mission to serve individuals across the country with varying needs.
There are 250 puppies being bred and born as future helpers each year. Most are Labrador retrievers or goldadors, which are Labrador retrievers mixed with golden retrievers.
Baxter said about 70% of the puppies will become guide dogs, but some simply aren’t up to the responsibility. Instead, they often become public service dogs used for scent detection or facility therapy dogs that work at schools and hospitals.
It costs up to $60,000 to raise, train and care for each dog until it’s placed with a guardian.
For the career of the dog, all its food and medical expenses are covered, as well. If there are any behavioral issues, someone from Dogs Inc. will make a site visit to troubleshoot the issue.
The humans have to be trained, too. They stay on campus for two to three weeks to learn how to give cues to their new helpers.
Recipients pay nothing, and Dogs Inc. does not receive government funding.
“We are not able to do all of this without individual donors and people like Bob and Ann who are raising these puppies,” Baxter said.
Road in Sarasota.
Courtesy image
Bob Kasperski works with Leia (above), the second puppy the Kasperskis raised for Dogs Inc. They currently are raising Kylo for Dogs Inc..
Bob Kasperski works with Leia, the second puppy the Kasperskis raised for Dogs Inc. Kylo is the puppy the Kasperskis are raising now.
Plan a Field Trip Everyone will LOVE!
TerraNova hosts premier event
The Myakka City facility hosts the Split Rock Jumping Tour’s $100,000 Finale on March 15.
Those who venture to the TerraNova Equestrian Center in Myakka City to see the Split Rock Jumping Tour’s $100,000 TerraNova Winter Series Finale on March 15 will also notice some very obvious reminders of what region is hosting the event. The obstacles will leave no doubt. There will be a jump that looks like a manatee. And a dolphin. And an homage to the circus. And a sandcastle. And citrus fruit. All are quintessentially Florida, and upon closer examination, quintessentially Sarasota-Manatee counties. Those reminders, front and center
both in the Saturday finale and in the Wednesday through Friday preliminary rounds, are one way of showing the world there’s a new equestrian hot spot in Florida.
“We’re privileged to have this level of competition in Myakka City,’’ said Ruby Tevis, director of marketing and communications for TerraNova. “That was part of the vision to build here, to bring this level of sport and competition to the west coast (of Florida). Typically, you think of these kinds of competitions happening in Ocala and in Wellington, but we’re bringing it right here.”
Derek Braun, a Rollins College graduate and a show jumper who launched Split Rock in 2015, added Sarasota to his schedule in 2022, and he aims to make the area his operation’s winter hub.
“Honestly, we love the area so much, my wife and I bought a house in Lakewood Ranch,’’ he said. “We sort of committed to spending a couple months every winter down
Courtesy image
Rider Mia Bagnato clears the new sandcastle jump at TerraNova Equestrian Center. TerraNova hosts the Split Rock Jumping Series Finale on March 15 in Myakka City.
What: The FEI-sanctioned Split Rock Jumping Tour’s $100,000 TerraNova Winter Series Finale
When: 10:30 a.m. March 15, with preliminary events on March 12-14.
Where: TerraNova Equestrian Center, 31625 Clay Gully Road, Myakka City
You should know: General admission is free, though VIP tickets and packages are available for the March 15 finale, as are reserved tables for two, four and six, as well as access to brunch. For ticket and scheduling information, visit
here we like it so much.’’
Braun said he and his wife, Michelle, grew up spending a lot of time in Wellington, west of the Palm Beaches, because of their love of equestrian sports. Now, with the development of TerraNova in rural Manatee County and the growth of Split Rock, “the brands sort of aligned together because of the attention to detail they put into the venue.’’
Split Rock produced TerraNova’s first event in 2022, but few dates have been more prestigious as this series. While the intricacies of highlevel horse jumping might escape first-time viewers, the basics can be pretty simple to appreciate.
“Like NASCAR racing, you go fast, you’re against the clock, you want to go clean and clear, and what that means is that you want to be inside the time allowed and you haven’t knocked down any rails,’’ Tevis said. “And that means you’ve had a faultfree effort.’’
Beyond the actual competition on the course, equestrian events can be posh experiences on the sidelines, made clear last summer when rapper Snoop Dogg delivered his takes on dressage for TV viewers during the Olympic Games in Paris. No, Snoop won’t be in Manatee County this week, but the proceedings at TerraNova will be sanctioned by the Federation Equestre Internationale,
the worldwide organizing body for the sport. Professional riders from around the world are expected. Olympians are never out of the question.
Among the big names expected this week:
■ Darragh Kenny (Ireland), Olympian
■ Erynn Ballard (Canada), Olympian
■ Tiffany Foster (Canada), Olympian
■ Adrienne Sternlicht (USA), World Equestrian Games
■ Amanda Derbyshire (Great Britain), World Equestrian Gam
Though the sport skews toward the affluent, athleticism and grace quickly snap into sharp focus from a spectator perspective.
“You’re going to see the grandeur, the exquisite nature of this level of competition that comes with having this much money on the line for these athletes,’’ Tevis said. “They love a crowd to come on out to cheer them on, and I think we’ve been building throughout our series. The spectators are not going to be disappointed.’’
Everything begins on Wednesday and Thursday — competitors who have their sights set on Saturday’s Winter Series Finale will have to compete on either of those two preliminary days. On Friday, there’s a $5,000 National Hunter Derby planned that stands apart from the bigger competitions.
There’s free admission for those simply interested in watching, but there are also a series of packages that include brunch and other extras, along with reserved-table seating and access to VIP spaces.
“It’s a nice place to come with the family, and you don’t have to spend a lot of money,’’ Tevis said. “We don’t want to be exclusive. This is for everybody.’’
Beyond this weekend’s wrap-up of the five-week TerraNova Winter Series, more events are on the calendar beginning on Sunday, March 16, and in the months to come. On March 29, show jumping and cross country are taking place, and on May 3 — Kentucky Derby Day — TerraNova is presenting an event that links its specialties with those of worldfamous Churchill Downs.
“The venue is second to none,’’ Braun said.
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A groovy restaurant comes to Center Point
Flower Child will make its Lakewood Ranch debut in May at Center Point.
Anew restaurant featuring healthy dishes will make its Florida debut when it opens in Lakewood Ranch in May. Flower Child is coming to Center Point on University Parkway.
On the menu are bowls, wraps and salads, as well as mix-and-match vegetables, grains, fruits and proteins.
The fast-casual eatery is a creation of Sam Fox, a restaurateur based in Arizona who has been nominated 11 times for the James Beard Award, according to a statement.
“We’ve been looking for the right opportunity to bring Flower Child to Florida, and Sarasota is the perfect place to introduce one of our most popular restaurant concepts,” Fox said in the statement.
There are 40 Flower Child restaurants nationwide across 13 states, from California to Oklahoma to Maryland. The Sarasota location will be the first in Florida for the concept, which is geared toward anyone looking for a healthy meal as well as those who subscribe to vegetarian, vegan or paleo diets.
“With its focus on wellness, active living, and a strong sense of community, we can’t wait to be part of this incredible city and provide a space where people can gather and enjoy wholesome, flavorful meals,” Fox said.
All dishes at Flower Child are made from scratch. Some popular items include the Mother Earth Bowl, which features ancient grains, sweet potatoes, portobello mushroom, avocado, cucumber, broccoli pesto, hemp seed, charred onions
and leafy greens in red pepper miso vinaigrette; and the Flying Avocado Wrap, which combines smoked turkey with gouda, romaine, tomato and avocado hummus. The chicken enchilada bowl and gluten-free mac and cheese are also among customers’ favorites, according to a statement.
Flower Child will be in a 3,500-square-foot space with a patio at 6532 University Parkway. Guests will be able to dine in at the bright, airy eatery or they can opt for pickup or delivery. Catering service will also be available.
“We were really lucky. UTC had been trying to get (Flower Child), but they’re just not a mall tenant,” Brett Hutchens, president of Casto Southeast Realty, said in a recent interview. Casto owns the property in Center Point at Waterside where Flower Child will be located. Construction began in December on the restaurant, which will be across from the Tommy Bahama Marlin Bar.
Flower Child is part of Fox Restaurant Concepts, a hospitality group based in Phoenix that includes more than 60 locations across the country and has 5,000 employees.
Courtesy image Salads, bowls and wraps are on the menu at Flower Child.
Lakewood Ranch’s Kevin Roy has made the cut in four of six PGA Tour events he’s played in this season, including three top-20 finishes.
akewood Ranch PGA
LTour player Kevin Roy had his best finish of the year at the Puerto Rico Open from March 6-9. Roy shot 18-under par for the tournament, including an opening round of 62 at the par-72 Grand Reserve Country Club. Roy tied for sixth place, which earned him $142,250.
Seven Braden River High athletes signed letters of intent March 4. The signings included girls soccer players Samantha Baker (Greensboro College), Lorelai Lis (Guilford College) and Kaele Smith (New Jersey Institute of Technology) and baseball players Sam Heinz (Erskine College), Camden Pope (Owens Community College), Nicholas Curbelo (State College of Florida) and Luke Duffy (Minnesota Post Grad). Lakewood Ranch High baseball broke out of an early season slump with a 15-7 win over Riverview March 7. Carter Sprague Kuwain Claxton and Colton Youngblood each had three hits in the win.
After opening the season with three straight losses, the Lakewood Ranch High softball team has won three of its past four games. Payton Burdick led the way in a 24-12 win over Palmetto on March 6 with four hits, two runs and seven RBIs. Former Lakewood Ranch baseball player Grant McCray has played in 12 of 13 spring training games for the San Francisco Giants. He’s batting .346 with one homer, two RBIs, seven runs scored and a teamhigh three stolen bases.
… Lakewood Ranch High beach volleyball earned some early season bragging rights with a 3-2 win over Braden River on March 5.
Joanne Wuelfing and Judy Pittz teamed up on the tennis courts at Tara Golf and Country Club to win the annual Women’s Doubles Championship on March 8.
Eight is great for Pirate wrestling
Matthew Ireland tops Braden River at state meet with a fourth-place finish in the 120-pound class.
Braden River High wrestling coach Cezar Sharbono has wrapped up what he calls the best season in program history.
When he first sent his son, Chance Sharbono, to Braden River in 2016, he said there were just five wrestlers on the team.
This year, the Pirates had 30-plus wrestlers and sent eight of them to the state championships in Kissimmee on March 7-8.
If you ask Sharbono, that’s only the set-up of what he expects to be another record-breaking season next year.
“This team has set the bar now for all other teams that come through Braden River,” Sharbono said. “They’ve set records. They won district duals for the first time. They won (individual) districts for the second time. They won counties for the first time. We had seven boys going to state for the first time, and there’s never been more than four previously.
“It’s all because of the buy-in from the kids.”
Here are the wrestlers Braden River sent to the state championships:
Russell said he started wrestling as a freshman at Braden River because a friend talked him into it and he fell in love with the sport after his first practice.
Favorite move: An ankle pick or near-side cradle. Russell said that’s what he’s best at on the mat.
Wrestling style: “I like to be all up in their face. I like to attack. I like to set the tone of the match and set the pace.”
Result at the 2A state championships: Lost first two matches and was eliminated.
Ireland said he started wrestling when he was 14 years old and has stuck with it because of the mental strength the sport demands. He returned to the state championships for a third time this season as Braden River’s most seasoned wrestler.
Favorite move: A dump. Ireland described it as a fireman’s carry that results with a slam onto the mat.
Wrestling style: “It’s less technique and more breaking someone down because I usually have more energy than people I wrestle. So I just attack, attack, attack. I keep constant motion and never stop.”
Result at the 2A state championships: Won four matches and lost twice to Jacob Bucci of Clay High School. Finished in fourth place.
“I was the quiet guy on the team, but now I have to speak up and come out of my comfort zone.”
but I also like to be on the go. I want to push the pace.”
Result at the 2A state championships: Won one match, lost two. Did not place.
Clark said he realized he needed to push himself last year, so he evaluated which sport at Braden River would be the most challenging and settled on wrestling.
Favorite move: Shooting. Clark said his shots change depending on the opponent and the situation, but taking people down is his favorite part of wrestling.
Wrestling style: “I would say more aggressive. I was a lot more passive and timid (until this year). I realized I only have a limited amount of time left, so I can’t sit back and be timid anymore. That’s not going to win me matches. If I want to keep wrestling as long as possible, I have to be aggressive.”
Result at the 2A state championships: Lost first two matches and was eliminated.
Rowe said he grew up competing in sports (like) wrestling. That started with jiu-jitsu at a young age and transitioned to mixed martial arts in middle school. His MMA coaches told him he should try wrestling in high school, but it took him until his junior year to give it a shot.
Favorite move: Single-leg. Rowe said it’s a basic move, and was one of the first he learned.
Wrestling style: “Very traditional since I’m still a little new and I don’t know all of those fancy moves yet. I have very basic wrestling, but I’d say it’s very solid.”
Result at the 2A state championships: Won one match, lost two. Did not place.
Arteaga said she loves how powerful wrestling makes her feel, and hopes finding success in a male-dominated sport is inspiring to other girls.
Favorite move: A snap-down front headlock. Arteaga said it’s a simple move that allows her to showcase her strength.
Wrestling style: “Very aggressive. I think that’s what got me through to states. I’m not a soft person. Even if I lack technique, I make up for it with strength and aggressiveness. I definitely knock people’s heads around sometimes.” Result at 1A state championships: Lost first two matches and was eliminated.
McDaniel’s two older brothers, Knowledge and Justice, played football at Braden River and pushed him into physical sports from a young age. He initially joined wrestling to better himself on the football field, but found success on the mat in a way he never expected. Favorite move: A snatch single. McDaniel said it’s the easiest way for him to throw his opponent off balance.
Wrestling style: “Pretty bland and boring. If someone watches one or two of my matches before we wrestle, they practically know what’s coming. It’s just the fact, do they have the strength to keep up with how many times I’m going to do it?”
Result at the 2A state championships: Won three matches, lost two. Finished in seventh place.
Lakewood Ranch sent two athletes to the state wrestling championships
Fuentes grew up playing football, but knew he was going to be too small to play in high school. That’s when his dad suggested wrestling, and Fuentes said he fell in love with the sport soon after.
Favorite move: Whatever the opponent gives him. Fuentes said he likes to mix it up so it’s hard for opponents to predict what’s coming. Wrestling style: “I like to counter-wrestle a lot,
Cook said he views wrestling as a stress reliever. He said he was never into sports or considered athletics growing up, but met wrestlers when he first moved to the area three years ago and he was talked into giving it a shot.
Favorite move: Blast double take down. Cook said he enjoys the explosiveness of the move and his ability to slam his opponent on the mat. Wrestling style: “I don’t do anything specific at all. I mix up what I do pretty well, so I don’t think I’m a readable wrestler. I use every part of my body, I’m not just a one-trick pony. I’m unorthodox, is a good way to say it.” Result at the 2A state championships: Won one match, lost two. Did not place.
■ Aiden Sanders, Junior in the 3A 120-pound weight class Sanders made it to the state tournament for the first time this year. It was nice accomplishment for Sanders, who gave up wrestling for several years due to concussion concerns and had to spend his freshman and sophomore seasons reacclimating himself to the sport. He did not place as he won one match and lost two.
■ Francesca Bisordi, Sophomore in 1A 170-pound weight class Bisordi knew virtually nothing about wrestling when she joined the team at Lakewood Ranch last year as a freshman, and struggled during a 3-20 season. However, this year was a different story. Bisordi went 27-6, finished in second place at the 1-Region 3 meet and became the first girls wrestler in school history to make it to the state championships. She lost her first two matches and was eliminated.
— Lakewood Ranch High baseball’s Carter Sprague SEE PAGE 19A
Courtesy Image
Photos by Vinnie Portell
Jacob Fuentes, left, and Matthew Ireland were two of eight Braden River wrestlers who helped each other stay sharp during after-school practices ahead of state championships.
Soccer means the world to this Lakewood Ranch club
The club features 38 nationalities among its 145 members.
Lakewood Ranch has an abundance of golf courses and pickleball courts, but those aren’t the only outdoor recreational options for older residents.
Lakewood Ranch Adult Soccer Club welcomes players of all skills and all ages, and that was on full display March 9 at Sarasota International Cricket Club.
The soccer club’s Over 50 team hosted the Saint Petersburg FC Aztecs, rallying from a one-goal deficit to win 3-2.
After trailing 1-0 at halftime, Lakewood Ranch players John Smyth, Alvaro Gonzalez and Geyy Carabali scored in the second half to complete the comeback.
The win secured the Lakewood Ranch Soccer Club team the Florida Suncoast Soccer League championship in the Over 50 division.
Where: 7401 University Parkway, Bradenton (Sarasota International Cricket Club)
Who: Anyone 18+ who signs up through
Monday and Wednesday:
Two group coed games from 5:30-7:15 p.m. (11 vs. 11 on two half-fields) and 6:30-8 p.m. (13 vs. 13 full field).
Saturday: Coed games at 8 a.m.
Sunday: Florida Suncoast Soccer League games at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Find more information at SuncoastSoccer. com.
Though the win was clearly meaningful, judging by the celebratory beer shower the players received, the wins and losses are far from the only way to judge the value this club brings to the community.
Lakewood Ranch isn’t the most diverse community, but that isn’t reflected by its adult soccer club.
The club has 145 members in three divisions — an 18+ open team, an Over 50 team and an Over 60 team — representing 38 nationalities.
Volunteer committee member Ian Bowles, who moved to the area from England seven years ago, pointed out men from Ireland, Scotland and China passing a ball around to warm up together.
When the game started, players communicated in English, Spanish and a variety of dialects, but that didn’t deter their ability to communicate.
“You know what I love about it?
Everyone has a story,” said Smyth, who moved to Lakewood Ranch from Scotland 11 years ago. “There are people in this club who came here from other countries with nothing and they’ve followed the American dream. It’s inspirational.”
Players for the Over 50 team also have varying degrees of skill.
Nick Cooke, 61, said he played soccer in the Navy. Upon moving to Lakewood Ranch, he met some of the club’s players while having a drink and has been a member ever since.
Ever Palacios, 56, played in the 1998 FIFA World Cup for the Columbia national football team. He said he came to the area to work for the Lakewood Ranch Chargers Soccer Club two years ago.
Palacios didn’t play for the Over 50 team on March 9 due to a leg injury, but showed up on the sidelines anyway to help coach the team.
“I like there are people here from many parts of the world,” Palacios
said through Guillermo Callo, who helped translate. “We share our cultures, and we’ve created a brotherhood from it.”
A NEW HOME When Victor Mahadeo first established the Lakewood Ranch Adult Soccer Club in 1999, there were just five members, which made playing competitive games a challenge.
Mahadeo said the group played pick-up games of two-to-three man teams at Summerfield Community Park.
Word soon spread, and as Lakewood Ranch grew, so did the club. Mahadeo said the club has members ranging in age from 18 to 72 years old and experience levels from novice to professional.
As the club grew, it moved from Summerfield to Premier Sports Complex. However, Mahadeo said that the cost to rent the field had grown from $40,000 to close to $60,000 per year, and other issues were
holding the club back, as well. He said even a slight drizzle meant the cancellation of games, and they could not host league games — forcing them to hit the road to find competition.
Mahadeo, who said he used to play cricket at Sarasota International Cricket Club, heard the rugby team that played there was past due on their field fees and offered to take their spot.
Lakewood Ranch Adult Soccer Club purchased goals, installed flood lights for nighttime games and have also utilized differing backgrounds of its members to improve the clubhouse.
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Photos by Vinnie Portell
The Lakewood Ranch Adult Soccer Club’s Over 50 team poses together with a trophy after winning its league championship 3-2 over Saint Petersburg FC Aztecs on March 9.
Vinnie Portell is the sports reporter for the East County Observer. Contact him at VPortell@
Stephen Ohanlon congratulates Geyy Caraballi for scoring a goal to put
Lakewood Ranch Adult Soccer Club’s
Over 50 team up 3-1 in a championship match against Saint Petersburg FC March 9.
Carter Sprague
Carter Sprague has been a bright spot for a Lakewood Ranch High baseball team that has struggled so far. The junior centerfielder leads the team in hits (12), runs (eight), batting average (.387) and stolen bases (eight).
When and why did you start playing baseball?
I started playing baseball when I was around 4 years old. I grew up around it because my brother and my dad played it.
What’s been the most memorable part of this season so far?
This new team and getting to bond with them. We had a lot of seniors last year who are now gone, so I’m the upperclassman who gets to see these young guys come in. I was the quiet guy on the team, but now I have to speak up and come out of my comfort zone. I try to get the team up in the dugout and give 100% in practice, especially now that we’re 2-7.
What’s your all-time favorite memory in baseball?
Probably my freshman year. I was a freshman on varsity and we won the district championship against Venice. That’s been my favorite moment in high school.
What’s gone right for you this year?
I’ve stolen a lot more bases and I’ve used my speed to my ad vantage. That’s been a problem the past years. I wasn’t as ag gressive as I should’ve been. The coaches have been on me about it, so I figured I would be relentless out there.
What’s your favorite TV show or movie?
My favorite movie would have to be
‘Benchwarmers’ because I grew up watching it. It’s a funny movie to this day.
If you would like to make a recommendation for the East County Observer’s Athlete of the Week feature, send it to
Do you have any go-to warm-up songs?
I don’t have a go-to song, but my goto artist is Future.
If you’re not playing baseball, what are you doing?
I’m either working out or hanging out with my friends, most likely at the beach. But I’m usually always around baseball.
What’s been your most memorable moment in baseball?
My freshman year, I thought I was all that because I was on the team. We played Venice and I went 0-for-3 with three strikeouts. That humbled me.
What’s your ideal weekend look like?
Working out and hitting (at Total Baseball Academy) is mainly what I stick to every weekend.
Who’s your favorite baseball player and why?
Ronald Acuña Jr. He’s so flashy. I like the way he plays the game.
Finish this sentence. Carter Sprague is …
Pots of gold at RANCH NITE
Alex Miranda has more pottery than she could possibly ever use or give away, so she was peddling her “examples” at Ranch Nite Wednesday’s monthly night market March 5.
Miranda is an art teacher at Bradenton Christian School. While she could show her students photos and videos, live demonstrations on the pottery wheel are a much more effective teaching method.
“This is my second time here (at the night market) because I need to get rid of inventory,” Miranda said. “I just can’t have all this pottery everywhere.”
Her business is called Art Teacher Adventure, and the money she earns goes back into her classroom.
Miranda used to teach art at Tara Elementary School. When Luca Riccio saw his old teacher, he ran over to her table to give her a big hug.
IF YOU GO Ranch Nite Wednesday. 1561 Lakefront Drive. Hours are from 6-9 p.m. through May. Ranch Nite Wednesday is a weekly event, but the market is only held on the first Wednesday of the month.
The market is set up inside Gateway Park on the first Wednesday of each month to complement the weekly lineup of food trucks.
Photos by Lesley Dwyer
Bradenton’s Nick and Alanna Gomez make a tough choice between bouquets.
Shelley Wood packs up the pizzas to go from the Cornerstone & Co. food truck.
Tara Elementary’s Luca Riccio runs into his former teacher Alex Miranda at Ranch Nite Wednesday.
Once again, Ranch Nite Wednesday draws a crowd to Waterside Place.
Sarasota’s Michelle and Josh Wynne pull apart the gooey cheese curds from the Say Cheese Curd Company.
Waterside Place resident Tracy Wolf walks back home with a bouquet of flowers from Mindful Blooms Farm, which had a stand set up at the night market.
Spring Forward With A New Smile
Runs from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Greenbrook Adventure Park, 13010 Adventure PIace, Lakewood Ranch. The annual Irish Celtic Festival returns with its full schedule of live entertainment, along with food vendors, and, of course, beer vendors. Included in the festivities is the presentation of the first Irish Culture Award. Among the live music on stage will be Bill Mullen, the Drake Irish Dance group, and Blue Skye Pipes and Drums. Other entertainment includes the Lucky Dog parade (12:55 p.m.) and a 21+ relay race that will include beer drinking. Among kids entertainment will be face painting and a 30-foot rock climbing wall sponsored by Up In The Air Fun.
Gates open at 4:30 p.m. and polo begins at 5:30 p.m. at the Sarasota Polo Club, Sunset Polo Happy Hour makes its 2025 debut and will run each Thursday through April 10. Live music by Saint Tone Duo will play after the match. General admission tickets are $15. Other tickets plans also are available. For more information about ticket plans or the event, go to
Runs from 4-6 p.m. each day at Jiggs Landing, 6106 63rd St. E., Bradenton. The live music lineup at Jiggs Landing includes Steve Arvey (Thursday), Soundwave (Friday), Coral Caribbean Cowboys (Saturday) and Santiago (Sunday). The Friday concert is $5; the Saturday concert is $15; the others are free. For more information, go to
Melissa Durham, 48, of Ruskin, knew something was wrong when she had pain in her thigh and hip for over a year.
Tired of feeling badly, Durham was recommended to David Rubins, MD, BSME, FAAOS, an orthopedic surgeon at Manatee Physician Alliance Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine with a special certification in adult reconstructive surgery. An exam revealed Durham’s hip joint was bone-on-bone and full of fluid. After a steroid injection failed to relieve the pain for more than a few days, Durham underwent a direct anterior hip replacement.
Upon waking from surgery, Durham was fearful the surgery would be unsuccessful, but she was very wrong. “Once I put my feet on the floor and stood up, I started crying because there was no pain at all on either side,” she says. Durham began rehabilitation the same day as the surgery and received home care, including nurse visits and therapy, for three weeks.
Begins at 6 p.m. at Waterside Place, 1561 Lakefront Drive, Lakewood Ranch. The free Sights and Sounds series returns with a musical journey by Ring Sarasota. Come enjoy a vibrant selection of handbell arrangements, with each piece capturing the essence of a different month. Ring Sarasota is the area’s premier handbell ensemble. Seating is limited, so please bring a lawn chair. For more information, go to
Begins at 7 p.m. at Waterside Park, 7301 Island Cove Terrace, Lakewood Ranch. This month’s feature in the free movie series is “Moana.” The movie begins at sunset. The first 100 people who attend will receive a halfPhilly sandwich or chicken nuggets from Nas Philly Steaks, courtesy of Grace Community Church. Bring a blanket or lawn chairs. Inflatables are available starting at 7 p.m.
Runs 6-9 p.m. at Waterside Place, 1560 Lakefront Drive, Lakewood Ranch. Singer-songwriter Justin Layman entertains those strolling through Waterside Place. For more information about the free music series, go to
Runs from 6-9 p.m. on Saturday and noon to 3 p.m. on Sunday at Linger Lodge, 7116 85th St. Court E., Bradenton. The Schmizt Brothers perform on Saturday at Linger Lodge while Dave Burks is the entertainment on Sunday. For more information, call Linger Lodge at 755-2757.
Runs from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at University Park Country Club, 7671 The Park Blvd., University Park. The 25th annual Art in the Park show returns with 56 artists displaying their work. Those attending the free event can just check out the artwork or buy many of the pieces that are for sale. For more information, send an email to
wish I could give a big hug to all the staff that took care of me during that time. From the staff at Manatee Orthopedics, including. Everyone was so caring and took the time to make sure I was comfortable and understood everything that was going on.”
Dr. David Rubins with patient Melissa Durham
The time is now. Let’s take this defining moment and show the world that Sarasota believes in the power of the arts to transform lives. Learn more at:
On March 17, the Sarasota City Commission will make a decision that will define our city for generations. The vote will determine whether we move forward with a worldclass performing arts center — one that captures Sarasota’s vibrancy and artistic vision. Will we embrace this chance to elevate our community and celebrate our creative spirit?
71% of respondents support the project
The Sarasota Performing Arts Center is a strategic investment in economic growth, cultural vitality, and community resilience. A recent countywide survey showed that 71% of respondents support the project, recognizing its far-reaching benefits. More than just a venue, it will drive economic activity, strengthen Sarasota’s status as an arts destination, and enrich the lives of residents and visitors alike.
This new center is a collaboration between the City of Sarasota and the Sarasota Performing Arts Foundation. Under this agreement, the City will own the building, while the Foundation will oversee its design and construction, raise 50% of the building, and manage operations once completed.
In 2020, Sarasota and Sarasota County established a special taxing district to revitalize The Bay Park and support this state-of-the-art cultural anchor. Tax Increment Financing (TIF) ensures that rising property values fund the project — without increasing taxes. Revenue projections have already surpassed expectations by $210 million. The new center will generate $194 million annually, 68% more than the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall, while creating 1,550 jobs and attracting 500,000 visitors each year.
Beyond the numbers, this is about who we are as a community. The Sarasota Performing Arts Center will be a place where families gather, where students discover their passions, and where our city comes together. It’s a legacy project, one that will inspire, educate, and unite us. We are deeply grateful to every individual, organization, and civic leader who has contributed to this journey. From those who shaped the Bayfront 20:20 vision to the City of Sarasota, Sarasota County, The Bay Park Conservancy, the Van Wezel Hall, and the countless donors and supporters who believe in the power of the arts to transform communities — this progress is only possible because of you.
Never the same old story
The Books for Kids program of the Rotary Club of Lakewood Ranch continues to grow in Manatee schools.
Ted Lindenberg, chair of the Rotary Club of Lakewood Ranch’s Books for Kids program, apologized to those gathered at the club’s March 6 luncheon at the Lakewood Ranch Country Club because he was going to be saying the same word over and over. “Incredible.” Actually, he only said “incredible” about 10 times. He moved on to “amazing.” No one could blame him as the numbers speak for themselves.
How to join: Call 845-3045793 or send an email to Ted Lindenberg STLind88@icloud. com; Susan Travilla STravilla@; or Joanne Vernon
Sponsor: The program is sponsored by Rotary Club of Lakewood Ranch
“Eleven years ago, we started with five people,” Lindenberg said. “We’re close to 200 (volunteers) now ... that’s a company.”
The first year, Books for Kids distributed 300 free books to schools in the School District of Manatee
Jay Heater
Willis Smith Construction’s Nathan Carr and Bailee Corona chat with Ted Lindenberg during the Rotary Club of Lakewood Ranch’s luncheon March 6.
County. By the end of 2025, Books for Kids will have distributed more than 200,000 free books.
“We are all here to acknowledge the impact you have on the lives of children,” Lindenberg said to the volunteers and supporters of the program, along with his fellow Rotarians. “We wanted to give children the tools to learn and grow. None of this would be possible without you — the volunteers, the readers. We thank you so very much.”
Gratitude came from different directions.
Volunteer Gina Shulman was a social worker for 40 years who now has taken on the important task of helping elementary children develop their reading skills.
“What we bring to these children is a fire,” she told those at the luncheon. “It’s a great love for books.”
As far as she is concerned, it is one of the most important loves a child should have.
“What is the most important building in the world?” she asks.
“The answer always should be the library.”
Peter Seidenstricker is a Books for
Kids volunteer at Ballard Elementary.
“This is one of my absolute best jobs of my years on the planet,” he said.
One of the students at Ballard looked at him while he was reading aloud.
“Now I see pictures in my head,” the student said.
“We are doing important work,” Seidenstricker said.
After those in attendance ate lunch, kindergarten students from Blanche H. Daughtrey Elementary streamed into the ballroom.
Lindenberg explained that Daughtrey Principal Melissa Mccullough suggested that all of the school’s kindergartners come by the luncheon to thank the Books for Kids supporters. They sang two songs, which led to a standing ovation, and even a few tears from the audience.
Ballard Elementary Principal Rudy Keezer told Lindenberg, a winner of the 2023 C. John A. Clarke Humanitarian Award for his work with the program, that the Books for Kids name was outdated.
“It should be Heroes for Kids,” he said. “You are all heroes. And Ted, you are our superhero.”
Keezer said every year he asks Lindenberg for more for his students.
“And he continues to deliver,” Keezer said.
Oneco Elementary Principal
Nicole Williams told those at the luncheon that her school is undergoing quite the renovation this year, and parking has been in short supply. She said she had no idea how the Books for Kids volunteers would get on her campus. And yet, she said they found a way.
“You are all so special to us,” she said of the volunteers. “This program has such a positive impact.”
Derek Jensen, the deputy superintendent of instructional services, applauded the professionalism of the Books for Kids volunteers along with the “magnitude” of the program.
“The work you do is moving the needles in our schools,” he said.
He said Books for Kids was one reason that Ballard went from a “D” to a “B” school in the past year.
The crowd erupted in cheers.
The luncheon was sponsored by Willis Smith Construction.
Build a Better Bowl for Your Dog
By Kyle Baker, Senior Pet Food Nutritionist
Every dog has unique nutritional needs, but one thing remains the same—a well-balanced diet is the key to a happy, healthy life. At DOGPerfect, we believe mealtime should be both nutritious and exciting! Start with a solid base— whether kibble, raw, wet, or freeze-dried—and take it to the next level with hydrators like bone broth or goat’s milk to boost hydration and digestion. Add nutrient-rich toppers to enhance flavor and provide essential vitamins, or include supplements that support digestion, joint health, and overall wellness.
Beyond nutrition, variety is key! Just like us, dogs
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Want to upgrade your pup’s diet? Visit DOGPerfect, where our knowledgeable team will help you find the best food, toppers, and supplements for your dog’s unique needs.
About the Author: Kyle Baker, Senior Pet Food Nutritionist at DOGPerfect, is passionate about empowering pet parents to transform their pets’ lives through the right food, supplements, and treats.
DOGPerfect, proudly locally owned with locations in Sarasota, University Park, and Lakewood Ranch, offers personalized nutrition consultations.
Visit to learn more and book a FREE nutrition consult!
Kat Wingert
A Blanche H. Daughtrey Elementary student is interviewed by Ted Lindenberg about the success of the Books for Kids program.
Headed on a trip? Snap a photo of you on vacation holding your Observer, then submit your photo online at ItsReadEverywhere. Stay tuned for this year’s prize, and happy travels!
THE DUOMO AND THE OBSERVER, PURE ART: Tom Brennan of Country Club East took the East County Observer to The Duomo in Florence, Italy.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2025 @ 11:00 AM
Daniel Tichenor will discuss how immigration has been a longstanding source of political conflict in the U.S. He will explore how past generations managed to overcome ideological differences to enact significant reforms, contrasting this with the current polarization that hinders a functional immigration system. THE U.S. & CHINA: INSEPARABLE FRENEMIES
THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2025 @ 5:00 PM
Former U.S. diplomat Jeffrey Moon will explore the complex U.S.-China relationship, focusing on how both nations navigate geopolitical factors, pursue national interests, and manage tensions while seeking opportunities for cooperation amidst competing global visions.
New main attraction for Irish festival
He was born in Scotland, and he didn’t know he mostly was Irish until he was older.
But Bill Mullen definitely qualifies to be the guy to entertain the crowd March 15 at the 2025 Irish Celtic Festival at the Greenbrook Adventure Park.
to 3 p.m., and this year includes the presentation of the first Frank Shea Irish Culture Award that honors the late Shea, who founded the festival in 2012.
Del Webb residents make a difference
Del Webb residents showed up March 9 to take a spin at helping a regional nonprofit.
“I was born in Dundee, Scotland, but the name Mullen is an Irish name, and my granddad on my mother’s side was Patrick Kelly from Dublin,” said Haines City’s Mullen, who is making his first appearance as the featured entertainer at the festival. “I grew up singing Irish songs.”
Mullen, 69, said he was hired years ago to perform at the Lakewood Ranch festival, but it was rained out.
“I try to keep things light, because you only can sing so many soulful songs,” he said. “What I bring to the table is that I have a history of this stuff. I bring out the songs — not the old standards — but the ones that people are interested in. I keep toward the traditional side.”
He is looking forward to seeing how Lakewood Ranch embraces its festival.
“I played (an Irish festival) in Honolulu in 2019, down at the end of Chinatown, and you hardly could move. Everyone was Irish that day ... all shapes and sizes.”
The festival runs from 11:30 a.m.
The community’s Making a Difference group held its first Spring Carnival to raise funds for the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Clinic of the Florida Center for Early Childhood.
Funds from the event would help to remodel the clinic’s “Family Room,” which hosts families who are waiting to participate in a diagnostic evaluation. Such an evaluation can last up to two days as a child experiences a battery of evaluations.
The Family Room is being redesigned to be sensory-sensitive, comfortable, and tailored for kids of all ages.
Those from the community showed up to play a number of carnival games, such as the wheel of fortune, busting balloons with darts, and more.
Club members volunteered to man all the games. Lucille Messina is the president of the Making a Difference club.
Courtesy photo
Bill Mullen is the featured entertainer at Lakewood Ranch’s Irish Celtic Festival on March 15 at the Adventure Park in Greenbrook.
Watch your soccer club grow from a USL League Two team in 2025 to a professional USL League One team in 2026. Join us at our new home, the Premier Sports Campus in Lakewood Ranch. Get your tickets now for the 2025 season (May-July) and follow our journey to the pros! Sarasota Paradise will be the heart of our community, shining on the field and developing players for the global stage. We’re committed to a great game-day experience, hospitality, and making a positive impact. Our values will unite Sarasota, create pathways for youth to go pro, and represent our city worldwide.
- Owner, Marcus Walfridson
| Lakewood
From the beach to UTC
Sand sculptor gives UTC a glimpse at his craft.
Longboat Key is home to artistic creations of every medium, but perhaps one of the most unique resides at Zota Beach Resort. Visitors need only turn left down the hallway past reception to come face to face with one of Patrick Harsch’s handcrafted sand sculptures.
Harsch has been honing his craft since the mid-’90s, and he became the owner of Tampa Bay Sandsculpting Co. in 2023.
His work is consistently on display at the resort, and though his previous creation suffered as many other buildings did in last year’s hurricanes, he recently rebuilt.
The latest piece features half a dozen stacked castle spires layered with roof tiles and window frames. A stoutly boarded gate prevents malicious attackers from storming the Zota castle.
East County fans of his work can also find it on display at The Mall at University Town Center, near Ford’s Garage, 295 N. Cattlemen Road. He did a special St. Patrick’s Daythemed piece at UTC.
Harsch said he met his first tutor while working with a video production house shortly after graduating college.
“He had a sandbox where he would practice, and he showed me the process of how to pack the sand together,” Harsch said. “He had a little bucket, just like you would have at the beach.”
However, this bucket was modified to be open on both ends, as a tube, so the artist can layer the water and sand, then simply lift the bucket, rather than flipping it over.
The assortment of other unique tools like cake-decorating spatulas, cement trowels, melon ballers and palette knives, allows this sculptor to get to work.
“Everything can be ripped off from the kitchen or the garage for sand sculpting,” he said.
His mentor set the challenge of recreating a carnival teddy bear, and Harsch tried his hand at it. He must have done well because he received a job offer on the spot, and he has continued sand sculpting the rest of his life.
Be it for a large-scale competition piece or an intricate design like that found at the resort, the required techniques are fairly similar. Maintaining consistent levels of packing and ratios of sand to water is essen-
tial, especially when it’s a long-lasting design.
Harsch said he has made about five sculptures for Zota, and with his experience, it takes about two days to create them. The sand comes in one wheelbarrow at a time, and he uses wooden formwork to make the larger blocks of sand he carves into intricate castle towers.
“The more details you add, the more your eye looks around the piece,” he said, noting how viewers enjoy peering through cut-through windows and other design elements.
However, it is always a balancing act between building awe-inspiring, gravity-defying aspects and a structure to last as long as possible.
“You try to push the sand as far as you can push it, but there’s a mantra — safe is pretty,” he said.
The pieces get updated about twice a year, but the impression they make on guests lasts a lifetime.
His business provides opportunities to stay sharp throughout the year, but Harsch always looks forward to the area’s sand sculpting competitions, particularly the Pier 60 Sugar Sand Festival. Asked about one of his all-time favorite pieces, he said his entry, “The Muse,” holds a special place. He said he was inspired by Christopher Moore’s book “Sacré Bleu: A Comedy d’Art.”
The towering sculpture features a figure coming to life from the paint on an artist’s palette. Harsch said the author actually got to see his work after the showcase and shared it online.
This year’s festival has a new element — public input. Voters selected the theme of dinosaurs, upon which sculptors will base their designs this April. For more information, visit
Whether people see his works at festivals, resorts or other venues, Harsch hopes viewers get to enjoy the results of his years of training in an ever-changing medium.
March 15 & March 16, 2025 10 AM - 5 PM
RAIN OR SHINE | OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FREE ADMISSION & PARKING Art in the Park is a celebration of the fine art created in the University Park community. Over 170 pieces of art by 60+ artists will be on exhibit and for sale. Visit to find out more about the show!
Dana Kampa Sand sculptor Patrick Harsch, who crafted the castle currently on display at Zota Beach Resort, works on his latest St. Patrick’s Day-themed outdoor piece at The Mall at University Town Center, near Ford’s Garage.
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Little library, big mission
Country Club East Park is the site of another Little Free Library.
o Country Club East’s Jane Johnson Hussar, it meant setting a good example for her grandchildren. And when she sees people take books out of the new Little Free Library at Country Club East Park, she said she will feel proud.
On March 8, Johnson Hussar’s 7-year-old grandson, Caden Hussar, was first to select a book at a brief ceremony and ribbon cutting for the world’s 177,617th Little Free Library.
Johnson Hussar’s name is on a small metal plaque on the wooden library, along with its assigned number — 177,617. Johnson Hussar’s
10-year-old granddaughter, Savannah Hussar, cut the ribbon while her family looked on.
“I wanted to show my grandchildren that it is important to be involved,” said Johnson Hussar, who is a member of the Little Free Library Club of Lakewood Ranch. “I want them to love books their whole life.”
Johnson Hussar worked for the Pinellas County school system for 25 years, she is a mentor for Take Stock in Children, and she is a member of the Lakewood Ranch Women’s Club.
“This will be a popular spot,” Johnson Hussar said of the new library. “Parents and grandparents park here to pick up their kids (from Robert Willis Elementary School).”
She said the Little Free Library will have a nice assortment of books, including “something for everyone.”
More than 70 books have been donated to the library in the past week alone, and Johnson Hussar said
Photos by Jay Heater
Jane Johnson Hussar, sponsor of the Little Free Library at Country Club East Park, joins Elizabeth Henderson, president of the Little Free Library Club of Lakewood Ranch.
she stores the
As the sponsor of the Little
Library, she covered the cost of building the wooden structure and she will check on its contents on a regular basis.
“We’re doing a really good thing for the community,” she said.
The Little Free Library is the fourth built and maintained by the Little Free Library Club of Lakewood Ranch. The first opened in April 2023 at the Adventure Park in Greenbrook. It was lost when the pavilion burned July 5, 2023, due to youths mishandling fireworks.
“We are going to replace it, and we are ready to roll,” said Elizabeth Henderson, the president of the Little Free Library Club of Lakewood Ranch. “It was such a loss for the community because it was incredibly well-used. The new one is all built and it’s in my garage.”
The new pavilion is scheduled to open this summer and the library will be placed shortly after its opening.
The club’s second library found a home at Bob Gardner Park in July 2023. Henderson said that one also has been very busy. A third was placed at James Patton Park. That one opened in October 2023, four days before Henderson learned she had cancer.
After undergoing treatment and chemotherapy, Henderson was able to return to guiding the Little Free Library Club of Lakewood Ranch in October. She said she is now cancer free.
With her return, the club’s activities have picked up again. A fifth Little Free Library is now planned at Waterside Park, near the children’s play area.
“That one is going to be stunning,” Henderson said. “Geoff O’Quinn is building it, and it is going to be modeled after the buildings at Waterside.”
No date has been set for the Waterside Little Free Library and Henderson said the club is seeking a sponsor for it with the hope of a Waterside business filling that role. She said sponsorship for construction of the library is about $400.
She said none of the Little Free Libraries would have been possible without the support of SchroederManatee Ranch or Manatee County.
After the Waterside Little Free Library, the club will “keep an eye on growth” in Lakewood Ranch to see where to go next.
“If they create parks, we will continue,” Henderson said of growth.
Although Lakewood Ranch has a 1-year-old $17.6 million countybuilt and maintained library, Henderson said the Little Free Libraries provide great access to books for the community.
“They are open 24-7 and you never know what will be in there,” she said.
“It’s always a surprise and it fosters a sense of community. We are teaching the kids to have an enthusiasm for reading.”
Braden Woods’ Faust DeLazzer has built all the Little Free Libraries placed by the club so far. He donates his efforts.
“I was a school teacher for 47 years,” he said. “It is a labor of love.
“This really is so important. Most of us in the club are educators.”
Henderson said anyone wanting to join the club or donate books can reach out on Facebook or can send an email to LittleFreeLibraryLWR@
Caden Hussar, the 7-year-old grandson of Little Free Library sponsor Jane Johnson Hussar, is the first to select a book from the new library at Country Club East Park.
Pomelo Park home tops sales at $4.275 million
APomello Park home on 213th St. E. topped the week’s sales at $4.275 million
Stephane and Delphine Nadal, of Miami, sold their home at 7520 213th St. E. to Thomas Loiczly and Premier Trust Inc., trustees, for $4.275 million. Built in 2007, it has four bedrooms, three-andtwo-half baths, a pool and 4,501 square feet of living area. It sold for $2.825 million in 2022.
Eric Audette and Wendy Jestings, of Bradenton, sold their home at 14839 Como Circle to Leanne Sauerland, trustee, of Shaker Heights, Ohio, for $3.75 million. Built in 2019, it has four bedrooms, five baths, a pool and 4,314 square feet of living area. It sold for $3.509 million in 2022.
Ishfaq and Nuzhat Ahmad, of Monroe Township, New Jersey, sold their home at 8407 Broadstone Court to Vivek and Priyanka Gupta, of Bradenton, for $3.6 million. Built in 2017, it has five bedrooms, sixand-a-half baths, a pool and 6,816 square feet of living area.
Clark and Judy Burns, trustees, of Foristell, Missouri, sold the home at 8540 Pavia Way to Ondrej and Lynette Kruk, of Bradenton, for $3.55 million. Built in 2023, it has four bedrooms, four-and-a-half baths, a pool and 3,995 square feet of living area. It sold for $2.642 million in 2023.
Scott and Laura Richards, of Lakewood Ranch, sold their home at 13605 Legends Walk Terrace to Wasabi Group LLC for $2.2 million. Built in 2003, it has four bedrooms, three-and-two-half baths, a pool and 4,305 square feet of living area. It sold for $900,000 in 2012.
John and Doris Fusco, of Lakewood Ranch, sold their home at 7905 Royal Queensland Way to Brad and Teresa Smarrelli, of Richmond, Indiana, for $1.275 million. Built in 1999, it has three bedrooms, three baths, a pool and 2,915 square feet of living area. It sold for $537,900 in 2011.
Robert and Carol Travis, of Bradenton, sold their home at 13816 Palazzo Terrace to Steven and Rhonda Henze, of Bradenton, for $1.6 million. Built in 2014, it has three bedrooms, three-and-a-half baths, a pool and 2,841 square feet of living area. It sold for $797,900 in 2014.
Linda Thompson, trustee, sold the home at 4930 Savona Run to William an Anne Uthoff, of St. Louis, for $610,000. Built in 2014, it has two bedrooms, two baths, a pool and 1,692 square feet of living area. It sold for $306,800 in 2014.
Sheila Milazzo, trustee, sold the home at 13119 Prima Drive to Daniel Wymer, of Bradenton, for $510,000. Built in 2014, it has two bedrooms, two baths and 1,684 square feet of living area. It sold for $335,900 in 2014.
Craig and Jenny Woldt, of Henderson, Nevada, sold their home at 6604 189th St. E. to Harley Frey, of Bradenton, for $1.475 million. Built in 1998, it has three bedrooms, three baths, a pool and 2,994 square feet of living area. It sold for $1.2 million in 2021.
Thomas Ray Barber, trustee, of Bradenton, sold the home at 14019 18th Place E. to Debora Sullivan, of Bradenton, for $1.275 million. Built in 2004, it has four bedrooms, twoand-two-half baths, a pool and 3,209 square feet of living area. It sold for $685,000 in 2019.
Beth Potere, trustee, sold the home at 7117 River Club Blvd. to Nanette and Timothy Matte, of Bradenton, for $1.15 million. Built in 1995, it has four bedrooms, three baths, a pool and 2,942 square feet of living area. It sold for $576,000 in 2020.
Joshua and Kelly Cameron, of Parrish, sold their home at 1027 Kestrel Court to Joseph Wendel, of Bradenton, for $1.125 millon. Built in 2008, it has three bedrooms, two baths, a pool and 2,330 square feet of living area. It sold for $465,000 in 2008.
Frederick Jones and Valerie Edwards-Jones, trustees, of Sarasota, sold the home at 7640 Viola Loop to Mark Miller and Kathleen Miller, trustees, of Lakewood Ranch, for $1.05 million. Built in 2019, it has three bedrooms, three baths and 2,839 square feet of living area. It sold for $625,000 in 2019.
Laurence and Patricia Bernson, trustees, of Harvey Cedars, New Jersey, sold the home at 7432 Summerland Cove to Phillip Edward Steinberg and Pamela Shuwall Steinberg, of Horsham, Pennsylvania, for $750,000. Built in 2022, it has three bedrooms, two baths and 2,214 square feet of living area. It sold for $709,700 in 2022.
Joseph and Jennifer Crouch sold their home at 17011 Sweetwater Village Drive to Peter and Jane Shuman, of Barrington, Rhode Island, for $885,000. Built in 2023, it has four bedrooms, four baths, a pool and 2,775 square feet of living area. It sold for $757,000 in 2023.
Philip and Diana Axelrod, trustees, sold the home at 8033 Fairhaven Glen to TIB Construction Inc. for $850,000. Built in 1992, it has three bedrooms, two-and-a-half baths, a pool and 2,561 square feet of living area. It sold for $452,000 in 2001.
Tracy Wesley Kocourek, of Lakewood Ranch, sold her home at 16227 Umbria Place to James Joseph Juron Jr. and Pamela Rachelle Juron, of Williamsville, Kentucky, for $839,000. Built in 2023, it has three bedrooms, three baths and 2,352 square feet of living area. It sold for $849,300 in 2023.
David Soule, trustee, and Anita Gail Soule, of Oxford, Michigan, sold the home at 4735 Motta Court to Edward Cheney, trustee, of Geneva, Illinois, for $792,000. Built in 2022, it has three bedrooms, two baths, a pool and 1,920 square feet of living area. It sold for $487,900 in 2022.
Timothy and Linda Richardson, of Greenwood, Indiana, sold their home at 12035 Aster Ave. to John and Catherine Hughes, of Weston, for $820,000. Built in 2012, it has four bedrooms, three baths, a pool and 2,637 square feet of living area. It sold for $463,000 in 2019.
Mitchell and Elizabeth Besvinick, of Newtown Square, Pennsylvania, sold their home at 14220 Woodhall Place to Martin and Tamaryn Emmrich, of Bradenton, for $785,000. Built in 2015, it has three bedrooms, two-and-a-half baths, a pool and 2,312 square feet of living area.
Denise and William Mellick, of Calabash, North Carolina, sold their home at 12305 Goldenrod Ave. to James and Marianne Goff, of Bradenton, for $717,000. Built in 2019, it has three bedrooms, twoand-a-half baths, a pool and 2,203 square feet of living area. It sold for $424,400 in 2019.
Colleen Curran, trustee, of Sarasota, sold the home at 8058 Tidal Pointe Way to Joseph John Babiak Jr. and Diane Marie Babiak, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, for $709,000. Built in 2021, it has two bedrooms, two baths and 1,892 square feet of living area. It sold for $437,200 in 2021.
Brian Joseph Hamilton and Stacey Hamilton, of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, sold their home at 11443 Apple Tree Circle to Opendoor Property Trust I for $695,700. Built in 2020, it has four bedrooms, three baths, a pool and 2,863 square feet of living area. It sold for $606,100 in 2020.
SOLERA Michael Albert Green and Danielle Lee Green, of Lakewood Ranch, sold their home at 5308 Grove Mill Loop
to Michael and Danielle Centofanti, of Bradenton, for $680,000. Built in 2022, it has five bedrooms, threeand-a-half baths, a pool and 3,615 square feet of living area. It sold for $635,400 in 2022.
Margaret Sachs, of Dobbs Ferry, New York, sold the Unit 102 condominium at 6427 Moorings Point Circle to John Fusco and Doris Fusco, trustees, of Lakewood Ranch, for $679,000. Built in 2005, it has two bedrooms, two-and-a-half baths and 1,983 square feet of living area. It sold for $300,000 in 2011.
Photo courtesy of realtor Ryan Skrzypkowski
Pomello Park home sold for $4.275 million. Built in 2007, it has four bedrooms, three-and-two-half baths, a pool and 4,501 square feet of living area.
The Titans of Wealth: From 19th Century Moguls to Today’s Tech Billionaires
Though many of us don’t want to acknowledge it, the pursuit of wealth is an important part of what defines the American experience. The last 150 years have generated the greatest production of wealth in the United States, unparalleled anywhere else in the world.
On Thursday, April 10th University of Texas History Professor Jeremi Suri will present Wealth in America, as he examines the lives and careers of some of the most important men who launched the American economy. A small group of individuals drove this wealth-creation, who went on to benefit in remarkable ways that are hard for the rest of us to even imagine.
The presentation will trace the careers of some of the most celebrated (and sometimes despised) men who expanded the American economy and became super-rich. In fact, the individuals Professor Suri will discuss created sums of money that even the phrase superrich do not do justice! The focus will be primarily on Cornelius Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnegie, and John Rockefeller, comparing their remarkable drive and ingenuity as well as their often-questionable behavior. Participants come to understand their actions, their risk-taking, and even their values. Professor Suri will assess both their contributions and their crimes.
Cornelius Vanderbilt was a self-made multi-millionaire who became one of the wealthiest Americans of the 19th century. After working on various steamships, Vanderbilt went into business for himself in the late 1820s, and eventually became one of the country’s largest steamship operators. In the 1860s, he shifted his focus to the railroad industry, where he built a far larger intercontinental empire and helped make railroad transportation more efficient, often to the detriment of other operators. He was the richest man in America when he died, but his wealth was soon eclipsed by someone else.
Andrew Carnegie made his fortune in the steel industry and controlled the most extensive integrated iron and steel operations ever owned by a single individual in the United States. He perfected the cheap and efficient mass production of steel by adopting and adapting the Bessemer process, which allowed the high carbon content of iron to be burnt away in a controlled and rapid way during steel production. Steel prices dropped as a result, and his steel was rapidly adopted for railways. In addition, Carnegie vertically integrated the entire industry. He came to own nearly a dozen different large steel companies, and then combined his assets and those of his associates in 1892 with the launching of the Carnegie Steel Company.
Carnegie spent his last years as a philanthropist and is often credited with developing the very concept of philanthropy to levels never even considered previously. He had written about his views on social subjects and the responsibilities of great wealth in an 1889 book titled The Gospel of Wealth, devoted the rest of his life to providing capital for purposes of public interest and social and educational advancement. He is best known for building Carnegie Hall in New York as well as the establishment of nearly 3,000 public libraries throughout the United States, Britain, Canada, and New Zealand, Professor Suri will then turn to the life of John D. Rockefeller, one of the wealthiest Americans of all time in fact one of the richest people in modern history. Beginning at age 20, he concentrates his business on oil refining. and eventually founded the Standard Oil Company in 1870. He ran it until 1897 and in retirement focused his energy and wealth on philanthropy as Carnegie had, but focusing instead on higher education and medicine.
The final section on of the presentation will focus on three modern ultra wealthy individuals: Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk. We will also see how earlier generations influenced these recent moguls. The presentation will conclude with some reflections on the historical role of wealth in our democracy.
This is your last chance to experience insights from one of the nation’s leading historians. Dive deep into American history as our expert speaker brings the past to life with captivating stories and fresh perspectives. Don’t miss out!
JEREMI SURI University of Texas
FELLOW TRAVELERS by Rebecca Goldstein, edited by Jared Goudsmit By Luis Campos
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