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Observer Longboat Key’s weekly newspaper since 1978


VOLUME 40, NO. 40



‘Light of a lot of people’s lives.’ PAGE 15 •

THURSDAY, MAY 17, 2018

No push-button answer

Calling 2018 graduates The Longboat Observer is looking to spotlight the class of 2018. Do you know a soon-to-be high school or college graduate who lives on Bird, Lido, St. Armands or Longboat keys? If so, contact Katie Johns at kjohns@yourobserver. com to be included in our graduation special by May 29.

Fatality raises pedestrian concerns. PAGE 3

Bret Hauff

Courtesy photo

Happy birthday, Gus the dog!


Leader wary of project

Playful Longboat Key pup Gus (looking at camera) celebrated his third birthday earlier this month. He celebrated his birthday with his Country Club Shores neighborhood pals Lilly, Louie, Taffy and Lido and plenty of treats from owner Steve Madva.

Turtle Tracks MAY 6-12: Nests False Crawls

Pedestrian fixes along Sarasota’s bayfront concern Key’s Daly. SEE PAGE 5

2018 2017 9 17 7 15

YEAR TO DATE: 2018 2017 Nests 12 18 False Crawls 8 15 Source: Mote Marine Laboratory Data for Longboat Key

Can you stop summer hunger? Here are the donation totals for All Faiths Food Bank’s Campaign Against Summer Hunger. It is accepting donations throughout the week at allfaithsfoodbank. org to meet its goal.

A+E On his 90th, Robert Ruff received a golden surprise from friends. SEE PAGE 19 Little mouse, big heart. INSIDE

Goal: $1.3 million matching challenge Amount raised to date: $1.2 million

Katie Johns

Bob Coyne, right, presents Robert Ruff with a golden racket as friends celebrated Ruff’s 90th birthday on May 9.

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