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Do you want to quit the 9 to 5 work life? brentandtim






December 13, 2016

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In today’s world, with all of the advantages of the digital economy, this is the ideal time for you to quit your 9 to 5 work life! Earning an income is no longer connected to your location, your age, what gender you are or or any previous traditional education. In this new Digital economy, anyone can learn how to live a life of freedom.. geographic freedom, time freedom and financial freedom. The main problem and limitation for many people who want to escape working 9 to 5 is getting out of the trap of trading time for money. This income earning strategy is used by the majority of people and the main problem with this way of earning money is that there is a limit on how much money someone can earn per hour and a limit on how many hours somebody can work each day Therefore for many people who accumulate wealth using this way of working, it can very often be at the expense of other areas of their life, such as spending time with their family and friends, or not having enough time to travel or do hobbies. The phrase ” you can judge success by what you give up to get it” comes to mind. Having a thriving business at the expense of other area of your life is far from true success. A second way that people have traditionally used to earn money is to invest money.

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This has been a relatively small percentage of the population because very few people have the spare money with which to invest.There’s also the challenge of what to invest in. A bad investment can be exceptionally costly ,whether you learn about investing or hire a company to invest your money for you. A third way to generate an income, that only a minority of people used until the recent digital economy exploded, is to earn money by leverage. This could be through creating a product such as a book that people buy.

The exciting new way to earn money Now that we can reach so many people with the power of the Internet, we can really leverage the power of the digital economy and create multiple streams of income that are not dependent upon us working to earn money by trading our time. Once a strong income stream has been set up, this will keep on generating us money, which is referred to as a residual income. Another advantage about earning money using the power of the digital economy is that our income can be passive. This means that once the system of generating money is set up, it still brings money in for you even while you’re asleep or have taken time off to travel the world for example. Once you have set up a digitally based income stream, you can create more so ultimately you have multiple streams of income. When you have these multiple income streams, you are in a financially strong position because if one of your income sources starts to decline, you can start another new one in it’s place. Once you create financial freedom, you have choice and with that you can start to create a future you’re passionate about and start living your dream lifestyle. You no longer have the financial restrictions to think about and this frees up so much more of your time to spend living your life centred around what what really matters to you, from wherever you want to be in the world. If the idea of having more free time and the ability to travel and live anywhere you choose appeals to you, I suggest you watch this short video presentation from our mentor Stuart Ross in which he discusses the possibilities of leveraging the internet to give you the lifestyle freedom you deserve. To find out more, please Click HERE And remember.. you CAN have your life, on your terms, your way. best wishes to you, Tim Sawyer Dream LifeStyle team member


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