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English Language Arts 30 (ELA 30-1)
PREREQUISITE: IB MYP English Language and Literature 10 or Principal approval
The focus of this Alberta Program of Studies course is on short stories, novels, poetry, non-fiction, drama, and visual/multimedia works. While the course will be organized by genre, some of the material studied may be thematically linked. There are five units of study: Novel Study, Ceremony (Leslie Silko) or Medicine Walk (Richard Wagamese); Modern Drama Study, 12 Angry Men (Reginald Rose); Shakespeare Study, Hamlet (William Shakespeare); Film Study, Shawshank Redemption; Selection of essays, short stories, poetry, visual media, and short fiction from various resources.
IB DP English A: Literature SL, Y2
PREREQUISITE: IB DP English A: Literature SL,Y1
The IB DP Language and Literature SL course introduces the critical study and interpretation of written and spoken texts from a wide range of literary forms and non-literary text types. The formal analysis of texts is supplemented by an awareness that meaning is not fixed but can change with respect to contexts of production and consumption. The course is organized into three areas of exploration and seven central concepts and focuses on the study of both literary and non-literary texts. Together, the three areas of exploration of the course allow the student to explore the language A in question through its cultural development and use, its media forms and functions, and its literature. Students develop literary and textual analysis skills and the ability to present their ideas effectively. A key aim is the development of critical literacy.
IB DP English A: Literature HL, Y2
PREREQUISITE: IB DP English A: Literature HL,Y1
The Language and Literature HL programme encourage students to see literary works as products of art and their authors as craftsmen whose methods of production can be analyzed in a variety of ways and on several levels. This is achieved through the emphasis placed on exploring the means used by different authors to convey their subjects in the works studied. It is further reinforced by the comparative framework emphasized for the study of these works in all parts of the programme. In view of the international nature of the IBO, the Language A programme is envisaged as having the potential to enrich the international awareness of IB students and develop attitudes of tolerance, empathy, and genuine respect for perspectives different from their own. The course content is comprised of the following elements: Novel Study, All the Pretty Horses (Cormac McCarthy); Drama, Othello (William Shakespeare) and In the Blood (Suzan-Lori Parks); Ancient Greek Play, Antigone (Sophocles); Poetry, Marianne Moore and William Carlos Williams; Short Stories, Ernest Hemingway and Alice Munro; Essays, George Orwell.
• Students sit an Alberta Diploma exam in June.
• Students completing the Alberta Program of Studies outcomes curriculum embedded in the content of this course receive credit for English Language and Literature (ELA 30-1).
• Students sit an IB examination in May.
• Students sit an Alberta Diploma exam in June.
• Students receive credit for English Language and Literature (ELA 30-1).
• Students sit an IB examination in May.
• Students sit an Alberta Diploma exam in June.
• Students receive credit for English Language and Literature (ELA 30-1).
The main goals of the mathematics program are to prepare students to:
• Use mathematics confidently to solve problems
• Communicate and reason mathematically;
• appreciate and value mathematics; commit themselves to lifelong learning
• Become mathematically literate adults, using mathematics to contribute to society
Grade 10
• Enjoy the course and develop an appreciation of the elegance, power and usefulness of mathematics
• Develop logical, critical and creative thinking skills
• Develop patience and persistence in problem-solving
• Appreciate the consequences arising from technological developments.
IB MYP Mathematics, Y5 / Mathematics 10C
This course focuses on five units of study: (1) Trigonometric Ratios, (2) Products, Factors, Roots and Powers, (3) Relations and Functions), (4) Systems of Linear Equations and Linear Relationships, and (5) Measurement.
IB MYP Mathematics, Y5 / Mathematics 10C+
This enriched and accelerated course extends the Mathematics 10C curriculum. Students planning on pursuing math studies in the IB DP programme, which begins in Grade 11, should take this course. It focuses on six units of study: (1) Trigonometric Ratios, including extensions to oblique triangles, (2) Products, Factors, Roots, Powers and logarithmic expressions, (3) Relations and Functions, (4) Systems of Linear Equations and Linear Relationships, (5) Measurement, and (6) Statistics.