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IB DP Spanish 30 ab initio, Y2
PREREQUISITE: IB DP Spanish 20 ab initio, Y1
IB DP Spanish ab initio Y2 is the second year of a two-year course. Students acquire language knowledge, skills and attitude over a period of time and over that time their ability to communicate grows. The language ab initio course is designed to provide students with the necessary skills and intercultural understanding to communicate successfully in an environment where the language studied is spoken. This process encourages the learner to go beyond the confines of the classroom, expanding an awareness of the world and fostering respect for cultural diversity. This course develops students’ linguistic abilities by developing receptive, productive and interactive skills. The course is organized into five themes taught in a cyclical approach over the two years:
(1) Identities, (2) Experiences, (3) Human Ingenuity, (4) Social Organization, and (5) Sharing the Planet.
IB DP Spanish B SL, Y2
IB DP Spanish B SL Y2 is the second year of a two-year Spanish B program. Students acquire language knowledge, skills and attitude over a period of time and over that time their ability to communicate grows.
The language lab initio course is designed to provide students with the necessary skills and intercultural understanding to communicate successfully in an environment where the language studied is spoken. This process encourages the learner to go beyond the confines of the classroom, expanding an awareness of the world and fostering respect for cultural diversity. This course develops students’ linguistic abilities by developing receptive, productive and interactive skills. The syllabus approaches the learning of language through experiences. By studying the core themes, students build the necessary skills to reach the assessment objectives of the language B course by expanding their receptive, productive and interactive skills.
The course is organized into five themes taught in a cyclical approach over the two years:
(1) Identities, (2) Experiences, (3) Human Ingenuity, (4) Social Organization, and (5) Sharing the Planet.
• Students receive 5 credits for Spanish 30.
• Students sit an IB examination in May.
• Students sit an IB examination in May.