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IB DP Visual Art SL/HL, Y2
This course provides the opportunity for students to experiment with and challenge themselves in a variety of This course is intended for students who wish to continue their in-depth independent critical investigation and practical exploration of art, leading to artistic production and a final exhibition. In Y2, students will revise and refine their research to present a clear and cohesive analysis in their Comparative Study Portfolio. Students will also continue to develop projects 7-11 (5 projects) to complete and refine their Process Portfolio and begin curating their Exhibition Portfolio. In Y2, students are required to work on three portfolios, both in class and at home, to complete: (1) the Comparative Study portfolio, (2) completion five self-directed and highly refined works of art centred around a theme of their choosing to complete 11 works of art. And (3) curate and exhibit their work for their Exhibition Portfolio. Along with these requirements, students are strongly encouraged to visit galleries and museums regularly to enhance their understanding of what a body of work consists of, how to develop and refine their ideas and skills, and how to curate an exhibition to communicate a message clearly.
Drama 30
PREREQUISITE: Drama 20 or Principal approval
Based on the Alberta Program of Studies outcomes curriculum, this course gives students an experience in the area of theatre as a performing art. Students should have the following skills: self-discipline, self-control, leadership, maturity, and an academic knowledge of theatre. Drama 30 requires both written and performance work. Students will attempt – through intensive, active involvement in the theatre disciplines of devising, movement work, improvisation, character development, scene work and solo performance, theatre studies, playwriting, directing and technical theatre – to develop fundamental performance and theatre skills. As students progress through the dramatic forms of expression, an emphasis is placed on the development of the individual as a creator, performer, historian, critic, and patron. Students also explore the technical skills necessary to enhance performances, explore theatre history and theory necessary to enhance the understanding and creation of various forms of performance and theatre; generate a process journal of each unit to reflect on discoveries made during the exploration.
There are eight units of study: (1) Devising, (2) Movement, (3) Improvisation, (4) Acting and Scene Analysis, (5) Playwriting, (6) Theatre Style and History, (7) Directing and (8) Technical Theatre.
5 Credits
• Students receive credit for Art 30-1.
• The IB examines the Comparative Study and the Process Portfolio externally.
• The final public Exhibition, a culmination of the student’s accomplishments, will take place in the spring and is assessed internally
5 Credits
IB DP Theatre Arts SL/HL, Y2
The IB Theatre Arts Y2 program is a progression to Theatre Arts Y1. Students will delve deeper into theatre history and theory as they further develop their aesthetic as theatre contributors. Students should continue to build the skills of self-discipline, self-control, leadership, maturity, and an academic knowledge of theatre. At this stage, students make creative decisions to demonstrate their understanding of Theatre history, theory, creation and direction. These choices will show that they understand theatre’s historical and theoretical importance. Students will consistently generate a process journal in each unit to reflect on discoveries made and capture planning for Internal and External Assessments. Students will submit two assignments for External Assessment and one Assignment for Internal Assessment for the SL program. There will be one additional assignment for students taking the HL program.
Instrumental Music 30
PREREQUISITE: Instrumental Music 20 or equivalent experience
Students enrolled in Instrumental Music 30 rehearse and perform as members of the Strathcona-Tweedsmuir Senior Band. Note that class times are twice a week, outside the timetable. Students earn 5 credits through individual assessments in repertoire performance, technical development, theory, research, and critique while working together towards campus performances, local festivals, and a yearly trip. The Senior Band seeks to present diverse music for the wind band. Typically, students need at least five years of experience on their instrument to be prepared for the challenges presented in this course.
IB DP Music SL/HL, Y2
The second year of the IB DP Music course is focused on the planning, development, and completion of externally and internally assessed music portfolios. Through completing the portfolios, students take on a wide breadth of performing, creating, and research tasks covering a diverse range of music from around the world. All students complete three portfolios (Exploring Music in Context, Experimenting with Music, Presenting Music,) while students opting for HL take on an additional fourth portfolio (The Contemporary Music Maker.) Students will be provided with Avid Sibelius software and the Ableton Live digital audio workstation to create tasks. They will also have access to various music technology tools (midi controllers, synthesizers, Ableton Push2, recording equipment.) Students may perform as vocalists or on any instrument of their choice. This course is highly recommended for any students considering postsecondary training and/or a music career.
• Students receive credit for Drama 30-1.
• Students receive credit for General Music 30-1.