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Mathematics 31
PREREQUISITE: Mathematics 20-1 or IB DP Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches SL, Y1 or IB DP
Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches HL, Y1
COREQUISITE: Mathematics 30-1 or IB DP Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches SL, Y2 or IB DP
Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches HL, Y2
Based on the Alberta Education Program of Studies curriculum, Mathematics 31 is a calculus course that aims to introduce students to the principles, concepts, and methods of differential and integral calculus; develop skills in problem-solving using calculus concepts and procedures as the context; and apply the methods of calculus to various applications in the physical, biological, social sciences, and commerce.
At the end of the course, students will develop skills in problem-solving, using calculus concepts and procedures as the context; appreciate the international dimension of mathematics and the universality of mathematics as a means of communication; read, interpret and solve a given problem using appropriate mathematical terms; organize and present information and data in tabular, graphical and/or diagrammatic forms; know and use appropriate notation and terminology; formulate a mathematical argument and communicate it clearly; select and use appropriate mathematical strategies and techniques; demonstrate an understanding of both the significance and the reasonableness of results; recognize patterns and structures in a variety of situations and make generalizations; use appropriate technological devices as mathematical tools; and demonstrate an understanding and the appropriate use of mathematical modelling.
There are ten units of study: (1) Set Theory and Algebra Review, (2) Review of Prerequisite Concepts, (3) Functions, Limits and First Principles, (4) Techniques of Differentiation, (5) Applications of the Derivative, (6) Second Derivatives, (7) Derivatives of Trigonometric, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, (8) Antiderivatives, (9) Applications of Antiderivatives and (10) Techniques of Integration.
5 Credits
• Students sit an IB examination in May.
• Students sit an Alberta Diploma exam in June.
• Students receive credit for Mathematics 30-1.