Fairgroundsforaweekendfilledwith inspiration,expertadvice,andentertainmentfor thewholefamily!GetinspiredbyHGTV's"Yard Crashers"host,AhmedHassan,asheshareshis expertiseandinsightsintotransformingyouroutdoor spaces.You'llalsofindalineupofhomeimprovement
S & J Advertising's March2024 i OUR Online at Vol. 23 No. 3 Circulation over 12,000+ Mailed Dixon • Winters INSIDE: Money-Saving Coupons, Live Performances, Local Shopping, Games, Community Events & More! Saturday&Sunday •March 23 &24 10am -4pm (both days)
Continued onpage29
Fairgrounds, 655 S. First St, Dixon \Ne\lAlive � SUCCESS STORIES AT Saveupto20% withapackagepurchase VALLEYFALLS TREE CARE CO. ServingallofSolano�Napa & YoloCounties •TreeEvaluations•TreeCare 10% OFF •TreeRemoval•TreeDiagnostics •Trimming,Pruning •Cabling/Bracing •CrownReduction •StumpRemoval&Grinding •TreeRestoration •OrnamentalPruning •Brush&StormClean-up •Residential/Commercial •AndMuchMore! yourtransaction Mustpresentcoupon attime of � estimate. Expires 3/31124 ,1, Quality • Loyalty • Safety FREE ESTIMATES 707.724.06s2 l� �f� Contractor's Lie. #1027486 I Licensed• Bonded• Insured ..-·····s,s·,i"tt·····) EquineMassage � Session • whenyoumentionthisad. InvestinYourHorse'sHealth! 707-637-3890 • •......?�:ren�:�/}�(2•:.
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The agriculture field is very broad, and is not limited to farming. It includes a variety of fields such as animalsciences, biotechnology,foodscience, sustainable agriculture, viticulture, and wildlife conservation. Alist of possibl� fields is included on the website. Scholarships for $10,000 each can be applied for year round up to 4 years. Funds are paid directly to the University for educational expenses such as books, tuition, registration, fees, supplies, and studenthousing.
&beit™ A�"'2023 THEREPORTER 2 To Advertise, Call 707-448-6446 I March 2024 Dixon/Winters I YourTown Monthly@
1670 N.LINCOLN ST.• DIXON I March 2024 I Dixon/Winters I Your Town Monthly@ 3
HOANG'S SpecializiM!Jin Flagstone• RetainingWalls Decks• Driveway• Pavers StampedColorConcrete Walkway• Patio•Sod New Lawn•Irrigation DripSystem•Waterfall Overhang• Fence•Topsoil JapaneseGarden Rototilling•YardCleanup AndMore! � 707-200-8917 WhereQgatityandVa[ueMeet ......................................... Receive s25 OFF First Visit With coupon. Expires3/31/24 This Month in YouRTowN Find More Local Fun Features & Events 1,5,29SolanoCountyHome&GardenShow 3,36ArtUncorked 9,37TheCityofVacavillepresentsJimmieVaughan 9 11,24 14 16 18 20 22 22 28 32 RockOutwithRockoustix! WingsOverSolano DixonIndoorPickleball SolanoSymphonySalutetoYouth St.Patrick'sDayinIreland TheTenMinutePlayFestival PawsforaCauseDog-Walk-A-Thon WintersFriendsoftheLibrary: Fruit&Nut TreeSale RowlandFreedomCenter: Faces ofFreedom:BattleforPeleliu ScoutingforFood Fun & Games 12MysteryBusiness 26ButterflyHunt Business Directory 30-32YourTown's SourceforLocal Businesses Advertising,Inc. Since 1990 Over3.1MillionDirectMailEveryYear S& JAdvertisingInc., publishersof YourTownMonthly® 555Mason Street,Ste.250•Vacaville,CA95688 707.448.64461 SeHablaEspafiol ©2024S&JAdvertising, Inc.All rights reserved. Contentmaynotbe reproducedwithoutwritten consent. 4ToAdvertise,Call707-448-6446 I March2024Dixon/Winters I YourTownMonthly@
SOLANO COUNTY 11111�fi I I IIIW Sponsored By: �I [!I : LOWE'S March 23 & 24, 2024 Sat & Sun 10am-4pm Dixon Fairgrounds •Kitchen&Bathroom • Doors&Windows • Pavers&Landscaping • Solar &Lighting • Flooring&Carpet Care • Heating&Air HVAC • Home Decor, Arts&Crafts • Games&More! AHMED HASSAN The original host of HGTV's "Yard Crashers" will host demos/workshopsand Q&A Saturday & Sunday, 12:30-2pm ;-----------------, I \ I \ PRESENT THIS COUPON 1 I TO RECEIVE I $30FF ONE(1) GENERAL ADMISSIONTICKET MAYNOTBECOMBINEDWITHANY OTHERCOUPONSORDISCOUNTS. I DIXON FAIRGROUNDS• 655 S 1 sr ST• DIXON• SOLANOHOMESHOW.COM I March 2024 I Dixon/Winters I Your Town Monthly@ 5
DON'SPROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPING J� in 9Jeaign •Overhangs&PatioCovers • Decking&Fencing •CustomColorStamp&Concrete •CustomWalkways •Custom Patios • RetainingWalls •Brick&Flagstone •WoodWork&RockWork • JapaneseGardens
Ponds&Water Falls
Lawn&SprinklerSystems •Low MaintenanceLandscape Call Don for a FREE Estimate 707.207.9557 CALIC.#1056413 /-lflV£ P£flC£ OFMIND WIT/-1 flN £L.£CTR/Cfll. SP£C/flUST YOU CflN TRUST! 10%OFF--, I Mustpresent coupon : 6 ToAdvertise, Call 707-448-6446 March 2024 Dixon/Winters I YourTown Monthly@ at time ofquote. : I *RestrictionsApply* : CALL (707)421-2481 �� �
Smog Inspection We Smog Hybrids s4915 •;§Hi€• + cert. 1996 and older vehicle $30 extra ..,.*STAR Certified DieselAdditionalcharge MustpresentoriginalDMVrenewal notice (nota copy)attime ofwrite-up. Mustpresentcoupon attimeofwriteup! Notvalidwithanyothercouponordiscount! Exp. 3/31/24 Oil and Filler Change -SPECIALReg. $66.96 Upto4qts of6w/30 or 6w/20 oil only. Synthetic extra. Mostcars & light trucks. Excludes full sizevans andbox trucks. Mustpresentcoupon attimeofwriteup! Notvalidwithanyothercouponordiscount! Exp. 3/31/24 Deluxe Oil Change 1.Lubricatechassiswhereapplicable 2.Checkfiuidlevels 3.Changeengineoil 4.Changeoilfilter 5.InspectairfiIler&battery 6.Inspectbelt,brakes&hoses 7.Visuallyinspectforoil,fuelandcoolantleaks 8.Settirepressure 9.Checkundercarriageandexhaust 10. Inspectdrivelineandsteering 11.Batteryloadtest 12.Alternatorloadtest Recommended every 3 months or 3000 miles -Synth etic Oil ExtraReg. $79.96 Mostcars&lighttrucks. Excludesfullsizevans andboxtrucks. (Includes up to4qts) Mustpres entcoupon attimeofwriteup! Notvalidwithanyothercouponordiscount! Exp.3/31/24
1.Computercodesscan 2. Replacespark plugs(platinumplugsextra) 3.Lubricatechassiswhereapplicable 4.Checkfiuidlevels 5.Changeengineoilandfilter 6.Inspectbattery&chargingsystem ?.Inspectbelt,brakes&hoses 8.lnspectforoil,fuel&coolantleaks 9.Settirepressure 10.Checkundercarriage&exhaust 11. Inspectdriveline&steering 12.Inspectignitiontiming 13.Replaceradiatorcoolant 14.Replacebrakefiuid 15.Replacereardifferentialfiuid 16.Replaceairfilter 17.Batteryloadtest 18.Alternatorloadtest Recommended every 24 months or 30,000 miles 4x4,6cyl.-$444.95MostCars *Add'!chargeifnecessary Mustpresentcoupon attimeofwriteup! Notvalidwithanyothercouponordiscount! Exp. 3/31/24
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In true Texas fashion, four-time Grammy-winner Jimmie Vaughan has helped breathe new life into the music that has been his lifeline all these decades, becoming a hero to those who cherish
BreaR-fast, Lun�h-or Din�er: Always Delicious at Daws6ns!···
Sat., 3/16 6pm• Bambinds•Vallejo
Sat., 3/23 7pm• Green River Brewing &Taproom• Winters
Sat., 3/30 -3pm• SuisunValley Filling Station• Fairfield
Sat., 4/27 -6:30pm•Yolo County Wine Stroll atTurkovich•Winters
Sat./Sun.5/18-19- Rockin'Hops Fest.• Solano BrewingCo.•Vacaville
Fri.,5/31 -6pm•Turkovich FamilyWines• Winters
Sat.,6/15 -5pm• Solano Brewing Co.•Vacaville
Sat., 7/20 -7pm• Green River Brewing &Taproom• Winters
Sat., 7/27 -5pm• Solano Brewing Co.•Vacaville
Sat., 8/10 -5pm• PioneerTap Room• Fairfield
Sat., 8/17 -5pm• Solano Brewing Co.•Vacaville
Sat., 8/24 -5pm• SuisunValley Filling Station• Fairfield
Sat.,10/12 -7pm• Green River Brewing &Taproom• Winters
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for Veterans &Seniors Weare the #1 HaulItAll BESTRates in Town Call 707.718.3317 - Veteran OwnedWEHAUL l!l•lli!i ���o ONG Jewelry 0 Watch Qepair ProfessionalJeweler&RepairTechnicianwithover20yearsexperience WhatOnceWasOldorBroken isNewAgain! Ring Sizing• Chain Repair• BraceletRepair• Stone Replacement Pearl Restringing•Watch Overhauls•Watch BatteryReplacement Engraving• Eyeglass Repair•iPhoneScreenRepair Car RemoteBatteryReplacement•ClockRepair .··••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••· 10%OFF \ AllJewelry&Watch Repair ForMilitary&Seniors Exp.3/31/24 Exp.3/31/24 FREEJEWELRYCLEANING &JNSPECTION -Trustworthy, Honest& DependableFreeEstimates �•• �. 3077AlamoDrive(nearRaleys),Vacaville . , �e\P.·•• 707.724.8103 10 ToAdvertise, Call 707-448-6446 I March2024 Dixon/Winters YourTown Monthly@
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You can get a Heat Pump Water Heater installed for less than the price ofgas, and in some cases, you get paid to do it! Must present coup ransaction per month, pe Call for details. Water Purification $ System 500OFF c::IIALO-> ,,. � ' •• • 1 • ' • ,. • Jug Service Calls • , & Tune-Ups· FREE One Year Maintenance Plan & Water Heater Safety Inspection Air Purification Maintenance Plans $ starting at 111��nth MYSTERY BUSINESS Unscramble thelettersbelowto reveal thenameof the Mystery Business, whichisanadvertiserin thismonth'seditionofYourTownMonthly. Contestwinnersareineligibletoparticipatefor6months. Mail or bring entry (in an envelope) to: S &J Advertising - Mystery Business DW 555 Mason St., Ste. 250 • Vacaville, CA 95688 Name_____o_N_E_c_o_N_T_E_s_T_P_E_R_E_NV_E_L_o_P_E____a Address Phone Mystery Business Entriesmustbereceivedby1Damon3/13124.Onewinnerwillbedrawnfromall correctentriestowina $50GIFTCERTIFICATE TOBUCKHORNSTEAKHOUSE(Winters) Lastmonth'sanswer: TheDiscountStore. Lastmonth'swinner: ETHAN DENK. Pr�eswillbemailed..;thin30days. Congrats' Double YourChances ofWinning! Inaddcionto mailingthis entry youcanalso THE PLUMBINATOR PLUMBING CO. FamilyOwned &Operated Since 2005 FREE Estimates � $2-5(,-f-f� WorkGuaranteed! 1 Your Service Call 1 I Can't be combinedw'other offers. I Exclus10ns may apply. Thru 3/31/24_ 1, ________ .. ricoo bytheJob -Not the Hour! 12 ToAdvertise, Call707-448-6446 I March2024 Dixon/Winters YourTown Monthly@
MaJorMaintenance Dealerrecommendedevery24monthsor 30,000•60,000•90,000•120,000miles rtingat 4995 +tax 4cyl. 4X4,6cyl. &8cyl. extra • Inspectengine timing & ignition controlsystem • Replace engine radiator coolant • Inspectfrontpads, rotors &caliper • Clean &adjustrear brakes • Replace brake fluid •Replacetransmis�onfluid •Replaceengine oil(Ow-20syntheticextra) • Replace differential oil •Installnewoilfilter •Inspectsparkplugs • Inspectdistributorcap &rotor • Replace air filter • Inspectcrankcase emission controlsystem • Cleanchokemechanism •Inspect&adjustalternator powersteering&aircond.belts • Inspectexhaustpipe & muffler •Inspectsteeringoperations,tierodends&steeringgearbox • Inspectallexteriorlights • Inspectbrakelines &hoses • Inspectcooling sys., hoses &connections • Inspect &adjustclutch release arm • Lube chassis •Top off windshield fluid • Rotate tires, inspect pressure • Checkbattery &cleanterminals • Roadtest + tax. Must present coupon at time ofestimate. Notvalid w/other offers, discounts or warranty work. Expires 3/31/24 IntermediateMaintenance Dealer recommended every 12months or 15,000 • 45,000 • 75,000 • 105,000 miles 4X4's,vans 6 cyL add $40, Domesticcars higher, + tax. Must present coupon at timeofestimate. Notvalid w/other offers, discounts or warranty work. Expires3/31/24 MinorMaintenance Recommendedevery7500milesforvehicles2003 &older&every10,000milesfor2004&newer. Standard Oil Change s12415 (0w-20 synthetic extra), CompleteVehicle +tax Inspection and 4Tire Rotation, 6 &8 cyL extra + tax. Must present coupon at timeofestimate. Notvalid w/other offers, discounts or warranty work. Expires3/31/24 SPECIALIZING IN HONDA, ACURA, LEXUS&TOYOTA Timing Belt special Recommended every 60,000 miles + tax. Must present coupon at timeofestimate. Notvalid w/other offers, discountsor warranty work. Expires 3/31/24 Oil Change IMPORTS ONLY EUROPEANCARSEXTRA •Preventative check-up •Top offallfluids up to 5 qts, Synthetic Blend startsat Full Synthetic startsat 86 +ta 884!,a 4x4,6&8cyl. extra + tax. Must present coupon at timeofestimate. Notvalid w/other offers, discounts or warrantywork. Expires3/31/24
YOUR TRUSTED LOCAL GARAGE DOOR COMPANY --------., I GARAGE DOOR I I SPRING REPLACEMENT I I STARTING AT I I $199 1 L.-------J -=>......i,,,_.. GARAGE DOOR OPENER REPLACEMENT ! 10% I L.-------J CANNOT COMBINE WITH ANY OTHER DISCOUNT, COUPON, OR OFFER FINANCING BASED ON HIGHLY QUALIFIED APPLICATIONS 0.A.C. OFFER EXPIRES MARCH 31, 2024. CA CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE #708193 Upto $1200OFF Complete System Furnace Tune-Up $6999 MUSTmention coupon whenmakingappl. Offers cannotbe combinedwithother coupons. Nootherdiscounts apply. Offersexpire 3/31/24. FREE ESTIMATES on Equipment Replacement 707-446-4080 License#794773VISA El DISCe'vtR ■ FINANCING AVAILABLE Dixon IndoorPickleball Saturdays,March2&9•9am-1pm Dropinforindoorpickleballplay,practiceandlessons! Thecourtsareavailableforopenplay,soit'sanexcellent opportunitytomeetnewpeopleandstayinshape!Adults mustaccompanychildrenunder14yearsofage. Fee:$5/visit JohnKnightMiddleSchool 455EastASt,Dixon 707.678.7441 14 ToAdvertise, Call 707-448-6446 I March2024 Dixon/Winters YourTown Monthly@
BUDGET® BLINDS trust our low price promise! Call or text to schedule your free in-home consultation! 707-447-2494 SHOP LtCAL
SolanoSymphony SalutetoYouth
Sunday,March 24•3pm
The Solano Symphony Orchestra is once again inviting young orchestral players to perform at this annual concert! Each year, the Margaret Bedard Community Foundation and Maestro Semyon Lohss host aspiring musicians to play alongside the Orchestra, including the winners of the previous year's Young Artists Competition. Joining the stage this year will be Caitlyn Ohleron the piano andJenna Son on the violin. These rising instrumentalists exemplify the talent that exists within the community's youth. They and the rest of the instrumental and vocal soloistswill perfectly complement the Orchestra at this magical, inspiring concert.
Tickets: $13-33
Vacaville PerformingArtsTheatre 1010Ulatis Dr,Vacaville
GET UP TO 20%DFF SAME DAY SERVICE! on select services with this ad. Exp 3/31/24 SLIDINGDOOR REPAIR
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VaricoseVeins? Leg Ulcers?
Leg Pain? Leg Swelling?
Sunday,March 17 •3:30pm
Getreadytotapyourfeetandclapyourhandsbecause you'reabouttocarryontheIrishtraditionofcelebrating occasionswithmusicandfamily!KerryTraditionalBand bringstalentedmulti-instrumentalists,guestsingersand dancerswhowilltransportyoustraighttotheEmeraldIsle. HearallthesoundsthatcomposetraditionalIrishmusic, likethebodhran,fiddles,uilleannpipes,guitar,andmore, creatingavibrantsoundthatwillhaveyoudancingalongin notime.Themusicalgroupwillbringbelovedtunestolife withtheirrenditionsofclassicslike"TheWildRover"-often referredtoasIreland'ssecondnationalanthem-"Redisthe Rose,""LeavingofLimerick,""TheStarofCountyDown," andmanymore.
Tickets: $24-50
18 ToAdvertise, Call 707-448-6446 I March2024 Dixon/Winters YourTown Monthly@
WE CANHELP! CALLTODAY! 707.392.1600 Major Insurance, MediCal, Medicare, Covered CAand Care CreditAccepted Our Offices: 1261 Travis Blvd., Suite 150 • Fairfield 1360 Burton Drive, Suite160 •Vacaville KerryIrishProductionspresents -Se Habla EspanolVEIN SPECIALISTS: Jeffrey Brooks, MD Nelson
Leg Cramps? Leg Heaviness? Burning Sensation? MD
St. Patrick's Dayin Ireland
Vacaville Performing Arts Theatre 1010Ulatis Dr,Vacaville
AVINGS! Wantcleanerairin yourhome?Callustoday! ...._,.....,......... --�-�-�······��---······· ....................................... ....................................... s750 OFF ssoo OFF s350 OFF EVOLUTION" Preferred™ LEGACY™ SYSTEM SERIES LINE Nottobecombinedwithanyotheroffers. Nottobecombinedwithanyotheroffers.Nottobecombinedwithanyotheroffers. • Expires3/31/24. Expires3/31/24. Expires3/31/24. ........................................ ....................................... ....................................... I I ,;· ,.,,>AirScrubl;?,!!r �-�--; �--······�-- " "":····Qe••·� $100 OFF AIR SCRUBBERS Mustpresentcoupon.Nottobecombined withanyotheroffers.Expires3/31/24. $1,000 OFF A COMPLETE HOME ELECTRIFICATION PROJECT Mustpresentcoupon.Nottobecombined withanyotheroffers.Expires3/31/24 ........................................ DON'T FORGET ABOUT OUR $100 REFERRAL PROGRAM! Refer a friend toAll Weather and earn $100 when they install a new system this season. FINANCING AVAILABLE on approved credit.
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ArtificialTurf& PuttingGreens ®) 11 fiJ
Pool Designs
Driveway Extensions ••••••••• ALUMAW2Qe Tickets: $18-20 WintersOpera House 201 RailroadAve,Winters 20 ToAdvertise, Call 707-448-6446 I March2024 Dixon/Winters YourTown Monthly@
Services Include:
■ Insulation Removal & Replacement
■ Insulation/ Blow In/ BATT/ Spray Foam, Spray Foat, Waterproofing
■ Attic Ladders & Fans Install
■ Attic Radiant Barrier Installation
■ Whole House Rodent Proofing
■ Sanitation
■ Air Duct Repair & Replacement
■ Air Duct Cleaning
■ Crawl Space Insulation Removal & Replacement
■ Crawl Space Moisture/Vapor Barrier
■ Sump Pump Installation
■ French Drainage
■ Attic Decontamination
■ Foundation Repair
■ Heating/ AC/ Water Heaters Installation & Replacements
■ Mold Removal Service
Saturday,April 6•9am
Put your best paw forward at this second annual dog-walk-athon! Rain or shine, this event promises to be a day filled with furry friends, family fun, and a whole lot ofwagging tails. Walk for a cause with your pup around the picturesque LagoonValley Lake Park. Not only will you and your four-legged companion have a blast exploring the beautiful trails, but you'll also make a difference in the lives ofanimals in need.
By participating in this walk-a-thon, you'll help raise funds for the SPCA and their incredible efforts in saving thousands of lives.Your contributionwill go towards providing shelter, food, medical care, and love to countless animals waiting for their forever homes.
Register today! Every step you take, and every dollar you raise will aid the SPCA in creating a better world for our furry friends.
LagoonValley Park
1PeiiaAdobe Road,Vacaville
Winters Friendsof the Library Fruit & Nut Tree Sale
Saturday, March 2 • 9am-12pm
Spring isjust around the corner and so is the annual fruit and nut tree sale sponsored by theWinters Friends ofthe Library. Bare-root fruit, nut and citrus trees, as well as blueberry bushes, will be for sale, and proceeds benefit library programs.
Blueberry Bushes: $10
Fruit& NutTrees: $20 • Citrus: $30
MarianiNut Company Parking Lot
Cornerof Railroad Ave&EEdwards St,Winters
SAVE thismonthonryonourBIGGEST repairspecialoftheyear! Retipping Special 50% OFF $225° First Tip Each Additional $10 Reg. price is $45 first tip, each add'I. $20. 14K gold only. Expires 3/31/24. Celebrating51 Years inBusiness! rr''h,. l � 1661 E.MonteVistaAve.,Ste.A lll9rfl!0 .L Vacaville Je�ers_of ©',.Q 707-446-2370 !magmatton �0� [fJ
22 To Advertise, Call 707-448-6446 I March 2024 Dixon/Winters Your Town Monthly@
M YourownPersona[ � Paradiseawaits! SUNROOMS•PATIOCOVERS DECKS•PERGOLA RETRACTABLEAWNINGS LIMITED TIME OFFERS (800) 834-3211 • (916) 631-8186 3160 Gold Valley Drive #300 Rancho Cordova, CA Licensed, Bonded & Insured • Cont. Lie# 625028 UPGRADEYOUR CABINETSWITHROLLOUTSHELVES! Pantry Roll Outs Know your ingredients withone quick glance! Owners Chris & Paul Upton Under Sink & Caddy Usethevaluable space around pipes. t=� Roll Out Shelves No more digging & bending! Quicklyrollout what'sneeded. Corner Cabinet Hard-to-reach corner cabinetsfunctionas valuable storageagain! 6 ROLLOUT SHELVES 8 ROLLOUT SHELVES 10 ROLLOUT SHELVES Trash Pull Outs Tuck trash & recycleables neatly away &out of sight. ROLL OUT SHELVES 12 ROLLOUT SHELVES $795 * $995 * $1195 * $1395 * BY ALL ORGANIZED lie# 898304 •includesstandard Ro[OutShelves up to36"wide, basic installation, tax&discounts. I March2024 Dixon/Winters YourTown Monthly" 23
You'reinvitedtoanadrenaline-fueledextravaganzaatWingsOverSolano! Thisthrillingeventshowcasesthebestofprecisionflights,aerobaticsandjawdroppingmaneuvers.Fromstunningdisplaystoheart-poundingperformances, thisisanairshowyoudon'twanttomiss!
OneofthehighlightsofthiseventistheincredibleBlueAngels,showcasing theprideandprofessionalismoftheU.S.NavyandMarineCorps.Then, preparetobeamazedbytheWingsofBlueparachuteteam.Theseskilled parachutistswillleaveyouinaweastheygracefullydescendfromthesky, boastingtheirexpertiseandprecision.
SammyMason,alifelongpilotknownforhisrecord-breaking,daringstunts, willpushthelimitsofwhat'spossiblewithhismind-bogglingaerobaticskills flyinganEdge540.RedThunderAirshowswillelectrifyaudienceswiththeir Yak-50demoteam,followedbyJasonSomesinhisMIG-17,GregColyerin hisT-33,andVampireAirshows'DH-115.Therewillalsobeanamazingsetof staticdisplaysforyoutomarvelat,includingoneofthelegendaryU-2aircraft.
Admissionis FREE
TravisAirForce Base, Fairfield
ENTIRE PURCHASE LIC: C10-0000821 I C10-0000534
Visit with the Easter Bunny March 23 - 30 Visit the Easter bunny this Easter season at the Jelly Belly Visitor Center! Professional photos available to capture a special contactless Easter memory. Guests are welcome to bring their own camera for a photo. Bunny Schedule March 23-29 • 11AM-3PM March 30 • 1PM-4PM Brunch with the Easter Bunnies Saturday March 30 • 10AM-11:30AM Join us for a delicious brunch, entertainment and Easter delights. Advance reservations required. Limited seating available. Make reservations at Jelly Belly Visitor Center One Jelly Belly Lane· Fairfield, CA • 800-953-5592 Tour Hours 9:15AM-4PM Store Open 9AM-5PM © 2023 Jelly Belly Candy Company C3ete6kal-YA-UJci};ve<f &Healii{g.H€arts Traditional Funerals• Veteran Funeral Services• Cremations S&JAdvertising's � YOURTQ,1)!1�Stay up-to-date with all the good things happening in Your Town. Facebook.comNourTownMonthly Entriesmustbe receivedby 1Oam 3/13/24. Lastmonth'sanswer: Element Electric Lastmonth'swinner: HANNA HOPPER Prizeswillbemailed within30days. Congratulations! Find the butterfly (shown to the right- may be smaller) hidden in an ad in this month's edition of YourTown Monthly. One winnerwill be drawn from all correct entries to win a _ L $50 GIFT CERTIFICATETOBUCKHORN STEAKHOUSE(WINTERS) ' Mail entryto: S &J Advertising - Butterfly Hunt DW 555 Mason Street, Ste. 250• Vacaville, CA 95688 ONECONTESTPERENVELOPE Name: Address: ____________ Phone: ____________ Ad: 26 ToAdvertise, Call 707-448-6446 I March2024 Dixon/Winters YourTown Monthly@
Why do business in Dixon?
We enjoy doing business in the small town ofDixon because it is more than just transactions. It's about building relationships, fostering community, and finding success together.
What would you like people to know about yourbusiness?
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Being involved in our local Chamber of Commerce benefits us by providing networking opportunities, increasing our visibility within the community, access to resources and business support, advocacy for all local businesses, and opportunities for collaboration and partnerships, ultimately contributing to the growth and success ofour business.
Photos courtesy of Brian S. B8sman, MD BUY 4 GET 4 TREATMENTS FREE Expires 3/37 /24. Call for details. A Laser & Skin Care Medical Spa l 001 Nut Tree Rd., Ste. 200, Vacaville EVENING & WEEKEND APPTS. AVAILABLE Atl
BUILDERS ...... __._..,......,.
Allison Parkway#F,Vacaville
Tone muscle with cooltone· Before Photos courtesy of D::::lvid Rapaport, MD 50% OFF Expires 3/37/24.Call for details. Call today for your FREE Consultation! 707.455.8210
707.678.2650 220N. Jefferson St., Dixon lnre«>gn liono11 0�CoolSculptinl! ,,utm�ntsp�rlor,nfll (�coolsculpting· EL IT E FEAR NO MIRROR ® ared to treat visible f the body. Some comde temporary numbness. discomfort.and swelling. A-cleared to strengthen.tone abdomen.buttocks.and thighs. Common s effects include muscle.joint.or tendon pain.rruscle spasm.and ·n redness. ¾�� Aggie Animal Clinic <f AFullServiceClinic DedicatedtoQualityPetCare YourNextAppointment With aminimumservice feeof$40 Onecouponperfamily.Cannotbeusedforany groomingservice.Doesnotincludeproducts, medicationorfood.Expires3/31/24 Mon-Fri: 7:30am -6pm Closed: M-F 12 -2pm Sat: 8:30am - 3pm 449 N. First Street/ Dixon/ 707678-1643 I March 2024 Dixon/Winters YourTown Monthly" 27
Facesof Freedom: Battlefor Peleliu
Saturday,March23 •1Oam -12pm
RhondaLomeliwillspeakonherfather'sanduncle's experiencesintheMarineCorpsduringWorldWar IIatthisinspiringevent.Preparetobemovedasshe discussestheirharrowinginvolvementintheBattleof Peleliu-oneofthebloodiestbattlesofthewar-which sherecountsindetailinherbook, SemperFi, Marine: TwoBrothersin thePacific 1heater WWII. Rhondawill stickaroundforabooksigningsessionafterhertalk andhelpunveilthenewSouthPacificIslandexhibit, honoringthosewhoservedtheircountryinsomeof themostremotelocations.
BUILD•REMODEL•REPAIR 707.451.9231 767 Elmira Rd, Vacaville Contractors Lie. #97469 •Custom design solutions •Pool construction, remodeling & maintenance • Professional equipment for year-round care
28 ToAdvertise, Call 707-448-6446 I March2024 Dixon/Winters YourTown Monthly@
The original host of HGTV's "Yard Crashers"will host demos/workshops and Q&A Saturday & Sunday, 12:30-2pm
Continuedfrom cover
Saturday&Sunday•March23&24 10am-4pm(bothdays) specialistswhowillprovidefree quotesandinnovativesolutionsto tackleallofyourunfinishedprojects. Asyouponderyournewfounddesign, landscapingandgardeningideas, exploretheartsandcraftsvendors' booths,enjoylivemusicbylocal artistAlanBrownlee,andtreat yourselftoatastymealfromone oftheonsitefoodtrucks.
Ticketswillbesoldatthegate totheFairgrounds.Youdon'twant tomissoutonthisfantasticopportunitywhereyou'reguaranteed ampleopportunitiesfornetworkingandminglingwithfellowhome improvemententhusiasts!
$8CASHONLYatthegate (kids 12andunderFREE)
A patio cover or sunroom can be a beautiful addition to your home! BEST Designs Fast, Professional Installation & Affordable Construction ServingSolanoCountyfor20years WEARENOWOFFERING: 707.447.7475 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING
Insured Patio Covers• Sunrooms \,4 1m1 1�A1 Arbors/Pergolas• Cement Patios � Awnings• Bathroom Remodels& More Lie.#845399
Bonded& I March 2024 Dixon/Winters Your Town Monthly" 29
�� DIRECTORY PSYCHICS SUISUN CITY PSYCHIC PALM&TAROTCARDREADINGS ,� CHAKRABALANCING ( t' t.<1¥ AURACLEANSING � LOVECONNECTION ISpecialize InLove&Career Past,Present,Future ICanAnswerAllQuestions YouAreSeeking ForAndHelpGive You PeaceOfMind&Guidance -�BookAppointmentToday Call (707) 438-5661 710 Kellog St. Suisun City CA94585 WINDOW CLEANING OTHER SERVICES: HouseWash/ Gutter Solar/ PressureWashing Local • Licensed • Insured IHIKARI WINDOWCLEANING 707-640-1314 ULTRASOUND Experience the Miracle of 3D/4D/5D Ultrasound Introducing BKTechnology Incrediblyhigh-resolution imagesofyourbaby! Early Gender DNATest startingat6 weeks Askaboutour599Special! ALittle Insight 3D/4D/5DUltrasound i----11;;; PROPERTY MANAGEMENT YOURRELIEFFORRENTAL PROPERTYSTRESS! STARRENTALS PrupertyMunugement 707-447-9411 795 Alamo Drive, Vacaville CA DRE LIC#D175D069 ROOFING � SCOTLAND ROOFING • RoofReplacements • Roof Leaks/Repairs • Roof Maintenance • Gutter Systems FREE Estimates 707-470-7181 License#1030763 CUSTOM FABRICATION ...,, �17/HS@@tamslsx AUTOMOTIVE PERFORMANCE&FflBRICIITION TRAVEL PLANNER HEATING & AIR SERVICES ROOF REPAIRS 30 To Advertise, Call 707-448-6446 I March 2024 Dixon/Winters YourTown Monthly@ GUTTER CLEANING CoolPeopleDoing DangerousWork... SoYouDon't Have To -FreeEstimates-Licensed&Insured707.474.8965 JEFFLIKESCLEANWIND0WS.C0M YARD/TREE WORK Thinning/Trimming Pruning•YardClean-up Landscaping•TreeRemoval StumpGrinding ArtificialGrass Fruit& TotalTreeCare Call Mike 707.337.9807 bus lic#036577 contractor's lie#616591 PAINTING Residential & Commercial •Interior/Exterior •Pressure Washing • Cabinets • Wall Paper Removal •SmallJobs r1111 r1111111 181 400-8193 Lic#813082 Bonded/Insured/ HI( Certified ROOFING -GutterSystems - Maintenance - RoofRepairs - RoofReplacement 'tl FREEESTIMATES �nRo� �lic�1071829 707.624-5836 NorthAmericanRoofing3@gmaiI,com HOUSEKEEPING Claudia-'s Housekeeping Move In & Move Out Services 18 years Experience References Available '..f FREE ESTIMATES 707580-3514 Text 707317-8885 Lic#11990006110 ADVERTISE YOURBUSINESS HEREFORONLY $45PERMONTH! CALL 707448-6446
�� DIRECTORY GENERATORS Your 5-STAR Generac Home Generator Dealer FREE ESTIMATES J\LECO ELECTRIC CA License #848994 (707) 243-8737 WINDOW WASHING ADVERTISE HERE a areyo aitingfor. ADVERTISE LANDSCAPING •FullMaintenance •CleanUp•Haulinl•Trimming •StumpRemoval •LandClearing •FenceRepairs •GutterCleaning •DumpRuns - Bonded &InsuredROOFING & FENCING ReliableRoofSpecialists 0ver20Ye •• 10%0FF NewRoofPu 5%0FF Sonny's Roofing 707-816-9937 Lie.#1088899 FREEESTIMATES ELECTRICAL GARAGE DOORS/OPENERS PLUMBING - CUSTOM HOMESCommercial/Remodels/Service&Repair WaterHeaters DrainCleaning LeakRepairs GasLines Faucet YourService Replacement Available Saturdays Qud;J;; P/,u,,,hirMJt,,.,,;,ceG� lifetimelocalResident/30yrs.Experience HARRIS PLUMBING 707-628-5204 lir#893990/Insured/Bonded ROOFING T&K Roofing • Roofing Gutters Skylights Over 20 Years Experience Lie#806626 REAL ESTATE SERVICES � .. Rf/MAXGOLD Hablo Espanol www.Calll< ServingSolano,Yolo,SacramentoCo. LANDSCAPING Full Gardening Maintenance ,,Hauling / Clean-Ups :Roc�s _1.-Trees / Fences l,spr.inkler System JuanRamos WI]��� Notalicensedoontractor FREEESTIMATES CARPET CLEANING ALLIN ONE CARPET CARE •Tile&GroutCleaning •CarpetOeaning&Repair •UpholsteryCleaning •PetDamageRepair FREEESTIMATES 24-HourWaterDamageService 707-451-4070 Militaiy, Senior& Realtor Discounts! Over 30 yrs. experience ROOFING ►GutterSystems ►Maintenance ►RoofRepair ►RoofReplacement � GREEN COUNTRY ROOFING -Call Enrique707432-9992 lie#1088381 GUTTER CLEANING HAIR SALON GreatClips® IT'S GONNA BE GREAT' Any Haircut $20FF Limitedtime.Oneperperson Nootherdiscounts •----oroffersapply ___ TwoLocations 152 Browns ValleyPkwy Next to NuggetMarket Ph: 707-448-0621 601 Elmira Road Next toIn-Shape Ph: 707-448-3710 YourTownMonthly.comIMarch2024 Dixon/WintersYourTownMonthly"31
�� DIRECTORY ROOF REPAIRS & GUTTER CLEANING • Tile Repair • Dry Rot Repair • Flat Roof Repair • TileValley Cleaning • Composition Shingle Repair FREE ROOFINSPECTION M&J Roofing Repairs 707-366-9924 Bus Lie# 21000062 STUCCO STucco DesiGNS Lathe&Plastering Repair Windows•RecolorPopouts CrackRepair•Siding InteriorVenetian Plastering Re-Stucco andMore! Gustavo"Gus" Lopez 707�624�9771 - FREE ESTIMATESLie.#941036 ELECTRICAL Your Local Licensed Electrician Since 2004 ✓ FREE Estimates ✓ FREE Service Call (fee waivedwhen repair ismade) ✓ Available24/7 ✓ Price Match OK J\LECO ELECTRIC CA License #848994 (707) 203-2900 ADVERTISING ADVERTISE YOURBUSINESS HEREFORONLY $45PERMONTH! CALL 707448-6446 Stay up-to-date with what's going on inYourTown! COMPLETELY s EXCLUSIVE OFFERING PACKAGE CARIBBEAN r::J1:IJJ • • av &§/J/J}J[J{ifririfti¥Jj({JJff]�� Extraordinaryexperiencesforone simpleprice111th theflexibilityand great savingsof aCompletelyPackaged Vacation. Each memorablecruiseand land vacation extrasfor the vacation than200 to choosefroml 11 Facebook 'Itwitter A lnstagram Alison Rodrick CST 2034468-50 707.685.8080 5eCRUISEPLANNERS" "' YOUR CRUISE a VACATION EXPERTS FLST#39068•CST#2034468•50 • HST# TAR-7058•WAST#603-399·504 CollectionDay:Saturday,March9 Leaveitemsoutby8:30am The Boy Scouts ofAmerica need your help to provide nutrition to families in need! Fill a bag or box with non-perishable food items and leave it where it will be visible from the street. Items especially appreciatedinclude peanut butter, baby formula, boxed foods, packaged soups, cereal, and canned tuna, stews, meats, fruits, andvegetables. The Scouts will then deliver donations to local food banks so citizens in need can stay fed. ParticipationisFREE Vacavilleand Dixon 707.761.6745 32 ToAdvertise, Call707-448-6446 I March2024 Dixon/Winters YourTown Monthly@
Turn to your local Carrier expert for superior performance from your heating and cooling system.
The way we use our homes ischanging,which is why as your Carrier expert we are here to help improve your indoor comfort. From enhancing the performance of your heating and cooling system to making your indoor air cleaner and healthier with our Infinity® air purifier, we're committed to helping you breathe a little easier. Learn how it works at
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30K, 60K, 90K SERVICE SPECIALS! ZERO MIDAS -TOTAL CAR CAREr- , BRAKE SPECIAL :FREE: INTEREST s100 OFF IF PAID IN FULL : : Alignment 1 WITHIN 6 MONTHS 550 peraxle 1 1 Check I with purchaseof padsandrotors 1 1 Onpurchasesof$199ormoremadewithyour Midas®Cred[Card.Interestwillbecharged toyourAccountfromthepurchasedateifthe promotkmalplanba�mceisnotpaidin fullwithinthepromotkmalperiod 1 with purchase of 1 LIFETIMEWARRANTYON BRAKE PADS I NEW TlRES I 1 Mostvehides. Onecoupm r;ercustomer Exp. 3/31/24. 1 L- J L- J WINDSHIELD WIPERS s10 OFFt: WHENYOUBUYTW�\ : s30 OFF ANYSERVICE OVER$300 ExcludesTires One OIL CHANGE• BRAKES TIRES• SUSPENSION ENGINE DIAGNOSTIC AIR CONDITIONING Full Synthetic 520 OFF Synthetic Blend Includes: upto ofoil FREE Tire Rotation FREE Battery Check Validformostcars FREE Brake Inspection FREE Safety Inspection Onecrup:in percustomer. Exp. 3/31/24 - We Service Most Fleet Companies15% DISCOUNT Military, Law Enforcement, First Responders, Seniors, State Employees LANDSCAPING SERVICES YOU CANTRUSTI Whenyoutrust us rest assure thatyou'll getthe highest quality work. Ourteamofexperienced professionalsisdedicatedtocreating beautiful and functionaloutdoor spacesontime andwithin budget. SERVICES • Outdoor Living Spaces • Retaining Walls • Stamped Colored Concrete • Water Features • Artificial Grass Installation • Patio Covers, Arbors, • Pavers & Walkways Trellises and more! FOREVER GREEN Landscaping CSL#1054616(C27) 34 ToAdvertise, Call 707-448-6446 I March2024 Dixon/Winters YourTown Monthly@
INTERESTED? Call us at 707-784-1526 or send us an email at Solano County LIBRARY
Art Uncorked!
Friday,April 5 •5 -8pm
Forthefirsttime,experienceavibrantandinspiring collectionofartmadeinandaroundDixon!Soroptimist InternationalofDixonbringstogetheradiverserangeof talent,frompaintersandphotographerstosculptorsand jewelrymakers.Whetheryou'reanartenthusiastorsimply curiousaboutthelocalcreativescene,thisistheperfect opportunitytobrowsethroughanarrayofcaptivating artworks.
Siponfinewinesandsavordelectableappetizersasyou explorethevenue.You'llhavethechancetoadmire stunningpaintings,breathtakingphotography,intricate sculptures,andexquisitejewelry.
Proceedsfromthiseventbenefitwomenandchildren throughoutthecommunity.
r,.11 •
Allied Builders Your Vision. Our Expertise. �; ---�--...-,...,.L_ -_i An ALLIED BUILDERS -""'-......_� Over25yearsExperience 707.514.7672 Lie# 1055725 $1500 OFF
36 To Advertise, Call 707-448-6446 I March 2024 Dixon/Winters Your Town Monthly@
Jimmie Vaughan & The Tilt-A-Whirl Band at VPAT
Friday,April 5 •8pm
Experience musical mastery that spans decades withJimmieVaughan & The Tilt-A-Whirl Band! Known for his soulful blend of blues and country, Vaughan's musical journey has been nothing short of extraordinary: his love affair with music began at an early age when he found inspiration in the likes of Phil Upchurch and B.B. King. WhenVaughan was told he wouldn't be able to learn from lesson books, the blues and these legendary musicians became his teachers, shaping his unique style that would later define his career.
Throughout the years, Jimmie Vaughan has been a part of variousbands and collaborations, but it was alongside his brother Stevie RayVaughan that he truly made waves in the music industry Together, they released the critically acclaimed album Family Style. After several years of solo music and a hiatus, Jimmie returned in 2010 to record The Great American Blues Songbook. He assembled an all-star band and recorded his dream sedist. Now, with four Grammy nominations and a Blues Foundation Award, JimmieVaughan is celebrating his life in the blues and on the road and you're invited! CatchVaughanand his band as they give back to the music that has been Jimmie's lifeline for decades.
Tickets: $75
VacavillePerforming ArtsTheatre 1010UlatisDr,Vacaville I March 2024 Dixon/Winters Your Town Monthly" 37
MONTICELLO -=-=-=--=::.ll!li-' WOODFLOORJ,; SPRING TOR -=March15-April2 10°/o OFF All Special Orders FREEDELIVERY withminimum $2500purchase 12 Months 0% financing on approvedcredit �:! 395-;�����-:��•;ville ......;.....;_..:.;___ Dixon $2 (707) 425-2500 Be 38 ToAdvertise, Call 707-448-6446 I March2024 Dixon/Winters YourTown Monthly@ . � '{ ' ' '• ' •\T'. , •i.•,C.�• \ � � �..:.._�• •• •• 't, •'F ..::-.....CALLUS FOR MORE DETAILS
COMPLETEINTERIORDETAIL Includes5-StarCarWashwithCERAMICPROTECTION NowOnly •CarpetCleaning(ExtractionProcess) $180 • FloorMatCleaning(ExtractionProcess) •SeatsCleaned(ExtractionProcess) • AllVinyl&LeatherCleaned&Conditioned Reg$200 ExtraforVans&SUVs withextrarowofseats Notvalidwithanyotheroffers.Exp. 3/31/24. Code: D-111 SUPEREXTERIORWASH •TowelDriedBy Hand •WheelsCleaned NowOnly •CherryPolish $1S99 •UV Protection Regs18_99 •TireDressing (applied byhand) ExtraforTrucks,Vans&SUVs Notvalidwithanyotheroffers. Exp.3/31/24.Cnde:D-3900 Adds Extra Protection& Shine NOCOUPONREQUIRED 5-STAR Full Service DetailWash Includeseverything from4-StarPackage PLUS NowOnly �H $3S?.g�099 CERAMICCOATING ExtraforTrucks,Vans&SUVs Notvalidwithanyotheroffers. Exp.3/31/24.Cnde:D-5004 DETAIL SERVICES lndudesourPremium5-StarCarWashwithONEofthefollowing: •ExteriorCarnaubaWax NowOnly (Appliedw/Buffer) $7s00 •CarpetCleaning(ExtractionProcess) R $ •SeatsCleaning(ExtractionProcess) eg 80•00 •Vinyl&Leather,DoorPanels,Center ExtraforTrucks,Vans&SUVs Console,etc.Cleaned&Conditioned •HeadlightRestoration Notvalidwithanyotheroffers.Exp.3/31/24.Code:D-3903 11REINVENTYOURDOOR11 LookwhatDOOR CONVERSIONSdoeswithyour EXISTING door! Our unique wrought iron design inserts are professionally installed in about 2 hours. Beautiful wrought iron designs with color and glass options available to choose from! Our Glass Doors Invite Natural Lightin and Open toAllow FreshAirflowwitha RemovableScreen! .1.Po29o�I B Y R O B E R T W E L L S· 707-628-9950 0. t! I March 2024 Dixon/Winters Your Town Monthly" 39