Organic Waste Tips
Don't trash perfectly good food waste
Place food waste in your organics cart
CalRecycle reported that organic waste accounts for more than a third of the material in California's waste stream. We need your help to reduce the amount of organics going to the landfill. By disposing of your food waste in the appropriate cart, we can lessen our carbon footprint, and produce compost that is a rich fertilizer that can enhance our parks and other green spaces.
forSolano CountyResidents
✓ Applicant must maintain a 3.0 or higher GPA
✓ Reside in Solano County 2+ years
✓ Graduating or have graduated from a local high school in Solano County
✓ Plan on or are currently attending a University in California that offers a bachelors degree in the agricultural field
The agriculturefield is very broad, and is not limited to farming. It includes a variety of fields such as animal sciences, biotechnology, food science, sustainable agriculture, viticulture, and wildlife conservation. A list of possiblefields is included on the website. Scholarshipsfor $10,000 each can be appliedfor year round up to 4 years. Funds are paid directly to the Universityfor educational expenses such as books, tuition, registration, fees, supplies, and student housing.
Since 19 707-425■2&;9, ; 1203 N. Texas St., / Corner ofN. Texas & Bell Fairfield / / I WE NOW SERVICE ALL A/C SYSTEMS
Must presentcoupon attime ofservice. Notvalid with any other offer. Exp. 6/30/23. Novirtualcoupons. 10 To Advertise, Call 707-448-6446 I June 2023 Fairfield/Suisun/Cordelia I YourTown Monthly@ .. EN61NES•TRAIISMISSI 3 Years/ 100,000 Miles/ Parts& Labor Nationwide Warranty!
Solano County is partnering with Solano Economic Development Corporation (Solano EDC) to bring you the Solano BayREN Energy Efficiency Program. Solano EDC
is widely known locally for itseconomicgrowth activities supported by community leaders, business owners, and industry associations. In recent years, this public-private nonprofit has garnered much success in realizingover $3 million in recurring energy savings for small-to-medium size businesses countywide. As a result, the County of Solano has partnered with Solano EDC to bring their energy efficiency experience and technical expertise to introduce BayREN programs to all incomelevels and economic sectors in unincorporated Solano County and the cities of Benicia, Dixon, Fairfield, Rio Vista, Suisun City, Vacaville, and Vallejo.
3.7Trillion BTUs nergySaved 126.6MillionTonsof Carbon Avoided
Up1oa Healthier,
Efficient L Home BayArea Regional Energy Network (BayREN) $85.6Million Lifetime 1 2 new 0 S Created
Utilit s Bill avmgs
BLocal Governments Empowering Our Communities BayREN fills existingutilityprogram gaps and develops flexible andinnovative programsthatbuild on localgovernment values and serveconstituents needs. The impact ofthe lastfiveyears hasbeen tangible, offeringsubstantialresults BayREN1sbroughttoyoubySolanoEconomicOeve/Jpment Oxporat;m1npartnershrpwiththeCountyofSolano s Ener9Y Advisors offer FREE Advice and Resources! 12,180Program E ReferralsJJ� nergyAuv1sors STEP3 FREE "Green House call'' energy. EfficiencY Kit. LED eulbS • er • smart pow strip t Aerators • Fauce Heads • shower REALLY,,,cost! There's no HomeEnersY score on a scaleof 1to10, H�W Efficient is ? your Horne, Find out �it� a customize ener9Y EfficiencY Report! dule yours schefodaY! REBATE MaY cover costs! - � �Dill!)t,t,tt.«.)fy B�e.-� BA�.org or call (866) 878-6008
COUNTRYNIGHTATTHERANCH Join Solano LandTrust for an outdoor country concert performed by celebrated local cover band Locked-n-Loaded! SATURDAY, JULY 29TH 4:00 - 7:00 PM at RUSH RANCH 3521 Grizzly Island Road Suisun City, CA HOMETOWN��c:. CAR WASH-" Open7DaysAWeek _, Reg.$27.99 INCLUDES: •Vacuuming •WhiteWalls •ExteriorWash • InteriorDust •PolishWax•AirFreshener •Windows •Tire Dressing ExtrachargeforSUV's&Trucks. 1 Withcoupon only. Expires6/30/23 ______________.. Headlight Re1forafion s5499 Withcoupon only. Exp. 6/30/23 Expre11 Wa,h s1 2�e!$14.99 Extracharge for SUV's& Trucks. Withcoupon only. Expires6/30/23 1634 North Texas (Acrossfrom lhop) Fairfield• 707-427-0470 Food Trucks Wine & Beer Garden Raffle and Silent Auction Local Vendors Tickets: $30 Looking For Extra Storage Space? We Have It! NewManagement onsite! •Securitycamerasthroughoutthefacility • Individuallyalarmedunitsw/privategatecodes Upto$25 OFF FIRST 6 MONTHS : Callfordetailsandavailablesizes. 1 New customersonly. 1 Notvalidwithanyotheroffer. 1 I Expires6/30/23 L- .1 FourSeasons SELF STORAGE SIZESTO FITEVERY NEED! Household/Commercial/Boat&RV. . (707) 439-0605 1600PetersenRoad • Suisun LocatedoffHwy12@ WaltersRoad 12 To Advertise, Call 707-448-6446 I June 2023 Fairfield/Suisun/Cordelia I YourTown Monthly@
DiscoverThe Latest BreakthroughThat Can Relieve PainAnd NumbnessCaused By Neuropathy
If you are experiencing debilitating pain, numbness and tingling, they are likely caused by Neuropathy.
Peripheral Neuropathy is a common condition that affects 20 million Americans and, once identified, can be successfully treatedwithout the use of drugs and surgery.
How DoYou Know IfYou Have Peripheral Nerve Damage?
Thefollowingsymptomsmaystart graduallyandthenworsen:
Non-surgical, Drug-freeTreatmentforPeripheralNeuropathy YOUWILLDISCOVER:
• What REALLY causes peripheral neuropathy
• Dangers associated with medications typically prescribed for peripheral neuropathy
•How to stop nerve damage before the effects are irreversible
•How our revolutionary protocol provides outstanding results for sufferers of peripheral neuropathy
MiracleMath Brain-Based STEAM Campis anin-person, hands-onsummerenrichmentcampthatfocusesonexpandingthe brain whileallowingstudents todiscover learningthroughthe lensofscience, technology, engineering, art, andmath. Each week ourcampfocusesona key subject area likecoding, gaming, engineering, art, andtechnology.
Gamingand Coding
Cost: $175 $350 week(2days) week(4days)
Signupfor oneweekorall8 weeks. Eachweekhasafresh theme, it'syour choicewhich themesyou want toexplore!
�1 3rd-8thgrade "CT
.0. 3hrs
\:;,/ 9:00am-12:00pm
IT\ Time:
-EJ Sign upquicklyspace is limited! 3336NorthTexasSt,SuiteJ • Fairfield CONNIE NG & ASSOCIATES 740TexasStreet, Suite 206 Fairfield• 707-766-0904 (Downtownofficeopenbyappointment) Enter to WIN a 7-Night Stayat Margaritaville Cap Cana! �I E Scan Here! 14 ToAdvertise, Call 707-448-6446 I June2023 Fairfield/Suisun/Cordelia I YourTown Monthly@
this QR code to register online
Rainforest orcall 707-398-3473
Concert Series
CreekWalkConcertSeries inVacaville
Fridays,June16-August11 6:30 - 9:30pm
Getreadyforasummerfilledwithmusic, food,drinksandFUN!Bandsfromallover theWestCoastarecomingtoAndrewsPark foraneveningoflivemusicunderthestars. WithnameslikeTouchofClass,HeyJude, LosCochinos,TimeBandits,andmanymore bringinganarrayofgenres,includingR&B, classicrock,andpop,therewillbesomething foreveryonetodanceandsingalongto.Plus, foodanddrinkwillbeavailableforpurchase. ComeandmakememoriesatCreekWalk!
Tickets: $3 (12&under Free)
Season Pass: $20
Andrews Park
City ofVacaville CREEKWALK
■ijfflir ♦+Hi!¥
1: JUNE 19-23
2: JUNE 26-30
MissingTeeth? LooseDentures? FailedBridges? Dental Implants Offer A Solution!
yousufferwithmissingteeth orhaveproblemswith loose or uncomfortabledentures,thendentalimplantscouldbetheanswer.
iftreatmentis doneinouroffice
250for3DCTXrays (upto4BWX,2PAs), comprehensiveExamandregularcleaning. �SUISUN CITY �DENTAL 16 To Advertise, Call 707-448-6446 I June 2023 Fairfield/Suisun/Cordelia Your Town Monthly@
It's YourLife... Live itin Health! 500/oOFF First Visit Includes consultation, examination and treatment. Withthisad.Noexpiration. 500/oOFF First Visit Includes consultation, examination and treatment. Withthisad.Noexpiration.Ifyouhaveworker's comp, personalinjuryorgroupinsurance,yourinsurancewillbebilled. Most insurancesaccepted• Special payment plansavailable FamilyChiropractic Center 707.427.1222 InPain?CallNow! SCAN TO BOOK WeAreHeretoHelp! APPOINTMENT ---IOlr1:J•illii3;Jt1bi�•:J5,)•lii)iilM•11i+i1;Ji13••1•U�bili•1t1•---
JUNE 16 - JULY 9
EnjoythesummervibesoftheAlamedaCountyFair,returningforthe2023season.TheBigOTires ConcertSeriesturnsupthevolumewithanimpressivelineup,includingJesseMcCartney,Ashanti,LeAnn Rimesandmanymore.Concertticketsaresoldseparatelyandselloutquickly,sograbyoursnow.Lookup intheskyforanightlydronelightdisplayat9:30pmaftereveryshowandafreefireworksspectacularon June16and30.
KidswillbethrilledbytheexcitingCarnivalMidwayanditspopularSkyRide.Adultscanpartakeinthe BrewandWineFests.EventssuchastheFiestaandBluesfestivalswilljoinannualfavoriteslikethemedieval stuntshow,FMXfreestylemotocross,livehorseracingandmore.
ThefairisopenWednesdaysthroughSundaysandMonday,July3,fromnoonto11pm(noonto8pmon Tuesday,July4).Gateadmissioni\$13-18.Children5andunderandactivemilitaryandvetswithIDarefree • I
NutTree Plaza's2ndAnnual SummerMusicConcert Series withtheVacaJazz Society
Saturdays,June-July8•12 -8pm
Thissix-weekendNutTreePlazaSummer MusicConcertSeriesisfreetothepublicevery Saturdayfrom6to8pm.Inviteyourfamily, friendsandneighborstotheseincredible concertsfeaturingmanyyoungmusicartistsand professionalswithinSolanoCounty.NutTree Plazawillstartthegrandopeningkickoffday forthissummer'sconcertserieswithfamily-fun activitiesbeginningJune3rdatnoonattheNut TreeAmusementPark,includingartsandcrafts, ajumphouseandfacepainting.Pleaseshowup earlyandenjoyweeklyliveperformanceswith multiplestylesofmusiceverySaturday.
Admissionis FREE
NutTree Plaza Breezeway
1661 EMonteVistaAve,Vacaville
AlamedaCounty Fairgrounds
CornerofBernal&ValleyAvenues, Pleasanton
24 ToAdvertise, Call 707-448-6446 I June2023 I Fairfield/Suisun/Cordelia YourTown Monthly@
I Zignature • nt Prices als & Coupons ip Required IAllsizes &varietiesofdogfood. I I Dog & catfood (26-301b) Holistic dog &catfood (4-281b) I PRICESTOOLOWTOADVERTISE! I I ·---------------··---------------· ·---------------· Dick Van Patten Natural Balance All sizes& varieties Canidae All LifeStages & Pure (24-441b) Taste of the Wild ONLY$47.99 28-301b varieties of petfood. PRICESTOOLOWTOADVERTISE! SAVE BIG ONSELECT LARGE BAGSI PRICESTOOLOWTOADVERTISE! AMAZON/CHEWY$58.99 YOUSAVE$9! PLU#351 $5 OFF Your petor fish supply purchase of$15 ormore. T Excluding pet food, treats and litte, One coupon per family. Notgoodwith other offers or discounts. Good at Fairfield location. Expires 6/30/23. YTM ·----------·----------PLU#338 id#00201A T FREE PURENESS PET BOWL Withany purchase ($1.29 value) One couponperfamily. Not goodw/otheroffersordiscounts. Goodat Fairfield location. Expires 6/30/23.YTM ----------r----------PLU#349 T FREE Can of Fussie Cat Black Label Only Cat Food, all varieties. 2.8oz,w/anypurchase regularly$1.33 One coupon per family. Notgoodwith other offer or discounts. Good at i:rf:d!'c,: o,:;; �i::,s �3�2�YT_!1• ·----------1 T 1 Diamond Naturals I Dog Food (40lbs) I I Beef&Rice-$36·99 I Lamb & Rice - $39.99 I Chicken & Rice - $41.99 I $5-7 LessthanAMAZON/CHE\/WI I Limit2 bags. I One coupon per family. Notgoodwith I otheroffer or discounts. Good at • i:rf:d!'c,:o_:;; �i::_s �3�2�YT_!1• WE BEAT MOST ONLINE PRICES FOR PREMIUM BRAND PET FOOD! More weeklyspecials at I June 2023 Fairfield/Suisun/Cordelia YourTown Monthly" 25
_g u TUESDAY, JULY 4TH * DOWNTOWNFAIRFIELD * PARADE STARTS AT 1 OAM 26 To Advertise, Call 707-448-6446 I June 2023 I Fairfield/Suisun/Cordelia I Your Town Monthly"
Senior Computer Class
Location: Computer Roomat FairfieldAdult RecreationCenter
Ages: 50andup
Learnhowtouse yourcomputer andsmartphone.Topics mayinclude howtoaccesstheinternet, set up email, useapps, andmore! This class will showyoueverythingyouneedtoknowaboutyourcomputer&smartphone.
724610amto NoonJune 13Tu
Aquatic InternAcademy
Location:Entire Facility atAllanWittAquaticsComplex
Jointheaquaticsteamof lifeguards andswiminstructorsfor asummer offunattheAquaticsComplex atAllanWitt Park! AttheAquatic Intern Academyyouwilllearnfirst-respondersafetyskills, toimproveyourown swimmingtechniqueandendurance, andreceive hands-onexperience intheaquaticsindustry, allwhilegiving backtothelocalcommunity. Worriedaboutyourswimmingability? Don't be! We will teach you everything youneedtobe successful! For moreinformation, contact Chanise Harrison (707) 399-4104
Fee: Free
679411amto 2pmJune 19-August13Everyday
Mermaid University Session 1
Prerequisite: Participantsmustpass a swimtesttocontinuewiththe course.This funinstructor-ledclasswillteachyoutoswim elegantly throughwater. Learntheskillsandtechniquestomaneuverbeneaththe waterlikeAriel.
69409:30amto10:15amJune4-25 Su
ARC Summer Concert Series - Tuneriders
Location:Assembly Hall at FairfieldAdult RecreationCenter
Join us forour firstARCConcertof 2023, featuringtheTuneriders. Performinghitsoflegendaryvocalgroups ofthe 60's and 70'ssuchas the Beatles, Eagles, Simon & Garfunkel, Van Morrison, Badfinger, the Rolling Stones, Crosby, Beach Boys, Chuck Berry, Elvis, DaveClark 5, andmany more. Ticketsare$5per person.
67027pmto8:15pmJune 10Sa
Camp Fairfield 2023 - Laurel Creek & Mankas
Ages: 5-12years
Join us fora summer of funat LaurelCreek NeighborhoodCenter! The
summerwill focusonsports, STEAM projects, special activities anddressup � daysinconjunctionwithweekly themes.Wetakean activity-based approach ti3 focusingonteamworkandcooperationfora memorablesummer.
Laurel Creek Neighborhood Center
6693 7amto6pmJune 12-16 MTuWTh F
6694 7amto6pmJune 19-23 MTuWTh F
6695 7amto6pmJune 26-30 MTuWTh F
Mankas Neighborhood Center
66837amto6pmJune 12-16 MTuWTh F
6684 7amto6pmJune 19-23 MTuWTh F
6685 7amto6pmJune 26-30 MTuWTh F
Chess Wizards Summer Camp
Location: Lakeside Bat Fairfield CommunityCenter
Ages: 6-12years
ChessWizards hasbeenteaching thegame of chesssince2002.Joinus thissummer fortonsofchallengingchesslessons, excitinggames, andcool prizes. You'll improveyourchessskills, meetnew friends, andwork out yourmost powerful muscle-yourbrain! Our camps include funteamchess games (likeCornerChess), recesstime (ofcourse), snacks, tournaments, andpuzzles. Eachcamper receivesa T-shirt, trophy, andpuzzle folder. Unleash your brainpower andspendpartof your vacation withChessWizards!
Fee: $325
66219amto NoonJune19-23MTuWTh F
6622 Noonto3pmJune19-23MTuWThF
NAofAAll Sorts of Sports Camp (Half and Full Day)
Location: PicnicArea HatCordeliaCommunity Park
Ages: 7-13years
TheAll Sorts ofSports coedprogramby NationalAcademyofAthletics is packedwithfun.Whetheryourchildis abeginneror more experienced player, thismulti-sportcampisa perfect place forkids tobe introduced totheworldofsports, teamwork, andathletics! Games weplayinclude: basketball, dodgeball, soccer, kickball, flag football, capturethe flag, ultimate Frisbee, obstacleraces, andawhole lot more.Your childrenwilllearnnew skills whilehavingablastandmakingnew friends.
6770 9amto NoonJune12-16MTuWTh F
67719amto3pmJune 12-16 MTuWTh F
NAofAAll Sorts of Sports Jr. Academy Camp
Location: Multipurpose FieldatCordeliaCommunity Park
Ages: 4-6years
TheAll Sorts ofSports coedprogramby NationalAcademyofAthletics is packedwithfun.Whetheryourchildis abeginneror more experienced player, thismulti-sportcampisa perfect place forkids tobe introduced totheworldofsports, teamwork, andathletics! Games weplayinclude: basketball, dodgeball, soccer, kickball, flag football, capturethe flag, ultimate Frisbee, obstacleraces, andawhole lot more.Your childrenwilllearnnew skills whilehavingablastandmakingnew friends.
6772 9amto NoonJune12-16MTuWTh F
QJ � (fl
§"· June 2023 I Fairfield/Suisun/Cordelia I Your Town Monthly" 27
Polished Potential - Advocacy Skills
Location:LakesideAat FairfieldCommunity Center
Strong leadersknowhowtolisten andadvocatefor themselvesandthe peoplewho needitmost. Studentswillfocuson self-advocacy andhowto speakupaboutimportantissues. Yourchildwillgetachancetopractice speakingupforthemselvesthroughpracticeactivities, as well ascreating a speechor performance pieceaboutanissue thattheycareabout.
66721pmto4pmJune19-23MTuWTh F
Polished Potential - Speech and Debate
Location:LakesideAat FairfieldCommunity Center
U Studentswilllearnhowtoargue andfeelmore comfortablespeakingoffthe topoftheirheads. Whetheryourchildalready lovesdebateor has always beencurious, thisclass helpsthempractice debatingdifferenttopicsand worktogetherwithpartners in afun, supportiveenvironment.
66731pmto4pmJune26-30 MTuWTh F
Polished Potential-Building Public Speaking with Confidence
Location: CCLakeside Bat FairfieldCommunity Center
This course teachesthe buildingblocks ofpublic speaking. Studentswill learnthe importance of body languageandvarying the tempo andtone oftheirvoice. They'llalso learn thevalue ofgoodopeningsandcloses. The goalisfor yourchildtostart developing moreconfidenceandskill in expressing themselvestoagroup.
6671 1pmto4pmJune12-16 MTuWTh F
Life Support Network
Location: VistaConferenceRoomat FairfieldCommunityCenter
LearnCPRandobstructedairwayforadult, child, andinfant. Classincludes hands-onskills practice. Firstaidwillbebasicandincludesbandaging, splinting, controlling bleeding, dealingwithseizures, lowbloodsugar, shock symptomsandtreatmentandenvironmentalemergencies. Recognizingan emergencyandactivating EMS, poisonpreventionandtreatmentandburn treatmentwillbe taught.
6645 8:30amto11:30amJune17 Sa
6646 Noonto3pmJune17 Sa
Note Taking Skills
Location: Conference Roomat FairfieldAdult Recreation Center
Ages:14-17 years
Learnthebest waytotakenotestogetbettergrades. Gaintechniquesto retain classroom information andsetyourselfup for reducedtimestudying. This classwillset youupfor successallyearlong!
66756pmto 8pmJune14W
Play-Well Teknologies: MARVELOUS Engineering
Location:LakesideAat FairfieldCommunityCenter
LEGO®BuildersAssemble! Weneedyouto comejoin our experienced
Play-Well Instructorstosavetheworld. We willuseLEGO®tobuildour strongestAvengerstodefeatThanos, helpThor retrieveMjolnir, swing throughthecity withSpider-man, andtell Hulk toSmash! Ourjourney will takeustobattles on thisworldandbeyond.Are youuptothe challenge?
66191pmto4pmJune12-16 MTuWThF
Play-Well Teknologies: Mickey's Fairytale Adventures
Location:LakesideAat FairfieldCommunity Center
Come joinour funandknowledgeable Play-Well Instructors asweuseLEGO®materials to recreate our favorite animated friendsandtheirworlds! After buildingour most beloved princesses, villains, andsidekicks, get readytorescue princes and princesses fromtowers, explore enchanted castles, and maybeeven flyonamagic carpetortwo.Allweneedis your creativity andalittle magic tobring it all tolife!
66179amto NoonJune12-16 MTuWTh F
Test Taking Skills
Location: Conference Roomat FairfieldAdultRecreationCenter
This classfocusesonteachingstudentstesttaking strategies. The classwillintroducethefollowing skills:test takingstrategies, takingquizzes, writing effectivetests (studystrategy), testtakingdrills, preparingfortests, and negotiatingstrategiesfor gettingbettergrades.
66761pmto3pmJune17 Sa
Driver's Education (Online)
Location: Virtual Class
OMVallowsteensto receive theirLearner's Permit at age151/2 and aLicense atage16. This class is thefirst, requiredstepthatmustbe completed Thisisanonlinecoursewithvideos, animateddrivingscenarios, andsampletestquestions. Learntherules ofthe road, major causesof trafficcollisions, OMVproceduresandmuchmore.Alicensedinstructoris available toanswer any questions throughlive chat. Receive OMV-approved CertificateofCompletion. Signupandcomplete courseat anytime. Registration is ongoing.
6644 8amto8pm June 1 - August 31 Every day
Virtual Driver's Education-with Live Instructor!
Location: Virtual Class
Take thefirst steptowardgetting your learner's permitanddriver's license! This online coursefeaturesvideos, animateddriving scenarios, andsample testquestionstoprepare youfor thedriver'stest. Learnthe rules ofthe road, major causesoftraffic collisions, and OMVprocedures, all at yourown pace. When you're finished, you'll receive a OMV-approvedCertificateof Completion (OL237). Alicensedinstructorwillteachtheclass.You must haveaccesstoacomputer andthe internet.
66259amto NoonJune5-9MTuWTh F
66269amto NoonJune19-23MTuWTh F
0 ·.p u Ql � � &: -0 ai �
28 ToAdvertise, Call 707-448-6446 I June 2023 I Fairfield/Suisun/Cordelia I YourTown Monthly"
Senior Activity Group
Location: Christiansen Room
Ages: 50and up
Our structured, comprehensiveprogramprovides avarietyof activities designed tofocusonthestrengthsof eachindividual. Activitiesinclude physicalexercise,music, reminiscence, crafts, games, andmore, all providedin a safe, warm, caringand secureenvironment.
Fee: $20
65139amto NoonongoingW
Discovery Hub: Robots and Rovers
Location: Lakeside Bat Fairfield CommunityCenter
Ages: 7-12years
Learn about thechallengesof designing andbuildingrobots tosendinto space. Wewilllook at someof theplaceswehaverobotsinour solar system andwhywecan't send themeverywhere. Exploreoursolarsystem onerover at atime!
Fee: $125
69451pmto4pmJune26- 30MTuWTh F
Ability Awareness
Location: RoundTable Room at FairfieldAdult Recreation Center
Ages:12 and up
YouwillreceivesupportandguidancethroughPowerPoint, activities, & resource materials allowing themto developorenhancetheir understandingof disabilityetiquette, advocacy & socialjustice skills, interpersonal & familyrelationship skills, aswellasdevelopingorenhancing individual resourceretrieval skills. $35 materialsfeedueto instructor at beginningof class. Minorsunder18 mustbeaccompaniedby an adult.
Fee: $250
7347 9amto2pmJune3 Sa
Air Blair Athletics All Sports Camp
Location: EntireFacility at Fairfield Sports Center
This campisperfect forkidswho want toexperience a varietyof sports. Eachdaywepack in thefunwithdrills, games, and activities. Campers learn thebasicsof sports like Basketball, Soccer, Flag Football, Baseball, andVolleyball. Opentokidsof alllevels andabilities. Campersshould bring a snack andwater.
Fee: $179
67409amto NoonJune26- 30MTuWTh F
Ages7-13 years
67419amto NoonJune26- 30MTuWTh F
Air Blair Athletics Basketball Camp
Location: EntireFacility at Fairfield Sports Center
Ages: 8-13 years
This campoffers anideal settingforkidsof alllevelsandabilitiestolearn thegameof basketballin an exciting, funenvironment.Weincludedrills, activities, andgamesemphasizingthebasicsof shooting, dribbling, passing, rebounding, and defense. Campers shouldbringtheirown basketball, snack, andwater.
Fee: $179
6737 9amto NoonJune12-16 MTuWTh F
First Step Basketball Summer Camp
Location: Entire Facilityat FairfieldSports Center
Thiscampwillfocusondevelopingandemphasizingkeyfundamental skillsinthe areasofballhandling,decisionmaking, shooting, scoring, andfinishing. Focused instruction willbegiveninthe areasofshooting techniqueand scoring aroundthebasket. Everydaywillincludemultiple skillsessions andcompetitivegames meant toimplement and enhance skilldevelopmentfor all players. Therewillbecontests and games dailyfor
campers to practice and enhancetheirnewfound skills. (fl
Fee: $180
Ages: 7-9years
6761 8amto10amJune19-23 MTuWTh F
Ages: 10-18years
676210amto NoonJune19-23 MTuWTh F
First Step Open Gym
Location: Entire Facilityat FairfieldSports Center
Ages: 4-17 years
Thisisnot likeyourordinaryopengym. First Step Basketball Open Gymwill focusondevelopingand emphasizingkeyfundamental skillsin the areasof ballhandling, decision making, shooting, and scoring. Focusedinstruction willbegiveninthe areasof shootingtechniqueand scoring around the basket. Therewillbescrimmagesforhoopersto practice and enhancetheir newfound skills.
Fee: $160
6753 6pmto8pmJune23 -July14 F
Junior Golf Clinic
Location: ParadiseValleyGolf Course
Joinusforbeginner/intermediategolfcamps. Enjoytheoutdoorslearning a new skillwhileonbreak fromschool. Golf clubs providedforthosethat do not have them.
Fee: $80
6783 5pmto6pmJune6- 9TuWThF
Junior Tennis Summer Camp
Location: OutdoorTennis Court17 atAllanWitt Park
Ages: 7-15 years
JuniorTennis Camps aregeared towards children aged7-15, who are beginners orintermediate players with littleornoprevious experience. Camperswilllearn properfundamentals, good sportsmanship, and tennis etiquette, in a fun and safe environment. Campers shouldbring theirowntennis racquet, water bottle, and sunscreentocamp.
Fee: $215
6764 9amto NoonJune12-16 MTuWTh F
67659amto NoonJune19-23 MTuWTh F
67669amto NoonJune26- 30MTuWTh F
Solano Surf Soccer - Mommy/Daddy & Me
Location: Soccer Field at CordeliaCommunityPark
Ages: 2-3 years
Thefunhappensonthefield, sodon'tjust watchfromthe sidelines! Hereisyour chancetojoinin yourtoddler's introduction totheworld's most popular sport. You'll participate infun, age-appropriate activities andhelpyour childtodevelop their motorand socializationskills. A variety of socceractivities areplayed eachweek. Adult participation isrequired. Shinguards arerequiredfor all classesexcept Mommy/Daddy& Me. Pleasebring awaterbottletoeach session.
Fee: $89
67805:45pm to 6:15pmJune14- July12W
� June 2023 I Fairfield/Suisun/Cordelia I Your Town Monthly" 29
0 Solano Surf Soccer -Soccer 1
·1il Location: Soccer Field at Cordelia Community Park
e3 Ages:5-6 years
� Players will learndribbling, passing, defense, and shooting goals! Fun skill � games are played at every session, and every participant will have a ball at � their feet. Small-sided soccer matches will be introducedgradually. Perfect for � first time players while being fun and engaging for kids with some experience. &: Shin guards are required for all classes except Mommy/Daddy & Me, after the -o first meeting. Please bring a water bottle to each session. -�
Fee: $89
1J 6781 6:30pm to 7:15pm June 14 - July 12 W
0 Solano Surf Soccer -Soccer 2
.2t Location: Soccer Field at Cordelia Community Park
0 Ages:7-10 years
Agreatintroduction to competitive soccer, playerswill learn advanced skill building such as dribbling, passing, andshootingin a teamformat, as well as an introduction to goal-tending. Kidswillscrimmageand learn to play together as a team. Fromdefenseand mid-field toforwardandgoalie, kids get exposure toplayingevery position and have ablastdoing it. Appropriate for players of varying skill levels. Classes are 45minutes long and meet once a week. Shin guards are required for all classes except Mommy/Daddy & Me. Please bring a water bottle to each session.
Fee: $89
6782 7:30pm to 8:15pm June 14 - July 12 W
Solano Surf Soccer - Tot/Pre Soccer
Location: CCP Soccer Field at Cordelia Community Park
Chase the ball! Tot-Soccer helps kids learn to be part of astructuredgroup activity without a parent by their side. Our field-tested, age specific curriculum builds confidence and promotes physical development in a safe, supportive, and fun environment. Tot Soccer focuses on helping kids develop their large motor skills through skill demonstrations and entertaining games like Bugs in the House! These games build skill and self-esteem and prepare tots to start running and kicking - just like the big kids! Tot-Soccer classes are 35minutes long and meet once a week. Shin guards are required for all classes except Mommy/Daddy & Me. Please bring a water bottle to each session.
Fee: $89
6779 5pm to 5:35pm June 14 - July 12 W
WEEKENDS: May27-Sept. 3
THURSDAYS: June 22-Aug.10
FRIDAYS: June16-Aug. 11
OU Available (T� 12-4 PM AQUATICS COMPLEX at Allan Witt Park 1741WTexasStreet,Fairfield,CA94533
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You and yourfamily are invitedtocommemorateJuneteenth, an important day inAmerican history and a source ofnational pride. Enjoy live music performances, taste some delicious plates from area food vendors, browse the unique offerings from local artisans and participate in engaging family-friendly activities!
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Astronomy Nightat Rush Ranch
Join volunteerJon Pannier for an educational and awe-inspiring night at Rush Ranch! Learn about the constellations and star systems we can see in the night sky, and peer through telescopes to get a better look at some ofour planetary neighbors. Bug spray and warm clothing is recommended.
AdmissionisFREEIRegistrationRecommended RushRanch 3521GrizzlyIslandRd,SuisunCity
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