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BENEFITS OF VAPING WEED OVER SMOKING IT If you are reading this, it’s quite probable that you have already read about health benefits of vaping nicotine versus smoking it; and if you aren’t still aware about it, then you can Google all you want to learn about vaping quite easily because the trend is already gaining popularity and well documented. But when it comes to discussing about using weed in this format, the information out there is sadly, pretty scarce because in many parts of the world, cannabis is still not legal. Now this article is not about the benefits and adverse effects of weed over smoking. It is about using ecigs and vaporizers for your weeding pleasures. The benefits of weed are many and they only increase when you decide to use a vaporizer for weed, instead of smoking it. The case are so compelling that even if you like to get high occasionally, you will get yourself a vaporizer in near future. Whether you smoke recreationally, or your use of cannabis is strictly for medicinal purposes, or maybe you are a self proclaimed pothead – you should be aware of benefits of vaporizing weed. After much painstaking research into the cause, this is what I found out about the practice. Okay, so let us assume here that you are already aware about how smoking weed is less harmful than smoking cigarettes. But even so, smoking weed can be bad for you because it still exposes you to harmful toxins and tar that come as part of the cigarette package. The combustion of weeds results in tar and several known carcinogens, which can pose some serious health problems to you. Vaping weed, on the other hand, turns this into a non-existent issue. Because when you vape, you are inhaling 95% of cannabinoids – the weed chemical; comparatively you inhale 88% of combustion smoke when you smoke and your exposure to tar is virtually impossible. When you are vaping, you won’t feel the need of taking long puffs as compared to if you were smoking; since vaping lets you absorb 95% of active ingredients in your cannabis. Remember what they taught you in the high school - Inhaling anything can be hard on your lungs. A study has suggested that vaping can actually undo the respiratory damage caused by smoking. In this study 20 frequent smokers with various respiratory complaints were asked to vape weed for a month, which resulted in “meaningful improvements” in their health. A study also suggests that vaporizer weed results in faster relief in variety of pains including general headaches, menstrual cramps, and general workout related soreness. It makes sense because weed’s active ingredients, i.e. cannabinoids are what makes it such a great pain reliever; and vape pens for weed allow you to absorb cannabinoids much faster. Although weed vape pens can be little expensive, but given their benefits – this investment is worth your while. If you have any further query on vaporizers, feel free to hit ABOUT THE AUTHOR Vitaly Becker is an expert when it comes to the practice of vaping and the many plus points associated with the habit. He loves writing interesting articles and blogs on the topic, helping people explore this amazing new format of smoking and recommends as the name to trust if you are looking for vape pens for weed.