Blog 3:
HOW TO SAVE MONEY WITH VAPORIZERS? Using vaporisers for weed instead of smoking it is better for your health, that’s an undeniable truth. But do you know that it can also be beneficial for your pocket? How? Though buying a marijuana vape pen can be a little heavy investment initially, it can save you a lot of money in long run. The reason behind this statement is very simple - you will need to burn lesser weed to get a higher high. Didn’t get it? Let me explain. As you know, vaporizers are most effective when it comes to getting the most out of cannabis. Some reports even suggest that marijuana vaporizers are up to forty percent more effective than conventional smoking. What this means is that you will be needing less cannabis to reach the same level of high as you would reach through smoking a joint. Now, in accordance to the above report, a pot vaporizer is 40% more efficient than a joint, which means you will be using only one-fourth of your weed in one go in a vape pen than you would in a joint. This will create a substantial saving over a longer period of time. Remember, the above calculation depends upon how much you vape. Figures may fluctuate considerably depending upon your stoning capacity. But if done correctly, the savings can effectively make the vaporizer pay for itself. Somewhere as little as half a year, you will start noticing fewer loads on your pocket. For starters, you can begin with a cheaper dry herb vape pen. For your convenience, there are lots of varieties available.