Penthouse • Ref: HOT-PH3784-SSC
Apartment • Ref: HOT-A4073-SSC
Apartment • Ref: HOT-A3654-LC
Villa • Ref: HOT-V4359-NA
Calahonda • €220,000
Calahonda • €125,000
Riviera del Sol • €142,000
Benalmádena Pueblo • €699,000
Finca • Ref: HOT-F3785-SSC
Finca • Ref: HOT-F4529-AH
Penthouse • Ref: HOT-PH2213-SSC
Penthouse • Ref: HOT-PH2242-SSC
Alhaurín el Grande • €158,000
Cártama • €210,000
Carvajal • €595,000
Calahonda • €295,000
Penthouse • Ref: HOT-PH4667-SSC
Apartment • Ref: HOT-A4346-SSC
Townhouse • Ref: HOT-TH3196-CH
Apartment • Ref: HOT-A2395-SSC
Las Chapas • €179,000
Nueva Andalucía • €259,000
Calahonda • €299,999
Cabopino • €188,000
Penthouse • Ref: HOT-PH3901-SSC
Apartment • Ref: HOT-A3333-SSC
Cabopino • €399,000
Riviera del Sol • €99,950
Apartment • Ref: HOT-A2425-SSC
Penthouse • Ref: HOT-PH4697-SSC
Villa • Ref: HOT-V3140-SSC
Villa • Ref: HOT-V2777-SSC
Riviera del Sol • €90,000
Alhaurín Golf • €215,000
El Chaparral • €290,000
Carib Playa • €895,000
WWW.ELCAPRICHOMARBELLA.COM Tel. 618 779 284 / 952 902 848
THE TIME & THE PLACE UN AÑO PROTEICO Following on the heels of 2015’s encouraging recovery, what began as a year with all the promising hallmarks of consolidation firmly in place has overwhelmingly exceeded all expectations. And not only for Spain’s real estate industry, but also for the tourism sector, both of which, in turn, are major catalysts for the health of the country’s general economy as a whole. As ever, the province of Málaga – which as we all know includes our unparalleled Costa del Sol – has played its part, and in no small measure. But don’t just take our word for it. Let’s take a look at some recent figures… On the tourism front – which, after all, must take the credit for bringing about foreign homebuyers’ much reported ongoing and unconditional love affair with the Coast in the first place – the 15 millionth passenger to pass through the terminal in 2016 landed at Málaga airport shortly before we went to press. Breaking all previous records for the terminal, the milestone passenger turned out to be a 26-year-old British lady travelling on an inbound Ryanair flight from London. As for the property market, well, according to a recent report from Spain’s Notaries Association, overseas buyers bought 70% of all homes in Málaga province in the first half of this year. In other words: 4,978 properties, representing a massive 16.9% increase on the same period in 2015. Riding high!
Siguiendo la estela de la recuperación de 2015, lo que empezó siendo un año que presentaba síntomas de una consolidación firme ha terminado por sobrepasar de largo todas las expectativas. Y no sólo en términos del mercado inmobiliario, sino también en el sector turístico, catalizadores ambos de la revitalización de la economía general del país. Como siempre, la provincia de Málaga, con la incomparable Costa del Sol como joya de la corona, ha intervenido con un papel protagonista en esta mejora. Y no es porque lo digamos nosotros, no hay más que revisar los datos más recientes. Está en primer lugar el turismo, que en definitiva es el fenómeno que atrae a los futuros compradores extranjeros, cuya relación de amor con la costa española es de sobras conocida. Pues bien, 15 millones de viajeros han pasado por el aeropuerto de Málaga en lo que va de año y hasta el cierre de esta edición. La terminal malagueña ha roto todas las marcas anteriores y la pasajera 15 millones ha resultado ser una joven británica de 26 años que volaba desde Londres con Ryanair. Por lo que respecta al mercado inmobiliario, según un reciente informe del Colegio de Notarios, los compradores extranjeros han adquirido el 70% de las viviendas en la provincia de Málaga durante el primer semestre del año. Por decirlo de otra forma: se han comprado 4.978 propiedades, lo que supone un aumento del 16,9% sobre el mismo periodo en 2015. ¡Esto va cogiendo cuerpo!
Depósito Legal: MA 1486-2009
HOT Properties Ctra. de Cádiz – N340, Km. 189, Urb. Pinomar s/n Marbella, 29604 Málaga, Spain Tel: (+34) 951 27 27 84 Fax: (+34) 951 27 28 36 e-mail: While every effort is made to check the accuracy of information contained in this publication, yourVIVA cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions, nor for the authenticity of any claims or statements made by third parties. We therefore strongly recommend that readers make their own thorough checks before entering into any kind of transaction. The views and opinions of editorial contributors do not necessarily reflect those of yourVIVA. Prices offered by vendors were correct at the time of going to press but may now vary from those listed due to circumstances beyond yourVIVA’s control. © Copyright: No editorial content, maps, photography or graphics in this magazine may be reproduced in any way, shape or form without prior written consent from Aunque hacemos todo el esfuerzo posible para contrastar las informaciones contenidas en esta publicación, yourVIVA no se hace responsable de posibles errores u omisiones, así como de la autenticidad de afirmaciones o declaraciones emitidas por terceras partes. Por tanto, recomendamos encarecidamente que los lectores efectúen una rigurosa revisión antes de emprender acción alguna. Los puntos de vista y opiniones de los colaboradores no reflejan necesariamente los de yourVIVA. Los precios ofertados por los vendedores son correctos a fecha de impresión pero podrían variar en cualquier momento por razones ajenas a yourVIVA. © Copyright: Ningún contenido editorial, mapas, fotografías o gráficos de esta revista pueden reproducirse de ninguna manera, formato o canal sin previo consentimiento por escrito de
HOT&Cool Sitting pretty
Designed by Verner Panton, the Panton Chair brings a breath of fresh air to familiar settings. This sturdy chair makes an eye-catching piece, adding super style to waiting areas, restaurants and other spaces. Happy and chic either at home or outdoors, it comes in a great choice of vibrant colours.
Asentando principios Diseñada por Verner Panton en los años 60, la silla Panton es un clásico de futuro, gracias a un diseño fresco y lleno de carácter. Su figura sinuosa e hipnotizante la convierten en la reina de comedores, restaurantes y rincones de espera. Acomódate y elige cuál es tu color favorito.
The ‘Cicret’ is out! More a case of wearing your tablet on your arm than your heart on your sleeve, simply slip on your Cicret bracelet and you’ll be able to check your email, make phone calls or even watch a movie cleverly projected onto your forearm, as well as controlling the picture by using your skin as a touchscreen. According to the makers of the device, Cicret can do anything a smartphone or tablet can do, and while it will also sync with an iPhone, it’s actually designed as a stand-alone. Whatever will they think of next… Cicret >
Habla hasta por los codos Si has soñado con llevar siempre el móvil o la tablet encima, ha llegado tu momento. Porque lo tendrás literalmente sobre tu piel. Lleva puesta la pulsera Cicret y podrás leer tus correos, hacer llamadas o incluso ver una película en forma de proyección sobre tu antebrazo, que se convertirá en una pantalla táctil. Los fabricantes aseguran que Cicret puede hacer lo que un smartphone o tablet. Y aunque se sincroniza con iPhone, está preparado para funcionar de forma independiente. ¿Qué será lo próximo? Cicret >
02 Bear essentials
Household devices getting out of control? Tame them with Bearbot, an emotive universal remote. By performing specific hand gestures to teach him how to control numerous household devices – TV, air-con, lights and more – your expressive, endearing and playful companion interacts with you… And his spontaneous behaviour, think sneezing or yawning, is sure to take you by surprise.
Un mando adorable ¿Se te han ido los dispositivos de casa de las manos? Domestícalos con Bearbot, un mando universal enternecedor. Con determinados gestos le enseñarás a controlar un buen número de cacharros en casa: la tele, el aire acondicionado, las luces... Y lo mejor es que este acompañante te hará caritas, bosteza y estornuda. ¡Sólo le falta hacerse dueño del mando!
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Water world The WellOne Premium hot tub takes relaxation to the next level. Three key elements combine to create a therapeutic, stress-relieving environment: heat, buoyancy and massage. WellOne Premium Oxygen Therapy™ spa is unlike any other spa you’ve ever experienced. Both moisturising and hydrating at the same time, it claims to make your skin feel silky soft, while also reducing fine lines and wrinkles as well as smoothing the appearance of cellulite. Oxygen Therapy™ bubbles literally envelop your body in a soothing, effervescent cloud of oxygen. It includes the amazing Bluetooth Aquasoul Music system, too. Favells >
The Ipod of litter boxes This award-winning Modkat Litter Box looks cool in any space and virtually eliminates any litter from being strewn around the house. Every aspect of this beautiful patented design has been thoughtfully considered, with its locking lid acting as a walk-off mat to keep litter off your floors, while the seamless fullheight base prevents leaks. It also features a reusable liner and scoop, and thanks to its thoughtfully dog-proof design, sneaky pooches can’t reach inside to retrieve the contents either.
Caricias de agua El WellOne Premium es el jacuzzi que te hará sentir en tu elemento. La combinación de calor, flotabilidad y masaje hace desaparecer el estrés. El spa WellOne Premium Oxygen Therapy™ no se parece a ningún balneario que hayas probado en tu vida. Mantiene la humedad y la hidratación al mismo tiempo y promete dejar tu piel con tacto de seda, además de reducir las líneas de expresión, arrugas y reducir la aparición de celulitis. El Oxygen Therapy™ envuelve literalmente tu cuerpo en una nube de oxígeno suave y efervescente. Y el toque maestro: el sistema de música por bluetooth Aquasoul. Favells >
Modernicat La caja de arena para gatos Modkat Litter Box tiene una pinta chulísima en cualquier espacio y hará que los restos de arena de tu mascota se desparramen por toda la casa. Para crear este diseño patentado se han tenido en cuenta todos las costumbres de los mininos: la tapa hace que la arena no acabe en el suelo y la altura de la base evita que haya fugas. Tiene además una bolsa reutilizable y una pala y gracias a su diseño a prueba de perros, tus otros amigos no pueden meter el hocico dentro.
Solid meals
Ever wanted a solid dining table? Then look no further. This beautiful Kaba table comes with solid teak wood legs complementing to perfection its ivory-coloured cement top. All the products are available from Loft & Roomers’ two stylish and inspiring showrooms in Mijas Costa and on Marbella’s Golden Mile, and with more than 95% of the items on show in stock, delivery is virtually instantaneous!
Comidas sólidas Si no te gustan los muebles de montaje, seguro que te encanta esta mesa de cemento. El modelo Kaba, disponible en Loft & Roomers, está firmemente apoyado en patas de madera de teca y la cubierta tiene acabados en cemento tono marfil. ¿Quieres ver el prodigio? Puedes hacerlo en Mijas Costa y en la Milla de Oro. Y, si te gusta, llévatela. Más del 95% de los artículos están disponibles para la entrega inmediata.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
3D to reality
Sueños hechos realidad
Specialising in construction and reform, Andalucian Modern – a construction company within the Continental Design Group – provide their clients with 3D images of their concepts and designs, interpreting their ideas and turning them into reality. With over 40 in-house professionals, the CD Group have been providing property owners on and around the Costa del Sol with a full spectrum of exclusive design and build services since 1998. Their head office and design studios are based in San Pedro de Alcántara, Marbella, while they also have offices in Gibraltar, as well as a furniture showroom and upholstery workshop on the San Pedro ‘polígono’. Continental Design >
Especialistas en la construcción y las reformas, Andalucian Modern presenta en 3D sus conceptos y diseños a los clientes, haciendo realidad sus ideas. Integrada en Continental Design Group, con una plantilla de 40 profesionales, se ha dedicado a proporcionar servicios exclusivos de diseño y construcción a los más exigentes propietarios de la Costa del Sol. La oficina central y el estudio de diseño se localizan en San Pedro Alcántara, pero tienen también sede en Gibraltar. Y si queréis pasar a ver sus muebles y el taller de tapizados seréis bienvenidos en el polígono de San Pedro. Continental Design >
07 Minimalist HI-FI For switched-on music lovers, Norwegian design studio Osloform’s new Serpentine stereo is as easy on the eye as it is on the ear. Fusing minimalism, usability, sound quality and tactile contrasts to perfection, this exquisite brass-fitted, handmade, limited edition stereo combines the visual aesthetic of both hi-fi and furniture, and uses Valchromat (a resin-bonded, dyed wood-fibre panel) to create this stunning product. Osloform >
In vino veritas
The Finca de la Rica winery offers novel entertainment to those partaking of their wines, because the labels offer a different brainteaser on each of their 3 vinos. For example, choose a bottle of ‘El Buscador’ – made from Tempranillo grapes from the westernmost region of La Rioja – and find the adjectives that best describe it. Opt for ‘El Guía’ – ideal with tapas and appetisers and perfect for those who “don’t like wine” – and work out the puzzle; while ‘El Nómada’ – said to be great with red meats and cheeses – challenges you to find your way.
Acierta con el vino El Guía es un vino sencillo y versátil, apto para todos los paladares, incluso aquellos a los que “no les gusta el tinto”. El Buscador, crianza de 2013, tiene una base de tempranillo y el carácter de la garnacha centenaria. El Nómada, también de 2013, es un caldo personalísimo, rescatado de las uvas que se salvaron de una cosecha irregular y que marida bien con carnes rojas y quesos. Todos ellos comparten una casa madre, la bodega Finca de la Rica, ubicada en La Rioja alavesa, y una etiqueta en la que se proponen entretenidos puzles y acertijos.
Nórdica fidelidad El estudio de diseño noruego Osloform ha escuchado a los oyentes más finos y ha creado el nuevo equipo estéreo Serpentine. Los más exquisitos melómanos darán gusto al oído y a la vista con este sistema en el que se combinan el minimalismo, la usabilidad y la fiabilidad del sonido. Se ha fabricado con Valchromat, un panel de alta densidad teñido que garantiza la elevada calidad del aparato. Osloform >
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From tree… to Apple
Ever wanted a unique cover for your MacBook? Well, look no further, because these MacBook skins from Alvin Industries are as individual and beautiful as you are. Available in a choice of real woods – including teak, walnut, mahogany, cherry and rosewood – they are hand finished with high quality natural Danish Oil and made to order within 3 to 5 working days. Because of the nature of wood and grain variations, each MacBook skin is totally unique, and as wood is a natural material, may have small surface imperfections such as knots, hairline cracks, or tiny wormholes to add to its appeal. Keyboard skins are also available.
Madera de líder Si sientes inclinación por las cosas naturales, seguro que te van a encantar estas fundas para el Macbook. Están hechas de madera genuina y puedes elegir entre teca, nogal, caoba, cerezo y palisandro. Terminadas a mano, están barnizadas con aceite danés de alta calidad. El envío tarda entre 3 y 5 días y la pieza que te llegue será completamente única ya que tendrá su propia historia escrita en nudos, vetas y agujeros. Alvin es la marca detrás de esta cálida y exclusiva piel para tu compañero metálico y también diseñan fundas para el teclado. Del árbol a la manzana.
Light & lovely
Created by the Barcelona-based CrousCalogero Design Studio, the gorgeous BALLOON lamp collection was inspired by the shared childhood memories of allowing the string to slip through the fingers releasing the balloon to fly away into the blue yonder. Available both as ceiling and wall lamps, BALLOON’s stylised design has an ethereal appearance. Made of satinated polyethylene, the translucent material hides a low consumption fluorescent bulb, while a fine red cable – with a novel triple function as a three-position switch in the wall version – dangles evocatively from the shade. Estiluz >
La luz de la infancia
Capture your life on the Cube The Cube, from Polaroid, is the newest and brightest way to shoot videos and snap pics wherever you may happen to be. Less than 2 inches big and with a built-in magnet to mount it to any metal surface, you can record high quality videos in up to 1440p HD. Or how about the Polaroid Cube+? A fun action cam that syncs with your Apple or android device. At half the price of a Go Pro Hero, it’s a must. polaroid-cube-camera
La lámpara BALLOON te transporta directamente al cielo. O al menos a aquellos tiempos de la niñez en los que dejabas escapar la cuerda del globo y se iba lejos, muy lejos, a todo lo alto. Si te gusta atrapar esos momentos, puedes capturar los globos en la pared o en el techo de tu casa... esta vez como prácticas lámparas. Hechas en polietileno satinado, el material translúcido envuelve una bombilla fluorescente de bajo consumo e incorporan un cable rojo con tres posiciones: luz general, luz nocturna y apagado. Estiluz >
Diversión al cubo El Cube de Polaroid ha llegado para no parar quieto. Graba videos en Full HD y hace fotos estés donde estés y estés como estés. Lleva un imán incorporado para fijarse sobre cualquier superficie metálica. ¿El más difícil todavía? El Cube+. Tiene wifi, se sincroniza con tu dispositivo iOs o Android y en menos de 2 pulgadas recoge fotos de 10 mp y vídeos de alta calidad a 1440p. Y lo mejor es su precio, tan contenido como su tamaño. polaroid-cube-camera
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From 169.000 €
A wise decision
Bedrooms: 3 Built sqm: 158
Exceptional residential complex of 40 bright and spacious townhouses • An ideal location close to the beach and surrounded by various golf courses • Living space spread out over three floors • First Line Golf • Mediterranean-style town houses with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and guess toilet • Private parking for two vehicles • Air-conditioning • Swimming pool and garden areas with an emphasis on privacy
Marble floors in every room
Excellent attention to detail
951 100 077
Swimming pool and garden areas
6% guaranteed
From 240.000 €
A magnificent new off-plan project Privileged location in Marbella • Spacious gardens • Direct access to the main motorways • Modern project of contemporary design • Ample living spaces which are full of light • Kitchens fully fitted with the most up-to-date appliances • Hot and cold air conditioning • Swimming pool • International certification for sustainable construction BREEAM • Energy saving up to 70% & water saving up to 40% •
Privileged location & Amazing Sea Views
49 units of 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms
951 100 077
Maximum level of enjoyment and relaxation for its residents
All along the Coast and inland, too – you’ll be met by the friendly chatter of the VIVA team, as we greet our clients in 11 different languages… Tanto a lo largo de la Costa como en el interior, estaremos encantados de charlar contigo en hasta 11 idiomas diferentes…
Elena Amez VIVA
Customer Services
Olivier Heekeren VIVA Sales
Greig Hayes VIVA
Client Services
Everything we do… we do it for you! Whether you’re buying, selling or merely dreaming of owning a home on the Costa del Sol, we never forget it’s all about you… your needs and aspirations and aspi helping you to fulll them. We do that by listening to you, speaking the same language as you and by keeping things nice and simple. simpl So, whichever way you’re happiest to get to know us rst, it’s your call…
¡Todo lo que hacemos... lo hacemos por ti! Tanto si compras, como si vendes, o simplemente sueñas con tener una casa en la Costa del Sol, jamás olvidamos que lo importante eres tú... tus necesidades y ne deseos y te ayudaremos a conseguirlos. Lo logramos escuchándote, hablando tu mismo idioma y facilitándote facilitándo siempre las cosas. Así que tú decides de qué modo preeeres conocernos...
Natasha Smith VIVA
Christophe Vilain VIVA
Vendor Services
Alles, was wir machen… machen wir für Sie! Egal, ob Sie kaufen oder verkaufen möchten oder nur von einer Immobilie an der Costa del Sol träumen… Bei uns geht es immer nur um Sie… um Ihre Si Bedürfnisse und Wünsche und darum, wie wir diese am Besten erfüllen können. Wir sprechen Ihre Sprache, hören Ihnen zu und sorgen dafür, dass die Dinge einfach und übersichtlich bleiben.
ВСЁ, ЧТО МЫ ДЕЛАЕМ...... МЫ ДЕЛАЕМ ДЛЯ ВАС! Покупаете ли Вы, продаете или всего лишь мечтаете о владении собственным домом на Коста дель Соль , мы всегда работаем исключительно для ис Вас , Ваших потребностей и устремлений . Мы помогаем Вам осуществить эту мечту , потому что мы прислушиваемся к при Вам , разговариваем с Вами на том же языке , делая все просто и красиво. Итак, чтобы Вы не выбрали , для начала позвоните нам....
Nous mettons tout en œuvre pour vous satisfaire ! Que vous achetiez ou vendiez, ou que vous rêviez tout simplement de devenir propriétaire sur la Costa del Sol, nous avons toujours une priorité unique : vous… Notre mission vou est de vous accompagner pour satisfaire vos besoins et vos désirs. Ceci se traduit par un sens aigu de l’écoute, la pratique de votre langue et une relation professionnelle conviviale. Nous serons toujours ravis de vous accueillir dans nos agences et à travers notre site internet. not
THE VIVA magazine • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Tel. +34 951 27 27 43
Susanne Nielsen
Claudia Calabrò
Evelyn Valk
Karsten Hammershoy VIVA
Alles wat we doen... doen we voor jou! Je koopt of verkoopt een huis aan de Costa del Sol of misschien droom je er alleen nog van? Wij vergeten nooit dat het om jou draait… en helpen je om je wensen te vervullen. Wij luisteren naar je, spreken dezelfde taal en houden het graag leuk en ennvoudig. Dus hoe je ons ook het liefste wilt leren lie kennen, jij bent aan zet…
Bernt Nilsen VIVA
Customer Services
Customer Services
Alt, vi gør... gør vi for dig! Uanset om du vil købe, sælge eller blot drømmer om at eje dit eget hjem på Costa del Sol, glemmer vi aldrig, at det er dig, det handler om… dine behov og beh forhåbninger, og vi hjælper dig med at indfri dem. Det gør vi ved at lytte til dig, tale det samme sprog som dig og ved at holde det hele enkelt. enkel Så uanset, hvordan du helst vil lære os at kende, er det op til dig...
Tutto quello che facciamo... lo facciamo per voi! I vostri obiettivi sono costantemente al centro di ogni attività di cui ci occupiamo. Che si tratti dell'acquisto, della vendita di una casa o del semplice sogno nel cassetto di possedere casset un'abitazione sulla Costa del Sol, il nostro compito sarà quello di fornire una risposta alle vostre esigenze e aiutarvi a realizzare qualsiasi aspirazione. La aspi strategia che adottiamo si basa sull'ascolto, sull'utilizzo di un linguaggio comune e su un approccio che privilegia la semplicità assoluta. A questo punto spetta solo a voi decidere la modalità migliore per iniziare a conoscerci...
Vi gör allt för dig!
Alt som vi gjør, gjør vi for deg! Uansett om du kjøper, selger eller bare drømmer om å eie et hus på Costa del Sol, glemmer vi aldri at alt handler om deg, om dine behov og håp, og vi gjør alt vi kan for å oppfylle dem. Dette gjør vi ved å lytte til deg, snakke samme språk som deg, og ved å holde alt så greit og enkelt som mulig. muli Så det er bare å ta kontakt!
Oavsett om du köper, säljer eller bara drömmer om att äga ett hus på Costa del Sol glömmer vi aldrig att allt handlar om dig … dina behov och önskningar och vårt öns jobb är att hjälpa dig att uppfylla dem. Det gör vi genom att lyssna på dig, tala samma språk som du och genom att inte krångla till det. Så det är upp till dig hur du vill lära känna oss …
Beata Meissnitzer VIVA Sales
...és magyarul is beszélünk!
THE VIVA magazine • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
We’re a team of people from all walks of life, age groups, professions and nationalities, all with a passion for the Costa del Sol. We’re not necessarily looking for experience or knowledge of our market - we already have plenty of that to share - and you may well be new to the Coast. If you think you might fit into our future, then we’d like to talk with you as we occasionally have positions available in various departments:
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Ref: HOT-A5025-AH | Alhaurín el Grande
€75,000 Area 67m2 • 2 Bed 2 Bath Located near the centre of town and within walking distance of restaurants, supermarkets and schools, this westfacing apartment enjoys the afternoon sun. The property has an American-style, fully-fitted and equipped kitchen and the spacious living room has a fireplace. A comfortable year-round residence or holiday home, and with good rental potential. too. Estupendo apartamento de 2 dormitorios cercano al centro de Alhaurín el Grande.Se puede ir andando a todos los comercios, restaurantes y colegios, tiene orientación Oeste y disfruta del sol de tarde. Salón con chimenea, cocina americana abierta completamente equipada y 2 baños. Es un piso muy cómodo para vivir todo el año o una propiedad con mucha salida para el alquiler.
150 27
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A5129-SSC | Alhaurín Golf
€125,000 Area 87m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 7m2 Only a short drive to the many amenities of Alhaurín el Grande, this fantastic apartment has a spacious living room leading to a south-facing covered terrace with views over the surrounding area to the countryside beyond. The well-kept property has ample bedrooms and private parking, and is on a sought-after complex with immaculately maintained communal gardens and two pools. Must be seen.
209 52
Fantástico apartamento de 2 dormitorios situado en la urbanización de Alhaurín Golf. La propiedad tiene un amplio salón con suelos de mármol y una terraza orientada al Sur, espaciosas habitaciones con armarios empotrados y un parking privado. En las zonas comunitarias se disfruta de 2 piscinas y unos agradables jardines. A sólo un par de minutos en coche de Alhaurín el Grande.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A5214-SSC | La Duquesa
€132,000 Area 85m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 10m2 Within easy walking distance of all local amenities, including the beach, yacht harbour, shops and restaurants, this impeccable corner apartment is located on a popular complex with 24-hour concierge, well-kept communal gardens, 4 pools and 2 padel tennis courts. The property has an ample covered terrace, a fully-fitted kitchen with stainless steel appliances, plus a utility room. Impecable piso de esquina a un paso de todos los servicios y a 500 metros de la playa. Cuenta con una amplia terraza con vistas a los jardines y balcón en el dormitorio. Los dos baños son exteriores y la cocina, que tiene también lavadero, está a estrenar. Dormitorios con armarios empotrados. La urbanización tiene jardines, piscinas, pistas de pádel y conserje. ¡Para entrar a vivir!
134 23
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A5449-SSC | Marbella East
€139,000 Area 62m2 • 2 Bed • 1 Bath Terrace 9m2 Well-presented and for sale fully furnished, this charming apartment is located on a gated complex with beautiful communal gardens and pool. Close to the beach and only a short drive to the town centre, the property has a covered terrace with garden views, while the spacious living room has a fireplace. An ideal permanent or holiday home, and with good rental potential. Highly recommended.
Precioso apartamento a la venta completamente amueblado. Está en una urbanización cerrada con jardines y piscina, muy cerca de la playa y a unos minutos en coche del centro de Marbella. La propiedad tiene una terraza cubierta con vistas a los jardines y salón con chimenea. Es estupendo tanto como vivienda habitual como para las vacaciones y tiene gran salida para el alquiler.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A5252-SSC | Calahonda
€140,000 Area 81m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 17m2 Located in the hills of Calahonda, this bright and spacious ground floor garden apartment has an open-plan lounge/ dining area with a fireplace and an ample covered terrace with lovely views over the communal gardens and pool to the mountains beyond. Positioned by the main pool area – and with restaurants, bars and a golf course nearby – this attractive property is ideal for short-term rentals. Luminoso y amplio apartamento en planta baja situado en las colinas de Calahonda. Tiene 2 dormitorios dobles y 2 baños y un espacioso salón abierto con chimenea. Ubicación ideal junto a la zona de la piscina principal de la urbanización, lo que hace que sea una perfecta propiedad para alquileres a corto plazo. En la zona hay comercios y un campo de golf.
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THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A5299-SSC | Fuengirola
€149,000 Area 54m2 • 2 Bed • 1 Bath Terrace 34m2 Within walking distance of the beach and local amenities, this charming ground floor apartment is on a popular gated complex with well-kept communal gardens and pool, and is situated in the sought-after Torreblanca district of town. The wellpresented property has a large sunny terrace with panoramic views over the town to the mountains and sea, as well as a spacious and secluded patio area.
247 46
Fabuloso apartamento de 2 dormitorios situado en Torreblanca, a un paseo a pie de la playa y los servicios de la zona. Tiene mucho encanto y está en una urbanización con unos cuidados jardines y piscina. Dispone de una gran terraza con vistas panorámicas del pueblo hasta las montañas y el mar además de un recogido patio.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A4911-SSC | La Cala de Mijas
€160,000 Area 68m2 • 1 Bed • 1 Bath Terrace 17m2 Boasting a fabulous location only a short walk to the fishing village of La Cala, this bright and airy apartment features a spacious living room, fitted kitchen with separate utility room and a southeast-facing terrace with partial sea views. Priced to sell, the well-presented property is on a gated development with 24-hour security, communal gardens, pool and parking. Must be seen! Propiedad con una situación ideal, a pocos pasos de La Cala y de todos los servicios que ofrece. Este apartamento amplio y luminoso tiene salón comedor, cocina equipada con lavadero y una terraza con orientación Sureste y vistas parciales del mar. Urbanización con seguridad 24 horas, jardines comunitarios, piscina y aparcamiento. Precio competitivo para una venta rápida.
213 36
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A5423-SSC | Fuengirola
€165,000 Area 44m2 • 1 Bed 1 Bath Boasting a coveted frontline beach location on the seafront, this fantastic apartment has been refurbished to exacting standards, is for sale furnished and has full wheelchair access. The southeast-facing property is within easy walking distance of the town’s many amenities and has views over the surrounding area to the sea and along the coast. Optional garage parking also available for purchase. Fabuloso apartamento de un dormitorio totalmente reformado con las más altas calidades y situado en primera línea de playa en Fuengirola con orientación Sureste. Ideal para vacaciones o el alquiler. Está listo para entrar a vivir y preparado con total accesibilidad para silla de ruedas. Tiene ventilación en todas las habitaciones y aire acondicionado. Parking opcional disponible para la venta.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A5457-SSC | Mijas Costa
€169,000 Area 88m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 22m2 Featuring a large covered terrace with stunning views over the fairways and lake to the sea, this quality apartment offers open-plan living accommodation and ample bedrooms. Situated on a gated complex overlooking Calanova Golf and with extensive subtropical communal gardens and several pools, the southeastfacing property is only a short walk to the Clubhouse and includes garage parking.
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Fabuloso apartamento con orientación Sureste situado en una urbanización cerrada con vistas a Golf Calanova. La propiedad ofrece calidades fabulosas, amplias habitaciones y una gran terraza con espectaculares vistas al golf, el mar y el lago. El complejo tiene jardines subtropicales, varias piscinas y la casa club Calanova Golf está muy cercana. La propiedad incluye plaza de garaje.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A5298-SSC | Miraflores
€175,000 Area 84m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 22m2 This beautifully presented garden apartment is on a gated frontline golf complex with well cared for communal gardens and pool. In immaculate condition throughout, the south-facing, open-plan property benefits from having floor to ceiling windows, plus a sunny covered terrace with pretty views. It also includes garage parking as well as a storeroom and is only a short walk to the Clubhouse. Precioso apartamento de 2 dormitorios dobles y 2 baños ubicado en una reclamada urbanización de Miraflores Golf, Mijas. Está en perfectas condiciones, tiene orientación Sur y ventanas enormes que dejan pasar la luz. Salón de planta abierta con salida a una terraza cubierta desde la que se disfruta de deliciosas vistas a los jardines. La propiedad incluye parking y trastero.
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THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A5427-SSC | Mijas Costa
€199,950 Area 76m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 18m2 Enjoying a coveted location on the soughtafter Club La Costa World resort – and benefiting from its many onsite facilities, including pools, health centre, restaurants and more – this wonderful ground floor garden apartment is also only a short walk to the beach. The quality property is on a gated complex, has stunning sea views from its lovely terrace and garden, and is for sale furnished. Fantástico apartamento en planta baja situado en el Club La Costa World, a un corto paseo de la playa y con acceso a todos los servicios y facilidades del club, incluyendo sus varias piscinas, centro de salud, restaurantes y mucho más. Ubicado en un terreno elevado, el apartamento brinda unas increíbles vistas al mar desde su preciosa terraza orientada al Sur y se vende amueblado.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A5395-SSC | Cabopino
€205,000 Area 120m2 • 2 Bed 2 Bath • Terrace 12m2 Located right opposite the well-known Cabopino yacht harbour and within walking distance of the beach, restaurants, bars and the golf course – and only a few minutes’ drive to the centre of Marbella – this beautiful apartment is on a gated complex with lovely communal gardens and pool. The quality property has a fantastic terrace with garden and sea views, as well as garage parking.
Bonito apartamento situado cerca del famoso puerto deportivo de Cabopino, de sus encantadores restaurantes y de las mejores playas de Marbella. El salón da a una soleada terraza con orientación Sur y vistas al mar. Suelos y baños de mármol, cocina equipada y plaza de parking. Una vivienda para disfrutar todo el año. Recomendada.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A5237-MOT | Mijas Costa
€210,000 Area 112m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 41m2 Spacious and bright, and with a sizeable living room, this superb apartment is quietly situated at sought-after Miraflores, and is on a well-kept complex with beautiful communal gardens and pool. Close to the golf course, the well-presented property boasts a large terrace perfect for barbecues and leisurely summer evenings, and other features include garage parking and lovely mountain views. Apartamento espacioso y con mucha luz, con un salón comedor de buen tamaño y una ubicación tranquila en la codiciada Miraflores. La urbanización está primorosamente mantenida, con jardines y piscina. Muy cerca de un campo de golf, la vivienda disfruta de una gran terraza, plaza de parking y vistas a los montes.
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THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A5221-SSC | Benalmádena Costa
€210,000 Area 89m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 16m2 Located within the award-winning Puerto Marina yacht harbour, this fabulous apartment has a large sunny terrace with stunning views over the port to the sea. In immaculate condition, the spacious, southeast-facing property has been fully refurbished and is within walking distance of the beach and local amenities. A fantastic permanent residence or holiday home and with good rental potential. Fabuloso apartamento situado en el corazón de Puerto Marina, en la parte más tranquila y demandada de este encantador enclave de Benalmádena Costa. La vivienda está completamente reformada y disfruta de una estupenda terraza con vistas al mar. A pie de playa y de todos los servicios, es un éxito asegurado para las vacaciones y una vivienda permanente encantadora.
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THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A4989-LC | Benalmádena Costa
€215,000 Area 85m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 30m2 Located next to well-known Torrequebrada Golf and only a couple of minutes’ drive to the beach and marina, this lovely apartment is on a popular, gated complex with wellkept communal gardens and pool. Tastefully decorated and for sale fully-furnished, the property has an ample terrace with views over the gardens and pool to the fairways, and also includes garage parking and storeroom.
149 25
Precioso apartamento situado en una urbanización cerrada y perfectamente cuidada justo al lado del conocido club de golf de Torrequebrada. Es una vivienda de calidad, que se vende totalmente amueblada y con un alto potencial de alquiler. Amplia terraza con vistas de los jardines y la piscina de la comunidad. A unos minutos del Casino y del famoso Puerto Marina de Benalmádena.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A5453-SSC | Riviera del Sol
€218,000 Area 98m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 6m2 Well-maintained and offering bright and spacious living accommodation, this lovely apartment has an ample living room opening on to a charming covered terrace. The southeast-facing property is quietly located on a popular and well-kept development with attractive communal gardens and swimming pool situated in this highly sought-after area of Mijas Costa, and is ideally placed for golfers.
216 43
Magnífico apartamento completamente exterior con amplios dormitorios, un holgado salón-comedor con salida a una terraza cubierta y 2 baños. La propiedad tiene orientación Sureste y está ubicada en un entorno tranquilo dentro de una conocida urbanización con jardines y piscina. Perfecta para los amantes del golf o quienes busquen su sitio en Mijas Costa.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A5165-SSC | Marbella East
€219,000 Area 98m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 8m2 Enjoying a sought-after location on the eastern outskirts of Marbella and close to local amenities, this fabulous apartment has been refurbished to high standards with a newly-fitted kitchen and luxury bathroom. On a gated complex with lovely communal gardens and pool, the property also has private parking plus a covered terrace with pretty views over the surrounding area to the sea beyond. Espectacular apartamento de 2 dormitorios y 2 baños totalmente renovado en la parte baja de La Reserva de Marbella. La urbanización en la que se encuentra tiene piscina y jardines. La vivienda se ha reformado con mucho gusto y tiene una práctica cocina de diseño, un espectacular baño y terraza con orientación Sur y vistas bonitas hacia el mar. Tiene aparcamiento privado.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A5336-AH | Alhaurín Golf
€225,000 Area 115m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 13m2 Boasting breathtaking golf and mountain views from its fabulous covered terrace, this spacious and very desirable apartment is located on a sought-after, gated complex with spectacular communal gardens and pools. The well-presented, southeast-facing property also includes garage parking and a storeroom and is only a short drive to the many amenities of both Alhaurín el Grande and Coín.
109 27
Fantástico apartamento de 3 dormitorios situado en la prestigiosa urbanización de Alhaurín Golf. Con orientación Sur, la propiedad tiene unas espléndidas vistas panorámicas del golf y la montaña desde la terraza. Estupendo salón y cocina equipada. Gran plaza de aparcamiento y trastero.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A5401-SSC | Mijas Golf
€225,000 Area 116m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 23m2 Situated on a sought-after gated complex with attractive communal gardens and pool, this desirable, southeast-facing apartment is in immaculate condition and has a wonderful terrace with lovely views over the greens and fairways to the sea. The property – which has garage parking and a utility room – is only a few minutes’ drive to Fuengirola and the beach and has good rental potential. Estupendo apartamento situado en una demandada urbanización, ideal para los amantes de la naturaleza y el golf, rodeado de silencio y buenas vistas. Con orientación Sureste, se compone de 3 dormitorios y salón-comedor, una gran terraza y plaza de parking más trastero. Está a unos minutos en coche de Fuengirola y la costa y resulta un lugar inmejorable para descansar.
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THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A5346-SSC | Mijas Costa
€229,950 Area 88m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 16m2 Situated in the sought-after area of Miraflores Golf, this lovely ground floor, corner apartment is flooded with natural light, and is within walking distance of the beach and local amenities. Located on a gated complex with beautiful communal gardens, pool and onsite bar/restaurant, the spacious living room opens on to a large glazed terrace leading to its own secluded garden. Fabuloso apartamento de esquina y en planta baja en la prestigiosa zona de Miraflores Golf. La propiedad tiene 3 dormitorios y un luminoso salón-comedor abierto a una gran terraza cubierta y acristalada con su propio jardín privado. La comunidad está muy bien cuidada y a las 2 piscinas se le añade un barrestaurante. La playa está a unos pasos a pie desde la vivienda.
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THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A4342-SSC | Nueva Andalucía
Was Now
Reduced €269,000 €249,000
Area 75m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 18m2 Only a short distance from world-famous Puerto Banús, sandy beaches and premier golf courses, this delightful apartment is located on a well-maintained gated development. The west-facing property is peacefully situated, has a large sunny terrace with lovely views over the communal gardens and pool, is for sale fully furnished and has good rental potential. Viewing highly recommended.
Apartamento de 2 dormitorios completamente equipado y en una ubicación inmejorable, muy cerca de Puerto Banús. Urbanización cerrada con jardines, piscina y todas las comodidades. La vivienda se vende amueblada y es perfecta para las vacaciones o el alquiler. La cocina tiene una práctica barra al salón. Con orientación Oeste, disfruta de espléndidas vistas de los jardines y la piscina.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A5458-SSC | Marbella East
€249,000 Area 106m2 • 2 Bed 2 Bath • Terrace 26m2 Only a short walk to pristine sandy beaches, and just a few minutes’ drive to Marbella, this fabulous apartment has a spacious open-plan living room leading to a large sunny terrace with garden views. Idyllically situated on a pretty beach side, gated complex –with lovely communal gardens and pool – in sought-after Las Chapas, the quality property faces southeast and includes garage parking. Fabuloso apartamento de 2 dormitorios situado en una bonita urbanización de Las Chapas en primera línea de playa. El complejo está igualmente a poca distancia de otras estupendas playas y dispone de jardines y piscina comunitarios. El salón de la vivienda conduce a una gran terraza muy soleada y con vistas a los jardines. Orientación Sureste y plaza de parking.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A5255-SSC | Calahonda
€255,000 Area 110m2 • 2 Bed 2 Bath • Terrace 42m2 Just a few minutes’ drive from local amenities, including golf courses and the beach, this fabulous apartment is on a well-kept gated complex with communal gardens and pool. Boasting fantastic coastal views from its large covered terrace, the south-facing property is spacious and bright, has garage parking and a storeroom, is for sale furnished and has good rental potential. Recommended!
Fabuloso apartamento en Calahonda alta, dentro de una urbanización cerrada con una gran ubicación, a sólo unos minutos en coche de la playa, del golf y de los comercios. Con orientación Sur, esta bonita y luminosa vivienda se vende completamente amueblada. El precio incluye también parking y trastero. Tiene unas vistas fantásticas de la costa y gran potencial de alquiler.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A4974-LC | Mijas Golf
€256,000 Area 100m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 15m2 Benefiting from a sunny south-facing terrace with views over the communal pool, gardens and surrounding area to the sea beyond, this fabulous apartment is on a sought-after gated complex only a short walk to the golf course and local amenities, and just a few minutes’ drive to Fuengirola and the beach. For sale fully furnished, the property also has parking, storeroom and a utility room. Apartamento de 3 dormitorios e inmejorables calidades situado en una ubicación privilegiada de su urbanización, con orientación Sur. Amplitud, diseño elegante y buenas vistas caracterizan sus interiores. Se vende completamente amueblado, con parking y trastero. Cerca de un campo de golf y de los servicios de la zona. Hay que verlo.
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THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A5056-SSC | Benahavís
€260,000 Area 99m2 • 2 Bed 2 Bath • Terrace 31m2 Beautifully-presented ground floor corner apartment with its own private garden and located in a prestigious area. Situated on a well-maintained complex with 24-hour security, communal pool and subtropical gardens, the property benefits from having two parking spaces, is within walking distance of local amenities and is for sale fully-furnished. Viewing is highly recommended.
Espacioso apartamento de esquina y en planta baja con 2 dormitorios y 2 baños. El salón independiente tiene acceso directo a la terraza y un jardín privado. Cocina totalmente equipada dotada de las mejores calidades y lavadero separado. Inmejorable urbanización con piscina, jardines subtropicales, seguridad 24 horas. La propiedad se vende totalmente amueblada y con 2 plazas de garaje.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A2131-SSC | Elviria
€285,000 Area 113m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 27m2 With a good choice of bars, shops and restaurants virtually on the doorstep – and only a 10-minute walk to the beach – this spacious apartment is on a gated complex with well-kept communal gardens and pool, situated just a short drive to Marbella. Well-presented and for sale furnished, the quality property has a fabulous terrace with pergola and a proven track record of holiday rentals. A sólo 10 minutos andando de la playa y al lado de bares, tiendas y restaurantes, la ubicación de este espacioso apartamento es uno de sus grandes puntos a favor. Se ha alquilado con asiduidad y está en una urbanización con unos jardines muy bien mantenidos, piscinas y cerca de Marbella centro. Tiene 3 dormitorios dobles y una terraza con pérgola rodeada de fragantes pinos.
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THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A5421-LH | Benahavís
€289,000 Area 114m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 29m2 This beautifully presented south-facing garden apartment is idyllically located on a gated complex with immaculately kept communal gardens and pool, situated at prestigious Los Arqueros. Built to high specifications, for sale furnished and with garage parking, the property has an openplan living room leading to a large sunny terrace and small private garden with pretty views to the sea.
40 236
Bonito apartamento con orientación Sur y su propio jardín privado, magníficamente ubicado en una urbanización cerrada con jardines comunitarios y piscina, en la prestigiosa Los Arqueros y muy cerca del campo de golf. Construido con las mejores calidades, se vende para entrar a vivir, amueblado y con plaza de parking. Tiene un salón con acceso a una soleada terraza y vistas al mar.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A5441-SSC | Benahavís
€289,000 Area 110m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 20m2 Boasting a peaceful frontline golf location at prestigious Los Arqueros, this beautifully presented west-facing garden apartment is on a gated complex with immaculate communal gardens and pool. Built to high standards, the property has a fabulous terrace leading to the gardens and wonderful views over the greens and fairways to the coast, plus garage parking and a storeroom. A must-see! Bonito apartamento con orientación Oeste y jardín situado en una urbanización de Los Arqueros que dispone de piscina comunitaria. Construida con las mejores calidades, la vivienda tiene 3 dormitorios, es muy espaciosa y goza de unas relajantes vistas. La terraza da a los jardines comunitarios y al prestigioso campo de golf. Además, se completa con parking y trastero.
160 28
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A5019-SSC | Marbella East
€349,000 Area 119m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 18m2 Fabulous apartment located on a contemporary and beautifully-maintained complex with 24-hour security and situated in the hills of Los Monteros, only a few minutes away from championship golf courses and a short drive to the beach and Marbella. It offers a high level of comfort and luxury, with top quality features and absolutely breathtaking views. Viewing is highly recommended.
102 17
Apartamento de ensueño situado en una urbanización de los altos de Los Monteros moderna y perfectamente cuidada, con seguridad 24 horas de vigilancia. A sólo unos minutos de los campos de golf, la playa y el centro de Marbella. Esta lujosa vivienda ofrece acabados de primera calidad, impoluto diseño y maravillosas vistas a las montañas y el mar. Imprescindible.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A5238-SSC | Benahavís
€374,995 Area 132m2 • 2 Bed 2.5 Bath • Terrace 30m2 Beautifully presented and for sale furnished to high specifications, this impressive luxury apartment is situated on a gated, frontline golf development at prestigious Los Flamingos. Of impeccable contemporary design, the spacious, open-plan property is flooded with natural light and features a fabulous terrace with panoramic views over the fairways to the sea and mountains. Must be seen. Espectacular piso de lujo situado en Los Flamingos. Se vende completamente amueblado y presume de detalles de calidad en toda la vivienda. Se encuentra en una urbanización cerrada en primera línea de golf. Con un impecable diseño contemporáneo, es un inmueble espacioso e inundado de luz natural. Terraza con vistas panorámicas del campo, el mar y las montañas. Hay que verlo.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A5278-SSC | La Duquesa
€389,000 Area 130m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 20m2 Situated on one of the most prestigious, gated, frontline beach complexes in the area, this fantastic apartment has been built to high standards and is for sale furnished. The spacious property has a large covered terrace with stunning views over the well-kept communal gardens and pool to the sea and is within walking distance of the cosmopolitan marina and the seaside town of Sabinillas.
152 26
Este apartamento se encuentra en una de los complejos más lujosos de la zona. Urbanización en primera línea de playa con acceso privado y a sólo un paseo del famoso Puerto La Duquesa y el pueblo de Sabinillas. Gran piscina y jardines tropicales son el entorno de un piso amplio con una gran terraza cubierta dotada de vistas a las zonas comunes. Vivienda imponente de un gusto exquisito.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A4955-SSC | Benalmádena Costa
€399,500 Area 121m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 45m2 Fabulous frontline beach apartment on a sought-after gated complex. The beautiful ground floor property has a spacious openplan living room leading onto a magnificent glazed terrace with breathtaking views over the well-kept communal gardens and pool to the sea. Built to high standards and with many special features, the property is only a few steps to the beach, bars and restaurants. Fabuloso apartamento en uno de los más codiciados complejos residenciales en primera línea de playa. De planta baja, dispone de 3 habitaciones dobles y 2 baños. Su salón-comedor de planta abierta da a una gran terraza acristalada con estupendas vistas despejadas de los jardines y del mar. A unos pocos pasos de las playas de Benalmádena, así como de bares y restaurantes.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
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THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A5416-SSC | Marbella East
€415,000 Area 169m2 • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Terrace 36m2 Built to high standards, this fabulous duplex apartment offers bright and spacious living accommodation and has a magnificent south-facing terrace, as well as a rooftop solarium. Boasting spectacular views over the golf course to the sea and the Atlas Mountains, the quality property is on a sought-after complex with lovely communal gardens and pool and also has garage parking. Espléndido apartamento dúplex con una terraza magnífica y vistas impresionantes de la costa. La vivienda, de 3 dormitorios y 3 baños, tiene una impagable orientación Sur y desde su azotea se puede disfrutar del entorno: un campo de golf y los jardines de la urbanización, que cuenta también con piscina. La propiedad incluye plaza de parking.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A5130-SSC | Marbella East
€439,000 Area 123m2 • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 320m2 Fabulous southwest-facing apartment in prestigious Río Real. This stunning frontline golf property has its own private garden, marble flooring throughout, an open-plan living/dining area and a separate guest apartment. With spectacular golf and sea views and an inviting outdoor jacuzzi and conservatory, this is a unique find. Viewing is highly recommended.
Imponente apartamento de 3 dormitorios y 3 baños con orientación Suroeste, ubicado en primera línea de golf en Río Real. Tiene habitaciones muy amplias y su propio jardín privado. Suelos de mármol, salón de planta abierta y un apartamento de invitados en el jardín, con espectaculares vistas al golf y al mar. También disfruta de terrazas soleadas, jacuzzi y un jardín de invierno.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A4340-SSC | Puerto Banús
Reduced Was €595,000 Now €465,000 Area 163m2 • 2 Bed 2 Bath • Terrace 13m2 Probably one of the finest duplex apartments for sale in iconic Puerto Bánus, this very spacious property has been refurbished to exacting standards and is for sale fully furnished. Located secondline to the port, this stylish home has partial sea views and is the perfect place from which to enjoy the buzzing nightlife. With excellent rental potential, this property is highly recommended. Probablemente, uno de los mejores dúplex a la venta en Puerto Banús. Situada en segunda línea de puerto, esta espaciosa vivienda está completamente reformada con acabados de lujo. Se vende amueblada, con un gran estilo y vistas parciales al mar. Ideal para disfrutar de la trepidante vida de la costa. Gran potencial de alquiler. Se recomienda verla.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A5375-SSC | Estepona
€550,000 Area 123m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 25m2 Boasting a fabulous terrace as well as a small private garden with breathtaking sea views, this stunning frontline beach apartment is located on one of the finest developments on the Coast, with magnificent communal gardens and pool. Close to all local amenities, the wellpresented property has been built to high standards, has garage parking and is for sale furnished. Highly recommended.
115 29
Privilegiada propiedad situada en primera línea de playa y en una de las mejores urbanizaciones de la costa, muy cerca de todos los servicios. El piso consta de 2 dormitorios espaciosos, cocina con electrodomésticos de primera calidad y un amplio salón con acceso a una terraza con maravillosas vistas a los jardines y el Mediterráneo. Se vende amueblada y con parking.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-A4968-SSC | Golden Mile
€670,000 Area 189m2 • 3 Bed • 2.5 Bath Terrace 40m2 A superb apartment in a highly soughtafter and prestigious area. Featuring a stunning terrace with spectacular views over the beautiful communal gardens and pool to the sea beyond, this is an idyllic property in which to enjoy life on the Costa del Sol. Situated in a quiet and peaceful residential area, Marbella and Puerto Banús are just a short drive away. Must be seen! Magnífico piso con amplias habitaciones y baños, gran salón comedor con chimenea, cocina moderna y todos los detalles de lujo que uno pueda imaginar. Zona residencial muy tranquila, privilegiada para los amantes del golf y el relax, cerca de Marbella y Puerto Banús. Gran terraza con unas vistas impresionantes tanto al mar como a la piscina. Idílico.
116 21
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
6% rental guarantee
From 98.000 €
An excellent return on investment Unbeatable return during the first 5 years • Excellent indoor and outdoor facilities • Stable income thanks to expert Marketing • Experienced Management Company with a 20 year track record • Fantastic location with great connections by road, train and air • Excellent reputation on property web-sites (TripAdvisor,, etc.) ensuring continuous year round rentals • Close to beaches, golf courses, shopping and top quality leisure attractions and museums (Picasso Museum, Thyssen Gallery, etc.)
Bright, spacious and welcoming rooms
Sea views from many apartments
951 100 077
Completely refurbished in a contemporary style
More HOT apartments from VIVA! Hi, I’m Agustín! Let’s take a look at some more fabulous apartments currently for sale through VIVA… at the best prices and best locations throughout the Costa del Sol. To see all these and so much more, log onto:
Apartment in Riviera del Sol Was €99,950 • Ref: HOT-VKY-C3473
Apartment in Torremolinos Ref: HOT-A2161-SSC
Apartment in Torremuelle Ref: HOT-A4775-SSC
Apartment in Benalmádena Ref: HOT-A4749-SSC
Area 57m • 1 Bed • 1 Bath Terrace 8m2
Area 45m • 1 Bed • 1 Bath
Area 42m • 1 Bed • 1 Bath Terrace 4m2
Area 47m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath
Apartment in La Duquesa Ref: HOT-A2542-SSC
Apartment in Manilva Was €195,000 • Ref: HOT-A1073-SSC
Apartment in Casares Playa Was €179,995 • Ref: HOT-A2253-SSC
Apartment in Riviera del Sol Was €148,000 • Ref: HOT-A3056-SSC
Area 89m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 10m2
Area 66m • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 10m2
Area 90m • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 15m2
Area 77m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 12m2
Apartment in El Faro Ref: HOT-A4208-LC
Apartment in Mijas Costa Was €155,000 • Ref: HOT-A4903-LC
Apartment in Benalmádena Costa Was €148,000 • Ref: HOT-A4089-SSC
Apartment in Mijas Costa Was €149,000 • Ref: HOT-A4864-LC
Area 77m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 15m2
Area 65m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 12m2
Area 56m2 • 2 Bed • 1 Bath Terrace 8m2
Area 58m2 • 2 Bed • 1 Bath Terrace 9m2
Apartment in Riviera del Sol Was €155,000 • Ref: HOT-A4888-CH
Apartment in Mijas Costa Was €170,000 • Ref: HOT-A2108-SSC
Apartment in Elviria Was €159,000 • Ref: HOT-A3452-SSC
Apartment in Calahonda Was €175,000 • Ref: HOT-A2385-SSC
Area 102m • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 18m2
Area 83m • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 6m2
Area 90m • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 15m2
Area 63m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 60m2
Apartment in Mijas Golf Was €167,000 • Ref: MID-A2535-SSC
Apartment in Riviera del Sol Was €199,000 • Ref: HOT-A3430-SSC
Apartment in Elviria Was €178,000 • Ref: HOT-A3394-SSC
Apartment in La Duquesa Was €175,000 • Ref: HOT-A2274-SSC
Area 69m • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 23m2
Area 82m • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 41m2
Area 70m • 1 Bed • 1 Bath Terrace 16m2
Area 123m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 17m2
Apartment in Mijas Golf Ref: HOT-A3147-SSC
Apartment in Alhaurín Golf Was €299,000 • Ref: HOT-A4741-SSC
Apartment in El Morche Was €181,000 • Ref: HOT-A3557-MA
Apartment in Álora Ref: HOT-A3055-SSC
Area 88m • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 8m2
Area 114m • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 13m2
Area 74m • 2 Bed • 1 Bath Terrace 7m2
Area 80m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 10m2
Apartment in Mijas Costa Was €170,000 • Ref: HOT-A4356-SSC
Apartment in Riviera del Sol Was €219,000 • Ref: HOT-A4575-SSC
Apartment in Calahonda Was €225,000 • Ref: HOT-A4264-SSC
Apartment in Riviera del Sol Was €189,000 • Ref: HOT-A2804-SSC
Area 93m • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 24m2
Area 87m • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 29m2
Area 89m • 2 Bed • 2 Bath
Area 86m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 49m2
Apartment in Mijas Was €239,000 • Ref: HOT-A4070-SSC
Apartment in Riviera del Sol Was €234,000 • Ref: HOT-A4310-MOT
Apartment in Alhaurín Golf Ref: HOT-A4891-SSC
Apartment in Artola Alta Was €255,000 • Ref: HOT-A1095-SSC
Area 112m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 15m2
Area 83m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 39m2
Area 99m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 20m2
Area 90m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 24m2
Apartment in Benalmádena Was €235,000 • Ref: HOT-A2672-SSC
Apartment in La Cala Was €218,000 • Ref: HOT-A3095-LC
Apartment in Valle Romano Was €245,000 • Ref: HOT-A4267-SSC
Apartment in Estepona Ref: HOT-A2092-SSC
Area 95m • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 12m2
Area 156m • 2 Bed • 3 Bath Terrace 20m2
Area 135m • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Terrace 30m2
Area 90m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 15m2
Apartment in New Golden Mile Playa Ref: HOT-A4339-SSC
Apartment in Marbella East Ref: HOT-A3573-SSC
Apartment in Guadalmina Alta Was €340,000 • Ref: HOT-A26503-X
Apartment in Mijas Costa Was €260,000 • Ref: HOT-A4886-LC
Area 56m • 1 Bed • 1 Bath Terrace 14m2
Area 85m • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 15m2
Area 120m • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 20m2
Area 103m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 45m2
Apartment in Nueva Andalucía Was €269,000 • Ref: HOT-A4342-SSC
Apartment in Nueva Andalucía Was €269,000 • Ref: HOT-A4349-SSC
Apartment in Estepona East Was €369,995 • Ref: HOT-A1108-SSC
Apartment in El Faro Was €310,000 • Ref: HOT-A3200-SSC
Area 75m • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 18m2
Area 77m • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 20m2
Area 126m • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 27m2
Area 152m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 35m2
Apartment in La Cala Ref: HOT-A2967-SSC
Apartment in Nueva Andalucía Ref: HOT-A2811-SSC
Apartment in El Rosario Was €275,000 • Ref: HOT-A3357-SSC
Apartment in Los Monteros Alto Ref: HOT-A2751-SSC
Area 150m • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 176m2
Area 146m • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 48m2
Area 115m • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 60m2
Area 135m2 • 2 Bed • 2.5 Bath Plot 196m2
Apartment in Marbella East Was €287,000 • Ref: HOT-A2146-SSC
Apartment in Los Arqueros Was €305,000 • Ref: HOT-A4402-SSC
Apartment in Calahonda Ref: HOT-A4254-SSC
Apartment in Puerto Sotogrande Was €375,000 • Ref: HOT-A2045-SSC
Area 70m • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 20m2
Area 101m • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 18m2
Area 119m • 4 Bed • 3 Bath Terrace 56m2
Area 90m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 20m2
Apartment in Marbella Was €330,000 • Ref: HOT-A2856-SSC
Apartment in Calahonda Ref: HOT-A2090-SSC
Apartment in Nueva Andalucía Was €345,000 • Ref: HOT-A4344-SSC
Apartment in Alhaurín de la Torre Ref: HOT-A1076-SSC
Area 99m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 39m2
Area 140m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 13m2
Area 93m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 16m2
Area 83m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 27m2
Apartment in La Cala Golf Was €379,000 • Ref: HOT-A4347-SSC
Apartment in San Roque Was €450,000 • Ref: HOT-A2124-SSC
Apartment in Cabopino Ref: HOT-A4210-LC
Apartment in Los Flamingos Was €399,000 • Ref: HOT-A3646-GU
Area 156m • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Terrace 33m2
Area 148m • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 76m2
Area 117m • 2 Bed • 2.5 Bath Terrace 35m2
Area 97m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 119m2
Apartment in Estepona Was €425,000 • Ref: HOT-A3421-GU
Apartment in Benalmádena Costa Ref: HOT-A3509-SSC
Apartment in Bahía de Casares Ref: HOT-A4110-SSC
Apartment in La Cala Golf Ref: HOT-VFG-A2017
Area 128m • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 41m2
Area 155m • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 30m2
Area 155m • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 28m2
Area 158m2 • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Terrace 18m2
Apartment in Bahía de Marbella Ref: HOT-A3338-SSC
Apartment in Sotogrande Ref: HOT-A2241-SSC
Apartment in Marbella East Was €795,000 • Ref: HOT-A3815-SSC
Apartment in Marbella Centro Ref: HOT-A2608-SSC
Area 122m • 2 Bed • 2.5 Bath Terrace 40m2
Area 224m • 2 Bed • 2.5 Bath Terrace 20m2
Area 228m • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Terrace 71m2
Area 214m2 • 3 Bed • 2.5 Bath Terrace 20m2
Ref: HOT-PH4922-LC | Mijas Golf
€170,000 Area 64m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 92m2 This fabulous penthouse enjoys spectacular golf views from its large rooftop terrace. For sale fully-furnished, the fantastic property features a fullyfitted kitchen with new appliances, wood-burning fire, secure parking and a storeroom. Local shops, bar, restaurants and an international school are close by, and the beach is just a few minutes’ away by car. Must be seen! Ático muy bien ubicado en una codiciada zona de Mijas Golf, con vistas al campo y sus alrededores. La vivienda dispone de un bonito salón comedor con chimenea y salida a la terraza, cocina totalmente equipada con electrodomésticos nuevos y acceso a la azotea-solarium. Se vende totalmente amueblado, con parking y trastero. Urbanización con una piscina y unos jardines muy cuidados.
40 215
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-PH5422-SSC | Riviera del Sol
€179,000 Area 102m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 79m2 Featuring an ample covered terrace, plus a large rooftop solarium with BBQ area, this charming southeast-facing penthouse has spectacular views across the golf course and surroundings to the sea. The spacious and well-presented property also has garage parking and a storeroom, is on a popular gated complex with well-kept communal gardens and two pools, and is close to local amenities.
Ático con orientación Sureste situado en una urbanización cerrada de Mijas Costa. Tiene 2 dormitorios dobles y 2 baños. Además, la propiedad cuenta con una gran azotea dotada de barbacoa y vistas espectaculares del horizonte y hasta el mar. El complejo tiene jardines y dos piscinas y la propiedad se completa con plaza de parking y trastero. Está muy cerca de los comercios locales.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-PH5467-BN | Benalmádena Costa
€249,000 Area 105m2 • 2 Bed 2 Bath • Terrace 70m2 Built to high standards and located on a recently constructed, gated complex with fantastic communal gardens and pool, this stunning penthouse has an ample covered terrace, plus a large rooftop solarium with spectacular views over Arroyo de la Miel to the mountains and the sea. The spacious and well-presented property has garage parking and is within walking distance of all local amenities. Fabuloso ático de 2 dormitorios situado en una nueva urbanización del Arroyo de la Miel. El ático tiene una terraza cubierta y azotea con espectaculares vistas panorámicas del pueblo, los montes y el Mediterráneo. Urbanización con jardines maravillosos y piscina, a poca distancia del famoso Tivoli. La propiedad, que cuenta con plaza de garaje, está flamante y tiene un precio muy ajustado.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-PH5153-SSC | La Cala de Mijas
€250,000 Area 126m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 100m2 Located on a luxury, ultramodern complex only a few minutes’ drive to La Cala and with communal gardens, pool and 24-hour security, this spacious and bright penthouse is a must-see. Boasting panoramic views to the mountains, the superb property has a fully-fitted and equipped kitchen, underground parking and storeroom and has recently been completely redecorated.
Luminoso y despejado ático en el complejo de lujo Vitania, a sólo unos minutos en coche de La Cala de Mijas. Con vistas panorámicas de los alrededores y las montañas, la propiedad incluye una cocina totalmente equipada. Cuenta asimismo con parking y trastero. Dentro del recinto se encuentra una preciosa piscina rodeada de jardines comunitarios y hay seguridad las 24 horas.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-PH5027-SSC | Riviera del Sol
€275,000 Area 132m2 • 3 Bed 2.5 Bath • Terrace 80m2 This stunning southwest-facing penthouse has a fantastic wraparound terrace flooded with sunshine and with pleasant views over the surrounding area to the sea beyond. The tastefully decorated property is on a gated complex with well-kept communal gardens and four pools, is close to local amenities, and also has garage parking. An ideal family home and with good rental potential, too. Impresionante ático con orientación Suroeste situado en Riviera del Sol y rodeado en todo su perímetro por una terraza continua. Con maravillosas vistas de su entorno, la vivienda tiene 3 habitaciones dobles, salón con chimenea, cocina y una decoración muy cuidada. Urbanización con jardines tropicales y 4 piscinas. Hogar ideal para una familia.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-PH5460-AH | Alhaurín Golf
€285,000 Area 148m2 • 3 Bed 2 Bath • Terrace 37m2 Located on sought-after Alhaurín Golf, with its breathtaking communal gardens and pool, this fantastic duplex penthouse is only a few minutes’ drive to Alhaurín el Grande. An idyllic family home that’s been built to high standards, the spacious, south-facing property has large, sunny terraces with panoramic views over the fairways to the mountains, plus garage parking and a storeroom.
125 22
Fabuloso ático dúplex de 3 dormitorios en la demandada urbanización de Alhaurín Golf, con unas preciosas vistas panorámicas del campo de golf, orientación Sur y a sólo unos minutos del centro de Alhaurín el Grande. Con grandes calidades, tiene un salón amplio, cocina completa, aparcamiento y trastero. Complejo con piscina y jardines.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-PH5446-AH | Alhaurín Golf
€295,000 Area 95m2 • 2 Bed 2 Bath • Terrace 35m2 Completely refurbished to high standards, this very desirable penthouse not only boasts spectacular views of the golf course and mountains from its impressive glazed terrace, but also features a wonderful rooftop solarium perfect for relaxing in the sun and enjoying al fresco dining. The well-presented property also has private parking and is only a few minutes’ drive to Alhaurín el Grande. Fantástico ático de 2 habitaciones completamente reformado en la codiciada urbanización de Alhaurín Golf, a unos minutos en coche de Alhaurín el Grande. Con unas impresionantes vistas al campo de golf desde su terraza acristalada, la vida al aire libre también se puede disfrutar desde su azotea solarium. Aparcamiento privado, cocina amueblada, baños exteriores y chimenea.
155 26
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-PH4972-SSC | Las Chapas
€325,000 Area 75m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 69m2 Beautiful penthouse on a small gated complex located in a very quiet area of perennially popular Las Chapas and within walking distance of the beach. South-facing, it boasts fabulous views to the sea and has a very large and totally private terrace. This lovely property is for sale fully-furnished and is ideal as a permanent or holiday home. Viewing is highly recommended.
30 177
Precioso ático en una pequeña urbanización cerrada de la conocida zona de Las Chapas, a un paso de la playa. Orientado al Sur, ofrece fabulosas vistas abiertas del mar y una terraza muy amplia en la que se goza de total privacidad. Se vende totalmente amueblado y resulta ideal como hogar permanente o para las vacaciones. Se recomienda verlo.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-PH4345-SSC | La Cala Golf
Reduced Was Now
€389,000 €350,000
Area 150m2 • 3 Bed 3 Bath • Terrace 30m2 With its elevated location and southeast orientation, this quality built duplex penthouse has stunning views over the golf course to the coast, and is idyllically situated on a sought-after gated complex at the prestigious La Cala Golf Resort. Only a 10-minute drive to La Cala de Mijas, the spacious and tastefully decorated property is for sale fully-furnished and comes highly recommended.
Ático dúplex de lujo en una preciosa y demandada urbanización de La Cala Golf Resort, a 10 minutos de La Cala de Mijas. Su elevada ubicación y su orientación Sureste le proporcionan fantásticas vistas sobre el campo de golf hasta el mar. Decorada con mucho gusto, esta espaciosa vivienda se vende amueblada. Ideal como residencia permanente o como inversión en la costa.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-PH5079-LC | La Cala Golf
€399,000 Area 155m2 • 3 Bed 3 Bath • Terrace 40m2 Built to high standards, this stunning contemporary penthouse is bright and spacious, and has an open-plan living room leading on to a large sunny terrace with spectacular panoramic views over the golf course to the sea and mountains. For sale furnished, the immaculate property is located on a well-kept gated complex with landscaped communal gardens and pool. Amplio y luminoso ático de 3 dormitorios situado en La Cala Golf, con acabados modernos y una imponente terraza. Baños espectaculares y vistas panorámicas al campo de golf, la sierra de Mijas y el mar. La urbanización está repleta de jardines tropicales y disfruta de piscina.
163 28
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-PH5077-SSC | San Pedro de Alcántara
€420,000 Area 133m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 168m2 Impressive frontline golf penthouse located in the prestigious area of Guadalmina. This southwest-facing property boasts a huge rooftop solarium with fantastic views and also has a covered terrace plus garage parking. Situated on a sought-after complex with beautifullykept subtropical gardens and a lovely communal pool, the property is for sale furnished. Must be seen!
25 148
Exclusivo ático situado en la prestigiosa zona de Guadalmina Golf, en primera línea del campo. Este impresionante apartamento dispone de estupendas vistas, habitaciones amplias y luminosas, varias terrazas, cenador bajo una pérgola y solarium. Se vende completamente amueblado, en una urbanización con jardines muy bien cuidados y piscina.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-PH5437-SSC | Estepona
€445,000 Area 215m2 • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Terrace 132m2 An oasis of exclusivity Idyllically situated on one of the most exclusive complexes in the area, this spectacular duplex penthouse is surrounded by exquisite subtropical gardens with several stunning pools and beautiful water features, while also benefiting from 24-hour security. Only a short walk to the prestigious El Campanario Golf & Country Clubhouse, as well as other fine restaurants and pristine beaches, the luxury property has an elegant master suite with vaulted ceilings and boasts various magnificent terraces with BBQ, jacuzzi, sauna and sea and mountain views.
Un oasis de exclusividad Espectacular ático dúplex situado en uno de los complejos más lujosos de Estepona. La urbanización cuenta con exuberantes jardines subtropicales, varias piscinas de diseño y seguridad 24 horas. La vivienda tiene 3 dormitorios dobles, uno de los cuales se despliega en forma de elegante suite principal con techos abovedados en la segunda planta. La vida al aire libre tiene lugar en sus varias terrazas con vistas del mar y la montaña, zona de barbacoa, jacuzzi y sauna. Muy cerca de El Campanario Golf & Country Clubhouse.
28 163
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-PH5311-SSC | Río Real
€475,000 Area 188m2 • 3 Bed 3 Bath • Terrace 41m2 Boasting a prestigious location only a few minutes’ drive from the centre of Marbella, this magnificent duplex penthouse is on a sought-after gated development with exquisite communal gardens featuring a stunning pool. The luxury property has been built to exacting specifications, enjoys spectacular sea and mountain views from its large terraces, and includes garage parking plus a storeroom. Fabuloso ático dúplex en la lujosa zona de Río Real, en Marbella, con unas espectaculares vistas desde sus terrazas. Urbanización privada y segura, con una impresionante piscina y exquisitos jardines. La propiedad se completa con aparcamiento privado y trastero. Gran salón con cocina americana, amplias habitaciones, todas las comodidades y gran lujo.
113 28
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
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Ref: HOT-PH5082-SSC | Marbella East
€568,000 Area 187m2 • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Terrace 121m2 Luxury contemporary living Recently refurbished to high specifications, this stunning penthouse is situated on a prestigious development just a few minutes’ drive to the beach and the centre of Marbella. Enjoying breathtaking sea and mountain views from its extensive terrace, the southwest-facing property is of stylish contemporary design and has its own private elevator, garage parking, plus storeroom. On a well-kept complex with beautiful communal gardens, pool and children’s pool, it is an outstanding permanent residence or holiday home and is for sale fullyfurnished.
Lujo contemporáneo Maravilloso ático de lujo con orientación Suroeste, reformado recientemente con un despampanante diseño y en un precioso estilo sobrio y contemporáneo. Cocina con vistas al mar. Estancias diáfanas y amplias, con acabados de categoría e inundadas de luz. La vivienda se ubica en una de las más exclusivas urbanizaciones de Marbella, con piscinas y jardines. A poca distancia de la playa, goza de vistas panorámicas desde la terraza y dispone de ascensor privado, plaza de garaje y trastero. Se vende completamente amueblado. Imprescindible.
118 30
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-PH2248-SSC | Marbella
€620,000 Area 220m2 • 4 Bed 3 Bath • Terrace 125m2 Enviably located on a prestigious gated complex with 24-hour security, exquisite communal gardens, large pools and direct access to the beach, this stunning duplex penthouse has a huge covered terrace, plus a large rooftop solarium with beautiful views. Built to high standards, the property enjoys the afternoon and evening sun, is within walking distance of restaurants and has garage parking. Fabuloso ático dúplex situado en una codiciada ubicación, a sólo unos metros de la playa y con acceso directo a la misma. El complejo tiene seguridad 24 horas, jardines y piscinas. Desde la vivienda se disfruta de unas preciosas vistas, que se pueden disfrutar en la terraza o en la azotea. Con buenas calidades, al piso se le añade una plaza de aparcamiento.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-PH4917-BN | Marbella East
€1,100,000 Area 196m2 • 3 Bed • 2.5 Bath Terrace 221m2 Luxury frontline beach duplex penthouse situated on a beautifully maintained development with 24-hour security, indoor pool and tennis court. The magnificent property is in immaculate condition, presented to the highest standards, and close to all amenities. Its many special features include stunning sea views, an enormous terrace and a private rooftop pool. Highly recommended.
120 20
Lujoso ático dúplex en primera línea de playa, dentro de una urbanización perfectamente cuidada y con seguridad 24 horas, piscina cubierta y pista de tenis. La vivienda goza de los mejores acabados, está cerca de todo y ofrece inmejorables vistas al mar, una amplia terraza y piscina privada en la azotea. Para compradores exigentes.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
More HOT penthouses from VIVA! Hi, I’m Isabel! Let’s take a look at some more fabulous penthouses currently for sale through VIVA… at the best prices and best locations throughout the Costa del Sol. To see all these and so much more, log onto:
Penthouse in Duquesa Alta Was €149,000 • Ref: HOT-PH4593-SSC
Penthouse in Estepona East Ref: HOT-PH2044-SSC
Penthouse in Riviera del Sol Ref: HOT-PH2107-SSC
Penthouse in Riviera del Sol Ref: HOT-PH3245-LC
Area 70m • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 21m2
Area 71m • 1 Bed • 1 Bath Terrace 21m2
Area 90m • 2 Bed • 2.5 Bath Terrace 140m2
Area 125m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 23m2
Penthouse in Calahonda Was €220,000 • Ref: HOT-PH2274-SSC
Penthouse in La Mairena Was €210,000 • Ref: HOT-PH3209-SSC
Penthouse in Alhaurín el Grande Was €315,000 • Ref: HOT-PH1019-SSC
Penthouse in Casares Playa Was €265,000 • Ref: HOT-PH2033-SSC
Area 104m • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 20m2
Area 95m • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 66m2
Area 142m • 4 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 25m2
Area 80m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 86m2
Penthouse in Miraflores Was €249,000 • Ref: HOT-PH4611-SSC
Penthouse in La Cala de Mijas Was €249,000 • Ref: HOT-PH4172-SSC
Penthouse in El Hornillo Was €310,000 • Ref: HOT-PH2119-SSC
Penthouse in Benalmádena Was €295,000 • Ref: HOT-PH2028-SSC
Area 92m • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 16m2
Area 70m • 2 Bed • 1 Bath Terrace 88m2
Area 131m • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 21m2
Area 93m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 73m2
Penthouse in La Cala de Mijas Ref: HOT-PH5153-SSC
Penthouse in Torrequebrada Was €320,000 • Ref: HOT-PH2133-SSC
Penthouse in Estepona Ref: HOT-PH4040-SSC
Penthouse in Riviera del Sol Ref: HOT-PH5027-SSC
Area 126m • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 100m2
Area 82m • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 29m2
Area 108m • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 110m2
Area 132m2 • 3 Bed • 2.5 Bath Terrace 80m2
Penthouse in Elviria Was €295,000 • Ref: HOT-PH4320-SSC
Penthouse in Estepona Ref: HOT-PH4233-SSC
Penthouse in Casares Playa Was €425,000 • Ref: HOT-PH2031-SSC
Penthouse in Calahonda Ref: HOT-PH4492-SSC
Area 135m • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 33m2
Area 65m • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 95m2
Area 107m • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 147m2
Area 106m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace108m2
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Penthouse in Benalmádena Costa Ref: HOT-PH4740-BN
Penthouse in Las Chapas Ref: HOT-PH2629-SSC
Penthouse in La Mairena Ref: HOT-PH4363-SSC
Penthouse in La Cala Golf Was €389,000 • Ref: HOT-PH4345-SSC
Area 82m • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 29m2
Area 164m • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Terrace 52m2
Area 113m • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 25m2
Area 150m2 • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Terrace 30m2
Penthouse in Elviria Was €400,000 • Ref: HOT-PH3855-SSC
Penthouse in Estepona Was €425,000 • Ref: HOT-PH2115-SSC
Penthouse in Alhaurín Golf Was €430,000 • Ref: HOT-PH3709-SSC
Penthouse in Alhaurín de la Torre Was €520,000 • Ref: HOT-PH1018-SSC
Area 170m • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 32m2
Area 150m • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Terrace 150m2
Area 165m • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Terrace 145m2
Area 83m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 67m2
Penthouse in El Rosario Was €450,000 • Ref: HOT-PH3275-SSC
Penthouse in Estepona Ref: HOT-PH5437-SSC
Penthouse in Guadalmina Baja Was €449,000 • Ref: HOT-PH3836-SSC
Penthouse in El Rosario Was €495,000 • Ref: HOT-PH4216-SSC
Area 135m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 8m2
Area 215m2 • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Terrace 132m2
Area 226m2 • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Terrace 60m2
Area 170m2 • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Terrace 55m2
Penthouse in Río Real Ref: HOT-PH5311-SSC
Penthouse in Marbella East Was €850,000 • Ref: HOT-PH2088-SSC
Penthouse in Río Real Golf Ref: HOT-PH2295-SSC
Penthouse in Los Monteros Ref: HOT-PH5082-SSC
Area 188m • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Terrace 41m2
Area 211m • 4 Bed • 3 Bath Terrace 100m2
Area 155m • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Terrace 55m2
Area 187m2 • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Terrace 121m2
Penthouse in Nueva Alcántara Was €645,000 • Ref: HOT-PH2292-SSC
Penthouse in Marbella Was €680,000 • Ref: HOT-PH2248-SSC
Penthouse in Elviria Was €649,000 • Ref: HOT-PH2296-SSC
Penthouse in Carvajal Ref: HOT-PH2134-SSC
Area 203m • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Terrace 30m2
Area 220m • 4 Bed • 3 Bath Terrace 125m2
Area 155m • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Terrace 52m2
Area 200m2 • 3 Bed • 2.5 Bath Terrace 40m2
Penthouse in Dominion Beach Ref: HOT-PH2286-SSC
Penthouse in Estepona Was €1,395,000 • Ref: HOT-PH2095-SSC
Penthouse in New Golden Mile Playa Ref: HOT-PH2275-SSC
Penthouse in Los Monteros Was €1,880,000 • Ref: HOT-PH3288-SSC
Area 142m • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 120m2
Area 209m • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Terrace 151m2
Area 506m • 4 Bed • 4.5 Bath Terrace 102m2
Area 289m2 • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Terrace 116m2
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
YOUR VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-TH4953-AH | Alhaurín el Grande
€179,000 Area 226m2 • 5 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 108m2 Situated within walking distance of the town’s many amenities, and conveniently close to schools, this spacious townhouse has a large terrace which enjoys the afternoon sun and has pleasant views over the surrounding area to the mountains beyond. The west-facing property also features an ample kitchen and a private garage and basement area that could be converted into a separate apartment. Fantástica adosada situada en Alhaurín el Grande, con una gran cocina totalmente equipada, terraza con orientación Oeste y sol de tarde, garaje privado y una gran zona semisótano que se podría convertir en un apartamento independiente. A poca distancia de todos los servicios del pueblo, supermercados, restaurantes y justo enfrente de la escuela. Lugar ideal para vivir.
215 55
YOUR VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: • www.yourviva.
Ref: HOT-TH5225-AH | Alhaurín Golf
€179,000 Area 120m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 43m2 With its own secluded private garden and several sunny terraces, this fantastic corner townhouse is located on a wellkept development with communal gardens, pool and clubhouse, next to the greens and fairways of prestigious Alhaurín Golf. The spacious, west-facing property is just a few minutes’ drive to the many amenities of Alhaurín el Grande, and has good rental potential.
Fantástico chalet adosado de esquina y orientación Oeste situado en la prestigiosa urbanización de Alhaurín Golf. La propiedad disfruta de un espacioso salón comedor con salida a un jardín privado, amplias habitaciones con terrazas soleadas y una gran cocina totalmente amueblada y equipada. Junto al campo de golf y a sólo unos minutos del pueblo. Muy alquilable.
YOUR VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-TH5414-AH | Alhaurín el Grande
€185,000 Area 108m2 • 4 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 96m2 Peacefully situated on a well-kept complex with communal gardens, pool and tennis court, this attractive 3-storey townhouse is close to Lauro Golf and surrounded by lovely countryside. The property has its own private garden – plus 2 large terraces and 2 balconies – and boasts spectacular views. With under-floor heating and a fireplace, it also has off-road parking and is for sale furnished. Acogedora adosada en plena naturaleza, en la zona más tranquila de una urbanización bien cuidada con piscina y pista de tenis. Está junto a Lauro Golf, a sólo 10 minutos en coche de Alhaurín el Grande y 30 minutos de Málaga y la costa. Dispone de 3 plantas, un jardín privado, 2 terrazas y 2 balcones. Suelos radiantes y chimenea hacen que sea encantadora en invierno. Se vende amueblada.
111 27
YOUR VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: • www.yourviva.
Ref: HOT-TH5219-SSC | Riviera del Sol
€215,000 Area 142m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 30m2 Spacious, bright and well-presented, this charming 3-storey townhouse is on a well-kept complex with pretty communal gardens and pool. Within walking distance of the beach, bars, restaurants, shops and the well-known Miraflores Golf driving range, the property has an open-plan living area, large sunny terraces with golf and mountain views, is for sale furnished and has a private garage.
178 33
Magnífico chalet adosado de 3 dormitorios y 3 plantas situado en el corazón de Riviera del Sol. Dispone de habitaciones amplias y luminosas, una terraza bañada por el sol en la que disfrutar de las vistas al golf y la montaña y parking privado. Se vende completamente amueblado y se puede ir andando a las playas y los comercios de la zona. Una opción perfecta para las vacaciones.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-TH5173-SSC | El Rosario
€249,000 Area 101m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 33m2 Featuring its own private garden, this charming corner townhouse is on a gated and well-maintained development with communal gardens and pool and is located on the eastern outskirts of Marbella. Only a very short walk to the beach and local amenities, and just a few minutes’ drive to the town centre, the property has private parking, is for sale furnished and has excellent rental potential. Bonita casa adosada de esquina con su propio jardín privado en una urbanización cerrada y perfectamente cuidada en la famosa zona de El Rosario, a unos minutos en coche del centro de Marbella. La propiedad, de 2 plantas, está a un paso de la playa y de los comercios de la zona. Se vende completamente amueblada, con plaza de garaje y gran potencial de alquiler.
153 27
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-TH5232-SSC | Calahonda
€249,000 Area 169m2 • 4 Bed 2.5 Bath • Terrace 40m2 An idyllic family home, this spacious townhouse is full of character and is quietly situated on a well-kept, gated complex with lovely communal gardens and pool. Only a short distance to local amenities, the property has many special features including a fabulous refurbished kitchen, an open-plan living room with fireplace and a large terrace with built-in BBQ and beautiful panoramic views. Adosada amplia y luminosa situada en Calahonda. Con 4 dormitorios y 2 baños, es la casa ideal para la vida familiar. Tiene habitaciones amplias y un salón con chimenea de planta abierta, cocina totalmente renovada y un patio con barbacoa. El complejo está situado en una zona tranquila, rodeado de frondosos jardines con vistas al mar y a poca distancia de las atracciones locales.
167 31
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-TH5400-SSC | La Cala Golf
€299,000 Area 122m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 19m2 This stunning frontline golf townhouse is on a gated and immaculately maintained luxury development – with communal gardens and pool –set amid the peaceful hills above La Cala de Mijas. In immaculate condition and for sale fully-furnished, the tastefully decorated property has been built to high standards and has spectacular views to the coast and mountains from its enviable sunny terraces.
106 18
Fabulosa casa adosada en una urbanización de lujo de La Cala de Mijas con jardines y piscinas perfectamente mantenidos. La vivienda se vende amueblada, la construcción tiene acabados de primera calidad y ofrece vistas de la costa y los montes. Espacios amplios, terrazas, baños bonitos y el encanto de la primera línea de golf.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-TH5074-MOT | Coín
€320,000 Area 108m2 • 4 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 582m2 Boasting its own private pool – conveniently fitted with a sliding roof for winter use – this fantastic, southeastfacing townhouse is perfect for those who hanker after a relaxed and peaceful, rural lifestyle. Bright and spacious throughout, the property also features a large covered terrace with BBQ area next to the pool and beneath a spectacular rock. A must-see inland home! Fantástica casa para los amantes de la tranquilidad y el campo. Ubicada en una urbanización, tiene orientación Sureste y cuenta con una magnífica piscina privada que puede quedar cubierta para el invierno. Habitaciones espaciosas y llenas de luz. La propiedad cuenta con un gran porche y zona de barbacoa que luce espectacular bajo una impresionante roca natural. Hay que verla.
154 31
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-TH5386-SSC | Fuengirola
€419,000 Area 225m2 • 3 Bed • 4 Bath Plot 110m2 Quietly situated in the Los Pacos district of Fuengirola, this charming corner townhouse is only a few minutes’ drive to the beach, restaurants, shops and schools. The spacious property has a private garden, large sunny terrace and a carport and has been very well-kept. For sale partly furnished, it would make a comfortable permanent residence or holiday home and has good rental potential.
125 25
Bonita casa adosada situada en una zona tranquila de Los Pacos en Fuengirola. Esta estupenda vivienda familiar ha estado siempre muy bien cuidada y se halla a unos minutos en coche de la playa, los bares, los restaurantes y los comercios. Se vende parcialmente amueblada, tiene jardín privado, terrazas y aparcamiento. Vivienda ideal para disfrutar de la Costa del Sol o para el alquiler.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-TH5191-MOT | Marbella Centro
€450,000 Area 115m2 • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Terrace 35m2 Built to high standards and within walking distance of the beach and the town centre, this charming townhouse is on a popular urbanisation with well-kept communal gardens and pool, and has lovely views of Marbella’s landmark La Concha mountain. The well-presented property has a large sunny terrace with BBQ and leads to a small private garden ideal for growing your own fruit and vegetables. Magnífica adosada en el centro de Marbella, a pie del centro y de la playa, con unas calidades estupendas y con grandes terrazas. La urbanización tiene piscina, jardines y vistas de La Concha. La vivienda dispone de un amplio patio con barbacoa de obra y acceso a un pequeño huerto privado. Suelos de mármol, habitaciones muy luminosas y una azotea coronan sus atractivos.
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THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-TH5387-SSC | Bahía de Marbella
€599,995 Area 150m2 • 3 Bed 2.5 Bath • Terrace 65m2 Situated on a prestigious beachside urbanisation only a few minutes’ drive to Marbella and with well-maintained communal gardens and pool, this beautifully presented semi-detached villa provides elegance and open-plan living. The spacious property has a large covered terrace, its own small garden and an ample sundrenched solarium with sea views. An idyllic family home that must be seen. Semiadosada en una prestigiosa urbanización de la costa marbellí, con hermosos jardines, piscina y seguridad 24 horas. Dispone de 3 dormitorios dobles, un luminoso salón abierto con chimenea y cocina equipada. La casa tiene su propio jardín y una terraza con vistas al mar. Clásica y elegante, es la propiedad ideal para vacaciones o un impresionante hogar familiar. Hay que verla.
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THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Ref: HOT-TH4104-CH | Mijas Pueblo
€749,000 Area 426m2 • 6 Bed • 5 Bath Plot 747m2 Occupying a prime location right in the heart of Mijas, this very substantial and charismatic townhouse features secluded private gardens with panoramic views to the sea, as well as several terraces and a lovely pool. The property also has a separate guest apartment, plus staff accommodation, a double garage, study, wine cellar, summer kitchen, games room and more. Absolutely unique.
212 55
Con una ubicación privilegiada en el corazón de Mijas, esta carismática propiedad destaca por su encanto, espacio y lujo. Rodeada de jardines, terrazas y piscina, la casa presume de unas vistas imponentes al mar. Un delicioso toque rústico y un gusto exquisito recorren los dormitorios, el salón con chimenea, la bodega y la sala de juegos. Garaje y apartamento de invitados. Hay que verla.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
More HOT townhouses from VIVA! Hi, I’m Michael! Let’s take a look at some more fabulous townhouses currently for sale through VIVA… at the best prices and best locations throughout the Costa del Sol. To see all these and so much more, log onto:
Townhouse in Yunquera Ref: HOT-TH3207-SSC
Townhouse in Yunquera Was €125,000 • Ref: HOT-TH2017-SSC
Townhouse in Alhaurín el Grande Was €225,000 • Ref: HOT-TH2015-SSC
Townhouse in Alozaina Ref: HOT-TH2007-SSC
Area 70m • 2 Bed • 1 Bath Terrace 20m2
Area 132m • 4 Bed • 1 Bath Terrace 30m2
Area 153m • 3 Bed • 1 Bath Terrace 58m2
Area 120m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 7m2
Townhouse in Alozaina Ref: HOT-TH2012-SSC
Townhouse in Coín Ref: HOT-TH3995-SSC
Townhouse in Mijas Golf Was €135,000 • Ref: HOT-TH2239-SSC
Townhouse in Coín Was €155,000 • Ref: HOT-TH4428-SSC
Area 120m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 13m2
Area 144m2 • 4 Bed • 1.5 Bath Terrace 72m2
Area 80m2 • 3 Bed • 1.5 Bath Terrace 24m2
Area 104m2 • 4 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 35m2
Townhouse in Coín Was €210,000 • Ref: HOT-TH2225-SSC
Townhouse in El Chorro Was €250,000 • Ref: HOT-TH1024-SSC
Townhouse in Jauja Was €164,995 • Ref: HOT-TH1061-SSC
Townhouse in Monda Was €250,000 • Ref: HOT-TH2123-SSC
Area 229m • 5 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 20m2
Area 174m • 3 Bed • 2.5 Bath Terrace 30m2
Area 180m • 4 Bed • 2 Bath
Area 192m2 • 4 Bed • 3.5 Bath Terrace 40m2
Townhouse in Estepona Was €190,000 • Ref: HOT-TH4614-SSC
Townhouse in Yunquera Was €320,000 • Ref: HOT-TH1021-SSC
Townhouse in Alhaurín el Grande Was €225,000 • Ref: HOT-TH2063-SSC
Townhouse in Torremuelle Was €199,000 • Ref: HOT-TH4582-BN
Area 186m • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 23m2
Area 240m • 3 Bed • 2.5 Bath Terrace 35m2
Area 146m • 3 Bed • 1 Bath Terrace 15
Area 147m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 20m2
Townhouse in Tolox Was €250,000 • Ref: HOT-TH2095-SSC
Townhouse in Benalmádena Costa Was €225,000 • Ref: HOT-TH3605-BN
Townhouse in Calahonda Was €239,000 • Ref: HOT-TH2259-SSC
Townhouse in Riviera del Sol Was €249,500 • Ref: HOT-TH2334-SSC
Area 117m • 3 Bed • 2.5 Bath Plot 180m2
Area 111m • 2 Bed • 2.5 Bath Terrace 15m2
Area 120m • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 20m2
Area 105m2 • 2 Bed • 2.5 Bath Plot 117m2
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Townhouse in Estepona Was €265,000 • Ref: HOT-TH2068-SSC
Townhouse in Alhaurín Golf Ref: HOT-TH2258-SSC
Townhouse in El Chorro Was €250,000 • Ref: HOT-TH1025-SSC
Townhouse in Casares Playa Was €360,000 • Ref: HOT-TH26344-X
Area 98m2 • 3 Bed • 2.5 Bath Terrace 30m2
Area 118m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 100m2
Area 174m2 • 3 Bed • 2.5 Bath Terrace 30m2
Area 112m2 • 3 Bed • 2.5 Bath Plot 30m2
Townhouse in Cártama Ref: HOT-TH27256-X
Townhouse in Alhaurín Golf Ref: HOT-TH2034-SSC
Townhouse in Mijas Jardín Ref: HOT-TH4904-SSC
Townhouse in Alhaurín el Grande Ref: HOT-TH1017-SSC
Area 160m • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 30m2
Area 137m • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 143m2
Area 204m • 3 Bed • 2.5 Bath Terrace 121m2
Area 185m2 • 4 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 80m2
Townhouse in Benalmádena Pueblo Was €420,000 • Ref: HOT-TH3277-NA
Townhouse in Riviera del Sol Ref: HOT-TH4297-SSC
Townhouse in Benahavís Ref: HOT-TH4135-SSC
Townhouse in Torremolinos Was €349,950 • Ref: HOT-TH4706-TM
Area 140m • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Terrace 25m2
Area 158m • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 91m2
Area 120m • 2 Bed • 2.5 Bath Terrace 32m2
Area 159m2 • 4 Bed • 3 Bath Terrace 68m2
Townhouse in Guadalmar Ref: HOT-TH3273-SSC
Townhouse in Guadalmina Alta Was €370,000 • Ref: HOT-TH3492-GU
Townhouse in Alhaurín de la Torre Ref: HOT-TH3994-SSC
Townhouse in La Quinta Golf Ref: HOT-TH2228-SSC
Area 89m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 89m2
Area 121m2 • 4 Bed • 4 Bath Plot 183m2
Area 181m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 50m2
Area 116m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Terrace 34m2
Townhouse in Álora Was €699,000 • Ref: HOT-TH2091-SSC
Townhouse in Marbella Was €395,000 • Ref: HOT-TH2215-SSC
Townhouse in Benalmádena PuebloWas €475,000 • Ref: HOT-TH4756-SSC
Townhouse in Nagüeles Was €475,000 • Ref: HOT-TH1063-SSC
Area 532m • 15 Bed • 9 Bath Plot 402m2
Area 133m • 3 Bed • 2.5 Bath Terrace 40m2
Area 240m • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 343m2
Area 195m2 • 6 Bed • 3.5 Bath Plot 225m2
Townhouse in Calahonda Ref: HOT-TH3834-CH
Townhouse in The Golden Mile Ref: HOT-TH1065-SSC
Townhouse in Altos de Marbella Was €730,000 • Ref: HOT-TH3271-BN
Townhouse in Costalita Was €795,000 • Ref: HOT-VLH-TH0019
Area 172m • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 252m2
Area 152m • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 131m2
Area 270m • 5 Bed • 4 Bath Plot 125m2
Area 284m2 • 3 Bed • 3.5 Bath Terrace 84m2
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THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
VILLAS - HOTProperties
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HOTProperties - VILLAS
Ref: HOT-F5409-AH | Alhaurín el Grande
€199,000 Area 78m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 2,400m2 Next to Alhaurín Golf and only a few minutes’ drive to the town, this charismatic rural property enjoys spectacular countryside and mountain views, and occupies a large plot of land featuring a secluded and easily managed garden, plus a swimming pool and south-facing terrace with BBQ. The finca also has off-road parking, a woodburning stove, is for sale furnished and has good road access. Fabulosa finca cercana a Alhaurín Golf y a unos minutos del centro de Alhaurín el Grande. Dispone de 3 dormitorios y se vende amueblada. Con espectaculares vistas, disfruta de un jardín fácil de mantener, piscina y una terraza con barbacoa orientada al Sur. Aparcamiento y fácil acceso desde la carretera.
146 37
YOUR VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: • www.yourviva.
VILLAS - HOTProperties
Ref: HOT-F5015-SSC | Estación de Cártama
€199,000 Area 80m2 • 2 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 26,000m2 Situated between Pizarra, Cártama and Álora, this secluded rural property commands panoramic views across the Guadalhorce Valley. Occupying a huge plot of land planted with olive and almond trees, it features a beautiful private pool, BBQ area, jacuzzi, rooftop solarium and several terraces. The ideal place for lovers of the countryside! Must be seen.
Fabulosa y apacible casa de campo de 2 dormitorios situada en una preciosa finca de almendros y olivos, con vistas panorámicas del Valle del Guadalhorce. La parcela está llena de encantos, además de los árboles cuenta con piscina en una ladera del monte, zona de barbacoa, jacuzzi y varias terrazas. Perfecto rincón rural a menos de una hora de Málaga y la Costa del Sol.
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HOTProperties - VILLAS
Ref: HOT-F5083-AH | Coín
€199,000 Area 108m2 • 2 Bed • 1 Bath Plot 2,013m2 Beautiful finca located on the outskirts of the village and just minutes from local amenities. Well-presented, this fabulous home has a newly-fitted kitchen, an inviting private pool surrounded by lush green gardens featuring several fruit trees, a superb terrace and a carport. With great rental potential, viewing of this wonderful property is highly recommended. Fabulosa finca con chalet a las afueras de Coín, en perfectas condiciones para entrar a vivir. La propiedad dispone de una atractiva piscina privada, jardín con árboles frutales, una imponente terraza y aparcamiento. Cocina totalmente equipada. A sólo unos minutos del pueblo y de todos los servicios. Precio ideal para una venta fácil. Muy alquilable.
47 277
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VILLAS - HOTProperties
Ref: HOT-V5156-SSC | Benalmádena Costa
€292,000 Area 174m2 • 3 Bed 2.5 Bath • Plot 440m2 Built in traditional Andalusian style, this charming detached villa has its own mature private garden, while benefiting from the communal pool and enjoys spectacular sea and mountain views. Within walking distance of the beach and local amenities – including an international college – the property is also conveniently close to the train station and is for sale furnished and with a garage.
Encantadora casa familiar de 3 dormitorios en clásico estilo andaluz situada en Torremuelle. Tiene un encantador jardín privado, y espectaculares vistas al mar y a la montaña. Se puede ir andando a la playa, a los comercios locales y en la zona hay un colegio internacional. Se vende amueblada, con garaje y acceso a una piscina comunitaria.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
HOTProperties - VILLAS
Ref: HOT-F5471-MA | Álora
€295,000 Area 131m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 10,000m2 Only a 10-minute drive to the town, this desirable rural property enjoys an idyllic hilltop location commanding spectacular views over the surrounding countryside to the mountains. The attractive finca occupies an extensive plot of land featuring lovely gardens, an inviting pool and large sunny terraces – both covered and open. Full of character and very well-presented, it must be seen. Fantástica finca de 4 habitaciones a las afueras de Álora, a sólo 10 minutos del pueblo y situada en lo alto de un monte con impresionantes vistas panorámicas de los alrededores. La propiedad disfruta de una piscina privada, cocina completamente equipada y amueblada, una gran parcela de terreno, terrazas y, sobre todo, tranquilidad, naturaleza y gran personalidad.
189 39
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VILLAS - HOTProperties
Ref: HOT-V5480-MOT | Mijas Costa
€320,000 Area 195m2 • 3 Bed 2 Bath • Plot 471m2 Peacefully situated on a popular urbanisation within walking distance of the beach and only a short drive to both Fuengirola and La Cala, this charming villa is set amid mature private gardens with space for a pool and lovely views to the sea. The property has large terraces and a rooftop solarium, as well as a separate guest apartment with its own kitchen and bathroom, plus a storeroom.
172 35
Preciosa villa situada en una popular urbanización entre Fuengirola y La Cala, desde la que se puede caminar a la playa. La vivienda es muy luminosa, está rodeada de jardines maduros con espacio para una piscina y maravillosas vistas al mar. Es completamente exterior, tiene unas amplias terrazas, azotea con solarium y un apartamento independiente con baño y su propia cocina.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
HOTProperties - VILLAS
Ref: HOT-F5478-SSC | Alhaurín el Grande
€330,000 Area 135m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 7,707m2 Enjoying an elevated location in the Las Lomas area and with spectacular panoramic views over the countryside to the mountains, this charming finca has a large private pool and a separate 1-bedroom, 1 bathroom guest apartment. Full of character, the west-facing property also has a barbecue house and an extensive plot of land where the previous owner kept horses. Very good road access. Maravillosa finca de 3 dormitorios en Las Lomas de Alhaurín el Grande, con muy buen acceso por carretera y en una zona elevada que proporciona vistas panorámicas de los montes y el campo. La parcela tiene piscina, apartamento de invitados independiente y una amplia zona donde cuidaba de sus caballos. Con mucho carácter y orientación Oeste, hay también una caseta para la barbacoa.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
VILLAS - HOTProperties
Ref: HOT-F3316-AH | Álora
€345,000 Area 140m2 • 3 Bed 1 Bath • Plot 35,605m2 Enjoying an elevated location with spectacular views of the mountains, countryside and village, this charismatic rural property occupies a vast plot of land and has a fabulous private pool, outdoor jacuzzi, a pretty garden, sunny terraces and plenty of off-road parking. The finca is full of character and is for sale furnished. A 4-wheel drive vehicle is needed to access the property.
395 114
Finca situada en el campo, en una posición elevada con vistas espectaculares de las montañas y el paisaje. La casa tiene una cocina equipada y horno de leña, la piscina se completa con un jacuzzi enclavado en un precioso entorno. Casa rústica y muy original, con mucho carácter, que se vende amueblada. Hace falta un vehículo 4x4 para llegar a la propiedad. Vale la pena verla.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
HOTProperties - VILLAS
Ref: HOT-V5355-AH | Coín
M 1 F
Area 119m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 601m2 Recently refurbished and tastefully decorated, this lovely single-storey villa is located on the sought-after Las Delicias urbanisation, only a few minutes’ drive from the town, golf courses and the autovia to Marbella and Málaga. The property has a private pool, ample terraces and a pretty garden, as well as a large living room with fireplace, spacious bedrooms and off-road parking. Magnífica villa de 3 dormitorios edificada en una sola planta. Se ha reformado recientemente y se halla en la solicitada urbanización Las Delicias de Coín. La propiedad tiene una preciosa piscina, terraza, un gran salón con chimenea y amplias habitaciones. Está muy cerca de un campo de golf y a unos minutos del pueblo y la carretera a la costa y a Málaga.
a 209 53
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VILLAS - HOTProperties
First in Europe with private beaches at your doorstep
More than 14.000 sqm for water-sports 100 exclusive apartments of 2 and 3 bedrooms From only 195.000 €
951 100 077
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HOTProperties - VILLAS
Ref: HOT-F2011-SSC | Alhaurín el Grande
Reduced Was €395,000 Now €375,000 Area 142m2 • 3 Bed 2 Bath • Plot 10,000m2 Occupying a large secluded plot of land close to both Alhaurín el Grande and Coín, and only a 20-minute drive to Málaga airport, this well-proportioned rural property has a private garden with ample sunny terraces as well as a heated pool and BBQ. The newly rewired finca also benefits from lovely mountain and countryside views, is ideal for nature lovers and has good rental potential. Finca con una gran parcela de terreno entre Alhaurín el Grande y Coín y a sólo 20 minutos de Málaga. Dispone de un jardín con amplias terrazas inundadas de sol, piscina climatizada y barbacoa. La casa tiene un irresistible toque rústico y hará las delicias de los amantes de la naturaleza, gracias a sus preciosas vistas de la campiña. Gran oportunidad.
207 40
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VILLAS - HOTProperties
Ref: HOT-V5028-SSC | Benalmádena Pueblo
€379,000 Area 285m2 • 3 Bed 3 Bath • Plot 450m2 Featuring several sunny terraces and an easily-managed private garden, this charming detached villa boasts spectacular sea and mountain views and is conveniently located only a short walk to shops, restaurants and bars. An ideal family home in which to enjoy life in Mediterranean Spain, the property is bright, spacious and benefits from having a large basement with garage and storage area.
Fantástico chalet de 3 dormitorios situado en Benalmadena Pueblo, con jardín privado y soleadas terrazas. Esta casa amplia y luminosa disfruta de espectaculares vistas del mar y la montaña y al mismo tiempo se halla a unos pasos de las tiendas, los restaurantes y los bares. Perfecto hogar familiar que se completa con un gran sótano y garaje con trastero.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
HOTProperties - VILLAS
Ref: HOT-V5307-CH | Cabopino
€399,000 Area 119m2 • 3 Bed 2.5 Bath • Plot 63m2 Enjoying a sought-after frontline golf location, this lovely villa is located on a quiet and well-maintained gated urbanisation close to picturesque Cabopino Port with its various inviting bars and restaurants and Marbella’s finest beaches. Full of character and for sale furnished, the property has its own private garden while benefiting from the pretty communal pool set amid pine trees. Situado dentro de una urbanización tranquila y bien cuidada de Cabopino, este bonito chalet se halla cerca de las mejores playas de Marbella, de los comercios y en primera línea de golf. Tiene su propio jardín y se vende amueblado. La piscina comunitaria está rodeada de zonas verdes y pinos, lo que da una sensación de paz y serenidad. Perfecta vivienda familiar e ideal para el alquiler.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
VILLAS - HOTProperties
Ref: HOT-V5231-SSC | Mijas Costa
€399,000 Area 156m2 • 3 Bed 2.5 Bath • Terrace 26m2 Built to high standards and for sale furnished, this beautiful semi-detached villa is on a gated complex with wellmaintained communal gardens and pool, quietly situated in the prestigious Miraflores area. Only a short drive to the beach, restaurants and local amenities, the stylish family home has luxury fittings, enjoys lovely views over the gardens to the sea, and is highly recommended.
161 29
Pareada de lujo situada en una urbanización de Mijas, en una parte tranquila de Miraflores y cerca de la playa, los restaurantes y los comercios. La casa se vende amueblada, tiene mucha salida en el mercado del alquiler y el complejo dispone de jardines y piscina. Calidades de lujo y vistas al jardín y el mar. Recomendada.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
HOTProperties - VILLAS
Ref: HOT-V5052-SSC | Calahonda
€465,000 Area 120m2 • 3 Bed 2 Bath • Plot 789m2 Quietly situated within walking distance of the beach and local amenities, this charming villa is set amid well-tended private gardens featuring a beautiful pool. Refurbished in 2005, the south-facing property has spacious open-plan living accommodation with a fireplace, plus large sunny terraces – both covered and open – a carport, an ample storeroom, and is for sale fully furnished. Precioso chalet situado en una zona tranquila de Calahonda, a un paso de los comercios y de la playa. Se vende completamente amueblado, fue reformado en 2005 y disfruta de un amplio jardín con piscina. La finca tiene orientación Sur y la terraza está equipada con barbacoa. Salón abierto con chimenea, grandes terrazas y aparcamiento. La propiedad se completa con un amplio trastero.
167 32
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VILLAS - HOTProperties
Ref: HOT-V4856-CH | Riviera del Sol
Reduced Was Now
€495,000 €465,000
Area 153m2 • 3 Bed 2 Bath • Plot 496m2 Peacefully situated on a private mews of just 5 properties, this desirable frontline golf villa boasts lovely views of the fairways, while sandy beaches and other local amenities are only minutes away. The single-storey villa has many special features including private gardens featuring a pool, spacious terraces and a BBQ, and is on a gated complex with secure parking. Viewing recommended.
206 52
Imponente chalet en primera línea de golf, en Miraflores, que forma parte de una exclusiva urbanización de 5 villas. La vivienda tiene una sola planta, con un amplio salón y holgadas zonas de esparcimiento al aire libre. Persianas eléctricas y luminosas ventanas. La propiedad tiene su piscina privada, jardín y barbacoa. Aparcamiento en el recinto cerrado. A pocos minutos de todo.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
HOTProperties - VILLAS
Ref: HOT-V5469-SSC | Mijas Costa
€499,000 Area 130m2 • 3 Bed 2.5 Bath • Plot 1,000m2 Offering privacy, spectacular views, and a fabulous glazed terrace overlooking the private pool, this spacious and elegant villa enjoys a tranquil location, yet is only a few minutes’ drive to the coast and its many amenities. The beautiful property also features mature easily managed gardens, and a fantastic kitchen, plus a Turkish bath and an integrated home music system. Must be seen! Acogedora villa situada en una zona muy tranquila de Mijas, a unos minutos en coche de la costa y de los comercios. Es una propiedad muy privada con piscina y unos jardines maduros muy fáciles de mantener. La casa tiene una fantástica cocina, baño turco, hilo musical en toda la vivienda y una amplia terraza acristalada. Hay que verla.
230 40
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REFORM & CONSTRUCTION German Quality Gecontec work hand in hand with architects, structural engineers, landscape gardeners and interior designers, to ensure your building project is handled professionally and on time.
C. Huelva 1, Calahonda, 29649 Mijas Costa T. +34 951 560 981 · M. +34 662 011 832 · E. ·
HOTProperties - VILLAS
Ref: HOT-V5406-SSC | Arroyo de la Miel
€500,000 Area 195m2 • 6 Bed 3 Bath • Plot 702m2 Boasting a large private pool, vast sunny terraces and easily managed gardens, this charming villa is full of character and enjoys pleasant views over the surrounding area to the mountains and the sea. The property has spacious living accommodation, plus a rooftop solarium, built-in barbecue and off-road parking and is only a few minutes to local amenities. Good rental potential. Fabulosa villa con piscina, enormes terrazas soleadas y unos jardines de fácil mantenimiento en el Arroyo de la Miel. Tiene unas agradables vistas de los alrededores y de la sierra y el mar. Dispone de un espacioso salón, azotea preparada y barbacoa, además de zona de aparcamiento. Cerca de los comercios, tiene un enorme potencial como propiedad para alquilar.
158 29
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VILLAS - HOTProperties
Ref: HOT-V3559-SSC | Estepona Alta
Reduced Was Now
€612,000 €525,000
Area 150m2 • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 529m2 Overlooking the beautiful fairways of Estepona Golf, and with stunning sea and mountain views, this spacious and elegant villa is in immaculate condition and tastefully decorated. The comfortable lounge and dining room lead onto the spectacular terrace, pool area and gazebo, while other special features include an ultramodern fully-fitted kitchen, and master bedroom with its own terrace.
145 37
Elegante propiedad asomada a Estepona Golf y con impresionantes vistas al Mediterráneo y el campo de golf. La espaciosa propiedad tiene un toque sofisticado y dispone de un cómodo salón que da a la zona de terraza, piscina y glorieta. La casa tiene 3 habitaciones esplendidas con baño privado, una moderna cocina ultra equipada y un dormitorio principal con terraza propia.
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HOTProperties - VILLAS
Ref: HOT-9015-BUI | Casares Pueblo
€545,000 Area 459m2 • 6 Bed • 8 Bath Terrace 46m2 Versatile business opportunity Situated right in the centre of this picturesque, traditionally Andalusian white hilltop village – yet only a 15 minute drive to the beach – this is a rare opportunity to purchase an entire building. Built to high standards and with a large sunny terrace and spectacular mountain views, the versatile and well-kept property is for sale partly furnished and comprises 4 apartments, 3 studio apartments, 1 commercial property and a garage area. The properties can be purchased individually or all together and have excellent rental potential. Highly recommended.
Versátil oportunidad de negocio Fantástica oportunidad de adquirir un edificio entero situado en el centro del conocido pueblo de Casares, a tan sólo 15 minutos de la costa y de las playas. El edificio ofrece maravillosas vistas de las montañas y se ha construido con materiales de primera calidad. Se vende parcialmente amueblado y se compone de 4 apartamentos independientes, 3 estudios, un local comercial y garaje, que se pueden vender por separado. La inversión tiene gran potencial y sería ideal pensando en las posibilidades de alquiler. Recomendado.
138 35
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VILLAS - HOTProperties
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HOTProperties - VILLAS
Ref: HOT-V5288-SSC | Coín
€549,000 Area 306m2 • 7 Bed • 5 Bath Plot 1,200m2 Built to very high specifications, this imposing six/seven bedroom villa is full of character and enjoys spectacular mountain views. The stylish property has a large private garden with an impressive pool, ornate fountains and ample terraces, plus a separate 3-bedroom apartment and 24-hour security, is only a 5-minute drive to Coín and Alhaurín, and also benefits from easy access to the coast. Imponente villa construida con las mejores calidades, dotada de gran personalidad y con preciosas vistas de la sierra. La propiedad tiene un enorme jardín presidido por una piscina decorada con fuentes y columnas. Además de la casa principal, que cuenta con aire acondicionado airzone y suelos radiantes, hay un apartamento de 3 dormitorios. A sólo 5 minutos de Coín y Alhaurín.
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VILLAS - HOTProperties
Ref: HOT-F5397-AH | Álora
€550,000 Area 285m2 • 7 Bed • 4 Bath Plot 12,327m2 Occupying a huge plot of land just outside the pretty village of Álora, this charming rural property comprises the main house, plus a 2-bed apartment, 1-bed apartment and store. The well-presented finca – successfully operated as a B&B for several years – has a private pool, various sunny terraces, outdoor and indoor dining areas, breathtaking countryside views and parking for several cars.
Fabulosa finca rural a las afueras del pintoresco pueblo de Álora sobre una gran parcela de terreno. La propiedad está dividida en una casa principal y dos apartamentos que se han estado alquilando durante varios años como alojamiento turístico. Piscina, terrazas inundadas de sol, zonas de comedor exteriores e interiores, maravillosas vistas del campo y aparcamiento para varios coches.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
HOTProperties - VILLAS
Ref: HOT-V5293-SSC | Calahonda
€559,000 Area 138m2 • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 1,421m2 Occupying a large plot of land in a quiet residential area only a pleasant 5-minute walk to the beach and local amenities, this charming villa has easily managed private gardens with a secluded pool and ample sunny terraces. Totally refurbished and for sale fully-furnished, the property has pretty sea views, a private garage and a BBQ. A lovely family home and with good rental potential. Fabuloso chalet en una zona residencial y tranquila de Calahonda. La parcela es amplia y contiene jardines con una encantadora piscina y varias terrazas. La casa se ha reformado y se vende completamente amueblada. Tiene vistas al mar, un garaje privado y barbacoa. Ideal para vivir todo el año y para pasar veranos azules. Muy alquilable.
141 29
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VILLAS - HOTProperties
Ref: HOT-V5477-AH | Alhaurín de la Torre
€575,000 Area 369m2 • 8 Bed • 4 Bath Plot 1,500m2 Divided into two separate, self-contained homes – each with its own entrance as well as four bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room, this substantial and wellbuilt villa is located in the sought-after Los Pinos area, only a few minutes from the town and its many amenities. The property also has attractive gardens featuring a heated pool and jacuzzi, plus large sunny terraces and two garages.
169 35
Estupendo chalet en Alhaurín de la Torre dividido en dos viviendas separadas, cada una de ellas con 4 dormitorios, cocina y salón independiente. Resulta ideal para dos familias o para vivir en una de las viviendas y alquilar la otra. La propiedad dispone de jardines, piscina climatizada, jacuzzi, terrazas soleadas y dos garajes. Muy cerca del pueblo, es una gran inversión.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
HOTProperties - VILLAS
Ref: HOT-V5085-SSC | Calahonda
€590,000 Area 164m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 524m2 Situated on a cul-de-sac in a residential area only a short distance from local amenities – including the beach, golf courses, shops, restaurants and bars – this attractive villa has bright and spacious living accommodation, a fireplace, various terraces, an inviting private pool and lush green gardens. An idyllic permanent residence or holiday home, viewing is highly recommended. Precioso chalet de 3 dormitorios y 2 baños situado en una calle sin salida de una zona residencial en Calahonda, cerca de los comercios, la playa y varios campos de golf. Habitaciones luminosas y muy amplias, salón con chimenea, varias terrazas, una coqueta piscina y exuberantes jardines. Casa perfecta como hogar familiar o para vacaciones. Se recomienda verla.
210 357
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VILLAS - HOTProperties
Ref: HOT-V5200-SSC | Mijas
€595,000 Area 208m2 • 4 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 1,710m2 Located on a prestigious urbanisation close to the village of Mijas, this lovely villa is very private, and boasts a large mature garden with inviting heated pool, BBQ area, terraces – both open and covered – and stunning panoramic views of the mountains and to the sea. Bright, spacious, and well-presented, the property has many special features and is only a 15-minute drive to the beach.
Encantadora villa ubicada en un prestigioso complejo cercano a Mijas. Dispone de aire acondicionado y suelos radiantes en los baños. Con mucha luz y espacio, la casa está rodeada de un jardín maduro con una magnífica piscina climatizada, barbacoa, varias terrazas tanto cubiertas como al aire libre e impresionantes vistas. A un salto del pueblo y a sólo 15 minutos en coche de la playa.
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
HOTProperties - VILLAS
Ref: HOT-V4194-LC | Coín
€599,000 Area 296m2 • 5 Bed • 5 Bath Plot 1,211m2 Occupying a large plot of land with wellmaintained private gardens featuring a fabulous pool with automatic cover, this stunning villa on the outskirts of town has been lovingly cared for by its current owners. For sale partly furnished, the elegant property has a self-contained 3-bedroom apartment, central heating throughout, a detached double garage and a full irrigation system. Fantástico chalet emplazado en una gran parcela de terreno con unos cuidados jardines privados y piscina con cubierta automática. A las afueras de Coín, la propiedad tiene calefacción central, garaje para dos vehículos y sistema de riego. Dispone también de un apartamento de 3 dormitorios. Ha estado muy cuidada por sus actuales propietarios y se vende parcialmente amueblada.
173 45
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VILLAS - HOTProperties
Ref: HOT-F3086-NA | Cañete la Real
Reduced Was Now
€995,000 €599,000
Area 228m2 • 5 Bed 4.5 Bath • Plot 45,000m2 Idyllically situated in a peaceful valley near Ronda, this is the perfect country retreat. Extended and refurbished to high standards of contemporary style and luxury, this is a stunning home in which to live the sustainable dream. The property’s many special features include a guest annex, swimming pool, large terraces, beautiful natural gardens, extensive orchards and more.
Perfecto refugio campestre junto a un río, muy cerca de Ronda. Casa de lujo completamente ampliada y reformada en estilo contemporáneo con las mejores calidades. Piscina, amplias terrazas, casa de invitados y preciosos jardines con huerto. Cuenta con placas solares y agua de su propio manantial, lo que la hace autosuficiente e ideal para vivir de modo sostenible.
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Ref: HOT-V4920-SSC | San Roque
€610,000 Area 202m2 • 3 Bed • 2.5 Bath Plot 654m2 Situated in the charming area of Alcaidesa, this beautifully-presented, south-facing villa features bright and spacious living accommodation, several sunny terraces, a well-kept garden and inviting pool. With fabulous views to Morocco and Gibraltar and only a few minutes’ walk to the beach and local amenities, this property is an idyllic family home. Fabuloso chalet de 3 dormitorios situado en la preciosa zona de la Alcaidesa. Esta propiedad con orientación Sur cuenta con habitaciones amplias y luminosas, un hermoso salón abierto, varias terrazas, un jardín y una cuidada piscina. Desde la casa se puede disfrutar de vistas a Marruecos y Gibraltar. A sólo unos pocos minutos a pie de la playa, bares, y restaurantes.
134 27
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Ref: HOT-V5152-SSC | Los Monteros
€639,000 Area 171m2 • 3 Bed • 4 Bath Plot 527m2 Boasting a prestigious location on the eastern outskirts of Marbella, and only a short drive to the beach, this superb semi-detached, frontline golf villa has been built to the highest standards and has many special features. With stunning views over its well-kept private garden to the fairways and the sea, the spacious property has large sunny terraces, a carport and is for sale furnished.
133 23
Maravillosa casa pareada en un entorno tranquilo de la conocida zona de Los Monteros y muy cerca en coche de las mejores playas de Marbella. A pie del campo de golf, la vivienda ofrece vistas abiertas sobre el green y hasta el mar. Edificada con las mejores calidades, tiene su propio jardín privado, terrazas y aparcamiento. Se vende amueblada y es ideal como hogar familiar.
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Ref: HOT-V5440-SSC | Mijas
€650,000 Area 305m2 • 5 Bed • 4 Bath Plot 1,418m2 Exceptional family home Enjoying a peaceful location only a short drive to the picturesque village of Mijas, this imposing villa has been built to high standards and is for sale fully furnished. The property boasts many special features, including a fantastic private pool, extensive sunny terraces, and stunning panoramic views over the countryside to the mountains. Situated on a prestigious urbanisation, the quality residence also has a separate 2-bedroom apartment, plus a fullyequipped gym, BBQ area, private garage and an alarm system with security cameras both indoors and out.
Excepcional casa familiar Fabuloso chalet situado cerca de Mijas, en un entorno muy tranquilo, con 5 dormitorios, 4 baños y salón con chimenea. La propiedad es muy completa y está equipada con todas las comodidades. Dispone de una fantástica piscina con varias terrazas, zona de barbacoa y un apartamento independiente con 2 dormitorios. La vivienda está edificada con las mejores calidades, una decoración muy cuidada y se vende completamente amueblada. Los propietarios disfrutarán además de gimnasio, garaje y un sistema de seguridad con cámaras y alarma.
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Ref: HOT-V5368-SSC | Estepona
€690,000 Area 236m2 • 5 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 604m2 Within walking distance of the beach, shops and restaurants, this charming villa comprises of two storeys – each with its own independent access, with the upper level being easily converted into a separate apartment. The property has large sunny terraces, an inviting pool with jacuzzi, a low maintenance garden and a covered BBQ area, plus a newlyfitted kitchen with Siemens appliances. Preciosa villa en Estepona con un delicioso toque rústico a un paso de la playa. La propiedad tiene dos plantas con entradas independientes. La planta baja consta de cocina, dormitorio en suite y vestidor, salón y otros dos dormitorios con baño. La planta alta, con vistas al mar, se puede usar como apartamento o una impresionante oficina. Jardines, barbacoa y piscina con jacuzzi.
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Ref: HOT-V2678-SSC | El Paraíso Alto
Reduced Was Now
€765,000 €695,000
Area 365m2 • 4 Bed 4.5 Bath • Plot 715m2 This bright and spacious villa has recently been tastefully refurbished with useful upgrades and many quality features. The private nature of one of the lower level suites – which comes complete with a fullyequipped kitchen – makes it ideal as an apartment for guests or family. The elegant property boasts spectacular panoramic views of the Mediterranean Sea and the Rock of Gibraltar.
Luminosa y amplia propiedad remodelada recientemente con muy buen gusto y con detalles de calidad. En la planta baja una de las suites tiene cocina completamente equipada, lo que la convierte en un apartamento independiente para invitados o familiares. Por si fuera poco, disfruta de espectaculares vistas panorámicas sobre el Mediterráneo y Gibraltar.
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Ref: HOT-F5256-SSC | Alhaurín el Grande
€695,000 Area 220m2 • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 10,000m2 A superbly built and beautifully presented rural home in the sought-after Las Lomas area, within easy reach of Alhaurín and the coast. Spacious and well-appointed, the property has a well-kept private garden with a large pool, ample terraces – both open and covered – fabulous al fresco dining facilities, stunning mountain views, plus a carport and plenty of off-road parking. Must be seen. Fabulosa casa rural ubicada en la conocida zona de Las Lomas, bien conectada con la localidad de Alhaurín el Grande y con la costa. Espaciosa y muy práctica, distribuida en 2 plantas, la propiedad disfruta de un jardín privado muy bien mantenido, una preciosa piscina y amplias terrazas, tanto cubiertas como al aire libre. Vistas de los montes y zona de aparcamiento.
213 39
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La Cala de Mijas
VILLAS - HOTProperties
Bulevar de La Cala 1 29649 Mijas Costa Málaga +34 952 58 77 59
Your Kitchen company on the Costa del Sol
Marbella Bulevar Príncipe Alfonso von Hohenlohe s/n 29602 Marbella Málaga +34 952 76 45 95
Cookware Accessories
Kitchenware Appliances Marbella Bulevar Príncipe Alfonso von Hohenlohe s/n 29602 Marbella, Málaga +34 952 76 45 95
Art Gallery
Bulevar Príncipe Alfonso von Hohenlohe s/n a 29602 Marbella, Málag +34 952 76 45 95
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HOTProperties - VILLAS
Ref: HOT-V5036-LC | La Cala Golf
€695,000 Area 279m2 • 4 Bed • 4.5 Bath Plot 818m2 Superb frontline golf villa on a quiet cul-de-sac and boasting spectacular views over the fairways to the mountains. The spacious property features several terraces – both open and covered – and a beautiful private pool. It also has a large basement that would make an ideal guest apartment, as well as a double garage. Situated just minutes from the clubhouse and amenities. Villa fantásticamente situada en primera línea de golf al final de un callejón sin salida, con espectaculares vistas. Habitaciones amplias y luminosas, cocina de gran calidad, cuartos de baño y terrazas fabulosas. Sótano independiente con posibilidades. Jardines fáciles de mantener, piscina y patios alrededor de la vivienda. A pocos minutos de golf, tenis, restauración y playa.
281 50
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Ref: HOT-V5447-SSC | Mijas Costa
€699,000 Area 216m2 • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 1,000m2 Peacefully situated on a popular complex within walking distance of local amenities and only a short drive to Fuengirola, this charming villa is full of character. The well-presented property has a large mature garden with a lovely pool, a spacious terrace, plus a BBQ and summer kitchen, and also features a separate guest apartment and pleasant views over the surrounding area to the sea.
221 55
Magnífico chalet con una ubicación tranquila en una demandada urbanización de Mijas Costa, a poca distancia en coche de Fuengirola y cerca de los servicios locales. La finca dispone de jardines maduros y una encantadora piscina, terraza, barbacoa y cocina de verano. También consta de apartamento para invitados junto a la piscina y sus vistas al mar son preciosas.
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Ref: HOT-V5144-SSC | Torremolinos
€748,000 Area 279m2 • 4 Bed 2.5 Bath • Plot 1,516m2 A wonderful family villa on a large plot with private orchard, well-kept garden and an inviting private pool. Situated in a peaceful area, the magnificent property is full of character and has a large living room with fireplace, plus a double garage, large sunny terrace and BBQ area. Within walking distance of the beach and local amenities, this is a property that must be viewed. Magnífico chalet en una de las zonas más tranquilas y bonitas de Torremolinos, con un amplio jardín y un huerto de maravillosos árboles frutales tropicales. Amplias habitaciones y gran salón comedor con chimenea, zona de barbacoa, piscina, garaje y una enorme terraza hacen de esta propiedad una joya para disfrutar de la vida en la costa. Se puede ir andando a la playa y los comercios.
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Ref: HOT-F5340-AH | Alhaurín el Grande
€795,000 Area 280m2 • 5 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 1,990m2 Peacefully situated, this stunning rural property occupies a large elevated plot with breathtaking panoramic views over the countryside to the mountains, the bay of Málaga and the Mediterranean Sea. The imposing villa has a lovely private garden with a pool and large sunny terraces, while its many special features include a fabulous kitchen and state-of-the-art home automation system.
15 88
Esta increíble villa rural está situada en una privilegiada, tranquila y elevada área de Alhaurín el Grande. Goza de unas gloriosas vistas panorámicas de las montañas, del campo, de la bahía de Málaga y el Mediterráneo. Esta luminosa y espaciosa propiedad ofrece una más que completa cocina, piscina privada y maravillosas terrazas soleadas. Cuenta además con control domótico. Una joya.
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Ref: HOT-V5344-SSC | Mijas Costa
€799,000 Area 281m2 • 3 Bed 2 Bath • Plot 1,102m2 Quietly located just a short walk from the beach, this attractive villa occupies a large plot of land with an impressive private pool and mature gardens planted with fruit trees. An idyllic family home – and with good rental potential too – the well-presented property has been refurbished, while its many special features include large terraces, sea views, a private garage and a games room. Magnífico chalet ubicado en una tranquila zona de Mijas Costa y al mismo tiempo muy cerca de la playa. Resulta una estupenda casa familiar, la propiedad ha sido reformada y goza de grandes terrazas, árboles frutales, una fabulosa piscina, bar y sala de juegos. Acogedor salón con chimenea, habitaciones aireadas y una práctica cocina completan los interiores.
122 27
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6% guaranteed
From 192.000 €
Enjoy an oasis of peace in the surroundings of your dreams Perfectly established residential area with fully functioning common areas • 48 homes, including some 2, 3 and 4 bedroom penthouses • Spacious gardens • Community pools • Golf courses situated in the vicinity of the complex • Private terraces in all apartments • Homes finished to a high standard of quality • Penthouses with the possibility of including a Jacuzzi and/or barbecue area • Views towards the golf course • Fantastic communications network
High standard of quality
Maximum light into your new home
951 100 077
First Line Golf Views towards de golf course
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HOTProperties - VILLAS
Ref: HOT-C5247-SSC | Puerto Banús
€799,000 Area 48m2 • 1 Bath A great place to start a business, this commercial property – located right in the centre of Puerto Banús and on one of its busiest streets – is a rare opportunity. Distributed over two storeys, it has a large shop window, plus a small bathroom, is situated close to parking areas and is within walking distance of the marina and the beach, while also benefiting from easy access. Oportunidad única de iniciar un negocio en el corazón de Puerto Banús. Este local comercial está idóneamente ubicado en una de las calles más transitadas del lujoso enclave. Dispone de 2 plantas y cuarto de baño, tiene un amplio escaparate, está cerca de los aparcamientos y a un paso del puerto y la playa. Una ocasión que no se presenta todos los días.
285 49
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VILLAS - HOTProperties
Ref: HOT-V4998-NA | Nueva Andalucía
€875,000 Area 204m2 • 4 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 513m2 Fabulous, Spanish-style villa situated in the heart of this extremely popular area. Recently refurbished to a very high standard, this wonderful family home boasts a beautiful private swimming pool, bright and comfortable living spaces, several sunny terraces, and is just a short walk to Puerto Banús, with its plethora of bars, restaurants, designer boutiques and nightclubs.
9 35
Espléndido chalet situado en el corazón de Nueva Andalucía, con 4 habitaciones dobles, 3 baños, cocina abierta y un gran salón con comedor. La casa se ha reformado recientemente con las mejores calidades y resulta muy cómoda. La propiedad tiene una hermosa piscina y varias terrazas. A sólo un paseo de la zona de servicios y el bullicio de Puerto Banús.
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HOTProperties - VILLAS
Ref: HOT-V5208-SSC | Mijas Costa
€899,000 Area 239m2 • 2 Bed 3 Bath • Plot 785m2 Conveniently located between La Cala and Fuengirola – and within walking distance of the beach and local amenities – this charming villa boasts a large private garden with an inviting pool, ample sunny terraces and a jacuzzi. Spacious and bright, the property also has a separate guest apartment, sea views, a BBQ and an integral garage, as well as a fireplace and 24-hour security. Magnífica villa con unas vistas inigualables e impresionantes terrazas situada entre La Cala y Fuengirola. Disfruta de unos impresionantes jardines con exóticas palmeras, piscina, terrazas y jacuzzi, adornados con iluminación y música ambiental. La casa dispone de un apartamento para invitados, amplias habitaciones y espacio para el ocio. Garaje, barbacoa y seguridad 24 horas.
226 47
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VILLAS - HOTProperties
Ref: HOT-V5183-SSC | Mijas Costa
€899,000 Area 273m2 • 3 Bed 2 Bath • Plot 1,200m2 Enjoying peace and tranquillity, yet only a short drive to the beach and within walking distance of local restaurants and shops, this charming and spacious villa has been built to high standards. The property has a low maintenance mature garden featuring a fabulous pool, large terraces – both covered and open – and has beautiful views over the surrounding area to Fuengirola and the sea.
105 27
Fantástica villa en la famosa urbanización de la Sierrezuela, en Mijas Costa. La propiedad disfruta de privacidad y tranquilidad, una fabulosa piscina privada, jardín de fácil mantenimiento, habitaciones espaciosas, preciosas vistas, un gran salón comedor y varias terrazas. A un paseo de los comercios de la zona y a una distancia cercana de la playa.
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Ref: HOT-V5310-SSC | El Rosario
€995,000 Area 257m2 • 5 Bed 6.5 Bath • Plot 1,175m2 An idyllic family home, this imposing villa has been built to high standards, is located in a prestigious area and is only a few minutes to the beach and the centre of Marbella. Set amid well-kept gardens with an inviting pool and several spacious terraces, the well-presented, southwestfacing property has beautiful sea and mountain views, is full of character and also has a large basement. Lujosa villa impregnada de carácter situada en la conocida zona de El Rosario, a unos minutos en coche de las mejores playas de Marbella y de todo lo que ofrece la costa. Tiene orientación Suroeste, unos espectaculares jardines y una atractiva piscina. La casa dispone de varias terrazas, fabulosas vistas al mar y la montaña y un enorme sótano equipado. Gran potencial de alquiler.
127 28
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Ref: HOT-V5404-SSC | Mijas Costa
€1,100,000 Area 236m2 • 3 Bed 3.5 Bath • Plot 852m2 Peacefully situated in a sought-after residential area close to the beach and local amenities, this imposing villa has been built to high standards, very well maintained and is for sale fully furnished. The property has secluded gardens with a lovely heated pool, BBQ and panoramic views to the sea, while other special features include a large basement and an integral garage. Must be seen. Preciosa villa en una zona residencial y tranquila de Mijas Costa, cerca de la playa y los comercios. Es ideal para familias, tiene acabados de calidad y siempre se ha mantenido con cuidado. Se vende completamente amueblada y cuenta con unos recogidos jardines en los que hay piscina climatizada, barbacoa y vistas al mar. Tiene también un gran sótano y garaje. Hay que verla.
202 34
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VILLAS - HOTProperties
Ref: HOT-V5374-SSC | Marbella East
€1,195,000 Area 219m2 • 4 Bed 2.5 Bath • Plot 1,000m2 Enjoying a sought-after location on the eastern outskirts of Marbella and close to the beach, this stylish villa was built by an interior designer. For sale furnished to high specifications, this stunning luxury property has a beautiful private pool, a low maintenance garden with magnificent terraces, a charming BBQ area and a garage. A fantastic family home and with good rental potential.
Situada en una tranquila zona de El Rosario y a unos minutos en coche de las mejores playas de Marbella, esta lujosa villa construida por un diseñador de interiores tiene mucho estilo. Se vende amueblada, con acabados de lujo y buen gusto. Tiene una coqueta piscina, un jardín muy fácil de mantener, imponentes terrazas, barbacoa y garaje. Puro estilo en el corazón de la costa.
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Ref: HOT-V5081-SSC | Mijas
€1,300,000 Area 320m2 • 5 Bed • 5 Bath Plot 2,000m2 The Mediterranean dream personified Occupying an enviable location in prestigious Valtocado, this magnificent villa is set amid extensive private gardens with breathtaking views of the mountains and over the verdant valley to the sea beyond. Built in 2004, the high specification property possesses many special features including a large heated swimming pool, two gazebos, a jacuzzi, glazed summer kitchen, garden illumination and automatic irrigation system, while also benefiting from a solar heating system, games room, wine cellar, security system, water softener and more besides.
El sueño Mediterráneo personificado Ubicada en una envidiable ubicación de Mijas, esta magnífica villa se erige entre frondosos jardines de una extensión de 2000 m2 con vistas de las montañas y el mar que quitan el hipo. Construida en 2004, la propiedad goza de las mejores calidades repartidas en 3 plantas y tiene detalles de lujo como una gran piscina climatizada, dos cenadores, jacuzzi, cocina de verano acristalada, iluminación exterior y riego automático. Cuenta además con placas solares, suelos radiantes, sala de juegos, bodega y sistema de seguridad. Fuera de serie.
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Ref: HOT-F5462-SSC | Periana
€1,300,000 Area 375m2 • 4 Bed 4 Bath • Plot 2,488m2 Occupying a large plot on the eastern side of Málaga province, this stunning rural property is of impeccable contemporary design and boasts breathtaking views of beautiful Lake Viñuela and the landmark Maroma mountain. Built to exacting specifications and with enormous attention to detail, the property has a heated chemical-free pool, exquisite gardens and huge sunny terraces. Recommended. Esta villa de diseño contemporáneo y compuesta por 4 dormitorios se encuentra en una gran parcela del enclave de Periana. La casa resulta muy sofisticada gracias al cuidado que se ha puesto en los detalles y los acabados de alta gama. Disfruta de impresionantes vistas sobre el lago Viñuela y el Monte Maroma. Dispone de piscina climatizada, jardines impecables, barbacoa y terrazas.
194 46
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HOTProperties - VILLAS
Ref: HOT-V5377-SSC | Monda
€1,385,000 Area 250m2 • 3 Bed 3.5 Bath • Plot 8,777m2 From its luxury fittings and exquisite special features, to the breathtaking mountain, village and castle views, this outstanding villa has everything you could wish for and more. Ideal for country lovers, the stylish property has beautifully-kept gardens with a magnificent pool and vast sunny terraces, under-floor bathroom heating and selfadjusting automatic blinds on the lower level. Recommended. Espléndida villa con jardines y piscina ideal para los amantes del campo. Tiene un amplio salón-comedor con zona de tv y de chimenea separadas, suelos radiantes en el baño y otros muchos detalles. La casa está inundada de luz y tiene persianas automáticas en la planta baja. Las vistas son impresionantes desde la terraza, con el magnífico trasfondo de Monda. Un paraíso entre olivos.
18 106
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VILLAS - HOTProperties
Ref: HOT-V4828-SSC | Mijas
€1,555,000 Area 340m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 3,570m2 Unique and stylish villa close to the picturesque village of Mijas and just a 15-minute drive to the coast’s sandy beaches. The charismatic property boasts panoramic sea and mountain views and offers complete privacy and tranquillity. It has been refurbished to the highest standards and, complete with inviting private pool and BBQ area, is an exceptional home.
327 83
Espectacular villa con un estilo único cerca de Mijas pueblo, a sólo 15 minutos en coche de la costa. Esta impresionante casa ofrece fabulosas vistas panorámicas de las montañas y el mar. Goza de total privacidad y ofrece una incomparable tranquilidad. Se ha renovado con acabados de calidad y se completa con una gran piscina y zona de barbacoa. Excepcional.
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Ref: HOT-V5289-SSC | Mijas Costa
€1,595,000 Area 314m2 • 3 Bed 3 Bath • Plot 600m2 Situated on a prestigious gated urbanisation comprising only a small number of properties, this spectacular luxury villa has breathtaking sea views and is within walking distance of the beach. Boasting a magnificent private pool and vast sundrenched terraces – both open and covered – this jewel of a property is in immaculate condition throughout and has a plethora of special features. Fantástico chalet de lujo en Mijas, situado en la zona de Torrenueva. La vivienda está incorporada a una segura urbanización compuesta por unas cuantas villas. La casa está decorada con todos detalles, baños de diseño, una cocina con carácter, porche acristalado y bar. Tiene piscina privada y garaje, además de unas vistas panorámicas del mar desde toda la extensión de sus terrazas.
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Ref: HOT-V5352-SSC | Nueva Andalucía
€1,650,000 Area 447m2 • 4 Bed 5.5 Bath • Plot 794m2 Only a short walk from iconic Puerto Banús, this gracious semi-detached villa is on a prestigious gated urbanisation with 24-hour security. Of impressive proportions, the luxury property – which has a spectacular entrance hall complete with sweeping staircase – is set amid magnificent private gardens featuring a fabulous private pool, charming gazebo, beautiful palm trees and large terraces.
Maravillosa villa en estilo clásico situada en una de las urbanizaciones más exclusivas de Marbella con seguridad 24 h. Se compone de 4 habitaciones, 5 baños y dispone de un salón amplio y luminoso con chimenea. La casa disfruta de varias terrazas y un espectacular jardín subtropical privado con piscina y cenador. Entrada de lujo con unas espectaculares escaleras y garaje privado.
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Ref: HOT-V5147-SSC | Marbella East
€1,650,000 Area 369m2 • 5 Bed 6.5 Bath • Plot 1,660m2 Enjoying breathtaking sea views from its prime location, this impressive villa has an imposing double-height entrance hall, while lush subtropical gardens – with a large heated pool, sweeping driveway, vast terraces and outdoor jacuzzi – surround the luxury residence. The many special features include a sauna and a huge gym, with the potential of being converted into a separate apartment. Además de las vistas más increíbles de la costa, esta mansión en Las Chapas tiene cualidades para convencer al comprador más exigente. Techos de doble altura en la entrada, exuberantes jardines subtropicales, piscina climatizada, entrada para coches, enormes terrazas y jacuzzi exterior rodean la lujosa propiedad. Su gran gimnasio podría convertirse en un apartamento independiente.
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VILLAS - HOTProperties
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
HOTProperties - VILLAS
Ref: HOT-V5333-SSC | Mijas
€2,295,000 Area 494m2 • 6 Bed • 6.5 Bath Plot 4,590m2 Pride of place Occupying the highest plot on the outskirts of Mijas Pueblo – and with magnificent views along the coast as far as the Rock of Gibraltar and across the sea to the Atlas Mountains – this exquisite villa is set amid breathtaking grounds featuring mature palms, and terraced orchards planted with citrus and exotic fruit trees. The peerless property – which has a separate guest cottage – boasts superlative living accommodation, a large heated salt system swimming pool, and a thatched gazebo with BBQ house and summer kitchen perfect for entertaining.
Lugar privilegiado Espectacular villa enclavada en las colinas de Mijas pueblo, con unas vistas de ensueño y unos elegantes jardines con palmeras y deliciosos árboles frutales. La vivienda se inspira en un castillo y tiene gran personalidad. El salón es circular y cuenta con una chimenea de cobre 360º. Además de los 5 dormitorios dobles del edificio principal, la finca tiene también una casita de invitados. La piscina climatizada es de agua salada y en el exterior se puede disfrutar de un cenador con techo de madera con barbacoa y cocina de verano. Una joya.
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VILLAS - HOTProperties
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
HOTProperties - VILLAS
Ref: HOT-V5470-SSC | Benahavís
€2,750,000 Area 756m2 • 5 Bed • 6.5 Bath Plot 4,942m2 Luxury Mediterranean lifestyle Situated within the prestigious gated estate of the Marbella Club Golf Resort, this imposing and magnificently designed villa is set amid immaculately maintained gardens overlooking the fairways and with glorious views of the sea, as far as the Rock of Gibraltar and the coast of North Africa. The exceptional property features a spectacular infinity pool, several sunny terraces and outdoor dining areas, a wine cellar, games room and library/study, plus two kitchens and a self-contained one-bedroom apartment. A unique residence in an unparalleled location.
Lujo Mediterráneo Magnífica villa situada en la prestigiosa urbanización Marbella Club Golf Resort, en Benahavís. La propiedad tiene unos exquisitos jardines con vistas al golf y a toda la costa. La casa principal consta de 4 dormitorios, 6 baños y aseo, dos cocinas a las que se añade una bodega con comedor, sala de juegos y un estudio-biblioteca. Existe también un apartamento de invitados independiente. Al aire libre la finca dispone de varias terrazas, zonas de comedor y una espectacular piscina infinita. Una residencia exclusiva en una ubicación sin igual.
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VILLAS - HOTProperties
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
HOTProperties - VILLAS
Ref: HOT-V5066-SSC | Estepona
€2,795,000 Area 724m2 • 4 Bed 4.5 Bath • Plot 2,385m2 Enjoying a coveted location at prestigious El Paraíso, this spectacular frontline golf villa has been beautifully designed and built to exacting standards. Set amid stunning subtropical gardens featuring a heated swimming pool and thatched gazebo, this idyllic family home also has a gym, games room and sauna, plus planning permission for a detached double garage with 1-bed apartment. Ubicada en el prestigioso El Paraíso, esta espectacular villa en primera línea de golf ha sido diseñada y construida con los más altos estándares. Situada en medio de sus impresionantes jardines subtropicales con piscina climatizada y un cenador de estilo balinés, también dispone de un gimnasio, sala de juegos y sauna, y posee permiso de obras para construir un garaje con apartamento arriba.
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VILLAS - HOTProperties
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
HOTProperties - VILLAS
Ref: HOT-P5048-SSC | Gaucín
€3,500,000 Plot 800,000m2 Around 30 minutes’ drive from the coast, this huge plot of land in the Andalusian countryside has a licence to build. It currently houses a large stable block, lunging ring and other facilities for horses, plus a small rural villa. The perfect location for an equestrian centre, the lovely River Genal runs through the land which also boasts breathtaking panoramas and wonderful hiking trails. Soberbia parcela situada en Gaucín a sólo 30 minutos en coche de la costa y con licencia para construir. Actualmente alberga un gran establo, un picadero y otras instalaciones relacionadas con la hípica. La parcela contiene también una casa de estilo rústico. Es una propiedad ideal para un centro ecuestre. El río Genal corre por el terreno, que goza de un maravilloso paisaje.
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VILLAS - HOTProperties
Ref: HOT-P5049-SSC | Casares
€3,900,000 Plot 1,080,000m2 This unique country estate has a project approved by the Town Hall for the construction of a private residence, plus a rural hotel and an equestrian centre. Only a 30-minute drive from the coast, the plot – which is situated in the mountains – has many flat areas, spectacular views over the valley and towards the village of Gaucín, and features ancient olive trees and various species of oak. Oportunidad extraordinaria de comprar una finca rural que tiene el proyecto aprobado por el ayuntamiento para construir una casa, un hotel y un centro ecuestre. Situado a 30 minutos de la costa, la parcela está en la serranía pero tiene muchas zonas en llano, vistas espectaculares de los alrededores y al pueblo de Gaucín. Tiene olivos antiguos y varias especies de roble.
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HOTProperties HOTProperties--VILLAS VILLAS
More HOT villas from VIVA! Hi, I’m Claudia! Let’s take a look at some more fabulous villas currently for sale through VIVA… at the best prices and best locations throughout the Costa del Sol. To see all these and so much more, log onto: Finca in Almogía Ref: HOT-F4076-SSC
Finca in Alhaurín el Grande Was €245,000 • Ref: HOT-F4538-AH
Villa in Monda Was €320,000 • Ref: HOT-V2625-SSC
Villa in Torreblanca Was €295,000 • Ref: HOT-V4778-CH
Area 148m • 4 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 2,495m2
Area 135m • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 3,592m2
Area 135m • 3 Bed • 1 Bath Plot 540m2
Area 153m2 • 4 Bed • 4 Bath Plot 262m2
Finca in Cártama Was €497,000 • Ref: HOT-F3081-SSC
Villa in El Faro Ref: HOT-V4625-SSC
Finca in Coín Was €325,000 • Ref: HOT-F3264-AH
Finca in Mijas Ref: HOT-VFG-F2018
Area 179m • 5 Bed • 5 Bath Plot 1,340m2
Area 191m • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 296m2
Area 98m • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 5,526m2
Area 261m2 • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 9,000m2
Finca in Colmenar Ref: HOT-F3902-AH
Villa in El Faro Ref: HOT-V4843-SSC
Finca in Cártama Was €349,000 • Ref: HOT-F3411-AH
Villa in Alhaurín Golf Was €345,000 • Ref: HOT-V3236-AH
Area 278m2 • 4 Bed • 4 Bath Plot 4,000m2
Area 124m2 • 3 Bed • 2.5 Bath Plot 366m2
Area 210m2 • 4 Bed • 1 Bath Plot 3,180m2
Area 141m2 • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 536m2
Villa in Mijas Was €359,000 • Ref: HOT-V4628-SSC
Villa in Coín Ref: HOT-V4419-LC
Villa in Calahonda Was €399,000 • Ref: HOT-V2661-SSC
Villa in Casares Was €450,000 • Ref: HOT-V2673-SSC
Area 143m • 3 Bed • 2.5 Bath Plot 903m2
Area 150m • 4 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 600m2
Area 158m • 3 Bed • 2.5 Bath Plot 391m2
Area 150m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 1,000m2
Villa in Casabermeja Ref: HOT-V2501-SSC
Finca in Estepona Alta Was €410,000 • Ref: HOT-F4236-SSC
Villa in Benalmádena Costa Was €599,995 • Ref: HOT-V2430-SSC
Villa in Guadiaro Was €450,000 • Ref: HOT-V4850-SSC
Area 290m • 5 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 400m2
Area 177m • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 3,800m2
Area 320m • 4 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 382m2
Area 202m2 • 4 Bed • 4 Bath Plot 1,312m2
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
VILLAS - HOTProperties
Villa in Estepona Playa Was €440,000 • Ref: HOT-V3441-SSC
Finca in Álora Was €595,000 • Ref: HOT-F2076-SSC
Finca in Alhaurín el Grande Ref: HOT-F4913-AH
Finca in Cártama Ref: HOT-F4196-SSC
Area 250m • 4 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 400m2
Area 380m • 7 Bed • 5 Bath Plot 2,500m2
Area 209m • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 16,637m2
Area 281m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 11,000m2
Villa in Estepona Ref: HOT-V2040-SSC
Villa in Alhaurín el Grande Was €525,000 • Ref: HOT-V2683-SSC
Villa in Alhaurín el Grande Ref: HOT-V2800-SSC
Villa in Riviera del Sol Was €495,000 • Ref: HOT-V4856-CH
Area 185m • 3 Bed • 3.5 Bath Plot 308m2
Area 272m • 3 Bed • 3.5 Bath Plot 1,285m2
Area 350m • 5 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 3,000m2
Area 153m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 496m2
Villa in La Leala Was €549,000 • Ref: HOT-V2677-SSC
Finca in Tolox Ref: HOT-F3514-SSC
Villa in Las Delicias Was €640,000 • Ref: HOT-V2318-SSC
Villa in Los Claveles Was €695,000 • Ref: HOT-V2619-SSC
Area 193m2 • 5 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 500m2
Area 157m2 • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 12,000m2
Area 360m2 • 4 Bed • 4.5 Bath Plot 900m2
Area 270m2 • 5 Bed • 3.5 Bath Plot 702m2
Villa in Linda Vista Playa Ref: HOT-V2842-SSC
Villa in Mijas Ref: HOT-V3296-LC
Villa in Marbella Was €525,000 • Ref: HOT-V4630-SSC
Villa in San Roque Was €600,000 • Ref: HOT-V2255-SSC
Area 290m2 • 4 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 400m2
Area 255m2 • 3 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 10,000m2
Area 220m2 • 6 Bed • 5 Bath Plot 1,290m2
Area 246m2 • 4 Bed • 4 Bath Plot 447m2
Villa in Mijas Golf Was €645,000 • Ref: HOT-V4061-LC
Villa in Marbella East Was €675,000 • Ref: HOT-V3964-SSC
Villa in Campo Mijas Ref: HOT-V2552-SSC
Finca in Ronda Ref: HOT-F3374-LH
Area 200m • 4 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 912m2
Area 246m • 4 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 2,374m2
Area 290m • 4 Bed • 4 Bath Plot 1,500m2
Area 340m2 • 5 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 77,000m2
Villa in El Rosario Was €850,000 • Ref: HOT-V2183-SSC
Villa in Mijas Golf Was €699,950 • Ref: HOT-V3962-LC
Villa in Calahonda Was €695,000 • Ref: HOT-V4387-SSC
Villa in Marbesa Was €800,000 • Ref: HOT-V4471-SSC
Area 270m2 • 4 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 1,020m2
Area 357m2 • 4 Bed • 4 Bath Plot 817m2
Area 421m2 • 4 Bed • 3.5 Bath Plot 800m2
Area 209m2 • 4 Bed • 2.5 Bath Plot 630m2
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
HOTProperties - VILLAS
Villa in Marbella East Was €639,000 • Ref: HOT-V4829-MOT
Villa in Calahonda Was €625,000 • Ref: HOT-V4852-CH
Finca in Alhaurín el Grande Was €825,000 • Ref: HOT-F2088-SSC
Villa in Doña Pilar Was €749,000 • Ref: HOT-V3339-SSC
Area 225m • 4 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 678m2
Area 180m • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 400m2
Area 330m • 4 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 4,800m2
Area 408m2 • 5 Bed • 4 Bath Plot 850m2
Villa in Marbella Was €699,000 • Ref: HOT-V4915-SSC
Villa in Elviria Was €895,000 • Ref: HOT-V2234-SSC
Villa in Calahonda Was €795,000 • Ref: HOT-V2604-SSC
Villa in Sotogrande Costa Ref: HOT-V4815-SSC
Area 151m • 4 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 509m2
Area 202m • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 723m2
Area 270m • 5 Bed • 5 Bath Plot 839m2
Area 215m2 • 4 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 1,115m2
Finca in Antequera Was €895,000 • Ref: HOT-F3246-SSC
Villa in Torrenueva Was €799,500 • Ref: HOT-V3165-LC
Finca in La Cala de Mijas Ref: HOT-F4857-NA
Finca in Guaro Ref: HOT-F4860-MOT
Area 258m2 • 8 Bed • 4+2 Bath Plot 110,000m2
Area 185m2 • 4 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 856m2
Area 240m2 • 3 Bed • 3.5 Bath Plot 6472m2
Area 560m2 • 4 Bed • 2 Bath Plot 3,618m2
Villa in Campo Mijas Was €1,300,000 • Ref: HOT-VFG-V2014
Villa in Alhaurín Golf Ref: HOT-V2796-SSC
Villa in Alhaurín de la Torre Ref: HOT-V3955-SSC
Finca in Cártama Ref: HOT-F4175-LC
Area 476m2 • 6 Bed • 6 Bath Plot 1,310m2
Area 264m2 • 3 Bed • 3.5 Bath Plot 1,286m2
Area 424m2 • 5 Bed • 4 Bath Plot 2,500m2
Area 350m2 • 5 Bed • 5 Bath Plot 3,500m2
Finca in Alhaurín el Grande Ref: HOT-F3790-SSC
Villa in Marbella Ref: HOT-V3961-SSC
Villa in Las Lomas de Mijas Ref: HOT-V4847-SSC
Villa in Benalmádena Was €990,000 • Ref: HOT-V4813-SSC
Area 268m • 4 Bed • 4.5 Bath Plot 14,140m2
Area 246m • 5 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 1,287m2
Area 300m • 4 Bed • 2.5 Bath Plot 906m2
Area 420m2 • 5 Bed • 5 Bath Plot 1,034m2
Villa in Cerros del Águila Ref: HOT-V3172-SSC
Villa in Buenavista Was €1,200,000 • Ref: HOT-V2613-SSC
Villa in Torremolinos Was €1,200,000 • Ref: HOT-V3228-TM
Villa in Rancho de la Luz Was €950,000 • Ref: HOT-V2648-SSC
Area 205m • 4 Bed • 3.5 Bath Plot 780m2
Area 347m • 4 Bed • 5 Bath Plot 1,215m2
Area 329m • 4 Bed • 4 Bath Plot 846m2
Area 526m2 • 4 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 4,241m2
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
VILLAS - HOTProperties
Villa in Torreblanca Was €1,400,000 • Ref: HOT-V1101-SSC
Villa in Coín Ref: HOT-V2808-SSC
Villa in Alhaurín de la Torre Ref: HOT-V2703-SSC
Villa in Calahonda Ref: HOT-V4830-SSC
Area 338m • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 1,900m2
Area 274m • 4 Bed • 3+3 Bath Plot 500m2
Area 247m • 7 Bed • 5 Bath Plot 1,486m2
Area 284m2 • 4 Bed • 4 Bath Plot 950m2
Villa in Mijas Was €1,280,000 • Ref: HOT-V2427-SSC
Villa in Vélez-Málaga Was €1,250,000 • Ref: HOT-V2481-SSC
Villa in Marbella Ref: HOT-V4912-SSC
Finca in Guaro Was €1,200,000 • Ref: HOT-F4757-SSC
Area 500m • 5 Bed • 3.5 Bath Plot 2,130m2
Area 970m • 9 Bed • 9 Bath Terrace 200m2
Area 406m • 5 Bed • 3.5 Bath Plot 1,250m2
Area 378m2 • 7 Bed • 6 Bath Plot 22,000m2
Finca in Mijas Ref: HOT-F4771-SSC
Villa in Nueva Andalucía Was €1,650,000 • Ref: HOT-V2378-SSC
Villa in Valtocado Ref: HOT-V3390-SSC
Villa in El Paraiso Alto Ref: HOT-V4133-SSC
Area 322m2 • 4 Bed • 5 Bath Plot 5,373m2
Area 689m2 • 5 Bed • 4 Bath Plot 1,558m2
Area 320m2 • 4 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 2,300m2
Area 360m2 • 6 Bed • 5 Bath Plot 1,600m2
Villa in Torremuelle Was €1,200,000 • Ref: HOT-V4746-SSC
Villa in Benalmádena Pueblo Ref: HOT-V4894-BN
Villa in Alhaurín de la Torre Ref: HOT-V2527-SSC
Villa in Alhaurín de la Torre Was €1,700,000 • Ref: HOT-V3967-SSC
Area 425m2 • 4 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 780m2
Area 421m2 • 6 Bed • 6 Bath Plot 1,142m2
Area 349m2 • 4 Bed • 4.5 Bath Plot 6,952m2
Area 619m2 • 5 Bed • 7 Bath Plot 1,300m2
Villa in RIviera del Sol Ref: HOT-V3653-SSC
Villa in Torrequebrada Was €1,587,500 • Ref: HOT-V13196-X
Villa in Calahonda Was €1,595,000 • Ref: HOT-V2813-SSC
Villa in Campo Mijas Was €1,550,000 • Ref: HOT-V1046-SSC
Area 471m • 6 Bed • 6 Bath Plot 1,249m2
Area 400m • 4 Bed • 3+2 Bath Plot 1,250m2
Area 718m • 5 Bed • 6 Bath Plot 1,145m2
Area 590m2 • 6 Bed • 4 Bath Plot 2,100m2
Villa in Mijas Was €1,950,000 • Ref: HOT-V2327-SSC
Villa in La Cala de Mijas Ref: HOT-V2524-SSC
Villa in Golf Santa María Was €1,600,000 • Ref: HOT-V2617-SSC
Villa in Alhaurín el Grande Was €1,900,000 • Ref: HOT-V4805-SSC
Area 551m • 6 Bed • 4 Bath Plot 2,137m2
Area 572m • 6 Bed • 5.5 Bath Plot 900m2
Area 318m • 4 Bed • 4.5 Bath Plot 1,086m2
Area 900m2 • 5 Bed •5+2 Bath Terrace 4,000m2
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
HOTProperties - VILLAS
Villa in Valtocado Was €1,950,000 • Ref: HOT-V2480-SSC
Villa in Mijas Ref: HOT-V4150-SSC
Villa in San Pedro Playa Ref: HOT-V4793-SSC
Villa in Cerros del Águila Ref: HOT-V3130-FG
Area 1,000m • 4 Bed • 4+2 Bath Plot 35,000m2
Area 441m • 6 Bed • 4 Bath Plot 651m2
Area 376m • 6 Bed • 4 Bath Plot 446m2
Area 220m2 • 4 Bed • 4.5 Bath Plot 740m2
Villa in Marbella Centro Ref: HOT-V4366-SSC
Villa in Las Chapas Was €1,600,000 • Ref: HOT-V3470-SSC
Villa in Valtocado Ref: HOT-V4222-AH
Villa in Valtocado Was €1,650,000 • Ref: MID-V2512-SSC
Area 411m • 5 Bed • 5 Bath Plot 570m2
Area 668m • 5 Bed • 5 Bath Plot 1,488m2
Area 575m • 4 Bed • 4 Bath Plot 2,500m2
Area 545m2 • 3 Bed • 4 Bath Plot 33,000m2
Villa in La Capellanía Ref: HOT-V2651-SSC
Finca in Alhaurín el Grande Ref: HOT-F2133-SSC
Villa in Torremuelle Ref: HOT-V3284-BN
Villa in Nerja East Was €2,400,000 • Ref: HOT-V2789-SSC
Area 550m2 • 6 Bed • 5.5 Bath Plot 1,800m2
Area 688m2 • 7 Bed • 4.5 Bath Plot 20,196m2
Area 195m2 • 3 Bed • 3 Bath Plot 750m2
Area 384m2 • 4 Bed • 3.5 Bath Plot 5,658m2
Villa in Río Padrón Was €2,200,000 • Ref: HOT-V2407-SSC
Villa in Benalmádena Costa Ref: HOT-V3835-BN
Villa in Istán Was €2,500,000 • Ref: HOT-V2478-SSC
Villa in Mijas Ref: HOT-V4007-SSC
Area 428m2 • 4 Bed • 4.5 Bath Plot 3,000m2
Area 498m2 • 4 Bed • 6 Bath Plot 2,251m2
Area 442m2 • 6 Bed • 7 Bath Plot 10,336m2
Area 257m2 • 5 Bed • 5.5 Bath Plot 2,955m2
Villa in Barranco Blanco Was €1,950,000 • Ref: HOT-V2687-SSC
Finca in Alhaurín de la Torre Was €2,675,000 • Ref: HOT-F3792-SSC
Villa in Torremuelle Was €2,350,000 • Ref: HOT-V2762-SSC
Villa in El Rosario Was €2,349,000 • Ref: HOT-V4871-SSC
Area 400m • 3 Bed • 3.5 Bath Plot 24,000m2
Area 447m • 5 Bed • 5 Bath Plot 13,696m2
Area 585m • 6 Bed • 5 Bath Plot 1,131m2
Area 440m2 • 7 Bed • 6 Bath Plot 1,450m2
Villa in San Pedro Playa Ref: HOT-V3265-SP
Villa in El Rosario Ref: HOT-V2671-SSC
Villa in Marbella East Ref: HOT-V4427-SSC
Villa in La Zagaleta Was €6,500,000 • Ref: HOT-V2722-SSC
Area 711m • 5 Bed • 5.5 Bath Plot 1,735m2
Area 755m • 5 Bed • 7.5 Bath Plot 1,405m2
Area 503m • 6 Bed • 5 Bath Plot 892m2
Area 1,000m2 • 7 Bed • 7.5 Bath Plot 5,000m2
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
HOTRestaurants PRICE GUIDE (minimum per head for a 3-course meal with wine) Bar
Vegetarian friendly
Under €25
€25 - €40
€40 - €60
€60 +
Children’s menu
CABOPINO Mediterranean
Quality Italian cuisine in elegant surroundings. Excellent service and friendly atmosphere. N340 KM 194.7/A7, Exit Cabopino · Tel> 952 831 918
A lovely atmosphere with views across the port to the sea. Specialties include paella, salt-cooked fish and seafood. Cabopino Port · Tel> 952 834 646
Try our mouth-watering specialities... paella, pizzas, pasta, tapas, malagueña-style fried fish and more. Cabopino Port · Tel> 669 841 736 / 952 835 353
Excellent tapas and cocktails in a friendly atmosphere and overlooking the port. Cabopino Port · Tel> 951 466 295
The best beach bar on the Costa del Sol. Come and enjoy! Closed Dec-Feb. Cabopino Port · Tel> 619 119 397
Overlooking the marina of Cabopino, Florian’s offers authentic Italian cuisine. Enjoy a memorable meal on the charming terrace. Puerto Cabopino, Marbella · Tel> 951 466 316 · Excellent cuisine served in the perfect ambiance. Camping Cabopino, N340 KM 194.7 · Tel> 951 310 004 · Specialising in stone-cooked meats and fresh pasta. Cabopino Port · Tel> 952 837 490
Mediterranean RESTAURANTE TEO Serving Mediterranean cuisine with an avant-garde touch, you’ll find Restaurante Teo in the corner of the square, just behind the marina. Urb. Cabopino Port · Tel> 952 837 079 · – Restaurante Teo
Tuck into wholesome, traditional Spanish fare including homemade tapas and desserts. Ample sunny terrace and a friendly atmosphere. Plaza de Levante, Cabopino Port · Tel> 681 292 020 / 952 830 879
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
Open all day from 10am till midnight for breakfast, lunch and dinner a la carte. C.C. PINOGOLF LOCAL 34 (near Opencor) ELVIRIA MARBELLA TEL. (+34) 952 85 01 48
CALAHONDA Belgian/ International
As specialities we offer different types of fondues, Argentinian steaks, and typical Belgian dishes such as Vol-au-vents and Ghent Stew. (Each table has its own induction plate, which guarantees a constant appropriate temperature.) C.C. El Zoco, Locales 90, Calahonda · Tel> 952 931 533 / 619 504 344
Cantonese/ Szechuan
Choose from our wide selection of traditional Cantonese and Szechuan dishes, and relax on our terrace. C.C. El Zoco, Locales 52-55, Calahonda · Tel> 952 933 112
Spanish veal and fillet steaks done to a turn are our speciality. Plus a wide range of tempting pizzas and more… C.C. El Zoco, Locales 56-57, Calahonda · Tel> 952 931 200 / 667 433 774
Spanish/ International
The best grilled meats on the Coast! Tuck into a tempting plate of sizzling steak on our comfortable terrace. C.C. El Zoco, Calahonda · Tel> 952 932 379
Slovakian/ LA MANDRÁGORA Combining innovation, art and tradition, our chefs fuse Slovakian and Mediterranean cuisine to perfection. See us on Tripadvisor. Mediterranean C.C. El Zoco, Calahonda · Tel> 952 930 440 ·
Tuck into our €16 menu of the day as you drink in the sea views from our inviting terrace. Closed Mondays. La Siesta Club de Golf, C/ José de Orbaneja 33, Calahonda · Tel> 952 933 353 ·
Mouthwatering Swiss specialities, including delicious Fondues, plus Raclette and Rösti. Attentive service, great atmosphere. Closed Tuesdays. Avda. España 20, Sitio de Calahonda · Tel> 952 932 949 / 680 851 444 ·
A wide range of Indian dishes, cooked to perfection and served with a smile. Evenings only. Conjunto Buenavista, L 21-22, Avda. España, Calahonda · Tel> 952 931 829
Italian & Mediterranean cuisine and weekly specials. We cater for private parties. Open daily from 17:00. Avda. de España, Conjunto Buenavista, Locales 10 – 11, Sitio de Calahonda · Tel> 952 935 213
Tex Mex
Great food, great value! A wide selection of dishes, prepared from only the freshest of ingredients. Closed Saturdays. Avda. de España, Conjunto Buenavista, Local 15, Sitio de Calahonda · Tel> 952 931 828
Mouthwatering Mediterranean cuisine served in a family-friendly environment with an emphasis on personal service. Closed Sundays. C.C. El Zoco 87, Calahonda · Tel> 952 932 100
Italian/ MONA LISA BISTRO Owned by an Italian restaurateur with decades of experience, we offer fabulous Italian-Mediterranean cuisine at great prices. Real Cappuccino & home baking, too. Mediterranean C.C. Campanario (behind LIDL) Calahonda · Tel> 951 272 668
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HOTRestaurants PRICE GUIDE (minimum per head for a 3-course meal with wine) Bar
Vegetarian friendly
Under €25
€40 - €60
€25 - €40
€60 +
Children’s menu
Specialties include BBQ’d fish, paella and Malagueñan fried fish. Plus the best cocktails on the Costa del Sol. Open every day. Royal Beach, Calahonda · Tel> 952 930 435 ·
Italian/ Continental
Established since 1989, Villa Paradiso satisfies your every taste – soups, chicken, meats, fish, duck, lamb, pizzas, etc. Welcoming atmosphere. C.C. El Zoco, Calahonda · Tel> 952 932 042 ·
EL ROSARIO Mediterranean
Lounge in the sun and enjoy fabulously fresh seafood cooked on the beach, plus house speciality black paella. N340 KM189.6, Avd. Cibeles, C/ Medra s/n, El Rosario · Tel> 952 834 554 ·
Everything’s possible at Bono’s Beach – the coolest of atmospheres, freshest of produce and exquisite cuisine. We also specialise in large parties. Urb. El Arenal, C/ Cervantes, El Rosario · Tel> 952 839 236
Try our varied selection of Cantonese, Thai and Vietnamese dishes, and don’t miss the opportunity to sample our house speciality Vietnamese rolls. Ctra. de Cádiz – N340, Km. 189 · El Rosario, Marbella · Tel> 952 835 614
Specialising in stone-cooked meats and Chateaubriand. Urb. El Rosario, 2, El Rosario · Tel> 952 834 748
Creative Fast Food
Specialising in traditional Málaga-style grilled and fried fish dishes, including barbecued sardines, shellfish and more. Closed Mondays. Jardín de los Pinos (next to the Repsol petrol station). N340. El Rosario · Tel> 952 836 879
Located in one of the best tennis clubs on the Costa del Sol, enjoy delicious food in an elegant setting. Royal Tennis Club Marbella · Urb. El Rosario, El Rosario · Tel> 952 837 651
This restaurant is renowned for its appetising Mediterranean cuisine - meat, fish, seafood and rice dishes. Excellent service. Beautiful beachside location. Urb Las Chapas, El Rosario · Tel> 952 838 989
All your traditional Spanish Mediterranean favourites, including rice dishes, fish baked in salt, fritura Malagueña and prime meats. Open daily. Alicate Playa, N340, Km. 188 · Tel> 952 837 012 ·
Tapas, raciones and traditional Manchegan cooking. Closed Sundays. N340 Km189, El Rosario · Tel> 952 839 886 Great food at great prices, right on the beach with water sports and music late into the night. Urb. Las Chapas, El Rosario · Tel> 608 454 457
HOT Properties Magazine is available from all the eateries featured in our HOT Restaurant Guide.
HOT Properties Magazine está disponible en todos los restaurantes que aparecen en esta guía.
Don’t go home without your copy!
No te vayas a casa sin tu copia!
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
ELVIRIA International
A mouthwatering range of snacks and meals served with a touch of style. C. C Pinares de Elviria, Elviria · Tel> 952 838 868
Oriental/ International
Quality Oriental and international cuisine, complemented by an excellent choice of wines, good service and a welcoming atmosphere. C.C. Pinares de Elviria, Elviria · Tel> 952 831 994 ·
Specialising in seafood, meats and pastas, Carlos y Paula is a popular beachside restaurant with great views and a laid-back atmosphere. The perfect place to relax and while away the hours. C/ Mar de la Tranquilidad s/n, Elviria · Tel> 952 113 986
Behind the Hotel Vincci Estrella del Mar, a restaurant with a beautiful terrace and gardens, serving the best rack of roast lamb imaginable! Closed Mondays. Urb. Las Chapas, Elviria Playa · Tel> 952 831 819
Exotic and deliciously authentic Indian cuisine, where you can always be sure of a warm welcome. Takeaway and delivery service, too. C.C. Pinos del Golf, Local 18, Elviria · Tel> 952 836 153
The best of top quality Japanese cuisine, featuring Sushi, Teppanyaki and more… prepared with the very freshest of natural ingredients. C.C. Pino Golf Don Carlos, Local 1, Elviria, Marbella · Tel> 952 830 365
A fabulous choice of fish, seafood, meats and rice dishes, plus excellent service, great atmosphere and a stunning frontline beach location. Open every day. Playa Las Chapas, CN340 – Km. 192, Elviria · Tel> 952 832 725
Situated on one of Marbella’s finest beaches, we specialise in fish, seafood and rice dishes accompanied by good service and a great atmosphere. C/ Ágata, Urb. White Pearl Beach, Elviria, Marbella · Tel> 952 835 914
Italian/ Mediterranean
Rosmarino della Piazza is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner à la carte. C.C. Pinogolf, Local 34, Elviria · Tel> 952 850 148 ·
San Martino offers the best of authentic Italian cuisine with ingredients of the highest quality. Charming and sophisticated, with creative cuisine and excellent service that will make your visit unforgettable. C.C. Pinares de Elviria, Marbella · Tel> 952 832 702 ·
Located in Greenlife Golf Club by the lake, with a fantastic terrace. Closed Mondays Sept-June. Urb. Elviria Hills, Av. Las Cumbres s/n, Elviria · Tel> 952 832 371 · Great location with views to the sea, surrounded by mountains. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday are 2 for 1 nights. Urb. La Mairena (opposite the German School), Elviria · Tel> 952 852 166
5 star dining at 2 star prices. With beautiful and elegant live music every Friday and Saturday. Evenings only. Avda. Las Cumbres de Marbella, Elviria · Tel> 952 835 560 · A chic beach retreat with restaurant, lounge bar, sun beds, a welcoming, friendly service and exquisite food. The Coast’s favourite beach club with a devotion to food standards! Elviria Playa · Tel> 952 839 458 · For appetising bar food or a drink, you’ll enjoy a wonderful experience. Live entertainment nightly. Open daily: 12:00 – late. Restaurant closed Sunday evenings. CN340 / A7 – Km. 191, Urb. Pueblo Los Arcos, Elviria · Tel> 952 830 868
International/ Tapas
Fantastic Spanish dining in an atmospheric setting. C/ San Pancracio – Alfonso XIII, Fuengirola · Tel> 952 475 632 One of Fuengirola’s must-visit eateries, located in a former fisherman’s cottage in the heart of the Old Town. Good service, friendly staff, mouthwatering food and a huge menu, plus live music and cocktails to die for. C/ de la Cruz, Fuengirola · Tel> 952 477 154 · Situated right on the front in Fuengirola, great family ambience and good home made pizzas and pastas. Paseo Marítimo Rey de España 6, Fuengirola · Tel> 952 47 80 55
THE GALLERY BAR A friendly atmosphere, comfortable surroundings, well-stocked bar, fantastic homemade international tapas… and a great ambience. C/ Miguel Márquez 24, Fuengirola · Tel> 634 960 801 ·
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HOTRestaurants PRICE GUIDE (minimum per head for a 3-course meal with wine) Bar
Vegetarian friendly
Under €25
€25 - €40
€40 - €60
€60 +
Children’s menu
Traditional/ Creative
Traditional and adventurous cuisine made with the finest and freshest seasonal ingredients. The best views on the Coast! Open every day. Monte Paraíso Golf, Camino de Camojan, Marbella · Tel> 952 861 457 ·
Small World is a New York-styled Loft restaurant, serving fresh value for money. A great meeting point in a gorgeous setting. Ctra de Istán – Km. 1, C.C. Le Village 15, Marbella · Tel> 952 771 046 ·
Italian/ International
Specialising in grilled meats, Chateaubriand and stone-cooked meats. Urb. Villaparra 61, Golden Mile · Tel> 952 867 599 A very special spot with a great atmosphere. Specialties include paella, fish, tortillas and gazpacho. Celiac menu available. Great cocktails. Urb. Río Verde Playa, Marbella · Tel> 952 773 810 ·
Once again awarded Trip Advisor’s certificate of excellence, Soliluna is the perfect spot for true Marbella dining. C/ Sierra Bermeja s/n Ancon Sierra, 29600 Marbella · Tel> 952 866 627 · Exceptional food served in a wonderful setting. Open from 9am to 10pm Monday to Saturday, 9am to 4pm on Sundays. Ctra. Istán KM2, Manolo Santana Tennis Club, Marbella · Tel> 952 778 580 The first Thai restaurant to open in Marbella, Sukhothai’s exquisite Royal Thai cuisine is among the finest on the Coast. Closed Sunday. Urb. Marbellamar, Local 3a, N340 · KM178, Marbella · Tel> 952 770 550 Polynesian bar with the best Chinese cuisine on the Costa, including Dim Sum, Peking Duck and Lobster with noodles. Urb. Puente Romano Fase 2, N340 Km177 Marbella · Tel> 952 777 893 Mouthwatering cuisine, impeccable service, tropical gardens, open terrace and al fresco cocktail bar make dining at Villa Tiberio a unique experience. C/ de Cádiz – Km. 178.5, Marbella · Tel> 952 771 799 ·
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
LA CALA DE MIJAS International
Irish Pub
Spanish/ International
Conrisa Café offers a varied menu of tapas, pizzas, burgers and Norwegian-style sandwiches. Bulevar La Cala, Local 19, La Cala de Mijas · Tel> 951 350 069 · Open since 1987 and with a friendly atmosphere, choose from our mouthwatering Spanish and international cuisine. Closed Sundays. La Cala de Mijas, N340 / A7, Km. 201 · Tel> 952 494 065 · House specialities include chargrilled steaks, plus a wide variety of fish and vegetarian dishes. Friendly family environment. Open every day. Bulevar La Cala 28, La Cala de Mijas · Tel> 952 587 538
Boulevar La Cala 3, La Cala de Mijas · Tel> 952 494 498
Daytime Snack Bar
Serving the best of all things Irish since 2001. Great atmosphere, affordable prices, family-friendly. C/ Cuesta del Morál 6, La Cala de Mijas · Tel> 952 494 877 ·
GRILL DE LA CALA A spacious restaurant with a sunny terrace specialising in grilled meats. Easy parking. Closed Mondays.
Traditional/ International
The most spectacular sea views on the Costa del Sol, while you enjoy the finest food, plus great beach facilities and spa. Torrenueva Playa, La Cala de Mijas · Tel> 952 587 539 ·
Traditional Chinese food. It’s by following our traditions and remaining true to our roots that we create our authentic Cantonese cuisine. C.C. La Cala de Mijas, Edificio P, La Cala de MIjas · Tel> 952 494 880 International, infused cuisine and fine dining in the heart of La Cala. Ideal for parties and with beautiful sea views, Olivia’s also has an upstairs champagne and seafood bar. Calle Torreón 13, La Cala de Mijas · Tel> 952 494 935 · Sandwiches, breakfast and lunch, with daily specials including Super Saver meal + drink: only €5.00. Mon–Sat: 07:30–18:30; Sun: 09:30–16.00. C.C. Jardín Botánico, La Cala de Mijas · Tel> 952 493 184
VENTA SORROCHE Wholesome and hearty traditional cuisine, served in a rustic, relaxed, informal and family-friendly atmosphere. Edificio Calamar. La Cala de Mijas · Tel> 952 493 148 MESON WOK
The best Asian Buffet, Teppanyaki, Wok, Sushi, Seafood, Chinese food & a huge variety of special menus served at the weekend. Urbanización Urbanoria · La Cala de Mijas · Tel> 696 536 858 / 952 494 009
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
HOTRestaurants PRICE GUIDE (minimum per head for a 3-course meal with wine) Bar
Vegetarian friendly
Under €25
€25 - €40
€40 - €60
€60 +
Children’s menu
LAS CHAPAS Mediterranean
Right on one of Marbella’s finest beaches, this popular chiringuito specialises in tempting Mediterranean and international dishes, served with a smile. Open every day. Playa Real de Zaragoza (next to Hotel Vincci Estrella del Mar), Las Chapas, Marbella Tel> 670 658 620 One of the Coast’s finest grill restaurants, specialising in charcoal grill, stone grill and chateaubriand. Dinner à la carte or set menu €18.50 (+IVA). Romantic live music on Saturdays. Open daily 12.30pm ‘til late. Urb. Carib Playa, N340, exit Las Chapas · Tel> 952 831 922 A beautiful place to enjoy a spectacular sunset, with Mediterranean cuisine and a relaxed atmosphere. Urb. Carib Playa, Las Chapas · Tel> 952 833 933
MARBELLA International/ Spanish
Dine under the stars on our romantic traditionally Andalusian patio. Variety, quality and value for money! C/ Virgen de los Dolores 3 (behind Plaza de los Naranjos), Old Town, Marbella · Tel> 952 867 701 A cosmopolitan restaurant with a sunny terrace and sea views. Open daily for breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee, tapas and drinks. Paseo Marítimo, Marbella · Tel> 952 858 858
Sample our fabulous fish and shellfish specialities served next to the sea. Playa La Fontanilla, Under the Paseo Marítimo, Marbella · Tel> 952 857 448
An exclusive meeting place with a private beach, no visit to Marbella is complete without lunch or dinner – or both – at Restaurante La Red. Playa La Fontanilla, Marbella · Tel> 952 821 450 / 636 348 479
Cosmopolitan Italian-style restaurant with a beautiful terrace in the Old Town. Truffle dishes are Il Tartufo’s signature, and a range of truffle products are also on offer for you to take home. C/ Tetuán 9, Casco Antiguo, Marbella · Tel> 951 087 323 ·
A surprising, exquisite restaurant of modern and comfortable décor. Avda. Severo Ochoa 12, Marbella · Tel> 952 864 895 Beautiful restaurant and terrace in Idyllic location. Signature cuisine by Ewald Fichthaler Urb. La Montua, C/Chorreadero 39 · Tel> 952 864 478 Traditional cooking, seafood and a large range of tapas on the seafront. C/ Duque de Ahumada 5, Marbella · Tel> 952 770 078 / 952 824 339 Specialising in Iberian hams and charcuterie, shellfish and preserves. Open every day. C/ Pantaleón nº7 (Junto a Pza. África), Marbella · Tel> 662 462 955
The green restaurant. Exquisite cuisine in a mansion surrounded by pine trees overlooking the sea. Lunch, dinner, plus private parties & weddings. El Chaparral Golf Club, Urb. El Chaparral, N340, Km. 203, Mijas Costa · Tel> 952 599 433
Traditional/ Creative
Traditional and adventurous cuisine made with the finest and freshest seasonal ingredients. The best views on the Coast! Open every day. Urb. Cerrado del Águila Golf, Camino del Acevedo, Mijas Costa · Tel> 951 773 521
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NUEVA ANDALUCÍA Chinese/ Japanese
Bistro The Gallery’s menu is international – based on the kitchens of Asia and France. Cosy ambience and great food. Avda del Prado 4, Nueva Andalucía · Tel> 952 818 262
If you enjoy quality, atmosphere and delicious home-prepared American food… come and find us! Open all day every day. Centro Plaza, Nueva Andalucía · Tel> 952 818 861·
Open every day, El Jardín is renowned for its laid-back atmosphere, great food and friendly service, plus the cool vibes of live music at weekends. Aloha Gardens, Nueva Andalucía · Tel> 952 815 363
Best kept secret on the coast. 5, 6 and 7€ menus, amazing Sunday lunch booking essential. Nordic Royal Club, Urb. Nueva Atalaya, Nueva Andalucía · Tel> 951 560 905
The ultimate social and dining experience, day & night. Late night drinking spot with music to complement all moods and tastes. C/ Belmonte, Nueva Andalucía · Tel> 952 814 145 ·
Authentic Teppanyaki restaurant with excellent Japanese food and sushi. Enjoy the entertaining cooking show put on by the chefs! Ctra. N-340, KM 166, C.C. Costa del Sol, Bel-Air · Tel>952 885 751
A taste of the Orient in this deli and sushi bar. Delivery available. Av. Manolete 20, Nueva Andalucía · Tel> 952 814 964 ·
Truly delicious dishes from around the world. All-day breakfasts, extensive lunch menu and snacks. Centro Plaza, Nueva Andalucía · Tel> 952 816 313 ·
Authentic Chinese and Japanese cuisine and Teppanyaki show. Totally refurbished, this popular eaterie has a fabulous terrace for al fresco dining. C/ Los Lirios 10, Nueva Andalucía · Tel> 952 817 691
Popular with ex-pats, Taj Mahal do a great curry! Open 18:00 – 24.00. Takeaway counter and free parking. C/ Jazmines 17B, La Campana, Nueva Andalucía · Tel> 952 814 719 The best Thai Cuisine on the Costa del Sol. N340 KM175, Nueva Andalucía · Tel> 952 818 392 Authentic Galician cuisine and décor. Excellent food and very popular. C/ Las Malvas, Nueva Andalucía · Tel> 952 813 415 Famed for its steaks with some of the best meat on the coast. Open for lunch and dinner. Centro Comercial Odeón, Local 9-10, C/ Las Yedras, Nueva Andalucía · Tel> 952 003 434 ·
Spectacular Italian cooking including pizza from our wood-fired oven and delicious desserts. C/ de Benabola 5, Puerto Banús · Tel> 952 813 464 ·
Top quality authentic Italian restaurant on waters edge of Puerto Banus. Muelle Ribera 5, Puerto Banús · Tel> 952 812 898 Mecca for lovers of good food, particularly the Argentinean cuisine for which it’s renowned. Paseo Rivera, Puerto Banús · Tel> 952 812 358 ·
RIVIERA DEL SOL International
Traditional Spanish
Frontline beach restaurant with superb views for enjoying great food and drinks at the beach bar. N340 KM 198, Cambio de Sentido Riviera del Sol · Tel> 952 932 780 The best of traditional Spanish cuisine, including hearty mixed grills, fish baked in salt and a variety of paellas. C.C. Las Terrazas de Miraflores Golf, Riviera del Sol · Tel> 952 934 450
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HOTRestaurants PRICE GUIDE (minimum per head for a 3-course meal with wine) Bar
Vegetarian friendly
Under €25
€25 - €40
€40 - €60
€60 +
Children’s menu
Bustling restaurant with a wide selection of delicious Argentinean meats in a relaxed family atmosphere. Pizzas are also available. C/ de La Cruz 26, 29620 Torremolinos · Tel> 951 909 511
Situated right on the beach, La Jabega is the perfect place to enjoy the sun with the best fish, seafood, meat and rice dishes washed down with a great selection of wines. Paseo Maritimo Montemar, 29620 Torremolinos · Tel> 952 384 765
British/ International
Serving up traditional British favourites such as fish n’ chips and roast dinners, The Carvery Montemar is a home away from home for hungry expats and visitors. C/ Saltillo 2, 29620 Torremolinos · Tel> 952 373 722 ·
Nepalese/ Indian
THE KATHMANDU High quality Nepalese cuisine and with all your Indian favourites too. The Kathmandu also has a special menu for lacto-vegetarians. C/ Antonio Girón 7, 29620 Torremolinos · Tel> 951 909 791
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local businesses...
OPEN BUFFET RESTAURANT IN LA CALA DE MIJAS • BUFFET LIBRE EN LA CALA DE MIJAS Discover the new WOK Restaurant, a new concept in eating out in La Cala de Mijas. Enjoy a wide variety of INTERNATIONAL CUISINE: Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Argentinian & Italian. Try the very best SUSHI, DIM-SUM, DUCK, SALADS, SEAFOOD, MEATS, FISHES, GRILLED VEGETABLES, ETC… We also offer an excellent choice of desserts, including ice creams, pastries, lychees, fresh fruit and much more.
Descubre el nuevo Restaurante WOK, un nuevo concepto de Restaurante en La Cala de Mijas. Disfruta de una gran variedad de COMIDA INTERNACIONAL: China, Japonesa, Española, Argentina e Italiana. Prueba los mejores bocados de SUSHI, DIM-SUM, PATO, ENSALADAS, MARISCOS, CARNES, PESCADOS, VERDURAS A LA PLANCHA, ETC... Además te ofrecemos una amplia gama de deliciosos Postres, Helados, Pastelitos, Lychees, Frutas Frescas, y mucho más.
Urbanización Urbanoria 1, 29649 La Cala de Mijas (Málaga)
OPEN EVERY DAY FROM 1PM TO 4.30PM & FROM 7PM TO 12AM • ABIERTO TODOS LOS DÍAS DE 13:00h A 16:30h Y DE 19:00h A 24:00h
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
THE VIVA MAGAZINE • tel: (34) 951 27 27 43 • fax: (34) 951 27 28 36 • email: •
VIVA Business Directory
Want to see your business here? Contact or call: 951 272 743
VIVA Introduces & Recommends APPS Up2U Up2U is a revolutionary application for your smartphone or tablet that allows you unlimited communication with other Up2U users anywhere in the world, with no cheeky hidden charges or restrictions. The app is packed with features including group calling, file sharing, instant chat and HD video calling. Perfect for business users and recreational users alike. Want to talk more and worry less? It’s Up2U!
ARCHITECTS MUKA Arquitectura MUKA Arquitectura is a prestigious, award-winning Madrid-based architecture studio, now serving clients in Marbella. The young, dynamic company specialises in a broad range of projects: home design and renovation, saunas, Turkish baths, spas and commercial & public buildings.
Tel: +34 915 220 582 · Email:
BBQs & SPAS Favells Specialising in BBQs, garden furniture, spas and jacuzzis, Favells is dedicated to everything related to outdoor living. With a wide range of high-end products for your garden and a showroom in Mijas Costa, Favells has everything you need to turn your outdoor space into a luxurious and relaxing retreat.
Tel: +34 952 581 912 · Email:
BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION Gecontec Gecontec work hand-in-hand with architects, structural engineers, landscape gardeners and interior designers, to ensure your building project is handled professionally and on time. They guarantee materials of the highest quality, as well as the qualified execution of all work.
Tel: +34 952 833 963 / +34 662 011 832 · Email:
Villa Paradis A professional team with years of experience will personally oversee and execute your project throughout the entire construction process, while our software allows you to visualise your house – designed and decorated – even before a brick is laid. We build on a fixed budget on both price and time.
Tel: +34 951 272 025 · Email:
BUILDING SERVICES & MAINTENANCE Promas Building PROMAS specialises in building and design, and covers all aspects of interior and exterior renovation and extension work to meet your specifications. Together with the architect and interior designer they offer guidance and assistance every step of the way.
Tel: +34 699 582 569 · Email:
Want to see your business here? Contact or call: 951 272 743
VIVA Business Directory CAR HIRE Helle Hollis Helle Hollis are one of the leading car hire companies on the Costa del Sol. Situated in Málaga airport and Fuengirola, their multi-lingual, service-minded team are on hand 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They offer heaps of added value options like their Home Owners Club, Early Bird Discounts, Free Upgrades and more.
Tel: Málaga Airport +34 952 245 544 · Tel: Fuengirola +34 951 014 056 · Email:
CURRENCY EXCHANGE Moneycorp Whether you’re buying property on the Costa del Sol; repatriating funds; or have monthly transactions – school, community or management fees… pension transfers, or simply want to top up your overseas bank account – Moneycorp can save you money. In any currency, and either to or from the UK, or worldwide.
Tel: +34 952 587 657 · Email:
The best new homes on the Costa del Sol
Buying a Taylor Wimpey de España home means you are buying a home of the highest quality for the very best value. Plus you have peace of mind as they are part of the UK’s leading homebuilders Taylor Wimpey plc. Here on the Costa del Sol, Taylor Wimpey have four new-build developments in Benahavís, Estepona, La Cala Resort and La Mairena, Elviria. Tel: +34 952 785 888 · Email:
DEVELOPMENT SALES CONSULTANCY Prime Invest Focusing on the consulting and management of real estate assets, Prime Invest’s principal focus is on marketing. With one of the finest agent networks of international partners in Southern Spain, Prime Invest have extensive experience and currently manage and market various exclusive residential and hotel projects throughout the Costa del Sol.
Tel: +34 951 100 077 · Email:
FURNISHINGS El Corte Inglés El Corte Inglés El Capricho specialise in interior design, inspiring dreams to become reality. Their store is dedicated to home design and furnishing; uniting art, interior design and a wealth of experience. Learn about new trends or discover your personal style; they’ll strive to cater for all your needs; a small piece for a special corner or a complete refurbishment.
Tel: +34 952 902 390 · Email:
LOFT & Roomers LOFT & Roomers specialise in furniture, furnishings and home accessories with a focus on Nordic living. They have product ranges for every room in the house, as well as lighting, carpets, occasional furniture and garden furniture, in a choice of designs catering for both minimalistic homes and homes that love elegance and rural living. Allow your dreams to materialise with LOFT & Roomers.
Tel: +34 952 772 139 · Email:
Want to see your business here? Contact or call: 951 272 743
VIVA Introduces & Recommends Mad About Furniture Mad About Furniture are a one-stop shop for furnishing your second home in Spain with ranges to suit every style and budget - from fully-designed home solutions to individual decorative items. Specialists in ‘Full Home Packages’ on the Costa del Sol for more than 12 years, consultations, home surveys, deliveries and a layout service - all are included without extra charges.
Tel: +34 952 888 804 · Email:
Muebles A. Benítez Muebles A. Benítez is one of the largest furniture showrooms on the Costa del Sol, with a huge choice of quality furniture for your living, dining and bedroom areas. They can help turn your house into a home with original styling and design ideas. Their consultants are on hand to give the best, impartial advice, ensuring you make the right choice.
Tel: +34 952 474 900 · Email:
Sunso Sunso is a Spanish brand of contemporary outdoor furniture. Their objective is to develop very durable, functional and aesthetically pleasing furniture to spend enjoyable, relaxing and inspiring moments outdoors with friends and family. The Sunso collection was designed to arouse your senses... it is dedicated to all sun lovers. So enjoy the outdoor life with Sunso...
Tel: +34 952 810 450 · Email:
Woodfactory Woodfactory specialises in the design and production of bespoke furniture made from reclaimed wood. Imported from northern Europe and transformed into beautiful chairs, tables, lounge sets, cabinets, kitchens, doors, floors and walls, Woodfactory has a large showroom in San Pedro de Alcántara and furnishes many of the Costa del Sol’s most popular bars and restaurants.
Tel: +34 620 230 376 · Email:
Clínica Excelan Clínica Excelan is a private medical clinic in Marbella offering a wide range of healthcare services delivered by a team of highly trained professionals. Not just a home and emergency doctor service, Clínica Excelan delivers a highly efficient ambulance response service and superior pre-hospital patient care for you and those around you.
Tel: +34 952 771 285 · Email:
Clinicas Rincón Clinicas Rincón are a group of private medical clinics and hospitals along the Costa del Sol. With 5 medical centres they offer patients a wide variety of treatments. Ask them about their 101 Health card which entitles holders to free medical services and very special rates for all services. All open 24 hours.
Tel: +34 951 000 100 · Email:
Want to see your business here? Contact or call: 951 272 743
VIVA Business Directory HOME CLEANING & MAINTENANCE Grimebusters Based in Marbella and covering the Costa del Sol from Torremolinos and Fuengirola to Sotogrande… and inland to Alhaurín and Coín, Grimebusters are the Coast’s leading specialists in marble floor polishing and restoration, carpet, rug, curtain and upholstery cleaning and pressure cleaning for terraces, pool surrounds and patios. Tel: +34 952 832 777 / +34 607 410 908 • Email:
HOME VIDEO & AUDIO SYSTEMS TD Sat and Sound Proudly serving the Costa del Sol with audio and video solutions since 2006, TD Sat & Sound are specialists in designing and installing user-friendly systems for both residential and commercial establishments. For those just looking to make their homes smarter, to systems rivalling any commercial cinema, they have a variety of automation solutions that will fit both your goals and budgets.
Tel: +34 606 661 344 · Email:
Nerja 4G A stable, fast and reliable Internet service with no need for satellite or a landline. They offer mobile broadband almost anywhere in Spain with a stability that enables you to watch tv online easily. The mobile 4g mi-fi boxes give an amazing portable service.
Tel: +34 685 033 004 • Email:
INSURANCE Linea Directa Get comprehensive car insurance from just €299. And you won’t miss a thing. Call Linea Directa now on 902 123 161. You can also save up to €400 with our exclusive home insurance discount. Terms & conditions apply.
Tel: 902 123 161
INTERIOR DESIGN MUKA Arquitectura Ambience Home Design The embodiment MUKA Arquitectura ofisprofessionalism a prestigious, award-winning and creativity, by Madrid-based combining the architect use ofstudio. light, lines, Nowtexture, open incolour, Marbella. shapes The young, and patterns, dynamic the innovative company Ambience specialise interior in a broad designrange team of will projects: help you home create design your and idealrenovation, living space, sauna, offering Turkish freshbath, newspas ideasand that will commercial reflect your style, & public needs buildings. and budget to perfection. www.
Tel: +34 952 858 699 / +34 616 488 181 · Email:
MUKA Arquitectura Continental Design Continental MUKA Arquitectura Design ishave a prestigious, over 15 years’ award-winning experience Madrid-based in designing, decorating, architect studio. reforming Now open and constructing in Marbella. The residential young, and dynamic company commercial property, specialise and shop in afitting. broad range From economical of projects: home furnishing design toand hi-end renovation, reforms,sauna, they can Turkish accommodate bath, spas even and the commercial most demanding & public client. buildings. www.
Tel: +34 952 900 313 • Email:
Want to see your business here? Contact or call: 951 272 743
VIVA Introduces & Recommends KITCHENS Cocinas Plus Cocinas Plus is your kitchen company on the Costa del Sol. With an 800m2 kitchen showroom in La Cala de Mijas and a 600m2 showroom on Marbella’s Golden Mile, Cocinas Plus have over 16,000 kitchen combinations to suit any taste and budget. All kitchens come with a 5-year manufacturer’s warranty and the peace of mind of German quality and durability.
Tel: La Cala de Mijas +34 952 587 759 / Golden Mile, Marbella +34 952 764 595 · Email:
Nordic Muebles Nordic Muebles is a Danish-owned company that specialises in the latest quality designs for kitchens, bathrooms and wardrobes plus garden furniture and much more. Offering affordable prices, experienced sales staff, their own factory and a comprehensive after-sales service, Nordic Muebles promise a professional and highly personalised experience. Contact them today for a free quote.
Tel: +34 951 260 360 · Email:
LANGUAGE LEARNING Teach Yourself Languages Online Teach Yourself is the world’s largest language publisher: we offer more languages than anyone and are dedicated to making the experience of learning a new language convenient, successful and enjoyable. Teach Yourself Languages Online blends our up-to-date knowledge with the latest in education technology.
LAWYERS Abril Cumpián Solicitors Abril Cumpián Solicitors is a family firm of lawyers and economists covering the Costa del Sol from Sotogrande to Benalmádena. Established for over 20 years they specialise in property conveyancing and all aspects of real estate law. Their extensive local knowledge makes Abril Cumpián Solicitors ‘the home team’ you can rely on.
Tel: +34 952 764 536 · Email:
Aynat & Aynat Established in 1987, Aynat & Aynat are experts in their fields and leaders in civil liability cases with a well-deserved reputation in family law. As a practice they are always up to date with the current changes in Spanish law. Based in Nerja, they cover the whole Coast and can help in English, Spanish, German, Dutch, Swedish, French and Italian.
Tel: (+34) 952 520 887 · Email:
Bufete Megías Lawyers Based in the commercial heart of Marbella, Bufete Megías Abogados is a family firm of lawyers, whose professional team also includes expert accountants and tax consultants and provides clients with a comprehensive range of services: conveyancing, international investments, civil law, tax consultancy and accountancy, mercantile law, company liquidations and bankruptcy.
Tel: +34 952 827 399 · Email:
Want to see your business here? Contact or call: 951 272 743
VIVA Business Directory De Miguel Lawyers De Miguel Lawyers is a family-run law firm founded in 1983, with its head office in Marbella and legal associates in London and Gibraltar. Services include: conveyancing, constitution of national and offshore companies, tax and accounting, advice on inheritance tax and legal proceedings, both civil and criminal.
Tel: +34 952 779 150 · Email:
Emmerich & García Mateos Emmerich & García Mateos can assist you with all your legal needs regarding Spanish property, licence applications, civil law, mercantile law, constitution of SL companies, intellectual property law and divorce, wills, probate and inheritance law. They guarantee to keep you fully informed; responding to every query within 24 hours. English, Español, Deutsch, Français, Dutch, Italian, 中文 spoken.
Tel: +34 952 774 837 · Email:
Lexland Lawyers We believe that professional excellence is the result of talent, passion and ongoing training. Our team of Spanish and International professionals are all experts in their respective disciplines. We have become leaders in the provision of legal and tax advice across Spain offering the best quality in our services and fulfilling the needs of our clients.
Tel: +34 952 778 899 · Email:
Manzanares International Lawyers A leading international law firm, Manzanares have three offices on the Costa del Sol as well as a network of overseas branches in London, Brazil, Bulgaria, Italy and Morocco. Manzanares cover all legal disciplines and because of their deep understanding of other countries and their customs – they ensure smooth and fluent communication.
Tel: Marbella +34 952 824 112 · Tel: Alhaurín el Grande +34 952 595 042 · Tel: Málaga +34 952 061 504
Martínez-Echevarría, Pérez & Ferrero Abogados One of the largest international law firms, Martínez-Echevarría, Pérez & Ferrero Abogados was founded on the Costa del Sol in 1983. With five offices in Spain, a network of branches throughout Europe and extending to Africa and South America, the company offers its clients a multidisciplinary service with a high level of specialisation.
Tel: Marbella +34 952 765 000 · Tel: Fuengirola +34 952 199 111 · Tel: Málaga +34 952 240 056
MORTGAGES MUKA Finance Fluent Arquitectura Abroad We specialise MUKA Arquitectura in finding is afor prestigious, our clientsaward-winning the most appropriate Madrid-based form of finance architect to purchase studio. Now theiropen dream in Marbella. home overseas, The young, whether it is adynamic holiday company home or purely specialise for investment in a broadpurposes. range of projects: Our teamhome of UK design Qualified and Financial renovation, Advisers sauna, (FPC) Turkish and Mortgage bath, spas Professionals and commercial public buildings. (CeMap) will &assist clients with the complex decision process. Fluent Finance Abroad are proud to be 100% independent!
Tel: +34 952 853 647 · Email:
MUKA UCI Mortgages Arquitectura As a specialist MUKA Arquitectura lender,is UCI a prestigious, offers a complete award-winning service and Madrid-based provides the architect easieststudio. solution Now to buying open inyour Marbella. home The in Spain. young, dynamic company Professional and friendly, specialise UCIin helps a broad people range acquire of projects: their Spanish home design property andthrough renovation, the lending sauna, Turkish and handling bath, spas of responsible and commercialtailored mortgages & publictobuildings. the customer’s needs.
Tel: +34 913 373 735
Want to see your business here? Contact or call: 951 272 743
VIVA Introduces & Recommends NEWSPAPERS MUKA Arquitectura Euroweekly The Euro MUKA Arquitectura Weekly News is aisprestigious, a free English-language award-winning newspaper Madrid-based for expats architect living studio. in Spain, Nowcovering open in five Marbella. regions The – Costa young,del Sol, dynamic Costa Blanca, company Costaspecialise de Almeria, in aAxarquia broad range and Mallorca. of projects: With home overdesign 3000 distribution and renovation, points, sauna, the Euro Turkish Weekly bath,News spas and is one of commercial the most successful & publicand buildings. most read English-language media publications in Spain.
Tel: +34 952 561 245 · Email:
PHOTOGRAPHY JMG Studio With a true passion for photography, Jorge Morales brings his photographic talents to the Costa del Sol. His studio is based in Marbella where he produces his stunning work, covering: real estate, location and wedding and event photography, commercial shoots and family and lifestyle portraits.
Tel: +34 630 260 923 · Email:
PRINTERS Solprint With 20 years of experience and over 3000 sq metres of state of the art technology we can deliver design all the way through to finished printed work. We have no minimum print run, from 1 to 1 million. We print books, magazines, posters, flyers, leaflets, business cards, exhibition stands and can offer any sort of finish you want.
Tel: +34 952 463 646 · Email:
PROPERTY MANAGEMENT & RENTALS HomeCareontheWeb Based in La Cala, HomeCareontheWeb is a highly respected property management and rentals company taking care of all your needs… from Sotogrande to Nerja and inland too. Whether it’s looking after your home while you’re away, or helping you generate lucrative rental income, HomeCareontheWeb make sure your property works for you.
Tel: +34 952 839 595 · Email:
PROPERTY SERVICES The Residents Club International The Residents Club International has been established to provide FREE impartial advice from our multi-lingual and multinational experienced panel of advisors strictly selected as the best in their fields to support Presidents and residents of communities in Spain. Whatever your nationality or residential status, we offer advice, assistance and support.
Tel: +34 951 402 434
TELECOM MUKA Arquitectura Megacall Megacall MUKA Arquitectura is a Spanishis registered a prestigious, company award-winning established Madrid-based with over 35architect years’ experience studio. Now in the open telecoms in Marbella. industry, The with young, technical dynamic and commercial company backgrounds specialise inand a broad Spanish range andofEnglish projects: customer home design support. andBusiness renovation, solutions sauna,include: Turkishfixed bath,line spas low-cost and commercial calls, VoIP services, & public IPbuildings. Phones, Virtual Numbers, Mobile solutions and much more.
Tel: Mijas Costa +34 952 667 511 · Tel: Barcelona +34 931 870 103
Want to see your business here? Contact or call: 951 272 743
VIVA Business Directory
Want to see your business here? Contact or call: 951 272 743
enthouse • Ref: HOT-PH3784-SSC
Apartment • Ref: HOT-A4073-SSC
Apartment • Ref: HOT-A3654-LC
Villa • Ref: HOT-V4359-NA
alahonda • €220,000
Calahonda • €125,000
Riviera del Sol • €142,000
Benalmádena Pueblo • €699,000
inca • Ref: HOT-F3785-SSC
Finca • Ref: HOT-F4529-AH
Penthouse • Ref: HOT-PH2213-SSC
Penthouse • Ref: HOT-PH2242-SSC
Cártama • €210,000
Carvajal • €595,000
Calahonda • €295,000
Alhaurín el Grande • €158,000
enthouse • Ref: HOT-PH4667-SSC
Apartment • Ref: HOT-A4346-SSC
Townhouse • Ref: HOT-TH3196-CH
Apartment • Ref: HOT-A2395-SSC
as Chapas • €179,000
Nueva Andalucía • €259,000
Calahonda • €299,999
Cabopino • €188,000
enthouse • Ref: HOT-PH3901-SSC
Apartment • Ref: HOT-A3333-SSC
Cabopino • €399,000
Riviera del Sol • €99,950
partment • Ref: HOT-A2425-SSC
Penthouse • Ref: HOT-PH4697-SSC
Villa • Ref: HOT-V3140-SSC
Villa • Ref: HOT-V2777-SSC
iviera del Sol • €90,000
Alhaurín Golf • €215,000
El Chaparral • €290,000
Carib Playa • €895,000