Listening to Our Youth: From Parkland to Oakland

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F R O M PA R K L A N D TO OA K L A N D Youth ALIVE! Annual Report 2 01 7 – 2 01 8

DEAR YOUTH ALIVE! SUPPORTER My name is Dymond Garrett. I’m from East Oakland, and am about to be a junior at Castlemont High School on MacArthur Boulevard. Where I grew up, we’ve learned that no bullet has a name on it. So if you get hit, you get hit. Even in the middle of crossfire. You don’t know what can happen walking from school to home — like hearing gunshots. If you are near it, you have to run, duck and hide. And sometimes, if you try to run and hide, you might be hit in that process. For me, gun violence has been a very big deal since I was young. At the age of 8, my dad’s house was shot up. I was in a room playing a game when we heard gunshots. There were bullets flying through the window. I heard my dad saying, “Just get down!” We didn’t get hurt, but it’s just traumatic. When I was younger, I could go outside and hang out. Now there are more shootings and a lot more people beefing with each other. It’s like a lot of people just kill each other for no reason now. Some people feel like they have to kill or get killed. Now a little kid as young as 11 years old can get a gun in less than 24 hours because they want to feel safe. It’s a reality now. I work with Youth ALIVE!’s Teens on Target program– we’re teens tackling this issue and dealing with it. I feel like I’m part of a movement to make my community better for the next generation. It’s given me a bigger purpose. But when kids who live in Oakland fight for our


rights in protest, it’s not televised. People are like, “You guys are just defiant.” When all we are doing is fighting for something that is meaningful to us — a more peaceful place.

When Oakland kids die, they’re not often shown in the media. People ask me about the Parkland shooting… I feel sympathy, but what about kids who aren’t their color who have died?

When Oakland kids die, they’re not often shown in the media. People ask me about the Parkland shooting and I say I feel sad that those kids had to die. I feel sympathy too, but what about kids who aren’t their color who have died? People are listening now. But they should have been listening all along. Where we come from, if you have a good day, you are blessed. I thank God for every day that I live. Because you never know when you will go. Than you for listening to our voices! Dymond Garrettt Teens on Target Youth Leader

91% of our budget goes to our violence prevention, intervention and healing programs




Local Programs & Services . . . . . . . . $2,220,672 (60%) Training & Advocacy . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,187,279 (31%)



Administration & Fundraising . . . . . . . $329,263 (9%)


$3,866,677 5%

Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,028,247 (78%)


Foundation Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . $487,597 (14%) Earned Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $179,753 (5%) Individual Giving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90,101 (2%) Corporate Contributions . . . . . . . . . . $80,979 (2%)


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PREVENTION TEENS ON TARGET In 2017, 46 of 76 Oakland homicides happened in the East Oakland neighborhoods of Fremont and Castlemont High Schools, where Teens on Target is housed. The outrage that recent school shootings have inspired may become a catalyst for change, led by the courageous young survivors of Parkland. We hope so. We have long known that young people growing up amid violence have the capacity to change their city. Now in its 29th year, TNT continues to nurture the ideas and leadership talents of young East Oaklanders for whom violence is not only a threat, but an everyday reality at school, in the streets and in parks and homes.

Last year, we trained 74 Teens on Target youth leaders as violence prevention peer educators. They taught workshops on preventing gun, gang, family and dating violence. After TNT participation: » 91% of youth leaders ended the year believing that they were positive role models » 93% believed that they can talk to an adult about how violence affects young people and how it can be prevented » 95% reported that “there are things that young people can do to help reduce violence in their school and community” » 77% reported that they had helped resolve a conflict that would have led to violence

When I walk in that classroom, I feel like Steph Curry walking into Oracle Arena. In my mind, I think, ‘This is your show!’ I love that feeling. - Armon Hurst, TNT Youth Leader on teaching

violence prevention at middle schools


In the last school year, TNT youth leaders delivered 168 workshops to 931 middle school students. After these workshops: » 86% of students said they saw TNT youth leaders as positive role models » 40% more students said they would try to talk a friend out of carrying a gun

Youth Leader Dymond Garrett spoke at Oakland’s March for our Lives rally

Enough is Enough rally & hearing in Sacramento with the Brady Campaign & Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer

Roundtable discussion with Congresswoman Barbara Lee

Photo courtsey of Youth Radio

TRAINING & ADVOCACY To push for solutions to violence, we advocate for sensible policies that reduce gun, gang, family and dating violence. Our staff and our youth work with city, state and federal leaders to design and pass laws that encourage safety. In the last year, we supported legislation to protect students from overzealous immigration raids, to support workforce training for people returning to the community after incarceration, to reduce school suspensions and expulsions, and to expand eligibility for compensation to victims with felonies or who are formerly-incarcerated. Teens on Target participants get opportunities to have a true impact. This year, they wrote op-eds, were featured in numerous articles and interviews, and more and more were called on to advise and participate in our community’s surging quest for peace. We believe that violence should be addressed by the health system, not just by law enforcement. Victims

deserve trauma-informed support beginning at their hospital bedside, at their most vulnerable moment. The health approach works in Oakland and, since we founded the National Network of Hospital-based Violence Intervention Programs (NNHVIP) 9 years ago, it works in cities across the country. NNHVIP has a national conference attended by hundreds of members of the violence prevention community each year. Our 2017 conference in Milwaukee gathered 343 gang interventionists, doctors, street outreach workers, researchers, social workers, nurses, victim advocates, nonprofit leaders, and policymakers from 78 cities in the U.S. and abroad. As members, with Cure Violence and the Berkeley Media Studies Group, of the Healing Justice Alliance, we continued to train emerging programs that support male survivors of violence in 11 cities and the Rosebud Indian Reservation in South Dakota.

In September of 2017, 78 cities were represented at the National Network of Hospital-based Violence Intervention Programs National Conference in Milwaukee.

2017 NNHVIP Conference

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INTERVENTION VIOLENCE INTERRUPTION All of our programs seek to interrupt the cycle of violence. One of them, Violence Interruption, does it literally. Many shootings are in retaliation for past insults or aggressions. In the moment, violence can seem like one solution to a problem. Youth ALIVE!’s Violence Interruption team is composed of men who understand what can happen on the street and why. They bring their knowledge and problemsolving skills to often volatile situations, mediating beefs before the guns come out, helping to find peaceful solutions, saving young lives. In 2017, the Violence Interrupters: » Conducted 58 hospital bedside visits with assault victims to assess safety » Mediated 136 conflicts, up 32% from 2016 » Resolved 131 of these mediations, either face-to-face or through relaying agreements between sides



CAUGHT IN THE CROSSFIRE We believe in intervention. It is hard, even dangerous work. But, delivered with care, patience, insight and sensitivity, it can save lives. Shootings often result from fear and paranoia, rash decisions made in moments of panic. Often the perpetrator was a former victim of violence. The source of his fear, paranoia and panic? Trauma and its destructive symptoms. The source of that trauma? Violence in his past. Victims need help to heal. Fortunately, in Alameda County, when a young person is violently wounded, specialists in Youth ALIVE!’s Caught in the Crossfire (CiC) program are there to intervene. These are people from the community, who understand the effects of violence and the long road to emotional recovery. They discourage retaliation, offer practical support and help victims create their own path to a safer life.

In 2017, CiC worked with » 134 victims of violence » 79% were gunshot victims » 72% were between the ages of 13 and 28

Results: » 99% were not re-hospitalized for a violent injury » 97% were not arrested for committing an offense

PATHWAYS Pathways works with young people like Brandon (featured on the next page), who are coming home from incarceration and/or at-risk for school failure and involvement in violence. This year, Pathways served: » 58 at-risk youth » 90% were not arrested for committing an offense » 22 youth were re-enrolled in school » 3 youth completed their probation

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Brandon Lee Vega (on the left) with his Pathways Case Manager, Jesus Martinez

I’M BRANDON LEE VEGA I was born in East L.A. My family moved to Oakland when I was 13 because my mom was looking for a better paying job. We live in the Deep, also known as Deep East Oakland. My dad left when I was 7. When I needed him he wasn’t there. When my dad left out of my life, my uncle was helping raise me, then he was gone, away to jail for life. I think boys depend on their dad. Without that, they don’t have that guidance.

Now I’m surrounded by positivity. I want to get my diploma and go to college. It’s stressful! But it’s way better than the negativity I was used to.

I got in trouble in L.A. and I got in trouble in Oakland. I got in fights. I sold weed. I robbed people. I hung around with older guys. Guys I met in the hood. I dropped out. I was never school smart. My school was the streets. Then I got arrested and went to juvy. When I got out, Youth ALIVE! came into my life. They help you get back to school, get off probation and stay off probation. I see my case manager Jesus Martinez a lot. He commits to it! He says, “Bro, I’ll see you on Wednesday,” and he’s


there on Wednesday. (Even if I’m not.) Shows he cares. I tell everybody, Jesus is family. Because he helps me out. It’s all positivity. Me and Jesus, we’ve been through the same things. With him, I learn how to forgive. He tells me, sometimes we forgive even though it’s hard. Now I’m surrounded by positivity. I want to get my diploma and go to college. It’s always in your head, college, college, college. It’s stressful! But it’s way better than the negativity I was used to. Not so long ago, I told Jesus how I got in an argument with my mom. I was telling him what I did. And he was like, you messed up, you got to make it right. Jesus, he doesn’t show fake love. I have friends who show fake love. But he doesn’t. I never had that love in my life until now. I trust him. With Jesus’s help, I attended the first meeting of Oakland’s new Police-Community Youth Leadership Council and I’m applying to be a permanent member. I have a lot to say and I’m not afraid to say it. Jesus also works with some of my friends, and we all believe in him. He helps us believe in ourselves. Thanks for reading. Brandon Lee Vega

Oakland’s March for our Lives rally

Youth Leaders with former First Lady Michelle Obama and Congresswoman Barbara Lee


Oakland’s March for our Lives rally

Youth Leaders visiting San Quentin

Teens on Target Youth Board Meeting

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HEALING KHADAFY WASHINGTON PROJECT Every homicide leaves extreme emotional suffering in its wake, no matter the circumstances of the killing. And every single time there is a homicide in Oakland, a Youth ALIVE! crisis responder reaches out to the grieving survivors, often victims’ mothers, to offer real support and real love through the difficult first days and weeks. In 2017, KWP coordinator Tammy Cloud and YA!’s Counseling Services Director, Nicky McCallum, started Circle of Care, a grief support group to provide homicide families a safe space to give and receive ongoing support, to build community. Attendance at the monthly, evening Circle of Care groups continues to grow. There were 2 attendees at the first meeting, 17 at the most recent. Overall, in 2017, KWP: » Worked directly with 74 of the 76 (97%) families impacted by Oakland homicides » 69 families received victim compensation funds to pay for funerals » 32 families received additional financial support » 22 family members joined us for our annual holiday event at Oakland Zoo Lights



COUNSELING SERVICES The bullet that wounds or kills is just the beginning of the story. Recovering from an assault is difficult. Living with the violent loss of a loved one is excruciating and complex. Victims and survivors suffer symptoms of trauma like fear, guilt, paranoia and sleeplessness. Their paths are littered with reminders. Often, even seeking help becomes impossible. Our mental health counselors take their healing into the field, to homes, to schools, wherever a victim feels safest. This approach makes counseling accessible, so that we can serve as many people as possible. In 2017, our counselors supported:


» 93 traumatized survivors in individual or group counseling » 986 hours of mental health services » 143 hours of emergency outreach

START Growing up in a neighborhood where violence is a common occurrence is traumatizing. Even if you are never shot or never lose a loved one to the gun, the atmosphere of threat and fear affect you. Working with an advisory group of young men of color who had been shot, we developed a tool to raise personal awareness of trauma and to find temporary relief from its debilitating symptoms. The START (Screening and Tool for Awareness and Relief of Trauma) method consists of a simple interview to identify symptoms, a brief education to understand trauma better, and a toolkit of private exercises to bring relief. In 2017: » We launched the web site » We trained 55 new advocates at 5 organizations to administer START to hundreds of their clients. » We released a series of briefs, entitled “Healing in Color” to help organizations and institutions implement practices to better address trauma and violence in the lives of boys and men of color

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STAFF Adrian Sanchez Training Officer Anne Marks Executive Director Brett Badelle Development Manager Carlos Jackson Intervention Specialist Pathways Daniel Roman Community Health Advocate Doral Myles Violence Interrupter (West Oakland) Eric Adams Violence Interrupter (East Oakland) Erica Royster Violence Prevention Educator Teens on Target Fransua Senegal Violence Prevention Educator Teens on Target Glen Upshaw Lead Violence Interrupter


Greg Johnson Intervention Specialist Caught in the Crossfire Hisham Ali Bob Program Coordinator Teens on Target Jackie Quintanilla Finance Assistant Jelani Avant Lead Intervention Specialist Pathways Jesus Martinez Intervention Specialist Pathways Jim O’Brien Grants & Communications Associate J.D. Rhone Lead Intervention Specialist Caught in the Crossfire John Torres Deputy Director Juan Cortez Violence Interrupter (Central Oakland) Kyndra Simmons Intervention Director

LaSasha Long Office Manager Linnea Ashley Training & Advocacy Director MaryAnn Alvarado Violence Prevention Educator Teens on Target Nicky MacCallum Counseling Services Director Nina Carter Case Manager/Crisis Responder Khadafy Washington Project Ricardo Garcia-Acosta Intervention Manager Shumar Dornners Violence Interrupter (Citywide) Sue Danne Finance & Operations Director Tammy Cloud Program Manager Khadafy Washington Project Yvette Mora Crisis Responder Khadafy Washington Project

YOUTH LEADERS Castlemont High School Kisha Anderson Milintza Andrade Keyana Andry Amade Angelo Jazspree Armeen-Brown Amori Armstrong Cody Brown Kalijah Brown Geogia Cameron Jay’Vonnie Carter Anthony Carter-Walker Dairione Coleman Jewel Crowder Fynes Davis-Carte Tahirah Dedmon Titus Dorsey Acquriana Dunn Christina Dyer

Reginald Felton Kiera Fortenberry Elijah Freeland Dana Gaines III Dymond Garrett Dyjana George Shamaya Glasper Malik Green Breana Gross Armon Hurst Ta’lon Ingram Emani Johnson Takita Keaton Jun Kim Aaron Knight Mark Lawyer Crystal Luna Denzel Mabry

Jerrold Mack Nayeli Madrigal Andrea Marque Jazmyn Martinez Dalacia McMillan Kiara Montoya Khalida Omari Gabriel Patten Jazzier Pierre Jada Pouncil Devon Prejean Amore Rose Janique Saunders Jasin Saunders

Fremont High School James Brown Jadan Flowers Michael Hughes Kobe Johnson Nefertiti Johnson Marvuenta Jones Heneli Kata Selakifokui Kata Lamya Lattimore Terrill Lenoir Taliyha Mills Laila Patton D’avyon Shavers Daniel Smith Marcos Vasquez Anajae Washington Demarreon Williams Brayan Zavaleta

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Michael Nieto Board President Deputy District Attorney Alameda County District Attorney’s Office Oakland, CA Siara Spriggs Board Vice President Claims Authorizer Social Security Administration Richmond, CA Alisa DeWys Board Treasurer Consultant Resources Global Professionals San Francisco, CA Stan Weisner Board Secretary Director, Behavioral Health Sciences UC Berkeley Extension Berkeley, CA

Phillip S. Chang Principal Redondo Surgical Los Angeles, CA

Elizabeth Sekera Lead Nurse HEDIS, San Francisco Health Plan San Francisco, CA

Angela Jenkins Public Affairs Director East Bay Area, Kaiser Permanente Oakland, CA

Nancy Skinner Member California State Senate 9th District Sacramento, CA

Caitlin Lang Principal & Owner Liquid Form Design Oakland, CA

La’Ban A. Wade II Housing Coordinator UC Berkeley Former TNT Youth Leader Pleasanton, CA

Krista Reinhard Marketing Consultant Oakland, CA

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THANK YOU Roger Abraham Edward Abrams Anita Anderson Alameda County Emergency Medical Services AmeriHealth Caritas Erik Anderson Annie E. Casey Foundation Saurabh Bajaj Shiv & Shobha Bajaj Bank Of America Charitable Gift Fund Bank Of Marin Sara Bari Bay Alarm Melissa Bayne Betty Becker Nic Bekaert Steven Belcher Jodie Berger Bernard E. & Alba Witkin Charitable Foundation Barbara Bernstein James M. Betts Bruce Birkett David & Debbie Bliss Betty and Raymond Bogucki Jim O’Brien & Terese Bogucki Ruth Borenstein BOSS Boston Medical Center Boston Properties Chris Boyd Ayana Bradshaw Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence Helena Brantley Eric Breitbard Bright Fund Foundation Nayo Brooks Santos Elize Brown Shante Brown Carmen Brun Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency (BOSS) Donald Bullick Deane and Richard Bunce Bunker and Company Rebecca Cabrera California Cemetery Brokers


California Office of Emergency Services California Victim Compensation Program Californians for Safety and Justice Catholic Charities of the East Bay Phillip Chang Alvin Chua Thomas Chen Children’s Hospital of Chicago Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Childrens Hospital of Wisconsin & Affiliates Children’s Support League of the East Bay Vincent Chong John Kusakabe & Simone Chou Cisco Systems Foundation City Of Milwaukee Community & Youth Outreach Computer Courage Theodore Corbin Anne Corcos David & Laura Costain Nadine de Coteau James Current Charice Daniels Donna Daniels Spriggs Rachel Davis Heidi De Vries Decus Biomedical Lori Dempsey David DeSilva Alisa DeWys Rochelle Dicker Griffin Dix Melissa Dooher Lori Dorfman East Bay Asian Youth Center (EBAYC) East Bay Community Foundation Jenny Eng Jessica England Sahra Halpern & Daniel Engler Ernst & Young U.S LLP Eduardo Europa Evan Evan Tim Fain Galen Wilson & Casey Farmer Victoria Levin & Joel Fein

Without our funders, donors and supporters, Youth ALIVE! would not be able to have such a great impact. We are grateful for your contribution.

Emily Filloy First Place For Youth Kamika Dunlap & Amy Fitzgerald Nancy Fitzpatrick Lydia Flippen Cindy Hill-Ford & Roy Ford Colette Ford Davis Ross & Donna Freund Friedman Family Foundation Caitlin Lang & Christopher Gaither Gallagher and Burk Construction Ricardo Garcia- Acosta Shayna Gelender Denisa Legaspi & Gina Gemello Joyce Meyer & Edward Gerber Michael Butler & Elissa Gershon Shira Gill Ellen Ginsberg Alice & Stephen Goodman George and Amy Gorman Richard Grant Sharmila N. Grant Rhonda Grossman Ricardo Guedes Shikha Hamilton Heather and Dan Hanly Reygan Harmon Hartley Family Foundation Howard & Pamela A. Hatayama Julie Hess Tina Hittenberger Joan Hoffman Emmanuelle Humblet Enid Hunkeler Laura Hyde ICF Consulting Group, INC Anna Maria Irion Paul Irving Larissa Ivanoff Jacob & Valeria Langeloth Foundation Michael Jarrett Jeffrey Jeffrey Angela B. Jenkins JK Irwin Foundation Sheena Johnson Michael Juanes Kaiser Permanente, East Bay Kaiser Permanente, National

Kaiser Permanente, Northern California Naneen Karraker Leah Kelley Lynne Kielhorn Kirk Kleinschmidt Tal Klement Abbey & Harvey Kletz Robert Knapp Quentin Knights Beatrice & Paul Koehn Gail and Paul Koretz Paula Krebs Julieta Kusnir Karen Labinger Monica Lamboy Sally Landis Lance & Jalyn Lang Ari Langer LaureL Foundation Oliver Lear Juliet Leftwich Victoria Lewis Pamela Dernham & Gregory Linden Donna Linton Marla Becker & Daniel Lipton Susan Liroff Jean Little Catharine Lucas Reuben Ly Lisa Macalka Nicky MacCallum Amy Magoria Make Westing Brian Malte Cecillia Murtagh Marinier Chris and Amy Marks JoAnn Marks Kaitlin Hurley & Peter Marks Katherine Marks Robbie and Leslie Marks Yara Herman & Anne Marks Sally McGrath Timothy McIntyre Michael McLively Meredith Melville Marlene Melzer-Lange Elinor Buchen & Evan Miller

Jill Minkus Jasmene Miranda Beth Montemurro Andreas Montes Sara Morency Michael Munson Judith Myers Natividad Medical Foundation Helen Frances Neville New Normal Brewing LLC Tina Newstead Elaine Ngo Helen Nicholas Michael Nieto Dupont Norman Bruce Nye Oakland Berkeley Association of Realtors Oakland Fund for Children and Youth Oakland Kids First City of Oakland, Oakland Unite Oaklandish Dolores O’Brien Andrea Osgood Solomon Osiatynski Pacific Gas & Electric Peet’s Coffee & Tea Megan Peimer Celeste Perron Carolyn Petrosino Andrew & Catherine Pines PolicyLink Beverley Polt

Niela Pomernacki Jennifer Porter Isabel Pratt Zenaida Ramos Charles Ransford Charles Rath Trina Reed Charles & Krista Reinhard Erica Rice Julia Ritchie Daniel and Cheri Robertson Julianne & Schuyler Rumsey Irmina Sanchez Miriam Sanchez Barnes Melba Santos Elizabeth Schaaf Henry Schwimmer Erin Scott Ronald & Christine Scrivani Michael Sears Camille Seitz- Cherner Erick Kroose & Elizabeth Sekera Sabeen Shaiq Siegel & Yee Diana Silbergeld Silicon Valley Social Venture Fund Sills Family Foundation Laura Simonson Lance Brady & Nancy Skinner Miles Smith Social Impact Fund Sue Danne & Michael Sowle Siara Spriggs

Rachel Steinhart Pamela Stephans Katherine Stephens Frances Stier Peter Straus Style Bath & Kitchen Katherine Summers Sutter Bay Hospitals Anastasia Svetlichnaya Lesley Swain Rick & Marcy Swain Whitney Sylvester Anne Tamar-Mattis Jeff & Jennifer Tarn Hennenan Tasha Elisabeth Teal Paul Terrell The Annie E. Casey Foundation The Banks Family Foundation The Clorox Company Foundation The Episcopal Church In The Diocese Of California The Urban Institute The Youth Employment Partnership Thomas J Long Foundation Renee Thompson Tides Foundation Susan Jacobson & Michael Tigges Page Tomblin Thomas Trent & Laurel Schaefer-Trent Angela Tsay Daniel Tuttle Emma Tweddell

U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime Paula Birdwell Hawthorn & Michael Charles Ubell UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland University Of Illinois Giuseppe Vaccaro Natalie Van Tassel PeterVan Wesep Christopher Vernon Sarah Vickers Vinculums Services, LLC. Tatiana Vlahovic La’Ban A. Wade, II Steve Walch Michael Walker Walter & Elise Haas Fund Mailee Wang Karen Weil Julia Weisner Stanley & Constance Weisner Wells Fargo Bank West Davis & Bergard Foundation Tasia Wiggins Vanessa Wilson Gerald Wolfe Daniel Tsao & Mike Wong Rose Works Donald and Dorothy Worth Michael Omi & Dianne Yamashiro-Omi Michele Yin


pays for one of our mentors to provide court advocacy and a ride home from the Juvenile Justice Center for a youth working to get off of probation.

$250 makes it possible for us to help the family of a homicide victim to purchase funeral clothing.


allows our team to arrange an emergency hotel stay while we work to relocate a family who was shot inside, or in front of, their home.


covers a school year’s worth of stipends for a TNT youth leader to complete training, speak out at public events, and teach a series of workshops on gang, gun, family and dating violence.

Youth ALIVE! accepts donations by mail or online at,

where you can make a one-time gift or set up a monthly recurring donation.

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Youth ALIVE! | 3300 Elm Street | Oakland, CA 94609 Phone: 510.594.2588 | Email:

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