Now More Than Ever: Community-Driven Public Safety Solutions

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NOW MORE THAN EVER C O M M U N I T Y- D R I V E N P U B L I C S A F E T Y S O LU T I O N S Youth ALIVE! Annual Report 2 01 9 – 2 02 0

DEAR YOUTH ALIVE! SUPPORTER When I had the honor of beginning to serve as Youth ALIVE!’s Board President at the beginning of 2020, I had no idea what kind of challenges this year would bring. As we continue to confront two deadly pandemics — COVID-19 and racism — now, more than ever, it is personally meaningful to lead a public health organization focused on addressing violence and trauma and strengthening the community in a way that no other organization can. Like many of you, I have been heartbroken and angry about the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Rayshard Brooks, and so many others at the hands of police. The legacy of slavery, the roots of white supremacy, oppression and the devaluation of Black and Brown lives in this country are so deep, it can be daunting to figure out how to make an impact on ending racism and inequality. Being a part of Youth ALIVE! offers me hope as I stand alongside a team of caring professionals who will never shy away from taking a stand to protest these senseless killings. Our staff and board members drafted a statement about these deaths and the subsequent community call to action that you can read on page 8. And this annual report, Now More than Ever, is full of information about our community-driven public safety strategies and their results. After joining the board in 2014, I have watched Youth ALIVE! operate a seamless network of community-based violence prevention, intervention and healing programs. These programs save lives, heal the trauma of the wounded, reduce violence on our streets, and therefore mitigate the need for police in our neighborhoods.


Individually, Youth ALIVE!’s programs are strikingly innovative and are led by people from the communities they now serve. Together, they make a powerful statement for our times about community, responsibility, love, and change. We know that part of the answer our nation is begging for in protests can only come through systemic change. But we also know you can’t legislate away centuries of racism or decades of violence. We must create a culture of healing and love, a culture in which we all value our common humanity. To reduce violence now, we use care, compassion, persuasion, and the deep cultural understanding of our staff, to work the streets, the hospitals, the parks, the schools. Our success shows that the community can play a significant role in decreasing police presence by helping its own, and healing its own. Community is all of us working together toward a more just society by making choices that promote equality and voting on policies that divert public funding toward programs like ours. Together we can end racism, oppression and inequality and make the threatening image of police brutality on our blocks only a bad, but distant, memory. Thank you for joining us in this effort.

Angela Jenkins President, Youth ALIVE! Board of Directors

THE LANGUAGE OF THE UNHEARD Youth ALIVE! wholeheartedly supports the protests of summer 2020 and the demands for justice and police accountability. An unacceptable status quo, where over a thousand Americans — and thousands more worldwide — are killed by police every year, has made these protests necessary. Youth ALIVE!’s vision of communities free from violence is incompatible with a justice system that allows police to kill unarmed people of color without being held accountable. George Floyd in Minneapolis and Breonna Taylor in Louisville had their lives senselessly taken by state violence, joining Oscar Grant, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Stephon Clark, Derrick Jones, and far too many other people of color to name. Every single one of their deaths was avoidable. Despite decades of video evidence, there has been no meaningful change to address excessive force and police brutality. The killing continues, and our communities are tired of the grief, anger, sadness, and helplessness we feel with every loss. While we never condone or encourage violence, we must also be clear that any instances of vandalism, looting, or violence occurring during these protests cannot possibly disqualify or invalidate what these protests represent. To be more outraged about the destruction of property than about the systematic killing of Black people would only confirm how deeply we fail to value Black lives. If society was able to condemn the police killings of unarmed Black people as quickly as they condemned the destruction of property, we would not have to release this statement. Property is replaceable, human life is not. The need to declare “Black lives matter” reflects the unfortunate reality that law enforcement, elected officials, and fellow citizens consistently behave as if Black lives do not matter. We see this every time police officers are acquitted for killing an unarmed Black person. We see this in the patchwork of laws that made the killers of Ahmaud Arbery and Trayvon Martin believe they could commit murder without consequence. To prevent violence demands that those in power and those who gave them power finally address its root causes: racism, poverty, the historical traumas of slavery and genocide. When our government does not respond appropriately after Black people are killed by white police officers and

vigilantes, then the cycle of violence can only be expected to continue. Violence causes trauma. Without healing, trauma leads to more violence. Until our nation heals the deep wounds of our historical trauma, violence will spread like that other virus we are facing.

A riot is the language of the unheard. - Martin Luther King Jr.

From the case of Dred Scott to the Tulsa Race Massacre, American history has always shown that the justice system is not designed for the protection or the rights of Black people. The continued celebration of Confederate flags, statues, and monuments signal that our country wears the stain of the most painful chapters of our racist history proudly. We must reverse this perversion of justice and truth. Now. Statement released on June 3, 2020. See the full statement, along with a list of resources, at


PREVENTION TEENS ON TARGET High school students in our Teens on Target (TNT) program have been learning and teaching about the roots of violence and alternatives to violence for over 30 years. And in the 2019–2020 school year, despite the COVID-19 pandemic shut-down, our TNT youth leaders quite simply educated the nation. In the public arena, at 59 different events, they were the face, the voice and the conscience of young people affected by daily violence. In 2019, they spoke in Sacramento and at Oakland City Hall. They addressed thousands of activists at Gun Sense University in Washington, DC. They joined other youth in New York to plan for future efforts. They spoke on the radio, on podcasts, at rallies, and to news organizations. Surveys administered prior to and after program participation found: » A 85.7% increase in TNT youth leaders who don’t believe having a gun makes them safer » More than two-thirds of youth leaders talked a friend out of hanging out with people who are in a gang » Since joining TNT, 91.2% of youth leaders helped resolve a conflict that would have otherwise led to violence


TNT youth leaders receive intensive one-on-one adult mentoring and earn stipends for their work delivering multi-day gang, gun, family and dating violence prevention workshops in middle schools throughout the city. Last school year, before the COVID-19 shutdown, they delivered 55 workshops in Oakland middle schools. Middle school students, after participating in TNT violence prevention workshops, reported: » A 49% increase in students who would try to talk a friend out of carrying a gun » A 92% decrease in students who believe that if someone disrespects them, they have to fight them » A 100% decrease in students who believe it is sometimes okay to hit your girlfriend or boyfriend

Youth ALIVE! didn’t just change my life. It saved my life. And now I want to do the same for my friends and my community. - 2019 TNT Youth Leader

TNT recruitment

Advocacy for Change in Sacramento

TNT youth leaders interviewed on public radio

NATIONAL TRAINING Know this: boys and young men of color are the most frequent victims of violent crime in America. Failure to understand or empathize with the reality of their existence has caused young black male victims not just to be neglected, but to be actively harmed or even killed by racist systems. Abandoned, left to their own resources, their trauma, isolation and disaffection deepen. Lives are permanently ruined. In 2015, the federal Department of Justice launched the Supporting Male Survivors of Violence Initiative to provide effective, culturally appropriate, and trauma-informed services for boys and men harmed by violence and to expand services that help normalize their

lives and promote their healing. Through this five-year initiative, Youth ALIVE! has led a coalition of violence prevention groups to provide technical assistance to programs in twelve communities, and provide training to hundreds of others in the violence intervention field across the country. Cities where Youth ALIVE! provides training: Brooklyn, NY; Philadelphia, PA; Newark, NJ; Rosebud Reservation, SD; Washington, D.C.; Boston, MA; West Contra Costa, CA; Grand Rapids, MI; Kansas City, MO; Santa Cruz, CA; Baltimore, MD

ADVOCACY ADVOCACY FOR CHANGE. Reducing police presence by expanding community violence prevention, intervention and healing programs will require legislative action. Advocacy for Change promotes public policies— at the local, state, and federal levels— that reduce violence and promote equity. In 2019, we created a Policy and Advocacy Manager position to lead Youth ALIVE!’s advocacy work, in collaboration with clients, youth leaders, YA! staff and the community, as well as local, state and national advocacy coalitions. In 2019, we:

SPEAK UP, SPEAK OUT. Our advocacy efforts are not only informed by our community, but delivered by them as well. Many of Youth ALIVE!’s clients have the desire to educate the world through their experiences of violence and/or incarceration. Telling their stories in service of change is part of healing. In 2019, we launched Speak Up, Speak Out, to build up the capacity of current and former clients to help shape policy by advocating directly with elected officials and key stakeholders.

» Helped secure a historic investment in the California Violence Intervention and Prevention (CalVIP) Grant Program in the state budget. At $30 million in funding, this is the largest investment in the program’s history » Pushed for the passage of AB 1603, which prioritized funding for cities and communities most heavily impacted by violence » Supported SB 375 which extended the amount of time that traumatized survivors of violence have to apply for victim compensation to support their healing


INTERVENTION CAUGHT IN THE CROSSFIRE Statistically, getting shot, stabbed or beaten is one of the strongest indicators that a person will be assaulted again. To prevent young people from future victimization, Caught in the Crossfire sends a mentor into victims’ lives immediately after an assault, someone they can relate to, someone who, perhaps literally, has been in their position, hospitalized and traumatized. Our intervention specialists bring a message of healing, of breaking the cycle of violence, as well as the knowledge and resources to back it up. They say “I know you are hurt and angry, but forget about retaliation for now, and concentrate on healing, healing yourself and your community.“ They say, “Let me help you get back to school, to work, let me help you go home to your family safe and sound and on a more peaceful path.” This is an opportunity not for more of the same, but for change. Youth ALIVE! has just three intervention specialists who work from the emergency rooms of the East Bay out into the community, replacing violence with healing every single day. Look at the stats to the right to see some of what just these few staff accomplished in 2019.


In 2019, Caught in the Crossfire worked with 100 survivors of violence: » 87% were gunshot victims » 99% were not re-hospitalized for another violent injury » 30% of clients received assistance to remain in their homes during housing crisis » 17 families were relocated (3 out of state)


VIOLENCE INTERRUPTERS When Youth ALIVE! violence interrupters show up at a crime scene after violence, or to mediate a potentially violent conflict between gangs, or at the hospital to assess the ongoing safety of a recent victim of violence, unlike the police, they carry no weapons, nor the threat and judgement a weapon implies. They come to de-escalate. When they are successful, which they often are, the guns don’t come out, and people don’t get shot, hospitalized or buried. At Youth ALIVE!, we have a team of 8 violence interrupters to cover the entire city. Wherever our small but mighty force of peacemakers do their work, lives are saved.

In 2019, our Violence Interrupters: » Mediated 172 conflicts that threatened to erupt in violence » Resolved 160, or 93%, of these conflicts, either through face-to-face meetings between the parties (59%) or by relaying messages and agreements between sides (34%) » Conducted 107 hospital bedside visits with assault victims to assess their safety and prevent retaliation

PATHWAYS Our Pathways program works to protect our young people from the thoroughly negative experience of encounters with law enforcement or incarceration. Pathways intervention specialists enter the lives of youth transitioning out of the trauma of incarceration, or who are at risk of being incarcerated. They become reliable adult mentors committed to keeping young people safe and permanently free from the destructiveness of the justice system.

In 2019, Pathways intervention specialists worked with 49 youth to:

» Provide consistent mentorship, connecting with them a total of 1,988 times » Re-enroll 17 youth in school » Help 76% of youth on probation avoid re-arrest, double the national average of 26-45%


A SHOOTING THAT NEVER HAPPENED To protect his identity, let’s call him Joseph. He is a violence interrupter at Youth ALIVE!. Joseph’s job is to use his prodigious problem-solving skills to de-escalate potentially violent conflicts— whether they are between individuals, groups or gangs— before the guns come out. Today, finally, our nation is questioning the role of law enforcement, especially in addressing social challenges like mental health and homelessness, or the need for police action against those involved in non-criminal or nonserious activities, like sleeping in a car; or using a possibly counterfeit $20 bill.

Joseph made some calls. He drove the neighborhood. He stopped to talk to groups gathered on the streets. One of them helped Joseph identify the parties. Someone Joseph happened to know well, a guy named Michael, had stolen a stash of goods owned by a rival group. The situation was urgent, his contact told him. One of the groups had already been seen cruising the streets, hunting their target, hunting Michael.

But we know we can do more than that.

His contact put Joseph in touch with the gang. They didn’t know Joseph, but they knew his reputation and agreed to meet with him, in their territory. By the time he entered the room where they were gathered, they were armed and on “high alert,” says Joseph. And they were angry.

Careful, timely interventions by trained community members like Joseph can decrease violent crime as well, and mitigate the need for police involvement. Indeed, many communities in America have already taken effective steps to decrease the impact of law enforcement or the need for incarceration. We believe every city could, and should, follow their lead.

Careful, timely interventions by trained community members like Joseph can decrease violent crime and mitigate the need for police.

Earlier this year, Joseph got a heads-up from one of his neighborhood contacts. In the Oakland neighborhood where he works to keep the peace, there had been a fight on the street. Folks were worried it could escalate. Could Joseph figure out what was going on? He could. This was his neighborhood, where he’d grown up and gone to school, where he had also caused trouble of his own and paid a heavy price for his transgressions. Years ago, Joseph himself had been shot multiple times. And he had spent time incarcerated. 8 | YOUTHALIVE.ORG

He told them he had come in peace, he had come with no weapon. Joseph had already spoken to Michael, and today he brought only a message, one no one would have heard if he hadn’t intervened. The message: Michael was sorry. He wanted to apologize, to make restitution. But he was too scared to come out of hiding. Joseph could help with the restitution, but only if the pursuers promised to put the guns down. At first, they remained adamant that there be consequences for what

Michael had done. In fact, some of the stolen goods had already been sold. But Joseph had a larger message. He told the young men his own painful story. He talked of the chaos that could erupt in their neighborhood if they continued. This is how turf wars start, he said. Sometimes, he told them, you have to take a loss to keep things from getting worse. Finally, he reminded them that we are all the same peoples, we all come from the same place, want the same thing. That the guys they were seeking to harm were just like them. After hours of negotiation, the pursuers agreed to peace, acquired their restitution, and Michael is still alive. In fact, even though it’s been a restless summer in Oakland so far, violence in this area of the city has calmed down significantly.

At Youth ALIVE!, we have a team of eight interrupters. They are out there every day and night, silencing the guns, saving lives like Michael’s. Imagine if there were twelve, or twenty violence interrupters. In such a world, public safety begins in the community. Countless lives are saved. And the police can focus their efforts elsewhere and otherwise. And the role of law enforcement in our neighborhoods shrinks. It’s time to invest in a new vision, one that brings long-term peace. At Youth ALIVE!, we envision a world in which every city has enough people like Joseph at work preventing violence, where resources and investment reverse the violence, reverse the inequities, and provide the conditions for all neighborhoods, especially those in Black and Brown communities, to heal, to thrive without fear, and with hope. Adapted from an article in The Guardian. Read the full story at

“When we are able to show there is nothing else happening in this area now, especially with these big hitters,” says Joseph, “then we are doing our job.”


HEALING KHADAFY WASHINGTON PROJECT When homicides happen, while police focus on the perpetrator, we focus on the family of the victim. Youth ALIVE!’s Khadafy Washington Project crisis responders are there within 24 hours to guide mothers, fathers, spouses, children, all the shattered loved ones, through their darkest days, helping them obtain victim compensation, plan funerals, find needed support services and prepare to heal. In 2019, when there were, officially, 75 homicides in Oakland, our small KWP staff responded to 85 killings, including helping Oakland families whose loved ones were killed elsewhere. The toll on our responders is great. But their determination to help families heal is greater. In 2019, KWP crisis responders: » Helped 78 of 85 families successfully apply for victim compensation funds to pay for funerals; and arranged for the other 7 to receive financial support from the Crisis Response and Support Network » Arranged additional financial support for 37 families


Youth ALIVE! co-sponsored Assembly Bill 767 in the State Capitol, which would ensure that victims of police violence are eligible for victim compensation. The bill would have also addressed the ways that law enforcement can prevent trauma survivors, including families of homicide victims, from getting the support and resources they need to heal. Although the bill did not pass this year, the Governor’s office and California’s Victim Compensation Board have committed to working with Youth ALIVE! and our cosponsors Californians for Safety and Justice on this issue so we can work to re-introduce the bill next year.

COUNSELING SERVICES All of our clients are eligible for counseling. Recovery from the traumas of violence and/or incarceration is a long, ongoing process no one should have to endure alone. There are good days and bad, there is progress and there are setbacks. There are times when the anger swells and retaliation is again on the table. We can’t have that if we are to decrease the need for police in our neighborhoods. Our mental health counselors — steeped in an understanding of trauma and healing — support clients in crisis and with ongoing therapy. Their goal is healing that brings peace to individuals and our streets. In 2019, YA! counselors: » Supported 56 trauma survivors and their family members in counseling » Provided 1,095 hours of individual counseling » Provided 98 client hours in group sessions


pays for one of our mentors to provide court advocacy and a ride home from the Juvenile Justice Center for a youth working to get off of probation.

$250 makes it possible for us to help the family of a homicide victim to purchase funeral clothing.


allows our team to arrange an emergency hotel stay while we work to relocate a family who was shot inside, or in front of, their home.


covers a school year’s worth of stipends for a TNT youth leader to complete training, speak out at public events, and teach a series of workshops on gang, gun, family and dating violence.

Youth ALIVE! accepts donations by mail or online at,

where you can make a one-time gift or set up a monthly recurring donation.


STAFF Angelina Gutierrez Counselor

Glen Upshaw Lead Violence Interrupter

Lizeth Torres Chavez Office Assistant

Angie Teal Operations & Human Resources Manager

Guadalupe Serrano-Lopez Intervention Specialist Caught in the Crossfire

MaryAnn Alvarado Program Coordinator Teens on Target

Anne Marks Celebrating 10 years as Youth ALIVE!’s Executive Director

Jacqueline Quintanilla Finance Manager

Miguel Avila Torres Intervention Specialist Pathways

Carlos Jackson Intervention Specialist Pathways Chris Cooper National Training Officer Debra Mendoza Youth Programs Manager Doral Myles Violence Interrupter (Citywide) Dwan Taylor Program Assistant Eric Adams Violence Interrupter (West Oakland) Ernest Ynostrosa Intervention Specialist Caught in the Crossfire Gabriel Garcia Policy and Advocacy Manager


Jaime Oseguera Violence Interruter (Central Oakland) Jessica Segura Crisis Responder Khadafy Washington Project

Morris Turner Violence Interrupter (East Oakland) Nicky MacCallum Counseling Services Director

Jim O’Brien Senior Grants & Communications Associate

Omari Sinclair Violence Interrupter (West Oakland)

J.D. Rhone Lead Intervention Specialist Caught in the Crossfire

Paris Davis Program Coordinator Khadafy Washington Project

John Torres Deputy Director

Ricardo Garcia-Acosta Development Manager

Josh Rogers Violence Prevention Educator Teens on Target

Sasha Long Violence Prevention Educator Teens on Target

Juan Cortez Violence Interrupter (Central Oakland)

Sue Danne Finance & Administrative Director

Kyndra Simmons Intervention Director

Tonyia (Nina) Carter Violence Interrupter (East Oakland)

YOUTH LEADERS Castlemont High School Sekyah Akais Isaac Anderson Darianna Brazell Kamaria Cole Ajahne Cook Anita Daniels Makayla Finley Lance Davis Jaymes Fitzpatrick Elijah Freeland Malik Green Hassan Grooms-Jackson Gregory Hampton Breece Hutchinson Kamora Jackson Mariah Jenkins Nyjayla Jenkins Jun Kim Aaron Knight

Kevin Lewis III Jaishon Lucas Jairo Mejia Jacqueline Molina Princess Paopao Thomas Parker Damarria Perry Nylani Polk Nyssa Polk Jacorey Pollard Devon Prejean Rodney Robinson Merlyn Rodriguez Guzman Amore Rose Janique Saunders Jasin Saunders Keyanna Scott-Wilson Sherve Scott-Wilson Prezett Simon

Laila Stark Kalani Lee Swayne Sierra Taylor Xavier Tillery Devynn Trahan Terri’Nae Williams Orlando Woods Francisco Zamora

Fremont High School Aaliyah Aceitino Angelo Andrade Aaliyah Baker Marionna Brandle Peter Cross Seven Curley Edwin Emerson Edwin Estrada

Breanna Felton Sisilia Fonua Janieya Harper Kimberly Higareda Susan Hill Amari Hurst Heneli Kata Endia McGowan Athziri Ortega Jesus Padilla-Masedonio Nia Poole Queenilyah Prejean Naterald Redding Edjrienna Rubio-Dorsey Miklo Santiago Selena Santiago Joshua Segundo Kaliyah Thomas Jose Valero-Banderas

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Angela Jenkins Board President Senior Director, Community Health Kaiser Permanente Oakland, CA Val Barnett Board Vice President Hospital Administration Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital San Francisco, CA Stan Weisner, Ph.D., MSW Board Secretary Director, Behavioral Health Sciences UC Berkeley Extension Berkeley, CA

Alisa DeWys Board Treasurer Consultant Resources Global Professionals San Francisco, CA

Rafael Vaquerano Director Ambulatory Integration & Access Alameda Health System Oakland, CA

Caitlin Lang Owner & Creative Director Liquid Form Design Oakland, CA

Michael Munson Operations Manager KTOP-TV10 Oakland, CA

Krista Reinhard Marketing Consultant Oakland, CA

Sarah Chavez Yoell Principal S. Chavez Consulting Oakland, CA

Nadine de Coteau Manager Engagement & Partnerships Apple Cupertino, CA


THANK YOU Alameda Contra Costa Links Alexis Burck Alice and Stephen Goodman Alisa DeWys Alison Truman Allison Briscoe-Smith Alta Bates Summit Medical Center Alternatives in Action AT&T, External & Legislative Affairs Amy Kellerman Andrea Osgood Angela B. Jenkins Ann Magovern Ann Opara Anne Marks Anonymous Individual Gift Anonymous Corporate Gift Aparajita Sohoni Barbara Bernstein Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund Beatrice and Paul Koehn Ben Redcross and Michael Sears Benson N. Bernard E. & Alba Witkin Charitable Foundation Boston Properties Brady Thomas Brendalynn Goodall and Nancy Hinds Bright Funds Bruce Nye Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency Caitlin Lang CARESTAR Foundation Carol Bohnsack California Office of Emergency Services Catholic Charities of the East Bay California Violence Intervention and Prevention Grant Program (Cal VIP) Celeste Perron Celina Kamler Charles Rath Cheri and Daniel Robertson Children’s Support League of the East Bay Chris and Amy Marks Christopher Gaither Christine Nygaard Cindy Hill-Ford and Roy Ford City of Oakland, Oakland Unite Clare Senchyna Colette Ford Colleen Roh Community Partners Computer Courage County of Alameda: Probation Department County of Alameda: Family Justice Center County of Alameda: Emergency Medical Services Agency Damian Spieckerman Daniel Tsao and Mike Wong Darell Pitts David Cremins David DeSilva Dawn Kepler Deane and Richard Bunce Deanna Abrams


Denisa Legaspi and Gina Gemello Dolores O’Brien Donna Linton East Bay Community Foundation Elinor Buchen and Evan Miller Elizabeth Hart Elizabeth Schaaf Elizabeth Teel Ellen French Ellen Ginsberg Emily Cronbach Emily Newfield Emma Ferguson Eric Breitbard Eric Rudney Ernesto Quintanilla Ernst & Young U.S LLP Esteban Barnaby Estelle Dong Everytown for Gun Safety Francesca Austin Gabriela Giacchino Gallagher and Burk Construction Garrett Stone Gary and Sandra Tamkin Gary Budd and Dana Paniagua Gianna Tran Gillian Fynn Grace Crunican Griffin Dix Hartley Family Foundation Hallie Brignall Heather and Dan Hanly Heather Johnson Heather Skibbins Helena Brantley Helen Frances Neville Helen Nicholas Helen Smiler and Marlene Johnson Hunter Harris Isabel and Mike Herman Isadora Gullov-Singh Jackie Krentzman James M. Betts Jamie Marantz and Monica Vaughan Jane and Benjamin Simon Janie Dobbs Jason Labinger Jean Kramer Jeffery Goodspeed Jeffery Jackson Jeffrey Akeley Jennifer Skytt Jennifer Summers Jenny Wong and Mark Scholsberg Jeremy Fish Jessica Buchanan Jill Minkus Joan Hoffman JoAnn Marks Jodie Berger John Bliss and Kim Thompson John Montagh John Prendergast John Sheridan Joseph Goldstein Breyer Joyce Meyer Gerber and Edward Gerber Joyce Wu

Without our funders, donors and supporters, Youth ALIVE! would not be able to have such a great impact. We are grateful for your contribution. Special thanks to our Community Building Circle Founding Members (Listed in Green).

Julianna Phillips Julianne and Schuyler Rumsey Julie Hadnot Julie Hess Kaiser Permanente East Bay Kaiser Permanente Regional Community Benefit Karen and Jeffrey Banks Karen Clayton Kathleen McNulty Kathleen O’Connor Krista and Charles Reinhard Krystal LoPilato Kyle Fischer Lance and Jalyn Lang Laura Branigan Laura Hyde LaureL Foundation Laureen O’Connell Lauren Shub LeighAnne Olsen Lew and Colleen Ross Lilli I Alberga and Laurence J. Bardoff Charitable Fund Lisa Meltzer-Penn and Jonathan Penn Loic Olichon and Alvin Chua Lynn Baskett Lynn Greenberg and Michael Rothschild Marcella Jenkins Marcy Bergman and David Durham Mario Savio Young Activist Award Fund (Tides Foundation) Marit K Sonstelie Marjorie Follette Mark and Grace Bartoo Marla Becker and Daniel Lipton Matthew and Kristin Aldrich Matthew Griffin Meeghan Petersen Meredith Plummer Michael Munson Michael Nieto Michelle Blakley Miriam Sanchez Barnes Monica Lamboy Nadine De Coteau and Sean Callum Nanci Gunning Nancy Bott Nancy C. Skinner Naneen Karraker Network for Good Nicky MacCallum Niela Pomernacki Nuno Michael Ferreira Oakland Firefighters IAFF Local 55 Oakland Fund for Children and Youth (OFCY) Oakland Kids First Oakland Police Department Page Tomblin Pamela and Howard Hatayama Pamela and Anthony Schwarz Pamela Dernham and Gregory Linden Paula Birdwell Hawthorn and Michael Charles Ubell Paul Irving Peter Van Wesep PG&E Corporation Campaign for the Community

Pledgeling Foundation PLUS 1 Raj Mahajan Raymond Bogucki Rebecca Cohen Renato Almanzor Richard Grant Rick and Marcy Swain Robbie and Leslie Marks Robbie Pressman Robin Boyar Robin Chetkowski Roger Abraham Ronald Rettig-Zicchi Rose Works Ruth Borenstein Sahra Halpern and Daniel Engler Sarah Holderfield Sallie Blytt Sally McGrath San Francisco Foundation Sandra Simmons Sara Herring Sara Morency Saurabh Bajaj Sean Sullivan Shannon Cosgrove Sharmila N. Grant Sheena Johnson Shirin Belur Sophia Admokom Stacy Gardner Stacy Kono Stacy Ward Stanley and Constance Weisner Stanley Lam State of California Susan Lucke Susanna Osorno-Crandall and Vaughn Crandall Sutter Bay Hospitals Tasha Henneman Temple Sinai- Social Action The Banks Family Foundation The Barrios Trust The California Wellness Foundation The Clorox Company Foundation The Plank Theresa Butler Thomas Chen Thomas Trent and Laurel Schaefer-Trent Tina Monaco Tracy Jensen Treva Reid Trish Elliot Ulla Foehr United Way of the Battle Creek & Kalamazoo Region U.S. Dept of Justice Office for Victims of Crime Val Barnett Victoria Lewis Vidhya Babu Wells Fargo Foundation Wendy Garrish West Davis & Bergard Foundation Yael Bloom Yale University

87% of our budget goes to our violence prevention, intervention and healing programs




Local Programs & Services . . . . . . . . . $2,481,799 (65%) Training & Advocacy . . . . . . . . . . . . $850,753 (22%)



Administration & Fundraising . . . . . . . $513,977 (13%)


$3,981,510 4%

Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,257,123 (82%)


Foundation Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . $413,198 (10%) Individual Giving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $176,766 (4%) Earned Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $69,601 (2%) Corporate Contributions . . . . . . . . . . $64,822 (2%)



Youth ALIVE! | 3300 Elm Street | Oakland, CA 94609 Phone: 510.594.2588 | Email:

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