the WORLD Issue #10

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It is a Youth Public/P2P Diplomacy Project.

Differing from typical Korean diplomacy initiatives that focus on cultural introductions, the Global Youth Goodwill Ambassadors for Foreign Embassies in South Korea take on the role of presenting the countries of the participating embassies.

In this unique approach, Korean youth gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for diversity and multiculturalism. Simultaneously, participating embassies leverage this platform as an effective local tool to introduce their countries, leaving positive and amicable impressions on Korean youth.

This collaborative effort aims to cultivate lasting friendships between the future leaders of Korea and the nations they represent.

the WORLD Issue No.10

by Global Youth Goodwill Ambassadors For Foreign Embassies to the Republic of Korea


-Articles written by Goodwill Ambassadors

-Reflections of offline activities

-Name of Goodwill Ambassadors


In heartfelt acknowledgment, we extend our sincerest gratitude to all the Goodwill ambassadors who dedicated their efforts to the success of our magazine during the 2023 spring term.

We express our deepest appreciation to the embassies of Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Cote d'Ivoire, Czechia, Ecuador, Egypt, Gabon, Kenya, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Zambia for their unwavering support. Special recognition is reserved for our newly joined embassies of Ethiopia, Guatemala, Laos, and Slovenia.

We also extend our thanks and appreciation to everyone who has contributed to and supported this project, as your commitment has truly made a difference


성장의 원동력: 가봉의 주요 산업

글: 윤성빈 (Sungbin Yoon)

기봉은 풍부한 천연자원과 중앙 아프리카의 전략적 위치를 자랑하는 나라로서, 다양한 산업군의

발전으로 번영하는 경제를 구축해 왔다. 본글에서는 가봉의 경제 성장에 중추적인 역할을 하는 주요

산업군에 대해 알아보고자 한다.

주요산업 1: 석유

주 가봉 대한민국 대사관에 따르면 기봉은 사하라 이남 아프리카 산유국 중 5번째로 매장량이 풍부하고, 국가 전체 수출 중 87%가 석유관련 제품이다. 가봉 내 석유 소비량은 일 14,000 배럴로서, 가봉은 생산되는 90%의 원유를 미국과 아시아 그리고 유럽에 수출하고 있다. 신 석유법이 2014년 9월15일 제정되었음에 따라, 가봉 내 유전탐사가 더욱 활발해질 예정이다.

주요산업2: 광업

가봉의 망간(manganese) 채굴

가봉은 세계에서 두번째로 많은 망간을 보유하고 있으며 현재 세계에서 세번째로 큰 망간 생산국이다.

망간은 가봉 총 수출의 11%를차지하며, 이는 가봉의 두번째로 큰 수출 품목에 해당한다. 프랑스

회사 ERAMET의 자회사인 La Compagnie Manière de L’Ogooue(COMILOG)는 현재 가봉에서 망간을 생산하는 가장 큰 회사이며 2022년 한해동안 750만톤을 생산하였다.

주요산업3: 목재 가공

2,200만 핵타르에 해당하는 85%의 토지가 숲으로 덮여 있는 가봉에는 약 1억 3000만 m3의 착취 가능한 목재가 매장되어 있다. 가봉 특별경제구역(GSEZ)는 2021년 6월 GSEZ와 가봉 정부간에 체결된 합작기업으로서, 목재 가공 산업 부흥을 위해 설립되었다. 현재, 매년 340만 m3가 생산되는 가봉은 아프리카의 주요 열대 합판 수출국이자, 세계에서 두번째로 큰 수출국이 되었다.

가봉은 석유, 광업, 목재, 관광 들 다양한 주요 산업군의 발전을 통해 경제 성장을 이룩해 왔다. 이러한 산업들은 가봉의 경제를 다각도로 지탱하며, 국가의 번영과 발전에 기여하고 있다.

참고자료: (Accessed: 09 July 2023). Gabon special economic zone - GSEZ (no date) Arise IIP. Available at: (Accessed: 09 July 2023). Wood-processing technology by MBM Maschinenbau (no date) Wood-processing technology - mbm Maschinenbau gesmbH. Available at: (Accessed: 09 July 2023). Slagen, D. (2023) How mining companies can save $15,000 per day using the weather, Available at: https://www. (Accessed: 09 July 2023). Comilog, the world’s number 1 producer of high-grade manganese ore (no date) Eramet. Available at: (Accessed: 09 July 2023). Gabon - mining and mineralsgabon - mining and Minerals (no date) Gabon - Mining and Minerals | Privacy Shield. Available at: (Accessed: 09 July 2023). Available at: https://overseas.mofa. seq=1346624&srchFr=&amp%3BsrchTo=&amp%3BsrchWord=&amp%3BsrchTp=&amp%3Bmulti_itm_ seq=0&amp%3Bitm_seq_1=0&amp%3Bitm_seq_2=0&amp%3Bcompany_cd=&amp%3Bcompany_nm=&page=1 (Accessed: 09 July 2023).

이미지 출처: jpg?w=826&t=st=1697883633~exp=1697884233~hmac=0a403f4d375bab2a2cd192d17bbe3fcd5ebb2b1ccca4079ec98cd39fa537e340

The World Baseball Classic, or WBC, is the top men’s baseball international tournament, and 20 countries (based on the existing rankings, including South Korea, the US, and Japan,16 countries will automatically advance to the finals .) get qualified to play and compete with others. In 2023, Nicaragua completed their 2023 WBC rosters after they finished their first and second game of the qualification tournament. They won the rubber match of the qualifier by 3-1, and they earned the final spot in the main tournament, which was their first participation in the global tournament for Nicaragua.

There were only countries that had rosters with players who performed mainly in the major leagues internationally, so Nicaragua had to challenge themselves and compete with major teams, the Dominican Republic, Israel, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela. They have Jonathan Loaisiga from the New York Yankees, Erasmo Ramirez from the Washington Nationals, and a few players with MLB experience. However, they put a lot of effort into playing against other teams in Florida and tried their best not to disappoint their fans and families. Some major and minor teams contacted their managers and showed some interest in their players.

Team Nicaragua played against the Dominican Republic during pool play at the World Baseball Classic on Monday, and the 21-year-old pitcher from Nicaragua showed his skills in the game in the ninth inning and struck out Juan Soto, Julio Rodriguez, and Rafael Devers, the three MLB players. The game wasn’t going well, but he impressed everyone in the stadium.

Nicaragua managers said his plays were “Extraordinary,” “One of the positive parts of the game,” and “A good experience for him.” He has only been pitching for less than a couple of years and was an athletic outfielder of a Nicaraguan winter league team. “Hebbert, who also gave up a double to the hot-hitting Machado in his lone inning of work, used mostly low-90s sinkers, mid30s changeups, and low-90s sliders to strike out three of the best hitters in the world” (Alden Gonzalez, ESPN Staff Writer).



Nicaragua: A Promising Destination for Economic Stability and Investment Opportunities

Nicaragua’s energy, infrastructure, and mines sector has emerged as a priority, attracting significant investments and showcasing the country’s technical and economic capacities. The energy sector presents diverse opportunities, with Nicaragua’s abundant natural resources offering a potential of approximately 4,500 MW for renewable energy generation. Geothermal power stands out, thanks to the country’s most significant geothermal potential in Central America. Nicaragua also possesses substantial hydroelectric potential from its abundant rivers and diverse biomass sources.

Investment prospects in infrastructure include the development of the “Touristic Port of San Juan del Sur,” aiming to transform the region into a premier tourism destination. Nicaragua seeks to attract tourists and boost its tourism industry by providing world-class facilities for cruise ships and yachts.

Additionally, the renewal of Managua’s International Airport is a crucial initiative to improve connectivity and increase competitiveness. The modernization project involves expanding the runway, constructing new facilities, and enhancing lighting and visual aids.

Nicaragua also offers mining opportunities facilitated by favorable laws and regulations. The country has economically exploitable metallic mineral deposits concentrated in specific provinces, attracting investment in mining projects. Through the Ministry of Energy and Mines, the government’s efforts aim to provide legal security and attractive incentives for foreign investors interested in exploring and developing mining resources.

Overall, Nicaragua’s focus on the energy, infrastructure, and mines sector demonstrates its commitment to sustainable development and economic growth. By leveraging its natural resources, improving infrastructure, and attracting investments, Nicaragua aims to drive progress and prosperity in these critical areas.


Image Source:

What is Kabaddi

Kabaddi is a national sport in Bangladesh. Although it has recently declined in popularity due to the upcoming rise of other sports, Bangladeshis have consistently maintained their own sports culture through Kabaddi.

In Bangladesh, Kabaddi, this combative sport, is also known by a different name called “Ha-du-du.” It has no definite rules and is played with varying rules in different areas.

Kabaddi was officially established in 1973 as the Bangladesh Amateur Kabaddi Federation and will continue to represent the country as the national game played in various celebrations and events within their community and society.

Basic rules of Kabaddi

1. Two Teams of Seven Players

2. Two Halved Game (with each half lasting 20 minutes)

3. Points are Scored by Raiding the Opposition’s Side

4. A Successful Raid is Worth Two Points

5. A Player is Out if They are Caught During a Raid

6. A Player is Out if They Fail to Touch the Opposition

7. A Player is Out if They Cross the CenterLine

8. A Player is Out if They Hold Their Breath

9. A Player is Out if They Leave the Field of Play

10. The First Team to Score Seven Points Wins


Image Source: Kabaddi. (2024, January 6). In Wikipedia.

Bangladesh Religion

The Constitution of Bangladesh supports a secular society, meaning the state should not be connected to religion. Bangladeshi society strongly values religious identity, with various religions taking root in the nation. Most of the Bangladeshi population is Muslim then Hindu. The remaining population identifies with several different religions, like Christianity and Buddhism.

Islam, the official religion of Bangladesh since 1988, is crucial to understanding Bangladesh and its culture, mainly because Islam has impacted all levels of life. Bangladesh presents Mosques throughout the nation for Muslim worship. Even more, many Bangladeshis strongly adhere to Islamic practices. They hold religious festivals, fast during the holy month of Ramadan, and perform five daily prayers.

Hinduism is the second most popular religion in Bangladesh. Like Muslims, Hinduism is represented by abundant temples, pilgrimage sites, and religious festivals.

Christianity is also shown throughout the nation. Churches are prevalent, and Christian organizations celebrate Christmas along with other important holidays.

Buddhism also has a rich historical presence in Bangladesh. While there are fewer Buddhist supporters compared to other religions, ancient Buddhist Monasteries are respected and maintained.

References: Editor, Staff. “Top 10 Hindu Temple in Bangladesh (Oldest and Biggest).” Travel Mate, 11 Sept. 2019, Hasan, Mubashar. “The Advance of Political Islam in Bangladesh.” The Independent, 16 Aug. 2015, details/11810.

Scroope, Chara. “Bangladeshi Culture - Religion.” Cultural Atlas, 2017,

Image Source: Bangladesh. (2024, January 3). In Wikipedia.

Solar Power Generation in Mexico and Cooperation with South Korea

First, Mexico is a major oil producer and exporter with abundant hydrocarbon resources and high energy independence. Mexico’s leading renewable energy sources are water power, wind power, and geothermal, and the need to expand the supply of renewable energy is also increasing in Mexico due to the recent growing interest in the environment.

Since the passage of the Energy Reform Act in 2013, the renewable energy sector, centered on wind and solar power, has increased significantly, and the proportion of renewable energy has been about 24% as of the first half of 2018. Mexico ranked 16th in 2016 and 12th in 2017 (Korea 26th) in Unst & Young’s “Regular Renewable Energy Attractiveness RECAI” in 2018, accounting for a total of 36% of renewable energy investment in the region.

In response, Mexican Energy Minister Pedro Joaquin Caldwell expressed expectations at the CCTE held in November 2018, saying,

“Mexico will soon enter the top 10 renewable energy powers.” The Mexican government plans to expand this figure to 50 percent by 2050. According to the Mexican Institute of Competitiveness, Mexico’s solar and wind markets have been growing tremendously since the introduction of the Energy Reform Act.

In addition, energy efficiency is reduced by reducing the amount of energy input required for unit value-added production, it also increased. This can be seen as the result of the Mexican government’s aggressive energy conversion efforts.

Mexico is located in the Solar Belt, the most sunlight-rich on Earth, and 85% of the country is suitable for solar power generation. It is characterized by many “semidesert dry areas” that can generate large-scale solar power.

In particular, the annual average amount of sunlight in Sonora is the highest, and large-scale solar power projects involving companies such as Hanwha Q Cells in Korea are actively carried out in this area.

In Hanwha Energy’s case, the construction of the 125MW Laguna Solar Power Plant in Torreon, Mexico, began in October 2018, and it is expected to supply power to more than 25,000 households annually. As such, Mexico continues to expand its solar market by taking advantage of its geographical advantages and is striving to develop its own solar market.


- Mexican Department of Energy “Mapa de Ruta Tecnológica Energía Solar Fotovoltaica” (2017.12)

- ABNAMRO “Renewable energy in Latin America Report” (2018.5)

- Edwin Quintanilla “El papel de las energías renovables en Latinoamérica ante el cambio climático” (2018.5)

Image Source:

Mexican Department of Energy Centro Nacional de Control de Energía (CENACE)

Breaking Glass Ceilings: Tahira Tahirova, the Silk Road Diplomat

Towards the Caspian Sea, the winds rush over and through the Greater Caucasus mountains, cooling the temperate Republic of Azerbaijan. Owing to its latitude and unique combination of geographic features, Azerbaijan experiences four beautiful seasons during the year, with summers and winters more mild than extreme. The rich river network flowing down from the Caucasus mountains provides fertile regions well-suited to agriculture, particularly the cultivation of crops like cotton, tea, and citrus fruits. Residents in the eastern region inhale the refreshing aroma of the river-fed sea on their way to Baku, the country’s capital, and reaching the Caspian requires just another five to ten minutes, where visitors are welcomed by the stunning blue water. Adjacent to the Caspian Sea, Baku sits nearly thirty meters below the global sea level; thus, it is the lowest-lying capital and largest city beneath sea level.

In as much as geography dictates the nation’s climate, Azerbaijan’s placement in the center of the Eurasian continent lent itself to a significant heritage regarding ancient trade. Situated at the crossroads of Eastern Europe and Southwestern Asia, Azerbaijan shares borders with Russia, Georgia, Armenia, and Iran, in addition to its extensive eastern coastline along the Caspian Sea. This strategic location occasioned a crucial link between Europe and Asia, between which the world has witnessed extensive, historically significant trade and cultural exchange. Thus, while strolling around the cities of Azerbaijan, visitors can trace the historical influence of trade through the lasting architecture as displayed by buildings reflecting the popular Rayonnant and Flamboyant styles: high ceilings or spacious domes, facades brushed in sweeping light colors. The High Gothic style, with its sculpted details and open-spaced design through flying buttresses supporting graceful, window-filled walls, also features prominently. The UNESCO World Heritage List attests to Azerbaijan’s blessed history, with three designations conferred since the turn of the millennium on the country’s manmade and natural sites, making for must-see destinations: the Walled City of Baku with the Palace of Shirvanshahs and the Maiden Tower, the Gobustan Rock Art Cultural Landscape, and the Historic Centre of Sheki with the Khan’s Palace.

The modernization of Azerbaijan aligns with the European race for industrialization and resources. Azerbaijan experienced an oil boom at the end of the nineteenth century, attracting droves of rich investors from Russia and Europe who wished to build infrastructure to extract and refine the natural resources that were constantly being discovered—veins of gold and subterranean oil deposits. As in prior centuries, Azerbaijan encountered further opportunities as European culture seeped into the country along with economic change. As fortune would have it, Azerbaijan contains inordinate oil reserves for its size, which boosts the nation’s export and potential for industry. Furthermore, exports of mineral deposits in addition to gold include iron and copper, adding to the nation’s $50+ billion GDP in 2021.

Perennially high-demand of Azerbaijan’s abundant resources has strengthened trade relationships with countries like Russia, Turkey, and China. Furthermore, as a result of successful exports and imports, the Azerbaijani economy has grown in both size and diversity as the country’s wealth allowed for pivoting into vital sectors beyond extraction and agriculture, such as higher-level manufacturing and client services. This ability to fit changing times has kept the manat, Azerbaijan’s currency, trading at consistent rates on the global exchange. The relative lack of fluctuation in recent years indicates a stable economy with the potential to maintain steady growth.

A key benefit of economic growth over generations includes the inevitability of social progress and change. Today, Azerbaijani women walk among the city streets with an almost imposing sense of pride and dignity, though it was not always so as women lacked societal equality. However, during the oil boom and within a generation of industrializing, a progressive movement led to the enfranchisement of women as Azerbaijan became the first country dominated mainly by a Muslim population to grant women suffrage in 1919, the same year the United States introduced its own amendment to allow women the right to vote.

In 1922, Azerbaijan became part of the Soviet Union. Despite being incorporated into the communist Soviet bloc, Azerbaijan continued to uphold women’s rights, suffrage, and representative equality throughout the decades of the Cold War. When the country finally became independent of Soviet rule in 1991, with such sudden political change emerged transitional challenges regarding how to grant full equality and opportunities to women. To address these issues, the government identified where women could participate in society and mended areas of weakness by establishing greater economic and educational opportunities. Born in 1913 by the Caspian Sea, a girl who witnessed the Soviet occupation and lived in communist-held Azerbaijan through the Cold War grew up to epitomize the wondrous potential of her naturally blessed country, and she echoed through modern history as she shattered barriers that engendered history’s prejudiced preference of patriarchal systems. Her name was Tahira Tahirova.

Chapter 2 - A Woman Who Challenged Societal Norms

From a young age, Tahira exhibited an inquisitive and ambitious nature, constantly demonstrating interest in various fields of culture, religion, and international relations. Her friends and family remembered her ceaseless thirst to absorb answers to every question she had about the world surrounding her. As she grew older, her appetite for knowledge grew commensurately, eventually transitioning her from the position of student as she pursued a career in teaching. Her unwavering commitment to education was obvious in her actions, and her passion for youth empowerment undeniable. Under her firm belief in the power of education to uplift individuals and their communities, Tahira availed herself of the opportunity to work in the oil industry in association with her government.

Chapter 1 - Azerbaijan’s Unique and Fascinating History

Tahira’s professional journey took an unexpected and remarkable turn when she joined the Communist Party of Azerbaijan in 1940, through which she participated as an expert and director of research for her country. As soon as she entered government service, Tahira proved herself both committed and capable, and she quickly climbed the ranks of civil service even as her country faced the atrocity of World War 2. From directing research to managing refuel deliveries to the warfront, Tahira embodied both competence and patriotic devotion, for which she was formally recognized and promoted yet again. Thus, in 1957, Tahira was appointed Head of Science and Technology on the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan, a crowning achievement for anybody else but just another launching point in this remarkable woman’s extraordinary success story.

Just two years later, Tahira became the first female minister of Foreign Affairs of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic, continuing her string of firsts in breaking boundaries and challenging social norms with her historic achievements. As a diplomat, Tahira advocated with unflinching boldness on the global stage: She navigated international politics and diplomacy with aplomb, fully employing her eloquence and diplomatic tact as Azerbaijan’s representative before the United Nations. Throughout her illustrious political career, Tahira earned multiple accolades, including the USSR’s highest state recognition medal for outstanding service, the Order of Lenin. While these awards testified to her uncompromising ability as a national leader, Tahira refused to boast publicly, for she recognized the ongoing struggle her nation faced and the part she played. Thus, she prioritized serving her people over winning praise. Spanning the extent of the Cold War itself, Tahira Tahirova’s personal history shines brilliantly as episode after episode of her dauntless ventures into the male-dominated arena of politics and diplomacy. As she cleaved obstacles and carved her own path forward, she spearheaded progress for future generations of women—within Azerbaijan and internationally—who would emulate her spirited approach to fighting for what is right.

Tahira validated her qualifications time after time during her career through constant success and a commitment to furthering her learning. Truly a unique figure in her time, she stood out as a symbol of change and hope for progress in a time when women rarely dared to dream of such influential success. By her forties, Tahira had well-established her reputation as an academic expert on oil, obtained her PhD, and filled her mahogany office shelves with proof that she loved scholarship: tome after tome encompassing history, diplomacy, and literature.

Chapter 3 - Welcoming the Team of Archeologists

If ever a doubt existed about Tahira Tahirova’s diplomatic surety, an opportunity to dispel such misgivings arose in the winter of 1965. Unusually abuzz with energy and anticipation, the Foreign Ministry office in Baku awaited a delegation of preeminent archaeologists from around the globe. Tahira herself had been requested to lend her support to their research as they traversed historical sites to explore relics in the ancient city of Gabala. However, as is usually the case with international collaboration, cultural norms and differing customs often impede cooperation. In short, some of the archaeologists maintained chauvinistic attitudes about their superiority to women.

As the first woman to hold the office of Minister of Foreign Affairs, Tahira found herself halfway between challenge and opportunity: Being a woman engendered controversy and prejudice, yet her authority was undeniable to the men visiting her country. Aware of the momentous occasion and its potential influence on international affairs, Tahira wisely decided to host the esteemed academics herself, ensuring that she would guide them to work together and appreciate Azerbaijan’s rich history through her highlighting of the landscape, culture, and the country’s attitude and ability to provide equal opportunities regardless of sex, race, and religion.

The international team of archaeologists, hailing from France, the UK, and the United States, represented the best minds in their field. On the night of their arrival, Tahira hosted a reception that beautifully showcased Azerbaijani hospitality while emphasizing intellectual discourse on par with her guests’ expectations. The Minister proved her scholarly prowess was in no way inferior as they discussed Gabala’s history as the capital of the ancient kingdom of Caucasian Albania, presenting germane theories and noting potential areas of exploration, such as conspicuous topographical features and geological landmarks. In particular, the archaeologists expressed a deep interest in investigating Qiz Qalasi—the “Maiden Tower” —an iconic monument completed in the twelfth century whose monolithic structure rises eight levels and exemplifies pre-Islamic architecture of Baku, Azerbaijan’s Old City. During the reception, as glasses clinked and rich aromas wafted, one archaeologist initiated a discussion of the Maiden Tower, mainly the mysteries shrouding its history. Though creative and exciting, legends and speculative myths clouded the origins of the monument, and the team aimed to pinpoint the truth with evidential accuracy.

Ever the diplomatic scholar, Tahira joined the discussion while jotting down the specialists’ concerns, and she formulated the most efficient approach to satisfy the international team’s collective interests. A peerless analyst as a professional petroleum engineer and international logistician during the Second World War, Tahira leaned on her own decades of experience and expertise in research to coordinate the team’s project while adding robust information to their tour. She added valuable insights regarding other historic landmarks and lesser known resource sites that might interest UNESCO and contribute to international trade through favorable export contracts. To Tahira’s credit, her academic background and fluency in Azerbaijani, English, Russian, and Turkish established her credibility, and the foreign team reaped considerable dividends as she offered academic support her guests had not foreseen. Through the spotlight on her as a central figure in their investigation, Tahira deftly wove an image of her country that touted its forward-thinking vision and promoted stronger diplomatic relationships as she impressed the archeologists and, by extension, their home countries. Now, they looked forward earnestly to the forthcoming expeditions.

Chapter 4 - Guiding Research of Azerbaijan’s Historical Sites

Back in her office, Tahira glowed with anticipation as she began mapping out the group’s tour route. She highlighted the locations of the Gobustan Cave and the Palace of Shirvanshahs, the latter especially convenient to present as it stood near enough to the Maiden Tower in Baku so as to avoid a lengthy detour.

The Palace of Shirvanshahs had been constructed in the fifteenth century by the Shirvanshah dynasty rulers of Shirvan. The Palace comprised individual buildings of beige limestone beautiful in their own right, majestic mosques complete with domed ceilings, and countless details that highlighted Shirvan life in antiquity. The archaeologists would be ecstatic to observe the Palace’s fetching shape, rife with beautiful hexagonal medallions, etched Muslim text, and a separate mausoleum and bathhouse. Over the past decades, considerable research had been conducted to properly categorize the zones of the Palace, and just the year before, the Palace had been officially placed under state protection as a museum-preserve. Thus, the new designation and rich historical detail justified Tahira’s inclusion of the site, which she planned to introduce after a field investigation of the Maiden Tower, the academics’ main project.

Tahira could hardly wait to explain the cultural aspects of the palace and see the archaeologists’ expressions. While knowledge of the site existed outside Azerbaijan, the past ten years had kept the Palace from public access, so outside research had been sorely lacking. Previously used as a military headquarters, the Palace had suffered aesthetic and structural damage, leading to restoration and a preliminary designation as an Azerbaijani State Historic-Architectural Reserve and Museum in 1954, and an architectural monument in 1960. This winter, the international team of scholars would be among the first to witness the Palace of Shirvanshahs restored to its original state. Tahira held no doubt that they would be delirious with joy to scrutinize the ancient monument, and she would further captivate them with culturally pertinent history and current news promoting Azerbaijan to supplement their exploration.

To further commemorate Azerbaijan’s rich natural history, Tahira also made time for a trip to the Gobustan petroglyphs and mud volcanoes. In her mind, these features deserved no less attention than classically recognized wonders of the world, and she confidently expected that the archaeologists would be inspired—and amenable to spreading awareness within their professional networks of Azerbaijan’s unique bounty of vast natural landscapes and resources. Gobustan’s geology and manmade treasures—carvings and rock art from the last Ice Age—would showcase the hardiness of the ancient residents and provide a glimpse into the region as it was until the medieval times. Knowing the anthropological value of Gobustan, Tahira felt compelled to boast of her heritage, the magnificence of nature, and the inexplicable beauty of her country. In that way, her tour plans could even be considered an unofficial bid to UNESCO, which would inscribe Gobustan on its World Heritage List in 2007.

The archaeologists would be speechless to find a landscape so broadly representative of life in Azerbaijan before written history. The petroglyphs depicting animals, tools, people, and heavenly bodies dotted the land, where the team would also come across remnants of once-inhabited caves, settlements, and burial sites, all of which visualized the inhabitants’ prehistoric lifestyles. Verily, the works would confer upon the international academics a rare view of the way people lived and, equally significant, what they considered worth recording themselves. Tahira was beside herself with glee and sure she could not fall asleep, given the thunderous drumming of her heart.

Chapter 5Researching Azerbaijan’s Beautiful History

The first day of the research team’s expedition arrived, and Tahira met them with equal parts passion and proficiency. Prepared to give them the tour of a lifetime, Tahira presented her itinerary and was met with excited acknowledgment. Apparently, her performance on their reception night had done its job, and the male scholars in her care, thoroughly impressed by her knowledge and demeanor, now trusted her to lead them. As much as Tahira would have liked to provide unceasing commentary about the wonders of the Azerbaijani sites they would soon be seeing firsthand, she wisely exercised restraint, choosing to let the stones speak for themselves. When they arrived at Qiz Qalasi, Tahira was sorely tempted to tell the archaeologists everything her eyes had seen, what she had studied.

Instead, she waited as they touched their hands to the brick-and-mortar walls, watching as they stood amazed by the tower’s mysterious aura. As they reached the pipe system of the ancient building’s water well, the archaeologists’ utterances confirmed their astonishment as they took detailed notes of the intricate system formed over 800 years prior. As the team concluded their preliminary investigation, Tahira led them on her planned digression towards the Palace of Shirvanshahs. With ongoing restoration, the team would be restricted from exploring to their hearts’ content, but that only added to the Palace’s mystique. As the limestone told the archaeologists of longstanding Azerbaijani culture and traditions, Tahira steered them to what she felt was the key exhibit: the burial vault and rulers’ tombs, which remained accessible. Guiding them through the zone, Tahira knew they would leave with a wholly dignified impression of her people. Back on the bus her staff had secured for rent, Tahira made sure they were prepared for the two-hour drive to Gobustan. Along the way, they would have to stop for fuel, but that served Tahira’s purposes, as she would quickly brief the academics on Azerbaijan’s oil history and exportation, her area of unmatched expertise. As they refueled at a modern gas station, Tahira directed their attention to lunch on the road.

At a local roadside restaurant, Tahira invited her guests to partake of an assortment of popular Azerbaijani snacks and small plates. For the whole group, she chose dushbara— Azerbaijani dumplings in soup—traditionally stuffed with garlic, mint, and onion minced with ground lamb or mutton. Tahira selected several varieties, most of which came with a flavorful lamb broth. Announcing the menu, Tahira met with mixed expressions as the scholars seemed skeptical about what they felt might be too exotic a flavor combination; of greater concern was that some of them did not eat meat.

Fortunately, Tahira had already familiarized herself with the dietary expectations of her guests, and she surprised them with a meatless option: vegetarian dushbara.

Again, the Minister proved her tactful ability and gained their admiration in true diplomatic fashion as their cultural ambassador. While one may think that the researchers would have prioritized only their archaeological work, it is commonly agreed that communion over food possesses the power to captivate others and bring out the best in people as they laugh and cheer over a meal. Using this seemingly small moment, Tahira cemented herself in the good graces of her academics and gained their approval as an intelligent, sensible contemporary, her gender no longer a concern.

Reaching Gobustan after lunch, the group fairly ran toward the petroglyphs. One researcher expressed his fascination over images of bow hunting and horses, noting that their general lack of detail in no way detracted from the impression and serious artistry of their construction.

Before he could expound further, a gurgling terminated in a sudden pop! turned his head. Tahira identified the sound, and the team followed her, pointing her hand to notice a mud volcano. So interested were the scholars that they asked to revisit the site a few days later. Furthermore, it could plainly be seen that whatever biases the men had come with into her country were swiftly dissolving, for Tahira—a paragon of thoughtful action, good sense, and knowledge across many fields—provided living proof that, given equal rights and opportunities, women could also develop exceptional abilities and surmount challenges previously deemed impossible for women.

After the investigation journey’s conclusion, the archaeologists expressed deep gratitude to Tahira and shook her hand. In treating her as their own colleague, they marked a personal acceptance of Tahira’s worth and demonstrated their respect for her professionalism and remarkable virtue. On a grander scale, Tahira’s acceptance also meant that the winds of change were blowing through the Greater Caucasus mountains. Just as the myriad rivers cleansed the land on their way to the Caspian Sea and the mountains shaped Azerbaijan’s climate, Tahira’s deeds and accomplishments up to this point pointed to a future in which Azerbaijan would blossom. Her legacy, the pride of Azerbaijani women, would always be the purifying echo of her name: Tahira Tahirova, the proud Azerbaijani leader, embodiment of intellect and dedication, and harbinger of today’s generation of worldly women.


“Azerbaijan.” The World Factbook, 2023, Accessed 13 June 2023./ Davidson, D. (n.d.). Maiden’s Tower. flickr. Retrieved July 21, 2023, from Dushbara Azerbaijani cuisine. (2011). Retrieved July 21, 2023, from Lopatka, M. (n.d.). Azerbaijan Mud Volcano. flickr. Retrieved July 21, 2023, from S, S. (2017). Petroglyph of a Rider on a Horse. flickr. Retrieved July 21, 2023, from Taylor, N. (2008). Shirvanshahs Palace, Baku. flickr. Retrieved July 21, 2023, from N01/2419367018. / Thelwell, Kim. “Examining Women’s Rights in Azerbaijan.” The Borgen Project, 2020, Accessed 13 June 2023./ “World Bank Open Data.” World Bank, 2023, Accessed 13 June 2023.

Franceville, Gabon

The Rough Diamond of Egyptian Table Tennis

The world has seen some fabulous table tennis superstars through the sport’s long history. These stars include Fan Zhendong, Wang Liqin, and Ma Long from China, Jan-Ove Waldner from the United States of America, and Hyun Jung-hwa and Yoo Nam-kyu from the Republic of Korea. Ma Long stands out even among these legends, widely regarded as the greatest table tennis player of all time by many due to his unbelievable performances and achievements on the biggest of stages. As of 2023, a new star is seeking to take the sport by storm and maybe even grasp the greatest-of-all-time spot from Ma Long himself, and her name is Hana Goda.

Hana Goda, one of Egypt’s rising young stars, is considered by many to be the future of African table tennis. Her astonishing talents led her to not only compete in her own country but with talents from the whole world. Hana is currently ranked number one in the ITTF U-15 rankings, making her the first-ever Egyptian athlete to accomplish this unbelievable feat. Furthermore, Hana defeated Farah Abdel Aziz, the number two player in Africa, in the women’s singles final. Such performance granted her promotion to the first team of her club, Al Ahly. At Al Ahly, Hana has a record of 127 victories in 152 games played while also winning the national title by dominantly defeating a 27-year-old opponent by a score of three to nothing. One of her games won the approval of Mohamed Salah, arguably the greatest football player in Africa’s history.

Hana Goda has proved to be a highly mature and confident professional, even at her young age. Her confidence in the biggest stages comes from her first experiences with sports from a young age when she started following her older brother to his swimming lessons. However, Hana found her true passion in table tennis. She added, “I used to swim and do little gymnastics, but I felt like I had a connection, and I loved it the most with table tennis. She quickly learned the ropes, and three years later, she was all set for her international debut in Sweden. Through her interviews, we can see just how motivated and composed she is in the biggest of stages.

Her ability to compete at the highest level was substantially enhanced by playing with her mother, Radwa Azab, a certified clinical pathologist who quit her profession to support her daughter’s dreams. She won the 2019 Africa Junior Championships and a few months later the ITTF Junior Circuit Junior & Cadet Open in Portugal after winning a medal at the 2016 Algerian International Championships. These accomplishments fueled her desire to compete at the Olympics. It is clear from Hana’s numerous interviews that she dreams of playing and hopefully winning in the Olympics, even at this early stage of her career.

As sports fans and table tennis fans, it will be a pleasure to see young Hana Goda grow up and play at the highest level, making her country and continent proud. Without a doubt, Hana Goda will become the best of the best.


Año Viejo

How do Ecuadorians celebrate the New Year?

December 31st is the day that Año Viejo, a festival that ends the year, is held. Each house and workplace puts paper in their clothes, sews them, and puts face masks. Usually, the face is of the most impressive person of the year.

This tradition is a nationwide event, but in general, larger festivals are held in Quito, Guayaquil, and Cuenca. In Quito, Ecuador’s capital, there is a group competition to make dolls on the largest boulevard called Amazonas, which are nearly a few meters in size.

As people wrap up the past year, they write poems or comic essays about the hopeful future of the coming year.

At midnight on December 31st, people read what they wrote earlier and burn a paper doll, which is an act of saying goodbye to the bad things of the past year. There is also a custom of eating 12 grapes while the clock strikes 12 times. Yellow underwear is also popular as a year-end gift because they wear yellow underwear in hopes of making money.

According to Odi Gonzalez, a professor of Latin American and Andean studies at New York University, the burning event of Año Viejo originated in Ecuador, a culture created by combining Spanish and indigenous cultures, like many traditions in Latin America today.

This tradition continues to this day thanks to the strong bond between families. In Ecuador, Año Viejo is not a past tradition but an event actively participated and enjoyed by teenagers and young people.

References: .do?seq=608758&srchFr=&amp%3BsrchTo=&amp%3BsrchWord=&amp%3BsrchTp=&amp%3Bmulti_itm_ seq=0&amp%3Bitm_seq_1=0&amp%3Bitm_seq_2=0&amp%3Bcompany_cd=&amp%3Bcompany_nm=

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Explore Zambia’s Beauty

Zambia is one of the most beautiful countries in Africa. Its wildlife, landscape, and lifestyles contribute to the country’s beauty. In this article, you will explore the great safaris of Zambia.

Kafue National Park

Kafue National Park is Zambia’s oldest national park. It is the second largest home for wildlife species, with more than 22,000 square kilometers of land. Visitors can experience excellent game-watching, bird-watching, and fishing adventures.

Another renowned national park is the Liuwa Plains National Park. Since it is remote, visitors can Liuwa Plains National Park observe wonderfully pristine wildlife and landscape. There is a local legend that tells of a Litunga (king) who planted his walking stick, and it grew into a large tree. The tree is still located in the national park.


Last but not least, Livingstone is a charming town. It was once the capital of Zambia. It is known for being located next to the Zambezi River and Victoria Falls. Visitors are ensured to see a breathtaking quality.

In conclusion, Zambia is a beautiful country with multiple spectacular safaris. Visitors are welcome to visit Zambia anytime to enjoy its fantastic scenery.

Visit the website:

Image Source: Kafue National Park. (2023, May 23). In Wikipedia. Liuwa Plain National Park. (2023, November 13). In Wikipedia. Victoria Falls. (2024, January 4). In Wikipedia.

잠비아의 아름다움

글: 류지훈 (Jihoon Christopher Ryu)

잠비아는 아프리카에서 가장 아름다운 나라 중 하나입니다. 그 나라의 야생동물, 풍경, 그리고 생활양식은 그 아름다움에 기여합니다. 이 기사에서는 잠비아의 훌륭한 사파리를 탐험하게 될 것입니다.

Kafue National Park

Kafue National Park은 잠비아의 가장 오래된 국립 공원 중 하나입니다. 이는 약 22,000 평방 킬로미터 이상의 땅에 2 번째로

많은 야생동물 종의 서식지입니다.

방문객들은 뛰어난 게임 감상, 조류 감상 및 낚시 모험을 경험할 수 있습니다.

Liuwa Plains National Park

또 다른 유명한 국립 공원은 Liuwa Plains National Park 입니다. 이는 외딴 지역이기 때문에 방문객들은 아름답고

원시적인 야생동물과 풍경을 관찰할 수 있습니다.

현지 전설에 따르면 Litunga(왕)이 그의 걷는

지팡이를 심었고, 그것이 큰 나무로 자랐다는 이야기가 있습니다. 그 나무는 여전히 국립 공원에

자리하고 있습니다.


마지막으로 Livingstone은 매력적인 마을입니다. 한때 잠비아의 수도였습니다. Zambezi River 과 Victoria Falls 옆에 위치한 것으로 알려져 있습니다. 방문객들은 아름다운 풍경을 보기 위해 확실한 보장을 받을 수 있습니다.

마지막으로, 잠비아는 여러 굉장한 사파리를 가진 아름다운 나라입니다. 방문객들은 언제든지 잠비아를 방문하여 그 멋진 풍경을 즐길 수 있습니다.

Visit the website: 이미지 출처: Kafue National Park. (2023, May 23). In Wikipedia. Liuwa Plain National Park. (2023, November 13). In Wikipedia. Victoria Falls. (2024, January 4). In Wikipedia.

History on the Plate

Think about a piece of pie that contains a country’s history. This is the story of Czechia’s traditional pie, Wallachian Frgál.

Wallachian Frgál

Wallachian Frgál was a mistake made by the people in the village who burnt the festival delicacy. The word “Frgály” is a slang that refers to the pies that did not come out well. Wallachian Frgál originated in the region called Moravia in Czechia. The radius of the pie is about 15cm. The pie is baked based on the recipe that was handed down hundreds of years ago. On a piece of flat dough, pear, cheese, poppy seeds, and plum are topped. People can enjoy Wallachian Frgál at the Karlov Gastro Festival in the fall.

Olomoucké tvarůžky

Another delicacy from Czechia that has a long history is olomoucké tvarůžky. Olomoucké tvarůžky is a cheese that is made from nonfat milk. It does not have a fixed shape and with the strong smell of cheese, it has a pungent taste. Different from other ordinary cheese, olomoucké tvarůžky has about 0.5% of fat which helps people to help maintain healthy body condition.

For hundreds of years, olomoucké tvarůžky was made in houses; it was a common food in Czechia. There is no actual date when this cheese appeared since it is too far from today. However, the oldest report of olomoucké tvarůžky was recorded in 1583.

References: CzechTourism. “Do You Know Czech Regional Specialties?”#VisitCzechia, Novák, Pavel, et al. “Olomouc Cheeses Will Be under the Protection of the European Union.” iROZHLAS, 1 July 2010, www. “Wallachian Frgály.” Slow Food Foundation, 12 Dec. 2018, wallachian-frgaly/.

Image Sources: By JirkaSv - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Story behind a flag : How far do you know?

The Ivory Coast flag vividly represents the nation’s history, aspirations, and cultural identity. Adopted after the country gained independence, the flag stands as a powerful symbol of unity and pride for the Ivorian people.

The flag of Ivory Coast was officially adopted on December 3, 1959, just a few weeks before the country gained independence from French colonial rule on August 7, 1960. Designed by Michel Amani N’Guessan, a student and aspiring poet at the time, the flag was chosen through a national competition that invited citizens to submit their proposed designs. N’Guessan’s design was selected from numerous entries and was subsequently hoisted as the national flag.

Regarding the colors, white, green, and orange were chosen specifically to represent the national flag. As shown, a vibrant orange band at the top of the flag symbolizes the country’s rich and fertile soil. Ivory Coast is renowned for its agricultural resources, particularly its robust cocoa industry, and the orange color represents the prosperity and potential that the land holds.

The middle stripe is simple and pure white, representing peace and unity among the diverse ethnic groups that make up the nation. As one of the most ethnically diverse African countries, the white color signifies the desire for harmony and cooperation among the people of Ivory Coast.

At the bottom of the flag, the green stripe symbolizes the lush vegetation and abundant natural resources the country possesses. It also represents hope, growth, and a promising future for the nation and its people.

The design of the Ivorian flag bears similarities to the Irish flag. Both flags feature vertical stripes with orange, white, and green colors. However, it is important to note that the symbolism and historical contexts of the two flags are entirely different. Moreover, before independence, Ivory Coast used a different flag with the French tricolor, reflecting its colonial status. The country’s national anthem was “La Marseillaise,” the same as France’s. After independence, both the flag and the national anthem were changed to represent the newfound sovereignty and identity of the nation.


Image Source:

Photo by Griffin Wooldridge:

IT Development in Côte d’Ivoire

Côte d Ivoire’s growth in the IT field has been phenomenal. During the pandemic, investments from the MNO(Mobile Network Operator) increased by 8.7% during the third quarter of 2021. For fixed-line-internet, investment has increased by 181%. TV services’ compound annual growth rate is expected to rise by 3.0% annually during the 2021-2026 period, along with mobile services increasing by 8.2%. 4G is expected to become the leading mobile technology service in 2025, supplemented with 4G plans and 4G network adoptions.

Since the negative growth in 2011 in information and communication technologies (NICT), Cote d’Ivoire has been resilient and has shown rapid growth. Since 2012, many projects, such as installing 7,000 kilometers of cyber optics and constructing cyber centers, and the project named “One Ivorian, One Computer,” have contributed to this growth. In January 2020, there were 12.2 million Internet users, increasing by 1.1 million (9.6%) from the previous year. Approximately 47% of the total population has access to the Internet.

Overall, the growth in Cote d’Ivoire has been very rapid for the past years. However, there is yet more to come in this development. Cote d’Ivoire has high potential with incalculable possibilities.


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Embracing Kenya’s Traditional Clothing: A Kaleidoscope of Cultural Diversity

In Kenya, a nation renowned for its rich cultural heritage, traditional clothing serves as a vibrant tapestry that weaves together the diverse ethnic groups found across the country. Each community boasts its unique attire, reflecting rich history, customs, and values. Traditional clothing in Kenya is not merely a fashion statement but a powerful expression of identity, cultural pride, and heritage. This essay delves into the fascinating world of Kenyan traditional clothing, highlighting its significance, key features, and the cultural narratives it carries.

Significance of Traditional Clothing

Traditional clothing holds deep cultural significance in Kenya, with each ethnic group having its distinct styles and symbols. It serves as a visual marker of identity, allowing members of the community to express their heritage, social status, and belonging. Through the years, traditional attire has remained a symbol of continuity, connecting the present generation to their ancestors and traditions.

Key Features and Styles

The traditional clothing of Kenyan ethnic groups varies in style, fabric, and adornments, making it a kaleidoscope of colors and patterns. For example, the Maasai people are renowned for their bright and distinctive clothing, consisting of brightly colored shukas (blankets) worn by both men and women. Shukas are complemented by intricate beadwork that tells stories of their culture and history. The Kikuyu community, on the other hand,

embraces a blend of vibrant colors and geometric patterns in their clothing. Women often wear colorful dresses known as “kangas” or “lesos,” which are also popular among other ethnic groups across Kenya. In the coastal region, the Swahili people are known for their elegant and graceful “kanga” outfits, typically worn by women. These clothing pieces are characterized by intricately designed prints and are often accompanied by matching headscarves.

Cultural Narratives and Symbolism

Kenyan traditional clothing is replete with symbolism, reflecting a wide range of cultural narratives. Colors often carry specific meanings; for instance, red may symbolize bravery or bloodshed, while green represents fertility or prosperity. Patterns and designs can communicate age, marital status, or tribal affiliation. Beadwork, frequently incorporated into traditional clothing, holds deep cultural and spiritual significance for many communities. It tells stories of bravery, love, and community values, acting as a visual language that conveys the richness of the culture.

Traditional clothing in Kenya is an integral part of the country’s cultural fabric, embodying the diversity and richness of its ethnic groups. With its deep symbolism, vivid colors, and distinctive designs, traditional attire serves as a visual storyteller of Kenyan heritage. As Kenyan communities continue to preserve and adapt their traditional clothing, they celebrate their identity and create a tapestry of cultural diversity that contributes to the nation’s unique and dynamic cultural landscape.

Resources: Kenya Cultures and Traditions - Etiquette, Culture, Language, and Customs / May 11, 2023

ARTICLE - Kanga Fabric Anna McQuinn


[출처] Embracing Kenya’s Traditional Clothing: A Kaleidoscope of Cultural Diversity|작성자 celine

San Juan del Sur, Rivas, Nicaragua
Photo by Darren Lawrence:

References: do?seq=133&titleNm=%EA%B5%AD%EA%B0%80%EC%A0%95%EB%B3%B4(%EA%B0%80%EB%B4%89%EA%B3%B5%ED%99%94%EA%B5

Discovering Nicaragua: The Land of Lakes, Volcanoes, and Breathtaking Biodiversity

Nicaragua has often been called the “Land of Lakes and Volcanoes” because of all the diverse volcanoes and water ecosystems that inhabit the land. There are a total of 24 volcanoes and rivers and lakes that you can navigate through the Caribbean to the Pacific. With a wide variety of landscapes and habitats, Nicaragua is widely regarded as the second lung of America by many people. Because of these natural environments, 7% of the world’s biodiversity resides in Nicaragua, making it one of the most nature-friendly countries in the world. Even with the constant shrinking of forests due to deforestation, Nicaragua still has a fair share of its rainforest left. The eastern region of the country has some of the most significant rain forests inside of reserves named the Indio Maiz Biological Reserve and Bosawas Biosphere Reserve, which offer a variety of vegetation and animals. Possibly one of the most unique forest types in Nicaragua is the cloud forest, which can be found in higher altitudes. The reason behind the naming can be found just by looking at the mountain itself. Large amounts of clouds rest on top of the peak of the volcano, creating beautiful scenery. But the beautiful scenery is not the only benefit of these clouds. Due to the humidity created by the clouds, the forest has an amazing type of vegetation. The moisture keeps the forest green; in return, these trees give food and home to various animals and insects. And one of the places you can find these cloud forests is the island of Ometepe. The island has two volcanoes and is actually the world’s largest volcanic island inside a freshwater lake. These natural backgrounds attract nature lovers from all over the world to Nicaragua so that they can witness the beautiful, untouched nature and the balanced relationship between humanity and nature.


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Korean reality TV show <Seojin’s>

<Seojin’s>, first aired on February 24th, 2023 was the No. 1 program in the same time slot with the highest viewer rating of 13.3%.

Actor Lee Seo-jin, who is more serious about restaurant management than anyone else; Actress Jeong Yu-mi, who was promoted to director; Actor Park Seo-Joon, who was reborn as the influential figure in the kitchen; Actor Choi Woo-sik, who is still an intern, and K-pop star Kim Tae-hyung from BTS, a new intern who is aiming for a full-time position.

Korean street food, gimbap, tteokbokki, and hot dogs. It’s light and friendly, but now it’s a menu that leads the Korean Wave.

The program was filmed in Mexico’s Galalar district. Bacalar is not a well-known place for travelers to Mexico. It is quite far away from Cancun, Mexico, taking about five hours by bus and public transportation. Bacalar is one of the prettiest lake in the world and is so beautiful that it is also called a “seven-colored lake.”

Korean reality TV shows have exploded the demand for travel as follows.

Gili Trawangan, situated in the westernmost part of the Gili Islands off the northwest coast of Indonesia’s Lombok Island, was relatively unknown in Korea until it featured in another TV show called <Yoon’s Kitchen> right before <Seojin’s>. The island gained significant recognition following the show’s broadcast.

According to Skyscanner, a travel price comparison site, flight searches for Gili Island increased 15 times compared to the same month the previous year.

A representative from a travel agency explained, “Gili Island wasn’t perceived as an appealing resort for Korean travelers due to the need for domestic flight transfers and an additional hour-long boat journey, not to mention the absence of cars and motorcycles.” However, they added, “After the airing of ‘Yoon’s Kitchen,’ Gili Island has garnered attention as a serene and beautiful travel destination.”

The way things are going, I’m really hopeful that <Seojin’s> will not just keep viewers entertained, but also bring in a bunch of tourists from all corners of the world to experience the wonders of Mexico.


Image Source: Bacalar. (2024, January 7). In Wikipedia.

Korean reality show 서진이네 <Seojin’s> filming location is Mexico’s Bacalar!

Soulful Echoes: The Essence of Baul Music in Bangladesh

Baul is a unique musical style and a valuable heritage of Bangladesh culture. The music is full of authenticity and spiritual content, and it conveys emotion and inspiration to countless people.

Baul is created and presented by “Baul,” a Bangladeshi folk poet. With pure and sincere music, they capture various themes such as love, religion, human relations, and the beauty of the world and reveal their philosophical aspects. It conveys emotions and feelings that are difficult to express in words through music and guides the audience on an emotional journey.

The performance is done using various instruments. Various string instruments, percussion instruments, and wind instruments such as the piano, violin, tabla, and flute are used, and the harmonious performance of these instruments provides an experience that the listener cannot help but admire. It is often composed of discord and repetitive rhythms, sensuous harmony, and a unique melody, giving the audience a unique and engaging musical experience.

Baul is enjoying great popularity at home and abroad. This music represents their unique and beautiful culture and serves to spread the spirit and values of Bangladesh. Also, it represents the development and diversity of Bangladesh culture as an essential example of traditional and modern encounters.

Baul has a world-renowned musical style, and not only his musical aspect but also his philosophy and message inspire people. It is a strong recommendation for those who want to experience the beauty and abundance of Bangladesh. Baul is a unique and attractive musical style that successfully conveys deep emotions and philosophy through music. I encourage you to experience the beauty and diversity of Bangladesh while listening to this music.

Reference: “Rangamatir Baul Led by Rina Das Baul - Baul Fakiri.” BAUL FAKIRI - - A TIMELESS RIVER OF MUSIC AND PHILOSOPHY, 8 July 2021, [&amp;#47928;8amp;#54868;&amp;#50896;]. “방글 라데시 민요(전통 음악).” 헬로 방글라데시, 12 Sept. 2022,

Image Source: Baul. (2023, November 9). In Wikipedia.

Religion of Bangladesh by

Bangladesh is a Muslim-majority country where Islamic culture and practice leave a deep imprint. Muslims comprise most of Bangladesh’s population, and Islamic culture plays a central role in the country’s national, social, and cultural diversity. The Islamic culture of Bangladesh offers valuable lessons through its diversity and beauty.

The Islamic faith plays an important role in Bangladeshi society. Muslims perform five morning and evening prayers, which they do by traveling to a mosque or gathering in their homes to pray. They practice their faith deeply through manners and dedicated meditation, and their behavior shows true piety and respect.

Bangladesh’s Muslim culture is further enriched by Islamic rituals and festivals. The holy month of Roza is the most crucial time of year for Muslims in Bangladesh. During this period, they seek spiritual reflection and purification through weekly fasting and worship. Eid al-Fitr is a major festival that marks the last day of Roza, where families and friends gather to pray and celebrate together. They demonstrate their devotion and social solidarity through these two festivals and respect and celebrate diversity by engaging in cultural events and fostering interactions with other religious communities.

Islamic culture is also deeply reflected in Bangladesh’s art and architecture. Islamic architecture in Bangladesh is decorated with geometric patterns, Arabic strings, and decorative floral designs, which can be seen in mosques and other religious buildings. Islamic art harmoniously combines aesthetics and faith and is evident in ornaments, costumes, and crafts.

As such, Muslims in Bangladesh wholeheartedly practice, greatly influencing the sense of community and social interaction. They seek peaceful coexistence through dialogue and understanding with other religions and cultures, serving as a beautiful representation of Bangladesh’s diversity and rich cultural heritage.

References: : [&#47928;&#54868;&#50896;]. “방글라데시의 종교 | 이슬람교 헬로 방글라데시, 7 June 2012,“Islam in Bangladesh.” Wikipedia, 11 June 2023, Image Source: Religion in Bangladesh. (2023, December 11). In Wikipedia.

The Letter That Changed My Life



The loud noise of the drill was spreading all over the apartment building. Normally, many tenants would be complaining about the noise. But luckily, it was during a vacation, and there weren’t any tenants in the building. The owner of the building slowly approached the worker who was currently attaching the mailbox to the wall. “I thought we weren’t changing these mailboxes.” The owner said with a confused voice as he saw the worker. The worker who was now soaked with his sweat finished the attachment work and answered the owner. “Don’t worry sir, this is the order from the city council. They wanted the structures to have features that aren’t too outdated.” When the owner heard that answer, he made a sigh of relief. “Oh, then continue what you’re doing. You’re doing very fine.” He then quickly walked away without even giving another glimpse. “Of course, sir.” The worker replied shortly. However, as the owner disappeared from his sight, a mysterious grin appeared on the worker’s face. He gave a simple glimpse at the brand-new mailbox that he attached to the wall. “This should provide a bit of fun for a while.” He mumbled to himself. When the actual workers came back to their work site from their break time, there was a gently placed drill and safety helmet next to each other.

Chapter 1: Azerbaijan’s Unique and Fascinating History

“Ughhh…” I groaned.

I woke up as the bright sunlight directly struck my eyes through the window. The sun was already in the middle of the sky, passing by the Flame Towers, the highest skyscrapers that are located in the middle of Baku.

Lazily forcing my tired body to move, I walked towards the window. I leaned against the window frame and looked outside to get some fresh air. Through the window, I can see the scene where the town, which still contains the antique and historical mood, is making harmony with the busy capital city. Some will say that it might be a good town to live and settle down in, but I had big dreams. I wanted to be successful. I wanted to achieve something big. I wanted to achieve something greater in my life. The first step in getting closer to my goals would be moving out of this tiny apartment in the old city, Icheri Sheher, to somewhere else. And that requires a lot of money… “So who am I to complain?” I said to reassure my confidence. I organized my thoughts and got up to prepare for another busy day that was in front of me.

“Okay, let’s do this…! Let’s make this work!” I shouted to myself while looking into my eyes through the mirror before exiting the house to cheer up. Then, I quickly left the house and locked the front door.

Chapter 2: A Blind Letter

Time flew by as I was working hard throughout the whole day. The sun had already set. The moon and stars, which were glowing quietly, had replaced the bright sun. I was heading back to my apartment complex with an extremely exhausted body after a long day. “I need a good night’s sleep right now,” I said. That was the only thought on my mind at that moment. I slowly went upstairs and grabbed the door knob. However, I stopped immediately when I saw a letter that was peeking out of my mailbox. It was weird to see anyone send me a letter. It’s the 21st century. No one would prefer to send a handwritten letter over email or text message for any reason. Still, I didn’t hesitate to open the envelope to check who the sender was and what they wrote in this letter for me. I gently opened the envelope and started to read it out loud.

To whoever may receive this letter, I wrote this as I decided to share some of the records of my life that are more unique and special. Also, I thought it would be fun to have a random person to communicate with.

I chuckled a bit as I imagined this person as quite a weirdo, similar to me. I continued to read the letter.

To begin with, today, I played Chovgan with my cousins. It was quite embarrassing as I had never been good at sports since I was young. Oh, if you don’t know what Chovgan is, it’s just a famous game from Azerbaijan. We play it while we are riding horses, and we have to drive the leather ball into the opponent’s side with wooden sticks.

“That’s interesting to know,” I said filled with intrigue. I decided to continue reading this letter from this mysterious person.

Usually, skilled horsemen who play Chovgan wear a long, tight-fitting coat, a type of trousers, and a traditional astrakhan hat. But my cousins and I were just playing this for fun, so we weren’t dressed up like professionals. Also, my team, which included only me, kinda lost the game miserably.

I couldn’t help but laugh as I read the last sentence. I knew nothing about the writer, but he or she was pretty funny.

I’m not even sure if anyone will read this letter. However, if somebody is reading this, please reply to me.

I softly smiled as I saw a small smiley face drawn next to the last sentence. Indeed, there was no reason for me not to reply to this rather cute and interesting letter.

“Maybe I can make a new friend.” Then, I moved on to the last few words to finish reading.

Sincerely, Onur Hasanova. May 13, 1305…

I froze for a few seconds as I read the date written on the letter. I can feel my whole brain stop functioning immediately. “WAIT, WHAT?!?!”

Chapter 3: I Wish This Was a Prank

I think I have been nervously staring at that letter for about an hour. If anyone saw me, he or she would have thought I had lost my mind. It was simply a letter, and I was overthinking it. Yes, the letter can be a prank, but the problem doesn’t end just there. Why would anyone send me a prank letter like this? What is their purpose? I didn’t understand anything at that moment, and I started to get a headache. “Okay, okay. Let’s say that, somehow, this letter was written by a person who is actually from the 14th century, then that’s WORSE. How did the letter from 700 years ago end up here? And why me?” Regardless of the reasons why and how I received the letter, I knew one thing I had to do. To send a reply. I sighed deeply and sat in front of my desk to write a response.

Thank you for your letter, Onur. Regardless of your worries, your letter was received safely, and I greatly enjoyed reading it.

Since I didn’t want to sound too rude from the start, I decided to show some manners and appreciation. Honestly, I enjoyed the letter.

However, I noticed that you said you are from the 14th century… Seriously, it is the 21st century now! Our country’s capital city, Baku, might have some historic buildings, but it has now become an astonishing city! There are skyscrapers such as Baku Tower, Sofaz Tower, Azersu Tower, and many more.

While I was writing this sentence, I looked out of the window and saw hundreds of buildings shining as if they were trying to prove my statement. I smirked a bit at the sight.

Also, we even built the whole city on the ocean. Honestly, Neft Daşları is more like an oil platform than a city. The construction of the area began in 1949, and the bridge that connected it with the outer area was completed in 1952. Since then, it has become a huge industrial district of Azerbaijan where several people have formed their communities, shops, hotels, and other infrastructures are there. The establishment of this area shows how the infrastructure of Azerbaijan has improved. I believe about 5,000 people are living there now.

I kinda felt nostalgic as I wrote down about this place since it had been where my parents worked for a while.

So, if you were trying to pull a prank or something, do it more reasonably. At least I liked your letter overall.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I wrote the end of the letter.

Sincerely, Aylin Cafarova. May 13, 2023.

I gently put a period at the end of the sentence as I finish writing my letter. “This should be good enough, right?”Although I questioned myself, I quickly folded the paper, put it into an envelope, and placed it in my mailbox. I stared at my old mailbox wishing this could end this mysterious and unreasonable situation.

Chapter 4: Fate Tying Us

Time quickly went by after that day. I worked hard as usual and lived my daily life as if nothing happened. This was until I saw my mailbox after returning home from a long day of work. A bit scared to open it immediately, I stupidly stood in front of it for a while, just staring at it. However, I knew that eventually, I would have to open it and check inside. I carefully grabbed the black handle of the mailbox. As I slowly opened it, it made a screeching sound. And there it was. The response from Onur made the situation more complicated. I sighed heavily as I grabbed the letter and went into my apartment. I opened the envelope and started to read the letter.

Dear, Aylin. First of all, I appreciate your response to the letter that I sent you, and apologies for responding quite late.

Indeed, I didn’t expect the starting to be this calm. I thought Onur was stressed out like me, but I guess he is doing much better than I expected.

After receiving your letter, I had to think about what was happening between us for a few days. Of course, it wasn’t an easy question, and I kinda struggled to get an answer by myself.

I involuntarily nodded as I agreed with him on that. We just can’t explain what was happening between us right now.

Still, I knew I needed an answer, so I decided to visit Imam. By the way, Imam is our prayer leader, who works as a spiritual advisor and expert in Islamic Law. Anyways, I visited him to get an answer and insight from his knowledge.

Indeed, that should be a fine choice back then. Those religious leaders are the ones who were considered educated and wise in those times, so they could be helpful to us. Also, the 14th century of Azerbaijan must have been the Islamic empire of Seljuk, so Imam was respected by people. It was expected that Onur would visit those leaders when I sent him my response. I continued reading to figure out what Onur could have gotten from his religious leader.

Since I didn’t want to reveal everything, I simply said that something strange was happening to me. He told me that sometimes things beyond our understanding happen due to the power of God and Fate. The conclusion that I made with his advice is that maybe we are connected across time and space for some kind of fate. I’m sorry if this sounds too vague and illogical, but this was my best. Still, I hope that this can be of some help to you…

I blurred my words as I reached the end of the sentence.

Some Kind of Fate…

That specific phrase kept appearing in my mind, but I just don’t know why. Maybe there is a great fate between us, which is making everything possible.

Chapter 5: Should I Be Happy?

After that day, Onur and I decided to stop thinking about the reason why and how our mailboxes were connected across 700 years. Was it fate? We could have asked more questions and tried to find out more details, but we agreed to just keep the situation simple. Then, we kept sending more and more letters to each other whenever we had spare time. While doing so, I learned much more about Onur. Onur is the son of a merchant family who mainly trades carpets, silks, and other fabricrelated materials. He is currently helping his family business with his brothers, which he isn’t very skilled at but is trying his best. As a young merchant who just dived into the competitive field, Onur taught me fascinating things about Azerbaijan in the 14th century.

Countless travelers, merchants, and even missionaries come in and out each day through the Silk Roads. To see a bunch of people with different appearances and clothes just working and spending every day together is always exciting. Indeed, my favorite part of my work is watching the huge merchant ships entering the city through the canals. I’m pretty sure that I’ll never get tired of looking up at those enormous ships.

As I looked outside keeping Onur’s words from his latest letter, I saw the various canals that were spreading out to different directions of the city. Those aren’t the same canals from 700 years ago, but I can vividly imagine thousands and millions of people who moved on to those canals. Also, I can see some people using the canals today, too. Of course, the giant merchant ships are no longer there, but I can see some small tourist boats. Comparing those smaller boats with the bigger ships that I was imagining, they looked quite cute. Still, I can notice that countless canals are actively used by people regardless of time. Sitting next to my window and watching the sight of the city and people made me feel an unexplainable warmth inside me.

Once I began to realize that this city had a lot of history, I realized that it carried the story of people’s lives that has continued for years and years, which is fascinating. And I knew I couldn’t have learned this without the help of Onur and his interesting stories. I softly smiled and stood up. “It is time to write a response for my dear friend.” I approached the messy desk and searched for some blank paper that I could use. While I was doing so, I heard an alarm from my phone. Immediately I stopped working and I looked at my phone to find out who sent me a message and what it was about. “Oh my god…!” I spoke in awe as I checked my email. It was from the private television station company of Azad Azerbaijan TV, informing me that I had been accepted. “I can finally earn some good money! I don’t have to worry about my life anymore! I can move out…” As the last thought went through my head, I stopped moving. “Wait…if I move out, what about Onur?”

Chapter 6: A Desperate Need for Advice

The silence in the room was heavy, and it was pressing me. It wasn’t enough pressure to completely crush me, but enough to make me feel uncomfortable. My mind was so messed up that it felt blank right now since I couldn’t decide what to do. Getting a better job and being successful has always been my goal in life. That’s the main reason why I worked so hard even though I didn’t have anything beside me. And now, my greatest motivation is breaking the best friendship that I had ever formed… “What a great life I have here.” The job offer from Azad Azerbaijan TV isn’t common, and this was a once-ina-lifetime opportunity. It is a private television station that has been broadcasting since 2000. In the beginning, the station mainly broadcasted movies and music videos, but as the company grew, other programs and shows were added to it. In the last few years, Azerbaijan ATV has risen to be the most popular and viewable channel. Being an employee in a well-known company is never going to be easy. But, getting a friend like Onur whom I can share my feelings and ideas with is also very unlikely. I sat there for a few more minutes dealing with my dizzy head. However, it was obvious that if I just stayed here struggling continuously, nothing would happen. So, I stood up slowly and did something that I could only think of.

Dear, Onur. I enjoyed your last letter about your daily merchant life. Indeed, I want to tell you that some of those channels are still used by people these days, not really for trading, but for closer transportation.

I started to write a letter to Onur. I was in a hurry as I had an urgent problem to discuss with him, but I couldn’t forget to tell him how much I appreciated him for his stories.

I want to tell you more about my life and what’s happening around me, but we need to talk about something right now. I…

When I tried to start the sentence explaining my problem, I realized my hand was shaking quite badly. If I had to be honest, I was anxious and even scared at that moment. I had several negative thoughts coming to my mind, imagining Onur reading this later. I took a deep breath and continued writing my letter.

I need your help and advice, Onur. I got an offer for a better job from a place that is well known, but I have to move out if I accept this offer. And… I don’t want our friendship to break because of this.

Also, I can’t explain it in words, but I don’t want to move out anymore even though I got accepted to the job of my dreams. So, now, I have no idea what to do.

I decided to be honest about my situation. There was no reason for me to hide anything from Onur, so I decided to be as honest as I could with my feelings while explaining everything. After the last sentence, I let out a heavy sigh. It felt like my heart was sinking into an endless ocean, and I had no way to stop it. With that feeling, I sealed my letter carefully and put it inside the letterbox.“I hope you can give me an answer Onur.”

Chapter 7: A Pony and A Decision

I was nervously roaming around my room for about several minutes. It had been three whole days after sending the letter to Onur, and I received nothing while the due date for my offer kept getting closer. “Please… please… just send me anything Onur!” Due to the overwhelming stress and anxiety, I became impatient, which led me to become a little mad. I let out a frustrated groan and decided to check my mailbox just one last time for the day. It was already the 8th time that I checked my mailbox to see if Onur had sent any response. And there it was, the letter that had a unique antique appearance and a typical color. It was a letter from Onur. I grabbed it without any hesitation and rushed back into my room. Without wasting any time, I started to read it.

Dear Aylin, I’m sorry for making you wait a few days in this urgent situation. However, I wanted my advice to be helpful to you, so I needed some time to think by myself and ask the adults around me.

The first few sentences of the letter were the same as usual. Onur greeted me and explained his situation on why he wasn’t able to respond quickly. But this time, I could feel more sincerity in his sentences and noticed how carefully he chose his words. As much as I was nervous in my way, I think he was struggling in his way as well.

Since we both know that there isn’t enough time, let me just get straight to the point. You don’t always have to look upward in your life. You can be proud of who you are at the point where you are standing. Please don’t misunderstand my words as just ‘you don’t need any goals in your life.’ I didn’t mean that. I just meant you don’t have to give up on your current things to obtain something at the upper stage.

“Huh…” I let out involuntarily as I read his words. I wasn’t expecting that. And his words continued on the letter.

When I was younger, I was much more immature. At one point in my life, my parents gifted me with a pony. Horses are not only just cattle to us, but they are closer to members of society. In my town, you can see many people spending their daily lives with horses by taking care of them, playing with them, and doing other daily activities. Also, they are an important method of transportation for merchants like my family since they are more durable than other methods of transportation. They are strong, travel at high speed, and can run on mountainous roads, which makes them perfect for carrying goods for trading. So, getting a pony as a gift was really something. But at that time, I wasn’t as thoughtful as I am now.

I tilted my head a bit with curiosity and confusion. I had no clue what Onur was trying to say, so I kept reading.

I kept comparing my pony to the other horses owned by my cousins. The ones that looked bigger and better to me. I just wanted something better for myself, which made me unsatisfied with the current pony I had. Nevertheless, after a few years, I noticed something important. Sadiq (by the way, that’s my horse’s name) was always next to me, and I should have been proud as an owner of such a loyal horse. But I noticed it a bit too late. Today’s letter has been quite long and messy, I believe, and I apologize for that. But I don’t want you to lose something important around you because of the future as I did, Aylin. So… just be proud of where you are and who you are as of now. That’s all I can say.

“Onur…” I murmured his name under my breath after finishing his letter. “I think I know what to do now.”

Chapter 8: I’m Lucky to Have You as My Friend

Today was a hot sunny day. No clouds, just a clear blue sky and white clouds. A strong sun ray was hitting me from above, which made me feel like I was melting. Normally, it would have been an annoying and tiring day from all the heat. But I felt extremely light to the point where I felt like I could even fly to the moon by simply skipping. It had been about a week since I received advice from Onur. He was right. I was focusing too much on my future and goals, which blocked me from looking around my current surroundings. I almost lost the things that were most important to me, such as connections, values, and my best friend, Onur. First things first, I politely rejected the offer. Then, I decided to write a book based on what I learned and experienced by communicating with Onur. Since I didn’t know how to publish my book, I searched for some help from my co-workers and friends while I was working on my book. Fortunately, one of my close colleagues knew a person who was working at Kitabıstan. When he told me that he would introduce me to that person, I was more than surprised. Kitabıstan is one of the top 10 book publishing businesses in Azerbaijan. They publish books across all genres, from textbooks, novels, biographies, etc. Also, they conduct on-site services and online appointments for their customers and future business partners, respectively. Although it was established in 2019, its active online services allowed it to become one of the greatest publishing companies in the entire world. Moreover, the company is located in Baku, which is very close to my apartment.

In the end, our conversation ended very well, and that person showed interest in my work. As of today, I handed in my finished work to the company and was returning to my sweet home with a lovely feeling. When I came back home, I knew that the first thing to do was Write a response for my wise best friend. I was too busy this week to thank Onur for his advice. So today, when everything had settled down, was the perfect time to write him a letter. As usual, I took a seat in front of my desk and started to write down a letter that explained what I experienced for the last few days. Then, right before the last sentence, I stopped for a few seconds. I looked at the bookshelf right next to me that was once empty but now filled with Onur’s letters. This made me softly smile as I began to write the final sentence.

I think I’m really lucky to have you as my friend… You are truly an amazing person.

Finishing the letter, I gently placed it into an envelope and placed it in the mailbox for someone extraordinarily special.


“Please tell us, Ms. Aylin! How were you able to write such a great work?” The interviewer who was beside me asked with an excited tone. I was currently in a huge studio with maybe hundreds and thousands of people looking at me. To be honest, I was very nervous.

After I published the book that contained the experience between me and Onur, it became a bestseller not only in Azerbaijan but also around the world. The huge success of my book naturally brought me fame as well. “Life is so unpredictable, isn’t it?” That’s what I thought when I suddenly became a bestseller writer overnight. However, right now I’m on a TV show and I had to answer the question. “Well, I’m going to say that I have a really special friend who helped me.” I smiled at the interviewer as I answered. “Oh, you mean that friend you mention in your book. Is he also your muse or something?” He asked me back with curiosity. “Yes. My muse, my wise advisor, and my best friend in life.” I said that with a firm voice while imagining my merchant friend who helped me to step forward.


Azad Azerbaijan TV & Radio Broadcasting Company. (n.d.). FOURSQUARE. Retrieved July 17, 2023, from Baku Flame Towers. (n.d.). HOK. Retrieved July 17, 2023, from Elk III, J. (2012). Azerbaijan, Sheki (Shaki), between Georgia border and Sheki, horse drawn cart with people. Alamy. Retrieved July 17, 2023, from html.

Grozny, R. W. (2018). Grozny Photo: Men in traditional dresses. Trip Advisor. Trip Advisor. Retrieved July 17, 2023, from https://www.tripadvisor. in/LocationPhotoDirectLink-g494957-i361410124-Grozny_Chechnya_North_Caucasian_District.html. IRSIE. (2019). Chovquan, Chovqan (Azerbaijan). Traditional Sports. Retrieved July 17, 2023, from

Mail Boss. (n.d.). Mail Boss 강철 고정판 잠금 보안 금고, 의견서 편지 보관함. Amazon. Retrieved July 17, 2023, from com/Mail-Boss-7426-Security-Locking/dp/B072WBYHRD?th=1. PATOWARY , K. (2016). Neft Dasları: A City Built On Oil Platforms. Amusing Planet. Retrieved July 17, 2023, from https://www.amusingplanet. com/2016/01/neft-daslar-city-built-on-oil-platforms.html. Realistic talk show background. (n.d.). Freepik. Retrieved July 17, 2023, from

Sviracevic, V. (n.d.). Islamic priest portrait, Muslim imam vector illustration. 123RF. Retrieved July 17, 2023, from photo_70087714_islamic-priest-portrait%20-muslim-imam-vector-illustration.html. Vdovin, I. (2019). Stock Photo - Tourist boat on canal, Baku, Azerbaijan. Agefotostock. Retrieved July 17, 2023, from https://www.agefotostock. com/age/en/details-photo/tourist-boat-on-canal-baku-azerbaijan/X8N-3382265.

What Almost Was

Coming Into the 2021 Africa Cup of Nations, nobody even spoke of Egypt when discussing contenders. The most favorable countries before the start of the tournament were Sadio Mane and Kalidou Koulibaly’s Senegal, Achraf Hakimi’s Morrocco, and Riyad Mahrez’s Algeria. However, when the tournament started, every supporter and pundit’s expectations were proven wrong, as Egypt went on an unbelievably historic run.

The 2021 Africa Cup of Nations was hosted by Cameroon and took place from 9 January to 6 February 2022. As can be seen, the dates and names of the tournament don’t match. This is due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which forced the tournament to be postponed for a year. Egypt, despite receiving little attention from foreign experts, went into the tournament with high hopes. Egypt was drawn into Group D, along with fearsome opponents of Nigeria, Sudan, and Guinea. Although Egypt lost their first game to Nigeria by a score of 0 to 1, the team soon found their pace and went on to secure solid victories in their next two games against Guinea and Sudan. Both games ended 1 to 0, as the captain Mohamed Salah and Abdelmonem got on the score sheet respectively, placing Egypt in the second place of the group, pushing them through to the knockout phase of the tournament. In the Round of 16, Egypt matched up against ivory Coasst, who are historic strongholds. As expected, the match was extremely tight, and the 90 minutes plus 30 minutes of overtime all ended 0. Egypt was able to clench the game 5-4 on penalties thanks to Salah’s last penalty. Although Egyopt was able to advance, they faced up against the clear favorites of the tournament, Morocco. Morocco’s squad was stacked, to say the least. In goal was Sevilla’s Yassine Bounou, considered a top 3 goalkeeper in La Liga, which is Spain’s top-flight football league, ranking in second place of all professional football leagues in the world. In defense was Achraf Hakimi from Paris Saint Germain, who was and still is one of the best right-backs in world football. In the midfield and attack were experienced and elite players, such as Sofyan Amraba from ACF Fiorentina and Youssef En-Nesyri from Sevilla FC. Everyone doubted Egypt, but not the coach, not the players, and not the supporters and citizens of Egypt.

The match started in the worst way possible for Eygpyp. Just 7 minutes into the game, Egypt gave away a penalty to Morrocco, which Boufal precisely finished, making the score 0 to 1. Many thought the game was already over, but the players on the pitch never gave up. As a result, in the 53rd minute, Mohamed Salah scored an extremely clutch goal to make the score 1 to 1. No more goals came within 9o minutes, forcing the game into extra time. Finally, in the 100th minute, Egypt’s Trézéguet scored the game-winning goal, sending Egypt into the semi-finals of the 2021 AFCON. Egypt kept going on and on as they defeated the famed Cameroon on penalties thanks to a heroic performance by the goalkeeper. However, the result of this historic run which led this historic team to the final of the 2021 AFCON, wasn’t that of which they dreamt. Egypt was able to hold onto the game and force another penalty shootout, only to lose 2 to 4. Although the ending was not what Egyptians had hoped for. Considering pre-tournament expectations and the opponents in the tournament, Egypt’s run in the 2021 Africa Cup of Nations will forever be recorded and remembered in the history books of world football.

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Cotopaxi, the World’s Highest Active Volcano

The Cotopaxi volcano is one of the representative peaks of the Andes, Ecuador’s most famous volcano and the highest active volcano in the world. Many visitors visit Cotopaxi National Park every year to see the volcano. Cotopaxi National Park is about 50 km away from Quito, Ecuador’s capital, so on sunny days, people can see Cotopaxi even in the city.

In fact, Cotopaxi is not the only volcano in this area. Alexander von Humboldt, a famous German explorer, discovered numerous volcanoes here and named them Ecuador’s “Avenue of the Volcanoes.” Among them, Cotopaxi is known as the world’s highest active volcano, and its summit is about 5,897 meters high, still Ecuador’s second highest peak after the Chimborazo Volcano.

The word “Cotopaxi” means “neck of the moon” in the Quechua Indian language, which comes from the crescent-shaped crater. As far back as the pre-Inca period, indigenous people have worshipped the Cotopaxi volcano as a sacred mountain.

Meanwhile, visitors bike down it, climb up it, and hike to enjoy Cotopaxi. Some people may be worried about whether it is safe to visit an active volcano. In fact, one of the great eruptions of Cotopaxi was in 1877, the scale of destroying a nearby village. Recently, a lot of ash was emitted in August 2015, and a plume of gas erupted in October 2022.

However, as Cotopaxi is such an active mountain, it is closely monitored, so it is unlikely that a real sudden explosion will embarrass a visitor. Therefore, tourists are constantly visiting to face the beautiful natural scenery of Cotopaxi, Ecuador.

References:, Image Source: adobe stock photos - The last rays of sunlight illuminate the Cotopaxi Volcano by fabricio adobe stock photos - Cotopaxi Volcano by jkraft5

Unlocking Zambia’s Currency

Zambia is full of breathtaking destinations like Victoria Falls and the Kafue National Park. However, you need money! Today, you will be exploring Zambia’s currency, Kwacha.

Before Zambia’s independence in 1965, people used British pounds as a currency. After that, Zambia introduced a currency called Kwacha, which translates to ‘dawn,’ which was approved by passing the Currency Act of 1967.

The Kwacha has both paper bills and coins. The paper bills are marked as K1, K2, K10, and K20, and the coins are marked as 1 ngwee, 2 ngwee, 5 ngwee, 10 ngwee, 20 ngwee, and 50 ngwee. The coins went out of circulation from 1992 to 1996 and were reintroduced in 2013 with the addition of ZMW units (1 ZMW = K1000).

Today, one Zambian Kwacha equals approximately 0.05 US dollars (K100 is about $5). Coins are mainly used for changes.

Here is a list of objects that can be bought with a certain amount of Zambian Kwacha:

ZMW 1: One egg or candy

ZMW 2: Smallest talktime with a public telephone

ZMW 5: One tomato

ZMW 10: Can of soda

ZMW 20: Beer

ZMW 50: Burger and fries

ZMW 100: Entrance to a waterfall


잠비아의 통화, 콰차

잠비아에는 빅토리아 폭포와 카퓨 국립공원과 같은 숨막히는 명소가 가득합니다. 그러나 여행에는 돈이 필요합니다! 오늘은 잠비아의 통화인 콰차에 대해 알아보겠습니다.

잠비아는 1965년의 독립 이전에 영국 파운드를 통화로 사용했습니다. 이후 1967년 통화법을 통과하여 ‘새벽’을 의미하는 콰차라는 통화를 도입했습니다.

콰차에는 지폐와 동전이 모두 있습니다. 지폐에는 K1, K2, K10 및 K20이 표시되어 있고, 동전에는

1 ngwee, 2 ngwee, 5 ngwee, 10 ngwee, 20 ngwee, 그리고 50 ngwee가 표시되어 있습니다.

동전은 1992년부터 1996년까지 순환에서 제외되었으며 2013년에 ZMW 단위 (1 ZMW = K1000)

가 추가되면서 다시 도입되었습니다.

현재 1 잠비아 콰차는 대략 0.05 미국 달러에 해당합니다 (K100은 약 $5입니다).

동전은 주로 잔돈으로 사용됩니다.

다음은 일정량의 잠비아 콰차로 구입할 수 있는 물건 목록입니다.:

ZMW 1: 달걀 하나 또는 사탕

ZMW 2: 공중전화의 최소 통화 시간

ZMW 5: 토마토 하나

ZMW 10: 캔 음료수 하나

ZMW 20: 맥주 하나

ZMW 50: 햄버거와 감자튀김

ZMW 100: 폭포 입장료


체코 음식의 풍부한 맛과 다양성

글: 오민하 (Minha Oh)

1. 체코 음식의 풍부한 맛과 다양성

유럽 중부의 내륙국인 체코는 폴란드, 독일, 오스트리아, 슬로바키아와 국경을 접하여 있어 요리에도 주변

국가들의 영향을 많이 받았다. 내륙국이기에 고기 요리가 발달되어 있지만 생선요리는 귀한 편이다. 가장 많이 소비되는

고기는 돼지고기이고, 그 밖에 소고기, 양고기, 닭고기 또한 자주 먹는다. 감자등의 야채요리, 콩고기, 토끼고기, 수렵육

요리도 발달하였으며, 고기 등에 곁들이는 소스의 종류와 메인요리와 함께 먹는 사이드 디시도 빵, 감자, 밥, 절인 양배추 등으로 다양하다. 빵 소비량이 높고 달콤한 디저트 종류가 발달하여 중부 유럽에서 볼 수 있는 케이크와 페이스트리는 체코에 기원을 둔 것이 많다. 맥주 소비량 또한 높아 맥주와 함께 먹

나. 크네들리키 (Knedlíky): 크네들리키는 체코식

찐빵이라고 할 수 있다. 영어로는 czech dumpling 이라고 한다. 식감은 쫄깃하며 담백하다. 스코치코바와 같은 간이 비교적 센 음식과 함께 제공되는 편이다.

뜨르들로는 밀가루 반죽을 감던 나무막대기를 지칭

은 체코에서 가장 대표적인 길거리 디저트입니다.

다. 스코치코바 (Svíčková): 스누레크는 체코의 대표적인 육류 요리로, 삶은 소고기를 하루동안 재워둔 후, 재워진 소고기 위에 향신료와 다양한 야채를 함께 넣어 만든 당근 크림소스를 붓고 생크림과 라즈베리를 함께 먹는 요리이다. 크네들리키와 함께

제공되는 편이다.

라. 꼴레뇨 (koleno): 꼴레뇨는 한국의 족발, 독일의 학센과 유사하다. 모두 돼지의 다리로 요리한다는 공통점이 있다. 조리방식에는 차이가 있다. 한국의 족발은 간장에 삶는 방식으로 요리되는가 한편, 족발과 달리 꼴레뇨는 오븐에 구워서 만들어진다. 오븐에 구워서 만들어지기 때문에 겉은 바삭하고 속은 촉촉한 고기의 식감이 만들어진다. 절인 양배추, 피클과 함께 먹는다.

출처: Trdelník. (2023, December 30). In Wikipedia. Trdeln%C3%ADk Knödel. (2023, December 23). In Wikipedia. Kn%C3%B6del Svíčková. (2023, September 8). In Wikipedia. wiki/Sv%C3%AD%C4%8Dkov%C3%A1 what-to-eat/koleno/

IT Development in Côte d Ivoire

According to the World Bank, Internet usage in Côte d’Ivoire started at 3 percent in 2010 and has shown astonishing development, with 44 percent of the total population using the Internet in 2017. Côte d’Ivoire has relatively high accessibility to the Internet compared with its African counterparts, such as Afghanistan, with a mere 18 percent. It can be seen as phenomenal as there have been very few countries that can show this level of rapid development.

Côte d’Ivoire’s telecommunications and internet have set the path for the online market. The International Trade Administration discovered that Côte d’Ivoire had developed its digital economy program as part of the national development plan, digitally converting financial and administrative services. The digital market is dominated by Business to Business (B2B) and Business to Customer (B2C). The market encompasses a diverse array of merchandise, from food and electronics to houseware, with an estimated total worth of around 80 million dollars.

Along with Côte d’Ivoire’s rapid technological development, the overall economy is also growing. The growing middle class frequently uses the online market and social media to buy goods online. Seen from the rapid development and increasing demand for online services, Côte d’Ivoire’s development in internet technology is worth looking forward to.


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Fairytales of Ivory Coast

Côte d’Ivoire, a country in West Africa, has a rich and diverse cultural heritage reflected in its traditional folktales and fairy tales. These stories passed down from generation to generation are an important part of the country’s cultural heritage and provide insights into its people’s beliefs, values, and experiences. One of the most well-known Ivorian folktales is the story of Anansi the Spider. Anansi is a trickster figure who is known for his cunning and wit. In many stories, Anansi outwits other animals, including lions and hyenas, using his wit and cunning to get what he wants. This folktale is often used to teach young children lessons about the importance of intelligence and cleverness and is a beloved part of Ivorian cultural heritage.

Another well-known Ivorian folktale is the story of the Sun and the Moon. This story tells how the Sun and the Moon were once married and lived together in the sky. However, the Sun became increasingly abusive towards the Moon, and eventually, the Moon left the Sun and went to live on her own. This folktale is often used to teach young children about the importance of standing up for oneself and leaving abusive relationships. In addition to these folktales, many traditional fairy tales in Côte d’Ivoire feature powerful and magical characters, such as witches, wizards, and enchanted beasts. These stories often center around themes of good versus evil, with the good characters overcoming obstacles and outwitting the evil characters. One of the most popular fairy tales in Côte d’Ivoire is the story of Prince Kagni and the Magic Cow. This story tells the tale of a young prince who must overcome a series of obstacles to win the hand of a beautiful princess. Along the way, he encounters a magical cow that gives him the strength and courage he needs to overcome the obstacles and win the heart of the princess.

In addition to these stories, many traditional songs and poems in Côte d’Ivoire are based on traditional folktales and fairy tales. These songs and poems are often performed at cultural festivals and celebrations and are a source of pride and inspiration for the people of Côte d’Ivoire. In every aspect, traditional folktales and fairy tales play an important role in the cultural heritage of Côte d’Ivoire. These stories passed down from generation to generation, provide insights into the beliefs, values, and experiences of the people of Côte d’Ivoire and continue to be an important part of the country’s cultural identity. Whether told around the fire at night, sung at cultural festivals, or read to young children, these tales are a source of inspiration and pride for the people of Côte d’Ivoire and continue to play an important role in the country’s cultural heritage.


Image Source:

Kenyan Writers

Kenyan writers play a great role in the development and rise of Kenyan literature today. According to Culture Trip, they have also made a stage for young Kenyan writers to earn worldwide recognition for their writing through a prospering “local publish scene.” Today, there are countless incredible Kenyan writers. In this post, two writers, Grace Emily Ogot and Meja Mwangi, and their groundbreaking works will be introduced.

Grace Emily Ogot

Grace Emily Ogot was born on May 15, 1930, in Kenya. Ogot was an author, nurse, journalist, politician, and diplomat. Ogot was born in Asembo, in the district of Nyanza. Her father was one of the first men residing in the village to receive a Western education. From her father, she heard stories from the Bible and later gained much more insight into traditional African folktales from her grandmother. These stories later became a source of inspiration for her writings. Ogot was the first female African writer to get her writings published in English. She published her first novel in the 1960s, titled The Promised Land. The book touches on the topic of facing tribal conflict, which a young farmer couple goes through the midst of their journey migrating from Kenya to Tanzania. She continued to utilize this account to question the concept of women’s roles in East Africa. Following this, Ogot published a spiral of books including The Strange Bride (1989), The Other Women (1976), and many more.

Meja Mwangi (David Dominic Mwangi)

Mwangi started to publish his writings in the 1970s. His writings mainly depict the historical and social aspects of Kenya. Some of his works, Taste of Death (1975) and The Mzungu Boy (1990), talk about the liberation movements of Kenya during the Mau Mau Rebellion. Mwangi expresses the reality of poverty in Kenya and the fight for survival through books like The Cockroach Dance (1979) and The Big Chiefs (2007).

Why not read some of the books listed above? They sure give you extensive knowledge about the history of Kenyan society and possibly even the world we live in today.


Homekazi. (2021, July 21). Meja Mwangi biography and lifestyle. Homekazi. Retrieved March 29, 2023, from celebs/bio/mejamwangi

Storey, T. (2013, September 13). 10 of the best Kenyan writers. Culture Trip. Retrieved March 29, 2023, from kenya/articles/ kirinyaga-rising-ten-of-the-best-kenyan-writers/ Team, S. (2015, March 19). Kenyan author Grace Ogot is dead aged 85. The Star. Retrieved March 29, 2023, from news/2015-03-19-kenyan-author-grace-ogot-is-dead-aged-85/ Wikimedia Foundation. (2023, March 5). Meja Mwangi. Wikipedia. Retrieved March 29, 2023, from

History of Education in Kenya by Eunwoo Song

After Kenya gained independence from Britain in 1960, the expansion of primary and secondary school education became prevalent. In 1963, Jomo Kenyatta, Kenya’s first president, announced that he would offer primary school education that is free of cost. This promise was pursued in 1974 when four years of primary school education fees were supported by the government. Over the years, the government worked to promote employment through education. The “education for self-reliance” policy began to emerge, and students were taught in preparation for employment in the agriculture and business sectors.

How is the Education System in Kenya Today?

Today, Kenya has a national educational system made up of three levels. First, eight years of primary education. Second, four years of secondary education. Third, four years of higher education. In order to move on to secondary school, primary students need to pass an exam that allows them to obtain the ‘Kenyan Certificate of Primary Education.’

The picture on the left is an image of the actual certificate. In addition, students work in different ways to acquire the certificate. To pass the exam, many go through private tutoring on non-school days to catch up with subjects.


Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (n.d.). Disputed 2007 and 2013 elections, a new constitution, and ICC Proceedings. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved March 3, 2023, from

Image Sources:

(Image 1) - Education programmes in Kenya: Moving mountains trust. Education programmes in Kenya | Moving Mountains Trust. (n.d.). Retrieved March 3, 2023, from

(Image 2) - Ali Jamali Seguir. (n.d.). KCPE certificate. Share and Discover Knowledge on SlideShare. Retrieved March 3, 2023, from kcpe-certificate-57317618?ref=

Bakü, Capital of Azerbaijan

Photo by Gül Işık:

가봉의 해양 보조금 협정 수용

글: 윤성빈 (Sungbin Yoon)

보조금은 정부나 다른 당국이 산업이나 사업을 지원하거나 공공 서비스 비용을 지불하기 위해 지급하는 돈을 말한다.

가봉의 해양 보조금

• 가봉이 2022년 6월 17일 제네바에서 열린 제12차 WTO 각료회의(MC12)에서 해양 보조금 협정을 공식 수용하면서 해양 보호에 힘을 보탰다.

• 가봉은 이번 협정 수용을 통해 해양 보조금 협정을 수용한 3번째 국가가 되었다.

• 이 협정을 통해 가봉은 불법 어업에 대한 보조금을 철폐하고 해양 생태계 보호를 하는데 중요한 역할을 하게된다.

수산 보조금에 관한 협정은 전 세계 어업자원 고갈의 주요 요인인 불법 어업에 대한 보조금을 억제하기 위한 협정이다.이는 궁극적으로 불법, 비보고, 비규제(IUU) 어업에 대한 지원을 금지하고, 남획된 어족자원에 대한 어획 지원을 금지하며, 규제되지 않은 공해에서의 어업에 대한 보조금 지원을 중단한다.

• 본 협정은 2001년 처음 WTO에 의해 제안되었지만, 회원국들의 입장 차이 로 인해 21년 동안 진전이 없었다.

• 가봉에서는 이번 협정을 통해 불법 어업들을 규제할 수 있게 되고, 이때 의무를 이행할 수 있도록 기술 지원과 기금 또한 설립된다.

협약이 미치는 긍정적 영향

• 아프리카 연합 위원회(African Union Commission)의 추산에 따르면 불법, 비보고, 비규제(IUU) 어업 으로 인해 아프리카는 매년 23억 달러 이상의 경제적 손실을 보고 있다.

• 이번 보조금 협약과 정부의 노력을 통해 가봉 경제는 경제적 손실을 줄일 것으로 보인다.

• 또한, 강화된 규제를 통해 가봉은 어류 자원과 해양 생태계의 건강을 증진시킬 수 있다.

• 이러한 변화는 가봉의 가축 사육에 의존하는 식량 안보에 긍정적인 영향을 미치게 된다.

• 해양 보조금 협정의 실행은 가봉의 지속 가능한 어업을 지원하고 식량 공급을 강화할 것이다.


이미지 출처:

Teaching in Nicaragua: A unique learning experience

-Get hands-on with natural science

Nicaragua is known for its stunning natural beauty. Here, we offer a range of programs that allow students to develop an understanding of biodiversity and sustainability. Our students observe wildlife in the jungle, explore active volcanoes, and study plant ecosystems in the rainforest. All of these experiences stimulate their curiosity and sense of inquiry, fostering their interest in the natural sciences.

-Cultural exchange and multicultural experiences

Nicaragua is a country with a diverse culture and historical heritage, and students are encouraged to interact with the local community, communicating and collaborating with local people. Students develop global citizenship and intercultural understanding through cultural events and collaborative projects offered online and on-site. In addition, Spanish and native language classes allow students to improve their language skills in a multicultural environment.

-Community Service and Sustainable Development

Nicaraguan education has a strong focus on community service and sustainable development. Students participate in a variety of social service programs that allow them to understand and contribute to improving the problems of their communities. In doing so, students learn about their impact and responsibility and how to fulfill their global citizenship roles.

References: Unep, & Unesco. (n.d.). Education and awareness. Fundeci/gaia. (n.d.-b). Education for Sustainable Development. Education for Sustainable Development, Gaia, Nicaragua.

Image Source:

Photo by Fabian Wiktor:

Mexico’s Steel Industry: A Journey from the 20th Century to Global Impactby

Mexico’s steel industry began in the early 20th century when the government highlighted the importance of developing a domestic steel sector to fuel industrialization and economic development. In 1900, the Mexican government established Altos Hornos de México (AHMSA), the country’s first steel mill in Coahuila. Shortly after, Mexico’s steel industry expedited its growth by continuing to establish additional steel plants, including Compañía Fundidora de Fierro y Acero de Monterrey. AHMSA and its predecessors played an instrumental role in improving Mexico’s infrastructure.

Mexico underwent economic reforms in the 1980s and 1990s, opening up its markets to foreign competition and promoting economic liberalization. This led to a significant increase in foreign investment and incentivized many of Mexico’s largest steel companies to become private. After this brief period of major economic change, companies such as Grupo IMSA and Groupa Villacero emerged at the top of Mexico’s steel sector, leading a new technological development and infrastructure era.

Today, Mexico’s steel industry is one of the largest in the world and continues to fuel the Mexican economy with a diverse range of steel products. However, the industry faces challenges such as global market fluctuations, foreign competition, and unsustainable practices. Regardless, the history of Mexico’s steel industry showcases its resilience and adaptability in the face of changing economic conditions and technological advancements.


Bernstein, Marvin David , Willey, Gordon R. , Palerm, Angel , Parkes, Henry Bamford , Cline, Howard F. ,Meyer, Michael C. and Griffin, Ernst C.. “Mexico”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 11 Jun. 2023, Accessed 13 June 2023.

India. “Securing a Robust and Sustainable Future for the Indian Steel Industry.” EY India, 11 Sept. 2020, securing-a-robust-and-sustainable-future-for-the-indian-steel -industry.

“Steel Industry in Mexico.” Statista, 15 May 2023, Image Source: EY India

La Industria del Acero en México: Un Viaje del Siglo XX a un Impacto Globalby

La historia de la industria siderúrgica mexicana se remonta a principios del siglo 20, cuando el gobierno reconoció la importancia de desarrollar un sector siderúrgico nacional para apoyar la industrialización y el crecimiento económico. En 1900, el gobierno mexicano estableció Altos Hornos de México (AHMSA), la primera acería integrada del país, en Monclova, Coahuila. AHMSA desempeñó un papel crucial en el suministro de acero para proyectos de infraestructuras, como ferrocarriles y puentes. A mediados del siglo 20, la industria siderúrgica de México se expandió significativamente con el establecimiento de plantas siderúrgicas adicionales, como la Compañía Fundidora de Fierro y Acero de Monterrey (ahora conocida como Grupo Acerero del Norte, o GAN) en Monterrey y Hylsa (ahora Ternium México) en Monclova. Estas empresas impulsaron el crecimiento industrial de México suministrando acero a los pujantes sectores de la construcción, la automoción y los electrodomésticos.

En las décadas de 1980 y 1990, México emprendió reformas económicas, abriendo sus mercados a la competencia extranjera y promoviendo la liberalización del comercio. Esto condujo a la privatización de varias empresas siderúrgicas y a la entrada de inversiones extranjeras en la industria. Empresas como el Grupo IMSA y el Grupo Villacero surgieron como actores principales, contribuyendo a la modernización y expansión del sector siderúrgico mexicano.

Hoy en día, la industria siderúrgica de México sigue siendo un componente vital de su economía. El país es uno de los mayores productores de acero de América, con una diversa gama de productos siderúrgicos y una fuerte orientación a la exportación. Sin embargo, la industria se enfrenta a retos como las fluctuaciones del mercado mundial, la competencia de otros países y la necesidad de prácticas sostenibles para reducir el impacto medioambiental. No obstante, la historia de la industria siderúrgica mexicana demuestra su resistencia y adaptabilidad frente a las cambiantes condiciones económicas y la búsqueda de avances tecnológicos.


Bernstein, Marvin David , Willey, Gordon R. , Palerm, Angel , Parkes, Henry Bamford , Cline, Howard F. ,Meyer, Michael C. and Griffin, Ernst C.. “Mexico”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 11 Jun. 2023, Accessed 13 June 2023. India. “Securing a Robust and Sustainable Future for the Indian Steel Industry.” EY India, 11 Sept. 2020, securing-a-robust-and-sustainable-future-for-the-indian-steel -industry. “Steel Industry in Mexico.” Statista, 15 May 2023, Image Source: EY India

Bangladeshi Cuisine

<Staple Foods>

Essential staple foods in Bangladesh are rice and fish; the land is fertile with nearby rivers, enabling farming and fishing. Also, in every season, Bangladesh offers various fruits and vegetables. For example, fruits like bananas, mango, and watermelon are among the most abundant. Bangladeshi cuisine shares much in common with neighboring countries. However, in contrast to India, Bangladeshi cooking includes meat and a wider use of onions for flavor.


Bangladesh also has a flourishing desert culture— mainly Chomchom, Jilapi, and Handesh. Chomchom is a combination of milk and sugar syrup flavored with different powders. The treat is then matched with different servings like nuts, malai cream, and coconut. Jilapi is a sweet dessert made with flour and yogurt. Jialpi is not only sweet but also crispy. Finally, Handesh is another famous dessert made by frying flour and sugar. Often, Handesh is eaten with tea or coffee as a drink.


Some signature dishes of Bangladesh are Shorshe Ilisha (Hilsa fish with mustard curry) and Beef Kala Bhuana (beef curry). First, the Shorshe Ilisha is representative of the heavily fish-centered diet. This dish takes Hilsha, a common type of fish in Bangladesh, and is cooked with mustard gravy. Along with Shorshe Ilisha, another popular meal is the Beef Kala Bhuana. Unlike regular curry, Beef Kala Bhuama uses yogurt and traditional spices.


In Bangladesh, there are different etiquette rules to follow. For instance, when invited to lunch, it’s important not to decline the request. In many scenarios, one should indirectly decline or imply rather than directly saying no.

Furthermore, visitors will be served from the oldest to the youngest when eating. More specifically, in Bangladeshi society, people must clean their hands and strictly eat with their right hands.


Editorial, History plex. “Bangladeshi Food and Culture.” History plex, food-culture. Accessed 20 June 2023. Editorial, TasteAtlas. “3 Most Popular Bengali Desserts.” TasteAtlas, 4 May 2022, Hossain, Khushi. “Easy Beef Kala Bhuna Recipe.” 10 Minutes Recipe, Accessed 20 June 2023. Noll, Daniel. “Bangladesh Food: A Culinary Travel Guide.” Uncornered Market, 15 Nov. 2020, Paradise , Nomad.

“Bangladeshi Food: 16 Most Popular Dishes to Try in Bangladesh.” Nomad Paradise, 28 Nov. 2022, Image Sources: Chomchom. (2023, December 4). In Wikipedia. Shorshe ilish. (2023, September 23). In Wikipedia.

Natural beauty

Bangladesh’s natural beauty is one of its most significant assets. The country is home to many landscapes, from lush tea gardens in Sylhet to beautiful rivers, serene beaches, and unique wetlands. Bangladesh also has the Sundarbans, the largest mangrove forest in the world, offering a mesmerizing blend of land and water. Specific locations like the Chittagong Hill Tracts and the island of St. Martin demonstrate only a part of the nation’s beauty.


Bangladesh is a cost-effective travel choice, especially compared to other tourist destinations. The costs of different accommodations like meals and transportation are relatively low, making it an attractive destination. The affordable cost applies to both city and rural areas. In Bangladesh, affordability does not compromise the richness of the experience, making Bangladesh a valuable destination for travelers.

History and Heritage

Bangladesh’s history is diverse and rich, including ancient civilizations, colonial periods, and a struggle for independence. The country has numerous historical landmarks, such as the Lalbagh Fort, a 17th-century Mughal fort complex, and Somapura Mahavihara, an 8th-century Buddhist monastery and educational complex. Additionally, the country’s intangible cultural heritage, such as language, literature, music, dance, and festivals are all rich aspects of Bangladesh’s cultural history.

Unique Wildlife

Bangladesh presents noteworthy wildlife. The Sundarbans mangrove forest is home to the Royal Bengal Tiger, while the wetlands and haors (a type of wetland) host various bird species. Even more, the country has several wildlife sanctuaries and national parks, like the Lawachara National Park, which is part of the Indo-Burma biodiversity region. These areas can offer a special experience for tourists.


Bangladesh’s architecture offers a window into its rich history and culture. The country is home to architectural wonders, such as the Sixty Dome Mosque in Bagerhat, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Ahsan Manzil in Dhaka, once a residential palace, is another stunning piece of the country’s architectural history. The ruins of the ancient Buddhist Vihara at Paharpur, another UNESCO World Heritage site, are one of the most important Buddhist archaeological sites in the world.

Traditional Cuisine

Bangladeshi cuisine is characterized by its unique blend of sweet and spicy flavors. Rice, fish, and lentils are staple foods in the country. Traditional dishes mix spices, including turmeric, cumin, coriander, and chili. Famous Bangladesh meals such as Biryani, Hilsa Fish Curry, and the sweet dessert of Rasgulla display the nation’s traditions and culture. Bangladesh also has a bustling street food culture, selling Fuchka (a variant of pani puri) and Jhal Muri (spiced puffed rice).

References: Editorial, Bangladesh High Commission. “Tourism in Bangladesh.” Bangladesh High Commission London, Accessed 20 June 2023. Team, Thrillophilia. “Places to Visit in Bangladesh.” Thrillophilia, Accessed 20 June 2023.

Adventures with my Grandpa



I woke up in Azerbaijan to my grandpa’s voice. We went on adventures in the streets of Baku, and he told me stories about the country’s history. When we reached the Caspian Sea, I felt mixed emotions. I had come to the sudden realization that this might not last forever. My adventures with my grandpa. It felt like Azerbaijan’s spirit was promising to guide and inspire me, making me a part of its vibrant essence, even if I wasn’t sure what the future held. However, I would be challenged by fate that would stray me away from Azerbaijan.

Chapter 1: Grandpa’s Tales of Childhood Memories

“Grandpa, Grandma! Catch me!” I exclaimed, running away from him. In the past, my family, including my grandparents, were very close to each other. We played chess together and went out to eat Piti, a soup made of lamb, onion, chickpeas, chestnuts, and plums. However, after the death of Grandma, our family, excluding me, did not meet Grandpa.

One day, I visited Grandpa to play with him. We went out for a walk in Əziz Əliyevadına Park, where there were lots of trees and flowers. We came back home for a rest and realized it was already dusk. “Grandpa, can you tell me the story of your childhood?” I asked while playing Backgammon with him. “You should be going home soon. Your parents will worry,” Grandpa responded. “I won’t go home until you tell me the story!” I exclaimed.

“Okay, okay. But you promise to return home after I tell you the story, okay?” Grandpa continued, “Once upon a time, there was a child who was called Yuv. He lived in a small house in Göygöl, right in front of the lake. He liked climbing on trees and fighting with his friends for fun. He played Chovqan -”

“What is Chovqan?” I interrupted. “It is a game where 2 teams, each having 5 people, compete with each other on a Karabakh horse by shooting the ball into the opponent’s goal within 30 minutes,” Grandpa explained. “Wow! That sounds fun!” I exclaimed as Grandpa smiled at me before continuing.

“He also knew how to strikket. It’s a type of knitting that we do in Azerbaijan. He made his own clothes, clothes for his mother and for his friends. He even shared them to people around his city who could not afford them. He loved the snacks and meals that he ate during his childhood.

One of his favorites was Shah Plov and Khamrashi,” Grandpa said.

“What is a Shah Plov and Khamrashi?” I asked. “Shah Plov is a traditional Azerbaijani meal that includes lamb, chicken, rice, nuts, and dried fruits that are inside a lavash bread. Khamoshi is a chicken noodle soup that sometimes includes beef or lamb,” Grandpa explained to me. “He also enjoyed having Qatik, which is a fermented milk product similar to yogurt. He played the tar, which is a string instrument that originated in our country. He also used to visit Lake Göygöl often.” Grandpa said. “Grandpa! Let’s visit the lake together one day! It’s right in front of our village,” I said, smiling. “Ali, now it is time for you to go home,” Grandpa said. “Okay, bye!” I exclaimed as I started running toward home.

Chapter 2: A Savory Encounter: Exploring Flavors

As I was walking towards home, I saw an open restaurant. I saw a Qutab, which looked really mouth-watering.

I had 20 Manat left in my pocket. I saw the price of the Qutab, and I had the money to afford it as the price was only 10 Manat. I asked the woman what flavors there were. “Mam, what kind of flavors are there?”

I asked. “There is only meat and vegetables,” she replied. I bought the stuffed meat Qutab. When I took one bite of the Qutab, the meat juice came out of the Qutab. When I arrived home, Mom and Dad greeted me with a heartfelt hug. I went up to my room and slept, reflecting on what Grandpa told me.

Chapter 3: Unexpected News: Parent’s Decision

When I woke up the next day, Mom and Dad were discussing something very serious. “Hi, Mom and Dad! Did you have a good sleep?” I asked. “Yes, how about you?” Mom responded. “I slept well yesterday! I saw you guys talking about something serious in the morning, so I was just trying to ask you about it,” I said. “Oh, your mom and I decided to move to the States because I got promoted, and I need to start working there,” Dad said with a worried face. “What? Why didn’t you tell me that yesterday! I don’t want to leave our country. You guys never asked me for my opinion!” I screamed, frowning at them. “It’s because of your father’s job. You can’t live if Dad doesn’t earn money for us.” Mom explained calmly. “Fine! I will just leave this house!” I yelled as I ran out of the house.

Chapter 4: Whole Family’s Decision

I started walking in my neighborhood. There were butterflies around the vibrant colored flowers. The trees, bright and green. The sky, blue with no clouds in the sky. I walked through the Göygöl National Park watching horses passing by me. Unlike the situation I was going through, nature in Azerbaijan was beautiful and calm. After viewing the dream-like scenery, I arrived in front of Grandpa’s house. “Grandpa! My parents are going to leave for the States, what should I do?” I asked opening the door. “Your parents are leaving our country? I will ask your parents for clarification,” Grandpa said, frowning. Grandpa called Mom and Dad to come visit his house. “Hi, Dad!” Mom said. “Hi, Leila and Elvin. Ali told me that you guys are leaving for the States. Why are you guys leaving this wonderful place?” Grandpa asked. “Oh, I got promoted and I have to work there,” Dad answered. “Ali, do you want to leave for the States or want to stay with me?” Grandpa asked. “I want to stay here, why would I want to leave such a beautiful place?” I said. “Can Ali stay with me? I want her to visit various places she has never been before,” Grandpa asked Mom and Dad after he asked me the question. “Of course! We will make sure that we visit you guys once a month.” Dad said.

Chapter 5: Treasured Moments with Grandpa

After Mom and Dad left Azerbaijan, me and Grandpa visited Gaba Land. There were lots of roller coasters that I’ve never seen before. “Grandpa, are you not having fun?” I asked as Grandpa seemed like nothing to do. “Yes, I’m too old to ride those,” Grandpa answered.

“Then let’s go to Azerbaijan State Museum of Art!” I exclaimed as I saw Grandpa grinning from ear to ear. “Let’s go Ali, I never went there before,” Grandpa answered. We rode a horse to go to the Azerbaijan State Museum of Art. While going, we saw many people walking around the museum. When we arrived there, we bought a ticket for 10 manat. As we entered the museum, we saw the painting of Boyukaga Mirzazade. Midday which was painted in 1963. “Wow! People at that time drew very well!” Grandpa said as he looked very surprised. “Yeah! I only saw this on the internet, but I never knew this was so pretty!” As we went inside, there were arts that were hanging on the wall and I couldn’t take my eyes off of them. After we toured the museum, we went to watch a Chovqan game, a game which grandpa explained was a ball game where riders have balls and have to score them in the other team’s goal.

When the game finished, I was so hungry. “Grandpa, can we eat dinner? I’m starving,” I said. “Yes, I was feeling a little hungry, too. What would you like to eat?” Grandpa asked. “Hmm… Saj Ichi? Piti? Buglama? Lavangi? I don’t know, there are too many options to choose from,” I said as I was wondering what to eat. “What if we eat Shah Plov. You told me that you never had it before,” Grandpa said. “Good option! Oh there’s a restaurant that sells Shah Plov there! Let’s go!” I exclaimed as I held Grandpa’s hand and started running.

As we walked through the door, I smelt something that stimulated my salivary glands. It was Shah Plov, the one and only food I was waiting to eat with Grandpa for my whole life!

“Hello, is anyone here?” grandpa asked as we saw no one in the restaurant. “Yes! I am here! Anything you want to order?” the owner came out and answered. We looked at the menu and there were lots of types of them such as Erde pilavi , Meyhane pilav, Tavuklu pilav, Etli pilav, Ic pilav, Buhara pilav, Acem pilav, Firik pilav, and etc. I had too many choices to choose from. “ I would like to have Tavuklu pilav, what about you, Ali?” Grandpa asked after telling the owner what he would eat. “Hmm.. I would also like to have Tavuklu pilav!” I said. “Okay, it will be ready in 10 minutes,” the owner answered as she was telling other workers to make our food. After a few minutes, our food came out and we started tasting it. “Hmm.. It tastes really good, it has chicken in it!” I said as I was tasting it. “Yes, Tavuklu pilav has chicken in it,” grandpa said. After eating the food, we walked back home. We saw Göygöl Lake and it was so beautiful that I wanted to live in front of it, but I couldn’t.“Göygöl lake is pretty in the night, too, I never came here at night,” I said to Grandpa as he was also enjoying the scenery.

Chapter 6: Last Memories

When we arrived home, we talked about the day and how it was so nice to spend time together. “Grandpa, did you have fun today?” I asked. “Yes, today is one of the best days of my life,” Grandpa replied. “Do you think if I write a book about what happened to my life, will it become popular?” I asked my Grandpa. “I’m sure it will because your life in Azerbaijan is special and unique,” Grandpa said. From that day I got a response from my grandpa, I started to write a book about my life as a child who was left behind with her grandpa and spent a good time with him. It became a bestseller internationally and I became an internationally famous writer. I reached success in my life and lived happily with my Grandpa for the rest of my life.


“Azerbaijan cuisine.Shah plov | Cafe food, Real food recipes, Culinary.” Pinterest, Accessed 2 July 2023.

“The Azerbaijan State Museum of Art. Baku.” REPINART (home of russian impressionism), 17 August 2011, http://repinart.blogspot. com/2011/08/azerbaijan-state-museum-of-art-baku.html. Accessed 2 July 2023.

“Choosing Your Backgammon Board.” Farrar and Tanner, 10 May 2019, Accessed 2 July 2023.

“Gabaland (Qabala) - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go.” TripAdvisor, Accessed 2 July 2023.

Guliyev, R., and M. Rahimov. “UNESCO - Chovqan, a traditional Karabakh horse-riding game in the Republic of Azerbaijan.” UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage, 15 December 2017, Accessed 2 July 2023.

Isayeva, Aydan. “The most popular dish of Azerbaijan - Piti.”, 12 September 2018, Accessed 2 July 2023.

Jain, Punith. “Lake Goygol: All that you need to know- Azerbaijan Tour packages.” Pickyourtrail, 27 June 2023, lake-goygol-azerbaijan/. Accessed 2 July 2023.

“Qatiq.” Alchetron, 12 October 2022, Accessed 2 July 2023.

“qutab - Picture of Firuze Restaurant, Baku - Tripadvisor.” TripAdvisor, Accessed 2 July 2023.

National Art Museum of Azerbaijan. (2023, October 6). In Wikipedia. Chovgan. (2023, December 20). In Wikipedia. Piti (food). (2024, January 24). In Wikipedia.

Great Sphinx Of Giza Under Blue Starry Sky, Egypt
Photo by Pixabay:

The Beautiful Galápagos Islands of Ecuador

The Galapagos Islands of Ecuador are located approximately 1,000km off the coast of South America in the Pacific Ocean. Charles Darwin was the first to discover that the Galapagos differed from other islands due to their high proportion of unique species, and subsequent scientific research confirmed this. The islands are known for their abundance of rare and endangered species, leading to their UNESCO designation. These 19 islands and their surrounding marine reserve are home to land iguanas, giant Galapagos tortoises, and numerous finches, creating a truly unique ecosystem.

When traveling to the Galapagos Islands, it is helpful to know the following information.

The warm season runs from December to May, while the dry season lasts from June to November. Travelers have opportunities to swim alongside the green sea turtles of the Galapagos, trek across volcanoes, go diving, snorkel with sea lions, and engage in other thrilling experiences.

The Galapagos Islands are often referred to as a “living museum and showcase of evolution.” The variations in altitude, size, and orientation among the islands have resulted in the emergence of specific species on each island, fostering a diverse array of flora and fauna. Many areas where tectonic and marine erosion has occurred feature cliffs and beaches composed of coral and shells. The influence of currents provides warm water temperatures, enabling a wide variety of marine life to thrive.

References: B%8F%84%EC%97%90%EC%84%9C-%ED%95%A0-%EC%9D%BC-%EC%99%84%EC%A0%84%ED%95%9C-2022-%EA%B0%80%EC%9D%B4%EB%93%9C/

Image Source:

Photo by Simon Berger: adobe stock photos - Beautiful Coast View in Galapagos by jkraft5


중부죽 렌제족의 무바 춤

글: 김건희 (Andrew Gunhee Kim)

잠비아 중부죽 렌제족의 무바춤은 유네 스코 세계 유산에 등재될만큼 잠비아 고유의 춤입니다.

잠비아는 중부주, 코퍼벨트주, 동부주, 루아풀라주, 루사카주, 무칭 가 주, 북부주 , 북서부주, 남부주, 서부주, 총 10개의 주로 구성되어 있습니다. 그중 중부주의 렌저 족이

주로 춘 춤이다. 이 춤은 주로 음악과 함께

추며 발랄한 특징을 가지고 있습니다.

무바 춤은 춤 그 자체뿐만 아니라 관객들이나 주변인들이 춤을 따라 부르고 북과 같은 타악기를 연주함으로써 명쾌한 분위기를


이 춤은 클라이맥스로 다가갈수록 춤을

리드하던 사람들의 몸속에 조상의 혼령, “바추바”가 들어가기도 합니다. 그러면서 이 혼령들이 리드를 하던 사람들의 몸을 이용하여 춤과 드럼, 노래를 주도합니다.

무바를 출때에는 부윰보라고 불리는 전통스커트와 색구슬 그리고 송아지 가죽으로 알려진 마상와를 둘써싸서 만든 “래틀”을 입고 춥니다. 그리고 또한 영혼이 깃들어져있다고 믿는 막대기나 파리채를 들고 춤을 추기도 합니다.

무바에는 아울러 치료와 유흥의 효과가 넘치면서 공동체의 정체성을 확고하게 만들어주는데요, 앞서 말했듯이 이 춤은 유네스코 세계 유산으로부터 인정을 받아 잠비아의 고유한 역사와 대표적인 문화요소를 나타내는데 중요한 문화라고 할 수 있습니다.

참고자료: 이미지 출처:

© Victor Makashi, Department of Arts and Culture, Zambia, 2017

Zambia’ Muba Dance

Zambia’s Muba dance of the Central Bemba people is a unique traditional dance that has been recognized by UNESCO as a world heritage.

Zambia is composed of ten provinces: Central, Copperbelt, Eastern, Luapula, Lusaka, Muchinga, Northern, North-Western, Southern, and Western provinces. Among these, the Bemba people of the Central Province are known for their vibrant Muba dance, which is characterized by lively movements accompanied by music.

The Muba dance is not only a form of expression through dance but also involves the audience and onlookers singing along and playing percussion instruments like drums, creating an energetic atmosphere. As the dance approaches its climax, the spirits of ancestors, known as “bachuba,” are believed to enter the bodies of those leading the dance. These ancestral spirits then guide the dance, drumming, and singing through the individuals they possess.

During Muba performances, dancers wear traditional skirts known as “buumvumvu,” colorful beads, and rattles made from calf skin known as “raetel.” Additionally, they may carry sticks or flywhisks believed to be imbued with spirits. These elements contribute to the spiritual and cultural significance of the dance.

The Muba dance not only serves as a form of entertainment but also has therapeutic effects, reinforcing the identity of the community. As mentioned earlier, its recognition by UNESCO as a world heritage underscores the importance of this dance in representing Zambia’s unique history and cultural elements.


Image Source:

© Victor Makashi, Department of Arts and Culture, Zambia, 2017

글: 이성민 (Sungmin Lee)

흔히 고전주의라고 하면 18세기의 걸출한 음악가들이 많이 떠오릅니다. 예를 들면, 하이든, 모차르트, 베토벤 등이 있습니다. 당시의 지리로만 보았을 때는 신성로마제국의 문화적 황금기라 불리는 시대로 평가할 수도 있겠습니다. 체코(보헤미아 왕국)도 이러한 추세에 위대한 음악가 한 명을 배출하는데, 그가 바로 오늘의 주제 요한 밥티스트 반할(Jan Křtitel Vaňhal, 1739~1813)입니다.

반할은 보헤미아 왕국 네하니체(Nechanice)라는 마을에서 농노의 자식으로 태어났습니다. 네하니체는 성모 승천 교회(Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary) 를 중심으로 한 신앙심이 깊은 마을입니다. 그렇기에 반할 또한 경건한 사람으로 자랐습니다. 그의 교회 생활은 음악적

오르간, 첼로 등을 배웠습니다. 그는 음악을 더 배우기 위해 제국 중심지 빈(Wien)으로 떠난 이후, 반할은 본격적으로 음악가의 삶을 살게 되었습니다. 빈에서 그는 알아주는 바이올리니스트였습니다. 또한, 반할은 다양한 악기를 접하고 여럿 교향곡들을 만들었습니다.

그는 특히 빈악파로서 빈에서 유행하던 양식을 발전시킨 인물입니다. 빈의 분위기는 그의 작곡에 많은 영향을 미쳤습니다. 반할은 음악 공부를 위해 이탈리아 반도로 여행을 떠났으며, 바라주딘 (Varaždin)에서 교회 음악가로 활동하기도 했습니다. 그의 삶에 대한 기록은 사실 많지 않습니다. 가장 큰 이유는 반할 본인이 자신의 삶에 대한 기록을 별로 남기지 않았기 때문입니다. 그래서 반할의 삶은 그의 동료들의 기록들로 알아볼 수 있는데, 재밌는 점은 기록들 모두가 반할을 행복한 사람으로 기억했다는 점입니다.

반할의 곡에서 그는 빈의 유행을 따르면서도 자신만의 음악적 특징을 잘 새겨 넣었습니다. 그중 하나는 반할이 곡의 조성을 최대한 살리고 박자에 크게 구애받지 않았다는 점입니다. 반할의 콘트라베이스 곡은 여러 여지를 남겨 놓았습니다. 반할 콘체르토 E 플랫 장조에서 오케스트라는 E 플랫 장조로 맞추었지만, 솔로 콘트라베이스는 D 장조로 작곡한 점이 반할의 콘트라베이스에 관한 생각을 보여줍니다. 그는 고의로 한 장조 올려, 조성 변화에

유리하게 하고 빈식 조율법을 유지하여 특기인 더블 (두 현을 동시에 사용하는 기법)을 활용한 공명의 효과를 극대화하여 빈의 음악적 분위기를 최대한 활용하려는 의지를 엿볼 수 있습니다.

반할의 곡은 귀족들을 위해 작곡하던 다른 음악가들과는 달리, 중산층을 위한 음악이었습니다. 빈뿐만 아니라 제국 곳곳을 다니며 그의 음악을 선보였고, 이는 대중을 위해 극장이나 비교적 열린 장소에서 연주를 했습니다.

그래서 그의 사후 모차르트나 베토벤보다도 일반 사람들의 기억에 남았습니다. 그런데도 그가 다른 거장들에게 비하여 덜 알려진 이유는 반할 개인에 대한 기록의 부족과 낮은 시대적 주목에 있습니다.

반할은 체코의 작은 마을의 농노에서 시작하여 신성로마제국 전체에서 명망 높은 음악가로 대성한 사람입니다. 그는 귀족들의 사치를 위한 곡들보다는 교회 사람들의 신앙과 일반 사람들의 여가를 위한 음악을 만들어 냈다는 점에서 주목할 만합니다. 또한 그의 음악적 재능과 기교는 당대 거장들에 비해서도 절대 뒤떨어지지 않을 수준입니다.

반할의 곡들: Vanhal Double Bass Concerto D Major [성민제] 반할 더블베이스 콘체르토 성민제 Symphony in C Major Bryan C11 : I Allegro con brio Jan Křtitel Vaňhal: Symfonie g moll

이미지 출처:

Kenyan Folklore

Have you ever heard of Kenyan folklore?

Also known as “orature” in the region, Kenyan folklore is a form of storytelling that has been passed down through generations in communities. Folklore is a symbol of heritage, and their foundations are myths and legends; they also seek to educate children about morals. “Fireside Tales” commonly occurred when adults gathered the children by moonlight and settled around the village fire to tell stories. The stories usually helped to prepare the youth for adulthood by teaching them a lesson about what was to come. This was just one method of storytelling that often took place! Adults would think of creative and diverse narrative performances to actively include the children in the stories. For example, “call and response” was a way to interact with the children by singing a traditional song and getting response choruses from the children. Another way was to incorporate riddle games to get the children to think and sharpen their concentration. Now that the storytelling atmosphere is set, let’s dive into an interesting Kenyan tale.

“The Origin of Cattle”

This folklore originates from the Maasai people of Kenya. In the beginning, the Maasai people did not own any cattle. God spoke to Maasinta (the first Maasai), telling him to make a “large enclosure.” After the enclosure was made, God wanted Maasinta to report back to him. Maasinta did as he was told. Next, God told him to go and “stand against the outside wall of the house” the following morning so that he would gift something called cattle. However, when doing this, God made it clear that Maasinta had to remain silent and not show any emotion of shock. The following morning, along with the loud sound of thunder, Maasinta saw God release a long leather band from heaven. Cattles were sent down in this band into the enclosure. Maasinta was scared for his life but remembered God’s warning not to make a sound. But as the cattle were descending, Dorobo (Maasinta’s housemate) woke up to see this event happening right before his eyes. Out of shock, Dorobo shouted, “Ayieyieyie!” God thought that the sound was coming from Maasinta; he thought that Maasinta had disobeyed his word. So God took back the thong and stopped the cattle from descending. God thought that Maasinta wasn’t thankful for the number of cattle and decided never to gift him again. From this tale, the Maasai people of today love and take great care of cattle.

In the end, Maasinta cursed his housemate Dorobo, saying that the milk of his cattle would be poisoned if he ever tasted it. Today, the Dorobo is a tribe in Kenya that remains in the forest and hardly gets access to milk. Each folklore holds a special meaning or story behind it. We should learn to respect and ruminate the deeper meaning behind each folklore and apply the principles to our own lives!

References: Hillman, W. (n.d.). KENYAN FOLK TALES. Kenyan folk tales. Retrieved April 20, 2023, from SouthWorld. (2023). The Maasai people taking care of cattle. The Maasai. The origin of cattle. Retrieved from the-maasai-the-origin-of-cattle/.

Storytelling traditions across the world: Kenya. All Good Tales. (2019, February 20). Retrieved April 20, 2023, from storytelling-traditions-across-world-kenya/ Wikiwand (n.d.).Culture of Kenya. Retrieved from Image Source:

Photo by aboodi vesakaran:

Traditional Wedding in Kenya: A Celebration of Love and Heritage

In Kenya, a traditional wedding is a momentous occasion that unites two individuals, families, and communities. Rooted in centuries-old customs, a Kenyan wedding embodies cultural identity and love. The journey towards a traditional Kenyan wedding often begins with various pre-wedding ceremonies.

Pre-wedding ceremonies, like the “ruracio,” precede the vibrant wedding day, where colorful attire, lively music, and rituals take center stage. Among the Kikuyu community, the ruracio ceremony is a vital step, where the groom’s family presents gifts, such as livestock, money, and traditional items, to the bride’s family as a token of appreciation and to seek their blessing for the marriage.

The wedding day itself is a joyous and vibrant affair, characterized by vivid decorations, engaging music, and elaborate attire. Traditional clothing holds immense significance, with the bride and groom dressing in the attire of their respective ethnic groups. For instance, the Maasai bride might wear a bright and intricately beaded wedding dress, while the groom adorns himself in traditional Maasai warrior attire.

Traditional Kenyan weddings are rich in rituals and symbolism, each with its unique cultural significance. An example is the “Nyotaimori” ceremony among the Maasai and Samburu communities, where the bride is adorned with traditional jewelry and given ceremonial gifts. The “seven steps” ritual, common in various communities, symbolizes the couple’s journey through life together, with each step representing a specific aspect of their married life.

A traditional Kenyan wedding is a community affair, with extended family members, friends, and neighbors actively participating in the celebrations. The community’s involvement fosters a strong sense of togetherness and support, emphasizing the importance of family and communal bonds in Kenyan culture.

Resources: Kikuyu ruracio attire: Kenyan wedding, African traditional wedding, African traditional wedding dress / Pinterest / May 05, 2019 [출처] Traditional Wedding in Kenya: A Celebration of Love and Heritage|작성자 celine

가봉의 경제적 이익 모색: 탄소 배출권 판매와 산림

탄소 배출권이란?

글: 윤성빈 (Sungbin Yoon)

• 탄소 배출권이란 온실 가스 배출을 규제하고 줄이기 위한 환경정책의 일환으로 사용되는 상품으로서 이러한 권리는 일반적으로 탄소 배출의 양에 따라 발행되며, 정부 또는 국가 조직이 규제하고 관리 한다. • 가봉은 이산화탄소 배출 할당량 보다 적은 양을 배출하여 남은 탄소 배출권을 판매하여 큰 경제적 이득을 얻을 전망이다.

가봉의 전략:

• 가봉은 나라의 90%가 산림으로 이루어져 있다.

• 이 산림은 콩고 분지의 일부분으로, 브라질의 아마존과 같이 ‘지구의 폐’로 불리우고 있다.

• 가봉은 이렇듯 이산화탄소를 흡수하는 산림을 이용해 자신들 에게 할당된 1억8700톤의 이산화탄소 배출권의 절반 가량을 판매할 계획이다.

• 가봉은 이러한 판매를 통해 약 2조원의 수익을 얻을 예정이며, 이는 가봉의 경제에 큰 이득을 가져다 줄 것이다.

노르웨이와의 계약 체결

• 가봉은 산림 보존을 대가로 UN이 지원하는 중앙아프리카 산림이니셔티브(CAFI)에게서 약 1700억원 규모의 지불금을 전달받았다.

• 이는 앞서 설명했던 탄소 배출권을 노르웨이가 CAFI를 통해 구매한 것으로, 수년 안에 더 많은 지불금이 전달될 예정이다.

• 이 첫 수익금은 가봉의 GDP의 0.1%에 불과하지만, 가봉의 환경산림부 장관은 ‘의미 있는 발걸음’이라 답변했다.

• 가봉의 이러한 행보는 경제적 이득을 원하는 다른 나라들 또한 탄소 배출을 줄이는 이로운 효과를 불러 일으킬 수도 있다는 전망이다.

기업가들과의 협업

• 제프 베조스(Jeff Bezos)가 베조스 어스 펀드를 통해 가봉에 3,500만 달러 기부를 약속했다.

• 기부금은 베조스 어스 펀드가 콩고 분지 지역에 1억 1,000만 달러를 기부하는 일환 중 하나이다.

• 이 기부는 가봉의 산림 보존을 위해 진행되었으며, 아마존은 탄소 배출권에 대한 구매 의사 또한 내비쳤다.

• 이러한 일련의 투자는 가봉의 경제에 큰 이득이 될 것으로 보인다.

참고자료: it-will-be-world-changing/?sh=56eb6fed7ebc investigations/ 35-a-ton#xj4y7vzkg gabon/ orest-biome/ 이미지 출처:

Education in Nicaragua

01 About Nicaragua

- Nicaragua’s language is Spanish.

- Nicaragua has a population of about 6.24 million.

- Nicaragua’s GDP is about $14 billion.

02 Education in Nicaragua

Nicaragua, a nation rich in culture and resilience, is making strides in education, despite facing budgetary challenges. Approximately 12% of the government’s budget is allocated to education, and while this figure may seem modest, the country is committed to ensuring free and compulsory elementary education. A commendable 75% of children in the relevant age group actively participate in elementary school, setting the foundation for a brighter future.

To unlock Nicaragua’s full potential, increased government investment in education and collaboration with other nations is essential. Education, driven by effort rather than innate talent, holds the key to growth and empowerment.

I dream of sharing knowledge internationally, especially in Nicaragua, highlights the universal aspiration for education.

A call to action resonates – let’s broaden our horizons, collaborate, and contribute to a peaceful and humanistic society. By paying attention to countries like Nicaragua, we can collectively foster progress, understanding, and a brighter future.


외교부. “외교부.”국가/지역 검색 | 외교부,

니카라과의 교육 제도,;cid=43165&amp;categoryId=43165.

Image Source: Nicaragua. (2024, January 3). In Wikipedia.

Driving Growth: The Evolution of Mexico’s Automotive and Aerospace Industries

The automotive industry plays a major role in Mexico’s economy, with its emergence marking the beginning of Mexico’s era of industrialization. Mexico’s production standards are internationally recognized, as it produces up to 70% of popular car models, such as the Volkswagen Jetta. The companies General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler were the first international automobile companies to set up production facilities in Mexico in the 1930s, with other companies such as Nissan, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz following by the late 1960s. Once it had established itself as an international hub for automobile production, many European and Asian producers relocated to Mexico, further reinforcing its automobile industry as a centerpiece of its economy.

La industria del automóvil desempeña un papel fundamental en la economía mexicana, y su aparición marcó el inicio de la era de industrialización de México. Los estándares de producción de México son reconocidos internacionalmente, ya que produce hasta el 70% de los modelos de automóviles más populares, como el Volkswagen Jetta. Las empresas General Motors, Ford y Chrysler fueron las primeras compañías automovilísticas internacionales en establecer instalaciones de producción en México en la década de 1930, a las que siguieron otras empresas como Nissan, BMW y Mercedes-Benz a finales de la década de 1960. Una vez establecido como centro internacional de producción de automóviles, muchos fabricantes europeos y asiáticos se trasladaron a México, reforzando aún más su industria automovilística como pieza central de su economía.

The strong industrial infrastructure in Mexico gave way to a growing domestic car industry led by truck and military vehicle producer DINA Camiones. Currently, Mexico’s car industry has branched out into an emerging domestic aerospace industry. Foreign companies such as Bell and Bombardier have already established their presence in the country’s aerospace industry, with domestic firms such as Aeromarmi and Frisa Aerospace collaborating with such firms to strengthen their presence in the country. Future projections for its automobile and aerospace industries remain optimistic, with an industrial production growth rate of 5.44% in 2021.

La sólida infraestructura industrial presente en México dio paso a una creciente industria automovilística nacional, liderada por el fabricante de camiones y vehículos militares DINA Camiones. En la actualidad, la industria automovilística mexicana se ha ramificado hacia una emergente industria aeroespacial nacional. Empresas extranjeras como Bell y Bombardier ya han establecido su presencia en la industria aeroespacial del país, y empresas nacionales como Aeromarmi y Frisa Aerospace colaboran con dichas empresas para reforzar su presencia en el país. Las previsiones de futuro para sus industrias automovilística y aeroespacial siguen siendo optimistas, con una tasa de crecimiento de la producción industrial del 5,44% en 2021.


“The Evolution of the Automotive Industry in Mexico: Nearshoring in Mexico.” IVEMSA, 2023 21 Aug. 2019, “Mexico- Automotive Production Volume, 2023.” Marklines, Marklines, Nov. 2023,

“The World Factbook: Mexico.” Central Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, 19 Dec. 2023,

Image Source: IVEMSA

Architecture in Bangladesh

Architecture is one of the significant parts of the culture which reflects the country’s history and sense of art. By studying the architecture of one nation, we would probably know a lot of things about it since architecture provides us with information, including the building method, materials used, how they are decorated, and so on. For Bangladesh, its architecture is rooted in Bengali and Indian culture. It shows lots of changes and developments through centuries, making a huge impact on Bangladesh people’s lifestyle, culture, and religions. In this article, I want to focus on the Mosque (place of prayer for Muslims) called Shat Gombuj Moshjid, also known as Sixty Dome Mosque.

Sixty Dome Mosque is the largest Mosque in Bangladesh and was built by the governor of Sundarbans, Khan Jahad Ali, during the Bengal Sultanate. It was not only used as a place for prayer but also as a school and court. From its name, most of you have assumed that there will be 60 domes at the Sixty Dome Mosque. Surprisingly, there are actually 77 Domes over the main hall of the Mosque, but precisely 60 stone pillars support them. The Mosque was built with baked brick, stone, and terracotta, which stands for any fired clay. Inside the Mosque, it had several prayer halls and the largest one had 11 doorways on the east and 7 doorways on the north and south made for ventilation and lightning purposes. Eleven Mihrabs (niches in the wall of a Mosque that indicate the direction of Mecca, which Muslims face when praying) decorated with stone and terracotta were also placed inside the building, adding beauty to it. The general appearance of this building shows a significant difference from any other architecture in the world. Moreover, the interesting interior and stories behind the building led the Sixty Dome Mosque to be part of the UNESCO World Heritage site. Visit the Sixty Dome Mosque during your trip to Bangladesh; it will add some great memories and pictures to your travel experience. Architecture is not only about history. A tremendous number of buildings are being built these days, and those buildings also represent the culture and developing society of Bangladesh.

Architecture is not only about history. A tremendous number of buildings are being built these days, and those buildings also represent the culture and developing society of Bangladesh. The building that this article will cover is fascinating, like a Sixty Dome Mosque, but it is more modern. It is called a Friendship Hospital, Satkhira. As you may know by its name, it functions as a hospital for people in rural areas in Bangladesh. Some of you might have doubts about writing an article about a rural hospital as an interesting architecture, but you might have thought like that since you haven’t seen this hospital.

At a glance, the building seems like a gallery or a museum, but surprisingly, it is a hospital. The attractiveness of its surface isn’t just the beauty of this building; one of its main points is the canal located in the center of the building. The function of the canal is to collect the rainwater. Around the hospital, located at the Shyamnagar in the southern region of Bangladesh, there are former grain fields that now sit underwater due to the rise of sea level. These surroundings made it difficult to supply water for drinking and other purposes. However, thanks to the canal the hospital could provide their demand for water by collecting rainwater from the canal and storing it in the water tank. Another point of this building is that by using materials that are not very expensive and building it very efficiently, they could build the building with a minimal budget.

Reference: friendship-hospital-satkhira

Image Source: Mosque City of Bagerhat. (2023, October 26). In Wikipedia.

Traditional Clothing of Bangladesh: A Tapestry of Culture and Heritage

Bangladesh is a small country with diverse religious influences and historical backgrounds, and it has a wide range of traditional clothing that reflects its rich culture and traditions. The most common garments used here are the Sari, Panjabi, Salwar Kameez, and Kurta, each has a specific meaning and role.

2. Panjabi

1. Sari

The sari is one of the traditional outfits worn by many Bangladeshi women and is similar in shape to the western part of India. It is worn by tying a long piece of cloth around the waist and wrapping it around the body. It is usually made of silk or cotton and may have rich embroidery or subtle patterns. It is often worn on special occasions such as weddings and festivals and emphasizes the elegant and beautiful look of Bangladeshi women.

Panjabi is a traditional garment mostly worn by Bangladeshi men. This garment takes the form of a long tunic, usually made of cotton or silk. It comes in a variety of designs and colors, most notably a design similar to the kurta in India. Bangladeshi men wear this as their everyday clothing, and for festivals and other special occasions, they may opt for a more decorated panjabi.


3. Salwar Kameez

The salwar kameez is a popular traditional outfit for Bangladeshi women, consisting of pants that cover the legs and a tailored top. The outfit is usually made of cotton or silk and comes in diverse colors and patterns. The salwar kameez is worn on various occasions, including everyday wear, festivals, and family gatherings. It provides women with comfort and elegance, representing the tradition and identity of Bangladeshi women. Image Source:

Egypt’s Diverse Delights

While Egypt’s pyramids stand as iconic symbols of ancient history, the country offers a rich tapestry of experiences beyond these wonders. From vibrant cities to serene oases, Egypt invites travelers to explore its diverse attractions, promising an unforgettable journey.

Cairo’s Cultural Kaleidoscope:

In the heart of Egypt, Cairo blends the old and the new. Explore the bustling souks of Khan El Khalili, wander through historic districts like Coptic Cairo, and marvel at the ancient mosques and churches that showcase the city’s cultural richness.

Luxor’s Ancient Marvels:

Luxor, the “world’s greatest openair museum,” unveils a staggering array of temples and monuments. From the Karnak Temple Complex to the Valley of the Kings, Luxor offers a captivating journey through the millennia, allowing visitors to walk in the footsteps of pharaohs.

Red Sea Riviera’s Underwater Paradise:

Escape to the Red Sea Riviera, where sun-drenched beaches meet crystal-clear waters teeming with vibrant marine life. Hurghada and Sharm El Sheikh beckon water enthusiasts to explore the colorful coral reefs, providing a paradise for snorkeling and diving.


By Berthold Werner - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://

Photo by AXP Photography: photo/walls-and-columns-inside-the-luxor-temple-inluxor-egypt-16386722/

By Karim - Own work, Public Domain, https://commons.

By Adelbayoumi - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://

Siwa Oasis – Tranquil Retreat in the Sahara:

Discover the tranquil beauty of Siwa Oasis, nestled in the vast Sahara Desert. Siwa offers a unique retreat with lush date palm groves, natural hot springs, and the Oracle Temple, providing a glimpse into traditional Berber culture.

Economic Growth and Free Trade Agreement in Ecuador

Ecuador has continued its efforts for economic development and system reform. By building trust with the international community, such as the United States and the IMF, it has achieved a continuous increase in foreign exchange reserves, a low inflation rate, reduced unemployment, and increased tax revenues. The concrete results of economic growth are as follows.

First, Ecuador’s foreign exchange reserves have been on a steady rise since 2020, when they were affected by COVID-19. It is doing more than recovering from the impact of COVID-19, reaching $93.5 billion as of January 2023, the largest amount since the dollarization in July 2000.

Next, Ecuador’s inflation rate as of February 2023 was 2.9%, much lower than that of neighboring Colombia(13.28%) and Peru(8.65%). In addition, the unemployment rate fell sharply from 6.3% in May 2021 to 3.2% in December 2022. This is known as the lowest level of unemployment in history, and about 440,000 jobs were created during the above period. Finally, as of January-November 2022, it recorded $15.8 billion in tax revenue, up 24% year-on-year.

Meanwhile, Ecuador’s President Guillermo Lasso attended the 2023 Davos Forum in Switzerland. He stressed that the biggest reason for attending the Davos Forum was to seek overseas cooperation needed to recover Ecuador’s economy and that he would actively promote Ecuador’s strengths in energy, mining, power, infrastructure, agriculture, and tourism.

Ecuador has continued its efforts in recent years to sign economic agreements with various countries, including free trade agreements(FTA), to cooperate with the international community. Ecuador recently signed an FTA with Costa Rica and then with China. Recently, negotiations on the Strategic Economic Cooperation Agreement (SECA) with South Korea have continued.


Image Source: adobe stock photos - Group of money stack of 100 US dollars banknotes a lot of the background texture top view by Thicha

Mafinga Hills

Zambia is famous for its beautiful landscapes. Therefore, travelers seek places such as hills to observe the vast expanse of Zambia at a glance. In this article, you are going to explore the Mafinga Hills.

Mafinga Hills is found in the North-Eastern part of Zambia. Its huge mass covers around 23,000 hectares (230 kilometers²). However, people are not allowed to explore specific areas, for approximately 67% of the mountain range is designated as a protected forest reserve serving as a home for endemic plant and bird species.

Furthermore, the Mafinga Hills serve as a massive benefactor to the farmers. It accounts for the hydrology of the Luangwa River. The farmers then use the water source for domestic use and irrigation.

Recently, the Mafinga Hills have been facing some threats related to human-related activities like expanding agricultural land into forests. People are trying to address these threats by collaborating with teams like WECSZ.

In conclusion, the Mafinga Hills is one of Zambia’s most beautiful physical features. Thus, it requires stricter protection from threats. Come and enjoy the beautiful landscape in the Mafinga Hills!


Image Source: Mafinga Hills. (2022, June 20). In Wikipedia.

Datei:Zambia relief location map.Jpg. In Wikipedia.

마핑가 언덕

글: 류지훈 (Jihoon Christopher Ryu)

잠비아는 아름다운 자연 경관으로 유명합니다. 잠비아 여행객들은 언덕처럼 높은 곳에서 잠비아의 광활한 풍경을 한눈에 감상하려 합니다. 이 글에서는 Mafinga Hills 마핑가 언덕을 탐험해보겠습니다.

마핑가 언덕은 잠비아의 북동부에 위치해 있습니다. 그 거대한 질량은 약 23,000 헥타르(230㎢)를 포함합니다. 그러나 일부 지역은 특정 구역에 대한 탐험이 허용되지 않습니다. 산지의 약 67% 정도가 보호된 숲 지역으로 지정되어 있어 특산 식물과 조류의 서식지로 사용되고 있습니다.

게다가 마핑가 언덕은 농부들에게 큰 혜택을 주고 있습니다. 이는

루앙와 강의 수문학에 기여하고 있습니다. 농부들은 그런 다음 이

수원을 가정용으로나 관개용으로 사용하고 있습니다.

최근에는 마핑가 언덕이 산림 지역으로의 농지 확장과 같은 인간

활동과 관련된 몇 가지 위협에 직면해 있습니다. 사람들은 WECSZ와 같은 팀과 협력하여 이러한 위협에 대응하려고 노력하고 있습니다.

요약하자면, 마핑가 언덕은 잠비아의 가장 아름다운 지형 중 하나입니다. 따라서 여기에 대한 더 엄격한 보호가 필요합니다. 이

아름다운 풍경을 즐기러 오세요!

참고자료: 이미지 출처: Mafinga Hills. (2022, June 20). In Wikipedia. Datei:Zambia relief location map.Jpg. In Wikipedia.

프라하의 과거 건축 양식 둘러보기

글: 오민하 (Minha Oh)

1. 소개할 첫 번째 건축물은 체코 국립도서관 [Klementinum Národní Knihovna České Republiky] 이다. 클레멘티늄은 현재 체코 프라하에 있는 종합대학교이다. 1773년 카를 대학의 일부로 편입될 때까지 줄곧 예수회에 속한 단과대학이었고, 예수회 세력이 쇠퇴한

18세기 이후부터는 도서관이로 이용되었고 지금도 국립도서관으로 활용되고 있다. 유네스코 최고의 도서관으로, 총 700만 권 이상의 장서를 포함하고 있다. 중부 유럽이 번성했던 시기에 나온 출판물이 있다. 현재 체코에서 가장 오래된 도서관으로 바로크 양식 건축물이다. 또한, 과거 천문학자들이 별을 관측하던 공간이기도 하다.

2. 두 번째로 소개할 건축물을 루돌피넘 [Rudolfinum]이다.

루돌피넘은 콘서트장과 갤러리 목적으로 1885 년에 건축되었고, 합스부르크 루돌프 왕자의 이름에서 유래하였으며, 130년의 역사를 가진 대형 콘서트홀이다. 또한, 네오 르네상스 형식 건축물이다. 건물 외곽에는 모차르트, 베토벤 등

유명 조각가의 조각상이 줄지어 서 있다. 특히 체코 최대 음악 축제인 ‘프라하의 봄’ 기간에 다양한 클래식 공연을 만날 수 있다.

3. 세 번째로 소개할 건축물은 발렌슈타인 궁전 [Valdštejnský palác]이다.

발렌슈타인 궁전은 프라하 최초의 바로크 양식의 건축물이다. 합스부르크 제국 사령관이었던

발렌슈타인은 자신의 권력과 지위를 과시하기

위해 기존에 사용하지 않은 바로크 양식으로 건축했다. 보통 성경을 주제로 그려진 성화들이

채워져 있는 반면, 발렌슈타인 궁전은 발렌슈타인

본인을 군신 마르스에 빗대어 그려놓았다.

출처: Národní knihovna České republiky. (2023, December 27). In Wikipedia. knihovna_%C4%8Cesk%C3%A9_republiky Rudolfinum. (2023, December 23). In Wikipedia. Wallenstein Palace. (2023, September 6). In Wikipedia.

Wild Life in Côte d Ivoire

Ivory Coast has a rich and varied film industry and has produced several internationally acclaimed movies. The country’s filmmakers draw inspiration from local stories and themes while exploring universal themes that resonate with worldwide audiences.

One of the most famous Ivorian films is “Black and White in Color” (1976), directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud. The film tells the story of French colonialists who declared war on their German neighbors during World War I, only to realize that the war was over and they were fighting for a lost cause. The film explores the absurdity of colonialism and war, and its recognition by the Academy is a testament to its success. “Black and White in Color” won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1977, making it the first Ivorian film to receive international recognition.

Another notable Ivorian film is “Bal Poussière” (1989), directed by Henri Duparc. The film follows a group of young people in Abidjan as they navigate the challenges of love, friendship, and growing up. “Bal Poussière” was a critical and commercial success in Ivory Coast and helped establish Duparc as one of the country’s leading filmmakers.

“Adanggaman” (2000), directed by Roger Gnoan M’Bala, is another acclaimed Ivorian film that has received international recognition. The film tells the story of a young man who was captured and sold into slavery in the 18th century. “Adanggaman” explores themes of identity, power, and the legacy of the African slave trade. The film was widely praised for its powerful storytelling and visually stunning cinematography.

Other notable Ivorian filmmakers include Philippe Lacôte, who directed the film ‘Run.’ “Run” is a drama film that premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in 2014 and was later selected as Ivory Coast’s entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 88th Academy Awards. The film follows the life of a young man named Run, who is on the run from the law in Abidjan. As he seeks refuge, Run’s past is revealed through flashbacks, exploring themes such as family, identity, and the impact of political violence in Ivory Coast. The film received critical acclaim for its cinematography and storytelling and was praised for its portrayal of the complex realities of life in the post-colonial Ivory Coast.

Marguerite Abouet directed “Aya of Yop City” (2013), a charming animated film about a young girl growing up in Abidjan in the 1970s. The film is based on the comic book series of the same name by Marguerite Abouet and Clément Oubrerie. The film explores themes such as gender roles, family dynamics, and the challenges of modernization in the post-colonial Ivory Coast. The film has been praised for its engaging story and vibrant animation style and was screened at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2013.

These films showcase the diversity of Ivory Coast’s film industry, with each film exploring unique themes and employing different styles of filmmaking. The success of these films on the international stage highlights the talent and creativity of Ivory Coast’s filmmakers and the potential for the country’s film industry to continue to grow and make a mark on the global film scene. Overall, the Ivory Coast’s film industry continues to thrive, producing movies celebrating the country’s rich cultural heritage and exploring universal themes that resonate with audiences worldwide.

References: quel.html

Image Source: Black and White in Color. (2023, October 2). In Wikipedia. By Oussou anderson - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Roger Gnoan M’Bala

Esports industry in Ivory Coast and its impact in economy

The esports industry has witnessed a meteoric rise worldwide, captivating millions of fans and generating substantial economic opportunities. Ivory Coast, a country known for its passion for sports, has not been immune to this phenomenon. In recent years, esports has gained significant popularity in the Ivory Coast, positively impacting the economy and shifting the perception of esports as a legitimate form of sport. The advent of esports in Ivory Coast can be attributed to several factors.

Firstly, the increasing availability and affordability of technology, such as gaming consoles, PCs, and highspeed internet, have enabled widespread access to esports. This has allowed a large population to engage with esports tournaments, competitions, and streaming platforms.

Additionally, the rise of competitive gaming events, both local and international, has contributed to the popularity of esports in Ivory Coast. Tournaments like the Esports Tournament Ivory Coast (ETIC) and the Abidjan Esports Championship have attracted skilled players and enthusiastic audiences, showcasing the talent and potential within the country. These events have helped establish the Ivory Coast as a prominent destination for esports in West Africa.

The changing perception of esports has also bolstered the growth of esports as a legitimate sport. Initially, there was skepticism and a lack of understanding surrounding competitive gaming. However, as esports gained traction globally, people began to recognize the dedication, skill, and strategic thinking required to excel in esports competitions. This shift in perception has been instrumental in establishing esports as a credible and respected sport in Ivory Coast.

The impact of the esports industry on the Ivorian economy cannot be overlooked. The growth of esports has opened up new economic opportunities and revenue streams. Local businesses have seized the chance to sponsor esports events, leading to increased brand visibility and consumer engagement. Additionally, the emergence of esports teams and organizations has created employment opportunities for professional players, coaches, managers, and support staff.

Moreover, the esports industry has given rise to ancillary sectors, including event management, content creation, and streaming platforms. These sectors have witnessed substantial growth, providing job opportunities and contributing to the country’s overall economic development. The esports ecosystem has also attracted investments from local and international stakeholders, leading to infrastructure development, training facilities, and esports academies.

Furthermore, the popularity of esports has sparked interest from educational institutions. Some universities and colleges in Ivory Coast have introduced esports programs, offering specialized courses and degrees related to gaming, game design, and esports management. This integration of esports into the educational system reflects the recognition of the industry’s potential and the need to cultivate talent and expertise.

The esports industry in Ivory Coast has experienced significant growth, both in terms of popularity and economic impact. The increasing availability of technology, the emergence of competitive events, and the changing perception of esports as a legitimate sport have propelled the industry forward.

References: ter-fortnite-millions-new-jobs-afr

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Vibrant Rhythms and Colorful Traditions: Exploring Kenya’s Cultural Festivals and Celebrations

Kenya’s cultural landscape is a tapestry woven with a myriad of vibrant festivals and celebrations, each offering a unique glimpse into the rich heritage and diverse traditions of the country’s ethnic communities. From the rhythmic beats of traditional dances to the tantalizing aromas of local cuisines, Kenya’s festivals are a celebration of unity, identity, and the joy of shared experiences.

One of the most anticipated events on Kenya’s cultural calendar is the “Lamu Cultural Festival,” held annually on the historic island of Lamu. This coastal extravaganza is a captivating blend of Swahili, Arab, and Indian influences, celebrating the island’s unique heritage. Visitors are treated to dhow races, traditional Swahili music and dance, and an array of delectable dishes that showcase the island’s culinary prowess.

Moving inland, the “Turkana Festival” provides a mesmerizing insight into the lifestyle and traditions of the Turkana people in northern Kenya. Colorful traditional attire, music, dance, and rituals come together to create a vibrant showcase of the community’s resilience and cultural identity. The festival also serves as a platform for cross-cultural exchange, fostering understanding and unity among different ethnic groups.

For those seeking an immersive cultural experience, the “International Camel Derby and Festival” in Maralal offers a unique blend of sports and traditions. Camel races, traditional dances, and camelborne parades infuse the event with a sense of excitement and camaraderie. The festival draws participants from various backgrounds, symbolizing the harmonious coexistence of modernity and tradition.


Kenya’s wildlife and conservation efforts

Kenya’s vast and diverse landscapes are home to some of the world’s most iconic and majestic wildlife. From the sweeping savannahs of the Maasai Mara to the lush forests of Aberdare National Park, the country’s rich biodiversity is a source of pride and a testament to the importance of conservation. One cannot discuss Kenya’s wildlife without mentioning the legendary African “Big Five”: the lion, elephant, buffalo, leopard, and rhinoceros. These iconic creatures draw visitors from around the globe to witness their grandeur in their natural habitats.

The Maasai Mara National Reserve, in particular, is renowned for the Great Migration, a spectacular annual event where millions of wildebeests, zebras, and other herbivores cross the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem in search of greener pastures. However, Kenya’s commitment to conservation goes beyond attracting tourists. It is deeply rooted in the nation’s ethos and is integral to its sustainable development. The country has established a network of national parks, reserves, and sanctuaries to protect its wildlife and natural habitats. Amboseli National Park, for instance, is a vital stronghold for elephants and showcases the harmonious coexistence between wildlife and the Maasai people.


One of Kenya’s most remarkable conservation success stories is the revival of the black rhinoceros population. Through dedicated efforts and stringent anti-poaching measures, Kenya has seen a steady increase in rhino numbers. This achievement is a testament to the dedication of organizations like the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) and the collaboration of local communities in safeguarding these endangered species. Community-based conservation initiatives play a pivotal role in preserving Kenya’s wildlife.

Programs that involve local communities in conservation efforts, such as the “Conservancies” model, empower people to actively participate in protecting wildlife and benefit from ecotourism revenues. By providing communities with incentives to protect their natural heritage, these initiatives promote a harmonious relationship between humans and wildlife. Kenya’s wildlife and conservation efforts are a testament to the country’s commitment to preserving its natural heritage for future generations. From the awe-inspiring “Big Five” to the intricate web of ecosystems, Kenya’s biodiversity is a source of wonder and inspiration. Through innovative conservation strategies, community engagement, and global collaboration, Kenya is charting a path toward a sustainable future where wildlife and people thrive in harmony.

Photo by Iurii Ivashchenko:

Photo by Nirav Shah:

Nicaragua: A Promising Destination for Economic Stability and Investment Opportunities

Nicaragua’s commitment to economic stability and attracting foreign investment is evident through its policies and agreements with international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

The government’s dedication to protecting private and intellectual property rights and creating favorable investment policies sets the stage for economic growth. PRONicaragua, the official investment promotion agency, plays a proactive role in generating economic development and job opportunities by attracting high-quality foreign direct investment (FDI). Nicaragua is steadily progressing in economic and social aspects, significantly improving its image and investment climate in recent years. The country is on the right track towards achieving economic stability and has established itself as the safest location in the region. Companies increasingly recognize Nicaragua’s competitive advantages, leading to expansions and plans for future growth. Prominent companies, including Sitel, Gran Pacífica, Seaside Mariana, Cone Denim, Vanity Fair, Arnecom, WalMart, Cargill, Precious Woods, AEI, Norwood, and Maersk, have already established successful operations in Nicaragua.

Whether it’s manufacturing, agriculture, hospitality, or renewable energy, Nicaragua offers diverse investment opportunities to meet various business needs. The country’s favorable business environment and its potential for growth and access to global markets make it an attractive destination for entrepreneurs and investors. We encourage you to explore Nicaragua firsthand and witness the excitement surrounding its economic prospects. Our team is ready to assist you in making the necessary arrangements to seize the opportunities available in Nicaragua’s thriving economy.


Image Source: Flag of Nicaragua. (2023, December 20). In Wikipedia.


River, Zambia

Unlocking Nicaragua’s Tourism Potential: Impacts on Economy and Development

Tourism plays a pivotal role in Nicaragua’s economy, offering immense potential for growth and impacting various aspects of the country. Despite the misconception of Nicaragua being unsafe, the nation has emerged as the safest in Central America. With its natural beauty and captivating destinations such as Grenada, the Corn Islands, Lake Nicaragua, and magnificent volcanoes, Nicaragua has the opportunity to become a prominent tourist destination akin to Costa Rica. The tourism industry has experienced steady growth, making significant contributions to Nicaragua’s GDP, employment, and investment.

Tourism accounted for 9.1% of Nicaragua’s GDP in 2013, encompassing direct contributions from accommodations, transportation, and tourist’ purchases, as well as indirect contributions through government spending and induced contributions from employees’ spending. Economic projections suggest that tourism’s share of the economy will continue to increase over the next decade, positioning Nicaragua among the top 30 countries globally in terms of tourism’s GDP contribution. Furthermore, tourism accounted for 7.9% of employment in 2013 and is projected to rise to 8.8% by 2024. It is worth noting that while tourismrelated employment often entails seasonal work(leading to a more significant number of part-time jobs), it still provides a valuable source of income for many individuals.

The growing influx of visitors has increased investments by both the government and external companies in the development of new buildings, public spaces, and tourist information. These investments aim to enhance the tourism infrastructure in Nicaragua and cater to the rising demand for high-quality services and facilities. By capitalizing on its natural and cultural assets, Nicaragua is positioning itself to unlock the full potential of its tourism industry, driving economic growth, job creation, and regional development.

References: Image Source:

Photo by ROBERTO ZUNIGA:, https://www.

Nicaragua: A Promising Destination for Economic Stability and Investment Opportunities

Nicaragua’s energy, infrastructure, and mines sector has emerged as a priority, attracting significant investments and showcasing the country’s technical and economic capacities. The energy sector presents diverse opportunities, with Nicaragua’s abundant natural resources offering a potential of approximately 4,500 MW for renewable energy generation. Geothermal power stands out, thanks to the country’s most significant geothermal potential in Central America. Nicaragua also possesses substantial hydroelectric potential from its abundant rivers and diverse biomass sources.

Investment prospects in infrastructure include the development of the “Touristic Port of San Juan del Sur,” aiming to transform the region into a premier tourism destination. Nicaragua seeks to attract tourists and boost its tourism industry by providing world-class facilities for cruise ships and yachts.

Additionally, the renewal of Managua’s International Airport is a crucial initiative to improve connectivity and increase competitiveness. The modernization project involves expanding the runway, constructing new facilities, and enhancing lighting and visual aids.

Nicaragua also offers mining opportunities facilitated by favorable laws and regulations. The country has economically exploitable metallic mineral deposits concentrated in specific provinces, attracting investment in mining projects. Through the Ministry of Energy and Mines, the government’s efforts aim to provide legal security and attractive incentives for foreign investors interested in exploring and developing mining resources.

Overall, Nicaragua’s focus on the energy, infrastructure, and mines sector demonstrates its commitment to sustainable development and economic growth. By leveraging its natural resources, improving infrastructure, and attracting investments, Nicaragua aims to drive progress and prosperity in these critical areas.


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Mexico’s Agricultural Tapestry

Mexico’s agricultural industry plays a vital role in both the country’s economy and culture. With a rich history dating back to the ancient civilizations of the Aztecs and Mayans, Mexico’s agriculture is the product of thousands of years of cultural and social development. Maize, or corn, for instance, has held a special significance to Aztec civilizations and was, and continues to be, a staple crop in the region.

Geographically, the country envelops a wide range of climatic areas, including arid deserts and tropical rainforests. This allows for the cultivation of a wide array of crops; for instance, Mexico is one of the world’s largest producers of tomatoes, avocados, chili peppers, and citrus fruits. The agricultural sector constitutes a large part of Mexico’s exports, with products such as cocoa, coffee, and horticultural goods playing a large role in international markets.

Unfortunately, the industry faces various environmental challenges, such as land fragmentation, climate change, and water scarcity. These issues are continuing to exacerbate, and a radical conversion to more sustainable and modern farming techniques is imperative to maintaining productivity and supporting rural communities. Nevertheless, Mexico’s agriculture continues to be a source of pride for the nation.


Bernstein, Marvin David , Willey, Gordon R. , Palerm, Angel , Parkes, Henry Bamford , Cline, Howard F. , Meyer, Michael C. and Griffin, Ernst C.. “Mexico”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 11 Jun. 2023, Accessed 13 June 2023. Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. “Aztec”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 2 Apr. 2023, Accessed 13 June 2023.

“Mexico - Agriculture.” International Trade Administration | Trade.Gov, 23 Sept. 2022,

Penniman, Leah. “Four Ways Mexico’s Indigenous Farmers Are Practicing the Agriculture of the Future.” YES! Magazine, 26 Nov. 2019, www. ure-of-the-future.

Image Source: YES Magazine

El Tapiz Agrícola de México

La industria agrícola de México desempeña un papel vital tanto en la economía como en la cultura del país. Con una rica historia que se remonta a las antiguas civilizaciones de los aztecas y los mayas, la agricultura mexicana es el producto de miles de años de desarrollo cultural y social. El maíz, por ejemplo, ha tenido un significado especial para las civilizaciones aztecas y era, y sigue siendo, un cultivo básico en la región.

Geográficamente, el país abarca una amplia gama de zonas climáticas, incluidos desiertos áridos y selvas tropicales. Por ejemplo, México es uno de los mayores productores mundiales de tomates, aguacates, chiles y cítricos. El sector agrícola constituye una gran parte de las exportaciones de México, con productos como el cacao, el café y los productos hortícolas que desempeñan un papel importante en los mercados internacionales.

Por desgracia, el sector se enfrenta a diversos retos medioambientales, como la fragmentación de la tierra, el cambio climático y la escasez de agua. Estos problemas siguen agravándose, por lo que es imprescindible una reconversión radical hacia técnicas agrícolas más sostenibles y modernas para mantener la productividad y apoyar a las comunidades rurales. No obstante, la agricultura mexicana sigue siendo un motivo de orgullo para la nación.


Bernstein, Marvin David , Willey, Gordon R. , Palerm, Angel , Parkes, Henry Bamford , Cline, Howard F. , Meyer, Michael C. and Griffin, Ernst C.. “Mexico”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 11 Jun. 2023, Accessed 13 June 2023. Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. “Aztec”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 2 Apr. 2023, Accessed 13 June 2023.

“Mexico - Agriculture.” International Trade Administration | Trade.Gov, 23 Sept. 2022,

Penniman, Leah. “Four Ways Mexico’s Indigenous Farmers Are Practicing the Agriculture of the Future.” YES! Magazine, 26 Nov. 2019, www. ure-of-the-future.

Image Source: YES Magazine

Cox’s Bazar Beach

Located on the southeastern coast of Bangladesh, Cox’s Bazar Beach is renowned as the longest natural beach in the world, spanning 155 kilometers. The beach is beautifully decorated with azure water and long stretches of sand, making it a perfect paradise for beach and nature lovers.

Upon setting foot on Cox’s Bazar Beach, you will be greeted by beautiful blue water. The long stretch of sand is perfect for a stroll, and the sound of the ocean water accompanied by gentle waves is soothing and peaceful. It is a special place with pristine sand, under a blue sky, and an

endless vista of the ocean. As the sun sets, the beach offers beautiful sunsets with the reddish color of the sky. You can relax in an atmosphere of calm and tranquility. As the sun slowly fades away, the time spent there will give off a romantic vibe and a sense of serenity.

Moreover, people are working to preserve the natural environment and ecosystem around the beach. It is home to a variety of beach animals and marine life, and visitors can explore the beautiful marine world through activities such as snorkeling or diving. You can also spend a peaceful time relaxing at Cox’s Bazar Beach.

If you visit Bangladesh, Cox’s Bazar Beach is a must-see experience, where you can relax and clear your mind while enjoying the beautiful nature and blue waters. I highly recommend including a visit to Cox’s Bazar Beach in your itinerary during your trip to Bangladesh.


“World Longest Beach, Cox’s Bazar, a Must-Visit Place in Bangladesh.” Vietnamnews.Vn, world-longest-beach-cox-s-bazar-a-must-visit-place-in-bangladesh.html. Accessed 6 July 2023.

Image Source: Cox’s Bazar Beach. (2024, January 1). In Wikipedia.

Quito, Ecuador’s Capital: Art and History in Harmony

E cuador is a place with rich art and history, as well as the beauty of nature. In particular, Quito, the capital, was designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Located at 2,850 meters above sea level, Quito was built on the remains of a 16th-century Inca and preserved the ancient city in its best condition. Known as the least damaged historical site in the Latin American region, the San Francisco Monastery, the Santo Domingo Monastery, and the La Compaña Church are representative structures.

In particular, the church and monastery of San Francisco are the oldest and the most important religious sites in Ecuador. It continues to house monks to this day, serves as a cultural and religious center, and receives nearly a million visitors each year.

Also, the church of Santo Domingo stands in the historical center of Quito. In front of the church is Santo Domingo Square, and there is a monument to Venezuelan independence hero Antonio José de Sucre. In the past, the currency Sucre, named after him, was used in Ecuador.


Image Source: adobe


stock photos
Interior of San Francisco Church in old town of Quito, Ecuador by Noradoa flickr photo by Ferdi de Gier

5 Fascinating Facts in Zambia’s Natural Marvel

Zambia is an awe-inspiring country full of destinations to visit. Among all the destinations, Victoria Falls is one of the hottest targets for visitors. In this article, you will learn about five interesting facts about Victoria Falls.

The waterfall has multiple names. In Kololo and Lozi languages, it is called Mosi-oa-Tunya, which means “the smoke that thunders.” Tongan people call it Shungu Namutitima, which translates to “Boiling Water.” The names are descriptive and refer to the clouds of mist that rise from the water.

The mist of the waterfall reaches about 400 meters in height. Visitors can normally see the mist from a distance of 50 kilometers, and they can hear the falls 40 kilometers away. The waterfall is famous for its ear-pleasing aura as people approach.

Victoria Falls is shared between two countries: Zimbabwe and Zambia. It is the boundary between the upper and middle parts of the Zambezi River, the fourth-largest river in Africa. Only a quarter of the river is shown on the side of Zambia, and on the side of Zimbabwe, about three-quarters are shown.

The waterfall is the most giant curtain of falling water in the world. It has an altitude of about 915 meters above sea level and is 1708 meters wide. With its magnitude, the water is a habitat of multiple endangered birds. According to UNESCO, the fall has distinct geological and geomorphological features for birds such as the Taita Falcon and Black Eagle.

Last but not least, the fall is an infinity pool for its visitors. Brave travelers can swim up to the edge of the body of water because the rock stops people from falling.

Image Source:

adobe stock photos - Ariel view of Victoria Falls by Hans adobe stock photos - Sunset over Victoria Falls with orange sky by F.C.G.

Victoria Falls:

잠비아 자연의 경이로움에 관한

류지훈 (Jihoon Christopher Ryu)

잠비아는 방문할 명소가 가득한 경이로운 나라입니다. 그 모든 명소 중에서도 Victoria Falls는 방문객들에게 가장 뜨거운 관심사 중 하나입니다. 이 기사에서는 Victoria Falls에 관한 다섯 가지 흥미로운 사실을 알아보게 될 것입니다. 폭포는 여러 가지 이름을 가지고 있습니다. 콜로로와 로지 언어에서는 “Mosi-oa-Tunya”로 불리며, 이는 “천둥치는 연기”를 의미합니다. 통가인들은 “Shungu Namutitima”라고 부르며, 이는 “끓는 물”을 의미합니다. 이러한 이름들은 물에서 떠오르는 안개 구름을 묘사하고 있습니다.

폭포의 안개는 높이 약 400미터에 달합니다. 방문객들은 일반적으로 50킬로미터 떨어진 곳에서 안개를 볼 수 있으며, 폭포 소리는 40킬로미터 떨어진 곳에서도 들을 수 있습니다. 폭포는 접근하는 사람들에게 귀를 기립혀 만드는 아우라로 유명합니다.

Victoria Falls는 짐바브웨와 잠비아 두 나라에 걸쳐 있습니다. 이는 아프리카에서 네 번째로 큰 강인 잠베지 강의 상류와 중류 사이의 경계입니다. 잠비아 쪽에는 강의 1/4만이 보이고 짐바브웨 쪽에는 대략 3/4가 보입니다.

폭포는 세계에서 가장 거대한 떨어지는 물의 커튼입니다. 해수면으로부터 약 915

미터 높이에 위치하고 있으며, 폭은 1708

미터입니다. 그 규모로 인해 물은 여러 멸종

위기에 처한 새들의 서식지가 되었습니다.

유네스코에 따르면 폭포는 타이타 매사호와

블랙 이글과 같은 새들을 위한 독특한 지질학적 및 지형학적 특징을 가지고 있습니다.

마지막으로, 폭포는 방문객을 위한 무한한 풀처럼 작용합니다. 용감한 여행자들은

바위가 사람들이 추락하는 것을 막기 때문에 물의 가장자리까지 수영할 수 있습니다.

출처: adobe stock photos - Ariel view of Victoria Falls by Hans adobe stock photos - Sunset over Victoria Falls with orange sky by F.C.G.

Côte d’Ivoire’s Fight Against Plastic Pollution: New Environmental Code Revealed!

According to Africanews, on June 5, the Côte d’Ivoire environment minister announced the upcoming implementation of a new environmental code against plastic pollution in the country. He held a press conference in Abidjan with the Director of the UN Environment Program and said,

“Any importer of plastic products is responsible for the end-of-life of these products. So that’s one of the measures, and it’s going to lead to decrees. These will, in turn, lead to decrees regulating the waste sector, including plastic waste.”

Côte d’Ivoire is probably more advanced than South Korea in terms of environmental protection. According to Africanews, Côte d’Ivoire banned plastic bag production, selling, and ownership in 2013. Even though, today, the law seems to be hardly enforced in the country, It is true that they banned the use of plastic bags first, which Koreans have not yet done.

On the occasion of the 50th World Environment Day, I hope that Côte d’Ivoire and South Korea will become countries leading the Plastics expulsion movement for the future of their descendants.


Image Source:

Côte d’Ivoire citizens lead fight against plastic pollution, Source: IOL,

Kenyan Food - Chapati

In Kenya, where more than 40 tribes live together, each tribe has developed its own food culture. In the coastal region where farming was possible, rice and fish were usually used and meat such as goats and sheep was used as the main ingredient by nomads in the inland. Recently, as foreign investment has been active, Kenya’s Westernized food culture has also developed. Kenya is rich in vegetables and fruits. There are various kinds of vegetables, such as cabbage, carrots, onions, potatoes, cucumbers, and tomatoes, and fruits like bananas, papaya, durian, mango, pineapples, oranges, figs, and watermelons. With those various ingredients, they make a lot of different kinds of food, but they use bananas the most. Bananas are usually cut, wrapped in leaves with beans and vegetables, steamed, and fried or grilled in oil.

They drink traditional alcohol made with millet, corn, and coconut. The Maasai, natives of Kenya, usually eat meat, milk, bark, and honey. However, when outsiders come, they catch and treat their livestock, and they especially treat their precious guests with animal livers. In addition, during special ceremonies, people drink blood by picking the arteries of goats.

In particular, there is Nyama Choma, which is a food that can only be enjoyed in Kenya, where meat from wild animals such as goats, zebras, ostriches, and buffalo is grilled on coal. Chapati is a flatbread that originated from India. It is the most famous food in Kenya. It can be easily paired with almost any dish, whether sweet or savory, making it an extremely versatile side dish staple.

Now, I’ll tell you one of the most famous Kenya food, Chapati Recipe.


- 140g wholemeal flour

- 140g plain flour, plus extra for dusting

- 1 tsp salt

- 2 tbsp olive oil, plus extra for greasing

- 180ml hot water

1. In a large bowl, stir together the flour and salt. Use a wooden spoon to stir in the olive oil and enough water to make a soft dough that is elastic but not sticky.


2. Knead the dough on a lightly floured surface for 5-10 mins until it is smooth. Divide into 10 pieces or less if you want bigger breads. Roll each piece into a ball. Let rest for a few minutes.

3. Heat a frying pan over medium heat until hot, and grease lightly. On a lightly floured surface, use a floured rolling pin to roll out the balls of dough until very thin, like a tortilla.

4. When the pan starts smoking, put a chapati on it. Cook until the underside has brown spots, about 30 seconds, then flip and cook on the other side. Put on a plate and keep warm while you cook the rest of the chapatis.

Resources: Chapatis recipe | BBC Good Food December 29, 2022 Chapati. (2023, December 31). In Wikipedia.

Nicaragua’s Action Towards Education System

The Education system in Nicaragua consists of primary, middle, secondary, vocational, and tertiary education. However, the rainy season in Nicaragua causes a dangerous environment for students to go to school and damages school buildings, which stops them from improving the education system. In order to improve educational factors in Nicaragua, the government gets support and works in partnership with other communities, trying their best to reach for economic growth overall with others’ support.

In the past years, Nicaragua has focused on educational improvement. They started to get others’ support to influence the educational system significantly in what they thought was most crucial. In 2017, Nicaragua was able to receive a US$55 million approval from the World Bank Board. With the 2017–2021 Education Sector Strategy, the Minister of Education of Nicaragua claimed that the Government of Nicaragua is committed to focusing on extending teachers’ teaching skills, the environments of students, and schools that are safer from natural disasters.

This specifically included reinforcing the school infrastructure and its standards, which benefited about 50,000 students in Nicaragua and led to higher standards in construction that prevented natural disasters. Luis Constantino, World Bank Representative in Nicaragua, also mentioned this project, saying, “This project focuses on strengthening education quality in Nicaragua as a key pillar for sustaining the visible progress observed in recent years.” This shows how much this project meant to Nicaragua and had an impact.


Now, Nicaragua is continuously focusing on improving its education system. Most recently, with the support of US$7 million in COVID-19 from the World Bank, they have shown great improvement in education, such as the production and distribution of educational booklets, digital school infrastructure, and training teachers with digital systems.


The Roadmap and Strategy to Produce Green Hydrogen in Ecuador

In July 2023, Ecuador’s Ministry of Energy and Mines announced a roadmap and strategy for the production of green hydrogen in Ecuador. With its vision of a “fair energy transition,” Ecuador is pursuing a direction to expand renewable energy and increase energy efficiency with green hydrogen. In this process, we have established a longterm process for sustainable development’s social and environmental commitment.

The goal of the green hydrogen roadmap is a “Fair Energy Transition,” which Ecuador pursues to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20-25% by 2025, limit global warming to less than 1.5°C, and use green hydrogen as a competitive energy source. The development stages outlined in the roadmap are roughly divided into the Initial phase by 2025, the Medium-term deployment phase by 2030, and the Long-term release phase beyond 2030. Each stage covers research, development and innovation, regulation, infrastructure, and international cooperation and includes goals and milestones.

As Ecuador moves toward decarbonization, it stresses that developing a green hydrogen strategy and roadmap is essential to establish itself as a country that exports green hydrogen and its derivatives.

The Minister of Energy and Mines said, “Green Hydrogen is the future of humanity. A new form of energy in which our country is beginning and in the future, implement it for

the benefit of citizens” and added, “All countries are in the process of looking for new forms of energy, and Ecuador is one of them.

We are working on developing energy that comes from the wind, from the sun, and now from hydrogen.” As green hydrogen energy is in the spotlight worldwide, I hope that Ecuador can lead the development of eco-friendly energy globally.


Image Source: adobe stock photos - Hydrogen gauge and nozzle on a background of gas tanks. Green hydrogen production concept by scharfsinn86

글: 김건희 (Andrew Gunhee Kim)

잠비아는 다양한 스포츠 활동을 즐기는 나라로 알려져 있습니다.

대부분의 잠비아인들은 축구를 좋아하고, 그들의 축구팀은 아프리카 최고의 축구팀으로도

불렸습니다. 또한, 잠비아에서는 래프팅과 같은 수상 스포츠가 인기가 있고, 잠비아에서는 다양한

회사들이 이러한 수상 스포츠 활동을 제공하고 있습니다.

잠비아의 축구는 잠비아의 국가 스포츠로 여겨졌습니다.

1988년 서울 올림픽에서 잠비아 축구의 전설 칼루샤

브왈랴(현재 축구 협회 회장)의 해트트릭으로 이탈리아를

4-0으로 이겼습니다. 잠비아와 이탈리아 축구의 경기는

관심을 끌었고 팬들의 기대를 높였습니다. 잠비아 축구

선수들과 이탈리아 축구의 활약과 성과는 그들의 대결을

더욱 흥미롭게 만들었습니다.

다양한 강들을 통해서 수상 스포츠들이 발전이

되었습니다. 잠비아 강, 데빌스 풀, 잠베지 애치펠라고를

포함한 여러 명소에서 다양한 수상 스포츠 활동을

이용할 수 있습니다.

특히 잠비아 강은 잠비아에서 가장 중요한 강 중 하나로 래프팅과 카누와 같은 수상 스포츠를 즐길 수 있습니다. 급류 래프팅같은 경우에는 뗏목을 사용하여 강의 흐름, 스피드를 느낄 수 있습니다. 급류 래프팅의 경우간수기(7월에서 2월 중순), 만수기(2월에서 7일 중순)가 있습니다. 만수기 시즌에는 물이 더 빠르게 상승하고 흐르며 신성한 물이 들어오는 시즌입니다. 하지만 비의 의해 4,5월에는

짧은 폐쇄 시즌이 존재할수있습니다.

잠비아에는 나이아가라 폭포와 이과수 폭포와 함께 세계 3대 폭포라고 불리는 빅토리아 폭포가 있습니다. 주로 잠비아 사람들은 빅토리아 폭포에서는 카약을 즐기기도 합니다.


이미지 출처: Zambia national football team. (2024, January 11). In Wikipedia. team

Zambia’s Sporting Tapestry

Zambia is renowned for its diverse range of sports activities.

Football holds a special place in the hearts of most Zambians, with their football team being recognized as one of the top teams in Africa. Additionally, water sports such as rafting are popular in Zambia, with various companies offering these activities.

Football is considered the national sport of Zambia, and it gained international attention in the 1988 Seoul Olympics when Zambia’s football legend, Kalusha Bwalya (currently the president of the football association), scored a hat-trick leading the team to a 4-0 victory over Italy. The match between Zambia and Italy captured widespread interest, elevating expectations among fans. The performances and achievements of both Zambian and Italian footballers added excitement to their encounter.

The development of water sports has thrived through various rivers. Zambia offers a range of water sports activities in several places, including the Zambezi River, Devil’s Pool, and the Zambezi Archipelago.

The Zambezi River, in particular, is one of Zambia’s most significant rivers and provides opportunities for water sports like rafting and canoeing. Rafting involves using a raft to experience the flow and speed of the river. There are two seasons for rafting: low water season (from July to mid-February) and high water season (from mid-February to July). During the high water season, the water level rises rapidly, creating a season where the river flows faster, and sacred waters come in. However, due to rain, there may be a short closure season around April and May.

Zambia is also home to the Victoria Falls, which, alongside Niagara Falls and Iguazu Falls, is known as one of the Three Great Waterfalls of the World. Zambians often enjoy kayaking at Victoria Falls, adding to the array of exciting water sports experiences in the country.


Image Source: Zambia national football team. (2024, January 11). In Wikipedia. team

The Education and Linguistic Heritage of Côte d’Ivoire

Côte d’Ivoire boasts several distinguishing features in its linguistic heritage within education. The official educational language of Côte d’Ivoire, French, stands at the core of international cultural and academic exchanges. Education in French facilitates connections with higher education institutions worldwide, enabling participation in international academic conferences and research programs. French is a linchpin for students engaging in global research and educational exchanges. Through this, students acquire the education and experiences necessary in this global age.

On the other hand, the local languages of Côte d’Ivoire furnish students with a profound understanding of their history, culture, and traditions. Through folk tales, traditional songs, and various cultural events passed down in local languages, students discover a sense of cultural pride. These experiences provide a crucial foundation for students, bolstering pride in their roots and identity as they engage with the world.

These two vital linguistic legacies harmoniously integrate within Côte d’Ivoire’s education system. Striking a balance between the need for international connectivity and the importance of local culture, it offers students a diverse learning environment. This integrated approach allows students to view the world expansively while deeply understanding their cultural roots, nurturing the ability to respect their own culture and international arenas simultaneously.

In conclusion, the educational system of Côte d’Ivoire provides students with a deep learning experience through the country’s diverse linguistic and cultural background. The harmonious blend of French’s international connectivity and the cultural pride derived from local languages allows students to understand and respect the world and their own culture deeply.


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Exploring Kenya’s Vibrant Maasai Culture

Kenya, a land of diverse cultures and traditions, is home to several indigenous ethnic groups. Among these, the Maasai culture stands out for its distinct customs, rich heritage, and deep connection to the land. The Maasai people, known for their vibrant attire, nomadic lifestyle, and strong sense of community, have preserved their cultural identity amidst the challenges of modernization. This essay delves into the essence of the Maasai culture, highlighting its traditional lifestyle, social structure, and cultural significance in Kenya.

Historical Background

The Maasai culture traces its roots back to the 15th century and is believed to have migrated from the Nile region. They settled in the Great Rift Valley and surrounding areas, where they found fertile land and an abundance of water sources to sustain their semi-nomadic lifestyle. Cattle, their prized possession, has been central to their culture, providing food, shelter, and social status within the community.

Traditional Lifestyle

The Maasai people have maintained their traditional pastoralist lifestyle for generations. They lead a seminomadic existence, moving their cattle herds from one grazing area to another in search of fresh pastures and water sources. Cattle serve as the primary source of sustenance, representing wealth, and are used in various cultural ceremonies and rituals.

Social Structure & Community

Maasai society is organized into age sets or age grades. As young boys grow older, they progress through different stages of life, each marked by specific rites of passage and responsibilities. The elders hold significant authority and play a vital role in decision-making, conflict resolution, and passing down traditional wisdom to the younger generations. The Maasai place a strong emphasis on community and mutual support. Families live in traditional homesteads known as “manyattas,” consisting of several huts arranged in a circular enclosure. Each homestead comprises an extended family, fostering a close-knit sense of community.

Rituals and Ceremonies

Rituals are a fundamental aspect of the Maasai culture, marking significant life events and reinforcing their spiritual beliefs. Notable ceremonies include the Eunoto, where young Maasai men graduate from warriors to elders, signifying their transition to a new phase of responsibility and authority. The Emuratare ceremony celebrates the initiation of young girls into adulthood, symbolizing their preparation for marriage and womanhood.

The Maasai’s spiritual beliefs center around a monotheistic faith, focusing on a single high god known as Enkai or Engai. They believe their god resides atop the highest mountain, Ol Doinyo Lengai, and communicates with them through intermediaries, such as rain. They perform sacred rituals to appease their god and seek blessings for their herds and protection from calamities. The Maasai culture is a captivating representation of Kenya’s cultural diversity and heritage. The Maasai people have managed to preserve their traditional lifestyle, social structure, and spiritual beliefs amidst the challenges of modernization. Their vibrant attire, nomadic lifestyle, and strong sense of community set them apart as an iconic cultural group in Kenya. As the country continues to progress, it is essential to recognize and appreciate the value of the Maasai culture and support their efforts in safeguarding their unique identity for generations to come.

Image Source: Maasai people. (2023, December 14). In Wikipedia.

Beautiful places in Nicaragua

Isla Ometempe

- Nicaraguan island, which has a population of 30,000 people.

- This Island is well known as a rock art area made by old Chorotega, Nahuatl, and Mayans.

- The name ‘Isla Ometempe’ can be translated to ‘two mountains’.

- Isla Ometempe is geographically isolated from the rest of Nicaragua by the lake called Cocibolca.

- The Concepcíon Volcano is visible from everywhere on the island, and its ash makes the soil extremely fertile.

Masaya Volcano

- It is one of the most Active Volcanoes in the world, with lava inside spewing out steam and ash.

Isla Ometempe

- Because of the beauty of this volcano, it is geographically ecologically important and considered the bestmaintained protected National Park in the country.


Masaya Volcano

- City in west Nicaragua and one of the important city in historically and politically.

- This city was renamed Granada by Spanish conquistador Francisco Hernández, who named it after the city of the same name in Spain.

- People travel to this place because of the year-round warm weather and beautiful architecture next to Lake Nicaragua.

Granada San Juan del Sur

- It is a beautiful Coastal Town on the Pacific Ocean, and known as a magnet for surfers and bathers who enjoy warm sunlight and blue ocean.

- People surf, drink, and relax during the day, but it becomes a party vibe in many party clubs.

- This place is a Haven for people who want to play around the Beach and Ocean.

- Also, we can see the giant Christ Statue next to the beach.

Little corn Island

- The island looks like a lamp chop from the air, making this place special.

- Known as Beatitudes, it is a white sand beach with turquoise water, best for snorkeling and a warm climate.

Resources: Masaya Volcano Little Corn Island San Juan del Sur Isla Ometempe Granada

Little corn Island
San Juan del Sur

Development of Education in Côte d’Ivoire

Côte d’Ivoire has persistently developed its education system based on diverse cultures and historical backgrounds. Education has been a vital force leading the growth and progress of the nation, and its importance continues to increase.

1. Initial Development: Integration of Culture and Tradition (1893-1960)

During this period, the foundations for an education system based on tradition and culture were laid. Education during this time strengthened connections with the community and preserved and shaped Côte d’Ivoire’s unique identity.

2. Growth After Independence (1960-1980)

After independence, the nation prioritized education, reinforcing its foundations through the establishment of public schools and the expansion of teacher training. This led to increased educational accessibility for students and laid the groundwork for higher education.

3. Realization of Inclusive Education (1980-2000)

During this era, efforts to provide educational opportunities for all students were intensified. The pursuit of educational quality improvement through teacher training and qualification enhancement occurred, and efforts to reduce educational disparities between urban and rural areas were made.

4. Modernization and Innovation (2000-present)

In the past 20 years, the education system has focused on modernization and innovation. Improvements in quality through international collaboration and technology adoption enhanced educational accessibility for women and marginalized areas, and the utilization of information and communication technology has enriched the education experience.

Côte d’Ivoire’s education has continually developed over the past few decades. The unique education system harmonizing tradition and modernization offers educational opportunities to all citizens, improves educational quality, and pursues innovation through technology. These efforts demonstrate Côte d’Ivoire’s path towards sustainable development, reflecting a bright future for the nation.


Image Source:

Healing Lives, Nurturing Wellness: Healthcare in Kenya

In Kenya, the pursuit of healthcare and wellness is not merely a service, but a commitment to safeguarding the well-being of its citizens and promoting a healthier future. Over the years, the country has made strides in improving healthcare access, infrastructure, and services, with a focus on both conventional medical practices and traditional healing methods. Kenya’s healthcare system is a blend of modern medical practices and traditional healing modalities. Urban centers boast state-of-the-art medical facilities, while rural areas rely on local dispensaries and health centers to provide essential care. The government’s efforts to decentralize healthcare services have contributed to greater accessibility, bringing medical attention closer to communities in need. Preventive healthcare plays a crucial role in Kenya’s wellness initiatives. Initiatives such as immunization campaigns, maternal and child health programs, and public health awareness campaigns aim to mitigate the prevalence of preventable diseases and promote healthy lifestyles.

The “Beyond Zero” campaign, spearheaded by the First Lady of Kenya, focuses on maternal and child healthcare, with mobile clinics delivering essential services to remote areas. Kenya’s commitment to wellness extends beyond medical care to embrace traditional healing practices. Traditional healers, known as “herbalists” or “witch doctors,” utilize indigenous knowledge to provide remedies for various ailments. These practices are deeply ingrained in cultural heritage and continue to play a significant role in the healthcare landscape, particularly in rural communities.

In recent years, technological advancements have enhanced healthcare delivery in Kenya. The rise of telemedicine, mobile health apps, and digital health records has increased access to medical information and services, particularly in remote and underserved areas. Mobile money platforms like “M-Pesa” have also facilitated financial transactions related to healthcare, making it easier for individuals to access and pay for medical services. Kenya’s healthcare and wellness landscape reflects a dedication to promoting the health and vitality of its citizens. By combining modern medical practices with traditional healing wisdom and harnessing the potential of technology, Kenya is working towards a future where every individual can access quality healthcare and lead a healthier life. Through these efforts, Kenya’s healthcare system serves as a testament to the country’s commitment to the wellbeing of its people and the advancement of a healthier society.


Traditional Food of Nicaragua

Chancho Con Yuca

This food includes boiled pork spiced with chili sauce, ‘Yuca, ’which tastes like potato and sweet potato, and salads.

It tastes beautiful with a mixture of this food and sour cabbage. How to plate the food is to place the yuca at the bottom, then put the pork, and finish with sour cabbage on the top.

Chicha Maize

Chicha Maize is a Nicaraguan drink made of Corn that is placed ground in water overnight and added sugar with red food color.

Some people make fermented chicha maize, but the unfermented type is more common. This drink has a sweet and unique sour taste.

Sopa De Pollo Con Albondigas

It is the Chicken soup in Nicaragua. It contains Albondigas, which is made of beef, pork, Chicken, fish, or ham in a meatball shape. In this recipe, it uses fish to make Albondigas. This soup is quite spicy, and people say the taste is similar to Korean Chicken Soup ‘Samgye-tang.’


If you translate the name literally, it means old Indian. This food is cooked until chicken soup turns to stew, and then the coriander is put on it.

This food has a mixture of thick and soft chicken texture and coriander scent.


Pinto is a typical Home meal and everyday breakfast in Nicaragua.

It contains beans and tortillas, which are indispensable ingredients in this country. Usually, people put Sour cream on this meal.

References: Chancho con Yuca dkfksdl1010/221210146578

Sopa de Pollo con Albondigas dkfksdl1010/221210146578

Gallo Pinto Chicha Maze Indioviego dkfksdl1010/221210146578

Image Sources: Chancho Con Yuca LuesoQxcHBwcHy9S6

Soap de Pollo con Albondigas TyLXhgUpk1iiAJ2C6

Gallo Pinto gzy9GogrTTVwHYd46

Chichi Maze ThYYuczNrgN59Rux7 Indioviego eVFfbSZKL5Jaq8qC9

Ivory Coast’s Diverse Weddings

Ivory Coast is home to more than 60 ethnic groups, each with unique wedding customs and rituals. These ceremonies are deeply rooted in the traditions and history of these communities, serving as vehicles for transmitting cultural knowledge and identity.

A series of pre-wedding rituals mark the lead-up to a traditional Ivorian wedding. One notable tradition is the “koffi,” a formal meeting between the bride and groom’s families. This gathering serves as an opportunity to discuss the marriage plans, negotiate the bride’s dowry, and solidify the connection between two individuals. Specifically, the families engage in discussions to determine the dowry’s nature, which may encompass livestock, money, or other valuable items. This step solidifies the union and highlights the significance of inter-familial bonds and mutual support.

Traditional attire plays a significant role in Ivory Coast’s wedding ceremonies. Both the bride and groom don attire that often reflects their ethnic identity. Intricate fabrics, vibrant colors, and symbolic patterns are chosen to convey cultural significance and marital blessings.

The wedding ceremony itself is a culmination of various rituals. An essential component is the exchange of gifts between the families, which can range from symbolic items to material goods that reflect the families’ status and means. The pouring of “libations,” a ritualistic offering to ancestors, is common across different ethnic groups, emphasizing the importance of ancestral blessings in the marriage.

Ivory Coast’s traditional wedding ceremonies are steeped in symbolism, representing more than just the union of two individuals. They emphasize the interconnectedness of families, the continuation of ancestral legacies, and the integration of new members into the community. These ceremonies foster a profound sense of belonging and shared identity.

Therefore, the Ivory Coast’s traditional wedding ceremonies offer a window into the cultural richness and diversity of the nation’s ethnic groups. These ceremonies transcend mere celebrations and serve as vessels for preserving and transmitting cultural heritage, values, and traditions.


Image Source:

Oaxaca: Where Tradition Meets Culinary Excellence

Nestled in southern Mexico, Oaxaca is a cultural gem that seamlessly blends ancient traditions with a vibrant culinary scene. In this article, we’ll explore the unique charm of Oaxaca, making it a must-visit destination for those seeking an authentic Mexican experience.

Culinary Excellence:

Oaxaca is a culinary paradise renowned for its distinctive mole sauces and traditional dishes. Explore local markets like Mercado Benito Juárez, savoring tlayudas and chapulines, while mezcal enthusiasts can indulge in the city’s reputation as the “Mezcal capital of the world.”

Cultural Heritage:

Oaxaca’s UNESCO-listed historic center is a living testament to the city’s rich cultural heritage. Colonial architecture, including the Templo de Santo Domingo de Guzmá and bustling markets, coexists with a vibrant contemporary art scene, showcasing the city’s dynamic cultural fusion.


Natural Beauty:

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes, Oaxaca offers natural wonders like the petrified waterfalls of Hierve el Agua and the Sierra Norte mountains. Explore hiking trails, encounter indigenous communities, and immerse yourself in the region’s stunning biodiversity.

By DavidConFran - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

adobe stock photo -Cooking a Tlayuda in Mexico City by Xhico adobe stock photo - Hierve el Agua by Galyna Andrushko

Nairobi, Capital of Kenya

The world is a mosaic of cultures, languages, and traditions. Let's celebrate our diversity and learn from one another as global citizens.

Ban Ki-moon,

Reflections on Groupvisiting to the Embassy of the Republic of Korea

“주한 외국 대사관 견학 참가 소감문”

Embassy of the Czech Republic

A Cultural Exchange at th Embassy of the Czech Republic : Insights from me as a Goodwill Ambassador - Wonsang Choi

I had an opportunity to visit the embassy of the Czech Republic this summer vacation as a Goodwill Ambassador of the Czech Republic. I was very interested in the Czech Republic’s cultural, geographical, and historical factors, and It was truly amazing that I got to have a chance to ask these questions directly to the Ambassador of the Czech Republic. I asked about the main products that are traded between the Czech Republic and Korea.

He replied that various factors are imported and exported to each other.

First, Czechia exports drinks and glass products to Korea. Czechia has developed traditional glass manufacturing skills, and their glassworks are loved by many people worldwide, including Korea. Korea made some car manufacturing factories such as Hyundai and KIA in the Czech Republic Both nations are concentrating on good diplomatic relations, as both nations can help each other in various aspects such as economic and cultural exchange. We also had time to learn about the articles written by former student ambassadors representing the Czech Republic. The ambassador brought some advice to complement the student ambassadors ’ articles. It was a very nice experience.

대한 자세한 설명과 함께 칭찬을 아끼지

않으셨다. 물론 내가 그 글을 쓴 당사자는

아니었지만 같은 HOBY Korea Goodwill

Ambassador로서 굉장한 뿌듯함을

느꼈다. 아울러 그 글들에 대하여 들으며

추후 내가 펼칠 활동에 대하여도 더

생각할 수 있게 되었다.

글에 대한 설명을 마치신 후 대사님은

체코의 기원과 국기에 대한 설명을 또

자세히 해주셨다.

주한 체코 대사관 견학과 함께한 소중한 경험 - 박찬현

감사하게도 호비를 통해 또 한 번의 좋은 기회를 얻어 이번엔 체코 대사관 견학에 참여하게 되었다. 지금까지

멕시코, 코트디부아르, 이집트 대사관을 경험하여서 이제 익숙해질까 싶었지만

이곳 체코 대사관에서는 또 다른 경험을 하게 되었다.

안내를 받아 도착한 회의실 안에 들어가니

바로 대사님이 오셔서 반갑게 우리를

맞이하여 주셨다. 곧이어 부대사님도

함께 오셔 같이 참석해 주셨는데

다른 홍보대사 학생들이 작성한 글에

대사님이 설명해 주시는 중간중간에 바톤을 부대사님한테 넘겨주시면서 다양하게 설명해 주시니 더 집중도 잘되고 다채로웠다. 이후엔 각자 준비한 질문들을 하였는데 다들 굉장히 경제적, 사회적 환경적인 측면에 관한 질문들을 많이 준비하신 것 같아 보였다.

반면에 난 체코의 건축 양식과 다양한 ‘미’들이 궁금해 관한 질문들을 하였는데 내가 질문드린 부분 이외에도 관련된 정보에 관하여 자세히 대사님이 직접 설명하여 주시니 너무 도움이 되었었다. 많은 정보들을 얻고 돌아갈 때 대사님께선 체코의 유명한 초콜릿을 또 선물해 주셔서 머리도 손도 두둑하게 돌아갈 수 있었다. 항상 대사관 견학을 갈 때마다 다양한 나라의 문화와 역사들을 배울 수 있는 기회를 가질 수 있는 것에 무한한 감사함을 느낀다. 이번 견학은 처음부터 끝까지 대사님과 부대사님과 함께하여 더 값진 경험이라고 생각된다. 대사님이 언급하셨던 체코 문화원도 추후에 방문하고 싶다!

Embassy of the Republic of Zambia

Discovering Zambia from the group visiting - Wonsang Choi

Frankly speaking, I did not know much about the

African nations, including Zambia, when I learned

about them in World History class. Zambia is one

of the strongest nations in the African continent, as the country has a large and beautiful territory

full of natural resources.

The people from the Zambian Embassy taught us

a lot of information and traditions of Zambia that

we did not know For example, we learned that

Zambia is one of the nations that supplies huge

amounts and stocks of copper to the world, also

Global Youth Goodwill Ambassador for Foreign Embassies in the Republic of Korea

including uncommon natural resources such as diamonds and emeralds.

Now, the economic powerhouses in the Asian continent, such as China, Korea, and Japan, are concentrating on the African continent and its nations. I learned that we should make powerful diplomatic relationships with African nations, including Zambia.

주한 잠비아 대사관을 다녀와서 - 김건희

2023년 7월 12일, 주한 잠비아 대사관에 방문하였다. 조금의 시간이 지난후 천천히 자리에 앉으며 주위를 둘러보았다. 대사관안에서는 수많은 잠비아와 관련된 자료들을 볼 수 있었다. 그중 가장 눈에 들었던 자료는 잠비아 국기의 기원이다. 잠비아 국기안에는 초록색 배경에 오른쪽 위 독수리, 그 아래 빨간색, 검은색, 주황색 순으로 세 가지 색의 세로 줄무늬가 그려져있다. 초록색은 천연자원을 의미한다. 빨간색은 자유를 향한 투쟁, 그리고 검은색은 잠비아의 국민을 의미하며 마지막으로는 주황색은 풍부한 광물자원을 나타내는 것을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 독수리는 나라의 힘듬, 고난을 이겨내는 국민의 힘을 나타내는것을 알 수 있었다. 모두 자리에 앉고 세 분의 대사관 직원분들께서 저희를 반겨주셨다.

첫번째로는 잠비아를 소개하는 짧은 영상을 틀어주셨다. 이 영상 속에서는 잠비아의 신비함, 잠비아의 자연 그리고 평화로움을 나타냈다. 대사관 직원분들은 그 뒤 저희가 준비한 질문을 토대로 설명을 해주셨다. 그 중 제가 만든 질문 이었던 3가지 질문들을 정성스럽게 답변을 해주셔서 좋았다. 제가 준비했던 첫 번째 질문은 잠비아의 교육에 대한 것이었다. 잠비아는 ‘한국의 초등학교 6년, 중학교 3년, 고등학교 3년’과 다르게 7,5,4 시스템을 가지고 있다. 하지만 한국와 같은 부분으로는 둘다 무료 교육이라는 점이었다. 두번째 질문으로는 잠비아의 풍부한 문화 유산들의 보존 및 개선에 대한 노력에 대한 질문이었다. 이부분에서는 잠비아 대사관 직원들께서는 잠비아는 20개도 넘는 전통의식이 있다고 하셨다. 이 의식을 사람들이 계속 하는것이 중요하다고 하셨다. 그리고 제가 생각했을때 이 전통의식을 통해 이 사람들간의 우호적인 부분과 그리고 더 친밀감이 만들 수 있다고 느꼈다. 그리고 이 생각을 약간은 뒷받침할수 있던 이유로는 잠비아 사람들은 사람들이 놀러 오면 자신의 침대까지 내줄정도의 배려심이 있다고 알려주셨다. 그리고 마지막으로는 한국와 잠비아의 관계와 협정에 대한 질문이었다. 현재 한국과 잠비아는 MOU가 체결되어있다. 그 외에도 생각이 났던 내용은 한국의 기업, 대우건설이 아프리카 잠베지강을 가로지르는 다리를 건설했다는 부분이다. 그리고 거기에서 추가적으로 그 지점은 4개의 나라의 경계선에 위치했다는 것이다. 모든 Q&A가 끝나고 저희에게 대사관 직원 분께서 저희에게 두가지 질문을 하셨다. 첫번째는 잠비아를 선택한 이유였다. 이 이유에 대해서 저는 다시 생각하게 되었다. 일단 원래 저는 잠비아라는 나라는 오직 축구에서 보았고 그 깊숙이 어떤 나라인지는 한국 사람들에겐 잘 알려지지 않아서 저도 조사를 하면서 알아가면서 사람들에게도 잠비아에 대해 알리고 싶었다.

Since 2018

더 나아가 이 견학을 통해서 저는 잠비아는 자연뿐만 아니라 광물와 같은 천연 자원, 20개보다 더 많은 전통의식에 대해서 알게 되었고 이 부분에 대해서도 사람들은 잘 생각을 못한다는것을 알게 되었다. 그리고 두번째 질문으로는 잠비아나 아프리카에 가봤냐는 질문이었다. 이 질문은 저에 대한 생각을 바꾸게

만들었다. 저는 아프리카에 있는 나라를 한번도 가보지 못했다. 그래서 저는 대사관에서 들었던 설명을

들으면서 정말 아름다운 나라라는것을 알게 되며 한번쯤은 가보고 싶다는 느낌을 들게 만들었다.

대사관 방문전까지 잠비아 홍보대사 활동을 하며 잠비아에 대한 지식을 조금씩 쌓아갔지만 잠비아 대사관 직원분들께 더 명확한 정보를 습득할 수 있게 되며 더욱 더 잠비아에 대한 흥미가 더 생겼고 자비아 홍보대사로

된것에 대해 너무 기쁘게 되었다. 그리고 가끔 사전 조사를 통해 제가 알고 있던 정보에서 더 자세한 설명을

들을 때 더 뿌듯했다. 저희들이 준비한 질문을 차례대로 열정적으로 잠비아에 대해 이야기 해주시는 모습이 너무 감명 깊었다. 이 대사관 견학은 저에게는 잊지 못할 시간이 되었고 뜻깊은 시간이 되었다.

After visiting the Embassy of Zambia as a Goodwill Ambassador - Dongwon Lim

On July 12th, 2023, I had the valuable opportunity of visiting the Zambian Embassy in Seoul My trip was initially motivated by my desire to learn more about Zambia. More specifically, I was interested in learning about its culture as well as how its similarities and differences to the country I currently represent- Kenya. Especially as they are both countries in Africa, I was

interested to see the culture, economy, and political state of Zambia compared to Kenya. I am

very grateful for the opportunity I had, as I was able to learn a lot about Zambia.

Through our questions, something I felt was a recurring topic was the topic of people. The embassy members

repeatedly told us that the people are

the best aspect of Zambia and one we

must all experience. The hospitality, kindness, and sacrifices the people of Zambia are able to make are simply unmatched. I found it fascinating to see how one of the leaders even described people as “ morning dew. ” Although

Zambia is a developing country, I

realized that the people and the sense of community are something that no “ more developed” or “ more advanced” country can steal or remotely try to copy. This is unique to Zambia.

I was also surprised to see how similar Zambia is to Korea in many ways. For instance, a personal

interest I had was regarding the presence of media within Zambia. I was always under the notion

that because Korea is a more developed country, we use social media a lot more than less

developed countries such as Zambia. However, the response I got was quite the opposite. I

learned that social media is truly present everywhere and connects us universally

Another interesting aspect of Zambia I learned about was its education system. I learned that Zambia has a “free education system, ” meaning that until 12th grade, the citizens receive free education. I felt that this is a necessary practice and showed me how much Zambia values education for its citizens. They also spoke about how Zambia provides many scholarships for college (higher education) and how highquality the higher education programs are.

Overall, through this experience, I was able to communicate with members of an embassy, which I felt was valuable in and of itself. Specifically, through the Embassy of Zambia, I was able to learn more about a country I had not known and see how actively they are working with Korea.

Global Youth Goodwill Ambassador for Foreign Embassies in the Republic of Korea

Embassy of Mexico

Exploring Mexico: A Eye-Opening Visit to the Embassy - Geunwoo Kim

Visiting the Embassy of Mexico was a very influential experience for my perspective on Mexico

On July 18, 2023, I gathered with other Goodwill Ambassadors and entered the embassy Inside the fancy door, a gentle diplomat welcomed us. He showed us PowerPoints

stics of Mexico, including relationships bet

een Korea and Mexico Before that promotion, the only things I knew about Mexico were tacos and a few Mexican festivals I learned in the Spanish class.

Therefore, it was shocking that Korea was one of the biggest countries where Mexico imports many products,

especially cars and other electronic

devices. Mexico became more friendly

to me when I found the similarities

between Korea and the history of Mexico. For instance, Mexico has many

architectures, such as temples and

earthenware, which we can see tons of

them in Korean history classes. It was

imposing to find many coincidences

even though the two countries were

located far away from each other. A

few months ago, I watched a movie

named Coco, and I was quite curious

about how the Mexican festival, Dia

De Muertos, was held in Mexico

Thanks to the Mr. Adrian Garcia, he asked us whether we had questions about Mexico, and I didn’t miss that chance. After hearing my question, he showed us some fascinating makeup and delicious-looking foods and the reason for Dia De Muertos. He said that Mexicans view death as a natural process of life. Therefore, they try to send off their ancestors smiling and celebrate another

journey after their death. The time I spent in the Embassy of Mexico was significant, taking me one step closer to Mexico. I hope to understand Mexico more deeply through the various activities I will face while working as one of the 11th Goodwill ambassadors.

주한 멕시코 대사관 견학 소감문 -


최근에 열렸던 멕시코 대사관 방문은 HOBY Korea Goodwill Ambassador 라는 새로운 프로젝트에 참가한 나로서는 첫 외교 관련 경험이었다. 멕시코 음식을 꽤 오랫동안 좋아했고 그 문화에 관심이 굉장히 많았던터라 홍보대사 가입 후 처음 올라온 활동이었던 이 방문은 바로 나의 눈길을 끌었다. 그렇게 바로 활동에 신청하고 방문 날이 찾아왔다.

대사관 빌딩 로비에서 대기하다가 나는 다른 참가자들과 관계자님들을 만나 빌딩 높이 위치해 있던 대사관으로 올라갔다. 들어가자마자 익숙한 멕시코 음식의 냄새를 느낄 수 있었다. 대사관 관계자 중 한 분이 나오셔서 소개를 하시고 강연을 시작하셨다.

먼저 한국과 멕시코의 기본적인 관계와 멕시코에 대한 간략한 설명을 진행하셨는데, 생각보다 무역이나 역사 등 다방면에서 두 나라가 많은 공통점을 공유하고 오랜 시간을 함께해 왔다는 사실에 감탄한 시간이었다.

아직 보존되어 있다는 사실은 두 나라의 깊은 역사를 짐작할 수 있게 하였다.

대사관 빌딩 로비에서 대기하다가 나는 다른 참가자들과 관계자님들을 만나 빌딩 높이 위치해 있던 대사관으로 올라갔다. 들어가자마자 익숙한 멕시코 음식의 냄새를 느낄 수 있었다. 대사관 관계자 중 한 분이 나오셔서 소개를 하시고 강연을 시작하셨다.

먼저 한국과 멕시코의 기본적인 관계와

멕시코에 대한 간략한 설명을 진행하셨는데, 생각보다 무역이나 역사 등 다방면에서 두

나라가 많은 공통점을 공유하고 오랜 시간을

함께해 왔다는 사실에 감탄한 시간이었다.

특히 꽤 옛날부터 멕시코에 한국인들이 정착해

있었고 그 장면을 찍은 사진이 아직 보존되어

있다는 사실은 두 나라의 깊은 역사를 짐작할

수 있게 하였다.

멕시코의 크기도 놀랍지 않을 수 없었다.

미국이라는 또 하나의 초거대국에 가려져

있었던 것이지, 멕시코도 역시 상당히 넓은

영토를 가지고 있던 나라라는걸 배울 수

있었다. 여기서 강연자님의 멕시코에 대한 강한 애국심을 느낄 수 있었다.

강연 중간쯤 멕시코 대사관의 위치에 대한 이야기가 나왔는데, 몇년 전만 해도 대사관이 나의 집 근처에 위치해 있었던 말을 듣고 신기했다. 또한 국내에 유치되어있는 멕시코 대표 기업들도 소개해 주셨는데, 생각보다 많은 기업이 사실 멕시코에서 만들어진 것이라는 것을 알게 되었다.특히 키자니아가 멕시코에 본사를 두고 있다는 사실은 정말 처음 듣는 말이었다. 강연이 끝나자 박수가 이어졌고, 질의응답 시간이 찾아왔다. 궁금한 질문이 몇개 있었던 나는 우선 가장 우선순위에 두었던 멕시코가 어떻게 다른 남미 나라들과 다르냐는 질문을 여쭤보았다. 그러자 강연자님은 음식이라고 답하였다. 듣자마자 인정할 수 있을만큼 맞는 말이었다. 위에서 언급했듯이 멕시코 음식을 꽤나 좋아하던 나로서는 브라질 같은 다른 남미 나라들에 비해 멕시코 음식이 더 인기가 많고 유명한 것을 알고 있었기에, 단번에 이해가 되는 답변이었다. 나뿐만 아니라 다른 학생들의 질문도 모두 흥미로웠고, 강연자님은 모든 질문에

Seoul, Republic of Korea

by adobe stock photo


Aaron Junung Kim

Aaron You



Andrew J Park

Andrew Seungwoo Youn

Ashley Park

BoHyun Park

Bokyoung Kang

Bonjun Gu

Brandon Jungwoo Han

Brandon Shin

Brendan Lee Seo

Brian Kyuwon Hwang

Brian Kyuwon Hwang

Carson Kyu Park

Chaemin Hwang

Chaen Yoon

Chester Chan-Hyun Park

Choi Jooah

Claire Dayoun Kang

Colin Nam Park

Daeyoon Jang

Dahee Kim

Danielle Young Bin Choi

Dayeon Kim

Doeun Kim

Donghyun Han

Dongmin Choi

Dongwon Lim

Ellie Sohn

Eojin Park

Eun woo Song

Eunbin Park

Eunhwan Chung

Eunhyoung Lee

Eunseol Jo

Eunsoo Jo

Geonhwi Cho

Geunwoo Kim

Gyu A Kim

Gyuhong Lee

Hanjoo Lee

Hannah June Lee

Hannah Yujin Lee

Haram Yoon

Haryeong Lee

Hayoon Kim

Heemang Kim

Heiryung Na

Hyeon gyu Jeong

Hyeonchan Kim

Hyewon Kim

Hyungkyu Nam

IO Kim

Irene Su Yeon Shin

Jaeho Yoon

Jaejoon Park

Jeonghurn Lee

Jian Jang

Jihan Lee

Jihoon Christopher Ryu

Jihoon Suh

Jihyun Kim

Jihyun Sung

Jinwoo Oh


Jiyu Hong

Jiyul Lee

Jongseok Kim

Joshua Geonmin Kim

Jua Lee

Jueun Hwang

June J. Souk

Junseo Baek

Junseo Kim

Juseong Kim

Keonhee Ahn

Koeun Kwak

Maeji Son

Michelle Jung

Minha Oh

Minjae Chun

Minjae Sung

Minjoo Song

Minjoon Kang

Minjun Kim

Minkyung Song

Minsol Song

Minwoo Kim

Olivia Chaeri Sohn

Peter SJ Kim

Philgyu Shin

Sangwhee Park

Sehwan Chung

Selice Jung

Semi Kim

Seohyon Lee

Seojun Cho

Seonhan Kim

Seonung Yu

Seoyeon Yu

Seoyeong Lee

Seoyoung Ann

Seungjoo Ko

Seungmin Jung

Seungwoo Baik

Seungwoo Oh

Songeun Lee

Soyun Kim

Subin Lee

Sujin Youn

Sungbin Yoon

SungHa Kim

Sunghoon Kim

Sungmin Lee

Sungyun Kim

Taemin Chun

Wanhee Lee

Wonsang Choi

Woojin Kawk

Wujin Kwon

Yehwan Chung

Yejin Kim

Yejoo Cha

Yeokyung Jo

Yeonwoo Cha

Yeoram Kim

Yerin Cho

Yeseo Kim

Yoonchan Hwang

Yuju Seo

Yumi Kwak


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