Sincere thanks to all goodwill ambassadors for their hard work during the 2022 spring term.
Deepest appreciation to the Embassy of Azerbaijan, the Embassy of Bangladesh, the Embassy of Côte d’Ivoire, the Embassy of Czech Republic, the Embassy of Ecuador, the Embassy of Egypt, the Embassy of Gabon, the Embassy of Mexico, the Embassy of Nepal, and the Embassy of Zambia to the Republic of Korea for your continuous support to make this project go further for over 4 years.
Special thanks to the Embassy of Nicaragua, Embassy of Kenya and the Embassy of Vietnam for having become a part of this project.
Global Youth Goodwill Ambassadors for Foreign Embassies in the Republic of Korea
It is a Youth Public/P2P Diplomacy Project.
Unlike other Korea’s public diplomacy activities which introduces Korea’s history and culture, Global Youth Goodwill Ambassadors for Foreign Embassies in S. Korea introduces the countries of the participating embassies on behalf of them. By doing so, Korean youth understand and embrace diversity and multiculturalism while participating embassies have an effective local tool to introduce their countries, give positive and friendly impressions to Korean youth, and make these future leaders of Korea friends of their countries.

i a D u ert o S M De Los
Traditional Holidays in Mexico
by Jiyu Hong
One of the features of Mexican culture is the many events that take part in making the country do unique.
One such event that is practiced globally by Mexicans worldwide and has been a subject of multiple movies is Dia de los muertos. On this day, Mexicans honor their dead ancestors by creating ofrendas(little monuments with foods, drinks, and flowers). they belive that this “offering”can be accepted by the dead who are all around us. The flowers are typiclally orange flowers (these are known to the flowers of death), they also put up images, these images are of the ancestors when they are younger. Mexicans believes that if these people are forgotten, they will die forever.
Cinco de Mayo is another traditional holidays in Mexico. Cinco de Mayo is basically the Mexican version of Independence Day. This day is commemorate the Mexican victory against the Empire of France. Surprisingly, most Mexicans don’t celebrate their independence on Cinco de Mayo, but instead on EL Grito de Dolores (meaning the cry of Dolores), September 15th.
However the ones that do celebrate it usually do so with many festivities and dances, and wear extravagant traditional clothing. there are 3 disinct methods of celebrating this day: Military paradises, plays that recreate the historical Battle of Puela that brought independence, and other kinds of festivals.
Image Credit: Adobe Photo Stock (free image)
Traditional Egyptian Music
by Seoyeon Choi
Egypt is one of the earliest civilizations in the world that started its record around 3100 BCE. Over thousands of years, Egypt developed diverse parts of its culture including architecture, art, literature, and music. As people call the pyramid one of the best representations of Egyptian culture, their architecture is well known. Also, many sculptures and paintings of pharaohs are prominent so that even foreigners can picture the pharaoh’s appearance without hesitation. Likewise, Ancient Egypt developed its own writing system called hieroglyphics, and Egyptians have written many books which continue to pass on to many generations. However, compared to other cultures that have passed down over generations and become well known, Egyptian music is not too familiar. What is Egyptian music?
Egyptian folk music has many styles and formations. Egypt has two main genres of music based on where the music started. The two kinds of music are Nubian Music and Saidi (Upper Egyptian). Nubian Music evolved around the south of Egypt and the north of Sudan. It was usually led by a daf (a kind of drum), rababa (a kind of one-stringed fiddle), the oud (a kind of lute), hand clapping, and other percussion instruments.
Saidistarted in Upper Egypt and it used flutes, oboes, the two-stringed fiddles style instrument, and drumming. These different types of Egyptian music were used in different places like temples, palaces, workshops, farms, battlefields, and the tomb. This shows how music had many purposes that made music essential in the Egyptians’ lives.
However, since those types of music were played about five thousand years ago, many parts of Egyptian music, such as how the music was played specifically, are still not discovered. Nevertheless, the instruments used and songs played have been partially discovered through different records on artworks or relics from tombs. According to folkcloud, “... some kind of flutes have been discovered on rock drawings and pottery from Egypt circa 3000 BCE. Or some kinds of harp, pipe, and clarinet style music instruments have been found in Tombs circa 2686 BCE.” Since most of the traditional music pass down orally from generation to the next, they are hard to be kept without much change. However, because there were those records and relics, Egyptians could keep track of their original music and preserve their culture.
Compared to how great Egyptian folk music is and how much effort people put into Egyptian music to preserve the culture, Egyptian music is still underestimated. It will be great if people can search for pure Egyptian music, but it will be hard to find nowadays. Instead, people might want to listen to modern Egyptian music that has some features of Nubian music and Saidi mixed inside. This would allow people to approach Egyptian culture easily.
Works Cited
Ahmed, Nizar. “Explore: Origins of Egyptian Folk Music.” EgyptToday, 16 Nov. 2017, Article/4/32836/Explore-Origins-of-Egyptian-Folk-Music. “Ancient Egyptian Music - Facts for Kids.” History for Kids, 4 Jan. 2020, html.
“Egypt Nubian Music.” YouTube, Traditional Music Channel, 12 Mar. 2014,
Haeften, Ashley Van. “Musicians and Dancers, Tomb of Nebamun.” Flickr, Yahoo!, 12 Feb. 2016, com/photos/wikimediacommons/24359772993/.
Macmillan and Co. Music in Ancient Egypt. 1894, https:// Introduction/AncientEgypt/AncientEgypt.html.
“Saidi Festival (Saidi Medley).” YouTube, Upper Egypt Ensemble - Topic, 25 Dec. 2014, watch?v=vQw2GlQJEG0.
Traditional / Folk Music of Egypt. Folkcloud, https://
Image Credit: Wikipedia



National Peace Day
by Gyurin Kim
Among the rich history and cultural practices of Côte d’Ivoire, the country celebrates a unique holiday called National Peace Day every November 15th along with other Ivorian coastal countries. People celebrate this day by gathering and listening to the speeches of influential celebrities and government figures promoting peace and unity.
National Peace Day was first celebrated in 1996 to promote national unity and peace. The origin of this holiday can be found in a period of political instability in the 20th century. After Cote d’Ivoire gained its independence from France on August 7th, 1960, the nation started its presidential system with the first president Félix Houphouët-Boigny. However, severe economic recessions, as well as droughts in the 1980s, initiated the Ivorian Civil War, which split the nation between the government and the rebels. This political instability lasted until 2007 when both parties signed the peace accords.
Côte d’Ivoire also celebrates the International Day of Peace on September 21st established by the United Nations. Although it is not designated as a public holiday, the nation strives to commemorate the past and promote peace through this event as well.
조화의 나라 가봉
글: 박소운 (Soun Park)
가봉은 열대성 기후에 자라기 적합한
식물들이 많이 자라는데, 이는 가봉 사람들의
식탁에서도 자주 볼 수 있는 음식들의
주재료기도 합니다. 가봉에서 자주 사용되는
식재료들은 카사바와 플랜테인인데, 이때
플렌테인은 과학적으로는 바나나와 구별되지
않으나, 우리가 자주 접하는 노란빛의
바나나와는 달리 단맛이 덜해 요리용으로
사용되는 바나나를 의미합니다. 또, 가봉에서
주로 접할 수 있는 육류는 원숭이, 천산갑, 가젤 등의 고기가 있지만, 가정용 닭이 쉽게
사용되는 고기입니다.
가봉의 사람들은 한낮에, 즉 점심 식사를
가장 크게 먹는 식문화가 있습니다. 때문에, 학교, 사무실, 사업체는 점심을 먹으러 집에
갈 수 있도록 정오에서 오후 3시 사이에 문을
닫기도 합니다. 그렇게 점심 식사 때 남은
음식은 보통 저녁에 제공되곤 합니다.
가봉의 식탁에 오르는 음식들을 더 자세히
살펴보도록 하겠습니다. 가봉의 한 상차림은 Poulet au Gnemboue라는 음식이 가장 중심이 되는데, 이는 닭고기를 견과류와 팜 버터 소스 등을 함께 요리하여 만든
음식이라고 생각하면 쉽습니다. 또, Poulet au Gnemboue 옆에는 Baton de Manioc
이라는 카사바 요리가 사이드로 나오는데, 카사바를 갈아서 면보에 걸러 물기를 뺀 다음, 길게 반죽해 카사바 잎에 싸서 만드는 음식입니다.
디저트로는 주로 플랜테인을 이용하여 만드는데, 플랜테인을 구워서 먹기도 하고, 플랜테인을 반죽해 빵처럼 만들어 소스에
찍어먹기도 합니다. 또, 가봉의 야자열매로
만든 야자 술은 의료용으로 사용되거나 장례식이나 조직에 들어가기 위한 통과
의례 등에 사용되는 등 상징적인 의미로
자주 사용되곤 했는데, 19세기부터 이 야자

가봉의 수도 리브르빌 (Libreville)
가봉 사람들의 일상 (People in Libreville)

술을 그냥 편한 주류처럼 마시는 사람들이 폭발적으로 늘어났다고도 합니다.
가봉의 사람들은 회사에서는 주로 어두운 계열의 정장을 선호한다고 합니다. 또, 가봉에서는 화려한 드레스를 입는 것이 좋은 메너로 통하기 때문에, 여성들은 색이
화려한 정장 드레스나 치마를 입습니다. 가봉의 사람들은 평상시에는 티셔츠, 청바지
등의 케주얼한 옷들을 즐겨 입는 동시에
전통의상도 어색하지 않게 입는다고 합니다.
가봉의 전통의상은 Boubou로, 위의 사진과 같은 옷으로 길이가 긴 상의입니다. Boubou 는 주로 전통적 의례나 행사에서 착용하고, 남성은 통이 넓은 바지와 함께, 여성은 플랩을 두 번 둘러서 고정해 하의로 함께 입는다고 합니다.
거주문화 가봉에서는 시멘트로 지어진 집은 성공과 부의 상징으로 여겨져서 정부의 건물들은 물론이고, 가봉의 도시는 대부분 시멘트 건물로 지어졌다고 합니다. 이런 도시의
가봉 마스크
(Gabonese Fang mask)

건축물들은 가봉의 건축가가 지은 건물과
외부 건축가가 지은 건물의 형태나 디자인이
확연하게 달라 다양한 디자인이 함께
어우러진 도시 풍경을 보는 것도 가봉 도시의
매력이라고 합니다.
도시 외곽으로 나가면 가봉의 주거지들은
시멘트보다 자연의 재료들을 이용하여
가장 오래가고 경제적인 형태의 집들이
나타나는데, 이 중에서 많이 보이는 형태는
진흙을 주재료로 집을 짓고 야자수로 덮는
집들입니다. 또, 나무나 나무 껍질, 벽돌로
지은 집들도 있습니다.
집 안에서는 어떤 가봉만의 주거 문화가
있는지 알아보도록 하겠습니다. 가봉은
사회적 특성상 집안의 여성들과 남성들이
모이는 곳이 구별되는데, 여성들은 조리도구
및 장작, 그리고 쉬기 위한 대나무 침대가
있는 조리실에 모여 함께 시간을 보내고, 남성들은 Corps de guards라고 불리는, 벽이
높지 않고 지붕 없이 열린 장소에서 벤치와 가운데에 장작불을 두고 함께 모인다고 합니다.
예술: 공예 조화의 나라로서, 가봉에는 여러 민족이 함께 살아갑니다. 각 민족은 민족의 고유한 공예품
형태를 가지고 있는데, 예를 들어, 가봉의
인구의 40%를 차지하는 대표적인 민족인 팡족의 사람들은 가면, 조각상, 그리고 바구니
세공 기술로 유명합니다. 이 중 가면은 주로
북쪽의 팡족이 제작하여 사냥, 혼인, 출생, 장례식과 같은 여러 전통 의식에 사용하기
위해 제작되곤 하는데, 가봉의 가면 기술은 세계에서 가장 뛰어나기로 유명하기도 합니다.
특히 가봉의 여러 가면 들 중 무쿠지로 알려진
가면이 가장 유명한데, 무쿠지는 나무를 깎아
만든 후 고령토로 희게 만든다고 합니다.
시카고 미술관에 의하면 가면에서 표현한
이마의 마름모꼴 흉터, 관자놀이에 있는
네모난 문양은 대칭을 나타내는 이상적인
얼굴을, 아치형 눈썹과 감은 눈, 작은 귀, 섬세한 코와 약간 돌출된 입은 당시의 미의 기준에 부합하는 얼굴을 나타낸다고 해석할 수 있다고 합니다. 장례식과 같은 전통 의식에서는 이 무쿠지 가면을 쓴 남자 무용수들이 죽마 위에서 다양한 춤과 곡예를 선보이게 됩니다.
예술: 음악 가봉의 음악은 콩고 민주 공화국이나 카메룬과 같은 지역에 비해 잘 알려지지 않은 편입니다. 하지만 가봉의 다양하고 독특한 음악 역시 여러 민족과 문화가 공존하는 가봉의 모습을 잘 드러내 주기도 하는데, 가봉에서 사용되는 전통 악기로는 주로 전통 의식에서 사용되는 오발라, 발라폰, 북, 엔곰비 등이 있습니다. 이 중 엔곰비는 가봉의 전통 하프이며, 발라폰은 큰 실로폰의 형태를 띄고 있는데, 아래에 이어진 조롱박에 의해 소리의 공명이 일어나 발라폰은 그 소리가 매우 깊고 아름답습니다. 가봉의 사람들은 보통 종교적 의식이 있을 때 이런 전통악기들의 음악과 함께 춤을 추었고, 종교적 의식 이외로 아이의 출생, 장례식, 성년례 등에서도 춤을 추었으나 각각의 행사마다 다른 춤을 추어 춤과 동작의 의미를 세분화했다고 합니다. 가봉은 전통음악과 더불어 팝, 랩, 알앤비와 같은 장르들도 주류 음악으로 함께 하고 있습니다. 가봉의 유명한 음악가로는 가봉의 전통적인 음악을 잘 녹여내 불어권 아프리카 전역에서 인기를 끌었던 Patience Dabany 와 재즈와 블루스를 결합한 음악을 선보이며 세네갈, 콩고 민주 공화국, 프랑스 등 전 세계의 다양한 음악가들과 함께 즉흥적인 음악을 만들어가는 데에 참여하기도 한
Annie-Flore Batchiellilys가 있습니다.
Alexander, Caroline . One Dry Season. London:
Alfred A Knopf, 1989.
Perriman, Andrew. Gabon. New York: Chelsea
House, 1988
Vansina, Jan. Paths in the Rainforest. Madison:
University of Wisconsin Press, 1990 Mavioga EM, Mullot JU, Frederic C, Huart B, Burnat P. Sweet little Gabonese palm wine: a neglected alcohol. West Afr J Med. 2009 SepOct;28(5):291-4 English, French. doi: 10 4314/ wajm.v28i5 55001. PMID: 20383831. https://www about-gabon/gabon-lifestyle-and-culture.html
이미지출처: 위키피디아 위키피디아 https://commons mask_from Gabon_-_Museo del Palacio de Bellas_Artes, Mexico_City jpg
말랑말랑한 체코 애니메이션
이성민 (Daniel Sungmin Lee)

<Pat & Mat>으로 대표되는 체코의 애니메이션은 역사가 깊습니다. 1920년대부터 어린이들을 위한 애니메이션 <딱정벌레(Broučci)> 가 만들어졌습니다. 체코 애니메이션의 독특한 점은 공산주의 정권 (1945~89년) 아래 번성했다는 점입니다. 타 공산권에 비하면
문화 활동을 비교적 자유롭게 했기 때문인데, 이런 특징은 중국의 문화대혁명과는 비교되기도 합니다. 이 시대 가장 유명한 작품이 바로 <Pat & Mat> 입니다. 두 친구 Pat과 Mat의 슬랩스틱(Slapstick)
으로 아이들에게 큰 웃음을 준 이 애니메이션은 44년간 전 세계 국가들에 수출되며 큰 인기를 누렸습니다.
체코 애니메이션의 특징은 바로 인형입니다. 귀엽고, 가끔은 섬뜩하게
생긴 인형들로 만들어진 체코 애니메이션은 아이들에게 친근하게 다가오면서 더욱 큰 인기를 누렸습니다. 문화적으로 보았을 때, Haruka Kawakami 씨는 “인형은 체코의 전통적이며, 초현실주의를 지향하는 대표적 소재이다.”라고 분석했습니다.
현대 체코 애니메이션도 유럽의 선두 주자로서 앞장서고 있습니다. 기존 인형에서 3D 애니메이션으로 넘어가며 체코의 전통을 미래적인 표현으로 옮기는 데 성공하였습니다. 2008년 Jan Tománek의 ‘Goat Story’ (바로 보기: https://www 나 2019년 Daria Kashcheeva의 ‘Daughter’ (바로 보기: https://www은 체코 애니메이션계가 건재함을 보여주는 대표적인 예시입니다.


요즘 애니메이션을 보면 대다수 일본풍이거나 카툰 (Cartoon)풍으로 그려집니다. 이와 비교했을 때 체코의 애니메이션은 말랑말랑합니다.
둥글둥글한 인형, 동심으로 돌아가는 아기자기한 이야기들을 담고 있어 나름 보는 재미도 있습니다. 미래 기술과 합쳐지며 발전하지만, 그 사이에서도
문화를 지켜나가는 체코 애니메이션에 매력은 무궁무진한 것 같습니다.
Whybray, Adam. The Art of Czech Animation: A History of Political Dissent and Allegory. Bloomsbury Academic, 2022
Beneš, Lubomír, and Vladimír Jiránek “Pat & Mat: Ajeto !”, Clybor, Shawn. “Socialist (Sur)Realism: Karel Teige, Ladislav Štoll and the Politics of Communist Culture in Czechoslovakia.” History of Communism in Europe, vol. 2, no. -1, 2011, pp. 143–167., https://doi. org/10 7761/hce.2.143.
Šula, Bohuslav. “Broučci - Výstava Loutek ” Kalendář Akcí v Příbrami, Kawakami, Haruka. Manipulation: Jan Švankmajer s Animation Technique and Criticism on Civilization, 1 Dec. 2014, org/10.14456/jucr.2014 8
이미지 출처: 위키피디아
Nicaragua, Country of Central America
by Moojin Kim

Nicaragua is the largest country in Central America. According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, the country’s name comes from Nicarao, the chieftain of the indigenous peoples who lived around Lake Nicaragua in the late 15th and early 16th centuries. Nicaragua means “here united with the water.”
As shown in the map below, Nicaragua is bordered by Honduras to the north and Costa Rica to the south. There are two lakes in the western part of Nicaragua, called ‘Lake Managua’ and ‘Lake ‘Lake Nicaragua’ is the largest in Central America and is the only one in the world that has freshwater sharks. Managua (marked in yellow in the figure below), Located to the west of the country, is the national capital of Nicaragua and is home to about one-sixth of the population.

Most of the Nicaraguans live in the western part of the country and economic activities are also concentrated in the western part.
The figure on the right shows Nicaragua’s transit system, provided by Google Maps, with a solid black line. Compared to the eastern region, the western region, where population and economy are concentrated, has dramatically developed the transit system.
According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Nicaragua has a unique history: the western part was colonized by Spain, and the eastern part was colonized by the British. Therefore, there are many differences between the cultures of the western and eastern regions of Nicaragua.
The total population of Nicaragua is 6.6 million, with children under the age of 14 making up 30% of the total population. The GDP per capita is 1,900 U.S. dollars.

Data Source: world bank
Ethnic – Religion – Language
Most of the Nicaraguans are of mixed European and indigenous ancestry(mestizo), and over 80% of the total population are Roman Catholics and evangelicals(protestant).

Image source:
According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, most of the Nicaraguans speak Spanish which is the office language. There were several indigenous languages, but almost have disappeared from the western region, and some are spoken only in the eastern coastal region.
The Languages spoken in Nicaragua

Data Source:
Encyclopaedia Britannica : Orozco, Manuel S., Arguello, Rosendo, Nietschmann, Bernard, Parker, Franklin D. and Walker, Thomas W.. “Nicaragua”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 22 Jun. 2021, Accessed 3 April 2022
Día de Muertos- Ecuador’s Traditional Celebrations
by Sarah Gieun Yoon

Ecuador is a country located in northwestern South America, bordered by Colombia on the north, Peru on the east and south, and the Pacific Ocean on the west. Ecuador is famous for being home to the Galapagos Islands. The majority of the population is Mestizo, and the rest are Montubio, Black, Indigenous, and White, since Ecuador is home of too many ethnic groups, it is also a place that is home of many festivities. One of the traditional festivals that are celebrated in Ecuador is Día de Muertos – Day of the Dead. Although this holiday is usually associated with Mexican skulls, it is a traditional holiday in Ecuador as well. It
is celebrated by families to welcome back the souls of their deceased relatives for a brief reunion that includes food, drink and celebration.
On Día de Muertos, graveside celebrations are especially common in Ecuador, most families hold vigils at the tombs of their loved ones, often adorning their graves with flower arrangements, candles, and decorative figurines made from bread dough. These bread doughs are called guaguas de pan (bread babies) that are shaped into plump babies dressed with piped icing or bits of colored dough.
Works Cited: Sandra. (2021, July 25). 10 of our most important Ecuador traditions. Wanderbus Ecuador. Retrieved July 4, 2022, from Pujol, L. (2020, May 14). Día de los difuntos or day of the deceased in Ecuador. Laylita’s Recipes. Retrieved July 4, 2022, from Image Credit: Photo credits: El Universo, 2015.
Most Famous Bangladeshi Food
by Jessica Choi
Countries around the world still enjoy eating a variety of traditional foods made through their different cultures and lifestyles. Food gives us pleasure and sometimes newness. Bangladesh has been influenced by tropical regions, Persia, and India, and its beautiful cuisine also boasts a fantastic taste, combining rich spices with a variety of smells and distinct properties.
There are many foods that people try when they visit Bangladesh. Typical examples are Shorshe IIish, Kacchi Biryani, etc.
Most of the population in Bangladesh enjoy fish generally. Fish is a significant part of this country, it is the food for the people who travel to Bangladesh. For instance, Hilsa is one of the national fish of Bangladesh and the country is responsible for almost 70% of production across the world.


One of the famous cuisines of Hilsa is Shorshe Ilish. It is a food containing hilsa food cooked in savory mustard gravy (it is commonly served with rice)
Biriyani is a common food that the majority of people in this country enjoy. The word ‘Kacchi’ means ‘raw’ which can possibly symbolize that the way of cooking (meat in this food used is first marinated with spices and gets placed at the bottom) is different from other types of Biriyani.
In conclusion, traditional food of Bangladesh has the characteristics that they have rich flavor made up of different spices and have unique specialties. Shorshe Ilish is one of the traditional foods made with the national fish of Bangladesh, Hilsa. And Kacchi Biriyani, the common food which is very popular in South Asia. Both cuisines represent the diverse flavor of Bangladesh traditional food and have become foods that most of the travelers try.

All about Zambia
by Jihoon Christopher Ryu
Zambian Music
Zambian music is full of cheerful notes and rhythmic percussion. Almost all 73 ethnic groups in Zambia love to play music, and it is different from other traditional music in diverse countries.
Music is organized as a social event, and musical activities belong to the community as a whole. Zambian citizens consider music as a functional part of everyday personal, religious, social, and economic life.
Musicians play a variety of instruments to express an idea of unity, such as membranophones, an instrument used to produce sound by vibrating a stretched membrane. The physical environment of land determines what instrument can be played or made. For example, the Western Province has
bigger percussion instruments due to big forest trees.
Zambia’s traditional music styles have bestowed shaping the country’s popular music landscape and influence the artistry of musicians. Every part of Zambian traditional music orientation is deeply rooted in tradition.
Read the full article: traditional-music-zambia
Natural Wonders in Zambia
Zambia is one of the most adventurous places you can visit in Africa. There are thousands of unique and beautiful animals, trees, and waterfalls. Among all the places, Victoria Falls Extension is definitely
somewhere that everyone will like to go.
This spectacular natural wonder located on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe should be on everyone’s safari tour. There are hotels around the fall, so you can directly access the Falls and host you in comfort.
Various animals such as elephants will welcome you, and you get to feel the spray from Victoria Falls on your face as you explore it from Zambia.
Sometimes, there are rainbows on top of the peak of the waterfall, and that is what you want to see when you have an opportunity to travel to Victoria Falls. Check out the pictures above if you want to see astonishing pictures taken!
Read the full article here:

Zambian Traditions
There are a lot of Zambian traditions. Like its variety, it is also very original. In this article, you will learn about five interesting traditions only Zambians can understand.
Names: Names are significant in Zambia. A lot of names come after their parents or tribes. For example, many people are called “Chola” in the Bemba tribe from Northern Zambia, “Pashani” and “Mpyela” (a surviving twin), and “Tombi” in the Tumbuka tribe in Eastern Zambia.
Funerals: During funerals, men and women are separated. The men sit outside the funeral house and the women stay inside the house. During the burial, there is no separation. Women are required to wear “chitenge,” a cloth made from cotton printed with images or decorations.
Refusal of food: When you’re at someone’s house in Zambia, it is rude to refuse to eat food. It is also considered rude to not finish a meal. Most traditional meals are served as a buffet, so people should only get a decent amount of food so they can finish.
Tea time: Zambia was colonized by the British under independence in 1964. In Zambia, 4 P.M. tea is called “16 hours” and it consists of tea, fritters (dough balls fried in oil), and bread or biscuits.the breast or drumstick.
Types of meat: Traditionally, certain types and parts of meat are served to men since they are considered breadwinners. For example, it is forbidden to serve a man the rear end of a chicken, but he could be served the breast or drumstick.
You can read the full article here: articles/12-traditions-only-zambians-canunderstand/
Ethnicities in Zambia
There are various ethnicities in Zambia. The 78 different tribes provide a rich tapestry of traditional music and dance. All the local tribes have their unique songs and dances.
The African drum is mostly used to symbolize communication. It gives a special tone and rhythm to the dances which makes it more energetic and entertaining.
Dance moves involve energetic steps and graceful movement. Zambians have a highly developed sense of rhythm. Percussion sounds from various instruments match very well with the Zambian vibe of dancing.
Popular dancers in Zambia include Samfya dancers, N’cwala dancers, the Makishi Masquerade, Nyau traditional dancers, Tonga dancers, Vimbuza Dance of the Spirits, and Zambia Northwestern Province dancers.
It is very entertaining and interesting to watch Zambian people dance to celebrate their rituals and amuse others. Why not try to learn the steps?
Read the full article: discover-kitwe/culture/traditional-
dances#:~:text=Zambian%20Traditional%20 Dances%20The%2078,%2C%20 Lozi%2C%20Nsenga%20and%20Ngoni.
Languages spoken in Zambia
There are a plethora of languages spoken in Zambia. Its official language is English, and nearly every Zambian citizens will speak or understand some English. Besides English, there are more than 70 different languages and dialects spoken throughout the country.
Official documentions and signs in Zambia are mostly written in English or Bemba and Nyanja, the country’s two main languages.
Bemba is frequently used in education and administration; on the other hand, Nyanja is the official language of the police. Another language, Tonga, is spoken by about 11% of the Zambian population, and is frequently used in media.
Other major languages, including Lozi, Tumbuka, Nsenga, Luyuna, and etc. make up the rest of the Zambian speakings from various groups across the country.
Each group has very interesting and different language, and that is what makes up the beautiful culture of language across Zambia.
Read the full article here: zambia/languages-in-zambia/

Animals in Zambia
Similar to the variety of cultures in Zambia, there are a lot of unique types of animals currently wandering the land. In this article, you will be able to explore five different species of animals in Zambia.
African Elephants
This species currently holds the record of being the largest species of elephant. They live across National Parks, including South Luangwa, Lower Zambezi, and Kafue. These elephants are unique for being very close to their family members; you will rarely see them being couple steps away from each other.
Zambian lions usually spend their time on the grasslands. The national parks also have a large group of lions. These lions can climb trees when they feel extra playful.
White Rhinos
This species, like African Elephants, holds the record of being the largest species of rhinos. They were once rare in southern Africa, but thanks to relocation, they were able to reproduce and now are protected with heavy security.
Zebras live in groups of 20 to 100 in the grasslands of most Zambian national parks. They are unique in confusing predators by creating optical illusions with their beautiful black and white stripes.
Zambian giraffes spend most of their time in South Luangwa and Lower Zambezi national parks. They usually live in herds of 20 and use their long, strong necks to graze on leaves on tall trees for food.
Read the full article here:

African Elephants
walking across South Luangwa National Park, Zambia
2021년 끝, 에콰도르 경제는
어떻게 변화하였을까?
글: 권경민 (Kyung Min Kwon)
2019년 12월부터 시작된 코로나19는 에콰도르의 경제를 벼랑 끝으로 내몰았다. 과연 2021년 마무리 시기인 현재, 에콰도르는 어떤 상황일까? 펜데믹 상황과 소비자들의 구매 트렌드에
첫째, 새 대통령의 경제 개혁 정책이다. 2021년 5월 24일, 우파정당 연합 후보였던 기예르모 라소가 에콰도르
나타냈다. 그 밖에도
하기 위한 다양한 생존 전략을 취했다. 후 불 요금제 가입자들이 선불 요금제로 이동하는 현상이
품을 확대하고 저렴한 가격으로 경쟁력을 확보하기 위한 전략을 내세웠다. 한편, 코로나19로 인한 비대면 문화의 확산, 이동의 제약 등으로 전자상거래 플랫폼을 개발하는 등 디지털 트랜스포메이션을 시도하는 기업들이 많아졌다. 중남미지역의 투자유치 거점이 되기 위해 다양한 인센티브들이 검토되고 있는 중인만큼, 이를 기회로 삼은 한국 기업들의 에콰도르 진출도 기대되는 상황이다. 출구전략 도입 이후 건설, 관광 그리고 제조업 등 업종별 경기가 점차

The Five-Petalled Rose Celebrations in Cesky Krumlov
by Yeonwoo Lee

The 27th annual Five-Petalled Rose Celebrations take place in various locations throughout the town’s center from Friday, June 21 to Sunday, June 23. A medieval outdoor market, knight tournaments, dancing, medieval music, juggling, fencing, and theatrical performances are all part of the festival. Another highlight is a procession dressed in historical garb. The significance of the five-petal red rose The Rosenberg family, who dominated the town for 300 years, from 1302 to 1602, is represented by the red fivepetal rose. It has also come to represent the town and the castle.
The symbolism of the red five-petalled rose
In accordance with the tale of the division of the rose, which is commemorated at this event, the five sons of the castle’s medieval owners were each given a coat of arms bearing a five-petalled rose of a different color. The crimson five-petaled rose that would later play such a significant part in the history of Cesky Krumlov was presented to the Rosenberg who was awarded the town of Cesky Krumlov.
The Tavern U Petrova Voka will participate in the festivities on June 21 as a steward and band prepare a feast for the nobility. The show includes performances in fencing, dance, juggling, and theater, among other things. Evening events include a Firelit Procession. The procession that follows, on Saturday, June 22, features 700 noblemen, burghers, jugglers, musicians, and knights on horseback and brings to life Cesky Krumlov’s rich history. The next event on the schedule is a live chess performance, followed by a knight tournament. On a board that is 12 by 12, people take the role of the individual chess pieces. In the evening, musical concerts take place all throughout the city. At midnight, fireworks illuminate the night sky in this gorgeous and romantic town. The celebration goes on until 3 p.m. on Sunday, June 23.
Guest performers and unique performances
This year, the festivities will feature entertainment provided by the LeGrande Circus, a company that specializes in children’s shows, including a fire display and other
talents. The Rosenberg Court Bridal Feast includes recreations of wedding dances set to original music from the Rosenbergs’ own nuptials. This year, Komedianti, an artistic group, also presents a show. Medieval artisans offer their goods for sale in the historical marketplace. Showing off their creations are potters, weavers, and other artisans.
Historial Anniversaries
This year’s celebration honors the year 1253, when Otakar, the future Bohemian King Premysl Otakar II, first referenced Krumlov in a charter. The charter’s signing was witnessed by Krumlov nobleman Vitek. The year 1573, when William of Rosenberg visited Poland and was presented with the offer of the Polish throne, is also noted.
Image Credit: Wikipedia

Image Sources:


Quito, the Beautiful Capital of Ecuador
by Sarah Gieun Yoon
Quito, formally known as San Francisco de Quito, is the capital and the most populated city of Ecuador, with a population of 2.8 million. Quito is the political and cultural capital of Ecuador. The governmental, administrative, and cultural institutions are located within Quito. It was founded by the Spanish in the 16th century on the ruins of an Inca city and stands at an altitude of 2,850m. Despite the 1917 earthquake, it is most known for its well-preserved old town, which was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1978.
The city of Quito forms a harmonious ensemble where nature and man are brought together to create a distinctive and transcendent work. The colonizers built their architecture
in a highly complex topographical context, demonstrating their ability to adapt their creative sensibility to the reality around them. Three areas in Quito are separated from one another by hills.:
1. Central: houses the colonial old city
2. Southern: is mainly an industrial and working-class residential area
3. Northern: is the modern Quito, with high-rise buildings, shopping centers, the financial district, and a mix of upper-class, middle-class, and working-class residential areas
With the spires of numerous churches set against the circle of volcanoes that encircles the Quito Basin and with serene squares,
fountains, balconied homes, steep, narrow alleyways, iron-grilled entrances, and quiet gardens, Quito still retains a significant amount of its colonial aura. Quito’s poor population is largely concentrated in the city’s slums, unlike other Latin American capitals where wide yet impoverished suburbs encircle the major districts.
Works Cited
Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (n.d.). Quito. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved July 5, 2022, from Quito Wikimedia Foundation. (2022, July 1). Quito. Wikipedia. Retrieved July 5, 2022, from Quito#Topographical_zones Centre, U. N. E. S. C. O. W. H. (n.d.). City of Quito. UNESCO World Heritage Centre. Retrieved July 5, 2022, from https://whc.

The Link with Mexico Made by Korean Immigrants
by Keonhee Andrew Ahn

Image Credit: The Embassy of Mexico in Seoul
On April 4, 1905, 1,033 men and women boarded the British Ship San Ilford at Jemulpo Port after seeing an advertisement for workers on a Mexican farm. There were 702 adult males, 135 adult females, and 196 children. On May 8, a little over a month later, they arrived at Salina Cruz Port in western Mexico. They aboarded new trains and ships and arrived in Merida on May 15th. This marked the beginning of Korean immigration to Mexico. Now 117 years have passed, Korean immigrants overcame difficult adversity and settled in Mexico and neighboring countries, leaving about 40,000 descendants (data from the Korean Descendants of Mexico). And descendants continue to make connections between Korea and Mexico.
El 4 de abril de 1905, 1.033 hombres y mujeres abordaron el barco británico San Ilford en el puerto de Jemulpo tras ver un anuncio para trabajadores en una granja mexicana. Eran 702 hombres adultos, 135 mujeres adultas y 196 niños. El 8 de mayo, poco más de un mes después, llegaron al puerto de Salina Cruz, en el oeste de México. Abordaron nuevos trenes y barcos y llegaron a Mérida el 15 de mayo. Esto marcó el inicio de la inmigración coreana a México. Ahora han pasado 117 años, los inmigrantes coreanos superaron las difíciles adversidades y se establecieron en México y países vecinos, dejando alrededor de 40.000 descendientes (datos de los Descendientes de Coreanos de México). Y los descendientes siguen estableciendo conexiones entre Corea y México.
In celebration of the 100th anniversary of Korean immigrants to Mexico, the Korea-Mexican Postal Hospital was built in 2005 to provide a safe medical environment for Korean descendants. In December 2017, Merida City named a road in the center of the city as ‘Korea Road.’ The Mexican Congress of Merida City designated May 4th as ‘Korea Day’ on May 4, 1905 to commemorate the first day of 1,031 Korean immigrants entering Mexican territorial waters.
Para celebrar el centenario de los inmigrantes coreanos en México, en 2005 se construyó el Hospital Postal Corea-México para ofrecer un entorno médico seguro a los descendientes de coreanos. En diciembre de 2017, la ciudad de Mérida nombró una carretera en el centro de la ciudad como ‘Carretera de Corea’. El Congreso de la Ciudad de Mérida designó el 4 de mayo como ‘Día de Corea’ el 4 de mayo de 1905 para conmemorar el primer día en que 1,031 inmigrantes coreanos entraron en aguas territoriales mexicanas.
In 2021, artist Yoo Young-ho’s, ‘Greeting Man – Greeting’, was installed on ‘Korea Road’ in Merida City. On March 17th, the unveiling of Greetings Man was held with the presence of Korean Ambassador to Mexico Seo Jeong-in, Concha Merida Mayor Renan Barrera, writer Yoo Young-ho, and local Korean descendants. The greeting man, encompassing a blue and primordial
appearance with no racial prejudice, is installed in both countries, greeting each other with respect and gratitude in Korea and Mexico across the Pacific Ocean.
En 2021, la obra del artista Yoo Young-ho, “Greeting Man - Saludo”, se instaló en la “Carretera de Corea” en la ciudad de Mérida. El 17 de marzo se llevó a cabo la develación del Hombre Saludo con la presencia del embajador de Corea en México, Seo Jeong-in, el alcalde de Concha Mérida, Renán Barrera, el escritor Yoo Young-ho y descendientes de coreanos locales. El hombre de los saludos, de apariencia azul y primordial sin prejuicios raciales, se instala en ambos países, saludándose con respeto y gratitud en Corea y México al otro lado del Océano Pacífico.
The Merida Korean Immigration History Museum was built in January 1935 by eight Koreans who purchased the land under a joint name and they have been using it as a Korean-related facility until now. Immigration-related photos, documents, and brochures are exhibited here. Both Koreans and foreigners visit this place to find traces of Korean history.
El Museo de Historia de la Inmigración Coreana de Mérida fue construido en enero de 1935 por ocho coreanos que compraron el terreno bajo un nombre común y lo han estado utilizando como instalación relacionada con Corea hasta ahora. Aquí se exponen fotos, documentos y folletos relacionados con la inmigración. Tanto los coreanos como los extranjeros visitan este lugar para encontrar rastros de la historia coreana.
From October 25, 2019 to February 16, 2020, Wolmido Korean Immigration History Museum held a special exhibition, showcasing ‘Correano’s Dream’, ‘Desire with Enenegen.’ The museum also invited Dolores Garcia, director of the Korean Immigration History Museum in Merida, Mexico to hear the story of Correano’s life.
Desde el 25 de octubre de 2019 hasta el 16 de febrero de 2020, el Museo de Historia de la Inmigración Coreana de Wolmido celebró una exposición especial, mostrando ‘El sueño de Correano’, ‘El deseo con Enenegen’. El museo también invitó a Dolores García, directora del Museo de Historia de la Inmigración Coreana en Mérida, México, para escuchar la historia de la vida de Correano.
The Korean Cultural Center in Mexico gave Korean names to Korean descendants living in Mexico on August 15, 2021, Liberation Day. These Mexicans, regardless of their appearance, language, or name, are descendants of about 1,000 Koreans who arrived in 1905 as migrant workers. About 30,000 descendants of first-generation Koreans live in Mexico. The Mexican Cultural Center organized a naming event at the request
of Korean descendants who wanted to know more about their roots and to have a proper Korean name. This event was an opportunity to have pride in instilling an identity for Korean descendants.
El 15 de agosto de 2021, Día de la Liberación, el Centro Cultural Coreano en México dio nombres coreanos a los descendientes de coreanos que viven en México. Estos mexicanos, independientemente de su apariencia, idioma o nombre, son descendientes de unos 1.000 coreanos que llegaron en 1905 como trabajadores migrantes. Unos 30.000 descendientes de coreanos de primera generación viven en México. El Centro Cultural Mexicano organizó un evento de nombramiento a petición de los descendientes de coreanos que querían saber más sobre sus raíces y tener un nombre coreano propio. Este evento fue una oportunidad para tener el orgullo de inculcar una identidad a los descendientes de coreanos.
On May 4, 2022, a variety of events were held to commemorate the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Korea and Mexico on the occasion of Mexico’s “Korean Immigration Day.” Performances, receptions, photo exhibitions, and street marches were held in Mexico City and Merida, the capital, from the 3rd to the 8th. Korea and Mexico were unfamiliar with language, culture, and distance, but friendly cooperation between the two countries is growing as Korean immigrants become bridges between them, sharing activities and exchanging in various fields. If the descendants of Korean Americans in Mexico have the identity of the Korean people and we also continue to cooperate without forgetting them, we can expect more advanced bilateral relations.
El 4 de mayo de 2022, con motivo del “Día del Inmigrante Coreano” en México, se prepararon varios eventos para conmemorar el 60 aniversario de los lazos diplomáticos entre Corea y México. Del 3 al 8, se realizaron actuaciones, recepciones, exposiciones fotográficas y marchas callejeras en la Ciudad de México y en Mérida, la capital. Aunque Corea y México desconocen su idioma y su cultura y sólo son países distantes, la cooperación amistosa entre ambos países está creciendo, ya que los inmigrantes coreanos se han convertido en un puente entre los dos países, compartiendo actividades y ampliando los intercambios en diversos campos. Si los descendientes de coreanos mexicanos tienen la identidad del pueblo coreano y no los olvidamos y seguimos cooperando, podemos esperar un mayor desarrollo de las relaciones bilaterales.
Sources Yonhap News AKR20211212040900087?site=mapping_related 매일경제 Yonhap News AKR20150109150300371 Yonhap News AKR20220430011800087?input=1195m Yonhap News AKR20210816004500087
Egypt Ramadan Culture
by Clair Park
Formost countries in the world, holidays and celebrations are often accompanied by special cuisine or lavish pasturages. Whether they’re celebrating one’s relationship with God, one’s a sense of belonging within a community, or one’s gratitude towards the year’s successful crops, most festivals are accompanied by extravagant ailments. However, in the northeastern tip of Africa, there is a country that pulls off a completely different ritual regimen than most of us: Egypt.
To explain the unique customs of the Egyptians, it is crucial to understand the reasoning behind this celebration. Foremost, the act of the Egyptians regulating their meals for the given timespan is called ‘Ramadan’. From the standard 12-month Egyptian calendar, Ramadan is typically the ninth month of every year. However, as the Islamic calendar utilizes and incorporates the lunar phases, the exact date of this ceremony isn’t always the same. According to ‘’, this year, meaning 2022, Ramadan begins “at sunset on Saturday, April 2 and ends on Monday, May 2”.

Muslims during the Ramadan period is supposed to avoid consuming from dawn to dusk every day. Beyond this, they have other rules such as having to elude or shun away from any types of drinking, smoking, or sexual activity. In the evenings, Muslims are allowed to indulge in limited amounts of nourishments, but even these meals are mostly kept at a minimum. So what is the reason behind these fastings?
To fully comprehend these practices, it is essential to identify the true purpose behind these traditions. Ramadan is a time period dedicated to self-control and reflection. Fasting is just one way to practice these attributes and is often seen as a method to purify or cleanse one’s soul. Fasting also gives a chance for the majority of the population to consider, feel, and exercise empathy towards the less privileged populous within their country. During these time periods, for better/more effective self-reflection, many visit mosques (as shown in figure 1) and read the full Quran while praying to God.
Website: Editors. (2010, October 28). Ramadan. Retrieved July 14, 2022, from Ramadan%2C%20Muslims%20fast%20from,%2Drestraint%20 and%20self%2Dreflection.
Image: Amin, R. (2019, November 20). Photo by Rumman Amin on UNSPLASH. Beautiful Free Images & Pictures. Retrieved July 14, 2022, from
Traditional Games in Nicaragua
by Brendan Lee Seo
Many Nicaraguans embraced the country’s great culture by playing traditional games. Here are some examples:
Kitty Ally : Kitty Ally is a commonly enjoyed game among Nicaraguans during the Palo de Mayo Celebrations. Similar to bowling, one has to knock down ten wooden figures with a wooden ball.
Kickball : Kickball is a prevalent sport among students in Nicaragua. The rules are analogous to those of baseball and soccer, but the only difference is that the batter has to kick the soccer ball instead of hitting a baseball with a bat. Kickball, commonly played by many, is one of the favored sports in the country: “Kickball is another activity close to Gran Pacifica Resort that residents and guests can enjoy. Just ask at the front desk if there is a women’s kickball game coming soon. You will find that everyone
in Nicaragua looks forward to a good game of kickball.”(
Dropbelt : Dropbelt, compared to two previous games, is a complex game that requires both physical strength and intelligence. Everyone forms a circle, with their eyes closed and their hands adjoined with others. One person gets selected to leave a sash behind one of the people forming the circle. The player with the sash left behind him/her must tag the “it,” or fajeado. During this game, a lot of chasing happens, creating an intense, but fun atmosphere.
Down the carpet sally when you married : Down The Carpet Sally & When You Married is a singing game, where players form a circle with one person in the middle. Everyone has to sing the song “Down on the carpet” & “Sally when you married” when they finish singing,

the player in the center must choose a person to kiss. If the nominee refuses, the nominee must complete a mission or a challenge assigned by other players.
References: kips://
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Introduction: About Mexico
Introducción Sobre Mexico
by Minchae Kang




New Year in the Czech Republic
by Claire Ohk
New Year’s day is the day we celebrate the new year ahead of us. Many countries have different cultures, traditions, practices, and etc that they do on New Year’s Day. Czech is no exception in this as well. Their difference starts from the name of the celebration. They do not call it “New Year’s Day” but they call the day “Silvestr” after Sylvester Stallone. Let’s look into how the Czech celebrates their New Years’ day! (New Year’s Eve in the Czech Republic – Prague Blog)
Czech people mostly spend their celebration of this day in their homes, or at pubs. However, due to its popularity, pubs are packed on New Year’s eve and would require reserving a table several weeks in advance to secure a spot. A lot of people toast their drinks right when it turns 12:00 AM on New Year’s day, usually champagne. People also enjoy watching the New Year’s Eve TV program in Czech, where it displays live music performances, small funny acts by famous Czech actors. (New Year’s Eve in the Czech Republic – Prague Blog)
Czech also legally sells fireworks for the citizens to buy. People would

buy fireworks a few days prior to New Year’s day, and celebrate their own small little fireworks after their toast at 12:00 AM. Some cities also traditionally hold large, spectacular firework parades. (New Year’s Eve in the Czech Republic – Prague Blog)
Lastly, the most common dishes consisted on the New Year’s Day feast among Czechs are “jednohubky” and “chlebíčky.” “Jednohubky” are like canapes. The base consists of a baguette, and the toppings vary depending on individual taste. Usually, such toppings are vegetables, cheese, salami all held together with a toothpick. “Chlebíčky” is very similar to “jednohubky”, but the bread is a much softer bread than a baguette, and is much bigger. (New Year’s Eve in the Czech Republic –Prague Blog)
References: New Year’s Eve in the Czech Republic – Prague Blog. new-years-eve-in-the-czech-republic/.
Image Credit: Adobe Photo Stock
Zambia’s Traditional Food, Nshima
by John Suh
Kimchi is one of the traditional Korean foods and is also the most popular food in Korea. Kimchi is characterized by the fact that it is a food with cabbage and seasoning, and it is placed together as a side dish in various meals due to its unique savory and spicy taste. Linking to kimchi, Zambia also possesses its own traditional meals, representatively there is a food called Nshima. Nshima is a bread that is done with relatively simple ingredients such as cornmeal, salt, and water. Contrasting to kimchi, which is a side dish, Ensima is recorded to be a sufficient meal, and it is declared to be eaten with soup or seasoning as the food is bread. Meanwhile, Zambian people share a food culture that contrasts with other countries, and from now on, let’s take a look at the ingredients, culture, and related Zambian etiquettes.
Let’s know Nshima in earnest. Nshima can be stated to be a traditional vegan food because the ingredients are plants and usually eaten together are vegetables. People in Zambia usually eat Nshima with an Ifisashi sauce made from peanuts and vegetables. Ifisashi is characterized by boiling water and corn powder in a large pot. It is said that Zambian people can usually taste the true flavor when they eat it together in Nshima. In this way, Nshima and Ifisashi are vegan foods that only use vegetable ingredients, so not only Zambians but also vegetarians from various cultures can enjoy them without any burden. As mentioned earlier, Nshima is traditionally made using corn flour, possibly because Zambia’s corn crop is exceptionally high. According to ‘해외시장뉴스’ news, Zambia is also included among the major corn exporters to Tanzania. As such, the establishment of Nshima as a traditional Zambian food can be seen as related to their corn resources.

Nshima is usually eaten with the right hand without unique tableware, which is certainly contrasting from Korean culture. Referencing a similar example of Zambian culture, Indian table manners are seen in that food is shared on a flat, round tray and eaten separately on a personal plate. Also, it is very similar to n culture in that people don’t use tableware when eating food, but use their right hands.
In conclusion, it was interesting that the culture and tradition of Zambian vegetables were solid and had the opposite characteristics of Korean kimchi. These days, extreme fluctuations in climate change are adversely affecting Zambia’s agricultural businesses, and it is predicted that the longer the drought, Zambia’s corn harvest could be decreasing up to 24%. Since the situation could hurt the Korean economy, I hope that interactions between Korea and Zambia will become more active in the future, recognizing their culture and preparing for climate change.
References: %EC%9D%8C%EC%8B%9D%EC%9D%B8%20%EC%97%94%EC%8B%9C%EB%A7%88(Nshima)&text=%EC%88%98%ED%94%84%EB%82%98%20 %EC%96%91%EB%85%90%EC%97%90%20%EC%B0%8D%EC%96%B4,%EC%A7%84%EC%A0%95%ED%95%9C%20%EC%9A%94%EB%A6%AC%EB%9D%BC%EA%B3%A0%20%EB%A7%90%ED%95%9C%EB%8B%B5%EB%8B%88%EB%8B%A4.
Image Credit: Wikipedia
Ecuador’s Agriculture
by Jeonghurn Lee
Ecuador, Latin American country located in the west of South American continent, largely depends on the exports of agricultural materials: agriculture contributes 9.63 percent of Ecuador’s Gross Domestic Products. The country’s sufficient environment enables a feasible agricultural practice for raising and harvesting crops such as cacao, maize, banana, etc.
Out of these agricultural products, Ecuador’s economy is substantially influenced by bananas. Constituting 6 percent of the world’s total production, Ecuador is the largest exporter of bananas. Major importers of Ecuador’s bananas include China, USA, Russia, and Germany. Due to the UkraineRussia War, however, banana exports to Russia have been put to a halt, leaving a detrimental impact on the industry (Russia imports 20 percent of Ecuador’s banana production).
In short, Ecuador’s adequate environment to produce diverse, rich crops/fruits provides the country with an economic advantage. Despite the ongoing challenges, such as the Ukraine-Russian War and Covid-19, that hinder its agriculture sector to fully prosper, the future of the country’s agriculture is indeed promising.

Rosa RodriguezEcuador Country Director at Heifer InternationalRosa Rodriguez has 25 years of experience working with women. “Agricultural Sector in Ecuador: Farmers Oppose the Pandemic.” Urbanet, 9 Nov. 2021, . “Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., “Ecuador & Sinutrabe: Banana Link Partner.” Banana Link, 3 June 2021, . “Bananas in Ecuador.” OEC, .
Euronews. “How Has the Russia-Ukraine War Devastated Ecuador’s Banana Industry?” YouTube, YouTube, 5 Apr. 2022, . Image Credit: Wikipedia
Traditional Egyptian Cuisine: Ful Medames
by Seoyeon Choi
As a country evolved from the ancient river civilizations, Ancient Egypt, Egypt is usually known for its historical places like the Sahara Desert and Nile River or artifacts like the Pyramids, Sphinx, and the monuments of the Pharaoh. In contrast, their traditional cuisines are not as popular as those historically significant places and artifacts. Especially, Ful medames is one of the most popular dishes in Egypt, but it is not well known to the foreigners.
Ful medames is a traditional dish that rose to prominence as it was found in the 12th Dynasty Pharaonic tombs. Since the Pharaoh was a god and a king of Egypt, people heavily depended on Pharaoh. Then, the fact that Pharaoh liked Ful medames that he even put in his tomb was enough to interest many people and make them also cook this dish.
Furthermore, since Ful medames is light food, it was popular among Muslims for breaking fasting. About 90% of the population in Egypt is Muslim. Those Muslims had to follow the Five Pillars, Islam guidelines of living, and the Quran, the Islam sacred text. In one of the Five Pillars and in Quran, Muslims were encouraged to fast throughout the year in order to show their thanks to God. Especially, during Ramadan which lasted for about a month, Muslims had to fast without having any food or water. After this season, those Muslims would start their regular diet again, but since they haven’t properly eaten for a month, they could not have heavy food from the start. Instead, they chose light food that was easy to digest. This made Ful medames which were mainly composed of boiled fava beans seasoned with salt and olive oil, especially appealing to the Muslims for breaking fasting.

Ful medames, this popular and well-balanced food is actually really easy to cook. In order to get the main ingredient, beans, prepared, they should be boiled in the pot and simmered for two to three hours until they get tender enough. Since Ful medames takes hours to get beans ready to be mashed, some people might think this food is really hard to cook.
However, after the beans are ready, almost the dish is ready. The only step left is mashing and seasoning them with salt, olive oil, or garlic. Additionally, some might choose to put extra toppings like tomatoes, onions, parsley, chili pepper, and lemon juice for a full flavor. Despite the hours it takes to be cooked, it is really easy and healthy food, so many people in Egypt enjoy this dish, especially for breakfast. Furthermore, these days, Ful medames are often sold in the street which means they are easily accessible and cheap.
Probably, many people who visit Egypt would only be interested in watching massive tombs and monuments. However, what about trying Ful madames in between touring? This food would not only provide a great taste but also an opportunity to feel natives’ food taste and history twined behind.
Works Cited:
“Ful Medames (Egyptian-Style Fava Beans).” The Washington Post, 2 Jan. 2022, Wiens, Mark. “Ful Medames - Egyptian Staple Beans of Delight.” Migrationology, 13 Nov. 2011, Yonan, Joe. “How to Make Ful Medames, the Simple Fava Bean Stew Beloved as a Middle Eastern Breakfast.” The Washington Post, 3 Jan. 2022, food/2022/01/03/ful-medames-fava-bean-recipe/.
Image Credits: Wiikipedia
World Heritage Sites in Nicaragua
by Moojin Kim
Nicaragua has 4 World Heritage Sites declared by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO): Ruins of León Viejo(2000), Garífuna Culture(2001), Work El Güegüense(2005), León Cathedral(2011).
Iwould like to introduce the 4 World Heritage Sites of Nicaragua in a series. The first World Heritage Site to be introduced is “Ruins of León Viejo”, the first UNESCO-listed heritage in Nicaragua.
A brief history of the establishment of the early city: in 1502, the Atlantic coast of Nicaragua was discovered by Columbus, and 20 years later (1522) the Spanish entered Nicaragua. 1524 Francisco Hernandez de Cordoba and Hernando de Soto were sent as conquerors of Nicaragua, and Cordoba established cities such as Granada and Leon. The city of León Viejo has preserved its essence without man-made reconstruction, even though It has been ruined through natural disasters and the passage of time. UNESCO declared the “Ruins of León Viejo” a World Heritage Site to preserve the historical value of the city.
Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism says that Ruins of León Viejo, established on June 15 1524 on the shores of Lake Xolotlán (Lake Managua) and inhabited until 1610, is the only colonial place in America that remains intact. According to UNESCO, the city of León Viejo was destroyed by a series of natural disasters (Momotombo volcano irruption in 1578, earthquake in 1610), and the city’s residents moved six miles away. The city, abandoned for over 350 years, was discovered intact in 1967. Ruins of León Viejo covers an area of 31.87 ha, and 17 colonial structures have been discovered to date. Below is a map of the Ruins of León Viejo showing the locations of the structures discovered so far.


As you can see in the photo on the right, the structures were all relatively simple in shape and are built of tapial(Rammed earth). Ruins of León Viejo preserves the original layout of the first cities the Spanish built in the New World and is of great value as a testimony of the social and economic structures of the Spanish Empire in the 16C. UNESCO says “Ruins of León Viejo’s main urban roads (Calle Real - the Royal Road - and Plaza Mayor - the Grand-Place), and the most important buildings (religious, civil, and those for housing and military installations) are fundamental and characteristic elements of the SpanishAmerican cities founded in the 16th century”.

A brief history of the establishment of the early city: Kent C. Williams, “African Heritage of Central America”, LEST WE FORGET, Hampton University, 2001, http://lestweforget.hamptonu. edu/page.cfm?uuid=9FEC3185-CDE2-6D44-5B6FB1BF323E2232
Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism: “Culture(Cultura@Spanish)”, Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism, UNESCO: “Ruins of León Viejo”, UNESCO,
Image Sources:
InWorld Heritage sites 2, I introduce ‘Language, dance and music of the Garifuna’ which was inscribed on the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2008 (originally proclaimed in 2001).
According to UNESCO and Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism, the Garifuna are a mixed race of indigenous American and African peoples, and the culture also has characteristics of both ethnic groups. Rooted in St. Vincent, Garifuna was forcibly migrated to the coast of Central America in 18C. Today, Most of the Garifuna live in Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Belize. The Garifuna Community of Nicaragua is based on the Orinoco community in Laguna de Perlas.

(Language) The Garifuna language incorporated Yoruba(African language) and French words into its native American(Arawak-Carib) vocabulary. (Music) The melodies incorporate African and Native American elements, while the lyrics are written about the history and traditions of Garifuna (cultivating cassava, fishing, canoeing, and building baked clay houses). Their songs also have a lot of satire, which are accompanied by various drums and dances. (Dance) Punta, Wanaragua and Walagallo are well-known Garifuna dances.
Below is the ‘Language, dance and music of the Garifuna’ video uploaded to YouTube by UNESCO.
The brief history of Garifuna
The history of Garifuna tells the story of the birth of their culture and their settlement on the Atlantic coast of Central America. For easy understanding, I present the history of the Garifuna in two pictures based on the data of LEST WE FORGET.
A. The Birth of the Garifuna
Native American Arawak(AD100) and Carib tribes(AD1200) from South America (Venezuela) settled on a number of islands in the Lesser Antilles including St. Vincent. As the Carib tribes subdued the Arawak and absorbed their culture, the native CaribArawak population was born.
In the 1600s, African slaves who survived shipwrecks near St. Vincent or escaped from nearby islands fled to St. Vincent. The African mixed with the indigenous CaribArawak population, and a new ethnic group “Garifuna”, also known as “Black Caribs” was born.
B. Settlement on the Atlantic coast of Central America from St. Vincent
The French, who arrived at St. Vincent in 1719, got along well with the Garifuna, but the British wanted to drive the Garifuna out of St. Vincent. The French and the Garifuna fought several wars against the British, including the Carib Wars. The British, who won the war, moved more than 60% of the Garifuna to the uninhabited island off the coast of Honduras(Roatan) in 1797, but the Spanish governor of Honduras settled the Garifuna near the coastal town of Trujillo to prepare for a British invasion. Garifuna helped to defend coastal Honduran towns against English pirates and took part in the wars for Central American independence. In 1823, an abortive takeover of Honduras by Spanish royalists resulted in Garifuna facing political persecution. They moved to the remote coastal area to escape British persecution and established villages from Belize to Nicaragua along the Atlantic coast of Central America.
Now, a total of 51 communities exist(43 in Honduras or 85% of the Garifuna population).


UNESCO, “Language, dance and music of the Garifuna”, UNESCO, Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism, “Culture(Cultura@Spanish)”, Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism, The brief history of Garifuna, Kent C. Williams, “Afromestizo - The Third Root”, LEST WE FORGET, Hampton University, 2001,
Image Sources:
In World Heritage sites 3, I introduce ‘El Güegüense’ which was inscribed on the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2008(originally proclaimed in 2005).

El Güegüense is a satirical drama expressing resistance to colonial rule by the Spanish. According to, ‘Güegüense’, the name of the main character of the play, comes from the Nahuatl word ‘huehue’, meaning ‘old man’ or ‘wise man’. El Güegüense is performed during the feast of San Sebastián(begin on January 10 and end on the first Sunday of February), the patron saint of the city of Diriamba in Carazo province. UNESCO says “El Güegüense, a synthesis of Spanish and indigenous cultures combining theatre, dance and music, is considered one of Latin America’s most distinctive colonial-era expressions.”
The story of El Güegüense recorded in UNESCO is so interesting.
Güegüense, a native American, is a merchant who travels the different colonial territories to sell his goods. His beasts (‘Macho’ in the play) do heavy work and carry loads. Güegüense despises Spanish colonial authorities, he tries to appear cooperative and compliant with the Spanish colonial authorities. So, he uses sentences with double meanings to ridicule and criticize the Spanish colonial authorities. In order to evade paying the taxes imposed by the Spanish colonial authorities, Güegüense sets up a marriage between his son and the Spanish authorities’ daughter.
So, the expression “to put on the Güegüense’s face” in Nicaragua refers to someone who outwardly appears to comply with the rules while working subtly to undermine them.
The text of El Güegüense is anonymous and there are different theories regarding the date when it was created. UNESCO records it as the beginning of the 18th century, and another document records it as the end of the 17th century.
As you can see in the picture below, the characters in El Güegüense play are differentiated by costumes, masks, hats, and so on.
Below is the ‘El Güegüense’ video uploaded to YouTube by UNESCO.

UNESCO, “El Güegüense”, UNESCO,, “El Güegüense”,,
Image Sources:
InWorld Heritage sites 4, I introduce ‘León Cathedral’ which was inscribed on the World Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2011. This is the last one to introduce the World Heritage Sites of Nicaragua registered by UNESCO.
According to Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism, the designer of the León Cathedral is Guatemalan architect Diego José de Porres Esquivel. It was built by Bishop Bernardo Piñol (between 1747 and 1816) while Nicaragua was a Spanish colony. So, León Cathedral is a combination of Guatemalan Baroque architecture, Spanish cathedral features, and Nicaraguan regional features.
According to Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism, the Cathedral of León is better known as the ‘Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption’.
León Cathedral is a rectangular shape. According to UNESCO, this is a Basilica rectangular layout derived from Spain.
UNESCO says that the outside view of León Cathedral is showing ‘late Baroque’ and ‘NeoClassic with sober decoration’.
The interior decoration of León Cathedral has important works of art, including paintings of ‘14 Stations of the Way of the Cross’ by Nicaraguan artist Antonio Sarria and a ‘Wooden Flemish altarpiece’.

Sources: UNESCO, “León Cathedral”, UNESCO, Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism, “Culture”, Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism, Image Sources: Adobe Photo Stock
New Year Celebrations in Ecuador – Putting Things Behind
by Hansung Kim
There are many unique New Year’s traditions and customs. For example, in the United States, families watch the ball drop in Time Square. In Spain, families gather around and stay up until midnight to eat “doce uvas” (twelve grapes). People eat one grape at each of the final twelve seconds of the ending year. This is supposed to bring good luck, prosperity, and happiness. Ecuador’s most well-known New Year’s Eve tradition is the “Año Viejo”. Año Viejo, when directly translated into English, means “old year”. The name suggests the meaning of the año Viejo celebration: letting things go in the past and looking forward to a good, new year.

Then, how do Ecuadorians celebrate año viejo? Weeks before año Viejo, people buy the Año Viejo puppets. These are flammable puppets made up of old clothes on the outside and newspapers on the inside. There are various different models for the Año Viejo dolls. There are politicians, movie characters, celebrities, and more. Some locals even choose to make their own Año Viejo dolls inspired by those whom they love or hate. Some neighborhoods even have their own Año Viejo doll competition to see who made the best one. When New Year’s eve arrives, people go out to the street with their dolls at midnight. They gather around the street and make a pile of dolls. Then, they burn all the dolls together. Depending on the size of the community, the size of the burning pile may differ. However, as a challenge and a sign of good luck, some choose to jump over the pile three times. With families and friends, people joyfully leave tragic things in the past and hope for a good, new year. They also dance and sing along to the music, while having a drink or some food.
Another unique New Year’s celebration in Ecuador is called the Widows, or “las viudas”. During New Year’s eve, men will dress up as a widow, wearing dresses with wigs and make-up on. These men will stop the cars at popular intersections or parks and ask for money. The money earned from these drivers will be later used to provide beer or other drinks for the late-night celebrations in the community. In smaller towns or communities, people recognize these men and have a few laughs with them before passing by. The humorous logic behind this tradition holds levity, and thus should not be considered seriously.
Finally, there is The Will or Testamentos. This celebration can be commonly seen in other countries around the world. It is similar to the New Year’s resolution in the United States. People write events that were good, bad, or funny. They can write this about themselves, but they will also write about events regarding their friends and family. Then, they finish off with how they and their relatives can do better next year. However, one difference is that people write this resolution in a form of songs, poems, or letters. These works are posted together on walls, and in some towns, they have contests for these wills.
Works Cited:
“8 Holiday Traditions to Embrace in Ecuador.”, 2015, “New Year’s Eve or Año Viejo Celebrations in Ecuador — Laylita’s Travels.” Laylita’s Travels, 31 Dec. 2017,
Johannessen, Vibeke. “Año Viejo - Why You Should Celebrate New Years in Ecuador.” The Viking Abroad, 28 May 2019, Accessed 13 Aug. 2022. “New Year’s Eve in Ecuador: Embracing Local Culture.” Hachette Book Group, 15 Dec. 2013, l-culture/#:~:text=Ecuador. Accessed 13 Aug. 2022.
Image Sources:
Traditional Food of Côte d’Ivoire
by Gyurin Kim
Thefood of Côte d’Ivoire is often called the Ivorian cuisine because the country is located in the Ivorian coast in West Africa. For the same reason, the cuisine is largely influenced by surrounding countries in the Ivorian coast, including Ghana, Liberia, Guinea, and Mali. Moreover, it is also influenced by the nation’s colonization by France and Portugal.
Cassava is the main ingredient of much Ivorian food, such as attiéké, placali, and foutou. It has numerous nutritional benefits, such as vitamin C, which supports organ health and blood sugar management. It also enhances immunity as well as collagen production.
Kedjenou is an easy chicken dish decorated with vegetables. As a popular traditional dish for Ivorians, it contains nutritional vegetables, such as garlic, ginger, and green onions. It originated from Baoule ethnic group of the country.
Fufu(foufou) serves as a national dish that consists of starchy foods, including yams and cassava, that have been boiled, pounded, and rounded into balls. The food is dipped into sauces or eaten with stews of meat, fish, or vegetables.
Fish En Papillote (Fish In Parchment) is a cuisine influenced by French colonization and is a very common household food among the people of the nation. Fish is often cooked with lemons or tomatoes wrapped inside the foil.

Image Sources: Wikipedia


Chichen Itza
by Minchae Kwon
Whenvisiting Mexico, everyone should obtain the privilege to explore Chichen Itza. Chichen Itza forms under a pyramid structure, which is still preserved and is known for its unprecedented background. In this regard, Chichen Itza should be recognized as the most prestigious structure due to the amusing characteristics that it consists of.
Chinchen Itza is a predominant historical site that underlines the affluent intelligence and advancement of the Mayan empire. The Chinchen Itza is located in the modern town of Cancun, Mexico. As an active archaeological site with numerous preservations, the discovery of Chichen Itza is still on the way. In 1988, Chichen Itza became UNESCO World Heritage Site, and in 2007, it was chosen as one of the new seven wonders of the world. The prevailing discoveries instigate the necessity to conserve Chichen Itza.
Second, the name Itza means the mouth of the well in the Mayan Language The Itza were an ethnic group of Mayans that had risen into power on the Northern side of the Yucatan peninsula. Furthermore, the well of the name Itza refers to the number of undergrounds, which was served as a water source and allowed people to have easy access to water. Therefore, the name Itza was significant for the Mayans since it improved overall residential lives, hence supporting them to remain as a prolonged history.
Lastly, Chichen Itza diversifies between historical accounts of its creation and development. While some individuals debate whether the Chichen Itza got established around 400 A.D, others claim that the construction happened during the middle part of the fifth century, which is a few years later. Considering that Chichen Itza was the largest city in the Mayan world, there is no doubt that during the 600 A.D, Chichen Itza was identified as the most influential structure of political and economic activities in the Mayan Culture.
To conclude, Chichen Itza is an unneglectable tourism heritage because of its overall historical importance and values. Including its location, the meaning of the name, and the process of its development that spread the structure’s fame. Therefore, when visiting Mexico, Chichen Itza should always be recommended for travelers since its features can give great satisfaction to individuals.

Sources: Editors. “Chichen Itza.”, A&E Television Networks, 19 Feb. 2018, “Mexico: Mayan Ruins: Archaeological Site.” Chichen Itza,
Semana Santa - The Holy Week in Ecuador
by Hansung Kim
Likemany other Latin American countries, Ecuador has several national celebrations that are held annually. One of the most important celebrations is called the Holy Week, also known as Semana Santa. Holy Week is celebrated by all Christian beliefs but differs greatly depending on the country. Now, we can see unique and colorful local festivals of the Holy Week.
Holy Week is celebrated a week before Easter is celebrated. It is the commemoration of the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The eventful week has three most important days: Thursday, Friday, and Sunday. Holy Thursday is a family-oriented day. Families visit cemeteries with their relatives and exchange gifts such as bread. As the evening approaches, all churches are lit up with candles. Some take time to pay tribute to their loved ones, and others join the Last Supper. The Last Supper is also commonly known as Eucharist or the holy communion.
Good Friday is a day to commemorate the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. People march out to the streets to either observe or join the huge crowd
marching in the street. This carnival-like event is called the Procession of Jesus of Great Power or Jesus de Gran Poder in Spanish. During the procession, the image of Jesus is followed by people wearing purple veils. Men called the Cucuruchos(“cone” in Spanish) wear pointy purple cones and women called the Veronicas wear a purple cloth over their heads. This symbolizes the women in the Christian scripture that offers Jesus to wipe his face. The color purple and pointy cones are used to represent repentance. The size of the parade could differ depending on the size of the community, but in Quito, the capital of Ecuador, there are more than 250 thousand locals and visitors. The streets are filled with traditional music, dances, and hymns.
Finally, on Easter Sunday, Ecuadorians eat a special dish called the “Fanesca”. Fanesca is exclusively eaten during the Holy Week and can be found in almost any restaurant during the time. Fanesca is a soup made up of vegetables, eggs, pumpkins, and twelve different kinds of beans and grains. Since the soup comprises twelve different kinds of beans and grains, it represents the twelve apostles of Jesus.

Moeller, Nathalie. “Holy Week in Ecuador: A Unique Ecuadorian Celebration.” Metropolitan Touring, 23 Mar. 2017, “Semana Santa (Holy Week) & Easter 2022 in Ecuador - Dates.”, “Semana Santa in Quito.” HOY | Noticias Del Ecuador Y El Mundo, Accessed 13 Aug. 2022
Image Sources: Adobe Photo Stock (free)
Fruit Dumplings
by Chaeyoon Kang

Afamous menu that most Czech Republic restaurants have is fruit dumplings. Fruit dumplings are traditional Czech cuisine that is one of the most Although many people consider it a dessert, in Czech Republic, they are served as a full meal.
The fruit dumplings are very resourceful since they can be made with various types of dough and filled with numerous kinds of fruits. Traditionally, they are filled with fruits like strawberries, blueberries, plums, or apricots. Sometimes they are sprinkled with sugar, grated with cream cheese, smothered with
melted butter, or dusted with cinnamon. Some people prefer having toasted breadcrumbs or sour cream as toppings.
Instead of filling the dumpling with fruits, some people prefer having the dumpling with fruit sauce. Depending on the region, there are varieties of fruit dumplings. For example, in regions where cows are abundant, dumplings are made out of cottage cheese dough and are topped with grated cottage cheese since there are plenty of milk. Also, in regions where potatoes are produced, they are made with potato dough. As well as dough, the fruits
Image Sources: Adobe Photo Stock
changes as well. In the northeast of the country, blueberry dumplings are most known, while in the south Bohemia, dumplings filled with rum pralines and topped with traditional blueberry sauce are famous. The traditional fruit sauce is called the “Zahour” which is usually made out of blueberries. Many people prefer having Zahour with the fruit dumplings because it makes the preparation much easier. So, the fruit dumpling is a must try food in Czech Republic. I hope everyone especially tourists would try the fruit dumplings when they visit Czech Republic.

En la capital de Ecuador, llamada Quito, existe mucha arquitectura colonial, dado que, es el centro histórico más grande de América Latina, y posee lugares como la Catedral de Quito, y la Basilica del Voto Nacional, los cuales están catalogados entre los cien edificios más importantes del mundo declarado por la UNESCO.
Guayaquil es una de las ciudades más grandes de Ecuador. La ciudad se encuentra en la parte oeste del río Guayas, que fluye en el Océano Pacífico en el Golfo de Guayaquil. La comida típica de Guayaquil incluye encebollado, ceviche y cazuela.
Image Credit: Adobe Photo Stock (free)
del Ecuador
by Yeokyung Jo
El centro de la hermosa ciudad de Cuenca también se llama Santa Ana de los Cuatros ríos de Cuenca, esta ciudad también fue designada como patrimonio cultural mundial de la UNESCO, tiene mucha influencia colonial española y muchos tesoros arquitectónicos de alrededor de 400 años.
Sources: de_Ecuador Image Credit: Adobe Photo Stock (free)

Mexican Food and Culture
by Seoyoung Kim

Mexico is famous for its delicious cuisine, which has a strong connection with its long heritage and culture. Therefore, the unique cultural identity of Mexico can be derived from delving into its culinary aspect. In fact, Mexican cuisine reveals that the country went through diverse ups and downs in its history and culture, which had ultimately impacted the evolution of Mexican cuisine.
Mexican food stems all the way back to the Mayan civilization. The Mayan civilization deeply believed that the diversity and the richness of wholesome food can serve to rejuvenate the mind, body and spirit by exciting diverse sensory perceptions. Therefore, it can be deduced that the traditional Mexican cuisine has an element of spirituality blended into the food.
During the pre-Columbian Mexican period, the staple Mexican diet consisted of Maize. In fact, it is not an overemphasize to claim that maize was present in almost all Mexican dishes. Furthermore, there are ingredients that are widely adopted in traditional Mexican meals, these include chocolates, peanuts, beans, tomatoes, etc. The aforementioned ingredients as a base are usually intertwined with European cuisines such as wine, cheese, pork and beef, as Mexico has a history of being conquered by Spain.
Indeed, when the Spanish conquered Mexico, the Spanish conquerors brought with them massive amounts of livestock consumed in Europe, and this drastically altered the composition of traditional Mexican base ingredients of food. On top of the introduction of new sources of meat, the Spanish conquerors also brought with them diverse exotic spices, garlic and wine to Mexico which played a major role in enhancing the overall taste of the Mexican cuisine. The intermingling of these ingredients give Mexican cuisine a uniquely delicious taste that is well balanced and blended.
Accordingly, it can be inferred from the aforementioned information that the contemporary Mexican cuisine has been highly influenced by not only its traditional domestic culture and values, but also external factors such as the history of Spanish colonialism. The blend of traditional Mexican ingredients and the modern ingredients brought by the Europeans has afforded Mexican food a unique status, as the taste of Mexican cuisine is famous for being “addictive”. It is no wonder why major franchises such as Chipotle and Taco Bell have been very popular and successful in North America’s competitive food franchise market.
Image Sources: Adobe Photo Stock

































Unique Zambian Fashion Designers
by Seonhan Kim

Decades ago, Zambia’s cloth industries withered, and the industries reduced the actual Zambian products to replace them with cheaper Chinese goods. Though nowadays, there is a resurgence in Zambia’s fashion industry by the unique young designer generations. As more young Zambian fashion designers appeared, there are annual events named Zambia Fashion Week. In this showcase, Zambian fashion designers express their distinctive designs to potential clients who would buy their products. Not only fashion prospects but also Zambia’s fashion Council joins to reach their final goal, which is to develop the Zambian Fashion Industry conspicuously. As more Zambian fashion designers are invited into the showcase, their designs are working strongly with the major brands. Now, so that we know how the Zambian fashion style has been approaching the world these days, I would like to introduce 5 major designers from Zambia. The Zambian designer’s design mostly reminisces the traditional clothes of Zambia.
The first designer to introduce me is Debbie Chu. Her brand name is Deborah Chuma. This brand is anticipated the most in Zambia Fashion Week each year. Debbie Chu is 20 years old and has taken her career in 2009 aboard. Her design is based on vintage style, and the materials are mostly second-hand clothes. She has a famous collection titled Oracle of the Honey Bee.
The next designer approach is a. Chiza Nglube for 16 years has been

creating men’s bespoke tailoring using original African prints and fabrics. Nugulube first opened a standalone store after the South African Fashion Week showcase. Nglube has created a design including Chitenge which is a Zambian print. They also created a modernized design of Sibiza which is a traditional men’s outfit in Western Zambia.
Then, I would like to introduce Mangishi Love by Kapasa Musonda. Musonda established her own brand primarily in 2012. In her Mahishi doll line, It contains unique prints and bold colors mixed in rhythmical ways. It is referring to a twisted wire,
The second last designer, Chisoma Lombe, is the founder of ChizO Designs. Operative since 2013. In 2014, Lombe participated in Zimbabwe Fashion week 2014. Lombe’s design attributes are very colorful. She enjoys her designs to be bright and bold to point out the “beauty of nature”.
Finally, MaFashio by Sekayi and Tukiya Fundafunda. It was instituted by Sekayi and Tukiya in 2012. They have been spotlighted with the title of street style blog, and who is most fashionable in Zambia. MaFashio has changed into an individual stylish site that promoted local fashion industries. They spotlighted such designers that were invited to Zambia Fashion Week. In 2014, they were named Zambia’s best fashion blog in Zambia Fashion Week.
Resources: Kapambwe, Mazuba. “5 Designers Putting Zambian Fashion on the Map.” OkayAfrica, OkayAfrica, 28 Sept. 2017,
Image Sources:
Barcelona SC
by Haelynn Kim
Barcelona Sports Club (abbreviated as Barcelona SC) is an Ecuadorian football club formed in 1925 in Guayaquil. Ecuador’s football league competes in Primera Categoria Serie A and has never been demoted.
They are Ecuador’s most successful team, having won 15 times in total, the most recent in 2016. Estadio Monumental Isidro Romero Carbo, their home stadium, is Ecuador’s largest in terms of size.
Aside from soccer, the club also has basketball, boxing, bowling, volleyball, tennis, track and field, and swimming teams, with the basketball team winning the championship as well.
Idol is the nickname given to the soccer team, and it is loved in Ecuador. In addition to winning the Primera Categoria Serie A, the team also won six domestic competitions, including the Campeonato de Guayaquil and the Campeonato Amateur de Guayaquil, and placed second twice in the Copa Libertadores.
Indeed, the name evokes images of FC Barcelona, the world’s most prominent soccer club. Although the two teams have nothing in common, Barcelona SC was founded by Eutimio Perez, a Barcelona native who named the team after his birthplace.


Works Cited:
Inicio - Barcelona Sporting Club
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Azerbaijani Carpets
by Yunwoo Cha
Carpet weaving is one of the oldest and most widespread arts in Azerbaijan. In fact, archaeological materials and written documents prove that this art was spread even in the Bronze Age. Many books and folklore have highly praised carpets and carpet-related items.
Azerbaijani carpets include colors such as blue, green, black, red, yellow, copper, navy, and lilac. These colors could be made from dyes such as pomegranates, quince, saffron, apple peel, walnut, and licorice. They also have patterns that differ from region to region. In addition, there are different types of carpets like pile carpets and pile-less carpets. Pile carpets have loops of fabric on them, while pile-less carpets have tighter loops of fabric.
From generation to generation, carpet making is taught orally through families. In spring and fall, men shear sheep while women gather dye. They also spin and dye yarn too. Furthermore, women and girls of the family do the weaving during winter. Using horizontal or vertical looms, the carpet is made from wool, cotton, or silk yarn. Weavers use special techniques to create pile carpets and pile-less carpets. When the carpet is completed, it is cut from the loom and solemnly celebrated.
To find out more about carpets in Azerbaijan, one could always visit the Azerbaijan National Carpet Museum. It is a big museum that is shaped like a rolled up carpet and has the largest collection of Azerbaijani carpets in the world. It also has ceramics, jewelry, oil lamps, and embroidery, too. Moreover, the museum is a place for discussion and study of carpet weaving and its impact. It was founded in 1967 and was in the Juma Mosque, Baku, before it was moved to the Lenin Museum on Neftchilar Avenue in 1991. In 2014, it was moved again to a seaside park.

Image Sources: Common Wikipedia (
Education System of Zambia
by John Suh
Basicliteracy education and technical education are essential for a country to grow. As a result of this rapid improvement in literacy, Korea has provided an opportunity to improve into a developed country. As such, literacy plays an important role in the country’s development, which applies equally to Korea. Korea basically demonstrates the 6-3-3 system, and it is designed to allow students to attend elementary school for 6 years and middle and high school for 3 years, respectively. Meanwhile, Zambia introduced a 7-2-3 system, and it is designed to help children learn a higher curriculum after acquiring sufficient literacy. In addition, Zambia implemented the “Bridge Zambia Project” to educate its citizens on basic literacy, which allowed not only Zambian students but also out-of-school children, youngers, and adults to learn how to read and write.

The Bridge Zambia Project is an educational system implemented in Zambia. This system has enabled the Zambian President’s dream of “education that no one is left out,” which he has emphasized multiple times, which allowed all citizens to receive equal education regardless of their age. A figurative success story of the “Bridge Zambia Project” is that it has become the representation of the development of technology education by supplementing the financial difficulties of Zambia’s leading technology education system (Tevet). No matter how much the government funds the technical education system, most institutions have difficulty raising finances to build training operations and teaching environments. Accordingly, the Bridge Zambia project always provided fees for employees and resources to capacity-building training for teachers and administrative practitioners in the training operation at an appropriate time. In addition, opportunities for job creation were developed and local learning centers were established to provide the infrastructure for technical education.
The reason why the “Bridge Zambia Project” is essential is because of Zambia’s relatively low literacy rate. If there is a limitation on basic literacy, which is the basis of everything, will not only restrict Zambian’s everyday life but also the country’s technological development will suffer greatly. However, Zambia’s basic literacy has actually increased
due to the ‘Bridge Zambia Project’ which was implemented in 2010. Furthermore, Zambia is expected to develop further consistently. According to Kosis’s statistics (2018), Zambia’s literacy rate is 86.7%, which is superior to that of other African countries. Therefore, it can be confirmed that the ‘Bridge Zambia Project’ is an essential and important matter in the development of Zambia.
Therefore, Zambia’s educational institution can be seen to have achieved tremendous results due to the “Bridge Zambia Project,” which gives Zambia an opportunity to be recognized as a developed country. There was also an important role in the UNESCO Korea Committee, which has continued to provide financial support. Since the cooperation between Zambia and Korea has already been proven through achievements, we look forward to the development of the Korean education system through continuous exchanges in the future. mode=ko&language=kor&obj_var_id=&itm_id=&conn_path=MT_RTITLE
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La Gastronomía de Ecuador
by Yeokyung Jo
La gastronomía de Ecuador varía con la altitud y las condiciones de la agricultura. En la costa, se sirven una variedad de mariscos, carne asada y pollo con plátano frito, arroz y frijoles, y sopas de carne hechas con vegetales locales.
En las montañas, se sirven cerdo, pollo, vacuno con arroz, maíz y patatas. Normalmente la comida ecuatoriana se sirve con patacones, que son plátanos fritos. Hay muchas variedades de frutas frescas, especialmente en altitudes más bajas.
El cuy asado es una de las comidas más tradicionales de Latinoamérica. Es muy fácil para cocinar. El cuy es pelado, dividido y se le quita el interior y se lo asa sobre la parrilla.
El Ceviche es una comida común en Ecuador, que representa toda la costa del Pacífico de América del Sur. Hay muchas variedades, pero el ceviche de gambas es el más común, está hecho con camarón cocido con limón, zumo de naranja, salsa de tomate, cilantro, pimienta y cebolla roja.
Las empanadas de viento son una comida muy típica en Ecuador, no son parecidas a otros tipos de empanadas, y están rellenas con queso cremoso.



Image Sources: Wikipedia, Adobe Photo Stock (free)
by Minchae Kwon

Thefoods in Mexico have been acknowledged worldwide for decades and centuries. There is a food that can be considered the best food in Mexican culture, Chilaquiles. The growing popularity of Chilaquiles rises since the taste and nutrients it consists of is amazing. In this regard, this essay will underline Chilaquiles and the recipes for creating Chilaquiles.
First, Chilaquiles came from the ancient Nahuatl word, “Chilis and Greens.” This language officially came from the Aztecs and originated in Mexico. Besides, their language was utilized in vast areas of Mexico and Chilaquiles is common among Mexicans.
Moreover, Chilaquiles got chosen as the best food in Mexico for people to try because of their long history, which shows the overall meaningfulness of this particular food.
Second, various ingredients are required to cook this popular food. When creating Chilaquiles, people often only put tortillas or some favorable sauces. However, opposing what most individuals assert, it is known that Chilaquiles can have many ingredients such as onions, chicken, eggs, and more. Besides, the ingredients used for making Chilaquiles usually represent a particular area in Mexico or someone’s family. This means that Chilaquiles was and is considered as a food that
exceeded the level of only being a popular food among Mexicans. Specifically, it was famous but had these meanings that made it valuable and worth trying the food at least once.
In conclusion, Chilaquiles is considered the most famous and intriguing food for several reasons. One of the reasons include their historical backgrounds as the traditional food in Mexico and the unique way of its creations. Therefore, individuals among various nations should get the privilege to try the Chilaquiles and realize their unique characteristics.
5 Epic Places You Should Visit in Nicaragua!
by Brendan Lee Seo
Nicaragua is a country located in Central America between the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. Its terrain is coastal plains that eventually rise up to interior mountains. There is a narrow coastal plain dotted with volcanoes on the Pacific side of the country. Nicaragua’s capital is Managua, and it has warm temperatures year-round.
Little Corn Island
Corn Island is located in the Caribbean Sea, about 70 kilometers off Nicaragua’s east coast. There are two islands, Big Corn and Little Corn, that are famous for their beaches. Big Corn is the larger island of the two, people can find shops, roads, hotels, and airports. On Little Corn Island, there are traditional buildings and natural landscapes rather than developed buildings. Most visitors try scuba diving in the Corn Islands, there are specific species of sharks and fishes in the sea.
Masaya Volcano
Massaya Volcano is the largest national park in Nicaragua. It is located 20 kilometers south of Nicaragua’s capital city, Managua. Visitors can get to the lip of the crater and can see a lake of lava into the crater. There are plenty of hikes to choose from throughout the park, so many visitors can try a variety of treks.
San Juan Del Sur
It is Nicaragua’s most popular and famous beach town. The town has an unique style, comprised of picturesque buildings, murals, and cafes. In addition, the town is filled with surf schools so it is a great opportunity to learn surfing.
Leon is one of Nicaragua’s largest cities, and it is one of the first or last places people visit as it sits close to the border with Honduras. In Leon, you can directly see, experience, and exchange the history and culture of the people who lived in Nicaragua rather than the natural environment. You can try on the traditional clothes of the locals, and try food and drinks. The most popular activity for visitors to do is Cerro Negro Volcano Boarding.
Isla De Ometepe
Isla De Ometepe is a small island made up of two volcanos, and it sits within Lake Nicaragua (Nicaragua’s largest lake). Ometepe has been a home to local citizens for thousands of years. Visitors and tourists can rent a motorbike or scooter to see the island with limited traffic. San Ramon Waterfall is one of the most famous waterfalls in Nicaragua; it is surrounded by tropical jungle. Isla de Ometepe is an easy to explore and safe island.

Burning lave and smoke in Masaya Volcano crater
Works Cited:
Image Sources: Adobe Photo Stock
Pasillo - The Melody of Ecuador
by Hansung Kim

exotic, and instrumental – these are some words that describe the music and dance of Latin America. Latin American music and dance are extraordinary and mesmerizing. They are a large part of Latin American culture that encourages social gatherings and strengthens relationships between family members and peers. Additionally, they are accompanied during special occasions like traditional holidays and festivals. Various styles and genres exist within Latin American music and dance. Tango, a romantic and passionate dance from Argentina, and flamenco, an intricate and energetic dance from Spain are just some examples. One of the most entertaining styles of music is the pasillo from Ecuador.
With the literal meaning of “small steps”, Pasillo is the national genre of music in Ecuador. It is believed that Pasillo originated from the Columbian Andes in the 1800s. Primarily deriving from the classic Viennese waltz with the influence of Spanish paso doble, Pasillo spread through the isolated and sparsely populated region of Dry Chacho. Although Pasillo can be easily identified, many variations emerged as the music traversed through the small, separated villages of Dry Chacho. Aforementioned, Pasillo came from the Columbian Andes, meaning that Pasillo didn’t strictly arise from Ecuador.
However, Pasillo became closely linked with Ecuador during the Ecuadorian War of Independence. In ‘Ecuador’, a Pasillo duet song of Enrique Ibáñez Mora and Nicasio Safadi, Pasillo gained wild popularity and quickly became part of Ecuadorian nationalism.
Iconic genres of Latin American music and dance share several similar characteristics. These characteristics include powerful movement, extravagant representation, and the fast-paced rhythm of the dance music. Of course, there are distinctive disparities amongst Latin music genes; however, these characteristics are common as also seen in the previously mentioned tango and flamenco. Interestingly, Pasillo is different from some of the other iconic music genres. Instead of volatile and powerful movements, Pasillo is rather gentle and sentimental. The music is downtempo with poetic lyrics and melancholic rhythms. The beautiful combination of music and dance is carried out by a guitar and a rondin, but other string instruments could be played as well.
Until this day, Pasillo is an iconic symbol of Ecuadorian nationalism. The genre of the song is becoming more diverse, unique, and popular through the modifications of the modern generation.
“Pasillo -- What You Teach Your Kids about the World MATTERS.” Online Education for Kids, YfYkLhNBz-Y. Accessed 29 Jan. 2022.
“Pasillo – the Rhythm of Ecuador.” Discover Ecuador |, Accessed 29 Jan. 2022.
“UNESCO - Pasillo, Song and Poetry.”, Accessed 29 Jan. 2022., 2022, Accessed 30 Jan. 2022.
Image Sources: © Museum School of the Pasillo, 2019 (
The Karabakh Horse and Chovqan
by Yunwoo Cha

The Karabakh horse is a rare and gorgeous horse that lives in Azerbaijan and the breed is one of the oldest in the world. it is Azerbaijan’s national animal and is very important to the Azerbaijan people. These horses are loved because they are calm, friendly and strong, and they are loyal to their owners. They are also very quick, for one once ran 1000 meters in one minute and 9 seconds. Today, the breed is preserved and supported. Karabakh horses are also involved in sports too such as Chovqan, an Azerbaijani national sport. Historically, shepherds used to play Chovqan as a hobby before they made a championship about it. Also,
Chovgan and the Karabakh horse are recognized by UNESCO. Chovqan is played on a flat field by two teams; each having five players. The game starts at the center of the field, and players try to win by driving leather or wooden balls toward their opponent’s goal with mallets. In addition, Folk music called jangchi is played during the game. Players traditionally wear long coats, astrakhan hats, socks, and shoes. People of any age watch these games and support their teams. The games strengthen people’s identity and show horses were a necessary part of life historically.
Image Sources:
체흐와 레흐와 루스
(Daniel Sungmin Lee)
체코는 슬라브계 국가로 신기하게도 여러 나라와 건국신화를 공유합니다. 한국은 하늘의 자식 한 명의 신비로운 건국으로 되어
있는 반면, 체코는 여러 판본에 따라 건국자가 타국의 왕자이거나 알
수가 없습니다. 체코의 건국 신화는 그들의 땅, 보헤미아가 얼마나
건국지로서 훌륭한 지 서술하기도 합니다.
세 형제 체흐(Čech)와 레흐(Lech)와 루스(Rus)가 사냥을 하고자
떠났다가 각자가 간 곳에서 나라를 세우게 됩니다. 루스는 동쪽으로 가서 키예프 루스, 지금의 러시아를 건국합니다. 레흐는 하얀 독수리와
붉은 석양을 본 그니에즈노(Gniezno)에서 폴란드를 건국합니다.
마지막으로 체흐는 리프(Říp) 산을 둘러본 뒤 형제들에게 자신의 땅의
우월함을 소개하고 보헤미아(체코)를 건국합니다. 이것이 신화의 내용입니다.
신화를 자세히 다루려고 하였으나 생각보다 판본마다 내용이 많이 상이 하였습니다. 일단, 체코에서도 신화를 다루는 책들이 코스마스 (Cosmas) 연대기, 달리밀 연대기(Dalimilova kronika) 등 여러 권이
있었으며 내용도 크고 작은 부분들이 달랐습니다. 특히, 삼 형제의 근본에 대해서도 논쟁이 있습니다. 그들이 판노니아(헝가리)의 왕 판 (Pan)의 아들이라는 주장이 있고, 공작 가문의 형제들이라는 이야기도 있으며, 특정 부족을 대표하는 상징적인 존재라는 의견도 있습니다.
고조선처럼 체코의 고대 왕국인 사모(Samo) 제국의 흔적이 존재하기 때문에 역사와 신화의 연계점이 존재한다 여겨 지기도 합니다. 사모 제국은 특유의 카리스마로 슬라브 민족들을 최초로 한데 묶은 사모의 제국을 의미합니다. 5세기에 잠시 존재했다고 여겨집니다. 그런데 학자들은 체흐가 보헤미아 땅으로 넘어온 시기를 이와 같은 세기로 추측하고 있기 때문에 연관성이 깊을 수도 있습니다.

Walery Eljasz-Radzikowski (1841-1905)가 그린 Lech, Czech, Rus’ and White Eagle
체코의 건국 신화는 타국의 신화와 깊게 연관되어 있으며, 이는 전 유럽적 현상이기도 합니다. 그렇기 때문에 각 나라의 학자들마다 주장이 약간씩 다르고 국민들이 바라보는 시선도 차이가 있습니다. 결과적으로 신화이기 때문에 정답은 없습니다. 하지만 이 중에서도 정사(正史)에 가까운 신화를 좀 더 정답으로 쳐주기는 합니다. 그런 점에서 체흐와 레흐와 루스는 여러
Works Cited:
Jirásek, Alois, and Věnceslav Černý. Staré Pověsti České. Slovart, 2020. Edel Tomáš. Příběh Johanitského Komtura řečeného Dalimil: Kapitola Z dějin české Politiky. ISV, 2000. Eljasz-Radzikowski, Walery. “Wappen Polens.” Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias, Dalimil. Nejstarší česká Rýmovaná Kronika Tak Řečeného Dalimila: K vydání připravili Bohuslav Havránek a jiří daňhelka: 2. vydání. Nakladatelství Československé Akademie vèd, 1958. Mylʹnikov, A. S. Kartina Slavianskogo Mira: Vzgliad Iz Vostochnoĭ Evropy. PV, 1999. “Praotec Čech.” Hora p : Praotec Ech : Mtus a Historie, Kosmova Kronika, Dalimilova Kronika, Pulkavova Kronika, Hjkova Kronika, A Co to Strd?, 2007, Manitius, M. “Zu Cosmas Von Prag.” Mitteilungen Des Instituts Für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung, vol. 8, no. JG, 1887, pp. 479–482., Image Sources: Wikipedia
About Czech Famous Places
by Minchae Kwon
Prague Castle
Prague Castle, also called Hradcany, was most likely founded in around 8800 by Prince Borivoj of the Premyslid Dynasty. It has been home to Holy Roman Emperors, the Habsburgs, Bohemian kings and, recently, the Czech Republic’s President. It is also known as the largest coherent castle complex in the world and is the UNESCO World Heritage Site. During 1000 year history, the castle has gone through various dramatic changes in architectural style which can be seen in the numerous buildings constructed within its walls through the centuries. Some highlights of the Prague Castle include the beautiful St. Vitus Cathedral, the Powder Tower, and the Golden Lane with its medieval workshops. Out of the many attractive places, the Old Royal Palace is one of the most interesting of all the historic buildings. The Prague Castle also has the famous Vladislav Hall which is still used for coronations, banquets, and jousting tournaments.

Works Cited: “State Castle Český Krumlov.” Český Krumlov,
Dearsley, Bryan. “16 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in the Czech Republic: Planetware.”, 4 May 2020,
Dearsley, Bryan. “Visiting Prague Castle: 9 Top Attractions, Tips & Tours: Planetware.”, 13 Sept. 2021, Lewis, Robert. “Prague Castle.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., Shanberg, Dana. “Charles Bridge (Karlův Most).” Charles Bridge, Prague,

Prague’s Charles Bridge
The Charles Bridge is on top of every Prague visitor’s must see list and it is impossible not to go when they visit Prague as it is the city’s most important river crossing. The Charles Bridge is the stone bridge which joins the Old Town and Lesser Town. It was built in 1357, after the Judith Bridge, the first stone bridge over the river, collapsed in flood in 1342. It is famous for the unique points along the 520 meter span. There is a tower built on both the Staroměstská věž on the Old Town end and the Malostranská věž on the Mala Strana end. People can climb the tower for the amazing view of Prague. Countless tourists and photographers especially visit the bridge because of the beautiful views. A lot of views were captured during off-peak hours, at dawn and at dusk which is when it is less crowded.
Cesky Krumlov Castle
The Cesky Krumlov Castle which is controlling the old town after which it is named is very well preserved given its age. In 1963, the town was declared a Municipal Preserve, in 1989 the castle became a National Monument, and in 1992 the entire castle was included on the list of UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Monuments. One of the most famous parts is the castle’s old baroque theater, which is built in 1682, is still used for special performances. Some other unique features include historical collections of paintings, tapestries, and furniture. The Castle comprises 40 buildings, including fine old palaces, castle courts, and gardens. Visitors would be able to spend several days wandering the place and looking at the wonderful buildings.
Introducing Korean ex-pats!!
by Keonhee Andrew Ahn






Works Cited:


• Namu Wiki “크리스티안 부르고스” • A0%EC%8A%A4 Accessed 16 Apr. 2022.
• Naver “크리스티안 부르고스 한복의 매력에 푹 빠지다” • Accessed 16 Apr. 2022.
• 신상민 기자 “크리스티안 멕시코 이미지 바꿔줘 준 어서와에 감사” TV Daily 20180209 • php3?aid=15181351481323268020&search=%C5%A9%B8%AE%BD%BA%C6%BC%BE%C8%20%BA%CE%B8%A3%B0%ED%BD%BA.Accessed 16 Apr. 2022.
• YouTube “82 Questions with 크리스티안”• Accessed 16 Apr. 2022.
• Youtube “사회통합프로그램” • Accessed 16 Apr. 2022.
• Naver TV “멕시코인 크리스티안” • Accessed 17 Apr. 2022.
The Galapagos Wonderland
by Hansung Kim

Ecuador is an incredibly gorgeous country located on the western edge of South America. Despite its smaller size compared to neighboring Colombia and Peru, Ecuador is filled with picturesque landscapes and exotic natural life. Ecuador offers dramatic and unique activities. Tourists can visit the capital Quito, to explore the colonial city with the verdant mountains in the background or enjoy the hilly view of the Andes while aboard La Nariz del Diablo (The Devil’s Nose), a historic train built in the 1900s. Among countless other tourist destinations, the Galapagos Islands is the true wonderland of Ecuador.
The Galapagos Islands, isolated 630 miles off the coast of Ecuador, harbors unique ecosystems and astonishing wildlife. Snorkeling is one of the most exciting ways to examine the vivacious life underwater. Unlike scuba diving, snorkeling does not require special training or experience, but it offers the same opportunity to swim up close to aquatic animals. Even a recreational swimmer can get up close and swim along with green sea turtles, sea lions, Marine Iguanas, sharks, and other exceptional creatures. Bring a waterproof camera to capture the sensational views of the once-in-a-lifetime experience!
The Galapagos Islands is protected by its national park status that preserves its pristine natural beauty. However, visitors are free to roam through the magnificence of the designated hiking trails including the one that traverses through South Plaza Island. The South Plaza Island is a small, inhabited island in the archipelago. The 1.7-mile loop trail offers a unique hiking experience. On a crimson moss canvas, the island presents beautiful flowers, tropical birds, sea lions, and marine iguanas.
“Galapagos Hiking | Hiking in the Galapagos Islands.” Galapagos Safari Camp, 3 July 2017, Accessed 23 Jan. 2022.
Lewis, Ryan. The 10 Best Things to Do in the Galapagos Islands - Rainforest Cruises. Accessed 24 Jan. 2022.
“Snorkeling in Galapagos: Top Animals You’ll Get to Swim With.” Finch Bay Galapagos Hotel in Puerto Ayora, Galapagos - Ecuador, 29 Dec. 2017, Accessed 24 Jan. 2022., 2022, jpg., 2022, Accessed 26 Jan. 2022.
Image Sources: Adobe Photo Stock (free)

E-commerce in Bangladesh
by Minseo Kim
Over the past 20 years, the spread of the Internet has created tremendous opportunities for companies around the world. Countless companies have grown their businesses with various advantages such as reducing production costs, recruiting new customers and suppliers, and creating new distribution channels through e-Commerce based on the Internet.
In line with this trend of the times, Bangladesh has also dramatically grown the e-commerce sector since the early 2000s. Bangladesh enacted the ICT Act in 2006 to promote e-commerce and encourage the growth of information technology, and in 2009, Bangladesh’s central bank began allowing online transactions. Furthermore, in 2013, the Bank of Bangladesh allowed the purchase and sale of online products and services using international credit cards.
Social media is also widely used in Bangladesh. Facebook has more than 30 million users and is also a major e-commerce platform. Bangladesh has more than 50,000 e-commerce Facebook pages, advertising and selling products ranging from clothing to beauty products and food.
According to very optimistic estimates, the size of the Bangladesh e-commerce sector is expected to reach about $3 billion by 2023. Bangladesh’s national economy is also expected to break away from the poorest countries during this period and enter one of the middleincome countries. Historically, when consumption income increases, there is strong evidence that consumers spend more on fashion, food, and consumables in proportion to this. Therefore, Bangladesh has very high growth potential in this e-commerce sector.
Of course, in order for Bangladesh e-commerce to grow stably, there are many technical and institutional tasks. These include a lack of privacy policies, anxiety about online security, and lack of intellectual property protection.
Nevertheless, Bangladesh is rapidly improving its technical challenges based on advances in the ICT sector, and institutional tasks are also being revised and supplemented according to the level of economic development, so Bangladesh’s E-COMMERCE sector is expected to grow rapidly.
Hossain Md Billal.(2019) A Study on e-Commerce Adoption in Bangladesh: Predictors of SMEs. Graduate School Kumoh National Institute of Technology.
Image Sources: Adobe Photo Stock

Fintech in Bangladesh
by Minseo Kim

Fintech is a portmanteau of the terms “finance” and “technology” and refers to all businesses that use technology to improve or automate financial services and processes. The term includes a rapidly growing industry that provides the interests of both consumers and businesses in multiple ways. From mobile banking and insurance to cryptocurrency and investment apps, FinTech has a seemingly endless array of applications. Technology has made it easier for customers to access financial services from anywhere.
Fintech in Bangladesh has completely changed the financial landscape. As the epidemic inspired people to make cashless transactions, Bangladesh’s fintech firms welcomed this opportunity to have a meaningful and remarkable impact on Bangladesh. According to the global fintech index 2021, Bangladesh’s fintech ecosystem is growing and is expected to grow in the future. But “MFS has gained trust in the domestic fintech sector, but almost half of the population does not do banking and technology penetration is less than 40 percent,” said Sid Almas Kabir, chairman of the Bangladesh Software Information Service Association.
Conversely, it can be interpreted that Fintech has great growth potential in Bangladesh. Despite its many challenges, Bangladesh’s government has cooperated with the private sector to create a supportive policy environment for digital innovation based on national ICT policies for universal and inexpensive access to digital devices. Accordingly, FinTech is expected to serve as the right catalyst to boost Bangladesh’s economy in the future.
References: Image Sources: Wikipedia
Great Czech Inventions
by Jiwoo Shin
Invention of Soft Contact Lens

Assmartphones and computers became a big part of our daily lives, people’s eyesight are getting worse over time. More people are starting to wear glasses to fix their eyesight and contact lens are a good substitute for people who sometimes want to be free from glasses. The concept of contact lens was first suggested by the famous Leonardo da Vinci in 1508. A long time after Da Vinci’s idea, a series of inventions on contact lens took place. The first version of the contact lens was made with glass, the next one was made with a combination of glass and plastic. However, the problem with these lenses was that they were too heavy and uncomfortable. Then, in 1959, an innovative ‘soft’ contact lens was made by Czech chemists named Otto Wichterle (left) and Drahoslav Lim (right).
Otto Wichterle and Drahoslav Lim were members of the Prague Institute of Chemical Technology and later moved to the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry. Their research project initially aimed to design polymers for medical ophthalmology applications. They wanted to make a new biomaterial with stable shape and softness similar to the eye’s surrounding tissue. Lim started to synthesize new hydrogels using neutralization and distillation. Lim’s surprising discovery happened in one night, when he stopped the experiment’s reaction early because of his train time. The next day, he found out that the water layer changed into a clear hydrogel overnight. That result was further studied with the combination of chemicals triehtyleneglycol, diethylenelycol, and ehtyleneglycol to finally produce HEMA(ethylene glycol monomethacrylate) and EDMA(ethyleneglycol dimethacrylate), which were two key materials to create the soft contact lens.
After Lim’s discovery of hydrogels, Wichterle decorated the finale of the production of contact lens using his grandson’s toy. In 1961, Wichterle created a device with his grandson’s Merkur toy and the motor in his gramophone that could produce the hydrogel-based contact lens using the centrifugal casting process. After three years, National Patent Development Corporation granted license of Wichterle and Lim’s work and initiated the soft contact lens industry in the USA. Soft lenses were extremely comfortable compared to the original hard lenses that even though the hard lenses often provide sharper visions, still lots of people and medical professions prefer using soft lenses over hard lenses.
Works Cited:


All About Vision. (n.d.). When Were Contact Lenses Invented? [online] Available at: Contact Lens Museum. (n.d.). Otto Wichterle. [online] Available at: December%20of%201961%20he [Accessed 29 Jan. 2022].
Kopecek, J. (2009). Hydrogels: From soft contact lenses and implants to self-assembled nanomaterials. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, [online] 47(22), pp.5929–5946. Available at:
Image Sources: Wikipedia, Facebook of An Illustrated History of Slavic Misery
Invention of Polarograph
Jaroslav Heyrovsky (right) is a Czech Chemist who was born in Prague on December 20th, 1890 and passed away on March 27th, 1967. He was a Professor of Roman Law at the Czech University of Prague and during the First World War, he worked in a military hospital as dispensing chemist and radiologist. After working for the military, he became the first professor of Physical Chemistry at the Institute of Analytical Chemistry of Charles University, Prague. Even though he has done lots of great jobs in his life, his most remarkable achievement is winning the Nobel Prize in 1959 for inventing the ‘Polarograph’.
Polarography is an electrochemical method of analyzing solutions of reducible or oxidizable substances. (Britannica) Polarography can identify the majority of the chemical elements and it can be applied to the analysis of alloys and inorganic compounds, studying chemical equilibria, and rates of reactions in solutions. Under dropping circumstances, the surface of the working mercury electrode is constantly refreshed, ensuring that the reaction conditions are easily repeatable. The depolarization potential allows the identification of ions in a
solution, and the concentration of those ions may be determined by measuring the diffusion current. Therefore, this method is useful to detect and determine many compounds at the same time and can also be used to relatively low concentrations.
Even after inventing polarography, Heyrovsky carried on with his scientific discovery and contributed to the development of the new branch of electrochemistry. He created and led a school of Czech polarographers and worked as a director of the newly established Polarographic Institute in Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. Lots of educational institutes and scientists honored Heyrovsky for his remarkable invention. Heyrovsky received numerous awards and honors such as the honorary membership of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Polish Academy of Sciences, and vice-president of the International Union of Physics. He also led and became a role model of Polarographic Societies all over the world, including London, Japan, Austria, Poland, England, and India. Lastly, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1959 for his discovery and development of polarography.


Works Cited: Encyclopedia Britannica. (n.d.). Polarography | chemistry. [online] Available at: (n.d.). Polarography @ Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary. [online] Available at: Nobel Prize for Chemistry for 1959: Prof. Jaroslav Heyrovsky. (1959). Nature, [online] 184(4695), pp.1271–1271. Available at: [Accessed 29 Jan. 2022]. (n.d.). The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1959. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Jan. 2022].
Image Sources: Wikipedia,



How Did Ecuador Deal with COVID-19?
by Jiwon Hwang
When the global pandemic hit the American continent, Ecuador was one of the hardest-hit countries during the start of the virus. By late 2020, Ecuador had recorded over 200,000 cases and 14,000 deaths. However, despite having faced such calamity, Ecuador managed to become a leader in vaccination rates(Ecuador had 79.7% of its whole population fully vaccinated on 30th of July 2022), which is remarkable considering its sudden hit of the pandemic.
The reasons for Ecuador’s such high vaccination rate lies behind the government’s adept decision-making. Ecuador’s government made vaccination obligatory in their country in December 2021; they became the first country ever to make COVID-19 vaccination compulsory and now they are recording the highest daily number of doses per 100 people in the world. The government put enormous efforts into planning and logistics, including meticulous coordination between the central and regional governments, the private sector, universities and international organizations.
Furthermore, there was exceptional teamwork performed between the government officials and development organizations as they collaborated with huge organizations such as the World Bank, WHO, UNICEF, and other UN agencies. Afterall, Ecuador’s effort of desisting further spread of the pandemic was incredible and has set an example to many other countries that now has made vaccination obligatory like Ecuador.

References: atory
Image Credit: UNICEF/ECU/2021/Escobar (

Rising Soccer Star in Côte d’Ivoire
by Seungwoo Baik
In the current world of football, most countries have young prospects to hang the high hopes of their people. Examples are Vinicius Jr. for Brazil, Julian Alvarez for Argentina, Erling Haaland for Norway, Pedri for Spain, Darwin Núñez & Federico Valverde for Uruguay, and Lee Kang In for The Republic of Korea. Ivory Coast also has a stand-out young talent that the whole world is focusing on, and this rising star is Amad Diallo.
Born in the city of Abidjan in Ivory Coast on July 11th, 2002, Amad Diallo is a 19-year-old talent currently playing for Manchester United. Diallo emigrated over to Italy at a very young age and started his youth career in Italian clubs Boca Barco in 2014 and then Atalanta in 2015. Over the years Diallo quickly climbed up the ranks in the Atalanta youth system and started playing for the Under-17 squad at just 14 years of age. With his spectacular talent, Diallo soon made his professional debut in the Italian first division, Seria A, in October 27th, 2019 against Udinese by coming off the bench. Just 4 minutes into his debut, Diallo scored his professional debut goal. In the following season, Diallo was also able to make his debut in the UEFA Champions League. After a promising two seasons with the Atalanta first team, Diallo got an offer from European giants Manchester United for a 5+1 year deal.

After joining Manchester United, Diallo played for the U-23 side until he was called up to the first team on February 9th, 2021, and soon made his first team debut in the Europa League on February 18th. Diallo’s Man United debut goal soon followed, as he scored an extraordinary crucial goal in the Europa League round of 16 match up against Italian giants AC Milan on March 11th which ended in a 1-1 draw. Thanks to his great performances, Diallo received the honor to represent Ivory Coast as he was called up to the national team on March 18th, 2021. On May 11, Diallo also made his Premier League debut against Leicester City, in which he made an assist. In the 2021-2022 season, Diallo was loaned over to Rangers in the Scottish league in December after a good first half of the season with Man United. And astonishingly scored his debut goal for Rangers on his league debut.
After being called up for the Ivory Coast National Team for the first time on March 18th, 2021, Diallo made his national debut against Nigeria in the Africa Cup of Nations Qualifiers 2021. Diallo’s debut goal for his home country came not too long after on June 5th that same year, which was a breath-taking and dramatic free-kick goal in the 97th minute which sealed a 2-1 win over Burkina Faso.
Amad Diallo has scored some unbelievable and gorgeous goals for both club and country. After a great start to his professional career, the quick, skillful, and agile Ivorian winger keeps on tantalizing football fans all over the world with his generational talent. With sky-high potential, Amad Diallo will be the next big thing in the line of historic football players of Ivory Coast nationality.
Works Cited:
Image Sources: Wikipedia,
Mexico’s Traditional Sport: “Charrería”
by Yuhyun Wang

Among the sports that Mexicans enjoy, Charrería is one of the most traditional and enjoyable sports considered in Mexico. In Mexico, Charrería takes place in Mexico’s pridefulness. Also, it has been recognized by UNESCO in 2016 as the “ Representative Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.” This consequence shows that this sport has been recognized as a “cultural heritage.”
A charreada is a Mexican rodeo in which men and women could both compete. Charreadas are several types of charreras that are performed in front of an audience. Observers can witness animal herding skills such as roping and reining with wild mares and bulls during charreadas. Trained herders show off their skills on foot or on horseback while wearing traditional garb, which includes a wide-brimmed hat for the charro (man herder) and a colorful shawl for the charra (female herder)
Charrería has its roots in the hacienda (ranch) culture of western Mexico, although it is popular all throughout the country. It began with the entrance of horses from Spain in the 16th century. Originally,
Works Cited:
charreadas (as they were called back then) were held amongst farm employees who wanted to show off their horse-riding and wrangling talents. With the end of the hacienda with the Mexican Revolution in the early twentieth century, the informal competitions between charros (riders) evolved into official charreadas and scored contests. The National Charro Association was founded in 1921, with presidential order declaring Charrería the national sport of Mexico was issued in 1933.
Its popularity of Charrería is still being continued nowadays and mostly culture was heightened by the Mexican cinematic charro genre featuring Mexican famous singers such as Jorge Negrete and Pedro Infante. These genre films portrayed a charro(male rider often referred to as national icon for Mexico) who showed characteristics of masculine Mexican. This is the source that positioned Charrería into a national pride until now. Overall it is considered as a significant aspect of the identity of the bearer community as well as worldwide heritage cultural sports.
“Mexican Rodeo | What Is Mexican Charreria?”, 2022,
“UNESCO - Charrería, Equestrian Tradition in Mexico.”, 2021, Cocking, Lauren. “A Guide to Charrería, Mexico’s National Sport.” Culture Trip, The Culture Trip, 13 Aug. 2016, Accessed 29 Jan. 2022.
Image Sources:
Homes of the Elephants
by Daniel Baik

There are many football stadiums in the world. These stadiums are not simply seats for people to watch the game and cheer their support teams. These stadiums have become the heart of the Ivorian football players and the ground zero for the passion and love for football of the people of the Ivory Coast. The grandeur and magnitude of the stadiums in the Ivory Coast are impressive even compared to the greatest stadiums in Europe and the world.
Of the many football stadiums in the Ivory Coast, the most iconic of them all is Stade National de la Côte d’Ivoire. Stade National de la Côte d’Ivoire, or National de la Côte d’Ivoire stadium, is the home stadium for the Ivorian National Footbal Team. This outstanding stadium in Abidjan covers 287 hectares in total and can seat 60,000 people, making it one of the biggest football stadiums not just in Africa, but in the whole wide world.
The stadium next-in-line is the Stade Félix Houphouët Boigny, or also known as “Le Félicia.” The Stade Félix Houphouët Boigny, named after the firstever president of the country, was the home stadium for the Ivorian National Football team. Also located in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, this multipurpose stadium was first opened in 1952 and can hold up to 50,000 spectators at maximum capacity.
The 3rd largest stadium in the Ivory Coast is the Stade Bouaké, located in the city of Bouaké, Ivory Coast. The Stade Bouaké was built in 1984 initially to hold the 1984 African Nations Cup. Now, the stadium is used as the home stadiums for ASC Bouaké and Alliance Bouaké. Also, the stadium is set to host the 2023 African Cup of Nations as well.

방글라데시 Independence & National Day 행사 참석

The 51st Anniversary of the Independence and National Day of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

지난 3월 28일 주한 방글라데시 대사관 주최
로 롯데호텔 서울에서 “Anniversary of the
Independence and National Day of the
People’s Republic of Bangladesh” 기념 행
사가 열렸습니다. 각국의 주한 외국대사와 대
사 부인, 외교관들을 비롯해 각계각층의 많은
내외귀빈들이 참석하여 행사를 함께 지켜보 았습니다.
방글라데시는 국부 봉고본두 셰이크 무지부
르 라흐만의 리더십으로, 9개월간의 긴 유혈
전쟁을 겪은 후 1971년 독립을 성취했습니 다. 방글라데시는 오랜 염원인 ‘소나 방글라( 골든 방글라)’라는 차별, 예속, 불평등이 없고
번영하는 독립국가를 추구하며, 방글라데시
건국의 아버지, 국부로 불리는 라흐만의 뛰어 난 정치적 수완으로 독립을 성공적으로 이끌
이날 행사는 방글라데시의 독립을 기념하는
National Day를 맞아 국부 봉고본두 셰이크
무지부르 라흐만과 방글라데시의 독립을 위 해 희생한 3백만 순교자들에게 경의를 표하

고 독립전쟁 중 지지와 공감을 보내주었던 전 세계 우방국들에게 감사의 마음을 전하는 뜻 깊은 자리로 기념행사를 주최한 주한방글라
데시 대사관의 초청으로 이날 호비한국본부 도 함께 자리를 하게 되었습니다.
최근 새로 부임하신 주한 방글라데시 신임 대 사님의 Welcoming Speech를 통해 방글라
데시가 최근 2011년부터 연간 6% GDP 성
장률을 가속화하고 코로나 직전인 2019년에 는 8.15%에 이르는 등 가장 빠른 경제 성장
을 이루어낸 국가로 변모하고 있음을 알 수 있
었는데요, 특히 방글라데시 투자국 중 한국이 최상위 5개국에 속할만큼 우리 나라와 돈독 한 상호 호혜적인 협력 관계를 이루어가고 있
음을 알게 되었습니다.
최근에는 한국의 유명 대기업들이 휴대폰, 자
동차, 가전제품 생산을 위해 방글라데시에 제 조 공장을 착수 중인만큼 앞으로 상호보완적 인 양국 경제는 더
기대가 되었습니다.

호비한국본부 역시 2018년부터 주한 방글라 데시 대사관과 함께 한국 청소년들을 위한 홍 보대사 프로젝트를 지속해오면서 양국의 협 력이 더욱 기쁘게 느껴졌습니다.
기념행사 후 방글라데시 전통 음악과 춤 공 연도 있었는데요, 한국의 전통 춤과 음악도 함께어어져서 양국의 전통예술을 함께 즐길 수 있는 즐거운 시간이었습니다. 행사를 마치 고 나가는길에 방글라데시의 특산품과 공예 품도 함께 구경할 수 있었습니다.
방글라데시 대사관에서 홍보대사로 임명되 어 활동중인 우리 홍보대사 학생들도 앞으로
방글라데시에 더욱 관심을 가지고 활발한 활 동을 통해 양국의 교류에 많은 기여할 수 있 기를 바랍니다.
다시 한 번 뜻깊은 행사에 초대해주신 주한 방글라데시 대사관에 깊은 감사를 드립니다.
참가 소감문 (견학일: 2022년 6월 16일)


My Experience at the Embassy of Ecuador in Seoul -
It was an astonishing experience to explore an Embassy of a country outside of South Korea. I never expected anywhere to so kindly and respectfully show all kinds of characteristics of Ecuador, including carnivals, food, and religion.
In the beginning of this event, H.E. Johnny D. Reinoso Vasquez, the Ambassador of Ecuador to the Republic of Korea, started off with a brief account about what type of place Ecuador is. He welcomed us delightfully, which I think comforted most of u sin the room. In addition, he introduced his teammates, consisting of the deputy ambassador Mr. Jorge Luis Gallegos, and the project manager Ms. Lizeth Barros. I was very thankful for everyone who worked hard to teach us about Ecuador despite the
challenging schedule.
After the short welcome speech, Ms. Lizeth Barros showed us video clips of beautiful Ecuador. I have never traveled to Ecuador, so it was truly fascinating to see its tourist attractions. I also learned about all the interesting festivals. One of the most appealing one was the Christmas or the New Year’s festival. It was novel and somewhat shocking that people burn toys and jump over them to express fortune.
Finally, Mr. Jorge Luis Gallegos explained the specific details of the economy (commerce) and the flag. Commerce is the main activity amounting to more than half of the economic spectrum of Ecuador. Main exports include
Christopher Ryu
shrimp, banana, coffee, and oil. However, due to the Ukraine and Russia conflict, it has been difficult to recover from the lack of imports coming from the main countries. Furthermore, it was memorable to learn that the red color in the flag represents the blood of the sacrifices, the blue represents the ocean, and the yellow represents the sun.
After the event, I explored the Embassy and greeted few members working, and earned about the presidents of Ecuador. It was a memorable and interesting experience to explore somewhere I have never even thought it exited, and I am considering to explore Ecuador in the future.

지난 6월 16일에 주한 에콰도르 대사관 견학 프로그램에 참여했다.
시험 기간이라 부담이 되었던 것은 사실이지만 에콰도르 홍보대사로서
좋은 경험이 될 것 같아 견학을 신청하였다. 평소 에콰도르를 포함한
남미 국가에 대해 관심이 많은 사람으로서 좋은 지식을 배우고 나누는
대사관에 들어서자 에콰도르 외교관분들이 반갑게 맞이해 주셨다. 바
쁜 일정과 어려운 시간 속에서도 우리를 위해 자리를 만들어 주신 것
이 너무 감사했다. 이 경험을 한 장의 사진으로 표현할 수 없겠지만, 그럼에도 매우 의미있게 다가온 사진 한 장이이었다. 또한 에콰도르
배경의 영상도 여러 편 시청했는데, 생소한 이름의 동물들과 아름다
운 영상미가 기억에 남는다. 언제 한 번 꼭 에콰도르에 가봐야겠다는
생각이 들게 해주었다. 나와 같은 시니어와 초등학생으로 보이는 주
니어 참가자가 있었는데, 초등학생 친구들도 떠들지 않고 열심히 참
여한 게 대단하다고 느꼈고 인상 깊었다.
영상을 시청한 다음 무역과 경제 쪽을 담당하시는 분께서 에콰도르
의 경제에 대해 아주 전문적이고 상세하게 설명해 주셨다. 평소 경제
에 대해 아는 게 많이 없다보니 솔직히 말해서 내용을 이해하기 힘들
다. 최대한 이해를 하려고 온 신경을 다해 집중하여 들었다. 생각보다
에콰도르와 대한민국의 경제적 교류가 많았다는 것이 매우 흥미롭게
다가왔다. 특히 현대자동차의 차를 첫 수입한 국가가 에콰도르였다는 것이 흥미로웠다. 자동차에 대해 지식이 많지 않지만 그것이 한국 경
제에 미친 큰 영향이 없다고 생각한다.
대사관을 둘러보기 전에 간단한 질의응답 시간과 에콰도르 문화에 대 해 알아보는 시간을 가졌는데, 에콰도르의 문화를 소개하는 글을 쓰 는 나에게 매우 반가운 시간이었다. 나는 내가 에콰도르의 축제에 관 해 연구한 것을 말했는데, 내가 몰랐던 또 다른 많은 축제에 대해 설명 해 주셨다. 또한 에콰도르의 국기에 대해서도 얘기를 나누었는데 에
콰도르 국기의 빨간 부분은 국가를 위해 희생한 분들의 피, 노란 부분 은 태양, 파란 부분은 바다를 상징하는 것을 말한다고 한다. 또한 질 의응답 시간에 나는 에콰도르 청소년들과 문화 교류를 할 수 있는 프
로그램이 있는지 여쭈었는데, 확실하진 않지만 그런 프로그램이 있으 니 연락을 하면 정보를 주겠다는 반가운 답변을 들었다. 다들 자신이 준비한 질문을 열심히 얘기했는데, 각자 준비한 질문 모두 의미있는 질문이었다고 생각한다.
마지막으로 대사관을 전체적으로 쭉 둘러보았는데, 현장에서 일하고 계신 외교관 분들이 굉장히 멋있다고 생각했다. 외교 관련 진로를 가 지고 있는 나로서는 정말 인상깊은 모습이었다. 대사관을 떠나기 전 견학을 이끌어 주신 분들과 스페인어로 간단한 대화를 나누었는데, 내가 살았던 말라가에서 일을 하셨던 경험이 있다고 하셔서 매우 반 가웠다. 내가 스페인어를 많이 잊어버렸다고 하자 충분히 잘한다고 말씀해 주셔서 정말 뿌듯


My experience in “Embajada del Ecuador”- Keonhee Andrew Ahn
I want to divide my experience in “Embajada del Ecuador” into three main phases. In the first phase, we were introduced to Ecuador’s interesting characteristics and culture. In the second phase, where the commercial office of Pro Ecuador in Korea, Mr. Jorge Luis Gallegos presented the current trade between South Korea and Ecuador. In the last stage, we walked around the embassy’s different compartments with the ambassadors’ guidance.
We were guided to the conference room when we entered the embassy. And this is where the first phase began. There, the ambassador gave a short introduction to Ecuador’s culture and characteristics. Ecuador is called “Ecuador”; the name is translated to the equator, implying that the country is close to the equator, as shown on the map. The ambassador continued to give entertaining facts about Ecuador to loosen the tension of all the students, including myself. We broke down the flag of Ecuador together; the tricolor bands are yellow, blue, and red. The yellow represents the crops and soil, the

blue represents the seas and skies, and the red represents the lives lost in the nation’s fight for independence. After the brief introduction, we were introduced to the commercial counseller.
The second phase is where we went closest to the ultimate goal of this embassy excursion: to figure out the relationship between Korea and Ecuador in the status quo.
There were a total of five new detailed pieces of information introduced. Ecuador is geographically closest to Korea out of all countries in South America. The Korean shipping industry. Korea has already been making frequent trade with Ecuador. Ecuador is export-driven, with products such as coffee, banana, and primarily agricultural products. Korea is one of the first east Asian countries to trade with Ecuador.
Three things learned from my experience; More trade needs to occur between Ecuador and Korea because it is a mutually beneficial
제가 주한 에콰도르 대사관을 견학하게 된 날짜는 6월 16일이었습
니다. 19년 제 인생 중에서 처음으로 한국에 있는 대사관을 방문해볼
수 있는 기회여서 매우 떨렸습니다. 작년 겨울에 코로나가 조금 잠잠
해져서 멕시코 대사관을 갈 수 있는 기회가 생겨서 같은 학교에 같이
홍보대사를 하는 친구와 바로 신청을 했었습니다. 그런데, 딱 그 주에
저의 학교에서 코로나 확진자가 나와서 저와 제 친구 둘 다 밀접접촉 자로 분류되어 아쉽게 참여를 못했었습니다. 그래서 이번이 더 고대
하고 기대하게 되는 그런 시간이었습니다. 우선 장소부터 종로로 제
가 서울에서 잘 가보지 못했던 곳에 있어서 가는 길 또한 엄청 설레었 습니다. 주한 에콰도르 대사관이 종로 SC제일은행 본사 건물 16층
에 있었는데, 건물부터가 엄청 고급지고 멋져서 처음부터 긴장이 조 금씩 되었습니다.
건물에 들어가고 나서는 주한 에콰도르 대사관 공관장님께서 wel-
come speech를 친히 해주셨는데, 이 모습이 너무 존경스럽고 멋지
게 느껴졌습니다. 제 진로가 국제무역(국제경제)을 담당하는 외교관
을 하는 것인데, 이렇게 대사관에서 직접 일하시는 분들을 보는게 정
말 가슴이 떨렸습니다. 또한 통상무역 (commercial) 을 총괄하고 계
시는 상무관님이 에콰도르 관련 프레젠테이션을 해주셨는데 보통 인 터넷에서 검색해서는 나오지 않는 현실적이고 생생한 이야기를 들었
던 것 같아서 유익한 시간이었습니다. 에콰도르의 기본정보인 지형, 언어, 유명한 관광지, 유명한 도시들을 설명해주셨을 때는 정말 에콰
여행을 가보고
습니다. 특히 에콰도르에서는 정
trade relationship. Ecuador is an agricultural country and relies on agricultural export, especially in its relationship with Korea. The embassy is making sufficient effort to facilitate the trade relationship between Ecuador and China.
In the last phase of the tour, we looked at what each ambassador and employee is responsible for in the embassy. We were introduced to some new people in charge of security in the Korea-Ecuador relationship.
From this, I learned that there is far more than the culture exchanged between different countries; in reality, trade plays a significant role between Korea and Ecuador’s relationship.
Through these phases, I grew to appreciate and feel grateful for the Korean and Ecuadorians involved in supporting and strengthening this excellent relationship. I hope that this relationship grows bigger and continues in the future.
말 celebration들과 festival들이 많다는 이야기를 들었을 때 꼭 나중 에 고등학교를 졸업하고 여행을 가서 참여해보고 싶다는 상상까지 하 게 되었습니다. 그리고 에콰도르 국기를 보여주시면서 설명을 해주셨 을 때 정말 많은 의미가 함축적으로 담긴 것과 국기 하나가 정말 압도 적인 디자인으로 멋지다고 느꼈습니다. 노란색은 황금과 농업, 천연 자원을, 파른색은 하늘과 바다를, 빨간색은 조국과 자유를 위해 희생 한 영웅들의 피를 나타낸다고 하였습니다. 노란색과 파른색의 의미 는 예측이 가능하였는데, 빨간색의 의미가 생소하면서 신기하였습니 다. 그런데 듣고보니 나라를 위해 희생한 영웅분들을 기리면서 기억
을 되새기는 것에는 정말 좋은 방법이라고 생각하였습니다. 그리고 국기에 그려진 콘도르가 매우 인상깊었습니다. 이 새가 현존하는 새
들 중 가장 큰 새로 에콰도르의 상징이라고 할 때부터 사진을 보고 매
우 놀랐었습니다. 그런데 이런 새가 국기에까지 새겨진 것을 보고 얼
마나 저 새가 에콰도르 사람들한테 큰 의미를 가지는지 다시 한번 생 각해볼 수 있었습니다. 마지막으로 대사관 내부를 견학했을 때 느낀 점입니다. 대사관이라 는 장소 자체를 처음 가봐서 어떤 느낌인지 엄청 낯설었는데 장소가 엄청 크지는 않았지만 장소 자체에서 내뿜는 분위기나 아우라가 딱 정중하고 공식적이었습니다. 언젠가는 저도 저런 대사관에서 일할 수 있는 나이가 오겠지? 라는 생각도 계속 들었고 더욱더 거기서 일하시

Visit to the Embassy of Ecuador - Hansung Kim
I visited the Embassy of Ecuador on the 16th of June. Previously learning about cultures and languages of Latin American countries in my school, I was particularly interested in learning more about Ecuador. In addition, I had the obligation to learn more about Ecuador as the Ecuadorian ambassador of the hobby program.
When I entered through the glass door of the Embassy, the first thing that came into my vision was the brightly illuminated sign that said “Embajada del Ecuador”. I walked past the sign feeling slightly nervous and excited. After a few minutes, the ambassador walked into the room of visitors and gave a short introduction to Ecuador. He first mentioned the great biodiversity of the country. He described how the Galapagos Islands had penguins, sea lions, sea turtles, and more. Through his explanations, I learned that the distinctiveness of the island not only lied behind the individual species but also behind the fact that such fascinating animals coexisted on the small island. He then mentioned the Amazon forest which housed hundreds of species of plants and insects. Although I have heard of this information before, learning the details was entertaining. Secondly, the ambassador described the variety of social and cultural groups that lived in Ecuador. He said that there were countless indigenous tribes living in different parts of the country. Finally, he presented a series of videos that promoted Ecuador to foreign visitors. The videos highlighted the country’s authentic beauty of nature and contained a message that Ecuador, as a unified country, will enthusiastically reach out to the world in the coming years. The videos were so well created that I wanted to visit Ecuador with my family in the future.
The Ecuadorian ambassador had to leave soon after due to his busy schedule, and we were introduced to the commercial counselor of the embassy. As a commercial counselor, he viewed Ecuador through a slightly different lens. Instead of describing Ecuador as a gorgeous wonderland, he described Ecuador as a product. He explained the different economical values of Ecuador and gave some examples of how the country could be promoted as a product. He gave a coffee shop as an example of exploiting the resources of Ecuador. The music, coffee machine, coffee beans etcthese are just some products that could come from Ecuador. He also talked about fields that Ecuador is trying to focus on in Korea. These fields were modern, trendy areas including esports and films. In doing so, he was able to go deeper into the relationship between Ecuador and Korea.
After the presentation was over, the visitors were free to ask any questions. Enthusiastic junior visitors asked the questions they prepared and other hobby participants asked theirs as well. I asked a question regarding the connectivity
between the indigenous tribes and the government. This is because the commercial counselor mentioned that the indigenous tribes often provided raw materials for some of the Ecuadorian products. The counselor responded that unlike some other countries, the relationship between different cultural groups and the government was constructive and beneficial.
In sum, I was able to discover different parts of the embassy and how each part functioned. I also learned much more about Ecuador and feel like I got much closer to the country through this visit. I am thankful that I was given this wonderful opportunity to visit the Embassy of Ecuador.



My experience of visiting the Embassy of Ecuador - Dongmin Choi

Before moving directly to speaking about what had happened during the event, I would like to appreciate the exceptional opportunity I was given to explore the Embassy of Ecuador and listen to the explanations of its various characteristics from the ambassador and his teammates. Although they must have been very busy working on other tasks, Mr. Jhonny Reinoso, Mr. Jorge Luis Gallegos, and Ms. Lizeth Barros welcomed us with benign smiles and thoroughly answered all of the inquiries that filled our minds.
To begin with, the ambassador, Mr. Johnny Reinoso explained to us several of Ecuador’s interesting characteristics and cultures. One of the quick facts that he told us was that the national language of Ecuador is Spanish. After a brief account, we watched a video of the Galapagos Islands. I was amazed by the beautiful scenery and the ecosystem built within the region. Then, we listened to Ms. Lizeth Barros’ explanation of some fun festivals in Ecuador, as well as the meaning behind the flag of Ecuador.

Furthermore, Mr. Jorge Luis Gallegos expounded on the trading system between Korea and Ecuador. From these presentations, I was able to learn that Ecuador’s main goods of export were products like coffee, banana, and some other agricultural products. Also, Mr. Jorge Luis Gallegos taught us that there is a law that mitigates the tax to facilitate trade between Korea and Ecaudor. So, I asked a question about whether there exist other special regulations that foster trade between two countries. In addition to answering my question, he brought up a new topic regarding blockchain technology, which seemed to interest a lot of us in the conference room.
Our short but interesting visit to the embassy ended with a tour around the office. I genuinely hope the relationship between Korea and Ecuador to be maintained in the far future, too.
체코 문화원 견학 참가 소감문
(견학일: 2022년 7월 19일)

체코 문화원을 다녀와서 - 이성민
7월 19일, 체코 문화원에 초청받게 되었습니
다. 도착하자마자 보이는 것은 정문 위에 체
코 국장이었습니다. 들어서자 미샤 에마노브
스키 주한체코문화원장께서 환하게 맞이해
주셨습니다. 생각보다 문화원 내부가 작았지
만, 속은 알찼습니다. 체코의 역사와 특징을
알려주는 포스터와 그 밖의 체코를 알 수 있
는 소품들이 놓여 있었습니다. 서울 필하모닉
에서의 경험을 이야기하시면 에마노브스키
씨는 드보르작의 삶이 담긴 책을 보여주셨습
니다. 짧은 시간 읽었기 때문에 자세히 보지
는 못해지만 드보르작의 삶과 그의 작품들을

연결한 그림책이었습니다. 그러면서 에마노
브스키씨는 한국에서 체코어 전문가가 없어
체코의 책들이 소개되지 못하고 있다며 아쉬 움을 토로하셨고, 체코에 관심을 가져준 저희 들에게 감사를 표하셨습니다. 얼마 안되어 구 스타프 슬라메취카 주한 체코 대사님께서 들
어오셨습니다. HOBY 발간지의 체코 부분을
읽어 주시며 이에 대한 체코의 이야기를 들려
주시니 체코의 문화에 대해 생생하게 느낄 수 있었습니다. 특히, 체코 문화의 핵심은 무엇
인가에 대한 질문에는 체코어의 문화적 상징 성을 말씀하셨습니다. EU에 대한 내용도 빠

지지 않았습니다. 간단한 EU의 구성과 역할, 그리고 체코의 EU에서의 역할을 소개하셨습 니다. 질의응답이 끝나고, 체코 문화원 담벽 에서 진행되는 아돌프 로스 특별 전시회를 함 께 관람하며 체코의 건축에 대해 소개하셨습 니다. <Ornament and crime>으로 대표되 는 아돌프 로스의 사상은 최소한의 외적 장식 과 알찬 내부를 시각화 합니다. 대사님의 친 절하고도 자세한 설명과 문화원장님의 전문 적인 해설은 체코의 문화를 더 자세히 알 수 있게 해 주었습니다.


체코 문화원 견학 소감문 - 이서영
7월 19일, 나는 처음으로 ‘대사관 견학’이라는 걸 가게 되었다. 무척 떨리면서
도 한편으로는 체코에 대해서 더 많이 알게 될 거라는 기대감에 차있었다. 체
코 문화원은 나의 생각과 다르게 가정집 느낌이 들었고 그래서 더 편안한 마
음으로 대사관 견학에 임할 수 있었다.
대사관 견학 동안에는, 대사님께서 호비 ‘the WORLD Issue No.7’ 를 기반 으로 체코에 대해서 설명해주시고, 질의응답 시간과 체코문화원 밖에 전시되
있는 사진들을 보면서 설명을 듣는 시간도 가질 수 있었다.
대사님께서는 ‘the WORLD Issue No.7’에 실려있는 체코기사에 대해 추가적
인 설명을 해주셨다. 제일 처음으로는 “The John Lennon Wall in Prague ”
라는 기사를 바탕으로, 프라하에 있는 벽화에 대한 이야기였다. 한국은 체코
나 다른 유럽권 국가들에 비해 께끗하고 스프레이 페인팅으로한 벽화는 드물
지만, 체코는 스런 벽화들이 많다고 한다. 체코의 벽화는 자유를 상징하며 평
화로운 시위를 뜻하지만, 길거리에 벽화가 너무 많아서 그것또한 문제가 된 다고 하셨다.



또한, ‘Dishes of Prague: An Exploration’을 기반으로 대사님께서는 체코의 음식에 대해 이야기해 주셨다. 한국
음식은 어딜가나, 누가봐도 한국은식이라는 걸 알 수 있 다. 하지만 유럽권 국가에서는 한 음식이 그 나라에 맞게 발달되기 때문에 전통음식이라고 해도 비슷한 음식이라 고 하셨다. 이렇듯 체코의 문화와 한국의 문화는 흰색과 검정색처럼 서로 확연히 다르다는걸 알 수 있다. 그렇기 에 나로써는 체코 문화를 널리 알리는 것에 힘쓰고 싶다. 체코문화원 바깥쪽 울타리에는 건축가 ‘아돌프 로스’의 건축물에 대한 전시가 있었다. 그는 건축 외관 뿐만 아니 라 건물의 인테리어도 그 시대와는 다르게 만들었다. 아
돌프 로스는 사람들이 집에 한 부분에서만 생활하고 큰집
을 다 활용하지 못하는 단점을 개선하여 집안 곳곳을 다 다르게 그리고 구조적 특징을 살려 한 건물 안에 각기 다 른 인테리어를 만들어 냈다. 그 결과 사람들은 집안 여러 곳에서 일상생활을 즐길 수 있다고 설명해주셨다. 이처럼 체코에는 사람들이 아직 다 알지 못하는 흥미롭고 유명한 사람들이 많다. 한국사람들도 체코의 위대한 사람들을 알 았으면 좋겠다고 생각했다.

지난 7월19일, 체코 문화원을 방문하게되었다. 긴장이 되어 미리도착하였고 시간에 맞춰 입장한 후에는 체코 문화원의 원장님과 다른관계 자 분들께서 친절하게 맞이하여 주셨다. 들어간 직후에는 긴장도 많이 한 상태라 조금 떨렸지만 체코 문화원의 원장님께서 악기에 대한 설명 과 함께 짧은 연주를 해주셔서 조금은 긴장이 풀렸다. 지금은 문화원이지만 전에는 주한 체코 대사관이였기 때문에 대사관을 처음 방문해보 는 나로서는 떨렸지만 설레는 마음을 가지고 대사님을 기다렸다.
대사님께서는 체코에 대한 가장 기본적인 내용부터 차근차근
설명해 주셔서 체코라는 나라를 이해하기 수월했다. 먼저 체
코는 유럽 중부에 위치해있고 코루나라는 화폐를 사용한다고
하셨다. 또한 대사님께서 체코에 가본적있는 학생이 있냐고
물어보셨을 때 대부분의 학생들은 체코의 수도인 프라하를 가
봤다고했다. 따라서 프라하는 관광지로도 유명한것 같았다.
그리고 체코에서는 영어나 다른 언어가 아닌 체코어를 사용한
다고 하셨다. 대사님과 체코 문화원 원장님께서 체코어로 살
짝 대화하시는것을 듣고 조금이라도 공부를해서 체코에 여행
을 가보고 싶다는 생각이 들었다. 체코에서는 여러 유명한 전
통음식이 있었지만 설명을 듣고 집에 와서 찾아보니 다른 나
라 음식들과는 큰 차이가 있는 것 같아서 한번쯤은 먹어보고
싶은 생각도 들었다. 체코에 대한 설명들을 듣고 난후 짧게 진
행되었던 질의응답시간에는 체코가 유로가 아닌 체코만의 화
폐를 유지시키는 이유나 대사님께서 생각하시는 잘했던 역대 대통령 등 유익하고 재밌는 질문들이 있었다.

체코 문화원안에서 설명을 듣는 약 한시간정도가 지나고 우리는 체코의 유명한 건축가 아돌프 로스에 대해 설명듣기 위해서 밖으로 나갔다. 날씨가 매우 더웠기 때문에 처음 나갔을 때는 조금 힘들었지만 아돌프 로스에 대해 설명을 들으면서 그런 생각이 사라졌다. 아돌프 로스는 체 코뿐만 아니라 세계적으로 현대 건축에 엄청난 영향을 끼쳤다고 했다. 굉장히 오래전인 약100년 전에 설계되었던 건축물들 이지만 지금보
아도 전혀 이상한점이 느껴지지 않는것을 보고 신기했다. 이날 보았던 아돌프 로스의 건축물 중에는 요체프 호프만 가문의 집, 브르노의바우 어 샤토, 빈터니츠의 별장 등이 있었는데 이중 빈터니츠의 별장은 오늘날 우리가 흔히 볼수 있는 집과 디자인이 매우 흡사해서 굉장히 놀라웠 다. 체코 문화원을 방문하기 전까지는 아돌프 로스라는 사람이 누구인지조차 잘 모르고 있었다. 하지만 체코 문화원 을 방문하고 나니 남들과는 다른 건축 에 대한 가치관을 가지고 건축을 하였 기 때문에 대단하다는 생각이 들었다.

체코 문화원을 방문하기 전까지는 체 코라는 나라의 국기만 알고 있었다. 하
문화원을 방문하게 되어 체코에 대해 알아보게 되었고 체코에 관한 기
적인 내용들을 비롯해 궁금
주한 코트디부아르
대사관 견학 참가 소감문
(견학일: 2022년 7월 20일)


주한 코트디부아르 대사관을 다녀와서 - 박찬현
호비에서 하는 두번째 대사관 견학으로 멕시코 대사관에 이어서 주 한 코트디부아르 대사관에 방문하게 되었다. 처음 공지를 보고 신청
할 때 까지만 하더라도 코트디부아르는 사실 나에겐 생소한 이름의
국가였다. 하지만 대사관에 방문하기전 사전조사를 하며 왜 여태까지
몰랐지란 의문이 들정도로 좋은 나라였다. 이미지로 보여진 멋진 경
관과 세상에서 가장 큰 성당이기도 한 코트디부아르는 단숨에 내 마
음을 사로잡았다. 그리하여 설레는 마음을 이끌고 대사관에 가였다.
날이 무지 더워 가는 길이 힘겨웠지만 따뜻한 인사로 받아 주시는 대
사관 관계자분들의 친절함에 피로가 싹 풀렸다.
미팅룸에 들어가니 코트디부아르의 간단한 역사와 지리 그리고 다양
한 정보 등을 설명해 주셨다. 코트디부아르는 서아프리카에서 가장 발전한 나라 중 한 곳이고 바로 옆에는 우리에게 좀 더 익숙한 이름인 가나가 있는데 사실은 코트디부아르가 더 발전한 국가라고 친절히 설
명해 주셨다. 또 코트디부아르의 국토 면적은 우리 나라의 3배정도이
고 언어로는 공통어인 프랑스어를 제외하고 70개 정도의 민족언어가
있다고 한다. 인구는 2900만명 정도에 유명한 코코아 생산지로도 알
려져 있다고 한다. 코코아 말고도 콜라의 주재료인 콜라라는 열매와
커피의 생산지라고도 한다. 우리에게 코트디부아르를 설명해주신분
이 경제관련직책을 맞고 있으셨기 때문이라 그런지 코트디부아르의 경제적 측면에서도 많이 설명해 주셨는데 정말 유익했다.
그리고는 질의 응답시간이 있었는데 질문 하나하나 정성스럽게 대답 해주시면서 질문뿐만 아니라 그에 관련된 다른 재미있는 정보도 많 이 준비해 주셨다. 질문을 한 4개정도 준비했었는데 다른 학생들도
비슷한 질문을 하여 질문을 못하고 있다가 코트디부아르의 아름다운
점에 대한 질문을 드렸다. 사실 이 질문은 받아들이는 사람에 따라 다
양한 답변이 나올 수 있는데 보통 그 국가의 아름다운 지형이나 건축
물 등을 이야기한다. 하지만 예상을 뛰어넘게도 그분은 코트디부아 르 사람들의 친절함, 환대함이라고 이야기를 해주셨다. 그 말을 듣고 는 정말 코트디부아르에 방문을 하고 싶다는 생각이 들었다. 질의응 답이 끝나고 나서려는데 대사관 문 앞에 코코아 열매의 사진이 있었 다. 그러자 교육시간이 끝났는데도 불구하고 우리에게 하나라도 더
자세히 알려주기 위해서 다른 교육자료 사진까지 들고 오셔서 우리에 게 더 설명해 주셨다.
이번 대사관 방문을 통해 코트디부아르라는 멋진 나라에 대하여 알게 된 것이 너무 좋고 또 코트디부아르를 직접 몸소 체험하게 되어서 기 뻤다. 다양한 정보를 얻고 다른 사람들에게도 코트디부아르라는 멋진 나라를 소개하고 싶어진다는 생각도 들었다. 이런 좋은 기회를 만들 어 주신 주한 코트디부아르 대사관 관계자분들과 호비한국본부에 감 사의 인사를 전해드리고 싶다.
2022년 7월 20일, 주한 코트디부아르 견학 프로그램에 참여하게 되
었다. 대학에서 국제학과를 지망하기 때문에 항상 다양한 국가들의
문화를 접하고 알아가는 데에 큰 흥미를 느낀다. 주한 코트디부아르
대사관 견학은 그런 경험을 하기 적합하다고 생각하여 견학 프로그램
을 신청하게 되었다.
대사관에 도착했을 때는 대사관 직원 분들이 견학 오는 홍보대사들
을 위해서 음료수와 과자를 준비해주시는 중이었다. 홍보대사들을 위
해서 정성껏 준비해 주셨다고 생각하니 매우 감사했다. 대사관을 처
음 들어갔을 때는 우리나라에 있는 흔한 사무실들과는 분위기가 사
뭇 달라 인상적이었다. 사전에 프로그램이 모두 영어로 진행될 거라
고 안내를 받았었는데, 코트디부아르의 공식 언어가 불어이기 때문
에, 견학 프로그램에 대사님을 대신해서 경제 참사관님이 영어가 편
하지 않으신지 불어로 말씀하시고 대사관 직원 분께서 불어를 통역
해 주셨다.
견학 초반에는 코트디부아르의 홍보 영상을 시청하고 참사관님께서
코트디부아르에 대해서 간단한 설명해 주셨다. 코트디부아르는 1차
산업에 집중한 국가이고, 서아프리카에 위치하고 있으며 서아프리
카 경제의 중심이라고 할 정도로 핵심적인 국가라는 것을 알게 되었
다. 코트디부아르 옆에는 우리나라에 잘 알려진 가나라는 나라도 있 다. 우리나라에서 잘 알려진 가나의 바로 옆에 있고, 아프리카 대륙
이뿐만 아니라 세계에서 카카오 열매를 가장 많이 수확하고 커피 열 매 재배도 활발히 이루어지는 나라라는 것을 알게 되었다. 카카오 열
매와 커피를 코트디부아르의 경제 성장을 도운 1등 공신으로 참사관 님께서 꼽으실 정도로 코트디부아르의 경제의 핵심이라고 할 수 있을 것 같다고 생각했다. 그리고 계속해서 언급하셨던 점은 코트디부아르 는 2차 산업이 발달되어 있지 않아 그것이 코트디부아르의 아쉽다는 것이었다. 또한 코트디부아르는 매우 아름답고 친절한 사람들의 국가
라고 말씀하시면서 나중에 관광을 가시길 추천하셨는데, 참사관님의 말씀을 듣고 나중에 기회가 된다면 꼭 코트디부아르에 여행을 가야겠 다고 생각하게 되었다.
주한 코트디부아르 대사관에 견학을 갔다 오기 전까지는 사실 코트 디부아르에 대한 지식이 별로 없었다. 그러나 이번 기회를 통해서 직 접 코트디부아르인에게 인터넷에서는 알아내기 힘든 코트디부아르
문화를 간접적으로나마 접할 수 있게 되었음에 매우 감사하다. 우리나라에도 코트디부아르가
려져 우리나라 사람들과 코트디부아르 사람들이 좋은 감정을 가지 고 활발히 교류하는 날이 왔으면 좋겠다.
의 국가 중 우리나라와 외교 수교를 가장 먼저 맺은 나라임에도 불구 하고 코트디부아르가 우리나라에서 잘 알려지지 않은 국가라는 사실 이 놀라웠다.
2022년 7월 20일, 주한 코티드부아르 대사관에 방문하였다. 시간이 되어 대사관의 문이 열리고 들어가니 대사관 안에는 코티드부아르 사진 들이 많았고, 관련된 여러 자료들도 보였다. 직원분들이 우리를 친절하게 맞아 주시고 다과도 준비해 놓으셔서 감사한 마음이 들었다.
첫 번째로 참사관님께서 코티드부아르를 소개하는 짧은 영상을 틀어주셨다. 다음으론 코티드부아르에 대한 설명을 해 주셨는데, 정말 흥미 로운 이야기를 많이 해주셨다. 코티드부아르는 서아프리카에 위치하여 있고, 1차 산업으로 발전하고 있는 국가라고 하셨다. 이 밖에도 서아 프리카의 경제를 담당하고 있을 정도로 중요한 나라라고 하셨다. 이후에 질문을 할 수 있는 시간이 있었는데, 나는 코티드부아르가 지금처럼 발전할 수 있도록 도와준 가장 핵심적인 요소를 고를 수 있다면 무엇을 고르실 것이냐고 질문하였다. 참사관님께서는 카카오와 콜라 열매가 코티드부아르의 발전을 이끈 쌍두마차라고 대답하셨다. 1차 산업에 집중한 국가인 만큼 커피로도 유명하고, 광산도 발달되어 있다고 하셨 다. 또 언어로는 공통어로는 프랑스어를 사용하고, 그 밖에 약 70개의 언어를 사용하는 국가라고 한다.
코트디부아르의 전통 음식에 대해서도 설명해 주셨는데, 열정적이고 굉장히 재밌게 얘기해 주셔서 나중에 꼭 시도해 보고 싶다는 생각이 들 었다. 코트디부아르의 수도는 야무수크로라는 도시인데, 아비장이 행정과 경제의 중심지로서 사실상의 수도 역할을 하고 있다고 하셨다. 이 밖에도 코트디부아르라는 나라가 얼마나 아름답고 사람들이 모두 친절한지 자주 말씀하셨다. 참사관님께서 우리가 나중에 코트디부아르를 꼭 방문하기를 추천해 주셔서 기회가 된다면 방문해 보고 싶다. 대사관 방문 전까지 나는 코트디부아르라는 나라를 전혀 알지 못하였다. 하지만 사전조사를 하며 너무나도 흥미롭고 아름다운 나라라는 사실 을 깨달았고, 역시나 직접 대사관에 가서 설명을 들을 때 정말 멋진 나라라는 사실을 다시 한번 배울 수 있었
코트디부아르 대사관에 다녀온 후 - 최서연
나는 평소 아프리카의 나라들에 관심은 있었
지만 그렇게 많은 것들을 알지 못했다. 그래
서 이번에 대사관 견학을 신청하기 전까지는
코트디부아르라는 나라에 대해 이름만 알았
을 뿐 다른 것들은 거의 알지 못했다. 그리고
7월 20일 오후가 되어 나는 코트디부아르 대
사관에 들어가 볼 수 있었다. 대사관에는 대
사님 대신 코트디부아르의 경제 참사관님이
계셨고, 참사관님으로부터 나라에 대한 설명
을 들을 수 있었다. 코트디부아르는 아프리카
의 서쪽을 담당하고 있는 나라라고 해도 과언
이 아닐 정도로 무역이 활발하고 경제가 활성
화 되어 있었다. 코코아와 커피 등을 재배하
고 천연 자원을 캐는 것을 기반으로 성장하였
고, 특히 코코아는 세계의 대부분이 코트디부
아르의 코코아를 사용할 만큼 코코아 시장이
크다고 하셨다.
설명을 들은 이후에는 질의응답 시간이 주어
졌다. 평소에 코트디부아르라는 나라에 대해
들을 기회가 한정되어 있었기에 나는 전날 인
터넷에서 조사한 내용들을 토대로 질문을 하
게 되었다. 내가 코트디부아르를 인터넷에 쳤
을 때 가장 먼저 뜬 내용은 디디에 드록바라
는 축구 선수에 관한 이야기였다. 나는 우리
나라에서 알려진 코트디부아르의 인물이 한
명 밖에 없다는 것이 아쉬웠고, 그래서 나는
참사관님께 디디에 드록바 선수 이외에도 나
라를 대표할 만한 다른 인물들이 있는지 여쭤
봤다. 참사관님께서는 다른 축구 선수들과 육
상 선수들도 말씀해주셨고, 이를 통해 이 나
라는 운동이 많이 발달된 나라라는 것을 느낄 수 있었다.
그리고 또 다른 질문은 내가 인터넷에서 보자 마자 가장 흥미롭고 궁금했던 것이자 가장 민 감할 만한 것이었던 아동노동에 관한 이야기 였다. 인터넷 상에서는 코트디부아르의 아동
들이 코코아 재배에 노동을 당하고 있다고 하
였다. 하지만 인터넷에서는 그것이 사실인지
아닌지를 정확히 설명하지 않았고, 아동노동 에 대해 판단할만한 자료가 많지 않았다. 그
래서 나는 아동 노동에 관한 내용이 사실인
지에 대해 질문했고, 참사관님은 이런 이슈
가 언급된 이유가 문화 차이 때문인 것 같다 고 설명하셨다.
코트디부아르는 코코아와 커피를 재배하는
것에 중점을 두고 있는 1찬 산업 국가이고, 그렇기에 어린 아이들이 주말이 되면 일손을 돕는 것은 어쩌면 당연한 일이다. 하지만 대 한민국 같이 3차 산업에 중점을 두고 있는 나
라는 일손이 많이 필요하지 않고, 아동들이
농업일을 하는 것이 익숙하지 않으니 코트디
부아르의 일손을 돕는 문화를 아동 노동이라
고 본 것이었다. ‘아동 노동’이라는 단어부터
부정적인 의미를 내포하고 있기에 참사관님 이 답변하시기에 어려운 질문이었을 것이다. 하지만 그렇다고 이런 민감한 이야기들은 인 터넷에서만 찾아보게 되면 보통 아동노동이

더 과장되고 안좋은 쪽으로 확대해석되더라 도 그것을 모두 진실로 받아드렸을 것이다. 그래서 나는 참사관님에게 이런 이슈에 대해 질문하고 정정할 수 있는 시간을 가질 수 있 다는 것이 굉장히 감사했다.
이번에 대사관에 방문하여 설명과 질의응답 시간을 가지면서 코트디부아르라는 나라가 굉장히 이쁘고 많이 발달된 나라라는 것을 느 낄 수 있었다. 하지만 그와 동시에 사람들에 게 많이 알려지지 않은 국가일수록 국가의 단
면만 빛춰지게 되고, 더욱 논란에 취약하다 는 것을 느꼈다. 코트디부아르라는 나라가 많 이 알려져 있지 않았기에 대한민국의 대부분 의 사람들은 이 나라를 디디에 드록바의 나라 라고 생각했다. 또, 나는 코트디부아르가 아 동노동을 시키는 나라라고 생각했지만 이것 은 나라에 대해 주어진 정보가 많이 없고, 잘 못된 정보를 정정해줄만큼 나라에 대해 잘 아 는 사람이 많이 없기에 퍼진 논란이었다. 나 라가 알려지지 않으니 사실이든 아니든 나라 의 안좋은 면이 더 크게 부각되게 되었고, 그 때문에 나라의 예쁜 경관과 관광지들은 알려 지지 못했다. 나도 이번 대사관 방문에서 참 사관님께 질문들을 여쭤보지 않았으면 평생 알지 못했을 것 같다. 그래서 나는 내가 코트 디부아르에 대해 알게되며 좋은 인식을 가지 게 된 것처럼 다른 사람들도 코트디부아르에 관심을 가질 수 있는 기회가 많이 생기면 좋 겠다고 생각했다.

지난 7월 20일 수요일, 나는 주한 코트디부
아르 대사관에 갈수있는 기회를 얻게 되었다.
지금까지 대사관을 가본적이 없지만 이번에
코트디부아르라는 나라에 대해서 순수하게
궁금해서 대사관 견학을 신청했다. 방학이라
시간도 남고 좋은 경험이 될것 같아서 신청 공
지를 보자마자 신청했다.
코트디부아르라는 나라는 이미 알고 있었다.
축구를 워낙 좋아해서 전설적인 코트디부아
르의 공격수, 디디에 드록바를 보면서 그의
나라에 대해서 더 궁금해졌던것 같다. 공지에
Q&A 시간이 있을거라고 해서 드록바에 관련
된 문제 및 다양한 문제들을 구상하고 갔다.
일단 입구를 봤을때 국기가 보였고 코트디부
아르 대사관이라고 써져있었다. 문을 지나서
안에 있는 회의실로 갔을때 참사관님이 기다
리고 계셨다. 대사관님도 보고 악수하고 싶었
지만 아쉽게도 밖에 계셔서 볼수 없었다. 그
래도 참사관님이 우리를 아주 밝게 환영해주
셨고 다양한 음료과 간식들을 준비해주셔서 기쁜 마음으로 시작할수 있었다. 일단 코트디
부아르에 대한 영상을 보고 시작했다. 영상은 코트디부아르에 대한 전반적인 정보(지리,경 제 등)을 소개하는 영상이였고, 코트디부아르 에 대해서 드록바밖에 모르던 나는 정보가 확 장되고 유익한 정보들을 알수 있었다. 영상이 끝나고 기다렸던 Q&A시간이 시작됐다.
나를 제외하고 다른 학생분들도 질문을 했는
데 내가 구상했던 질문과 몇개 겹쳐서 당황했 다. 그래도 여전히 궁금했던 질문이였기에 직
접 코트디부아르 참사관님이 대답해주는 시 간이 유익했다. 몇개 기억이 나는 질문들을 말해보자면 일단 코트디부아르의 경제에 대 한 문제들이였다.
큼 맛도 좋고 생산되는 양도 많다고 한다. 참사관분도 코트디부아르의 카카오와 커피 콩에 자부심을 가지고 있는 듯 하셨다. 그 외 에도 기다렸던 스포츠에 대한 질문, 특히 축 구에 대한 질문이 기억난다. 코트디부아르는 축구도 잘하고 유명한 선수들이 많지만 축구 외에도 육상이랑 농구도 강하다고 한다.
디디에 드록바, 야야 투레같은 전설적인 코 트디부아르의 선수들은 코트디부아르에서도 사람들이 엄청 좋아한다고 하고, 마치 손흥민 같은 존재라고 하셨다. 그 외에도 수도, 지리, 관광지에 대한 질문을 하고 신뢰성있는 대답 을 직접 들으면서 정말 좋은 경험을 할수 있었 던것 같다. 코트디부아르의 축구선수밖에 모 르던 나는
한 나라의 문화에 대해서 그 나라를 대표하
시는 분께 듣는다는 것은, 그 문화에 한층 더
가까워질 몇 없는 특별한 기회이다. 나는 7월
20일, 코트디부아르 대사관을 방문하면서 특
별한 기회를 얻을 수 있었다. 코트디부아르
대사관에서 미리 준비해주신 영상과 설명, 그
리고 질의응답을 통해 문화를 더 배울 수 있
코트디부아르의 문화에 대해서 짧게 소개하
는 영상은 유익한 내용들을 많이 담고 있으면
서도, 시각적으로 그 나라를 볼 수 있어서 되
게 흥미로운 영상이었다. 영상에서 나온 주제
를 바탕으로 참사관님께서는 우리에게 추가
적인 설명도 직접 해주셨다.
코트디부아르는 서아프리카에 있으면서도, 4
면이 땅으로 둘러싸인 대부분의 아프리카 나
라와는 달리, 코트디부아르는 바다와 연결돼
있어서, 다른 나라와의 교류를 다른 아프리카
나라보다 더 많이 하는 나라이다. 따라서, 코
코트디부아르는 선진국이 아니고 현재 발전 중인 나라라고 한다. 그래서 2차산업이 아닌 1차산업을 한다고 했다. 그리고 코트디부아 르의 카카오와 커피콩
고라고 할
트디부아르에는 2개의 수도가 있는데, 교류
를 위해 항구가 있는 ‘아비장’은 경제 수도이 고, ‘야부 수 크로’는 정치 수도라고 설명해주 셨다. 또한, 코트디부아르의 경제성장을 이끌 고 있는 두가지 요소로는, 카카오 열매와 콜 라 열매라고 하셨다. 카카오 열매는 초콜릿의 주재료이고, 콜라는 우리가 다 아는 코카콜라 의 주재료다.
아쉬운 것은 그 두 가지를 많이 수확하는 나 라이지만, 아직 코트디부아르는 가공을 할 수
있는 경지까지 발전하지 못하여 똑같이 카카
오를 수확하는 말레이시아보다 적은 경제성
장을 이루었다고 설명해주셨다. 코트디부아
르가 만약 더 발전하여 가공을 할 수 있게 된 다면, 지금보다 더 가파른 경제성장을 이룰 수 있다고
었지만, 그 제일 기억에 남는 질문은, ‘코트 디부아르의 가장 아름다운 점’에 대한 질문 이었다. 나는 그 질문을 들었을 때, 당연히 자 연경관이나, 랜드마크에 관해서 설명하실 줄 알았다. 하지만, 질문의 답을 예상 밖의 주제 였다. 참사관님께서는 코트디부아르 주민들 의 친절함과 환대가 가장 아름다운 요소라고 하셨다. 대사관 견학 동안 참사관님께서 우리 를 배려해주시고 환대해주신 경험을 비추었 을 때, 그 대답을 결코 거짓이 아니라는 걸 알 수 있었다. 우리가 대사관을 떠날 때까지, 참사관님께서 는 설명을 아끼지 않으셨다. 나가는 문 앞에 서도 우리에게 카카오 사진을 직접 들고 카카 오가 나무에서 자라며, 노랗고 울퉁불퉁한 열 매라는 것을 알려주셨다. 코트디부아르는 관 광지로도 정말 최고의 나라일 것이다. 왜냐 하면 모든 사람은, 환대받고 싶어 하기 때문 이다.

2022년 7월 20일 수요일 주한 코트디부아르 대사관을 처음으로 방 문했다. 코트디부아르는 내가 호비한국본부의 주한외국대사관홍보
대사 활동에서 홍보하는 국가였기 때문에 더욱 반가웠고, 기대하면 서 방문했다.
문 옆에 코트디부아르 국기 깃발과 상징적이 코끼리 마크가 제일 눈 에 띄게 보였다. 주한 코트디부아르 대사관님이 매우 반갑게 환영해 주셨고, 나는 들뜬 마음으로 회의실로 들어갔다.
처음으로 코트디부아르에 대한 영상을 시청했고, 코트디부아르 대사 님과 불어 통역사님께서 열정적으로 코트디부아르의 지리, 문화, 산 업 등 여러가지를 소개해주 주셨다.
가장 신기했던 점은 코트디부아르가 우리나라 면적의 3배 이상의 큰
국가라는 것이었다. 사실 매번 지도로 우리나라와 코트디부아르를 볼
때는 크게 차이를 느끼지 못했는데, 코트디부아르가 이렇게 큰 나라
라는 것이 놀라웠다.
질의응답 시간이 재미있었고 유익했다. 나는 평범한 질문보다는 신선 한 질문들이 나중에 내가 기사를 쓸 때 더 도움이 될 것 같아 10개 정 도의 질문을 준비해 갔는데, 많은 사람들 틈에서 많이 질문하진 못했
고 2~3개 정도 질문을 했다.
흔히 사람들은 아프리카
며, 우리가 집에서 설거지나 청소 등 가사일을 돕듯 부모님 밭을 같이 도와주는 정도라고 답변을 해주셨다. 코트디부아르의 친구들은 주5일이 아닌 주 5일, 월요일부터 목요일까지 학교를 가는데, 대부분 의 가정이 부모님 두 분 모두 밭에서 일을 하시기 때문에 친구들이 혼 자 집에서 있는 대신 부모님과 같이 밭에서 일을 도와주는 것이고, 이 것이 문화나 현지 생활에 대해 잘 모르는 사람들이 봤을 때 오해를 살 수 있는 부분이라고 말씀해 주셨다. 껄끄러울 수 있는 질문인데 친절 하게 그리고 진지하게 답변해주셔서 너무 감사했다.
다시한번 호비한국본부를 통해 주한 코트디부아르 대사관에 방문할 수 있어서 너무 기뻤고, 대사님께서 열정적으로 자국에 대해 설명해 주셔서 감사했다. 특히, 대사님께서 한국의 청소년들의 코트디부아르
라는 나라에 관심 가져준 것에 대해 고맙다는 말씀을 하셨을 때는 감 동적이었고, 코트디부아르 홍보대사로서 책임감도 느꼈다.
다음에 다시 대사관 방문 기회가 있다면 또 참여하고 싶다. 끝으로 1. 주한 코트디부아르 대사관은 호비한국본부와 오랜 기간동안 같이 손 을 잡고 온 대사관이다. 2. 코트디부아르는 한국과 60년 정도된 오랜 친구 사이이다. 3. 코트디부아르는 다양한 국가의 사람들이 많이 살 고 있다. 라고 정리하며 대사관 방문 소감을 마친다.
끝까지 읽어주셔서
Global Youth Goodwill Ambassadors for Foreign Embassies
Aaron Junung Kim
Aiden Chaemin Sohn
Aimee Kwon Choi
Alyn Kim
Andrew J Park
Andrew Junwon Lee
Ashley Park
BoHyun Park
bonjun Gu
Brandon Joonsik Kim
Brandon Jungwoo Han
Brendan Lee Seo
Brian Jun Kim
Chae A Lee
Chaekyung Cho
Chaelyung Jang
Chaemin Hwang
Chaeyoon Kang
Chanwoo Kim
Chester Chan-Hyun Park
Daeun Ha
Daeyoung Kim
Daniel Kim
Daniel Sungmin Lee
Dayeon Kim
Doeun Kim
Dohyeok Kim
Dong Hyeok Kim
Dongeon Kim
Dongha Lee
Donghyun Han
Dongjin Lee
Dongmin Choi
Edward Yeon
Ellie Nalin Pyo
Ellie Sohn
Eojin Park
Eunhwan Chung
Eunhyoung Lee
Eunjun Lim
Eunjung Kim
Eunsung Koh
Gaeun Cho
Grace Jiyoon Lee
Gyuhong Lee
Gyurin Kim
Ha Ram Yoon
Haehun Lee
Haelynn Kim
Haewon Park
Han Yuna
Hangyeom Kim
Hann Yeo
Hanna Hong
Hansoo Bae
Hansung Kim
Haram Jang
Harim Cho
Haryeong Lee
Hayoon Kim
Hayoung Kong
Hyejune Min
Hyewon Cho
Hyunbin Rhee
HyunChan Oh
Hyungkyu Nam
Hyunju Jung
Hyunseo Lee
Inha Jeon
Io Kim
Irene Su Yeon Shin
JaeHong Lee
Jaewon Choi
Jaeyeon Kim
Je Yong Lee
Jee A Hwang
Jeeho Jang
Jeongheum Na
Jeonghurn Lee
Jessica Choi
Ji Yee Chung
Jiahn Lee
Jian Hong
Jian Jang
Jihoon Suh
Jihyun Kim
Jihyun Sung
Jinah Chung
Jinwook Kim
Jisu Kwak
Jiwon Hwang
Jiwoo Park
Jiyoon Han

Jiyu Hong
Ju Won Kim
Jua Lee
June J. Souk
JungHyun Clair Park
Jungin Ok
Jungmin Han
Jungoo Kang
Jungseo Kwak
Junho Shin
Junmin Kim
Junwoo Kim
Justin Jeongwoock-Chang
Justin Lee
Juwan Choi
Kain Chai
Katherine Lee
Keonhee Andrew Ahn
Kim Hyungjin
Koeun Kwak
Kristen Yoonseo Cho
Kyeol Kim
Kyubin Kim
Kyung Min Kwon
Kyuseung Lee
Kyu-Sun Kim
Maeji Son
Michelle Jung
Min Jung Seo
Min Kyung Song (Katie)
Min Seo Kim
Min young Park
Minchae Kang
Minchae Kwon
Minjae Chun
Minjae Kim
Minjae Sung
Minji Lee
Minjoo Kim
Minjoo Song
Minkyung Sonng
Minseo Cha
Minseo Kim
Minseo Song
Minseok Kwon
Minwoo Kim
Minyoung Chun
Moojin Kim
Moon Honggi
Na Yeon Lee
Olivia Chaeri Sohn
Philgyu Shin
Rachelle Cho
Ryu Hae Deun
Ryu Jihoon
Saehee Lim
Samuel B. Lee
Sang Jun Lee
Sangjun Um
Sarah Gieun Yoon
Sarah Sun Park
Sechan Jeon
Seeun Park
Sehwan Chung
Selice Jung
Seo Young Lee
Seohyon Lee
Seoin Chloe Yang
Seojin Jeon
Seokwoo Byun
Seonhan Kim
Seonung Yu
Seoyeon Choi
Seoyeong Lee
Seoyoon Son
Seoyoung Kim
Seoyoung Min
Seoyoung Sung
Seoyun Kim
Seren Sung-One Park
Seungbee Park
Seungmin Jung
Seungwoo Baik
Seungwoo Byun
Seungyeol Yoo
Si Woo Shin
Sihyun Lee
So Jung Ohk
Somang Yang
Song Eun Lee
Songyeon Han
Sooan Kim
Soun Park
Steven Chanoh Bang
Subin Lee
Sung Won Cho
Sungbin Yoon
Sunghyun Cho
Sungmin Lee
Sungyoon John Park
Taejoo Lee
Taeyoung Lee
WanSeok Hong
Woojin Kawk
Yaeji Yang
Yeasol Baek
Yechan Kim
Yeheun Kim
Yehin Cho
Yehwan Chung
Yejin Jung
Yejin Kim
Yejoo Cha
Yeju Seol
Yelim Lee
Yelim Nam
Yeokyung JO
Yeongjun Kwak
Yeonwoo Cha
Yeonwoo Lee
Yeun Gye Choi
Yijun Kim
Yoochan Kim
Yoohwa Cho
Yoojeong Lee
YoungJoo Ko
Youngsung Sim
Yuhyeon Kim
Yuhyun Wang
Yumi Kwak
Yun Kim
Yunwoo Cha
Zi Yu Kim


Copyright © 2022
All rights Reserved
Date of Publication: November 2022
Published by HOBY Korea Youth Activities Association (which is run by Korean Educational Association for Empowerment of Software)
Address: 2F Myeongdong B/D Teheran-ro 83gil 44 Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 06166, Republic of Korea
Articles reviewed and edited by Jeonghurn Lee, Brandon Jungwoo Han, HOBY Korea
Designed by Yun Kim, HOBY Korea
Images in this magazine are from Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, Pixabay, Flickr, and Adobe photo stock with Creative Commons license, or purchased at Adobe Photo Stock.

Education Association for Software Empowerment