December 2011 VOLUME 3 | NUMBER 4
Photo by Morning Calm News (Flickr/ Creative Commons)
oung love, sometimes anguished, sometimes euphoric, is probably the most complex of all relationships. This issue of Youth Hong Kong explores young relationships by speaking to four couples from very diverse backgrounds. Readers can enjoy the wry comments of a young mainland writer discussing expectations, and find out more about difficult relationships. There are case studies and statistics from surveys done by HKFYG and other organizations indicating trends and changing attitudes. We also examine the new phenomena of online and speed dating as well as special features of dating in Hong Kong. We hope you will enjoy this Christmas issue, not entirely lighthearted, and be reminded of your own experiences. Please feel free to write in and let us know what you think. As we wind down the year, allow me to wish you, on behalf of everyone at Youth Hong Kong, all blessings for the Season and a Happy New Year!
Dr Rosanna Wong, DBE, JP Executive Director, HKFYG December 2011
Youth Hong Kong December 2011
Trying to unlock relationships Oh relationships! From our first shy attractions in school, to the
It's so easy,
dream of the perfect partner, it seems we are forever seeking to find,
To think about love,
fine-tune or finalize that perfect relationship. We long to disprove Shakespeare when he wrote, “the course of true love never did run
To talk about love,
smooth” as we look toward that perfectly happy ending.
To wish for love,
But reality! There are always challenges, difficulties, adjustments and
But it's not always easy,
tensions. Sometimes we overcome them. At other times we need
To recognize love,
help. Sometimes we are lucky. Often we don’t know exactly what we
Even when we hold it
want. This issue of Youth Hong Kong attempts to unlock the door on
In our hands.
relationships through the eyes and hearts of young people.
Victor Hugo
Later dating
Love padlocks
Hong Kong’s post-80s generation is more relaxed about relationship
Changing attitudes
choices than their parents were but their first experiences with
Most local young people in their 20s are quite worldly-wise and
girlfriends and boyfriends come quite late. Many students spend
surveys done this year show attitudes to partners are changing,
spare time studying instead of dating, in sharp contrast with the West
especially in women. Young women here used to have the
where falling in and out of love is a normal part of growing up and the
reputation of caring more about money than good looks in partners
majority of teens not only date but have sex
and more about a potential partner’s career prospects than his demonstrativeness, but intriguing figures show that this is less and less true. A survey4 of the 26-40 age group found that 45% of Hong
Young people are in no great hurry... they care about shared values and attitudes
Kong women would now consider dating a man who earns less than themselves although over two-thirds expect the man to pay on the first date. When it comes to looks, again attitudes are changing. 25% of
By mid-way through Hong Kong secondary school, most teenagers
men here say they would end a relationship if their partner became
know about the mechanics of sex but only about a twelfth are
overweight or obese but the vast majority of Hong Kong women are
sexually experienced, according to the Hong Kong Family Planning
more tolerant, saying they would standby their man, thick or thin,
if they really loved him. Surprise findings in another recent report5
Teens say they lack information on how to cope with
real life relationships.3 In this way they share views with their overseas
revealed that 50% of over 500 women aged 18-40 were fine with
premarital sex and 40% said they had sex when unmarried. [For more statistics generated by HKFYG surveys, see pages 24-27.]
Tending towards freedom There is a trend towards later marriage. Busy lives often do not leave much time for traditional courtship, let alone meeting many potential suitors. Women and men get married for the first time before 29 and 32, respectively. So the “golden age” for marriage is still considered to be late 20s to early 30s and there is pressure to seek partners at that age. However, well educated, career-minded Hong Kong women in their 20s and 30s are financially independent and no longer think of marriage in terms of economic security. They consider Hong Kong a suitable environment for singlehood and are not interested in being subservient. Sheng nu ( 剩女 or “leftover women”) is a term widely used in mainland China to describe single, professional females over 25. Those aged 30-35 are bi sheng ke ( 必剩客 or “must be leftbehinds”) and women over 35 are qi tian da sheng ( 齊天大剩 or “heavenly leftovers”). These derogatory terms are intended as a warning that spinsterhood beckons if women do not marry by the time they turn 30.
Cross-border demographics
The young couples interviewed for this issue of Youth Hong Kong
Hong Kong young people’s choice of partners is extended because
say that reciprocity is important in their relationships. Some traditional
of the proximity of mainland China. Young men have tended to look
attitudes to marriage and children persist but the city is following a
towards China for a possible bride, believing women there to be more
world-wide trend when it comes to finding the right person. Young
submissive. However, recent studies reveal that young locals are no
people are in no great hurry to saddle themselves with families. They
longer predominantly predisposed to seek mainland
say that differences in lifestyle and personality are a disincentive. 40% of 26-30 year-olds say they are willing to marry someone from across the border but 47% are not.7 However, women seek partners in China because there are more men there. The ratio of women to men in Hong Kong in 2010 was 1000:881.
care about shared values and attitudes. Some are more conservative than others, but the majority want to enjoy their freedom while they can. 香港雖然是開放社會,但巨大的學習壓力,使很多學生從未踏 進情場,到底青年人如何看待拍拖和戀愛 ? 另一方面,每個人 都希望找到最合適自己的伴侶,但香港男女比例失衡,高學歷 高收入的女士不愁生活,未遇到合適對象便選擇獨身,卻被冠 上「剩女」的稱號。 今期我們訪問了多位青年,透過他們的故事,我們可以進一步 了解青年人對戀愛、婚姻的看法。
Sources 1 Manning, WD. “Adolescents’ involvement in non-romantic sexual activity.” Social Science Research 24 (2005): 384-407. 2 The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong. Report of Youth Sexuality Study 2006. FPAHK, 2009. This survey is conducted every 5 years. The 2011 survey is now underway. 3 Hong Kong’s Education Bureau plans to implement a new subject on interpersonal relationships. 4 Survey of over 1,895 people in Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia, August-September 2011. 450 respondents were from Hong Kong, nearly 80% aged 26- 40, over 86% were degree holders, over 90% had never been married. 5 Lau, S. “Premarital sex shows signs of casting off taboo.” South China Morning Post 15 October 2011. 6 Hong Kong Institute of Education Roundtable and Powersoft Consultancy survey. April-May, 2011. 724 respondents aged 16-35. Monthly%20Survey_Topic%203.pdf [in Chinese] Reports by Deng, A. China Daily Clips. and Lee, S. The Standard. 1 June 2011. 7 Fei, M. China Daily Clips. 25 October 2011.
Youth Hong Kong December 2011
Dating, Hong Kong style Forms of dating that are popular with young people in Hong Kong include ICQ, online and speed dating. They are all technology-dependent but some, such as karaoke dating have a light, unique feel that makes them quite special to local circumstances. Young people in Hong Kong nourish their relationships with the opposite sex in many of the same ways as people all around the world. They hang out in comfortable public places like parks and shopping malls. They go to the movies and they barbecue at the beach. They love taking photos to share with friends on Facebook, eating together, relaxing in cafĂŠs or anywhere they can find some personal space of their own. Being
Photo by he(art)geek (Flickr/ Creative Commons)
Hongkongers, they also have some hi-tech ways of keeping in touch, and some touching ways of telling each other they care.
"Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, and half shut afterwards." Benjamin Franklin
HKFYG has conducted several surveys on relationships, including online dating. Findings are highlighted on pages 24-27.
Care with karaoke
Ambivalence online
Karaoke is very popular with all ages in Hong Kong. It costs little and
Online dating is the internet equivalent of personal ads in the
offers a way to let off steam and be self-expressive. Because the
newspapers. Given its apparent potential to match up ideal couples,
city’s apartments are small, entertaining at home is rather difficult.
its popularity is hardly surprising. Some companies claim over 80%
Karaoke in a private room has obvious appeal. It also fits Hong
probability of success. The number of Hongkongers who say they
Kong’s celebrity-obsessed culture and Cantopop love songs match
have tried some form of online dating is climbing. Among the under
the favoured karaoke profile well.
40s, it’s up from 36% in 2010 to 43% in 2011, significantly higher than in a current major US survey, where 21% of 18-24 year-olds and 32% of 25-34 year-olds say they have used a dating website. 1
Photo by Ed-meister (Flickr/ Creative Commons)
However, as one young commentator said, “…everyone I know who has got involved with someone they met online would say it was a huge disappointment. After all, who is going to put their worst pictures online? The whole time I did online dating
As an aficionado writes, “It’s fun and helps you get rid of your inhibitions. But when I first went to do karaoke with my boyfriend I had to keep his comfort level in mind. I didn’t really know if he was interested in singing or was just being polite when I suggested it. I told him it was fine as a spectator sport too but that the main thing was that we could be alone, in our space for once…”
Photo by Don Hankins (Flickr/ Creative Commons)
I made sure I looked really gorgeous in all my pictures.”
At the vast majority of karaoke clubs, sometimes known as “K-boxes”
Men and women who date online frequently lie, according to a
in Hong Kong, you can rent a private room and croon love songs
2011 survey2 of 1,000 singles commissioned by the online dating
with your girlfriend or boyfriend. Think of the opportunities it offers for
community. 58% of the respondent women lied about their looks
expressing all sorts of emotions, from break-ups to unrequited love. In
and 20% used old photographs to make themselves look younger.
a city where space and privacy are at a premium, this kind of dating
32% lied about their jobs to make themselves seem more glamorous.
has really taken off.
Over 40% of men were also inclined to lie about their jobs and their appearance.
One 2009 survey3 found over 60% young people met friends via discussion forums, instant messaging or social networking sites. Amongst them, a fifth said they would form an intimate sexual relationship with an online friend. Young people tend to seek fun and fantasy in love relationships which may explain this.
Youth Hong Kong December 2011
Sceptical about speed dating
A young correspondent commented:
Speed dating was introduced to Hong Kong as a commercial
“The speed dating event I joined was organized by a
operation in 2002. Single young people buy tickets and pair off at
psychologist who used ‘scientific’ matchmaking. A screening
parties organized by companies that also offer to help clients improve
process selected compatible partners according to factors
their personal style and dress sense in order to increase their chance
such as education, income, height and habits. There were also
of finding a partner.
ice-breaking games which put like people together according to their drawings. Because Hong Kong has far more eligible
Couples meet and interact for five to ten minutes. No matter how
females than males, some of the boys were fake candidates.
much they might be enjoying talking to the person they are with, once
They were actually friends of the organizer. I would give this
the specified time limit is reached they have to move on to the next
experience a mixed rating. It was fun to meet different kinds
possible prospective partner. Rabbi Yaacov Deyo supposedly created
of people but I wouldn’t say it could lead to my next romance.
the concept in 1999 as a way for Jewish people to meet each other
Words of advice, if you try it, go in with an open mind. Don’t
in predominately non-Jewish areas. Speed dating then rapidly caught
be on a mission to find Mr or Miss Right. After all, you and
on in the West and has spread around the world.
science can’t hurry love.”
According to a survey done by RTHK and Baptist University, 13%
Up to date on ICQ
of respondents in their 30s had tried speed dating.4 Its advantage,
ICQ has been in and out of fashion with young people but the
apart from speed, is that it circumvents face-to-face rejection. Critics
latest smartphone app for ICQ (I seek you) has brought it back into
argue that it is based almost wholly on first impressions, and so is
the limelight. The fact that ICQ, especially on smartphones, allows
inevitably superficial, as well as commercial, and can be misleading.
intimacy to develop in private, with relative ease, gives it definite appeal. The dense living conditions of Hong Kong are, again, a significant factor. However, a report on adolescent use of ICQ published in 20095, notes that dating and intimacy on ICQ often involved lying, as did online dating in general, but that the vast majority of the participants were aware of this and enjoyed using multiple identities, as long as they did not meet face-to-face. One of them recounted: “My friend searched on ICQ for a girl to be his girlfriend. He
Photo by Don Hankins (Flickr/Creative Commons)
went to meet her and asked me to go with him. He was so excited. Both of them held a red flower [to recognize one another]. Before dating, they had sent their photos to each other. She was quite beautiful. However, the girl we met was not like the one in the photo…When my friend saw … he threw the flower away and we left…”
Photo by Piedra Lubitsch (Flickr/ Creative Commons)
香港缺乏私人空間,不少情侶都希望有更多獨處的時間。卡 拉 OK、咖啡店等均大受青年人的歡迎。同時,由於科技發 達,一些跟互聯網相關的戀愛模式大行其道,例如網絡戀愛、 ICQ 戀愛等。而對一些專注工作多年的單身男女來說,speeddating 亦不失為一個認識異性的好機會。在有人認真找尋另 一半的同時,社會上卻出現一些依靠金錢維繫的「戀情」, 不少女生為了物質的追求,出賣自己的「拍拖時間」。各式 各樣的戀愛模式,構成了香港獨特的戀愛眾生相。
Caution on compensated dating A current phenomenon in Hong Kong, as a basic concept it has existed since time immemorial, known variously as escorting and prostitution. In its modern guise, it originated in Japan, where it is known as enjo-kõsai. Compensated dating in Hong Kong today usually involves older men giving money or luxury gifts to teenagers, often students, in compensation for companionship and, often, sexual favours. Usually a prior arrangement is made online between a man
Because compensated dating is generally arranged online, it does not attract undue attention. Some of the girls (and boys) are freelance, others are controlled by syndicates and can charge clients anywhere from HK$800 to double that, with middlemen getting about HK$200300 per transaction.6 One in three Hong Kong teenagers in a 2009 Hong Kong Christian
Photo by austintatious (Flickr/Creative Commons)
and a girl. Teenage boys are also sometimes involved.
Service survey7 of nearly 600 said they would consider selling sex for money. 60% of those who said they would contemplate compensated dating would do it mainly to earn quick cash. 23% said they would do it for their own sexual gratification. The survey came after a 24-yearold man was jailed for life for murdering a 16-year-old girl he met on the internet.8 To curb teenage compensated dating, the police launched “Operation Whale Diver” In July 2011, in the third phase of Operation Whale Diver, 19 males and 7 females were arrested.9 Students are at risk, not only from potential sexually transmitted diseases, but also personal safety and, if caught, a criminal record for soliciting sex.
Sources 1 dcaae35 2 3 Apple Daily. 13 July 13 2009. Caritas Youth and Community Service survey. 4 Hong Kong Baptist University School of Journalism web broadcast on speed dating at 5 Chan, ZCY & Cheuk, W. “Exploratory study on adolescents’ experiences of using ICQ.” The Qualitative Report 14 (1) (2009) 1-19. 6 Police reissue compensated dating warning in China Daily (HK Edition) 5 september 2009. At 7 htm 8 A 16 year-old girl’s body was dismembered and flushed down the toilet in this gruesome case of compensated dating. Chiou, P. “Girls sell sex in Hong Kong to earn shopping money”,, 13 October 2009 hongkong.teenage.prostitution/ 9 Ming Yeung. “Compensated dating swoop nabs 26 more.” China Daily 29 July 2011 http://
Youth Hong Kong December 2011
Yo u t h s p e a k
Setting out together May and Thomas have been going out together for a year. May is hesitant about their future but Thomas is already making plans. May’s mother, a single parent, has a strong influence. They explain what attracts them to each other and how they differ.
Thomas May is so kind-hearted and I think she finds me outgoing
May Thomas is immature sometimes. When he lets his friends have
and funny. We’re really very different. While she is calm and patient I
too much influence for example. But in general we accept each
am always in a hurry.
other’s shortcomings and get over disagreements pretty quickly.
May There never seems to be enough time for just the two of us. We argue about that. He also tells me all his worries about work when we are supposed to be just chatting about personal things, but he is the one who usually compromises and says sorry first.
I like hanging out with my friends … there’s nothing to be jealous about, no other girls. Thomas We laugh at the same things and we get on well. We both love good design and the arts. We both wanted to be qualified designers when we were at school, but I thought it was more rational to study finance and earn more. May Thomas is trying hard to save. We don’t have a joint bank account or a shared saving plan. I’m not ready for that. He is the one who thinks about our future and stability. I prefer
Thomas I like hanging out with my friends and going for a drink. There’s nothing to be jealous about, no other girls, but May wants to spend the entire weekend with me. I have to give her a few weeks’ notice if I want to go out on my own! I think that’s a bit immature.
to stay focused on how we are today.
Developing a relationship Youth speak
Thomas We haven’t talked much about marriage and I’m not as
Thomas I love my freedom now but in the long term, I want a family.
family-oriented as May. I’m always expected to go to her family’s
I think it’s natural. Friends don’t care about you in the same way as a
gatherings but I feel embarrassed because I don’t have much to say
partner. They have their own lives.
and I don’t think May’s mother likes me. She likes to control. May Sometimes I don’t feel easy about having a boyfriend who May Mum is a single-parent. She’s afraid I’ll get into bad company
spends so much time with his friends. I’m always afraid he will meet
and she doesn’t want me to date when I am studying. She accepts
someone else. If he cheats me, I’ll leave him. As a child from a single-
Thomas now but I know she wouldn’t like it if we lived together.
parent family, this is my Achilles' heel. If you cheat, I leave. I know
Actually, I don’t want to share a flat with him yet. I think I should save
I kind of hold back. It takes me a long time before I trust a person,
something for marriage. We do sleep together sometimes but I don’t
especially a boy. It is difficult for me to fall in love but Thomas makes
think our relationship would last if we moved in together.
me feel safe. I do trust him but marriage is still a big decision.
...this is my Achilles' heel. If you cheat, I leave. Thomas I’ll give May a surprise on day, when we get engaged, but I think we should date each other for a few more years first. If my career goes well I should be able to buy a flat for us. Ideally, May wouldn’t need to work then. She could just take care of our home. May I want him to propose nicely, but the most important thing is sincerity and keeping promises. At the moment we both say we want children but I want to keep my job. I have to guarantee that I can earn enough money for myself. I don’t want to rely on him totally. I think I’m already dependent.
Thomas graduated in 2011 and now has a job in a bank. May is still studying part-time and works on a magazine. They first met each other while at school.
阿 May 跟 Thomas 是一對二十出頭的情侶,阿 May 來自單親 家庭,母親不想阿 May 步她後塵,故對 Thomas 要求甚高, 希望 Thomas 出席各個家庭聚會,令 Thomas 感到有壓力。 同時,兩個家庭背景及性格各異的人走在一起,吵架在所難 免,但他們透過溝通及體諒來取得共識。剛畢業的 Thomas 已著手計劃組織家庭,而阿 May 則希望繼續進修,為自己的 將來作打算。
12 Firm commitment
December 2011
Youth Hong Kong
Yo u t h s p e a k
William and Quinny met when studying social sciences at Lingnan University in Hong Kong. That was in 2004. They didn’t start dating for another two years. Five years later, they explained how their relationship grew. Early days
Good communications
Quinny When we met I had about six or seven different suitors. They
William The best thing about being long-term partners is learning
proposed, but I turned them all down! I chose William because he
more about each other all the time. Relationships are like gardens. If
seemed a very good person.
you want them to flourish you have to nourish them every day. That means communicating daily. Actually Quinny tells me I say too much
William It was different for me. I had a car accident in 2003 and lost
my memory. It made me worry about losing other things, and people. In fact, Quinny was my first date. That was when we were both 22.
Quinny As time goes by, it’s not always so easy to share all your
The way she looked really attracted me.
problems. It depends on your partner’s reaction. I used to complain to William about work. He said I should quit if I felt like that. But it wasn’t
Equality and shared values
so simple. I was sharing my feelings, not a rational thought process.
Quinny We discovered we both believed in reciprocity, being able to
So I stopped complaining, even though I felt the same.
compromise and share decision-making. William Instead of talking, Quinny writes about how she feels. Just a William We did a Gender Studies joint project about equal
note on a card, usually with a picture. I keep all of them. That’s how
opportunities together and realised we shared core values, even
she tells me about her life and it helps me understand if she’s been
though it’s not possible to be completely equal.
Quinny Actually, I’m quite conventional in some ways. I think a man should support the family. I’ve always wanted a financially stable husband who is older than me. You see, there are some ways in which I don’t want total equality!
We believe in reciprocity. Resolving differences Quinny I write the cards but I don’t expect any solution!! His answers to my problems are sometimes too rational. William I have to admit that I think men and women are different in this way, but there are never simple rights and wrongs in a relationship. Nobody is perfect. You work things out. That’s how you get comfortable with each other. Quinny We come from different backgrounds and have different points of view. We can’t always expect total agreement. But we always resolve arguments within 24 hours. If we disagree we say sorry the next morning after a good night’s sleep.
Mature mainstream relationship Youth speak
Some traditional attitudes
Being organized
William In one way we are very traditional. No sex before marriage.
Quinny We’ll both carry on working after we’re married though.
Many others do, but we draw the line there. It’s not the right time for
Having a family is like running a business. You have to be well
us. And we believe that intimacy should not be based on sex.
organized as well as loving.
Quinny We wouldn’t ever think of having a family without being legally
William Love is also about self-sacrifice. You have to be able to think
married. Marriage involves responsibility and a commitment to taking
from the other person’s perspective and know how to say sorry. This
care of each other.
is central to our relationship.
Relationships are like gardens. If you want them to flourish you have to nourish them every day.
一對大學同學,經過兩年的學習生活互相了解,曾經因車禍 而失憶的 William 明白自己不想錯過眼前人,便跟 Quinny 正式 成為情侶。雖然價值觀相近,但相處起來總有各種問題要面 對,William 及 Quinny 透過溝通及互相體諒去解決問題。即將 步入人生另一階段,這對年輕的情侶已經準備好了!
William It may seem abnormal, but that’s how our relationship has developed. It doesn’t mean we don’t show affection. I’ve learned how much simple human touch means. Quinny Parents are a big influence on behaviour. Mine are not very demonstrative, either in words or gesture, but you can still sense the relationship between them and their awareness of each others’ needs.
Planning ahead William We’ve decided to get married next year and two years later we’ll think about children. After the wedding, we plan to live with my parents. Quinny We might live together for just a few months before we get married. I think that would be different from simple cohabitation because we would have already decided to marry. William In my 5-year plan, the family is central. It comes ahead of my career. My father told me that the greatest success a man can have in the world is to have his own family.
William Chan and Quinny Li are both Dragon Foundation alumni. William is currently the chairman of DragoNation, the foundation’s alumni association. He gave a touching presentation to a 2,000-strong audience when announcing his engagement. However, the couple say they would prefer a quiet wedding.
Youth Hong Kong December 2011
Yo u t h s p e a k
Cultured partners Hong Kong’s melting pot of cultures has always been a fertile place for young people from different countries to meet. In this interview, Youth Hong Kong discovers what brought one such couple together. They explain the “glue” that keeps them that way and how they became acculturated. How it began
Shared attitudes
Lewis is from Italy and Carmen is from Hong Kong. Both in their
Lewis Both of us have had other partners from different cultures, so a
20s, they knew of each other through alumni groups. They were
cross cultural relationship was nothing really new. We are familiar with
both at the same overseas school but at different times.
each other’s background and I think I know how Hong Kong works better than Carmen does. However, we share the same attitudes and
Lewis We met when I was in Hong Kong on business. I knew that
values about partners, children, work and family.
Carmen was working at the Hong Kong Maritime Museum and went there to seek her out. The first thing that struck me was her sheer
Carmen The fact that Lewis is Italian is important because I lived in
happiness. I found that very attractive. Not just her looks, but her
Italy and understand the culture and its classical history. English is a
personality. I found her a very beautiful person.
shared second language for both of us and although I’m not fluent in Italian, nor is Lewis in Cantonese, there is only a very small gap in our
Carmen I was feeling very confident then, about opportunities and
the future. I had just finished one relationship and wasn’t yet ready for another. What attracted me to Lewis was his kind-heartedness and
Lewis I think the language issue will intervene when we have children.
how thoughtful he was of others. We had such good conversations
I would not like them to be brought up with English as their mother
and I knew he would make a really good friend. I also found the way
tongue because they would speak it at a different level to me and
he kept pursuing me very attractive. He never gave up!
Carmen. It’s also important for our children to be fluent in Cantonese and Italian.
English is a shared second language. Differing roots Photo by T.Kiya (Flickr/ Creative Commons)
Carmen We do sometimes have small arguments stemming from cultural roots, when there is an accident, a small problem, or things don’t go according to plan. My upbringing means I try to avoid mistakes like that. Lewis There is a cultural divide here. If you make mistakes or break the rules in Italy it’s not a big deal. It’s different here. I’ve also realized, when thinking about continuing to live here, that I do not want to raise children outside a normal democratic society, nor in a place where they lack much direct contact with nature.
Cross cultural relationship Youth speak
Carmen I don’t feel so strongly about democracy or mother tongue
Carmen Personally, I’m not a big fan of marriage! I see us getting
issues, but I do want my children to have the things I didn’t have. I
married one day but it doesn’t have great meaning for me and the
remain very strongly attached to my core family here, but I think Hong
idea of marriage rituals puts me off. Parties, yes. Photos? No.
Kong people in general are very narrow-minded. Hong Kong does not have enough cultural diversity.
Lewis Most of the rituals of engagement and marriage don’t make any sense to either of us. Social standing is not an issue. Respect
We do have small arguments stemming from cultural roots. What’s important Lewis What’s important to us is love, the fact that we trust each other and have a passionate relationship with lots of fun. The only thing we lack is space! Still, we have no intention yet of moving. Our
and sincerity are, plus agreement on marriage and children. We will probably get married when we have children. Carmen We both expect to carry on working. I’m very attached to my work, professionally and personally, but children might change that. Feeling comfortable together is important, as are shared passion and sexual fulfillment. Love is most important of all.
neighbours live in the same space as us with two kids and a helper! Carmen The best thing about living together in a long-term partnership is doing things with someone you love. It makes life richer. We enjoy being at home together. In fact, we often lack motivation to go out. Lewis It’s true that one tends to lose one’s drive to go out and meet people. For such sociable people as us, we’ve become quite reclusive. Since I travel a lot on business I want to spend the time I’m here with Carmen.
And next? Carmen We have no burdens, no children, no worries and a good income. Because we don’t feel Hong Kong is permanent there’s no urgent wish to own more property here. If we raised children here and needed somewhere bigger, we’d rent. Lewis We agree that the best age for marriage is late 20s or early 30s. For us marriage is only important because of children. I think it makes more difference to women than men because of the legal security and the public affirmation.
Carmen and Lewis went to the United World College (UWC) of the Adriatic near Trieste. It is one of few schools in Italy with English as a working language. Entry to the school is by merit alone, with no private or fee-paying students.
千里姻緣一線牽。Lewis 跟 Carmen 曾在意大利同一所學校讀 書,在意大利時互不相識。畢業後,機緣巧合在香港見面, 並發展為情侶。兩人相處融洽,有相近的價值觀,但亦需要 面對各種問題,例如文化差異及生育下一代等。讓他們繼續 走下去的,是對彼此的愛及信心。
Youth Hong Kong
An education in romance?
December 2011
Yo u t h s p e a k
This story from our mainland correspondent paints a picture with parallels for young Hong Kong people now in their 20s. With wry humour, he sets the scene, complete with its frustrations and embarrassments. Yet he concludes there’s a chance of a different story for the next generation.
by Shen Weihuang
Good chance of failure What has been the outcome of this process? If you accept that self-knowledge through self-exploration has, for the majority, a great chance of failure, you also have to accept that on the Chinese mainland today, with its large population of young people, massive failure is possible. But before I go more deeply into all the negative aspects, let’s look at some of the typical “education” we got during our teenage years.
...many students … kept their dating secret … No girlfriends! Above all, we boys were Photo by the wamphyri (Flickr/ Creative Commons)
advised: “no girlfriends!” The main reason, heard as often as you hear the word “hello”, was that girlfriends would ruin our chances of academic success. Personally, I found this was perfectly true because my own studies really did go nowhere when I started dating. However, my parents never explained the underlying reasons behind their advice. There was no logical connection between cause and effect. As a result it sounded as if they Pathway to Eternal Love, Hua Shan, Shaanxi Province
were giving an unreasonable order rather than good, sensible guidance.
Ambiguous chitchat Thinking about
many young people of my age have had the
my own recent past, I’ve come to the
same experience of “enlightenment” about
Too young The second most important
conclusion that so-called parent-and-child
romance. So, without pride, I’d say we
reason that parents and teachers gave you
talk about relationships is basically nothing
learned it all ourselves, through a process of
for not starting relationships was as familiar
but pointless, ambiguous chitchat. I believe
then as the boss, shouting at work is now.
Learning about relationships Youth speak
“You’re too young!” Theoretically, it was also
bad reason, it resulted in great pressure, and
Bad debts Once you combine bad sex
true. We can never grow up in our parents’
it meant that our parents and teachers paid
education with secret relationships, you get
eyes. Ironically, most of the people of the
great attention to what we said and did.
social headaches: unwanted pregnancies,
same generation as my parents got married
abortion, and all the associated psychological
when they were much younger than parents
problems. And the truth is, although the
of my age today. Don't come back! The two reasons above could never match this one. It was the solution to everything. It meant that many budding flowers of love flew away … gone with the wind. This reason was a threat even to your home comforts “We’ll never let
Combine bad sex education with secret relationships and you get social headaches: unwanted pregnancies, abortion, and all the associated psychological problems.
problems for teenagers are now at last being faced, debts of ignorance have already been accumulated. The debts are so big, that I really don’t know whether we can pay them off. What next? All those notions we accepted as teenagers totally disappeared when we
you come back home if you do xxxx; never
went to university. Suddenly, there was an
explosion of freedom. We could choose our Written confessions Imagine a
own lifestyle and start a relationship. Even
Empty threats Now, we all know how
17-year-old student being found out,
though our parents were still talking about
ridiculous such a threat really was. Seldom
being censored by their parents and
things we shouldn’t do, they changed their
would any parent actually carry it out. But in
teachers for their relationship status,
tone from forbiddance to suggestion.
our innocent teenage years we believed it. It
even though it was just human nature. I
was really a big deal to be told we could be
have seen many such “under-the-table
Learning the ropes At university, freshmen
thrown out of house and home. We, who had
couples” being forced to write jian cha (a
start seeking their own way to love. Lack of
grown up spoiled, always getting everything
written confession) after being reported
education makes it hard. First, we had to
we wanted easily, for nothing, had never
by students and parents, or found out
try to re-establish a healthy attitude, all by
really thought seriously about having to look
by teachers. I remember those couples’
ourselves. But how? You could no longer
after ourselves one day. Some of us might
faces, depressed and guilty. So how
send a love letter or say, “I like you” face to
have fought back, perhaps even saying,
does the story end? Academic study
face. The magic internet played a crucial role.
“OK, I never will come back then.” Few ever
back on the pedestal again.
It made it easy to find out how to date a girl,
actually did so.
but the cold facts couldn’t be applied in real Misleading sex education A more serious
life. So we started from nowhere, desperate
Secrets, secrets There were other threats,
side to the problem of twisted education
to “know the ropes” and use them to pull
and many of them were used to perfect effect
about relationships concerns safe sex, or
ourselves closer to love. But these virtual
on us, young souls. Under such pressure,
even how to have sex. We did have lessons
ropes trapped us. They dragged us down
it’s hard to believe how we could have ever
of this kind in school, but basically they made
into sadness where we felt lost.
formed a healthy concept of relationships.
things seem more weird, more unclear than
As a result we got into some bad practices.
ever. Teachers never really explained, and
For example, many high school students,
students never asked. Even now, surveys
and some middle school students, kept their
indicate that many mainland teenagers get
dating secret. Whether it was for a good or a
their sex education from porn movies.
continued on next page......
“The magic of first love is our ignorance that it can never end.” Benjamin Disraeli
Failed romance How did we manage? The most useful information seemed to come from those who had failed in relationships. They could have been ourselves, but how many of us were willing to share our experiences? I think the number was very small. Luckily enough, we had four years to learn, but I give a big round of applause to all those who succeeded, before they got yet another lesson in romance, Chinese-style. Marriage conditions After graduating, the issue of marriage becomes inevitable. As I understand it, marriage is based on two people who love and understand each other, not houses, cars and money. Unfortunately,
Photo by α is for äpΩL † (Flickr/ Creative Commons)
Youth Hong Kong December 2011
Yo u t h s p e a k
the last three conditions have become the top three concerns for marriage. It’s as if we
All over? At this point, our main education
Passing on lessons The only question
are doomed.
in romance is nearly over. The only task
now is how to present the subject of love
left is choosing a partner. That decision will
to our children? Will we carry on the same
govern the next 10 to 30 years of happiness.
tradition as our parents? Or will we tell a
But let’s look at the divorce rate. Beijing,
different story. Let’s wait and think about
Shanghai and Shenzhen rank as the top
it carefully and peacefully. Let’s try to see
three for divorce in China according to
clearly …before we have to start offering the
a 2010 survey conducted by a national
next generation …our own children… an
government organization. The percentage
education in romance.
Will we carry on the same tradition as our parents? Or will we tell a different story?
has grown more than 5 to 7 times in the last Road block ahead Sadly, we are
decade. Many made the wrong decision.
overwhelmed by such ideas. Given the soaring prices and barely changing salaries,
Accumulating assets Those born in
if we still want to marry a wonderful wife
mainland China in the 70s and 80s will
or husband and live happily after, without
all have encountered such problems
getting help from our parents or doing
as these. We didn’t have much option,
anything illegal, it seems we need great
but our children will. Many analysts say
Buddhist faith and patience to help us. Even
my generation is a wealth-accumulating
if we had used our four golden university
generation. The reasons are reduced birth
years to acquire the right attitude, it would be
rate and growing personal assets. These
hard to preserve in the face of a real-life road
will make our children far less worried about
block ahead like this.
houses and money than we are.
地下情不是明星的專利,事實上很多青 年人拍拖時,為求避開父母的反對聲 音,都會把戀情保密。為何要這樣做? 因為父母口中只反反覆覆說著「求學 時期不准拍拖」,有些甚至以切斷一 切經濟支援為反對手段。究竟青年人 自己怎樣看這種高壓的教育方法呢? 且聽青年人自己娓娓道來。
Different relationships Youth speak
Gender, trust and tolerance Hong Kong is probably more progressive than some countries when it comes to issues of gay relationships, yet it is also considered conservative when compared to others. The reality is that these kinds of relationship do exist here and for cultural and religious reasons they are a concern for many, especially parents.
Photo by susivinh (Flickr/ Creative Commons)
Brooke and Terry met about a year ago. They both admit that their
“Being sincere and tolerant of different opinions, just feeling
family and friends do not really support their relationship and they
comfortable are essential for me. Shared passions and common
find this difficult. “We feel marginalized by society and face huge
interests are important to both of us. But in my view a good
pressures,” said Brooke, “with intolerance and lack of understanding
relationship means, most of all, the end of loneliness,” concluded
most difficult to cope with.”
However the young women say that with the support and understanding of each other, they manage. Terry believes that it “is harder for single sex couples to make their relationships last than it is for opposite sex couples.” Both agree that trusting and accepting each other, faults and all, is crucial – just as it is for all couples.* Attitudes changing significantly according to Hong Kong Family Planning Association survey findings Acceptance among youth of other people’s various forms of sexual behaviour in Hong Kong was one of the attitudes included in the latest Report of Youth Sexuality Study published by the HK FPA in 2009. A significant trend of increasing acceptance of public shows of affection between partners of all orientations was identified.
*New Hong Kong survey: agreement on relationships across diverse couples Young people value trust above all other aspects of love, according tour interviewees with these four very different couple, and according to survey results published in Hong Kong in December 2011. Over 3,200 secondary students, aged 1223, between October and November were asked about their perceptions of love. Among 39 traits, the youngsters rated trust, consideration, loyalty, good communication and honesty as the most important. Brooke and Terry, interviewed above, mirror these attitudes, also stressing the importance of trust, sincerity and good communication, as do our other interviewees in this section. Source Church of United Brethren in Christ social service division survey. id=117657&sid=34665501&con_type=1&d_str=20111205&fc=1
香港作為國際大都會,經常走在潮流尖端,對各類事情的包容度相對較高。然而 Brooke 及 Terry 覺得香港在同性戀議題上顯得較為保守。 Brooke 及 Terry 走在一起已經一年,不斷受到來自朋友、家人及社會的壓力,跟所有情侶一樣,她們最希望得到別人的認同及祝福。
Five difficult relationships: case studies Reported by hotline, face-to-face and web counsellors these cases represent some of the issues that young people deal with in their relationships and the ways in which social workers respond. Some details have been reconstructed to protect identities.
Mei: seeking attention Mei is in her first year at secondary school. She came to us with cuts on her body. She had cut a boy’s name on her skin. We found out that a few other girls in the class were doing the same thing. All these girls had a crush on the same boy. He ignored all of them but they seemed mesmerized by him and were behaving in a completely irrational way, saying they were “proving” their love for him by cutting his name on their skin. By talking to each girl separately, we discovered that they all came from single-parent families. They admitted that they were looking for a male to give them attention and affection, a new experience for them. They shared their feelings with the other girls in various ways, including writing in an online forum. In class, the boy had no idea how to deal with them and treated them all as normal students, but if one of the girls went near him, the others couldn’t stand it
Photo by tamaet (Flickr/ Creative Commons)
Youth Hong Kong December 2011
Yo u t h c o u n s e l l i n g
Fighting girls
and reacted as jealous rivals. The boy had been their target. They were hoping for an idealistic “happily ever after” outcome, based on an immature understanding of relationships that had been gleaned from comics, television, books and student peers. 時下一些青年人喜歡用「界刂」手來表達自己的愛意。 這除了損害自己外,更嚇怕了對象。社工協助阿 Mei 了 解自己內心的真正需要,從而建立正確的戀愛態度。
We understood that not only did they lack a male role model, they also had inadequate understanding of human relations and general sex education. Unfortunately, in many schools, this type of scenario is fairly common. Our response was to discuss love and sex education with the whole class and try to help the individual girls deal with the pain of a broken family.
Youth counselling
Yee: same-sex infatuation
It took a while, but Yee finally realized that her infatuation was short-lived and that she had a lot more to learn, both in terms of relationships, and about herself. We have seen similar cases in other schools where same-sex infatuations are a normal part of growing up.
Yee is in Form 6 at an elite girls’ school. A model student, good at art, she is well-respected and liked by her teachers and most of her peers. However, last year her demeanour changed. Her teachers noticed her, always on her own, smiling sadly. Then her art teacher found her crying at her drawing board and persuaded her to talk to us. Yee said she had written on the Facebook page of a classmate, Ching. The message complemented Ching on her skills and her looks. Yee felt exposed. She thought that everyone knew, and that the other girls were avoiding her. Whether real or imagined, it was clear that she was suffering. She wondered out loud why she had such strong feelings. She could not stop thinking about Ching and followed her around in school. Yee had put Ching’s picture as wallpaper on her phone and spent hours scouring Facebook to find out everything about her. Ching ignored her in school and “un-friended” her on Facebook. We tried to help Yee understand that her feelings were a normal part of growing up and tried to encourage her not to label herself as a lesbian. Rather, we suggested that she should look for other outlets and ways of spending her Photo by asirap (Flickr/ Creative Commons)
time, such as doing what she was good at: art.
不少就讀女校的同學都曾懷疑自己是否同性戀。阿 Yee 在 Facebook 表達對同學的傾慕之情後,立即惹來種種 歧視目光,令她感到十分困擾。
Amy: mistaking sex for love
為了找尋被愛的感覺,Amy 一次又一次接受男朋友的無 理要求。社工協助 Amy 明白,真愛並不是建基於性愛, 並教導 Amy 學懂如何愛鍚自己。
Amy is 18. She came to us seeking information about contraception, saying she had recently broken up with her boyfriend after becoming pregnant. Bit by bit, she revealed that the relationship had been based entirely on sex. Her boyfriend wanted sex with her all the time, in public toilets, in shopping malls. He even encouraged his friends to have sex with her, something Amy agreed to so that her boyfriend did not lose interest. As she talked, she came to understand that she behaved this way because she wanted to feel loved. She had assumed that love meant being available for sex any time, any place. She described her difficult background, her absent father and needy siblings and came to realize that she was substituting sexually risky behaviour with a man who didn’t care for her. Now, hurt but thinking more clearly, she is trying to recover her own sense of self-worth.
While Amy’s case might be considered extreme, we are finding more and more young people who are willing to have sex in order to maintain relationships, often with people they know are not good for them.
Joe and Corrine: reacting to stress Corrine, 20, feared her husband, Joe, and had left him. They had married very soon after meeting, finding the physical attraction between them intense. Almost as soon as they confronted the realities of running a home together, their troubles began. Joe was extremely short-tempered and soon they were arguing about everything. Joe had also started being very possessive.
The dilemmas of love
One night he hit her. That’s when Corrine moved out. She went to live with her parents, but Joe would not let go. He even climbed up a drain-pipe and broke into Corrine’s parents’ flat. The neighbours saw him and raised the alarm, stopping short of calling the police only when he said he was the son-in-law. Joe tried everything in his power to persuade Corrine to come back to him. He swore the stress of married life had made him hit her. He said he was committed to saving his marriage and willing to seek outside help. But Corrine told him that she wanted a divorce. She believed Joe would trap her and that her elderly parents would not be able to protect her. With neither side willing to compromise, but neither ready to give up entirely, Corrine needed to talk.
The only advice that can be given to these two young people who entered into a marriage hastily is not to end it with the same haste. Neither 一 剎 那 的 強 烈 愛 慕 感 覺, 令 未 滿 二 十 歲 的 Joe 及 have changed their minds. Corrine wants divorce and Corrine 選擇了結婚。婚後兩人開始面對種種問題, Joe does not. Corrine 決意要離婚,但 Joe 卻用盡一切方法挽回,他 們現正接受社工跟進。
Picture by Jomama ll52 (Flickr/ Creative Commons)
Youth Hong Kong December 2011
Yo u t h c o u n s e l l i n g
Youth counselling
Jimmy, Jenna and Justin: coping as parents
Having a child involves difficult adjustments for most couples. Social workers suggested that the grandmother might take Justin back to his parents’ home and sometimes cook, thus reducing Jenna’s burdens. Jimmy said he would try to be a more active father and help with household chores.
Jimmy, 28 and Jenna, 26, had been living together for three years when they had Justin. It was not planned, but they decided to keep him. At first, the normal adjustments to having a new baby at home, the disruption to sleep and the feeding cycles caused some tension between the couple, but with familial support, the young parents felt capable of coping. Their difficulties began when Jenna went back to work. She started dropping off her son at her mother’s apartment when he was less than three months old. At first, it seemed unproblematic, but soon Jenna felt overwhelmed. Tired after a full day of dealing with customers, she found Justin’s growing demands made her impatient, especially as she had to start preparing dinner as soon as she got home. Jimmy found the baby’s fussiness irritating and began to stay out later and later, often coming home only when he knew the baby would be asleep. When he was at home, Jimmy insisted that Jenna dealt with the baby. Sometimes, when she felt particularly tired, she would just call her mother and tell her to keep Justin there until the next day. Her mother did not mind and the child was too young to complain, but Jenna found that being a working mother was too much for her. She saw her relationship with Jimmy deteriorating rapidly and grew more
生下小孩後,Jimmy 及 Jenna 的婚姻起了重大變化。 Jimmy 期望 Jenna 全力負責照顧囝囝,但 Jenna 下班後 已經疲憊不堪,最終只能請求 Jenna 母親幫手帶孩子。 雙職家庭應如何兼顧照顧下一代的重任呢? Jimmy 及 Jenna 正尋求協助。
Photo by bean MOST (Flickr/ Creative Commons)
and more resentful that he did nothing at home, if he came home at all. She decided she needed help. Jimmy agreed.
December 2011
Youth Hong Kong
Yo u t h w a t c h
Young people’s views on these complex subjects are collected by HKFYG on a regular basis. The charts on pages 24-25 represent opinions of over 1,650 secondary students at 31 schools sampled from 22 November – 3 December 2010.1 The remaining charts are based on data collected in surveys of 15-39 year-olds for HKFYG’s Youth Trends in Hong Kong 2011.2 As the festive season approaches many young people with no partner often feel left out of all the fun. Over 60% said they craved an opportunity to party, with over 50% hoping to go out all night. About 9% said they would feel embarrassed if they didn’t have a date and about 19% said it would boost their confidence if they did.
How to find a date for Christmas & New Year Don't know/ hard to say 46.5%
Important aspects of a relationship Others 1.9%
By asking classmates 20.8%
At activities/ courses 8.6%
Others On social 2.8% networking sites 4.1%
Through friends 12.8%
Feeling attractive 2.5% Passing time 5.5%
Photo by syncretic (Flickr/Creative Common)
Photo by designwallah (Flickr/Creative Common)
At parties 4.3%
Don't know/ hard to say 27.1%
Knowing how to get along with the opposite sex 15.7%
Feeling loved and cared for by someone 31.6%
Having someone to share things with 15.8%
Youth watch
Would you refuse an invitation to party from a social network friend? Would you consider a relationship with someone you had only met online? Do you think there can be no loyalty in relationships developed online? 50% 45.9% 44.9%
Photo by mikecogl (Flickr/Creative Common)
Assessing online relationships3
Behaviour of couples in the festive season3 25.9% Is staying overnight with someone acceptable? Is physical contact with friends or acquaintances acceptable? Are one-night stands with casual sex acceptable?
21.4% 20%
18.4% 16.3%
14.3% 12.7%
10.7% 9.7%
5.6% 4.8%
7.1% 60%
Not really
Certainly not
Don't know/ hard to say
40% 31.8%
30% Photo by dia (Flickr/Creative Common)
24.6% 20%
25.0% 23.2% 16.3% 10.6% 9.9% 9.2%
11.8% 10% 5.0% 0%
Not really
Certainly not
Don't know/ hard to say
The mean age for marriage in Hong Kong is steadily rising. It is now
In some western countries, a quarter of people in their 30s are
29-30 for women and 30-33 for men, several years later than in
cohabiting or have always been single. In South Asia and China
America where the average is 26 for women and 28 for men. The
marriage is a fact of life for 98% of men and women. Even though
number of people staying single in Hong Kong is also on the rise.
marriage takes place later and the fertility rate is very low in Hong
Kong, traditional attitudes to child-bearing persist. Couples tend to have children soon after getting married. Delaying marriage is
December 2011
therefore a way of delaying the responsibilities of parenthood.
Attitudes to marriage and family
Staying single or getting married 80%
Male 80% 73.3%
71.8% 70% 60%
49.4% 45.6%
60% 41.0%
31.9% 33.4% 27.3%
31.5% 28.6%
24.3% 30%
20% 0% 80%
54.0% 50.0%
Totally agree 39.3%
20% 10%
1996 Never married
Male and female, 15-39 years
I want children
Extramarital affairs are not acceptable
Partially agree
Cohibitation is acceptable
One should not divorce
Totally disagree
Male and female, 15-39 years
I will marry one day
4.9% 2.2%
9.5% 7.3%
16.3% 16.2%
Photo by mikecogl (Flickr/Creative Common)
Youth Hong Kong
Yo u t h w a t c h
Supporting aged parents is outmoded
Youth watch
In 2010, 27% of all Hong Kong women their early 30s were single.5
Attitudes to premarital sex and intimacy have changed markedly in
The same was true of over 30% of all Japanese women of that age.
Hong Kong youngsters in the past 15 years. This phenomenon has
37% of all Taiwanese 30-34 year-old women were single. Changing
been reported in surveys by The Family Planning Association of Hong
marriage patterns reflect increased autonomy for women in Asia.
Kong,6 and is corroborated by the HKFYG polls. A global study7 of
They have more education and therefore more jobs. On the other
attitudes and sexual well-being in 29 countries, including Hong Kong,
hand, in mainland China there is the phenomenon of guang gun (bare
found that there was a consistently low level of sexual well-being
branches) men who will not marry because sex-selective abortion has
in Asian countries. In Hong Kong, sex rated less important for well
resulted in fewer women than men.
being than in any other country.8
Changing attitudes in over 25s
Photo by mikecogl (Flickr/Creative Common)
100% 87.7% 77.4% 78.2%
82.8% 76.9%
Attitudes to sex 40%
36.0% 32.8%
60% 27.1%
42.5% 40% 0%
I will marry one day
I want children
Age 15 - 24
Extramarital affairs are not acceptable
Cohibitation is acceptable
One should not divorce
Supporting aged parents is outmoded
Age 25 - 39
Male and female, 15-39 years Sources 1 HKFYG Youth Poll Series No 204. The Attitudes and Behaviours of Young Students during the Festive Season. December 2010. 2 HKFYG, Youth Research Centre, Youth Values Indicators, 2009. Youth Trends Series 2011. 3 One-night stands with casual sexual partners have become a lot less acceptable in the last 4 years. The HKFYG 2007 survey [HKFYG Youth Poll Series No 169, December 2007] found almost 17% (16.8%) who said they would go on a one-night stand during the festive season. In the most recent survey (November-December 2010), this figure dropped to just over 9%. 4 Asia’s lonely hearts. The Economist. 20 August 2011, p 9. 5 The flight from marriage. The Economist. Asian demography. 20 August 2011, p17-20. 6 Family Planning Association of Hong Kong. Report of the Youth Sexuality Study 2006, 2009. Chapter 7. 7 Edward O. Laumann et al. A Cross-National Study of Subjective Sexual Well-Being among Older Women and Men: Findings from the Global Study of Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors. 8 Carroll, Janell L. Sexuality Now: embracing diversity. 3ed ed. Cengage Brain, 2009.
34.3% 32.3 %
32.3 %
20% 15.7%
Premarital sex is acceptable Age 15 - 24
Homosexuality is acceptable
Abortion is acceptable
Age 25 - 39
Male and female, 15-39 years
Promiscuity is acceptable
Youth Hong Kong December 2011
Inspiring innovation Innovation and technology, one of the six priority industries, holds the key to Hong Kong’s future. Miss Janet Wong, Commissioner for Innovation and Technology, shared details with us of the initiatives implemented by the Innovation and Technology Commission to nurture a new generation of innovators for the city.
Nurturing future scientists To ensure the sustainable development of innovation and technology in Hong Kong, we need to cultivate a strong innovative culture in society. The Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) and its partners have been implementing various measures to nurture our Miss Janet Wong, Commissioner for Innovation and Technology
future scientists.
Innovation and Technology Student Club One example is the Innovation and Technology Student Club, established by ITC and The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2009. Members of this prestigious club are elite students from secondary
and technology. Taking part in the competition is an excellent way to
schools and universities who have won awards in major science and
help students realize their potential.
technology competitions, or been recommended by their principals.
InnoTech Month The club, which was 440 members strong by August 2011, organizes
InnoTech Month (ITM) 2011, organized by ITC, featured a wide
interactive activities regularly, such as a future technology seminar
range of activities for the community, including technology-related
series, a mentorship programme, summer camps and a technology
roadshows, exhibitions, seminars, workshops, an industry conference
ambassador programme. These activities help inspire students’
and a large-scale carnival. HKFYG was a campaign partner of
intellectual and career interest in science and technology.
this anchor event. The highlight of ITM 2011 was the nine-day InnoCarnival at the Hong Kong Science Park held in November.
The Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition
InnoCarnival 2011 offered a diverse array of activities such as
Jointly organized by ITC, the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups
exhibitions, an electric vehicle exhibition and test drive, interactive
(HKFYG), the Education Bureau, the Hong Kong Science Museum
games, talks, workshops and guided tours. Members of the
and supported by the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks
public could gain hands-on experience of the convenience and
Corporation, the Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition
fun brought by innovation and technology to daily life. InnoCarnival
is now in its 13th year. It has become one of Hong Kong’s most
2011 concluded with a record-breaking number of over 180,000
popular student science competitions and helps develop students’
participants, fully demonstrating Hong Kong people’s passion for and
creativity through understanding innovative applications of science
support of innovation and technology.
Innovation & technology Interview
Dr Rosanna Wong, Ms Elizabeth Tse, Miss Janet Wong, The Hon Greg So, The Hon Wong Ting-kwong with students at the InnoCarnival 2011
Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Scheme
Internship Progamme and Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF)
To sustain the long term development of innovation and technology in
To stimulate the interest of fresh graduates in applied research and
Hong Kong, the most important ingredient is definitely a good supply
development (R&D) activities, help create a larger pool of research
of talent. More than a third of undergraduates from local universities
talent and give further support to local universities for undertaking
have majors in science and engineering related subjects. We believe
applied R&D activities, ITC has been funding an internship programme
that a little bit of additional encouragement should help the brilliant
under ITF since 2004 (see box).
among them reach great heights. It was against this backdrop that we witnessed the birth of the first Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Scheme (see box). ITC, the Hongkong Bank Foundation and HKFYG worked very closely on the Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Scheme 2011. Through a series of programmes, including an Overseas Attachment Programme, a Local Internship Programme, a Mentorship Programme and a Service Project Programme, the Scheme offered 25 outstanding Hong Kong undergraduates valuable opportunities to widen their exposure and gain industry experience. The awardees were nominated by Vice-Chancellors or Presidents of their respective universities. In view of the extremely positive response from various sectors, the Scheme will be organised again in 2012. The Hongkong Bank Foundation has agreed to raise its sponsorship for the 2012 Scheme and the scholarship for each awardee will increase from HK$100,000 to HK$150,000. Another 25 outstanding young scientists will benefit.
Organizations undertaking R&D projects funded by ITF, including local universities, the five R&D Centres, the Hong Kong Productivity Council and private sector companies, can join the programme and recruit interns as project assistants. For first degree holders, ITF provides a monthly allowance of HK$10,000. For those with Master’s or higher degrees, the allowance increases to HK$12,000. As of October 2011, 920 intern positions have been approved under the programme with a total funding of HK$145 million.
by Shelley Lee
December 2011
Youth Hong Kong
Guest column
You might think from the happy faces in the photo that the young people were enjoying their normal weekend escapades. In fact, along with 500 youngsters from Hong Kong, mainland China and 18 other countries, they were toiling away in a remote part of Taiwan in the heat of July, preparing a small clearing for farming. I accompanied them on this very interesting visit to Rinari, a born-again Christian community where we saw what sharing, sacrifice and service can really mean in today's world. The experience left me touched and the young people inspired. In August 2009, over 3,000 millimetres of rain fell in southern Taiwan during the 4-day passage of Typhoon Morakot. The floods displaced hundreds of people. In Pingtung County, over 1,400 millimetres of rain fell in 24 hours. 700 people died and 1,766 homes were destroyed. The Rinari community at Majia Farm in Pingtung County is now home to former residents of three destroyed villages, Haocha, Majia, and Dashe. Collaborative efforts of local government, private donors and volunteers resulted in the completion of, the Majia housing project in November 2011, now home to 300 indigenous families. Rinari was the original Paiwan name for the area where the
Instead, as I walked through the village, I saw beaming faces. Even in
community has been created as a result of the willingness of nearby
the drizzle that lasted all day, tireless energy emanated from the young
villages to share their land with the unfortunate victims of rainstorm
volunteers, many of whom had travelled thousands of miles just a
disaster. The name means “The place we wait for happiness” and
few days beforehand. By helping with the farming or housework, by
connotes respectful acceptance of all the residents’ various cultures.
teaching local children basic English or playing with them, Dragon 100 delegates and a team of other supportive secondary school
With the help of World Vision, HKFYG Executive Director, Rosanna
students, showed what it means to offer service with good cheer.
Wong, enabled the Dragon Foundation to fulfill its dream of raising
The village children warmed to them quickly and at the end of the day
a 1000-foot dragon in Taiwan, the final destination for the Dragon
when it was time to say goodbye, we all chanted "RINARI, RINARI"
Series*, following Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Macau. But
with empathy and familiarity.
before this grand event, there was a lot of toil and sweat. Back in Taipei, the symbolic Dragon was raised and we fasted for charity We warned the students participating this year’s Dragon Series event
at a 30-hour signature event of World Vision. Five months later, I find
that instead of visiting eminent universities they would be rolling up
myself recalling with pride how a group of youngsters from Hong Kong
their sleeves and getting down to very basic service. Instead of eating
and the rest of the world made a difference to the life of disaster victims -
in restaurants, they would be sharing farm-style lunchboxes with the
not just with donations or pledges, but with an honest day's work.
locals. Instead of seminars in air-conditioned halls, they would be squatting down with picks and hoes, digging up pebbles to create
*For more, see Caring Dragons in Taiwan, Youth Hong Kong
arable land. I braced myself for the usual complaints, but none came.
September 2011.
City space
NEIGHBOURHOOD First This major community-building project, initiated by HKFYG and led by Hong Kong young people, aims to bring the community together and cherish a sense of neighbourhood, emphasizing the importance of civility and friendliness.
Neighbourhood First was launched on 18 December in Morse Park Amphitheatre with Guests of Honour The Hon WONG Yan-
Neighbourhood Day 14 January 2012
lung, SC, JP, Secretary for Justice, HKSAR, and Mr Wang Zhi-min,
As part of the Neighbourhood First project, young people will offer refreshments to their neighbours, needy people and members of their community on Neighbourhood Day, Saturday 14 January 2012. Over 50 young teams will be at work, setting an example and showing how considerate acts of kindness are appreciated.
Deputy Minister, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government of China in the HKSAR. 1,500 young people aged 14-35 have formed over fifty teams working throughout Hong Kong. Participants include youngsters from HKFYG’s Youth SPOTs, Dragon Foundation programmes, Youth Support Scheme, Youth Outreaching Social Work Teams and the Centre for Leadership Development. This mobilization is only the beginning of a massive project which is destined to continue well into the future.
Street of Kindness This preliminary programme, in advance of Neighbourhood First, is in Sham Shui Po. Discount food coupons are being distributed there to street sleepers by HKFYG leadership students. 19 yearold participant, Keith Leung said: “Many people living here have no homes and no money. Some of them only eat once every few days. They thanked us warmly but we could only persuade two shops to take part. The others said they too were struggling to survive because of competition from chain stores.” The Street of Kindness programme will continue in parallel with Neighbourhood First in 2012.
More information about Neighbourhood First and its associated programmes Web Email Call 3755 7072
Smaller classes, less stress by Terry Wong Chi-ho My view is that to provide a better learning and teaching environment, government should adopt small class teaching fully in secondary
photo by superkimbo (Flickr/Creative Commons)
Youth Hong Kong December 2011
C i t y s p a c e Education
Smaller class size
Benefits for teachers and students Lowering teachers’ average class time is a key for developing new
schools. According to census projections, the number of young
teaching strategies and receiving professional training. However,
people aged 10-19 will drop from 890,000 in 2010 to 655,0001 in
small class teaching should not be seen as way to protect teachers’
2020. In 2010-2011, the average Hong Kong secondary school class
jobs. Nor does it need to be a big financial burden. On the contrary,
size was 34 compared to the international average of 24. (See table.)
it has been an indispensable part of recent educational reform. It
Small class teaching must go back on the agenda.
has enhanced the primary school learning environment and helped it move towards international standards. In the face of dropping student
Average secondary school class size Denmark
numbers, now is the perfect time to adopt it in secondary schools as Average Class Size 20
United Kingdom
United States
Hong Kong
International average
Terry Wong Chi-ho graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University this year. He took part in the 2007 HKFYG Hong Kong 200 Leadership Project.
Source Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (2009) Hong Kong Education Bureau (2011)
Small class teaching has been a hot topic in recent years but in 2010, Mr Michael Suen, Secretary for Education, rejected introducing small classes in secondary schools, doubting their effectiveness. Professor Peter Blatchford of the Institute of Education, University of London has argued against this view. His research2 examined the effects of reducing class size and found increased interaction between teachers and students, especially for less able students. That is exactly what students, parents and teachers want to see.
Notes and Sources 1 While student numbers for secondary schools worldwide are climbing rapidly, the Hong Kong Education Bureau anticipates a decrease in the city's annual intake of Secondary One students over the next few years, from 75,400 in 2010 to 53,900 in 2016 - a fall of 28.5%. A report in China Daily,16 September 2010 is at fullstory.html?id=51792 2 Prof Peter Blatchford has done large-scale research on this subject in UK secondary schools. He presented his findings at a seminar at the Hong Kong Institute of Education in December 2010, urging further research on the effects of small class teaching on pedagogy. A report is at
Project dse@27771112 gives help with stressful exams Four hundred students sought help from Federation counsellors in autumn 2011. They were all preparing for the new public Diploma of Secondary Education (DSE) examinations in March 2012. 60% were stressed and 20% had emotional problems caused by the prospect. HKFYG offers them help with a new service project called dse@27771112. A range of services is available to DSE candidates including counselling, information about further studies, examination preparation and planning for employment. Access to the service Hotline 27771112 MSN Facebook Group DSE 同學會 For more details, please contact Ms Cecilia Ng tel 2788 3433
by Armstrong Cheng Yuen-chung Hong Kong Observatory With the increasing popularity of smartphones, especially among young people, the Hong Kong Observatory developed a weather app last year, called “MyObservatory.” This article describes the service and its attractions for the younger generation.
Riding the wave
both iPhone and Android platforms. It was well received by the public
Traditional channels like radio and television have been used by the
and visitor figures for the Observatory’s website during the first nine
Observatory to disseminate weather forecasts and warnings for
months of 2011 were double the total for all of 2010.2
the public for many years. Their advantage is easy reach to a large audience. Even today, radio and television remain two of the most
Location information
convenient sources of weather information, although available air time
A notable feature of “MyObservatory” is its adoption of location-based
means messages are kept simple and short.
technology to present real-time, location-specific weather information including temperature, relative humidity, winds, and weather photos
Internet weather services were first offered by the Observatory in
from nearby weather stations. This is delivered to users automatically
1996. Since then, the number of page views has grown rapidly,
according to their geographical position which is detected by the
reaching nearly 1.8 billion in 2010.1 The internet application for
smartphone. “MyObservatory” also comes with a UV index report and
smartphones, “MyObservatory,” developed in 2010, is available for
forecast, the forecast track of tropical cyclones, satellite and radar
Youth Hong Kong December 2011
public can access the latest weather information conveniently even
Forecasts for families outdoors
while they are on the move. The iPhone version of “MyObservatory”
The Observatory’s
also has a “push notification” function by which the latest weather
apps bring
warnings are “pushed” to the user’s smartphone automatically.
information about
images, lightning locations and rainfall map, astronomical and tidal information, radiation information, weather tips etc. Members of the
the natural outdoors
Weather for youth on mobiles
world into the hands
With a view to reaching out further to the younger generation, the
of young people whose
Hong Kong Observatory started a pilot project in late 2010, delivering
lives are spent largely
severe weather information and Observatory news on Twitter. It was
indoors, isolated from
extended to Sino Weibo this year. Content was enriched to include
the weather patterns
earthquakes worldwide of magnitude 6.0 or above. These media
that govern how much
are very effective for disseminating messages to user communities
of the world lives. The
at relatively low operating costs and followers of the Observatory’s
push notifications offer
account on social-networking websites had exceeded 50,000 by the
reassurance in case
third quarter of 2011.
of severe weather and the forecasts provide information for popular family activities such
Going global
as hiking3 and water sports. Educators also recognize their value in
The popularity of the Observatory’s weather services on mobile
raising awareness of climate and environmental conditions for which
platforms has gained the attention of the World Meteorological
there is growing concern.
Organization (WMO) of the United Nations. WMO recently entrusted to the Observatory the task of developing a mobile application called “MyWorldWeather.” It delivers official forecasts from weather services around the world and is now available for the iPhone mobile platform. In an information era, when everything evolves at an unprecedented pace and everyone is connected more frequently than ever before, the Observatory will continue to ride the crest of the wave of the latest technologies, enriching and enhancing its weather services for the
天文台較早前於智能手機平台開發了「我的天文台」應用程 式,方便市民於智能手機查看最新天氣資訊。除此以外,天 文台更銳意走進年青一代的生活,相繼在社交網站 Twitter 及微博發展氣象資訊服務。最近,天文台更受到世界氣象組 織委託,開發 MyWeather 應用程式,提供全球官方天氣預 報。
betterment of society and its future generations.
Notes 1 The Hong Kong Observatory has won the Yahoo! BUZZ Award in the government department category for four consecutive years since 2007. 2 “MyObservatory” won Gold and Silver awards in two different categories of the Hong Kong Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Award 2011. 3 There are blind-spots in the country parks. Some of these are mentioned at
Arts & culture
Performing their own identities by Andrew Halton and Tara Lam Hoi-ling To an outsider Hong Kong is a place of baffling complexity and activity. It exists in a state of seemingly perpetual motion so that every visitor experiences what Betty Wei called “Culture Shock!” But culture was why we had come to Hong Kong.
While conducting research into youth culture
Freeing and current
in Hong Kong, we looked at how young
In many ways it came as no surprise that
people negotiate the challenges of growing
the lives of young people in Hong Kong are
up in a hub of the global economy. Most
very different to those of their counterparts
of the work done on youth culture has
in the West. However such difference is far
focused on western, working-class resistant
from clear-cut. Hong Kong is often seen
subcultures such as “Mods” or “Skinheads”.
as a pivot, the place in which Asia and the
There has been a tendency to look at the
western world interact, and it is believed to
spectacular and extreme. We were far more
mirror many western traits. In a globalised
interested in seeing how young people
world linked through active spaces of virtual
perform their identities in their everyday lives.
interaction, modern youths are increasingly connected and exhibit hybrid forms of identity. This summer, HKFYG’s Farm Road Youth Spot hosted the “Toy Story” Youth Dance show. The evening was the culmination of a summer of lessons and saw performances from young people ranging from the ages of 5 to 18. There were also guest performances from professional dance crews that no doubt provided inspiration for these budding young dancers to follow. The students benefited from the expertise of G-NEX that introduced niche styles such as “Iso-Locking” and “Wacking” as well as the already popular hiphop and Jazz Funk. Such forms of street dance are still in their infancy in Hong Kong but they are increasingly popular amongst young people. These dance styles originate from the West, emerging from the hip-hop cultures of the USA.
HKFYG Farm Road Youth SPOT’s dance teams
Youth Hong Kong December 2011
A r t s & c u l t u re
Unstifled, expressive styles Many of the students explained their passion
are arguably unavoidable, the act of dancing
evident that the groups did not need to be
for dance as an activity that was freeing and
and performing provided an expressive outlet
disciplined. Rather they enjoyed working
current. Whilst some parents supported this
often stifled by conventional day-to-day
together and organized their own practice
type of extra-curricular activity, others felt it
practice. Unlike styles such as ballet that are
routines. Young people are often portrayed
distracted their child from the important task
more rigid and disciplined, hip-hop and Jazz
in narratives of fear, especially in emphasis of
of studying. The highly competitive nature of
Funk are much freer and expressive styles
youth gangs and crime. However the dance
Hong Kong’s education system is a product
that convey what is relevant to young people.
group showed how a desire for young people
of its role as a hub in a new global economy
Another prime motivation for participating in
to “be part of something” and to have fun
experiencing profound shifts.
the dance project was the somewhat obvious
with friends was channelled into something
one of being able to hang out with friends.
far more creative, expressive and positive.
All young people interviewed emphasized
In an increasingly individualistic society,
the need for education and attending a good
dance provides a communal group activity.
university to get on in life. Whilst such trends
Whilst always supervised, in practices it was
Youth SPOT a blast for cultivating dance talent A dance showcase called "Toy Story" was held at the Y-Theatre in Youth Square, Chai Wan in September. There were some great movers on stage. Check them out at watch?v=t-mrCnK-Clc& or contact Terrence, tel 2715 0424, for more information.
Arts & culture
A distinct cultural form In the performances of the dance show we
less conservative methods of expression.
boutiques and local brands. What is
could see a distinct cultural form emerge.
Cantopop is viewed as dated and slightly
emerging is a distinct heterogeneous cultural
Increased levels of connectivity have allowed
comical with Korean and Taiwanese music
form constructed from an assemblage
young people to draw on external influences
gaining traction alongside Western artists
of external influences that have been
with Facebook, blogs, Youtube and forums
such as Lady Gaga or LMFAO.
appropriated, transformed and internalised to create a unique identity that is relevant to
all providing new virtual channels of cultural exchange. Preferences have shifted
Terrains of fashion are also transforming with
Hong Kong’s young people. Such identities
away from the more clean-cut Chinese
brands such as Hollister and H & M, existing
and cultures are characteristic of a new
stereotypes towards more experimental and
alongside Japanese and Korean independent
global city.
Toy Story Youth Dance 40 years of Iso-Locking and Wacking Wacking is a creative form of street dance that originated in American nightclubs. Arms and hands move very fast to disco music with a strong beat, accompanied by more relaxed hip and leg movements. It started out as a gay black and Latino dance form but entered the mainstream by the 1970s and was originally called Punkin’. Iso-Locking was originally funk dance style, typically performed to music by James Brown. It also has origins in Indian dance. Today it is associated with hip-hop. Locking movements which hold a position provide a strong contrast with fast wacking, and include acrobatics which are physically demanding in terms of flexibility and strength. Videos at Information at,
Andrew Halton and Tara Lam Hoi-ling came from Cambridge University to do research on Hong Kong’s youth culture in summer 2011. They visited the Federation’s Youth Research Centre and interviewed students at both the Shaukeiwan Youth SPOT and Farm Road Youth SPOT before going to the Project Dance Summer Showcase, organized by Farm Road Youth SPOT.
Dance for generations The Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance, a 130-year old festival, is now recognized as intangible cultural heritage and people of all generations ensure this piece of Hong Kong’s vibrant history is preserved. Some of the young volunteers told us why, echoing fire-dragon commander-in-chief Chan Tak-fai, “We must pass on this tradition from one generation to the next.” The article ends with a song about losing our cultural past. 26 year-old Polly Poon Po-ling, student of quantity
Connections between generations
surveying, has connections with Tai Hang that go back at least 3
Both my grandparents and parents were raised in Tai Hang. Grandpa
and grandma used to run a shop, as did my father when he was younger. We moved to Tai Po when I was just a year old, but still used
“I’ve been taking part in the Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance for 20 years.
to visit every week. Now that my grandparents have passed away I
When I was a kid, I started carrying the Lanterns. At high school I
come back less often. The festival is my main link with Tai Hang.
graduated to the cloud lanterns. Later on, I started helping with the banners and boards and now, I play the drums and the cha in the
I used to think that most people wouldn’t understand why we were so
musical instrument team.
deeply involved. After all, we’re just volunteers and it’s physically very tough. But the festival gives us a great chance to meet old friends and
Only men and boys can be in the
neighbours. If young people don’t get involved, we’ll lose this tradition
Dragon Dance Teams and do the
and after few generations it will disappear. Nobody will remember it.
dance through the streets, but at least we girls can touch the
I will keep coming back until my health stops me. Even if I couldn’t be
dragon now, as long as we are
an active participant, I would come and watch. I’ll definitely bring my
wearing the musical instrument
children to join in.”
team uniform. In the past, we weren’t even allowed to do that. My father and brothers do. My younger brother is the musical instrument team leader, my elder brother leads the “Dragon Tail” Team and father is one the directors. He focuses on the Dragon’s Head.
The Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance is performed every midautumn festival. Based on a Hakka folk tale about an escaped snake and an outbreak of plague, the 67-metre long "dragon" is carried by 100 boys and men on a weaving dance through the narrow streets of old low-rise Tai Hang village. They cross Wun Sha Street to the nearby Lily Temple, purging evil spirits as they pass. The procession is preceded by dances performed by children with lanterns and accompanied by music played on drums and cymbals. The dragon is made from grasses on a cane base which is stuffed with thousands of joss-sticks.
Photo by 艾德云芝 (Flickr / Creative Commons)
Youth Hong Kong December 2011
A r t s & c u l t u re
Arts & culture 24-year old Jessica To, a full-time student in Youth and Social Services, lives in Sai Wan Ho and has a special relationship with the Fire Dragon Dance.
4 years and am so pleased about its new status as intangible cultural heritage. Hong Kong people are too busy; they seldom even greet their neighbors, or just say ‘hi-bye’, and never really get to know each other. But with events like these, people make friends and learn about other. Jessica Before this, I had no connections with Tai Hang but now I have a special feeling about the place. When I come back each year, parents recognize me and we chat about their children. The festival is meaningful to all of us. It carries
Photo by EnglishGirl Aboard (Flickr / Creative Commons)
“I’ve taken part in the Fire Dragon Dance for the last
history with it. What touches me most is how hard we work together. It is a community gathering, and I have developed complex feelings about the whole thing.”
Lam Ying-ki, 22, a student of Chinese cuisine from Kwun Tong, has been one of the "dancers" for the last five years. “I love Chinese traditions and the way everyone shares the same goal of getting the dragon to 'dance.' Some of them have been doing it for decades. Now they ask me to come back every year too. The Fire Dragon Dance is very important to me and the most meaningful Ying-ki
part is the unity of the people.”
continued on next page......
Youth Hong Kong December 2011
A r t s & c u l t u re
Disappearing cultural heritage Cherish that sweet memory The HKFYG youth band, Pendular, has composed a song about cultural heritage. We present a short version in Chinese with a rendering in English, to complete this article about intergenerational cultural heritage and the need to preserve it. Taking ferries every day Washes many cares away Searching for my culture past Jumping onto concrete piers Lasting only fifty years Finding only artists last Painting scenes from history Photos still reminding me Of the city that’s been smashed Ringing out the ferry bells Bringing in the trash that sells Striking out their fifty years Go, develop other shores Thousand miles from city’s doors No more hammers in my ears Fight back now a new age starts Bell still hiding in our hearts Symbol that all rests upon Cherish that sweet memory Hear the sound, Star Ferry’s key Generations you have shone Even now it’s not too late Pulse and footprint guide our fate Cherish that sweet memory
每天乘渡輪漸成習慣 美景帶走痛悲和念掛 搜索 都市大文化 走出跳板置身文物裡 皇后門外文藝人陶醉 它卻 活不過五十歲 試問誰沒舊相片懷緬它 昨日情懷問怎不念掛 卻無退讓 拓展把記憶都抹殺 珍惜美好回憶 泥濘圍繞海旁的景色 對發達過度沉溺 再想去開拓幾個十里 把它再趕到塞外萬里 它卻 失去了伴侶 社會變遷唯願來後退 港英建築隨殖民離去 只怕 歷史再無憑據 拼命尋求利益一輩子 昨日文物誰都不在意 結伴歲月 也輸給發展的銳志 這半百年的社會裡脈搏與足跡 皇后和天星都摧毀了 只奢想急速發展別再跟文化混戰
Film review Arts & culture
You Are the Apple of My Eye 那些年,我們一起追的女孩
review by William Chung
Photo by Lady Bug (Flickr/ Creative Commons)
Directed by Giddens Ko ( 九把刀 ) based on his book of the same name Starring Ko Chen-tung as Ko Ching-teng ( 柯景騰 ), and Michelle Chen as Shen Chia-yi ( 沈佳宜 ) Release date June 2011 in Taiwan, October 2011 in Hong Kong Genre Drama, romance Original language Mandarin Reviewer’s rating
The story opens at a Taiwanese secondary school in 1994. Shen
William “Many have reacted to the the movie by saying that “every
Chia-yi played by Michelle Chen, is the dream girl of many male
boy has his own Shen Chia-yi” ( 每個男孩心中都有一個沈佳宜 ). This
students and an outstanding class representative. Ko Ching-teng,
is true for me too. Ultimately, whether you are boy or girl, you will be
a character based on director Giddens Ko himself as a teen, is the
touched by this movie.”
class trouble-maker who initially is not interested in Chia-yi. Carman “We all want be the apple of our lover's eye, yet how many Magic happens when the always-misbehaving Ching-teng saves
of us will have this dream come true? Chasing and searching, we still
good girl Chia-yi from teacher punishment by lending her his English
don’t give up and never lose hope.”
text book. Having rescued the princess, the brave young man is rewarded when Chia-yi voluntarily helps him with his homework. Ching-teng then falls for Chia-yi and romance blossoms.
Theo “True love is more than just being physically together with the
one you love. Losing someone or being rejected by somebody is not the end of the world. Think positively. Try to feel her happiness even
After leaving secondary school, the pair are separated by going to
though she has someone else. You will then know what true love
different universities. They strive to maintain their relationship long-
is. Romance is not the only selling point. The film also brings back
distance, but the magic doesn’t work in the end and the two drift
memories about school life and friendship.”
apart. Still, their importance to each other doesn’t fade. When Ching-teng goes to Chia-yi’s wedding reception it is perhaps the biggest gift he could offer. His presence bestows a heartfelt unconditionally. There is no regret between Chia-yi and Ching-teng. Both keep the best memories of their love alive in their minds. Ching-teng tells Chiayi that he believes their true love develops in a parallel universe and that it is never-ending. This is perhaps the best conclusion the movie could have, conveying the message that with limitless love, there can be no tears, only smiles.
Photo by enggul (Flickr / Creative Commons)
blessing on the couple, coming as it does from the boy who loves her
Youth Hong Kong December 2011
HKFYG news
Song and dance Hong Kong will ring to the sound of music in December and January, with a range of events from HKFYG to get the community on its feet, singing, making music and dancing, throughout the holidays and into the New Year.
HKFYG Hong Kong Melody Makers
HKFYG Hong Kong Melody Makers in Macau Choral and a cappella songs from the Hong Kong Melody Makers
Hong Kong Arts Festival 40th Anniversary Opening Ceremony with the Hong Kong Melody Makers
will be on the programme on Sunday afternoon, 22 January 2012
On Tuesday 31 January, The Hong Kong Melody Makers will perform
at the Igreja de São Domingos ( 澳門玫瑰堂 ) in Macau. The event,
at the opening of the 2012 Arts Festival from about 6pm, singing
organized by HKFYG, is open to the public.
contemporary a cappella in the lobby of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre.
More about the HKFYG Hong Kong Melody Markers on YouTube and Facebook
HKFYG news
Breakthough -Smiley Kizz Youth Support Scheme (dance troupe)
Youth Band Marathon 2011 The carols come hot on the amazing heels of the Youth Band Marathon 2011 at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Piazza when HKFYG groups and troupes took part and Art Jamming was organized by the HKFYG Lohas SPOT.
Contact Michelle Ho or Connie Wong 2395 5753 for more information.
Youth Hong Kong December 2011
HKFYG news
Have a Green New Year Enjoy a hamper of organic food from the HKFYG Organic Farm this Christmas, the perfect time to share wholesome vegetables with your loved ones. Three festive hampers are prepared with loving care and one of them contains a recipe for a romantic sweet soup, pictured opposite. Stir-fried string beans with mixed vegetables A healthy, colourful combination of fresh and dried ingredients that is a perfect accompaniment to meat or fish dishes, or a meal in itself with a bowl of steamed rice. Ingredients • 80g French or string beans • 4 large dried Shitake mushrooms • 1 carrot • Black fungus (4 big ones torn into small pieces or 8 small ones) • A little olive oil • Salt and white pepper
How to order from the HKFYG Organic Farm • Tel: 2838 4808 • Fax: 2488 9034 • • email Delivery to Kowloon and New Territories: Monday and Friday To Hong Kong Island: Wednesday Free farm-to-home delivery for purchases of over HK$300 4 retail outlets – Café 21 21 Pak Fuk Road, HKFYG Building, Jockey Club Farm Road Youth SPOT, Heng Fa Chuen Youth SPOT and LOHAS Youth SPOT
Method • Soak the mushrooms and black fungus, remove stems and any hard woody parts • Wash all the vegetables • Slice all ingredients into strips or bite-sized pieces • Stir-fry mushrooms and black fungus for 2-3 minutes over a medium heat then add the other vegetables and continue cooking for another 5 minutes until they are tender but still crisp • Season to taste and serve with steamed rice Nutritional information • String beans are rich in fibre and help to lower cholesterol. They also contain vitamins A and C, and magnesium and potassium which can help to stabilize blood pressure and are good for the heart.
HKFYG news
Romantic osmanthus flower rice dumpling soup The contrasting rice dumplings in this delicious sweet soup create a yin yang effect that is decorated with delicate, fragrant osmanthus flowers, traditionally known for their “Romance Perfume”.
Ingredients • 150g glutinous rice flour • 300ml of warm water • 2 tablespoon beetroot juice (for colour, optional) • 5g dried osmanthus flowers (osmanthus fragrans) • 1/2 slices of yellow slab sugar • 1 tablespoon of sweet fermented rice from rice wine, usually available in jars from Shanghainese food shops. Method • Add warm water to glutinous rice flour • Divide into 2 portions. • Add beetroot juice to one portion to make a pink dough • Roll white and pink dough into small balls, or roll into a thick string and cut into small cubes. • Boil the dough balls until they float, then drain • Bring 1 litre water to the boil, add dried osmanthus flowers, yellow slab sugar and sweet fermented rice for rice wine to make the soup base • Put small rice flour balls into soup base and bring back to the boil. • Serves 4-6 Osmanthus fragrans The plant has deliciously fragrant flowers with the scent of ripe peaches or apricots. It is known as Chinese cinnamon and in Chinese, the plant is called xé ( 樨 ) or guìhuá ( 桂 花 ) which is also the name for the flowers and means literally "cinnamon flower" or "cassia flower" It is a traditional symbol of love and romance in Taiwan. For more information visit http://
Hearty beetroot soup This wholesome winter soup has a perfectly balanced selection of ingredients that can be given added elegance with a hint of mandarin orange, and a vegetarian option of substituting extra legumes for meat.
Ingredients • 500g beetroot • 50g dried bak choy; use fresh ones if dried are not available • 100g dried soybeans and 80g black-eyed peas, soaked overnight • 150g lean pork loin • 3 litres water • 4 dried glazed dates • 1–2 heads of sweet corn • 3 slices of fresh ginger • small piece of dried mandarin orange peel (optional for extra flavour) Method • Wash and cut the beetroot and sweet corn into big chunks • Parboil pork loin on high heat for one minute then skim off the scum and drain • Put all ingredients into a large pot with 3 litres of water • Bring to the boil, then reduce to low heat and continue cooking for an hour • Season to taste Tip • Vegetarians can replace pork with carrots/ add double portion of beans to give extra sweetness and body.
Some regular prices • choi sum $30/ catty • white cabbage $30/ catty • cherry tomatoes $40/ 200g • Shanghai cabbage $30/ catty • regular tomatoes $45/ catty • beetroot $25/ catty • cactus $90/ catty • cauliflower $40/ catty • broccoli $40/ catty • lettuce $30/ catty • French beans $30/ catty • daikon $25/ catty • Indian lettuce $30/ catty • strawberries $40/ 20g
Youth Hong Kong December 2011
H K F Y G p u b l i c a t i o ns
Twelve books from HKFYG for 2011 Exploring Alternatives: Online Counselling 網絡潛行-網上輔導初探 Price: HK$80 / ISBN: 978-988-19689-6-8 Young people are spending more and more time on the internet. They love to say how they feel on forums, blogs etc. In this volume, the HKFYG Youth Counselling Centre explains and analyzes its internet-based services. More forms of internet counselling are expected to emerge in the near future.
Draw and Tell – Projective Drawing in Youth Counselling 看畫解心-青年繪畫輔導的應用 Price: HK$80 / ISBN: 978-988-19689-4-4 A picture says more than a thousand words, and drawings can reflect feelings. HKFYG’s team of school social workers have been use projective drawing in schools and this book contains some of the examples which illustrate the theory behind this creative counselling technique.
Web Positive 2.0 – A Collection of Youth Online Blogs 快樂部落格 2.0 Price: HK$80 / ISBN: 978-988-19689-7-5 Five youngsters share their positive energy in writing, photos and drawings in these five winning entries to the positive blog competition organized by the Youth Online Outreach Counselling Scheme.
Ten Years with Young Night Drifters 星夜十年 Price: HK$80 / ISBN: 978-988-19688-9-0 In this tenth anniversary year of HKFYG’s outreach service for the ‘young night drifters’ who hang around Hong Kong’s parks and street corners instead of going home at night. The authors explain how the service developed and how it works.
Stopping Violence – Helping Adolescents to Change 暴亦有「導」-青少年群暴行為輔導彙編 Price: HK$80 / ISBN: 978-988-19688-8-3
LEAD Creative Class – Learning to Change for the Creative Class LEAD 創意科藝教室-學習成為創意學人 Price: HK$80 / ISBN: 978-988-19688-5-2
Gang violence is always a serious concern. It reflects lack of proper skills to handle internal conflict and the twisted perspective that drives youngsters to violence in order to solve their problems. The HKFYG youth-at-risk team describe the various forms of counselling they use for this difficult group.
This is the second in a series about the LEAD Creative Class programme organized by HKFYG. Examples are given of eight participating schools, pioneers in building a new type of learning and a new facet of the creative class.
Easy LEAD – Family Fun with Scratch Easy LEAD 創意程設計:Scratch 親子樂點子 Price: HK$80 / ISBN: 978-988-19689-2-0
Sunshine in Life’s Jigsaw 陽光拼圖 Price: HK$60 / ISBN: 978-988-19689-5-1
This book provides good creative activity resources for primary and junior secondary students, their parents and educators. It includes interesting examples to help the reader understand Scratch, an MIT-developed programming language. The CD-ROM includes the Scratch programme.
A collection of 19 true stories by young people who have won the Felix Wong Youth Award for overcoming difficulties or hardship. The book features an ex-drug abuser who found love through religion and her family and victims of the Szechuan earthquake. We hope our readers also find sunshine in the jigsaw of their life stories.
Youth Trends in Hong Kong 2011 香港青年趨勢分析 2011 Price: HK$120 (hardcover), HK$100 (paperback) / ISBN: 978-988-196886-9 (hardcover), 978-988-19688-7-6 (paperback)
Life Planning: Your Future from the Youth Employment Network 規劃人生 Price: HK$60 / ISBN: 978-988-19689-1-3
This compilation and analysis of statistical data and research findings about Hong Kong young people is organized according to areas of concern including population and family, education, and financial independence. It also has Indicators of Youth Values and is the tenth in the survey series conducted by the HKFYG Youth Research Centre since 1997.
The book reflects the experience gained by HKFYG’s Youth Employment Network (YEN) helping young people understand their own strengths and make good decisions about career paths. It describes some of the learning tools built up by YEN, including guides to interview techniques.
Go Organic, Give Life a Choice 「踐」嘗有機品味 Price: HK$120 / ISBN: 978-988-19688-0-7
An Unconventional Side of Chinese Medicine 點子中醫 Price: HK$80 / ISBN: 978-988-19689-8-2
Organic food is a life-style choice and HFYG has established its own organic farm to help young people learn about it. Groups of students visit the farm and see organic farming in practice. This beautifully illustrated book introduces the farm and its crops with a selection of recipes. See more on pages 44-45.
A group of young Chinese medicine practitioners set up a clinic with backing from a Youth Business Hong Kong award managed by HKFYG. Their contact with patients has revealed misunderstanding about Chinese medicine and they share some basic concepts in this volume, as well as some successful cases histories.
Discounts: Students and u21 members 30% off • Bulk purchase Schools and NGOs, 1-29 copies 30% off, 30 copies or above 40% off • Other readers 1-29 copies 20% off; 30 copies or more 30% off • All books available from 21/F, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Building, 21 Pak Fuk Road, North Point, Hong Kong, or online at • Please contact Ada Chau tel 3755 7108 or email
Advertise in Youth Hong Kong Youth Hong Kong is for all who are concerned with young people. Published four times a year, it focuses on themes such as the internet, education, careers, health, the environment, arts and culture. Please visit for details on advertising rates. For more information, please contact Andrey Leung (3755 7041) or email
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