YOUTH FOR CHRIST Shift Your Ministry from Ideas to Impact
Launch an Impact Generation Chapter in 4 easy steps
by Kymone Hinds & Anita E. Collins
12 Step #1
16 Step #2
18 Step #3
22 Step #4
26 Appendix
We will change tomorrow!
Impact Generation (iGen) Teen Leadership Academy envisions a generation of youth passionate about the ministry of Christ, fully engaged in devotion to God and service to their church and community. These youth will be leaders in reaching others for Christ and growing the Kingdom of God.
There’s got to be More!
I must confess that I am not much of a gamer.
Growing up I remember begging my parents to get me a video game system and then receiving an outdated Atari system years later. I have a cousin that is a hard-core, play-any-chance-he-gets, stay-at-it-all-day, video game addict. I asked him one day about his obsession with video games. His response was he wanted to conquer all the levels that it had, as they got more and more difficult. You see, a game that doesn‟t have more than one level and doesn‟t increase in difficulty is B-O-R-I-N-G. In the same way, a church that doesn‟t challenge young people to do something bold and dangerous for God is B-O-R-I-N-G. They are in your church every week. Many of them wear that look of boredom across their face. They sit over in the back corner and seem disinterested in the life of the church. But as sad as this picture seems, what‟s even more depressing is that we are excited that unlike most of their peers who have left, at least they are here. a church that doesn’t I know I am painting with a broad brush of generalization when I challenge young people describe this dismal picture of where our youth are, but we all have to admit to do something bold that many youth in our churches are not engaged in the life and mission of and dangerous for God the church. They don‟t claim ownership and see themselves a part of this big is B-O-R-I-N-G picture movement that God has called out. They are not stakeholders yet of the most awesome enterprise on earth--God‟s church. Most of youth ministry is focused on “give your life to Christ.” Well, what‟s next after that? If a young person has already done that, what‟s the next step? There has to be something more for them. Something more for that young man who has decided to go all the way with Jesus and wants to do bold and dangerous things for Him. For that young lady who is on fire, spends time with God and His word, and wants so much to let that light shine. You see, there are only two possibilities for youth who have caught on fire – one we want and the other we don‟t. They can lose that zeal, go back to regular and sometimes drift away. We don‟t want that at all! What we want is for that flame to burn brighter and for them to be equipped to do great things for God. And when we look throughout the Bible that‟s what we see….young heroes who decided to step up and step out for God. Like David who ran toward Goliath. Like Esther who decided she would risk it all for her people. Like the disciples who were mostly teenagers but through them the world was turned upside down. And more heroes exist today. They exist in the youth of Oakwood University‟s NAPS (National Association for the Prevention of Starvation) who don‟t just send aid but go to deliver it. College students who are touched with the heart of Christ and go to be the hands and feet of Jesus to others in distress. Heroes like Zach Hunter who was so moved by the hurt of humanity that he started a global ministry to rescue modern day slaves – as a 14-year-old. And you know what, there are heroes among the youth of your church! That’s why iGen was started--to combat the problem of disengaged and unchallenged youth and to challenge them to do great things for God. 5
The Origin of iGen In early 2008, four pastors (Lester Collins, Kymone Hinds, Darriel Hoy and Donald Rolle) began discussing their shared desire to challenge young people to grow in their relationship with Christ and to live missional lives for Him. As they talked about it, the dream of the Impact Generation Teen Leadership Academy was born. To help launch this movement of teaching youth to be leaders in service to the church and the community, a summer mission trip was planned. Fourteen teenagers from five Midwest states were selected in the pilot program. Impact Generation took their first mission of reaching others for Christ to the streets of Columbia, Missouri in the summer of 2008. The teens repaired homes, expanded a community garden, ran a children‟s program, and hosted block parties. The high point of their trip came when they spent the night sleeping outside to experience homelessness first-hand. They quickly realized how their motto, “We Will Change Tomorrow” changed them. “When we had our „Homeless Experience‟, it changed my whole outlook on life,” said iGen member Tatum Fowler. “It taught me how to look at life through other people‟s eyes. That night, I spent the majority of my time staring into the sky and thinking of how blessed I was, how wonderful God is, and how I was so thankful that God brought me there at that moment to feel how I felt.” The summer of 2009, eighteen teens engaged in the same challenging one-week mission experience. In addition to what was done the year before, they spent the night at a homeless shelter ministering to the residents and staff. “Many of the things I experienced were life changing, from staying the night in a homeless shelter to working with kids at an after school meeting,” said iGen member Le‟Ana Crittenden. “I even had the pleasure of getting my hands dirty doing garden work for senior citizens. My personal favorite was the night we spent at the homeless shelter, because it helped to shape my perception of those who are homeless and the people that help them.”
“When we all went out to do work on people‟s home, and we got finished, I could just see the glow in the people‟s faces,” said iGen member Shawntrielle Tilmon. “And that right there really made me feel like we were truly making a difference in these people‟s lives.” They learned that serving Christ was more than they expected. Their new ways of serving Jesus pushed them to the limit. “Through unique projects in the community--a nightly youth program, a night at a homeless shelter (where I enjoyed playing with the younger children), and a little toiling labor in the hot sun, we learned how much there is that we can do to be active Christian members in our society,” said iGen member Alyssa Sterling. “My favorite mission was every night when we went to the Boone Center to help out the kids, “said iGen member Courtney Jones. “To go there and help them out just for an hour, give them some fun, and teach them some things, that “I had an unfathomable just really opens your heart and makes you so happy to see these kids excited life-changing experience” about something.”
Most of the students said their lives would never be the same.
Students came home motivated to keep their fire burning. “The best part for me was iGen did not end when I returned home,” said Sterling. “I put what I learned to practice by organizing a food drive, getting a small group of other youth involved in the community, and with the help of my iGen friends, running a clean water drive.” And their impact motivated them to leave a legacy
of change.
“I now have a duty to Him to change tomorrow”
* Founding iGen Leadership Team Pastors‟ Lester Collins, Kymone Hinds, Darriel Hoy, Chanda Nunes, Donald Rolle and Kim Pearson 7
Riana Mitchell is a college student at Andrews University. She was a member of iGen from 2008- 2010 and served as President from 2009-2010. Check out a testimonial of her iGen experience
All throughout my life, I have always had people tell me that I needed to have a certain “experience”. “Get the college experience”, “get the Oakwood experience”, experience, experience, experience! Being that I am only eighteen years old my experiences are pretty limited. However, my iGen experience was full of unlimited lessons, growth, and lasting change and possibilities. I came into iGen hungry for Christ and hungry for adventure. I didn‟t fully grasp what I would be doing and the responsibilities I was taking on. Like Curious George, I was intrigued at what I heard regarding iGen and I was walking into a situation unsure of what really laid ahead.
I AM iGEN Riana Mitchell iGen Alum and President 2009-2010
My iGen Experience was a lesson learned If there has ever been a time in my life where I just learned a massive amount of life lessons, it was through iGen. Not only did I pick up a trade or two (leadership, skills in working with different people, etc.), but I learned so much about others and myself that I still feel the personal change of tomorrow on my own life. When I joined iGen I learned that things are so much bigger than me. There are people out there that God has made it so that YOU and YOU alone can reach them and if YOU sit around and do nothing, they suffer. You‟ve got to get over yourself because you weren‟t created for you. Your impact is needed in the lives of others.
My iGen Experience was growth Growth is vital to life. I am not talking about when you‟re little and you hit a growth spurt and your parents mark it on the wall but rather the spiritual growth you gain from being in iGen. For me, iGen was just what I needed to really set me on track and at the foot of the Cross. With the mission trip element of iGen, it was like I was able to take a vacation with God. It was all about being with Him and His people and doing His work. Don‟t get me wrong; being with other Adventist youth, male and female, almost 24/7 for a week can be a distraction on many levels. However, the presence of God was blatant. Trust me, there is nothing sweeter than being in the presence of God. Everything makes sense.
My iGen Experience Continues Mission trips are great! You learn a lot and you have no choice but to actively serve others. But for me, coming home was hard. I had learned my lessons and experienced spiritual highs with God, and it was painful to leave. Sometimes I would get home and completely drop the ball - leaving iGen as just a past experience. However, the reality is that I was and still am iGen. The test comes when you leave the mission trip and you are at home. It comes when service isn‟t as accessible and easy anymore. However, I probe you to look around you. There is still so much to be done right where you are. Your home environment is where the change really starts. In a lot of cases, it‟s where it is most needed. For me, iGen has equipped me with the tools to fulfill the purpose of my creation. I was made to serve, and so were you. You don‟t need to travel to serve either. So get to work right where you are! Even as I write this, I am reminding myself of the fact that iGen is more than a mission trip, more than one spiritual high, more than the lessons you‟ve learned. iGen is a lifestyle. Impact the generation around you, and change the tomorrow of others. YOU are needed! 9 SO GO FOR IT!
Why should I get Involved with iGen? iGen is a partnership between youth, youth leaders, local churches, parents and the Central States Conference Youth Ministry to grow ministry for young people both in depth and in numbers. Through this partnership, youth will grow in their devotion to God, lead their peers to be engaged in His mission, and help win more youth for Christ.
You want the youth of your church to be on fire for God and to use this energy to help grow the church. This iGen movement is meant to come alongside you in your quest to do just that. Here are just some of the ways a local chapter of iGen can benefit your church and your ministry: A local team of youth doing evangelism in their schools, neighborhoods and communities. iGen youth will be a team, building bridges in the community with other youth through intentional friendship and leveraging existing relationships to lead others deeper spiritually. Teens will hosti bridge events to connect others to your church and help win them to Christ. Youth discovering their spiritual gifts, being trained to do ministry in their church, and traveling around to other churches to spread that ministry. Imagine youth preaching teams & powerful drama ministries led by iGen youth! Specialized training for your volunteer youth leader. Leaders will be exposed to best practices and coached on how to coordinate youth ministries that make a difference.
As a leader of youth, you want to see them grow in Christ and to know that what you are doing is making a difference. We want to come alongside you to make that happen. We want you to be able to work smarter not harder for God and the youth He has called you to serve. In order to do that, here‟s all that you get if you join with the iGen movement as a youth leader: First of all, what any youth leader would want – fuel for your youth to be on fire for God! Imagine you don‟t have to pump them up…they are ready and raring to go do great things for God; Access to free resources (books, program CDs, articles, etc.) and select coaching designed to support and grow your ministry; Exclusive retreats only for youth leaders with an iGen chapter. These are designed to provide you with specialized training for leadership and ministry; A team of youth around you to support your ministry. You won‟t have to wonder what youth want. You will have spiritual youth on your team to help you as you plan ministry; Networking opportunities with other youth leaders across the conference who are leading iGen chapters as well. You can share great ideas with each other and provide support during the tough times of youth ministry; Special bonuses. I know in your mind you are already thinking, “this is too much!” But, we wanted to throw something in here for youth leaders who lead an iGen chapter to show you how special you are. You will receive special treats such as dinner for two or a spa package, and when you come to a CSC Youth Congress you can get registration for yourself for free (that is $0.00)! 10
WHAT’S IN IT FOR A YOUTH TO JOIN iGEN? The short answer is that you will have a closer walk with the Lord. If you are already a teen on fire for the Lord, joining iGen is what may be considered the next step – a challenge to do something big for Christ. You will get an opportunity to learn, experience, be transformed, and grow. And, you will also get to travel to some cool places and participate in service and ministry like you‟ve never done before. Here are just a few of the things you can look forward to: POWER UP: Learning how to spend time with God and really develop a deep devotional life like you‟ve always wanted.
REACH OUT: Discover your passion for service and get an opportunity to help people in your community. (Those community service credit hours won‟t hurt either).
REACH IN: Find out your spiritual gift and get an opportunity to use it at your church and other places in ways that fit how God has designed you. That means you get to do some new and exciting things to bless others at church.
JOIN UP: Be a part of a team – a great team at your church of other youth who are also seeking to grow with Christ but are also part of a bigger team of the entire iGen movement across our conference.
PARTNER UP: Have a mentor to encourage you, challenge you, check on you and help you grow.
GEAR UP: Exclusive iGen gear – t-shirts, hats, hoodies, backpacks. Can‟t buy them in the store…got to be down with iGen to be up on this stuff!
WORK HARD: An opportunity to go on trips to serve and minister to others. Now some trips will be weekend service trips and some may be one-week mission trips. But any trip to help others is a great trip.
PLAY HARD: Fellowship and fun events for iGen teams. We hang out with one another and have great times doing things like bowling, going out to amusement parks and just having fun after we serve.
By now you are thinking, “Alright, you’ve convinced me to
this exciting movement called iGen. How do I do it?”
We’re glad you asked.! KEEP READING….
This section contains the steps needed to launch a local iGen chapter in your church. If you are a TEEN who wants to get one started with some friends, a YOUTH LEADER who wants to get your youth on board, or a CHURCH LEADER who wants to see this awesome ministry at your church, here are the steps outlined below: A Chapter is defined as a local, youth-run organization that is officially approved by the iGen Leadership Team and recognized throughout the Central States Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. An iGen Chapter or Start-Up group can be formed with one local church or a group of churches clustered in the same area (city-wide, etc) Six (6) teens or more together comprise a Chapter. Three (3) teens together are considered a Start-Up group and will be paired with another Start-Up group to form a chapter.
Eligible teens need to be in the 9th grade through College Sophomore (ages 14-19).
Gather a team of at least five (5) other teens (for a Chapter) or two (2) other teens (for a Start –Up Group) and all of you meet the following criteria: i.
Actively participate in at least one (1) on-going ministry in your local church;
ii. Complete at least four (4) hours of community service in the prior two (2) months of submitting your iGen application (Make sure you send signed Community Service Verification form with it – Appendix A); iii. Plan and participate as a team with your sponsor in the 30-Hour Famine Lock-In and provide video diary to the iGen leadership of the experience. Everyone who wants to be a part of iGen has to do the 30-Hour Famine (Go Hard or Go Home!); iv. Read or listen to the Bible book “Acts”; v. Support your local church through your gifts, attendance, talents, and finance; vi. Submit a completed Youth Application form (Appendix B) to Adventist Youth (AY) Leader and iGen Leadership Team by March 1. Make sure all the teens on your team send in their application as well by the designated deadline;
Identify at least one (1) teen from your church that fits the age requirements (14-19). encourage them and support them to follow the steps outlined for them previously mentioned. i.
Help them organize and run the 30-Hour Famine Lock-In. Be present with them to supervise while it is going on;
ii. Serve as the Chapter Sponsor. The Sponsor must be 23 years of age or older. The Youth Leader must serve as the Sponsor; iii. Ensure each youth has completed the Youth Application (Appendix B) and submitted it to you and the iGen Leadership Team by March 1; iv. Complete the Sponsor Application (Appendix C) by March 1 and submit to your Pastor and the iGen Leadership Team; v. Fill out the Chapter Application (Appendix D), have your pastor sign it and send to the iGen Leadership Team by March 1.
I AM A PASTOR AND I WANT TO START AN iGEN CHAPTER Talk with your AY Leader and encourage him/her to work through the steps outlined above. i.
Encourage teens in the age group outlined above who are on fire for God to consider working with the AY Leader to launch a chapter or start-up group;
ii. Support the team as they organize the 30-Hour Famine Lock-In; iii. Consult with your AY Leader in choosing a Sponsor for the chapter. The Sponsor must be 23 years old or older. The ideal would be for the AY Leader to be the sponsor but if not, that person must have at least one (1) year experience working with youth, be spiritual and already have good relationship with young people. iv. Complete the Pastoral Evaluation Form (Appendix E) on each youth applicant from your church and the Sponsor applicant and return to the iGen Leadership team by March 1. The applications are not complete without your evaluation, so please complete it. v. Sign the Chapter Application and have your chapter Sponsor send it to the iGen Leadership Team by March 1.
At this point, I’m sure you are ready to go! You have a group of teens ready to do bold and dangerous and great things for God.
Well the iGen Leadership team will work quickly to go through all the applications from youth, sponsors and pastoral evaluations. We will also be conducting interviews with all who have applied to make sure they are for iGen and iGen is for them. As soon as we are through reviewing your applications, we will get an answer back to you (no later than April 15) and let you know that you are ready to take off with your group.
The next step is…. 15
This section contains the steps you follow after your chapter has been approved to get it off the ground and running. NOW THAT YOUR CHAPTER IS LAUNCHED 1. Organize a meeting for the members of your chapter. At that meeting you should appoint a chapter secretary to record what you do. Then set up your regular monthly meeting day and times. Start brainstorming on some of the bold things your chapter will do for God;
2. The iGen members and sponsor may develop their own name that is exciting and contemporary and send it to iGen Leadership Team for approval. (ie. “Kingdom Builder iGen Chapter” or something better than that);
3. After approval, your Chapter will be officially recognized by the iGen Leadership Team.
4. Your newly formed Chapter will be recognized at Church Worship Service with a special prayer and laying-on-of-hands service. The iGen leadership team will talk with your pastor and follow up with him/her. We want to ensure that the youth in iGen and their leaders are recognized for who they are: missionaries being deployed to make a difference in the church and community.
5. Each chapter will also be highlighted at the next Area Youth Federation Rally. We want other youth to see the iGen youth as leaders and strive toward following after those ideals.
6. Complete monthly reports and send in to the iGen Leadership team.
7. Chapter Sponsor needs to attend the retreat weekend to get special training and coaching.
8. You will receive resources to use in order to move your chapter forward. Use them!
LET’S GO!!! 17
Being a part of iGen means that you are a part of a movement that is bigger than yourself. You are a part of a greater network of other chapters and youth who are doing big things for God. You are also called to impact your church and your community. Here is how you can integrate your work into your church, community and with other chapters.
iGen is meant to enhance ministry at your church. Make sure the members of your chapter stay involved in other ministries that they were previously involved ie. choir, Pathfinders, AYS etc.
Make sure iGen supports any evangelism and outreach that your church is doing. iGen youth should help in any efforts by other departments to go out to serve in the community and to get the Gospel out to others. We exist to help others do the work of Christ as well.
Whatever you learn share with other youth and with the church at large and try to get others on board with what you are doing. The movement needs to grow to include others in the mission of iGen.
Plan events and other activities so that other youth can become involved in what you are doing. Host service days, fun events and other things that youth in the church can join in to help do.
There are other youth groups even outside of our (SDA) denomination that are doing wonderful work to help others and spread the love of Jesus. An iGen chapter should be making intentional steps to connect with other youth groups and even civic organizations doing things in the community. Go help with something already going on or even work together on a project for others in the community.
Take advantage of holidays and special events to do things for others in the community. Martin Luther King Day of Service, Thanksgiving Food Drives and others are great ways to engage the community.
Keep abreast of local issues and respond with kindness and caring when there are needs in the community. If there is a disaster--be it fire, death, etc.-- try to be one of the first responders with kindness and use your creativity to help in ways no one else may think of (preparing a meal for a displaced family, a clothing drive, etc). 19
As a part of iGen you have to remember that you are not alone. Other youth leaders are on board and other youth are working to make a difference just as you are. Exchange contact info and then share ideas and things that are going on with your chapter that are working and not working. I suggest having a sister chapter that you have a conference call with at least once a month.
Travel to go visit other iGen chapters and you can exchange programs at each other‟s church. You can go simply to support a program that they may be running such as an outreach event that they may need more hands for. Go help them and in turn ask for help when you have something going on.
Collaborate on Mission Weekends or WiiServe Days. It would be so awesome if two or more chapters would pick a city or town without a chapter and go there for a weekend and serve, minister and reach out in that community. What a great thing to get together on!
In the past everyone who was a part of iGen would go on our Mission Impact Week Trip in the summer. As we launch local chapters, we want to emphasize the fact that iGen is so much more than that trip and we are urging chapters to plan mission weeks and weekends on their own. As a result, not everyone in iGen will be a part of the Mission Impact Week. Here is what will happen with that trip:
A maximum of 20 teens will go on the Mission Impact Week each year.
According to the number of chapters we have we will let each chapter know the number of teens that can attend the Mission Impact from their chapter.
Each teen that comes will come as a representative of their chapter and therefore will be responsible for bringing back information and resources to share with the whole group.
When a chapter is selecting who comes, it must be a teen who has attended at least 90% of the chapter meetings and activities. The chapter together must collectively choose the youth who will represent them from those that meet that criterion.
Being a part of iGen has responsibilities and privileges. Being a local chapter and an individual member means that there are certain standards that you agree to live up to. This section will outline what needs to be done by each chapter and by individual members to remain in iGen.
HOW TO MAINTAIN YOUR CHAPTER AND MEMBER STATUS 1. Follow the activities outlined in your chapter agreement that you pledged to do as individuals and collectively; 2. Each youth in your chapter must maintain at least an 80% attendance in the activities and meetings of their local chapter in order to remain in the chapter; 3. Challenge each member to lead, do big things for God and seek God. Remind them they are iGen wherever they go – school, home, church, community, etc. If someone in a chapter is not participating or embodying the standards of iGen, they will be warned once but after that they will have to be removed from that iGen chapter. We know this seems harsh but with elite benefits come elite requirements. 4. Make a Difference!
STANDARDS OF IMPACT GENERATION MEMBERS AND SPONSORS A local member belonging to the iGen organization is a modern day disciple of Jesus, an example of selfless service, and an urban missionary. Jesus‟ final words on earth to his missionary disciples in Matt 28.20 were “...and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you…”. This verse assumes that the missionary himself/herself lives an obedient lifestyle as we share with the world lessons and blessings of an obedient life. Here is why the standards of iGen are Biblical and in harmony with the standards of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (as stated in the 28 Fundamental Beliefs). Roman 12:1,2 admonishes us to „present your bodies as living sacrifices to God…do not to conform to this world, but be transformed…‟. This dynamic forms the core of who we are as a missionary team -„young people who are always being transformed by the love and grace of God for the sake of others. Transformation is what makes us distinct, transformation is what makes us powerful. Experiencing this transformation in Jesus Christ is what causes us to monitor what we do with our bodies, where we go with our bodies, and what we put in and on our bodies. This core dynamic, for instance, moves us to listen to godly and positive music, moves us to show we are witnesses on media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter, and it helps us to define activities in which we involve ourselves. In combination with these standards of living, we also want to emphasize our standards of service. Impact Generation is an urban-based youth ministry organization: We preach the gospel with our hands, with creative ideas, through monetary sacrifice, in community awareness, and with our mouths. We believe that every member of iGen ought to have a distinct liking for service, a team spirit, and a genuinely willing spirit in serving anybody all the time. 23
As a part of this network, the local chapter sponsor will be accountable not only to their local church but will need to give updates and reports to the iGen Leadership Team. To assist you in your ministry, this team will come out to visit with and encourage you during the year. We want you to succeed and we want youth ministry where you are to grow and flourish!
iGen Leadership Team
CSC Youth Ministries Dep’t iGen Leadership Team 3301 Parallel Parkway Kansas City, KS 66104 913-371-1071 24
You Don’t Want to Miss it!
When I was younger, there was a sighting of Halley‟s Comet. Astronomists tell us that it only appears every 76 years, which means that for most people it will only be visible once in their lifetime. The night it was supposed to be visible I was so excited, as excited as a 9-year old boy could be. The only problem is my excitement wore me out and I passed out before the comet came into view! I missed it. (I guess I have to wait till 2061 to see it again!) Well, in the Bible, Jesus gives three of his disciples (Peter, James and John) a once in a lifetime experience in Mark 9. He allows them to see Him transfigured – that just means He allowed His divine glory to flash through. The sight was amazing and unforgettable. It was so wonderful, Peter wanted to forget about everyone down below and just live up there. As wonderful as this sight was don‟t you think some of the other disciples, the 9 who were down below, would have wanted to see it? Don‟t you think the seventy that Jesus sent out would have wanted to catch a glimpse of this sight? What about the 5,000 plus who ate the loaves and fish; I‟m sure they would have wanted to see Jesus flex His divinity. I don‟t know why Jesus choose these three out all of them for this exclusive, behind the scenes, sneak peak at Him in His glory. But something in verse 2 of Mark 9 is very interesting. It says that Jesus led them up a “high mountain.” That sounds like hard work. That sounds like dedication. That sounds like getting out of your comfort zone and going beyond business as usual. “A high mountain.” If I could put it this way – you could get the loaves and fish sitting on the plains but in order to see Jesus in His glory, you‟ve got to climb the high mountain. (I‟m about to go tweet that!) Being a part of the iGen movement is about climbing the high mountain of a deeper Are you devotional life, selfless service in the community, creative ministry in the church, personal ready for evangelism where you are and being a leader among others. It is a call to climb the high the climb? mountain. Honestly, it is not easy but challenging. There will be times when the journey will stretch you. You may look around and notice those on the comfort of the plains and wonder why you are doing it. But then like Peter, James and John you will catch a glimpse of an experience you would have never had if you didn‟t climb, if you didn‟t come along on this journey with Jesus. And when you do, you will have a once-in-a-lifetime experience with God.
You don’t want to miss it!
Return this form to the iGen Leadership Team, 3301 Parallel Parkway, Kansas City, KS 66104. Fax to (913) 371-1609
Signature of Site Manager _____________________________________________________________________________________
Total hours served at this agency: _________ Starting date of service at this agency: _______________ Ending date: ________
Dates and hours served (please include month, day and year)
Name of Site Manager _______________________________________________________________________________________
Agency Phone Number ___________________________
Agency Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Agency _____________________________________
Student Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Please document your volunteer time by neatly filling out this form. Use one form per agency and complete fill it out.
YOUTH APPLICATION FORM (Please type or print legibly using blue or black ink.) Return Form by: March 1 To:
Youth Director Central States Conference of SDA 3301 Parallel Parkway Kansas City, KS 66104
I. Personal Information: Participant's name Address __________________________________________________________________________ City __________________________________________ State ______ Zip Code _____________ Date of birth ______/______/ __________ Current grade level _______
Age ______
Gender: ___ Male ___ Female
Graduation Year __________
Current e-mail address __________________________________________________________ Home phone __________________________
Cell phone_____________________________
Participant's father's name______________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________________________ City _________________________________________________ State ______ Zip Code _______________ Current e-mail address Home phone ___________________ Cell phone____________________ Work phone____________
Participant's mother's name Address City _________________________________________________ State ______ Zip Code _______________ Current e-mail address Home phone ___________________ Cell phone____________________ Work phone________________
II. Congregation Information: Name of congregation______________________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________________ City_________________________________________________ State___________ Zip Code_____________ Church phone___________________________ Pastor‟s phone __________________________________ Pastor's name ______________________________________________________________________ Youth Leader‟s name ______________________________________________________________ Number of years attending this congregation ______ Church Involvement: __Pathfinders __Praise Team/Choir __Drama __Signing __AYS __Other_______________________________________________________ III. The iGen Team would like to know more about you: Please write a brief essay or record your answers via a video for questions 2- 6. There are no wrong or right responses to these questions. Each essay should be no longer than 300 words. Please type or computer print your essays and be sure to put your name on them or send us a DVD of your answers. (1) What most prompted you to apply for the iGen Teen Leadership Academy? (please check one) __ Friend's recommendation __ Advertisement
__Teacher's recommendation
__ Pastor's recommendation __ Central States‟ Website
__Youth leader recommendation
__ Parent‟s Recommendation __ Other: _________________________________________ (2) Describe yourself from the outside in – that is, tell us how others might describe you. Then tell us what you consider to be important about yourself that other people might not know (ie. beliefs, experiences of faith, feelings, etc.) (3) What are you currently doing that you are excited about, and why is it important to you? Who else is involved with you in this activity? (4) Describe your church congregation. Tell us what you like best about your church and what you like the least about your church. Tell us how you are involved in ministry at your church. If you could start a new ministry at your church, what would it be? (5) What one question do you have about God or Christianity that you are still seeking an answer to? (6) If you had a free day, how would you spend it? What would you do? I certify that the information I have given is truthful to the best of my knowledge and that the attached essays are my work alone. If accepted to the iGen Teen Leadership Academy, I agree to participate for the duration of the program and to obey the rules and regulations of the iGen Teen Leadership Academy. 28
SIGNATURE of Applicant _________________________________________
Date __________
SPONSOR APPLICATION FORM (Please type or print legibly using blue or black ink.) Return Form by: March 1, To:
Youth Director Central States Conference of SDA 3301 Parallel Parkway Kansas City, KS 66104
I. Personal Information: Participant's name ______________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________________ City _________________________________________________ State ______ Zip Code _____________ Date of birth ______/______/ __________
Age ______
Gender: ___ Male ___ Female
Ethnic group ___________________________ Marital Status_______________________________ Current e-mail address _________________________________________________________________ Home phone______________________________
Cell phone__________________________
II. Congregation Information: Name of congregation____________________________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________________________ City_________________________________________________ State__________ Zip Code__________________ Church phone__________________________ Pastorâ€&#x;s phone ________________________________________ Pastor's name ___________________________________________________________________________________ Youth Leaderâ€&#x;s name ___________________________________________________________________________ Number of years attending this congregation ______ Church Involvement: __Officer (indicate the specific offices on the lines below) ________________________________ ______________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
III. Relevant Experience: In what capacity and for how long have you worked with youth at church in the past? Ministry________________________ Year(s)_______________________ Ministry________________________ Year(s)_______________________ Ministry________________________ Year(s)_______________________ Ministry________________________ Year(s)_______________________ In what capacity and for how long have you worked with youth outside of the church setting in the past? Organization_____________________ Your role_________________ Year(s)_______ Organization_____________________ Your role_________________ Year(s)_______ Organization_____________________ Your role_________________ Year(s)_______
IV. The Conference Youth Ministry Team would like to know more about you: Please write a brief essay or video record your answers for questions 2 and 4. There are no wrong or right responses to these questions. Each essay should be no longer than 300 words. Please type or computer print your essays and be sure to put your name on them. (1) What most prompted you to apply as a Sponsor for iGen? (please check one) __ Friend's recommendation __ Advertisement __Central Statesâ€&#x; Website
__ Pastor's recommendation
__Youth leader recommendation
__Other: ___________________________________ (2) Describe yourself from the outside in – that is, tell us how others might describe you. Then tell us what you consider to be important about yourself that other people might not know (ie. beliefs, experiences of faith, feelings, etc.) (3) What is your employment status? ______________________________________________ (4) Describe your church congregation. Tell us what you like best about your church and what you like the least about your church. Tell us how your vision for how youth ministry can impact your church and its community? (5) Do you have children? If so, how many? ________ Age(s)_______________________
I certify that the information I have given is truthful to the best of my knowledge and that the attached essays are my work alone. If accepted to the iGen Sponsor Training, I agree to participate for the duration of the program.
SIGNATURE of Applicant____________________________________
Date ________
CHAPTER APPLICATION FORM A Chapter is defined as a local, youth-run organization that is officially approved by the iGen Leadership Team and recognized throughout the Central States Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. This AGREEMENT of CHAPTER status is made and entered into this day by _________________________________________________________________(Name of Local iGen Chapter) which agrees as follows: 1. To endorse and promote the purposes of iMpact Generation (iGen) Teen Leadership Academy as stated in the Mission and Vision Statements. 2. To maintain a current list of youth in the chapter (must be between 9th grade and college sophomore, typically ages 14-19). 3. To accept the REQUIREMENTS of CHAPTER STATUS as follows: a. Ensure members and sponsors of chapter are representing the ideals of iGen through their lives and influence which includes supporting their local church. b. Complete one (1) service project a month as a team. c. Hold monthly group meetings to discuss each memberâ€&#x;s devotional habits and to spend time in prayer and fellowship. d. Organize and lead out in one (1) monthly program for the local church (or churches where applicable), i.e., AYS, Sabbath School, or a special program like a play or drama. e. Conduct one (1) creative evangelism event per quarter f. Submit a monthly report to the iGen Leadership Team. g. Sponsor will complete an annual report to the iGen Leadership Team 4. To accept the BENEFITS of CHAPTER STATUS as follows: a. Will be placed on the iGen Teen Leadership Academy List and updated on iGen Teen Leadership Academy information. b. Will become part of the iGen Teen Leadership Academy network throughout the Central States Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. c. Special Coaching for Sponsor and mission trip activities for members. d. Free resources and paraphernalia for Chapter members.
5. The undersigned Sponsor attests they are authorized to sign the CHAPTER AGREEMENT on behalf of _________________________________________________________________ (Name of Local Chapter) to commit the organization to abide the terms of this agreement. _________________________________________________________________ (Name of Local Chapter Sponsor) _________________________________ (Title)
__________________________ (Date)
_________________________________________________________________ (Church Name/Address) Please provide us with the following information to register on our official contact list: Contact person: ____________________________________________________ Chapter name: ____________________________________________________ Chapter address: __________________________________________________ Tele: (
)_______________________________ Fax: (
E-mail: _______________________
Website: _________________________
Pastorâ€&#x;s Signature: ________________________________________________ 6. Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet or via a video: a. In 1 -2 paragraphs, please describe your group (include the number of active youth participation, mission, vision, community projects, your accomplishments, etc.) b. What changes would you like to see in your community by becoming an iGen Local Chapter?
FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Approved by the iMpact Generation Leadership Team: __________________________________________ ___________________________ (NAME) ______________________________________ (DATE) 32
PASTORAL COVENANT & RECOMMENDATION FORM Dear Pastor, Thank you for supporting the Central States Conference iGen Teen Leadership Academy. It is our goal to help train a new generation of leaders who are passionate about loving God and serving their local churches and communities. By completing this form, you are partnering with the Central States Youth Ministry Department and committing to nurturing the spiritual growth and ministry of youth in your congregation. You are making a commitment to: ·
Providing any necessary church assistance to ensure that your teens selected can attend the Mission Impact Week
Ensuring the Youth Leader/ Sponsor attends the retreat/ training weekend for them.
Supporting your nominees‟ active involvement and leadership in current ministries at your church as well as supporting your nominees in developing new ministries in your congregation and / or community. This means helping your nominees develop proposals for ministry, teaching your nominees how to present ministry ideas to the church board, and supporting your nominees‟ proposals in church board meetings;
Facilitating a monthly mentoring relationship with your Youth Leader/ Sponsor;
Communicating the progress of your nominees with the Youth Ministries Department on a monthly basis.
I submit the attached recommendation form and commit to nurturing the spiritual growth and ministry of my nominees. I understand that an essential part of this program is my mentoring relationship and my communication with the Central States Youth Ministry Department. I agree to a monthly mentoring relationship with my Youth Leader and monthly communication with the Central States Youth Ministries Department.
________________________________________________________________________________ Pastor’s Signature Date
Please complete the attached recommendation form and mail both the recommendation and covenant by March 1 to: Youth Director Central States Conference of SDA 3301 Parallel Parkway Kansas City, KS 66104
PASTORAL RECOMMENDATION FORM This recommendation is due on March 1.
The following criterion will be used in our selection of participants for the iGen Teen Leadership Academy: Participants must be in the age range of 14-19; Participants must be currently involved in some type of ministry within his / their home church. Participants‟ pastors must sign a covenant form. The pastor and the parents of the participants must agree a monthly mentoring relationship. I. Your Personal Information (Please type or print) Name __________________________________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________________ State___________ Zip Code__________ Cell or home phone______________________________ Home /Fax __________________________ Name of Congregation ________________________________________________________________ Church phone____________________________ Church Fax _________________________________ II. Pastoral Assessment Please write the name of each of your church‟s nominees in the nominee columns. Then for each category listed, score each nominee using the numbers 1-4. Category
Involvement in Ministry Church Attendance Emotional Maturity Relationship with Christ Leadership Skills Relational Skills Family Support Team Work Conflict Resolution Faithfulness Teachability Overall Recommendation
Nominee 1:
Nominee 2:
Nominee 3:
Nominee 4:
Nominee 5:
Nominee 6:
SIGN UP to Help fight poverty and hunger in YOUR area!
Students around the world loving God and fighting hunger unite to do the 30 Hour Famine. They experience hunger for themselves and help save
a famine
lives in the process.
Impact Generation (iGen) is an urban-based youth ministry organization: We preach the gospel with our hands, with creative ideas, through monetary sacrifice, in community awareness, and with our mouths. We believe that every member of iGen ought to have a distinct liking for service, a team spirit, and a genuinely willing spirit in serving anybody all the time.
selfless service, and an urban missionary
A local member belonging to the iGen
organization is a modern day disciple of Jesus, an example of
This manual is a ministry tool developed by Central States Conference Youth Ministries Department Layout / Design by Kyrinda D. Richardson
iGen is a partnership between youth, youth leaders, local churches, parents and the Central States Conference Youth Ministry to grow ministry for young people both in depth and in numbers. Through this partnership, youth will grow in their devotion to God, lead their peers to be engaged in His mission, and help win more youth for Christ. If you join this movement you will be blessed, your church will be energized, and your community will be impacted for God.