Youth Hong Kong | 14.2 Another New Chapter

Page 19

Changing times, changing prospects study and work in the GBA l Findings of several recent surveys about studying and working in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) or elsewhere in mainland China show changes in levels of interest.

l 近期多項調查顯示,青年對於到大灣區 或內地其他地區工作或升學的意欲有所 改變。

l Some attitudes appear to have become more positive although there is ongoing concern about fitting into a society with a different culture.

l 雖然有部分青年擔憂未能適應內地社會 環境及文化差異,但對於到大灣區發展 的態度漸趨正面。

l The surveys add to the evidence collected during HKFYG surveys last year that showed salaries and stability are important for young job hunters but unfamiliarity with mainland Chinese culture is a very significant detractor.

l 青協去年一項調查反映,年輕求職者最 重視工作薪酬及穩定性,但對內地文化 不熟悉使他們卻步。

As the generation that grew up through turbulent times in Hong Kong comes of age, policymakers are urging young people to seriously consider being prepared to relocate to mainland China for study or work. How realistic is this at a time when many of their mainland counterparts aged 16-24 are faced with unemployment? Running at 18% in April – the jobless rate for youth there is at its highest since official records began. Many mainland say “bai lan.” In other words, why not stay at home and watch TV all day. This matches the concept of "lying flat" or adopting a low profile if you have little choice rather than struggling to survive in a highly competitive rat-race. Not only privileged youth but a quarter of young people from low-income Hong Kong families have reached the same conclusion to a recent survey by the Society for Community Organisation. Youth's response has been criticized by Hong Kong's education authorities but HKFYG surveys last year showed that work-life balance was a top factor when choosing where to live and work.

Federation surveys last year also explored similar topics and were reported in the June and September issues of this magazine. Let's look now at what the other surveys say.

Go to Study* The Hok Yau Club - an NGO, Hong Kong Baptist University, and MWYO - a think tank, have all recently published figures that reflect an uptick in interest in studying, being an intern or working in mainland China, including the Greater Bay Area (GBA). Retrospective figures can also be found in the March 2015 issue of Youth Hong Kong. For a snapshot of interest since 2018, there are regular Hok Yau Club surveys which usually have a sample of about 2,000 students.


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