Youth Hong Kong | 14.2 Another New Chapter

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HKFYG Services June 2022∣Youth Hong Kong

Next generation scholarships getting ready for GBA careers l Cooerpated by HSBC and HKFYG, the HSBC Greater Bay Area (Hong Kong) Scholarships are now available through HKFYG’s Youth Exchange Unit and Youth Employment Network. l They are part of a “Skills Learning Programme” that brings outstanding young scholarship winners together with expert advisers. l A Scholarship awardee(s) describes the inspiration she has found and her high hopes for the future.

As interest in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) grows, more and more young people see future career pathways ahead of them. The region’s market potential means that starting a business or developing a career there is more attractive than ever before. That is why the HKFYG Youth Exchange and Youth Employment Network have jointly launched this GBA scholarship programme to offer training for talented youth. With support from HSBC, scholarship awardees will enhance their employability and work skills, plan their careers and find support for their future development in the GBA. Three Talent Training Goals Gaining first-class, first-hand experience in the GBA is at the heart of the programme. By listening to industry leaders, entrepreneurs and mentors who can share a wide range of perspectives, talented young programme participants make the most of relevant expertise with: • • •


skills enhancement broadening horizons professional collaboration

l 在滙豐贊助下,青協青年交流部與青年就業網絡推出大 灣區獎學金計劃,為有才華的青年提供就業培訓,協助 他們未來於大灣區發展。 l 透過與行業領袖、企業家和導師的親身互動,大大增加 青年對在大灣區工作的認識,並藉此提升個人技能、擴 闊視野。 l 其中一名大學三年級獎學金得主 Pearl 表示,盼望在計 劃支持下,畢業後能夠更順利到內地和海外交流和實習。

Mentorship benefits The programme will match young people like Pearl with professionals from all walks of life offering: • • •

ideal support for future career planning help to broaden knowledge base and networks widening horizons in a range of industries

Workshop topics Access to timely information is a major driving force in any successful career while research and development is at the core of growth and investment. Instead of learning about the Bay Area only from textbooks, workshop participants learn from the real-life, practical experience of industry leaders by: • • • • •

analysis of domestic consumption patterns exploring business culture and development blueprints understanding about work and life in the GBA devising effective business models making ideas about starting ​​ a business into reality

Support features Through the skills improvement workshops, internships and mentorships, it is hoped that scholarship awardees will not only gain knowledge but also build on their positive attitudes, discover new opportunities and gain in the strengths that match the pioneering challenge ahead of them.

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