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Core Services
Journal of Youth Studies
The Journal of Youth Studies provides a forum for professional discussion in order to advocate for better legislation and policy enactment for youth services. The Journal is circulated to government departments, policy-makers, educational institutes, social service organisations, youth academics and experts, as well as university libraries in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan, Macao, Singapore and other countries. The Journal is also indexed in international databases, including the PsycINFO and EBSCOhost.
Publication Date Serial Number Features
January 2018 41
Development of Youth’s Whole Person Wellness
Youth Trends in Hong Kong
Youth Trends in Hong Kong is a publication series which provides an integrated view on the different features of Hong Kong young people by collating the most recent research findings and statistics. The publication includes the latest survey results on youth values and gives suggestions for future youth development. This series serves as useful resources for people who are interested in having a comprehensive picture of Hong Kong youth today.
Publication Date
July 2019
Youth Trends in Hong Kong 2018

Professional Publications
The Federation publishes professional and leisure books for young people, to promote reading, share interests and pass on knowledge about youth work. Eleven books were published in 2018:
1. Turning Point III
2. Youth and the Law - Case Analysed by Lawyers and Social Workers
3. Five Lessons for Physiotherapists
4. Nurture Your Kid - 12 Ideas
5. Emotionary
6. Hong Kong Postcards
7. Young Voices from Hong Kong Sports

8. Cooking for You
9. Jobtionary (Hong Kong Airport)
10. 49 + 1 Life Codes
11. Moment of Memories
The Federation also participated in the Hong Kong Book Fair 2018 and launched an online book shop in late 2018: books.hkfyg.org.hk.

To train young people in writing and creating, the production team of the Youth S.P.O.T. magazine offers opportunities for more than 20 tertiary students each year. This year, a summer youth programme for secondary schools, on “magazine production training”, was organised.