Leader’s manual AD6 The early church From Acts
Contents How it works
Unit introduction
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Jesus’ promise
Acts 1:1–11
The Spirit comes
Acts 2:1–41
Peter and John heal
Acts 3:1–4:22
Stephen is killed
Acts 6–7
The Ethiopian official
Acts 8:26–40
Cornelius trusts in Jesus
Acts 10
Trouble for James and Peter
Acts 12:1–19,24
All part of the body of Christ
1 Corinthians 12:12–31
Using our gifts with love
1 Corinthians 13:1–8
Helping others, serving Jesus
1 Peter 4:7–11
How it works How the sessions are structured Bible passage: All sessions are Bible-focused
Aim This is the ‘big idea’ to be taught during the session. It is child-oriented.
Outcomes These statements break down the aim into ‘do-able’ chunks. There are generally only three, so that the leader can keep them in mind and check up later whether or not they were achieved. They are broken up into: • knowledge – information, concepts, beliefs • understanding – more personal ways of grasping the concepts in the session • life application – ways of making links between knowledge and children’s lives, and reflecting on what kind of change might happen in response to God’s word.
Memory verse This verse is usually based on the CEV Bible and will be taught during the session.
Get ready
These notes for the leader give Bible context and background. There are hints regarding the theology of the passage, where it fits in salvation history and how it may properly be applied to both leader and child. There might also be comments about the management of the session content and special comments when needed about visual aids and activities.
This section gives hints about important preparation to be done before the session starts.
Leader’s prayer This section links to the aim and outcomes, mentioning the way this session will actually call for a response from the child and make a difference in their lives.
Start up During this time activities occur that introduce the theme, aim and ideas of the session. There may be a few activities to choose from. Each activity has a specific purpose. Your choice of activities will often depend on the children in your group and the space available.
Chat time
A summary is given at the beginning of the session of all the equipment needed by the leader and when it will be used. Some items will be given as optional. The gear needed for the Start up and concluding Activities is given with the particular activity. Leaders should choose these in advance to ensure that they have all that is needed. It is advisable to try out any unfamiliar activity before the session to make sure it works.
This short section is when the activities are over and the leader and children reflect on what the activities were about and how they lead into the Bible focus time. This will often involve a few open-ended questions.
Bible focus
Music spot Various songs, on readily available CDs, are suggested to link into the session and to provide a high-interest flow to the activities.
Links ?
Links are made with the previous sessions. Connections with life are raised and the children are encouraged to discuss ‘real life’ situations they face. We will raise the issue here and it will be drawn to a conclusion during Bringing it together.
NOTE: Sometimes during Bible focus time there will be a special comment to the leader about an issue that may come up during the session.
Bringing it together
Teaching time This is the body of the session. It involves teaching and learning activities. The story time has as its central focus the explanation of the Bible text in an age-appropriate way so that the aim of the session is reached. The activities ensure that all the session outcomes are achieved.
This section is really important. The leader is encouraged to allow enough time for this as connections are discussed that impact the children’s lives.
What the leader actually says to the children is presented in bold text. Directions to the leader are in normal type. In this part of the session the children are helped to understand the Bible. Concepts and activities are designed to be age-appropriate. The activities are designed to reinforce this by enabling the teacher to revise the main concepts and test the children’s recall. Application is an important part of this section and it is done carefully, while being true to the passage and to the developmental needs of the children. Adventure 5-7s builds on what the child has learnt in Serious play 3-5s as well as at home and in school Religious Education classes. Foundations continue to be laid for further knowledge and understanding. Regardless of the stage of their faith, they can be called on to respond and can be encouraged to know how God’s word challenges them to love and trust Jesus as their Saviour and Lord. This icon shows where in the session the Bible will be read to the children so they can listen to and interact with the word of God.
There may be open-ended questions that encourage children to respond in their own terms. We are aiming for honest responses from the children. The Memory verse is often taught during this part of the session.
Prayer This will normally follow Bringing it together and allows time to pray for the issues highlighted by the children. Leaders will model prayer and also teach children how to pray – both for themselves and for others, and for the issues in the wider world.
Activities After the more formal learning time the leader is encouraged to choose one or more of the activities included in each session as a way of reinforcing the main learning ideas. This also allows the children to interact with the adult leaders and their fellow group members. It provides time for the leader to talk informally with the children to hear their responses to the learning. NOTE: The Links in each session help children to recall what they have already learnt. Leaders may wish to include a reflective session also.
Think about it
Think ahead
Here the leader is encouraged to think through issues that occurred in the session and reflect on possible strategies for the future.
This is a very brief indication of what the leader will need to plan ahead for next session. It may involve equipment, people and so on.
Unit introduction
The early church From Acts
Unit aim To help the children to understand that God gave the gift of his Holy Spirit to all who trust in Jesus to help them to live his way.
Unit outcomes By the end of this unit the children will: • know that God helps us to tell others about Jesus • begin to develop an understanding of the concept of ‘body of Christ’ • develop an understanding that God is always with us, even in difficult times • understand that Jesus kept his promise to send the Holy Spirit to his people • understand that God invites all people to live as his friends • understand that we can ask God to help us use the special abilities he has given us to help others • appreciate that Peter was changed by the Holy Spirit to help him live God’s way • appreciate that God chooses to work through people • appreciate that nothing can stop God’s plan to save his people • appreciate that we are to lovingly use our abilities to help each other • appreciate that we show love to each other to bring honour to God, not to ourselves
Memory verses Sessions 1–4 I will send you the Spirit who comes from the Father and shows what is true. John 15:26a (CEV) Sessions 5–7 The Spirit will help you and will tell you about me. John 15:26b (CEV)
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Where this fits in God’s plan of salvation
Sessions 8–10 God has given each of us different gifts to use. Romans 12:6a (CEV)
We encourage the children to understand that the Holy Spirit will help them to live God’s way, to tell others about Jesus and to help each other.
He had Peter imprisoned with the probable intention of also executing him.
Bible background This unit looks at the growth of the early church and leads the children towards an understanding of how God invites, and empowers us, to live as his people today. Luke takes up the story of Jesus and his followers where he left off in his Gospel account. Session 1 gives a background account of why Jesus came to earth and of his death, resurrection and ascension. Session 2 highlights the coming of the promised Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2) and the amazing impact he was to have upon the believers of the early church. In particular, the sessions focus upon Peter who was empowered to proclaim the gospel with authority. This is contrasted to the ‘old’ Peter who had denied Christ only a matter of weeks prior to this time (John 18). Session 3 examines the healing of the lame man at the temple gates. Peter and John made it clear that they had no power of their own but relied upon the Spirit of God. Despite being jailed and brought before the Jewish leaders, Peter spoke with confidence, assurance and bravery as he affirmed that he would obey God rather than man. Peter, of course, wasn’t the only follower of Jesus who had been empowered by God’s Spirit. The next sessions deal with the continued spread of the gospel. The events leading to the martyrdom of Stephen are examined with an emphasis upon how God’s Spirit empowered him to speak the truth. The children will also examine the events of Philip presenting the gospel to the Ethiopian official. Philip’s obedience to the Lord lead him to the Gaza road where he presented Jesus to a man who was hungry to follow God but had not heard the good news of Jesus (Acts 8:26–40). Session 6 returns to the story of Peter and how God continued to work in his life. Peter believed that the gospel message was for the Jews and not for the Gentiles. However, God clearly showed Peter that the gospel was for all people with the conversion of Cornelius, a Roman centurion Cornelius and his family received the same Spirit as Peter and the disciples at Pentecost (Acts 10:47). Having seen Cornelius and his family receive God’s Spirit, Peter proceeded to baptise them.
However, God’s purposes are not to be thwarted by man, and God miraculously rescued Peter from the prison. The unit now begins to focus upon how God’s people are to live out the life God has given them in Jesus. Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians provides the material for the next two sessions. It is hoped that the children will develop an understanding of the concept of ‘the body of Christ’. The children will be introduced to the fact that all members of God’s family are important and all need to work together, using their different God given gifts and abilities for the good of all. Session 9 looks at the attitude we are to have in using our gifts. The children will learn that God is love and will look at how Jesus showed love in his ministry. The final session continues to look at how God’s family are to live and in particular at how we are to show love to each other. The children study the writings of Peter from 1 Peter 4:7–11. Opportunity will be given for the children to see how this is done in practise within their church fellowship. Emphasis is placed upon the fact that we can only live God’s way when we trust in Jesus and are enabled by his Holy Spirit and not upon our own efforts.
Faith development Children grow and develop physically, emotionally, cognitively and spiritually at different rates and in different ways. This unit aims to encourage growth in their relationship with Jesus, the Son of God. No matter what the stage of their faith development, they can be challenged to respond to God in Christ and to live in the way he wants us to. Faith has been described as having four aspects: believing, imagining, trusting and doing. (See Children Finding Faith by Francis Bridger, SU, England, 2000, available from CEP.) Believing involves having faith in the truth of the gospel and a reliance on the promises of God in Christ. Imagining involves creatively exploring our beliefs. Trusting involves the relational side of faith. Doing is the way we act as an outworking of our faith. Children, like adults, benefit from learning approaches that involve exploring faith from each of these four aspects. These sessions have been written with this in mind.
The children continue to study the growth of the early church in the seventh session. Opposition to the gospel mounted and Herod, in a political move designed to boost his popularity, had James killed.
Special features
behaviour and encourage the children to follow their personal example.
The Leader’s pack includes: • the Leader’s manual with ten sessions • a DVD big screen poster (A3) • a Map poster of the early spread of Christianity (A3) • ten full colour A4 Leader’s posters relating to the learning in the sessions • three full colour Memory verse posters (A3) • a sample of the Children’s component – DVD screen and ten DVD filmstrips on one A3 colour poster. (Extra DVD screens and filmstrips may be purchased from CEP so that every child has these to work with in each session.) • a set of photocopiable masters • a variety of Visual aids and activities for each session.
Children’s component The children’s component is a series of full colour DVD film strips and a DVD screen. Each week the children join the film strips together to make a long film strip. These are drawn through the DVD screen to provide a reminder of the session’s events.
Big screen area Each session the children will be brought to a special area for Bringing it together. The DVD big screen poster should be displayed in this area. Try to add other items to add to the atmosphere of the big screen area. Each week, the appropriate coloured A4 Leader’s poster is to be attached to the DVD big screen poster with Blu-Tack.
A Memory verse activity is included in each session and is presented in an interactive way so that the children will begin to build their own personal store of Bible verses.
Prayer Written prayers have been given for the children to repeat. However, give opportunity for the children to pray their own prayers and to talk to the Lord about those things that concern them.
Photocopiable masters The set of photocopiable masters include Memory verse ideas, templates for craft activities and worksheets for children who finish more quickly than some of the others in the group. Purchase of the Leader’s pack entitles you to make one copy for each member of your group.
Music spot Often the music helps children to remember the significant learning that has taken place in the session. CDs that will appeal to children include: • • • • • • • • • • •
Promises, promises, CEP Earth movers, CEP Practise being Godly, Colin Buchanan Follow the Saviour, Colin Buchanan Jesus rocks the world, Colin Buchanan Baa baa doo baa baa, Colin Buchanan The King, the snake and the promise, Emu Music How cool is that!, Johnny Burns Praise crazy, Johnny Burns Lovely jubbly, Doug Horley Whoopah wahey!, Doug Horley
These CDs are available from CEP.
Activities Children all learn in a variety of ways. Adventure 5-7s is for five to seven year olds who are beginner readers and actively learn through a range of activities. These have been selected to provide variety and to cater for the preferred learning styles of all children. When choosing the activities you will include in each session, consider the number of children in your group, their individual skills and the space you have available. Try to encourage a wide range of activities so that the different learning skills of the children will be catered for. At this stage children are learning how to relate to God through his word, the Bible, and also through prayer. It is important that the leaders model this
promise Acts 1:1–11
Aim To help the children to understand that Jesus promised to send a helper to always be with his people.
Outcomes By the end of this session the children will: • know why Jesus came to earth • know that the Bible tells us Jesus returned to heaven • understand that Jesus promised God would send the Holy Spirit to his people • understand that the Holy Spirit would help the disciples live God’s way and tell others about Jesus.
Memory verse I will send you the Spirit who comes from the Father and shows what is true. John 15:26a (CEV)
God’s secret, but in the mean time the apostles are to get on with their work, empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Read Acts 1:1–11. Luke continues his carefully researched account of the early Christian movement in the book of Acts. The book demonstrates the outworking of Jesus’ words in Acts 1:8: ‘Then you will tell everyone about me in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and everywhere in the world’ (CEV). We see this spread of the gospel happening as the apostles receive the Holy Spirit and start preaching in Jerusalem. When persecution scatters them, the gospel is taken to Samaria (8:4–25) and, astonishingly, even to some non-Jews (8:26–40; 10:18). As the gospel continues to spread, the apostle Paul is charged to take the gospel to the Gentiles (9:15). The book of Acts ends with Paul in Rome, the center of the ancient world. Jesus’ ascension to heaven is a miraculous and supernatural event, testified to elsewhere (see 1 Timothy 3:16; 1 Peter 3:21f). Luke here focuses on what Jesus said: ‘Wait in Jerusalem for the Father to give you the Holy Spirit’ (Acts 1:4). The disciples ask what is the vital question for them: now that Jesus has been glorified, would God establish his rule? Jesus answers that the time of this event is
God chooses to work through his people, sending them out not to conquer but to speak. In this seemingly weak and insignificant way, he will spread his kingdom throughout the world. Jesus will come back, the angels promise in Acts 1:11. There will be a final and definitive time when God’s rule will be unmistakable and complete. However Christians are not to wait idly. God’s rule is also established in individuals as they hear his word and obey it; and as Paul puts it in Romans 10:14, ‘How can they hear, unless someone tells them?’.
Leader’s prayer Thank God for each of the children in your group. Pray that the children will attend regularly and will learn more about God. Pray that they will be encouraged to continue to follow Jesus all their days.
Gear q q q q q q q q q q
Chapter two
A copy of the cross visual aid (page 14) Two headdresses (see Get ready) A CEV Bible marked at Acts 1:9 A DVD screen for each child A Children’s DVD filmstrip 1 (Jesus) for each child CD player and CD of choice DVD big screen poster and Leader’s poster 1 (Jesus’ ascension) Memory verse poster 1 (John 15:26a) A copy of the Jesus returned photocopiable (page 15) for each child Gear for chosen activities in Start up and Activities sections
Get ready
Purpose: To introduce the students to the concept that it is important to know the background, or preceding events in stories. q An age appropriate story book Begin reading the book to the children from the second chapter or after three or four pages. Ask the children what may have happened in the first part of the story. Commend their suggestions.
Yesterday/today/tomorrow Purpose: To introduce the children to the concept of past, present and future actions. Model telling ‘news’ in the following format: Yesterday I went on a picnic. Today I am eating lunch with my family. Tomorrow I will be going shopping.
You will need two headdresses to represent Bible times (eg. striped tea towels). Make sure they are very different colours so the children realise two different people are being represented.
Invite two or three children to give news following the above format.
Alternatively, other leaders can speak the parts of Peter and Jesus.
Purpose: To develop the concept of some events being in the future.
Set up the Big screen area ready for Bringing it together. Try to make this look effective by covering a section of the wall with coloured paper and place the DVD big screen poster on this. Put Leader’s poster 1 on the screen.
q A large calendar
Display the Map poster.
Discuss with the children what future events could be written on your calendar. For example: Christmas day, Good Friday, children’s birthdays, events relating to your particular church fellowship and so on.
Chat time
For extra impact You may choose to cut out clouds from large sheets of white paper and place them on the walls of your area.
Start up Choose from the following warm-up activities to suit your group and the time you have available. These activities are designed to introduce content and concepts that form part of the session. It is important to do the Yesterday/today/ tomorrow activity, as this concept will be used in Bible focus in this and future sessions.
Lead the following discussion. It is important to know what happens in the start of a story to help you to understand what is going on. In our lives we sometimes talk about things that have already happened, things that are happening now and things that will happen in the future. Sometimes we use a calendar to remind us of things that will happen in the future. At times, Jesus also told his disciples about what would happen in the future.
Please note that the Chat time is an important component of the session and should be completed immediately before moving into the Bible focus. For future reference, tick the activities you use.
10 Adventure
Bible focus
and even ate with us. One time he even cooked fish for us to eat for breakfast.
Jesus spent 40 days on the earth after he had risen from the dead.
It is important for all people to know about Jesus. Let’s remind ourselves about some of the things that Jesus did. Who is Jesus? (The Son of God.) Where was he born? (Bethlehem.) How long ago did he live on earth? (About two thousand years.) Why did he come to earth? (To live a perfect life. To die on the cross so that people could be forgiven and become God’s friends.) What happened after Jesus died on the cross? (He was buried and rose from the grave.)
Then Jesus told us something very important. Put on the second headdress. Alternatively another leader may speak the part of Jesus. Introduce yourself as being Jesus. Jesus: I promised that God would send the Holy Spirit. Don’t leave the city of Jerusalem until the Spirit comes. The Holy Spirit will give you power to live God’s way. The Spirit will help you tell people about me. You will tell the people of Jerusalem and people everywhere in the world how they will be a part of God’s family if they trust in me. Remove the headdress. Listen to what the Bible says happened next.
Teaching time
Read Acts 1:9 from a CEV Bible.
Jesus’ special friends, the disciples, spent much of their time with Jesus for about three years. They travelled with him and saw him work amazing miracles. They saw him heal the blind man and calm the storm. They saw him feed the large crowd of people. What else did the disciples see Jesus do? (Accept responses.)
How do you think the disciples felt knowing that Jesus was leaving? (Accept responses.) As the disciples watched, two angels appeared. They told the disciples that Jesus had returned to heaven and that he would come back again one day in the future. Explain to the children that we call Jesus’ return to heaven the ascension. But now, the disciples had to wait.
How wonderful it must have been to sit at the feet of Jesus and listen as he taught about God’s kingdom.
What were they waiting for? (For God to send the Holy Spirit.)
But then, Jesus was arrested and put to death.
Would they have to wait for one hour, a day, a week?
Display the Visual aid of Jesus on the cross (page 14). The disciples must have been very sad when Jesus died on the cross and was buried. But that was in the past. Some women, who were friends of Jesus, went to the tomb where Jesus had been buried. They told Peter, one of the disciples, that Jesus wasn’t in the tomb. Peter and another disciple rushed to the tomb where Jesus had been buried. It was true. The tomb was empty.
The disciples didn’t know how long before God would send the Spirit, but they trusted Jesus, obeyed him, and waited in Jerusalem.
Music spot Choose from the following songs. Are you ready, track 7 on CEP’s Promises, Promises CD. Clap your hands, track 1 on The King, the snake and the promise CD.
Put on the first headdress. Alternatively another leader may speak the part of Peter. Introduce yourself as being Peter. Peter: It wasn’t long before Jesus met with us. Now we knew that Jesus had risen from the dead. Jesus walked with us. He talked with us 11 Adventure
Map find
Do the DVD screen activity first, and choose from the other activities if you have time.
q Map poster (Early spread of Christianity)
Ask the children if they can find any place mentioned in this session on the map. (Jerusalem.)
DVD screen Gear
Bringing it together
q A DVD screen for each child q A Children’s DVD filmstrip 1 (Jesus) q Scissors
Ask a child to lead the group to the area where the DVD big screen poster is displayed.
Give each child a DVD screen. Hand out the DVD filmstrips and ask the children to cut along the dotted line to separate strip number one.
Leader’s poster 1 should be on the poster. Explain to the students that each week the Big Screen will have a picture on it to remind them of the events in the Bible lesson.
Strip number one shows Jesus on the cross, a text box and the ascension. Show the children how to pull the strip through the DVD screen. Encourage them to tell the story from the pictures and read the text.
Invite the children to put their hands on their heads if something you say is true. If it is false they are to put their hands on their hips. Jesus died on the cross so people could be forgiven for living their own way. (True.)
Add each child’s name to their DVD screens. Remember to collect them ready for next session.
Jesus rose from the grave and met with his disciples. (True.)
How long?
Jesus promised that God would send a helper. (True.)
Gear q A watch with a stopwatch function or a watch with a second hand Ask the children to sit. Explain that there are 60 seconds in a minute. Ask them to close their eyes and to put up their hand when they think 60 seconds have passed, from the moment you say ‘go’. Take note of the children who are close to the mark. Ask all children to open their eyes after one and a half minutes have elapsed.
The ascension Gear q A CEV Bible marked at Acts 1:9–11 Read Acts 1:9–11 from a CEV Bible (The account of the ascension.) Discuss with the children how the disciples may have felt as they watched Jesus taken up in a cloud and how they may have felt when the angels suddenly appeared.
This helper was known as the Super angel. (False. The Holy Spirit.) Jesus drove away to heaven in a chariot pulled by horses. (False. Taken up in a cloud. Refer the children to the Big Screen.) The angels said that Jesus had gone to heaven and he would return one day. (True.) How do you feel when you have to wait for something good or important to happen? How do you think the disciples felt as they waited for the Holy Spirit to come? (Accept responses.) How would the Holy Spirit help the disciples? (Accept responses. He would give them power to live God’s way and tell others about Jesus.)
Memory verse Gear q Memory verse poster 1 (John 15:26a)
How do you think the disciples would have reacted? What would they have said?
Display Memory verse poster 1. Read it with the children.
Invite the children to act out this event by being the crowd of disciples (it will present difficulties to have someone acting as ‘Jesus’ ascending).
Ask the following questions. Who is speaking? (Jesus, the Son of God.) Who is the Father? (God.)
12 Adventure
Who is the Spirit? (God’s Holy Spirit.)
Take home
What will God’s Spirit show us? (What is true about himself and Jesus.)
I will send you the Spirit who comes from the Father and shows what is true. John 15:26a (CEV)
Prayer Invite the children to repeat the following prayer. Dear God, thank you for promising that you would send your Holy Spirit to help your disciples. Thank you that your Holy Spirit helps all your people today to live your way. Amen.
q A copy of the Jesus returned photocopiable (page 15) for each child q Cotton balls q Glue q Coloured pens and pencils Give each child a copy of the Jesus returned photocopiable. Invite the children to paste cotton balls onto the page to represent clouds. Help them to complete the dot to dot to show Jesus and find out what the disciples are saying by using the code to fill the spaces.
Think about it
Think ahead
The children may have questions in the coming weeks regarding the work of the Spirit in their lives. Take time during this week to read relevant passages in the Bible. Perhaps your minister or pastor could recommend a good reference book on the Holy Spirit.
You will need a copy of the Jesus is king Visual aid (page 22) and some headdresses; also a DVD screen for each child, a Children’s DVD filmstrip 2 (Peter) for each child, the DVD big screen poster, Leader’s poster 2 (Peter preaching) and Memory verse poster 1 (John 15:26a); also a copy of the Holy Spirit photocopiable (page 23) for each child. See Gear for Session 2 (page 18).
13 Adventure
Š CEP 2005 The purchaser of the Adventure AD6 manual is entitled to photocopy this page for use with his or her group. 14 Adventure
Jesus returned to heaven 15
1 17
16 2
10 4
6 7
He told us to _ai_ f_r h_m to _en_ t_e _ol_ _p_ri_! Š CEP 2005 The purchaser of the Adventure AD6 manual is entitled to photocopy this page for use with his or her group. 15 Adventure