Connect A2 Upper Primary Teacher's Manual

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cO nnect Upper Primary A2




connect Upper Primary A2

A Christian Education curriculum for children aged 10 to 12 years.

Contents For the teacher What you will find in each lesson Music, drama, PowerPoints and PDFs Curriculum stance Training and support Five circles of learning Connect icons

4 6 7 7 8 9

Introduction – Having faith in God Lesson 1 The kingdom's king Lesson 2 The mysteries of the kingdom Lesson 3 The value of the kingdom Lesson 4 Kingdom wealth Lesson 5 God’s people love everyone Lesson 6 The kingdom invitation Lesson 7 The king's love Lesson 8 Kingdom rejected Lesson 9 Kingdom greatness Lesson 10 Kingdom accepted

Various Matthew 13:1–23 Matthew 13:44–46 Luke 12:16–31 Luke 10:25–37; Romans 5:8 Luke 14:15–24; Romans 3:23 Luke 15:11–32 Various Mark 10:35–37, 41–45 Matthew 9:9–13

Introduction – Trusting and following Jesus Lesson 11 The mission begins Lesson 12 The mission grows Lesson 13 The transformed agent Lesson 14 A mission journey Lesson 15 The mission in Philippi Lesson 16 A training mission Lesson 17 A mission to reconcile Lesson 18 Passing on the mission Lesson 19 Jesus is Christ and Lord Lesson 20 Youthworks Year 13 Gap Year

Acts 4 Acts 8:26–40 Acts 9 Acts 9–15 Acts 16:6–15; Philippians 4:14–19 Acts 18 Philemon Various Various Various

98 100 110 118 128 136 142 150 158 168 174

Christmas assembly

Luke 2


Special lesson




194 196 199 202 203 204 206 207 208


Teaching ideas Help with classroom management Helpful teaching techniques Teaching Memory verses Is your class different? Teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students Understanding the student: the learning theory undergirding Connect Using appropriate language in the (S)RE/RI class What the Bible says about living as God's friends Christian Education outcomes


Dealing with grief

10 12 24 34 42 50 60 68 76 82 88







The mission grows


LESSON AIM Q To help students to understand that God used persecution of the church to spread the gospel.

LESSON OUTCOMES Students will learn about: Q God’s plan to take the good news about Jesus into Judea and Samaria Q how the Ethiopian official trusted in Jesus after Philip explained the gospel to him. Students will learn to: Q understand that God wants his people to talk about Jesus wherever they are.

MEMORY VERSE But the Holy Spirit will come upon you and give you power. Then you will tell everyone about me in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and everywhere in the world. Acts 1:8 (CEV)

» Bible background Philip was one of the seven chosen by the Jerusalem church as an official to care for the Greek-speaking widows (Acts 6:5). Following the death of Stephen, Philip took the gospel to Samaria where many responded to his message as they paid close attention to what he said about the Messiah, Jesus. His ministry of God’s word was accompanied by miraculous signs. Acts 8:8 comments that there was much joy in the city as a consequence. Following this, Philip’s contact with the Ethiopian eunuch took the Christian message beyond the bounds of Judaism and towards ‘the


Acts 8:26–40

ends of the earth’. The only other reference to Philip after this event is in Acts 21:8–9 where he hosted Paul on Paul’s final journey to Jerusalem. The Ethiopian eunuch was a high official in the court of Candace, Queen of Ethiopia. His duties appear to have been that of royal treasurer. Ethiopia was part of the kingdom of Nubia, stretching from Aswan south towards modern Khartoum in the Sudan. During Hezekiah’s time the Ethiopians controlled Egypt. They were defeated first by the Assyrians (see Nahum 3:8–10; Isaiah 20:2–6), then by Egyptian Pharaoh Necho (see Jeremiah 46:9) and later by Cambyses of Persia (see Esther 1:1; 8:9). Jewish refugees, dispersed when Jerusalem fell to the Assyrians, had settled there. Candace ruled from the city of Meroe. The eunuch would have been barred from active participation in Jewish worship due to his race and his emasculation (see Leviticus 21:18–21; Deuteronomy 23:1). His interest in the Jewish religion would have arisen from contact with Jewish settlements in Upper (southern) Egypt. He is remarkable for his zeal in studying the Scriptures, having a personal copy of the prophet Isaiah. The particular passage, which portrayed the mutilated figure of the suffering servant (Isaiah 53:7–8) may have spoken to his own deep need for wholeness. The inclusive vision of Isaiah 56:3–8 was fulfilled in this man’s ready reception of the gospel (Acts 8:37). Modern Ethiopians claim that his conversion was a fulfilment of Psalm 68:31 and that he was their country’s first evangelist. Philip told the eunuch the good news about Jesus and the eunuch immediately responded with faith and was baptised. The Bible presents an explicit example of the power of God working through one person who speaks about Jesus as a result of being a follower of Jesus. The hearer responds to God’s word by putting his trust in Jesus.

✔ A CEV Bible marked at Acts 8:35–40 ✔ The Acts DVD ready to play Track 2 ✔ Visual aid on page 107 of the King’s great mission from Lesson 11 (see Before you start) ✔ Visual aids on pages 115–117 of Mission plan, Philip’s agent profile and Today’s mission (see Before you start) ✔ Blu–Tack ✔ Activity books ✔ Script 3 drama (track 11) and Script 4 drama (track 12) on CEP’s A2 Upper Primary Music and Drama CD ✔ A DVD player ✔ A laptop computer or the interactive whiteboard, if you have access to one, with the King’s great mission slide on it (see Introduction lessons 11–20) ✔ Materials for Taking it further (optional)


» You will need


Q Use the Visual aid on page 107 of the King’s great mission from lesson 11. Photocopy the Visual aids of the Agent profile and Today’s mission to A3 size so you can display them during the lesson if you aren’t using the PowerPoint presentation. Photocopy enough Visual aids on page 117 of the Mission plans for each small group. Q Have the laptop and slide from lesson 11 prepared if you choose this option.

» Teacher’s prayer Thank God that the gospel spread from Jerusalem out to Judea and Samaria. Pray that God will help you to speak about Jesus wherever you are. Pray that your students will understand why Christians want to talk to others about Jesus.

OTHER RESOURCES If your lessons are longer than the standard, you may find the following resources useful. Q Go! (track 3) on Troy Nilsson’s Scripture Rock album. Q Isaiah 53:6 (track 18) on Colin Buchanan’s Colin’s Favourites album.

BEFORE YOU START Q If you intend to use an interactive whiteboard, review the PowerPoint slide(s) for this lesson (see page 6 of this manual). If you don’t have access to an interactive whiteboard, ensure you familiarise yourself with the student Activity book, which contains all the content necessary for this term’s lessons.




Q Make sure you are familiar with the Acts DVD so that you know how to find your way around it quickly in the classroom. Also, make sure you know where to stop it! You will notice that the references are in the bottom right-hand corner as the DVD plays so this will help you as well!




» Way in Form your class into small groups. In your groups, I want you to plan a mission! You have to take information from one city to another. You need to spread the information to as many people as you can, as quickly as you can. How are you going to do this? Give each group a copy of the Visual aid on page 117 of the Mission plan. Give them about five minutes to plan their mission. Tell the students they will get to share their plans a little later in the lesson.

They know what the great mission from Jesus is and they’re going to keep speaking! This is Mission control. Until next time. Stop the audio track. Q Does anyone remember what the great mission from Jesus was? (Accept responses. This is the Memory verse the students started to learn last week. ‘But the Holy Spirit will come upon you and give you power. Then you will tell everyone about me in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and everywhere in the world.’ Acts 1:8 [CEV])

Last week we saw the gospel being preached in Jerusalem. We saw that Peter and John were not going to stop speaking about Jesus.

Display and read the Visual aid on page 107 of the King’s great mission. Use your laptop to display the King’s great mission slide if you have chosen this option.

This was Stage 1 of the mission: to speak about Jesus in Jerusalem!

Today’s mission has been given to Agent Philip!

Stage 1 of this mission is looking pretty good! But now it’s time for the next stage ... the people in Judea and Samaria need to hear about Jesus!



But the strangest thing in all of this is ... The disciples keep talking about Jesus! Nothing is going to stop them!

I wonder what the King has planned for this! Let’s find out!

Display and read out the Visual aid on page 116 of Philip’s agent profile. Mission control has an update on the situation for us: Play Script 4 drama (track 12) on CEP’s A2 Upper Primary Music and Drama CD.

This is Mission control. I’m back to update you on the situation surrounding today’s mission.

» Bible focus Play Script 3 drama (track 11) on CEP’s A2 Upper Primary Music and Drama CD.

This is Mission control. A lot has happened since we spoke last! More and more people are putting their trust in Jesus and following him. But those Jewish leaders in charge of the temple are not happy! They are putting pressure on the Christians and their attacks are getting more violent. Most recently one of our great agents, Agent Stephen, was killed for telling people about Jesus. It was a terribly sad time for the Christian church. A Pharisee called Saul approved the killing of Stephen. He has really ramped up the attacks. He is going from house to house, dragging people out and putting them in prison!

Due to the attacks in Jerusalem, all the Christians except the 12 apostles have had to leave the city. They’ve headed out through Judea and Samaria! And everywhere they go they speak about Jesus! Display the PowerPoint slide entitled ‘Stage 2: Judea and Samaria’.

Amazing! Stage 2 of the great mission is already in action! Without us even knowing it! Who would have thought that attacking the church was the best way to spread the news about Jesus! I don’t think I would have planned it that way! Well, Agent Philip has been preaching about Jesus in Samaria! And he is doing a great job! Many people are putting their trust in Jesus and following him! But Philip has been given a special mission today. This is Mission control. Until next time. Stop the audio track.


Ask the students to open their Activity books to page 20. Tell the students that the passage in their books is the same passage they just heard on the DVD—it’s just a slightly different version. Q What was Philip’s mission? (Accept responses. Philip’s mission was to go down to the road south of Jerusalem, which was in Judea, and to meet the chariot.) Display and read the Visual aid on page 115 of Today’s mission. Q What was the Ethiopian official doing? (Accept responses. He was heading home from worshipping in the temple in Jerusalem and he was reading from the Old Testament.) Q What did Philip explain to the Ethiopian? (Accept responses. He explained how the Old Testament is about Jesus—how Jesus came to die and rose again so that his followers could be forgiven!) Ask a student to read Acts 8:35–40 from your CEV Bible while the others read along in their Activity books. Q What happened after Philip explained the good news about Jesus to the Ethiopian? (Accept responses. The Ethiopian put his trust in Jesus, was baptised and continued home praising God! Philip appeared in another town and kept telling others the good news about Jesus.) Stage 2 is well and truly underway. Philip had been speaking about Jesus in Samaria and Judea. Every time he spoke, more and more people trusted and followed Jesus! Jesus’ great mission is looking like it might just be 'mission possible'!


Play the Acts DVD Track 2 (Chapter 8:26–40).

» Connections God had a plan before he created the world to send Jesus. He also has a plan for people from all parts of the world to hear about Jesus. But God’s plans are often very different to ours! Q What was your mission plan for getting the information out from the beginning of the lesson? (Give each group a minute to read out their plan. Try to keep them on track and their presentation brief so that each group has a chance to read out their plan.) Check to see that none of the plans involved persecution of the church. If this is the case, continue with the lesson. If any of the plans did involve persecution, agree that this was in God’s plan. None of our plans involved Christians having a hard time.Yet this was God’s plan to spread the good news about Jesus! As the Christians left Jerusalem, they spoke about Jesus wherever they went! And more and more people became Christians. Q If someone your age were going to talk about what the Bible says about Jesus, what might they say? (Ask the students to write down their answer in their Activity books—this will give you an opportunity to see how students have developed their understanding of the gospel so far this year. You may like to take the time to wander around the classroom to have a look at their answers and be available to answer questions if they arise. You could ask a few students to read out their answers. Encourage discussion.)




I guess we’ll have to see how it all unfolds!




This is how Christians talk to God. If you would like to pray with me please join me. If you don’t then please lower your head so we don’t get distracted while praying this short prayer.

» Concluding prayer Dear God, Thank you for Philip! Thank you that he obeyed your mission and spoke about Jesus wherever he went. Thank you that the Ethiopian official put his trust in Jesus. Please help us to understand the message about Jesus too. Amen.

BIBLE EXPLORATION Read Isaiah 53 as a class. Make a table with two columns. Write in one column predictions about Jesus from this chapter and write in the other column the way that Jesus fulfilled these in the New Testament. Discuss how Isaiah 53 points to Jesus.

» Teacher reflections » Taking it further

Q Are you confidently using the DVD player and the interactive whiteboard? How could you use them more effectively? Q How can you encourage participation from the quieter students in the class?




If your class has access to a classroom computer and printer, invite students to type and print the words from Isaiah 53:6–8 taking care to choose an interesting font and border on an A4 page. Bring pieces of ribbon so that each student can roll up their scroll and tie it together. Discuss how these verses point to Jesus as the students make them.

WHAT IS THE DISTANCE? Provide maps and rulers for your students and ask them to calculate the distance in kilometres from Ethiopia to Jerusalem.

MAKE A CHARIOT Bring various craft materials to class including toilet paper rolls, paperclips, straws, and so on. Individually or in pairs, ask students to make a chariot using the craft materials as well as sticky tape, glue and scissors. Use the poster of Philip and the Ethiopian from the Coloured Visual aid pack if you have it, so that students can see an example of what a chariot looks like.


» For next lesson Q You will need to photocopy and prepare some Visual aids (see Before you start). Q Ensure that you have access to a DVD player and that you are familiar with the Acts DVD section for this lesson.

TM TODAY’S MISSION: To go and meet the man in the chariot and tell him about Jesus!

Š 2011 The purchaser of this manual is entitled to photocopy this page for classroom purposes.



One of the seven




Set apart by the apostles; Filled with the Spirit; Bold and obedient!

© 2011 The purchaser of this manual is entitled to photocopy this page for classroom purposes.


Mission Objective Your mission is to spread some exciting news! You need to spread the information to as many people as you can, in as many places as you can, as quickly as you can.

Mission Plan • Where is the mission starting? • What agents will you use? • How will they transport the good news? • How will they spread the good news? • How will they protect the good news? (Make sure it doesn’t get changed) • How will you know when the mission is complete?

© 2011 The purchaser of this manual is entitled to photocopy this page for classroom purposes.


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