Lesson Lesson 31
Luke Bible 4:14–30 verse
Jesus is the promised King! God promised that his King would: tell good news free prisoners of sin
J_s_s is
give sight free the suffering
the _in_!
Tick the box if Jesus kept the promises that God made.
Your sins are forgiven.
Now you can see.
I have good news. God wants you to be his friend.
God made promises about the chosen King. Who were the promises about? Who fulfilled them?
J U S S E 3
_ _ _ _ _ 3
Match the numbers and write the letters in the correct spaces.
Luke Bible 22:39–53 verse
A hard decision
Lesson Lesson 91
I want to live G _ _’ _ way, not _ _ way. Fill in the missing letters to show what Jesus prayed.
Colour the spaces with dots.
Write about or draw some choices you have made today.
John 11:25
Who h_ _ the power To be able to p_ _y ‘I’ll do it God ’s _ _ _’? It’s Jesus!
Genesis 15:1—18:15; 21:1–7
Promise of a family Colour and number the pictures in order.
Tick the promises God has kept.
God gave Abraham
a son
It will not be long now before Sarah has her son.
Lesson 13
Bible Genesis verse 39–41
Lesson Lesson18 1
God never breaks a promise
Find these pictures and circle them. Then finish colouring the picture.
Find the correct word and write it in the space.
with, lies, slave, sold, prison
I am the Lord your God, and I will be there to help you wherever you go.
Joseph’s brothers s_ _d him. Joseph worked as a s_ _ _e. Potiphar’s wife told l_ _s. Potiphar put Joseph in p_ _ _ _ _. But God was w_ _ _ Joseph.
Joshua 1:9 (CEV)
Memorise this verse.
18 18
Lesson 20
Draw a face to describe how it makes you feel to know that God is looking after you every day.