Tim Hawkins DT 4.indd 1
10/12/12 12:52 PM
DISCIPLESHIP TRAINING Understand your new life Book 1 My new life God has called you to an exciting new life following him. This book will show you what God has already done to ensure that you will keep growing as his precious child. Ten studies that cover the fundamentals of being both a disciple and a disciple-maker.
Deepen your relationship These books will help you to understand and love our magnificent God, and show you how to deepen your relationship with him through prayer around his word. Book 2 My awesome God
Book 3 My intimate relationship
Nine studies exploring the character of this marvellous God who calls us to relate to him. We investigate the enormity of God as Father, Son and Spirit.
Ten studies designed to ground the growing disciple in the immense blessings of a life of soaking in God’s word, and in prayer.
Live as a faithful disciple Now you are ready to put it all into action in your personal walk with God, and in your active ministry to others. Book 4 My mission from God These nine studies explore the tasks that God has left for us here on planet earth. We look at being a witness, an ambassador, and a faithful manager of God’s gifts and blessings.
Book 5 My personal obedience These eleven studies focus on areas of personal obedience, and challenge the disciple to ‘put on’ the new life that is theirs in Christ Jesus. 1
Tim Hawkins DT 4.indd 1
10/12/12 12:52 PM
Discipleship is not just a series of Bible studies. It is a lifetime of learning how to be totally committed to Jesus in every area of your life. Discipleship Training isn’t just a matter of ‘going through a course’. Your main training as a disciple will be through the learning relationship that you have with your trainer. Everything in this course will need to be put into practice in your life. The aim of this training is to help you grow as a disciple so that you will be better equipped to ‘go and make disciples’.
Book 4 My mission from God
Tim Hawkins DT 4.indd 2
10/12/12 12:52 PM
BOOK 4 MY MISSION FROM GOD 1 I’m a witness for Christ 5 2 I’ve got the power of the gospel 7 3 I’ve got the power of love 9 4 I can grow other disciples 11 5 I can impact the world 13 6 God has put me in charge 17 7 I’m a steward of God’s ministry gifts
8 I’m a steward of God’s time 23 9 I’m a steward of God’s money 27 10 Instant replay 31 My time with God chart 36 Sermon notes 38
Tim Hawkins DT 4.indd 3
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I’m a witness for Christ
You know that following Christ is the best and that God wants all people everywhere to turn to him. Let’s look at the ways you can actively share your faith in Jesus with others.
1 What do you learn from these verses about sharing your faith with your non-Christian friends?
a) Luke 19:10 b) Mark 5:19–20 c) 2 Corinthians 4:1–6 d) 1 Corinthians 9:19–23 e) Colossians 4:2–6 f) 1 Corinthians 2:4–5 g) 1 Peter 3:15–16
A R T X ET ime
h) 2 Corinthians 5:9–14 i) Acts 8:26–35 j) 2 Timothy 4:1–2 k) Colossians 1:24–29
Tim Hawkins DT 4.indd 5
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2 What opportunities have you had in the last week to share your faith with your non-Christian friends?
3 As you pray for your ‘3 friends’, ask God to give you an opportunity this week to share your faith in him.
Memory Verse Witnessing for Christ 1 Peter 3:15 But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. The My 3 friends space below is for you to write the names of friends you are praying will come to know Jesus and to continue praying for them.
My 3 friends …
Book 4 My mission from God
Tim Hawkins DT 4.indd 6
10/12/12 12:52 PM
I’ve got the power of the gospel
It’s not just up to us to be ‘powerful witnesses’. Rather, we are witnesses with a powerful message—the gospel. The gospel is powerful action God has taken to save those who believe. We need to know what this gospel is, and trust its power.
1 What do these verses tell you about the gospel? a) Romans 1:1–6
b) 1 Corinthians 15:1–8
c) Acts 10:36–43
v 36
vv 37–38
v 39
vv 40–41
v 42
v 43 7
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2 If someone asked you ‘What does it mean to become a Christian?’
could you explain the gospel to them in a way that they would clearly understand? Jot down your answer in point form.
3 For next week, learn a simple outline of the gospel so that you could explain it easily to another person.
Memory Verse The power of the gospel Romans 1:16 I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.
My 3 friends …
Book 4 My mission from God
Tim Hawkins DT 4.indd 8
10/12/12 12:52 PM