Leader’s manual SP5 Responding to God’s Son, Jesus From John’s Gospel
Contents How it works
Unit introduction
Powerful son
John 1:35–45; 2:1–12
Light of the world
John 8:12; 12:35–36
John 9:1–11
Good Shepherd
John 10:1–16
John 11:1–44
Jesus with us
John 15:1–9
Bearing fruit
John 15:9–17
Washing feet
John 13:1–17
Home with God forever
John 13:33; 14:1–7
Son and Saviour
John 18; 19; 20:1–18
play Serious
Serious play
How it works How the sessions are structured Bible passage: All sessions are Bible-focused
Aim This is the ‘big idea’ to be taught during this session. It is child-oriented.
Outcomes These statements break down the aim into ‘do-able’ chunks. There are generally only three, so that the leader can keep them in mind and check up later whether or not they were achieved. They are broken up into: • knowledge – information, concepts, beliefs • understanding – more personal ways of grasping the concepts in the session • life application – ways of making links between knowledge and children’s lives, and reflecting on what kind of change might happen in response to God’s word.
Memory verse This verse will generally be based on the CEV Bible and will be taught during the session.
Get ready
These notes for the leader give Bible context and background. There are hints regarding the theology of the passage, where it fits in salvation history and how it may properly be applied to both leader and child. There might also be comments about the management of the session content and special comments when needed about visual aids and activities.
This section gives hints about important preparation to be done before the session starts.
Leader’s prayer This section links to the aim and outcomes, mentioning the way this session will actually call for a response from the child and make a difference in their lives.
Start up During this time activities occur that introduce the theme, aim and ideas of the session. There may be a few activities to choose from. Each activity has a specified purpose. Your choice of activities will often depend on the children in your group and the space available.
Gear A summary is given at the beginning of the session of all the equipment needed by the leader and when it will be used. Some items will be given as optional. The gear needed for the Start up and concluding Activities is given with the particular activity. Leaders should choose these in advance to ensure that they have all that is needed. It is advisable to try out any unfamiliar activity before the session to make sure it works.
NOTE: Sometimes during Bible focus time there will be a special comment to the leader about an issue that may come up during the session.
play Serious
Bible focus
Bringing it together This section is really important. The leader is encouraged to allow enough time for this as connections are discussed that impact the children’s lives.
Links ?
Links are made with the previous sessions. Connections with life are raised and the children are encouraged to discuss ‘real life’ situations they face. We will raise the issue here and it will be drawn to a conclusion during Bringing it together.
Teaching time This is the body of the session. It involves teaching and learning activities. For this youngest group the story time is usually presented first and activities done after to reinforce the main ideas raised by the story. The story time has as its central focus the explanation of the Bible text in an age-appropriate way so that the aim of the session is reached. The activities ensure that all the session outcomes are achieved. What the leader actually says to the children is presented in bold text. Directions to the leader are in normal type. In this part of the session the children are helped to understand the Bible. Concepts and activities are ageappropriate. The activities are designed to reinforce the Bible teaching by revising the main concepts and testing the children’s recall. Application is an important part of this section and it is done carefully, while being true to the passage and to the developmental needs of the children. At this youngest age group we are laying the foundations for further knowledge and understanding. Regardless of the stage of their faith, they can be called on to respond and encouraged to know how God’s word challenges them to love and trust Jesus as their Saviour and Lord.
There may be open-ended questions that encourage children to respond in their own terms. We are aiming for honest responses from the children. The Memory verse is often taught during this part of the session.
Prayer This will normally follow Bringing it together and allows for the issues highlighted by the children to be prayed about. Leaders will model prayer and also teach children how to pray – both for themselves and for others, and for issues in the wider world.
Activities After the more formal learning time the leader is encouraged to choose one or more of the activities included in each session as a way of reinforcing the main learning ideas and also allowing the children to interact with the adult leaders and also their fellow group members.
Munchies Many of the sessions contain ideas for Munchies – food and drink that relate to the session for the children to enjoy. It is a good idea to check with parents for any allergies that their children might have before serving food and drink.
NOTE: The Links in each session help children to recall what they have already learned. Leaders may wish to include a reflective session also.
This icon shows where in the session the Bible will be read to the children so they can listen to and interact with the word of God.
Music spot Various songs, on readily available CDs, are suggested to link into the session and to provide a high-interest flow to the activities.
Think about it
Think ahead
Here the leader is encouraged to think through issues that occurred in the session and reflect on possible strategies for the future.
This is a very brief indication of what the leader will need to plan ahead for next session. It may involve equipment, people, and so on.
play Serious
Responding to God’s Son, Jesus
Unit introduction
From John’s Gospel
Unit aim The children will learn about Jesus, God’s Son, and will consider ways of responding to him.
Unit outcomes By the end of this unit the children will: • know that God sent his Son, Jesus • understand that Jesus has God’s power • understand that through Jesus we can be friends with God • appreciate that there are different ways of responding to Jesus.
Memory verses Sessions 1–4 Jesus said ‘I am the light for the world!’ John 8:12b (CEV) Sessions 5–8 Jesus said ‘I am the way, the truth and the life.’ John 14:6a (CEV)
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Timeline Bi
Where this fits in Jesus’ ministry
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Sessions 9–10 Jesus said ‘Have faith in God and have faith in me.’ John 14:1b (CEV)
We encourage the children to understand that Jesus, God’s Son, wants us to respond to him with trust, obedience, following, and friendship. As they learn about Jesus, they will see that he was sent by God to teach about God, using stories, miracles, and examples from his own life. The children will be encouraged to trust Jesus, to look forward to his return, and above all, to accept his gift of friendship.
play Serious
Special features
Bible background
The leader’s pack includes:
Session 1 focuses on Jesus calling the disciples to ‘Come and see’. As they respond to his enigmatic call they see amazing miracles that reveal Jesus to be God’s Son. The second session investigates Jesus’ claim to be the ‘light for the world’; Session 3 considers a physical example of how he gave light to a blind man.
• the Leader’s manual of ten sessions • a set of 10 full-colour A3 Leader’s posters • a sample of the Children’s puzzle. Extra sets may be purchased from CEP so that every child has their own copy to work with in each session. • a set of photocopiable masters • a variety of Visual aids and activities for each session.
Session 4 examines Jesus’ description of himself as the ‘Good Shepherd’ (John 10:1–16). The children are reassured that Jesus knows his sheep and looks after them. They are encouraged to trust in him, just as the sheep trusted their shepherd. Session 5 tells the story of Lazarus, highlighting how Jesus raised him from death. The children will learn that Jesus has the power to restore life. Sessions 6 and 7 focus on Jesus’ illustration of the vine and the branches (John 15:1–17). The children are encouraged to be with Jesus, as he is with us, and to love each other. While some of the concepts are hard, they are explained in a simple yet fun way. Session 8 (John 13:1–17) highlights Jesus’ example of showing love to others in an awesome or radical way, and emphasises that we are to use his example as a model. The final two sessions prepare for Easter. The children will hear that Jesus died and was resurrected, and will be reassured that as Jesus’ friends, we will see him again in the eternal home that has been prepared for us.
Faith development Children grow and develop physically, emotionally, cognitively and spiritually at different rates and in different ways. The unit aims to encourage growth in trust of our loving and caring Creator God, for each child at his or her own pace. No matter what stage of their faith development, they can be challenged to respond to God with trust in his faithfulness. Faith has been described as having four aspects: believing, imagining, trusting and doing. (See Children Finding Faith by Francis Bridger, SU, England, 2000, available from CEP.) Believing involves having faith in the truth of the gospel and a reliance on the promises of God in Christ. Imagining involves creatively exploring our beliefs. Trusting involves the relational side of faith. Doing is the way we act as an outworking of our faith. Children, like adults, benefit from learning approaches that involve exploring faith from each of these four aspects. These sessions have been written with this in mind.
Leader’s posters There is a Leader’s poster to be displayed in each session, displaying the theme of the Bible teaching. These are useful for reinforcing teaching, summarising and recalling past sessions, and creating a colourful timeline of learning. While it is helpful to laminate the posters, some need to be folded in order to tell the story. Check how each poster is used before laminating. NOTE: Some people find it hard to memorise the story for Bible focus. Think of methods that will help you to remember the story. Post-it notes with the main points of the story can be stuck on the back of the session’s poster for quick and easy cues.
Children’s component The children will receive a Puzzle. There is a pressout puzzle piece for each session, as well as an extra one depicting Jesus, the focus of each session. The children will use these pieces in a variety of creative ways to reinforce the session aim. During sessions the puzzles can also be used as aids for revision. At the end of the series, the children will be able to take the puzzles home as a visual reminder of what they have learned. To prepare the puzzles, press out the pieces and frames. Carefully glue the frame onto sturdy cardboard and trim the edges. Place each child’s puzzle pieces into a separate A4 envelope or large zip-lock bag (available from supermarkets). Label the bags and envelopes. After using the puzzles ensure that the frames and pieces are placed back in the envelopes or bags for safekeeping.
play Serious
Music spot
Children all learn in a variety of ways. Serious play is for three to five year-olds who enjoy and learn through play, are either non-readers or beginning readers, and are active in the years before formal schooling. Because of this, the story-time component of Bible focus is kept short and to the point, and the main concepts of the Bible passages are then reinforced in the activities.
The Earth movers CD has been especially developed by CEP for use with the 3–5 year old age group. On the CD are songs about God and his promises, movement music for dance, music to cue the children to come back to the leader and get ready to listen, music to ‘get up and boogie’ to, and music for popular games such as pass the parcel and musical chairs.
At this stage the children are beginning to learn how to relate to God through his word, the Bible, and also through prayer. It is important that the leaders model this behaviour and encourage the children to follow their example.
Often the music helps the children to remember the significant learning that has taken place in the session. You may make one copy only of the CD onto audio cassette for use in the context of your church. This CD is available separately from your kids@church supplier.
A Memory verse activity is included in each session and is presented in an interactive way so that the children will begin to build their own personal store of Bible verses.
Each session recommends the song or songs from the Earth movers CD that are most appropriate for reinforcing the key concepts of the session or the unit as a whole.
Photocopiable masters
Other children’s CDs you may find useful are:
Photocopiable masters have also been included with most sessions to provide extra craft activities to reinforce key learning concepts or the Memory verse. The opportunity should be taken when helping the children with these activities to talk to them and learn more about each individual.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
When choosing the activities you will include in each session, the number of children in your group, their individual skills and the space you have available will be important considerations. Try to encourage a wide range of activities so that the different learning skills of the children will be catered for. Purchase of the Leader’s pack entitles you to make one copy for each member of your group.
Promises, promises, CEP Tomb breaker, CEP How cool is that, Johnny Burns LIVE in the big tent, Colin Buchanan Jesus rocks the world, Colin Buchanan 10,9,8 … God is great, Colin Buchanan Practise being godly, Colin Buchanan Remember the Lord, Colin Buchanan Follow the Saviour, Colin Buchanan The King, the snake and the promise, Emu Music Lovely jubbly, Doug Horley Whoopah wahey, Doug Horley
These CDs are available from CEP.
play Serious
John 1:35–45; 2:1–12
Aim To know that Jesus, God’s Son, is powerful.
Outcomes By the end of this session the children will: • know that Jesus is powerful – he changed water into wine • begin to understand that Jesus is God’s son with God’s power • be reminded that Jesus wants us to follow him.
Memory verse Jesus said ‘I am the light for the world!’ John 8:12b (CEV)
Notes Read John 1:35–45; 2:1–12. This series explores the theme of responding to Jesus, God’s Son. The children will explore how they can respond to Jesus through faith, following, listening, praying, obedience and love. In this passage Jesus calls the disciples with the enigmatic words ‘Come and see’ (John 1:39). With those words the disciples follow, eager to stay (abide) with the man John the Baptist had proclaimed was the ‘Lamb of God’ (John 1:29) and the ‘Son of God’ (John 1:34). In turn, the disciples are inspired and encouraged to invite more disciples; this is demonstrated when Phillip invites Nathanael to ‘Come and see’ (John 1:46) just as Jesus had previously done. John chronicles Jesus’ public ministry, including a series of miracles (or ‘signs’). In John’s gospels the miracles are ‘signs’ pointing to who Jesus truly is. John wants the reader to have no doubt that Jesus is ‘the Messiah and the Son of God’ (John 20:31) and someone in whom they can place their faith.
weddings and it is not surprising that Jesus was present, since Galilee was his home. The miracle is described in much detail with the outcome being that a more superior wine had replaced the old wine. There are two main points of significance here. Firstly, Jesus transformed the contents of the stone jars that were used for purification and symbolic cleansing. Secondly, the new wine was far superior to the old. The old ways of cleansing would soon pass away and be replaced with a forgiveness and cleansing far superior. It is important to emphasise to children of this age that miracles are not magic tricks. Miracles can only be done by God. They show his sovereignty over creation.
Leader’s prayer Ask God to continue to reveal his glory and power to you through his Word. Pray that this series is exciting and that both your and the children’s knowledge, understanding and enjoyment of Jesus continues to increase.
This session explores the well-known story of Jesus turning water into wine during wedding festivities in Cana, Galilee. Entire communities took part in
play Serious
Gear q A Children’s puzzle (frame plus 11 pieces) for each child q Leader’s poster 1 (wedding at Cana) q Plastic cups q Grape juice or blackcurrant cordial q A copy of the Cana photocopiable (page 15) q CD and CD player (optional) q Gear for chosen activities in Start up and Activities sections q Food for Munchies
Get ready Display Leader’s poster 1. Prepare the Children’s Puzzle frames as described in the Unit introduction on page 7. Have the children’s puzzles ready to use in Links. If you have an extra table set up the puzzles at the table ready for Links, otherwise leave each child’s puzzle in their envelope or bag until needed. Have a tablecloth or picnic blanket, plastic plates, cutlery and cups ready to use in Bridal banquet (see Start up). Place some candles and candlesticks, a vase, cut flowers and a jug to one side. Hide plates of party food under a cloth. Suitable party food could include chopped fruit, potato crisps, popcorn, mini-sandwiches, patty cakes, and so on. If time is limited, set up and decorate the wedding banquet table before the session, otherwise allow the children to help as shown in Bridal banquet. If you don’t wish to provide food in this session, provide playdough and ask the children to make plates of playdough party food. If possible, place three jugs (earthenware if possible) on the floor near the table. Alternatively, just keep a jug of grape juice or blackcurrant juice ready for use in Bible focus. Find some white tulle or old curtain material to use for a bridal veil. Try to have enough dress-ups for all of the children. Why not ask church members to help you make a dress-up box? Each family could contribute one item of clothing or accessory. For extra impact Cut pictures out of an old bridal magazine and pin them up to enhance the wedding theme. Bring in some small bottles of ‘wedding’ bubbles and blow them as the children enter the room.
Start up Do as many of the following activities in preparation for Bible focus as time permits. Tick each activity you do, for future reference.
Dress up dramas Purpose: To prepare the children for Bible focus. Gear q Assorted dress-ups (including a wedding outfit) q A mirror (optional) Invite the children to dress up in preparation for Bible focus. If possible, dress up as ‘Jesus’ (or ask a helper to do this). Choose two children to be the bride and groom and dress them up appropriately. Explain that for today’s story you (or your helper) will be acting as ‘Jesus’, and that the rest of the children (excluding the ‘bride’ and ‘groom’) can act as Jesus’ friends. Tell them that they will be going to a pretend wedding.
Bridal banquet Purpose: To prepare a setting for Bible focus. Gear q Leader’s poster 1 q A table set up as described in Get ready q Small pieces of cardboard to make placecards, folded in half q Coloured pens and pencils q A small wrapped gift or bon-bon for each child (optional) q CD player and CD of choice Point to Leader’s poster 1 and explain that the table in the picture was set for a wedding banquet (feast). Tell the children that they are invited to a pretend wedding and that you would like their help to make your table look really special. The children can have fun laying the tablecloth or picnic blanket, setting out the candles, cutlery and cups, filling a jug with blackcurrant cordial or grape juice and placing the cut flowers in the vase. Keep the food aside for Munchies. Encourage the children to make place cards. Write each child’s name on a folded piece of card and invite them to decorate it with colourful squiggles and swirls. Place the place cards on the table. If you have prepared small gifts (bon-bon) invite the children to place these next to the place cards. Some gift suggestions include wrapped sweets or stickers. Play songs from a favourite CD as the children prepare the bridal table.
10 play Serious
Follow this
What do you know about Jesus? (Accept responses.)
Purpose: To introduce the concept of following someone. Sing or say the following verse and then follow it with an action for the children to copy, such as clapping a short beat or walking around the room. Follow me, follow me, Come and see and follow me. Follow me, follow me, Follow me and see.
Teaching time You will need Leader’s poster 1. Place a bottle of grape juice or blackcurrant cordial to one side.
Bridal books
All sit down, away from the wedding banquet table. Explain that when you tap someone on the shoulder they should stand and follow you.
Purpose: To talk about weddings. Gear q q q q
One day Jesus was walking near a river. ‘That’s Jesus, the Son of God!’ called out a man named John.
Leader’s poster 1 Some old bridal magazines Wedding photos The New Lion Encyclopaedia of the Bible or other children’s Bible encyclopaedia (optional)
‘Really?’ asked Andrew. ‘Let’s follow him.’ Andrew and his friend followed Jesus. They knew there was something special about him.
Allow the children to look at the magazines and photos. Ask them if they have ever been to a wedding. What was it like? Show the children Leader’s poster 1 ). In addition, if you have a Bible encyclopaedia, show the children the section that describes wedding customs. Look at the different wedding clothes. Tell the children that in Bible times weddings were very important. Whole towns celebrated when people got married. Sometimes the parties went for days and days – there was always lots of food to eat.
Bible focus Links If you set up the Children’s puzzles at a table (see Get ready), invite the children to sit in front of a puzzle. Otherwise, hand each child a puzzle (frame plus 11 pieces). Encourage the children to put the puzzles together. You will need to help younger children. One way to do this is to do the puzzle as a group. Pick up one piece at a time and ask the children to find the matching piece. Place the piece in the correct position (see the photo on page 7 for a guide) and ask the children to do the same. Repeat this until all the pieces are in place and the puzzles are complete. Point to the picture of Jesus in the centre of the puzzle. Who is this? (Jesus.)
We’ve been getting ready to go to a wedding. Jesus went to a wedding once. The Bible tells us that he did something amazing while he was there. Let’s find out what happened from the Bible. (Hold up your CEV Bible).
Tap two children on their shoulders. They should follow you. After a moment Jesus asked, ‘What do you want? Why are you following me?’ ‘We want to know where you live,’ Andrew and his friend said. Jesus smiled. He said: ‘Follow me, follow me, Come and see and follow me. Follow me, follow me, Follow me and see.’ Andrew and his friend had a great time with Jesus. When Andrew’s brother, Simon Peter, heard about Jesus he decided to follow Jesus too. He knew there was something special about him. Tap another child on the shoulder. He or she should follow you. Say the above verse as you walk around. The next day Jesus met a man called Philip. ‘Come with me,’ he said. And Philip did. Tap another child on the shoulder. He or she should follow you. Say the above verse as you walk around. Philip liked following Jesus. He knew there was something special about Jesus so he told Nathanael. ‘Come and see,’ he cried. And after a moment, Nathanael did. He wanted to see why Jesus was so special.
11 play Serious
Tap another child on the shoulder. He or she should follow you. Say the above verse as you walk around.
Bringing it together
A few days later Jesus and his new friends were invited to a wedding. The whole town was there.
Can you point to a puzzle piece that shows a cup of wine? (Allow the children time to respond.)
Invite all of the children to sit around the wedding banquet table.
Jesus turned water into wine. When you look at this puzzle piece you can remember what Jesus did.
Show Leader’s poster 1.
You know, miracles are special things only God can do. Jesus is God’s Son so he can do what God can do. Just like God, Jesus is very powerful!
The tables were piled high with all kinds of delicious food. Place the food (or playdough food) on the table.
Do you think Jesus’ miracle was magic? Do you think he was just tricking people?
Everyone was eating, drinking, dancing and singing. No-one wanted this wedding party to end. All of a sudden the wine ran out. The man in charge looked worried. ‘There’s no wine left,’ Jesus mother, Mary, whispered to Jesus. Jesus pointed to some large stone jars. They were full of water. People used this water to wash themselves.
Miracles are not magic. Jesus doesn’t do magic tricks. He really did change the water into wine. He really has the power to do this. He did many miracles to show that he was God’s Son, and to help people.
Point to the stone jars on Leader’s poster 1. ‘See those stone jars?’ Jesus asked some servants. ‘Fill them up with water all the way to the top.’ The men looked puzzled but did what Jesus said. Ask a child to pretend to fill the jar with water. ‘Now take some water from the jar and give it to the man in charge of this wedding party.’ The men looked puzzled but did what Jesus said. Ask a child to carry the prepared jug of grape juice to the table. Pour some ‘wine’ into each child’s glasses. The man in charge tasted the water. ‘It’s a miracle!’ he cried. ‘This is not water – it’s wine! It’s even better than the wine we had before!’ All take a sip of the ‘wine’. It really was a miracle. Jesus had turned the water into wine. It was just amazing! No-one had ever seen anything like it before. Jesus’ new friends looked at each other. Now they were starting to understand why Jesus was so special. They were glad they had followed Jesus, God’s Son.
Look at the Children’s puzzle piece (cup of wine). Ask the children what Jesus did at the wedding. Place the piece back into the puzzle. The picture on the piece can remind them of Jesus’ power. Invite the children to offer prayer requests or to say their own prayers. Encourage the children to repeat the following prayer after you. Dear God, Jesus is your Son. He is powerful and can do amazing miracles. Help us to follow Jesus. Amen.
Take home Gear q A copy of the Cana photocopiable (page 15) for each child q Purple or red glitter q Glue q Coloured pens and pencils q Children’s puzzles Help the children to glue glitter on to the wine that is being poured out of the jug. Colour the rest of the picture in. Make sure the children know that what Jesus did wasn’t magic – it was a miracle. If the children finish quickly, invite them to play with their puzzles before packing them up for the next session. Place the Children’s puzzles back in their envelopes and put them aside for Session 2. Encourage the children to take home their pictures in their Serious play backpacks and to tell someone at home about how powerful Jesus is.
12 play Serious
Music spot
Follow this
Encourage the children to join in as you play the following songs. Dance to the music!
Ask the children to stand in a line. Say the following verse as in the Follow this activity (Start up, page 11). Choose one child at a time to follow you and copy your actions. That child chooses another, and so on until all children are following. At the end explain that the disciples wanted to follow Jesus – they knew he was someone special. Tell them why you decided to follow Jesus.
Jesus loves kids like us, track 11 of CEP’s Earth movers CD. Jesus rocks the world, track 2 of Colin Buchanan’s Jesus rocks the world CD. Jumping for Jesus, track 9 of Johnny Burn’s How cool is that CD. Jesus (sing it), track 25 of The King, the snake and the promise CD.
Memory verse Light a candle in the centre of the wedding banquet table. Say the Memory verse a few times, encouraging the children to repeat it after you. Jesus said ‘I am the light of the world.’ John 8:12b (CEV) When you say ‘light’, point to the candle.
Follow me, follow me Come and see and follow me Follow me, follow me Follow me and see.
Wedding toast Gear q q q q q
The table set up in Get ready Grape juice and water Plastic cups A bell (or glass to tap to gain attention) Playdough food (optional, see Get ready)
All blow out the candle in one big breath.
What do you think the people would have said to Jesus after he changed water into wine?
Sit around the banquet table. If the children made playdough party food, pretend to eat the tasty morsels made by the children. After a few minutes ring the bell (or tap the glass as is customary at a wedding) and call for quiet. Half fill each child’s glass with grape juice or water and ask the children not to drink any until you do.
Choose from the following activities to conclude the session. Play music while the children are working.
Water to wine Gear q q q q q
Red and blue food colouring Droppers Clear plastic cups A jug of water Tarpaulin
Spread a tarpaulin on the floor to catch accidental spills. Provide each child with a cup of water. Allow the children to add some drops of red and blue colouring to the cups and see what happens. What colour has the water changed into? Explain that when Jesus changed water into wine it wasn’t a trick – he didn’t put anything into it. He really did make plain water into wine. Jesus could do this miracle because he is God’s Son with God’s power. Remind the children that Jesus did lots of other miracles. Do they know any other miracles that Jesus did?
Explain that these days at weddings people sometimes say nice things about the bride and groom, but instead of doing that, you want everyone to say something about Jesus. Remind the children that when the wine at the wedding ran out Jesus turned water into wine, showing his power that comes from God. Ask the above question. Invite each child to stand and pretend they are saying something to Jesus about how powerful he is. After the children have finished all have a sip of pretend ‘wine’. Talk informally about what people might have said about Jesus after his miracle. Encourage the children to tell someone about how powerful Jesus is after the session ends.
13 play Serious
Munchies Gear q Party food (see Get ready) q Grape juice and rain juice (water) Invite the children to enjoy the banquet set up during Start up: Bridal banquet. You may like to invite the children to share this meal straight after Bible focus. If you provided small gifts (bon-bons) invite the children to open them now. They can take their placecards home with them in their Serious play backpacks.
Think about it
Think ahead
Did the children understand the Jesus has God’s power? Did they understand that miracles are not magic?
You will need Leader’s poster 2 (Jesus and candle); a Children’s puzzle for each child; one copy of the family photocopiable (page 22), enlarged and cut into separate pictures (see Get ready, page 18) and a copy for each child. You will also need sparklers, enough for each child to have one and one over, and yellow or orange cellophane. Refer to Gear for Session 2 (page 18).
14 play Serious
Š CEP 2004 The purchaser of the Serious play SP5 manual is entitled to photocopy this page for use with his or her group. 15 play Serious