YPT Mobility Matters - Spring 2009 (V2 I2)

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Young Professionals in Transportation http://ypt.transportation.org

Mobility Matters V o l u m e

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Inside this issue: Stimulus overview


U.S. auto industry


Private investment




Transportation @ SAIC






Calendar of events


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I s s u e


S p r i n g

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Stimulus enacted; time for implementation On February 17, President Obama signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009, placing into motion the muchanticipated and debated economic stimulus vehicle. The ARRA legislation is certainly much larger than the first Stimulus bill enacted in February of 2008; the top line figure of $787 billion is a hefty increase over the $152 billion contained in last year’s Economic Stimulus Act comprised primarily of rebate checks to individuals. Transportation received a large boost in program funding levels backstopped by the General Funds of the Treasury (as opposed to increased receipts into the Highway Trust Fund). However, the $48.12 billion allocated for administration by the

US Department of Transportation still amounted to about six percent of the total bill—a smaller portion of the total package than some stakeholders may have anticipated. Regardless, the ARRA represents the most significant increase in investment for infrastructure seen in recent years. It should be noted that the gap between the current investment level and levels needed to either just maintain the conditions and performance of the transportation system, let alone improve it, remains huge. A recently-released report by the National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission notes a $138 billion gap between current-law receipts and the amount needed to improve the system. This echoes the message delivered

by the earlier SAFETEA-LUauthorized National Surface Transportation Revenue and Policy Study Commission report from 2008, which stated that we’re investing less than 40 percent of the $225 billion we should be spending every year in our highways, transit, passenger rail, and freight networks. To some, the systemic restructuring needed to address further underinvestment was not addressed in the ARRA; the greater, and admittedly knottier, issue of how to pay to meet such needs may need to be addressed in the next surface transportation authorizing legislation. However, the stimulus bill does go a long way in addressing many short-term needs being continued, page 2

Stimulus General Provisions: ♦

100 percent Federal share

Maintenance of effort by states required

Periodic and monthly reporting of economic impact of stimulus spending required

$1.5 billion for discretionary grants (up to $200 million for TIFIA credit assistance)

President Obama, with Vice President Biden and Transportation Secretary LaHood, announces details of the stimulus funding at USDOT headquarters in Washington, DC.

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Volume 2, Issue 2 Stimulus enacted, continued from page 1

experienced by state and local governments and transit operators around the country. In order to ensure the three “T” test (timely, temporary, and targeted) is met, the ARRA requires 50 percent of much of the transportation funds to be obligated within 120 days; recipients failing to comply will have to return the remaining funds for redistribution. In addition, in order to maintain the stimulative effect of the bill, states must certify that they will maintain their planned President Obama visits the Fairfax County levels of spending on Parkway (VA-7100) extension construction their transportation site with Virginia Governor Tim Kaine in programs as of the Fairfax County. © Governor’s Office. date of the enactment of the ARRA. Further, in order to ensure accountability and to measure positive job im-

pacts of the bill, the USDOT is in the process of developing and improving upon a uniform reporting system. Given the unprecedented short-term program implementation timeframe, this will provide challenges to both funders and fund recipients; however, the scale of the bill does not seem large enough to cause significant institutional problems both at national and regional levels. The biggest surprise of the stimulus bill was the $8 billion dollars for intercity passenger/high-speed rail grant program to be administered by the Federal Railroad Administration. Considering that zero dollars were allocated in the House version of the bill while the Senate allocated $2 billion, the resulting funding level was eventually attributed to the strong interest in passenger rail infrastructure investment by the White House. While the rail program does not represent the type of “shovel-ready” projects envisioned in the stimulus bill, it does provide a large down payment and a serious intent by the federal government to develop viable and speedy passenger rail corridors around the country. Furthermore, in the FY 2010 budget outline released by the Obama Administration in March 2009, the White House proposed additional annual appropriations of $1 billion for the next five years (funding levels proposed by the White House for other programs remain unclear).

Stimulus breakdown by mode HIGHWAYS


Based on Surface Transportation Program Eligibility

$6.9 billion for capital formula grants

Apportionment within 21 days (03/10/09)

$750 million for fixed guideway modernization formula grants

$27.5 billion total

$750 million for New Starts

> $840 million set-asides for vari- ♦ ous national programs

50% must be obligated in 120 days

> $26.66 billion for apportionment to states

Breakdown of $26.66 billion > 67% at state discretion > 30% sub-allocation by population > 3% for transportation enhancements

50% must be obligated in 120 days excluding sub-allocated amount


Unprecedented $8 billion for intercity passenger and highspeed rail

USDOT to issue interim guidance for grant terms, conditions, and procedures within 120 days

$850 million for Amtrak capital grants

$450 million for Amtrak security upgrades



$1.1 billion for supplemental Airport Improvement Grants

USDOT Maritime Administration – $100 million

$200 million for Federal Aviation Administration procurement

US Dept of Homeland Security – $2.755 billion

US Army Corps of Engineers – $4.6 billion

US Environmental Protection Agency – $7.22 billion

Priority to projects that: > Can be completed in 3 years > Are located in economically distressed areas

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Volume 2, Issue 2

Fuel economy & auto advances New standards coupled with less driving could have a dramatic impact on funds into the Highway Trust Fund.

Q: I do not live or work in the DC metropolitan region. Is it possible for me to establish a YPT chapter in my area? A: We hear you loud and clear! A frequent question asked of Executive Committee members is if YPT will allow for the formation of regional chapters. Please bear with us as we work to establish and formalize YPT Regional Chapter guidance. We are excited about the prospect of regional chapters and look forward to helping you form a regional chapter in the future. Have a question you’d like answered? Send questions to ypt@transportation.org, Subject: FAQ, and we will include your question along with an answer in a future edition of Mobility Matters.

compared to the same month a year earlier. This is the first ‘backto-back’ decline for January since 1981-1982.”

Beginning with the 2011 model year, While the full impact to the Highnew fuel economy standards will way Trust Fund remains yet to be raise the industry combined average measured, additional changes in to 27.3 miles per gallon, the cars we drive may as estimated by the cause the need for National Highway Traffic discussion and action. Safety Administration Automakers are bring(NHTSA). The increase is ing to market addiestimated to save aptional hybrid and other proximately 887 million alternative fuel mar2010 Chevy Volt, © GM Corp. ket. gallons of fuel. The anticipated 2010 Chevrolet Volt, In addition to higher fuel economy for example, is a plug-in hybrid standards, Americans, on average, that is expected to travel up to 40 are driving less. According to the miles on battery power. USDOT, “the decline in American driving continued in January 2009 Discuss your auto thoughts on the with 7 billion fewer vehicle-miles YPT LinkedIn Discussion Board. traveled (VMT), or 3.1 percent less,

Japan—U.S. Infrastructure Summit Seminar On Transportation Infrastructure in the Future The Japan International Transport Institute (JITI) conducted an afternoon “Seminar on Transportation Infrastructure in the Future” on March 3, 2009 in Washington, DC. The event focused on the differences, similarities, and best practices between Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) in the U.S. and privatization efforts in Japan. The featured speakers included two experts from the US, Dana Levenson, former CFO of the City of Chicago and Sherry Little, former Acting Administrator of the Federal Transit Administration; and two experts from Japan, Mr. Masahiko Kurono, former CEO of Narita Airport and Mr. Hisashi Umezaki, the current President of Tokyo Metro. In her keynote speech Ms. Little, who is now a Partner in the newly-created Spartan Solutions consulting firm, said there is about $400 billion in private sector capital available for investment in transportation projects. She posed a question to the approximately 100 attendees, how do we make a hospitable climate to make the best use of all that

capital? Mr. Levenson confirmed that figure and even suggested it could be as high as $750 billion when taking into account leverage. Mr. Levenson said the funds could go anywhere in the world which is why the U.S. should take advantage of it. He pointed out that much of the money comes from pension funds, meaning the investors are actually union members and other pension plans simply looking for safer returns. In his experience in Chicago—negotiating lease agreements that netted billions of dollars for the City—Mr. Levenson said that a very specific concession agreement is the key to a successful PPP. Representing Japan, Mr. Kurono described how his airport, Narita International, is currently undergoing several different projects to expand capacity by 2010 and beyond. In addition, a new express rail line from Narita to downtown Tokyo is expected to open in 2010, substantially reducing trip times. Narita is operated as a private company which Mr. Kurono explained has helped create a shopping environment rated among the best in the world. In the next stage of the privatization effort, perhaps during the next couple

years, an IPO of shares in Narita will begin trading on the stock exchange. Mr. Umezaki discussed the privately-operated Tokyo Metro and said the subway system is currently executing efficient management plans to reduce debt and improve profitability. At the same time, Tokyo Metro has taken several steps to ensure safety as well as improve the customer experience, via new restrooms and the introduction of the PASMO payment card. In the last year, Tokyo Metro opened a new extension—the Fukutoshin Express Line. The seminar inspired numerous questions from the audience – some rather passionate – regarding issues of representing the public interest and environmental concerns. The goal of the seminar, as explained by JITI’s President Mr. Hiroshi Maruyama, was a discussion of “how to balance public interests and private interests” in future transportation infrastructure projects that involve private capital. Presentations from the seminar can be found online at: http://www.japantransport.com/ conferences/2009/03/index.html .

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Volume 2, Issue 2

Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) SAIC is a Fortune 500® scientific, engineering, and technology applications company that uses its deep domain knowledge to solve problems of vital importance to the nation and the world, in national security, energy and the environment, critical infrastructure, and health. SAIC and its subsidiaries has approximately 45,000 employees with offices in more than 150 cities worldwide.

SAIC’s Transportation Research Division Delivering Tomorrow’s Transportation Solutions — Today SAIC’s Transportation Research Division primarily supports programs at the federal level, but is also engaged at the state, local, and commercial levels. Core competencies include:

Transportation Operations, Safety, Planning & Engineering

Operational Analysis & Modeling

Strategic Business Planning, Policy Development, & Benchmarking

Development of Best Practices & Guidelines

Technical Research and Evaluation

Human Factors Research and Safety Analysis

Outreach and Knowledge Transfer

Training Development & Delivery

SAIC has recently launched a Center for Transportation, which will provide a focal point for enhanced collaboration on transportation issues and opportunities. For more information about SAIC and current career opportunities please visit: http://www.saic.com/career/ or contact YPT member Laura Feast, at laura.h.feast@saic.com.

... rewind Winter 2009 Recap 2009 is off to a fast-paced and exciting start for Young Professionals in Transportation. On January 14th during the Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) 88th Annual Meeting, YPT hosted its inaugural TRB-week event to a full house just blocks from TRB activities at Timberlake’s in DC’s Dupont Circle. One of our largest and most successful events to date, YPT plans to make its presence a key part of TRB week in future years. A special thank you to SAIC for their generous sponsorship of this YPT-TRB event. Look for us at future TRB events. In February, YPT members said Güten Tag/Bonjour to fellow transportation officials with the Embassy of Switzerland in Washington, DC for their sus-

tainability event held at George Washington University. Later in February, YPT hosted a Leadership Seminar welcoming Amtrak Vice-Chair Donna McLean to speak. McLean has helped shepherd Amtrak’s goals of providing better, more reliable service to the 46 states where trains currently run, and offered her insight into the inner workings and details of intercity passenger rail. Appointed by President Bush in 2007 to serve as Chair of the Amtrak Board, McLean’s service on the nation’s 21,000 mile intercity passenger rail system comes at a time of exciting growth and development of passenger rail. Just days before the event, President Obama signed into law an economic stimulus package that included $8 billion to enhance intercity rail ser-

vice. McLean explained that while this funding is not limited to Amtrak-only service, it does represent a renewed federal interest in passenger rail. Donna McLean with

McLean also shared her background as a fellow young trans- YPT members . portation professional, rising through the ranks of the USDOT budget office to the CFO position prior to joining Amtrak. A special thanks to PB Consult for hosting this event at their DC office. Attendees at the YPT-

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Swiss Embassy event.

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Volume 2, Issue 2

Member SPOTLIGHT compete to have their artwork included in the map via contest. I work with the artist whose design is selected. This whole process has been fine tuned over the past few years and introduces new art to the map.

Mapping the Mitten By Lisa Benck While attending Michigan State University I began working with the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) in 2003 as a student intern. At that time, my job was specifically to update the state transportation map. As my time with MDOT progressed, however, I learned that one of the goals was to bring the function of mapping up-to-date, technologically speaking. My degree is in Urban and Regional Planning with a specialization in GIS. Although not a planner, I use my GIS expertise by combining GIS framework with vector art software to create products that are user friendly and widely available to the public. Because my skills are more specialized, many of my colleagues are not able to assist with my work, which would probably be the most stressful aspect of my job. MDOT has a staff of highly trained individuals who specialize in GIS used for various projects and needs. However, for my purposes, I am the only member of the team who specializes in bridging together GIS and graphic art tools to create maps. The high demand for these products, especially during this revolutionary phase, leaves me quite busy. I like my job and enjoy being specialized enough to have an understanding of different perspectives of how to complete the product (for instance, it is more uncommon for someone to be familiar with both art and scientific software). As a representative of the Department of Transportation, much of my work is considered official data and deemed as accurate proof. I meet with customers to discuss their needs with products I can deliver given design constraints, cost, and print size. It is interesting to experience the customer service aspect of the profession on occasion as it allows for me to better understand customer wants and needs and gain more knowledge on how to achieve excellence now and in the future. My responsibilities include, among others: State Transportation Map — I update this publication each year to make various updates as Michigan’s transportation system grows and to address patron needs. Routine updates include changing color styles based on road classification, facility relocation, interchange ramp reconfigurations, among others. I meet with planners, engineers, and communication representatives across MDOT to determine if future projects will affect map content. I use GIS software and MDOTs road database to accurately map new data in vector art software. Once completed, I participate in the prepress process of visiting with the map printer to ensure color and content accuracy and prepare files for the public to view on the web, which are updated throughout the year. I work with a team of uniquely talented Graphic Designers who update the layout and provide artwork for the state map. One interesting fact about the map is that each year graphic designers

Truck Operator Map — While similar to the state map, I was involved in the original development of this map. Previously, maps were either completed with drafting type software or created without the use of a computer. As a result of technological advances and the availability of publications on the internet, a more efficient approach was needed. Taking maps and making them available electronically ensures that they can be readily available and instantaneously updated online, always providing for accurate material. With the truck operator map, I essentially created the map by matching styles and determining pertinent information that should be available to those utilizing this map. For accuracy purposes, all inset maps were redrawn using the same scale. For this process I use GIS to capture the data as an image and then draw the map in vector art software. ‘You Are Here’ Maps — These are the maps that are found in the rest areas, roadside parks, and scenic turnouts. They are usually by county, although some show multiple or partial counties. Similar to the Truck Operator Map, the ’You Are Here’ maps are created using drafting software and are not able to be updated. Over the last couple of years, it has been quite a time-consuming process to draw each map in vector art software (I use GIS to obtain information, export data to art software, and redraw the rest with a captured image). Each map utilizes similar styles to give the state of Michigan a theme or a look that is consistent. Once each ’You Are Here’ map is created, they only need to be updated when features or facilities change. Specialty Maps — In addition to having responsibility for the maps mentioned above, I respond to a variety of requests from customers within and outside of MDOT. Requests include maps that display state trunkline routes, cities, and construction maps, among others. I once worked to develop a cartoon map to be printed as placemats, and “mini maps” (smaller maps with less information that is derived from the large state map) for other special interest groups. I am attending graphic design classes and enjoy attempting to show more technical information in a user friendly way—such as on the state map. With continuing advances in technology, I feel I have future opportunities for growth in this position.

- - Lisa Benck is a YPT member and Cartographer and Map Designer with the Michigan Department of Transportation. Contact Lisa at BenckL@michigan.gov. If you would like to be featured in a Member Spotlight article, contact Nick Perfili, Vice Chair for Communications, at ypt@transportation.org, Subject: Member Spotlight.

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YPT Events ♦ Monday, Apr. 13—YPT Leadership Seminar featuring William Millar from . 6:00-7:30 PM at APTA; 1666 K St. NW, Ste. 1100, Washington, DC. Metrorail: Blue/Orange to Farragut West; Red to Farragut North. ♦ Tuesday, Apr. 14—Executive Committee Meeting. 6:00-7:30 PM at AASHTO; 444 N. Capitol St., Ste. 249, Washington, DC. Metrorail: Red to Union Station. ♦ Mid-May, 2009—YPT Networking Happy Hour. More information to come soon. ♦ Thursday, May 14—Executive Committee Meeting. 6:00-7:30 PM at AASHTO; 444 N. Capitol St., Ste. 249, Washington, DC. Metrorail: Red to Union Station. ♦ Thursday, June 11—Executive Committee Meeting. 6:00-7:30 PM at AASHTO; 444 N. Capitol St., Ste. 249, Washington, DC. Metrorail: Red to Union Station.

FAA Aviation Forecast Conference

Washington, DC

Mar 31-Apr 1

Alternative Fuels & Vehicles (AFV 2009)

Orlando, FL

April 19-22

International Bus ‘Roadeo’ & BRT

Seattle, WA

May 1-6

AASHTO Spring Meeting

Bedford, PA

May 14-18

Young Executive Development Program (YEDP)

Washington, DC

May 19-21

ITS America Annual Meeting

Nat’l Harbor, MD

June 1-3

The Future of Tolling

Tampa, FL

June 14-16

International Bridge Conference

Pittsburgh, PA

June 14-17

ITE Annual Meeting

San Antonio, TX

Aug 9-12

GHSA Annual Meeting

Savannah, GA

Aug 30-Sep 2

IBTTA Annual Meeting

Chicago, IL

Sept 13-16

APTA Annual Meeting

Orlando, FL

Oct 4-7

ARTBA National Convention

Charleston, SC

Oct 6-9

Rail~Volution 2009 Portland

Portland, OR

Oct 19-21

AASHTO Annual Meeting

Palm Desert, CA

Oct 22-27

Rail~Volution 2009 Boston

Boston, MA

Oct 30-Nov 1

2010 TRB 89th Annual Meeting

Washington, DC

Jan 10-14

Contact Marcus Bowman at YPT to have an event added to the events calendar

YPT Executive Committee YOUNG PROFESSIONALS IN TRANSPORTATION http://ypt.transportation.org YPT is a Washington, DC-based organization. General membership in YPT is open to anyone engaged or interested in transportation regardless of age. All are welcome to participate in the organization and activities. Mobility Matters is the official publication of YPT. If you have questions about this newsletter or wish to contribute material, please contact Nick Perfili, Vice Chair for Communications, at ypt@transportation.org, Subject: Mobility Matters. For additional information, visit our website. Mobility Matters © 2008 Young Professionals in Transportation

Chair — Joung Lee, American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Deputy Chair — Marcus Bowman, IAC Transportation Vice Chair for Administration — Susan Howard, North Carolina Department of Transportation Vice Chair for Communications — Nick Perfili, Fairfax County (Virginia) Department of Transportation Vice Chair for Finance — Laura Feast, Science Applications International Corporation Vice Chair for Membership — Chris Smith, American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials Vice Chair for Programs — Matt Bieschke, PB Consult Deputy Vice Chair for Programs — Steve Pinkus

YPT Board of Advisors Jack Basso, Chief Operating Officer, AASHTO

Mortimer Downey, Chairman, PB Consult

Robert Flanagan, Senior Vice President, First Southwest Company

Emil Frankel, Bipartisan Policy Center

John Horsley, Executive Director, AASHTO

Tony Kane, Director of Engineering & Technical Services, AASHTO

Janet Friedl Kavinoky, Director of Transportation Infrastructure, U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Emeka Moneme, Chief Administrative Officer, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority

Gloria Shepard, Associate Administrator for Planning, Environment & Realty, Federal Highway Administration

Stephen Van Beek, President & CEO, Eno Transportation Foundation

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