YPT Mobility Matters - Spring 2011 (V3 I4)

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challenge was filed against the Port of Los Angeles, and the Port of Long Beach retracted its document when the threat of a similar challenge was raised by the community.

By Jolene Hayes, Transportation Development Manager, Port of Long Beach

Up until this time, the Port of Long Beach (POLB) had very little interaction with the community. POLB had been an environmental steward, as attested through its Healthy Harbor Program that was adopted in 2003, and its practice for seeking public comments on environmental documents from the community and various resource agencies. Despite these practices, there seemed to be little community interest about what was happening at the two ports up until 2004 when the first potential challenge arose. POLB did not take this lightly. Rather than addressing the concerns through legal channels, POLB opted to retract the document and address the root of the problem - community engagement and the development of a new sustainability policy.


Over the past decade, the San Pedro Bay Ports of Long Beach/Los Angeles have experienced extreme growth followed by an unprecedented economic downturn. At the peak in 2007, the two ports accounted for 40 percent of all containerized US imports and were ranked 5th largest container port complex in the world. During this same period, the health and environmental impacts of the ports came to light and a large area around the ports was dubbed the “diesel death zone�. At the time, the two ports were in the midst of releasing environmental documents for two major marine terminal projects. A legal



Adopted in 2005, the Green Port Policy, included a series of goals, specific metrics to measure progress, partnerships with tenants to achieve the goals, and financial incentives to tenants to off-set costs of implementing various sustainable practices. Shortly after implementing the Green Port Policy, POLB collaborated with the Port of Los Angeles to develop the Clean Air Action Plan (CAAP). POLB also developed a robust community


M obility Matters engagement program, including Let’s Talk Port. This program took the port staff to the community. The Port’s Executive Officer would host community meetings at various locations within the community to share information about Port programs, upcoming projects, and to seek community feedback. In addition, POLB hosts Green Port Fest annually – a free event open to the public that includes train rides onto an operating terminal, boat tours through POLB, educational displays, and free food and live entertainment. Lastly, POLB implemented several emission reduction programs, including replacing diesel terminal equipment with electric equipment, the PierPASS program to incentivize trucks to call at the ports during off-peak hours, and the Clean Trucks Program which restricted port access to trucks that meet 2007 EPA standards.

project was approved and is currently under construction. Shortly after this success, POLB was able to obtain approval on an EIR/EA for the Gerald Desmond Bridge Replacement Project. The latest international trade demand study conducted for the San Pedro Bay Ports projects that future container traffic will increase from its current 14 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) to 42 million TEUs by 2035, even with the improvements to the Panama Canal. This much growth poses significant challenges for the ports and our region. To meet these challenges, POLB continues to investigate new technologies, programs, and policies that will accommodate this anticipated growth while enhancing the environmental progress that has been made to date, improving operational efficiencies, and promoting economic vitality at the local, state, and national levels. Middle Harbor Terminal Redevelopment Project (approved in 2010)



By 2009, the Port was ready to release a new EIR/EIS for a major marine terminal redevelopment project. Not only had the Port been able to measure air quality improvements, but the economy was also struggling. The Project promised the redevelopment of an older marine terminal into a cleaner, more efficient terminal that would create thousands of jobs. The Project was still subjected to considerable public scrutiny, particularly with respect to truck trips, but in the end, the




first and fastest growing regional chapter. Over the past few months, chapters have also formed in New York and Texas, and there is significant interest in Chicago, San Francisco, Atlanta, Missouri, and South Florida.

By Candace Brakewood, Chair of YPT Boston

YPT is expanding at such a rapid pace because its members get involved and take leadership roles. In Boston, we have a highly dedicated, talented, and diverse group of leaders who are committed to fostering career development and fellowship opportunities for young professionals in the transportation field. Your participation and involvement are critical to the growth of YPT as it expands throughout the country. I encourage you to become involved in organizing a chapter in your region. Leading a chapter is a fun and rewarding opportunity to meet new people in the field and become involved in the broader transportation community in your hometown. To get involved, please contact us at yptcontact@gmail.com.

This is a very exciting time for Young Professionals in Transportation, which is growing rapidly throughout the nation. Over the past year, the Washington D.C. based professional group has engaged young transportation leaders throughout the country to form regional chapters in major metropolitan areas. I am honored to be the chair of newly created YPT Boston Chapter, which is the


Didn’t roads and bridges just build themselves? So I just clicked on the back button, and continued browsing the web for “real” graduate programs. Then a few days later I stumbled upon an article on America’s crumbling transportation infrastructure. It got me thinking about how the United States is linked together by complex transportation systems including roads, railroad and transit lines, sea shipping lanes, and aviation corridors. The combination of these modes of transportation results in the movement of commerce throughout both the United States and the larger world economic system. Thus, the inherent expansion of globalization and the accompanying intertwining of multiple complex transportation infrastructures make it increasingly imperative that our own national transportation policy evolve with this global phenomenon. I figured that the continued expansion of trade, and the increased movement of people and goods throughout the world, would require the need for transportation experts – and I hoped to be one of them.

When I walked into my first YPT event back in 2007, the only real connection I had with the organization was that I was “young.” I didn’t really have what you would consider a profession (unless being a full-time student is a profession?), let alone one in the “transportation” sector. But about two and a half-hours later, I walked out of the event well on my way to becoming a young professional in transportation. This is the short story of how one event solidified my current career path. My name is Brian Jacob and I was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA. After graduating from college, I took a job with a local fundraising firm. However, after working for over a year, I realized that fundraising was not for me. I knew for certain that I had to make a career move before I got stuck… but I was less certain what the move should be. So I decided to go to graduate school to buy some time. I had always been somewhat of a policy wonk, so I started looking into public policy programs and that’s when I discovered the website for George Mason University’s (GMU) Transportation Policy, Operations and Logistics (TPOL) Masters program.

Fast forward about a year later, and I was sitting in a hall waiting for Tyler Duvall, then the acting Undersecretary for Policy U.S. for Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT), to speak at one of the first YPT events. Up until this point, I had not really thought about what I was going to actually do with the graduate degree I was pursuing. To be honest, like most other poor grad students, I just intended to take advantage of the free food before my second class of the night started. But as Tyler began to speak, I noticed that my note taking had taken precedence over eating. The Undersecretary was describing the growing disparity between grow-

My first reaction was “there’s transportation policy?” I didn’t realize there were policy debates involving transportation.


M obility Matters ing transportation investment needs and limited resources, and how transportation agencies had to begin thinking hard about how to do more with less. It was within this context that he began to make his case for why transportation professionals must devise and promote innovative solutions to manage transportation systems and raise revenue in an effective and economically sound manner.

We mostly talk about congestion pricing and he told me about what U.S. DOT was doing on this front. Tyler asked if I was interested in an internship at U.S. DOT. I wasn’t entirely sure if he was serious, or if he was just being nice, but I went ahead and emailed him my resume. To my surprise, I received a response from his special assistant asking if I was available for an interview that week. Needless to say, I go the internship which started a few weeks later. What I thought would be a three-month internship ended up turning into a three-year career.

One solution he proposed was increased reliance on congestion pricing. While I had studied congestion pricing in class, and even conducted relevant research as a graduate research assistant, Tyler’s message seemed to really resonate with me that evening. I guess it was because he was speaking in real world terms – as opposed to the theoretical point of view you traditionally get in an academic setting. Towards the end of his talk, Tyler encouraged the young professionals in attendance to continue thinking about congestion pricing. He even offered to stick around and talk to us about it in more detail. But did I really have the guts to be discussing transportation policy with the Undersecretary of Policy? Not really…especially since I didn’t think I had anything worthwhile to say. But two of my classmates (you know who you are), reminded me that this wasn’t the type of opportunity you just passed on. So I did it. I walked over and introduced myself to Tyler. He seemed receptive.

My time at U.S. DOT has provided me with the unique opportunity to become intimately engaged in multimodal Federal transportation policy issues. As a Policy Analyst in Office of Transportation Policy, I support senior Departmental leaders in the development and promotion of Federal transportation policy. YPT has not only provided me with opportunity for career development, it has allowed me to further enhance my professional development by fostering an environment for healthy discussion and debate among young professionals who share a mutual passion for transportation policy. This has, and will continue to help me assist Departmental policymakers in making informed decisions that will bridge the gaps that hinder the free flow of people and goods throughout the world. Thank you YPT!


2 years, although one of my projects included Arizona. My home is in Canada and I am glad to open up the world of transit in Canada to my fellow transportation professionals to the south.

By Andre Darmanin, MCIP RPP Andre Darmanin, MCIP RPP is a registered professional planner with the Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP) and provincially with the Alberta Professional Planners Instiitute (APPI) and currently works as a Transit Planner with Edmonton Transit in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

What’s Happening in Canada?

According to the Canadian Urban Transit Association’s Fact Book, in 2009 there were 105 transit properties within the country with over 988 million linked trips made by passengers and a total of 2.75 billion boardings or unlinked trips. On the outside, transit is in pretty good shape in Canada. But not all is good in transit as I will mention later in my section on politics.

Some of you may know me from the social media circles as @andredarmanin on Twitter. My tweets are prolific and opinionated because I am passionate about policies and the decisions that affect transportation and land use. I was approached by Shana Johnson (@shana_johnson) to write an article for Mobility Matters on Public Transit in Canada and couldn’t be more excited to do so. I hold experience in transit both on the policy and planning sides working in 2 different provinces and 1 state. I had taken my talents to Southern California (had to put in the LeBron reference) for

In this article I will specifically discuss the rapid transit projects that presently exist and are being planned in Canada. Those who aren’t familiar with Canada’s transit systems, heavy rail systems exist in 2 of the older cities in Canada – Toronto (my home) and Montréal. Société de transport de Montréal (STM) was named by APTA as the Outstanding Public Transportation System in North America for “the excellent results achieved between 2007 and 2009 in terms of effectiveness and efficiency.” The only dedicated BRT network exists in Ottawa with their Transitway, along with


M obility Matters ing machines (TVMs). VIVA is operated separately from their local transit system as it is also a P3 operated by Veolia Transportation. Brampton, a community northwest of Toronto just recently began their BRT network called Züm. A joint venture between GO Transit and Mississauga Transit will have dedicated BRT stations along Highway 403 called the Mississauga Transitway. Mississauga Transit just launched their new MiWay Limited Stop Express Service which will also be a part of the Transitway by 2012. The Politics of Transit in Canada

Canada as a nation is not much different than the United States with respect to the politics of transit. Transit managers and elected officials are fully aware of planning transit projects that would benefit their cities and regions but are stonewalled by political decisions whether based on the economics of the time or political ideologies or both. Americans are familiar with the political debate with the ARC tunnel in New Jersey and the return of funds by various states for high speed rail initiatives. A somewhat similar case exists in of all places, Toronto. With Toronto’s Transit City plan, it is being put on the back burner with their newly elected mayor Rob Ford wanting to eliminate the LRT network throughout the city for more expensive subways. Canada is no stranger to these political battles.

an 8 kilometre (about 5 miles) light rail line that has DMU powered trains - similar to those in operation in the US such as the River Line in West New Jersey and Sprinter in North San Diego County. After subways were built a few Canadian cities went to build light rail systems, the first being in Edmonton in 1978 with a recent extension in April 2010. Calgary and Vancouver have extensive light rail networks with the C-Train and Skytrain respectively. These newer light rail systems were built to connect passengers from the sprawling suburbs to the central business district. Light rail is definitely an inexpensive alternative to building commuter rail or subways. LRT projects are popping up everywhere with expansions being built or planned in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Kitchener-Waterloo Region and in Toronto. Before the 2010 Winter Olympics began in Vancouver, the Canada Line opened with a connection to their International Airport. Interesting enough, this was the first ever P3 transportation project in Canada. Also interesting is that the Canada Line is the only rail service that connects directly to an airport. During that time the Downtown Streetcar opened its first leg from Granville Island to the Olympic village, spanning a distance of 1.8 kilometres.

Not all is bad in the land to the north though. For example, those in the urban planning circles (encompassing sustainability and urban design) are probably aware of all that is good with Vancouver as being one of the most desired places to live in Canada, let alone the world. Vancouver is a city that is no stranger to sprawl. The British Columbia provincial government tends to be more forward thinking than many of the other provinces in Canada with respect to sustainability initiatives. In 2007, the BC government introduced a revenue-neutral tax on carbon emissions as means to combat climate change. With respect to transportation, The South British Columbia Coast Transportation Authority (SBCTA) or to those in Metro Vancouver call it as Translink, is the Regional Transportation Authority for Metro Vancou-

With respect to BRT systems, most operate in mixed traffic conditions which in our circles is called BRT lite or just plain old enhanced express service. As mentioned, only Ottawa’s Transitway is a dedicated BRT network. Before the Canada Line was built, Vancouver had the B-Line. Hamilton, Ontario has their version of the B-Line where a study is now underway to convert it to an on street LRT line. Kitchener-Waterloo is looking to do the same with their current BRT. The VIVA system in York Region, just north of Toronto currently operates a mixed traffic BRT network with transit signal priority installed. They are currently in the midst of developing BRT stations modeling those found in Los Angeles and Las Vegas that include real time schedules and off-board ticket vend-


M obility Matters ver and its 21 municipalities. Translink is funded 3 ways from revenues from a gas tax, property sales tax and non government resources. With these taxes, they have funded various transportation projects within the Region.

cheaper. The Toronto region has the longest peak period commute time in Canada of 80 minutes and is even longer than that of Los Angeles. Because of shelved transit projects in the city of Toronto proper, residents are becoming more and more frustrated with their commuting times and distances to work.

The Ontario Provincial government established their own RTA in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton area (GTHA) with Metrolinx in 2006. This organization does not have the same teeth as that of Translink. In 2010 Metrolinx merged their operation with GO Transit, the commuter bus and rail system. Metrolinx does not have taxing authority nor does it have a seamless fare system across municipalities. With the rollout of the Presto smartcard, a seamless fare system could one day be a possibility. But again, politics plays a role on how revenues will be distributed.

Cities need visionaries to implement these plans. The 30/10 plan by Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is an example of a bold plan that cities need to create more mobility options for regions. In Canada, one has recently moved and the other exists today - Former Mayor of Toronto David Miller was one of them with his Transit City plan and the other is the recently elected mayor of Calgary Naheed Nenshi. Transportation professionals in North America need to continue planning for the future and let our elect officials create those visions. In the end, to my American transit professionals, Canadians share your frustrations in attempting to achieve the same results in providing better transit to citizens of our cities.

Just like Translink, transit has and should not have any borders. Metrolinx is trying to achieve that with the recent release of their Regional Transportation Plan or by the moniker, the Big Move. Within this RTP lies some of the regionally significant projects that I mentioned previously. Transit is not a local issue but it’s a regional issue. In the constant battle of tackling urban sprawl, commuter travel times increase because of single occupancy vehicles, business parks, and relocation of head offices to the suburbs because land is


was able to collect 25 favorable responses, which invigorated the group to move forward and start YPT Boston. Taking a giant leap forward, at the end of September 2010, the founding members filed for non-profit status in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the first regional chapter was born. While YPT Boston existed on paper, the true test would be the first event. After all, getting 25 people to respond to an email is a lot easier than getting 25 people to attend an event.

By Candace Brakewood, Chair, Boston Chapter and Jenny Larios Berlin, National Liaison, Boston Chapter It is hard to imagine that just six months ago, the five founding members of YPT Boston were sitting around a dinner table dreaming up ideas about starting a YPT chapter in Massachusetts. We had heard about YPT in Washington D.C. and thought that Boston would be a great place to start the first regional chapter. Boston is a city well-known for transportation, starting with such prominent examples as the Big Dig, which is one of the largest highway projects in history, and the ‘T’, which is the oldest subway system in the United States. Plus, the large number of nationally recognized educational institutions in Massachusetts provides a base of young people interested in learning more about the innovative field of transportation.

YPT Boston Kick-Off Networking Event

With the paperwork out of the way, we focused all of our energy on organizing a Kick-Off Networking Event on September 28, 2010. We :15 #PTUPO ,JDL 0ò )BQQZ )PVS chose a location in historic Faneuil Hall, which is a well-known marketplace in central Boston that dates back to the time of the founding fathers. Hours before the event, we made nam-

In The Very Beginning

During the summer of 2010, even though the five founding members were unsure of how receptive people would be, they decided to reach out to friends and colleagues in the transportation field to gauge interest in being a part of YPT Boston. Although it took some time to hear back, the team


M obility Matters etags, created a sign-in sheet and calmed our nerves as we waited for people to arrive. Slowly, people began to trickle in, and by 7pm we were rejoicing at the sight of nearly 50 people mixing, mingling and talking transportation. By the end of the evening, we knew we had felt the pulse of the community. YPT Boston was going to be a success!

This event attracted nearly 60 professionals and students who were able to network not only with each other, but with renowned transportation expert, Mr. Salvucci. The relaxed setting .S 4BMWVDDJ XJUI :15 #PTUPO .FNCFST allowed the attendees to hear his experiences as the Massachusetts Secretary of Transportation first hand and provided them with one-on-one opportunities to ask questions.

YPT Boston’s First Board Meeting

With the momentum of our first event behind us, it was time to get organized. We knew there would be lots to accomplish, and five people would not be able to sustain the pace of development we wanted. YPT Boston needed more leadership. There was enough energy and excitement at our Kick-Off Event that we knew young professionals would step up. Quickly, we set the date for our first official board meeting, and on October 27, 2010, twelve young professionals gathered at the office of Howard/Stein Hudson Associates, Inc. to get down to business. That evening, the YPT Boston Board was assembled. Eight individuals were selected to fill board positions. Shortly thereafter, the board created subcommittees focusing on communications, programming and regional development. Moving forward, we agreed to have monthly board meetings to provide a regular forum to lead the organization in a professional manner. From there, it was full speed ahead.


The leadership team received very positive feedback about this event, particularly the opportunity for young professionals to meet senior leaders in the field. Energized with this momentum, the Programs Committee hurried ahead to plan another similar networking event for January 5, 2011 that would also feature another leader in urban transportation. The event was attended by distinguished guest Jeff Rosenblum, Co-Founder of the Livable Streets Alliance, a Boston-based advocacy group for multimodal transportation, particularly bike and pedestrian friendly roadways. Over 60 attendees showed up to network with each other and Mr. Rosenblum, including many new members. The 1SPGFTTPS 1FUFS 'VSUI BOE :15 #PTUPO .FNCFS word about YPT Boston was spreading.


With the new board and committees in place, our Programs Committee began organizing a number of events. Under their leadership, YPT Boston quickly moved ahead planning a full schedule of activities. Less than two weeks after the first board meeting, on November 8, we hosted our second networking event, which was attended by our first distinguished guest, Frederick P. Salvucci. Mr. Salvucci is the former Massachusetts Secretary of Transportation who is well-known for his involvement with the Big Dig and is now a researcher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Our most recent event occurred on March 1, when YPT Boston hosted its fourth networking event, featuring Professor Peter Furth of Northeastern University. Professor Furth is an expert in bicycle planning, bus rapid transit, and traffic



M obility Matters signal priority. This event attracted over 50 professionals and students to meet and greet Professor Furth, including a number of bicycle advocates who joined us for their first YPT event.

have enabled us to become involved in the larger transportation community for both students and professionals. What’s Next for YPT Boston?

The YPT Boston Board is extremely proud of its accomplishments over the last six months, and we are even more excited for what is in store for the rest of the year. Soon, YPT Boston will be celebrating the launch of its website: www. yptboston.org. We have also learned a lot from our first few events, and as a result, we are working to expand the educational opportunities for our members through events such as technical tours, lectures and brown bag lunches. At the end of April, we will have our first technical tour at MassPort’s Logan Airport. This will feature an expert guide who will provide a brief history of Logan Airport, tour the ground transportation facilities, and lead a discussion on community relations. In the summer, YPT Boston plans to kick-off a distinguished lecture series that will be dedicated to presenting transportation leaders with a platform to discuss various aspects of the field including future ideas for the current generation of young transportation professionals. Later this year, we will begin hosting regular brown bag lunches. These daytime events will aim to bring a smaller group of YPT Boston members together to get to know each other and their projects on a more personal level. Last, YPT Boston’s Regional Development Committee is planning to host events outside of Boston, such as in Western Massachusetts, to cater to the broader transportation community throughout New England.


In addition to organizing these exciting events, our Communications Committee has been actively spreading the word about YPT in Boston. Reaching out to diverse groups of people is an important element in our mission to develop a cross-functional dialogue for addressing complex transportation issues. To accomplish this, we recently attended a number of outreach events. For the engineering community, YPT Boston board members hosted a table at Engineering Week in February. This provided a place to educate engineers about the exciting opportunities in the field of transportation. Additionally, YPT Boston members attended two university events to encourage students to get involved. On February 24, YPT Boston board members participated in the first annual MIT Transportation Showcase, which featured cutting edge transportation research and leading transportation companies and organizations. A week later, YPT Boston members participated in a career fair at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston. These outreach events

As you can see, there is lots of excitement about YPT in Boston. If you would like to join our membership list, please email us at yptboston@gmail.com. Also, we hope that the other cities throughout the country are energized by our experience. Getting started and becoming involved is easy. Making it successful is fun. We hope that other regions will feel this enthusiasm and know that we are happy to support you in forming your regional chapter of YPT. So get started!

YPT @ TRANSPORTATION CAMP By Chris Pangilinan, YPT At‐large Director and Andy Palanisamy, YPT Vice Chair for Communications

development, and entrepreneurship. It is an event where inspiring speakers and participant led sessions help to cultivate the ideas that will bring transportation into the 21st century.

When Chris first heard that Transportation Camp was coming to New York, his first thought was “what in the world is Transportation Camp?” It turns out that it is an incredible gathering of some of the most visionary, innovative and brightest minds in transportation, urban planning, software

The essence of what makes a Transportation Camp successful is its participants. They are the ones who, by way of social media, will develop the session topics in the weeks leading up to the “unconference”, and then lead the sessions during the weekend event. Within these hour-long sessions, participants discuss a range of topics ranging from


M obility Matters transit map technology to data-driven transportation policy and come away with new ideas that would not have been generated if it were not for Transportation Camp. An equally important outcome is that the unconference introduces people to folks that they would never have met or worked with otherwise. For example, transportation professionals from across the country were able to mingle with the entrepreneurs and software developers who could leverage their technology skills to transform transportation.

work together to help transportation planners and policy makers make more informed decisions. As part of the TransportationCamp proceedings, the event organizers teamed with “Ignite” and organized a fun event “IgniteTranspo” featuring a handful of speakers who allowed to present only 20 slides, each shown for 15 seconds, giving every speaker 5 minutes of fame to talk about any transportation topic of interest. A handful of Ignite speakers were carefully screened and selected from a list the submissions. A crowd of nearly 200 attendees enjoyed listening to a wide variety of interesting transportation topics and watched the presenters share their ideas and ongoing work/ achievements in the transportation industry. At the end, Chris was declared one of the two victorious finalists who split the top spot as judged by thunderous applause from the audience.

One session that Chris was able to co-lead focused on the topic of bringing advanced data analysis and visualization practices into transportation planning at the local and federal government level. The participants in the session hailed from a range of backgrounds that included software developers, communi$ISJT 1BOHJMJOBO 1SFTFOUJOH BU *HOJUF ty activists, urban planners, and transportation professionals. Because of the diversity of the participants, the discussion was very fruitful and provided great insight into how we can

Transportation Camp was a huge success. The unconference format of the event along with the casual weekend setting and an amazing set of participants made the event unlike any other. It is our hope that Transportation Camp will become an annual event and spread to more cities in the years to come.


M obility Matters >?@AB%?C%DEAFGH?AI% Chair: Chris Smith


Intermodal Policy and Program Manager, American Association !"#$%&%'#()*+,&-#&./#01&.23!1%&%)!.#456)&72#899$(04:#

Transportation Planner, Fairfax County Department of Transportation

Deputy Chair: Nate Smith

Vice Chair for Membership: Nikki Thorpe Senior Policy Analyst, Bipartisan Policy Center

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Vice Chair for Administration‐Secretary: Aaron Zimmerman

At‐large Director: Shana Johnson

01&.23!1%&%)!.#A7&..'1BC.*).''1@#D!E/!E.#F!E.%-#456'#!"# Transportation Services

Transportation Planner, Foursquare Integrated Transportation Planning

Vice Chair for Communication: Ananda “Andy” Palanisamy

At‐large Director: Chris Pangilinan Special Assistant to the Deputy Administrator, Research and J..!=&%)='#0'6+.!7!*-#9/>).)2%1&%)!.#8K$;40L?J09:#

Senior Transportation Management Specialist, Citizant, Inc.

>?@AB%?C%JBKEI?AI% Jack Basso@#F+)'"#43'1&%).*#456'1@#99$(04#

Janet Friedl Kavinoky, Director of Transportation

Mortimer Downey, Chairman, PB Consult

J."1&2%1E6%E1'@#K$#F+&>O'1#!"#F!>>'16'# Donna McLean, Vice Chairman of the Board, National ?&)71!&/#A&22'.*'1#F!13!1&%)!.#89>%1&H:#

=9"7%,)(-4$7, Director Transportation Policy, Bill Millar@#A1'2)/'.%@#9>'1)6&.#AEO7)6#01&.23!1%&%)!.#

Bipartisan Policy Center


Jane Garvey, North American Chairman, Meridiam Infrastructure

=9$4(%O+-$9$, Managing Director, Pillar Solutions, LLC

:+-(L'(-%M";+)N, Professor and Associate Dean for Research,

Mary Peters@#P!1>'1#$'61'%&1-@#K.)%'/#$%&%'2#;'3&1%>'.%#!"#

<'!1*'#M&2!.#K.)='12)%-#01&.23!1%&%)!.#A!7)6-@#43'1&%)!.2@#N# Logistics Program


Gloria Shepherd, Associate Administrator for Planning, John Horsley, Executive Director, AASHTO

Environment, and Realty, Federal Highway Administration

Tony Kane, Director of Engineering and Technical Services,

Stephen Van Beek, Chief of Policy and Strategy at



O+P"7"L<%O(LL$)0%=N"L+)2%Q'(-(%:+'-0+Transportation Planner, Foursquare Integrated Transportation Planning

O+P"7"L<%O(LL$)0%D$0"8-%(-N%R(<+1L2%J7S'(%T"-86$7N Visual Information Specialist, Research and Innovative 0'6+.!7!*-#9/>).)2%1&%)!.@#K.)%'/#$%&%'2#;'3&1%>'.%#!"# Transportation Mobility Matters is a quarterly publication of Young Professionals in Transportation. The views expressed in the articles published in Mobility Matters represent only the views of their authors, and not those of YPT. YPT strives to incorporate articles in Mobility Matters that represent a diverse range of perspectives on transportation and cover all transportation modes. If you are interested in contributing to Mobility Matters please email Shana Johnson, YPT At-large Board Member at sjohnson@civicsynergyllc.com for more information.


M obility Matters

YPT Photo Album! YPT - Hands on DC

Photos by James Wong

YPT Leadership Seminar with Clayton Lane, Acting Director & Chief Operating Officer at World Resources Institute


M obility Matters

YPT Sponsors Trustee Level

Partner Level

Corporate Level

Associate Level


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