EdiToR: LEE HWajuNg
CoNTENTS BC majoR diNNER BC kakaoTaLk yELLoW id WEEkLy aRTiCLE majoR jaCkETS BC STuCo-LuCiFERiN
August 25th
THE FiRST gRaduaTioN oF iSEd
August 25th
Seungbyn Baek, became the FIRST graduated student from ISED. He majored in BC, class of 14. He had contributed to BC and ISED in his undergraduate period. Now that he is serving the military service, we hope for his healthy and safe days in the military. Congrats again! ď Š
September 26th
SEmi-FoRmaL mEETiNg
The semi-formal meeting with Prof. Kim Youngsoo and freshmen
October 16th
SNaCk EvENT FoR mid-TERm
October 16th
November 15th
November 15th
B C N o v e m b e r 2 1 s t
m a j o R d i N N E R
November 21st
BC kakaoTaLk yELLoW id
BC kakaoTaLk yELLoW id
BC kakaoTaLk yELLoW id
September 18th
WEEkLy aRTiCLE For more details, refer to the facebook page “Yonsei Bio-convergence”
September 18th
November 13rd
majoR jaCkETS
majoR jaCkETS BC Baseball Jacket
BC Winter Short Jacket
3 R d
B C S T u d E N T C o u N C i L
L u C i F E R i N
BC Delegation Name: Euiyoung Kim Position: President Farewells: It has been a de'light'ful 2017 with the 3rd BC Student Council Luciferin. We did our best to 'shed light' for our major, BioConvergence, and I hope that we could have been at least a littlest help for the fellow BC students to 'let their light shine.' I could clearly recall the day when Heeyang and I gathered in her dorm room, passionate yet struggling to come up with our own, original pledges. Looking back the past 12 months, of course there always exists some room for improvement for every task, I believe Luciferin had done quite a decent job fulfilling the pledges, and am proud of that. I will never forget the year 2017, where I had a priceless experience as a BC president. I have acquainted a lot of wonderful people, and accomplished dozens of meaningful tasks for UIC, ISED and BC. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all of the fellow BC students who granted me such an honorable opportunity to serve as a major president, and traveled together through the whole journey with us, Luciferin. I would also like to give many, many, and many thanks especially to Heeyang, the Vice-president, who kept me on the right track whenever I was losing focus. The BC representatives could have been a complete entirety only because she was there to guide me. My sincere recognition and appreciation goes to all Luciferin chiefs and members, for being amazing companions. Without HwaJung, SooJee, YooSun, YoonSeo, SooHyun and KwangJin, all of the achievements throughout the year would have not been possible. As a person who applied for ISED for three consecutive years just to be a BC student, I did, still do, and will wish the best for BC. Live Long and Prosper, Bio-Convergence!
BC Delegation Name: Heeyang Lee Position: Vice-president Farewells: Luciferin started as an ambitious blind step into a field of unknown adventures. This step was taken together by Eui Young Kim, former member of the department of internal affairs of the 2nd BC student council, and me, Hee Yang Lee, former member of the department of external affairs also of the 2nd BC student council. We didn’t know what we were in for exactly, but we knew the role of major representatives would be more difficult than our previous experiences. Yet, we were ready for the challenge. Despite our ardent start, it was a bit rough for me due to my insecurities. I wasn’t able to speak up my thoughts in meetings because I was afraid I would be judged and shot down by somebody else, so I always asked others to relay my ideas for me, and I would constantly try to avoid situations that I wasn’t confident in and were out of my comfort zone. Also, turns out Eui Young and I have opposite personalities, values, and approach; it was proven by the Myers Briggs Test, where Eui Young was INFP and I was ESTJ. And of course, at first, we didn’t understand each other’s views and argued about things a lot. But after our first big clash, we realized that we were just different people with different ways of thinking, and we came to accept each other. We still debated about things, but knew it was due to different points of approaching the problem and in fact, these various perspectives helped us from overviewing important details and made us think about our actions more carefully. And it also made me learn that speaking my thoughts isn’t something I should be afraid of. Different ideas don’t automatically mean wrong ideas, and it’s best to speak up about them if I had grounds to the words I was saying, and I honestly believed what I meant is true. Also, since Eui Young and I were from different working experience backgrounds, we were able to help each other to complete our tasks.
BC Delegation Farewells: (continued) One thing I am most proud of is, that in the end, Luciferin kept all its pledges. We held multiple events during the semesters where students could mingle together and meet BC professors (BC Get Together, BC BBQ Party, BC Dinner, Semiformal Meetings) and we worked with the other major student councils to execute ISED events (Mentoring Program, Akaraka, YonKo Games afterparties, etc.). We uploaded weekly bio articles on our facebook page (‘This week’s interesting bio’), posted three of our every own career articles (Career Lighthouse Articles), and went on a tour to one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in Korea (Daewoong Pharmaceutical Co.). There were so many more amazing things that Luciferin was able to accomplish, and I know it wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for the hard work of our student council members. I especially want to give thanks to Eui Young, our BC President, because her passion for our student council was one of our core driving forces, and to Hwa Jung, our Chief of Internal Affairs, for her great contribution to BC events with her brilliant ideas. I can confidently and surely say I do not regret becoming a major representative. I was able to grow as a person, and experience things I would have never been able to experience otherwise. I was privileged to work with outstanding people. I became passionate about my beliefs, and tried my best to give the best to BC students. I endured and overcame amounts of mental strain and fatigue I had never experienced. I was thrilled every time we finished a major project. And I finally, I learned how to have confidence in myself. I hope the next BC representatives will also be able to experience what I have and be able to fight through hardships of their own.
Internal Affair
Name: Hwajung Lee Position: Chief of Internal Affair Farewells: First of all, if you are reading this message, that means you have checked out the BC Newsletter Vol.3! I really appreciate your attention. I sincerely hope that the facebook posts and the BC events gave you some kind of inspiration and refreshment. It was an honor for me to work as the chief of BC Internal affair. Also, working as BC Stuco made me meet lots of BC students and professors, as well as, our stuco friends. This relationship is what I will not ever forget. Thank you for supporting us! I would like to say... Merry Christmas!
Internal Affair Name: Yoosun Lee Position: Internal Affair Farewells: Hello, this is Yoosun Lee. It was my pleasure to work as a member of BC student council in my first year in Yonsei. I enjoyed time with Luciferin and many great experiences I had. I hope that the information BC Stuco gives and our works will satisfy Yonsei’s students and positively influence their future career. Thank you �
Name: Yunseo Choi Position: Internal Affair Farewells: It was great opportunity for me to work for BC with Luciferin members since there were lots of programs like weekly article and career lighthouse which helped me to gain knowledge in biology field. I want to thank every Luciferin members for working hard for the development of BC and hope our next student council will keep on it!
External Affair Name: Soojee Do Position: Chief of External Affair Farewells: As a member of student council, yes, there were some conflicts and sometimes I wasted my emotions as well. However, they definitely made me more comfortable when dealing with such conflicts within a year. I hope that everyone else obtained something more than I did. Name: Kwangjin Lee Position: External Affair Farewells: As a college freshman, I met lots of friends and upperclassman, and I was able to learn many things that I would not be able to experience normally. As my freshman year passed by, I would not be able to forget the time I spent as a BC student council. I would like to thank the student council reps, the chiefs of internal and external affairs, and my colleagues. Hurray for BC! Name: Soohyun Chung Position: External Affair Farewells: Although I have been a student council since I was in high school, I experienced a lot of different activities in BC student council. Not only it required more sense of responsibility, but it also made me feel fulfilled. With the help of friends and upperclassmen, I was able to successfully complete the student council activities. I want to express my gratitude to everyone.
THaNk you Good Bye -Luciferin